Budomari Sheet (11) New Second Lot

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Created Checked Approved

Budomari of Injection

The definition of "Lot": The products from the completion of the setup of the mold to the end of production of the mold is 1 "Lot". Septian Supriyanto Hartono Mr. Kuboyama

Tahun 2019 ( oktober ) Details of NG

Number of Blow
OK(Pass) NG(Bad) Flowmark Nami Su(Keropos) UTS
Part No. Lot No. Production date Products(Prod) Hole(Gelembung)
pcs pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs %
2-1-1 9/Oct/19 2,167 2,081 96.03 86 3.97 82 3.78 4 0.18 - - -
A3C053DG 2-1-2 10/Oct/19 1,161 1,119 96.38 42 3.62 42 3.62 - - - -
TOTAL 3,328 3,200 96.15 128 3.85 124 3.73 4 0.12 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00
2-1-1 10/Oct/19 1,055 1,010 95.73 45 4.27 33 3.13 12 1.14 - - -
A3C054DG - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 1,055 1,010 95.73 45 4.27 33 3.13 12 1.14 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00
2-1-1 12/Oct/19 2,145 2,100 97.90 45 2.10 43 2.00 2 0.09 - - -
A3C055DG - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 2,145 2,100 97.90 45 2.10 43 2.00 2 0.09 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00
2-1-1 8/Oct/19 2,128 2,062 96.90 66 3.10 43 2.02 23 1.08 - - - - - -
2-1-2 9/Oct/19 2,218 2,143 96.62 75 3.38 62 2.80 13 0.59 - - - - - -
A3C056DG 2-1-3 10/Oct/19 2,092 2,008 95.98 84 4.02 52 2.49 32 1.53 - - - - - -
2-1-4 11/Oct/19 2,123 2,015 94.91 108 5.09 66 3.11 42 1.98 - - - - - -
TOTAL 8,561 8,228 96.11 333 3.89 223 2.60 110 1.28 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00
Created Checked Approved
Budomari of Machining

The definition of "Lot": The products from the completion of the setup of the jig(yatoi) to the end of production of the mold is 1 "Lot". Septian Supriyanto Hartono Mr. Kuboyama

Tahun 2019 Details of NG

Number of Out of
OK(Pass) NG(Bad) Dent(Penyok) Bibiri Kurokawa Su(Keropos)
Part No. process Lot No. Production date Products(Prod) dimension(UTS)
pcs pcs % pcs % % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs %
2-1-1 10/Oct/19 2,020 2,019 99.95 1 0.05 - 1 0.05 - - -
1 (Facing) 2-1-2 11/Oct/19 1,080 1,079 99.91 1 0.09 - 1 0.09 - - -
TOTAL 3,100 3,098 99.94 2 0.06 - - 2.00 0.06 - - - - - -
2-1-1 10/Oct/19 2,019 2,018 99.95 1 0.05 - 1 0.05 - - -
2 (Facing) 2-1-2 11/Oct/19 1,079 1,079 100.00 - - - - - - -
TOTAL 3,098 3,097 99.97 1 0.03 - - 1.00 0.03 - - - - - -
2-1-1 10/Oct/19 1,083 1,082 99.91 1 0.09 - 1 0.09 - - -
3 (Drilling & 2-1-2 11/Oct/19 1,000 1,000 100.00 - - - - - - -
Tapping) 2-1-3 12/Oct/19 1,014 1,013 99.90 1 0.10 - 1 0.10 - - -
TOTAL 3,097 3,095 99.94 2 0.06 - - 2.00 0.06 - - - - - -
2-1-1 10/Oct/19 1,005 1,004 99.90 1 0.10 - 1 0.10 - - -
1 (Facing) - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 1,005 1,004 99.90 1 0.10 - - 1.00 0.10 - - - - - -
2-1-1 10/Oct/19 1,004 1,004 100.00 - - - - - - -
A3C054DG 2 (Facing) - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 1,004 1,004 100.00 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2-1-1 10/Oct/19 1,004 1,003 99.90 1 0.10 - 1 0.10 - - -
3 (Drilling &
Tapping) - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 1,004 1,003 99.90 1 0.10 - - 1.00 0.10 - - - - - -
2-1-1 15/Oct/19 2,082 2,081 99.95 1 0.05 - 1 0.05 - - -
1 (Facing) - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 2,082 2,081 99.95 1 0.05 - - 1.00 0.05 - - - - - -
2-1-1 15/Oct/19 2,081 2,081 100.00 - - - - - - -
A3C055DG 2 (Facing) - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 2,081 2,081 100.00 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2-1-1 15/Oct/19 1,017 1,016 99.90 1 0.10 - 1 0.10 - - -
3 (Drilling &
Tapping) 2-1-2 16/Oct/19 1,064 1,062 99.81 2 0.19 - 2 0.19 - - -
TOTAL 2,081 2,078 99.86 3 0.14 - - 3.00 0.14 - - - - - -
2-1-1 5/Oct/19 2,100 2,100 100.00 - - - - - - -
2-1-2 7/Oct/19 2,056 2,054 99.90 2 0.10 - 2 0.10 - - -
2-1-3 8/Oct/19 2,073 2,072 99.95 1 0.05 - 1 0.05 - - -
1 (Facing)
2-1-4 9/Oct/19 2,092 2,092 100.00 - - - - - - -
2-1-5 10/Oct/19 685 684 99.85 1 0.15 - 1 0.15 - - -
TOTAL 9,006 9,002 99.96 4 0.04 - - 4.00 0.04 - - - - - -
2-1-1 5/Oct/19 2,100 2,100 100.00 - - - - - - -
2-1-2 7/Oct/19 2,054 2,053 99.95 1 0.05 - 1 0.05 - - -
2-1-3 8/Oct/19 2,072 2,071 99.95 1 0.05 - 1 0.05 - - -
2 (Facing)
2-1-4 9/Oct/19 2,092 2,092 100.00 - - - - - - -

