Religion and Globalization

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T h e C o n t e m p o r a r y W o r l d

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A World of Ideas: Cultures of Globalization


TCW WF 8:30-10:00am

Guide Questions

1. What are the conflicting ideas between religious thought and the ideology
of globalism discussed the lesson? Present the similarity and differences in
a Venn diagram.

- places on material wealth
- Abides by human made laws
RELIGION - Based on how much human action can
- concerned with sacred
lead to the highest material satisfaction
- Follows divine commandments

- Based on the link of human and - Globalists are less worried whether they
- Basically about the actions
divine wil end up in heaven or hell.
and beliefs of HUMAN
- Religous people are less concerned - They aim to seal trade deals, raise the
- Class over the fact that
with wealth profit of private enterprises, or basically

- Their main duty is to live a virtuous religious evangelization is in
enrich themselves.
and sin less life itself a form of globalization.
- Train himself to be a shrewd business
- Aspires to become a saint
- religion are the foundation
- Concerned with spreading holy
of the modern republics and
ideas globally - Globalists wishes to spread goods and
public organisations - thus
- Detests colonialism services
they are complementary
- Religion seek to take place of these - Proponent of colonialism
- Religous people see
broken traditional ties to either help - It has freed communities from the

communities cope with their new globalozation as opportunity
constraints of nation-state, and also
situation or organize them to
to expand their reach all over
threatened to destroy the cultural system
oppose this major transformation of
the world
their lives. that bind them together.
- Fundamentalism
- Materialism

2. Why secularization theory is outdated?

- The secularization theory about converting religious people to being non religious or more
political is outdated since many people have already observed that these two “contradicting”
things are actually complementary. Many religion-based countries have their schools teach not
only about their respective religions, but as well as about modern science, social sciences, modern
banking, etc.

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A World of Ideas: Cultures of Globalization

3. How do you describe the reactions of some religious movements to globalization? How do
others facilitate globalization?
- At first, those religious people are indeed not in favor of the beliefs or principles globalization or
politics. It seemed like in several aspects of life, these two do have opposing opinions and
positions. Religious people are more concerned about the morals and values of people towards
the attainment of peace in heaven while globalists are more focused with their wealth and
oftentimes disregard human values. This is just one of so many reasons why these two seemed
not to meet halfway, but now many religious people and organization have already adapted
globalization actions to further and widely communicate their good words throughout the world.
Some countries who are known in practicing extremism, are now open to a more open and wide
involvement to the world. It is now convincing that, somehow, these world truly changes; things
that are conflicting and contradicting before, are now complementary.

Learning Activity

Presented below are the assigned religions for each student. Surf the web and
research the history of the assigned religion. Then describe the following:
a. the religion’s concept of good
b. the religion’s concept of evil
c. steps needed by a person to become good and prevent him/herself from becoming evil


Who Defines Good?

Many Bible verses affirm the Christian belief that, "God is good and His love endures forever." (Psalm
100:5) Beth Davies-Stofka, Ph.D., an online teacher of religious studies at Front Range Community College
in Colorado, explains: "Christianity believes in a benevolent God who created the universe and all things
in it…God's plan for creation is rooted in divine goodness." So in the Christian worldview, all that is good
comes from God and all that He does is good because He cannot contradict His inherent nature.

What is Evil?

Evil is generally divided into categories of natural evil, such as natural disasters, diseases or birth defects;
and moral evil or human action that results in pain and suffering for others, such as genocide, war, cruelty,
exploitation and abuse. Many Christians hold that moral evil stems from rebellion against God, which
results in injustice, vanity, pride, dishonesty, aggression, violence, greed and more. The belief in Adam
and Eve's original sin offers a widespread Christian explanation for how suffering and death were
introduced to the world through their disobedience to God, asserts Cynthia Stewart, Ph.D., author of "The
Catholic Church: A Brief Popular History."

1. Read the Bible. The Bible has all the answers and will always help you and give you advice on how to be
a good Christian (a quick look at the Ten Commandments shows that). Also, most bookstores sell books
that help you understand the scripture better, if you find the Bible a bit difficult to fully actualize – which
happens to most of us!
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A World of Ideas: Cultures of Globalization

* Participating in Bible study groups can make this a fun, enjoyable activity that you stick with over the
long-term. What’s more, you’ll make plenty of like-minded friends with whom you can share the word of

* Jesus said in Matthew 24:35, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but My words shall not pass away." And
by reading the Bible, you make sure His words live on.

