Nature, Origin and Developments of Human Rights
Nature, Origin and Developments of Human Rights
Nature, Origin and Developments of Human Rights
I] Introduction
Earlier the International Law was solely concerned with states as they were treated as
subjects of International law on the other hand individuals were mere objects. But this
position of individuals changed completely after World War II. Thereafter, individuals were
also regarded as real subjects of International Law.
The term "Human Rights" is recent in origin. It has been recognised by only after formation
of United Nations in 1945 one of the basic principle objects of the United Nation charter is,
reaffirm its faith in fundamental Human Rights, in the dignity and worth of human person, in
the equal rights of men and women and nations large and small. The term "Human Rights"
denotes all those rights which are inherent in their nature and without which we cannot live as
human beings. When H.R are guaranteed by a written constitution they are called as
"Fundamental Rights" as a written constitution is a fundamental law of a state. such rights are
not created by any legislature is law agreed that the origin of the concept of "Human Rights"
are found in Greek- Roman natural law doctrines of Stoicism.
The milestone in the development of Human Rights was the Petition of rights(1628) bt the
English Parliament. The Petition of rights initiated by sir Edward Coke, was based upon
earlier statues and charters asserted 4 principles:
i) No takes may be levied without the consent of the parliament.
ii) No subject may be imprisoned without cause shown.
iii) No soldiers may be quartered upon the citizens.
iv) Martial law may not be used in time of peace. Then comes the Holmes and Locke.
According to them, “The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on
earth." Further significant stages in the development of Human Rights were; the United
States declaration of Independence (1776), Constitution of USA (1787) and the Bill of Rights
(1791), The French Revolution ; Declaration of the Rights of man and of the Citizen (1789).
It was followed by the first Geneva Convention (1864), wherein, the foundation of
International Committee of the Red Cross. The 1864 Lieber Code laid the foundation of
International Humanitarian Law.
After the World War II, in April 1945, the delegates from 50 countries met at San Francisco
and agreed to create a new body the United States in order to promote peace and prevent
future wars. The preamble of its proposed charter read, "We the people of UN are determined
to save succeeding generation from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has
brought untold sorrow to mankind".
V] The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
The UN failed to incorporate the Human Rights in its Charter, it was therefore realised by the
members that it should be an obligation of the International Community to promote Human
Rights. By 1948, a new Human Rights Commission set out to draft the document that become
the universal Declaration of Human Rights. The preamble of the Declaration provides, a
recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of
the Human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Article 1 of
the Declaration says, "All Human Beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of
brotherhood. The first two articles included the basic principles of dignity, liberty, equality
and brotherhood. The final three articles place right in the context of limits, duties and social
and political order. The member states of the UN pledged to work together to promote the 30
articles of Human Rights that for the first time in history, had been assembled and codified
into a single document.
The first generation is the 'oldest' of all universal Human Rights. The Civil and Political
rights are related to the first generation. The rights listed in the group of personal rights are;
the right to personal immunity (freedom illegal arrests), the right to private life protection, the
freedom of speech, and freedom religion etc. The political ones are right to suffrage and to be
elected, right to state administration etc. These rights are developed since the time of Greek
City states. The nature of Civil and Political rights may be different but they are inter-related
and interpole, this reason lead to the formulation of one Covenant covering both these rights
and i.e. International Covenant on Civil and Political rights.(1966). These rights of first
generation are derived from the 17th and 18th century reformist theories which are associated
with the English, American and French Revolution.
The rights of the second generation are the social and economic rights and freedom of the
Individual (along with cultural ones). These rights are considered to be originated from the
Russian Revolution of 1917 Rights included in this category are right to adequate food,
clothing, housing and adequate standard of living and freedom from hunger, right to work,
right to social security, right to physical and mental health and right to education. All these
are based on social quality. The right to work, freedom of choice of work, rest and leisure,
sufficient salary level, the right to social assistance, professional and other social and
economic rights become requirement of economic manifestations. The preamble of the
International Covenant says, "The ideal free human beings enjoying freedom from fear and
want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his
economic, social and cultural rights, as well as his civil and political rights.
(iii) Third Generation of Human Rights:
According to Louis. B Sohn, "individuals are also members of such units, groups or
communities as a family, religious community, social club, trade union, professional
association etc. International law not only recognises inalienable rights of individuals, but
also recognises certain collective right exercised jointly by individuals. The 3rd generation
includes rights of minorities, the rights of nations, the right to development, the right to
peace, etc. The United Nations commission of Human Rights has asserted in 1976 that,
"everyone has the right to live in condition of international peace and civil security and fully
to enjoy economic, social and cultural rights and civil and political rights.