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NEET (UG), 2017
1. � � o@ <it� lWf � � fq� � 1. A potentiometer is an accurate and versatile device
<I�� 0� � � %, �. � fqf� if � to make electrical measurements of E.M.F. because
the method involves
men i: (1) cells
(1) �cfil� (2) potential gradients
(2) fq<qq "SfqU@T a condition of no current flow through the

(3) ��11412.{ B '=lRT ��,�<it w-ifu
(4) a combination of cells, galvanometer and
(4 ) �. �ftj 1114lc.{ ct� -sifuih.n cfil � resistances
2. i1m � "Q,qi' Pl� if T crrq 1l\ 2 "IITT1 6lli.f81�1 o� 2. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of 02 and 4 moles
4 � 3Wf, Tffi I qi1'.lR � �tjt fcR'ml cfil � of Ar at temperature T. Neglecting all vibrational
modes, the total internal energy of the system is
.:if@� ��cnl���wft: (1) 4RT
(1) 4RT (2) 15 RT
(2) 15RT 9RT
ft 11RT
) 3. Radioactive material 'A' has decay constant '8 'A.'
3. � ):f,g� IQ.fcfc.q 1'.RT�, 'A' 0� 'B' � 8;l<llef1�: '8 'A.' and material 'B' has decay constant ''A.'. Initially
o� '>-.' f I -grt� if � � ,Tf'qcfil cn1 � "B1iR I t they have same number of nuclei. After what time,
� � � � "CRJ� 'B' if ,Tf'qcfil � � cfil the ratio of number of nuclei of material 'B' to that

I A' ii ,Tf'qcfil <it � it 3W@ ¼ m1TI ? A' will be ?

1 - 1
( 1) (1) 'A.
1 1
(2) 7'A. 7'A.
1 1
(3) (3) 8'A.
1 1
(4) (4) 9'A.
4. -zyn= mu wit
-q"{ "Q,qi' ,i-� qi) '9T:ft it � ,ro 4. AU tube with both ends open to the atmosphere, is
ll<TT I � "Q,qi' � ii '9T:ft ii fm.13@ ,� qfffi �
partially filled with water. Oil, which is immiscible
with water, is poured into one side until it stands at
W1 � -:s@t ll<TT fcf, � � � ii -qr-ft � 0(1 it a distance of 10 mm above the water level on the
10 mm� m�t 0� � � ii '9T:ft cfil cf(1 other side. Meanwhile the water rises by 65 mm
�m"U'lfcficf(1it 65 mm ���t"I (3ffi& &om its original level (see diagram). The density of
t: the oil is:

�) (ll � W1 cfil 3WIT8;lcfi �

Pa Pa
Pa Pa

=�. .
---- - ·- - . - ......f_ . . . x
A ::::
A :::: -- - -..- . - .. f_ . _ _ x :::: '· 10 mm
:::: · 10 mm -·· ·····E· -_ --�Final water level
··• ···--t; - - --�aillm � � __ ,:-
·::: ,:- --- 65mm
.... 65mm
; D-
--·X····-- =-� --- � � �
. Oil :(\\ ---i-�-:!?
Initial water level
' 65mm
B ::_:� - -· · · Y· - - - -- :-.: · -- C

(1) 650 kgm-3 425kg m-
(2 ) 425 kg m-3
(3) 800 kg m-3
(3) 800 kg m-3
928kg m-3
(4 ) 928kg m-3 (4)
s. 250 -it"u cl'Tffi � -611<-lctlcf>I{ � <ITT � 2.1 cm 5. A 250 -- T�ectangular coil of length 2.1 cm and
width 1.25 cm carries a current�{ 85 µ,A and
(l� � 1.25 cm %I � 85 µ,A <ITT� "-TIU.
�mm i 1 � i:n: o.85 r ms@T � � 's¼<hlll
subjected to a magnetic field of strength 0.85 T. Work
done for rotating the coil by 180° against
a;l3i a:nW@ ml�% I 'ctl, � � � fcfw; � is :
� � 180 °
it � � � � ffl � llR
9.1 µ, J
m-rrr :
(1) 9.1 µ, J (2) 4.55 µ, J

(2) 4.55 µ, J (3) 2.3 µJ

(3) 2.3 µ, J 1.15 µ J


(4) 1.15 µ, J

6. The de-Broglie wavel ngth of.A.neutron in thermal

equilibrium with hea water at a �mperature T
6. ���-�m %(l��T (�) ol"9'1R
· (Kelvin) and mass m, is:
:Pi \lfB � "BT� � � °ff % I � t--gf[l"ffi 1
�mrft: h
( l) ..JmkT
(l) ..JmkT
� ..J3mkT

2h (3) ✓3mkT
(3 ) ..J3mkT
2h (4) ..JmkT.
(4) ..JmkT

7. One end of string of length I is connected to a particle

7. l �<ITT� "im � 'Q',cfi tm:':� '_m' � � � of mass' m' and the other end is connected to a small
� � i 3ltt �� �f;:rcff.t'WTT@�i:n: peg on a smooth horizontal table. If the particle
��m���t, ��qilJf�-q�i:n: moves in circle with SP.eed 'v', the net force on the
'v' �it"TR�%m, �i:n:WR9R1l�� particle (dire cted towards center ) will be
c � <ITT am) mm = c r--mTI' i:n: o-'f1q i) (T represents the tension in the string )

(1) T (1) T

m v2 m v2
(2) T+-- (2) T+--
1 l


T--­ mv
(3) l

(4) Zero
(4) Zero
8. � � � -qfiq?,f -il � � mtru�, � � 8. Figure shows a circuit that contains three identical
�am���¥,fl �"efcro'tlqi"cfiT r-e sistors with resistance R = 9.0 n each, two
identical inductors with inductance L = 2.0 mH
>l'fcro�, R=9.0D, �mcfiT�, L=2.0mHt° each, and an ideal battery with emf e = 18V. The
al>.TT�cfiT���, e=l8V%1 "ffi, �qi) current 'i' through the battery just after the switch
�cfi"��� ��"-TIU, 'i' cfiTllR dosed is, .....

: �L
R-\ R "1

L1-- C
R L C ,1;

(1) 2 mA
(1) 2 mA

(2) 0.2 A (2) 0.2A

(3) 2.A
;( 2A

(4) �� (4) 0ampere

9. � fcflm � 'IT, fcfim cfi'UT t- X cfl>.TT y f1e:�li<.fi,

9. The x and y coordinates of the particle at any time
sfilffl: x =st- 2t 2 oil.TT y = 1ot f (� x oil.TT y .:im: -il are x = St- 2t2 and y = lOt respectively, where x and
3m t � -il f) I "ffi, t = 2s <IT � cfi'UT cfiT � y are in meters and tin seconds. The acceleration of
�: the particle at t = 2s is

(1) 0 (1) 0

(2) 5 m/s2 (2) 5 m/s2

(3) -4 m/s2 fi -4 m/s2

( 4) -8 m/s2 (4) -8 m/s2

10. �� �am � �
� ct>ll"l<j 19'> � >11<'..1"1 �<..'1�1"1 t-�-il
� 3M'R�%1 �"B� -e %am� (e+il uppose the charge of a proton and an electron differ
%1 � � �m � 'd' � <IT & �%$1"1.-J � slightly. One of them is -e, the other is (e + 6.e). If
�;m � oTT"l (� d � $ � "B � 3TT'tlqi" the net of e]Pctrastatic farce and gravitational force
between two.h,-droge�ms placed at a distance d
%) WR�� am�� <l1l qftu11lfl (�) (mu�h greater than atomic size).apart is zero, then
� % "ffi, Ae cfiT W m,ft : Ile is of the order of [Given mass of hydrogen
. mh = 1.67 X 10-27 kg]
(fc::<rr % !'%$1;,H cl1l �., m11 = 1.67 x 10- 27 kg)
(1) 10-2° C
(1) 10-20 C
(2) 10-23 C
(2) 10-23 C


10-37 C

rn-47 C
/ (4)
10-37 C

10-47 C

11. fclf� 1:RT� cfi1 � cCT � A � B <8, 3lm9 ll � 11. Two rods A and B of different materials are welded
together as shown in figure. Their thermal
.r) � 3Wrul{�cfi"{�w:TTTJ<TTt1 ��
condu ctivities are K1 and K 2. T he thermal
cfi1 � 'c4lcic:t,cll �: K1 (l'� K2 � I al, � <FIT conductivity of the composite rod will be:
� � cfi1 � 'c41cic:f,dl � :



(3) K1 +K2
(4) 2(K1 + K2)
12. The diagrams below show regions of equipotentials.
12. "3lm9 ll � �'qq � � .r) � •·

'JD} jijJ }�it 'J))}

� 20V 40V 10V 30V 40V
20V 40V

�v A 20V 40V
. 10V 30V 10V 30V 20V 40V (a) . (b) (cl (d)
w � � � A positiv charge is moved from A to B in each
� 3lm9 "IJ:iti' � � c8 A "B B ocfi � � diagram.
� I al, � � i{ q c8 A "B B ocfi � "ii!R l{ : (1) Maximum work is required to move q in
/ figure (c ).
(1) 3lm9 ( c) ll 3TT� 'c:f,T<l � �
Z) In all the four cases the work done is the same.
(2) �'lft 'qlU � ll "BllR 'c:f,T<l cfi'Gl � I (3) Minimum work is required to move q in
(3) � ( a) ll � 'c:f,T<l cfi'Gl m1Tl I figure (a).
(4) Maximum work is required to move q in
(4) � (b) ll 3TT� 'c:f,T<l cfi'Gl � I
figure (b).
13. � wJft cfi1 � � q� � wJft cfi1 � 13. The ratio of wavelengths of the last line of Balmer
� cfi1 d{l1�1:41 eflT � t : series and the last line of Lyman series is :
(1) 2 (1) 2
(2) 1
0.5 <{; o.s
14. <irT * fu � m c8 � � if � m f1ti'm � 14. Young's double slit experu!ent'is first performed in
1lf�l{��i1 �i:wrr�tfcfi, ��if air and then in a medium other than air. It is found
that 8 th bright fringe in the medium lies where 5 th
8cTT � � o� � ll 5cTT � � � tf �
m, � � 'c:f,T <}Jqc1J1ic:f, mm C11l'llTI :
dark fringe lies in air. The refractive index of the
i:i,: � � 1 medium is nearly:
(1) 1.25 (1) 1.25
(2) 1.59 (2) 1.59
(3) 1.69 ( 3) 1.69

(4) 1.78 .
fcf;m cfi'1JT cfiT � � 3ffl TITTf <fiT � 3 cm% I 15. A particle executes lm simple harmonic motion
� <ttl" cfi'1JT � i:rrur w-Tfu � 2 cm 1l"{ mill% "ffi
with an amplitude of 3 cm. When the particle is at
2 cm from the mean position, the magnitude of its
"3"B��WT<fil1ffii:rrur, ����moT velocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then its
% I � cfi'1JT qiT �lcldcfilci (�if) % : -
time period in seconds is

' ii 1T
Js Js
(2) 211 ( 2) 21T
(3) Js Js
3 21T
(4) ✓ (4) ✓3
16. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the
p following diagram.

f.p:.:ifcif@a rt cTT cfiTWTT <fil fi:mR � V
�-1 �-2
Match th� following
P. �I a. � - Column-1 Column-2
Q. �II b. �FH!:l�<l P. Pi:ocessl a. Adiabatic
R. �III ·.��dil<laRcfi Process II b. Isobaric
C. -

S. �IV d. '81-!dl41<l R. Process III C. Isochoric

(1) P➔a, Q➔c, R➔d,. S➔b S. Process IV d. Isothermal
(2) P➔c, Q�a, R➔d, S➔b
(1 ) P➔a, Q ➔c, R➔d, S➔b
P➔c, Q ➔d, R➔b, S➔a
:t) P➔d, Q ➔b, qR➔a, S➔c
/P➔c, Q➔a, R➔d, S➔b

p➔C, Q➔d, R➔b, S➔a
17 . fcfim"fimfuf·cit����M�%1 fiR (4) P➔d, Q➔b, R➔a, S➔c
�!cit�, �zj��. 'WTRR�ifitcfi'-q:m
m'l1:cfl�di1lclfoa"fi��R<TT�%1 "ffi, � 17. A capacitor is charged by a battery. The battery is
�oAfflmt�cfiT¥1WTT�� (� removed and another identical uncharged capacitor
is connected in p�el. The total electro'static energy
zjmfuf cfiT � if) : '1 ,:.. of resulting system
(1 ) 4 :flf.��' (1) increases by a facto; of 4

