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Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402

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Ecosystem services classification: A systems ecology perspective of

the cascade framework
Alessandra La Notte a,∗ , Dalia D’Amato b,∗ , Hanna Mäkinen c , Maria Luisa Paracchini a ,
Camino Liquete a , Benis Egoh d,e , Davide Geneletti f , Neville D. Crossman g
European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Directorate D – Sustainable Resources, Via Enrico Fermi 2749, 21027 Ispra, VA, Italy
University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Sciences, Latokartanonkaari 7, Helsinki, 00014, Finland
Lappeenranta University of Technology, School of Energy Systems, Sustainability Science, Saimaankatu 11, 15140 Lahti, Finland
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Natural Resources and The Environment, PO Box 320, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa
School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 27 Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, South Africa
University of Trento, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, Via Mesiano 77, 38123 Trento, Italy
CSIRO Land and Water, Waite Campus, Adelaide, South Australia, 5064, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ecosystem services research faces several challenges stemming from the plurality of interpretations of
Received 18 April 2016 classifications and terminologies. In this paper we identify two main challenges with current ecosystem
Received in revised form services classification systems: i) the inconsistency across concepts, terminology and definitions, and; ii)
17 November 2016
the mix up of processes and end-state benefits, or flows and assets. Although different ecosystem service
Accepted 18 November 2016
definitions and interpretations can be valuable for enriching the research landscape, it is necessary to
Available online 9 December 2016
address the existing ambiguity to improve comparability among ecosystem-service-based approaches.
Using the cascade framework as a reference, and Systems Ecology as a theoretical underpinning, we
Systems ecology
aim to address the ambiguity across typologies. The cascade framework links ecological processes with
Ecosystem functioning elements of human well-being following a pattern similar to a production chain. Systems Ecology is a
Cascade framework long-established discipline which provides insight into complex relationships between people and the
Ecological theory environment. We present a refreshed conceptualization of ecosystem services which can support ecosys-
Ecosystem service classification tem service assessment techniques and measurement. We combine the notions of biomass, information
and interaction from system ecology, with the ecosystem services conceptualization to improve defini-
tions and clarify terminology. We argue that ecosystem services should be defined as the interactions (i.e.
processes) of the ecosystem that produce a change in human well-being, while ecosystem components or
goods, i.e. countable as biomass units, are only proxies in the assessment of such changes. Furthermore,
Systems Ecology can support a re-interpretation of the ecosystem services conceptualization and related
applied research, where more emphasis is needed on the underpinning complexity of the ecological
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction ment (MA, 2005) which made prominent the idea that human
well-being depends on ecosystems, and that such linkages can
Ecosystem services is now widely used among scientists be tracked and framed through the notion of ecosystem services.
and policy makers to highlight the importance of the environ- The MA found that more than 60% of ecosystem services is being
ment (including biodiversity) in sustaining human livelihoods degraded or transformed endangering future human well-being.
(Convention on Biological Diversity, 2010, 1998; Costanza and Ecosystem services research has since progressed at different
Kubiszewski, 2012; Maes et al., 2016). An important milestone of levels—from theoretical conceptualization to practical applications
ecosystem service research was the Millennium Ecosystem Assess- (see Braat and de Groot, 2012; Egoh et al., 2012; Seppelt et al., 2011;
Potschin et al., 2016 for a review). This work has been supported by
several international initiatives such as The Economics of Ecosys-
tem and Biodiversity (TEEB, 2010), the UK National Ecosystem
∗ Corresponding authors.
Assessment (UK NEA, 2011) and several European Union research
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. La Notte), (D. D’Amato).
1470-160X/© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A. La Notte et al. / Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402 393