Created Checked Approved
Budomari of Machining

The definition of "Lot": The products from the completion of the setup of the jig(yatoi) to the end of production of the mold is 1 "Lot". Septian Supriyanto Hartono Mr. Kuboyama

Tahun 2019 Details of NG

Number of Out of
OK(Pass) NG(Bad) Dent(Penyok) Bibiri Kurokawa Su(Keropos)
Part No. 2process
(Facing) Lot No. Production date Products(Prod) dimension(UTS)
pcs pcs % pcs % % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs %
2-1-5 10/Oct/19 684 684 100.00 - - - - - - -
TOTAL 9,002 9,000 99.98 2 0.02 - - 2.00 0.02 - - - - - -
2-1-1 7/Oct/19 1,023 1,020 99.71 3 0.29 - 3 0.29 - - -
2-1-2 8/Oct/19 1,011 1,006 99.51 5 0.49 - 5 0.49 - - -
2-1-3 9/Oct/19 1,026 1,023 99.71 3 0.29 1 0.10 2 0.19 - - -
2-1-4 10/Oct/19 1,137 1,128 99.21 9 0.79 1 0.09 8 0.70 - - -
3 (Drilling & 2-1-4 11/Oct/19 1,169 1,163 99.49 6 0.51 2 0.17 4 0.34 - - -
Tapping) 2-1-5 12/Oct/19 1,164 1,162 99.83 2 0.17 - 2 0.17 - - -
2-1-6 14/Oct/19 1,179 1,178 99.92 1 0.08 - 1 0.08 - - -
2-1-7 15/Oct/19 1,044 1,043 99.90 1 0.10 - 1 0.10 - - -
2-1-8 16/Oct/19 1,270 1,265 99.61 5 0.39 - 5 0.39 - - -
TOTAL 9,000 8,968 99.64 32 0.36 4 0.04 28 0.31 - - - - - -
Created Checked Approved
Budomari of Polishing

The definition of "Lot": The products during 1shift is 1 "Lot". Septian Supriyanto Hartono Mr. Kuboyama

