Detail-Syllabus 4th Semester IT 2015 16 PDF

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COURSE CODE: IT20102 REF NO: To be filled by CD office


Credits: 03 Teaching Scheme: - Theory 3 Hrs/Week

1. Computer Programming
2. Knowledge of Data Structures


To introduce the major techniques of databases, data retrieval, and database design strategies.

Course Details:
Unit 1 (7 Hrs)

Title Introduction to DBMS and ER Data Model


Data Storage: File processing system, Disadvantages; DBMS: Need of DBMS, Terms: Data,
Database, Metadata, Data Dictionary, Database System, Database Management System, Data
Abstraction, Data Independence, System Architecture of DBMS, Data Model: Definition, ER
and Relational Data Model, Object Oriented, Object Relational Models; ER Model: Entity,
Entity Set, Attributes, Primary Key, Relationship, Types and Attributes of Relationship, Role,
Cardinality Ratio, Participation Constraint, Weak Entity Set, EER Features.


Self Study: Hierarchical and Network Data Models, Comparison of Different Data Models,
Selection as 1. Entity Vs Attribute, 2. Entity Vs Relationship, 3. Binary Vs Ternary
Relationship, Tools for Designing ER Model, Introduction of Popularly used Relational

Unit2 (7 Hrs)

Title - Relational Data Model.


Relational Data Model: Terms: Relation, Schema, Attributes, Tuples, Domains, Relation
Degree (or Arity) and Cardinality, Relation Intention and Extension, Super Key, Candidate
Key, Primary Key and Foreign Key, Relational Model Constraints, Schema Diagram, ER to
Relation Mapping, Detailed storage architecture, Magnetic disk RAID Storage Access, File &
Record Organization Indexing and order indices Database Query Languages: Relational
Algebra, Tuple Relational Calculus, DDLC.

Self Study: Characteristics of Relation, Codd's Twelve Rules for Relational DBMS, Domain
Relational Calculus, Reverse Engineering: Relational Database into ER/ EER Model.

Unit3 (7Hours)

Title- Normalization
Normalization: Anomalies of un-Normalized Relation, Need of Normalization, Pros and
Cons of Normalization, Denormalization; Functional Dependency: Trivial, Full, Partial,
Transitive, Multivalued, Join, Inclusion Dependency, Dependency Diagram, Inference Rules
for Functional Dependencies, Closure of Functional Dependencies, Algorithms to find: 1.
Candidate Key, 2. Closure of Attribute Set, 3. Minimal Cover of Functional Dependencies,
Normal Forms: Checking of Lossless Join Decomposition and Dependency Preservation,
Normal Forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF.


Self study: Normal Forms: 5NF and DKNF, Normalization at Conceptual Level.

Unit4 (8 Hrs)
Title- Structured Query Language (SQL)


SQL: Introduction, Types of queries: DDL, DML, Select, TCL, DCL, Advantages and
Disadvantages of SQL; DDL: Create, Drop, Alter Various Database Objects (Table, Table
Constraints, View etc.); DML: Insert, Delete and Update Queries, TCL; SELECT Queries:
Simple and Nested Queries, Set Membership, Aggregate Functions, Group-by, Having
Construct, Join Types, Set Operations, Set Comparison, SQL String Functions, PL/SQL:
Block, Cursor, Cursor Types, Procedure, Trigger, Row-level, Statement-level Triggers.


Self study: DCL-Security and Authorization, SQL Date-Timestamp and Numerical

Functions, PL/SQL Function, Mapping of Relational Algebra to SQL.

Unit5 (7 Hrs)
Title- Transaction Management
Complexity Theory: Transaction: Concept, ACID properties, Transaction States; Schedule:
Definition, Types, Serializability, Conflict and View Serializability, Precedence
Graph,un/Recoverable Schedule, Cascade less Schedule, Deadlock; Concurrency Control
Protocols: Lock Based, Timestamp Based Protocol; Recovery System: Log Based

Self study: Tree and Multiversion Protocol for Concurrency Control, ARIES Recovery
Technique, Deadlock Handling.

Note: Five assignments to be given to the students on self study, comprising of one
assignment from each unit.

