Amc Eco Grip B
Amc Eco Grip B
Amc Eco Grip B
Product Identifier
Product name AMC ECO GRIP B
Other means of
Not Available
Name, address, and telephone number of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party
Registered company
Address 1220 N. 2200 W. Suite# 600, Salt Lake City UT 84116 United States
Telephone 801-364-0233
Fax 801-364-0278
Email [email protected]
Acute Toxicity (Inhalation) Category 4, Skin Corrosion/Irritation Category 2, Eye Irritation Category 2A, Skin Sensitizer
Classification Category 1, Respiratory Sensitizer Category 1, Carcinogenicity Category 2, Specific target organ toxicity - single
exposure Category 3 (respiratory tract irritation), Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Category 2
Chemwatch: 36-1270 Page 2 of 10 Issue Date: 10/25/2017
Version No: Print Date: 06/12/2019
Label elements
Hazard pictogram(s)
Hazard statement(s)
H332 Harmful if inhaled.
See section below for composition of Mixtures
CAS No %[weight] Name
9016-87-9 >25 polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate
Where medical attention is not immediately available or where the patient is more than 15 minutes from a
hospital or unless instructed otherwise:
INDUCE vomiting with fingers down the back of the throat, ONLY IF CONSCIOUS. Lean patient forward or place on left
side (head-down position, if possible) to maintain open airway and prevent aspiration.
NOTE: Wear a protective glove when inducing vomiting by mechanical means.
Extinguishing media
Dry chemical powder.
Environmental precautions
See section 12
Control parameters
Sensory irritants are chemicals that produce temporary and undesirable side-effects on the eyes, nose or throat. Historically occupational exposure
standards for these irritants have been based on observation of workers' responses to various airborne concentrations.
Exposure controls
All processes in which isocyanates are used should be enclosed wherever possible.
Total enclosure, accompanied by good general ventilation, should be used to keep atmospheric concentrations below the
Appropriate engineering relevant exposure standards.
controls Engineering controls are used to remove a hazard or place a barrier between the worker and the hazard. Well-designed
engineering controls can be highly effective in protecting workers and will typically be independent of worker interactions
to provide this high level of protection.
Personal protection
The material may produce skin sensitisation in predisposed individuals. Care must be taken, when removing gloves and
other protective equipment, to avoid all possible skin contact.
The selection of suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of quality which vary
Hands/feet protection
from manufacturer to manufacturer. Where the chemical is a preparation of several substances, the resistance of the
glove material can not be calculated in advance and has therefore to be checked prior to the application.
Isocyanate resistant materials include Teflon, Viton, nitrile rubber and some PVA gloves.
Protective gloves and overalls should be worn as specified in the appropriate national standard.
All employees working with isocyanates must be informed of the hazards from exposure to the contaminant and the
precautions necessary to prevent damage to their health. They should be made aware of the need to carry out their work
so that as little contamination as possible is produced, and of the importance of the proper use of all safeguards against
Other protection
exposure to themselves and their fellow workers.
Respiratory protection
Full face respirator with supplied air.
Cartridge respirators should never be used for emergency ingress or in areas of unknown vapour concentrations or oxygen content.
The wearer must be warned to leave the contaminated area immediately on detecting any odours through the respirator. The odour may indicate that the mask is not functioning properly, that the
vapour concentration is too high, or that the mask is not properly fitted. Because of these limitations, only restricted use of cartridge respirators is considered appropriate.
Cartridge performance is affected by humidity. Cartridges should be changed after 2 hr of continuous use unless it is determined that the humidity is less than 75%, in which case, cartridges
can be used for 4 hr. Used cartridges should be discarded daily, regardless of the length of time used
In certain circumstances, personal protection of the individual employee is necessary. Personal protective devices should be regarded as being
supplementary to substitution and engineering control and should not be used in preference to them as they do nothing to eliminate the hazard.