Tahun 2019 Details of NG

Number of
Production Products OK(Pass) NG(Bad) Flowmark Dent(Penyok) R Shape Edge(Tajam) Su Nami Crack(Retak)
Part No. Lot No. Bentuk)
date (Prod)
pcs pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs % pcs %
1-1 15/Oct/19 487 472 96.92 15 3.08 12 2.46 - - - - 3 0.62 - -
1-2 15/Oct/19 518 496 95.75 22 4.25 14 2.70 - - - - 8 1.54 - -
1-3 17/Oct/19 287 267 93.03 20 6.97 17 5.92 - - - - 3 1.05 - -
A3C053DG 1-4 21/Oct/17 400 380 95.00 20 5.00 14 3.50 2 0.50 - - - 4 1.00 - -
1-5 22/Oct/19 285 260 91.23 25 8.77 19 6.67 - - - - 6 2.11 - -
1-6 22/Oct/19 268 252 94.03 16 5.97 7 2.61 - - - - 9 3.36 - -
1-7 23/Oct/19 650 604 92.92 46 7.08 32 4.92 3 0.46 - - - 11 1.69 - -
TOTAL 2,895 2731 94.34 164 5.66 115 3.97 5 0.17 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 44 1.52 0 0.00 0 0.00
1-1 10/Oct/19 258 248 96.12 10 3.88 3 1.16 - - - 3 1.16 4 1.55 - -
1-2 18/Oct/19 269 264 98.14 5 1.86 3 1.12 - - - - 2 0.74 - -
1-3 21/Oct/19 281 272 96.80 9 3.20 4 1.42 - - - - 5 1.78 - -
1-4 22/Oct/19 155 150 96.77 5 3.23 3 1.94 - - - - 2 1.29 - -
TOTAL 705 686 97.30 19 2.70 10 1.42 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 1.28 0 0.00 0 0.00
1-1 15/Oct/19 204 192 94.12 12 5.88 6 2.94 2 0.98 - - - 4 1.96 - -
1-2 16/Oct/19 477 462 96.86 15 3.14 11 2.31 - - - 2 0.42 2 0.42 - -
1-3 17/Oct/19 119 112 94.12 7 5.88 3 2.52 - - - 1 0.84 3 2.52 - -
1-4 22/Oct/19 234 224 95.73 10 4.27 5 2.14 - - - - 5 2.14 - -
1-5 24/Oct/19 334 318 95.21 16 4.79 8 2.40 - - - 3 0.90 5 1.50 - -
1-7 29/Oct/19 344 328 95.35 16 4.65 5 1.45 1 0.29 - - 1 0.29 9 2.62 - -
TOTAL 1,712 1636 95.56 76 4.44 38 2.22 3 0.18 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 0.41 28 1.64 0 0.00 0 0.00
1-1 7/Oct/11 534 511 95.69 23 4.31 13 2.43 2 0.37 - - - 8 1.50 - -
1-2 8/Oct/19 556 542 97.48 14 2.52 9 1.62 1 0.18 - - - 4 0.72 - -
1-3 8/Oct/19 673 658 97.77 15 2.23 8 1.19 1 0.15 - - - 6 0.89 - -
1-4 9/Oct/19 516 494 95.74 22 4.26 14 2.71 - - - - 8 1.55 - -
1-5 10/Oct/19 515 495 96.12 20 3.88 18 3.50 - - - - 2 0.39 - -
1-6 11/Oct/19 814 775 95.21 39 4.79 28 3.44 2 0.25 - - - 9 1.11 - -
1-7 12/Oct/19 461 435 94.36 26 5.64 22 4.77 1 0.22 - - - 3 0.65 - -
A3C056DG 1-8 14/Oct/19 593 562 94.77 31 5.23 27 4.55 - - - - 4 0.67 - -
1-9 14/Oct/19 540 518 95.93 22 4.07 16 2.96 - - - 1 0.19 5 0.93 - -
1-10 15/Oct/19 675 653 96.74 22 3.26 11 1.63 2 0.30 - - 2 0.30 7 1.04 - -
1-11 15/Oct/19 287 270 94.08 17 5.92 12 4.18 - - - 1 0.35 4 1.39 - -
1-12 21/Oct/19 890 862 96.85 28 3.15 17 1.91 1 0.11 - - 1 0.11 9 1.01 - -
1-13 23/Oct/19 919 878 95.54 41 4.46 28 3.05 - - - - 13 1.41 - -
1-14 24/Oct/19 602 572 95.02 30 4.98 30 4.98 - - - - - - -
1-15 25-Oct-19 262 246 93.89 16 6.11 12 4.58 - - - - 4 1.53 - -
TOTAL 8,837 8471 95.86 366 4.14 265 3.00 10 0.11 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 0.06 86 0.97 0 0.00 0 0.00
Part No. Lot No. Production date

2-1 16/Oct/19

2-2 16/Oct/19

2-3 17/Oct/19

2-4 21/Oct/19

A3C053DG 2-5 23/Oct/19

2-6 24/Oct/19

2-7 25/Oct/19

2-8 29/Oct/19

2-9 30/Oct/19


2-1 11/Oct/19
2-2 12/Oct/19
2-3 14/Oct/19
2-4 18/Oct/19
2-5 21/Oct/19
2-6 23/Oct/19
2-7 24/Oct/19
2-8 25/Oct/19

2-1 16/Oct/19

2-2 17/Oct/19

2-3 18/Oct/19
A3C055DG 23/Oct/19

2-5 24/Oct/19

2-6 25/Oct/19

2-7 30/Oct/19

2-1 7/Oct/19

2-2 8/Oct/19

2-3 9/Oct/19

2-4 10/Oct/19

2-5 11/Oct/19

2-6 12/Oct/19
A3C056DG 2-7 14/Oct/19

2-8 15/Oct/19

2-9 21/Oct/19

2-10 23/Oct/19

2-11 24/Oct/19

2-12 25/Oct/19

2-13 30/Oct/19
Budomari of Marking & Printing

The definition of "Lot": The products from the completion of the setup of the jig(yatoi) to the end of production of the