Text Books
1. “Database System Concepts”, Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, McGraw Hill
International Edition, ISBN- 0-07-228363-7, 4th Edition.
2. “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Elmasri and Navathe, Pearson Education,
ISBN 81-297-0228-2, 4th Edition.
Reference Books
1. “Database Systems”, Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg, Pearson Education,
ISBN 81-7808-861-4, 3rd Edition.
2. “Database Management Systems”, Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, McGraw-Hill
International Edition, ISBN 0-07-115110-9, 3rd Edition.
3. An introduction to Database System – Bipin Desai, Galgotia Publications

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to –

1. Applies the conceptual concept for Database Design and understand the DBMS
2. Analyze and design using different techniques like E-R diagram, normalization etc
to get a good and reliable database.
3. Implement a back end tool to be connected with another language and to know how
to store and retrieve data by using queries.
4. Use transaction management systems and recover methods.
COURSE CODE: IT20102 REF NO: To be filled by CD office


Credits: 01 Teaching Scheme: - Tutorial 01Hrs/Week


1. Knowledge about computer fundamentals.

2. Knowledge of data structures.
3. Knowledge of storage strategy.


1. Basic concepts about data and information.

2. Introduction to database and their applications.
3. Basic concepts of DBMS and RDBMS, their difference.
4. Understanding the essential concepts of relational data models
5. Understanding the concepts of relational algebra and calculus.
6. Understanding the concepts of DDLC.
7. Understanding the technique of normalization
8. Understanding the concepts of SQL and PL/SQL, their commands.

Course Details:

List ofContents

Tutorial No.1: Basics of Database Management System

Tutorial No. 2: Relational algebra operations and sample problems.
Tutorial No.3: Understanding relational calculus and sample problems.
Tutorial No.4:Understanding ER model with extended ER features, and mapping of ER
model to relation.
Tutorial No.5: Understanding storage structure and access strategy.
Tutorial No.6: Overview of functional dependency and prior concepts of normalization.
Tutorial No.7: Understanding different types of normal forms.
Tutorial No.8: Concepts of SQL and PL/SQL.
TutorialNo. 9 : Understanding concepts of transaction processing systems
Tutorial No.10: Overview of concurrency control and recovery concepts. ,
Text Books:

1. “Database System Concepts”, Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, McGraw Hill

International Edition, ISBN- 0-07-228363-7, 4th Edition.
2. “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Elmasri and Navathe, Pearson Education
ISBN 81-297-0228-2, 4th Edition.

Reference Books
1. “Database Systems”, Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg, Pearson
Education,ISBN 81-7808-861-4, 3rd Edition.
2. “Database Management Systems”, Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, McGraw-
HillInternational Edition, ISBN 0-07-115110-9, 3rd Edition.
3. .An introduction to Database System – Bipin Desai, Galgotia Publications
COURSE CODE: IT20302 REF NO: To be filled by CD office


Credits: 1 Teaching Scheme: - Practical 2 Hrs/Week

Prerequisites: Computer Programming

Objectives: To implement queries by using Structured Query Language.

Course Details:

List ofPracticals:

Experiment No.1: Use of SQL syntax: insertion, deletion, join, updation using SQL.
Experiment No.2: Programs on join statements and SQL queries including where clause.

Experiment No.3: Programs on procedures and functions.

Experiment No. 4: Cursor, Cursor Types

Experiment No.5. .Programs on database triggers.

Experiment No.6: Programs on packages.

Experiment No.7: Programs on data recovery using check point technique.

Experiment No.8:.Concurrency control problem using lock operations

Experiment No.9: Programs on ODBC

Experiment No.10: Programs on JDBC.


T1.“The Programming Language Of Oracle”, IVAN BAYROSS, BPB Publication, Edition,

Year of Publication.

