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Acaciae gummi Maydis amylum

Agar Oryzae amylum
Althaeae folium et radix Solani amylum
Farfarae folium Tritici amylum
Lichen islandicus Graminis rhizoma
Lini semen Malvae sylvestris flos
Psyllii semen Taraxaci radix et folium
Tiliae flos Mel
Gummi arabicum Plantaginis ovatae semen
Trigonellae foenugraeci semen


Powdered drugs: Amylum maydis

Amylum oryzae
Amylum solani
Amylum tritici

Cross section: Althaeae radix et folium

Lini semen

Powdered preparation: Althaeae radix et folium

Lini semen


3.1 Investigation of starches

3.1.1 Identification of starches
3.1.2. Tests for impurities
3.2 Mucilage
3.3 Mel qualification


4.1 Swelling value

4.2 Enzymatic degradation of starch


Amylum maydis - Maize starch

Zea mays L. Poaceae (Gramineae)
Ph.Hg. VIII., Ph. Eur.

Amylum solani - Potato starch

Solanum tuberosum L. Solanaceae
Ph.Hg. VIII., Ph.Eur.

Amylum tritici - Wheat starch

Triticum aestivum L. Poaceae (Gramineae)
Ph.Hg. VIII, Ph. Eur.

Amylum oryzae -Rice starch

Oriza sativa L. Poaceae (Gramineae)

Starches are white to pale creamish or greyish-white powders or irregular masses which
crepitate when crushed: odourless and almost tasteless.

AIthaeae radix - Marshmallow Root

Althaea officinalis L. Malvaceae

Ph.Hg. VIII., Ph. Eur.

The root pieces are cylindrical, not ramified. Theyare 10 to 30 cm long, 1 to 2 cm thick,
white or yellowish white in colour, with brown spots where root branches have been cut
off. Bast fibers can be pulled off in fine threads from the root surface. When broken, the
cortex is hardly dusting. The cortex breaks in filamentary. The cross section is white,
except for the circular cambium, which is brownish yellow.

AIthaeae folium - Marshmallow Leaf
Althaea officinalis L. Malvaceae

Ph.Hg. VIII. Ph.Eur. The leaf has a short petiole, on both surfaces densely covered
with velvety hairs, greyish green, silky.
The lamina is ovate or cordate, with acuminate apex, obtuse
base and irregulary crenated-dentate margin. The leaf is plicate
between the veins, its pinnate venation strongly protrudes on the
abaxial surface.

Lini semen - Linseed Linaceae

Linum usitatissimum
The linseed is 4 to 6 mm long, 2 to 3 mm wide, 1 to 1.5 mm
Ph.Hg. VIII., Ph. Eur. thick, flat, ovate, light or dark brown, smooth, shin. Rounded on
one end and acute onother. The hand magnifier shows a slightly
uneven surface.
The seed-coat is rigid, fragile, when macerated in water, it
becomes slippery due to swelling of the mucilaginous
epidermalcells, White albumen, greenish white embryo, both
Odourless, taste, mild oily, mucilaginous

MaIvae foIium - Wild MaIlow Leaf

Malva neglecta Wallr.
Malva silvestris L. Malvaceae

Ph.Hg. VIII.

Leaves are circular to kidney-shaped, toothed and

shallowly 5-9 lobed.

MaIvae sylvestris flos - Wild MaIlow Flower
Malva silvestris L. Malvaceae

Ph.Hg. VIII. Ph.Eur.

The drug consist of the pinkish violet flower. Radially zygomorphous hermaphrodite,
pentemerous flower sitting in groups of 2 to 6 in the axil of the leaves. Double calyx.
Nomerous stamina, columnar prominent filaments grown together to a 10 to 12 mm
long, cylindrical reddish tube (monadelphous). Free, reniform uniseptate anthers. White
pollen. The base of petals and the tube of filaments are grown together and fan off
together after deflorescense. FIat disciform pistil, dinted above, with 9 to 10 lateral sulci
according to the carpels. Filose styles, grown together at the base; stigmata reddish,
Odourless taste, mucilaginous.

Graminis rhizoma - Couch-grass (Quack grass Roots)

Agropyron repens L. Poaceae (Gramineae)

Ph.Hg.VIII. Ph.Eur.

The drug consists of the numerous branched, wide-creeping, sweet-tasting rhizomes of

the perennial grass.

