CSEC Physics June 1997 P1

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CSEC Physics June 1997 P1


Which of the following is a derived quantity 6. Which of the following wo.~ld be correct?
in SI?
I. I mill ampere = 1o·' A
(A) Current II. I megohm = 10 0
(il) Charg~. lll. I microcoulomb = 1ff' C
(C) Length
(D) Temperature (A) I only
(B) 11 only
2. Which of the following instruments is BEST (C) I and II only
suited for measuring the diameter of a strand (D) I, II and Ill
of hair?

(A) Ruler 7. Which of the following quantities is NOT a

(B) Vernier calipers vector?
• (C) Engineer's calipers
(D) Micrometer screw gauge (A) Momeni um
(B) Kinetic energy
3. The number '3.U2 000 expressed m
. standard (C) Weight
(D) Velocity
forni is

(A) 3.02 x !()"'

(B) 3.02 x 10' 8. The upthrust ex pcrienced hy a sol id immersed
(C) 30.2 x 1o' in a liquid is equal lO the
(D) 302 x 10
(A) mass of the.solid
(B) volume of the liquid displaced
4. weight of the liquid displaced
Rod (C)
(D) density of the liquid
I ' I ' ' I '
5 Clll 6 Clll 7 Clll 8 Clll

9. The res.ullanl force on an object is 1.cro. This

The diagram above shows a rod and a centi-
means that the object will move
metre rule measuring its length. The end of
the rod (not shown) is al the 1.cro mark of the
• rule. The length of the rod should be wriuen
(A) in a circle al a constant speed
(B) with a constant acceleration
(C) with a constalll veloCTty
(A) 6.97 cm (D) with a decreasing velocity
(B) 7 cm
(C) 7.0 cm
(D) 7.00 cm lo. Whal is the unit of the moment of a force?

(A) N
5. The period of a simple pcmlulum is MOST (Il) Nm
affected by the (C) N nr 1
(D) N m· 2
(A) length of the string
(B) amplitude of the oscillation
(C) mass of the bob
(D) force used to start it
· l_ -'7~C.,~~)'!t;-~• ~c;~---~~ 1
.. . ·~

r -3-

11- 13. Power can be defined as

(A) force x d istancc moved
~""~"""""""""-i- - ------ ~ force
work done
~' time
(D) work done x time
The diagram above shows lwo different-
sized containers, wi1h waler at different 14. Which of the following is lhe unit of
levels connected by a glass tube and
controlled by a cap. When lhe tap is opened,
water will flow from P to Q umil (A) kg s01
(B) kg ms·'
(A) the level of Q is at X (C) kg m s· 2
(B) container Pis empty (D) Nm
(C) the level of P is at Y
(D) the wa1er dep1hs of P and Q are
equal 15. Two forcesof8 N and JON CANNOT give
a rcsulLant of
(A) IN
12. Which of the following graphs would rep- (B) 2N
resent a constanl speed? (C) 9N
(D) 18 N
I 16. A device which convcns sound into elcc-
tricily is called a/an

·rime (A) amplifier

(B). microphone
(C) loudspeaker
II (D) motor

Time 17. A bubble of gas rises to lhe surface of a soft

drink. This is bcca4sc lhe
III (A) uplhrusl on lhc bubble is grcalcr
than the weight of the bubble
(B) up1hrus1 on the bubble is grealer
1'i1nc than the weight of the drink it dis-
(C) weight of the drink displaced by
the bubble is less lhan lhe weight
(A) I only
of lhe bu bblc
(B) II only
(D) density of the gas is grcatcnhan lhe
(C) I and II only
densi1y of the drink
(D) I and III only


r I
-4 - • \

18. Which of the following could be called a 23. The specific latent heal of vapourization of
renewable source of energy? water is the energy requir.ed lo change l kg of
water at
(A) Oil
(B) Gas (A) 0 °C to steam at I 00 °C
(C) Coal (B) 99.9 °C to steam at I 00.1 °C
(D) Sea waves (C) 100 °C to steam at 100 °C
(D) 0 °C to ice at 0 °C