projects.1 In addition, some organizations have supported this pro- We firstly identify the main challenges associated with the var-
cess with modeling tools such as the US Natural Capital Project ious interpretations of the cascade framework (Section 2.1) and of
with the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade- the existing classification systems whose structure and meaning
offs (InVEST) tool. The private sector have also adopted the concept does depend on the chosen theoretical framework (Section 2.2).
through initiatives such as the Natural Capital Coalition (NCC), the Secondly, we introduce key concepts from the discipline of systems
World Bank’s Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem ecology (Section 3) to address the identified challenges (Section 4).
Services (WAVES), the accounting system developed by the London We finally conclude by discussing the contribution of our refreshed
Group, which is also being adopted by the United Nations Environ- conceptualization of ecosystem services (Section 5).
mental Program (UNEP).
However, there has been inconsistency in developing a frame- 2. Current challenges in ecosystem services research
work within which such research and policy assessments are
carried out. The he MA (2005) and subsequent ecosystem services 2.1. Challenges with the use of the ecosystem services cascade
literature (Boyd and Banzhaf, 2007; Fisher et al., 2009; Haines-
Young and Potschin, 2012; Landers and Nahlik, 2013; Staub et al., The cascade framework proposed by Haines-Young and
2011; Wallace, 2007) have developed many different conceptual Potschin (2010) links natural systems to elements of human well-
and empirical frameworks and assessment of changes in ecosys- being, following a pattern similar to a production chain: from
tems, their consequences for humans, and actions for sustainable ecological structures and processes generated by ecosystems, to the
use of these ecosystems (Albert et al., 2015). The existence of services and benefits eventually derived by humans. The advantage
numerous ecosystem service conceptualizations and classification of this framework is to effectively communicate societal depen-
systems has led to a plurality in the interpretation of ecosystem dence on ecosystems.
services and related terminology and definitions when it comes to Challenges arise when applying this cascade framework in
applications (Boerema et al., 2016). Large differences in interpreta- practice, due to the simultaneous presence in the framework of bio-
tion are found in the meaning of biophysical structure, ecological centered and human-centered spheres. This means that ecosystem
functions, intermediate services and final services (e.g. Landers and services assessments include:
Nahlik, 2013; Mononen et al., 2016; Spangenberg et al., 2014; UK
NEA, 2011; TEEB, 2010). The consequence of such differences is the • observations from a bio-centred or holistic approach- i.e. bio-
ecosystem service classification systems have poor correspondence physical structures and processes/functions belonging to the
of services with benefits and blurred distinctions between interme- ecological sphere and which are considered as a whole,
diate and final services. Among these, the Common International • observations from a reductionist or human-centred approach-
Classification for Ecosystem Services (CICES), proposed by the Euro- i.e. ecosystem services which are projected towards the human
pean Environment Agency, has become an important frame of end-use side individually.
reference for ecosystem services research (Maes et al., 2014). CICES
and most ecosystem services literature are based on and influenced This challenge is evident when we try to measure ecosystem
by the cascade framework proposed by Haines-Young & Potschin services, which are categorized and accounted for individually.2
in 2010 (Haines-Young and Potschin, 2010; Potschin and Haines- In addition, different definitions of ecosystem services and in
Young, 2016). The purpose of the cascade framework is in fact to particular of the elements in the cascade framework are found
show the pathway of ecosystem services from ecological structures in the literature: biophysical structure, process, function, service,
and processes to human well-being. benefit.3 As an example, Table 1 summarizes the definitions pro-
In this context, the need to develop a framework to assess vided in recent ecosystem services studies. For instance, ecosystem
ecosystem services is a priority in ecosystem services research. structure is often poorly distinguished from processes. Wallace
Although individual interpretations enrich the research landscape, (2007, p. 237) proposes that ‘an important distinction [between
the ambiguity must be addressed so that a more rigorous frame- the two] is that the former are generally tangible entities described
work for ecosystem services can be developed and adopted. Such in terms of amount, while the latter are [. . .] generally described in
a framework would improve comparability among ecosystem- terms of rates’.
service-based approaches and would provide a standardized Furthermore, the word function is generally used interchange-
approach for ecosystem assessments at global and national scales. ably with ecological process and/or ecosystem service. According
The further evolution of ecosystem services concepts and frame- to Jax (2005), the term ‘function’ is often used too ambiguously.
works could draw from the field of systems ecology which can Ecosystem services are generally defined as the ecosystem pro-
provide insights into our understanding of the different aspects of cesses considered useful to humans (MA, 2005; TEEB, 2010). In
ecosystem functioning that contributes to ecosystem services. This the same light, some studies (ref. Table 1) that have assessed,
interdisciplinary field of systems ecology adopts a holistic approach mapped or valued ecosystem services, use services and benefits
to the study of ecological and human systems. Concepts from eco- as synonyms. Benefits are in some cases considered as tangible
logical theory have been already discussed in previous literature natural resources derived from provisioning services (e.g. crops,
in relation to ecosystem services, e.g. ecological integrity and com- wood, water), or some regulating services (e.g. clean water for mul-
plexity, resilience (Kremen, 2005; Brand, 2008). Our paper aims tiple uses provided by water purification). Benefits, however, can
to systematically adopt key concepts from systems ecology to re- also be intangible (e.g. recreation opportunities offered by nature).
define ecosystem services and the related cascade framework. The
contribution of our paper is to present a refreshed conceptualiza-
tion of ecosystem services through the lens of systems ecology. 2
Note that some authors, e.g. Mononen et al. (2016) have suggested to highlight
the process-like nature of ecosystem services delivery as socio-ecological systems,
thus maintaining the holistic approach on the focus.
The cascade model does indeed include, after ‘benefit’, also the ‘value’ step that
e.g. RUBICODE (Rationalizing Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosys- assigns to benefits a quantification in monetary terms. The economic valuation of
tems), SCALES (Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative ecosystem services is a field of research and applications that does not affect the
Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales), OpenNESS (Operationalization specific conceptual analysis proposed in this paper. In order to keep focused on the
of Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services) and ESMERALDA (Enhancing ecoSysteM main objectives of the paper, we thus choose not to include the ‘value’ box at this
sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking) stage.
394 A. La Notte et al. / Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402

Table 1
Definitions and examples of ecosystem services terminology according to selected peer-reviewed literature.