2. Pray regularly. It’s important to put God before everything, thanking Him for everything, too. Pray when
you get up (and read the Bible), pray before you eat, and pray before you go to sleep (and read the Bible).
Always keep Him with you, which is easiest done with prayer.

* James 1:5 says that God wants to give you wisdom in abundance if you ask for it. Prayer can indeed be
about anything, and regardless of what your prayer is about, God will answer you as He sees fit. Ask for
advice, forgiveness, but also just drop into say hello from time to time!

3. Always praise the Lord. Be it through the way you talk to people or the way you are in the day-to-day,
always praise the Lord. Let everybody see that God is present and within you. This means cultivating an
aura of positivity and light, doing what He would do. Let Him live through you.

* Part of this is up to interpretation. Does praising the Lord mean praying regularly to you? Singing? Talking
about Him with others? All of these ideas are right! Praising him means living in His light – there's no
wrong way to do it.

* "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad." Think about this: today is a day from the
Lord – how uplifting and powerful is that? Realizing that makes it easier to turn every moment into a
moment of praise.

4. Practice forgiveness – of others and yourself. This is one of the hardest things for many of us – we read
the scriptures, we go to church, we try to live as He would, but at the end of the day, we still play the
blame game, even if that means we blame ourselves. To be closer to God, make a conscious effort toward
forgiving yourself and forgiving others. We’re all trying to do our best!

* Instead of acting out with anger or malice, turn the other cheek. When someone rubs you the wrong
way, show them that you’re living in the light of Christ and taking the higher road. Forgive them for their
sins as Jesus would do. Who knows? They may be inspired by your actions.

5. Try to participate in religious activities. Youth groups or other get-togethers with people who share
your faith can be a great thing to do to bring yourself closer to your religion.

Afterwards, conduct a research on your assigned religion with politics, in what

ways is it involved in politics? Why did its leaders decide to be involved in politics?
1. The Christian worldview speaks to all areas of life.

A frequently raised objection against Christian engagement with politics is that anything besides explicit
preaching and teaching of the Bible is a distraction from the mission of the church. However, this is a
limited understanding of the kingdom of God and contrary to examples in Scripture.
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A World of Ideas: Cultures of Globalization

The Christian worldview provides a comprehensive understanding of reality. It speaks to all areas of life,
including political engagement. In fact, the Bible speaks about civil government and provides examples of
faithful engagement.

* In the Old Testament, Joseph and Daniel served in civil government, exerting influence to further the
flourishing of their nations.

* In the New Testament, Jesus engaged in holistic ministry, caring for the spiritual and physical needs of
people. Feeding the hungry and healing diseases were an outworking and extension of the reconciliatory
message of the gospel.

* Paul also advocates this approach: “As we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone” (Galatians
6:10). And: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared
beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

Engaging in “good works” should include participating in the political process because of the legitimate
and significant role of government. The decisions made by government have a substantial impact on
people and the way we interact with them. A Christian worldview should include a political theology that
recognizes every area of life must be included in the “good works” of believers, especially politics, an area
with significant real-life implications for people.

2. Politics are unavoidable.

As “sojourners and exiles” (1 Peter 2:11), it can be tempting for Christians to adopt a mindset that earthly
governing systems are inconsequential to the task of furthering the gospel. But ask a pastor in an
underground church or a missionary attempting to access a closed country if politics are inconsequential.
Religious liberty, passports and visas are not unnecessary luxuries but are often vital for pastors and
missionaries seeking to preach and teach the gospel.

Augustine’s City of God offers guidance on this point. Believers are citizens of the “City of God,” but on
this side of eternity, we also belong to the “City of Man” and therefore must be good citizens of both
cities. There are biblical examples of how membership in the earthly city can be leveraged for furthering
the reach of the heavenly. Paul’s appeal to his Roman citizenship (Acts 16:37, 22:25) is a model of this.

