Valuation Rings: 3.1 Extension Theorems

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Chapter 3

Valuation Rings

The results of this chapter come into play when analyzing the behavior of a rational
function defined in the neighborhood of a point on an algebraic curve.

3.1 Extension Theorems

In Theorem 2.2.4, we generalized a result about field extensions to rings. Here is another

3.1.1 Theorem
Let R be a subring of the field K, and h : R → C a ring homomorphism from R into an
algebraically closed field C. If α is a nonzero element of K, then either h can be extended
to a ring homomorphism h : R[α] → C, or h can be extended to a ring homomorphism
h : R[α−1 ] → C.
Proof. Without loss of generality, we may assume that R is a local ring and F = h(R) is
a subfield of C. To see this, let P be the kernel of h. Then P is a prime ideal, and we can
extend h to g : RP → C via g(a/b) = h(a)/h(b), h(b) = 0. The kernel of g is P RP , so
by the first isomorphism theorem, g(RP ) ∼ = RP /P RP , a field (because P RP is a maximal
ideal). Thus we may replace (R, h) by (RP , g).
Our first step is to extend h to
a homomorphism of polynomial rings. If f ∈ R[x] with
f (x) = ai xi , we take h(f ) = h(ai )xi ∈ F [x]. Let I = {f ∈ R[x] : f (α) = 0}. Then
J = h(I) is an ideal of F [x], necessarily principal. Say J = (j(x)). If j is nonconstant,
it must have a root β in the algebraically closed field C. We can then extend h to
h : R[α] → C via h(α) = β, as desired. To verify that h is well-defined, suppose f ∈ I, so
that f (α) = 0. Then h(f ) ∈ J, hence h(f ) is a multiple of j, and therefore h(f )(β) = 0.
Thus we may assume that j is constant. If the constant is zero, then we may extend h
exactly as above, with β arbitrary. So we can assume that j = 0, and it follows that
1 ∈ J. Consequently, there exists f ∈ I such that h(f ) = 1.


This gives a relation of the form

1, i = 0
ai α = 0 with ai ∈ R and ai = h(ai ) =
0, i > 0

Choose r as small as possible. We then carry out the same analysis with α replaced by
α−1 . Assuming that h has no extension to R[α−1 ], we have

1, i = 0
bi α = 0 with bi ∈ R and bi = h(bi ) = (2)
0, i > 0

Take s minimal, and assume (without loss of generality) that r ≥ s. Since h(b0 ) = 1 =
h(1), it follows that b0 − 1 ∈ ker h ⊆ M, the unique maximal ideal of the local ring R.
Thus b0 ∈ / M (else 1 ∈ M), so b0 is a unit. It is therefore legal to multiply (2) by b−1
0 α

to get

αs + b−1
0 b1 α
+ · · · + b−1
0 bs = 0 (3)

Finally, we multiply (3) by ar αr−s and subtract the result from (1) to contradict the
minimality of r. (The result of multiplying (3) by ar αr−s cannot be a copy of (1). If so,
r = s (hence αr−s = 1)and a0 = ar b−1 −1
0 bs . But h(a0 ) = 1 and h(ar b0 bs ) = 0.) ♣
It is natural to try to extend h to a larger domain, and this is where valuation rings
enter the picture.

3.1.2 Definition
A subring R of a field K is a valuation ring of K if for every nonzero α ∈ K, either α or
α−1 belongs to R.

3.1.3 Examples
The field K is a valuation ring of K, but there are more interesting examples.
1. Let K = Q, with p a fixed prime. Take R to be the set of all rationals of the form
pr m/n, where r ≥ 0 and p divides neither m nor n.
2. Let K = k(x), where k is any field. Take R to be the set of all rational functions
pr m/n, where r ≥ 0, p is a fixed polynomial that is irreducible over k and m and n
are arbitrary polynomials in k[x] not divisible by p. This is essentially the same as the
previous example.
3. Let K = k(x), and let R be the set of all rational functions f /g ∈ k(x) such that
deg f ≤ deg g.
4. Let K be the field of formal Laurent series over k. Thus a nonzero element of K looks

like f = i=r ai xi with ai ∈ k, r ∈ Z, and ar = 0. We may write f = ar xr g, where
g belongs to the ring R = k[[x]] of formal power series over k. Moreover, the constant
term of g is 1, and therefore g, hence f , can be inverted (by long division). Thus R is a
valuation ring of K.
We now return to the extension problem.

