PDF - Official Sat Study Guide Writing Language Standard English Conventions
PDF - Official Sat Study Guide Writing Language Standard English Conventions
PDF - Official Sat Study Guide Writing Language Standard English Conventions
Of course, people violate conventions all the time. When the violation
is against the law, there are generally clear and obvious penalties. But
what’s the “penalty” if you break a language convention?
PART 2 | Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
Chapter 12 | Writing and Language: Standard English Conventions
PART 2 | Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
Sentence Structure
In Chapter 11, we introduced the concept of syntax, defining it as
the arrangement of words into phrases, clauses, and sentences.
Sentence Structure questions in the Standard English Conventions
category address syntax from a conventions perspective. You’ll have to
Chapter 12 | Writing and Language: Standard English Conventions
Sentence Formation
Questions about sentence formation try to determine whether you can
recognize and correct fundamental (but not always simple) problems
with how sentences are constructed. Some of these questions may
ask you to identify and fix rhetorically ineffective sentence fragments
(incomplete sentences), run-ons (independent clauses fused together
without punctuation or conjunction), and comma splices (independent
clauses joined by only a comma).
Other questions will ask you to identify and fix problems in how the PRACTICE AT
various phrases and clauses within a sentence are related. Sometimes satpractice.org
the problem will be with the coordination or subordination of clauses, Items in a series should be in similar
as when a coordinating conjunction such as “and” or “but” is used form. For instance, the sentence
when the logic of the sentence calls for a subordinating conjunction “She likes running, swimming,
such as “although” or “because.” In other cases, the problem will be and hiking” exhibits basic but
a lack of parallel structure—a failure to treat grammatically similar sound parallelism.
structures in a series in the same way. The sentence “She likes
running, swimming, and to go on hikes,” for example, exhibits flawed
parallelism because the pattern of gerunds (“running,” “swimming”) is
broken by an infinitive phrase (“to go on hikes”). In yet other instances,
a sentence will include a dangling or misplaced modifier—a word,
phrase, or clause that doesn’t modify what it’s supposed to. For
example, the sentence “Even after paying for costly repairs, the car still
broke down” has a dangling modifier because presumably a person,
not the car, paid for the repairs.
Shifts in Construction
Sometimes sentence structure problems emerge because of a failure to
be consistent either within or between sentences. If a writer has been
using past tense and for no clear reason suddenly switches to using
present tense, an inappropriate shift in construction has occurred.
On the Writing and Language Test, such problematic shifts can
happen with either verbs or pronouns. A question about verb shifts PRACTICE AT
may ask you to edit an inappropriate shift from, say, past to present satpractice.org
tense, indicative to conditional mood, or active to passive voice. The Writing and Language Test may
A question about pronoun shifts may ask you to recognize and correct include questions on consistency in
an inappropriate shift from, for example, a second person to a third verb tense, mood, and voice as well
person pronoun (such as from “you” to “one”) or from a singular to a as in pronoun person and number.
plural pronoun. Of course, not all shifts are inappropriate; some are, in
fact, quite necessary. If a writer has been describing his or her current
feelings and then flashes back to the events that led to those feelings,
PART 2 | Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
Conventions of Usage
“Usage” is a technical term used to describe a range of language
practices that are widely accepted and understood by people
speaking and writing the same language within a particular culture
or community. Particular “rules” for speaking and writing solidify
over time (often over many generations) and become the standard
by which formal speech and writing are judged. Often these “rules”
develop without conscious thought. You’d be hard-pressed to find a
rational reason for why native speakers of English would recognize
the phrase “A big red balloon” as standard but “A red big balloon” as
nonstandard, but nearly all would immediately notice the difference
(and probably consider the second an error). It’s a little circular,
but usage conventions are, ultimately, conventions regarding how
particular groups of people customarily use language.
Pronoun Clarity
In well-written and edited writing, all pronouns have a clear and
appropriate antecedent, or noun to which they refer. Because writers
generally know their subjects better than their audiences do, however,
sometimes vague or ambiguous pronouns creep in. These are pronouns
that have no clear and appropriate antecedent or that have potentially
more than one antecedent. To cite one example: In the sentence
“Michael gave Steven his book,” the pronoun “his” is ambiguous. Does
the writer mean that Michael gave Steven one of Michael’s own books
or that Michael returned Steven’s own book to him? It’s not possible to
know from the sentence alone. Even if the surrounding text made the
PRACTICE AT intended antecedent clear, it’s still not good practice to leave vague or
satpractice.org ambiguous pronouns in a text. The Writing and Language Test will
If you have trouble using sometimes present you with such problematic pronouns and ask you to
homophones such as “its” and “it’s” correct the situation (in many cases by replacing a vague or ambiguous
or “their” and “they’re” correctly, pronoun with a noun).
pay close attention to these words
in your everyday writing in school. Possessive Determiners
Becoming more familiar with the
The bane of many writers’ and editors’ existence is observing the
proper use of these words will be
differences between “its” and “it’s”; “your” and “you’re”; and “their,”
good practice for the Writing and
Language Test (and will serve you
“they’re,” and “there.” That so many people have trouble keeping
well throughout your life). these words straight is probably due to a number of factors. “Its” and
“it’s,” for instance, sound the same and have similar spellings; that
“its” lacks the apostrophe generally used to signal possession is no
help either. Still, these words do have different functions, many people
Chapter 12 | Writing and Language: Standard English Conventions
will recognize when they’re confused with one another, and questions
about them are likely to appear on the Writing and Language Test. It’s
worth the time and effort, therefore, to learn how to use these words in
a conventional way if you struggle with them.
