Synopsis On NCC Management System
Synopsis On NCC Management System
Synopsis On NCC Management System
“NCC Management System”
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Computer Application - V Sem
Prof. Sowmya
KLE Society’s
S. Nijalingappa College
Bachelor of Computer Applications
Bangalore -560010
Affiliated to Bangalore University
Academic Year
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The main aim of this project is to select the candidates applied to join NCC.
This project helps the Administrator to add candidates, searching for existing
candidates, updating the details of existing candidates, deleting maintaining list of
existing candidates generating reports.
The candidates can view their application status through notifications, view
achievements and reports.
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Hardware Requirements
Intel Core 2 duo (minimum)
Intel Core i3 and above (recommended)
2GB (minimum)
4GB (recommended)
Disk Space
90GB (minimum)
180GB (recommended)
Software Requirements
Operating System
Windows xp or above
Front End
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Back End
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
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as Visual Basic, Visual C# and Visual C++. The .NET Framework reduces the
difficulty involved in building large, reliable applications.
Login Module
This module describes the login procedure of the application. This module
ensures that the administrator is logged in successfully to perform the
manipulations on the records. Normal users are not authorized to perform
manipulations on the existing records or create a new record.
Admin Module
This module enables the administrator to perform manipulations on the
records. A user logged in as an administrator can access this module to create new
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candidate, view and search existing candidates, delete existing candidates and
update information.
User Module
This module is for users who access the application. A user can view his/her
application status, view the updated achievements and notifications sent by the
admin to the users.
Table1 Stores all user information including login name, first name, last name,
password, gender, and its type (administrator or user)
Table 2 Stores the login name of those users who have currently logged in.
Table 3 Stores login name and user status who are online users or offline users
Table 4 Stores the detail of online messages which are sent by first user to the
second user.
Table 5 Stores the detail of offline messages which are sent by first user to the
second user. Here first user is an online user and the second user is an offline user.
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Data filtering techniques for duplication or ambiguity in records
Data security using Linux OS
Reference Books
Fundamentals of Database Systems: Elmasri & Navathe, Pearson Education.
Distributed Systems and Networks: William Buchanan Mcgraw-Hill
Publishing Company (2000)
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (5th Edition) by James F.
Beginning ASP.NET 4: In VB by Imar Spaanjaars
Beginning ASP.NET 3.5: In VB by Imar Spaanjaars
Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 by Dino Esposito
Visual basic .NET the complete reference: Jeffrey R Shapiro
Web Sites
MSDN Code Gallery is your destination for downloading sample applications
and code snippets, as well as sharing your own resource
This web site provides video tutorials for beginners. To build professional
application and web sites.
This site provides tutorials and links on various computer languages,
programming environments, libraries, web development, database and so on.
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