Security Concerns and Best Practices For A SAS Grid

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Security Concerns and Best Practices for a SAS Grid

The following white paper will identify security issues and the best practices for
addressing security issues when accessing nodes in a SAS grid using the capabilities of
SAS/CONNECT. In fact, these same issues apply for a CONNECT client connecting to
and accessing a single remote machine as well as a CONNECT client connecting to and
accessing many remote machines in a grid. The information presented here applies
primarily to using a Windows platform as the remote server. The information will
eventually be expanded to include other server platforms as well.

The following are security concerns for using SAS/CONNECT:

• Password storage and communication to the remote host
• Unauthorized access to remote machines
• Ability to use Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) to bypass Windows
authentication (See the following paragraph for an explanation of SSPI.)
• Ability to run arbitrary commands (X commands) from the server SAS session.
• Risks associated with running the CONNECT spawner
• Ability to secure network transmission of sensitive data.
• Ability to restrict access to other resources on the remote server

SSPI enables transparent authentication for connections between Windows machines.

Users that are members of a "trusted" domain are authenticated automatically, and user
context information is transferred to the server. Windows attempts to use SSPI for
authentication whenever a user ID is not explicitly supplied. SSPI is available only when
the client and the server sessions both run on Windows machines, and the user who runs
the client machine is a member of a domain that is "trusted" at the server machine.

The following table summarizes how to run SAS/CONNECT with a high, medium, and
low level of security. The sections that follow describe the pros and cons of each level of
security and how each of the commands and options enable this level of security.

High Spawner as service with command line

spawner –install –netencrypt –netencralg rc2 –noscript
–nosspi –sascmd “startsas.bat”
contents of startsas.bat
sas.exe –noxcmd %*
Windows access control
Medium Spawner as service with command line
spawner –install –netencralg sasproprietary –sascmd
contents of startsas.bat
sas.exe –noxcmd %*

Low Spawner as service with command line

spawner –install –nosecurity –userid <userid> -password

Running SAS/CONNECT with a high level of security

A high level of security protects the transmission of any userid/password values as well
as the transmission of any sensitive data across the network. It also prevents
unauthorized access to remote servers and the maximum level of control over the SAS
processing that gets distributed to any of the remote servers. This prevents unauthorized
access and usage of any other resources on the remote servers outside of the SAS
environment. This high level of security comes at a higher cost of administration.

In order to run SAS/CONNECT with a high level of security:

1. encryption should be used to secure all network transmissions,
2. the connection should be established using the CONNECT spawner with the
spawner running as a windows service and
3. authentication should be required.
In addition, several spawner options related to security should be utilized.

Encryption is available through the use of SAS/SECURE with SAS/CONNECT and is

enabled by setting the NETENCRYPT and NETENCRALG options on the CONNECT
spawner, as shown in the table above, and/or on the remote SAS invocation. You can
choose to encrypt just the userid/password credentials during transmission or the
credentials as well as all of the data that gets transmitted on the network during the entire

Like the generic telnet daemon, the spawner is a daemon that listens on a specific port for
incoming requests for SAS connections. For a high level of security, you should use the
spawner instead of the telnet daemon because it allows the administrator of the server
machine to completely control the SAS environment that gets created and to provide as
much security with that environment as is desired. This is accomplished as follows:

• The spawner should be run as a service by specifying the INSTALL option on the
spawner command as shown in the table above. This facilitates administration of
the spawner, ensures that the spawner is running with authentication as well as
any other options deemed necessary by your administrator, and provides
robustness to the environment.
• The spawner should be run in a secured mode which requires user authentication
to the server machine in order for the client to even be able to gain access to the
server machine in order to invoke SAS. Authentication is on by default if the
spawner is run as a service (using the INSTALL option) but off by default if the
spawner is not run as a service.