However, in some situations, minimising exposure to isocyanates by enclosure and ventilation is not possible, and occupational exposure standards
may be exceeded, particularly during on-site mixing of paints, spray-painting, foaming and maintenance of machine and ventilation systems. In these
situations, air-line respirators or self-contained breathing apparatus complying with the appropriate nationals standard must be used.
Organic vapour respirators with particulate pre- filters and powered, air-purifying respirators are NOT suitable.
Personal protective equipment must be appropriately selected, individually fitted and workers trained in their correct use and maintenance. Personal
protective equipment must be regularly checked and maintained to ensure that the worker is being protected.
Air- line respirators or self-contained breathing apparatus complying with the appropriate national standard should be used during the clean-up of spills
and the repair or clean-up of contaminated equipment and similar situations which cause emergency exposures to hazardous atmospheric concentrations
of isocyanate.
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Version No: Print Date: 06/12/2019
Partition coefficient
Odour Not Available Not Available
n-octanol / water
Auto-ignition temperature
Odour threshold Not Available Not Available
pH (as supplied) Not Available Not Available
Melting point / freezing
Not Applicable Viscosity (cSt) Not Available
point (°C)
Initial boiling point and
>300 (decomposes) Molecular weight (g/mol) Not Applicable
boiling range (°C)
Possibility of hazardous
See section 7
Conditions to avoid See section 7
See section 5
decomposition products
Evidence exists, or practical experience predicts, that the material either produces inflammation of the skin in a
substantial number of individuals following direct contact, and/or produces significant inflammation when applied to the
healthy intact skin of animals, for up to four hours, such inflammation being present twenty-four hours or more after the
Skin Contact end of the exposure period. Skin irritation may also be present after prolonged or repeated exposure; this may result in a
form of contact dermatitis (nonallergic).
The material may accentuate any pre-existing dermatitis condition
Skin contact with the material may damage the health of the individual; systemic effects may result following absorption.
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Version No: Print Date: 06/12/2019
Open cuts, abraded or irritated skin should not be exposed to this material
Entry into the blood-stream through, for example, cuts, abrasions, puncture wounds or lesions, may produce systemic
injury with harmful effects. Examine the skin prior to the use of the material and ensure that any external damage is
suitably protected.
Evidence exists, or practical experience predicts, that the material may cause eye irritation in a substantial number of
individuals and/or may produce significant ocular lesions which are present twenty-four hours or more after instillation into
Eye the eye(s) of experimental animals. Repeated or prolonged eye contact may cause inflammation characterised by a
temporary redness (similar to windburn) of the conjunctiva (conjunctivitis); temporary impairment of vision and/or other
transient eye damage/ulceration may occur.
Long-term exposure to respiratory irritants may result in disease of the airways involving difficult breathing and related
systemic problems.
Practical evidence shows that inhalation of the material is capable of inducing a sensitisation reaction in a substantial
number of individuals at a greater frequency than would be expected from the response of a normal population.
Pulmonary sensitisation, resulting in hyperactive airway dysfunction and pulmonary allergy may be accompanied by
fatigue, malaise and aching.
Practical experience shows that skin contact with the material is capable either of inducing a sensitisation reaction in a
substantial number of individuals, and/or of producing a positive response in experimental animals.
Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation.
Serious damage (clear functional disturbance or morphological change which may have toxicological significance) is likely
to be caused by repeated or prolonged exposure. As a rule the material produces, or contains a substance which produces
severe lesions.
Limited evidence suggests that repeated or long-term occupational exposure may produce cumulative health effects
involving organs or biochemical systems.
Persons with a history of asthma or other respiratory problems or are known to be sensitised, should not be engaged in
any work involving the handling of isocyanates. [CCTRADE-Bayer, APMF]
On the basis, primarily, of animal experiments, concern has been expressed that the material may produce carcinogenic
or mutagenic effects; in respect of the available information, however, there presently exists inadequate data for making
a satisfactory assessment.