Author & Biophysical structure Process Function Ecosystem services Good Benefit

Bateman et al. e.g. animals, birds, e.g. nutrient cycling Primary ecological Flow of services Any object or The change in human
(2011) plants and their processes (outcome of structure construct which well-being generated by a
connections, etc. and processes) generates human good (use-value and non).
provided by ecological wellbeing (physical The same good can
assets in some and non). generate different values,
assessment period. depending on the context.
Boyd and See definition for Biological, chemical, See definition for The use of ecological Things directly A benefit e.g. recreation,
Banzhaf (2007) ‘process’ and physical ‘process’ asset over some time enjoyed or arises from the joint use of
interactions between period. consumed by final ecosystem services
ecosystem households. and conventional goods
components. Functions and services.
and processes are not
end-products; they are
intermediate to the
production of final
ecosystem services.
Fisher et al. See definition for See definition for See definition for They are ecological in na A benefit has an explicit
(2009) ‘ecosystem services’ ‘ecosystem services’ ‘ecosystem services’ nature, in that impact on changes in
aesthetic values, human wellfare, like more
cultural contentment food, better hiking, less
and recreation are not flooding. For example,
ecosystem services. aesthethic values, cultural
Ecosystem services are contentment and
ecological components, recreation are benefit and
functions and/or not just a function of the
processes, as long as ecosystem, but include
there are human other inputs like human
beneficiaries. capital, built capital, etc.
Maes et al. The architecture of an Any change or reaction Subset of the The direct and indirect The concept Positive change in
(2016) ecosystem as a result of which occurs within interactions between contributions of ’ecosystem goods wellbeing from the
the interaction ecosystems, physical, biophysical structures, ecosystems to human and services’ is fulfilment of needs and
between the abiotic, chemical or biological. biodiversity and wellbeing (TEEB, 2010). synonymous with wants (TEEB, 2010)
physical environment Ecosystem processes ecosystem processes The actually used ecosystem services.
and the biotic include decomposition, that underpin the service.
communities, in production, nutrient capacity of an
particular vegetation cycling, and fluxes of ecosystem to provide
nutrients and energy ecosystem services
Müller and Biophysical structures See definition for Ecological integrity Direct and indirect na intended as social,
Burkhard and processes ‘biophysical strucuture’ contributions of economic and personal
(2012) (ecosystem properties) ecosystem structures well-being
are linked in the and functions
cascade component of
ecosystem functions.
They are understood as
the basic producers of
ecosystem services.
Mononen et al. Biophysical structures na Functioning of na The used share of Economic, social, health
(2016) that create the basis for ecosystem that is the potential of (physical or spiritual) and
functioning of the needed to produce ecosystem services. intrinsic value of the
ecosystem. Spatial ecosystem services. Benefts can be also benefit.
perspective. Temporal perspective. non-material.
Spanenberg Biophysical structure See definition for e.g. wood production Collecting or Contribution to Willingness to pay for
et al. (2014) or process includes ‘biophysical strucuture’ harvesting wood (that aspects of more woodland or
habitat type is the human activity of well-being such as harvestable products.
withdrawing the health and safety
natural asset)
TEEB (2010) Biophysical structure see Biophysical The potential that Conceptualizations of na Welfare gains generated by
or process = vegetation structure ecosystems have to the “useful things” ecosystem services
cover or Net Primary deliver a service which ecosystems “do” for
Productivity in turn depends on people, directly and
ecological structure indirectly
and processes.
Wallace (2007) na The complex See definition for Benefits that people na Preferred end-states of
interactions (events, ‘process’ obtain from existence, including those
recreations or ecosystems; the required for human
operations) among outcomes sought survival and reproductive
biotic and abiotic through ecosystem success, which taken
elements of management. together circumscribe
ecosystems that lead to human well-being. These
a definite result. exclude intrinsic value.
A. La Notte et al. / Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402 395

