The DFC JOURNAL Issue I Dec 2018 PDF
The DFC JOURNAL Issue I Dec 2018 PDF
The DFC JOURNAL Issue I Dec 2018 PDF
Western Corridor
SN Sections Targets
1. Ateli-Phulera (190 Km) August 18 (completed)
2. Rewari-Madar (306Km) December - 18
3. Madar-Marwar (128 km) March 2019
4. Marwar-Palanpur (207Km) September-19
5 Palanpur-Makarpura (308Km) March-20
6. Makarpura- JNPT (430Km) March -20
7. Rewari– Dadri(127Km) March-20
Eastern Corridor
SN Sections Targets
1. Khurja-Bhadan(200 km) November-2018(completed)
2. Bhadan-Bhaupur (143 Km) January-2019
3. Bhaupur-Mughalsarai (402 km) August-2019
4. Sonnagar– Mughalsarai (126km) October-2019
5 Khurja-Dadri (46km) December-2019
6. Pilkhani– Sahnewal(179km) March-20
7. Khurja – Pilkhani (222km) March-20
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Date : 19.12.2018
At the outset, I would like to congratulate team DFCCIL for publication of its inaugural issue of
“The DFCCIL Journal” and express my heartfelt appreciation on Publication of highly informative
periodical magazine on quarterly basis.
DFCCIL once fully commissioned, will provide a crucial backbone to the freight network of the
Indian Railways which is already strained and running to more than its capacity. With the
dedicated efforts of engineers, consultants and contractors, the first section was commissioned
between Ateli-Phulera of Western Corridor on 15th of August, 2018 followed by Bhadan-Khurja of
Eastern Corridor on 30th of November, 2018. I am confident that DFCCIL, with the renewed energy
and enthusiasm, will move forward in delivering the project to the nation in March, 2020.
In its journey of realizing dream into reality and specially with this gigantic project, fast track
implementation can only be possible with the use of the State-of-the-Art Technology, motivated
team of engineers, consultants and contractors who are putting their best for the endeavour. Rich
experience and knowledge gained during the implementation of this project, if not documented,
will be lost forever and as such the decision of bringing out this quarterly journal is a much needed
Ashwani Lohani
I feel privileged and proud in Communicating with all the employees and stakeholders through
“The DFCCIL Journal”, DFCCIL is one of the most important Public Sector Undertaking of Indian
Railway created to augment freight transportation capacity in India.
Dedicated Freight Corridors are proposed to adopt world class and state-of-the-art technology.
Significant improvement is proposed to be made in the existing carrying capacity by modifying
basic design features. The Permanent Way will be constructed with significantly higher design
features that will enable it to withstand heavier loads at higher speeds. Simultaneously, in order to
optimize productive use of the right of way, dimensions of the rolling stock is proposed to be
enlarged. Both these improvements will allow longer and heavier trains to ply on the Dedicated
Freight Corridors.
This printed means of interface and communication is a powerful tool in a construction industry as
it provides an everlasting memory of the project. I take this opportunity to exhort all of us to take a
collective and determined vow to work relentlessly in accomplishing the objectives of this mega
and very ambitious infrastructure project in the country. I wish all the success to "The DFCCIL
Journal", in its future endeavour.
New Delhi
17th December, 2018
Having assumed the responsibility of Managing This quarterly technical journal will contain rich
Director of DFCCIL recently, I feel privileged and collective knowledge that reside with our
proud in interacting with all the employees and engineers, consultants and contractors and all
stakeholders through the inaugural issue of “The others associated with the implementation of
DFCCIL Journal”. The plan to construct dedicated freight corridors. Loss of vast experience and
freight corridors across the country marks a knowledge gained has always been a concern
strategic inflexion point in the history of Indian amongst various organisation and with the
Railways that has essentially run mixed traffic publication of this technical journal, I am confident
across its network. Once completed, the dedicated that this will go a long way in preserving and
freight corridors will enable Indian Railways to disseminating the rich pool of knowledge.
improve its customer orientation and meet market
needs more effectively. Creation of rail I must place on record my sincere thanks to
infrastructure on such a scale - unprecedented in Ministry of Railways, Zonal Railways, and other
independent India – is also expected to drive the Ministries of the Government of India and State
establishment of industrial corridors and logistic Governments, lending agencies, bankers and
parks along its alignment. business associates for their support to DFCCIL.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to
While constructing the freight corridors, crucial all our readers, engineers, consultants, and
knowledge and experience is being acquired and I executing agencies for their valuable contribution
strongly feel that if the same is documented and for successful publication of the inaugural issue of
shared then it will be possible for others to enrich a quarterly Journal.
themselves.The most important thing in any
organisation, in addition to the product, is the
information or knowledge gained in the process of Thanks for reading
its unfolding. I see knowledge sharing as an
important currency and value it as the opportunity Anurag Kumar Sachan
for learning for both staff and stakeholders. Managing Director, DFCCIL
Opening of Ateli-Phulera (190 RKM)
section of Western Corridor on 15.8.2018
Harimohan Gupta
Many construction industries prefer working the traditional way, step by step, rebar by rebar, lift by lift
because that is prescribed engineering ways. But innovating new techniques is the need of the hour to
complete works efficiently with reduction of time. This method follows a modular approach to save time in
Abutment construction, and time is money, not just to the cost of labor and machines but also the effort.
Moreover, this method combines the activities so that the whole structure is cast in single lift rather than in
multiple lifts which in turn save time.
including Testing & Commissioning on Design-Build Lump Sum price basis for Rewari - Dadri section of
Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (Phase-2) – (Special Steel Bridge Works Contract Package – 15C, ICB
No. CT P-15C)
Construction of 02 Nos of Abutment walls (A1 & A2) in a single lift in WDFCC - CTP 15 C Project at RFO -
Bridge No. 136.
D. CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE: 8. Ensuring source arrangement for mass concrete
I. Conventional Technique: in single pour with limited concreting time.
Usually in all the construction projects, the 9. Ensuring safe concreting near the Live Railway
conventional method was followed by concreting track with the heavy movement of Transit
the abutment wall in stages (i.e. in lifts) with the mixers.
height of 2.5Meter in each lift and the subsequent 10.Ensuring Systematic de-shuttering of shutters
lift was cast to achieve the desired height of the with a specialized team.
abutment wall. It requires every time fixing of
reinforcement, shuttering, concreting and de- Noida unit & ZMT-4 officials ensured proper
shuttering which leads to involvement of culmination of various activities and monitored
substantial workforce and required enough period every minute details. Hence WDFC 15 C team
to complete the casting of the 8Mtr height successfully mitigated various challenges
abutment wall. successfully under his profound guidance.
II. Innovative Technique:
By innovative thinking, the entire abutment wall F. ADVANTAGES:
(Non-Uniform Structure – Bottom width = 3.6 M This construction methodology not only saves the
and Top width = 1.5 M, Height 7.86 M and Length time of 45 days as all the activities (fixing of
18 M) was cast in the single lift/pour. The reinforcement, shutter placing, supports for
complete reinforcement of 50.3 MT was fixed & shutters, concreting and de-shuttering) was
tied for the complete height of the abutment wall completed in a single go. It eliminates multi-stage
with required prerequisite supporting concreting which leads to the incurrence of huge
arrangement and specially designed steel shutters time in reinforcement works, shuttering, concreting
weighting about 26 MT. The steel shutters were and de-shuttering after the lower layer is
placed up to 8.5Meter height with the modular completed in all respect. The subsequent
casting concept and cast with appropriate layers/stages can be cast to complete the whole
planning/supervision of safety and quality during
abutment wall of 8Mtr height.
the concreting.
Additionally – Following are the great direct cum
indirect benefits from this methodology.
1. Multi-stage repetitive works stand eliminated.
2. Construction joints in the abutment wall stand
1. Meticulous planning and preparation of the
scheme with the Contractor keeping in mind the
3. Quality at par for structure stands achieved with
resources available at ground level. (Execution –
monolithic construction.
Safety – Quality – Erection – P&M)
4. Temporary structures/platform required for
2. Detailed Review of whole scheme by PMC
Design Team in-depth coordination with Site multistage works at a height significantly
Team avoided and reduced.
3. Proper monitoring of fixing of dense 5. Utmost, engagement of workforce for multi-
reinforcement at height of up to 08 Meter. stage works were substantially reduced.
4. Since it was the first of its kind in railway 6. Minimization in Resource Inputs especially
projects, on the suggestion of DFCCIL special labors as a whole.
rigging team had been mobilized and trained 7. Safety – Huge risk on the safety of workers
about the shutter fixing and alignment. avoided by doing the entire abutment wall in
5. Bringing about of unique supporting single pour and movement of hydra cranes had
arrangements for 08 Meter height shutters. been reduced substantially as compared with
6. Bringing about to follow special mechanism multi-stage concreting.
required for concreting (Concrete compaction /
quality requirements). G. METHODOLOGY OF CASTING
7. Ensuring safety measures and precautions a. Rebar Fixing: Abutment wall reinforcement
required for manpower deployment inside the fixing was completed with all links / rings up to
abutment wall for compaction during the height of 7.86 M. (i.e. the height of abutment
concreting. walls).
