BoQ For Construction of Yudhiri Bailey Bridge PDF
BoQ For Construction of Yudhiri Bailey Bridge PDF
BoQ For Construction of Yudhiri Bailey Bridge PDF
Summary of Cost
2 Earthwork
Total Cost
Page 1
BoQ for Construction of Yudhiri Bailey Bridge
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Excavation work
The contractor shall be deemed to have made
himself fully acquainted with the full nature &
30 2001 complexity of the work, the location and
character of the site and means of access to the
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BoQ for Construction of Yudhiri Bailey Bridge
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
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BoQ for Construction of Yudhiri Bailey Bridge
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Excavation in ordinary/hard rock for
foundations of abutments . Here excavation
means soil and rock cutting up to the level
shown in the drawing. Controlled balsting
would be permitted. The volume of soil
excavation is calculated as solid volume as
per drawings but the contractor has to
consider the fact that it maynot be possible to
34 2005 m³ 1720.00
excavate the foundation vertically for deeper
foundations and should therefore keep
provisions for slope cutting, working space
etc. in the rates including dewatering by
bailing out or pumping out water. The
loading, offloading and transportation has to be
included in the rate. The quantity is for both
Rock anchoring works: The work involves
drilling of minimum 34 mm diameter drill
holes, placing of the reinforcement (as per
design) in the hole and packing it with rich
cement motar 1:1. The reinforcement has to be
placed centrally in the hole so that the cement
35 2006 m 303.88
motar fill the gap uniformly around the
reinforcement bar. The depth of the drill holes
are shown in the drawing. The reinforement
shall be paid seperately. All other efforts and
expenses required for completing the task shall
be included in the rates.
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BoQ for Construction of Yudhiri Bailey Bridge
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Providing and laying coarse gravel (filter
layer) behind the Abutments as per drawing.
Thickness d=60 cm for left abutment & d=50
cm for right abutment. The filter material to
37 2008 m³ 32.46
be used have to be approved by the client.
Handling, loading, offloading, transportation
and all necessary work shall be included in the
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BoQ for Construction of Yudhiri Bailey Bridge
Type of 3000. Reinforced Concrete, Plain Cement Concrete, Formworks and Other
works: Involved Works
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Type of 3000. Reinforced Concrete, Plain Cement Concrete, Formworks and Other
works: Involved Works
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Providing & laying of Reinforced Cement
Concrete M25, for foundation slab of the
abutments as per drawing and specification.
42 3004 All works and materials to complete the task m³ 41.40
including curing of the concrete has to be
included in the rate.Formwork and
reinforcement will be paid separately.
Type of 3000. Reinforced Concrete, Plain Cement Concrete, Formworks and Other
works: Involved Works
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Type of 3000. Reinforced Concrete, Plain Cement Concrete, Formworks and Other
works: Involved Works
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Type of
5000.RCC wall along the river bank
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Excavation in foundation trenches for the
construction of RCC wall along the river bank,
including dressing and ramming, disposal of 3
58 5001 m 1800
surplus soil. The selected material for the
backfilling may stack along the bank- All
kinds of soil and rock.
Type of
5000.RCC wall along the river bank
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Type of
6000. Road, Gabion wall & Drain
Rate Amount
SN Code Description of item Unit Quantity
Nu. Nu.
Excavation of road formation/trace/box
cutting, with excavator including separate
69 6001 m3 600
deposition of soil, rocks and stones within
50m: All types of soil
Excavation of road formation/trace/box
cutting, with excavator including separate
70 6002 m3 500.00
deposition of soil, rocks and stones within
50m: All types of rock