Conceptos de Marketing

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Conceptos de Marketing

 Kotler, Philip, Kartajaya, Hermawan, Setiawan, Iwan

“The esscense of Marketing 4.0 is to recognize the shifting roles of traditional and digital marketing
in building customer engagement and advocacy (…)

Marketing 4.0 is a marketing approach that combines online and offline interaction between
companies and customers, blends style with substance in buildings brands, and ultimately
complements machine-to-machine connectivity with human-to-human touch to strenghten
customer engagement. It helps marketers to transition into the digital economy, which has
redefined the key conceptos of marketing. Digital marketing and traditional marketing are meant to
coexist in Marketing 4.0 with the ultimate goal of winning customer advocacy” (Kotler et al., 2017:

Kotler, P., Krtajaya, H., & Setiawan, I. (2017). Marketing 4.0: Moving From Traditional to Digital. New
Jersey: Wiley. Recuperado de

 E. Jerome McCarthy, William D. Perreault, Jr. Joseph P. Cannon,E.

“Marketing is the performance of activities that seek to accomplish an organization’s objectives by

anticipating customer or client needs and directing a flow of need-satisfying goods and services from
producer to customer or client” (2017: 7)

“The marketing concept means that an organization aims all of its efforts at satisfying its
customers—at a profit (…) A marketing orientation means trying to carry out the marketing concept.
Instead of just trying to get customers to buy what the firm has produced, a marketingoriented firm
tries to offer customers what they need. Three basic ideas are included in the definition of the
marketing concept: (1) customer satisfaction, (2) a total company effort, and (3) profit—not just
sales—as an objective” (2017: 17)

McCarthy, J. E., Perreault, W. D. Jr., & Cannon, J. P. (2017). Essentials of Marketing A Marketing
Strategy Planning Approach (15th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

 William J. Stanton, Michael J. Etzel, Bruce J. Walker.

“El marketing puede producirse en cualquier momento en que una persona o una organización se
afanen por intercambiar algo de valor con otra persona u organización. En este sentido amplio, el
marketing consta de actividades ideadas para generar y facilitar intercambios con la intención de
satisfacer necesidades, o deseos de las personas o las organizaciones” (Stanton et al., 2007: 4).

“(…) nuestra definición de marketing —basada en el concepto de intercambio y aplicable a cualquier

organización— es la siguiente: marketing es un sistema total de actividades de negocios ideado para
planear productos satisfactores de necesidades, asignarles precio, promoverlos y distribuirlos a los
mercados meta, a fin de lograr los objetivos de la organización.

Esta definición tiene dos implicaciones significativas:

• Enfoque. Todo el sistema de actividades de negocios debe orientarse al cliente. Los deseos de los
clientes deben reconocerse y satisfacerse.

• Duración. El marketing debe empezar con una idea del producto satisfactor y no debe terminar
sino hasta que las necesidades de los clientes estén completamente satisfechas, lo cual puede darse
algún tiempo después de que se haga el intercambio” (Stanton et al., 2007: 6)

Stanton, W. J., Etzel, M. J., & Walker, B. J. (2007). Fundamentos de marketing (14ta Ed.). México
D.F.: McGraw-Hill.

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