Taraxaci radix - Dandelion Root

Taraxacum officinale Web. Asteraceae (Compositae)

Root and rhizome are 15 to 20 cm long and 1 to 2 cm thick. Reddish brown outside,
greyish white inside. On the cross-section of the root softened in water numerous wide
concentricai belts in the cortex are visible to the naked eye. Xylem is yellowish and
hardly radial structure. The transversaIly annular rhizome has several heads. It
continues in the main root, which is lengthwise wrinkled, striated and slightly ramified
only. Even, not farinaceous fracture.

Farfarae folium - CoItsfoot Leaves
Tussilago farfara L. Asteraceae (Compositae)

The drug consist of basal leaves, which are 8 -30 cm

wide, almost circular in out line but polygonal, with up
to 12 acute lobes. Whitish-tomerntose on boot, late
only on the lower surface

Lichen islandicus - Iceland Moss

Cetraria islandica L. (Ach) Parmeliaceae

The thaIlus is strap-like, deeply divided, shrubby and forms entagled mats, 1-15 cm
high, only loosely attached to the substratum. The lobes are thin, either curled inwards
almost into tubes of fiat, shilling chestnut-brown on the upper surf ace and lighter on the
lower; the margins incised and ciliate.

Salep tuber - Orchid tuber

Orchis morio L. Orchidaceae

The drug consist ofthe subglobular to ovoid tubers of the perennial herb.

Agar - Agar
Gelidium species
Ahnfeltia plicata (Huds.) Fries Rhodophyta

Ph.Hg.VIII., Ph. Eur.

Greyish white or brownish yellow, translucent strips or bands, usually 0.1 to 0.3 mm
thick, 3 to 4 cm broad. Odourless and tasteless mass of bands, which swells in water to
form a jelly.

Acaciae gummi - Arabic gum

Acacia senegal Willd. Mimosaceae

Ph.Hg.VIII., Ph. Eur.

The drug consists of the exsudation of the stem and branches of Acacia senegal
indigenaus mainly in Cordovan, Sudan and in other parts of tropic Africa. Odourless;
tasteless. Rarely colourless, mostly yellowish, the spehrical pieces of acacia are pea- or
hazelnut-sized. Being cracked, they are rarely transparent. Fracture conchoidal, when
fresh, a glassy, sometimes iridescent surface can be seen. The power is white or
yellowish white.
Tragacantha - Tragacanth gum
AstragaIus species Fabaceae

Ph.Hg.VIII., Ph. Eur.

FIat, greyish white horn-like, sometimes transceIucent and slightly yellowish plates,
incurved in crest or crescent shape, about 5 mm wide and 1 to 3 mm thick. Semicircular,
sinuous layers on their surface.



Maize starch - Amylum maydis

Simple granules, approximately 5 to 30 µm in diameter, polyhedral to susbpherical with

a central hilum occuring as an irregular split or, more usually, as a cleft with three to fiye
rays. Striations are not visible.

Potato starch - Amylum solani

The granules are mostly simple with occasianal compound granules having two or three
components; they show great variation in size, the larger granules measuring up to
approximately 100 µm in length. Individual granules are ovoid to subspherical and
ffequently show tuberosities; they have an eccentric point hilum which is situated near
the narrower end in ovoid granules. Most of the granules show well-marked concentric

Wheat starch - Amylum tritici

Mainly simple granules of two distinct size ranges; the larger granules measure
approximately 25 to 45 µm in diameter and the small er ones measure approximately 3
to 15 um in diameter; a few granules intermediate in size are also found. A small
number of compound granules with two or three components are also present. Individual
granules are lenticular and they appear oval, circular or biconvex in outline, depending
on their orientation. The central point hilum appears as a line when the granules are
seen in edge view. Faint concentric striations are visible in some ofthe larger granules.

Rice starch - Amylum oryzae

Simple granules or aggregations from compound granules; individual granules are

approximately 2 to 10 µm in diameter, polyhedral or subspherical. A small central point
hilum is visible in a few of the granules; there are no striations.

Althaeae folium

Cross-section. The structure of the leaf is dorsiventral. The basal part of every trichome
branch has a sclereid-like thickened wall. The stocky glandular trichomes are composed
of a short basal (stem) part and of a multicellular vertcillate gland bead. Some of the
epidermal cells are larger and contain mucilage. The columned parenchyma has
sometimes two layers. There are larger mucilage cells as weIl as cells with club-shaped
calcium oxalate rosette crystals. The vascular bundle is collateral.