3.1.4 Theorem
Let R be a subring of the field K, and h : R → C a ring homomorphism from R into an
algebraically closed field C. Then h has a maximal extension (V, h). In other words, V is
a subring of K containing R, h is an extension of h, and there is no extension to a strictly
larger subring. In addition, for any maximal extension, V is a valuation ring of K.
Proof. Let S be the set of all (Ri , hi ), where Ri is a subring of K containing R and hi
is an extension of h to Ri . Partially order S by (Ri , hi ) ≤ (Rj , hj ) if and only if Ri is a
subring of Rj and hj restricted to Ri coincides with hi . A standard application of Zorn’s
lemma produces a maximal extension (V, h). If α is a nonzero element of K, then by
(3.1.1), h has an extension to either V [α] or V [α−1 ]. By maximality, either V [α] = V or
V [α−1 ] = V . Therefore α ∈ V or α−1 ∈ V . ♣

3.2 Properties of Valuation Rings

We have a long list of properties to verify, and the statement of each property will be
followed immediately by its proof. The end of proof symbol will only appear at the very
end. Throughout, V is a valuation ring of the field K.
1. The fraction field of V is K.
This follows because a nonzero element α of K can be written as α/1 or as 1/α−1 .
2. Any subring of K containing V is a valuation ring of K.
This follows from the definition of a valuation ring.
3. V is a local ring.
We will show that the set M of nonunits of V is an ideal. If a and b are nonzero nonunits,
then either a/b or b/a belongs to V . If a/b ∈ V , then a + b = b(1 + a/b) ∈ M (because
if b(1 + a/b) were a unit, then b would be a unit as well). Similarly, if b/a ∈ V , then
a + b ∈ M. If r ∈ V and a ∈ M, then ra ∈ M, else a would be a unit. Thus M is an
4. V is integrally closed.
Let α be a nonzero element of K, with α integral over V . Then there is an equation of
the form

αn + cn−1 αn−1 + · · · + c1 α + c0 = 0

with the ci in V . We must show that α ∈ V . If not, then α−1 ∈ V , and if we multiply
the above equation of integral dependence by α−(n−1) , we get

α = −cn−1 − cn−2 α−1 − · · · − c1 α−(n−2) − c0 α−(n−1) ∈ V.

5. If I and J are ideals of V , then either I ⊆ J or J ⊆ I. Thus the ideals of V are totally
ordered by inclusion.
Suppose that I is not contained in J, and pick a ∈ I \ J (hence a = 0). If b ∈ J, we
must show that b ∈ I. If b = 0 we are finished, so assume b = 0. We have b/a ∈ V (else
a/b ∈ V , so a = (a/b)b ∈ J, a contradiction). Therefore b = (b/a)a ∈ I.

6. Conversely, let V be an integral domain with fraction field K. If the ideals of V are
totally ordered by inclusion, then V is a valuation ring of K.
If α is a nonzero element of K, then α = a/b with a and b nonzero elements of V . By
hypothesis, either (a) ⊆ (b), in which case a/b ∈ V , or (b) ⊆ (a), in which case b/a ∈ V .
7. If P is a prime ideal of the valuation ring V , then VP and V /P are valuation rings.
First note that if K is the fraction field of V , it is also the fraction field of VP . Also, V /P
is an integral domain, hence has a fraction field. Now by Property 5, the ideals of V are
totally ordered by inclusion, so the same is true of VP and V /P . The result follows from
Property 6.
8. If V is a Noetherian valuation ring, then V is a PID. Moreover, for some prime p ∈ V ,
every ideal is of the form (pm ), m ≥ 0. For any such p, ∩∞ m
m=1 (p ) = 0.

