Nyamagasani 1 - Transient Analysis Rev3 PDF
Nyamagasani 1 - Transient Analysis Rev3 PDF
Nyamagasani 1 - Transient Analysis Rev3 PDF
HYDREOLE Consulting
24, boulevard Carnot
74200 Thonon-les-Bains
RCS Thonon 752 196 998
Client VSTurbo
Project Nyamagasani 1 Power Plant in Uganda
No. 15116
Date of issue 23/10/2017
File name Nyamagasani 1 - Transient analysis rev3
Revision 3
Number of pages, incl. annexes 92
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2. NYAMAGASANI 1 HYDRO SCHEME GENERAL LAYOUT....................................................................... 4
1.3. PURPOSE OF THE HYDRAULIC TRANSIENT ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 4
1.3.1. Maximum transient pressure .......................................................................................... 4
1.3.2. Plant operation in islanded mode................................................................................... 5
2. INPUT DATA ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................. 6
2.2. FOREBAY TANK ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.3. PENSTOCK .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.4. MAIN INLET VALVES (MIV) ............................................................................................................ 6
2.5. TURBINES .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.6. GENERATORS .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.7. SPEED GOVERNOR DEAD TIME ...................................................................................................... 8
2.8. DESIGN CRITERIA ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.8.1. Characteristics of the grid .............................................................................................. 8
2.8.2. Operation mode ............................................................................................................. 8
2.8.3. Steady state runaway speed .......................................................................................... 9
2.8.4. Transient pressure ......................................................................................................... 9
3. SIMSEN SOFTWARE ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.1. SIMSEN OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 10
3.2. PARAMETERS OF NYAMAGASANI 1 SCHEME ON SIMSEN ............................................................. 10
3.2.1. Upstream reservoir....................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2. Pipes ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.2.3. Main Inlet Valves .......................................................................................................... 13
3.2.4. Injectors ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.5. Pelton turbines ............................................................................................................. 13
3.2.6. Downstream reservoir .................................................................................................. 13
4. CLOSING TIMES AND RELATED WATER HAMMER OVERPRESSURES .................................. 14
4.1. NOTE ON THE OUTPUT DATA ....................................................................................................... 14
4.2. INJECTORS EMERGENCY CLOSING ............................................................................................... 14
4.2.1. Minimum injectors full closing time .............................................................................. 14
4.2.2. Injectors’ full closing time in 60 seconds ...................................................................... 16
4.3. MIV EMERGENCY CLOSING ......................................................................................................... 16
4.4. TRANSIENT ANALYSIS IN SOME PARTICULAR LOAD CASES ............................................................. 18
4.4.1. Both units operate from speed no load to full load acceptance (PN3 according to
ASCE Standard) ..................................................................................................................... 18
4.4.2. Quick shut down within 2L/a seconds (PEM1 according to ASCE Standard) ............. 20
4.4.3. Load acceptance followed by a quick shutdown at the worst moment ........................ 21
4.4.4. Sudden closing of one injector of one unit ................................................................... 25
4.4.5. Sudden closing of all injectors of one unit along with closing of the MIV of the other
unit.......................................................................................................................................... 27
5. FREQUENCY STABILITY IN ISLANDED MODE ............................................................................ 29
5.1. METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................... 29
5.1. IMPACT OF THE GOVERNOR DEAD TIME ON THE TURBINE STABILITY ............................................... 31
5.1.1. In case of a sudden load decrease .............................................................................. 31
5.1.2. In case of a sudden load increase ............................................................................... 31
5.1.1. In case of a sudden load decrease .............................................................................. 32
5.1.2. In case of a sudden load increase ............................................................................... 33
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6.1. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN ............................................................................................................ 34
6.2. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN WITHOUT DEFLECTOR CLOSING ............................................................. 34
6.3. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN WITHOUT DEFLECTOR NOR INJECTOR CLOSING ....................................... 35
7. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................. 37
NUMERICAL TABLE OF RESULTS .................................................................................................... 38
7.1. INJECTORS’ FULL CLOSING IN 34 S .............................................................................................. 38
7.2. INJECTORS’ FULL CLOSING IN 60 S .............................................................................................. 45
7.3. MIV FULL CLOSING IN 85 S ......................................................................................................... 52
7.4. INJECTORS’ FULL OPENING IN 35S ............................................................................................... 58
7.5. INJECTORS FULL OPENING IN 60S................................................................................................ 65
OPENING IN 90S, FULL CLOSING IN 55S) ............................................................................................. 79
7.8. ONE INJECTOR CLOSES IN 0.1S................................................................................................... 87
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The Nyamagasani 1 project is a 14.5 MW run-of-river hydro power plant utilizing the hydro power
potential of the river Nyamagasani as it drops 318 m in Uganda. The project is developed by Rwenzori
Hydro (PVT) Ltd. and shall be connected to the national grid.
The main energy characteristics of the Nyamagasani 1 hydro scheme are the following:
Gross / net head : 317.59 m / 300.50 m
Design discharge : 6 m /s
Source : Longitudinal section of penstock line, dated 27/03/2017
Source : Note for surge analysis, dated 28/04/2017 : head loss at full power = 17.09 m
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1.3.2. Plant operation in islanded mode
The aim is to determine the minimum inertia required to consider the plant as “stable”, i.e. to limit the
frequency deviation in different load cases.
It is emphasised that only sudden load increase (step up) is a crucial load case. In case of a load
decrease (step down), the cut-in deflectors are moved to cut a part of the jet and thus suddenly
decrease the load to the runner without impact on the penstock pressure.
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The hydraulic transient analysis is based on a numerical model of the hydroelectric scheme, from the
forebay tank to the tailrace. It is not necessary to include the structures located upstream the forebay
tank (weir, intake, canal).
As per [Ref. 1], the main characteristics of the penstock are given in the table below.
Pipe name A00-A0 A1-A4 A5-A9 A10 A11-A17 A18-A22 A23-A33 A34-A39 A40-Pelton
Number of pipes in
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
Material Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel
Inlet elevation 486.39 480.05 479.33 355.63 337.01 312.33 280.38 228.77 206.08
Outlet elevation 480.05 479.33 355.63 337.01 312.33 280.38 228.77 206.08 174.01
Length (m) 50.07 242.77 338.40 58.95 455.92 396.91 779.82 365.17 414.70
Inner Diameter (m) 1.680 1.680 1.576 1.400 1.400 1.300 1.200 1.100 1.000
Thickness (m) 0.010 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.018
Table 1 : Penstock dimensional characteristics
After the anchor n°18, the pipe bifurcates into two parallel pipes to feed the turbines.
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Discharge [m3/s]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
The main turbine data are the following:
Parameter Value Source
Rated discharge per unit 3 m3/s [Ref. 8]
Rotational speed 750 rpm [Ref. 8]
Rated net head (2 units at 100% opening) 300.50 m [Ref. 2]
Turbine rated power (1 unit at 100% opening) 8257 kW [Ref. 9]
Nozzle diameter 115 mm [Ref. 8]
Table 2 : Turbine data
The turbine inertia is considered to be negligible. It is not taken into account in the calculations.
The discharge characteristic of the Nyamagasani 1 turbine nozzles is shown on the figure below. The
servomotor rod speed is constant.
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Figure 2 : Injector discharge law (Kolektor, 12/07/2017)
Theoretically, during commissioning, the servomotor stroke shall be limited so that the injector
discharge does not exceed 0.5 m /s.
In case the head losses in the waterways are higher than predicted during the commissioning, or in
case the turbine efficiency is lower than expected, then the flow may be slightly increased above its
nominal value (0.5 m³/s) to reach the expected output power. Once the required flow is established,
then the servomotor shall be physically restricted to a slightly longer stroke.
This is taken into account in the transient analysis by applying a margin of 10% to the nominal
discharge of the turbines. The turbine discharge (Q100%= 6.60 m /s = 1.1 x design discharge) at
100% servo stroke shall be used in the load rejection and load acceptance analyses (see §4).
The inertia of the generator (J=1/2mR =GD²/4) 1 750.00 kg.m² [Ref. 5].
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2.8.3. Steady state runaway speed
As per [Ref. 3], the runaway speed under the worst credible steady state conditions shall not exceed
1280 rpm.
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3.2.1. Upstream reservoir
The water level in the upstream reservoir is set at 492.335 or 490.00 depending on the load case
under study (see §2.2)
3.2.2. Pipes
SIMSEN characterizes each pipe by the following parameters:
1. Elevation of the inlet centerline
2. Elevation of the outlet centerline
3. Inner diameter
4. Thickness
5. Length
6. Wave speed
7. Number of elements
8. Lambda head loss coefficient
Parameters numbers 1 to 5 are directly given by VS Hydro (see §2.3)
Parameters numbers 6 to 8 are calculated by Hydreole.
Wave speed
Wave speed a (m/s) is calculated as follows:
1 1
E D 1
eE A E E
E : water density (1000 kg/m3)
D : penstock inner diameter (m)
e : penstock thickness (m)
EA : Young modulus of penstock material (207 000 000 000 N/m² for steel)
EE : Young modulus of water (2 050 000 000 N/m²)
Number of elements
Each pipe is split into N smaller elements so that N = L / (a dt) where :
L: pipe length
a: wave speed
dt: integration time step = 0.01 s (arbitrary choice)
One pipe modelled by N=n elements with a length L is perfectly similar as 2 pipes modelled by N=n/2
elements with a length L/n, all the other features kept equal.
Moreover, to ensure integration stability, it is important to exchange the hydraulic quantities between
two pipes strictly at the end of the integration time step dt. To do so, it is necessary to use appropriate
and uniform piping system discretization and adapted wave speed. The figure below illustrates this
problematic in the case two pipes are modelled only with one element N=1.
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Pipe name A00-A0 A1-A4 A5-A9 A10 A11-A17 A18-A22 A23-A33 A34-A39 A40-Pelton
Real a (m/s) 881.201 881.201 947.792 1018.504 1018.504 1036.962 1087.890 1133.142 1152.892
Adapted a (m/s) 834.517 867.036 940.008 982.433 1013.158 1044.489 1083.089 1141.156 1151.953
Error on w ave
-5.298 -1.607 -0.821 -3.541 -0.525 0.726 -0.441 0.707 -0.081
speed (%)
Figure 4 : Adaptation of piping system discretization in SIMSEN
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3.2.3. Main Inlet Valves
The MIV are defined by their discharge characteristic (see §2.4).
3.2.4. Injectors
The injectors are defined by their discharge characteristic (see §2.5).
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Figure 6 : Pressure (in red), discharge (in blue) and injectors
position (in green) in case of an injectors’ full closing in 34 s
The pressure line is an easy way to illustrate the maximum and minimum values of the pressure
reached during a transient situation along the penstock.
Four curves are shown in the above figure:
Black curve : penstock longitudinal profile (layout),
Blue curve : minimum values of the piezometric head reached during the transient,
Red curve : maximum values of the piezometric head reached during the transient,
Green curve: system steady state just before transient (steady state of the piezometric head).
The surge pressure values along the penstock for an injectors’ full closing in 34 s is given in Annex.
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600 masl
500 masl
400 masl
300 masl
200 masl
Min piezometric head
Steady head
0 masl
0m 500 m 1 000 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 500 m 3 000 m
If the injectors’ full closing time is increased to 60 seconds, the maximum pressure immediately
upstream the turbine distributor is about 352 m.
The surge pressure along the penstock for injectors’ full closing in 60 s is given in Annex (PN2
according to ASCE if we consider that the normal governor closure time is 60 s).
ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 79 « Steel Penstocks – Second Edition », see § 4.3
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The minimum valve closing time to keep the penstock pressure below the limit of 382 m is 85 s.
The following graph illustrates the discharge and pressure variation immediately upstream the valve.
Figure 8 : Discharge and pressure at the valve for a MIV full closure in
85s (the closure starts at t=5 s)
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600 masl
500 masl
400 masl
300 masl
200 masl
Steady head
0 masl
0m 500 m 1 000 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 500 m 3 000 m
4.4.1. Both units operate from speed no load to full load acceptance (PN3 according to ASCE
The units run at speed no load when they are kept at nominal (synchronous) speed [rpm] and rated
voltage [V], but the output [kW] is zero.
The speed no load of a standard Pelton unit usually corresponds to a 3% to 10 % injectors opening
(very low discharge).
This load case is based on the following initial conditions:
Minimum water level at the forebay tank (490.00);
All injectors are opened at 5% (total discharge = 0,464 m /s).
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The calculations show that the minimum opening time of nozzles to avoid any negative pressure along
the penstock during a full load acceptance is 35 s with a constant speed (linear opening law).
Figure 10 : Pressure, discharge and needle stroke at the turbine for a full load acceptance in 35 s
The layout of the penstock for a full load acceptance in 35 s is displayed here below.
600 masl
500 masl
400 masl
300 masl
200 masl
Min piezometric head
Steady head
0 masl
0m 500 m 1 000 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 500 m 3 000 m
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The numerical data are given in Annex.
For information, the pressure values along the penstock for an injectors’ full opening in 60 s is also
given in Annex. In that case, the minimum pressure head at pipe centreline is 3 m, at the highest point
of the penstock.
4.4.2. Quick shut down within 2L/a seconds (PEM1 according to ASCE Standard)
The average wave speed a through the penstock of Nyamagasani 1 is calculated to be about 1045.48
m/s. The length L of the penstock is 3102.71 m. Therefore, 2L/a = 5.94 s.
If the linear closing time of injectors is 34 s, the stroke of needles corresponding to a final closure at
the maximum injector rate in 2L/a seconds is 17.47 %.
The following load case is analysed: sudden shutdown of both units when they are operated at partial
load (opening as calculated above, i.e. y=0.1747). The closing speed corresponds to a complete
shutdown (100% opening to 0) in 34 s. As already mentioned in §4.2.2, two-stage closing laws are
rarely implemented in Pelton turbines.
The upper water level is 492.335 masl.
The maximal pressure reached during this load case, at the downstream end of the pipe, is 422 m,
which is much higher than the maximum allowable dynamic pressure (382 m).
The full closing time of injectors has to be increased to 55 s to keep the dynamic pressure
within the allowable range. With this new full closing time:
the stroke of needles corresponding to a final closure at the maximum injector rate in 2L/a
seconds is 10.80 % ;
the maximal pressure reached during this load case, at the downstream end of the pipe, is 381 m ;
the minimal pressure reached during this load case is 5 m, at about 293 m downstream of the
forebay tank.
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600 masl
500 masl
400 masl
300 masl
200 masl
Min piezometric head
Steady head
0 masl
0m 500 m 1 000 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 500 m 3 000 m
Figure 13 : Penstock layout for a quick shut down within 2L/a seconds (full
closing time of injectors: 55 s).
The surge pressure along the penstock for a quick shut down within 2L/a seconds is given in Annex
(PEM1 according to ASCE ).
ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 79 « Steel Penstocks – Second Edition », see § 4.3
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The Figure 14 and Figure 15 refer to a full opening of injectors in 90 s and a full closing of injectors in
55 s.
Figure 14 : Pressure and discharge immediately upstream the turbines for a load acceptance followed
by a shutdown leading to a closure of injectors in 2L/a seconds (full opening time of injectors: 90 s and
full closing time of injectors: 55s).
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600 masl
500 masl
400 masl
300 masl
200 masl
Min piezometric head
Steady head
0 masl
0m 500 m 1 000 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 500 m 3 000 m
Figure 15 : Penstock layout for a load acceptance followed by a shutdown leading to a closure of
injectors in 2L/a seconds (full opening time of injectors: 90 s and full closing time of injectors: 55s).
The minimal pressure reached during this load case is 0.3 m at 280 m downstream the forebay tank.
This value is too low to be admissible.
The table corresponding to Figure 15 is given in Annex.
Only one unit is launched, while the other unit remains stopped
In this load case, the sequence “load acceptance followed by a quick shutdown at the worst moment”
is applied to one unit only. The other unit remains stopped.
The opening rate corresponds to a full opening in 60 s.
The closing rate corresponds to a full closing in 55 s.
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Partial load before closing (y=0.108)
Figure 16 : Pressure and discharge immediately upstream the running turbine for a load acceptance
followed by a shutdown leading to a closure of injectors in 2L/a seconds (full opening time of injectors:
60s and full closing time of injectors: 55s).
The maximal pressure reached during this load case is 380 m immediately upstream the running
turbine, which is acceptable for it is lower than the maximum admissible pressure (382 m).
As shown on Figure 17, no minimum pressure issue appears during this load case.
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600 masl
500 masl
400 masl
300 masl
200 masl
Min piezometric head
Steady head
0 masl
0m 500 m 1 000 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 500 m 3 000 m
Figure 17 : Penstock layout for a load acceptance followed by a shutdown leading to a closure of
injectors in 2L/a seconds (full opening time of injectors: 60 s and full closing time of injectors: 55s) of
one turbine while the other turbine remains stopped.
The load case “load acceptance followed by a quick shutdown at the worst moment for both
units simultaneously” is the worst load case as far as the penstock is concerned.
In order to keep the maximum transient pressure below the maximum allowable design
pressure, and to avoid any minimum pressure issue, the units will be subject to a sequential
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Figure 18 : Pressure immediately upstream each unit for the instantaneous closure of one injector of
unit 1
The calculations indicate that the maximum pressure reached during this load case is:
348 m immediately upstream the unit with one nozzle suddenly closing,
335 m immediately upstream the other Pelton turbine.
195 m immediately upstream the bifurcation.
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600 masl
500 masl
400 masl
300 masl
200 masl
Steady head
0 masl
0m 500 m 1 000 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 500 m 3 000 m
Figure 19 : Penstock layout for the instantaneous closure of one injector of one unit
4.4.5. Sudden closing of all injectors of one unit along with closing of the MIV of the other unit
In this case, both units are operated at full power and at t = 5 s:
Unit 1 closes its injectors within 34 s (see §4.1),
Unit 2 doesn’t close its injectors but its MIV closes within 85 s (see §4.3).
The maximal pressures reached during this load case are:
364 m immediately upstream unit 1,
365 m immediately upstream unit 2.
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Figure 20 : Pressure variation upstream each unit
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The methodology is the following:
1. The power plant operates in islanded mode, so that the grid is not capable of imposing a constant
frequency, the operated unit rotational speed (and thus electrical power frequency) is tuned with
the excitation system.
3. A sudden grid step load applies (positive or negative) which leads the operated turbine to deviate
from its synchronous speed until the speed governor modifies the injector’s position.
4. The maximum or minimum frequency (turbine speed) deviation following the step load is
calculated using a perfect manual operation of the turbine to reach the new injector position as
soon as possible with a minimum oscillation.
In the field, the injectors are driven by a digital speed governor (in general of “PID” type -
Proportional Integral Derivative). The Laplace domain transfer function of a PID regulator is the
y(s) Ti s+1 Td s+1
G(s)= =K ( )( )
x(s) Ti s Tfilter s+1
The set of parameters that gives a good response of the turbine to any load change depends on
the scheme (waterways and turbine-generator unit characteristics). It must be tuned at
If the PID speed controller parameters are properly tuned, the response of the system (in terms of
maximum speed deviation) is as good as with a perfect manual operation of the injectors.
5. If the transient frequency exceeds the maximum allowable value imposed by the grid operator,
then one or several parameters or input should be modified (increase of the rotor inertia, reduction
of the governor dead time, increase of the injector’s servomotor speed and/or PID governor
6. When simulating a load decrease, we consider that the cut-in deflectors are out of order.
In the field, in case of a sudden negative step load (load decrease), the runner response is almost
instantaneous with the cut-in deflectors. However, in case of a sudden positive step load (load
increase), the required time to reach the new injector position generates a temporary speed
decrease which is compensated by the speed governor. Hence, only a sudden load increase
requires a potential additional inertia to maintain the frequency within the acceptable
7. The injectors’ operating times considered in the simulations are the following ones:
o full closing in 30 seconds
o full opening in 60 seconds
As an example, the Figure 21 shows a typical behaviour of a turbine-generator unit for a sudden
negative step load, in the theoretical best case (perfect manual operation of injectors). We consider
that the deflectors are out of service.
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Figure 21 : Evolution with time of main parameters of a Pelton turbine for a sudden decrease of the
load while running at full power (perfect manual operation of injectors, without deflectors)
The Figure 22 below shows the maximum frequency deviation as a function of the total rotor inertia of:
One Nyam 1 unit running at full load for a sudden load decrease of 250 kW without any cut-in
One Nyam 1 unit running at half load for a sudden load increase of 250 kW.
Figure 22 : Frequency deviation against total inertia of one Nyam 1 unit for a
sudden step load of 250 kW
In both cases the frequency deviation is lower than 4% with the natural inertia of the generator.
However, a slight change of the system (generator inertia, servomotor speed, penstock design, etc.)
and/or the input (stepload value) sharply modifies the system response and the speed deviation may
exceed the limit of 4%, so that the natural inertia of the system is not sufficient.
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Figure 23 : Frequency deviation against total inertia of one Nyam 1 unit running at full power for a
sudden step load of -250 kW (no cut-in deflector movement).
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Figure 24 : Frequency deviation against total inertia of one Nyam 1 unit running at half power for a
sudden step load of + 250 kW.
Figure 25 : Frequency deviation against total inertia of one Nyam 1 unit running at full power for a
sudden negative step load of 250 kW, for two different injector closing times (lag time: 0.1s)
For the Nyam 1 unit natural inertia, the frequency deviation is slightly lower with a longer full closing
For a unit inertia superior to around 2000 kg.m², the frequency deviation increases with the closing
time. It remains much lower than 4%.
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5.1.2. In case of a sudden load increase
The Figure 26 below shows the impact of the injector opening time on the turbine response to a 250
kW positive step load.
Figure 26 : Frequency deviation against total inertia of one Nyam 1 unit running at half power for a
sudden positive step load of 250 kW, for two different injector opening times (lag time: 0.1s)
The frequency deviation increases with the opening time but remains much lower than 4%.
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This chapter studies the behaviour of one Nyam 1 Pelton turbine running at full load, while the other
turbine is stopped, during an emergency shutdown.
The following cases are simulated:
Emergency shutdown
Emergency shutdown without deflector closing
Emergency shutdown without deflector nor injector closing
It is reminded that an emergency shutdown consists in a full closure of injectors following a sudden
disconnection of the turbine from the electrical grid.
In the simulatons:
At t=5s, the electromagnetic torque is set to zero
The deflectors are activated in 2 s (Ref: Kolektor, 12/07/2017). A lag time of 0.1 s is taken into
The injectors are fully closed in 30 s.
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Figure 28 : Behaviour of the Nyam 1 turbine during an emergency shutdown
without deflectors closing
The turbine runs at 1220 rpm during about 25 s.
The rotational speed increases due to deactivation of the deflectors but the hydraulic transient remains
the same.
Figure 29 : Behaviour of the Nyam 1 turbine during an emergency shutdown without deflectors
activation nor injector closure
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Due to blocked injectors and deactivated deflectors, the turbine reaches the runaway speed.
The runaway speed is 1166 rpm.