T2. “oracle 8i-PL/SQL programming”, SCOTT Urman, TMH-2000

T3.. “ORACLE 10g Lab Guide”, Rob, Coronel & Crockett, International Edition
Reference Books

R1. .“oracle 9i-the complete reference”, Loney, TMH-2000

Note: At least one Text Book and one Reference Book must be from Foreign Author/Foreign
COURSE CODE: CS20104 REF NO: To be filled by CD office


Credits:03 Teaching Scheme: - Theory 3 Hrs/Week

1. Computer programming
2. Data Structures


1. To solve basic problem using different design strategies of algorithm.

2. To analyze time complexity using asymptotic notation.

Course Details:

Unit 1

Title Overview of Time Complexity analysis, Divide and Conquer (6 Hrs)

Introduction to design and analysis of algorithms, Growth of Functions, Asymptotic notations
(Big Oh, small oh, Big Omega, Theta notations).Recurrences, Solution of recurrences by
substitution, Iteration, recursion tree and Master methods. Priority Queue, Lower bounds for

Self Study: Analyzing Quick sort, Merge sort, Counting sort, Heap sort and Binary search.


Title - Dynamic Programming and Greedy Strategies (6 Hrs)

General strategy of Dynamic programming, Matrix Chain multiplication, and Longest
common subsequence, Activity-selection problem, Knapsack problem, Huffman codes.

Self Study: Assembly Line Scheduling and 0/1 Knapsack problem

Title- Disjoint sets and Graph Algorithm (6 Hrs)

Disjoint sets: Disjoint set operations, Linked list representation, Disjoint set forests, Minimum
Spanning Trees, Kruskal and Prim's algorithms, Single- Source shortest paths (Bellman-ford and
Dijkstra's algorithms), All-pairs shortest paths (Floyd – Warshall Algorithm).
Self Study: Breadth first and depth-first search

Unit4- Branch and Bound, Back tracking, String Matching (6 Hrs)

Branch and Bound: General Strategy of Branch and Bound and back tracking, 0/1
Knapsack, Travelling Salesperson Problem, n-Queen’s problem, General strategy for string
matching, Robin-Karp Algorithm.

Self Study: Subset sum problem, Naïve-string matching


Title- Complexity Theory, Approximation algorithms (6 Hrs)

Complexity Theory: Overview of deterministic and non deterministic Algorithms. Time
Complexity classes P, NP, Co-NP, Notion of NP-hardness and NP-completeness. NP-Complete
problems (without proof), Traveling Salesman Problem.

Self Study: Vertex-Cover Problem,

Note: Five assignments to be given to the students on self study, comprising of one
assignment from each unit.

Text Books:
1. Thomas H Cormen and Charles E.L Leiserson, “Introduction to Algorithm”, PHI
2nd edition, 2001. ISBN 81-203-2141-3
2. Horowitz, Sahani, “Fundamentals of computer Algorithms”, Galgotia. 2nd Edition,
1998.ISBN 81-7515-257-5

Reference Books:
1. Bressard, Bratley “Fundamentals of Algorithmics.” ,PHI, 2nd Edition,1996, ISBN
2. Algorithms by Sanjay Dasgupta, UmeshVazirani – McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Algorithm Design – Goodrich, Tamassia, Wiley India.
4. Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos “Algorithm Design”, Pearson, 1st edition, 2005. ISBN
Note: At least one Text Book and one Reference Book must be from Foreign Author/Foreign

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able –

1. To analyze asymptotic notation and worst, average and best case analysis using suitable
mathematical tools.
2. To design efficient algorithms for computational problems using appropriate algorithmic
3. To understand different graph algorithms and string matching problems.
4. To analyze the complexity of different class of problems.
5. To explain the role of randomization and approximation in computation
COURSE CODE: CS20104 REF NO: To be filled by CD office


Credits:01 Teaching Scheme: - Tutorial 01Hrs/Week


1. Knowledge of programming languages.

2. Knowledge of Data Structures


1. To analyze time complexity using asymptotic notation.

2. To solve problems using different algorithm design strategies.
3. Concepts of class P, NP, NP-C, NP-Hard, Co-NP.

Course Details:

List ofContents

Tutorial No.1: Basics of Asymptotic notations such as Big Oh, small oh, Big Omega, Theta

Tutorial No. 2: Solving Recurrence relation by substitution, Iteration, recursion tree and
Master methods.

Tutorial No.3: Analyzing the time complexity of different sorting and searching

Tutorial No.4: General strategy of Dynamic programming and Greedy strategies.

Tutorial No.5: Solving MCM, LCS, Knapsack and Hoffman’s code problems.

Tutorial No.6: Overview of Graph searching algorithm such as BFS and DFS.