In an American context, engaging these dual cities takes on added significance because of the words
prefacing the Constitution: “We the people.” In the United States, ultimate national sovereignty is
entrusted to the people. James Madison explained that the “consent of the people” is the “pure original
fountain of all legitimate authority.” This reality makes politics unavoidable for American citizens who
control their political future.

Because politics have real-world implications for Christian evangelism, missions and preaching the gospel,
Christians ought to engage the political process by leveraging their rightful authority, advocating for laws
and policies that contribute to human flourishing.

3. We need to love our neighbor.

When questioned by religious authorities on the law, Jesus explained that loving God with heart, soul and
mind was the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37). He added that second in priority was: “You shall
love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39).

Followers of Christ are called to love and serve their neighbors (Matthew 28:19-20). When asked about
the qualifications of “neighbor,” Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), indicating
that irrespective of race, background, social status or occupation, neighborly love is owed.
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A World of Ideas: Cultures of Globalization

In a very real sense, politics is one of the most important areas in which Christians demonstrate love to
neighbor. In fact, how can Christians claim to care about others and not engage the arena that most
profoundly shapes basic rights and freedoms? Caring for the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick and lonely is
important to Jesus and should be to His followers as well. Jesus said, “As you did it to one of the least of
these you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40).

Fulfilling the biblical mandate to love neighbor and care for the “least of these” should be a priority for
every believer. Again, a holistic approach is essential. Loving neighbor includes volunteering at a homeless
shelter, as well as influencing laws that encourage human flourishing. Good government and laws are not
negligible factors in the prosperity and freedom of a society.

For example, the majority of North Koreans are held in economic bondage by corrupt political forces,
whereas in South Korea, citizens are given liberty and a system that encourages prosperity. The people of
North Korea need more than food pantries and improved hospitals; they need political leadership and
policies that recognize human rights. Advocating for these changes in totalitarian countries is crucial for
loving our neighbors in oppressed areas.

Obedience to the golden rule includes seeking laws that protect unborn children, strengthen marriages
and families, advocate for the vulnerable, and provide opportunity for flourishing. Politics is a means of
effecting great change and must be engaged by Christians who love their neighbor.

4. Government restrains evil and promotes good.

Government derives its authority from God to promote good and restrain evil. This mandate is expressly
stated in Romans 13:1-7. Elsewhere, Paul urges that prayers be made “for kings and all who are in high
positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Paul understood the need for
Christian participation in government.

Government plays a role in the work of God’s kingdom on earth. Good government encourages an
environment conducive for people living peaceably, whereas bad government fosters unrest and
instability. Because of sin, the legitimate institution of government has, at times, been used illegitimately
throughout history. However, numerous examples persist of Christians reasserting their influence and
redeeming government to promote good and restrain evil.

In How Christianity Changed the World, Alvin Schmidt documents Christian influence in government.
Examples include outlawing infanticide, child abandonment and gladiatorial games in ancient Rome,
ending the practice of human sacrifice among European cultures, banning pedophilia and polygamy, and
prohibiting the burning of widows in India. William Wilberforce, a committed Christian, was the force
behind the successful effort to abolish the slave trade in England. In the United States, two-thirds of
abolitionists were Christian pastors. In the 1960’s, Martin Luther King Jr., a Christian pastor, helped lead
the civil rights movement against racial segregation and discrimination.

Carl Henry rightfully stated that Christians should “work through civil authority for the advancement of
justice and human good” to provide “critical illumination, personal example, and vocational leadership.”
This has been the historic witness of Christians concerned about government promoting good and
restraining evil.

Jeremiah 29:7 says: “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord
on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” Referring to Babylon, the prophet recognized
that secular government served a legitimate purpose in God’s plan for Israel. This is still true. Today, good
governments promote literacy, advance just laws, provide religious liberty and allow churches to preach
and teach. Good government can serve as a conduit for the furthering of the gospel and human
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A World of Ideas: Cultures of Globalization

Christian witness in the public square contributes transcendent values about moral and ethical issues.
Christian withdrawal opens a moral vacuum susceptible to influences that pressure government to move
outside the purview designated by God. Politics affects government, shapes society and influences
culture. Because of what the Bible teaches and the inevitability of its effect on our culture, Christians must
care about politics.

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