Haines-Young and Potschin (2009, p. 17) propose a ‘pragmatic way the ‘end-product of nature’ and the human ‘direct uses’ as tangible
forward’, stating that ‘the main issue is to ensure the rigor of the and intangible benefits.
outputs from our analysis and not become preoccupied with def- CICES is one of the most popular classifications currently and
initions, hence efforts should be directed to: achieving consistent is being used by scientists and policy makers around the globe
valuation and no double counting’. but particularly from Europe. Similar to the TEEB classification,
More unified and shared definitions, however, can be helpful in CICES does not include the MA (2005) ‘supporting services’, but
ensuring the rigor of practical assessments, and allow a degree of merges the TEEB (2010) ‘habitat services’ with regulating services,
comparability among studies. In particular, it is important to dis- in a category called ‘regulating and maintenance services’. Com-
tinguish between service, process, and benefit. Braat and de Groot pared to FEGS-CS and NESCS, CICES does promote a clear distinction
(2012) argued that ecosystem services contain ‘the product com- between ecosystem services and ecosystem benefits. In the latest
ponent (traditionally called “goods”)’, but they suggest that ‘in the version of the cascade framework that underpins CICES (Potschin
next stage of development of the concept, the distinction between and Haines-Young, 2016), ecosystem services are explicitly indi-
goods and services should be re-established’. When referring to cated as final services, while biophysical structure and function
the cascade framework, the terminology includes benefits rather are indicated as supporting or intermediate services. Final ecosys-
than goods. The challenge of separating services from goods and/or tem services are the contributions that ecosystems make to human
benefits is further explored in the next section. well-being as flows. Ecosystem goods and benefits are created or
derived by people from final ecosystem services.
2.2. Challenges in the current ecosystem services classifications The differences between FEGS-CS and CICES are subtle and are
explained with the assistance of Fig. 1: a) the cascade framework
Any application of an ecosystem service-based approach starts that constitutes the theoretical background of CICES, and; b) the
with choosing the services to be assessed (and valued) from a conceptual framework of the FEGS-CS. FEGS-CS places emphasis
list of services, i.e a classification system. Classification systems on the benefits, beneficiaries and the socio-economic system, while
are usually based on a theoretical framework whose principles CICES places greater emphasis on the ecological system. In fact we
and concepts are reflected in the meaning and structure of the need to add an additional box (i.e. assets/commodities) in the cas-
items presented. It is thus important to explore the main clas- cade framework to have a more consistent view of the two models.
sification systems, in order to highlight the embedded notions In this additional box the benefits enter into a production process
they state. For example, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment that makes it a marketable good, an economic asset, a commod-
(2005) was the first to attempt to group ecosystem services into ity. Although ecosystem services are identified considering human
four categories: provisioning services (e.g. food, fibers, fuel, genetic needs and demand, we choose in Fig. 1a to have the socio-economic
resources); regulating services (e.g., water purification and regula- systems starting at the ‘benefit’ box because at this stage the real
tion, climate regulation, extreme events and disease mitigation); use can take place and because this is the only way to consistently
supporting services (e.g., primary production and nutrient cycling); compare the two theoretical frameworks. By comparing these two
and cultural services (e.g., eco-tourism and recreation, aesthetic classifications to each other and to the cascade framework, we
and spiritual values). This categorization provided a sound basis to observe that FEGS-CS classification regards different benefits rather
launch ecosystem services research and applications, but it does not than ecosystem services.
constitute a proper taxonomy. In the cascade framework (Haines- The most appropriate classification system should be chosen
Young and Potschin, 2012), supporting services are considered a based on its fit-for-purpose (Heink et al., 2015; Spangenberg and
‘function’ rather than a ‘service’. Following the MA, the TEEB clas- Settele, 2010), i.e. whether the ecosystem service analysis intends
sification (2010) also explicitly referred to the cascade framework to focus more on ecological systems (e.g. considering impacts on
but refined the distinction between services and benefits. The idea and pressures from the socio-economic side) or on socio-economic
of supporting services in TEEB was not further developed. Instead systems (e.g. the benefits derived by society). It is however impor-
a new ‘habitat services’ group was introduced, including ‘mainte- tant to be aware of the existing limitations of each classification
nance of life cycles’ and ‘maintenance of genetic diversity’ system.
Since some ecosystem service categories overlap, there is a risk
of double counting in valuation, which therefore requires clear
separation between intermediate and final service. The US Environ- 3. The nature of ecosystem services: a systems ecology
mental Protection Agency has proposed additional classifications perspective
to avoid double counting. These include Final Ecosystem Goods
and Services Classification System (FEGS-CS) (Landers and Nahlik, In the theory of systems ecology, Jørgensen (2012) proposed
2013) and the National Ecosystem Services Classification System three fundamental notions as the basis of ecological systems: 1)
(NESCS) (Rhodes, 2015). In both classification systems the main biomass, 2) interaction and 3) information in ecological networks.
focus is on benefits and beneficiaries. This is in line with the study In this section we argue that ecosystem services have in fact
by Boyd and Banzhaf (2007) that suggest to account for ‘compo- been conceptualized as either (bio)mass, information or interaction
nents of nature directly enjoyed, consumed or used to yield human (Fig. 2). We adopt the following definitions of these key concepts.
well-being’. FEGS-CS classification proposes two criteria to define
Biomass is biological material derived from living or dead
goods and services: i) the potential good or service is valued by a
organisms. The quality aspect of biomass is also relevant, e.g.
beneficiary, and; ii) the potential good or service is connected to at
based on protein synthesis and evolution.
least the hydrosphere and lithosphere. In FEGS-CS processes such as
photosynthesis or carbon sequestration are labeled all together as Interaction occurs in a network as components have an effect
‘ecosystem structural components’ and considered as intermediate upon one another. Interactions are therefore the relationships
goods and services. These are excluded because they are not directly between and among biotic and abiotic components, sometimes
used by humans. Similarly, NESCS classification represents distinct characterized by a temporal pattern; such relationships can be
pathways through which final ecosystem services enter human sys- bi- or multi-directional, as opposed to the unidirectional causal
tems. This classification approach focuses on end categories of uses effect of information. In ecological networks, interactions might
and users, and is aligned with the North America national accounts result in emergent properties of the system. Emerging proper-
classification system. NESCS emphasizes the connection between ties in a system cannot be predicted or explained by the sum
396 A. La Notte et al. / Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402

Fig. 1. A comparison of CICES and FEGS classifications.

Fig. 2. A schematic representation of biomass, information, interaction.

of the components alone, because the latter do not exhibit ing information (Dusenbery, 1992). The process of acquiring
such properties themselves (Edson et al., 1981; Odum, 1977). information involves a mechanistic phase of information cap-
Social behaviour in animals is an example, such as ‘the abil- ture by a receptor, such as a sensory organ, and a functional
ity of large populations of simple, identical units (for example, phase of information de-codification. This is the ability to recog-
spin magnets) to self-organize, form patterns, store information, nize and process that information as ‘knowledge’ (Guilford and
and reach “collective decisions” (Parrish and Edelstein-Keshet, Dawkins, 1991). Consequently, exchange of information occurs
1999). Interactions in an ecological network can also be defined between two (or more) organisms when the ‘receiver’ organ-
as ecological processes. ism(s) is able to capture and process the information of the
‘sender’. While information plays a role in the generation of all
Information can be considered a sub-category of interaction;
ecosystem services (e.g. genetic information), in this article we
information is “conveyed or represented by a particular arrange-
specifically define information as the one humans receive and
ment or sequence of things, including for example, genetically
transmitted information” (Oxford Dictionary Online, 2014).
Information can influence (intentionally or not) the forma- An organism expresses and conveys biomass, information and
tion or transformation of other patterns. Organisms interact interactions via its genotype and/or phenotype (Fig. 2). We refer
with their environment not just by exchanging material and here to the extended phenotype (Dawkins, 1982), which includes
energy as traditionally viewed in Ecology, but also by exchang- the appearance of an organism (morphology, development, bio-
A. La Notte et al. / Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402 397

this is an artificial categorization, since in nature the hierarchy is

not clearly defined, but more fluid.