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This report reviews the transient analysis of the Nyamagasani 1 hydroelectric power plant project. The
main results of the calculations are the following:
The worst case condition which leads to the highest transient pressure is a simultaneous quick
shutdown that leads to a final closure of injectors in 2L/a s;
To maintain the transient pressure below the maximum allowable pressure (382 m) during this
load case, the full closing time of injectors must be longer than 55 seconds ;
To maintain the transient pressure below the maximum allowable pressure (382 m) and to avoid
any minimum pressure issue in the penstock, a simultaneous load acceptance by both units
must be prohibited: the units must sequentially loaded;
The shortest full closing time of the main inlet valves is 85 s so that the transient pressure
remains below the maximum allowable transient pressure at the bottom of the penstock (382 m);
The rotor natural inertia is sufficient to manage a negative or positive step load of 250 kW
within the acceptable frequency range (50 Hz +/- 4%);
However, a slight change of the system (generator inertia, servomotor speed, penstock
design, etc.) and/or the input (stepload value) may sharply modify the system response and
the speed deviation may exceed the limit of 4%, so that the natural inertia of the system is
not sufficient.
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297,54 501,32 481,8 490,66 477,61 23,71 4,19
306,94 501,58 481,47 490,61 474,18 27,40 7,29
316,34 501,83 481,13 490,57 470,74 31,09 10,39
325,74 502,07 480,8 490,52 467,3 34,77 13,5
335,14 502,3 480,46 490,47 463,87 38,43 16,59
344,54 502,53 480,13 490,42 460,43 42,10 19,7
353,94 502,77 479,81 490,38 457 45,77 22,81
363,34 503,01 479,49 490,33 453,56 49,45 25,93
372,74 503,24 479,17 490,28 450,12 53,12 29,05
382,14 503,47 478,85 490,24 446,69 56,78 32,16
391,54 503,69 478,54 490,19 443,25 60,44 35,29
400,94 503,92 478,23 490,14 439,81 64,11 38,42
410,34 504,14 477,92 490,09 436,38 67,76 41,54
419,74 504,36 477,62 490,05 432,94 71,42 44,68
429,14 504,57 477,33 490 429,51 75,06 47,82
438,54 504,78 477,05 489,95 426,07 78,71 50,98
447,94 504,99 476,78 489,9 422,63 82,36 54,15
457,34 505,18 476,53 489,86 419,2 85,98 57,33
466,74 505,37 476,29 489,81 415,76 89,61 60,53
476,14 505,55 476,07 489,76 412,33 93,22 63,74
485,54 505,71 475,87 489,71 408,89 96,82 66,98
494,94 505,87 475,68 489,67 405,45 100,42 70,23
504,34 506,02 475,49 489,62 402,02 104,00 73,47
513,74 506,17 475,32 489,57 398,58 107,59 76,74
523,14 506,32 475,15 489,53 395,15 111,17 80
532,54 506,46 474,99 489,48 391,71 114,75 83,28
541,94 506,61 474,84 489,43 388,27 118,34 86,57
551,34 506,76 474,7 489,38 384,84 121,92 89,86
560,74 506,94 474,57 489,34 381,4 125,54 93,17
570,14 507,24 474,44 489,29 377,96 129,28 96,48
579,54 507,52 474,31 489,24 374,53 132,99 99,78
588,94 507,79 474,15 489,19 371,09 136,70 103,06
598,34 508,06 474 489,15 367,66 140,40 106,34
607,74 508,31 473,85 489,1 364,22 144,09 109,63
617,14 508,56 473,7 489,05 360,78 147,78 112,92
626,54 508,82 473,57 489 357,35 151,47 116,22
631,24 508,95 473,51 488,63 355,63 153,32 117,88
636,15 509,12 473,42 488,59 354,08 155,04 119,34
645,98 509,46 473,25 488,5 350,98 158,48 122,27
655,80 509,79 473,07 488,41 347,87 161,92 125,2
665,63 510,1 472,88 488,32 344,77 165,33 128,11
675,45 510,42 472,59 488,23 341,66 168,76 130,93
685,28 510,73 472,27 488,14 338,56 172,17 133,71
690,19 510,89 472,11 488,09 337,01 173,88 135,1
39 / 92
695,26 511,06 471,93 488,05 336,74 174,32 135,19
705,39 511,39 471,58 487,95 336,19 175,20 135,39
715,52 511,72 471,25 487,86 335,64 176,08 135,61
725,65 512,05 470,91 487,77 335,09 176,96 135,82
735,78 512,37 470,6 487,68 334,54 177,83 136,06
745,91 512,69 470,28 487,59 333,99 178,70 136,29
756,05 513,01 469,98 487,49 333,45 179,56 136,53
766,18 513,32 469,69 487,4 332,9 180,42 136,79
776,31 513,62 469,4 487,31 332,35 181,27 137,05
786,44 513,91 469,13 487,22 331,8 182,11 137,33
796,57 514,2 468,87 487,12 331,25 182,95 137,62
806,70 514,47 468,61 487,03 330,7 183,77 137,91
816,83 514,74 468,36 486,94 330,15 184,59 138,21
826,97 515 468,11 486,85 329,61 185,39 138,5
837,10 515,31 467,85 486,76 329,06 186,25 138,79
847,23 515,61 467,61 486,66 328,51 187,10 139,1
857,36 515,9 467,38 486,57 327,96 187,94 139,42
867,49 516,18 467,15 486,48 327,41 188,77 139,74
877,62 516,46 466,94 486,39 326,86 189,60 140,08
887,76 516,74 466,74 486,29 326,32 190,42 140,42
897,89 517,02 466,55 486,2 325,77 191,25 140,78
908,02 517,29 466,37 486,11 325,22 192,07 141,15
918,15 517,56 466,2 486,02 324,67 192,89 141,53
928,28 517,83 465,97 485,92 324,12 193,71 141,85
938,41 518,09 465,74 485,83 323,57 194,52 142,17
948,54 518,36 465,52 485,74 323,02 195,34 142,5
958,68 518,63 465,31 485,65 322,48 196,15 142,83
968,81 518,89 465,12 485,56 321,93 196,96 143,19
978,94 519,14 464,93 485,46 321,38 197,76 143,55
989,07 519,38 464,76 485,37 320,83 198,55 143,93
999,20 519,61 464,6 485,28 320,28 199,33 144,32
1 009,30 519,82 464,44 485,19 319,73 200,09 144,71
1 019,50 520,04 464,29 485,09 319,19 200,85 145,1
1 029,60 520,25 464,14 485 318,64 201,61 145,5
1 039,70 520,45 463,98 484,91 318,09 202,36 145,89
1 049,90 520,64 463,82 484,82 317,54 203,10 146,28
1 060,00 520,82 463,67 484,72 316,99 203,83 146,68
1 070,10 520,99 463,52 484,63 316,44 204,55 147,08
1 080,30 521,15 463,38 484,54 315,89 205,26 147,49
1 090,40 521,3 463,25 484,45 315,35 205,95 147,9
1 100,50 521,45 463,13 484,36 314,8 206,65 148,33
1 110,60 521,61 463,02 484,26 314,25 207,36 148,77
1 120,80 521,81 462,91 484,17 313,7 208,11 149,21
1 130,90 522,02 462,79 484,08 313,15 208,87 149,64
40 / 92
1 141,00 522,23 462,64 483,99 312,6 209,63 150,04
1 146,10 522,33 462,57 484,56 312,33 210,00 150,24
1 151,30 522,38 462,52 484,54 311,91 210,47 150,61
1 161,80 522,5 462,44 484,5 311,07 211,43 151,37
1 172,20 522,6 462,36 484,47 310,23 212,37 152,13
1 182,70 522,71 462,29 484,44 309,39 213,32 152,9
1 193,10 522,81 462,21 484,4 308,55 214,26 153,66
1 203,60 522,9 462,11 484,37 307,71 215,19 154,4
1 214,00 522,99 462,01 484,33 306,86 216,13 155,15
1 224,40 523,07 461,91 484,3 306,02 217,05 155,89
1 234,90 523,15 461,82 484,26 305,18 217,97 156,64
1 245,30 523,23 461,73 484,23 304,34 218,89 157,39
1 255,80 523,31 461,65 484,19 303,5 219,81 158,15
1 266,20 523,38 461,58 484,16 302,66 220,72 158,92
1 276,70 523,45 461,51 484,13 301,82 221,63 159,69
1 287,10 523,51 461,45 484,09 300,98 222,53 160,47
1 297,60 523,57 461,38 484,06 300,14 223,43 161,24
1 308,00 523,62 461,31 484,02 299,3 224,32 162,01
1 318,50 523,67 461,25 483,99 298,46 225,21 162,79
1 328,90 523,73 461,14 483,95 297,62 226,11 163,52
1 339,30 523,79 461,04 483,92 296,78 227,01 164,26
1 349,80 523,84 460,95 483,88 295,93 227,91 165,02
1 360,20 523,89 460,84 483,85 295,09 228,80 165,75
1 370,70 523,93 460,69 483,81 294,25 229,68 166,44
1 381,10 523,98 460,56 483,78 293,41 230,57 167,15
1 391,60 524,04 460,43 483,75 292,57 231,47 167,86
1 402,00 524,1 460,31 483,71 291,73 232,37 168,58
1 412,50 524,15 460,2 483,68 290,89 233,26 169,31
1 422,90 524,2 460,07 483,64 290,05 234,15 170,02
1 433,30 524,23 459,92 483,61 289,21 235,02 170,71
1 443,80 524,36 459,77 483,57 288,37 235,99 171,4
1 454,20 524,51 459,63 483,54 287,53 236,98 172,1
1 464,70 524,65 459,5 483,5 286,69 237,96 172,81
1 475,10 524,8 459,38 483,47 285,85 238,95 173,53
1 485,60 524,94 459,28 483,44 285 239,94 174,28
1 496,00 525,09 459,18 483,4 284,16 240,93 175,02
1 506,50 525,24 459,06 483,37 283,32 241,92 175,74
1 516,90 525,38 458,91 483,33 282,48 242,90 176,43
1 527,40 525,53 458,77 483,3 281,64 243,89 177,13
1 537,80 525,67 458,64 483,26 280,8 244,87 177,84
1 543,00 525,74 458,58 483,13 280,38 245,36 178,2
1 548,40 525,83 458,5 483,1 280,02 245,81 178,48
1 559,30 526 458,35 483,05 279,3 246,70 179,05
1 570,10 526,18 458,21 483 278,59 247,59 179,62
41 / 92
1 580,90 526,36 458,08 482,94 277,87 248,49 180,21
1 591,80 526,53 457,96 482,89 277,15 249,38 180,81
1 602,60 526,71 457,84 482,84 276,44 250,27 181,4
1 613,40 526,89 457,71 482,78 275,72 251,17 181,99
1 624,30 527,07 457,58 482,73 275 252,07 182,58
1 635,10 527,25 457,46 482,68 274,29 252,96 183,17
1 645,90 527,43 457,35 482,62 273,57 253,86 183,78
1 656,70 527,61 457,24 482,57 272,85 254,76 184,39
1 667,60 527,79 457,15 482,52 272,14 255,65 185,01
1 678,40 527,97 457 482,46 271,42 256,55 185,58
1 689,20 528,14 456,81 482,41 270,7 257,44 186,11
1 700,10 528,31 456,62 482,36 269,99 258,32 186,63
1 710,90 528,48 456,45 482,3 269,27 259,21 187,18
1 721,70 528,65 456,28 482,25 268,55 260,10 187,73
1 732,60 528,82 456,11 482,2 267,84 260,98 188,27
1 743,40 528,99 455,94 482,14 267,12 261,87 188,82
1 754,20 529,17 455,75 482,09 266,4 262,77 189,35
1 765,10 529,34 455,56 482,04 265,69 263,65 189,87
1 775,90 529,52 455,38 481,98 264,97 264,55 190,41
1 786,70 529,7 455,22 481,93 264,25 265,45 190,97
1 797,50 529,88 455,06 481,88 263,54 266,34 191,52
1 808,40 530,05 454,91 481,82 262,82 267,23 192,09
1 819,20 530,23 454,78 481,77 262,1 268,13 192,68
1 830,00 530,41 454,64 481,72 261,38 269,03 193,26
1 840,90 530,58 454,48 481,66 260,67 269,91 193,81
1 851,70 530,75 454,21 481,61 259,95 270,80 194,26
1 862,50 530,93 453,94 481,56 259,23 271,70 194,71
1 873,40 531,11 453,68 481,5 258,52 272,59 195,16
1 884,20 531,29 453,43 481,45 257,8 273,49 195,63
1 895,00 531,47 453,17 481,4 257,08 274,39 196,09
1 905,90 531,67 452,91 481,34 256,37 275,30 196,54
1 916,70 531,89 452,66 481,29 255,65 276,24 197,01
1 927,50 532,14 452,42 481,24 254,93 277,21 197,49
1 938,30 532,39 452,17 481,18 254,22 278,17 197,95
1 949,20 532,63 451,92 481,13 253,5 279,13 198,42
1 960,00 532,87 451,67 481,08 252,78 280,09 198,89
1 970,80 533,1 451,42 481,02 252,07 281,03 199,35
1 981,70 533,33 451,17 480,97 251,35 281,98 199,82
1 992,50 533,57 450,93 480,92 250,63 282,94 200,3
2 003,30 533,8 450,68 480,86 249,92 283,88 200,76
2 014,20 534,03 450,44 480,81 249,2 284,83 201,24
2 025,00 534,25 450,2 480,76 248,48 285,77 201,72
2 035,80 534,47 449,96 480,7 247,77 286,70 202,19
2 046,70 534,69 449,72 480,65 247,05 287,64 202,67
42 / 92
2 057,50 534,92 449,48 480,6 246,33 288,59 203,15
2 068,30 535,13 449,25 480,54 245,61 289,52 203,64
2 079,10 535,34 449,01 480,49 244,9 290,44 204,11
2 090,00 535,54 448,78 480,44 244,18 291,36 204,6
2 100,80 535,73 448,55 480,38 243,46 292,27 205,09
2 111,60 535,92 448,32 480,33 242,75 293,17 205,57
2 122,50 536,1 448,1 480,28 242,03 294,07 206,07
2 133,30 536,26 447,88 480,22 241,31 294,95 206,57
2 144,10 536,41 447,67 480,17 240,6 295,81 207,07
2 155,00 536,55 447,46 480,12 239,88 296,67 207,58
2 165,80 536,68 447,25 480,06 239,16 297,52 208,09
2 176,60 536,81 447,04 480,01 238,45 298,36 208,59
2 187,50 536,93 446,83 479,96 237,73 299,20 209,1
2 198,30 537,06 446,61 479,9 237,01 300,05 209,6
2 209,10 537,2 446,4 479,85 236,3 300,90 210,1
2 219,90 537,36 446,19 479,8 235,58 301,78 210,61
2 230,80 537,52 445,98 479,74 234,86 302,66 211,12
2 241,60 537,67 445,78 479,69 234,15 303,52 211,63
2 252,40 537,81 445,58 479,64 233,43 304,38 212,15
2 263,30 538 445,39 479,58 232,71 305,29 212,68
2 274,10 538,19 445,2 479,53 232 306,19 213,2
2 284,90 538,39 445,02 479,48 231,28 307,11 213,74
2 295,80 538,58 444,86 479,42 230,56 308,02 214,3
2 306,60 538,77 444,71 479,37 229,85 308,92 214,86
2 317,40 538,96 444,58 479,32 229,13 309,83 215,45
2 322,80 539,06 444,52 479,11 228,77 310,29 215,75
2 328,50 539,18 444,44 479,07 228,42 310,76 216,02
2 340,00 539,41 444,31 478,98 227,71 311,70 216,6
2 351,40 539,64 444,18 478,89 227 312,64 217,18
2 362,80 539,88 444,04 478,81 226,29 313,59 217,75
2 374,20 540,12 443,89 478,72 225,58 314,54 218,31
2 385,60 540,35 443,74 478,63 224,87 315,48 218,87
2 397,00 540,59 443,59 478,55 224,16 316,43 219,43
2 408,40 540,82 443,45 478,46 223,45 317,37 220
2 419,80 541,06 443,32 478,37 222,74 318,32 220,58
2 431,20 541,29 443,18 478,29 222,03 319,26 221,15
2 442,70 541,53 443,03 478,2 221,32 320,21 221,71
2 454,10 541,76 442,89 478,11 220,62 321,14 222,27
2 465,50 542 442,75 478,03 219,91 322,09 222,84
2 476,90 542,23 442,61 477,94 219,2 323,03 223,41
2 488,30 542,46 442,48 477,85 218,49 323,97 223,99
2 499,70 542,69 442,34 477,77 217,78 324,91 224,56
2 511,10 542,92 442,21 477,68 217,07 325,85 225,14
2 522,50 543,15 442,08 477,59 216,36 326,79 225,72
43 / 92
2 534,00 543,38 441,96 477,51 215,65 327,73 226,31
2 545,40 543,61 441,84 477,42 214,94 328,67 226,9
2 556,80 543,83 441,71 477,33 214,23 329,60 227,48
2 568,20 544,05 441,59 477,25 213,53 330,52 228,06
2 579,60 544,27 441,46 477,16 212,82 331,45 228,64
2 591,00 544,5 441,34 477,07 212,11 332,39 229,23
2 602,40 544,72 441,22 476,99 211,4 333,32 229,82
2 613,80 544,94 441,1 476,9 210,69 334,25 230,41
2 625,20 545,16 440,99 476,81 209,98 335,18 231,01
2 636,70 545,39 440,88 476,72 209,27 336,12 231,61
2 648,10 545,61 440,76 476,64 208,56 337,05 232,2
2 659,50 545,84 440,66 476,55 207,85 337,99 232,81
2 670,90 546,07 440,57 476,46 207,14 338,93 233,43
2 682,30 546,3 440,48 476,38 206,43 339,87 234,05
2 688,00 546,42 440,44 476,05 206,08 340,34 234,36
2 693,80 546,56 440,4 475,98 205,63 340,93 234,77
2 705,30 546,84 440,31 475,84 204,74 342,10 235,57
2 716,80 547,12 440,23 475,7 203,85 343,27 236,38
2 728,30 547,4 440,16 475,56 202,96 344,44 237,2
2 739,80 547,68 440,09 475,42 202,07 345,61 238,02
2 751,40 547,96 440,03 475,28 201,18 346,78 238,85
2 762,90 548,23 439,98 475,13 200,29 347,94 239,69
2 774,40 548,51 439,92 474,99 199,4 349,11 240,52
2 785,90 548,79 439,88 474,85 198,51 350,28 241,37
2 797,40 549,07 439,83 474,71 197,62 351,45 242,21
2 809,00 549,35 439,77 474,57 196,73 352,62 243,04
2 820,50 549,63 439,71 474,43 195,84 353,79 243,87
2 832,00 549,91 439,65 474,29 194,94 354,97 244,71
2 843,50 550,18 439,59 474,15 194,05 356,13 245,54
2 855,00 550,46 439,54 474,01 193,16 357,30 246,38
2 866,60 550,74 439,48 473,87 192,27 358,47 247,21
2 878,10 551,01 439,42 473,72 191,38 359,63 248,04
2 889,60 551,29 439,37 473,58 190,49 360,80 248,88
2 901,10 551,57 439,32 473,44 189,6 361,97 249,72
2 912,60 551,85 439,26 473,3 188,71 363,14 250,55
2 924,20 552,13 439,2 473,16 187,82 364,31 251,38
2 935,70 552,41 439,14 473,02 186,93 365,48 252,21
2 947,20 552,69 439,08 472,88 186,04 366,65 253,04
2 958,70 552,97 439,01 472,74 185,15 367,82 253,86
2 970,20 553,25 438,94 472,6 184,25 369,00 254,69
2 981,80 553,53 438,87 472,45 183,36 370,17 255,51
2 993,30 553,82 438,81 472,31 182,47 371,35 256,34
3 004,80 554,1 438,74 472,17 181,58 372,52 257,16
3 016,30 554,39 438,68 472,03 180,69 373,70 257,99
44 / 92
3 027,80 554,67 438,61 471,89 179,8 374,87 258,81
3 039,40 554,95 438,54 471,75 178,91 376,04 259,63
3 050,90 555,23 438,47 471,61 178,02 377,21 260,45
3 062,40 555,51 438,4 471,47 177,13 378,38 261,27
3 073,90 555,79 438,35 471,33 176,24 379,55 262,11
3 085,40 556,06 438,32 471,18 175,35 380,71 262,97
3 097,00 556,32 438,3 471,04 174,46 381,86 263,84
3 102,70 556,34 438,3 471 174,01 382,33 264,29
45 / 92
236,48 494,73 490,31 491,02 479,5 15,23 10,81
245,15 494,82 490,25 490,99 479,47 15,35 10,78
253,82 494,91 490,19 490,96 479,45 15,46 10,74
262,49 494,99 490,14 490,93 479,42 15,57 10,72
271,16 495,08 490,08 490,9 479,39 15,69 10,69
279,83 495,17 490,03 490,86 479,37 15,80 10,66
288,50 495,26 489,98 490,83 479,34 15,92 10,64
292,84 495,3 489,95 490,69 479,33 15,97 10,62
297,54 495,35 489,92 490,66 477,61 17,74 12,31
306,94 495,46 489,86 490,61 474,18 21,28 15,68
316,34 495,57 489,8 490,57 470,74 24,83 19,06
325,74 495,67 489,75 490,52 467,3 28,37 22,45
335,14 495,78 489,69 490,47 463,87 31,91 25,82
344,54 495,89 489,64 490,42 460,43 35,46 29,21
353,94 496 489,59 490,38 457 39,00 32,59
363,34 496,11 489,53 490,33 453,56 42,55 35,97
372,74 496,21 489,47 490,28 450,12 46,09 39,35
382,14 496,32 489,42 490,24 446,69 49,63 42,73
391,54 496,43 489,37 490,19 443,25 53,18 46,12
400,94 496,54 489,31 490,14 439,81 56,73 49,5
410,34 496,65 489,27 490,09 436,38 60,27 52,89
419,74 496,75 489,22 490,05 432,94 63,81 56,28
429,14 496,86 489,18 490 429,51 67,35 59,67
438,54 496,97 489,15 489,95 426,07 70,90 63,08
447,94 497,08 489,13 489,9 422,63 74,45 66,5
457,34 497,18 489,11 489,86 419,2 77,98 69,91