Since V is Noetherian, an ideal I of V is finitely generated, say by a1 , . . . , an . By Property

5, we may renumber the ai so that (a1 ) ⊆ (a2 ) · · · ⊆ (an ). But then I ⊆ (an ) ⊆ I, so
I = (an ). In particular, the maximal ideal M of V is (p) for some p, and p is prime
because M is a prime ideal. If (a) is an arbitrary ideal, then (a) = V if a is a unit, so
assume a is a nonunit, that is, a ∈ M. But then p divides a, so a = pb. If b is a nonunit,
then p divides b, and we get a = p2 c. Continuing inductively and using the fact that V
is a PID, hence a UFD, we have a = pm u for some positive integer m and unit u. Thus
(a) = (pm ). Finally, if a belongs to (pm ) for every m ≥ 1, then pm divides a for all m ≥ 1.
Again using unique factorization, we must have a = 0. (Note that if a is a unit, so is p, a
9. Let R be a subring of the field K. The integral closure R of R in K is the intersection
of all valuation rings V of K such that V ⊇ R.
If a ∈ R, then a is integral over R, hence over any valuation ring V ⊇ R. But V is
integrally closed by Property 4, so a ∈ V . Conversely, assume a ∈ / R. Then a fails to
belong to the ring R = R[a−1 ]. (If a is a polynomial in a−1 , multiply by a sufficiently
high power of a to get a monic equation satisfied by a.) Thus a−1 cannot be a unit in
R . (If ba−1 = 1 with b ∈ R , then a = a1 = aa−1 b = b ∈ R , a contradiction.) It follows
that a−1 belongs to a maximal ideal M of R . Let C be an algebraic closure of the field
k = R /M , and let h be the composition of the canonical map R → R /M = k and
the inclusion k → C. By (3.1.4), h has a maximal extension to h : V → C for some
valuation ring V of K containing R ⊇ R. Now h(a−1 ) = h(a−1 ) since a−1 ∈ M ⊆ R ,
and h(a−1 ) = 0 by definition of h. Consequently a ∈ / V , for if a ∈ V , then

1 = h(1) = h(aa−1 ) = h(a)h(a−1 ) = 0,

a contradiction. The result follows.

10. Let R be an integral domain with fraction field K. Then R is integrally closed if and
only if R = ∩α Vα , the intersection of some (not necessarily all) valuation rings of K.
The “only if” part follows from Property 9. For the “if” part, note that each Vα is
integrally closed by Property 4, hence so is R. (If a is integral over R, then a is integral
over each Vα , hence a belongs to each Vα , so a ∈ R.) ♣

3.3 Discrete Valuation Rings

3.3.1 Definitions and Comments
An absolute value on a field K is a mapping x → |x| from K to the real numbers, such
that for every x, y ∈ K,
1. |x| ≥ 0, with equality if and only if x = 0;
2. |xy| = |x| |y|;
3. |x + y| ≤ |x| + |y|.
The absolute value is nonarchimedean if the third condition is replaced by a stronger
3 . |x + y| ≤ max(|x|, |y|).
As expected, archimedean means not nonarchimedean.
The familiar absolute values on the reals and the complex numbers are archimedean.
However, our interest will be in nonarchimedean absolute values. Here is where most of
them come from.
A discrete valuation on K is a surjective map v : K → Z ∪ {∞}, such that for every
x, y ∈ K,
(a) v(x) = ∞ if and only if x = 0;
(b) v(xy) = v(x) + v(y);
(c) v(x + y) ≥ min(v(x), v(y)).
A discrete valuation induces a nonarchimedean absolute value via |x| = cv(x) , where c
is a constant with 0 < c < 1.

3.3.2 Examples
We can place a discrete valuation on all of the fields of Subsection 3.1.3. In Examples
∞ 2, wei take v(p m/n) = r. In Example 3, v(f /g) = deg g − deg f . In Example 4,
1 and
v( i=r ai x ) = r (if ar = 0).

