4995A ICS Brochure

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ABDick 4995A-ICS 4-Color Offset Press

meeting our customers’ demands so they can meet theirs

Short-run, multi-color printing is highly and enhance produc­tivity while producing
requested in today’s market; so an easy-to- the high-quality prints your customers will
use, economical four-tower press that appreciate. Digital compatibility assures its
delivers excellent printed results has place in electronically enhanced workflows.
become a necessity. The inclusion of the four-tower ABDick
The 4995A-ICS was developed in 4995A-ICS Offset Press to our product
response to the market’s demand for a line demonstrates our continued com­mit-
portrait-format, four-color performance ment to providing high quality equip­ment
offset press—one that’s suitable for short that meets the ever-evolving needs of
and long runs, easily handles economical our customers.
polyester-based plates, as well as metal, Professional features such as semi-automatic
Contact your Presstek representative or plate changing and the computerized Ink
and runs a wide variety of stocks via a call 603-595-7000 x3599 today to learn
vacuum-enabled stream feeder. Control System (ICS) help efficiently manage
more about how the 4995A-ICS can the increasing amount of multi-color work.
All types of full color projects can be become a valuable asset to your shop.
delivered—easily and cost-effectively.
Numerous features and automated functions
simplify operation, reduce make-ready time

ABDick 4995A-ICS 4-Color Offset.

You’ll find there’s a lot of value in the
differences this press has to offer!
Standard Features - ABDick 4995A-ICS Four-Tower offset Press
• Ink Control System (ICS) •M
 icro Dial-Type Lateral and Vertical • Delivery Table Dolly (x2)
• Stream Feeder Image Adjustment Devices • Emergency Stop Buttons
• Vacuum Conveyor • Machine Status Monitor; LCD • Safety Covers
• Vacuum Pull Guides • Double Sheet Detection (Mechanical) • Cylinder Gap Safety Bars
• Pre-Pile with 29" Capacity • Paper Jam Detection • Blanket Wash Plunger Can
• Semi-Automatic Plate Insertion •C
 hain Delivery with Delivery Pile
• Compressor for Air Cylinder
 otorized Continuous Film Automatic Lowering
• Oil Pan
Dampening System • Delivery Table Lower Limit Switch
• Operator Tools
• Chiller / Recirculator •D
 elivery Decurling Device with
Vacuum Sheet Brake • Work Organizer
• Paper Path Setup Software
 traight-Edge Plate Clamp with • Powder Spray
Optional Accessories
Positioning Pins • Automatic Blanket Cleaning
• Ink Volume Setter (IVS) Software
• Predetermined Cylinder Position Stop •P
 rint Counter (Total Print­ed Sheets,
• High-Precision Optical Register Punch
• Quick-Release Blanket Holders 8-Digit, Non-Resettable)
• Video Plate Punch
• Micro-Processor Controlled Cycles •P
 reset Repeat Counter with Batch
Function (Electronic, 5-Digit) • I nfrared Dryer with Powder Spray
 tepless Inking; 16-Roller Ink System
 achine Counter (Total Machine Attachment
(3 Form Rollers)
• Ink Roller Clean-up Attachment Rotations, 8-Digit, Non-Resettable) • Quick-Release Blanket and Packer

 iagonal Sheet Adjustment of Paper • Centralized Lubrication System • No-Mark Anti-Tracking System
Feed Drum On-The-Fly • Card Guide • Super Blue Anti-Tracking System
• Lateral Image Adjustment On-The-Fly • Paper Feed Table (x2) • Tape Inserter

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The stream feeder on the 4995A-ICS provides For multi-color work, the vacuum conveyor With pre-pile there’s no stopping to re­load.
smooth, dependable feeding of papers ranging and pull guides ensure con­sistent, accurate The recirculator/chiller controls solu­tion
from onionskin to heavy card stock. register sheet after sheet. temperature to improve print quality.

Stream feeding increases usability and register accuracy for multi-color applications
The stream feeding system on the Stream feeding sets up easily, allows a The pre-piling feature enhances produc-
ABDick 4995A-ICS press is beneficial larger variety of stocks to be run and has t­ ivity by allowing paper to be preloaded
to productivity, registration accuracy a higher pile capacity of 29" (737 mm). while the machine continues to run. It’s
and ease of use. ready to go again when the last sheet of
A vacuum conveyor and vacuum pull
A feature usually found on larger presses, guides ensure consistent paper feeding the first stack is fed.
the stream feeder is built for delivering and better sheet control with less marking. Multiple sensors on the mechanical doubles
superior quality color work; and when a A sheet is simultaneously held down by a detection system monitor paper travel.
higher volume of prints is called for, it vacuum and pulled by the guide for positive If a paper jam or double sheet is detected,
efficiently handles the job. align­ment. Register is accurate even on the press shuts down auto­matically and
lighter stocks at high speeds. the operator can view the source of paper
Automatic sheet positioning and head trouble on an LCD. Also, sheets on the
stops ensure proper sheet position for conveyor are automatically stopped from
guide adjustments and quick setup. advancing by jam plungers.