466,74 497,29 489,1 489,81 415,76 81,53 73,34
476,14 497,4 489,1 489,76 412,33 85,07 76,77
485,54 497,51 489,09 489,71 408,89 88,62 80,2
494,94 497,61 489,08 489,67 405,45 92,16 83,63
504,34 497,72 489,08 489,62 402,02 95,70 87,06
513,74 497,83 489,08 489,57 398,58 99,25 90,5
523,14 497,94 489,08 489,53 395,15 102,79 93,93
532,54 498,05 489,08 489,48 391,71 106,34 97,37
541,94 498,15 489,08 489,43 388,27 109,88 100,81
551,34 498,26 489,07 489,38 384,84 113,42 104,23
560,74 498,37 489,07 489,34 381,4 116,97 107,67
570,14 498,47 489,07 489,29 377,96 120,51 111,11
579,54 498,58 489,08 489,24 374,53 124,05 114,55
588,94 498,69 489,09 489,19 371,09 127,60 118
598,34 498,79 489,1 489,15 367,66 131,13 121,44
607,74 498,9 489,09 489,1 364,22 134,68 124,87
617,14 499 489,04 489,05 360,78 138,22 128,26
626,54 499,11 488,99 489 357,35 141,76 131,64
46 / 92
631,24 499,15 488,62 488,63 355,63 143,52 132,99
636,15 499,22 488,58 488,59 354,08 145,14 134,5
645,98 499,36 488,49 488,5 350,98 148,38 137,51
655,80 499,5 488,4 488,41 347,87 151,63 140,53
665,63 499,64 488,31 488,32 344,77 154,87 143,54
675,45 499,78 488,22 488,23 341,66 158,12 146,56
685,28 499,92 488,13 488,14 338,56 161,36 149,57
690,19 499,99 488,08 488,09 337,01 162,98 151,07
695,26 500,06 488,04 488,05 336,74 163,32 151,3
705,39 500,2 487,95 487,95 336,19 164,01 151,76
715,52 500,34 487,85 487,86 335,64 164,70 152,21
725,65 500,48 487,76 487,77 335,09 165,39 152,67
735,78 500,62 487,67 487,68 334,54 166,08 153,13
745,91 500,76 487,58 487,59 333,99 166,77 153,59
756,05 500,9 487,48 487,49 333,45 167,45 154,03
766,18 501,04 487,39 487,4 332,9 168,14 154,49
776,31 501,18 487,3 487,31 332,35 168,83 154,95
786,44 501,32 487,21 487,22 331,8 169,52 155,41
796,57 501,46 487,12 487,12 331,25 170,21 155,87
806,70 501,6 487,02 487,03 330,7 170,90 156,32
816,83 501,74 486,93 486,94 330,15 171,59 156,78
826,97 501,88 486,84 486,85 329,61 172,27 157,23
837,10 502,03 486,75 486,76 329,06 172,97 157,69
847,23 502,17 486,65 486,66 328,51 173,66 158,14
857,36 502,31 486,56 486,57 327,96 174,35 158,6
867,49 502,45 486,47 486,48 327,41 175,04 159,06
877,62 502,59 486,38 486,39 326,86 175,73 159,52
887,76 502,74 486,28 486,29 326,32 176,42 159,96
897,89 502,88 486,19 486,2 325,77 177,11 160,42
908,02 503,02 486,1 486,11 325,22 177,80 160,88
918,15 503,16 486,01 486,02 324,67 178,49 161,34
928,28 503,3 485,92 485,92 324,12 179,18 161,8
938,41 503,44 485,82 485,83 323,57 179,87 162,25
948,54 503,58 485,73 485,74 323,02 180,56 162,71
958,68 503,72 485,64 485,65 322,48 181,24 163,16
968,81 503,86 485,55 485,56 321,93 181,93 163,62
978,94 504 485,45 485,46 321,38 182,62 164,07
989,07 504,14 485,36 485,37 320,83 183,31 164,53
999,20 504,28 485,27 485,28 320,28 184,00 164,99
1 009,30 504,42 485,18 485,19 319,73 184,69 165,45
1 019,50 504,56 485,09 485,09 319,19 185,37 165,9
1 029,60 504,7 484,99 485 318,64 186,06 166,35
1 039,70 504,84 484,9 484,91 318,09 186,75 166,81
1 049,90 504,98 484,81 484,82 317,54 187,44 167,27
47 / 92
1 060,00 505,12 484,72 484,72 316,99 188,13 167,73
1 070,10 505,26 484,62 484,63 316,44 188,82 168,18
1 080,30 505,4 484,53 484,54 315,89 189,51 168,64
1 090,40 505,54 484,44 484,45 315,35 190,19 169,09
1 100,50 505,68 484,35 484,36 314,8 190,88 169,55
1 110,60 505,82 484,26 484,26 314,25 191,57 170,01
1 120,80 505,96 484,17 484,17 313,7 192,26 170,47
1 130,90 506,09 484,07 484,08 313,15 192,94 170,92
1 141,00 506,23 483,98 483,99 312,6 193,63 171,38
1 146,10 506,31 484,55 484,56 312,33 193,98 172,22
1 151,30 506,35 484,54 484,54 311,91 194,44 172,63
1 161,80 506,44 484,5 484,5 311,07 195,37 173,43
1 172,20 506,53 484,47 484,47 310,23 196,30 174,24
1 182,70 506,62 484,43 484,44 309,39 197,23 175,04
1 193,10 506,71 484,4 484,4 308,55 198,16 175,85
1 203,60 506,79 484,36 484,37 307,71 199,08 176,65
1 214,00 506,88 484,33 484,33 306,86 200,02 177,47
1 224,40 506,97 484,3 484,3 306,02 200,95 178,28
1 234,90 507,06 484,26 484,26 305,18 201,88 179,08
1 245,30 507,15 484,23 484,23 304,34 202,81 179,89
1 255,80 507,24 484,19 484,19 303,5 203,74 180,69
1 266,20 507,33 484,16 484,16 302,66 204,67 181,5
1 276,70 507,42 484,12 484,13 301,82 205,60 182,3
1 287,10 507,51 484,09 484,09 300,98 206,53 183,11
1 297,60 507,6 484,05 484,06 300,14 207,46 183,91
1 308,00 507,69 484,02 484,02 299,3 208,39 184,72
1 318,50 507,78 483,99 483,99 298,46 209,32 185,53
1 328,90 507,88 483,95 483,95 297,62 210,26 186,33
1 339,30 507,97 483,92 483,92 296,78 211,19 187,14
1 349,80 508,06 483,88 483,88 295,93 212,13 187,95
1 360,20 508,16 483,85 483,85 295,09 213,07 188,76
1 370,70 508,25 483,81 483,81 294,25 214,00 189,56
1 381,10 508,34 483,78 483,78 293,41 214,93 190,37
1 391,60 508,43 483,74 483,75 292,57 215,86 191,17
1 402,00 508,52 483,71 483,71 291,73 216,79 191,98
1 412,50 508,61 483,68 483,68 290,89 217,72 192,79
1 422,90 508,7 483,64 483,64 290,05 218,65 193,59
1 433,30 508,79 483,61 483,61 289,21 219,58 194,4
1 443,80 508,87 483,57 483,57 288,37 220,50 195,2
1 454,20 508,96 483,54 483,54 287,53 221,43 196,01
1 464,70 509,05 483,5 483,5 286,69 222,36 196,81
1 475,10 509,14 483,47 483,47 285,85 223,29 197,62
1 485,60 509,23 483,43 483,44 285 224,23 198,43
1 496,00 509,32 483,4 483,4 284,16 225,16 199,24
48 / 92
1 506,50 509,41 483,36 483,37 283,32 226,09 200,04
1 516,90 509,49 483,33 483,33 282,48 227,01 200,85
1 527,40 509,58 483,3 483,3 281,64 227,94 201,66
1 537,80 509,67 483,26 483,26 280,8 228,87 202,46
1 543,00 509,71 483,13 483,13 280,38 229,33 202,75
1 548,40 509,76 483,1 483,1 280,02 229,74 203,08
1 559,30 509,87 483,05 483,05 279,3 230,57 203,75
1 570,10 509,98 482,99 483 278,59 231,39 204,4
1 580,90 510,09 482,94 482,94 277,87 232,22 205,07
1 591,80 510,19 482,89 482,89 277,15 233,04 205,74
1 602,60 510,3 482,83 482,84 276,44 233,86 206,39
1 613,40 510,4 482,78 482,78 275,72 234,68 207,06
1 624,30 510,51 482,73 482,73 275 235,51 207,73
1 635,10 510,61 482,67 482,68 274,29 236,32 208,38
1 645,90 510,72 482,62 482,62 273,57 237,15 209,05
1 656,70 510,82 482,57 482,57 272,85 237,97 209,72
1 667,60 510,93 482,51 482,52 272,14 238,79 210,37
1 678,40 511,03 482,46 482,46 271,42 239,61 211,04
1 689,20 511,14 482,41 482,41 270,7 240,44 211,71
1 700,10 511,24 482,35 482,36 269,99 241,25 212,36
1 710,90 511,35 482,3 482,3 269,27 242,08 213,03
1 721,70 511,45 482,25 482,25 268,55 242,90 213,7
1 732,60 511,56 482,19 482,2 267,84 243,72 214,35
1 743,40 511,67 482,14 482,14 267,12 244,55 215,02
1 754,20 511,77 482,09 482,09 266,4 245,37 215,69
1 765,10 511,88 482,03 482,04 265,69 246,19 216,34
1 775,90 511,98 481,98 481,98 264,97 247,01 217,01
1 786,70 512,09 481,93 481,93 264,25 247,84 217,68
1 797,50 512,19 481,87 481,88 263,54 248,65 218,33
1 808,40 512,29 481,82 481,82 262,82 249,47 219
1 819,20 512,4 481,77 481,77 262,1 250,30 219,67
1 830,00 512,5 481,71 481,72 261,38 251,12 220,33
1 840,90 512,61 481,66 481,66 260,67 251,94 220,99
1 851,70 512,71 481,61 481,61 259,95 252,76 221,66
1 862,50 512,82 481,55 481,56 259,23 253,59 222,32
1 873,40 512,92 481,5 481,5 258,52 254,40 222,98
1 884,20 513,03 481,45 481,45 257,8 255,23 223,65
1 895,00 513,13 481,39 481,4 257,08 256,05 224,31
1 905,90 513,23 481,34 481,34 256,37 256,86 224,97
1 916,70 513,34 481,29 481,29 255,65 257,69 225,64
1 927,50 513,44 481,23 481,24 254,93 258,51 226,3
1 938,30 513,55 481,18 481,18 254,22 259,33 226,96
1 949,20 513,65 481,13 481,13 253,5 260,15 227,63
1 960,00 513,76 481,07 481,08 252,78 260,98 228,29
49 / 92
1 970,80 513,86 481,02 481,02 252,07 261,79 228,95
1 981,70 513,97 480,97 480,97 251,35 262,62 229,62
1 992,50 514,07 480,91 480,92 250,63 263,44 230,28
2 003,30 514,18 480,86 480,86 249,92 264,26 230,94
2 014,20 514,28 480,81 480,81 249,2 265,08 231,61
2 025,00 514,39 480,75 480,76 248,48 265,91 232,27
2 035,80 514,49 480,7 480,7 247,77 266,72 232,93
2 046,70 514,59 480,65 480,65 247,05 267,54 233,6
2 057,50 514,7 480,59 480,6 246,33 268,37 234,26
2 068,30 514,8 480,54 480,54 245,61 269,19 234,93
2 079,10 514,91 480,49 480,49 244,9 270,01 235,59
2 090,00 515,01 480,43 480,44 244,18 270,83 236,25
2 100,80 515,12 480,38 480,38 243,46 271,66 236,92
2 111,60 515,22 480,33 480,33 242,75 272,47 237,58
2 122,50 515,32 480,27 480,28 242,03 273,29 238,24
2 133,30 515,43 480,22 480,22 241,31 274,12 238,91
2 144,10 515,53 480,17 480,17 240,6 274,93 239,57
2 155,00 515,63 480,11 480,12 239,88 275,75 240,23
2 165,80 515,73 480,06 480,06 239,16 276,57 240,9
2 176,60 515,84 480,01 480,01 238,45 277,39 241,56
2 187,50 515,94 479,95 479,96 237,73 278,21 242,22
2 198,30 516,04 479,9 479,9 237,01 279,03 242,89
2 209,10 516,14 479,85 479,85 236,3 279,84 243,55
2 219,90 516,25 479,79 479,8 235,58 280,67 244,21
2 230,80 516,35 479,74 479,74 234,86 281,49 244,88
2 241,60 516,45 479,69 479,69 234,15 282,30 245,54
2 252,40 516,55 479,63 479,64 233,43 283,12 246,2
2 263,30 516,65 479,58 479,58 232,71 283,94 246,87
2 274,10 516,75 479,53 479,53 232 284,75 247,53
2 284,90 516,85 479,47 479,48 231,28 285,57 248,19
2 295,80 516,95 479,42 479,42 230,56 286,39 248,86
2 306,60 517,06 479,36 479,37 229,85 287,21 249,51
2 317,40 517,16 479,31 479,32 229,13 288,03 250,18
2 322,80 517,2 479,11 479,11 228,77 288,43 250,34
2 328,50 517,26 479,06 479,07 228,42 288,84 250,64
2 340,00 517,38 478,98 478,98 227,71 289,67 251,27
2 351,40 517,51 478,89 478,89 227 290,51 251,89
2 362,80 517,64 478,8 478,81 226,29 291,35 252,51
2 374,20 517,76 478,72 478,72 225,58 292,18 253,14
2 385,60 517,89 478,63 478,63 224,87 293,02 253,76
2 397,00 518,02 478,54 478,55 224,16 293,86 254,38
2 408,40 518,15 478,46 478,46 223,45 294,70 255,01
2 419,80 518,28 478,37 478,37 222,74 295,54 255,63
2 431,20 518,4 478,28 478,29 222,03 296,37 256,25
50 / 92
2 442,70 518,53 478,19 478,2 221,32 297,21 256,87
2 454,10 518,66 478,11 478,11 220,62 298,04 257,49
2 465,50 518,78 478,02 478,03 219,91 298,87 258,11
2 476,90 518,91 477,94 477,94 219,2 299,71 258,74
2 488,30 519,03 477,85 477,85 218,49 300,54 259,36
2 499,70 519,16 477,77 477,77 217,78 301,38 259,99
2 511,10 519,28 477,68 477,68 217,07 302,21 260,61
2 522,50 519,41 477,59 477,59 216,36 303,05 261,23
2 534,00 519,54 477,51 477,51 215,65 303,89 261,86
2 545,40 519,66 477,42 477,42 214,94 304,72 262,48
2 556,80 519,79 477,33 477,33 214,23 305,56 263,1
2 568,20 519,91 477,25 477,25 213,53 306,38 263,72
2 579,60 520,04 477,16 477,16 212,82 307,22 264,34
2 591,00 520,16 477,07 477,07 212,11 308,05 264,96
2 602,40 520,29 476,99 476,99 211,4 308,89 265,59
2 613,80 520,41 476,9 476,9 210,69 309,72 266,21
2 625,20 520,54 476,81 476,81 209,98 310,56 266,83
2 636,70 520,67 476,72 476,72 209,27 311,40 267,45
2 648,10 520,8 476,64 476,64 208,56 312,24 268,08
2 659,50 520,92 476,55 476,55 207,85 313,07 268,7
2 670,90 521,05 476,46 476,46 207,14 313,91 269,32
2 682,30 521,17 476,38 476,38 206,43 314,74 269,95
2 688,00 521,22 476,05 476,05 206,08 315,14 269,97
2 693,80 521,29 475,98 475,98 205,63 315,66 270,35
2 705,30 521,44 475,84 475,84 204,74 316,70 271,1
2 716,80 521,59 475,7 475,7 203,85 317,74 271,85
2 728,30 521,74 475,56 475,56 202,96 318,78 272,6
2 739,80 521,89 475,42 475,42 202,07 319,82 273,35
2 751,40 522,04 475,28 475,28 201,18 320,86 274,1
2 762,90 522,19 475,13 475,13 200,29 321,90 274,84
2 774,40 522,35 474,99 474,99 199,4 322,95 275,59
2 785,90 522,49 474,85 474,85 198,51 323,98 276,34
2 797,40 522,64 474,71 474,71 197,62 325,02 277,09
2 809,00 522,79 474,57 474,57 196,73 326,06 277,84
2 820,50 522,94 474,43 474,43 195,84 327,10 278,59
2 832,00 523,09 474,29 474,29 194,94 328,15 279,35
2 843,50 523,24 474,15 474,15 194,05 329,19 280,1
2 855,00 523,38 474,01 474,01 193,16 330,22 280,85
2 866,60 523,53 473,87 473,87 192,27 331,26 281,6
2 878,10 523,67 473,72 473,72 191,38 332,29 282,34
2 889,60 523,82 473,58 473,58 190,49 333,33 283,09
2 901,10 523,96 473,44 473,44 189,6 334,36 283,84
2 912,60 524,1 473,3 473,3 188,71 335,39 284,59
2 924,20 524,24 473,16 473,16 187,82 336,42 285,34
51 / 92
2 935,70 524,39 473,02 473,02 186,93 337,46 286,09
2 947,20 524,53 472,88 472,88 186,04 338,49 286,84
2 958,70 524,68 472,74 472,74 185,15 339,53 287,59
2 970,20 524,82 472,6 472,6 184,25 340,57 288,35
2 981,80 524,97 472,45 472,45 183,36 341,61 289,09
2 993,30 525,11 472,31 472,31 182,47 342,64 289,84
3 004,80 525,26 472,17 472,17 181,58 343,68 290,59
3 016,30 525,4 472,03 472,03 180,69 344,71 291,34
3 027,80 525,55 471,89 471,89 179,8 345,75 292,09
3 039,40 525,69 471,75 471,75 178,91 346,78 292,84
3 050,90 525,84 471,61 471,61 178,02 347,82 293,59
3 062,40 525,98 471,47 471,47 177,13 348,85 294,34
3 073,90 526,13 471,33 471,33 176,24 349,89 295,09
3 085,40 526,27 471,18 471,18 175,35 350,92 295,83
3 097,00 526,41 471,04 471,04 174,46 351,95 296,58
3 102,70 526,44 470,99 471 174,01 352,43 296,98
52 / 92
210.47 498.57 486.15 491.32 479.57 19.00 6.58
219.14 498.81 485.9 491.29 479.55 19.26 6.35
227.81 499.07 485.66 491.27 479.52 19.55 6.14
236.48 499.32 485.42 491.24 479.5 19.82 5.92
245.15 499.56 485.18 491.21 479.47 20.09 5.71
253.82 499.78 484.94 491.19 479.45 20.33 5.49
262.49 500 484.71 491.16 479.42 20.58 5.29
271.16 500.22 484.48 491.13 479.39 20.83 5.09
279.83 500.42 484.26 491.11 479.37 21.05 4.89
288.50 500.6 484.05 491.08 479.34 21.26 4.71
292.84 500.68 483.95 490.96 479.33 21.35 4.62
297.54 500.79 483.82 490.94 477.61 23.18 6.21
306.94 500.98 483.58 490.9 474.18 26.80 9.4
316.34 501.17 483.36 490.86 470.74 30.43 12.62
325.74 501.35 483.14 490.82 467.3 34.05 15.84
335.14 501.51 482.93 490.78 463.87 37.64 19.06
344.54 501.66 482.72 490.74 460.43 41.23 22.29
353.94 501.8 482.51 490.7 457 44.80 25.51
363.34 501.94 482.29 490.66 453.56 48.38 28.73
372.74 502.1 482.07 490.62 450.12 51.98 31.95
382.14 502.26 481.86 490.58 446.69 55.57 35.17
391.54 502.44 481.66 490.54 443.25 59.19 38.41
400.94 502.62 481.44 490.5 439.81 62.81 41.63
410.34 502.79 481.22 490.47 436.38 66.41 44.84
419.74 502.95 481 490.43 432.94 70.01 48.06
429.14 503.11 480.78 490.39 429.51 73.60 51.27
438.54 503.3 480.55 490.35 426.07 77.23 54.48
447.94 503.52 480.32 490.31 422.63 80.89 57.69
457.34 503.75 480.08 490.27 419.2 84.55 60.88
466.74 503.97 479.85 490.23 415.76 88.21 64.09
476.14 504.19 479.61 490.19 412.33 91.86 67.28
485.54 504.44 479.36 490.15 408.89 95.55 70.47
494.94 504.69 479.12 490.11 405.45 99.24 73.67
504.34 504.93 478.89 490.07 402.02 102.91 76.87
513.74 505.16 478.65 490.03 398.58 106.58 80.07
523.14 505.38 478.41 489.99 395.15 110.23 83.26
532.54 505.59 478.18 489.95 391.71 113.88 86.47
541.94 505.78 477.96 489.91 388.27 117.51 89.69
551.34 505.99 477.73 489.87 384.84 121.15 92.89
560.74 506.19 477.5 489.83 381.4 124.79 96.1
570.14 506.39 477.28 489.79 377.96 128.43 99.32
579.54 506.58 477.05 489.75 374.53 132.05 102.52
588.94 506.78 476.82 489.71 371.09 135.69 105.73
598.34 506.97 476.61 489.68 367.66 139.31 108.95
607.74 507.15 476.4 489.64 364.22 142.93 112.18
617.14 507.31 476.21 489.6 360.78 146.53 115.43
626.54 507.46 476.04 489.56 357.35 150.11 118.69
631.24 507.53 475.96 489.25 355.63 151.90 120.33
636.15 507.62 475.85 489.21 354.08 153.54 121.77
645.98 507.79 475.65 489.13 350.98 156.81 124.67
655.80 507.95 475.44 489.06 347.87 160.08 127.57
665.63 508.09 475.23 488.98 344.77 163.32 130.46
675.45 508.22 475.01 488.91 341.66 166.56 133.35
685.28 508.34 474.8 488.83 338.56 169.78 136.24
690.19 508.4 474.71 488.8 337.01 171.39 137.7
53 / 92
695.26 508.46 474.6 488.76 336.74 171.72 137.86
705.39 508.57 474.41 488.68 336.19 172.38 138.22
715.52 508.68 474.21 488.6 335.64 173.04 138.57
725.65 508.79 474.01 488.53 335.09 173.70 138.92
735.78 508.91 473.81 488.45 334.54 174.37 139.27
745.91 509.07 473.6 488.37 333.99 175.08 139.61
756.05 509.36 473.4 488.3 333.45 175.91 139.95
766.18 509.65 473.19 488.22 332.9 176.75 140.29
776.31 509.93 472.98 488.14 332.35 177.58 140.63
786.44 510.22 472.77 488.07 331.8 178.42 140.97
796.57 510.5 472.57 487.99 331.25 179.25 141.32
806.70 510.78 472.37 487.91 330.7 180.08 141.67
816.83 511.07 472.16 487.84 330.15 180.92 142.01
826.97 511.34 471.95 487.76 329.61 181.73 142.34
837.10 511.62 471.75 487.68 329.06 182.56 142.69
847.23 511.9 471.55 487.6 328.51 183.39 143.04
857.36 512.18 471.35 487.53 327.96 184.22 143.39
867.49 512.45 471.16 487.45 327.41 185.04 143.75
877.62 512.73 470.98 487.37 326.86 185.87 144.12