Tutorial No.7.Principles of Minimum spanning tree and solving problem on single source
shortest path.

Tutorial No.8: General Strategy of Branch and Bound and back tracking

TutorialNo. 9 : Overview of classes P, NP, Co-NP, Notion of NP-hardness and NP-C.

Tutorial No.10: Overview of string matching algorithm and solving problems.

Text Books
1. Thomas H Cormen and Charles E.L Leiserson, “Introduction to Algorithm”, PHI
2nd edition, 2001. ISBN 81-203-2141-3
2. Horowitz, Sahani, “Fundamentals of computer Algorithms”, Galgotia. 2nd Edition,
1998.ISBN 81-7515-257-5

Reference Books
1. Bressard, Bratley “Fundamentals of Algorithmics.” ,PHI, 2nd Edition,1996, ISBN
2. Algorithms by Sanjay Dasgupta, UmeshVazirani – McGraw-Hill Education.

3. Algorithm Design – Goodrich, Tamassia, Wiley India.

4. Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos “Algorithm Design”, Pearson, 1st edition, 2005. ISBN

Note: At least one Text Book and one Reference Book must be from Foreign Author/Foreign

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able –

1. To analyze asymptotic notation and worst, average and best case analysis using suitable
mathematical tools.
2. To design efficient algorithms for computational problems using appropriate algorithmic
3. To understand different graph algorithms and string matching problems.
4. To analyze the complexity of different class of problems.
5. To explain the role of randomization and approximation in computation
COURSE CODE: CS20304 REF NO: To be filled by CD office


Credits:01 Teaching Scheme: Laboratory 02Hrs/Week

Computer Programming


To implement Different algorithms by using a Programming language.

Course Details:

List of Sample Programs:

Experiment No.1:

Using a stack of characters, convert an infix string to postfix string.

Experiment No.2:

Implement insertion, deletion, searching of a BST.

Experiment No.3:

(a) Implement binary search and linear search in a program

(b) Implement a heap sort using a max heap

Experiment No.4:

(a) Implement DFS/ BFS for a connected graph.

(b) Implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm using BFS.

Experiment No.5:

(a) Write a program to implement Huffman’s algorithm.

(b)Implement MST using Kruskal / Prim algorithm.

Experiment No.6:
(a) Write a program on Quick sort algorithm.

(b) Write a program on merge sort algorithm.

Experiment No.7:

Implement Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm.

Experiment No.8:

Write down a program to find out a solution for 0 / 1 Knapsack problem.

Experiment No.9:

Using dynamic programming implement LCS.

Experiment No.10:

(a)Find out the solution to the N-Queen problem.

(b) Implement back tracking using game trees.

Text Books
1. Thomas H Cormen and Charles E.L Leiserson, “Introduction to Algorithm”, PHI
2nd edition, 2001. ISBN 81-203-2141-3
2. Horowitz, Sahani, “Fundamentals of computer Algorithms”, Galgotia. 2nd Edition,
1998. ISBN 81-7515-257-5

Reference Books
1. Bressard, Bratley “Fundamentals of Algorithmics” ,PHI, 2nd Edition,1996, ISBN
2. “Algorithms by Sanjay Dasgupta, UmeshVazirani” – McGraw-Hill Education.

3. Goodrich, Tamassia “Algorithm Design “, Wiley India.

4. Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos “Algorithm Design”, Pearson, 1st edition, 2005. ISBN

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able –

1. To analyze asymptotic notation and worst, average and best case analysis using suitable
mathematical tools.
2. To design efficient algorithms for computational problems using appropriate algorithmic
3. To understand different graph algorithms and string matching problems.
4. To analyze the complexity of different class of problems.
5. To explain the role of randomization and approximation in computation.
COURSE CODE: IT20103 REF NO: To be filled by CD office

Credits: 3 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3


1. Computer Programming
2. Data Communications & Computer Networks


1. To understand the concepts of Networking and Cloud Computing.

2. To define an IT Infrastructure and describe its components.
3. To identify the need for Data Center Virtualization.
4. To define Data Center Networking and discuss the challenges encountered without
Network Virtualization.
5. To describe the features and components of VMware vSphere.