Figure 2: Completed rebar works
b. Specially Designed Shuttering & Supporting 2. Specially Designed through & through Tie Rods
Arrangement Details: It was designed in a = Heavy Duty Tie Rods of 20 mm of various
special manner with sufficient factor of safety to lengths (3982 MM – 2185 MM) were used (along
take a load of huge concrete (361 Cubic Meter) with special and heavy duty washers and nuts)
in one go. Below mentioned are the details of as supporting arrangement of fixed shutters.
the material used in it. 3. Wallers = 40 Nos of Heavy Duty back-to-back
1. Heavy Duty Shutters Fixed = 26 MT & 324 Wallers (each of 18-meter length with various
Square Meter sizes - 100 MM – 125 MM – 250 MM), Total
Length = 720 R-Meter were used as supporting safety measure - It ensured complete stability of
arrangement of fixed shutters. supporting arrangement & enough strong to
4. Heavy Duty Vertical Towers (1.2 x 1.2 x 3 - take the jerk load of huge concrete (361 CUM) in
Meter) = 112 R-Meter were used as an extra a single go.
safety measure for supporting arrangement of 6. Extra ISMC (250-125-100-MM) = 4.2 MT fixed at
fixed shutters. various typical places as an extra safety measure
5. HILTI Mechanical Fasteners (16 MM X 125 MM with supporting arrangement for fixed shutters.
Long) = 56 Nos were used for rigid anchoring of 7. Especially designed Stools = 1.13 MT used as a
vertical towers with casted pile cap. As an extra supporting arrangement on fixed shutters.
Figure 9: Supporting arrangement for Side shutters
Figure 8: Supporting Arrangement of Shutters Figure 12: Working Platform for manpower lowering
c. Concreting: After the completion of the 4. Deployment of an Ambulance at the site around
shuttering and supporting arrangements, safety the clock to deal with any human disaster.
measures/mechanismin place like, a blower for 5. Deployment of four different alarm system with
ventilation, oxygen monitor inside the abutment different bells (Whose remote is with workers
wall, emergency alarm for workers inside the inside the abutment wall and the bell is at top /
abutment wall for compaction of the concrete. outside the abutment wall) to raise alarm by the
Workers lowered in four different inside workers if they feel any un-wellness
pockets/location inside the abutment wall. during working inside the abutment wall.
d. Extra Safety measures and precautions were 6. Typical Rescue team deployed to deal with any
taken at the site for worker’s deployment critical human challenge.
inside the abutment wall for compaction 7. Workers lowered in four different
during concreting. pockets/location inside the abutment wall. Each
1. Deployment of the high capacity blower to position has a team of three workers for doing
ensure sufficient level of fresh air/oxygen inside appropriate compaction in concrete. Maximum
the abutment wall. allowed time for each team to do operation
2. Deployment of Gas Monitoring Device to inside the abutment wall is only 30 minutes and
monitor the level of oxygen inside the abutment afterward another gang to maintain the comfort
wall on regular basis. level of the concerned workers will replace
3. Deployment of Specialist Doctor’s at the site workers.
around the clock to deal with any human
Figure 14: Concreting of A2 Abutment in Progress Figure 15: Blower Placed for Proper Ventilation
Figure 16: Oxygen Level Monitor Used During Concreting Figure 17: De-Shuttering in Progress
Any construction work in expansive soil is always a big challenge for civil engineers. DFCCIL is also facing
the same in the region of Gujarat State while constructing embankment for dedicated freight corridor for a
speed of 100 kmph, double stack container goods train with 32.5 tonne axle load. Through this article an
attempt is made to provide a solution for embankment even in expansive soil with an object to provide
stable formation.
north-west while the Saurashtra peninsula has
calcareous medium black and to some extent
coastal alluvial soils.
Typical deep black soils has been formed due to
deposition of trap parent material transported
through flow of rivers. The deep black soils are
found in major part of Bharuch, Surat, Valsad, and
the Southern part of Vadodara Districts. The depth
varies from 60 cm to more than 2 m. The soils are
black in color. They contain 40 to 70 percent clay
minerals. The soils have sub angular blocky
structure with wedge shaped structural aggregates
Figure 1: Location plan showing the proposed in sub surface layers .The deep black soils in
Phase -2 of DFCC alignment general are clay in nature
from the ground surface. So, structure to be 4. Ground Improvement
founded on this soil may suffer severe damage As the black cotton soil is known for its expansive
with the change of atmospheric conditions. and shrinkage properties, ground improvement has
been planned both on account of black cotton soil &
2. Geotechnical Investigation:
Soil exploration have been carried out along the other soft soils and is a part of contract
specifications. and consist of following steps:
DFCC alignment at the following locations:
a) Confirmation of formation level, ground level,
(a) For n- span bridge structure (1) exploratory
and cut/fill location along the alignment.
bore hole in every (3) span in addition to two
b) Identification of soil type based on geotechnical
bore holes at the both longitudinal end of the investigation.
structure where the abutments are to be c) Identification of soft ground location based on
located. geotechnical investigation, such as N - Value
(b) In case of an Important bridge, the exploratory less than5.
bore holes shall be made at every sub structure d) Identification of location where treatment is not
location. required, such as non-expansive clay, sand,
(c) For the Minor bridges one exploratory bore weathered rock and rock by geotechnical
hole. investigation result.
(d) For both embankment and cutting, one e) Identification of marine clay location by
exploratory bore hole in every 500 mtrs. geotechnical investigation result.
f) Identification of black cotton soil by geotechnical
3. Objective of Geotechnical Investigation: investigation result.
(a) To determine soil type with a view to identify Ground condition has been classified as under:
their suitability for earthwork in formation i. No treatment is required
and to design the foundations of other ii. Black Cotton Expansive Soil
iii. Soft ground
(b) To Avoid known troublesome spots.
Based on embankment loading and ground
(c) To determine method of compaction.
(d) To determine depth of various strata of soil condition, the requirement of the ground
improvement is to be selected. The required ground
and bed rock level.
(e) To determine ground water table and its treatment for measures to ensure black cotton soil
swelling nature are explained in below sections.
seasonal variations.
5. Treatment of Expansive Soil The thickness of cohesive non-swelling soil (CNS)
Expansivesoilsareinorganicclaysexhibitinghighcom layer shall be decided giving due consideration to
pressibilityandcharacterizedby high shrinkage and the overall height of embankment and swelling
swelling properties due to changes in moisture pressure of expansive soil. It is recommended that
content. The expansive soil shall be identified based CNS layer treatment shall be laid based on the
on following basic (prime) parameters: swell pressure and embankment height in
a. Swelling pressure (Sw) >50 kN/m2 consideration for followings:
b. Clay content (< 2µ) >25% 1) To avoids welling and shrinking,
c. Differential Free Swell (DFS) Index >30% 2) To keep shear strength,
3) To avoid unevenness of earthwork by
providing uniform layer
CASE C - Natural CNS material treatment: Complete base treatment
For stretches where swelling pressures is more than0.50 kN/m² then CNS material treatment can be
adopted. If natural CNS material with defined properties as per IS:9451 is available at the site location,
then the natural CNS material shall be used for the treatment of expansive soil.
The properties of CNS material are defined below:
The thickness of cohesive non-swelling soil (CNS) layer shall be decided giving due consideration
to the overall height of embankment and swelling pressure of expansive soil. Refer Table 3 of IS 9451 for
CNS layer thickness for given swelling pressure.
Table 3 : Thickness of CNS layer as per swell pressure of soil
Swelling Pressure of Soil (KN/m2) Thickness of CNS Materials (cm) (Min)
50 to 150 75
150 to 300 85
300 to 500 100
The soil below the embankment shall be tested Availability of black cotton soil in the entire stretch
and observed the swelling pressures are more than from Sachin to Makarpura and due to almost non-
50 kN/m², the CNS treatment shall be provided availability of CNS material in the vicinity
total extents of embankment base as shown in the compelled the contractor to adopt this method of
Figure 7. removal of black cotton soil & then replacement by
Typical arrangement of CNS layer provided suitable soil. The implications of choosing this
throughout the embankment width is shown method of ground improvement were:
below: A. Excavation of black cotton about 35.00 lakhs
cum up to 2 M depth.
B. Proper disposal of above excavated material.
C. Filling of the excavated space of 35 lakhs CUM
with SQ1/SQ2/SQ3 material up to 2M depth.
Thus, this method has increased the quantity of
earth work substantially (approximately 40%). It
Figure 7: Typical Embankment section with complete literally means that as such earth work could start
replacement of CNS for full section
only after doing about 70 lakhs cum of extra earth
work on account of ground improvement.