887.76 513.01 470.79 487.3 326.32 186.69 144.47
897.89 513.29 470.59 487.22 325.77 187.52 144.82
908.02 513.56 470.4 487.14 325.22 188.34 145.18
918.15 513.84 470.21 487.07 324.67 189.17 145.54
928.28 514.12 470.02 486.99 324.12 190.00 145.9
938.41 514.4 469.83 486.91 323.57 190.83 146.26
948.54 514.67 469.64 486.83 323.02 191.65 146.62
958.68 514.95 469.45 486.76 322.48 192.47 146.97
968.81 515.23 469.27 486.68 321.93 193.30 147.34
978.94 515.51 469.08 486.6 321.38 194.13 147.7
989.07 515.78 468.89 486.53 320.83 194.95 148.06
999.20 516.06 468.7 486.45 320.28 195.78 148.42
1 009.30 516.33 468.52 486.37 319.73 196.60 148.79
1 019.50 516.61 468.34 486.3 319.19 197.42 149.15
1 029.60 516.88 468.16 486.22 318.64 198.24 149.52
1 039.70 517.16 467.98 486.14 318.09 199.07 149.89
1 049.90 517.43 467.8 486.06 317.54 199.89 150.26
1 060.00 517.72 467.61 485.99 316.99 200.73 150.62
1 070.10 518.01 467.42 485.91 316.44 201.57 150.98
1 080.30 518.3 467.23 485.83 315.89 202.41 151.34
1 090.40 518.59 467.03 485.76 315.35 203.24 151.68
1 100.50 518.88 466.84 485.68 314.8 204.08 152.04
1 110.60 519.17 466.65 485.6 314.25 204.92 152.4
1 120.80 519.45 466.44 485.53 313.7 205.75 152.74
1 130.90 519.74 466.21 485.45 313.15 206.59 153.06
1 141.00 520.03 465.97 485.37 312.6 207.43 153.37
1 146.10 520.18 465.85 485.85 312.33 207.85 153.52
1 151.30 520.27 465.76 485.83 311.91 208.36 153.85
1 161.80 520.44 465.61 485.8 311.07 209.37 154.54
1 172.20 520.61 465.45 485.78 310.23 210.38 155.22
1 182.70 520.78 465.3 485.75 309.39 211.39 155.91
1 193.10 520.95 465.15 485.72 308.55 212.40 156.6
1 203.60 521.13 465.01 485.69 307.71 213.42 157.3
1 214.00 521.3 464.87 485.66 306.86 214.44 158.01
1 224.40 521.47 464.74 485.63 306.02 215.45 158.72
1 234.90 521.64 464.61 485.6 305.18 216.46 159.43
54 / 92
1 245.30 521.81 464.49 485.57 304.34 217.47 160.15
1 255.80 521.98 464.37 485.55 303.5 218.48 160.87
1 266.20 522.15 464.24 485.52 302.66 219.49 161.58
1 276.70 522.32 464.12 485.49 301.82 220.50 162.3
1 287.10 522.49 463.99 485.46 300.98 221.51 163.01
1 297.60 522.66 463.85 485.43 300.14 222.52 163.71
1 308.00 522.83 463.71 485.4 299.3 223.53 164.41
1 318.50 523 463.58 485.37 298.46 224.54 165.12
1 328.90 523.17 463.45 485.34 297.62 225.55 165.83
1 339.30 523.35 463.33 485.32 296.78 226.57 166.55
1 349.80 523.52 463.22 485.29 295.93 227.59 167.29
1 360.20 523.68 463.12 485.26 295.09 228.59 168.03
1 370.70 523.85 463.02 485.23 294.25 229.60 168.77
1 381.10 524.02 462.92 485.2 293.41 230.61 169.51
1 391.60 524.18 462.82 485.17 292.57 231.61 170.25
1 402.00 524.34 462.71 485.14 291.73 232.61 170.98
1 412.50 524.5 462.6 485.11 290.89 233.61 171.71
1 422.90 524.66 462.5 485.09 290.05 234.61 172.45
1 433.30 524.83 462.4 485.06 289.21 235.62 173.19
1 443.80 524.99 462.3 485.03 288.37 236.62 173.93
1 454.20 525.16 462.19 485 287.53 237.63 174.66
1 464.70 525.32 462.09 484.97 286.69 238.63 175.4
1 475.10 525.49 461.98 484.94 285.85 239.64 176.13
1 485.60 525.65 461.88 484.91 285 240.65 176.88
1 496.00 525.81 461.78 484.88 284.16 241.65 177.62
1 506.50 525.98 461.68 484.86 283.32 242.66 178.36
1 516.90 526.14 461.57 484.83 282.48 243.66 179.09
1 527.40 526.3 461.47 484.8 281.64 244.66 179.83
1 537.80 526.47 461.38 484.77 280.8 245.67 180.58
1 543.00 526.54 461.34 484.66 280.38 246.16 180.96
1 548.40 526.64 461.28 484.63 280.02 246.62 181.26
1 559.30 526.84 461.16 484.59 279.3 247.54 181.86
1 570.10 527.04 461.04 484.55 278.59 248.45 182.45
1 580.90 527.23 460.92 484.5 277.87 249.36 183.05
1 591.80 527.43 460.8 484.46 277.15 250.28 183.65
1 602.60 527.62 460.67 484.41 276.44 251.18 184.23
1 613.40 527.82 460.55 484.37 275.72 252.10 184.83
1 624.30 528.01 460.42 484.32 275 253.01 185.42
1 635.10 528.2 460.3 484.28 274.29 253.91 186.01
1 645.90 528.4 460.19 484.23 273.57 254.83 186.62
1 656.70 528.59 460.08 484.19 272.85 255.74 187.23
1 667.60 528.79 459.97 484.15 272.14 256.65 187.83
1 678.40 528.98 459.87 484.1 271.42 257.56 188.45
1 689.20 529.18 459.76 484.06 270.7 258.48 189.06
1 700.10 529.37 459.65 484.01 269.99 259.38 189.66
1 710.90 529.56 459.53 483.97 269.27 260.29 190.26
1 721.70 529.75 459.4 483.92 268.55 261.20 190.85
1 732.60 529.94 459.26 483.88 267.84 262.10 191.42
1 743.40 530.13 459.11 483.83 267.12 263.01 191.99
1 754.20 530.31 458.92 483.79 266.4 263.91 192.52
1 765.10 530.5 458.71 483.75 265.69 264.81 193.02
1 775.90 530.68 458.49 483.7 264.97 265.71 193.52
1 786.70 530.87 458.27 483.66 264.25 266.62 194.02
1 797.50 531.05 458.06 483.61 263.54 267.51 194.52
1 808.40 531.24 457.86 483.57 262.82 268.42 195.04
55 / 92
1 819.20 531.43 457.67 483.52 262.1 269.33 195.57
1 830.00 531.61 457.46 483.48 261.38 270.23 196.08
1 840.90 531.79 457.24 483.43 260.67 271.12 196.57
1 851.70 531.97 457.02 483.39 259.95 272.02 197.07
1 862.50 532.15 456.8 483.35 259.23 272.92 197.57
1 873.40 532.33 456.6 483.3 258.52 273.81 198.08
1 884.20 532.51 456.4 483.26 257.8 274.71 198.6
1 895.00 532.68 456.19 483.21 257.08 275.60 199.11
1 905.90 532.86 455.98 483.17 256.37 276.49 199.61
1 916.70 533.03 455.77 483.12 255.65 277.38 200.12
1 927.50 533.2 455.56 483.08 254.93 278.27 200.63
1 938.30 533.37 455.35 483.03 254.22 279.15 201.13
1 949.20 533.54 455.13 482.99 253.5 280.04 201.63
1 960.00 533.71 454.91 482.95 252.78 280.93 202.13
1 970.80 533.88 454.69 482.9 252.07 281.81 202.62
1 981.70 534.05 454.47 482.86 251.35 282.70 203.12
1 992.50 534.22 454.25 482.81 250.63 283.59 203.62
2 003.30 534.38 454.03 482.77 249.92 284.46 204.11
2 014.20 534.55 453.82 482.72 249.2 285.35 204.62
2 025.00 534.71 453.6 482.68 248.48 286.23 205.12
2 035.80 534.88 453.39 482.63 247.77 287.11 205.62
2 046.70 535.04 453.18 482.59 247.05 287.99 206.13
2 057.50 535.21 452.97 482.55 246.33 288.88 206.64
2 068.30 535.37 452.75 482.5 245.61 289.76 207.14
2 079.10 535.54 452.53 482.46 244.9 290.64 207.63
2 090.00 535.7 452.31 482.41 244.18 291.52 208.13
2 100.80 535.87 452.09 482.37 243.46 292.41 208.63
2 111.60 536.03 451.88 482.32 242.75 293.28 209.13
2 122.50 536.19 451.67 482.28 242.03 294.16 209.64
2 133.30 536.36 451.47 482.23 241.31 295.05 210.16
2 144.10 536.52 451.27 482.19 240.6 295.92 210.67
2 155.00 536.68 451.08 482.14 239.88 296.80 211.2
2 165.80 536.84 450.88 482.1 239.16 297.68 211.72
2 176.60 537 450.68 482.06 238.45 298.55 212.23
2 187.50 537.16 450.48 482.01 237.73 299.43 212.75
2 198.30 537.32 450.28 481.97 237.01 300.31 213.27
2 209.10 537.49 450.08 481.92 236.3 301.19 213.78
2 219.90 537.65 449.88 481.88 235.58 302.07 214.3
2 230.80 537.81 449.69 481.83 234.86 302.95 214.83
2 241.60 537.97 449.5 481.79 234.15 303.82 215.35
2 252.40 538.13 449.32 481.74 233.43 304.70 215.89
2 263.30 538.29 449.14 481.7 232.71 305.58 216.43
2 274.10 538.44 448.97 481.66 232 306.44 216.97
2 284.90 538.6 448.8 481.61 231.28 307.32 217.52
2 295.80 538.76 448.65 481.57 230.56 308.20 218.09
2 306.60 538.93 448.51 481.52 229.85 309.08 218.66
2 317.40 539.1 448.39 481.48 229.13 309.97 219.26
2 322.80 539.18 448.34 481.31 228.77 310.41 219.57
2 328.50 539.29 448.28 481.27 228.42 310.87 219.86
2 340.00 539.51 448.16 481.2 227.71 311.80 220.45
2 351.40 539.74 448.06 481.13 227 312.74 221.06
2 362.80 539.96 447.96 481.05 226.29 313.67 221.67
2 374.20 540.19 447.85 480.98 225.58 314.61 222.27
2 385.60 540.41 447.73 480.91 224.87 315.54 222.86
2 397.00 540.63 447.62 480.84 224.16 316.47 223.46
56 / 92
2 408.40 540.86 447.51 480.76 223.45 317.41 224.06
2 419.80 541.08 447.41 480.69 222.74 318.34 224.67
2 431.20 541.3 447.32 480.62 222.03 319.27 225.29
2 442.70 541.53 447.22 480.55 221.32 320.21 225.9
2 454.10 541.76 447.11 480.47 220.62 321.14 226.49
2 465.50 541.98 447.01 480.4 219.91 322.07 227.1
2 476.90 542.21 446.91 480.33 219.2 323.01 227.71
2 488.30 542.44 446.82 480.26 218.49 323.95 228.33
2 499.70 542.66 446.73 480.18 217.78 324.88 228.95
2 511.10 542.88 446.65 480.11 217.07 325.81 229.58
2 522.50 543.1 446.57 480.04 216.36 326.74 230.21
2 534.00 543.33 446.5 479.97 215.65 327.68 230.85
2 545.40 543.55 446.45 479.9 214.94 328.61 231.51
2 556.80 543.77 446.39 479.82 214.23 329.54 232.16
2 568.20 543.99 446.34 479.75 213.53 330.46 232.81
2 579.60 544.21 446.29 479.68 212.82 331.39 233.47
2 591.00 544.43 446.23 479.61 212.11 332.32 234.12
2 602.40 544.66 446.17 479.53 211.4 333.26 234.77
2 613.80 544.88 446.11 479.46 210.69 334.19 235.42
2 625.20 545.1 446.05 479.39 209.98 335.12 236.07
2 636.70 545.32 445.99 479.32 209.27 336.05 236.72
2 648.10 545.53 445.93 479.24 208.56 336.97 237.37
2 659.50 545.75 445.87 479.17 207.85 337.90 238.02
2 670.90 545.96 445.82 479.1 207.14 338.82 238.68
2 682.30 546.17 445.77 479.03 206.43 339.74 239.34
2 688.00 546.27 445.75 478.76 206.08 340.19 239.67
2 693.80 546.41 445.72 478.7 205.63 340.78 240.09
2 705.30 546.69 445.68 478.58 204.74 341.95 240.94
2 716.80 546.97 445.63 478.46 203.85 343.12 241.78
2 728.30 547.25 445.58 478.34 202.96 344.29 242.62
2 739.80 547.53 445.54 478.23 202.07 345.46 243.47
2 751.40 547.82 445.51 478.11 201.18 346.64 244.33
2 762.90 548.1 445.49 477.99 200.29 347.81 245.2
2 774.40 548.38 445.48 477.87 199.4 348.98 246.08
2 785.90 548.66 445.46 477.75 198.51 350.15 246.95
2 797.40 548.95 445.45 477.64 197.62 351.33 247.83
2 809.00 549.23 445.43 477.52 196.73 352.50 248.7
2 820.50 549.51 445.4 477.4 195.84 353.67 249.56
2 832.00 549.79 445.38 477.28 194.94 354.85 250.44
2 843.50 550.08 445.36 477.17 194.05 356.03 251.31
2 855.00 550.36 445.35 477.05 193.16 357.20 252.19
2 866.60 550.63 445.34 476.93 192.27 358.36 253.07
2 878.10 550.9 445.33 476.81 191.38 359.52 253.95
2 889.60 551.19 445.31 476.7 190.49 360.70 254.82
2 901.10 551.47 445.29 476.58 189.6 361.87 255.69
2 912.60 551.75 445.26 476.46 188.71 363.04 256.55
2 924.20 552.02 445.24 476.34 187.82 364.20 257.42
2 935.70 552.28 445.19 476.23 186.93 365.35 258.26
2 947.20 552.56 445.15 476.11 186.04 366.52 259.11
2 958.70 552.84 445.1 475.99 185.15 367.69 259.95
2 970.20 553.12 445.04 475.87 184.25 368.87 260.79
2 981.80 553.39 444.98 475.75 183.36 370.03 261.62
2 993.30 553.66 444.9 475.64 182.47 371.19 262.43
3 004.80 553.92 444.84 475.52 181.58 372.34 263.26
3 016.30 554.21 444.78 475.4 180.69 373.52 264.09
57 / 92
3 027.80 554.5 444.71 475.28 179.8 374.70 264.91
3 039.40 554.78 444.65 475.17 178.91 375.87 265.74
3 050.90 555.07 444.6 475.05 178.02 377.05 266.58
3 062.40 555.34 444.54 474.93 177.13 378.21 267.41
3 073.90 555.61 444.5 474.81 176.24 379.37 268.26
3 085.40 555.87 444.47 474.7 175.35 380.52 269.12
3 097.00 556.12 444.46 474.58 174.46 381.66 270
3 102.70 556.15 444.46 474.5 174.01 382.14 270.45
58 / 92
253,82 491,35 482,15 489,99 479,45 11,90 2,7
262,49 491,39 481,92 489,99 479,42 11,97 2,5
271,16 491,57 481,72 489,99 479,39 12,18 2,33
279,83 491,77 481,5 489,99 479,37 12,40 2,13
288,50 491,93 481,24 489,99 479,34 12,59 1,9
292,84 491,96 481,12 489,99 479,33 12,63 1,79
297,54 492,03 480,97 489,99 477,61 14,42 3,36
306,94 492,09 480,67 489,99 474,18 17,91 6,49
316,34 492,07 480,35 489,99 470,74 21,33 9,61
325,74 491,98 480,04 489,99 467,3 24,68 12,74
335,14 491,89 479,76 489,99 463,87 28,02 15,89
344,54 491,88 479,51 489,99 460,43 31,45 19,08
353,94 491,96 479,25 489,99 457 34,96 22,25
363,34 492,03 478,99 489,99 453,56 38,47 25,43
372,74 492 478,73 489,99 450,12 41,88 28,61
382,14 491,91 478,49 489,99 446,69 45,22 31,8
391,54 491,89 478,3 489,99 443,25 48,64 35,05
400,94 491,94 478,14 489,99 439,81 52,13 38,33
410,34 491,95 477,92 489,99 436,38 55,57 41,54
419,74 491,9 477,73 489,99 432,94 58,96 44,79
429,14 491,86 477,57 489,99 429,51 62,35 48,06
438,54 491,85 477,41 489,99 426,07 65,78 51,34
447,94 491,93 477,2 489,99 422,63 69,30 54,57
457,34 491,95 476,97 489,99 419,2 72,75 57,77
466,74 491,86 476,75 489,99 415,76 76,10 60,99
476,14 491,95 476,57 489,99 412,33 79,62 64,24
485,54 492,03 476,38 489,99 408,89 83,14 67,49
494,94 491,99 476,18 489,99 405,45 86,54 70,73
504,34 491,91 475,97 489,99 402,02 89,89 73,95
513,74 492,05 475,78 489,99 398,58 93,47 77,2
523,14 492,12 475,58 489,99 395,15 96,97 80,43
532,54 492,11 475,36 489,99 391,71 100,40 83,65
541,94 492,02 475,11 489,98 388,27 103,75 86,84
551,34 492,12 474,86 489,98 384,84 107,28 90,02
560,74 492,25 474,52 489,98 381,4 110,85 93,12
570,14 492,32 474,13 489,98 377,96 114,36 96,17
579,54 492,28 473,81 489,98 374,53 117,75 99,28
588,94 492,34 473,54 489,98 371,09 121,25 102,45
598,34 492,6 473,32 489,98 367,66 124,94 105,66
607,74 492,83 473,11 489,98 364,22 128,61 108,89
617,14 492,96 472,87 489,98 360,78 132,18 112,09
626,54 493,01 472,59 489,98 357,35 135,66 115,24
631,24 492,97 472,43 489,98 355,63 137,34 116,8
636,15 492,96 472,25 489,98 354,08 138,88 118,17
59 / 92
645,98 492,93 471,88 489,98 350,98 141,95 120,9
655,80 493,03 471,54 489,98 347,87 145,16 123,67
665,63 493,1 471,24 489,98 344,77 148,33 126,47
675,45 493,13 470,98 489,98 341,66 151,47 129,32
685,28 493,07 470,59 489,98 338,56 154,51 132,03
690,19 493,03 470,38 489,98 337,01 156,02 133,37
695,26 493,03 470,13 489,98 336,74 156,29 133,39
705,39 493,09 469,73 489,98 336,19 156,90 133,54
715,52 493,12 469,38 489,98 335,64 157,48 133,74
725,65 493,1 469,06 489,98 335,09 158,01 133,97
735,78 493,05 468,71 489,98 334,54 158,51 134,17
745,91 493,07 468,31 489,98 333,99 159,08 134,32
756,05 493,08 467,92 489,97 333,45 159,63 134,47
766,18 493,05 467,55 489,97 332,9 160,15 134,65
776,31 493 467,2 489,97 332,35 160,65 134,85
786,44 492,99 466,82 489,97 331,8 161,19 135,02
796,57 493 466,37 489,97 331,25 161,75 135,12
806,70 493 465,89 489,97 330,7 162,30 135,19
816,83 493,04 465,44 489,97 330,15 162,89 135,29
826,97 493,06 465,05 489,97 329,61 163,45 135,44
837,10 493,05 464,68 489,97 329,06 163,99 135,62
847,23 493,01 464,35 489,97 328,51 164,50 135,84
857,36 493,01 464,02 489,97 327,96 165,05 136,06
867,49 493,02 463,7 489,97 327,41 165,61 136,29
877,62 493,03 463,36 489,97 326,86 166,17 136,5
887,76 493,04 462,99 489,97 326,32 166,72 136,67
897,89 493,01 462,6 489,97 325,77 167,24 136,83
908,02 492,99 462,2 489,97 325,22 167,77 136,98
918,15 493 461,8 489,97 324,67 168,33 137,13
928,28 493 461,44 489,97 324,12 168,88 137,32
938,41 492,98 461,12 489,97 323,57 169,41 137,55
948,54 492,96 460,75 489,97 323,02 169,94 137,73
958,68 492,96 460,32 489,96 322,48 170,48 137,84
968,81 492,96 459,93 489,96 321,93 171,03 138
978,94 492,95 459,52 489,96 321,38 171,57 138,14
989,07 492,93 459,13 489,96 320,83 172,10 138,3
999,20 492,9 458,76 489,96 320,28 172,62 138,48
1 009,30 492,86 458,44 489,96 319,73 173,13 138,71
1 019,50 492,81 458,13 489,96 319,19 173,62 138,94
1 029,60 492,78 457,82 489,96 318,64 174,14 139,18
1 039,70 492,79 457,53 489,96 318,09 174,70 139,44
1 049,90 492,81 457,24 489,96 317,54 175,27 139,7
1 060,00 492,81 456,85 489,96 316,99 175,82 139,86
1 070,10 492,78 456,49 489,96 316,44 176,34 140,05
60 / 92
1 080,30 492,69 456,18 489,96 315,89 176,80 140,29
1 090,40 492,57 455,92 489,96 315,35 177,22 140,57
1 100,50 492,41 455,7 489,96 314,8 177,61 140,9
1 110,60 492,19 455,4 489,96 314,25 177,94 141,15
1 120,80 491,89 455,12 489,96 313,7 178,19 141,42
1 130,90 491,54 454,88 489,96 313,15 178,39 141,73
1 141,00 491,42 454,65 489,96 312,6 178,82 142,05
1 146,10 491,46 454,57 489,96 312,33 179,13 142,24
1 151,30 491,49 454,48 489,96 311,91 179,58 142,57
1 161,80 491,5 454,33 489,96 311,07 180,43 143,26
1 172,20 491,48 454,22 489,96 310,23 181,25 143,99
1 182,70 491,43 454,15 489,96 309,39 182,04 144,76
1 193,10 491,33 454,02 489,96 308,55 182,78 145,47
1 203,60 491,28 453,79 489,96 307,71 183,57 146,08
1 214,00 491,27 453,6 489,96 306,86 184,41 146,74
1 224,40 491,26 453,43 489,96 306,02 185,24 147,41
1 234,90 491,26 453,25 489,96 305,18 186,08 148,07
1 245,30 491,27 453,08 489,96 304,34 186,93 148,74
1 255,80 491,27 452,97 489,96 303,5 187,77 149,47
1 266,20 491,26 452,77 489,96 302,66 188,60 150,11
1 276,70 491,27 452,5 489,96 301,82 189,45 150,68
1 287,10 491,29 452,28 489,96 300,98 190,31 151,3
1 297,60 491,34 452,1 489,96 300,14 191,20 151,96
1 308,00 491,41 451,96 489,96 299,3 192,11 152,66
1 318,50 491,49 451,82 489,96 298,46 193,03 153,36
1 328,90 491,56 451,55 489,96 297,62 193,94 153,93
1 339,30 491,59 451,32 489,96 296,78 194,81 154,54
1 349,80 491,56 451,13 489,96 295,93 195,63 155,2
1 360,20 491,48 450,97 489,96 295,09 196,39 155,88