(3) 91ft wft

decreases by a factor of 2

( ) remains the same

(4) (4) increases by a factor of 2
18. 18. The photoel ctric thres 10ld Wavelength of s�ver is
3259 xlO-1 0 m �l, 1�Elf
ell' 2536x10-10:,
� 3250x10- m. The velocitygfthe electron eJected
(1 1,..
~ ,. � · 1 from a silver surface by ultraviolet light of
q{(�1111 �����"B f16:f>IMd $flcf?l'i1 cfiT wavelength 2536x10-10 m is:
�min: (Given h = 4.14x1Q-15eVs and c==3x108 ms-1)
(h = 4.14x10-15eVs o� c = 3x108 ms-1)
(1) ::::6x105 ms-1
(1) ::::6x105 ms-1
(2) :::: 0.6x106 ms-l
(2) :::: 0.6x106 ms-l
(3) ::::61x103ms-1
(3) ::::61x103ms-1
(4) ::::0.3x106 ms-1
(4) ::::0.3x106 ms-1

e 2 19. A physical quantity of tl.1�nsions of length that

19_ c, G 0� _ __ "B � clTffi ��urn ch1 �
4� �
'3ft � cf,1 % 1 (� c - � cfiT �, can be formed out of c, G and - - is [c is velocity
cfefr i 4 1TE0
G- Blclf::lcfi � �o� e 3ffl %) �� of light, G is universal constant of gravitation and
urn mrft : e is charge ] :

(1) 2-c' [c _4�,e_2 , ]½ <,{)) 2-[c _e_2 ]½

✓- ,, 4,.,,

e ]½
(2) c G· --
2 G-e


4irEo (2) 4T.2Eo


1 e2
½ ]½
?[G ] (3)
1 e2
? [ G 4-rre0

1 e2
(4) 1 e2
c -G--

20. cTT cfiRl chl 'i:f@'�: 22 m/so� 16.5 m/s % I ?) -ey;n

c 41TEo

fcr:rfui ronan ,1 � � cf,1 am� mi t � 20. Two cars moving in opposite directions approach
each other with speed of 22 m/s and 16.5 m/s

cfi"T �@cf, m-;:£ -a:f-;jffcn t f;;TT:i"cf,1 3nctm

respectively. The driver of the first car blows a horn
400 Hz %I �, cfiT � 340 m/s % ell, � cfiT{
� having a frequency 400 Hz . The frequency heard
� by the driver of the second car is [velocity of sound

�? � � '$B � cf,1 3fF m/s]:
(1) 350 Hz (1) 350 Hz
(2) 361 Hz
(2) 361 Hz
(3) 411 Hz
(4) 448 Hz (3) 411 Hz
21. fcf>m � dftl4cfi ?if\JJR.{ 5fcf$f;" <l, � � A 448 Hz

fuu � � -sr&l -� � 3 V %1 � cfiT 21. In a common emitter transistor amplifjer the audio
>lftro� 3 k!l %I � 'tffif-� 100 o� 3lT'tffi cfiT signal voltage acrosi1...the collector 1s'" 3 V. The
"51fcro� 2 kSl tell, ]cf$f;- ch1 �-� o� �­ resistance of collector is 3 kfl If current gain is 100
and the base resistance is �kn, the voltage and
� � llR �: mff: power gain of the amplifier !S :
(1) -s 200 1000 ,am (1) 200 and 1000
(2) 15 .am 200 15 and 200
(3) 150 31'r{ 15000
150 and 15000
20 .am 2000
(4) 20 and 2000
22. F1i.:iifcfia � l{ � � sm 6iUf�focf> � -q 22. "Yhich one of the following represents forwar<
bias diode?
R -2V R -2V
(1 )
C>I V'N (>, V'N

-�4v. R -3V -4V R -3V

(2) (2)
� 'I/WM (>, 'I/WM

-2V R +2V -2V R +2V

(>, (3)
C>I 'I/WY'

3V 5V
(4) R 3V R 5V
(>, 'I/WY'

23. �fuirr(�)"qif�W-lUcf>k%1 �cft";f 23. A spring of force constant k is c'ut into lengths o
'IWTT -q CfiTc w:TT TPTI %� cl�l�lil cfiT 3l:l;l@ ratio 1: 2 : 3. They are connected _in series and th,
1: 2: 3 %I � cfRf 'IWTT ch1 � � -q � <IT, new force constantis k' Then they are connected iJ
parallel and force constant is k". Then k' : k" is:
k"%1 'ell, �k' :k" mrrT: (1) 1:6

(1) 1:6 (2) 1:9

(2 ) 1:9 /> 1:11

(3) 1: 11
(4) 1:14
(4) 1:14
. . __i,_,
-R -- .-�.le""':'
24. The· given electrical network is equivalent to:
,0 0
(1) AND gate
(1) AND'lR:
(2) ORgate
(2 ) OR 1R:
� NORgate
(3) NOR 1R:
(4) NOT gate
(4) ·NOT 1R:

25. The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 kn

25. 13:�it,��l km �'G"{��"qif'tiRcffl above the earth is the same as at a depth d below th1
surface of earth. Then :
t' � 13:�it, 'lffiR d � '9"{%, 'ell :

1 d-�km
(1) d=-km (1) 2

(2) d=lkm (2 ) d=lkm

(3 ) d=-km (3) d=-km

( 4) d=2km }I) d=2km

26. Which of the following statements are correct?

(a) fcii"mmcf;I�� am��� (a) Centre of mass of a b ody always coincides

with the cenb·e of gravity of the body.
(b) Centre of mass of a body is the point at which
(b) fcii"mmcf;I����i��m the total gravitational torque on the body is
�WTT��qff ��fl zero.

(c) fciiw m � WTI qff �' � -WHhlUll 0211 (c) A couple on a body produce both­
�/ �VcfiRcf,7"11ffl�efi"@%1 translational and rotational motion in a bod;/'°

(d) -zjm ffi'l1 cf;T llR � (1 ) � 31[� � cf;T (d) Mechanical advantage greater than one
means that small effort can be used to lift a
��%fcfi"�3WITB�3'.!m'lffi"3oflfr large load.
-m W-mIT % I
(b) and(d)
(1) (b) 0211(d)
(2) (a)and(b)
(2) (a) o<TT (b)
(3) (b)and(c)
(3) (b)cf211(c)
(4) (c)and(d)
(4) (c) cf211 (d)

1 A carnot er.0ine having an efficiency of as heat

� ffi � � Tl fciim fl ffi cn1 C::a.-ml
27. %I 10
10 engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work done on
� � � <f�'51{2{ cf>l" 'ITT@ fcf;<TT -mm % I � the system is 10T,the amount of energy absorbed
�cf;:;Jf (�) �fcf;<TTl'flfrcfil<l l0J m"ill, f-1.:;,'ffi'tl from the reservm r_at lower temperahueis :
��� �cl:?TIMci �cf;TllRm"TfT:
(1) 1J
(1) 1J
(2) 90 J
(2) 90 J
(3) 99 J
(3) 99 J
(4) 100 J
(4) 100 J

28. �' ���� c::t�W�Tlm'� 28. If 8 1 and 02 be the apparent angles of qip observed
� � (-;,m) cfiTlTr 010211 02 %' "ill, E-ll«1fclcfi � in two vertical planes at right angles to each other,
then the true angle of dip e is given by :
cfilUT e cf;T llR fcnB �J.flcfi(OI ��mm?
/ cot2e = cot2 81 + cot2 02
(1) cot20 = cot2 81 + cot282

(2) tan2e = tan2 01 + tan2 82 (2) tan2 e = tan2 e 1 + tan2e 2

(3) cot20 = cot2e1 - cot2 A2

(4) tan2 e = tan2 01 - tan2 02

29. � an& -q_ <TT, WlRR oTU cii11%" � � � 29. An arrangement of three parallel straight wires
i, � on:�� (1f"o) ����i 3W placed perpendicular to plane of paper carrying
same current 'I' along the same direction is shown
�tjr� T �mD1%""ITT"RW-q��®t1 � in Fig. Magnitude of force per unit length on the
oT,T � � -q W-Rf, on: 'B' <ii1 "Slfu � � 1R middle wire 'B' is given by :
WRcf@�<lil1lRlW1Tmlll: B d C

-2 µ0
01 (1) 2 'iTd
(1) 2 Tid 2
2 -

2 oi (2 )
µ 'iTd

2 i
✓ oi2 µo

(3) 2
(3) µ ✓Tid
(4) ✓2 'iTd
10. Two astronauts are floating in.,gravitational free
30. � 3'.Rlft� clil � � 3'.Rlft� <lR � � � space after having lost contact with their spaceship"'.
t' 3W � �J �{>i;<:llcf;�OI f� 3'.Rffi� -q <fB W"@ i I The two will :
<TT�-zyTT: (1) keep floating at the same distance between
( 1) ����<li'r'tU��"WTTI them.
Jj<f' _/ave towards each other.
(2) 1%"-� cii1 3ffi TfIB ffl I
(3) move away from each other.
(3) 1%"����1
( ) will become stationary.
"(4) �Wlll
In an electromagnetic wave in free space the root
:{cRf � ( �) -q, fc!,m �d 'jklchl� -a-M-q
31:, fllean square value of the electric field is
� � clil cflf-"JTT�-� llR, Erms= 6V/m tiff Erms = 6V/m. The peak value of the magnetic field
is: E.
'.!klchl� !$lclil fu@1: llR-'%:
(1) 1.41x10-8T (1)
2.83 X 10-8 T
( ) 2.8 3x10 -8T
(3) 0.70x10-s T (3) 0.70x10-8 T
(4) 4.23x10-8T (4) 4.23x10-s T

32. fc!1m � ITT clil 3WRR � � 'B' tI � 32. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is 'B'. If it is
1R Q,chf!LIH � 'p' WTT<TT �%I iff, � � -q subjected to uniform pressure 'p', the fra¢nnal
decrease in radius is
(1) B
(1) B
(2) (2) 3p
3p 3p
(3) (3)
.E... .E...
3B 3B
1Jc.l1rn q11 d{•l�EZIT, "-1 =4000 A3ffi "-2=6000 A� 33. The ratio of resolving owers of an OJ?tical
rnicroscop� for two wavelen 1 = 4000 A and
fuit, \.lcfil�fl;q �� q1l :m� �3TT cfiT � >-.2 = 6000 A is :
%: (1) 8: 27
(1) 8: 27'
(2) 9:4
(2) 9:4
(3) 3:2 ,_y( 3:2
(4) 16; 81
(4) 16: 81

34. Consider a dtof1 of rain water having mass lg falling

1 mq�q11q1!{f�cfRT"q11��.��
� from a height 1 km. It hits the ground with a
fTRm % 3ffi '>!_-GB� 50 m/s q1l ���%I � speed of 50 m/s. Take 'g' constant with a value
?:TR 'g' cnP:ITT 10 rn/s2 fwn%"cll, (i) �GK10� 10 m/s2 . The work done by the (i) gravitational
force and the (ii) resistive force of air is :
(ii) cWJ;�>Tfui'r'tlcn���TPTTcfi"T-i:f mrTT:
(1) (i) -10 J (ii) - 8.25 J (1) (i) -10 J (ii) -8.25 J

(2) (i) 1.25 J (ii) - 8.25 J (2) (i) 1.25 J (ii) - 8.25 J
(3) (i) 100 J (ii) 8.75 J (3) (i) 100 J (ii) 8.75 J
(4) (i) 10 J . (ii) - 8.75 J -� (i) 10 J (ii) - 8.75 J

A� body with a radius of 12 cm

35. � � �PJllcfil cn1' � 12 cm % I W 500 K 1:f\
450 qf2 � cfiT � cfi1c1T% I ?:TR��-<@ radiates 450 watt power at 500 K. If the radius�
halved and the temperature doubled, the power
311'!:TT (1/2) 'cl'� 'd'fCJ c@ � :fll qi'{ RGfT � 'ffi dctif'5f·a radiated in watt would be:
� cfiT 1lR cfTl '# mm
(1) 225
(1) 270:
(2) 450
(2) 450
(3) 1000 :
-, 1800
(4) 1800 ✓
36. Two blocks A and B of masses 3m and m respectively
�-:IZcfil Ao� B � �, sPro: 3m o� m % I �
are connected by a massless and inextensible string.
:mirn'#��oll'-IH�l1, �sTU�¥,%1 The whole system is suspended by a massless·
� <ffi, � 'B � � � � �o/.l'-11 Hfoa .: spring as shown in figure. The magnitudes of
fui11 ('cfiliRt) ·w, cic.i:fill.ll % I mu c@'i:filc � � acceleration of A and B immediately after the string
is cut, are respectively:


(1) g,
(1) g 1f
'3 ;>a
g g
y( 3

(3) g,g . (3.) g,g

g g
(4) lf, if�
(4) 3'3 3 3·
37. � 91<.'1{1$:S P1 om P2 q:;)�mWPTl!T%fen, � 37. Two Polaroids P1 and P2 are placed with their axis
3la.l3Wraif�fl P1 �3lTll@a 3l�>fcfirn perpendicular to each other. Unpolarised light lo is
Ciil cITT@T Io l Pl amP2*�if � 38! 4lcl{l$S
incident on P1. A third polaroid P 3 is kept in
between P1 and P2 such that its axis makes an angle
P3 q:;) �m "{"@ �%fen � 3la.l P1 <iil 3la.l u 45° with that of P1. The intensity of transmitted light
4s0 efi"TcfiTUT�t, m, r2 u1lW@>fcfirn<f>1(ITT@T through P2 is
(1) 2
(1 ) 2
_!Q_ � 4
_!Q_ (3) 8

Io Io
(4) 16 (4) 16

38. t
fcfi"m� qfl1ifcicfil ctiTci':!TB 0.1 ID I �cfR*-q:iU
cliT "B°"&TT 2 X 104 1Jfu .:rR"-l % I . �- *� � 38. A long solenoid of diameter 0.1 ID has 2 x 104 turns
per meter. At the centre of the solenoid, a coil of
0.01 ID � om 100 -if;u cfTffi � � � m 100 turns and radius 0.01 m is placed with its axis
"{"@%fen cTT1l <f>1 3la.l mTm f I qfl11fcicfil U VcTTWcf coinciding with the solenoid axis. The current in
m qfffi � mu1 efiT llR � wr:i: � "B cfi1l � �
({6),,,/ the solenoid reduces at a constant rate � QA from

i am
4 A in 0.05 s. If the resistance of the coil IS 10-rr2 D,
o.o5 s if 4 A "B � m � t,
'llfu:, � efiT the_ total charge flowing through the coil during this
mu'l:l 101T2·fl tm,��if� "B VcTTWcf time is:

��wn·: (1) 32 -rr µ,C

(1) 32 -rr µ,C
(2) 16 µ, C
(2) 16 µ, C
(3) 32 µ,C
(3) 32 µ,C
(4) 16 -rr µ,C
(4) 16 -rr µ,C

39. � fu°m ( =qfsficfiP-i"'i)*� � 3Ticm if� t' I

*� %
39. Two discs of same moment of mertia rotating about

it 3TCRT-3TCRT � 3la.l, � � � their regula?°axis passing through centre and
am�*� °B � � i:rfuf:, �: Wl perpendicular to the plane of disc with angular
omw 2 'cfilufr:IWT"B��-:i:m%1 ���* velocities (u 1 and w2. They are brought into contact
face to face coinciding the axis of rotation. Th€
��m�if��tf<fi, ��
3la.,mrmm�t1 m,
expression for loss of energy during this process is

Sffl, �
Sffl, � 2 (1) I (w1 +w 2 )2
(1) 2 I (w1 +w 2 ) 2
1 (2) - I ( w1 -w2) 2
(2) - I ( w1 -w2) 2 4

(3) I (w1 -w2)2

(3) I (w1 -w2)2
I 2
I 2 (4) - (w1 -w2)
(4) - (w1 -w2) 8

40. �fc::,��'1\ TT�:ITT Q_f<ficic.{ (��) �1� 4 0. /reeti reached the metro station and found that the
escalator was not working. She walked up the
� mfu, � � '1\ � � � % 1 � �
stationary escalator in time t1. On other days, if she
f-i tllflf wmT % I ��i � Q,Wi<:-lc.{ ifffWT remains stationary on the moving escalator, then
% aa'i � � '1\ � W �, ti tllflf "ir � � � the escalator takes her up in time ti· The time taken
%en, �&RT�� Q,fcf,cic.{ 'TT��� ir by her to walk up on the moving escalator will be:
TWTT TPTI tllflf m: t 1 +t2

-t.:, (1)

t 1 t2 (2) t2 -ti
(2) t 2 -t1

(3) t 2 +t1

(4) t1 -ti (4) tl -t2

41. � � ffl�t1�s{ cfil � 3 kg \l� � 40 cm 41. A rope is wound around a hollow1-vlind�r of mass
3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular
% I � '1\ � sTn � cft ll{ % I �' � ·sTU cfiT
30N ��&RT 'cif:;;n � en, fBfci�s{ cfil � � acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with
a force of30N?
�m? (1) 25 m/s2
(1) 25 m/s 2
(2) 0.25 rad/s2 )
(2) 0.25 rad/s2
25 rad/s2
(3) 25 rad/s2
(4) 5 m/s2 (4) 5 m/s2

42. � � ffl, Lit, � cfil � fcfi{Ulg'."1, � x 42. , A beam cf light from a source Lis incident normally
�'1\WIB���'1\��%1 ·� on a plane mirror fixed at a certain distance x from
fcfi{U(j;,, � qf(fff � it, � L � � � W-@ y
,,/);,, the source. The beam is reflected back as a spot on a
scale placed just above the source L. When the mirror
X,Q_.::0\�� (�) '1\�cfil�� �%1 � is rotated through a small angle 0, the spot of the
cfiT fclim � cfiTUT, e it� '1\, � � � � light is found to move through a distance y on the
� 'f\ y � � fcfqfcid m � % I en, 0 cfil 1:lR scale. The angle 0 is given by :
Jf_ 2x
(2) Y... X

X (3) 2y
(3) 2y
(4) y Y
43. � � cfil � tmr � t am � tmr wrr t 1 43. The two nearest harmonics of a tube closed at one
end and open at other end ar$]2Q Hz aod 260 H,;,_
����1<l'Uch1��: 220Hz
"Whcrtis the fundamental freguency of the system?
(1) lOHz
(1) 10Hz
(2) 20Hz (2) 20 Hz
(3) 30 Hz (3) 30 Hz
(4) 40 Hz � 40Hz

44. 1.42 �qqJ1 icfi tj;" ffi

ft �, �1T<f#t fiFq cllT � 44. A thin prism h aving refrac ting angl e10° is ma d e of
° glass of refractive in d efi .42. This prism is combined
q,lUT 10 I � fiFq cfi11.7 61qqJ1icfi � ffi B �
with an oth er thin prism of glass of refrac tive in d ex
�aA1T<f#t�fl�"R<TT�%1 ��ft ""
Y. 1.7. This co mb in ation pro duc es disper sion without
fqilz.:J1{fod <lft� >l1'<f mol 'g" I ol, � flFq qJT d evi ation. The refracTg angle of second prism
�fflm"rll�: shoul d be :

(1) 4° (1) 4°
(2) 6° JJ-) 60
(3) 8° (3) 8°
(4) 10° (4) 10°

45. fcnm CTR qJT mcro� 'R'

3Wi 'g" I � CTR cfi1 N\:lcil<-H 45. Th e re sistance of a wir e is 'R' ohm. If it is m elte d
� � 3ffi m ��CTR B 'n' :fTT � q;l � and stretched to 'n' time s i!SJ)rigi.' length, its n ew

CTR� 'R<TT � % I � � CTR q)l mcro� mm : resistance will be:

(1) nR
(1) nR
(2) (2)
n n

y/ n 2R

(4) 2 (4)
n �

46. 46. With resp ect to the conformer s of ethan e, which of

the following st atem ents is true?
(1) �� cfi11JT ;;:iqft:qfda % � �� �
i@t % I (1) Bond angl e rema ins s a m e but b cind l e ngth
� ch anges
(2) �� 911UT qft:qRfa @TT%� �� ,,\� / (2)
. . anglechang esbutbondlength rem a�

diqR_qfda �I ::;�

(3) �� 911UT "Q_q' �� � � Ql (3) Bo th b ond angle and bond length chang e
(4) �� cfi111T "Q_q' �� � � � Both bo n d angles a nd bon d length remairu
sa m e ,,

47. Which of the fo llowing p airs of co mpou n d s i�

isoelectronic and isostructur a l

48. HgC12 "Q_q' I 2 � cfi1 r- 3WR -qc@ � if � 111: 48. HgCl 2 a nd I 2 both when diss olve d in w a te1
containing r- ions the p a ir of sp eci es formed i s :
HgI2 , 13 (1) Hgl 2, I3
(2) HgI2, r- (2) Hgl2, r-

(3) HgI4 , 1 3
2- -
p( 2 -
HgI4 , I3

(4) Hgi! 2,1- (4) Hg 2I2, 1-

49. <:f<11{1"11$fci1T<-1 cf� zcrR-31@ cf1T fi:p31ur ��if cfiT4 49. Mixture of chloroxy lenol and terpineol acts as:
cn«TT % analgesic
(1) 47,$1i1R1
(2) ifferom (3)
(3) �;ijqi,f&cfi

(4) Sl@�fclcfi 50. Which is the incorrect statement?

( 1) Fe0 0_98 has non stoichiometric metal
so. � if fl cR1 � � � % ? deficiency defect.
(1) Fe00_98 ii. 1T+Rl$fcfi1:tlf'-l?I ���%I (2) Density decreases in case of crystals with
Schottky's defect.
(2) �ifmcfil�"B�tR:cn%1
(3) NaC::� insulator, silicon is semiconductor,
(3) NaCl(s ) �m, fBfcicfi1 -31i'i:ll<-1cfi, fuBR silver is conductor, quartz is piezo electric
�, ����%1 /crystal.
Frenkel defect is favoured in those ionic
(4) � � � � �2TT ID"{!��% J;t') compounds in which sizes of cation and
� 'l:RPR � � ifi 3lTcfiR WT'lfTT � anions are almost equal.
51. Concentration of the Ag + ions in a saturated
51. Ag2C204 ifi � fcfwR if Ag + 3WR cfiT � solution of Ag2 C 2 0 4 is 2.2xrn-4 mol L- 1.
2.2x10-4moIL-1%1 Ag2C204q;T�1 'j011<h<-1 Solubility product of Ag2C204 is:
%: (1) 2.42 X 10-8
2.66x 10-12

(1) 2.42 X 10-8 (2)
(2) 2.66 X 10-12 4.5 X lQ-ll 1-\',)(
(3) 4.5 X 10-ll S.3 X 10-12
(4) 5.3 X 10- 12
52. Of the following, which is the product formed when
52. c;y�dergoes a.idol condensation
folfowed �




53. � � �� ffl 120° % 53. The species, having bond angles of 120° is :
(1) PH3 (1) PH3
(2) CIF3 (2) OF3
(3) NC13 (3) NCl3
(4) BC13
J% BC13
54. � o:i � cf>l '-i�l(vk1dl cliT 5.:fTT fcfi"m "l1cTT % QT
54. If� of th�dilutesoh.ition is doubled, the value
���(Kf)"ITTTTT: of molal depression constant (Kt) will be
(1) � (1) doubled
(2) �'T (2) halved
(3) TTfTTT (3) tripled
(4) ::R4fo=1fcfa unchanged

55. f.:r:;f -q 1-t ctR m �� � � % ? , 55. Which one is the most acidic compound ?

56. �� 'ti WITTfi � t- ns2 $8cl?;T•1i t- � cf>l

�%cfiRUTmoT%: 56. It is because of inability of ns 2 electrons of the valence
shell to participate in bonding that
(1) Sn2 + � moT % �Pb4 + <$d
Sn2+ is reducing·while Pb4 + is oxidising
(2) Sn2 + <RT¾l$ct mor%�Pb4+ � /
(2) Sn 2+ is oxidising while Pb4+ is reducing
(3) Sn2+ TJ:cf Pb2+ ctr,n m <Rl¾1$ct � �
(3) Sn 2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidising and
�t reducing
(4) Sn4+ � mof % � Pb4+ <RT¾l$ct (4) SnH is reducing while Pb4+ is oxidising

57. Predict the correct intermediate am:lproduct in t,he
following reaction

� HP,H2S04
H 3C- C = CH ---''-----"'-----=--+ intermediate -----+ product
(A) (B) HgS04 (B)

(1) A: H3C-C=CH2 B: H3C-C-CH3 A: H3 C-C=CH2 B: H3C-C-CH3

I II (1)
S04 0 S04 0

(2) A: H3 C-C=CH2 B: H3C-C=CH2 ( 2) A: H 3C-C=CH2 B: H3C-C=CH2

OH S04 OH S04

(3 ) A: H3C-C-CH3 B: H3C-C.=CH (3) A: HF-C-CH3 B: H3C-C::CH


(4) A: H3C-C=CH2 B: H3C-C-CH3 A: HF-C=CH2 B: H3C-C-CH3

OH 0 OH 0

58. �iiircfi'R-m���%? 58. Which one of the following statements is not

(1) ���3if�chl���i,
(1) �atalyst does not initiate any reaction.
( 2) 3if� � fl\Rjqfl!.TT ii� cfi1 � 'tf
fl1Rlcl811 � cfil "l'.fR qRc1fJa mcTT % I JJ1 Lhe value of equilibrium constant is changed
m the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at
��: � {flll1Hcfi 3'.lf'�3TI�� equilibrium.
(3) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical
(4) 1=!Q-��-q�cfi1�1 fi>lll�TI<.1cil�� (4) Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of
i1 enzyme.
59. � if ir m -m� '7Jffif i? Which one is the wrong statement?