In case the reisa need to provide CNS layer because
of presence of expansive clay layer, excavation shall 8. Conclusion :
extend for a thickness of 300mm as mentioned in In the entire stretch form Sachin-Makarpura
above Figures 7. CNS layer shall extend at least 3 m covered under CTP-13, the ground improvement
beyond the outer edge of the toe of embankment. work is being done mainly by replacement of the
CNS layer shall be placed in layers with compacted black cotton soil and the balance by the provision
thickness not more than 200 mm and each layer of the CNS material primarily because of limited or
compacted to 97% of Standard Proctor density. no availability of CNS material. While this has
increased the quantity of earth work, but as the
CASE C - Removal and replacement of the formation is now free of black cotton soil or the
Expansive soil i.e. Black Cotton Soil same has been provided with the intermittent layer
of CNS material at the ground level, the DFCCIL
As per GE-14, for the stretches where swelling formation is expected to be free from shrinkage and
pressure is more 50 KPa and the depth of presence swelling characteristics unlike the Indian Railways
of expansive soil is about 2m, replacement of where formation in some of the stretches is made of
expansive soil with SQ1/SQ2/SQ3 embankment fill the black cotton soil. This is expected to reduce the
material may be adopted. The subsoil properties track maintenance efforts substantially.
shall be ascertained at every 0.5 minter vals (0.5m,
1.0m, 1.5m and 2m) and swelling pressure values 9. References:
shall be identified. If the swelling pressure is less 1. Report No. RDSO/2007/GE : 0014 November 2009
than 50 kN/m² then excavation and replacement Guidelines and Specifications for Design of
with embankment fill material (SQ1/SQ2/SQ3) Formation for Heavy Axle Load.
shall be adopted with controlled compaction. 2. IS 9451 : Guideline for lining for canals in
expansive soils
For example, if swelling pressure is less than 50 kPa 3. Technical Report on Expansive Soil Treatment
Rev-B (CTP-13)
at depth 1.0 m and below, then excavate complete
4. Design Reference Vol-VI of 2 of 2
black cotton soil up to 1m depth and replace with
embankment fill material (SQ1/SQ2/SQ3)
Bonding and Earthing of all non-live metallic parts and structures in an electric traction based railway
system is a mandatory requirement. The various methods used in AC traction based railway system, for
ensuring a proper connection between the metallic bond and the rails in general are; welding of the bond
directly to the rail flange, or connecting the bond with the rail through a fastener after drilling hole to the
web of the rail. Both these methods are invasive in nature and may affect the structural/metallurgical
characters of the rails. The problem is more critical in heavy haul freight railways and high speed railway
systems, on account of the high impact loads on the track structure. This paper discusses a new technique
for effective rail-traction bond connection, by use of a rail-earth clamp, thus completely eliminating
drilling of holes unto to the rails, or welding on rails. The clamp is rigidly fitted to the rails, having
sufficient contact surface area, for effective passage of the designed short circuit current. The assembly
consisting of test piece of rail along with the clamping device has been subjected to ‘short time current
withstand test, at the appropriate value of the short circuit current in Central Power Research Institute.
This is being used, for the first time, in Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (Phase-I) Project in India.
web, at regular intervals, in order to fasten the current withstand test, in accordance with
bond. BS:951:2009 at the short circuit current level of 12.16
Drilling of holes unto the rail web, or welding of KA rms value for 3.13 seconds, in the Short Circuit
any metallic piece to the rail flange, in some way or laboratory of Central Power Research Institute,
other will affect the structural strength of the rail. Bangalore, India. The relevant pages of the Test
This invasion becomes acute in case of heavy haul Report shows the result of the test. The test
and in high speed railways, on account of the high methodology is as defined at Para B-22 of BS:
impact load on the track structures. 951:2009. There has been no visible damage to any
Therefore, in the context of the Dedicated Freight of the assemblies or parts and the total impedance
Corridor, designed for heavy haul loads at value of the device along with the assembly has
relatively higher maximum speed limit of 100 remained within the acceptable range after
kilometre per hour, it is a necessity that drilling of conducting the short circuit test.
holes to the rail are avoided. In order to overcome
this problem, an innovative and effective way has Quality Control:-
been found out in Western DFC project by way of In order to ensure that the quality of current
developing a ‘Rail Earth Clamp’ device. This carrying parts remain unaltered during the course
ensures a rigid electrical connection between the of the construction stage, it is imperative to check
metallic bond and the rail, without drilling of holes the contact surface between the clamps and the
on the rail web, while also ensuring a rigid and surface of the flange of the rail as well the fastening
effective contact for passage of the short circuit of the metallic bond to the clamp. In order to
current (as well as normal return current from the ensure that the contact between the clamps and the
locomotive) under the most severe condition of rail surface is effective throughout the service
fault condition. period of the operation and maintenance stage, it is
necessary to use the soft hammer for maintaining
Structural Details: the tightness. During the maintenance stage,
The Diagram and Photograph explain the DFCCIL will carry out further studies to ensure
structural details of the ‘Rail Earth Clamp’ device that the effectiveness of Rail-Earth clamping device
and how it is connected to the rail flange on one- throughout the service period.
side, and the metallic bond on the other side.
Structurally, this ‘Rail-Earth Clamp’ is only an
intermediate device to ensure a sound electrical
connection between the rail and the metallic bond,
without drilling hole or welding any metallic piece
to the rail. The device has two clamps, which are
press fitted on both sides of the rail flange, thereby
ensuring a proper surface contact between the two
metallic surfaces. The under-rail projection is
fastened by use of a metallic galvanized/stainless
steel bolt having two sets of washers, a plain r and
a spring-washer. The bond is securely and rigidly
fastened to the projected part of the device with the
help of the fastener arrangement. A cut-out split-
pin and welding of the nut and threaded part of the
bold are additional anti-pilferage arrangements.
The complete assembly of the device, along with
the test piece of the rail, the fasteners and the
metallic bond have been subjected to short-time
A Photographic Representation of the
Rail-Earth Clamp with Rail Piece
Conclusion:- direction of vehicle impact force. The tests and
Although it is a challenge to ensure the trials, carried out so far, have been scientific, and
maintenance of the good surface contact between show positive directions towards the desired goal
the clamp and the rail surface during the course of of safety and reliability of the track structure, while
the operation phase, the loosening of the bond meeting the mandatory requirements of earthing
during operation is not anticipated, as the direction band bonding in AC traction system.
of fitment of the clamp is in 90o angle with the
Praveen Kumar
DFCCIL is in the position of starting with a blank slate in the design of Inspection & Monitoring processes
given the infrastructure will be brand new and built to a world class standards with the prime aim to
reduce the cost of Inspections, Monitoring & Maintenance. DFCCIL has been conceptualized with lean &
thin organization in line with that of the advanced railways of the world. DFCCIL has the opportunity to
study and learn from the international best practices and apply those that are deemed best suited to
maintain its infrastructure.
carry out maintenance at the right moment by monsoon, d) security patrolling, e) Hot and
determining whether, when, where and how to cold weather patrolling for LWR/CWR & f)
intervene “Condition based” maintenance. It is Watchman at vulnerable locations. The above
important to mention that condition based situations, however, can’t be ruled out in
maintenance can only be accomplished by having a DFCCIL network during operation phase and
proper infrastructure for inspection and as such in addition to employing modern
monitoring systems in place to support diagnostics methods of inspection & monitoring through
and maintenance planning activities. mechanized means, specialized trained
Nowadays, world over, innovative opto-electronic manpower equipped with state of the art
and vision technologies installed on dedicated equipments will also be in place.
vehicle allow the simultaneous monitoring of all iii) Assured corridor block of 4 hours atleast for
the infrastructure parameters. Innovative performing various activities.
inspection & monitoring systems integrates iv) Separation of Inspection and Monitoring wing
measurement of track geometry, rail profile, rail from that of maintenance wing.
surface defects & intelligent track video inspection v) Introduction of Integrated Maintenance Depot
systems etc. Such type of systems adopts (IMDs)& Integrated Maintenance Sub Depots
innovative techniques based on non-contact opto- (IMSDs) spaced at an interval of approx. 160
electronic & vision technologies. RKM & 80 RKM respectively as the basic
DFCCIL, with very lean organization during maintenance units, Regional Mechanized Units
operation phase, will be adopting such systems for (RMMUs) spaced at about 500 RKM &
the inspection & monitoring of its infrastructure Corridor Mechanized Maintenance Units
which will enable in trimming the cost of (CMMUs) as one per corridor.
inspection & monitoring & finally the maintenance vi) Use of Rail-Cum Road Vehicles (RCRVs) for
cost as the same will be dependent on the accurate performing various activities at IMD/IMSD
diagnostics and analysis of such innovative level.
systems. vii) State of the Art Ultra-Sonic System of testing of
internal flaw of rail which has always been a
2.0 Monitoring & Maintenance Strategy for serious concern in Indian Railways.
DFCCIL viii) Scientific study of Rail wear by a separate self-
DFCCIL network falls in the elite category of propelled measuring vehicle which will gather
“Heavy Haul Freight Network” with 32.5 tonne data of rail wear so as to decide the rail
axle load, speed potential of 100 kmph coupled grinding plan for optimizing rail life.
with high density of traffic operation through ix) Use of state of the art Self-Propelled Track
Automatic Block Signalling systems and most Recording Care (TRCs)&OHE Recording Car
importantly the time tabled delivery to the (ORC) capable of recording at 110 kmph.
customers. In order to accomplish the above stated
goals at minimum cost, DFCCIL will be adopting a 3.0 Discussion on Inspection & Monitoring
world class Inspection, Monitoring & Maintenance Technologies Available & Employed over World
framework. Following are the key points of the Railway Systems
framework: Track inspection methods are evolving rapidly and
i) Safety First: As DFCCIL network is designed is being adopted by railway engineering
with Automatic Block Signaling systems with department’s world over. As these services are
the maximum speed of freight trains at 100 needed on increasing spread of track, service
kmph, no activity, whatsoever, be allowed providers are integrating multiple technologies
without block protection. Access to track will onto single platform, moving towards real time
be controlled. reporting and developing user-friendly web
ii) On Indian Railways various types of applications to monitor & provide access to
patrolling is in vogue like : a) Key man’s daily inspection information.