1 370,70 491,42 450,79 489,96 294,25 197,17 156,54
1 381,10 491,42 450,6 489,96 293,41 198,01 157,19
1 391,60 491,48 450,4 489,96 292,57 198,91 157,83
1 402,00 491,54 450,19 489,95 291,73 199,81 158,46
1 412,50 491,53 450 489,95 290,89 200,64 159,11
1 422,90 491,48 449,82 489,95 290,05 201,43 159,77
1 433,30 491,44 449,63 489,95 289,21 202,23 160,42
1 443,80 491,47 449,42 489,95 288,37 203,10 161,05
1 454,20 491,52 449,15 489,95 287,53 203,99 161,62
1 464,70 491,54 448,93 489,95 286,69 204,85 162,24
1 475,10 491,52 448,74 489,95 285,85 205,67 162,89
1 485,60 491,54 448,51 489,95 285 206,54 163,51
1 496,00 491,63 448,21 489,95 284,16 207,47 164,05
1 506,50 491,73 447,94 489,95 283,32 208,41 164,62
1 516,90 491,81 447,66 489,95 282,48 209,33 165,18
61 / 92
1 527,40 491,9 447,37 489,95 281,64 210,26 165,73
1 537,80 491,99 447,08 489,95 280,8 211,19 166,28
1 543,00 491,98 446,96 489,95 280,38 211,60 166,58
1 548,40 492,03 446,79 489,95 280,02 212,01 166,77
1 559,30 492,02 446,54 489,95 279,3 212,72 167,24
1 570,10 492,02 446,32 489,95 278,59 213,43 167,73
1 580,90 492,02 446,12 489,95 277,87 214,15 168,25
1 591,80 492,01 445,86 489,95 277,15 214,86 168,71
1 602,60 491,99 445,57 489,95 276,44 215,55 169,13
1 613,40 492 445,32 489,95 275,72 216,28 169,6
1 624,30 492,02 445,11 489,95 275 217,02 170,11
1 635,10 492,01 444,9 489,95 274,29 217,72 170,61
1 645,90 491,99 444,65 489,95 273,57 218,42 171,08
1 656,70 491,97 444,41 489,95 272,85 219,12 171,56
1 667,60 491,94 444,23 489,95 272,14 219,80 172,09
1 678,40 491,88 444,12 489,95 271,42 220,46 172,7
1 689,20 491,78 444,01 489,95 270,7 221,08 173,31
1 700,10 491,61 443,86 489,95 269,99 221,62 173,87
1 710,90 491,39 443,74 489,95 269,27 222,12 174,47
1 721,70 491,13 443,63 489,95 268,55 222,58 175,08
1 732,60 490,88 443,55 489,95 267,84 223,04 175,71
1 743,40 490,96 443,43 489,95 267,12 223,84 176,31
1 754,20 491,05 443,21 489,95 266,4 224,65 176,81
1 765,10 491,09 442,93 489,95 265,69 225,40 177,24
1 775,90 491,07 442,63 489,95 264,97 226,10 177,66
1 786,70 491,13 442,33 489,95 264,25 226,88 178,08
1 797,50 491,05 442,08 489,95 263,54 227,51 178,54
1 808,40 490,91 441,87 489,94 262,82 228,09 179,05
1 819,20 490,87 441,74 489,94 262,1 228,77 179,64
1 830,00 490,93 441,62 489,94 261,38 229,55 180,24
1 840,90 491,04 441,43 489,94 260,67 230,37 180,76
1 851,70 491,06 441,11 489,94 259,95 231,11 181,16
1 862,50 490,97 440,77 489,94 259,23 231,74 181,54
1 873,40 490,92 440,48 489,94 258,52 232,40 181,96
1 884,20 491 440,26 489,94 257,8 233,20 182,46
1 895,00 491,08 439,98 489,94 257,08 234,00 182,9
1 905,90 491,07 439,66 489,94 256,37 234,70 183,29
1 916,70 491,05 439,34 489,94 255,65 235,40 183,69
1 927,50 491,05 439,03 489,94 254,93 236,12 184,1
1 938,30 491,09 438,76 489,94 254,22 236,87 184,54
1 949,20 491,08 438,51 489,94 253,5 237,58 185,01
1 960,00 491,04 438,29 489,94 252,78 238,26 185,51
1 970,80 491,05 438,05 489,94 252,07 238,98 185,98
1 981,70 491,08 437,8 489,94 251,35 239,73 186,45
62 / 92
1 992,50 491,23 437,53 489,94 250,63 240,60 186,9
2 003,30 491,34 437,3 489,94 249,92 241,42 187,38
2 014,20 491,39 437,07 489,94 249,2 242,19 187,87
2 025,00 491,37 436,69 489,94 248,48 242,89 188,21
2 035,80 491,51 436,28 489,94 247,77 243,74 188,51
2 046,70 491,56 435,93 489,94 247,05 244,51 188,88
2 057,50 491,53 435,61 489,94 246,33 245,20 189,28
2 068,30 491,41 435,31 489,94 245,61 245,80 189,7
2 079,10 491,57 435,01 489,94 244,9 246,67 190,11
2 090,00 491,64 434,69 489,94 244,18 247,46 190,51
2 100,80 491,6 434,36 489,94 243,46 248,14 190,9
2 111,60 491,48 434,06 489,94 242,75 248,73 191,31
2 122,50 491,63 433,81 489,94 242,03 249,60 191,78
2 133,30 491,69 433,59 489,94 241,31 250,38 192,28
2 144,10 491,66 433,4 489,94 240,6 251,06 192,8
2 155,00 491,52 433,11 489,94 239,88 251,64 193,23
2 165,80 491,48 432,84 489,94 239,16 252,32 193,68
2 176,60 491,62 432,6 489,94 238,45 253,17 194,15
2 187,50 491,65 432,39 489,94 237,73 253,92 194,66
2 198,30 491,55 432,16 489,93 237,01 254,54 195,15
2 209,10 491,53 431,89 489,93 236,3 255,23 195,59
2 219,90 491,62 431,66 489,93 235,58 256,04 196,08
2 230,80 491,78 431,47 489,93 234,86 256,92 196,61
2 241,60 491,81 431,31 489,93 234,15 257,66 197,16
2 252,40 491,73 431,18 489,93 233,43 258,30 197,75
2 263,30 491,72 431,05 489,93 232,71 259,01 198,34
2 274,10 491,92 430,91 489,93 232 259,92 198,91
2 284,90 492,13 430,78 489,93 231,28 260,85 199,5
2 295,80 492,33 430,67 489,93 230,56 261,77 200,11
2 306,60 492,43 430,6 489,93 229,85 262,58 200,75
2 317,40 492,43 430,48 489,93 229,13 263,30 201,35
2 322,80 492,35 430,34 489,93 228,77 263,58 201,57
2 328,50 492,31 430,16 489,93 228,42 263,89 201,74
2 340,00 492,22 429,74 489,93 227,71 264,51 202,03
2 351,40 492,31 429,35 489,93 227 265,31 202,35
2 362,80 492,4 429 489,93 226,29 266,11 202,71
2 374,20 492,42 428,71 489,93 225,58 266,84 203,13
2 385,60 492,39 428,48 489,93 224,87 267,52 203,61
2 397,00 492,32 428,28 489,93 224,16 268,16 204,12
2 408,40 492,31 428,12 489,93 223,45 268,86 204,67
2 419,80 492,39 427,69 489,93 222,74 269,65 204,95
2 431,20 492,46 427,28 489,93 222,03 270,43 205,25
2 442,70 492,47 426,93 489,93 221,32 271,15 205,61
2 454,10 492,47 426,64 489,93 220,62 271,85 206,02
63 / 92
2 465,50 492,53 426,41 489,93 219,91 272,62 206,5
2 476,90 492,6 426,23 489,92 219,2 273,40 207,03
2 488,30 492,57 426,04 489,92 218,49 274,08 207,55
2 499,70 492,38 425,71 489,92 217,78 274,60 207,93
2 511,10 492 425,41 489,92 217,07 274,93 208,34
2 522,50 491,53 425,15 489,92 216,36 275,17 208,79
2 534,00 491,1 424,94 489,92 215,65 275,45 209,29
2 545,40 490,76 424,75 489,92 214,94 275,82 209,81
2 556,80 490,37 424,47 489,92 214,23 276,14 210,24
2 568,20 490,02 424,17 489,92 213,53 276,49 210,64
2 579,60 489,92 423,9 489,92 212,82 277,10 211,08
2 591,00 489,92 423,67 489,92 212,11 277,81 211,56
2 602,40 489,92 423,49 489,92 211,4 278,52 212,09
2 613,80 489,92 423,23 489,92 210,69 279,23 212,54
2 625,20 489,92 422,91 489,92 209,98 279,94 212,93
2 636,70 489,92 422,63 489,92 209,27 280,65 213,36
2 648,10 489,92 422,38 489,92 208,56 281,36 213,82
2 659,50 489,92 422,08 489,92 207,85 282,07 214,23
2 670,90 489,92 421,71 489,92 207,14 282,78 214,57
2 682,30 489,92 421,39 489,92 206,43 283,49 214,96
2 688,00 489,91 421,22 489,91 206,08 283,83 215,14
2 693,80 489,91 421,04 489,91 205,63 284,28 215,41
2 705,30 489,91 420,73 489,91 204,74 285,17 215,99
2 716,80 489,91 420,44 489,91 203,85 286,06 216,59
2 728,30 489,91 420,16 489,91 202,96 286,95 217,2
2 739,80 489,91 419,89 489,91 202,07 287,84 217,82
2 751,40 489,91 419,68 489,91 201,18 288,73 218,5
2 762,90 489,91 419,51 489,91 200,29 289,62 219,22
2 774,40 489,91 419,32 489,91 199,4 290,51 219,92
2 785,90 489,91 419 489,91 198,51 291,40 220,49
2 797,40 489,91 418,68 489,91 197,62 292,29 221,06
2 809,00 489,91 418,38 489,91 196,73 293,18 221,65
2 820,50 489,91 418,08 489,91 195,84 294,07 222,24
2 832,00 489,91 417,79 489,91 194,94 294,97 222,85
2 843,50 489,9 417,54 489,9 194,05 295,85 223,49
2 855,00 489,9 417,29 489,9 193,16 296,74 224,13
2 866,60 489,9 416,91 489,9 192,27 297,63 224,64
2 878,10 489,9 416,54 489,9 191,38 298,52 225,16
2 889,60 489,9 416,18 489,9 190,49 299,41 225,69
2 901,10 489,9 415,85 489,9 189,6 300,30 226,25
2 912,60 489,9 415,55 489,9 188,71 301,19 226,84
2 924,20 489,9 415,28 489,9 187,82 302,08 227,46
2 935,70 489,9 415,07 489,9 186,93 302,97 228,14
2 947,20 489,9 414,91 489,9 186,04 303,86 228,87
64 / 92
2 958,70 489,9 414,78 489,9 185,15 304,75 229,63
2 970,20 489,9 414,62 489,9 184,25 305,65 230,37
2 981,80 489,9 414,4 489,9 183,36 306,54 231,04
2 993,30 489,9 414,13 489,9 182,47 307,43 231,66
3 004,80 489,89 413,83 489,89 181,58 308,31 232,25
3 016,30 489,89 413,56 489,89 180,69 309,20 232,87
3 027,80 489,89 413,32 489,89 179,8 310,09 233,52
3 039,40 489,89 413,13 489,89 178,91 310,98 234,22
3 050,90 489,89 412,93 489,89 178,02 311,87 234,91
3 062,40 489,89 412,62 489,89 177,13 312,76 235,49
3 073,90 489,89 412,27 489,89 176,24 313,65 236,03
3 085,40 489,89 411,97 489,89 175,35 314,54 236,62
3 097,00 489,89 411,72 489,89 174,46 315,43 237,26
3 102,70 487,25 411,67 483,59 174,01 313,24 237,66
65 / 92
184,46 491,11 485 489,99 479,65 11,46 5,35
193,13 491,12 485 489,99 479,63 11,49 5,37
201,80 491,16 485 489,99 479,6 11,56 5,4
210,47 491,2 485 489,99 479,57 11,63 5,43
219,14 491,16 485 489,99 479,55 11,61 5,45
227,81 491,1 484,99 489,99 479,52 11,58 5,47
236,48 491,27 484,86 489,99 479,5 11,77 5,36
245,15 491,36 484,72 489,99 479,47 11,89 5,25
253,82 491,35 484,59 489,99 479,45 11,90 5,14
262,49 491,39 484,51 489,99 479,42 11,97 5,09
271,16 491,57 484,35 489,99 479,39 12,18 4,96
279,83 491,77 484,11 489,99 479,37 12,40 4,74
288,50 491,93 483,9 489,99 479,34 12,59 4,56
292,84 491,96 483,81 489,99 479,33 12,63 4,48
297,54 492,03 483,7 489,99 477,61 14,42 6,09
306,94 492,09 483,53 489,99 474,18 17,91 9,35
316,34 492,07 483,36 489,99 470,74 21,33 12,62
325,74 491,98 483,17 489,99 467,3 24,68 15,87
335,14 491,89 482,99 489,99 463,87 28,02 19,12
344,54 491,88 482,85 489,99 460,43 31,45 22,42
353,94 491,96 482,74 489,99 457 34,96 25,74
363,34 492,03 482,63 489,99 453,56 38,47 29,07
372,74 492 482,5 489,99 450,12 41,88 32,38
382,14 491,91 482,36 489,99 446,69 45,22 35,67
391,54 491,89 482,18 489,99 443,25 48,64 38,93
400,94 491,94 482 489,99 439,81 52,13 42,19
410,34 491,95 481,85 489,99 436,38 55,57 45,47
419,74 491,9 481,75 489,99 432,94 58,96 48,81
429,14 491,86 481,68 489,99 429,51 62,35 52,17
438,54 491,85 481,62 489,99 426,07 65,78 55,55
447,94 491,93 481,51 489,99 422,63 69,30 58,88
457,34 491,95 481,42 489,99 419,2 72,75 62,22
466,74 491,86 481,38 489,99 415,76 76,10 65,62
476,14 491,95 481,29 489,99 412,33 79,62 68,96
485,54 492,03 481,2 489,99 408,89 83,14 72,31
494,94 491,99 481,04 489,99 405,45 86,54 75,59
504,34 491,91 480,86 489,99 402,02 89,89 78,84
513,74 492,05 480,62 489,99 398,58 93,47 82,04
523,14 492,12 480,46 489,99 395,15 96,97 85,31
532,54 492,11 480,39 489,99 391,71 100,40 88,68
541,94 492,02 480,26 489,98 388,27 103,75 91,99
551,34 492,12 480,06 489,98 384,84 107,28 95,22
560,74 492,25 479,88 489,98 381,4 110,85 98,48
570,14 492,32 479,61 489,98 377,96 114,36 101,65
66 / 92
579,54 492,28 479,39 489,98 374,53 117,75 104,86
588,94 492,34 479,22 489,98 371,09 121,25 108,13
598,34 492,6 479,13 489,98 367,66 124,94 111,47
607,74 492,83 478,9 489,98 364,22 128,61 114,68
617,14 492,96 478,59 489,98 360,78 132,18 117,81
626,54 493,01 478,39 489,98 357,35 135,66 121,04
631,24 492,97 478,32 489,98 355,63 137,34 122,69
636,15 492,96 478,22 489,98 354,08 138,88 124,14
645,98 492,93 478,08 489,98 350,98 141,95 127,1
655,80 493,03 477,9 489,98 347,87 145,16 130,03
665,63 493,1 477,7 489,98 344,77 148,33 132,93
675,45 493,13 477,46 489,98 341,66 151,47 135,8
685,28 493,07 477,15 489,98 338,56 154,51 138,59
690,19 493,03 477,02 489,98 337,01 156,02 140,01
695,26 493,03 476,84 489,98 336,74 156,29 140,1
705,39 493,09 476,6 489,98 336,19 156,90 140,41
715,52 493,12 476,42 489,98 335,64 157,48 140,78
725,65 493,1 476,28 489,98 335,09 158,01 141,19
735,78 493,05 476,08 489,98 334,54 158,51 141,54
745,91 493,07 475,83 489,98 333,99 159,08 141,84
756,05 493,08 475,6 489,97 333,45 159,63 142,15
766,18 493,05 475,39 489,97 332,9 160,15 142,49
776,31 493 475,21 489,97 332,35 160,65 142,86
786,44 492,99 474,99 489,97 331,8 161,19 143,19
796,57 493 474,69 489,97 331,25 161,75 143,44
806,70 493 474,36 489,97 330,7 162,30 143,66
816,83 493,04 474,07 489,97 330,15 162,89 143,92
826,97 493,06 473,83 489,97 329,61 163,45 144,22
837,10 493,05 473,62 489,97 329,06 163,99 144,56
847,23 493,01 473,44 489,97 328,51 164,50 144,93
857,36 493,01 473,27 489,97 327,96 165,05 145,31
867,49 493,02 473,1 489,97 327,41 165,61 145,69
877,62 493,03 472,92 489,97 326,86 166,17 146,06
887,76 493,04 472,72 489,97 326,32 166,72 146,4
897,89 493,01 472,5 489,97 325,77 167,24 146,73
908,02 492,99 472,3 489,97 325,22 167,77 147,08
918,15 493 472,15 489,97 324,67 168,33 147,48
928,28 493 472,02 489,97 324,12 168,88 147,9
938,41 492,98 471,82 489,97 323,57 169,41 148,25
948,54 492,96 471,63 489,97 323,02 169,94 148,61
958,68 492,96 471,33 489,96 322,48 170,48 148,85
968,81 492,96 471,06 489,96 321,93 171,03 149,13
978,94 492,95 470,77 489,96 321,38 171,57 149,39
989,07 492,93 470,5 489,96 320,83 172,10 149,67
67 / 92
999,20 492,9 470,26 489,96 320,28 172,62 149,98
1 009,30 492,86 470,06 489,96 319,73 173,13 150,33
1 019,50 492,81 469,88 489,96 319,19 173,62 150,69
1 029,60 492,78 469,7 489,96 318,64 174,14 151,06
1 039,70 492,79 469,54 489,96 318,09 174,70 151,45
1 049,90 492,81 469,37 489,96 317,54 175,27 151,83
1 060,00 492,81 469,1 489,96 316,99 175,82 152,11
1 070,10 492,78 468,85 489,96 316,44 176,34 152,41
1 080,30 492,69 468,67 489,96 315,89 176,80 152,78
1 090,40 492,57 468,54 489,96 315,35 177,22 153,19
1 100,50 492,41 468,46 489,96 314,8 177,61 153,66
1 110,60 492,19 468,3 489,96 314,25 177,94 154,05
1 120,80 491,89 468,12 489,96 313,7 178,19 154,42
1 130,90 491,54 468,01 489,96 313,15 178,39 154,86
1 141,00 491,42 467,91 489,96 312,6 178,82 155,31
1 146,10 491,46 467,87 489,96 312,33 179,13 155,54
1 151,30 491,49 467,82 489,96 311,91 179,58 155,91
1 161,80 491,51 467,75 489,96 311,07 180,44 156,68
1 172,20 491,5 467,72 489,96 310,23 181,27 157,49
1 182,70 491,47 467,73 489,96 309,39 182,08 158,34
1 193,10 491,42 467,63 489,96 308,55 182,87 159,08
1 203,60 491,31 467,47 489,96 307,71 183,60 159,76
1 214,00 491,27 467,35 489,96 306,86 184,41 160,49
1 224,40 491,26 467,27 489,96 306,02 185,24 161,25
1 234,90 491,26 467,16 489,96 305,18 186,08 161,98
1 245,30 491,27 467,07 489,96 304,34 186,93 162,73
1 255,80 491,27 467 489,96 303,5 187,77 163,5
1 266,20 491,26 466,78 489,96 302,66 188,60 164,12
1 276,70 491,27 466,57 489,96 301,82 189,45 164,75
1 287,10 491,29 466,42 489,96 300,98 190,31 165,44
1 297,60 491,34 466,32 489,96 300,14 191,20 166,18
1 308,00 491,41 466,26 489,96 299,3 192,11 166,96
1 318,50 491,49 466,15 489,96 298,46 193,03 167,69
1 328,90 491,56 465,95 489,96 297,62 193,94 168,33
1 339,30 491,59 465,78 489,96 296,78 194,81 169
1 349,80 491,56 465,67 489,96 295,93 195,63 169,74
1 360,20 491,48 465,62 489,96 295,09 196,39 170,53
1 370,70 491,42 465,54 489,96 294,25 197,17 171,29
1 381,10 491,42 465,41 489,96 293,41 198,01 172
1 391,60 491,48 465,23 489,96 292,57 198,91 172,66
1 402,00 491,54 465,09 489,95 291,73 199,81 173,36
1 412,50 491,53 464,98 489,95 290,89 200,64 174,09
1 422,90 491,48 464,89 489,95 290,05 201,43 174,84
1 433,30 491,44 464,78 489,95 289,21 202,23 175,57
68 / 92
1 443,80 491,47 464,69 489,95 288,37 203,10 176,32
1 454,20 491,52 464,5 489,95 287,53 203,99 176,97
1 464,70 491,54 464,36 489,95 286,69 204,85 177,67
1 475,10 491,52 464,25 489,95 285,85 205,67 178,4
1 485,60 491,54 464,21 489,95 285 206,54 179,21
1 496,00 491,63 464,03 489,95 284,16 207,47 179,87
1 506,50 491,73 463,83 489,95 283,32 208,41 180,51
1 516,90 491,81 463,62 489,95 282,48 209,33 181,14
1 527,40 491,9 463,39 489,95 281,64 210,26 181,75
1 537,80 491,99 463,18 489,95 280,8 211,19 182,38
1 543,00 491,98 463,09 489,95 280,38 211,60 182,71
1 548,40 492,03 462,98 489,95 280,02 212,01 182,96
1 559,30 492,02 462,82 489,95 279,3 212,72 183,52
1 570,10 492,02 462,71 489,95 278,59 213,43 184,12
1 580,90 492,02 462,61 489,95 277,87 214,15 184,74
1 591,80 492,01 462,44 489,95 277,15 214,86 185,29
1 602,60 491,99 462,22 489,95 276,44 215,55 185,78
1 613,40 492 462,07 489,95 275,72 216,28 186,35
1 624,30 492,02 461,96 489,95 275 217,02 186,96
1 635,10 492,01 461,84 489,95 274,29 217,72 187,55
1 645,90 491,99 461,68 489,95 273,57 218,42 188,11
1 656,70 491,97 461,55 489,95 272,85 219,12 188,7
1 667,60 491,94 461,48 489,95 272,14 219,80 189,34
1 678,40 491,88 461,48 489,95 271,42 220,46 190,06
1 689,20 491,78 461,48 489,95 270,7 221,08 190,78
1 700,10 491,61 461,45 489,95 269,99 221,62 191,46
1 710,90 491,39 461,45 489,95 269,27 222,12 192,18
1 721,70 491,13 461,41 489,95 268,55 222,58 192,86
1 732,60 490,88 461,2 489,95 267,84 223,04 193,36
1 743,40 490,96 461,03 489,95 267,12 223,84 193,91
1 754,20 491,05 460,9 489,95 266,4 224,65 194,5
1 765,10 491,09 460,8 489,95 265,69 225,40 195,11
1 775,90 491,07 460,62 489,95 264,97 226,10 195,65