4995A-ICS Offset Press with Ink Control System Console

Semi-automatic plate loading increases Straight-edge clamps with positioning pins Many operational functions are performed
accuracy thereby reducing the amount of secure the plate in position. It’s then loaded from conveniently placed control panels for
registration adjustments. with the touch of a button. simple, user-friendly operation.

Fast, Reliable Make Ready Handy Control Panels, Push Buttons Simplify Operation
The 4995A-ICS includes a high quality Ease of use and operator com­­fort are assured After make ready, printing begins by
hand-operated register plate punch as with lever-free opera­tion. simply pushing the production button
standard equipment. from either control panel which activates
Push-button controls are concentra­ted at
pumps, paper feed and the gradual
For those who wish to upgrade, two models the de­livery side which minimizes operator
acceleration to the desired press speed.
are available: the high-precision optical movement to allow more time for focusing
register punch or the video plate punch. on print quality. An additional control A handy paper size change
Both of these options are designed to panel at the feeder furthers convenience button reduces setup time
further increase accuracy to reduce the and productivity. and paper waste when
time required for make ready. changing stock sizes. One
Printing unit selection, press speed, and
touch feeds a single sheet
Semi-automatic plate insertion signifi- dampening solution supply volume can all
which auto­matically
cantly improves plate handling and be set via the control panel.
stops at the feeder and
simplifies operation. Automating this
Inking functions and switching the water delivery sections to allow
function ensures greater accuracy and
form roller on and off are also done simply quick, easy resetting of
lessens operator intervention and results
by pushing buttons. the paper guides.
in re­ducing the time associated with
making registration adjustments on press.
Plate mounting is now performed by
simply insert­ing a plate into the plate
clamps and pushing a button. Polyester
or metal printing plates are loaded into Easy adjustments ensure
proper position and tensioned by a excellent registration
pneumatic system.
The micro dial-type image adjustment
Pre-tensioned, straight-edge plate clamps device provides precise vertical (±20 mm,
with positioning pins secure the plate ±.79") and lateral (±2 mm, ±.079")
reliably and precisely. Springs in the control of the print image position which
clamp system allow optimal tension for significantly reduces the time and effort
type of plate material being used which required for registration.
helps prevent plate stretch.
Lateral adjustments can be made on-the-
If necessary, slight diagonal image ad­just­ fly for increased productivity.
ments can be performed by simply
A unique sheet skewing device further
turning a knob on the plate clamp.
enhances register accuracy. Diagonal micro-
In addition, plates can be removed adjustments (up to ±0.5 mm) can be made
quickly and easily – with no tools. quickly without having to stop the press.
Satellite V-Shaped 5-Cylinder System Provides Stable and Reliable Multi-Color Printing
A simple mechanism links two sets Separate blanket cylinders prevent ink Once printing has been completed,
of 2-color printing units—each a satellite migration for consistent color through­­out automatic blanket cleaning can be
V-shaped 5-cylinder system—via two the print run. performed on all four printing units
impression cylinders and a transfer drum. Quick-release aluminum simultaneously for easy maintenance.
Sheet register is controlled by double blanket holders allow
sprung grippers on the paper feed drum, press blankets to
impression cylinders and trans­fer drum be changed in
which firmly grip the paper. Even during much less time
high-speed and heavy solid printing, than conventional
precise registra­tion accuracy is maintained. punched blankets.

