Interview With A Clinical Psychologist Paper Rubric
Interview With A Clinical Psychologist Paper Rubric
Interview With A Clinical Psychologist Paper Rubric
Demographic 5 4 3 2 0-1
information for
interviewee All required Most required Some required Little required Section is missing, or
information is present information is information is information is more than 4
present, but 1-2 present, but 3 pieces present with at least required pieces of
pieces are missing are missing. 4 pieces missing. information are not
CLOs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 Questions and 37-40 31-36 25-30 18-24 0-17
At least 12 questions At least 11 questions At least 10 questions At least 9 questions Section is missing or
are asked and are asked and are asked and are asked and fewer than 9
answered. Answers are answered. Most answered. Some answered. Most questions are asked
well-written and answers are well- answers are poorly answers are poorly and answered, OR
complete. All five written and written and/or don’t written and/or don’t answers are very
required questions are complete. All five appear to be appear to be poorly written and
addressed. required questions complete. At least 4 complete. Fewer fewer than 3 of the
are addressed. of the required than 4 of the required questions
questions are required questions are addressed.
addressed. are addressed.
Student clearly Student clearly Student somewhat Student vaguely Section is missing or
addresses at least five addresses at least addresses at least addresses at least student fails to
things directly learned five things directly four things that are three things directly clearly and
from the interview. learned from the mostly directly learned from the specifically address
Descriptions are well- interview. learned from the interview. Most at least 3 things
written, specific and Descriptions are interview. descriptions are not directly learned
detailed. Clear and mostly well-written, Descriptions are well-written, and/or from the interview,
accurate descriptions specific and detailed, somewhat lack they lack any specific and does not discuss
of how the interview but a few are vague specific details. details. Mostly how interview
content mirrors or is or lacking in details. Somewhat clear and unclear and content mirrors or is
different from class Mostly clear and accurate descriptions inaccurate different from
material are provided. accurate of how the interview descriptions of how course content.
All content descriptions of how content mirrors or is the interview
demonstrates in-depth the interview different from class content mirrors or is
thought about what content mirrors or is material are provided. different from class
was learned and how different from class Some, but not most, material are
it relates to class material are content demonstrates provided. Some
material. provided. Most, but in-depth thought content is missing or
not all, content aboutwhat was does not
demonstrates in- learned and how it demonstrate in-
depth thought about relates to class depth thought about
what was learned material. what was learned OR
and how it relates to how it relates to
class material. class material.
CLOs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 Reaction/Reflection/ 29-30 24-28 18-23 12-17 0-11
Student provides a Student provides a Student provides a Student provides an Section is missing or
thorough, complete, mostly thorough, somewhat complete, incomplete, vague material is
in-depth summary of complete, in-depth but not in-depth summary of their extremely vague and
their summary of their summary of their reactions/reflections reflects little
reactions/reflections reactions/reflections reactions/reflections and analysis of the thought or analysis.
and analysis of the and analysis of the and analysis of the information Fewer than 3 topics
information gathered. information information gathered. gathered. Discusses are discussed and
Addresses five distinct gathered. Addresses Discusses at least 4 fewer than 4 distinct they don’t relate to
topics. Discussion five mostly distinct topics, but 2 are not topics. Discussion prior sections of the
reflects how the topics. Discussion distinct from each reflects little of how paper.
information may relate mostly reflects how other. Discussion the information may
to prior learning, the information may somewhat reflects relate to prior
student’s life, material relate to prior how the information learning, student’s
from course or other learning, student’s may relate to prior life, material from
relevant topics. All life, material from learning, student’s course or other
content is accurate, course or other life, material from relevant topics.
reflects critical relevant topics, but course or other Most content is
thought/analysis, and one obvious aspect relevant topics, but inaccurate, does not
is clearly related to may be missing. two obvious aspects reflect critical
material in prior Most, but not all, may be missing. thought/analysis,
sections of the paper. content is accurate, Some, but not most and is mostly not
reflects critical content is accurate, clearly related to
thought/analysis reflects critical material in prior
and is clearly related thought/analysis, and sections of the
to material in prior is clearly related to paper.
sections of the material in prior
paper. sections of the paper.
Writing/APA 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 0-2
Writing is logical and Writing is generally Writing lacks logical Writing is sometimes Writing is mostly not
organized. Sentences logical and progression or not logical or logical or organized.
are well-phrased and organized. Sentences organization. Some organized. Many Most sentences do
varied in length and are well-phrased and sentences are sentences do not not form a cohesive
structure. Word choice varied in length and awkward and unclear. form a cohesive whole, and structure
is consistently precise structure. Word Word choice is whole, and structure of sentences and/or
and accurate. The choice is generally acceptable but range of sentences and/or paragraphs is very
writing is free of errors precise and mostly of words is limited or paragraphs is distracting and
in grammar, spelling accurate. There are a lacks precision. The distracting and highly confusing to
and writing mechanics. few errors in writing has errors confusing to the the reader. Words
Paper is done in grammar, spelling which occasionally reader. Words are are very often used
correct APA format. and writing impact understanding often used inappropriately.
mechanics. . Paper and cause a inappropriately. There are several
is mostly done in distraction. Paper has There are several errors in grammar,
correct APA format. several formatting errors in grammar, spelling and writing
issues. spelling and writing mechanics. Paper is
mechanics. Paper is not done in correct
mostly not done in APA format.
correct APA format.
General requirements 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 0-2
and overall quality
All sections are fully All sections are ome sections are Most sections are All sections are
complete, accurately mostly complete, incomplete OR don’t incomplete AND incomplete and
fulfill all instructions, accurately fulfill accurately fulfill all don’t accurately don’t fulfill
and all paper most instructions, instructions, and fulfill instructions. instructions. Paper
requirements are met. and all paper some paper Paper is at least 1.5 length is 2 or more
All parts of the paper requirements are requirements such as pages too short pages too short, and
are thorough, and met. Most parts of page length are not and/or sections 3 sections 3 and 4
sections 3 and 4 are the paper are met. Some, but not and 4 combined are combined are fewer
detailed, and thorough, and most, parts of the less than 3.5 pages. than 3 pages. Most
demonstrate high sections 3 and 4 are paper are thorough, Most parts of the of the paper
quality analysis and mostly detailed, and and sections 3 and 4 paper are not demonstrates little
depth of thought. demonstrate high lack detail, and thorough and thought and is of
quality analysis and demonstrate medium sections 3 and 4 poor quality overall.
depth of thought. quality analysis and demonstrate poor
depth of thought analysis and little
depth of thought.