19. A sky-diver, whose weight is 600 N, falls

24. Which of the following statements would be
from a plane and, after a while, is falling with
true about evaporation?
a constant speed. When falling with a con-
stant speed, the force of friction acting on the I. Heating is required for evaporation
sky-diver .is to occur.
II. Evaporation occurs at all tempera-
(A) less than 600 N tures.
(B) exactly 600 N Ill. The rate of evaporation is greater at a
(C) • greater than 600 N higher temperature.
(D) exactly 60 kg
(A) I and II only
(B) I and Ill only
20. Brownian motion provides evidence for the
(C) II and III only
existence of molecules because (he
(D) I, II and III
(A) molecules can be seen through the
microscope 25. When a gas is heated at a constant volume,;-
(B) specks seen through the microscope the pressure rises because the particles of the
move jerkily like molecules gas
(C) specks through the microscope move
(A) collide with the container walls more
jerkily suggesting they arc being
frequently and with greater mo-
hit by molecules
(D) specks seen through the microscope
(B) collide with each other more fre-
arc extremely small
quently and with greater momen-
21. In which of the following is conduction the (C) expand and fill the container more
main method of energy transfer? (D) move funhcr apart

(A) Food heated in a microwave oven ·

26. Boyle's law states that for a fixed m11Ss of gas
(B) Energy transferred from the sun to
(C) Food being cooked on a barbecue (A) product of the pressure and v_olumc is
(D) Food being cooked in a pot on an a constant at a .constant tempera-
electric stove ture
(B) volume is directly proportional to the
pressure al a constant temperature
22. Sweating cools the body because water
(C) volume_ is inversely proportional lo
(A) is cooler than body temperature the Kelvin temperature al a con-
(•B) is a poor comJuctor of heat stant pressure
(C) has a high specific heat capacity (D) volume is proportional 10 the Celsius
(D) evaporates and absorbs heat from the temperature at a constant pressure
"' skin
,., .
0o at.. TO '1"111? Nl?XT rAOE "
.. j
.• .·'
27. In a hospital, the steam pipes hung from the 30. Which of the following changes in wave
ceiling in the corridor arc not straight but propenics occur when waves travel across a
rather have a U-bcnd at intervals of about plane boundary from a region of deep water
40 m, as shown in the diagram below. to a region of shallow water'!

-40m (A) Increase in velocity, increase in fre-

quency, same wavelength

The purpose of the bends in the pipe is 10

Decrease in vclocily,same frequency,
decrease in wavc-lc11g1h
Same velocity, increase in frequency,
decrease in wave-length
(A) trap any water in the steam (D) Same velocity, decrease in frequency,
(B) reduce the pressure of the steam increase in wave-length
(C) conduct heat away from the pipes
(D) allow for expansion of the pipes
31. A pencil point is dipped into water at Poim P
28. The following diagram shows a vacuum flask in front of a s1raigh1 barrier. The REFLEC-
containing a hot liquid. TED wave will look like


on inside -Hottiquid
walls .,--HI-

(B) ---.\2)-.---..-....----llarricr
The liquid can lose some of its heat through
the vacuum by
(A) conduction
(B) convection
(C) evaporation
(D) radiation
(C) ----------Jlarricr


The diagram above represents a longitudinal

wave, w.here C and R represent compressions
and raref1actions respectively. If A.= wave-
(D) ....
--...\87-~--....- --narricr

length, the distance bet ween C 1 and R 2 is

• I'
(A) .! A.
(B) I A.
(C) Jl/,.
(D) 21..


~ ..

