Epicor Handheld Process

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This document outlines the processes involved in receiving purchase orders, putting away items, picking items, and shipping items using an Epicor handheld device. The key steps are described on multiple pages.

The main steps in the PO receipt process include logging into the device, receiving full or partial purchase orders, and closing the receipt. Full details are provided on pages 7-13.

The main steps in the put away process include accessing the put away queue, scanning item IDs to put items away in the correct locations, and closing the process. Details are on pages 20-28.

Epicor Handheld

End User Processes

Epicor 9

Version 1

Document prepared by: Amos Mzenge

Designation: Epicor Consultant

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Sign Off
On behalf of




On behalf of Paris Gallery LLC





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Version Control
Version Number Description Date
1 Initial Draft 17/09/2014
2 Updated

Distribution List
Name Position

Mr. Arun Kumar Group IT Manager-Paris Gallery LLC

Mr. Amit Kumar IT Program Manager-Paris Gallery LLC
Mr. Abed El Karim
IT Project Manager-Paris Gallery LLC

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1 Table of Contents
Sign Off ...........................................................................................................................................................................................2
Version Control ...............................................................................................................................................................................3
Distribution List ..............................................................................................................................................................................3
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................................................5
EPICOR HANDHELD PROCESSES......................................................................................................................................................6
1 LOG IN ....................................................................................................................................................................................6
2 PO RECEIPT PROCESS .............................................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Full PO Receipt Process. ................................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Partial PO Receipts Process .........................................................................................................................................13
3 PUT AWAY PROCESS ............................................................................................................................................................20
3.1 My Material Queue .....................................................................................................................................................26
3.2 Process By ID ...............................................................................................................................................................28
4 PICK PROCESS ......................................................................................................................................................................30
4.1 Set up ..........................................................................................................................................................................30
4.2 Process by ID ...............................................................................................................................................................35
4.3 My Material Queue .....................................................................................................................................................38
4.4 Picked Orders-Handheld Process ................................................................................................................................44
4.5 Picked Orders- Customer Entry Screen (Desktop) Process. ........................................................................................47
4.6 Shipping Process. ........................................................................................................................................................49
5 LOG OUT ..............................................................................................................................................................................50
5.1 Clocking Out ................................................................................................................................................................50
5.2 Logging Out .................................................................................................................................................................51
5.3 Exit The Handheld Device. ..........................................................................................................................................52

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This document is intended to highlight the current as is processes used by ____ for the Epicor Handheld Processes in Epicor 9.
It guides the user on the basic steps from PO receipt through Put away process to Customer Shipment.

Any additional functionalities or process change will be included in this document through the version control.

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1. Enter the employee ID

2. Click on Login or ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

The employee’s name appears on handheld screen

3. Click on the clock icon.

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4. Click on clock in or the ‘F2’ Button on the handheld device.

The hand-held device will be used for the following core processes;

 PO (Purchase Order) Receipt

 Put away Transactions
 Pick/pack Process


5. Click on Shipping/Receiving or press ‘4’ on the handheld device.

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6. Click on inbound Process or press ‘1’on the handheld device.

7. Click on PO Receipts or press ‘4’on the handheld device.

Depending on the nature of the transaction, the handheld functionality supports both partial and full purchase order

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2.1 Full PO Receipt Process.
For Purposes of this demonstration and documentation, the full PO receipt process will finalised with no costs added
to it. Adding of shipping costs will be demonstrated when dealing with partial PO Receipts.

(Without Estimated Landed Cost- ELC)

Enter or scan the PO number. Once the number is entered, the lines on the PO populate on the grid.

8. Enter or scan the supplier’s pack ID Number/details.

Click on the ‘scan item’ field before proceeding to step # 9.

9. On the scan Item field, scan the items to be received. The items being received should be on the purchase order
otherwise an error message will pop up. The item scanned will be highlighted as shown. Receiving can be done in any
random order.
10. Click on Receive or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

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11. Enter or scan the lot number. This is a mandatory field.
The defualt Bin location is shown.
12. Click on save or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

Once the item is received fully it clears from the grid.

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13. Repeat same procedure 9-12 for all the lines, receiving can be done randomly.