• The spawner supports inheritance by default which means that the spawner listens
on a single tcp/ip port and the SAS session that gets created just inherits a socket
from this same port for the actual communications of the SAS session. This
facilitates the use of a firewall between the client and server machines since only
a single port needs to be defined to the firewall.

• The spawner provides various levels of data obfuscation/encryption. By default,

the spawner will obfuscate the userid/password as it passes from the client to the
server to prevent clear text transmission across the network. Use SAS/SECURE
to provide the highest level of security by encrypting the userid/password and all
data that flow across the network. This can be done by specifying the
NETENCRYPT option on the spawner invocation as shown in the table above.
This option requires that encryption be used for all network transmissions and
fails connections from any clients that do not support encryption. In addition you
should specify the NETENCRALG option on the spawner command, as shown in
the table above, to provide one or more encryption algorithms to be used to
perform the encryption. Note: at least one of the same encryption algorithms
must be available at the client as well.

• The NOSCRIPT option should be specified on the spawner invocation. This

requires that the SASCMD option must be used on the spawner invocation in
order to specify the command to invoke the remote SAS session. This allows the
administrator of the remote machine to control the options that are specified on
the remote SAS batch invocation. We recommend including the NOXCMD
option on the SAS invocation which will prevent the client from executing any
operating system commands outside of the remote SAS session. It essentially
shuts off access to the remote environment and enables execution of SAS program
statements only. In order to specify startup options on the SAS invocation, a bat
file must be created and the name of the bat file used as the value of the
SASCMD option. An example bat file as well as specification of the bat file for
the SASCMD option are shown in the table above.

• If both the client and the server machines are windows machines, then it is
possible to use SSPI for the authentication and bypass the need for
username/password authentication to the remote server. The NOSSPI option has
been added to the SAS 9.1 spawner in order to prevent automatic authentication
of clients that are members of “trusted” domains. The NOSSPI option is used in
the example in the table above. Use of this option does require SAS 9.1.
• In Version 8, the userid and password needed to authenticate the SAS session on
the remote machine must either be interactively entered at execution time or
stored in a file. Starting in SAS 9.1, PROC PWENCODE can be used to
obfuscate the userid and password in a flat file or stored SAS program to prevent
clear text storage.

• Having the ability to install a spawner as well as connect to a spawner requires

specific operating system rights that must be set up by the administrator. The
person who runs the spawner with the –security options must have the following
user rights:

o Act as part of the operating system

o Bypass traverse checking (the default is everyone)
o Increase quotas
o Replace a process level token
o Log on locally (the default is everyone).
By default, when the spawner is run as a service, it will run as the LocalSystem
user which has all of the above rights. Therefore, no additional administration is

All users who connect to the spawner must have the “Log on as batch job”
advanced right. Therefore, it is typically not possible for a client to just connect
to any arbitrary remote pc since it requires that the administrator grant this user
right prior to establishing a connection.

• Additionally, a SHELL option is being added to the 9.2 spawner so that execution
of operating system commands will be prevented by default by the spawner rather
than needing to create a .BAT file to include the SAS invocation with the –
NOXCMD SAS startup option..

You could also use access control to better protect the machine. If the spawner is using
security, the user's working directory will be set to the user's home folder. Perhaps you
could set up special directories for the userid/password being used to connect and allow
access only to these directories.

Running SAS/CONNECT with a medium level of security

A medium level of security provides obfuscation of any userid/password values as well

as the transmission of any sensitive data across the network. It also prevents
unauthorized access to remote servers and a less stringent level of control over the SAS
processing that gets distributed to the remote servers. This helps prevent unauthorized
access and usage of any other resources on the remote servers outside of the SAS
environment. This medium level of security allows a little more flexibility for the clients
who wish to connect to the remote servers and comes at a lower cost of administration
than what a high level of security would involve.

In order to run SAS/CONNECT with a medium level of security:

1. obfuscation should be used to secure all network transmissions rather than the
stronger encryption provided by SAS/SECURE,
2. the connection should be established using the CONNECT spawner with the
spawner running as a windows service and
3. authentication should be required.