(1) it-� �uf 'g- A=�'
Ill V
%1 m="cf,"UT (1) de-Broglie's wavelength is given by A = - ,
where m=mass of the particle, v=group
cfil�, v="cf,"UTcfil�WTI
velocity of the particle.
(2) &1f,�=qaa1 �it� ilEX LH�¾-rr I (2) The uncertainty principle is ilE x M� ¾.. -
(3) ��1ffeo�cfil��� (3) Half filled and fully filled orbitals have greater
��. ��, ��� stability due to greater exchange energy,
itcfiRUT %1 greater symmyi·y and more b alanced
(4) �1�,$1'311 ��:mit� 2s �cf,1� _/
The energy of2s orbital is less than the energy
2p � cfi1 � "B q,ll,mfil 'g- I ,)'1) of 2p orbital in case of Hydrogen like atoms.

60. � itti cfil � itm � if 2.s �t:m WR� � it 60. A gas is allowed to expand in a well insulated
� � 3Wla-f 2.50 L "B 3lRfl=f � 4.50 L container against a c� p�sure of
2.5 atm �om an initial volume of 2.50 L t6 a final
(!cf, lR-lR � � %·1 � cfi1 � � -?f � of
volume 4.50 L. The chan�e in internal energy AU
ilU, �'tfm7Tl: of the gas in joules will be:
(1) 1136.25 J (1 ) 1136.25]
-500 J
-505 J
, i

. (4)
-500 J
+505 J
( 4)
61. Consider the reactions :

Silver mirror observed

Identify A, X, Y and Z
A, X, Y � Z c:fil %-€1tf1�
(1) A-Methoxyme thane , X-Ethanoic acid
(1) A-fil��' X--q:� �, Y-� Y-Acetate ion, Z-hydrazine.
�, Z-(?l$9lsitl1
(2) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanol, Y-Ethanoi,
(2) A-fil��, X--q:�, Y--q:� �, acid, Z-Semicarbazide.
A-Ethanal , X-Ethanol, Y-But-2-enal
( 3) A-°itit-;f�, X-�it-;rt'�, Y-�c:-2-t��, Z-Semicarbazone.
z-il'-llct,,�T'lfH (4) A-Ethanol, X-Acetaldehyde, Y-Butanom
(4) A-°itit-;rt'�, X-�'B�ITT�, Y-�i-;:rt'-;r,
62. Which one is the correct order of acidity ?
62. (1) CH2=CH2> CH3-CH = CH2 > CH3-C,
(1) . CHz = CHz> CH3-CH=CH2 > CH3-C =
CH>CH= CH CH = CH> CH3-C = CH> CH2 = CH2 .
(2) 'f CH = CH> CH3-C = CH> CH2 = CH2 > CH3 -CH3
CH3 -CH3 CH=CH > CH2 = CH2 > CH3 - C=CH
( 3)
(3) CH=CH > CH2 = CH2 > CH3 - C=CH > CH3 -CH3
(4) CH3 - CH3 > CH2 = CH2 > CH3 - C=CH
(4) CH=CH

63. In the ele ctrochemical cell :

ZnlZnSO4 (0.01 M )II CuSO4 (1.0 M )ICu, the emf,

ZnlZnSO4 (0.01 M )II CnSO4 (1.0 M)ICu, � m<IB this Daniel cell is E1. Whe n the concentration,
'Wfcfi'Temf E1 %1 �ZnSO4 �BRJITcnll.OM� ZnSO4 is changed to 1.0 M and that of CuSC
qf{c:4fcta ct� cuso4 � BRJIT en) 0.01 M clef, qf{qf<l<l changed to 0.01 M, the emf changes to E2. From ti:
followings, which one is the relationship be tweE
fcf;;n "'1'@T % 'ill emf it '9TTcTTR Ez % 1 f.:p:;; it it� 'BT
E1 and E2 ? (Given, RT = 0.059)
E1 'Q:cr• E2 .;,;
'1 ��• •
t>? (1<._<11-rml,
� -&,,-, RT =0.059) (
- F
,(1) E1 =E 2
(1) E1=E2
(2) ' E, < E2 (2) E1 < E2

(3) E1 > E2 � E1> E2


64. ��cf,18Jffilf8JlTTITqi"[����i: 6 4. The correct increasing order of basic strength for

the following compounds is:

@ @
(1) II<III<I
(2) (1) II<III<I
(2) III<I <II
(3) III<II<I
(4) II<I<III �}
.,,P' II<I<III
65. � -q "B �'t-n� 3TT<R � -q -zyrr � -q s - s
65. In which pair of ions both the species contain S- S
. �/
�� {?.
(1) S20�-, S20t (1)
S207 , S2032-
(2) S4ot, s2ot S40t, S20j-

(3) S2072- , S20s2- (3)

S207 , S20s2-
(4 ) (4) S40t, S20�-
66. � CoCI3.6 NH3 , CoCl3.5 NH :3- CoC13.4 NH3 cfiT 66. The correct order of the stoichiometries of Ag l
anf'l-.f<Flir AgN03 �m�fsfim�i::n_ R�4feh�lil�1 formed when i\gN03 in exc ess is ticate d
AgCI ffl qi"[ "HITT��: t : with the complexes : CoCl3.6 NH3, C0Cl3.S NH3,
Coct3.4 NH3 respectively is : 3
(1) 1 AgCl, 3 AgCl, 2 AgCl fz,,
(1) 1 AgCl, 3 AgO, 2 AgCl
3 AgCl, 1 AgCl, 2 AgCl
3 AgCl, 2 AgCl, 1 AgCI
�o/ 3 AgCI, 1 AgCI, 2 AgCl

(4) 2 AgCl, 3 AgCl, 1 AgCl YJ 3 AgCl, 2 AgCl, 1 AgCl

(4) 2 AgCJ, 3 AgCl, 1 AgCl
67. �-I � 3l��H�("11"11 � ciil � �-II -q -Match the interhalogen compounds of column I
� 'B fiIBR qi"[�� I with the geometiy in colunm II and assign the correct
�-I �-II code.
Column I Column II
(a) XX' (i) T-�
(a) XX' (i ) T - shape
(ii) 9'cl<hlOTil! fuFi'<f�-sl
(ii) Pentagonal bipyramidal
(c) XX5 (iii) �
(c) XX5 ( iii) Linear
(d) XX7 (iv) cfll�
(d) XX7 (iv) Square - pyramidal
(v) 'clgtl.f>(1cf,1l!
(v) Tetrahedral
�: Code:
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b ) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) _/> (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (v) (iv) (iii) (ii) (3) (v) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(4 ) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (4) (iv) (iii) (ii) ( 1,·\

68. Qfct21T£rs1 i:f �TcR-i'lch<o1 � cfiT 1RIB 3'.lf� � cfiT 68. The reason for greater range of oxidation states in·
apinoids is attributed to
cfiTtOT % :
., (1) the radioactive nature of actinoids
(1) Qfct21T<1 s1· "chT '<foll I Qfct2cl Vcpfu
(2) actinoid contraction
(2) Qfct21T�s �
m "chT � �
Sf, 6d o� 7s
4f � Sd m"chl� a:fm"llffiif
y Sf, 6d and 7s levels having comparable
(4) 4f and Sd levels being close in energies
69. "TJ:c:f,' 20� � 1Wi ifCO2(g) 400 K � 0.4 atm�� ✓ 'T
A 20 litrEt)container at 400 K contains CO2(g) at
a� 3lif� if SrO ( SrO � 3WTTf1 c!il � "tl'R) % I
� pressure 0.4 atm and an excess of SrO (neglect the
1mi cfiT 3WIB1 � � "'i:ffi �Bcfi11 f<fi<ll � � volume of solid SrO). The volume of the container is
�imiif CO2 ��cfill1Fl�ml1T�1ITT now decreased by moving the movable piston fitted
mm :
in the container. The maximum volume of the
cfiT � 3WTTf,'f
container, when pressure of CO 2 attains its
(R<TT Tf"ll"l SrCO3(s) ;::::= SrO(s) + CO2(g), maximum value, will be: �
Kp=1.6 atm) ( Giventhat : SrCO3(s) ;::::= SrO(s) + CO 2(g),
(1) 5� Kp=l.6 atm)
(2) 10� J1{" 5 litre
(3 ) 4� (2) 10 litre
(4) 2� (3) 4 litre
70. $8ct;:T1?ltl ::t, m � cfi'2R % : (4) 2 litre
(1) �8ct,:T1?ltl ;ij_Oll,l.lch � � % 0�
70. The correct statement regarding electrophile is:
11f�B $8ct;:T1 � c!il m cm, ��
(1) Electropr'�e is a negatively charged species
�'Bchor%1 and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
(2) $8ct;:T1?ltl 5fi011,cich ��%a�� electrons from a nucleophile
$8ct,:T1?ltl B�� c!il m cm,�� (2) Electrophile is a negatively charged species
�'Bchor%1 and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from another electrophile
(3) �8ct;:T1?ltl f!P-ll-4a: � "f1Tiffi % -a� (3) Electrophiles are generally neutral species
11f�B��"chlmffl�� and can form a bond by accepting a pair of

�'Bchor%1 electrons from a nucleophile
(4) ��"lll��� Electrophile can be either neutral or positively
% a� ,if� B $8ct;:T1 � c!il m charged species and can form a bond by
����i1 '\ accepting a pair of electrons from a
Which of the following is a sink for CO ?
(1) �•�W,H
(1) Haemoglobin
(2) t'!if���� �
(2) Micro organisms present in the soil
(3) Oceans
)4.) Plants
72. "TJ:c:f,' � Z=114 cfiT � m if 3llfct&:hl< s3lT %1 �
72. The element Z=114 has been discovered recently.
� if B � ffin:/qlf a� �8<:f?:1f1ch rcPJm B
It will belong to which of the following family/ group
�wn? and electronic configuration?
(1) � ffln:, [Rn] 5f14 6dl 0 7s2 7p5 (1) Halogen family, [Rn] Sf14 6d 10 7s2 7p5
� ffln:, [Rn] 5£1 4 6d 10 7s2 7p2
(2) Carbon family, [RnJ 5f14 6d 10 7s 2 7p2
(3) 3li¾h1 1fficm:,
[Rn] 5£14 6d1 0 7s2 7p4 (3) l
Oxygen famiy, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p4
(4) 11�?};,,11:ffi:effi, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p6 (4) Nitrogen family, [Rn] 5f 14 6d 10 7s 2 7p6

73. Co3+ %�%fuq� �� 6icl�fltifOI �ufq;r 73. Correct increasing order for the waveiengtbi of
absorption in the visible region for the complexes of
�g3TI�sfil'.li: coH is: v,.A.0'.)r S\<l le.r
(1) [ Co (en)J]�+, [ Co (NH )6]3 +, [ Co (H20)6]3+
[ Co (H20) 6]3 +, [ Co (enh]3+, [ Co (NH 3)J3 + _}1)
[ Co (enh]3 +, [ Co (NH )6]3 +, [ Co (Hp)6]3+
[ Co (H20) 6]3+, [ Co (enh]3+, [ Co ( NH3)J3+
(3 ) [ Co (H20)J3+, [ C o (NH )J3 +, [ Co (enh]3 +
3 (3 ) [ Co (H20) 6]3+, [ Co (NH )6 J3+, [ Co (enh]3+
(4) [ Co (NH3)6]3+, [ Co (enh]3+, [ Co (H20)6]3+ 3
(4) [ Co (NH3)6 ]3+, [ Co (enhJ3 +, [ Co (H20)6]3+
74. f.rr;:pt il ch"R W � � � % ?
74. Which of the following statements is not correct?
( 1) �llf,qW{R'{c@��%�q;)�
�i, (1) Insulin maintains sugar level in the blood of
a human body.
(2) 61Tc!a�;r111 �cfi1�*�"&rn�t1
(2) 0 valbumin is a simple food reserve in egg -
(3 ) \Cffi>fRt:r �� N,fgj-fl'1f1 <�PWT�R\Cffi white.
<liT � -RA * 't I ( 3) Blood proteins thrombin and fibrinogen are
involved in blood clotting.
(4) fc!rf,dl<ti<OI � q;) an'���� I
/ Denaturation makes the proteins more active.
75. fullTT �� cfir<if�<l!m qiT � 'i: 75. An example of a sigma bonded organometallic
(1) "ef� compound is