patrol, b) Gang patrol during abnormal Following are some of the leading service providers
rainfall or storm, c) night patrolling during of the state of the art Inspection & Monitoring
DMA enables railways to perform virtual visits to
DMA provides primarily non-contact, optical anywhere on their network at the click of a mouse
measurement solution for track measurement and and view tracks, rails and other assets with high
inspection application. DMA ensures accuracy of definition imagery. Advancement in technology are
its data and diagnostics by ulilisation of calibration now allowing more data integration and analysis
tools and processes, practicing automated sanity methods that enhance the performance of the
checks on data and performs periodic field tests for inspection technology driving the push from
spot checks & comparisons. DMA is capable of reactive to condition based maintenance strategies.
installing its optical measurement equipment on an
expanding range of vehicles including Rail-Cum Plasser American
Road Vehicles & in service rail bound vehicles. Plasser American Corp provides a system that
provides information on a range of track inspection
ENSCO needs including track geometry, rail profile,
ENSCO rail provides track recording vehicles with corrugation, clearances, rail flaw detection and
various technologies, including digital track catenary measurement systems to video systems
geometry, rail profile, rail corrugation and machine for inspection of right of way, track components,
mission. Machine vision technology can also be thermal imaging & more.
mounted on revenue vehicles to perform such
functions including rail-wheel interaction. World In addition to above, there exists several other
over, three major trends are developing. The first is service providers world over like Rail Works,
ultra-comprehensive track inspection vehicles, GREX, Holland, MerMec etc. which are capable in
which can house eight or more inspection systems providing world class inspection & Monitoring
on board due to reduced hardware size and system technologies by combining various technologies on
integration. Another trend observed is the increase a single platform with state of the art hardware &
in autonomous track geometry inspections on software for inspection, reporting and analysis.
revenue vehicles. A third trend is, performing track
inspections in the office, where automated 4.0 Features of Track Recording Car being
inspection data is transferred to the office and can Procured for Inspection & Monitoring of DFCCIL
be reviewed to supplement or even replace foot Network
After studying the world’s best practices,
–by-foot inspection.
presentations/discussions with the major &
MRT Holdings leading suppliers of the world & visit to advanced
MRT Holdings LLC has introduced its Track Railway systems of Europe, DFCCIL has
Geometry Systems (TGS). TGS utilizes aerospace formulated the specifications of the Track
grade inertial guidance systems paired with Recording Car. The system is designed as
wireless communication between various modules. Integrated Monitoring System. The measurement
These systems can be installed on a variety of and recording of track parameters, track
vehicles and that the open source reporting components etc. shall be sufficiently in detail so
structure of its TGS allows railways to take that physical inspections and measurement by staff
ownership of their own data and integrate it into may be considerably reduced. DFCCIL is procuring
back office reporting infrastructure. two recording cars namely “Track Recording Car
(TRC)”&“OHE Recording Car (ORC)”. TRC will be
NxGen Rail equipped for inspection & measurement of Salient
NxGen Rail provides and operates rail-bound track features of Track Recording car are summarised
inspection services at sectional speed, combining below: for inspection & measurement of all the
multiple technologies to provide a holistic view of parameters pertaining to track & some of the
the track condition. These technologies include full parameters pertaining to OHE & ORC will be
track and rail geometry, machine vision and equipped with all the parameters of OHE & some
ground penetrating radars. Nx Track Cloud (TM) of the parameters pertaining to track.
4.1 Track Parameter Recording System 4.3 System for Identification of Infringement in
Inertial principle of measurement based on Non- Maximum Moving Dimension (MMD) Envelope
Contact Opto-inertial equipment using lasers and of IR and DFCCIL
high speed digital camera measuring technology a) The system shall be able to scan the MMD
shall be used for the measurement of vertical and envelop at every spot of less than 80
lateral profiles of both left & right rails. millimeters at maximum recording speed of
100 Kmph.
b) The system shall measure and record positions
of structures within a rectangular shape of 15m
of base and 10m of height.
c) The system shall have the facility to upload the
standard DFCCIL and Indian Railway
Maximum Moving Dimensions envelop in the
d) The system shall be able to evaluate the
deviations of the measured envelop with
respect to the standard MMD envelop. It
should also be able to plot the actual profile at
4.2 Half Rail profile and Wear Measurement selected location;
System e) The deviations of any obstacle w.r.t standard
LASER based contact-less sensors for recording of IR and DFCCIL MMD envelope shall be stored
track geometry parameters shall be used in this sub and printed with details and location
system for measurement of rail profile and wear.
(chainage of obstacle in terms of last Kilometer Sleepers: Detection of cracks in sleepers,
and meter); and misalignment, broken sleeper, presence of
f) The system shall be capable of displaying the objects on sleepers, dancing sleepers.
video of clearance envelop on separate VDU Fastenings: Detection of missing, loose,
and store the overlapping image of measured rotated, deformed & non-standard fittings
and standard MMD envelop along with Ballast& Others: Detection of Profile, excess or
obstacle. With this system of intelligent deficiency, axle counters, foreign objects, SEJ,
videography, DFCCIL also aims at monitoring Switches & Crossing, Level Crossing,
of Encroachment within the RoW. Vegetation check, position of balise.
be need for collecting digitized image of the DFCCIL is procuring the above systems through
transverse profile of rail head for detailed analysis International Competitive Bidding (ICB) based on
and for generating Rail Grinding Plans to be used Design &Build methodology. The salient features as
on Rail Grinding. The main objectives of RIV are: mentioned above are the starting point for bidders
to submit their detailed design which will be
a) Recording digital image of the rail head scrutinized by Project Management consultants
profiles for selection of optimum grinding (PMC)& finally approval by the employer. In this
pattern, number of grinding pass & grinding method of procurement, DFCCIL will be in a
speed per pass for any section of track; position of fine tuning the design so that state of the
b) Assessing the grinding requirements due to art equipment & technology can be ensured. Idea
surface defects on rail top after recording behind formulating such a system is minimizing
visuals on the rail top; the human interference to the extent possible
c) GPS based route data recording of the track keeping in view the Indian condition so as to
features. reduce the cost of Inspection, Monitoring & finally
the cost of maintenance.
6.0 Bridge Inspection Vehicle
DFCCIL is procuring a dedicated self-propelled 7.0 Conclusion
Bridge Inspection Vehicle for the inspection of DFCCIL has been designed with very lean
different types of bridges on the DFC network. organisation with the prime objective of reduced
Bridge inspection vehicle should be provided with cost of Inspection, Monitoring & Maintenance of its
hydraulically operated Bridge Inspection Platform infrastructure. As traffic density on DFCCIL
Unit. The articulated booms shall be provided is network will be very high& fewer slots will be
such a manner so as to provide a versatile range of available for performing the above activities,
movement and each part of the bridge structure conventional methods of track inspection &
approachable to the Inspection & Maintenance monitoring will not be able to keep pace with the
staff. Bridge Inspection Vehicle will be equipped stated objectives of availability, reliability, safety &
with various tools & equipments like: Rivet testing cost reduction. Today, innovative technologies
hammer, Inspection cum chipping hammer, allow monitoring of the most important
Elcometer, tapes of different sizes, calipers, feeler infrastructure of railway systems. Diagnostic
gauges, mirror, torch light, infrared thermometer, systems include monitoring of track, intelligent
current meter, Echo sounder, Schmidt’s concrete video inspection, video recognition of defects and
testing hammer, concrete cover meter, DPT, many other. Innovative systems, which can be
Magnetic crack detector, welding gauges, Fiber installed on either a dedicated vehicle or
glass boat, safety helmets, safety belts etc. commercial vehicles, may radically reduce the on-
foot patrolling of railway infrastructure, improve
the maintenance management & facilitate
maintenance & renewal in a more optimized
1. Gianessi, S., Pascoschi G., ARCHIMEDE, The first
European Diagnostic Train for Global Monitoring
of Railway Infrastructure, WCRR2003, World Applications,: Review and Prospective, CSCE
Congress on Railway Research, Edinburgh, 2003 Annual Conference, Quebec, 2008
2. Maffei, G. et al, A Global Approach for Condition 7. International Journal of Railway Research, (2015),
Monitoring to optimize Maintenance & Renewal Vol.2, No.1 pp 24-32
Planning, IQPC International Track Maintenance 8. Rivier R.E, Korpanec I., Effective Management of
& Renewal Conference, Amsterdam, 19th Feb, Track Maintenance within sight, Railway Gazette
2004 International, June, 1996.
3. Railway Track & Structures, November, 2017 9. Kojima, T., Tsunashima, H. and Matsumoto, A.
(2006), Fault Detection of Railway Track by Multi-
4. Jovenovic, S., Track Quality Assessment and
Resolution Analysis, Computer in RailwayX, WIT
Decision Making. The Engineer, London, 29th
Press, pp 955-964
January 2004
10. Waston, P.F., Roberts, C., Goodman, C.J. and Ling,
5. International Union of Railways, UIC Code 712, C.S. (2006), Condition Monitoring of Railway
Rail Defects, 4th Edition, January, 2002 Track using In Service Trains, Railway condition
6. Sh. Kabir, Image Processing in Infrastructure Monitoring 2006, pp- 26-31
Formwork for concrete structures represents a critical part of concrete construction, in terms of cost
and importance toward getting the job done properly and on time. As a matter of fact, concrete form
work many a times costs more than the concrete and reinforcing steel combined. Therefore, any system
or method of concrete placement which can significantly reduce the time and/or cost of the
construction project should be of great interest to all concerned.