14. After all the lines have been received, click on Close or press ‘ESC’ on the handheld device.

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15. You may log out (temporary) or exit the handheld device.

Navigate to the receipt entry screen to complete the PO receipt process.

Menu Path: Material Management>Shipping and Receiving>General Operations>Receipt entry.

The PO receipt closing process has to be done manually. This is because the ELC (Estimated Landed cost) needs to be
captured where need be.

16. Enter the PO number.

17. Enter or search for and select the packing slip created during the handheld PO receipt process.

If there is no costing element (Estimated Landed Cost), please click on the ‘without Landed Cost?’ then proceed to
click on ‘receive All’ button. In the event that the ‘Receive All’ check box is selected before the ‘without Landed Cost’,
the transaction will not be saved. The page will need to be refreshed then proceed with the prescribed process i.e.
click on ‘without landed cost?’ first then the ‘Receive All’ check box.

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Where there is a costing element, proceed to add the cost (ELC). After the cost has been added, ‘Receive All’ should
be selected on its own without selecting the ‘without Landed Cost’, in the event that it is selected, the transaction will
not save and a warning message will pop up advising the user to select the ‘Receive All’ check box alone.
18. If there is no ELC (Estimated Landed Cost) to be added, click on ‘without Landed Cost?’ field.
19. Click on the ‘Receive All’ check box.
20. Click on save.

21. The items move from arrived lines to Received Lines.

2.2 Partial PO Receipts Process

1. Repeat step 5- 10 from the PO receipt process above.

2. Edit the quantity as desired.

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3. Scan or Enter the Lot number.
4. Click on Save or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

5. Upon saving, the form does not close. It still shows the remaining quantity yet to be received. Since this quantity is
not being received proceed to the next step.
6. Click on Close or press ‘ESC’ on the handheld device.

7. If the partially received item is scanned or tried to be received again, the information message ‘Item partially received.
Proceed?’. To this message, click on ‘No’.
The item partially received still remains on the grid.

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8. Proceed to receive the rest of the PO items either partially or in full as it has been demonstrated in this document.

9. After all the items have been received click on Close or press ‘ESC’ on the handheld device.

Proceed to close the PO receipt in the Receipt entry screen on the Epicor desktop screen.

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Menu Path: Material Management>Shipping and Receiving>General Operations>Receipt Entry.

Adding the Estimated Landed Cost.

10. From the new menu, select New Receipt Indirect Cost.
Once all the costs have been added,proceed to Receive to stock the items.
11. The item Partialy received will not have a check box on the ‘Received Complete’ column.

12. If ELC has been added and the user forgets and selects ‘without Landed Cost’ then selects ‘Received All’ check box, an
error message pops up.
13. To the error message, click on OK.

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14. Refresh the screen.
15. Click on ‘Receive All’ check box.
16. Save the transaction.

Receiving the remaining items on the PO

1. Enter the PO number

2. Enter the supplier’s pack ID. If the same pack number is used, the below error message pops up. Enter a unique
Pack slip number.

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3. Place the cursor on the ‘scan Item’ field and Scan the item.
4. To the message, click on Yes.

5. Click on Receive or press ‘F2’on the handheld device.

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6. The remaining unreceived quantity populates.
7. Enter or scan the lot number.
8. Click on Save or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

9. Once all the items have been received click on Close or press ‘ESC’ from the handheld device.

Navigate to the Receipt entry screen in the Epicor Desktop Terminal.

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10. Enter the PO number and pack slip.
11. For purposes of this particular process, the item is received without shipping cost. The without Landed cost flag
is selected.
12. Click on Received All check box.
13. Save the transaction.


Navigate to the material Queue Manager. All PO Receipts already received awaiting put away and Sales orders to be picked
will populate on this screen. This screen is in a read only mode.

Menu Path: Material Management>Data Collection>Advanced Material Management>Material Queue Manager.

1. Open the material queue manager.

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2. Items appearing on the PO Column require to be put away. Select the items by holding the SHIFT+DOWN AROW if
selecting in sequence or hold down the CTRL button and click on the transactions (PO) desired.
3. Click on Assign Employee.

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The employee search window opens.

4. Click on the Search Button.

5. Select the employee on whom the task(s) are going to be assigned to.
6. Click on OK.

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7. Once assigned, the name of the person assigned to appears on the ‘selected by’ column.
8. Click on save.