3.3.3 Proposition
If v is a discrete valuation on the field K, then V = {a ∈ K : v(a) ≥ 0} is a valuation
ring with maximal ideal M = {a ∈ K : v(a) ≥ 1}.
Proof. The defining properties (a), (b) and (c) of (3.3.1) show that V is a ring. If a ∈
/ V,
then v(a) < 0, so v(a−1 ) = v(1) − v(a) = 0 − v(a) > 0, so a−1 ∈ V , proving that V is a
valuation ring. Since a is a unit of V iff both a and a−1 belong to V iff v(a) = 0, M is
the ideal of nonunits and is therefore the maximal ideal of the valuation ring V . ♣

3.3.4 Definitions and Comments

Discrete valuations do not determine all valuation rings. An arbitrary valuation ring
corresponds to a generalized absolute value mapping into an ordered group rather than
the real numbers. We will not consider the general situation, as discrete valuations will
be entirely adequate for us. A valuation ring V arising from a discrete valuation v as

in (3.3.3) is said to be a discrete valuation ring, abbreviated DVR. An element t ∈ V

with v(t) = 1 is called a uniformizer or prime element. (Note that uniformizers exist by
surjectivity of v.) A uniformizer tells us a lot about the DVR V and the field K.

3.3.5 Proposition
Let t be a uniformizer in the discrete valuation ring V . Then t generates the maximal
ideal M of V , in particular, M is principal. Conversely, if t is any generator of M, then
t is a uniformizer.
Proof. Since M is the unique maximal ideal, (t) ⊆ M. If a ∈ M, then v(a) ≥ 1, so
v(at−1 ) = v(a) − v(t) ≥ 1 − 1 = 0, so at−1 ∈ V , and consequently a ∈ (t). Now suppose
M = (t ). Since t ∈ M, we have t = ct for some c ∈ V . Thus

1 = v(t) = v(c) + v(t ) ≥ 0 + 1 = 1,

which forces v(t ) = 1. ♣

3.3.6 Proposition
If t is a uniformizer, then every nonzero element a ∈ K can be expressed uniquely as
a = utn where u is a unit of V and n ∈ Z. Also, K = Vt , that is, K = S −1 V where
S = {1, t, t2 , . . . }.
Proof. Let n = v(a), so that v(at−n ) = 0 and therefore at−n is a unit u. To prove
uniqueness, note that if a = utn , then v(a) = v(u) + nv(t) = 0 + n = n, so that n, and
hence u, is determined by a. The last statement follows by Property 1 of Section 3.2 and
the observation that the elements of V are those with valuation n ≥ 0. ♣
A similar result holds for ideals.

3.3.7 Proposition
Every nonzero proper ideal I of the DVR V is of the form Mn , where M is the maximal
ideal of V and n is a unique nonnegative integer. We write v(I) = n; by convention,
M0 = V .
Proof. Choose a ∈ I such that n = v(a) is as small as possible. By (3.3.6), a = utn , so
tn = u−1 a ∈ I. By (3.3.5), M = (t), and therefore Mn ⊆ I. Conversely, let b ∈ I, with
v(b) = k ≥ n by minimality of n. As in the proof of (3.3.6), bt−k is a unit u , so b = u tk .
Since k ≥ n we have b ∈ (tn ) = Mn , proving that I ⊆ Mn . The uniqueness of n is a
consequence of Nakayama’s lemma. If Mr = Ms with r < s, then Mr = Mr+1 = MMr .
Thus Mr , hence M, is 0, contradicting the hypothesis that I is nonzero. ♣
We may interpret v(I) as the length of a composition series.

3.3.8 Proposition
Let I be a nonzero proper ideal of the discrete valuation ring R. Then v(I) = lR (R/I),
the composition length of the R-module R/I.

Proof. By (3.3.7), we have R ⊃ M ⊃ M2 ⊃ · · · ⊃ Mn = I, hence

R/I ⊃ M/I ⊃ M2 /I ⊃ · · · ⊃ Mn /I = 0.