(2) �an'� ( 1) Ruthenocene
(3) � Grignard's reagent
(4)�l1 (3) Ferrocene

76. f.rc, * � ffl oT9'"q"{ f.rih t? (4) Cobaltocene

(1) i\'lcicicll 76. Which of the following is dependent on

(2) mwm
(l ) Molality
(3) .:i@ f'1?1
_/f( Molarity
(4) �� (3) Mole fraction

77. � 3TT�<ll � m AH=35.5 kJ mo1-1 cl� (4) Weight percentage

AS=83.6 JK-1 moJ-1 %1 � � � 1n: 77. For a given reaction, 1H = 35.5 kJ moJ -1 and
�=�t? uS = 83.6 JK-1 mo1-1. The reaction is spontaneous
(llR "ci1m AH� AS oftf il anr'4'lfcm t) at : (Assume that MI and �S do not vary with
(1 ) T < 425K

(1) T<425K
(2) T>425K
(3) �tjt cfTCTT 1R
(3) all temperatures
(4) T>298K
(4) T> 298 K
78. 1 : 1 an2ff � �-11��Rh1Tt1 % �l3fUT % 1� %
m�"3R@�t= 78. The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1
mixture of ortho and para - nitrophenols is:
(1) �
( 1) Sublimation
(2) qof�©1 ( sti"lik.ll:UChl)
(2) Ouomatography
(3 ) fsfiRZ11
(3 ) C rystallisation

(4) )1"�3lfficR Steam distillation
79. f.A��Ffi"B���cfil��w�t? 79. Which one of the following pairs of species have the
same bond order ?
1( ) CO,NO
( 1) CO,NO
2( ) 0 ,No+
2)( 02,No +
3( ) CN-,co

80. Identify A and predict the type of reaction


1( ) F �
'1/ 61 OCH3

and substitution reaction


(2) and eliminabon addition



3( ) Br
(3) and cine substitution reaction

4( ) 6 OCH3

and cine substitution ,ea,tion

81. � "J;J� W cfiT fflflic � WT 10- 2 sec-1 % I 81. A first order reaction has a specific reaction rate of
20g3lf��Sgocfi"�����? 10- 2 sec -1. How much time will it take for 20g of
the reactant to reduce to 5 g?
1( )
2( )
238.6 sec
138.6 sec
� ,C
(1) 238. 6 sec
jf 138.6 sec
3( ) 346.5 sec
(3) 346.5 sec
4( ) ·693.0 sec
( 4) 693.0 sec
82. ��cfil,llf��fcfi°�KMn04 ��
Name the gas that can readily decolourise acidified
cfil a:fffiRT � trrITT <fit � % : KMnO 4 solution:
1( ) CO 2
(2) S02
3( ) NO2
(4) P205
Th e heating of pheny h yl eth er � with HI

�o �
83. ���{�q;)HI�m�Tf'fffl-n:�%: 83.
pro duces.
(1) -q:f'� ¾1{1$S (1) thylchlorides
� O .-�-3
(2) 6il4il�"111 (2) 10d o benzene �
(3) � JP{' phenol
(4) � (4) benzene

fMn(CN)6J3- �moo��=
84. 84. Pick out th e c or rect statement with respect to
(1) � sp3d2 � o�'•&iti:<hci<'hl4 % I
[Mn(CN )6) 3 - : t.,
It is sp3 d2 hybridised and octahedral
(2) � sp3d2 � o�I 'clg,"'hci<'h14 % 1 /
(2) It is sp3d2 hybridised and tetrahedral
(3) � d sp3 � o� 6iti:<hcich14 % I
It is d2sp3 hybridised and octah edr al
2 �
(4) � dsp � o� cf1T fll·ld'114 % I (4) It is dsp2 hybridised and squar e planar

85. f¥i-q"Bm"B � � 3WRT"cfi9-3fflch 1fct�tlcicil

85. Ionic mobility of which of the foll owing alkali metal
�i��murr��fcRt<Rq;)� ey5[ ions'1 lowest when aqueous solution of their salts
-q "@I '3f@T t ? are put under an electric field?

(1) Na (1) Na
(2) K (2) K
(3) Rb (3) Rb
(4) Li /Li

86. m fllRF:H�T�t: 86. The equilibr: m constants of the following are:

N2 +� H2 .=: 2 NH3 K1

H2 + 2 02 ➔ H20 K3

mf.:fPf an��� '81D.lqf'!.nwrocf> (K)mm The equilibrium constant (K) of the reaction:

(1) K1 K3/K2 3
(1) K1 K 3/K2
(2) K2 K3/K 1

K2 KiK1
(3 ) K2�/K1
(3) K2 K3/K1
(4 ) K� K3/K1
(4 ) K 2 K3/K1

87. -q {e-4hi{OI� m R8 -q
Qmc:Qi11�s cllT �� �
"Bmman��t? 87. Which of the following reactions is appr opriate for
(1) <hlf<ilciQtfl1 �
(1) Carbylamine reac tion
(2) � 61$C{l�'IG41$S ��
� H offmann hypo bromamide reaction
(3) �an� (3) Steph ens reactio n
(4) � �fci41$s '8·�8401 (4) Gabr iels phthalimide synthesis
88. � i:f>R•qf.w, ,m'� X2+ Yr""? 2 XY cfil fs;t,lllfclftl 88. Mech a nism of a hypothetical reactio n
-;ftit��t: X2+ Y 2 ➔ 2 XY is given below

X2 ➔ X + X (�) (i) X2 ➔ X + X (fast)

X + Y2 ;=; XY + Y ( tjp:ft") (ii) X + Y2 � XY + Y (slow)
(iii) X+ Y ➔ XY (�) (iii) X + Y ➔ XY (fast)
The overall order of the reaction will be
3=!f�cf>l� (¥-f) wm1n:
(1) /4cxYi-!X:&
0 :x: z:_ ye

� 89. The IUPAC name of the comp ound

r" �-

�cnl IUPAC -;,mt:

w,l�h ·17
1 is

(1) 3-fcfiir-2-ilf�-4-� 3-keto-2-methylhex-4-enh

(2 ) s-q,lf4ci%cm-2-t-;-3-31R (2) 5-formylhex-2-en-3-one X
(3) s-ilf�-4 -6iTcru1%cm-2-t-;-s-� � 5-methyl-4-oxohex-2-en-5-al /
(4) 3-fcfiir-2· rf�-5-� (4) 3-keto-2-methylhex-5-enal

90. 'BR�� it F1ii:fi4ut it CN- 3li<R "B'. -, f.ranm moT 90 Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with
ti �cfh�it"9;1': ��mufcfi<TT�t:
cN- ion. Silver is later recovered by:
. I

1( ) s!_lcjlIfft 9UG:fi{Of (1) liquation

(2) .3TfBcR ( 2) distillation

(3) zone refining
(3) � 9UG:fi{Of
displacement with Zn
(4) Zn it � �
Double fertilization in exhibited by
91. faf.lq'91 � 'ITT{T,.. � fcfi<TT \l[@T t? 91.
(1) Gymnosperms
1( ) &11t']d,,ih1l
(2) Algae
(2 ) �
(3) Fungi
( 3) cfiq'cfi
� Angiosperms
(4) 6iIi]disfislfl

92. Which of the following are found in extreme saline

92. conditions ?
(1) �l��<RlUlll Archaebacteria
(2) �<R1Rllt (2 ) Eubacteria
(3) Btll1l�c:tlln:ii1 (3) Cyanobacteria
(4) 1-11$ctil�<RlR4t (4) Mycobacteria
93. Select the mismatch:
93. ��:
(1) ff:;fq,qr � (1) Frankia Alnus
( 2) <)iJMl4fr14 c:fiqc:fi'i<.'i A Rhodospirillum Mycorrhiza

(3) � 11${1"11 �14lc:tiRc:fi (3) Anabaena Nitrogen fixer

(4) <l$JfiRf44 Q,0.hlQ,0.hl (4) Rhizobium Alfalfa

94. � �qac:fiu1 � if> WR��� -it."Q:l.�. 94. What is the criterion for DNA fragments movement
'&1lif cfi1 lTfu � � ffl BT� "ITT1ll? on agarose gel during gel electrophoresis?
(1) The larger the fragment size, the farther it
(1) �� � 3l'PTitf "c:fi"T�, ����%

(2) �8:!T¥! � 3w:wl "c:fi"T �. �8:!T¥! � �
The smaller the fragment size, the farther it
% moves
(3) � � � �8:!T¥! � � fm: � (3) Positively charged fragments move to farther
�% end
(4) ;li011(4c:fi ��Tffai:lR1'-@mit (4) Negatively charged fragments do not move

95. fiUf·h;c:fi � qIRe11Mc:fi � � � ma � ? 95. Attractants and rewards are required for:
(1) qlgq{IIIUI (1) Anemophily
(2) c!iR-cffiTTUi Entomophily
(3) -Jjfjq�:11101 (3) Hydrophily
(4) 61j.-•-i1c.-'4Y{l'IOI (4) Cleistogamy

96. r1'1fe1f{sla if� m 1-J<l �:m "c:fi"T � men i? 96. Which of the following is made up of dead cells?
(1) �� (1) Xylem parenchyma
(2) � cf{IOfldc:fi (2) Collenchyma
(3) "c:fi"TlT fl) Phellem
(4) � (4) Phloem

97. <.11�<'.:fi-i � cfft ch"A m cfi1f.?1c:fi1� c«l�cR.lR<4a f'n,..,

Which cells of 'Crypts of Lieberkuhn' secrete
cil$(-tl"11$4 � "c:fi«IT �? antbacterial lysozyme?
(1) � chlr?lc:fil� jlj Argentaffin cells
(2) 1R� chlr?lc:fil� (2) Paneth cells
(3) "11$�lf-5i1 ctilf¼lc:fil� (3 ) Zymogen cells
(4) � <h lfoc:fil� (4) Kupffer cells

98. �1Wfcfcfi1RBC���I �llch"RBTro �. Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of the
� � �8JUT cfi1 ����/cf>@�? following statement(s) is/ are most appropriate
explanation for this feature?
(a) � � ffl cfi1 6ilq!i<4c:fidl ,fflT % I
(a) They do not need to reproduce
(b) � � cfilr?lc:fil� � I
(b ) They are somatic cells
(c) � 3q1qtjq � "c:fi«IT I
(c) They do not metabolize
(d) �m �� 6ilcf81"11 � if>
(d) All their internal space is available for oxygen
��%1 transport
�: Options:
(1) �(d) Jlf Only (d)
(2) �(a) (2) Only (a)
(3) (a),(c)-q:ci(d) (3) (a), (c) and (d)
(4) (b)-q:ci (c) (4) (b) and (c)
99. �(1<hl fuD &JU� Tl (lf'l:T{ cfim B a:fRIT t? 99. The hepatic portal vein drains blood to liver from
(1) Heart
(1 ) �
(2) Stomach
(2) �
(3) Kidneys
(3 ) �
(4) � Y)
100. The final proof for DNA as the genetic material cam
100. 's1."Q;f.�. � 3lljc:ifoch �� %', ��m from the experiments of:
�m"#�? (1) Griffith
(1 ) �
_)2J Hershey and Chase

(2) � 3fu:� (3) Avery, Mcleod and McCarty

(3) W-ro, �<h<11s 3W: 4<h<hliJ (4) HargobindKhorana

(4) �{•nf��WRT
101. Which among the following are the smallest livin
cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogeni
101. f.1YfciF@a q B ffl � -mit � � cf>lfo<hl4 �'
to plants as well as animals and can survive withot
� � � � f'llfu-;,-@ �I � � 3fu:
�:m if {)11'>l1ch i 3W: � 6il¾l"11 it� W
�i? (1) Bacillus
(2) Pseudornonas
(1) ijiftm:r
� Mycoplasma
(2) �1;s1rfi;:;7�
(4) Nostoc
(3) l-ll$cf>l011""-ll

(4) � 102. Which of the following options gives the corre<

sequence of events during mitosis ?

102. f.1YfciPsla if"# m m fcrcw.T � fcr� it�. ( 1) condensation ➔ nuclear membran

� � 'EluIT3TT cfiT w � � %? disassembly -➔ crossing o ver -
(1) �➔��cfiT�➔��
c ondensation ➔ nucle ar membran
- 1!� ➔�

disassembly ➔ arrangement at equator -
(2 ) � ➔ � � cfiT � ➔ "l-lUl 00 centromere division ➔ segregation -
<R� ➔ '.J01+[51f�·s; cfilfcr�-➔1!� telophase

➔� (3) condensation ➔ crossing over ➔ nude;

membrane disassembly ➔ segregation -
(3) �-➔��➔��cfiT� telophase
(4) condensation➔ arrangement at equator -
(4) � ➔ "l-l� <R o'.:fc:WTT ➔ '.JUl+[�f.,js, cfiT centromere division ➔ segregation -
fcr�➔ 1!�➔� telophase

103. �it�'lfifmmcJi?-R�%? 103. Which one of the following statements is correc

with reference to enzymes ?
( 1) q_4"1«'>ll$l-l = €i�l�l$l-l + f!Q«"11$l-l
(1) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenzyme
(2) €1�N;,i1$l-l = q:ci1«;,i1$l-l + f!��1$l-l Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme + Coenzyme

(3) f/Q«"11$l-l = q_4"1«'>ll$l-l + €ic.fl«'>l1$l-l (3) Coenzyme = Apoenzyme + Holoenzyme
(4) �"l�t�l$l-l = f!�«"11$l-l + °BQ-cfiRcfl (4 ) Holoenzyme = Coenzyme + Co-factor

104. DNA �Fctqic,1ii1 � � o?1cfi1iJ11ct,l m�� 104. During DNA replication, Okazaki fragments are
used to elongate:
(1) The leading strand towards replication fork.
(1) � � cfi1 � 3i1JlT � cfiT
(2) The lagging strand towards replication fork.
(2) � � cfi1 � q�tj•lllil � cfiT
(3) The leading strand away from replication
(3) � � � 1ft 3i1JlT � cfiT fork.