Continuous Motorized Film Dampening System

The flexible con­tinuous motorized film Moisture level sensors monitor damp­ening Achieve
dampening sys­tem enables precise solution, and when necessary, automatically excellent results
regulation of dampening solution supply shut off the dampener motor and paper with polyester
volume to match paper stock, ink, plate feed and lights an indicator. Moisture or metal plates.
materials and environmental conditions rollers can be run at a slow speed for
for excellent printed results. setting metering roller squeeze and unit
The 6-roller configuration, includ­ing a
motor-driven fountain roller and two A chiller/recirculator unit delivers full
modes of pre-wet cycles, supplies an performance from the continuous damp- Ink System Delivers Exceptional
optimal water film to match the plate ening system and makes it particularly A 16-roller inking
material (metal or polyester), delivering suited for poly­ester plates. Cooling slows system, including three
stable quality from the start of printing. evaporation of solution from rollers for ink form rollers of
simpler operation and better printed results. differing dia-meters,
A pre-wet button lets the operator apply
quick bursts of additional mois­t ure to the Water rollers can be simultaneously provides superior screen
plate surface on demand. This is helpful cleaned with the ink rollers via the bridge quality as well as the
during start up when running polyester rollers to simplify clean-up. ability to print large,
plates and for cleaning up plates quickly. dense solids. The Ink Control System (ICS)
lets the operator ‘dial-in’ the ink feed rate
for precise image coverage needed.
This system features ink ductor roller shut
off. In automatic mode, the ink ductor roller
operates only while printing. When the ‘on’
button is depressed, it operates continuously.
The drop-down ink fountain and ink roller
cleanup device allow fast, easy cleaning.
Ink form rollers can be released if the press
is idle to increase roller life and prevent flat
spots on roller surfaces.
Ink Control System (ICS)
The integrated Ink Control System (ICS)
allows remote control over ink fountain keys
A uniform dampening supply to the plate The ink system provides superior screen from a stand-alone console. Computer
surface enables sharper halftones, glossy solids quality as well as the ability to print large, controlled inking simplifies make-ready
and detailed fine text. dense solids over the maximum printing area. operations and ensures more consistent ink
balance and color tones throughout the run.
chain Delivery Optional Accessories Enhance Productivity and Quality
The chain delivery Anti-tracking systems eliminate the The optional high-
has auto-lowering, markings that guide wheels on sheet-fed precision optical
roll-away paper tables presses can sometimes cause. They reduce register punch delivers
and a capa­city of 17.3" spoilage and allow the use of a wider increased accuracy.
(440 mm). When the variety of inks and coated stocks. This lower cost unit
table limit is reached, Presstek offers a choice of anti-tracking lets the operator
paper feed shuts off automatically so the systems as optional equipment. line up the image optically to targets
stack does not overload. A vacuum sheet on a plate.
The optional infrared/dry powder spray
brake and decurling device stabilize paper system is engineered to eliminate off-set Consider the video
de­livery even during high-speed printing. and promote much faster drying for same- plate punch option for
A powder spray attachment comes standard day finishing and faster turnaround. The further efficiency and
and separates printed sheets to keep them consumption of powder spray is also precision. The plate
from off-setting. Fine adjustments to the reduced and printing on special stocks image is magnified
duration and area of the powder applied such as plastic film is enabled. 40x and dis­played on
to the sheet are done at a control panel. video monitors making it easy to perfectly
Optimum infrared performance is attained
align register targets in a fraction of the
The air knife feature applies an auto­matic, with a full range of preset intensities which
time. It can be used with both portrait
timed burst of air to each sheet of paper, makes it easy to adjust for variations in
and landscape presses and accepts plates
eliminating paper curl. This is especially paper stock, weight, press speed and ink
up to 22" x 29" (559 x 737 mm).
effective when printing on lighter weight coverage. Infrared and powder spray can
paper stocks. be used together or separately.

l Printed Results With Less Effort Desktop RIP Workstation w/

Mac or PC RIP Workstation IVS Software
Once optimal ink values for a particular job
are obtained, those settings can be stored on
a 3-1/2" disk for easy retrieval and setup for
future reprints.
Ink Volume Setter (IVS) Software
For greater workflow efficiency from pre-press
Image Ratio Data is
to press, optional Ink Volume Setter (IVS) saved on a 3.5˝ disk
Imagesetter Platesetter
software provides a digital link between the
job on a desktop computer,
a PostScript RIP and the
ICS console. Image area
ratio data taken from a ICS Console