4. Refreshing the conceptual approach to ecosystem


4.1. Re-defining the cascade framework based on system ecology

Based on the definitions above, we address the challenges in

ecosystem services research identified in section 2. We combine
the notions of biomass, information and interaction with ecosys-
tem services conceptualization to improve definitions and clarify
terminology. We recall Palmer and Febria (2012) to show the link-
Fig. 3. The nature of biomass, information and interaction in Systems Ecology, and ages through the cascade chain: the components of an ecosystem
the human understanding and mastership of these concepts. (that represent the structure) interact with dynamic biophysical
processes (that are functions) to produce goods and services that
people rely on. We argue that ecosystem services should exclu-
chemical and physiological processes, etc.) as well as properties sively be considered as the interactions of the ecosystems that
external to the body (phenology, behaviour, products of behaviour). produce a change in human well-being (Table 2). We therefore
For example, the silk produced by the silkworm (Bombyx mori) is propose that ecosystem services are not individual ecosystem com-
essentially biomass, derived from its chrysalis during the meta- ponents or goods. In addition, while all ecosystem services are
morphosis. Therefore, the ecosystem service (in this case the silk derived from ecological processes (or socio-ecological processes
produced by the silkworm) is not a direct product of its body mass, Mononen et al., 2016) not all processes produce ecosystem ser-
but rather an expression of its phenotype. vices. Some processes may not be of use to humans, but this does
Based on the given definitions of biomass, information and not negate their importance. Ecosystem function and ecological
interaction, we can examine the current classification of ecosys- processes are considered here as synonyms.
tem services. Most provisioning services are conceptualized as Due to the utilitarian nature of ecosystem services, research
(bio)mass e.g. food, fiber, water (de Groot et al., 2002; MA, 2005; and policy tend to emphasize end-use benefits rather than the
TEEB, 2010). Genetic resources represent an exception among underpinning ecosystem structures and processes (see ‘Traditional
provisioning services, since we consider them as information. In understanding of the cascade framework’ in Fig. 4). We pro-
fact, the genotype or phenotype of an organism can contribute pose a modified cascade framework to shift perspective toward
to develop drugs or to bioengineering. Regulating services are ecosystems (see ‘systems ecology re-interpretation of the cascade
based on interactions among biotic and abiotic elements of the framework’ in Fig. 4). In Fig. 4 we represent the flow from an eco-
ecosystems: for example water purification derives from the over- logical perspective. The elements of the cascade are not ‘equal’. It is
all mechanical and chemical capacity of abiotic soil, soil biota and thus not enough to establish a causal sequence among the elements
vegetation to trap and ‘convert’ sediments, nutrients, pollutants or of the cascade because the inherent complexity of each stage must
pathogens. Cultural services derive from information. For example, be highlighted.
we are able to receive the information from an amenity land- To acknowledge this complexity, the hierarchical organization
scape given the human ability to perceive (receptor) and appreciate is a crucial concept in systems ecology. Hierarchical levels include
beauty (decodification and interpretation). This information might atoms, cells, organs, species, populations, ecosystems, landscape,
influence humans, for example triggering inspiration, a physiolog- regions and the ecosphere (Jørgensen, 2012). Each level integrates
ical relaxation, a sense of fulfilment, or a spiritual experience. the functions of the lower level.5 When we consider the hierarchy
Drawing from thermo-dynamics, Jørgensen (2012, chapter 13) from a vertical perspective, each level is constrained from the upper
proposes the following ideas: growth of matter is limited by energy level and from the lower level. However, there is also a horizontal
input and availability of inorganic elements. The growth of infor- perspective. There is cooperation among the components, which
mation and interactions in networks is driven by evolution (thus creates networks, where interactions take place.
linked to diversity) and has potential to expand (Faith et al., 2010) In many representations of the cascade framework natural cap-
(Fig. 3): information and interactions have overall increased in the ital is considered as examples of benefits (reported as assets or
history of living organisms. Unlike matter and energy, information commodities depending on the degree of human intervention in
and interactions can disappear without trace when the material the production process). Natural capital, such as fiber and food, are
support (biomass) is destroyed.4 Thus, biomass, information and biomass. From a vertical (hierarchical) perspective these compo-
interactions are characterized by increasing complexity and oper- nents represent a lower level, while populations of organisms are a
ate at different hierarchical levels. Biodiversity is at the basis of this higher level. Populations in turn represents a lower level compared
complexity: the more diversity, the more information and interac- to the ecosystem. Different levels interact between each other verti-
tions. The very definition of Biodiversity (Convention on Biological cally. In addition, interactions among biotic and abiotic components
Diversity, 1992) refers to the hierarchical organization of all organ- exist also at horizontal level. Vertical and horizontal interactions
isms as well as the functional characteristics of each level. The constitute the service.
processes at one level of organization determine the conditions in Based on the hierarchical organization drawn from systems
the next level, while higher levels regulate and control lower levels ecology, it is possible to highlight the difference between ser-
by feedback. For example, species diversity influences ecosystem
properties and functioning, and vice versa. It has to be noted that
For example: at cell level on the one hand the integrated cell processes deter-
mine the functionality of the organs, on the other hand organs control the final
biochemical results of cells; at the level of populations on the one hand the individ-
Note that genetic information is stored in DNA and transmitted across genera- uals and their interactions determine the properties of the populations, and on the
tions. other hand population determines the living framework for the individuals.
398 A. La Notte et al. / Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402