32. Which or the following staleme11ts about 35. Which of the following diagrruns BEST
waves is NOT correct? ilTusLratcs the formation or an image, I, of
Lhc object, 0, by a plane mirror?
(A) The amplitude is the d istancc bet ween
maximum and minimum displace- I
ments. (A) ~'\ '
(B) The wavelength is the distance the \~
wave travels in one cycle. ->( ' Plane

(C) The period is the time taken to go nilrror
through one cycle.
(D) The frequency ofa wave is the number
or cycles it describes in one second.
A Eye

33. Which or the following statements would

be true for BOTH light and sound? I'

They arc transverse waves.
II. They can be diffracted. .\( "",
\ \
Ill. They can travel through a vacuum. \ ' Plane

I only
11 only
_____,,_of\.;,---'\ ·•~
(C) l and lI only
(D) l, lI and lll
· -d Eye
34. (C)
M ~ "',
·\ ' Plane
--72\--;'.--'...------ mirror
OJ/'\ \
(D) I\
A II \\

The mirror, MR, makes an angle or 45° Plane

\ '
with the wall, AB. (Sec diagram above.) -----7':-*---- mirror
A man moves along the direction, XY,
which is parallel Lo AB. In which direc-
tion would his image move? 0

(A) Nonh
.<f Eye
(B) North-west
(C) South
(D) South-c:L~I

l _.' '~-~/Pt'1 °1>0NT01'11ENEXTl'AQW'1\l\>t'.t.''' - - )

~- -~
. ..
.t ..........
• ' .' - I - ?, y
. .
36. 37. Whichtwoofthe followi11gstalcmc111s must
be true if total internal rdlcction is to occur'!

I. Light must be travelling from one

I. medium to a less optically dertse
r, '2 II. The angle of incidence must be
equal to the angle of refraction.
III. The angle of incidence must be
greater than the critical angle.
IV. Theangleofrefractionmustbe 90°-
ri ---
- r2
I and II
I and Ill
(C) rr and IJI
(D) U! and IV

38. Which of the following statements about

eye defects would he correct?

I. Long sight occurs when the eye

III. ball is 100 shon.
II. Diverging. lenses arc used to cor-
r, '2 rc!ct long sight.
III. A shon-siglncd person reads a book
by holding it far from his eyes.

(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and III only
IV. (D) II and Ill only

rI - - - r2 39.

Q p

Which of the ray diagrams shown above
are correct?

(A) II and III only

(B) II and IV only
(C) I and III only The diagram above shows a section through
(D) I and IV only a human eye. Which nr the la helled p:1ns
changes the focal length of" Lile lens'!

(A) p
(B) Q
(C) R
(D) S


II .· :~~-' I
,'"~J fi~.1.:.i~o·.1
,. ·' a
, -3> I

40. A converging Jens of focal length. f, is 42.
being used as a magnifying glass. This
means that the object must be positioned at r - --,
a distance from the lens ' '

(A) less than/ Al I
(B) equal to/ I
(C) between/and 2/ I I
/ __ J
(D) greater than "2f
, \

41. The diagram above shows a cell. A, of

internal resistance. r. An external load. R.
~----<,_ _____,A t---~
is connected Lo the cell. A current,/, flows
' in the circuit. In the diagrrun above, the
potential difference across R is
I (A) l(R - r)
(B) l(R + r)
(C) Ir
(D) IR

In the circuit above, A., A,. A,. A 4 and A, 43. Ignoring earth's magnetism, which of (A),
are identical ammeters, and three equal (B), (C) or (D) correctly shows the direc-
resistors are denoted by R. Which of the tion in which a plouing compass would
following statements would be correct? point when placed near the bar magnet
shown below?
I. The readings of A 1 and A, will be
the same.
II. The readings of A 1 and A 2 will be
the same.
III. The readings of A, and A 4 will be
the same. (A)e ._IN_ _ _ ___.sl 8 (C)

(A) III only
(B) I and II only 44. For which of the following doesclectrical
(C) II and III only conduction involve electrons as the only
(D) I, II and III charge carriers?

(A) Semi-conductor
(B) Electrolyte
(C) Gas
(D) Metal

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·. ;:." - --
•••• -~ ... W••

·' >,}-

45. Which of the following is true of a sec- 47.

ondary cell?
(A) It is formed by connecting two or •
more primary cells.
(B) It can be recharged by passing a
direct current in the same direc-
tion as it delivers current.
It can be recharged by passing a Wire Card!Jo:ird
direct current in the opposite
direction to which it delivers The diagram above shows a wire carrying a
current. current down through a piece of cardboard.
(D) Il can be recharged by 'topping What is the direction of the magnetic field al
up' with dilute sulphuric acid. Y?