In general, one can minimize investment in using a 4-6 feet form which is lifted in small (1-3
concrete form work by: inch) but continual increments while fresh concrete
• using the least number of forms required to and reinforcing steel are placed in the top of the
maintain open form. Thus, vertical slip forming is an
• smooth workflow of the required productivity. extrusion process where the material is stationary,
• maximizing the reuse of forms. and the form moves upward. Normally the setting
• minimizing form size to 4educe handling costs. time of concrete is 2-3 hours. Using this typical
• minimizing form setup/dismantling costs. setting time and with slip forms 4 feet deep, a
The family of concrete slip forming techniques possible form speed of 16-24 inches per hour can be
meets the above criteria for economy and efficiency. achieved. The actual median form speed however,
A number of major Bridges have been constructed depends on such factors as the concreting
by slip form technique in CTP1&2 Contract of temperatures, the concrete admixtures used, the
WDFC (Rewari-Iqbalgarh section) and here, the grind of the cement, the water-cement ratio, the
technique with specific refrence to Bridges in percent of fines in the concrete aggregate, the
WDFC Contract have been discussed. symmetry of the structure being constructed,
required variations in wall thickness, the amount
Slipform Technique Overview and complexity of rebar placement, the jack
In general, vertical slip form construction is the
spacing, the number of block outs required, and the
uninterrupted vertical molding of concrete walls
depth of the forms.
Design and construction of Slipform 2. Wales
Vertical slipforms are composed of three basic Wales serve the following purposes:
sections: yokes, wales, and sheathing. • They support and hold the sheathing in position
• They support the working platform
• They support the suspended scaffolding
• They transmit the lifting forces from the yokes
to the form system.
3. Sheathing
The sheathing makes up the sides or walls of the
forms and is the portion of the form work which
contains and shapes the concrete.
Since slip-forms are subjected to the hydrostatic
pressure of the plastic concrete, the sheathing must
support this lateral pressure with beam action
between the wales, and as a cantilever at the
bottom of the form.
In general, the slip form should be as rigid as
feasible and the top of the form slightly smaller
than the wall thickness required and the bottom of
the form slightly larger than
than required such that the desired wall thickness
is at about the midpoint of the forms and the actual
batter is between 1/32 and 1/16inch per foot of
1. Yokes form height.
Yokes provide two primary functions: to keep the Working deck provides space for storage of limited
forms from spreading, and to transfer the load of amounts of materials such as rebar, and
the forms and working decks to the jack. prefabricated block outs, a platform for workers,
The yokes are inverted U's consisting of two legs and lends rigidity to the form work. A well-built
and a crossbeam. The legs are attached to the wales rigid deck and slip form will tend to remain level.
and carry the vertical loads in tension, and the The deck should be swept clean on a routine basis,
lateral loads as cantilever beams. The cross arm of and the storage of materials should be systematic
the yoke must be designed as a simple beam and orderly.
supported at the centre by the jack and subject to The floor and joists of the work deck are usually
the moments from both the vertica land lateral leg designed for a dead load plus construction live
loads. load and other construction equipment loading,
Bracing frames called false yokes are sometimes which ever gives the greater loading.
placed between yokes to support the forms at wall
intersections or whenever the wales need Slipform Concrete
additional support. Hence false yokes transmit The basic concrete mix used in slip forming does
their load to the wales, and do not transmit their not vary greatly from those mixes used in other
vertical load to the jacks. construction methods. However, because of the
Yoke spacing depends on several factors including nature of placement the concrete is in various
the design loads of the yoke and wales, and the degrees of set from the top to the bottom of the
lifting capacity of the jacks attached to the yokes. In form. Thus, with a form moving, the design and
conventional slip-forming systems employing 3-6- placement of the concrete becomes a critical item.
ton capacity jacks, the spacing is about 7 feet. In general, any proper mix designed of required
The jacks lift the form appx 25mm per stroke strength is acceptable. Generally, the slump of the
generally producing a slip forming rate of 300mm concrete used in slip forming is higher than that for
to 450mm per hour. fixed form work. A slump of 4 inches plus or minus
1 inch is usually specified. In hot dry climates or temporary staging supports below the truss.
when using certain kinds of aggregates and cement • Fixing shuttering from panels. For tapered
a higher slump than 5 inches may be required. The structures form-panels will overlap. Fix wall
use of accelerators, pozzolons, "super" strength thickness screw and radius screws to all yokes.
mixes, and retarders should be considered. • Mark the position of yokes. Fix inner and outer
The higher concrete slump desired for slip forming yoke legs at the make position. Complete the
results from the fact that the vibration is confined yokes by fixing yoke beams to yoke legs. So
to each thin layer plus a couple of inches into the each spider beam has now been provided with
preceding layer, and a higher slump assures good a yoke.
bonding to the steel without heavy vibration. The • Fix hanging frame for hydraulic pump to the
higher slump also aids lubrication of the moving working deck, place the hydraulic pump in
forms. position.
Slip forming can be performed either on • Installation of perimeter jacks, their hydraulic
continuous basis or discontinuous basis i.e. connection with pumps. All perimeter jacks
pouring upto a predetermined height. will be inter connected.
As the form work is raised reinforcement is held in • Place jack rods in position and should be truly
the correct position using guides fixed to the top of vertical.
the yokes. Horizontal reinforcement is threaded • Fix stretching screws, fix vertical steel holders
under the yokes and tied to the vertical in position.
reinforcement. • Complete hydraulic connections.
• Adjust the slope of the form panes as per the
Slipform works for tall piers of Madar-Iqbalgarh design requirements.
section • Erect the water level system. All water tubes
Following tall pier structures have been should be interconnected. Mark the position of
constructed using slip form technique in Madar- water level in the tube when the system is
Iqbalgarh section perfectly levelled.
S.N. Bridge No. Location Span • A leak tight jacking system shall be ensured.
• Complete calibration of spider beams with
1 676 Km 519//0-2 10x 17.22 m
respect to reduction in radius at different
2 722 Km 543/7-8 3x 6.3 m
3 472 Km 362/4-5 3x12.2 m • Erect all frames and pulleys on the deck for
4 490 Km 368/6-7 3x12.2 m concrete hoists, material hoists and passenger
5 461 Km 358/9-359 4x12.2 m hoist.
6 678 Km 519/5-6 3x 6.4 m • Complete top deck, working deck, inner and
outer hanging scaffold lightning arrangement.
Slip-form of abutment/ pier starts from raft top of Provide safety mesh on inner and outer
the foundation up to pier cap bottom. The slip form hanging scaffolds.
system consists of yoke sets with 3.5 MT capacity • Complete curing arrangements. Finally check
hydraulic slip form jack. The interval of yoke kept all connections.
• All arrangements of concrete mixing,
is approx. 1.25m to 1.35m. As per the requirement
transportation, placing of concrete, vibration,
6.0MT capacity slip form jacks were also used.
curing, materials transportation, movement of
Erection of slip form equipment personnel and workers, power supply, water
The erection of slip form equipment in general is supply, lighting, lightning protection, signal
mentioned below: and telecommunication systems, opening and
• Marking layout on ground level, erection of block-outs, inserts, precision instruments for
temporary staging, laying truss members and checking parameters, firefighting, drinking
spider beams, connect all truss members and water, concrete testing shall be made side by
spider beams with bolt connections. side so that all of these arrangements are
• Bring the truss in the true level by checking it completed by the time the slip form equipment
in a water level and by adjusting the has been fully erected.
Starter Concrete
Once the concreting of foundation is completed the pier/abutment corner points are marked on the
foundation using total station. Starter concrete is done to fix the surface of vertical wall before placing the
slip form.
Temporary stool or bracings on which the yoke legs and shutter framework has been supported are
removed just before the concrete pouring is started. Lifting of slip form starts when the poured concrete
gains enough strength.
Mix Proportion
Necessary Laboratory Trials was carried out at site to arrive at a mix proportion for different grades of
concrete that are used in wall construction. Concrete shall be workable and meet the requirement of
strength criteria along with durability. In addition to determination of Mix Proportion, particular attention
was given to physical properties such as workability, cohesiveness, plasticity and slump. 110 to 150+25mm
Placement of concrete
Concrete was received through placer boom / pump/ crane bucket to working level was collected in
hoppers and from there it was laid continuously in uniform layers of approximately 250 to 300mm in
thickness, manually using wheel barrows. Pour sequence was such that next layer of concrete is placed
over the layer beneath within final setting time of concrete to avoid formation of cold joints. Concrete was
placed carefully to avoid formation of cold joints. Concrete was placed carefully to avoid displacement of
reinforcement, openings, cut-outs and inserts, if any. Final setting time was established with lab trials.
Curing of the pier is done by the high pressure curing pump installed on the ground.
Compaction of Concrete
Each layer of Fresh Concrete was compacted by immersion vibrators to the minimum practicable
consolidated volume. 60/40 mm dia vibrator needles was mostly used except in the areas of congested
reinforcement, in which case 60mm dia needles was engaged. The vibrators were withdrawn slowly out of
the concrete. Over vibration was avoided.