By basic properties of composition length, we have, with l = lR ,

l(R/I) = l( ) + l(M/I) = l(R/M) + l( 2 ) + l(M2 /I).
M/I M /I

Continuing in this fashion, we get

l(R/I) = l(Mi /Mi+1 ).

Since M is generated by a uniformizer t, it follows that ti + Mi+1 generates Mi /Mi+1 .

Since Mi /Mi+1 is annihilated by M, it is an R/M-module, that is, a vector space, over
the field R/M. The vector space is one-dimensional because the Mi , i = 0, 1, . . . , n, are
distinct [see the proof of (3.3.7)]. Consequently, l(R/I) = n. ♣
We are going to prove a characterization theorem for DVR’s, and some preliminary
results will be needed.

3.3.9 Proposition
√ I be an ideal of the Noetherian ring R. Then for some positive integer m, we have
( I)m ⊆ I. In particular (take I = 0), the nilradical of R is nilpotent.

Proof. √Since R is Noetherian, I is finitely generated, say by a1 , . . . , at , with ani i ∈ I.
Then ( I)m is generated by all products ar11 · · · art t with i=1 ri = m. Our choice of m

m=1+ (ni − 1).

We claim that ri ≥ ni for some i. If not, then ri ≤ ni − 1 for all i, and

m= ri < 1 + (ni − 1) = m,
i=1 i=1

a contradiction. But then each product ar11 · · · art t is in I, hence ( I)m ⊆ I. ♣

3.3.10 Proposition
Let M be a maximal ideal of the Noetherian ring R, and let Q be any ideal of R. The
following conditions are equivalent:
√ is M-primary.
1. Q
2. Q = M.
3. For some positive integer n, we have Mn ⊆ Q ⊆ M.

Proof. We have (1) implies (2) by definition of M-primary; see (1.1.1). The implication
(2) ⇒ (1) follows from (1.1.2). To prove that (2) implies (3), apply (3.3.9) with I = Q to
get, for some positive integer n,

Mn ⊆ Q ⊆ Q = M.
To prove that (3) implies (2), observe that by (1.1.1),
√  √
M = Mn ⊆ Q ⊆ M = M. ♣
Now we can characterize discrete valuation rings.

3.3.11 Theorem
Let R be a Noetherian local domain with fraction field K and unique maximal ideal
M = 0. (Thus R is not a field.) The following conditions are equivalent:
1. R is a discrete valuation ring.
2. R is a principal ideal domain.
3. M is principal.
4. R is integrally closed and every nonzero prime ideal is maximal.
5. Every nonzero ideal is a power of M.
6. The dimension of M/M2 as a vector space over R/M is 1.
(1) ⇒ (2): This follows from (3.3.7) and (3.3.5).
(2) ⇒ (4): This holds because a PID is integrally closed, and a PID is a UFD in which
every nonzero prime ideal is maximal.
(4) ⇒ (3): Let t be a nonzero element of M. By hypothesis, M is the only nonzero
prime ideal, so the radical of (t), which is the intersection of all prime ideals containing
t, coincides with M. By (3.3.10), for some n ≥ 1 we have Mn ⊆ (t) ⊆ M, and we
may assume that (t) ⊂ M, for otherwise we are finished. Thus for some n ≥ 2 we have
Mn ⊆ (t) but Mn−1 ⊆ (t). Choose a ∈ Mn−1 with a ∈ / (t), and let β = t/a ∈ K. If
β −1 = a/t ∈ R, then a ∈ Rt = (t), contradicting the choice of a. Therefore β −1 ∈ / R.
Since R is integrally closed, β −1 is not integral over R. But then β −1 M ⊆ M, for if
β −1 M ⊆ M, then β −1 stabilizes a finitely generated R-module, and we conclude from
the implication (4) ⇒ (1) in (2.1.4) that β −1 is integral over R, a contradiction.
Now β −1 M ⊆ R, because β −1 M = (a/t)M ⊆ (1/t)Mn ⊆ R. (Note that a ∈ Mn−1
and Mn ⊆ (t).) Thus β −1 M is an ideal of R, and if it were proper, it would be contained
in M, contradicting β −1 M ⊆ M. Consequently, β −1 M = R, hence M is the principal
ideal (β).
(3) ⇒ (2): By hypothesis, M is a principal ideal (t), and we claim that ∩∞ n=0 M = 0.