document is converted into

opening volumes of ink Film Separations Optimum Ink
fountains keys. Manual Planning Volume Settings
can be stored
Plate Exposure CMYK on a separate
After a document is RIPped, the IVS & Development Printing 3.5˝ disk (one
software reads the light and dark areas Plates disk can hold
(pixels) in the image for each color settings for up
to 100 jobs).
separation then translates the values (via When used in conjuction with a
Presstek Momentum RIP (on DPM,
floppy disk) to the ICS console for pre- Dimension Excel and Vector FL52
setting of ink fountain keys to the amount platemakers), no additional RIP
workstation is required. The IVS
of coverage needed for that specific job. Software will be installed on the
Momentum RIP.
This digital, pre-press data facilitates faster,
more accurate set up and less paper waste by
reducing the time and guesswork involved System Workflow
in setting opening volumes of ink.
ABDick 4995A-ICS 4-Color Offset Press
Specifications Supplies
Number of Printing Units Four (4) Subtractive Metal Plates
57527 Matte Blue 5.5mil 13-3/16” x 19-3/32” (335 x 485 mm) Pkg 50/Pkg
Dampening System Continuous motorized dampening system 59614 ABDick 5.5mil Grained 13-3/16” x 19-3/32” (335 x 485 mm) Pkg 100/Pkg
83-8-108561 Triton Blue SC XLR-1 8mil 13-3/16” x 19-3/32” (335 x 485 mm) Pkg 60/Pkg
Maximum Paper Size 13.39" x 17.72" (340 x 450 mm) 59614-1 ITEK 6MIL Grained 13-3/16 X 19-3/32 1-sided Pkg 100/Pkg
Minimum Paper Size 4.15" x 5.8" (105 x 147 mm) Chemistry for Subtractive Plates
Paper Thickness 0.0016"–0.012" (0.04–0.3 mm) 57183 ABDick Subtractive Plate Finisher Gal 4/Cs
57184 ABDick 2-in-1 Developer Gal 4/Cs
Maximum Printing Area 12.99" x 17.24" (330 x 438 mm) K1TCZ000 Triton Blue Developer/Finisher 5 Liter Btl. 4/Cs
4-1320 ABDick Subtractive Plate Gum Gal 4/Cs
Printing Speed 3,000–10,000 Sheets per hour 4-9970 Metal Plate Image Remover Pen Each 12/Cs
L ocal conditions, e.g., ink, stock, plate types 4-8014 Presensitized Plate Cleaner Quart 6/Cs
and printing quality required will affect the
Polyester Plates, Chemistry and Accessories
maximum printing speed. For high quality, short-run, multi-color work, try these polyester plates and chemistries: ABDick MEGAPlus,
Plate Size 13.19" x 19.09" ±0.04" (335 x 485 ±1 mm) MEGAPro, MegaPrint or QuickSilver Next Generation. Contact your Presstek representative or visit
shop.presstek.com for the correct plate product to fit your platemaking system and printing requirements.
Metal plate thickness:  5mil to 8mil 43493 Masking Paper 13-1/2” x 19-1/2” (343 x 495 mm) 100/ Box 5/Cs
Polyester plate thickness:  8mil
Press Blankets
Plate Loading System Semi-automatic plate inserter 43297 Quick Release Blanket Holder (order 1 set per tower) Each Each
43298-P Conventional Quick Release Blanket w/Aluminum Bar Case 2/Cs
Plate Clamp Type  traight-edge plate clamp with positioning
43456-P Compressible Blanket (.098) 13” x 19-1/2” (330 x 495 mm) Case 2/Cs
pins (with diagonal image adjustment knob) 43457-P Hard Blanket (.065) Case 2/Cs
43458 Mylar Packer (.035) Each 2/Cs
Blanket Type Quick-change blanket with aluminum bar 43461-P Quick Release Packer Case 2/Cs
Feeding System Stream feeder 4-6000 Blanket Fix 3oz Bottle 6/Cs

Register System Vacuum pull guides with vacuum conveyor Inks

PSI-DB Pro-Set Ink Dense Black 5 lb./Can Each
Feeder Pile System Pre-pile, capacity: 29" (737 mm) PSI-PB Pro-Set Ink Black 5 lb./Can Each
PSI-PC Pro-Set Ink Cyan 5 lb./Can Each
Delivery System Chain delivery, capacity: 17.32" (440 mm)
PSI-PM Pro-Set Ink Magenta 5 lb./Can Each
Number of Rollers Ink rollers:  16  (3 form rollers)  per tower PSI-PY Pro-Set Ink Yellow 5 lb./Can Each
Water rollers:  6  (1 form roller)  per tower Fountain Concentrate / Additives
Gripper Margin 0.31" (8 mm) 4-1185 PROformace Fountain Concentrate pH 4.3-4.5 Gal 4/Cs
4-1195 Universal Fountain Concentrate pH 5.6-6.0 Gal 4/Cs
Vertical Image Adj. ±20 mm (0.79") 38778 MEGA CMS+ Fountain Concentrate pH 4.0 Gal 1/Cs
4-H20 Deionized Press Water Gal 4Gal/Cse
Lateral Image Adj. ±2 mm (0.079") 38704 Silver-Wet Fountain Wetting Additive for MEGA Plates Case 6/Cs
Oiling System Centralized oiling system
Alcohol / Replacement
Power Requirements Single-phase, 220V, 50/60Hz, 30Amp 4-1172 Isopropyl Alcohol Gal 1/Cs
4-1177 Isopropyl Alcohol Substitute Gal 4/Cs
Press Dimensions 155" L  x  41" W  x  63" H 4-1275 SureDot Alcohol Replacement Gal 4/Cs
(3,937  x  1,041  x  1,600 mm) 38702 Silver-Sub Alcohol Replacement Liter 6/Cs