Concrete Finish
Once the slip form is lifted the finishing work for the exposed concrete surface and necessary repairs are
done by the masons available on the masons platform. It is about 1.5m below the working platform.
OPERATION OF SLIPFORM COMPONENTS screw is installed on the yoke assembly legs. The
Working Platform one thread of wall thickness screw gives an inside
The function of working deck is to facilitate: movement of 2mm to the slip form. The plates of
• To vibrate concrete placed inside the shutter. the slip form is side shifting
• To carry out adjustments and operation of slip .
• To fix inserts, block-outs and trying of Dismantling of slip form requires planning a
reinforcements. dismantling sequence minutely and
• To clean the shuttering plates. implementation of plan under an expert eye.
concrete, sliding or erection. arrangement with Railing post. His railing post
• Inspect that laps and joints in the shuttering must be 900 mm above the work platform with
should be vertical, inclined joints or overlaps middle rail at 450mm and 100mm Guard rail at
may cause a drag component in horizontal edge of the work platform.
direction which will cause torsional effects on
slip form assembly. Specific Cases
• Wallers, beam must be suitably fixed to take Br 678
the lateral pressure of the fresh concrete laid
inside the form panels.
• Yokes, Slipform hydraulic jacks must place
and fixed as per the approved design scheme.
• Proper housekeeping to avoid trip & fall
during steel, shifting of hand tools, power
• Support shall be given to prevent fall of yoke
legs and yoke beam during erection.
• Checking the starter casting for level and
correct diameter.
Concrete plugging during night
07.09.17 08.09.17
10.09.17 14.09.17
Br 676
1. Details collected from site.
2. Quality assurance programme for slipform construction.
Other pictures from site (Br 490 )
Major Provisions
Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design
Build for Electrical and Mechanical Plant and for
Building and Engineering Works Designed by the
Contractor (Yellow Book of FIDIC 1999 Edition)
Ajay Kumar
FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 Edition has been adopted as GCC for the Design Build Lump – Sum Contracts of
DFCCIL. GCC cover obligation on the part of Employer, Engineer and Contractor. This document list out
major provision regarding obligation of the Contractor as included in the FIDIC Yellow Book. The purpose
of this document is to make field officials aware about the obligation of the contractor, so that they can
properly monitor the same. This will also help in Contract Management by supervisors in the field. This list
is not exhaustive but useful for DFCCIL officials operating the Design Build Contracts. For specific
reference and taking action as per the contract, it is advisable that the relevant Para of FIDIC Yellow Book
1999 Edition should be referred.
1.8 The Contractor shall keep, on the Site, a copy of the Contract, publications
Care and Supply of Variations and other communications given under the Contract.
Employer's Use of The Contractor shall be deemed (by signing the Contract) to give to the
Contractor's Documents Employer a non-terminable transferable non-exclusive royalty-free licence
to copy, use and communicate the Contractor's Documents, including
making and using modifications of them.
1.12 The Contractor shall disclose all such confidential and other information
Confidential Details as the Engineer may reasonably require in order to verify the Contractor's
compliance with the Contract.
1.13 The Contractor shall, in performing the Contract, comply with applicable
Compliance with Laws Laws.
4.1 The Contractor shall design, execute and complete the Works in
Contractor's General accordance with the Contract, and shall remedy any defects in the Works.
Obligations When completed, the Works shall be fit for the purposes for which the
Works are intended as defined in the Contract.
4.2 The Contractor shall obtain (at his cost) a Performance Security for proper
Performance Security performance, in the amount and currencies stated in the Appendix to
4.3 The Contractor shall appoint the Contractor's Representative and shall give
Contractor's him all authority necessary to act on the Contractor's behalf under the
Representative Contract.
4.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the acts or defaults of any
Subcontractors Subcontractor, his agents or employees, as if they were the acts or defaults
of the Contractor.
4.7 The Contractor shall set out the Works in relation to original points, lines
Setting Out and levels of reference specified in the Contract or notified by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct positioning of all parts
of the Works, and shall rectify any error in the positions, levels, dimensions
or alignment of the Works.
4.10 The Contractor shall be responsible for interpreting all such data.
Site Data The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site,
its surroundings, the above data and other available information, and to
have been satisfied before submitting the Tender as to all relevant matters,
including (without limitation):
4.11 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Accepted Contract Amount
Sufficiency of the covers all the Contractor's obligations under the Contract (including those
Accepted Contract under Provisional Sums, if any) and all things necessary for the proper
Amount design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any
4.13 The Contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special and/or
Rights of Way and temporary rights-of-way which he may require, including those for access
Facilities to the Site. The Contractor shall also obtain, at his risk and cost, any
additional facilities outside the Site which he may require for the purposes
of the Works.
The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against
and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and
expenses) resulting from any such unnecessary or improper interference.
4.15 The Contractor shall be deemed to have been satisfied as to the suitability
Access Route and availability of access routes to the Site. The Contractor shall use
reasonable efforts to prevent any road or bridge from being damaged by
the Contractor's traffic or by the Contractor's Personnel. These efforts shall
include the proper use of appropriate vehicles and routes.
4.16 The Contractor shall give the Engineer not less than 21 days' notice of the
Transport of Goods date on which any Plant or a major item of other Goods will be delivered
to the Site;
4.17 The Contractor shall be responsible for all Contractor's Equipment. When
Contractor's brought on to the Site, Contractor's Equipment shall be deemed to be
Equipment exclusively intended for the execution of the Works. The Contractor shall
not remove from the Site any major items of Contractor's Equipment
without the consent of the Engineer.
4.18 The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment
Protection of the (both on and off the Site) and to limit damage and nuisance to people and
Environment property resulting from pollution, noise and other results of his
4.19 The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all power, water
Electricity, Water and Gas and other services he may require.
4.22 (a) the Contractor shall be responsible for keeping unauthorised persons
Security off the Site, and
(b) authorised persons shall be limited to the Contractor's Personnel and
the Employer's Personnel; and to any other personnel notified to the
Contractor, by the Employer or the Engineer, as authorised personnel of
the Employer's other contractors on the Site.
4.23 The Contractor shall confine his operations to the Site, and to any
Contractor's Operation additional areas which may be obtained by the Contractor and agreed by
On Site the Engineer as working areas.
4.24 All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, and structures and other
Fossils remains or items of geological or archaeological interest found on the Site
shall be placed under the care and authority of the Employer. The
Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent Contractor's
Personnel or other persons from removing or damaging any of these
5.1 The Contractor shall carry out, and be responsible for, the design of the
General Design Works. Design shall be prepared by qualified designers who are engineers
Obligations or other professionals who comply with the criteria (if any) stated in the
Employer's Requirements.
5.3 The Contractor undertakes that the design, the Contractor's Documents,
Contractor's Undertaking the execution and the completed Works will be in accordance with:
(a)the Laws in the Country, and
(b)the documents forming the Contract, as altered or modified by
5.4 The design, the Contractor's Documents, the execution and the completed
Technical Standards Works shall comply with the Country's technical standards, building,
and Regulations construction and environmental Laws, Laws applicable to the product
being produced from the Works, and other standards specified in the
Employer's Requirements, applicable to the Works, or defined by the
applicable Laws.
5.5 The Contractor shall carry out the training of Employer's Personnel in the
Training operation and maintenance of the Works to the extent specified in the
Employer's Requirements.
5.6 The Contractor shall prepare, and keep up-to-date, a complete set of "as-
As-Built Documents built" records of the execution of the Works, showing the exact as-built
locations, sizes and details of the work as executed.
5.7 Prior to commencement of the Tests on Completion, the Contractor shall
Operation and supply to the Engineer provisional operation and maintenance manuals in
Manuals Maintenance sufficient detail for the Employer to operate, maintain, dismantle,
reassemble, adjust and repair the Plant.
6.1 The Contractor shall make arrangements for the engagement of all staff
Engagement of Staff and labour, local or otherwise, and for their payment, housing, feeding
and Labour and transport.
6.2 The Contractor shall pay rates of wages, and observe conditions of labour,
Rates of Wages and which are not lower than those established for the trade or industry where
Conditions of Labour the work is carried out.
6.3 The Contractor shall not recruit, or attempt to recruit, staff and labour
Persons in the from amongst the Employer's Personnel.
Service of Employer
6.4 The Contractor shall comply with all the relevant labour Laws applicable
Labour Laws to the Contractor's Personnel, including Laws relating to their
employment, health, safety, welfare, immigration and emigration, and
shall allow them all their legal rights.
The Contractor shall require his employees to obey all applicable Laws,
including those concerning safety at work.
6.6 The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary accommodation
Facilities for Staff and welfare facilities for the Contractor's Personnel.
and Labour
6.7 The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to
Health and Safety maintain the health and safety of the Contractor's Personnel. In
collaboration with local health authorities, the Contractor shall ensure that
medical staff, first aid facilities, sick bay and ambulance service are
available at all times at the Site .
The Contractor shall appoint an accident prevention officer at the Site,
responsible for maintaining safety and protection against accidents.
6.8 Throughout the design and execution of the Works, and as long thereafter
Contractor's as is necessary to fulfil the Contractor's obligations, the Contractor shall
Superintendence provide all necessary superintendence to plan, arrange, direct, manage,
inspect and test the work.
6.10 The Contractor shall submit, to the Engineer, details showing the number
Records of Contractor's of each class of Contractor's Personnel and of each type of Contractor's
Personal and Equipment Equipment on the Site.