Table 2
Proposed definitions of the cascade framework terminology.

Term Definition Examplesa

Biophysical structure The setting for ecosystem components (biotic and abiotic). Forest tree cover
This also relates to the ecological pattern Inland water bodies
Process or function An ecological interaction among components in an Net primary production
ecosystem over time. Processes may generate several Carbon cycling
ecosystem services. Nutrient cycling
Ecosystem service A flow generated by the ecosystem including ecological Generation of material from plants
interactions and information which are useful to human Carbon sequestration
beings. We therefore propose that ecosystem services do Water purification
not include ecosystem components or goods, i.e. countable Aesthetic beauty of landscape
as (bio)mass unit. In addition, ecosystem services
sometimes require human input, which does not
necessarily mean human-made constructs like labour,
industrial processing, benches or fishing roads.a
Good Countable as a (bio)mass unit, it is a vehicle for ecosystem Wood biomass
service enjoyment. Amount of CO2 retained from the atmosphere
Amount of pollutants retained from water bodies
People enjoying outdoor recreation activities
Benefit What is generated by the service and leads to a change in Availability of wood for multiple uses
human well-being. Healthier air to breath/climate change mitigation
Availability of cleaner water (instead of water polluted by
economic activities)
Example of human input includes existence of a human being with his/her sensory and perceptional experiences.
Existing literature often uses the term ecological structure as a synonym for biophysical structure. We however prefer the later term, because it also includes non-vegetated
structures, such as dunes, aquifers or Rocky Mountains.

vice and benefits. A service is a process and is determined by the 4.2. Comparing the renewed definition of ecosystem services to
horizontal and vertical networking activity. Benefits are individ- CICES classification
ual components, countable as a biomass unit, and a vehicle for
ecosystem service enjoyment (Matthies et al., 2016). In the current We proceed by comparing the concepts introduced from system
cascade framework, great emphasis is converging on the benefit, ecology to the CICES classification and the cascade framework. In
because this is most relevant to humans. It is not our intention Table 3 we list the correspondence between CICES classes and our
to downplay the importance of benefits (and thus the ‘humans’ terminology. This analysis does not intend to add a new level of
role in co-producing ecosystem services). We, however, argue for complication to the ecosystem services conceptualization. Rather
a shift of perspective from a ‘two dimensional’ to a ‘telescopic’ cas- it aims at clarifying the difference between ecosystem services and
cade framework which emphasizes the ecological dimensions and benefits and to improve consistency in the classification of ecosys-
complex reality. tem services.
The implications of a hierarchical organization are in line with Among the list of ecosystem services proposed by CICES, some of
the understanding of ecosystems at the basis of the cascade them do not meet the requirements for our definition of ecosystem
framework: upper levels change more slowly than lower levels. services (i.e. processes) (Table 3). For example, all CICES provi-
Variations and disturbances of upper levels may affect the lower sioning services are benefits (i.e. biomass). Provisioning services
levels; the other way round, however, is less frequent, because include for example cultivated crops. However, the ecosystem ser-
lower level disturbances are mitigated at upper level (Jørgensen, vice is in fact the process to generate crops and plants, rather than
2012).6 For example, assuming an initial healthy state of the ecosys- the crops and plants themselves. The use of the benefit as a proxy
tem, when a single component of the population is removed (e.g. for the service is a common practice, but it might result in double
a tree from a forest or one animal from a population), the regen- counting. Thus, the resulting benefit from e.g. regulating services
eration capacity is not affected, the functioning of the ecosystem should be articulated clearly, so that overlaps with provisioning
is maintained at a healthy state. When a clear-cut takes place or services are known. For example, benefits from pollination may
the species become rare or extinct, then the entire habitat will be overlap with cultivated crops; water flow maintenance may over-
affected (e.g. the forest will not be there anymore and the food chain lap with water supplied; or maintaining nursery populations and
will change). habitats may overlap with food (fish) provisioning (Liquete et al.,
Any assessment and valuation intended to provide a sustainable 2016a). When performing the trade-off assessment, we do not sug-
policy for the medium and long term cannot ignore the ecologi- gest ignoring regulating services, but rather to carefully consider
cal system side of the cascade. The existence of the social system between provisioning and regulating services.
is guaranteed by the proper functioning of the ecological system. In CICES the list of services (in particular regulating ser-
The value of the ecological system is intrinsic, and the approach is vices) sometimes includes functions and biophysical structures. For
holistic, bio-centric and positivist. The ecosystem services narra- instance, ‘chemical condition’ is a property or component of the sys-
tive is part of the human system whose value is utilitarian, and its tem and not a process. It is thus part of the biophysical structure.
approach reductionist and human-centered. The ecological interactions among components, such as ‘hydrologi-
cal cycle’ and ‘ventilation and transpiration’ are processes that take
place within the ecosystem, and not the flow of an individual ser-
vice that produces a direct change in human well-being. Differently
from benefits, the biophysical structure cannot be a proxy for the