Unit-1: Basics of Networking

[04 Hrs]
U1.1 Overview of Data Communications, Fundamentals of Network, Network Topologies,
Services, Standardization, Reference Models: OSI Model, TCP/IP Model.
Physical Layer: Analog and Digital Signals, Data Rate Limits, Transmission Impairment.
Digital Transmission: Transmission Modes, Line coding, Sampling.

U1.2 Self Study: Transmission Media (Guided and Unguided)

Unit-2: Introduction to Cloud Computing [8 Hrs]

U2.1 Overview of Computing Paradigm: Recent trends in Computing: Grid Computing,
Cluster Computing, Distributed Computing, Utility Computing, Cloud Computing.

Introduction to Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing (NIST Model), History of Cloud

Computing, Cloud service providers, Properties, Characteristics & Disadvantages.

Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud Computing Stack: Working of Cloud

Computing, Role of Networks in Cloud computing, Protocols used, Role of Web services.
Service Models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as
a Service (SaaS). Deployment Models: Public, Private, Community and Hybrid Clouds.

U2.2 Self Study: Evolution of cloud computing, Service management in Cloud Computing.
Unit-3: Data Center Servers and Virtualization [8 Hrs]

U3.1 Data Center Design: DC Topology, Scale and Management. Data Center Server:
Server Building Blocks, Server Availability, Server Security.
Data Center Virtualization: Data Center Virtualization Overview, Virtualization Availability,
Virtualization Server Hierarchy, Functions and Benefits, Virtualization Performance.

U3.2 Self Study: Data Center Storage Hierarchy

Unit-4: Data Center Networking [8 Hrs]

U4.1 Data Center Network Requirements, Architecture, Design Factors for Data Center
Networks, Virtual Ethernet, Data Center Routing, Addressing, Transport layer protocols.
Network Virtualization: Virtualization Technologies for the Data Center Network: Switching
techniques, Traffic patterns, Network Node virtualization, Virtual Network Services.
Server virtualization software: VMware VSphere, Features and Components of VMware
vSphere Solutions to Data Center Challenges.

U4.2 Self Study: Virtual Network Security

Unit-5: Virtual Machine Management [8 Hrs]

U5.1 Virtual Machine Management: Configuration, Placement and Resource Allocation.

Creating and Configuring Hyper-V Network Virtualization, Overview of Backup and Restore
Options for Virtual Machines, Protecting Virtualization Infrastructure by Using Data
Protection Manager.

Power efficiency in Virtual Data centers, Fault Tolerance in Virtual Data Centers, Resource
Scheduling, Performance.

U5.2 Self Study: ACE Virtual Contexts and Case Studies

Text Books:
1. Data Communications and Networking: Behrouz A. Forouzan, Tata McGraw-Hill, 4th
2. IT Infrastructure and Its Management: Phalguni Gupta and Surya Prakash,Tata McGraw-
Hill, 2009.
3. Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini,
ZaighamMahmood, Prentice Hall, 2013

Reference Books:
1. IBM Data Center Networking: Planning for Virtualization and Cloud Computing, 1st Edition
(May 2011).
2. Data Center Networks: Topologies, Architectures and Fault-Tolerance
Characteristics,By Yang Liu, Jogesh K Muppala, MalathiVeeraraghavan, Dong Lin,
MounirHamdi, Springer.

Course Outcome

Students will be able to:

1. Design and implement a server infrastructure.

2. Analyze and model data center virtualization.
3. Analysis and synthesis of data center networking.
4. Learn the features of VMware, VSphere and resolve issues and challenges.
REF NO: To be filled by CD office

CODE: MA21107 : Probability and Statistics

Credits: 03 Teaching Scheme: - Theory 03 Hrs/Week

Prerequisites: Elementary idea of differential and integral calculus, Permutations, Combinations

and Binomial Theorems of 10+2 standard.