6.11 The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent
Disorderly Conduct any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst the
Contractor's Personnel, and to preserve peace and protection of persons
and property on and near the Site.
7.3 The Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer whenever any work is
Inspection ready and before it is covered up, put out of sight, or packaged for storage
or transport.
7.4 The Contractor shall provide all apparatus, assistance, documents and
Testing other information, electricity, equipment, fuel, consumables, instruments,
labour, materials, and suitably qualified and experienced staff, as are
necessary to carry out the specified tests efficiently.
7.7 Each item of Plant and Materials shall, to the extent consistent with the
Ownership of Plant and Laws of the Country, become the property of the Employer at whichever
Materials is the earlier of the following times, free from liens and other
(a)when it is delivered to the Site;
(b)when the Contractor is entitled to payment of the value of the Plant
and Materials under Sub-Clause 8.10
7.8 The Contractor shall pay all royalties, rents and other payments for:
Royalties a)natural Materials obtained from outside the Site, and
b)the disposal of material from demolitions and excavations and of other
surplus material (whether natural or man-made).
8.1 The Contractor shall commence the design and execution of the Works as
Commencement of Work soon as is reasonably practicable after the Commencement Date, and
shall then proceed with the Works with due expedition and without
8.2 The Contractor shall complete the whole of the Works, and each Section
Time for Completion (if any), within the Time for Completion for the Works or Section
including achieving the passing of the Tests on Completion.
8.3 The Contractor shall submit a detailed time programme to the Engineer
Programme within 28 days after receiving the notice under Sub-Clause 8.1
[Commencement of Works]. The Contractor shall also submit a revised
programme whenever the previous programme is inconsistent with
actual progress or with the Contractor's obligations.
8.8 During such suspension, the Contractor shall protect, store and secure
Suspension of Work such part or the Works against any deterioration, loss or damage.
9.1 The Contractor shall carry out the Tests on Completion in accordance with
Contractor's Obligations this Clause and Sub-Clause 7.4 [Testing], after providing the documents in
accordance with Sub-Clause 5.6 [As-Built Documents] and Sub-Clause 5.7
[Operation and Maintenance Manuals].
The Contractor shall give to the Engineer not less than 21 days' notice of
the date after which the Contractor will be ready to carry out each of the
Tests on Completion.
13.2 The Contractor may, at any time, submit to the Engineer a written
Value Engineering proposal which (in the Contractor's opinion) will, if adopted, (i) accelerate
completion, (ii) reduce the cost to the Employer of executing, maintaining
or operating the Works, (iii) improve the efficiency or value to the
Employer of the completed Works, or (iv) otherwise be of benefit to the
14.3 The Contractor shall submit a Statement in six copies to the Engineer after
Application for Interim the end of the period of payment stated in the Contract (if not stated, after
Payment Certificates the end of each month), in a form approved by the Engineer, showing in
detail the amounts to which the Contractor considers himself to be
entitled, together with supporting documents which shall include the
relevant report on progress in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.21
[Progress Reports].
14.10 Within 84 days after receiving the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works,
Statement at Completion the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer six copies of a Statement at
14.11 Within 56 days after receiving the Performance Certificate, the Contractor
Application for Final shall submit, to the Engineer, six copies of a draft final statement with
Payment Certificate supporting documents showing in detail in a form approved by the
14.12 When submitting the Final Statement, the Contractor shall submit a
Discharge written discharge which confirms that the total of the Final Statement
represents full and final settlement of all moneys due to the Contractor
under or in connection with the Contract. This discharge may state that it
becomes effective when the Contractor has received the Performance
Security and the out-standing balance of this total in which event the
discharge will be effective on such date.
17.1 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Employer, the
Indemnities Employer's Personnel, and their respective agents, against and from all
claims, damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses)
in respect of:
(a) bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, of any person whatsoever
arising out of or in the course of or by reason of the design, execution and
completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects, unless
attributable to any negligence, wilful act or breach of the Contract by the
Employer, the Employer's Personnel, or any of their respective agents, and
(b) damage to or loss of any property, real or personal (other than the
Works), to the extent that such damage or loss:
17.2 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of the Works and
Contractor's Care of Goods from the Commencement Date until the Taking-Over Certificate is
the Works issued (or is deemed to be issued under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of
the Works and Sections]) for the Works.
If any loss or damage happens to the Works, Goods or Contractor's
Documents during the period when the Contractor is responsible for their
care, from any cause not listed in Sub-Clause 17.3 [Employer's Risks], the
Contractor shall rectify the loss or damage at the Contractor's risk and
cost, so that the Works, Goods and Contractor's Documents conform with
the Contract.
18.1 Wherever the Contractor is the insuring Party, each insurance shall be for
General Requirements effected with insurers and in terms approved by the Employer. These
Insurances terms shall be consistent with any terms agreed by both Parties before the
date of the Letter of Acceptance. This agreement of terms shall take
precedence over the provisions of this Clause.
18.4 The Contractor shall effect and maintain insurance against liability for
Insurance for claims, damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses)
Contractor's Personnel arising from injury, sickness, disease or death of any person employed by
the Contractor or any other of the Contractor's Personnel.
The insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect during the
whole time that these personnel are assisting in the execution of the
Works. For a Subcontractor's employees, the insurance may be effected by
the Subcontractor, but the Contractor shall be responsible for compliance
with this Clause.
Historically, Indian Railway has been adopting standard Design and Drawings for bridges issued by
RDSO or carrying out designs departmentally. The Design consultants do not have much exposure to
Railway Bridges. DFCC project one of the biggest Railway project is being executed with “Contractors
Design and Lump sum price bids”. In this mode of contract, it is the natural tendency of the contractor to
cut cost by adopting designs which may not be fully meeting the concerns of the Railways. This paper
attempts to bring out some of the aspects in design of bridges, which the Consultants, tend to omit or
misinterpret in their design presentation. These are some points, as observed by the author, during review
of the designs in DFCC project.
1. Railway Vs Road bridges be not practical. The site quality controls for in
Design of bridge whether for Road traffic or situ casting of PSC girder bridge has been
Railway traffic largely has same criteria except for found wanting in many cases.
applicability of codes and the loadings, however, Large spans greater than 45m (150 ft.) are open
there are certain differences in the approach for web steel trusses, this is also the International
planning and design of Railway bridges. There are practice generally. Recently however, China
no written rules or guide lines in Railways except has constructed several bridges for Railways
for Standards, codes and Manuals for type of using continuous spans with PSC, maximum
bridge to be adopted on the Indian Railway, span in PSC exceeding 400 ft.
however the practices developed on Indian All the superstructure designs are
Railway over long time and instructions from time standardized by RDSO, applicable over entire
to time, guide the Bridge Engineer, some of the IR. Any non-standard design is discouraged.
This is probably in view of little expertise of
considerations are as following,
designing available in Zonal Railways and also
Spans greater than 24.4m are preferred to be of for interchangeability of span for Emergency
steel. This is because pre-casting and replacement without loss of time. Further only
launching spans longer than 24.4m is found to simply supported spans are provided.
Inspection and Maintainability of the structure b) Provision of adequate clearances between the
is given very high priority in selecting the type structure and traffic both on and beneath the
of structure to be adopted. Hollow section and bridge.
other shapes avoided if they cannot be • The second requirement pertains to the
physically inspected. Standard Schedule of Dimensions and
Replacement or repair of the bridge under provisions of IRS-Codes issued by
train running conditions in case of any RDSO/Railway board.
damage/disability of the bridge due to any
mishap or unusual occurrence, with least 2.2 The special features of DFCC bridges are,
disturbance to traffic. Substructure should be i. Ballasted track on the bridges
able to be repaired by retrofitting and ii. Continuous welded track on the bridges
grouting/strengthening measures. In case of iii.Electrified OHE 22KVA requiring special
damage of the bridge and/or approaches, measures for isolation
laying a diversion is considered to be last iv. Service ducts along with foot path
option due to long length of diversion,
requiring many times acquisition of land etc. 3 Strength considerations
The bridge deck needs to be stiff, to restrict the i) Indian Railway Standards like Bridge rules,
deflection of the bridge under live load. The Concrete Bridge code, Steel Bridge code etc.
train loads are much higher than road give various loads and combination of loads to
loadings, besides train lengths being be considered and the permissible limits of
sometimes in KMs i.e. even larger than bridge strength which are to be followed. The codes
lengths the geometry of the track/deck is to be concerning concrete structures are based on
considered over multiple spans of the bridge Limit State Design but the code for designing
of vibrating loads of moving train. steel structures are based on Working stress
Hydrology of the bridge has to be given due principles. Limit state design is more rational
importance, as any minor scour of the and SBC needs to be updated to Limit state
foundations or reduction of the anchor depth design and is under process in RDSO.
of foundation or overtopping of the HFL ii) There are some provisions in the IRS codes
requires regulation of traffic and is not which tend to be misunderstood some times,
acceptable to Railway. some are indicated below,
The river guidance system and protection of • Design of slabs (CBC) does not require
approaches are given importance as any provision of minimum shear reinforcement as
damage to approaches can result in stoppage in the case of beams. Mainly, the reason
of traffic on the bridge and minor damage not appears to be slender depth of slab in which
noticed, can gradually open up and may accommodating shear stirrups can be
result in catastrophe consequences. impractical. For effecting economy in design,
contractors do resort to less depth and
2. From design considerations. provide shear reinforcement where ever
2.1 There are 2 main requirements for Railway
required on analysis. This should be avoided
and the depth of slabs should be adopted so
a) Provision of adequate support to the railway
loads and infrastructure throughout the life of that no shear reinforcement is required to be
the structure. provided for better constructability.