The Writing and Language Test includes questions that cover a
range of agreement issues. A question may ask you to recognize and
correct problems in agreement between subject and verb, between
pronoun and antecedent, and between nouns. You most likely already
understand the conventions for subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent
agreement, but the concept of noun agreement may be less familiar. In
essence, for related nouns to agree they must have the same number—
singular noun with singular noun, and plural noun with plural
noun. The sentence “Alfredo and Julia became a doctor after many
years of study” contains a problem with noun agreement because the
compound subject “Alfredo and Julia” is plural but “doctor” is singular.
A better version of the sentence would be “Alfredo and Julia became
doctors after many years of study.”
Logical Comparison
Problems with illogical comparisons arise when unlike or dissimilar
things are treated as equivalent. For example, the sentence “The cost
of living in the city differs from the suburb” contains an illogical
comparison because instead of comparing the cost of living in the city PRACTICE AT
and in the suburb—two similar concepts—the sentence actually satpractice.org
compares a concept (cost of living) with a location (suburb). One easy When a sentence compares two or
way to correct the error is to add the phrase “that in,” as in “The cost of more things, check to make sure
living in the city differs from that in the suburb.” Another approach is that the items being compared are
to make “suburb” possessive: “The cost of living in the city differs from parallel in nature.
the suburb’s [cost of living].” Questions on the Writing and Language
Test may require you to identify and fix such comparison problems.
PART 2 | Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
Conventional Expression
Conventional Expression questions don’t fit neatly into one of the
usage types listed earlier, but like them they focus on recognizing
and correcting instances in which word choice doesn’t conform to the
practices of standard written English.
Conventions of Punctuation
PRACTICE AT A number of questions on the Writing and Language Test concern
satpractice.org the use and misuse of various forms of punctuation, including end
Conventions of Punctuation punctuation (periods, question marks, and exclamation points),
questions ask you to correct commas, semicolons, colons, and dashes, to signal various
problematic punctuation or to add relationships within and between sentences. In many cases, you’ll be
punctuation to clarify meaning. expected to recognize and correct problematic punctuation; in some
cases, you’ll be asked to add punctuation to clarify meaning. There are
a number of particular types of Conventions of Punctuation questions,
which we’ll touch on briefly in the sections that follow.
End-of-Sentence Punctuation
End punctuation—periods, question marks, and exclamation points—
is, of course, used to mark the conclusion of sentences and to offer
some clue as to their nature (a question mark signaling a question,
and the like). By now, you’ve doubtless mastered the use of such
punctuation in most situations, so questions on the Writing and
Language Test are limited to challenging cases. One such case is
the indirect question—a question that’s embedded in a declarative
sentence and that takes a period instead of a question mark. “He asked
whether I could come along” is an example of an indirect question.
While it could easily be rewritten as a typical question, in its present
form the question is phrased as a statement and should be concluded
with a period.
Within-Sentence Punctuation
On the Writing and Language Test, questions about the use of colons,
semicolons, and dashes to signal sharp breaks in thought come under
the heading of Within-Sentence Punctuation. You may be asked to
recognize when one of these forms of punctuation is misused and to
correct the situation, or you may be expected to use one of these forms
properly to establish a particular relationship. The best answer to a
particular question of this latter sort may involve using a semicolon
to connect two closely related independent clauses or a colon to
introduce a list or an idea that builds on one previously introduced in
the sentence.
Chapter 12 | Writing and Language: Standard English Conventions
when a singular possessive is used when the context calls for a plural
possessive. You may also have to edit instances in which a possessive
form is incorrectly used in place of a plural form and vice versa.
Items in a Series
Series that contain more than two elements typically require some
form of punctuation to separate the elements. In most cases, commas
are used as separators, but in more complex situations (particularly
when one or more of the elements has its own commas), semicolons
may be used instead. On the Writing and Language Test, you may
find questions asking you to add or remove commas (or semicolons)
to eliminate ambiguity and to reflect conventional practice. In all
cases, the passage context will make clear how many items there are
in the series. (As noted earlier, the Writing and Language Test doesn’t
directly test whether a comma should be placed immediately before the
coordinating conjunction in a series of three or more elements.)
Unnecessary Punctuation
While just the right amount of punctuation can improve the clarity and
effectiveness of writing, too much punctuation can slow the reader
down and introduce confusion. Some questions on the Writing and
Language Test will assess whether you can recognize and remove
such extraneous punctuation. Sometimes this stray punctuation will
clearly disrupt the meaning and flow of a sentence, as when a comma
appears between an adjective and the noun it modifies, but other
instances will be trickier to identify because they occur where there
seem to be natural “pauses” in sentences, such as between a subject
and a predicate. It’s true that writers have some freedom in how much
punctuation to use and where, so the Writing and Language Test will
only test unnecessary punctuation when it clearly falls beyond what is
considered typical in well-edited writing.
PART 2 | Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
Chapter 12 Recap
The Standard English Conventions questions on the SAT Writing and
Language Test deal with a wide range of sentence structure, usage,
and punctuation issues. To answer them correctly, you’ll have to apply
your knowledge of language conventions and your editing skills to
a variety of multiparagraph passages. While the questions on the
test deal with matters of standard practice, they focus on more than
just correcting surface errors and following “rules” for rules’ sake.
Instead, Standard English Conventions questions address issues of
substance that affect the meaning and communicative power and
persuasiveness of text, and answering them correctly goes a long way
toward demonstrating that you’re ready for the kinds of writing tasks
that you’ll be expected to undertake in your postsecondary courses
of study.