(4) � � � � q�'cl•ll4' � cfiT The lagging strand away from the replication

105. f1Yfaf@c1 Tf � cnB � � % ?

105. Which of the following are not polymeric ?
(1) 4,_c:R-1lcti �
(1) Nucleic acids
(2) m"2R
(2) Proteins

(4) mm (3) Polysaccharides

J( Lipids

106. �ql-i-scimf'�l$icnf�,w]1 ���-q·��

i aw � l{Rq cfi1 � � Tffufc!f� cfi1 � � 106. The region of Biosphere Reserve which is legally
mm,�c!<ll�t? protected and where no human activity is allowed
is known as:
(1) ml$i
y( Core zone
(2) �l$i
(2) Buffer zone
(3) "9Wllf'!8;l;f Transition zone
(4) ;fl:� 8;l;f (4) Restoration zone

107. l%fa'•11��� f.lyfaf@a qmzyncfi)�

107. A dioecious flowering plant prevents both:
(1) fclgn11 aw q{f1q'cl1 (1) Autogamy and xenogamy

(2) fclg•1-11 am fl"11c19,'41 WTUT _p{' Autogamy and geitonogamy

(3) Geitonogamy and xenogamy

(3) fl"11c19,a::i11.f{llTUl 3lT°( q<:f1qi11

(4) 6lj.:,fl(',il WTUT am q<f1q'cl1 (4) Cleistogamy and xenogamy

108. A temporary endocrine gland in the human body

is :

(1) �m� (1) Pineal gland

(2) aT-::!ctil@ctl m (2) Corpus cardiacum

(3) 1ffifcnNs yr Corpus luteum

(4) 3tsl'lf m (4) Corpus allatum

109. �-Iif�i-rit, ,;fi-.,�'Ulll'c:ITT�Wl� 109. Match the following sexually transmitte,
diseases (Column - I) with their causative ager
( � - II ) � W2l '{!'TI(1('[ � 3W: � � cfil
(Column - II) and select the correct option.
Column - I Column - II
�-I �- II
(a) Gonorrhea (i) HIV
(a) � (i) HIV
(b) Syphilis (ii) Neisseria
(b) foGhfcifl (ii) �317
(c) Genital Warts (iii) Treponema
(c) \lfR� (iii) twfrrrrr (d) AIDS Human
(d) AIDS (iv) �1 �f'-le111-ll Papilloma - Viru
� Options:
�: (a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (d) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(1) (ii) (ii i) (iv) (i)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) ( ii)
(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii ) (i) (4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

110. �/-Wilcfi1� �wn�wm� � 110. Transplantation of tissues/ organs fails often dl

� cfiTTUT � m�
% I � )lcfiR � f..Hlcf,{□I � to non-acceptance by the patient's b ody. Which tyJ
� chT-1 "efcn:!BI � d'd{�l<fl i?
of immune-response is responsible for sue
rejections ?
(1) �--smn:an� (1) Autoimmune response
(2) chmrclil-lTT�WcRan �
� Cell - mediated immune response
(3) �wWcRan� (3) Hormonal immune response
(4) chlf'lchl4 lffil1:83T � (4) Physiological im,mune response

111. W'-f� � cfiWll"cf,T ll � 1TTit �? 111. Spliceosomes are not found in cells of:
(1) � (1) Plants
(2) � (2) Fungi
(3) � (3) Animals
(4) � )4}" Bacteria

112. � �cflc1 cfil � � chT-1 W i? 112. An example of colonial alga is :

(1) rn& (1) Chiarella
(2) c/lfcllcffl
j2J Volvox
(3) �c/f{ (3) Ulothrix
(4) P-11$<1'//$<1 (4) Spirogyra

113. R9 ii chT-1 � cfil l11Tf � % ? 113. Which of the following represents order of 'Horsi
(1) � (1) Equidae
( 2) �fh-1Y?.i:R-1$<:1I
J2) Perissodactyla
.:>) � (3) Caballus
(4) fpm (4 ) Ferns
114. f1i:.if<1f@a if m m � c:hlfocfii•I �.it:ift. ffi � 114. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible
for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form
� cfilisll�i$i.: -� � f1cfil<:19 � fu"Q_ d'd{t:141 �
(1) Lysosome
(1) �'FFlcfil.!:I
(2) Ribosome
(2) {1$"41�1i:f
(3) Chloroplast
( 3) �Rcfflqcfi

(4) '1�cfifolcfil y( Mitochondrion

115. � it ffl � �. an� itiR � 1� am 115. The process of separation and purification of
expressed protein before marketing is called:
1{1.j;.Jcfi{UI cfiT � 'cfiT cFlT � '3f@T % ?
(1) Upstream processing
(1) Sl@Slql� �
� Downstream processing
(2) ��
(3) Bioprocessing
(3) "'qSliii:fOI
(4) Postproduction processing
(4) Y�'i:ldc<ll/;1 �

116. Mycorrhizae are the example of:

116. cfiqcfi'-!_C'i ���?
(1) Fungistasis
(1) �
(2) Amensalism
(2) Q.l-l�fa;ai
(3) Antibiosis
(3) 51@\lflfc:@
� Mutuali5m
(4) {H?i4cfi1Ra1

117. �. �an� f\l?r i � m : 117. Viroids differ from viruses in having:

�3IBWll�m9-lDNA�m�I (1) DNA molecules with protein coat

(2) DNA molecu\es without protein coat
(2) ml� 3IBWlT �DNA�ma� I
(3) RN A molecules with protein coat
(3) � ��'ffi2TRNA �mat I

(4) w-TI��ifiRNA�maf1 )4) RNA molecules without protein coat

118. �Wfm �it fqcfif@maf? 118. Root hairs develop from the region of:

(1) qf<qqc41 � Maturation

(2) �1 E!lcfi{Ol (2) Elongation

( 3) (3) Root cap

(4) fcr"l-.r1(1dchJ flfsfi.!:IaI (4) Meristematic activity

119. �q;r�m"SrcnRq;r%?

119. Coconut fruit is a:

(1) �1liB Drupe

(2) �� (2) Berry

(3) � (3) Nut

(4) �"9iB (4) Capsule


120. � �-� cfil � cfi"G cfTB cl'�I �\lflq\Nlctl 120. Pl ants which produce characteristic
� cfTB �<1f@a q � � � i? pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to:

(1) wrref� (1) Mesophytes

(2) �qOI��� _J){' Halophytes

(3) <ill<;jcfi�I�� � Psammophytes

(4) �� (4) Hydrophytes

121. f.f9 -q ctit1 ei:fi21141 � � 1TTm � � m� 121. Which one of the following is related to Ex-situ
�oomit? conservation of threatened animals and plants?

(1) cl.:ll\.llUfl @ffiU� Wildlife Safari parks

(2) �qfqfqmfl me� (2) Biodiversity hot spots

(3) �ql!TT�q,f (3) Amazon rainforest

(4) fo1i1W-H !$£ (4) Himalayan region

122. f1i.:if<1f@1 -q � ffl q,l � 122. Select the mismatch:

(1) � Q.i:tifd,11�
y{ Pinus Dioecious

(2) � l!_�ful'ljj� (2) Cycas Dioecious

(3) mRctf.e-11 fq"ll-lGll->11'1 ·. (3) Salvinia He �erosporous

(4) $¥llifl24 tl'icifl'-'11'1 (4) Equisetum Homosporous

123. �� ��WR -q f1t.-if<.1f@r it� cPll � cfi«ft 123. Which of the following facilitates opening of
t? stomata! aperture ?

(1) GR �an 'cfil� f� "i:fil � (1) Contraction of outer wall of guard cells

(2) "g:H cfi'Jr�ii:filaTI 'cfi1 �-q cfilft (2) Decrease in turgidity of guard cells

(3) GR <f>W�li:fil� 'cfi1 cf>lr<li:fil-f� -q

yr Radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils in
the cell wall of guard cells
GR <hlf�li:fil� 'cfi1 chlr<li:fil-f� -q il{RJ,�1"1 (4) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose
microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells

124. The association of histone Hl with a nucleosome

124. � Hl "i:fil �'1-l ���-mt� cf<lT � "i:fi«TT

(1) � m WT t I (1) Transcription is occurring.

DNA !.lfa<ficilH m WT% I

DNA replication is occurring.
The DNA is condensed into a Chromatin
(3) DNA ]fiT�fr-(tm -q � tI Fibre.

(4) DNA 'cfi1 fa�s1:1l 3Rfcfcf % I (4) The DNA double helix is exposed.
125. DNA fragments are:

(1) �� (1) Positively charged

(2) 3fi.Otl,'-lcfi,3ffl@ Negatively charged

(3) � (3) Neutral

Cl � � � � � <TT ;fiOll�cfi ( 4) Either positively or negativel y char ged

3TI�Pmnn � t depending on thei r size

126. a.n:rcwR cfim mm i? 126. Capacitation occurs .in :

(1) Rete testis
(1) ��
(2) Epididymis
(2) 3lf�r
(3 ) Vas deferens
(3) w-�
� Female Reproductive tract
(4) 1iTcJ -;;f,R PJ,!

��ii m� �'iffi mm i? � Which ecosystem has the maximum biomass?

Forest ecosystem
(1) q,f�
(2) tlffi��
?) Grassland ecosystem
(3) Pond ecosystem
(3) c!IB�
(4) Lake ecosystem
(4 ) ���

12s. �wr, �oifoi1�::i.���fqlll"11 �cmurmmt 128. A disease caused b y an autosomal or'imar y

non-disjunc tion is
A) Down's Syndrome
(1) ��
(2) Klinefelter' s Syndrome
(2) #ll�1q.;i;;e{ �
(3) Turner's Syndrome
(3) c;f{�
(4) Sickle Cell Anemia
(4) zy;l�mcR@T
129. Life cycle of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively
129. �rr:mam�����:%Bi? are:
(1) ,�!2fbldcfil, f&.:_tfiili17ll (1) Haplontic, Diplontic
(2) �ffi<i, �-fa:.tfbldcf>I (2) Diplontic, Haplodiplontic
(3) �-Fi;:2fu1dcf>l, fa2fb1i11<-1 A Haplodiplontic, Diplontic
(4) �-fa!_!fbldcf>l, 3i:1foldi:hl (4) Haplodiplontic, Haplontic

130. 1:1R � 3iR."Q:l.�. -q 999 � i � 333 � �

cffffi � miA � wm: F cfi{ij l am 901 � WIB
130. If there are 999 bases in an RNA that codes for a
p rotein with 333 amino acids, and the base at
a;Tr{cf, c!iT w im' � fcR,rrq m i % � 3iR."Q;l.�.
'3f@T position 901 is deleted such that the length of the
cf11 � 998 � 9ffit m \lffcTI tI � �
RNA becomes 998 bases, how many codons will be

Cfll-51'1 � �)
(1) 1
(1) 1
(2) 11 (2) 11
(3 ) 33 fo 33
{4) 333 (4) 333

131. � � � � � cfiT � fci;u � q;r mcfT % ? 131. The pivot joint between atlas and axis is a type of:

(1) (1) fibrous joint

(2) cartilaginous joint
(2) ��

(3) fll$1Wclllc1 � fl synovial joint

(4) saddle joint

(4) ��

132. A gene whose expression helps t o identif

132. � � �, f;foo a:if� {<\4Hlf<d � 'lil
transformed cell is known as :
(1) q{Otl-llllJ � fl Selectable marker

(2) Vector
(3) Plasmid
( 3) �F,-ii_c;
(4) Structural gene
(4) f!\,:Hkl-Ffi �

133. Presence of plants arranged into well defined vertic.

133. � �m «=rU if�� tf>l 3N-:ft � layers depending on their height can be seen be
�������'3JT�%? in:

dti01cfifc.<il4:Wl "flqRT (1) Tropical Savannah


(2) dt:Dtcfifc.<il4:Wl qlTT cA' ft) Tropical Rain Forest

(3) Grassland
(3) .:rm�
(4) Temperate Forest
(4) ma)mrcA'

134. The genotypes of a Husband and Wife are 1 A1 B ar

134. � 1:f@ � � cfiT '3111121$q rArB � rAi % I
� � � <fm q-tjf if fc!;cR ;,n1121$q � q,l1'121$q
�'qcf t? o
Among the blood types of their children, how 01a1
different genotypes and phenotypes are possible
(1) 3 ;,iH121$q; 3 q:,l1'121$q
(1) 3 genotypes; 3 phenotypes
(2) 3 "1l1121$q; 4 q,l.fl21$q
(2) 3 genotypes ; 4 phenotypes

.fi 4 genotypes ; 3 phenotypes

(4) 4 genotypes; 4 phe notypes

135. Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of:
(1) 41¥if.tt41
(1) Marchantia
(2) � (2) Fucus

(3) .'PJ3R21, (3) Funaria

(4) ctfi47$s)4/1/A
YI Chlamydomonas
136. �if m�&m���m���"B 136. Which of the following is correctly matched for the
product produced by them?
Qif!d�cR.< eftrcr{: �@�Fc!cti (1) Acetobacter ace ti : Antibiotics

(2) i:ft�.f!�cRJR?J4 : � � (2) Methanobacterium : Lactic acid

(3) �.flif!Rl?.14 ;:ftarr: Q,filfc:<h � (3) Penicillium notatum : Acetic acid

( 4) f1cti<147$if!Jt !Mc[}ifl: �� fl Sacchromyces cerevisiae : Ethanol

137. �cfil�mR"B� R<hlci� ���� 137. Frog's heart when taken out of the body continues
��WcTTtl to beat for sometime.