1. To introduce the fundamental concepts of probability and probability distributions.

2. To make students of aware some of the readily applied probability distributions such as
Binomial Distribution, Poisson distribution, Normal distribution, Gama, Weibull
distribution, Chi-Squared distributions, etc.
3. To make students aware of Sampling distributions such as t and F – Distributions and their
applications in estimating the parameters such as mean and variance.
4. To introduce the concept of testing of hypothesis.
5. To make students aware of the concept of correlation and regression.
6. To introduce the concept of Stochastic Process

Course Details:

Unit 1
Elementary Probability Theory and Random Variables: (08 Hrs)
U1.1 Probability: Introduction, Probability of an event, additive and multiplication rules,
conditional probability, Bayes’ rule, random variable, discrete and continuous probability
distribution, Joint probability distribution, Mathematical expectation, Variance and co-
variance of random variables, Mean and co-variance of linear combination of random
variables, Chebyshev theorem. [T2]

U1.2 Self Study Topics : Weak and Strong laws of Large Numbers.

Unit 2
Some Probability Distributions: (08 Hrs)

U2.1 Binomial, Poisson, Uniform, Normal, Gamma, Exponential, Weibull and Chi-square
distributions. Moments and Moment Generating functions of the above distributions. [T2]

U2.2 Self Study Topics: Negative Binomial, Geometric, Hyper-geometric, and Beta Distributions

Unit 3
Some Sampling Distributions and their applications to Estimation of Parameters: (08 Hrs)

U3.1. Sampling Distribution: Random Sampling, Some Important Statistics, Sampling

Distributions, Sampling Distributions of means, Sampling distribution of S2, t- distribution, F-
distribution. [T2]
Estimation of parameter: Methods of estimation, Estimating the mean and variance of a single
sample, Standard error, Prediction intervals, Tolerance limits, Estimating the difference between
means of two samples, Estimating proportion and variance of a single sample, Estimating the
difference between two proportions and ratio of variances of two samples, Maximum likelihood
estimation, Characteristics of a good estimator. [T2]

U3.2. Self Study Topics : Estimating a proportion of a single sample, Estimating the difference
between two proportions of two Samples.

Unit 4
Testing of Hypotheses and Simple Linear Regression and Correlation (08 Hrs)
U4.1 Test of hypothesis: one and two tailed test, test on a single mean when variance is known &
variance is unknown. Test on two means, tests on single and two proportions. One and two sample
test for variance. [T2]

Introductory concepts of Correlation and Regression: Karl Pearson Coefficient of Correlation,

Regression and Lines of Regression. [T1]

U4.2. Self Study Topics : Multiple Linear Regression.

Unit 5
Stochastic Process (08 Hrs)
U5.1 Definition of Stochastic Process, The Poisson Process, Birth-and-Death Process, Markov
Chains [T3]

U5.2. Self Study Topics : Renewal Theory.

Note: Five assignments to be given to the students on self study, comprising of one
assignment from each unit.

Text Books:

T1. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S. C. Gupta and V. K. Kapoor, Sultan Chand and
Sons, 11th Revised Edition, 2002.
Chapters: 10 (101 – 10.4), 11(11.1, 11.2(11.2.1-11.2.3)).

T2. Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers,
Sharon L. Myers, and Keying Ye, Pearson Education, Eight Edition, Third Impression, 2009.
Chapters 2, 3(3.1- 3.4), 4(4.1 - 4.4), 5 (5.3, 5.6), 6 (6.1 – 6.8, 6.10), 7(7.3), 8(8.1 –, 8.2, 8.4-
8.8), 9(9.3 – 9.8, 9.12, 9.13), 10 (10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.7, 10.8, 10.11 – 10.13 ).

T3. Probability Statistics and Queuing Theory with Computer Science Applications, Arnold Allen,
Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2005.
Chapters: 4, 7(7.1)

Reference Books
R1. Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Jay L. Devore, Cengage Learning, India Edition, 2008.
R2. Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, William Navadi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2008.
R3. Probability and Statistical Inference, Robert V. Hogg, Elliot A. Tanis, Jagan Mohan Rao, Pearson
Education, Seventh Edition, 2006.
R4. Probability, Statistics and Random Processess, T. Veerarajan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2008.
R5. Advanced. Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, John Willy and Sons, 8th Edition,
R6. Introduction to Probability and Statistics, William Mendenhall, Robert J. Beaver & Barbara M.
Beaver, CENGAGE Learning India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 13th Edition, 2009.
R7. An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Vijay K. Rohatgi, A.K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh, John
Wiley & Sons, INC., Second Edition, 2006.
R8. Probability and Statistics for Science and Engineering, G. Shankar Rao, Univeristy Press, 1st
Edition, 2011.
R9. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers, 43rd Edition,