46. The direction of a magnetic field is the

diraction in which
(A) t
(A) the S pole of a magnet points
when placed in it
(B) the N pole of a magnet points
when placed in it
a positive charge moves when

placed in it
a negative charge moves when
placed in it
(D) -


\I .. ., ·'',... ...........

....,....!. •.•
• ....

'¥ ...

- IO -

48. For a simple a.c. generator, which of the 49. A sinusoidal voltage was displayed as
following graphs will be produced by two · shown on the diagram of an oscilloscope
complete rotations of the armature? screen below.

(A) +

e.111.r.,__ _._ _ _ _ _ _ __,_

No. of If the voltage were rectified using a SIN-
rot:itiuns GLE semi-conductor diode, which of the
following would represent the trace if the
same time-base were applied?
(D) +

c.m.f. 1---+--~----......
No. of
rotations (A)

(C) +

c.m.f.f--+--+--1---..,..-- (B)
No. of




t:. 002401/F97
®ON TO THE NEXT PAoE'." ~'""

- 11 -

Item 50 refers to the following diagram. 52. An oscilloscope is connectcU across a d.c.
generator employing a spliL-ri ng co111n1u-
tator. Which of the following MOST
Primary w Secondary likely represents Lile trace on the screen?
coil coil

so_ Appropriate labels for Wand X would be

w x
(A) step-down transformer a.c. input
(B) step-down transformer d.c. input
(C) sLeP,-UP transformer a.c. input
(D) step-up transformer d.c. input

12 v (B)
p ·supply


T s
· In the circuit shown above, the lamp is lit
by a 12 V supply. Which two points must
be connected by a thick wire Lo make the
fuse blow?

(A) Pand T
(B) Sand T
(C) P and Q
(D) Q and R


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I·• 1- ".

' ~ - , ~~ __

. ,; ,;,\' ,_,•.+. •....;";{"
' - 12 -

. 22aR .
SJ. Which of the following relationships gives S7. Tlie isotope 88 a contains
a correct value for the combined resist-
ance. R,.. of resistors R 1 , R 2 , and R, con- (A) 88 neutrons
nected in parallel? (B) 140 neutrons
(C) 140 protons
(D) 228 protons
(A) R,. =R 1 + R, + R,

S8. An atom decays by emitting an a particle.

(B) R., = The energy released is given by the equa-
R1 + R2 + R3
_j tion E = mc2 , where
'. I I I
(C) Rr=-+-+- (A) c = speed of light, m = mass of
R, R2 R3
I I l I (B) c =specific heal capacity of sub-
(D) -·=-+-+- stance, m = mass of substance
Rr R1 R2 R,
(C) c =specific heal capacity of ,sub-
stance, m = mass lost
S4. Whefl a charge, Q, moves through a poten- (D) c = speed of light, m = mass lost
tial of V, the energy gained is £. The
relationship betwc.cn these quantities is
S9. Which of the following types of radiation
given by 14

... (A) Q =EV

is responsible foran atom of
into an atom of
7 N?
6 C changing

(B) E= Q (B)
(C) r
(C) V= EQ (D) Infra-red

(D) V= E
Q Item 60 refers to information in the table

SS. Radioactivity takes place in an atom as a Nucleus Neutron Number Proton Number
result of
p 126 82
(A) nuclear instability Q 126 83
(B) a chemical reaction R 125 82
(C) exposure to excess heat s 146 92
(D) excess stress on the atom
60. Which pair of atomic nuclei arc isotopes?

56. Which of the following is NOT affected (A) Pand Q

by an electric field? (B) Q and R
(C) P and R
(A) Alpha particle (D) Q and S
(B) Bel~ particle
(C) Neutron
(D) Electron


.' ' °°"2M)IJF97 .

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