Isocyanate vapours/mists are irritating to the upper respiratory tract and lungs; the response may be severe enough to
produce bronchitis with wheezing, gasping and severe distress, even sudden loss of consciousness, and pulmonary
oedema. Possible neurological symptoms arising from isocyanate exposure include headache, insomnia, euphoria, ataxia,
anxiety neurosis, depression and paranoia.
Not Available Not Available
Legend: 1. Value obtained from Europe ECHA Registered Substances - Acute toxicity 2.* Value obtained from manufacturer's SDS.
Unless otherwise specified data extracted from RTECS - Register of Toxic Effect of chemical Substances
The following information refers to contact allergens as a group and may not be specific to this product.
Contact allergies quickly manifest themselves as contact eczema, more rarely as urticaria or Quincke's oedema.
Asthma-like symptoms may continue for months or even years after exposure to the material ceases. This may be due
to a non-allergenic condition known as reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) which can occur following exposure
to high levels of highly irritating compound.
Allergic reactions which develop in the respiratory passages as bronchial asthma or rhinoconjunctivitis, are mostly the
result of reactions of the allergen with specific antibodies of the IgE class and belong in their reaction rates to the
manifestation of the immediate type. In addition to the allergen-specific potential for causing respiratory sensitisation, the
amount of the allergen, the exposure period and the genetically determined disposition of the exposed person are likely to
POLYMERIC be decisive.
DIPHENYLMETHANE Particular attention is drawn to so-called atopic diathesis which is characterised by an increased susceptibility to allergic
DIISOCYANATE rhinitis, allergic bronchial asthma and atopic eczema (neurodermatitis) which is associated with increased IgE synthesis.
Exogenous allergic alveolitis is induced essentially by allergen specific immune-complexes of the IgG type; cell-mediated
reactions (T lymphocytes) may be involved. Such allergy is of the delayed type with onset up to four hours following
Isocyanate vapours/mists are irritating to the upper respiratory tract and lungs; the response may be severe enough to
produce bronchitis with wheezing, gasping and severe distress, even sudden loss of consciousness, and pulmonary
oedema. Possible neurological symptoms arising from isocyanate exposure include headache, insomnia, euphoria, ataxia,
anxiety neurosis, depression and paranoia.
The material may produce moderate eye irritation leading to inflammation. Repeated or prolonged exposure to irritants
may produce conjunctivitis.
for diisocyanates:
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Version No: Print Date: 06/12/2019
In general, there appears to be little or no difference between aromatic and aliphatic diisocyanates as toxicants. In
addition, there are insufficient data available to make any major distinctions between polymeric (<1000 MW) and
monomeric diisocyanates.
The substance is classified by IARC as Group 3:
NOT classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans.
Evidence of carcinogenicity may be inadequate or limited in animal testing.
Legend: – Data either not available or does not fill the criteria for classification
– Data available to make classification
Legend: Extracted from 1. IUCLID Toxicity Data 2. Europe ECHA Registered Substances - Ecotoxicological Information - Aquatic
Toxicity 3. EPIWIN Suite V3.12 (QSAR) - Aquatic Toxicity Data (Estimated) 4. US EPA, Ecotox database - Aquatic Toxicity
Data 5. ECETOC Aquatic Hazard Assessment Data 6. NITE (Japan) - Bioconcentration Data 7. METI (Japan) -
Bioconcentration Data 8. Vendor Data
Bioaccumulative potential
Ingredient Bioaccumulation
No Data available for all ingredients
Mobility in soil
Ingredient Mobility
No Data available for all ingredients
Labels Required
Marine Pollutant NO
Safety, health and environmental regulations / legislation specific for the substance or mixture
This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the SDS contains all the information
required by the Controlled Products Regulations.
Other information
Classification of the preparation and its individual components has drawn on official and authoritative sources as well as independent review by the
Chemwatch Classification committee using available literature references.
The SDS is a Hazard Communication tool and should be used to assist in the Risk Assessment. Many factors determine whether the reported Hazards are
Risks in the workplace or other settings.