Course Outcomes:

After taking this course, the student should be able to –

1. Compute probabilities by modeling sample spaces and applying rules of permutations and
combinations, additive and multiplicative laws and conditional probability
2. Construct the probability distribution of a random variable, based on a real-world
situation, and use it to compute expectation and variance
3. Compute probabilities based on practical situations using the binomial, Poisson,
Gamma, Exponential, Weibull, Chi-Squared, and normal distributions.
4. Use the normal distribution to test statistical hypotheses and to compute confidence
5. Apply sampling distributions in estimating statistical parameters.
6. Apply the concepts of Null and Alternative Hypothesis for testing hypotheses.
7. Apply the concepts of correlation, regression and method of least square.
8. Comprehend the Introductory concepts of the Stochastic Process
COURSE CODE::EC21104 REF NO: To be filled by CD office


Credits:02 Teaching Scheme: - Theory 03Hrs/Week

Prerequisites: Nil

Course Details:


Number System, Logic Gates & Coding (08Hrs)

U1.1. Introduction to Number Systems, Data Representation, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal

and Decimal Number System and their inter-conversion, Binary Arithmetic,
Complements, Complement arithmetic, Standard logic gates, Derived gates, Binary
Coded Decimal codes, Gray code, Error Detecting and Correcting Codes.
U1.2. Weighted Codes, Excess-3 Code, EBCDIC Code, ASCII.


Boolean Algebra (07Hrs)

U2.1. Boolean Algebra, Simplification of logic function using Boolean algebra, De

Morgan’s Theorem, Sum-of-Products and Product of-Sums forms of Boolean function,
Canonical and Standard forms, Universal logic gates, NAND implementation, Karnaugh
map up to 4 variables, Don’t care conditions, Prime Implicants and Essential Prime
U2.2. XOR Equivalence, NOR implementation, 5 variable K-Map.


Combinational Logic Circuits (09Hrs)

U3.1. Adders (Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Parallel Adders,
CLA, 4-Bit Adder/Subtractor Circuit), Binary Multiplier, Multiplexers and
Demultiplexers, Decoders and Encoders, Priority Encoder, Binary to Gray Code
Converters, 2-Bit and 3-Bit Magnitude Comparators.
U3.2. Decimal Adder, Gray to Binary Code Converters, 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator,
Parity Generator and Checker.


Sequential Logic Circuits (09Hrs)

U4.1. Concept of Latches, Flipflops, Conversion of Flipflops, Master-Slave Flipflops,

Analysis and Synthesis of Sequential Logic Circuits, Shift Registers, Asynchronous &
Synchronous Counters.
U4.2. State Reduction and State Assignment, Non-binary counters.
Digital System Design (07Hrs)

U5.1. Semiconductor Memories: RAMs and ROMs, Logic Array, PROM, Different logic
families: TTL, ECL, CMOS. Introduction to VHDL, Writing simple VHDL Programs
for logic gates.
U5.2. PAL and PLA, RTL and DTL Logic Families, Writing simple VHDL Programs for
simple combinational circuits (dataflow modeling).

Note: Five assignments to be given to the students on self-study, comprising of one

assignment from each unit.


T1. “Digital Design: with an introduction to the Verilog HDL”, Mano, M. Morris and
Michael D Ciletti,Pearson India, 5th Edition, 2013.
T2. “Digital Systems – Principles and Applications”, Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widemer
and Gregory L. Moss,Pearson Education, 10th Edition, 2009.
T3. “A VHDL Primer”, J. Bhasker, PHI Learning, 3rd Edition, 2009


R1. “Digital Fundamentals”, Thomas L. Floyd,Pearson India, 10th Edition, 2011.

R2. “Modern Digital Electronics”, R. P. Jain, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publication, 4th Edition,
R3. “Digital Electronics, Principles and Integrated Circuit”, Anil K. Maini,Wiley India
Pvt. Ltd., 1st Edition, 2007.