Althaeae radix

Cross-section. External and internal can be differentiated. The dilatation zone with
mucilage cells and club-shaped Ca-oxalate cristals is in the external cortex, whereas
medullary rays of 1 to 2 cell width and hard and soft phloem parts alternating layers can
be observed in the internal cortex. The soft phloem consists mainly of bast parenchyma,
with sporadic cells containing mucilage or club-shaped calcium oxalate crystals and with
somewhat compressed bundles of bast sieve tubes.
The xylem rays are mostly filled up with parenchymatous cells and sometimes with
xylem fibres. The tracheae and tracheids are arranged in small groups, with a major
vascular group to be found only in the root. Both in the cortex and in the xylem, club-
shaped calcium oxalate crystals and lots of starch are to be found. There are many
mucilage cells also in the cortical and xylem parenchyma.

Powder test. The drug powder is white. Under the microscope, parenchyma portions
filled with starch and grains can be observed The powder contains colourless,
largecaverned fibres, singly or in bundles, as well as vessel fragments, club-shaped
calcium oxalate crystals, colourless mucilage cells an small mucilage lumps. No
suberine parts can be seen.

dilatation zone

Lini semen

Cross-section Five layers of the seed coat can be observed. Cells of the epidermis
radially elongated, the tangential walls of its cells are very thick, stratified and
mucilaginous. The hypoderma consists of a so called annular layer of 2 to 3 rows of
flat cells, whit small intercellularies between them. Further inside, a layer of sclereids,
with thick, lignified, simply pitted walls can be seen. Under the sclereids, there are
several layers of tangentially elongated, fIattened transversal cells. The innermost
pigment layer of the seedcoat consists of a single row of square, reddish brown cells of
pitted walls.
Under the pigment layer 3 to 7 cell rows endosperm are located containing granules and
fixed oil drops. The embryo contains fixed oil and heterogeneous aleuron.


Linseed - longitudinal section

1. seed coats
2. endosperm
3. cotyledon


3.1 Investigations of starch

3.1.1. Identification of starches

Boil 1 g of starch with 50 ml of water: after cooling it becomes a translucent, odourless

starch jelly.

Shake 10 mg of drug with 5 ml of hot water. Add 1 drop of 0.01 N iodine solution to the
liquid, it will tum blue. .
The colour disappears from heating or if R-sodium hydroxide is added, but reappears at
cooling, or if acidified by R-hydrochloric acid.




3.1.2 Test for impurities

Shake 1 g starch in 10 ml of cold water and filter. Add to the filtrate one drop of 0.1 N
iodine solution. The filtrate may turn yellow or reddish, but must not turn blue.

3.2 Mucilage

Althaeae radix Tiliae flos

Make suspension from 2.5 g of crude drug with 50 ml water, left to extract for 20
minutes, let the drug subside and filter the supernatant on mull. Take out 10 ml from the
filtrate and add 40 ml of ethyl alcohol to the mucilage solution during mixing it.

3.3 AduIteration of honey by artificial invert sugar

It can be examined by detecting hidroxy-methyl furfural, which gives a red colour with
resorcinol in hydrochloric acid. It has to be noted that certain amount of hidroxy-methyl
furfural may be formed in genuine honey by prolonged heating or lengthy storage

Mix carefully 5 g of honey with 10 ml of chloroform in a porcelan mortar. Filter the

mixture and evaporate the chloroformic phase in a separate porcelan disk. To the
residue add a few drops of freshly prepared resorcin solution (1 % resorcin in cc. HCl)
The colour is pinkish or light orange for a short time, but alastingt red colour is a mark of
hydroxy-methyl furfural.


4.1 Determination of SwelIing Value - Ph.Eur: 2.8.4. SWELLING INDEX

The swelling index is the volume in millilitres occupied by 1 gram of a drug, including
any adhering mucilage, after it has swollen in an aqueous liquid for 4 h.

Moisten the prescribed quantity of air-dry drug with 1 ml of ethanol in a 25 ml volumetric

cylinder. Shake up the fluid thoroughly with 25 ml of water. Stir the mixture every 10
minutes for an hour and then maintain for 2 hours at room temperature. Read off the
volume of the drug in ml together with any adhering mucilage.
Drug (g) g Swelling value
Agar-agar 1.0
Althaeae folium 0.2
Althaeae radix 0.5
Farfarae folium 1.0
Lini placentae farina 1.0
Lini semen 1.0
Psvllii semen 1.0
Lichen islandicus 1.0
Malvae sylvestris flos 1.0
Psylli semen farina 1.0
Gummi arabicum 1.0

4.2 Acidity of starches

Shake a 20 g sample with 100 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water. Titrate the mixture
with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution, using I-phenolphtalein solution as indicator. Near
to the end point, add a few more drops of the indicator.


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