A malfunction of one level can be eliminated by replacing a few components on
the lower level. e.g cells, organs and species can be replaced to better fit the new
emergent conditions. Thus, the higher the level is, the less vulnerable it becomes.
A. La Notte et al. / Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402 399

Table 3
Classification of ecosystem services (CICES) including the nature of ecosystem services, the cascade framework step, the Systems Ecology category, the most logic/common
assessment technique and their degree of complexity.

List of ecosystem services according to CICES Cascade Systems Ecology Assessment technique
framework step category

Provisioning Cultivated crops Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets

Wild plants, algae and their outputs Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
Wild animals and their outputs Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
Plants and algae from in-situ aquaculture Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
Animals from in-situ aquaculture Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
Materials from plants, algae and animals for Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
agricultural use
Genetic materials from all biota Benefit Biomass/information Statistical datasets
Reared animals and their outputs Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
Surface water for drinking Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
Ground water for drinking Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
Fibers and other materials from plants, algae Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
and animals for direct use or processing
Surface water for non-drinking purposes Benefit Mass Mainly statistical datasets
Ground water for non-drinking purposes Benefit Mass Mainly statistical datasets
Plant-based resources Benefit Biomass Statistical datasets
Animal-based resources Benefit Biomass Mainly statistical datasets
Animal-based energy Benefit Biomass Mainly statistical datasets
Regulating and Bio-remediation by micro-organisms, algae, Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
maintenance plants, and animals measures
Filtration/sequestration/storage/accumulation Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
by micro-organisms, algae, plants, and animals measures
Filtration/sequestration/storage/accumulation Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
by ecosystems measures
Mediation of smell/noise/visual impacts Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
Dilution by atmosphere, freshwater and Function
marine ecosystems
Hydrological cycle Function
Water flow maintenance Service Interaction Biophysical models
Mass stabilization and control of erosion rates Service Interaction Biophysical models
Global climate regulation by reduction of Service Interaction Biophysical models
greenhouse gas concentrations
Micro and regional climate regulation Service Interaction Biophysical models
Buffering and attenuation of mass flows Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
measures; Geospatial models
Flood protection Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
measures; Geospatial models
Storm protection Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
measures; Geospatial models
Pollination and seed dispersal Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
measures; Geospatial models
Maintaining nursery populations and habitats Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
measures; Complex indicators
integrated with geospatial models
Pest and disease control Service Interaction Biophysical models and/or
measures; Geospatial models
Ventilation and transpiration Function
Weathering processes Function
Decomposition and fixing processes Function
Chemical condition of freshwaters Biophysical structure
Chemical condition of salt waters Biophysical structure
Cultural Experiential use of plants, animals and Service Information Geospatial models/complex
land-/seascapes in different environmental indicators
Physical use of land-/seascapes in different Service Information Geospatial models/complex
environmental settings indicators
Aesthetic Service Information Geospatial models/complex
Education Service Information Complex indicators
Heritage, cultural Service Information Complex indicators
Entertainment Service Information Complex indicators
Scientific Service Information Complex indicators
Symbolic Service Information Complex indicators
Sacred and/or religious Service Information Complex indicators
Existence Value
Bequest Value

The attempt is to develop the same examples throughout the ‘terminology chain’ to show that they are indeed different stage of the same process. E.g. to differentiate the
carbon cycling as function from carbon sequestration as service from CO2 tons will (if ever) be the task of the biophysical model, i.e. only one of those stages will be mapped
and assessed, it will depend on the technique used to assess (model or indicator or statistics).
400 A. La Notte et al. / Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402

Fig. 4. From a 2D to a telescopic cascade framework (a) Traditional understanding of the cascade framework with emphasis on end-use benefits; (b) Systems Ecology
re-interpretation of the cascade framework, with emphasis on the underpinning complexity of the ecological system.

service7 : they are what allows the service flow to be generated (cf. data is usually extracted from agriculture and forestry statisti-
Mononen et al., 2016). In CICES existence and bequest values are cal databases and inventories, or from market transactions, rather
listed as services: when attempting a monetary valuation, existence than biophysical processes. Simple and available indicators can be
and bequest non-use values are concepts that facilitate the choice used, such as land-use and land-cover data, biodiversity monitor-
of the valuation technique to be adopted, but they are not them- ing maps, or national forest inventories. In this case, rather than
selves ecosystem services. Systems ecology theory can thus provide assessing the service itself, the benefit is used as proxy for the
guidance for ecosystem service assessments: Table 3 presents a ecosystem service. This is most relevant to provisioning services
new classification approach for ecosystem services assessments. and the current practice of assessment.
In Table 3 we attempt to track correspondence with the different When ecosystem services are identified as interaction, then eco-
typologies of modeling techniques. By referring to the systems ecol- logical modeling or monitoring is needed. To correctly assess the
ogy categories of biomass, interaction and information we could service, the nature of the process should be understood, described
state how complex the level of modeling should be. analytically and measured. This is the case for some regulating ser-
When ecosystem services are identified as biomass, measure- vices (i.e. all those services that directly involve biogeochemical
ment will require the collection of environmental statistics and cycles) where process-based modeling would better fit the pur-
inventories. This is the case for many provisioning services, where pose, because the model should be able to represent/replicate the
ecosystem functioning (e.g. Liquete et al., 2016b). There are, how-
ever, cases in which spatial modeling and statistical modeling could
serve the assessment purpose. In spatial modeling algorithms based
This is the reason why in Table 3 what corresponds to ‘Biophysical structure’ and
‘Function’ is not classified in terms of Systems Ecology category, and Assessment on spatial features are used and/or different indicators are linked
technique are thus reported as grey cells. with land use data to derive more complex indicators (see for exam-
A. La Notte et al. / Ecological Indicators 74 (2017) 392–402 401