1 786,70 491,13 460,47 489,95 264,25 226,88 196,22
1 797,50 491,05 460,33 489,95 263,54 227,51 196,79
1 808,40 490,91 460,22 489,94 262,82 228,09 197,4
1 819,20 490,87 460,16 489,94 262,1 228,77 198,06
1 830,00 490,93 460,13 489,94 261,38 229,55 198,75
1 840,90 491,04 459,97 489,94 260,67 230,37 199,3
1 851,70 491,06 459,67 489,94 259,95 231,11 199,72
1 862,50 490,97 459,37 489,94 259,23 231,74 200,14
1 873,40 490,92 459,15 489,94 258,52 232,40 200,63
1 884,20 491 459,03 489,94 257,8 233,20 201,23
1 895,00 491,08 458,97 489,94 257,08 234,00 201,89
69 / 92
1 905,90 491,07 458,94 489,94 256,37 234,70 202,57
1 916,70 491,06 458,77 489,94 255,65 235,41 203,12
1 927,50 491,07 458,55 489,94 254,93 236,14 203,62
1 938,30 491,09 458,39 489,94 254,22 236,87 204,17
1 949,20 491,08 458,29 489,94 253,5 237,58 204,79
1 960,00 491,04 458,23 489,94 252,78 238,26 205,45
1 970,80 491,05 458,14 489,94 252,07 238,98 206,07
1 981,70 491,08 457,96 489,94 251,35 239,73 206,61
1 992,50 491,23 457,79 489,94 250,63 240,60 207,16
2 003,30 491,34 457,69 489,94 249,92 241,42 207,77
2 014,20 491,39 457,63 489,94 249,2 242,19 208,43
2 025,00 491,37 457,54 489,94 248,48 242,89 209,06
2 035,80 491,51 457,33 489,94 247,77 243,74 209,56
2 046,70 491,56 457,13 489,94 247,05 244,51 210,08
2 057,50 491,53 456,98 489,94 246,33 245,20 210,65
2 068,30 491,41 456,86 489,94 245,61 245,80 211,25
2 079,10 491,57 456,64 489,94 244,9 246,67 211,74
2 090,00 491,64 456,37 489,94 244,18 247,46 212,19
2 100,80 491,6 456,16 489,94 243,46 248,14 212,7
2 111,60 491,48 456,02 489,94 242,75 248,73 213,27
2 122,50 491,63 455,93 489,94 242,03 249,60 213,9
2 133,30 491,69 455,86 489,94 241,31 250,38 214,55
2 144,10 491,66 455,8 489,94 240,6 251,06 215,2
2 155,00 491,52 455,79 489,94 239,88 251,64 215,91
2 165,80 491,48 455,8 489,94 239,16 252,32 216,64
2 176,60 491,62 455,73 489,94 238,45 253,17 217,28
2 187,50 491,65 455,57 489,94 237,73 253,92 217,84
2 198,30 491,55 455,32 489,93 237,01 254,54 218,31
2 209,10 491,56 455,13 489,93 236,3 255,26 218,83
2 219,90 491,62 454,99 489,93 235,58 256,04 219,41
2 230,80 491,78 454,92 489,93 234,86 256,92 220,06
2 241,60 491,81 454,85 489,93 234,15 257,66 220,7
2 252,40 491,73 454,65 489,93 233,43 258,30 221,22
2 263,30 491,72 454,36 489,93 232,71 259,01 221,65
2 274,10 491,92 454,05 489,93 232 259,92 222,05
2 284,90 492,13 453,78 489,93 231,28 260,85 222,5
2 295,80 492,33 453,57 489,93 230,56 261,77 223,01
2 306,60 492,43 453,39 489,93 229,85 262,58 223,54
2 317,40 492,43 453,29 489,93 229,13 263,30 224,16
2 322,80 492,35 453,25 489,93 228,77 263,58 224,48
2 328,50 492,31 453,21 489,93 228,42 263,89 224,79
2 340,00 492,22 453,2 489,93 227,71 264,51 225,49
2 351,40 492,31 453,17 489,93 227 265,31 226,17
2 362,80 492,4 453,05 489,93 226,29 266,11 226,76
70 / 92
2 374,20 492,42 452,88 489,93 225,58 266,84 227,3
2 385,60 492,39 452,68 489,93 224,87 267,52 227,81
2 397,00 492,32 452,48 489,93 224,16 268,16 228,32
2 408,40 492,31 452,32 489,93 223,45 268,86 228,87
2 419,80 492,39 452,21 489,93 222,74 269,65 229,47
2 431,20 492,46 452,11 489,93 222,03 270,43 230,08
2 442,70 492,47 451,94 489,93 221,32 271,15 230,62
2 454,10 492,47 451,66 489,93 220,62 271,85 231,04
2 465,50 492,53 451,39 489,93 219,91 272,62 231,48
2 476,90 492,61 451,19 489,92 219,2 273,41 231,99
2 488,30 492,6 451,07 489,92 218,49 274,11 232,58
2 499,70 492,47 451,02 489,92 217,78 274,69 233,24
2 511,10 492,21 451,02 489,92 217,07 275,14 233,95
2 522,50 491,92 451,02 489,92 216,36 275,56 234,66
2 534,00 491,7 451,04 489,92 215,65 276,05 235,39
2 545,40 491,49 451,05 489,92 214,94 276,55 236,11
2 556,80 491,27 450,81 489,92 214,23 277,04 236,58
2 568,20 491,08 450,61 489,92 213,53 277,55 237,08
2 579,60 490,88 450,45 489,92 212,82 278,06 237,63
2 591,00 490,62 450,33 489,92 212,11 278,51 238,22
2 602,40 490,38 450,24 489,92 211,4 278,98 238,84
2 613,80 490,21 449,99 489,92 210,69 279,52 239,3
2 625,20 490,06 449,78 489,92 209,98 280,08 239,8
2 636,70 489,92 449,61 489,92 209,27 280,65 240,34
2 648,10 489,92 449,4 489,92 208,56 281,36 240,84
2 659,50 489,92 449,08 489,92 207,85 282,07 241,23
2 670,90 489,92 448,81 489,92 207,14 282,78 241,67
2 682,30 489,92 448,58 489,92 206,43 283,49 242,15
2 688,00 489,91 448,47 489,91 206,08 283,83 242,39
2 693,80 489,91 448,36 489,91 205,63 284,28 242,73
2 705,30 489,91 448,15 489,91 204,74 285,17 243,41
2 716,80 489,91 447,95 489,91 203,85 286,06 244,1
2 728,30 489,91 447,77 489,91 202,96 286,95 244,81
2 739,80 489,91 447,61 489,91 202,07 287,84 245,54
2 751,40 489,91 447,5 489,91 201,18 288,73 246,32
2 762,90 489,91 447,46 489,91 200,29 289,62 247,17
2 774,40 489,91 447,36 489,91 199,4 290,51 247,96
2 785,90 489,91 447,13 489,91 198,51 291,40 248,62
2 797,40 489,91 446,91 489,91 197,62 292,29 249,29
2 809,00 489,91 446,69 489,91 196,73 293,18 249,96
2 820,50 489,91 446,48 489,91 195,84 294,07 250,64
2 832,00 489,91 446,29 489,91 194,94 294,97 251,35
2 843,50 489,9 446,02 489,9 194,05 295,85 251,97
2 855,00 489,9 445,65 489,9 193,16 296,74 252,49
71 / 92
2 866,60 489,9 445,31 489,9 192,27 297,63 253,04
2 878,10 489,9 445 489,9 191,38 298,52 253,62
2 889,60 489,9 444,72 489,9 190,49 299,41 254,23
2 901,10 489,9 444,47 489,9 189,6 300,30 254,87
2 912,60 489,9 444,25 489,9 188,71 301,19 255,54
2 924,20 489,9 444,07 489,9 187,82 302,08 256,25
2 935,70 489,9 443,94 489,9 186,93 302,97 257,01
2 947,20 489,9 443,86 489,9 186,04 303,86 257,82
2 958,70 489,9 443,8 489,9 185,15 304,75 258,65
2 970,20 489,9 443,7 489,9 184,25 305,65 259,45
2 981,80 489,9 443,5 489,9 183,36 306,54 260,14
2 993,30 489,9 443,25 489,9 182,47 307,43 260,78
3 004,80 489,89 443,02 489,89 181,58 308,31 261,44
3 016,30 489,89 442,81 489,89 180,69 309,20 262,12
3 027,80 489,89 442,64 489,89 179,8 310,09 262,84
3 039,40 489,89 442,51 489,89 178,91 310,98 263,6
3 050,90 489,89 442,18 489,89 178,02 311,87 264,16
3 062,40 489,89 441,89 489,89 177,13 312,76 264,76
3 073,90 489,89 441,62 489,89 176,24 313,65 265,38
3 085,40 489,89 441,4 489,89 175,35 314,54 266,05
3 097,00 489,89 441,21 489,89 174,46 315,43 266,75
3 102,70 487,25 441,19 483,59 174,01 313,24 267,18
72 / 92
115,10 494,94 488,99 492,31 479,86 15,08 9,13
123,77 495,13 488,74 492,3 479,83 15,30 8,91
132,44 495,31 488,5 492,3 479,81 15,50 8,69
141,11 495,49 488,26 492,3 479,78 15,71 8,48
149,78 495,67 488,02 492,3 479,75 15,92 8,27
158,45 495,85 487,77 492,3 479,73 16,12 8,04
167,12 496,04 487,52 492,3 479,7 16,34 7,82
175,79 496,23 487,29 492,3 479,68 16,55 7,61
184,46 496,42 487,05 492,3 479,65 16,77 7,4
193,13 496,61 486,82 492,3 479,63 16,98 7,19
201,80 496,8 486,58 492,29 479,6 17,20 6,98
210,47 496,99 486,34 492,29 479,57 17,42 6,77
219,14 497,19 486,1 492,29 479,55 17,64 6,55
227,81 497,39 485,87 492,29 479,52 17,87 6,35
236,48 497,58 485,63 492,29 479,5 18,08 6,13
245,15 497,78 485,39 492,29 479,47 18,31 5,92
253,82 497,97 485,15 492,29 479,45 18,52 5,7
262,49 498,16 484,93 492,29 479,42 18,74 5,51
271,16 498,35 484,71 492,29 479,39 18,96 5,32
279,83 498,54 484,5 492,28 479,37 19,17 5,13
288,50 498,73 484,29 492,28 479,34 19,39 4,95
292,84 498,82 484,19 492,28 479,33 19,49 4,86
297,54 498,93 484,07 492,28 477,61 21,32 6,46
306,94 499,16 483,83 492,28 474,18 24,98 9,65
316,34 499,38 483,59 492,27 470,74 28,64 12,85
325,74 499,6 483,36 492,27 467,3 32,30 16,06
335,14 499,82 483,13 492,27 463,87 35,95 19,26
344,54 500,04 482,9 492,27 460,43 39,61 22,47
353,94 500,26 482,67 492,27 457 43,26 25,67
363,34 500,48 482,46 492,27 453,56 46,92 28,9
372,74 500,71 482,26 492,26 450,12 50,59 32,14
382,14 500,93 482,07 492,26 446,69 54,24 35,38
391,54 501,15 481,88 492,26 443,25 57,90 38,63
400,94 501,37 481,69 492,26 439,81 61,56 41,88
410,34 501,59 481,5 492,26 436,38 65,21 45,12
419,74 501,81 481,31 492,26 432,94 68,87 48,37
429,14 502,02 481,12 492,25 429,51 72,51 51,61
438,54 502,24 480,93 492,25 426,07 76,17 54,86
447,94 502,45 480,74 492,25 422,63 79,82 58,11
457,34 502,66 480,57 492,25 419,2 83,46 61,37
466,74 502,88 480,39 492,25 415,76 87,12 64,63
476,14 503,09 480,23 492,25 412,33 90,76 67,9
485,54 503,29 480,06 492,24 408,89 94,40 71,17
494,94 503,5 479,9 492,24 405,45 98,05 74,45
73 / 92
504,34 503,7 479,74 492,24 402,02 101,68 77,72
513,74 503,9 479,55 492,24 398,58 105,32 80,97
523,14 504,09 479,26 492,24 395,15 108,94 84,11
532,54 504,29 478,98 492,24 391,71 112,58 87,27
541,94 504,48 478,68 492,24 388,27 116,21 90,41
551,34 504,68 478,37 492,23 384,84 119,84 93,53
560,74 504,87 478,06 492,23 381,4 123,47 96,66
570,14 505,07 477,75 492,23 377,96 127,11 99,79
579,54 505,27 477,45 492,23 374,53 130,74 102,92
588,94 505,46 477,15 492,23 371,09 134,37 106,06
598,34 505,66 476,85 492,23 367,66 138,00 109,19
607,74 505,88 476,57 492,22 364,22 141,66 112,35
617,14 506,08 476,3 492,22 360,78 145,30 115,52
626,54 506,29 476,04 492,22 357,35 148,94 118,69
631,24 506,39 475,91 492,21 355,63 150,76 120,28
636,15 506,52 475,73 492,21 354,08 152,44 121,65
645,98 506,78 475,38 492,2 350,98 155,80 124,4
655,80 507,04 475,03 492,2 347,87 159,17 127,16
665,63 507,3 474,68 492,2 344,77 162,53 129,91
675,45 507,56 474,35 492,19 341,66 165,90 132,69
685,28 507,82 474,02 492,19 338,56 169,26 135,46
690,19 507,95 473,85 492,19 337,01 170,94 136,84
695,26 508,11 473,68 492,19 336,74 171,37 136,94
705,39 508,42 473,35 492,18 336,19 172,23 137,16
715,52 508,72 473,02 492,18 335,64 173,08 137,38
725,65 509,02 472,67 492,18 335,09 173,93 137,58
735,78 509,33 472,32 492,17 334,54 174,79 137,78
745,91 509,65 471,97 492,17 333,99 175,66 137,98
756,05 509,96 471,62 492,17 333,45 176,51 138,17
766,18 510,26 471,28 492,17 332,9 177,36 138,38
776,31 510,57 470,94 492,16 332,35 178,22 138,59
786,44 510,87 470,59 492,16 331,8 179,07 138,79
796,57 511,18 470,23 492,16 331,25 179,93 138,98
806,70 511,5 469,87 492,15 330,7 180,80 139,17
816,83 511,81 469,51 492,15 330,15 181,66 139,36
826,97 512,12 469,16 492,15 329,61 182,51 139,55
837,10 512,43 468,82 492,14 329,06 183,37 139,76
847,23 512,74 468,47 492,14 328,51 184,23 139,96
857,36 513,04 468,13 492,14 327,96 185,08 140,17
867,49 513,35 467,8 492,13 327,41 185,94 140,39
877,62 513,65 467,47 492,13 326,86 186,79 140,61
887,76 513,94 467,16 492,13 326,32 187,62 140,84
897,89 514,25 466,85 492,12 325,77 188,48 141,08
908,02 514,55 466,55 492,12 325,22 189,33 141,33
74 / 92
918,15 514,86 466,26 492,12 324,67 190,19 141,59
928,28 515,16 465,97 492,11 324,12 191,04 141,85
938,41 515,46 465,69 492,11 323,57 191,89 142,12
948,54 515,76 465,4 492,11 323,02 192,74 142,38
958,68 516,06 465,12 492,11 322,48 193,58 142,64
968,81 516,36 464,83 492,1 321,93 194,43 142,9
978,94 516,65 464,54 492,1 321,38 195,27 143,16
989,07 516,94 464,24 492,1 320,83 196,11 143,41
999,20 517,23 463,93 492,09 320,28 196,95 143,65
1 009,30 517,52 463,63 492,09 319,73 197,79 143,9
1 019,50 517,81 463,34 492,09 319,19 198,62 144,15
1 029,60 518,1 463,05 492,08 318,64 199,46 144,41
1 039,70 518,38 462,76 492,08 318,09 200,29 144,67
1 049,90 518,66 462,48 492,08 317,54 201,12 144,94
1 060,00 518,93 462,19 492,07 316,99 201,94 145,2
1 070,10 519,2 461,91 492,07 316,44 202,76 145,47
1 080,30 519,47 461,63 492,07 315,89 203,58 145,74
1 090,40 519,74 461,35 492,06 315,35 204,39 146
1 100,50 520,01 461,06 492,06 314,8 205,21 146,26
1 110,60 520,28 460,78 492,06 314,25 206,03 146,53
1 120,80 520,55 460,49 492,05 313,7 206,85 146,79
1 130,90 520,81 460,22 492,05 313,15 207,66 147,07
1 141,00 521,08 459,95 492,05 312,6 208,48 147,35
1 146,10 521,21 459,82 492,07 312,33 208,88 147,49
1 151,30 521,29 459,75 492,07 311,91 209,38 147,84
1 161,80 521,45 459,6 492,07 311,07 210,38 148,53
1 172,20 521,61 459,46 492,06 310,23 211,38 149,23
1 182,70 521,77 459,32 492,06 309,39 212,38 149,93
1 193,10 521,93 459,19 492,06 308,55 213,38 150,64
1 203,60 522,09 459,07 492,06 307,71 214,38 151,36
1 214,00 522,25 458,95 492,06 306,86 215,39 152,09
1 224,40 522,41 458,85 492,06 306,02 216,39 152,83
1 234,90 522,57 458,74 492,06 305,18 217,39 153,56
1 245,30 522,73 458,64 492,06 304,34 218,39 154,3
1 255,80 522,89 458,54 492,06 303,5 219,39 155,04
1 266,20 523,04 458,43 492,05 302,66 220,38 155,77
1 276,70 523,19 458,32 492,05 301,82 221,37 156,5
1 287,10 523,34 458,21 492,05 300,98 222,36 157,23
1 297,60 523,5 458,1 492,05 300,14 223,36 157,96
1 308,00 523,65 457,99 492,05 299,3 224,35 158,69
1 318,50 523,8 457,88 492,05 298,46 225,34 159,42
1 328,90 523,95 457,77 492,05 297,62 226,33 160,15
1 339,30 524,09 457,66 492,05 296,78 227,31 160,88
1 349,80 524,25 457,56 492,04 295,93 228,32 161,63
75 / 92
1 360,20 524,4 457,47 492,04 295,09 229,31 162,38
1 370,70 524,55 457,38 492,04 294,25 230,30 163,13
1 381,10 524,7 457,29 492,04 293,41 231,29 163,88
1 391,60 524,85 457,22 492,04 292,57 232,28 164,65
1 402,00 525 457,14 492,04 291,73 233,27 165,41
1 412,50 525,15 457,08 492,04 290,89 234,26 166,19
1 422,90 525,31 457,02 492,04 290,05 235,26 166,97
1 433,30 525,46 456,96 492,04 289,21 236,25 167,75
1 443,80 525,6 456,89 492,03 288,37 237,23 168,52
1 454,20 525,75 456,83 492,03 287,53 238,22 169,3
1 464,70 525,91 456,77 492,03 286,69 239,22 170,08
1 475,10 526,06 456,71 492,03 285,85 240,21 170,86
1 485,60 526,21 456,65 492,03 285 241,21 171,65
1 496,00 526,36 456,59 492,03 284,16 242,20 172,43
1 506,50 526,5 456,54 492,03 283,32 243,18 173,22
1 516,90 526,65 456,48 492,03 282,48 244,17 174
1 527,40 526,8 456,42 492,02 281,64 245,16 174,78
1 537,80 526,94 456,36 492,02 280,8 246,14 175,56
1 543,00 527,01 456,33 492,02 280,38 246,63 175,95
1 548,40 527,09 456,29 492,02 280,02 247,07 176,27
1 559,30 527,25 456,22 492,02 279,3 247,95 176,92
1 570,10 527,41 456,14 492,01 278,59 248,82 177,55
1 580,90 527,57 456,06 492,01 277,87 249,70 178,19
1 591,80 527,72 455,99 492,01 277,15 250,57 178,84
1 602,60 527,88 455,92 492,01 276,44 251,44 179,48
1 613,40 528,02 455,86 492,01 275,72 252,30 180,14
1 624,30 528,17 455,8 492 275 253,17 180,8
1 635,10 528,31 455,74 492 274,29 254,02 181,45
1 645,90 528,45 455,68 492 273,57 254,88 182,11
1 656,70 528,6 455,63 492 272,85 255,75 182,78
1 667,60 528,75 455,58 492 272,14 256,61 183,44
1 678,40 528,91 455,52 492 271,42 257,49 184,1
1 689,20 529,06 455,46 491,99 270,7 258,36 184,76
1 700,10 529,21 455,24 491,99 269,99 259,22 185,25
1 710,90 529,36 455,02 491,99 269,27 260,09 185,75
1 721,70 529,53 454,8 491,99 268,55 260,98 186,25
1 732,60 529,69 454,59 491,99 267,84 261,85 186,75
1 743,40 529,85 454,39 491,98 267,12 262,73 187,27
1 754,20 530,01 454,2 491,98 266,4 263,61 187,8
1 765,10 530,17 454,01 491,98 265,69 264,48 188,32
1 775,90 530,33 453,83 491,98 264,97 265,36 188,86
1 786,70 530,48 453,65 491,98 264,25 266,23 189,4
1 797,50 530,63 453,46 491,98 263,54 267,09 189,92
1 808,40 530,78 453,26 491,97 262,82 267,96 190,44
76 / 92
1 819,20 530,93 453,07 491,97 262,1 268,83 190,97
1 830,00 531,07 452,88 491,97 261,38 269,69 191,5
1 840,90 531,21 452,7 491,97 260,67 270,54 192,03
1 851,70 531,37 452,53 491,97 259,95 271,42 192,58
1 862,50 531,53 452,36 491,96 259,23 272,30 193,13
1 873,40 531,69 452,19 491,96 258,52 273,17 193,67
1 884,20 531,84 452,02 491,96 257,8 274,04 194,22
1 895,00 531,99 451,79 491,96 257,08 274,91 194,71
1 905,90 532,14 451,51 491,96 256,37 275,77 195,14
1 916,70 532,3 451,24 491,96 255,65 276,65 195,59
1 927,50 532,48 450,98 491,95 254,93 277,55 196,05
1 938,30 532,66 450,72 491,95 254,22 278,44 196,5
1 949,20 532,85 450,47 491,95 253,5 279,35 196,97
1 960,00 533,03 450,22 491,95 252,78 280,25 197,44
1 970,80 533,2 449,98 491,95 252,07 281,13 197,91
1 981,70 533,4 449,72 491,94 251,35 282,05 198,37
1 992,50 533,62 449,46 491,94 250,63 282,99 198,83
2 003,30 533,83 449,21 491,94 249,92 283,91 199,29
2 014,20 534,04 448,96 491,94 249,2 284,84 199,76
2 025,00 534,26 448,72 491,94 248,48 285,78 200,24
2 035,80 534,48 448,48 491,94 247,77 286,71 200,71
2 046,70 534,71 448,24 491,93 247,05 287,66 201,19
2 057,50 534,93 448,01 491,93 246,33 288,60 201,68
2 068,30 535,15 447,78 491,93 245,61 289,54 202,17
2 079,10 535,37 447,53 491,93 244,9 290,47 202,63
2 090,00 535,58 447,25 491,93 244,18 291,40 203,07
2 100,80 535,79 446,98 491,92 243,46 292,33 203,52
2 111,60 535,99 446,72 491,92 242,75 293,24 203,97
2 122,50 536,21 446,46 491,92 242,03 294,18 204,43
2 133,30 536,43 446,21 491,92 241,31 295,12 204,9