Navigate to Material Request Queue

Menu Path: Material Management>Data Collection>Advanced Material Management>Material Request Queue.

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9. Navigate to ‘my selections’.
10. (Optional) click on print to print the Put away list.

11. The default report style is ‘SO Pick list’, from the drop down menu select ‘PO Put Away List’ and print preview.

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An extract of the put away list showing that the items are currently in the receiving area and need to be put away ,the default
stock location been is appearing in the ‘To Whse/Bin’. This can be changed at the transaction level.

There are 2 ways of doing the Put away transaction through the handheld device. These options are

 My Material Queue
 Process By ID

These options can be accessed from the following path, from the main menu screen of the handheld

1. Select Material Handling or press ‘3’ on the handheld device.

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2. The two methods are shown.

The 2 methods are demonstrated in detail.

3.1 My Material Queue

My material queue displays tasks assigned to a particular employee.

3. The number of tasks this employee has to complete.

4. The default stock location.
5. Click on Process or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

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6. Scan the put away stock location.
7. Scan the item being put away.
8. Click on Save or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

9. Once one transaction is complete, the total number of tasks reduce.

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3.2 Process By ID

1. Click on Process By ID or press ‘6’ on the handheld device.

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2. From the Put Away list, scan the Bar code in the Queue ID field.
3. Click on Process or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

4. Scan the ‘TO’ bin location.

5. Scan the item being put away.
The quantity can be edited in the case of splitting the put away location(s) of an item.
6. Click on save or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

Repeat the same process by scanning the process ID’s on the Put away list till all the tasks are complete.

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7. Once all the tasks are complete, click on Close or press ‘ESC’ on the handheld device.


4.1 Set up

Allocation Template

Menu Path: Sales Management>Order Management>Set up>Allocation Template

Material Management>Inventory Management>Set Up>Allocation Template.

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The main functionality of this template is to automate the picking process. The automated picking process will largely depend
on how this template is set up.

1. Click on the ‘new’ Menu button.

2. Define the template code (ID).
3. Select ‘Order’ in the type Field.
4. Enter the description.
5. Select the warehouse to which the template will be used.
6. In the Demand Type field, select ‘order’.
7. Select ‘standard’ in the Bin Type.
8. In the search Sort field, select how you want the template to do the picking.
9. On the Que handling Pane, select the Release to picking option.
10. (Optional) select the Enable cross-Docking. This enables the cross docking functionality. It is a good to have
11. Enter the transaction priority required for the pick transactions.
12. Save the entries.

Navigate to the sales order entry. After the sales order has been created, from the actions menu;

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1. Select Reserve/Allocate. The fulfilment workbench populates.

2. Select the lines/releases to be processed.

3. A comparison to see if the required quantity can be fulfilled from the available inventory.

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4. From the actions menu, select Allocate>Allocate by Part.

5. By default the Ad Hoc flag is selected, de-select it.

6. The allocation Template field becomes activated, from the drop down menu, select the desired template.
7. Click on continue.

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8. On the message, click on OK. This message will identify to the user if the allocation and the auto pick suggestion has
been successful and if there are any errors i.e. due to shortage or unavailability of stock.

9. To the message, click on YES.

10. Confirm that the report style displaying is SO Pick list.

11. Print preview.

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12. The Sales order pick list picking sequences.

Once the Pick list has been generated, just like the put away process, the user has 2 options to complete the pick process
through the use of the handheld device i.e.

 Process By ID
 My Material Queue

Navigate to the handheld.

4.2 Process by ID

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1. Click once on the Material Handling or press ‘3’ on the handheld device.

2. Click on Process By ID or press ‘6’ on the handheld device. The process By ID screen opens up.

3. From the sales order pick list, scan the picking sequence ID (Barcode appearing to the right of the report).
4. Click on Process or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

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The Process Mtl Queue screen opens.

5. The shipping area location defaults on the handheld. Scan the shipping area if need be and if different.
6. Scan the bin location from where the item is being picked from. If the bin scanned (Part Bin) is different from the
‘From’ Bin, an invalid Bin error message will pop up.
7. The quantity being picked.
8. In the scan Part Field, scan the international Bar code of the item. If the international bar code does not exist or is not
scannable, enter manually the part number.
9. Click on save or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

10. After saving, the process By ID screen populates. If there are no more picking transactions then click on Close or press
‘ESC’ on the handheld device.