��if 'ffe«r � cfil ��I Select the best option from the following statements.

( a) � � �f!J:J<1141 � I (a) Frog is a poikilotherm.

(b) �if� ws qfhi'cl{OI -_,@mm, (b) Frog does not have any coronary circulation.

(c) � q�fb1F1a � cfilmm% I (c) Heart is "myogenic" in nature.

(d) � f::l3�'31<h mm% I (d) Heart is autoexcitable.

�: Options:

(1) �(c) (1) Only (c)

(2) �(d� (2) Only (d)

(3) (a) 'Q,cl (b)

( a) and (b)

(4) (c)°Q,cl(d) (c) and (d)

138. � 'i:f9fi' � � if cht-l m cfi�r-Pwra t ? 138. Which statement is wrong for Krebs' cycle?
(1) �'fl'� -q· m �an· 'G°\ NAD+ cfil (1) There are three points in the cycle where
NADH +H+ 't1 ..!{1l<h{OI mm% NAD + is reduced toNADH+H +

(2) � 'i:f9fi'4{ �� 'R FAD + cfil FA�H2 if (2) There is one point in the cycle where FAD +
'1_1lch{01 � f"- is reduced to FADH2

(3) fl¾7f·kl CoA "B flcf81H<h �if�� (3) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is
� GTP � � 3T1!J cl1l fi�Jltiol moT % synthesised
(4) � "'cl'sn Q,ff!fc.a 'fl"ll� ( Q,fofc.<.1 CoA) * � The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl
91H,fcl<h ��m� � � 3TT{P1f moT % 3ffi group (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to yield
� � � cfi'@ % citric acid

139. �if� cf,Wi:J �:m &m 3lffiffuf mm t 139. In case of poriferans, the spongocoel is lined with
f;;r-%'� t: flagellated cells called

(1) � (1) ostia

(2) � (2) oscula

(3) chlQ;flflI$l
y( choanocytes

4) 4l'31'1cf.1$l-ki � (4) mesenchymal cells

140. 89 if mm RNA muft cfilf¼lcfil if� if zyn 140. Which of the following RNAs should be mos
�? abundant in animal cell?
(1) r-RNA 4) r-RNA
( ) t-RNA (2) t-RNA
(3) m-RNA (3) m-RNA
(4) mi-RNA
(4) mi-RNA
141. 89 if m � «=11q1fi:p,N cfiT � � i? 141. Which among these is the correct combination o
(1) -mc,, :sTaf<h1, � aquatic mammals?
(2) :sTaf4i1, -mc,, ?wfR (1) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks
(3) �' sTaf4i1, -mc, (2) Dolphins, Seals, Tn;gon
(4) ?WTR, �' -mc, jJ> Whales, Dolphins, Seals

142. >fcfirn +i�8t,jO) cf>l � "cfil "Sf'lTTfcRf ffl � "cfiRcffi * ( 4) Trygon, Whales, Seals

� if if "B mm cfi"?.R oo � %? 142. With reference to factors affecting the rate o
(1 ) CO2 � * � >fcfirn � 1r1i � photosynthesis, which of the following statement
is not correct?
>fcfirn * 10% � mm i
ci111-fsctl'-l CO2 "cfi1 � 0.05% ocf> � "B (1) Light saturation for CO2 fixation occurs a
(2) 10% of full sunlight
tffi CO2� "cfi1 � � � %
(2) Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentratio:
(3) C3 � "3"ii:f � 'cfi1 \.lfctfs:t>'-ll if � s31T up to 0.05% can enhance CO2 fixation rate
� fi�81:1°1 � � � C4 � * � ½ plants respond to higher temperature
� crrqi:fR �awpl cfilll>1 q,q m-fil % w ith enhanced photosynthesis whil
C4 plants have much lower temperatur
(4) Vl0:���%�, "3"ii:f�'q'R optimum
*�CO2� ell� isa if '31ll<TT"fl�
(4) Tomato is a greenhouse crop which can b
% grown in CO2 - enriched atmosphere fc
higher yield
143. ctrr'-'lffccfi � if -:Sl1ctf4�ff � � m-a-r % ? � :
(1) "cf,1 1lR � "cf,1 � a:rnm mot%
I[ 143. Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtaine
(2) K=N when:
(3) K>N (1) The value of 'r' approa�s zero
(4) K<N (2) K=N
(3) K>N
144. TfRcf"cfil�* x�if"BY� ci1wfc1cfi 4Bfwff
(4) K<N
*�%I "3fqq � 'cfil � � "11 X � Y "cfi1
"3fqq � "cfil � % 3ffi � fq�lcfi{OI Ch«fT % I
144. Out of 'X' Raifs of ribs in humans only 'Y' pairs a1
(1) X = 12, Y = 7 cllfctfqcfi 9flffl'-li 1fli3 '>WT if true ribs. s:i.ect the option that correctly represen
� � 3ffi aT'tR '>WT if values of X and Y and provides their explanation
�*'fl'T��mmi1 tn X =12, Y = 7 True ribs are a ttache
cllfctfc!cfi 4flfWli 1fli3 '>WT if dorsally to vertebral colum
(2) X = 12, Y=5
and ventrally to the stemur
fuif * m� � mcft � I
(2) X=12, Y=S True ribs are attache
dorsally to vertebral colum
(3) X = 24, Y = 7 cllfctfqcfi 9f!fci41 1f!i3 '>WT if and sternum on the two end
�-� "B�mmi� �'7' (3) X=24, Y=7 True -ribs are dorsal:
attached to vertebral colurr
aT'tR '>WT if :le@ mm % I
but are free on ventral side.
(4) X = 24, Y = 12 cll@fqcfi 9flfci'-li 1fli3 '>WT if
(4) X =24, Y =12 True ribs are dorsar
��"B�mcftf� attached to vertebral collllJ
3i'tR '>WT if � mm � I but are free on ventral side.

145. ��if-g��°it.'Q:f.1l:. �cfil�aTT� 145. The DNA fragments separated on an agarose gel
can be visualised after staining with:
if, � � "(;fl � % ?
,, - (1) Bromophenol blue
(1) R
(2) Acetocarmine
(2) Q,Bliichl41;::i
) Aniline blue
(3) �� �/
J Ethidium bromide
(4) ��� /)

146. �'1111d<il1"11 �-qcfi14�ttci 2{i<ills:i11'1"flcF!Tfclcfif@ 146. Functional megaspoi:_e in an angiosperm develops

(1) Ovule
(1) �
(2) Endosperm
(2) �
'1{11T cfiTq fo Emb ryo sac

(4) Embryo

147. f1i:.:if<1f@a -q ��if; cfiR � B"a.-lUT 'TI: ifw &RT� 147. Among the following characters, which one was
not considered by Mendel in his experiments on
>PWTI -q fcRm: 1W ml 1l<TT ?.TT ? pea?
(1) cRT - �?:IT�
(1) /tern - Tall or Dwarf

(2) ci:l'i:ll(\¥i - 'ffi?.@ ?:IT 'ffi� Trichomes - Glandular or non-glandular
(3) � - ml ?:IT 1TTBT Seed - Green or Yellow
(4) � - ��'<TT� Pod - Inflated or Constricted

148. ���m:�cfi)-q, �;mif,��i, a!ci'!_ctcfi

f-i':� if;� 'ift � � cfiRUT � 1i11@: �? -:m 148. Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli. They
do not collapse even after forceful expiration,
because of:
ml:�·-wr� 3WTTR Residual Volume
(2) Inspiratory Reserve Volume
(3) � 3W@1

f-i':�-wr�� (3) Tidal Volume

(4) Expiratory Reserve Volume
149. '5f'R if,����� GnRH �
'Rffl�t? 149. GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in
(1) 3ffi � m� am
'TI: LH � ::RlcR-ikTn-H � reproduction, acts on
'ffic{UTqil��i, (1) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates

(2) 3ffi � m� 'TI: am LH � FSH � Blc{UT qi'f secretion of LH and oxytocin.

��i, anterior pituitary gland and stimulates

secretion of LH and FSH.
(3) �� m� 'TI: am 6ltcffi12.1fm � FSH � (3) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
Blc{UT q;'[��%I secretion of oxytocin and FSH.
(4) �� 'TI: m� am LH � n:i?tf<R-H �'ffic{UT (4) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
q;'[��i, secretion of LH and relaxin.

150. <ifl�1fctf<."1<ll il cfiil � �9HHOI �? 150. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of:

(1) �. (1) Stipules

(2) Adventitious root
(2) ��
(3) cRT / (4)
(4) 1lllT

151. f.!i:.:if<."Jf@a il it cf."R m �'tl � *�* >l<WTT

151. Which one from those given below is the period for
Mendel's hybridization experiments ?
c8 ?.ft?
� 1856-1863
(1) 1856 - 1863
(2) 1840 - 1850
(2) 1840 - 1850
(3) 1857 - 1869
(3) 1857 - 1869
(4) 1870 - 1877
(4) 1870 - 1877

152. arzj't� ��������in: 152. Good vision depends onadequate intake of carotene­
rich food.
Select the best option from the following statements.
89 °il flc4lftjd cfi"2R cfiT ��I
(a) Vitafuin A derivatives are formed from
(a) %uiR it fqclfY1 A*��� I dirotene.
(b ) sFti1�1c1ari:fi �m<fil F$F�i:fi, r�il� (b) The photopigments are embedded in the
membrane discs of the inner segment.
(c) Retinal is a derivative of Vitamin A
(c) � fqclfY1 A cfiT �%I
(d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the
(d) � �� � Sli:fili{lc!Ofct,l. q1J "Sfi:fiM � visual photopigments.
'WT i, Options:
�; (1) (a)and ( b)
(1) (a)�(b) (2) . (a), (c) and (d)
(2) (a), (c)�(d) (a) and (c)
(3) (a)�.(c) (4) (b), (c) and (d)

(4) (b), (c)�(d) 153. Which one of the following statements is not valid
for aerosols?
153. �it� il, f1i:.:if<."lf@a if it�� cfi"2R llP1
(1) They are harmful to human health
wt? (2) They alter rainfall and monsoqn patterns
(1) it llRq �it� t;1f1i:fil{i:fi �
They ca use increased agricult ural
(2) it qqt 3fu: � clft � <fil qflc1fcta � � productivity

(3) � cf1RUT � d<41li:_i:fidl if� mcTT % (4) They have negative impact on agricultural
(4) � � � � 1i:fil{l,�i:fi �'qlq � �
154. A.9ecrease in blopd pressure/volume will not cause
154. �/3WRR°ilcfilTT*"i:fiT{UT���mTTT? the release of:
(1) � (Renin) (1) Renin
(2) �M �r�1tFc:i:fi � � Atrial Natriuretic Factor
(3) �<.""s1RD1 (3) Aldosterone
(4) ADH (4) ADH
�3TI'if��if fl 49,ll-F,i) �]cf)R�m"IT 155. Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained
m � � �'i:IB �3TT * WJll' &TU ..I' mating of related individuals of same breed.

� m � * �'i:IB �3TT * WJll' &TU

(l) �
(2) g of unrelated individuals of same

* *
(2) :��

* *
(3) fcrr'IR zj �3TT Wfl1 � (3) mating of individuals of different breed.
(4) fcrr'IR 9"11@q1. �3TT Wfl1 � (4) mating of individuals of different species.