Note: At least one Text Book and one Reference Book must be from Foreign Author/Foreign

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Understand the basic knowledge of Number systems, logic gates and coding
CO2: Apply the fundamental concepts of Boolean Algebra and K-Maps to simplify the
design of digital logic circuits.
CO3: Understand the design and use of logic gates to design various combinational circuits.
CO4: Understand the knowledge of flipflops to design various sequential circuits and Finite
State Machines.
CO5: Apply basic knowledge of logic families for the design of computer memory and
write programs using VHDL to simulate and test various digital circuits.
COURSE CODE:: EC21304 REF NO: To be filled by CD office


Credits:01 Teaching Scheme: - Laboratory 02Hrs/Week

Prerequisites: Nil

Course Details:

List ofPracticals: (Any10)

Experiment No.1: Study of logic behavior of AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX
NOR, Invert and Buffer gates, use of Universal NAND Gate.

Experiment No.2: Gate-level minimization of Boolean functions and their implementation

using universal NAND and NOR gates.

Experiment No.3: design, assemble and test of Combinational Circuits (Half Adder, Full
Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, 2-bit adder Subtractor).

Experiment No.4: design, assemble and test of Combinational Circuits (binary to gray code
converters, gray to binary code converter and 7 segment display).

Experiment No.5: Binary Multiplier: design and implement a circuit that multiplies 4-bit
unsigned numbers to produce an 8-bit product.

Experiment No.6: Design of 4:1 multiplexers and 1:4 de-multiplexers and Implementation
of Boolean Functions using multiplexers.

Experiment No.7: Assemble, Test and Investigate operation of SR, D, J-K and T flip-

Experiment No.8: Design and investigate the operation of all types of shift registers.

Experiment No.9: Design, assemble and test 4-bit ripple up counter and 4-bit
synchronous down counters

Experiment No.10: Memory Unit: Investigate the behavior of RAM unit and its storage
capacity – 16 X 4 RAM: testing, simulating and memory expansion

Experiment No.11: VHDL simulation and implementation of various combinational circuits

Experiment No.12: VHDL simulation and implementation of various sequential circuits


T1. Lab manuals.

Note: At least one Text Book and one Reference Book must be from Foreign Author/Foreign

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Understand the basic knowledge of Number systems, logic gates and coding
CO2: Apply the fundamental concepts of Boolean Algebra and K-Maps to simplify the
design of digital logic circuits.
CO3: Understand the design and use of logic gates to design various combinational circuits.
CO4: Understand the knowledge of flipflops to design various sequential circuits and Finite
State Machines.
CO5: Apply basic knowledge of logic families for the design of computer memory and
write programs using VHDL to simulate and test various digital circuits.
COURSE CODE: IT24353 REF NO: _________________

Web Technology Lab

Credits: 1 Teaching Scheme: - Laboratory 2 Hrs/Week

1. Computer Programming

1. To introduce the basic techniques involved in designing web pages.
2. To introduce client side scripting with Javascript.
3. To know the advantages and use of CSS.
4. To use CGI/Perl.
5. To use XML.

List of Practicals:
Experiment No. 1. Download, Install and Configure apache http server for windows and
linux.Design HTML web pages demonstrating the use of various text
formatting tags and media file embedding tags

Experiment No. 2. Demonstrate the use of HTML5 elements like video, audio, canvas etc.

Experiment No. 3. Design HTML pages using tables and frames.

Experiment No. 4. Get acquainted with the use of Javascript objects like Window, Screen,
Location, Document, History, Frame, Navigator etc.

Experiment No. 5. Demonstrate the use of event handling in javascript.

Experiment No. 6. Design HTML form embedding javascript code for client side validation.

Experiment No. 7. Get acquainted with JQuery JavaScript library.

Experiment No. 8. Use different style properties in inline, embedded and external style sheets.

Experiment No. 9. Get acquainted with creation, display and parsing of XML documents.

Experiment No. 10. Demonstrate the use of CGI/Perl.

Text Books:

1. Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, JavaScript, DHTML and
PHP, BPB Publication, 4th Edition, Ivan Bayross
2. Web Technologies, Uttam K Roy, Oxford

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to –
 Understand the new features available in HTML5
 Build interactive webpages using javascript.
 Differentiate between webpage structure and style
 Develop webpages with CGI/Perl
 Use XML documents

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