• The spawner should be run as a service by specifying the INSTALL option on the
spawner command as shown in the table above. This facilitates administration of
the spawner, ensures that the spawner is running with authentication as well as
any other options deemed necessary by your administrator, and provides
robustness to the environment.

• The spawner should be run in a secured mode which requires user authentication
to the server machine in order for the client to even be able to gain access to the
server machine in order to invoke SAS. Authentication is on by default if the
spawner is run as a service (using the INSTALL option) but off by default if the
spawner is not run as a service.

• The spawner provides various levels of data obfuscation/encryption. For a

medium level of security you may not need the stronger encryption of
SAS/SECURE but may choose to use obfuscation of the userid/password and/or
all of the data that is sent across the network. By default, the spawner will
obfuscate the userid/password as it passes from the client to the server to prevent
clear text transmission across the network. Use the SASENCRALG option with a
value of SASPROPRIETARY to provide obfuscation of all data that is exchanged
during the entire session. This option is shown in the table above.

• The SASCMD option should be used on the spawner invocation in order to

specify the command to invoke the remote SAS session. This allows the
administrator of the remote machine to control the options that are specified on
the remote SAS batch invocation. We recommend including the NOXCMD
option on the SAS invocation which will prevent the client from executing any
operating system commands outside of the remote SAS session. It essentially
shuts off access to the remote environment and enables execution of SAS program
statements only. In order to specify startup options on the SAS invocation, a bat
file must be created and the name of the bat file used as the value of the
SASCMD option. An example bat file as well as specification of the bat file for
the SASCMD option are shown in the table above. However, be aware that
clients connecting with script files would have the ability to override use of the
bat file by specifying the SAS invocation in the script file.
• Having the ability to install a spawner as well as connect to a spawner requires
specific operating system rights that must be set up by the administrator. The
person who runs the spawner with the –security options must have the following
user rights:

o Act as part of the operating system

o Bypass traverse checking (the default is everyone)
o Increase quotas
o Replace a process level token
o Log on locally (the default is everyone).
By default, when the spawner is run as a service, it will run as the LocalSystem
user which has all of the above rights. Therefore, no additional administration is

All users who connect to the spawner must have the “Log on as batch job”
advanced right. Therefore, it is typically not possible for a client to just connect
to any arbitrary remote pc since it requires that the administrator grant this user
right prior to establishing a connection

Running SAS/CONNECT with a low level of security

A low level of security makes the environment easier to configure, easier to maintain, and
easier for clients to connect to machines on the network. If you have a trusted
environment and set of users, this is the recommended way to run SAS/CONNECT.

In order to run SAS/CONNECT with a low level of security:

1. the connection should be established using the CONNECT spawner with the
spawner running as a windows service and
2. authentication is not required.

• The spawner should be run as a service by specifying the INSTALL option on the
spawner command as shown in the table above. This facilitates administration of
the spawner and provides robustness to the environment.

• The NOSECURITY option should be used to run the spawner in an unsecured

mode. This eliminates the need for the client to authenticate to the server
machine in order for the client to connect to the server machine and invoke SAS.
Authentication is on by default if the spawner is run as a service (using the
INSTALL option) therefore, the NOSECURITY option must be used in order to
disable authentication.

• Use the USERID and PASSWORD options in order to specify a username with
which to run the SAS process. This is necessary because a userid/password is not
supplied by the client since the spawner is running unsecured. In addition, this
userid must have the “Log on as batch job” advanced right on the remote server
because this is the userid associated with the remote SAS process.

• The spawner provides various levels of data obfuscation/encryption. By default,

the spawner will obfuscate the userid/password as it passes from the client to the
server to prevent clear text transmission across the network. This default
behavior is sufficient for a low level of security.

No additional options are recommended for the spawner invocation; sacrificing security
in order to provide the greatest degree of flexibility for client connections.

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