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4.3 My Material Queue
This is the second option. For this option, navigate to the Epicor application on the desktop terminal.

Menu Path: Material Management>Data Collection>Advanced Material Management>Material Queue Manager.

This functionality is normally used by the warehouse manager when assigning tasks to the warehouse team.

1. Highlight the transaction(s) that need to be assigned.

2. Click on Assign Employee.

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3. Click on Search.
4. Select the Employee to be assigned the task(s).
5. Click on OK.

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6. The selected by column shows the person whom the task is assigned to.
7. Click on save.
After the task has been assigned to an employee, the employee can proceed and find the task(s) assigned on the
handheld device.
Navigate to the handheld device, once the employee logs in then

8. Click on Material Handling or press ‘3’ on the handheld device.

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9. Click on My Material Queue or press ‘5’ on the handheld device. ‘My Material Queue’ screen opens up. This screen
will show all the tasks assigned to a particular employee. These tasks will appear on the screen ordered as per the
picking sequence.

10. Click on F4 button to select another tasks apart from the one currently appearing on the screen.

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11. Click on Process or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

12. The shipping area location defaults on the handheld. Scan the shipping area if need be and if different.
13. Scan the bin location from where the item is being picked from. If the bin scanned (Part Bin) is different from the
‘From’ Bin, an invalid Bin error message will pop up.
14. The quantity being picked.
15. In the scan Part Field, scan the international Bar code of the item. If the international bar code does not exist or is not
scannable, enter manually the part number.
16. Click on save or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device.

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As the tasks are being complete, the ‘My Material Queue’ tasks keep on reducing.

17. The My Material Queue populates. Repeat steps 12-16 above until all the tasks are complete.

Navigate to Picked Orders screen.

18. Click on the green reverse arrow until you reach the main menu handheld screen.

The Picked order Process can be done from the handheld screen or at the Desktop Epicor Application.

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4.4 Picked Orders-Handheld Process

1. Click on Shipping/Receiving or press ‘4’ on the handheld device.

2. Click on Outbound Process or press ‘2’ on the handheld device.

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3. Click on Picked Orders or press ‘6’ on the handheld device. The Picked Orders screen opens up showing all the items

4. Click on Carton ID or press ‘F2’ on the handheld device. The ‘Process Customer Shipment’ window opens up.

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5. The Pack ID is auto created and the picked items populate.


This screen will only populate when the complete items released to picking have been picked. If fewer items have been
picked from the ones released to picking then this screen will not populate with any data. When this happens, the picked
orders process has to be completed from the Epicor Application on the Desktop terminal.

6. Click on Close or Press ‘ESC’ on the handheld device.

7. Once the pack is created and closed (not shipped yet) the details clear from the Picked orders screen.

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4.5 Picked Orders- Customer Entry Screen (Desktop) Process.
Navigate to the customer shipment entry screen on the Epicor application on the desktop.

Menu Path: Material Management>Shipping/Receiving>General Operations>Customer shipment Entry.

1. From the actions Menu, select Picked Orders….

The Picked order desktop screen populates with all the order line/release items that have been picked. This screen can
populate multiple orders/lines/releases.

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2. Select the lines to be packed for a particular Order(s).
3. Click Create Pack.

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4.6 Shipping Process.
Once the pack is created either through the handheld or through the Epicor Application on the desktop terminal,
follow the following steps to ship the item.

1. The pack ID created. This is auto generated by the application.

2. Click on the Shipped check box, the status changes from Open to Shipped.

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5.1 Clocking Out

1. Click on the clock Icon.

2. On the screen that populates, click on Clock Out or press ‘F3’ on the handheld device.

3. On the clock out message, click on OK.

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5.2 Logging Out
4. Click on the Icon shown with an ‘x’ on the picture.

5. The name of the logged out employee is no longer showing and the ‘x’ on the picture is no longer there.

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5.3 Exit The Handheld Device.
6. Click on the Icon shown.

7. On the ‘Exit Epicor Handheld?’ message, click on Yes.

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