2 144,10 536,63 445,97 491,92 240,6 296,03 205,37
2 155,00 536,83 445,73 491,92 239,88 296,95 205,85
2 165,80 537,04 445,49 491,91 239,16 297,88 206,33
2 176,60 537,26 445,26 491,91 238,45 298,81 206,81
2 187,50 537,47 445,03 491,91 237,73 299,74 207,3
2 198,30 537,68 444,78 491,91 237,01 300,67 207,77
2 209,10 537,9 444,53 491,91 236,3 301,60 208,23
2 219,90 538,13 444,28 491,9 235,58 302,55 208,7
2 230,80 538,35 444,04 491,9 234,86 303,49 209,18
2 241,60 538,58 443,8 491,9 234,15 304,43 209,65
2 252,40 538,8 443,57 491,9 233,43 305,37 210,14
2 263,30 539,02 443,35 491,9 232,71 306,31 210,64
2 274,10 539,23 443,14 491,9 232 307,23 211,14
2 284,90 539,43 442,94 491,89 231,28 308,15 211,66
77 / 92
2 295,80 539,63 442,75 491,89 230,56 309,07 212,19
2 306,60 539,83 442,58 491,89 229,85 309,98 212,73
2 317,40 540,02 442,42 491,89 229,13 310,89 213,29
2 322,80 540,12 442,34 491,88 228,77 311,35 213,57
2 328,50 540,24 442,25 491,88 228,42 311,82 213,83
2 340,00 540,48 442,08 491,88 227,71 312,77 214,37
2 351,40 540,73 441,91 491,87 227 313,73 214,91
2 362,80 540,98 441,74 491,87 226,29 314,69 215,45
2 374,20 541,22 441,57 491,87 225,58 315,64 215,99
2 385,60 541,45 441,41 491,86 224,87 316,58 216,54
2 397,00 541,68 441,24 491,86 224,16 317,52 217,08
2 408,40 541,92 441,06 491,86 223,45 318,47 217,61
2 419,80 542,17 440,88 491,86 222,74 319,43 218,14
2 431,20 542,42 440,7 491,85 222,03 320,39 218,67
2 442,70 542,67 440,53 491,85 221,32 321,35 219,21
2 454,10 542,91 440,36 491,85 220,62 322,29 219,74
2 465,50 543,13 440,19 491,84 219,91 323,22 220,28
2 476,90 543,36 440,02 491,84 219,2 324,16 220,82
2 488,30 543,59 439,86 491,84 218,49 325,10 221,37
2 499,70 543,83 439,71 491,83 217,78 326,05 221,93
2 511,10 544,06 439,56 491,83 217,07 326,99 222,49
2 522,50 544,29 439,43 491,83 216,36 327,93 223,07
2 534,00 544,51 439,31 491,83 215,65 328,86 223,66
2 545,40 544,74 439,21 491,82 214,94 329,80 224,27
2 556,80 544,97 439,1 491,82 214,23 330,74 224,87
2 568,20 545,21 438,99 491,82 213,53 331,68 225,46
2 579,60 545,43 438,87 491,81 212,82 332,61 226,05
2 591,00 545,66 438,75 491,81 212,11 333,55 226,64
2 602,40 545,89 438,65 491,81 211,4 334,49 227,25
2 613,80 546,12 438,54 491,8 210,69 335,43 227,85
2 625,20 546,36 438,42 491,8 209,98 336,38 228,44
2 636,70 546,59 438,29 491,8 209,27 337,32 229,02
2 648,10 546,82 438,16 491,8 208,56 338,26 229,6
2 659,50 547,05 438,05 491,79 207,85 339,20 230,2
2 670,90 547,28 437,94 491,79 207,14 340,14 230,8
2 682,30 547,51 437,84 491,79 206,43 341,08 231,41
2 688,00 547,61 437,79 491,78 206,08 341,53 231,71
2 693,80 547,74 437,73 491,77 205,63 342,11 232,1
2 705,30 548 437,6 491,77 204,74 343,26 232,86
2 716,80 548,25 437,48 491,76 203,85 344,40 233,63
2 728,30 548,5 437,39 491,76 202,96 345,54 234,43
2 739,80 548,73 437,31 491,75 202,07 346,66 235,24
2 751,40 548,96 437,24 491,75 201,18 347,78 236,06
2 762,90 549,19 437,19 491,74 200,29 348,90 236,9
78 / 92
2 774,40 549,44 437,13 491,74 199,4 350,04 237,73
2 785,90 549,69 437,08 491,73 198,51 351,18 238,57
2 797,40 549,94 437,04 491,73 197,62 352,32 239,42
2 809,00 550,19 437,01 491,72 196,73 353,46 240,28
2 820,50 550,43 436,97 491,72 195,84 354,59 241,13
2 832,00 550,68 436,9 491,71 194,94 355,74 241,96
2 843,50 550,92 436,84 491,71 194,05 356,87 242,79
2 855,00 551,17 436,77 491,71 193,16 358,01 243,61
2 866,60 551,43 436,72 491,7 192,27 359,16 244,45
2 878,10 551,69 436,66 491,7 191,38 360,31 245,28
2 889,60 551,94 436,61 491,69 190,49 361,45 246,12
2 901,10 552,2 436,56 491,69 189,6 362,60 246,96
2 912,60 552,45 436,52 491,68 188,71 363,74 247,81
2 924,20 552,7 436,45 491,68 187,82 364,88 248,63
2 935,70 552,94 436,38 491,67 186,93 366,01 249,45
2 947,20 553,18 436,3 491,67 186,04 367,14 250,26
2 958,70 553,42 436,23 491,66 185,15 368,27 251,08
2 970,20 553,67 436,18 491,66 184,25 369,42 251,93
2 981,80 553,92 436,12 491,65 183,36 370,56 252,76
2 993,30 554,17 436,06 491,65 182,47 371,70 253,59
3 004,80 554,43 435,99 491,64 181,58 372,85 254,41
3 016,30 554,68 435,92 491,64 180,69 373,99 255,23
3 027,80 554,92 435,85 491,63 179,8 375,12 256,05
3 039,40 555,16 435,77 491,63 178,91 376,25 256,86
3 050,90 555,39 435,69 491,62 178,02 377,37 257,67
3 062,40 555,61 435,62 491,62 177,13 378,48 258,49
3 073,90 555,79 435,57 491,61 176,24 379,55 259,33
3 085,40 555,94 435,53 491,61 175,35 380,59 260,18
3 097,00 556,05 435,51 491,6 174,46 381,59 261,05
3 102,70 556,09 435,51 491,92 174,01 382,08 261,5
79 / 92
45,90 503,61 485,29 492,33 480,58 23,03 4,71
50,07 503,87 484,94 492,33 480,05 23,82 4,89
54,41 504,21 484,51 492,33 480,04 24,17 4,47
63,08 504,51 483,9 492,33 480,01 24,50 3,89
71,75 504,68 483,43 492,33 479,99 24,69 3,44
80,42 504,77 483,11 492,33 479,96 24,81 3,15
89,09 504,82 482,89 492,33 479,93 24,89 2,96
97,76 504,84 482,7 492,33 479,91 24,93 2,79
106,43 504,85 482,51 492,33 479,88 24,97 2,63
115,10 504,86 482,35 492,33 479,86 25,00 2,49
123,77 504,86 482,25 492,33 479,83 25,03 2,42
132,44 504,86 482,2 492,33 479,81 25,05 2,39
141,11 504,86 482,17 492,33 479,78 25,08 2,39
149,78 504,86 482,11 492,33 479,75 25,11 2,36
158,45 504,86 482,03 492,33 479,73 25,13 2,3
167,12 504,86 481,97 492,33 479,7 25,16 2,27
175,79 504,86 481,93 492,33 479,68 25,18 2,25
184,46 504,86 481,86 492,33 479,65 25,21 2,21
193,13 504,86 481,68 492,33 479,63 25,23 2,05
201,80 504,86 481,41 492,33 479,6 25,26 1,81
210,47 504,86 481,16 492,33 479,57 25,29 1,59
219,14 504,86 480,97 492,33 479,55 25,31 1,42
227,81 504,86 480,83 492,33 479,52 25,34 1,31
236,48 504,86 480,68 492,33 479,5 25,36 1,18
245,15 504,86 480,45 492,33 479,47 25,39 0,98
253,82 504,86 480,19 492,33 479,45 25,41 0,74
262,49 504,86 479,96 492,33 479,42 25,44 0,54
271,16 504,86 479,79 492,33 479,39 25,47 0,4
279,83 504,86 479,67 492,33 479,37 25,49 0,3
288,50 504,86 479,64 492,33 479,34 25,52 0,3
292,84 504,73 479,69 492,33 479,33 25,40 0,36
297,54 504,89 479,65 492,33 477,61 27,28 2,04
306,94 505,14 479,43 492,33 474,18 30,96 5,25
316,34 505,49 478,98 492,33 470,74 34,75 8,24
325,74 505,82 478,44 492,33 467,3 38,52 11,14
335,14 506,06 477,89 492,33 463,87 42,19 14,02
344,54 506,2 477,35 492,33 460,43 45,77 16,92
353,94 506,26 476,84 492,33 457 49,26 19,84
363,34 506,29 476,38 492,33 453,56 52,73 22,82
372,74 506,3 476,03 492,33 450,12 56,18 25,91
382,14 506,3 475,82 492,33 446,69 59,61 29,13
391,54 506,3 475,69 492,33 443,25 63,05 32,44
400,94 506,3 475,52 492,33 439,81 66,49 35,71
410,34 506,3 475,25 492,33 436,38 69,92 38,87
80 / 92
419,74 506,3 474,97 492,33 432,94 73,36 42,03
429,14 506,3 474,8 492,33 429,51 76,79 45,29
438,54 506,29 474,69 492,33 426,07 80,22 48,62
447,94 506,29 474,66 492,33 422,63 83,66 52,03
457,34 506,29 474,62 492,33 419,2 87,09 55,42
466,74 506,29 474,52 492,33 415,76 90,53 58,76
476,14 506,29 474,31 492,33 412,33 93,96 61,98
485,54 506,3 474,04 492,33 408,89 97,41 65,15
494,94 506,66 473,73 492,33 405,45 101,21 68,28
504,34 506,96 473,42 492,33 402,02 104,94 71,4
513,74 507,2 473,13 492,33 398,58 108,62 74,55
523,14 507,41 472,98 492,33 395,15 112,26 77,83
532,54 507,62 472,92 492,33 391,71 115,91 81,21
541,94 507,81 473,07 492,33 388,27 119,54 84,8
551,34 507,9 473,24 492,33 384,84 123,06 88,4
560,74 507,98 473,2 492,33 381,4 126,58 91,8
570,14 508,31 472,98 492,33 377,96 130,35 95,02
579,54 508,59 472,86 492,33 374,53 134,06 98,33
588,94 509,12 472,88 492,33 371,09 138,03 101,79
598,34 509,63 473,04 492,33 367,66 141,97 105,38
607,74 510,07 473,1 492,33 364,22 145,85 108,88
617,14 510,41 473,06 492,33 360,78 149,63 112,28
626,54 510,69 472,69 492,33 357,35 153,34 115,34
631,24 510,78 472,53 492,33 355,63 155,15 116,9
636,15 510,95 472,33 492,33 354,08 156,87 118,25
645,98 511,29 471,97 492,33 350,98 160,31 120,99
655,80 511,6 471,63 492,33 347,87 163,73 123,76
665,63 511,77 470,89 492,33 344,77 167,00 126,12
675,45 511,8 470,22 492,33 341,66 170,14 128,56
685,28 512,19 469,75 492,33 338,56 173,63 131,19
690,19 512,44 469,65 492,33 337,01 175,43 132,64
695,26 512,7 469,45 492,33 336,74 175,96 132,71
705,39 513,15 469,23 492,33 336,19 176,96 133,04
715,52 513,54 469,08 492,33 335,64 177,90 133,44
725,65 513,94 468,97 492,33 335,09 178,85 133,88
735,78 514,33 468,52 492,33 334,54 179,79 133,98
745,91 514,64 468,08 492,33 333,99 180,65 134,09
756,05 514,95 467,7 492,33 333,45 181,50 134,25
766,18 515,32 467,38 492,33 332,9 182,42 134,48
776,31 515,65 467,1 492,33 332,35 183,30 134,75
786,44 515,89 466,82 492,33 331,8 184,09 135,02
796,57 516 466,56 492,33 331,25 184,75 135,31
806,70 516,19 466,33 492,33 330,7 185,49 135,63
816,83 516,65 466,17 492,33 330,15 186,50 136,02
81 / 92
826,97 517,01 466,05 492,33 329,61 187,40 136,44
837,10 517,32 465,97 492,33 329,06 188,26 136,91
847,23 517,65 465,53 492,33 328,51 189,14 137,02
857,36 518,02 465,05 492,33 327,96 190,06 137,09
867,49 518,33 464,65 492,33 327,41 190,92 137,24
877,62 518,52 464,34 492,33 326,86 191,66 137,48
887,76 518,6 464,06 492,33 326,32 192,28 137,74
897,89 518,59 463,78 492,33 325,77 192,82 138,01
908,02 518,92 463,54 492,33 325,22 193,70 138,32
918,15 519,29 463,38 492,33 324,67 194,62 138,71
928,28 519,6 463,35 492,33 324,12 195,48 139,23
938,41 519,76 463,31 492,33 323,57 196,19 139,74
948,54 519,75 463,12 492,33 323,02 196,73 140,1
958,68 519,75 462,82 492,33 322,48 197,27 140,34
968,81 519,9 462,56 492,33 321,93 197,97 140,63
978,94 520,08 462,3 492,33 321,38 198,70 140,92
989,07 520,36 461,9 492,33 320,83 199,53 141,07
999,20 520,64 461,42 492,33 320,28 200,36 141,14
1 009,30 520,88 461,01 492,33 319,73 201,15 141,28
1 019,50 521,11 460,8 492,33 319,19 201,92 141,61
1 029,60 521,27 460,78 492,33 318,64 202,63 142,14
1 039,70 521,39 460,86 492,33 318,09 203,30 142,77
1 049,90 521,56 460,79 492,33 317,54 204,02 143,25
1 060,00 521,84 460,39 492,33 316,99 204,85 143,4
1 070,10 522,22 460,02 492,33 316,44 205,78 143,58
1 080,30 522,51 459,82 492,33 315,89 206,62 143,93
1 090,40 522,69 459,76 492,33 315,35 207,34 144,41
1 100,50 522,99 459,81 492,33 314,8 208,19 145,01
1 110,60 523,46 459,96 492,33 314,25 209,21 145,71
1 120,80 523,8 459,62 492,33 313,7 210,10 145,92
1 130,90 523,99 459,38 492,33 313,15 210,84 146,23
1 141,00 524,05 459,29 492,33 312,6 211,45 146,69
1 146,10 524,04 459,28 492,33 312,33 211,71 146,95
1 151,30 524,03 459,05 492,33 311,91 212,12 147,14
1 161,80 524,02 458,78 492,33 311,07 212,95 147,71
1 172,20 524,28 458,71 492,33 310,23 214,05 148,48
1 182,70 524,47 458,82 492,33 309,39 215,08 149,43
1 193,10 524,55 458,93 492,33 308,55 216,00 150,38
1 203,60 524,51 458,83 492,33 307,71 216,80 151,12
1 214,00 524,41 458,83 492,33 306,86 217,55 151,97
1 224,40 524,3 458,83 492,33 306,02 218,28 152,81
1 234,90 524,45 458,86 492,33 305,18 219,27 153,68
1 245,30 524,77 458,54 492,33 304,34 220,43 154,2
1 255,80 525,02 458,12 492,33 303,5 221,52 154,62
82 / 92
1 266,20 525,21 457,78 492,33 302,66 222,55 155,12
1 276,70 525,36 457,5 492,33 301,82 223,54 155,68
1 287,10 525,46 457,31 492,33 300,98 224,48 156,33
1 297,60 525,5 457,15 492,33 300,14 225,36 157,01
1 308,00 525,53 457,07 492,33 299,3 226,23 157,77
1 318,50 525,75 457,02 492,33 298,46 227,29 158,56
1 328,90 526,04 457,08 492,33 297,62 228,42 159,46
1 339,30 526,25 457,21 492,33 296,78 229,47 160,43
1 349,80 526,35 456,99 492,33 295,93 230,42 161,06
1 360,20 526,35 456,33 492,33 295,09 231,26 161,24
1 370,70 526,28 455,79 492,33 294,25 232,03 161,54
1 381,10 526,18 455,4 492,33 293,41 232,77 161,99
1 391,60 526,07 455,14 492,33 292,57 233,50 162,57
1 402,00 526,24 455,05 492,33 291,73 234,51 163,32
1 412,50 526,44 455,11 492,33 290,89 235,55 164,22
1 422,90 526,5 455,28 492,33 290,05 236,45 165,23
1 433,30 526,41 455,37 492,33 289,21 237,20 166,16
1 443,80 526,23 455,25 492,33 288,37 237,86 166,88
1 454,20 526,57 455,18 492,33 287,53 239,04 167,65
1 464,70 527,16 455,19 492,33 286,69 240,47 168,5
1 475,10 527,67 455,25 492,33 285,85 241,82 169,4
1 485,60 528,08 455,03 492,33 285 243,08 170,03
1 496,00 528,38 454,63 492,33 284,16 244,22 170,47
1 506,50 528,54 454,31 492,33 283,32 245,22 170,99
1 516,90 528,57 454,11 492,33 282,48 246,09 171,63
1 527,40 528,52 454,04 492,33 281,64 246,88 172,4
1 537,80 528,62 454,1 492,33 280,8 247,82 173,3
1 543,00 528,75 454,18 492,33 280,38 248,37 173,8
1 548,40 528,93 454,25 492,33 280,02 248,91 174,23
1 559,30 529,16 454,29 492,33 279,3 249,86 174,99
1 570,10 529,24 454,11 492,33 278,59 250,65 175,52
1 580,90 529,15 453,99 492,33 277,87 251,28 176,12
1 591,80 528,96 453,97 492,33 277,15 251,81 176,82
1 602,60 529,01 454,08 492,33 276,44 252,57 177,64
1 613,40 529,45 454,3 492,33 275,72 253,73 178,58
1 624,30 529,84 454,57 492,33 275 254,84 179,57
1 635,10 530,15 454,74 492,33 274,29 255,86 180,45
1 645,90 530,36 454,42 492,33 273,57 256,79 180,85
1 656,70 530,53 454,04 492,33 272,85 257,68 181,19
1 667,60 530,61 453,75 492,33 272,14 258,47 181,61
1 678,40 530,65 453,62 492,33 271,42 259,23 182,2
1 689,20 530,75 453,64 492,33 270,7 260,05 182,94
1 700,10 531,05 453,8 492,33 269,99 261,06 183,81
1 710,90 531,39 454,07 492,33 269,27 262,12 184,8
83 / 92
1 721,70 531,59 454,15 492,33 268,55 263,04 185,6
1 732,60 531,65 453,86 492,33 267,84 263,81 186,02
1 743,40 531,57 453,68 492,33 267,12 264,45 186,56
1 754,20 531,4 453,54 492,33 266,4 265,00 187,14
1 765,10 531,18 453,44 492,33 265,69 265,49 187,75
1 775,90 531,08 453,4 492,33 264,97 266,11 188,43
1 786,70 531,12 453,44 492,33 264,25 266,87 189,19
1 797,50 531,13 453,5 492,32 263,54 267,59 189,96
1 808,40 531,13 453,39 492,32 262,82 268,31 190,57
1 819,20 531,1 453,08 492,32 262,1 269,00 190,98
1 830,00 530,99 452,76 492,32 261,38 269,61 191,38
1 840,90 531,1 452,48 492,32 260,67 270,43 191,81
1 851,70 531,38 452,27 492,32 259,95 271,43 192,32
1 862,50 531,62 452,07 492,32 259,23 272,39 192,84
1 873,40 531,83 451,86 492,32 258,52 273,31 193,34
1 884,20 532,22 451,65 492,32 257,8 274,42 193,85
1 895,00 532,58 451,53 492,32 257,08 275,50 194,45
1 905,90 532,82 451,46 492,32 256,37 276,45 195,09
1 916,70 532,92 451,5 492,32 255,65 277,27 195,85
1 927,50 533,01 451,47 492,32 254,93 278,08 196,54
1 938,30 533,33 451,05 492,32 254,22 279,11 196,83
1 949,20 533,64 450,59 492,32 253,5 280,14 197,09
1 960,00 534,04 450,28 492,32 252,78 281,26 197,5
1 970,80 534,37 450,13 492,32 252,07 282,30 198,06
1 981,70 534,68 450,13 492,32 251,35 283,33 198,78
1 992,50 534,98 450,24 492,32 250,63 284,35 199,61
2 003,30 535,22 450,33 492,32 249,92 285,30 200,41
2 014,20 535,34 450,25 492,32 249,2 286,14 201,05
2 025,00 535,32 450,21 492,32 248,48 286,84 201,73
2 035,80 535,45 450,25 492,32 247,77 287,68 202,48
2 046,70 535,9 450,1 492,32 247,05 288,85 203,05
2 057,50 536,27 449,86 492,32 246,33 289,94 203,53
2 068,30 536,6 449,44 492,32 245,61 290,99 203,83
2 079,10 536,91 448,97 492,32 244,9 292,01 204,07
2 090,00 537,2 448,56 492,32 244,18 293,02 204,38
2 100,80 537,41 448,22 492,32 243,46 293,95 204,76
2 111,60 537,5 447,95 492,32 242,75 294,75 205,2
2 122,50 537,47 447,7 492,32 242,03 295,44 205,67
2 133,30 537,47 447,52 492,32 241,31 296,16 206,21
2 144,10 537,78 447,41 492,32 240,6 297,18 206,81
2 155,00 538,02 447,37 492,32 239,88 298,14 207,49
2 165,80 538,14 447,37 492,32 239,16 298,98 208,21
2 176,60 538,12 447,16 492,32 238,45 299,67 208,71
2 187,50 537,95 446,75 492,32 237,73 300,22 209,02
84 / 92
2 198,30 537,97 446,25 492,32 237,01 300,96 209,24
2 209,10 538,29 445,81 492,32 236,3 301,99 209,51
2 219,90 538,61 445,5 492,32 235,58 303,03 209,92
2 230,80 538,91 445,31 492,32 234,86 304,05 210,45
2 241,60 539,17 445,24 492,32 234,15 305,02 211,09
2 252,40 539,36 445,23 492,32 233,43 305,93 211,8
2 263,30 539,47 445,22 492,32 232,71 306,76 212,51
2 274,10 539,53 445,17 492,32 232 307,53 213,17
2 284,90 539,58 445,17 492,32 231,28 308,30 213,89
2 295,80 539,9 445,24 492,32 230,56 309,34 214,68
2 306,60 540,21 445,28 492,32 229,85 310,36 215,43
2 317,40 540,49 445,23 492,32 229,13 311,36 216,1
2 322,80 540,59 445,22 492,32 228,77 311,82 216,45
2 328,50 540,72 444,97 492,32 228,42 312,30 216,55
2 340,00 541,03 444,53 492,32 227,71 313,32 216,82
2 351,40 541,46 444,21 492,32 227 314,46 217,21
2 362,80 541,84 444,04 492,32 226,29 315,55 217,75
2 374,20 542,07 443,97 492,32 225,58 316,49 218,39
2 385,60 542,16 443,97 492,32 224,87 317,29 219,1
2 397,00 542,14 443,93 492,32 224,16 317,98 219,77