156. � "IJ:'tll fll41;:;qa: cfllT o'Fl1cTT %? 156. The vascular cambium normally gives rise to :
(1) cfil1T� (1) Phelloderm
(2) m�� (2) Primary phloem
(3) ©TT%� / Secondary xylem
(4) � (4) Peridem,

157. �ifmmc8R�t? 157. Which of the following statements is correct 7

��*� �i,
(1) t@i:rrncfil 3TTmIT � The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
impermeable to water.
(2) m-qwrcfft������
%1 (2) The descending limb of loop of Henle is

( 3) m "llWf cfiT 3TTmIT �� * � l=fR1lP:f %I (3)

impermeable to water.
The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
(4) m-qwrcfft����*� permeable to water.
l=fR1lP:f % I (4) The descending limb of loop of Henle is

158. 1:fic.1 3ffi 1ffi!7:n * fl4ll'{cl � cfiT � "3i:: -..Tf &TU

permeable to electrolytes.

00 °"1"Hfcf,ffi % ? 158. Fruit and leaf drop at early stages can be prevented
by the application of:
(1) fl1$ilcfi1$171
(1) Cytokinins
(2) -q:f�
(2) Ethylene
(3) �
(3) Auxins
(4) fsiiiiRFcicti �
� Gibberellic acid
159. �GlcfT:l*�cf;T� 4ldl(llcil q��1l<TTI
cm� ,roa.,ur 1TT "ctct f�fcf>ct-icfi � WTT f<ii" �* � 159. A baby boy aged two years is admitted to play school

� � I � * cf,1, "B zjq � � ?

and passes through a dental check- up. The dentist
observed that the boy had twenty teeth. Which teeth
(1) � were absent?

(2) (1) Incisors

a:fU-� Pre-molars
(4) �
� (4) Molars
160. %i:ncfirnc, � *m� m-fll 4Qi:i::l'[0\ Fcif�lti!dl cfiT
fll��IU ffl % ? 160. An important characteristic that Hemichordates
share with Chordates is:
(1 ) �cfiT�
(1) absence of notochord
(2) 31� � � � (2) ventral tubular nerve cord
(3) ffl fo�gc@ -mFIT i
pharynx with gll slits

(4) R11 � � cfiT � (4) pharynx without gill slits
161. zj'� �'tl � qfffi 7TTl!l cfi1 WC<f cfiB � � � 1TlTT 161. Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher
'fWl <WIT ��i? milk output represents
(1) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
(1) -�,4lc:fii(c:fi q(Uf CP-TTfcn <TT! "11B@I if� �a;;ur
character in the population.
'c:fiT �,�lc:fi(Oj � i I
directional as it pushes the mean of the
{2) fc:.:tll,qc:fi cRUT � � �a_.;ur i:rr� cfiT -q:c:fi' 'R:tTT character in one direction.
if�� i, (3) disruptive as it splits the population into two,
� � <TT? ;,i1l-i&.l1 cfi) � if fci� one yielding higher output and the other
lower output.
(4) stabilizing followed by disruptive as it
stabilizes the population to produce hjgher
(4) -�,4'lc:fiRc:fi � � � � <-«l ;,i1l-i&.l1 if yielding cows.
� � 7TTl!l 'c:fiT �j4)c:fi(Oj � i I
162. Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in
162. ,<�if w,T?l3TI � � � -3f.:ra i:rrlf 'c:fiT � male frogs:

�: (1) Testes➔ Bidder's canal➔ Kidney➔ Vasa

efferenlia➔ Urinogenital duct➔ Cloaca
(1) �-)��➔�➔� cliR,;c:fiict ➔
(2) Testes ➔ Vasa efferentia ➔ Kidney ➔
lfi{-�� ➔�
Seminal Vesicle ➔ Urinogenital duct➔
(2) � -+ � qjfoc:fi1ct ➔ � ➔ � ➔ Cloaca °7
lfi{-�qlfu;:ft➔� (3)
Testes➔ Vasa efferentia➔ Bidder's canal

(3) � ➔ � qjfoc:fi,ct➔Rs(�➔ y;_�ci,fo4) ➔ Ureter➔ Cloaca
-➔� Testes ➔ Vasa efferentia ➔ Kidney ➔
(4) �➔ Wli. clifochlc!-+ �➔�� ➔ Bidder's canal ➔ Urinogenital duct ➔
lfi{-� qTfu;:ft➔�

163. f.f8itm m � � ®�� cf,I"� 163. Which of the following options best represents the
enzyme composition of pancreatic juice?
(1) amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, rennin>"
(1) Q}-11$8"1, �. f?f4Hl"11, 'tf.R (Rennin)
(2) amylase, pepsin, t:rypsinogen, maltase
(2) l(ql$8"1, �, f?f4l11"11, �
(3) peptidase, amylase, pepsin, rennin >o
(3) �-, Q}-11$�"1, �. tf.R (Ret;min) lipase, amylase, trypsinogen,
� procarboxypept:idase
(4) �. C!_l-ll$8"1, f?f411'1;,i1, Sfic:filifllcffil�'<-7�"1

164. · f1'1f(."1f@a if� fc1:il:rq �lflhl$1Ti.1 41${<\ck ('tTT.'$.1:rr.) 164. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO2
-q:c:fi' W?.flll<fi CO2 -mm i? acceptor in
(1) C3 plants
(1) ��
C4 plants
(2 ) C4 �
(3) C2 plants
(3) C2 'llR'!l
(4) C3 and C4 plants
(4) C3 3ffi C4 �
165. The morphological nature of the edible part of
165. ��"©'R� 'IWtcit {t\91,qc:fi ��%? coconut is:
(1) �
(1) Perisperm
(2) � Cotyledon
(3 ) � �) Endosperm
(4) �\ffu (4) Pericarp

��I chtU{Vlcffi (APC)��-q� 166. Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein

degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis
•fcf� ��� "B � �mir-1
of animal cells. If APC is defective in a human cell,
il�-%l(H �%1 <lRllRci�lf APC� which of the following is expected to occur ?
t m f.ll:, "If cp:n tlRcf mrn ? (1) Chromosomes will not condense
(1) ��-;,m m-i) (2) Chromosomes will be fragmented
c2) ��m� / Chromosomes will not segregate
(3) �11�-;,mm-i) (4) Recombination of chromosome arms will
(4) � �3TI � g;14l\JJ1 "ITT1TT occur

167. MALT llRci Wffi � �� � cii'T WT"fll � 167. MALT constitutes about ____ percent of the
'!mlffl men t? lymphoid tissue in human body.

(1) 50% /) 50%

(2) 20% (2) 20%
(3) 70% (3) 70%
(4) 10%
(4) 10%
168. aT-;1�Rl41' �lJfITT �WP-nm° 1l.: W«Y � � ?
168. Receptor sites for neurotransmitters are present on:
(1) fo�f'Qcf, � cf>1 f$1f<+l�'i if
(1) membranes of synaptic vesicles
(2) 1{cf-fff�f'Qcf, � "If
(3) �a;l *fui'i -q,: · (2)
pre-synaptic membrane
tips of axons
(4) � fB�fQ.cfi � Ti
/ post-synaptic membr ...1e
169. '&Tm "If�� cii'T dl@WcJUI � �-;,m �
�: 169. Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone in adults does
not cause further increase in height, because
c1) '&lmlf���m�i,
* � Q.NNifff�ci � � m (1) Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adults.
(2) fc:fil(fl{lc'lf\'-11
� Epiphyseal plates close after adolescence.
'&fmlf ���*� fitjc;1l(ilcidl
(3) Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth
(3) Hormone in adults.
@�fl (4) Muscle fibres do not grow in size after birth.
(4) � * � -qm oTI3TI lf�-;,m mill I
170. Alexander Von Humbolt described for the first
170. Q.z.lcfSl":s{ ciR � � 00� � qfura fcfl<TT? time:
(1) ��AA� (1) Ecological Biodiversity
(2) ill'-11cfiIU c!1RcfiT *f.r:m (2) Laws of limiting factor
(3) / Species area relationships
-;,rrfu 8J5l ��
(4) � cjR; fll-i'lcfi{OI (4) Population Growth equation

171. ���WU� men%? 171. M� sheath is produced by:

�1 cn1�1cfi1� � 6flfa1M,i!B1��B
A Schwann Cells and Oligodendrocytes
� � � �1 chlr.?lchl� (2) Astrocytes and Schwann Cells
(3) dl'ffwi'l-%',$1Bl�?_B � � (3) Oligodendrocytes and Osteoclasts
(4) � � oRI chlf.?lcfil� (4) Osteoclasts and Astrocytes

172. ����if�ancfi1"B&TT�"q,qt 172. In case of a couple where the male is having a very
low sperm count, which technique will be suitable
for fertilisation?
(1) 3Tif: Tf� � (1) Intrauterine transfer
(2) We. ��l�l�<l�Mcfi G,(11N41 � (2) Gamete intracytoplasmic fallopian transfer
(3) � cft4�i-.H (3) Artificial Insemination
(4) 3fc1:<h1�1<h74 �f.:Tm Jfo{' Intracytoplasmic sperm injection

173. � ifcii'R m � �cR.1R<lz.i ffllcfil "q;l � <fi1 173. Which of the following components provides sticky
fct�l�ctl � cfl«ll % ? character to the bacterial cell?
(1) <h'l�lcfil f'lffu (1) Cell wall

(2) cfi�<hl<l � (2) Nuclear membrane

(3) �� (3) Plasma membrane

(4) lz.JJ�cfil&ifcicffi )A{' Glycocalyx

174. �an if �.1:/3.�. �raifial<l1 � i: 174. DNA replication in bacteria occurs:

(1) s��� (1) During S phase

(2) Within nucleolus
(2) ���
(3) fc1@0-s1 "B �
_)3} Prior to fission
(4) Just before transcription
(4) � "B tWfi �

175. The function of copper ions in copper releasing

IUD's is:
(1) it �an c111 i1Ri�nZ1a1 � � � q,q They suppress sperm motility and fertilising
"cfi'@ i I capacity of sperms.
(2) it 9,ll-lcfi"111 cnl �%I (2) They inhibit gametogenesis.
(3) itTf�"chl������i, (3) They make uterus unsuitable for
(4) it 61.;gjffi'5f1 "<h1 ���I
(4) They inhibit ovulation.
176. f..p:1faf@a if cii'R m clflW-ki � if � �
itm 'cfi'I f1cfilZ1ctl % ? 176. Which of the following in sewage treatment removes
suspended solids?
(1) ��
(1) Tertiary treatment
(2) faal<lcfi �
(2) Secondary treatment
(3) m�� t_)3f Primary treatment
(4) 3TI%� (4) Sludge treatment

1n. ��q;r�fcf-qq�mmt? 177. The water potential of pure water is:

(1) � /) Zero
(2) �"Bcfitf (2) Less than zero
(3) � "B an��� "B q,q (3) More than zero but less than one
(4) �"B� (4) More than one

178. 3fu:� � -m;:tj it if 11Fro �r., � : 178. Identify the wrong statement in context of
(1) � cfit4f,cfi � � � � i
(1) Organic compounds are deposited in it
(2) W�R:clif3,mcft%
(2) It is highly durable
(3) w� 3lR�cfil.nm�it"cfi""{B"cfi"fil
It conducts water and minerals efficiently

(4) � � fcir11gc@ fcqfu cfTB � mq wa � (4) It comprises dead elements with highly
lignified walls

179. �8mfi:Jlll � � � 3ITTmTT -zyTT � � �

l-i�8t!!UI if m � cliJtOT wa �I�� cfil � 179. Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia are caused due
�I to a problem in globin molecule synthesis. Select
the correct statement.
(1) -zyTT �· � fi�c�t!jO( qil :!011,t.fcfi � �
cliJtOT wa i I (1) Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin
chain synthesis.
(2) -zyTT � � fi�cit!!Ui cf.t 4Rt.f(Ol(,1Tcf; �
� cliJtOT wa i (2) Both are due to a quantitative defect in globin
chain synthesis.

(3) �('IB)fi:Jll( � � � q1l-j fi�flbfU( � cliJtOT Thalassemia is due to less synthesis of globin
mwt, molecules.

(4) � � � � � "q qf{t.f(Oll,t.fcfi (4) Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative

m � cliJtOT mill t problem of globin molecules.

180. <)�, ��Tt"Q'_qi�moJ%3m�"Q_cfi"

180. Flowers which have single ovule in the ova1y and
� if �it � f, tl,1'11..lld: � � 1RW@ are packed into inflorescence ,<re usually pollinated
�? by:

(1) � (1) Water

(2) (2) Bee

(3) / Wind

(4) tjt.flIii;� (4) Bat

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