ICS Unit Dimensions 28" L  x  24" W  x  60" H Etch

(710  x  600  x  1,530 mm) 4-1015 Blue Etch Gal 4/Cs
38766 MEGA Etch Case 6 Qts/Cs
Net Weight 6,390 lbs (3,150 kg) including ICS Unit
Blanket / Roller WasH
4-1235 Automatic Blanket Wash Gal 4/Cs
Optional Accessories 4-1200 Safety Zone Blanket Wash Gal 4/Cs
4-1238 SureDot Watermiscible Blanket Wash (Pre-Diluted) (2) 2.5 Gal Case
IVS W/O RIP Ink Volume Setter (IVS) Software 4-1248 SureDot Watermiscible Blanket Wash (Concentrated) 5 Gal Each
Software is installed onto the Presstek 4-4315 Blanket Wash Gal 4/Cs
Momentum RIP workstation which Roller Maintenance Supplies
processes image data for use with the ICS. 36797 Cleaner Sheets 13-5/8” x 19-3/8” (346 x 492 mm) 100/Pkg 5/Cs
4-1249 SureDot Meter Water Roll Cleaner Quart 4/Cs
IVS W/RIP Ink Volume Setter (IVS) Software 83-5-101395 Chrome Cylinder Cleaner Pint 12/Cs
Software is installed on a stand-alone RIP 4-4968 Glaze Remover Pint 2/Cs
workstation connected to a network which 4-4970 Ink Roller Desensitizer Pint 12/Cs
4-4976 Ink Roller Conditioner 16 oz/Btl 4/Cs
processes the image for use with the ICS. 4-4978 Ink Roller Paste Deglazer 17 oz/Btl 6/Cs
42004 High Precision Optical Plate Punch 4-4983 Ink Roller Cleaner 7 oz/Btl 6/Cs

49001 Video Plate Punch Miscellaneous Supplies

3-3599 Dry Roller Lube 3Lb. Each
1-3895 I/R Dryer/Powder Spray Attachment 4-4931-CS Cotton Pads 4” x 4” (101 x 101 mm) 100 Wipes/Pkg
43461 Quick-Release Packer
4-4940 Heavy Duty Shop Towel Bundles 375/Cs Case
43298 Quick-Release Blanket 4-4945 Heavy Duty Shop Towel Rolls 2 Roll/Cs Case
4-4991 Vinyl Glove (Medium) 100/Box 10/Cs
49002 No-Mark Anti-Tracking System 4-4992 Vinyl Glove (Large) 100/Box 10/Cs
4-4938 Hand Cleaner 12 oz/Btl 12/Cs
42009 Super Blue Anti-Tracking System 4-4939 Hand Cleaner With Pump 1/2 Gal/Btl 6/Cs
5601 Super Blue Replacement Net 4-4988 Grit Hand Cleaner 17 oz/Btl 6/Cs
4-1362 Kresto EF Hand Cleaner (250ml) Tube 24/Cs
43293XC Tape Inserter 4-4948 Handy-Klnz Pro Premoistened Hand Wipes 72/Bucket 6/Cs
4-3800 Offset Spray Powder - 26 Micron 5 Lb. Box
9-1003-EA Squeeze Bottle Bottle 24/Cs
Product information and specifications are subject to change without notice. Tradenames are the property 9-2255 Stouffer 21 Step Gray Scale Each Each
of their respective owners. © 2010 Presstek, Inc. 5601 Super Blue Replacement Net Kit 6/Kit

Some products listed above are available in larger quantities. For a complete list
of 4995A-ICS Offset Press and other supplies and pressroom products, visit us at
shop.presstek.com where you can browse the entire catalog and place orders 24/7.

55 Executive Drive, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel. 603-595-7000 www.presstek.com 9-2466   1/10

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