ple Zulian et al., 2013). In statistical models ecosystem services are holistic and bio-centric approach compared to ecosystem services,
estimated based on known explanatory variables such as soils, cli- which can be individually identified and assessed. We also call
mate, etc., using a statistical relation. This can be the case for thosefor greater attention toward ecosystem sciences for understanding
services in which the morphological features do play an impor- long-term ecosystem integrity and ecosystem functioning, and thus
tant role (e.g. storm and flood protection, soil erosion protection) the resilience of an ecosystem against human driven disturbances,
or the presence of species determines the ‘amount’ of the service in order to secure the vital ecosystem services and sustainable use
(e.g. maintaining nursery populations and habitats). of natural resources (Currie, 2011; Müller et al., 2010). The concepts
When the ecosystem services are identified as information, of resilience science (resilience, adaptability and vulnerability) in
the assessment technique might require calculation of spatially relation to ecosystem services represent an important area for fur-
explicit, complex indicators. Information does not require bio- ther studies (Brand, 2008; Müller et al., 2010). For such purposes,
physical modeling, but spatial modeling could be used. All cultural our clarification could be advantageous.
services involve information, and they are generally assessed Adopting a more comprehensive view on the definitions in the
through questionnaires and mental models. In some cases (e.g. out- cascade framework gives increased rigor to critical ecosystem ser-
door recreation) the spatial component could play an important vices issues such as the techniques to map and assess services.
role in terms of distance; in other cases it may just be a matter of For example, EU member states need consistent definitions and
linking different indicators to make them spatially explicit. measurements for easy comparison of ecosystem services status,
gain or loss across countries. Following the adoption of the analyt-
ical framework, including a conceptual model and two typologies,
5. Discussion and conclusion: advantages of applying the for the EU, Maes et al. (2016) presented a first test of the frame-
revised conceptual framework work and an assessment of existing indicators to map (or quantify)
Diskusi dan kesimpulan: keuntungan dari penerapan
ecosystem services at the national scale (see also Maes et al., 2014).
kerangka kerja konseptual yang direvisi
The timing in clarifying and operationalize ecosystem services These recent studies, as well as that by Egoh et al. (2012), show that
classification and measurements has never been more critical. As national statistics present the best data options for mapping pro-
ecosystem services become integrated into policy instruments, the visioning ecosystem services such as agricultural production. This
need to standardize definitions is essential for monitoring and com- approach, where benefits generated (biomass) are used as a proxy
paring policy outcomes following different scales of investment of the service, is highly simplified. The unit of assessment is the
(Bennett et al., 2015; Guerry et al., 2015). Our intention in this benefit and not the service. Choosing a proxy such as biomass as
article is to provide some clarity to address issues related to ecosys- representative of a certain service is common practice, whereas a
tem services definition and conceptualization highlighted by others model that simulates the generation of the good/resource, which
(Boyd and Banzaf, 2007; Fisher and Turner, 2008; Fisher et al., involves the interaction functioning, is often left out. We suggest
2009; Wallace, 2007). Drawing from systems ecology, we adopt that this approach is not fully consistent with the theoretical frame-
the key concepts of biomass, interaction and information, including work. However, it is acceptable in this case because biomass is
the idea of different levels of complexity among these (Jørgensen, conditioned by ecological structure and functioning.
2012). In this study, we have used our understanding from systems We hope the insight into systems ecology provided in this article
ecology to apply it to the ecosystem services conceptualization. We will offer some ground for reflection, fueling further advancement
believe that the concepts from system ecology can support a more of the classification, conceptualization and operationalization of
consistent definition of ecosystem services and other elements of ecosystem services. Considering the growing interest in natural
the cascade framework developed by Haines-Young and Potschin capital accounting,8 it is important to establish a consistent con-
(2010). ceptual ground to highlight the difference between intermediate
The cascade framework and related ecosystem services defini- functioning within the ecosystem (function), final flows (services)
tion is often approached with an emphasis on services and benefits. and assets (benefits) and their respective degree of complexity.
Several authors have identified the need to delineate between Given the need for economic valuation of ecosystem services, it
direct and indirect ecosystem services (intermediate and final) for is important to choose the appropriate valuation techniques which
the sake of economic valuation and natural capital accounting, explicitly target the real object of valuation and thus avoid to con-
where only benefits from final services can be aggregated (e.g. sider the single, simple asset being equal to the more complex
Fisher et al., 2009; Heink et al., 2015). This approach mitigates service that generates that asset.
the risk of double counting, but it might be overly reductionist.
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