Suppose that a belongs to M for all n, with a = bn t for some bn ∈ R. Then bn tn =

n n

bn+1 tn+1 , hence bn = bn+1 t. Thus (bn ) ⊆ (bn+1 ) for all n, and in fact (bn ) = (bn+1 ) for
sufficiently large n because R is Noetherian. Therefore bn = bn+1 t = ctbn for some c ∈ R,
so (1 − ct)bn = 0. But t ∈ M, so t is not a unit, and consequently ct = 1. Thus bn must
be 0, and we have a = bn tn = 0, proving the claim.
Now let I be any nonzero proper ideal of R. Then I ⊆ M, but by the above claim
we have I ⊆ ∩∞ n=0 M . Thus there exists n ≥ 0 such that I ⊆ M and I ⊆ M
n n n+1

Choose a ∈ I \ Mn+1 ; since Mn = (t)n = (tn ), we have a = utn with u ∈ / M (because

a∈ / Mn+1 ). But then u is a unit, so tn = u−1 a ∈ I. To summarize, I ⊆ Mn = (tn ) ⊆ I,
proving that I is principal.
(2) ⇒ (1): By hypothesis, M is a principal ideal (t), and by the proof of (3) ⇒ (2),
∩∞ ∞
n=0 M = 0. Let a be any nonzero element of R. Then (a) ⊆ M, and since ∩n=0 M = 0,
n n

we will have a ∈ (t ) but a ∈

/ (t n+1
) for some n. Thus a = ut with u ∈
/ M, in other
words, u is a unit. For fixed a, both u and n are unique (because t, a member of M, is a
nonunit). It follows that if β is a nonzero element of the fraction field K, then β = utm
uniquely, where u is a unit of R and m is an integer, possibly negative. If we define
v(β) = m, then v is a discrete valuation on K with valuation ring R.
(1) ⇒ (5): This follows from (3.3.7).
(5) ⇒ (3): As in the proof of (3.3.7), M = M2 . Choose t ∈ M \ M2 . By hypothesis,
(t) = Mn for some n ≥ 0. We cannot have n = 0 because (t) ⊆ M ⊂ R, and we cannot
have n ≥ 2 by choice of t. The only possibility is n = 1, hence M = (t).
(1) ⇒ (6): This follows from the proof of (3.3.8).
(6) ⇒ (3): By hypothesis, M = M2 , so we may choose t ∈ M \ M2 . But then t + M2 is a
generator of the vector space M/M2 over the field R/M. Thus R(t+M2 )/M2 = M/M2 .
By the correspondence theorem, t + M2 = M. Now M(M/(t)) = (M2 + (t))/(t) =
M/(t), so by NAK, M/(t) = 0, that is, M = (t). ♣.
Note that surjectivity of a discrete valuation [see (3.3.1)] excludes the trivial valuation
v(a) = 0 for every a = 0.

3.3.12 Corollary
The ring R is a discrete valuation ring if and only if R is a local PID that is not a field.
In particular, since R is a PID, it is Noetherian.
Proof. The “if” part follows from (2) implies (1) in (3.3.11). For the “only if” part, note
that a discrete valuation ring R is a PID by (1) implies (2) of (3.3.11); the Noetherian
hypothesis is not used here. Moreover, R is a local ring by Property 3 of Section 3.2. If R
is a field, then every nonzero element a ∈ R is a unit, hence v(a) = 0. Thus the valuation
v is trivial, a contradiction. ♣

3.3.13 Corollary
Let R be a DVR with maximal ideal M. If t ∈ M \ M2 , then t is a uniformizer.
Proof. This follows from the proof of (5) implies (3) in (3.3.11). ♣

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