Tahun 2019
Number Of Product Pass NG Kizu
Part No Lot No. Production Date
(Prod) Pcs % Pcs % Pcs
2-1-1 16/Oct/19 411 409 99.51 2 0.49 1
2-1-2 16/Oct/19 202 202 100.00 - -
2-1-3 17/Oct/19 106 106 100.00 - -
2-1-4 21/Oct/19 58 57 98.28 1 1.72 1
A3C053DG 2-1-5 23/Oct/19 252 251 99.60 1 0.40 1
2-1-6 24/Oct/19 62 62 100.00 - -
2-1-7 25/Oct/19 266 264 99.25 2 0.75 1
2-1-8 29/Oct/19 24 24 100.00 - -
2-1-9 30/Oct/19 345 343 99.42 2 0.58 2
TOTAL 1,726 1,718 99.54 8 0 6
2-1-1 11/Oct/19 39 39 100.00 - -
2-1-2 12/Oct/19 62 61 98.39 1 1.61 1
2-1-3 14/Oct/19 42 42 100.00 - -
2-1-4 18/Oct/19 42 42 100.00 - -
2-1-5 21/Oct/19 88 88 100.00 - -
2-1-6 23/Oct/19 32 32 100.00 - -
2-1-7 24/Oct/19 141 139 98.58 2 1.42 1
2-1-8 25/Oct/19 98 98 100.00 - -
TOTAL 544 541 99.45 3 1 2
2-1-1 16/Oct/19 145 145 100.00 - -
2-1-2 17/Oct/19 338 336 99.41 2 0.59 2
2-1-3 18/Oct/19 80 80 100.00 - -
2-1-4 23/Oct/19 165 163 98.79 2 1.21 2
2-1-5 24/Oct/19 133 133 100.00 - -
2-1-6 25/Oct/19 109 109 100.00 - -
2-1-7 30/Oct/19 246 244 99.19 2 0.81 2
- - - -
TOTAL 1,216 1,210 99.51 6 0 6
2-1-1 7/Oct/19 521 521 100.00 - -
2-1-2 8/Oct/19 362 362 100.00 - -
2-1-3 9/Oct/19 742 741 99.87 1 0.13 1
2-1-4 10/Oct/19 358 358 100.00 - -
2-1-5 11/Oct/19 546 543 99.45 3 0.55 3
2-1-6 12/Oct/19 297 296 99.66 1 0.34
A3C056DG 2-1-7 14/Oct/19 752 752 100.00 - -
2-1-8 15/Oct/19 662 662 100.00 - -
2-1-9 21/Oct/19 608 608 100.00 - -
2-1-10 23/Oct/19 606 604 99.67 2 0.33 2
2-1-11 24/Oct/19 402 402 100.00 - -
2-1-12 25/Oct/19 108 108 100.00 - -
2-1-13 30/Oct/19 48 48 100.00 - -
TOTAL 6,012 6,005 99.88 7 0 6
Created Checked

nd of production of the mold is 1 "Lot".

Septian Supriyanto
Details of NG
Out Of Dimension Deforme (Berubah Printing No Center
Kizu Double Marking Tilted (Miring) Dirty (kotor)
(UTS) Bentuk) (Tampo Tdk Center)
% Pcs % Pcs % Pcs % Pcs % Pcs % Pcs
0.24 - - - - - 1 0.24
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
1.72 - - - - - -
0.40 - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
0.38 - - - - - 1 0.38
- - - - - - -
0.58 - - - - - -
0 - - - - - - - - 2 0 -
- - - - - - -
1.61 - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
0.71 - - - - - 1 0.71
- - - - - - -
0 - - - - - - - - 1 0 -
- - - - - - -
0.59 - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
1.21 - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
0.81 - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
0 - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
0.13 - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
0.55 - - - - - -
- - - - - - 1 0.34
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
0.33 - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
0 - - - - - - - - 1 0 -
Checked Approved

Supriyanto Hartono Mr. Kuboyama

Marking not covered
Printing No Center
with painting (laser tidak Peel Of (Terkelupas)
(Tampo Tdk Center)
% Pcstertutup) % Pcs %
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - - - -
- - -
- - -
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Part No Prod Pass Problem
PIT Flowmark R- Shape

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