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10/27/2014 C# File Handling

C# File C#

Array Collections File Keyword String .NET Cast Class

Compression Data Directive Enum Exception If Interface
Lambda LINQ Loop Method Number Process Property Regex
Sort StringBuilder Struct Switch Time Windows WPF

Files. Consider this. In memory, objects

cease to exist when a program ends. But
files exist until deletion. They are handled
with types in System.IO.

Be careful. Files cause errors

and performance problems,
so we must be careful. Syntax forms
like the using-statement are useful. They
allow cleanup of resources.

► C# Lambda Expressions
► Stream C#
StreamReader. For text files, StreamReader ► Net C# Word
and StreamWriter are often the most useful
types. We use StreamReader in a using block,
a special syntax form.

Based on:

.NET 4.5

Program that uses StreamReader, ReadLine: C#

using System.IO;

class Program
static void Main()
// Read every line in the file.
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("file.txt"))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
// Do something with the line.
string[] parts = line.Split(',');

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10/27/2014 C# File Handling

Path. Before any file can be opened, it must be

addressed. File paths are complex.
They include the volume,
and extension.

Directory. We can manipulate directories on

the file system with System.IO.
The Directory type,
and its static methods,
is necessary for this.

FileInfo. We can get information about a

file from the file system with FileInfo.
This does not load the entire file into
memory. It just reads stored stats.

HTML, XML. Some files have lots of

brackets and tags. These are usually HTML
or XML files. We could write custom methods
for each program, but standardized
approaches exist.

ReadAllText. This program uses this

method to load in the file "file.txt" on the
C: volume. Then it prints the contents of
the file. The data is now stored in a string

Program that uses ReadAllText: C#

using System;
using System.IO;

class Program
static void Main()
string file = File.ReadAllText("C:\\file.txt");

ReadAllLines. Here we read all the lines from a file and place them
in an array. The code reads lines from "file.txt" and uses a foreach-

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10/27/2014 C# File Handling

loop on them. This is efficient code.


Program that uses ReadAllLines: C#

using System.IO;

class Program
static void Main()
// Read in every line in specified file.
// ... This will store all lines in an array in memory.
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("file.txt");
foreach (string line in lines)
// Do something with the line.
if (line.Length > 80)
// Important code.

Count lines. We count the number of

lines in a file with few lines of code.
The example here is a bit slow. But it
works. It references the Length
Line Count

Program that counts lines: C#

using System.IO;

class Program
static void Main()
// Another method of counting lines in a file.
// ... This is not the most efficient way.
// ... It counts empty lines.
int lineCount = File.ReadAllLines("file.txt").Length;

Query. Does a line containing a specific

string exist in the file? Maybe we want to
see if a name or location exists in a line in
the file. We use LINQ to find any
matching line.

Program that uses LINQ on file: C#

using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

class Program
static void Main()

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10/27/2014 C# File Handling
// See if line exists in a file.
// ... Uses a query expression to count matching lines.
// ... If one matches, exists is set to true.
bool exists = (from line in File.ReadAllLines("file.txt")
where line == "Some line match"
select line).Count() > 0;

ReadLines. This method does not

immediately read in every line. It instead
reads lines only as they are needed. We use it
in a foreach-loop.

WriteAllLines. We can write an array to a

file. When we are done within-memory
processing, we often need to write the data
to disk.

Program that writes array to file: C#

using System.IO;

class Program
static void Main()
// Write a string array to a file.
string[] stringArray = new string[]
File.WriteAllLines("file.txt", stringArray);

Results: file.txt


WriteAllText. A simple method,

File.WriteAllText receives two arguments.
It receives the path of the output file, and
the exact string contents of the text file.

Program that uses WriteAllText: C#

using System.IO;

class Program
static void Main()
"Dot Net Perls");

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10/27/2014 C# File Handling

AppendAllText. We could read in a file,

append to that in memory, and then write
it out completely again. That is slow. Its
more efficient to use an append.

ReadAllBytes. We use
File.ReadAllBytes to read an image (a
PNG) into memory. With this code, we
could cache an image in memory. It
outperforms reading the image in
each time.
File.WriteAllBytes: Compress

Program that caches binary file: C#

static class ImageCache

static byte[] _logoBytes;
public static byte[] Logo
// Returns logo image bytes.
if (_logoBytes == null)
_logoBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("Logo.png");
return _logoBytes;

TextReader. The TextReader and

TextWriter types form the base class
that other, more useful types derive
from. Usually they are not useful on
their own.

Binary. BinaryReader and BinaryWriter

make reading or writing a binary file much
easier. These types introduce a level of
abstraction over the raw data.

Seek. We can seek to a specific location in a file with the Seek


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10/27/2014 C# File Handling

We demonstrate,
and benchmark,
this method. It is useful with large
binary files.

Actions. We copy, delete, rename or

get time information about files.
These actions are available through
the File type and the FileInfo type.

Streams take many forms. Sometimes

leaving a file on the disk would impact
performance or stability in a negative
way. In these cases, please consider

WebClient. Not every file we want to use is

local. A file may be remote. We may need to
access the network to download a file from a

Office. It is common to need to control

Microsoft Excel with C# code. We
introduce a fast approach. This material
may be outdated, but it still helps on
many systems.

CSV files. These are text-based databases. With the System.IO

namespace, we can read them into a C# program. Sadly the
TextFieldParser is slow.
TextFieldParser: Parse CSV
CSV: Separate Files

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10/27/2014 C# File Handling

Equality. How can we tell if two files are

exactly equal? Unfortunately, the file system's
metadata is not sufficient. A method that
compares each byte is effective.
File Equals

Performance. When we access a file in

Windows, the operating system puts
that file into a memory cache. We
provide a benchmark of file system
Access Files Together
Cache Lengths
Understand File Caches

Research. The performance of file

handling is an important part of computer
programming. Often, optimizing how files
are used is the most effective way to
make a program faster.

One of the most significant sources of

inefficiency is unnecessary input/output
Code Complete

We can build small and fast storage, or large and slow storage,
but not storage that is both large and fast.
Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools

File handling is hard. Even with the helpful types provided in the
.NET Framework, it is fraught with errors. We must account for disk
errors and invalid data. Testing is essential.

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► Download File
► C# Open File
► C# Download

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