2 408,40 542,4 443,89 492,32 223,45 318,95 220,44
2 419,80 542,77 443,82 492,32 222,74 320,03 221,08
2 431,20 543,04 443,69 492,32 222,03 321,01 221,66
2 442,70 543,15 443,64 492,32 221,32 321,83 222,32
2 454,10 543,12 443,63 492,32 220,62 322,50 223,01
2 465,50 543,1 443,59 492,32 219,91 323,19 223,68
2 476,90 543,26 443,55 492,32 219,2 324,06 224,35
2 488,30 543,51 443,58 492,32 218,49 325,02 225,09
2 499,70 543,91 443,7 492,32 217,78 326,13 225,92
2 511,10 544,25 443,34 492,32 217,07 327,18 226,27
2 522,50 544,54 443,11 492,32 216,36 328,18 226,75
2 534,00 544,75 443,02 492,32 215,65 329,10 227,37
2 545,40 544,86 443 492,32 214,94 329,92 228,06
2 556,80 544,92 442,97 492,32 214,23 330,69 228,74
2 568,20 544,95 442,92 492,32 213,53 331,42 229,39
2 579,60 545,3 442,92 492,32 212,82 332,48 230,1
2 591,00 545,65 443,02 492,32 212,11 333,54 230,91
2 602,40 545,89 443,22 492,32 211,4 334,49 231,82
2 613,80 546,01 443,33 492,32 210,69 335,32 232,64
2 625,20 546,01 443,15 492,32 209,98 336,03 233,17
2 636,70 545,97 443,05 492,32 209,27 336,70 233,78
2 648,10 546,13 443,09 492,32 208,56 337,57 234,53
2 659,50 546,31 443,21 492,32 207,85 338,46 235,36
2 670,90 546,56 443,2 492,32 207,14 339,42 236,06
85 / 92
2 682,30 546,83 443,13 492,32 206,43 340,40 236,7
2 688,00 546,94 443,13 492,32 206,08 340,86 237,05
2 693,80 547,08 443,05 492,32 205,63 341,45 237,42
2 705,30 547,33 442,67 492,32 204,74 342,59 237,93
2 716,80 547,65 442,44 492,32 203,85 343,80 238,59
2 728,30 548,11 442,42 492,32 202,96 345,15 239,46
2 739,80 548,67 442,11 492,32 202,07 346,60 240,04
2 751,40 549,13 441,71 492,32 201,18 347,95 240,53
2 762,90 549,55 441,47 492,32 200,29 349,26 241,18
2 774,40 549,91 441,41 492,32 199,4 350,51 242,01
2 785,90 550,2 441,51 492,32 198,51 351,69 243
2 797,40 550,45 441,69 492,32 197,62 352,83 244,07
2 809,00 550,72 441,55 492,32 196,73 353,99 244,82
2 820,50 551,04 441,26 492,32 195,84 355,20 245,42
2 832,00 551,45 441,07 492,32 194,94 356,51 246,13
2 843,50 551,96 441,02 492,32 194,05 357,91 246,97
2 855,00 552,41 441,02 492,32 193,16 359,25 247,86
2 866,60 552,74 440,74 492,32 192,27 360,47 248,47
2 878,10 552,9 440,56 492,32 191,38 361,52 249,18
2 889,60 552,89 440,51 492,32 190,49 362,40 250,02
2 901,10 553,12 440,57 492,32 189,6 363,52 250,97
2 912,60 553,59 440,51 492,32 188,71 364,88 251,8
2 924,20 553,93 440,24 492,32 187,82 366,11 252,42
2 935,70 554,1 440,1 492,32 186,93 367,17 253,17
2 947,20 554,12 440,12 492,32 186,04 368,08 254,08
2 958,70 554 440,11 492,32 185,15 368,85 254,96
2 970,20 554,01 440,16 492,32 184,25 369,76 255,91
2 981,80 554,3 440,05 492,32 183,36 370,94 256,69
2 993,30 554,77 439,82 492,32 182,47 372,30 257,35
3 004,80 555,21 439,68 492,32 181,58 373,63 258,1
3 016,30 555,6 439,69 492,32 180,69 374,91 259
3 027,80 555,89 439,74 492,32 179,8 376,09 259,94
3 039,40 556,1 439,52 492,32 178,91 377,19 260,61
3 050,90 556,2 439,46 492,32 178,02 378,18 261,44
3 062,40 556,26 439,5 492,31 177,13 379,13 262,37
3 073,90 556,6 439,5 492,31 176,24 380,36 263,26
3 085,40 557,01 439,22 492,31 175,35 381,66 263,87
3 097,00 557,32 439,02 492,31 174,46 382,86 264,56
3 102,70 557,32 439,02 499,91 174,01 383,31 265,01
86 / 92
87 / 92
410.34 509.24 486.1 490.47 436.38 72.86 49.72
419.74 509.2 485.99 490.43 432.94 76.26 53.05
429.14 509.17 485.97 490.39 429.51 79.66 56.46
438.54 509.12 486.01 490.35 426.07 83.05 59.94
447.94 509.08 485.84 490.31 422.63 86.45 63.21
457.34 509.03 485.78 490.27 419.2 89.83 66.58
466.74 508.98 485.83 490.23 415.76 93.22 70.07
476.14 508.94 485.75 490.19 412.33 96.61 73.42
485.54 508.91 485.62 490.15 408.89 100.02 76.73
494.94 508.88 485.6 490.12 405.45 103.43 80.15
504.34 508.84 485.58 490.08 402.02 106.82 83.56
513.74 508.8 485.55 490.04 398.58 110.22 86.97
523.14 508.76 485.44 490 395.15 113.61 90.29
532.54 508.71 485.43 489.96 391.71 117.00 93.72
541.94 508.66 485.44 489.92 388.27 120.39 97.17
551.34 508.61 485.4 489.88 384.84 123.77 100.56
560.74 508.58 485.27 489.84 381.4 127.18 103.87
570.14 508.55 485.15 489.8 377.96 130.59 107.19
579.54 508.51 485.17 489.76 374.53 133.98 110.64
588.94 508.48 485.14 489.72 371.09 137.39 114.05
598.34 508.44 484.52 489.68 367.66 140.78 116.86
607.74 508.39 483.94 489.64 364.22 144.17 119.72
617.14 508.34 483.51 489.6 360.78 147.56 122.73
626.54 508.29 483.27 489.56 357.35 150.94 125.92
631.24 508 483.06 489.25 355.63 152.37 127.43
636.15 508.03 482.93 489.22 354.08 153.95 128.85
645.98 508.25 482.81 489.14 350.98 157.27 131.83
655.80 508.71 482.68 489.07 347.87 160.84 134.81
665.63 509.27 482.55 488.99 344.77 164.50 137.78
675.45 509.75 482.45 488.92 341.66 168.09 140.79
685.28 510.08 482.38 488.84 338.56 171.52 143.82
690.19 510.17 482.39 488.81 337.01 173.16 145.38
695.26 510.28 482.34 488.77 336.74 173.54 145.6
705.39 510.39 482.24 488.69 336.19 174.20 146.05
715.52 510.45 482.15 488.61 335.64 174.81 146.51
725.65 510.48 482.09 488.54 335.09 175.39 147
735.78 510.49 482.06 488.46 334.54 175.95 147.52
745.91 510.47 482.04 488.38 333.99 176.48 148.05
756.05 510.43 482.02 488.31 333.45 176.98 148.57
766.18 510.38 482.03 488.23 332.9 177.48 149.13
776.31 510.3 482.06 488.15 332.35 177.95 149.71
786.44 510.22 482.04 488.08 331.8 178.42 150.24
796.57 510.14 481.94 488 331.25 178.89 150.69
806.70 510.05 481.83 487.92 330.7 179.35 151.13
816.83 509.98 481.72 487.85 330.15 179.83 151.57
826.97 509.92 481.61 487.77 329.61 180.31 152
837.10 509.85 481.55 487.69 329.06 180.79 152.49
847.23 509.78 481.52 487.62 328.51 181.27 153.01
857.36 509.7 481.5 487.54 327.96 181.74 153.54
867.49 509.62 481.45 487.46 327.41 182.21 154.04
877.62 509.53 481.35 487.39 326.86 182.67 154.49
887.76 509.44 481.26 487.31 326.32 183.12 154.94
897.89 509.36 481.19 487.23 325.77 183.59 155.42
908.02 509.3 481.13 487.16 325.22 184.08 155.91
918.15 509.23 481.07 487.08 324.67 184.56 156.4
88 / 92
928.28 509.16 480.98 487 324.12 185.04 156.86
938.41 509.09 480.89 486.92 323.57 185.52 157.32
948.54 509.01 480.82 486.85 323.02 185.99 157.8
958.68 508.93 480.76 486.77 322.48 186.45 158.28
968.81 508.84 480.69 486.69 321.93 186.91 158.76
978.94 508.75 480.67 486.62 321.38 187.37 159.29
989.07 508.67 480.7 486.54 320.83 187.84 159.87
999.20 508.61 480.76 486.46 320.28 188.33 160.48
1 009.30 508.55 480.81 486.39 319.73 188.82 161.08
1 019.50 508.48 480.84 486.31 319.19 189.29 161.65
1 029.60 508.4 480.57 486.23 318.64 189.76 161.93
1 039.70 508.32 480.28 486.16 318.09 190.23 162.19
1 049.90 508.24 479.97 486.08 317.54 190.70 162.43
1 060.00 508.15 479.68 486 316.99 191.16 162.69
1 070.10 508.06 479.46 485.93 316.44 191.62 163.02
1 080.30 507.99 479.3 485.85 315.89 192.10 163.41
1 090.40 507.93 479.18 485.77 315.35 192.58 163.83
1 100.50 507.86 479.03 485.7 314.8 193.06 164.23
1 110.60 507.79 478.87 485.62 314.25 193.54 164.62
1 120.80 507.71 478.76 485.54 313.7 194.01 165.06
1 130.90 507.63 478.68 485.47 313.15 194.48 165.53
1 141.00 507.55 478.62 485.39 312.6 194.95 166.02
1 146.10 507.99 479.05 485.86 312.33 195.66 166.72
1 151.30 508.24 479.02 485.85 311.91 196.33 167.11
1 161.80 509.91 478.96 485.82 311.07 198.84 167.89
1 172.20 512.63 478.89 485.79 310.23 202.40 168.66
1 182.70 515.28 478.83 485.76 309.39 205.89 169.44
1 193.10 517.44 478.8 485.73 308.55 208.89 170.25
1 203.60 519.06 478.79 485.71 307.71 211.35 171.08
1 214.00 520.03 478.79 485.68 306.86 213.17 171.93
1 224.40 520.52 478.77 485.65 306.02 214.50 172.75
1 234.90 520.76 478.78 485.62 305.18 215.58 173.6
1 245.30 520.83 478.81 485.59 304.34 216.49 174.47
1 255.80 520.85 478.79 485.56 303.5 217.35 175.29
1 266.20 520.85 478.78 485.53 302.66 218.19 176.12
1 276.70 520.84 478.8 485.5 301.82 219.02 176.98
1 287.10 520.82 478.85 485.48 300.98 219.84 177.87
1 297.60 520.79 478.93 485.45 300.14 220.65 178.79
1 308.00 520.76 479.05 485.42 299.3 221.46 179.75
1 318.50 520.72 479.06 485.39 298.46 222.26 180.6
1 328.90 520.67 479.08 485.36 297.62 223.05 181.46
1 339.30 520.62 479.06 485.33 296.78 223.84 182.28
1 349.80 520.6 479.05 485.3 295.93 224.67 183.12
1 360.20 520.59 479.07 485.28 295.09 225.50 183.98
1 370.70 520.58 479.12 485.25 294.25 226.33 184.87
1 381.10 520.56 478.98 485.22 293.41 227.15 185.57
1 391.60 520.53 478.62 485.19 292.57 227.96 186.05
1 402.00 520.49 478.27 485.16 291.73 228.76 186.54
1 412.50 520.45 477.97 485.13 290.89 229.56 187.08
1 422.90 520.4 477.68 485.1 290.05 230.35 187.63
1 433.30 520.35 477.42 485.07 289.21 231.14 188.21
1 443.80 520.35 477.22 485.05 288.37 231.98 188.85
1 454.20 520.34 477.12 485.02 287.53 232.81 189.59
1 464.70 520.32 477.08 484.99 286.69 233.63 190.39
1 475.10 520.3 477.02 484.96 285.85 234.45 191.17
89 / 92
1 485.60 520.26 476.89 484.93 285 235.26 191.89
1 496.00 520.23 476.79 484.9 284.16 236.07 192.63
1 506.50 520.18 476.76 484.87 283.32 236.86 193.44
1 516.90 520.13 476.75 484.85 282.48 237.65 194.27
1 527.40 520.1 476.74 484.82 281.64 238.46 195.1
1 537.80 520.1 476.75 484.79 280.8 239.30 195.95
1 543.00 519.94 476.71 484.68 280.38 239.56 196.33
1 548.40 520.06 476.73 484.65 280.02 240.04 196.71
1 559.30 520.35 476.83 484.61 279.3 241.05 197.53
1 570.10 520.94 476.93 484.56 278.59 242.35 198.34
1 580.90 521.75 476.89 484.52 277.87 243.88 199.02
1 591.80 522.47 476.85 484.48 277.15 245.32 199.7
1 602.60 522.98 476.85 484.43 276.44 246.54 200.41
1 613.40 523.28 476.85 484.39 275.72 247.56 201.13
1 624.30 523.41 476.86 484.34 275 248.41 201.86
1 635.10 523.45 476.75 484.3 274.29 249.16 202.46
1 645.90 523.45 476.59 484.25 273.57 249.88 203.02
1 656.70 523.41 476.5 484.21 272.85 250.56 203.65
1 667.60 523.37 476.5 484.17 272.14 251.23 204.36
1 678.40 523.31 476.62 484.12 271.42 251.89 205.2
1 689.20 523.25 476.81 484.08 270.7 252.55 206.11
1 700.10 523.18 476.88 484.03 269.99 253.19 206.89
1 710.90 523.15 476.81 483.99 269.27 253.88 207.54
1 721.70 523.13 476.48 483.94 268.55 254.58 207.93
1 732.60 523.11 476.24 483.9 267.84 255.27 208.4
1 743.40 523.08 476.14 483.86 267.12 255.96 209.02
1 754.20 523.04 476.17 483.81 266.4 256.64 209.77
1 765.10 522.98 476.31 483.77 265.69 257.29 210.62
1 775.90 522.92 476.55 483.72 264.97 257.95 211.58
1 786.70 522.85 476.73 483.68 264.25 258.60 212.48
1 797.50 522.8 476.64 483.63 263.54 259.26 213.1
1 808.40 522.79 476.55 483.59 262.82 259.97 213.73
1 819.20 522.77 476.41 483.54 262.1 260.67 214.31
1 830.00 522.74 476.35 483.5 261.38 261.36 214.97
1 840.90 522.7 476.36 483.46 260.67 262.03 215.69
1 851.70 522.65 476.43 483.41 259.95 262.70 216.48
1 862.50 522.59 476.46 483.37 259.23 263.36 217.23
1 873.40 522.51 476.38 483.32 258.52 263.99 217.86
1 884.20 522.45 476.29 483.28 257.8 264.65 218.49
1 895.00 522.45 476.25 483.23 257.08 265.37 219.17
1 905.90 522.43 476.3 483.19 256.37 266.06 219.93
1 916.70 522.4 476.43 483.15 255.65 266.75 220.78
1 927.50 522.36 476.57 483.1 254.93 267.43 221.64
1 938.30 522.31 476.61 483.06 254.22 268.09 222.39
1 949.20 522.25 476.64 483.01 253.5 268.75 223.14
1 960.00 522.18 476.73 482.97 252.78 269.40 223.95
1 970.80 522.11 476.79 482.92 252.07 270.04 224.72
1 981.70 522.1 476.65 482.88 251.35 270.75 225.3
1 992.50 522.09 476.49 482.83 250.63 271.46 225.86
2 003.30 522.06 476.42 482.79 249.92 272.14 226.5
2 014.20 522.02 476.41 482.75 249.2 272.82 227.21
2 025.00 521.97 476.43 482.7 248.48 273.49 227.95
2 035.80 521.91 476.34 482.66 247.77 274.14 228.57
2 046.70 521.83 476.27 482.61 247.05 274.78 229.22
2 057.50 521.76 476.24 482.57 246.33 275.43 229.91
90 / 92
2 068.30 521.76 476.22 482.52 245.61 276.15 230.61
2 079.10 521.75 476.21 482.48 244.9 276.85 231.31
2 090.00 521.72 476.23 482.44 244.18 277.54 232.05
2 100.80 521.68 476.27 482.39 243.46 278.22 232.81
2 111.60 521.62 476.34 482.35 242.75 278.87 233.59
2 122.50 521.55 476.44 482.3 242.03 279.52 234.41
2 133.30 521.47 476.38 482.26 241.31 280.16 235.07
2 144.10 521.42 476.29 482.21 240.6 280.82 235.69
2 155.00 521.42 476.24 482.17 239.88 281.54 236.36
2 165.80 521.4 476.22 482.13 239.16 282.24 237.06
2 176.60 521.37 476.2 482.08 238.45 282.92 237.75
2 187.50 521.32 476.2 482.04 237.73 283.59 238.47
2 198.30 521.26 476.11 481.99 237.01 284.25 239.1
2 209.10 521.18 476.06 481.95 236.3 284.88 239.76
2 219.90 521.09 476.05 481.9 235.58 285.51 240.47
2 230.80 521.07 476.11 481.86 234.86 286.21 241.25
2 241.60 521.06 476.2 481.81 234.15 286.91 242.05
2 252.40 521.04 476.11 481.77 233.43 287.61 242.68
2 263.30 521.01 476 481.73 232.71 288.30 243.29
2 274.10 520.95 475.68 481.68 232 288.95 243.68
2 284.90 520.88 475.2 481.64 231.28 289.60 243.92
2 295.80 520.79 474.78 481.59 230.56 290.23 244.22
2 306.60 520.7 474.5 481.55 229.85 290.85 244.65
2 317.40 520.71 474.39 481.5 229.13 291.58 245.26
2 322.80 520.46 474.3 481.33 228.77 291.69 245.53
2 328.50 520.69 474.29 481.3 228.42 292.27 245.87
2 340.00 521.24 474.26 481.23 227.71 293.53 246.55
2 351.40 522.04 474.19 481.15 227 295.04 247.19
2 362.80 523.03 474.09 481.08 226.29 296.74 247.8
2 374.20 523.96 474.02 481.01 225.58 298.38 248.44
2 385.60 524.57 473.98 480.94 224.87 299.70 249.11
2 397.00 524.86 473.96 480.86 224.16 300.70 249.8
2 408.40 524.95 473.95 480.79 223.45 301.50 250.5
2 419.80 524.93 473.93 480.72 222.74 302.19 251.19
2 431.20 524.87 473.89 480.65 222.03 302.84 251.86
2 442.70 524.78 473.86 480.58 221.32 303.46 252.54
2 454.10 524.67 473.86 480.5 220.62 304.05 253.24
2 465.50 524.53 473.86 480.43 219.91 304.62 253.95
2 476.90 524.42 473.86 480.36 219.2 305.22 254.66
2 488.30 524.4 473.83 480.29 218.49 305.91 255.34
2 499.70 524.36 473.8 480.21 217.78 306.58 256.02
2 511.10 524.3 473.8 480.14 217.07 307.23 256.73
2 522.50 524.21 473.79 480.07 216.36 307.85 257.43
2 534.00 524.1 473.75 480 215.65 308.45 258.1
2 545.40 523.97 473.71 479.93 214.94 309.03 258.77
2 556.80 523.82 473.67 479.85 214.23 309.59 259.44
2 568.20 523.79 473.6 479.78 213.53 310.26 260.07
2 579.60 523.75 473.5 479.71 212.82 310.93 260.68
2 591.00 523.69 473.38 479.64 212.11 311.58 261.27
2 602.40 523.61 473.22 479.56 211.4 312.21 261.82
2 613.80 523.5 473.01 479.49 210.69 312.81 262.32
2 625.20 523.37 472.72 479.42 209.98 313.39 262.74
2 636.70 523.22 472.36 479.35 209.27 313.95 263.09
2 648.10 523.13 471.92 479.28 208.56 314.57 263.36
2 659.50 523.1 471.45 479.2 207.85 315.25 263.6
91 / 92
2 670.90 523.05 471.08 479.13 207.14 315.91 263.94
2 682.30 522.97 470.8 479.06 206.43 316.54 264.37
2 688.00 522.41 470.6 478.79 206.08 316.33 264.52
2 693.80 522.73 470.5 478.73 205.63 317.10 264.87
2 705.30 523.31 470.37 478.61 204.74 318.57 265.63
2 716.80 524.28 470.3 478.49 203.85 320.43 266.45
2 728.30 525.19 470.24 478.38 202.96 322.23 267.28
2 739.80 525.99 470.18 478.26 202.07 323.92 268.11
2 751.40 526.46 470.11 478.14 201.18 325.28 268.93
2 762.90 526.58 470.02 478.03 200.29 326.29 269.73
2 774.40 526.51 469.92 477.91 199.4 327.11 270.52
2 785.90 526.35 469.83 477.79 198.51 327.84 271.32
2 797.40 526.17 469.75 477.67 197.62 328.55 272.13
2 809.00 525.96 469.69 477.56 196.73 329.23 272.96
2 820.50 525.84 469.63 477.44 195.84 330.00 273.79
2 832.00 525.76 469.53 477.32 194.94 330.82 274.59
2 843.50 525.66 469.43 477.2 194.05 331.61 275.38
2 855.00 525.53 469.35 477.09 193.16 332.37 276.19
2 866.60 525.38 469.29 476.97 192.27 333.11 277.02
2 878.10 525.21 469.24 476.85 191.38 333.83 277.86
2 889.60 525.01 469.2 476.73 190.49 334.52 278.71
2 901.10 524.82 469.17 476.62 189.6 335.22 279.57
2 912.60 524.76 468.8 476.5 188.71 336.05 280.09
2 924.20 524.67 468.05 476.38 187.82 336.85 280.23
2 935.70 524.55 467.49 476.26 186.93 337.62 280.56
2 947.20 524.39 467.15 476.15 186.04 338.35 281.11
2 958.70 524.2 467.04 476.03 185.15 339.05 281.89
2 970.20 523.96 467.16 475.91 184.25 339.71 282.91
2 981.80 523.82 467.28 475.79 183.36 340.46 283.92
2 993.30 523.75 466.68 475.68 182.47 341.28 284.21
3 004.80 523.63 466.27 475.56 181.58 342.05 284.69
3 016.30 523.45 466.08 475.44 180.69 342.76 285.39
3 027.80 523.21 466.16 475.33 179.8 343.41 286.36
3 039.40 522.93 466.4 475.21 178.91 344.02 287.49
3 050.90 522.77 465.89 475.09 178.02 344.75 287.87
3 062.40 522.66 464.95 474.97 177.13 345.53 287.82
3 073.90 522.46 464.08 474.86 176.24 346.22 287.84
3 085.40 522.18 463.47 474.74 175.35 346.83 288.12
3 097.00 521.93 463.18 474.62 174.46 347.47 288.72
3 102.70 521.89 463.17 474.56 174.01 347.88 289.16
92 / 92