• This requirement can be expressed in terms of • The bracket/ cantilever coming out of a wall
requirements for the following, or column is to be designed as corbel (Cl
i. Strength and fatigue endurance of CBC) if the ratio of distance of point
ii. Limiting the bridge deformations of application of load to the depth of the
iii. Durability member, is equal or less than 0.6. However,
iv. Maintainability and ease of inspection to research/ testing has shown that the cantilever
ensure continued performance of the bridge works as a corbel even up to the ratio of 1.5.
for its designed life. ACI however, stipulates a ratio of 1.0 up to
which the bracket/cantilever should be layer of the bed material if having gravel or
designed as corbel. Generally it is a good coarse sand (generally at the bed level or just
practice to design all pier caps as corbel and if below the bed level) can change the weighted
required the depth of the pier cap may be average of grain size and hence the “silt
increased suitably to bring within the ratio of factor” value. Cl.4.6.3 of IRS-Substructure and
1.0. Foundation Code is clear that a representative
• Precast segmental construction even for minor value of silt factor in the scour region is to be
bridges, if permitted must be with safe guards obtained. Any outlier values of layers of either
of keys between segments for longitudinal/ very coarse or very fine layers which do not
transverse and vertical alignment under represent the general type of soil in the scour
vibrating loads and the joints should be sealed zone should be ignored, to find “Silt Factor”.
properly to prevent any ingress of moisture • The Lacey’s Formula used for the scour depth
through them and make leak proof. is mainly for natural channels flowing in
• The passive pressure due to the soil in front of alluvial beds. As per IRS-Substructure and
Retaining wall/return wall etc. can be Foundation Code Cl.4.6.7 if bed material is
considered in terms of (IRS-Substructure and clayey, scour depth is to be taken from actual
Foundations code Cl. for only that part observations. Since the design scour depth has
of soil which will not be scoured under worst to be considered under maximum flood
design condition during the life of the discharge (50 year return period), this shall be
structure. Many International codes, however possible if there is a gauging site in the vicinity
do not consider prudent to take help from this of the proposed bridge location, with historical
soil contributing to passive pressure. Further, data, which may not be feasible in most cases.
the active/passive pressure is generated by IRS-78 Cl. 703.2.2.2 (Appendix-1) however
only that part of soil which is present in provides a formula for bed material finer than
continuum or limited to the contribution from 0.04mm (Coarse silt) as under,
the failure wedge plane. i) In case of soil having <15° and c (cohesion of
• Many times design of retaining/return wall soil) > 0.2 kg/cm2
involves provision of a key at the base of the 'Ksf calculated as follows:\
wall to resist sliding force due to lateral Ksf= F(1 +Root(c)) where c in kg/cm2
pressure. Many International codes like Where, F = 1.50 for > 10° and < 15°
CALTRAN consider the point of rotation of the = 1.75 for >5° and < 10°
wall at the lowest point of the key, this = 2.00 for < 5°
increases the overturning moment and reduce ii) Soils having >15° will be treated as sandy
the corresponding safety factor. There are no soil even if c is more than2N/mm2 and silt
clear stipulations in IRS/IRC code in this factor will be as per provisions of Clause
regard, It is preferable to take a safe approach 703.2.2.2 i.e. for sandy soils. Further, silt factor
as per International practice. for soils with mean diameter it, dm is 0,04mm
• CALTRAN as well as IRC codes stipulate or more has to be considered as for sandy soil
considering only half the passive pressure irrespective of the value of “c” and “ ”.
mobilized for soil below the scour level but IRS iii) This formula can be followed for fine soils in
(Substructure and Foundation Code) permits the absence of observed data from any gauge
only 1/3rd of the theoretically calculated value site.
because of sensitive nature of Railway bridges
compared to road structures. 4 Fatigue Assessment of Bridges:
• Calculating the scour depth of bridges is 4.1 Steel Structures: IRS Steel Bridge Code
another critical area for design of bridges (IRS- provides detail treatment for consideration of
Substructure and Foundation Code). For sandy fatigue design in steel bridges. This is at par with
soils the silt factor is defined quite specifically provisions in Euro Code- EN-1993-1-9 (2003) and
and there is not much chance of BS-5400-10-1980. BS-5400 part 10 is a
misunderstanding, still in cases where one thin comprehensive code which is based on the concept
of cumulative fatigue damage. The code concerns Stress Modification factor in case of an infinite plate
with the fatigue design methodology for highway with a hole will vary between 2-3 times the nominal
and railway bridges. Fatigue life assessment is stress as shown in Fig.(B) below,
based on the S-N curve approach using Palmgren-
Miner's damage summation model wherein the
number of cycles to failure is dependent only on
stress range and not on maximum stress values.
The methodology for determination of stress range
has been described for welded and non-welded
details and a simplified method has been given for
determining the limiting value of the maximum
range of stress for the specified design life for two
different types of standard loadings. The code
specifies different factor k1,k2, k3, k4 & k5 for
design parameters such as design life, multiple
cycle of stress loading, type of standard loading,
annual GMT and multiple lane loading
respectively. The code gives specific methodology
and tables to calculate the factors for different
design parameters. Fig.- (A) A hole of diameter “d” in a plate of width W
On the Indian Railway, the site welds are not
allowed and either rivets or HSFG bolts are to be
used for connecting the fabricated elements,
through holes in the parent material. Thus the
details are a hybrid of welds in shop and
rivets/bolts for field connections. However, fatigue
detail of the member given in the 2 tables only
cover the welded or non-welded members, but not
for hybrid members as used on Railway bridges.
The provision in the IRS- Steel Bridge code, Clause
3.6.4 (Appendix-19) provides for concept of
Modifying Stress Factor due to any geometric
discontinuity in the material like notches, holes etc.
Clause 7.1.2 (C) however states “Stress
concentration, except when specifically stated as a Fig. (B) Stress modification factor, Kt around a hole.
requirement for a detail or a joint” can be ignored.
The reference to Fig.-2 in the IRS code relates to If the value of Kt is considered at lower range of
welded fillet joint only but the stress concentration 2.0, the modified stress level in the material at the
due hole is as per Fig. 1 (Geometric stress joint with a hole will be 2 times the nominal stress
concentration) which is not covered under any i.e. without hole. This will require strengthening of
clause except Cl.7.1.2(C) referred above, but it is the steel members around the holes significantly.
not clear in the code what should be referred for BS-5400, Part-10 as also EN-1993-Part1-9 both
situations where this modifying factor is to be stipulate modifying the stress duly considering the
accounted for in case of concentration of stress at modification factor around holes.
hole location as shown in Figure-1 of SBC. IRS-SBC In view of the ambiguity tilting towards not
Cl.8.3.3 the modification factor may be adopted considering the stress concentration factor in Cl.
from standard references or from finite element 7.1.2 and 7.2 of Appendix 19 of SBC, this factor is
calculations. not being considered by the design Engineer in
The standard solution like from Ernst Gustav DFCC. This should require clarifications from
Kirsch's linear elastic solution suggests that the RDSO/Railway Board.
4.2 Concrete Structures: The stress range even not satisfactory for fluctuating stresses.
while the stress is fluctuating in concrete structures This is left to the expertise of the Design Engineer
is quite small compared to steel bridges. IRS code and avoid details which entail a change in the
(Concrete Bridge Code) as also other International cross-section of an element or parts of an element
codes considers the effect of fatigue loading to are sometimes not avoidable in bridges. The
RCC/PSC structure only for the reinforcement bars simplest example can be found in Open
which have been welded, vide Cl7.1.4.5.There are foundations footing for a column or wall, cantilever
however no guidelines for “Good/Poor geometry extension of PSC girders for creating space for
or details of structures in regard to Fatigue accommodating stressing jacks, deck slabs over pre
fluctuating loading. Even if the stress levels in tensioned PSC girders, Box culverts connecting
concrete may be much less compared to steel wall with base slab as well as top slab. Some
structures, the fluctuating stresses even in concrete recommended details are given below,.
can damage the structure if any geometric detail is
Cantilever Beam/Slab
Sq. Hole
Circular Hole
5. Bridge deformations: track/ bridge system, and create conditions
The Concrete bridge decks expand and which cause passenger discomfort.
contract by the a) change in temperature b) ii). Deformation and vibration limits are either
Creep of concrete structures c) Shrinkage of explicit or implicit in the bridge stiffness
Concrete with time. While these are not new criteria given in A2.4.4.1(2) EN-1991-Part 2.
things for bridge Engineer and articulations • IRS- Bridge Rules however, permit laying of
have been provided to take into account these CWR track as per provisions of UIC-774-3 (R),
deformations, but assume a different the limits on deformations of bridge and track
dimension in case of Railway bridges where after interaction are given as below,
Continuous Welded Track (CWR) is to be
Maximum displacement between rail and
continued over the Bridges and merely
deck or embankment under braking and
providing articulations like expansion
tractive force is to be limited to 4mm.
contraction joints, movable bearings etc.
Maximum absolute displacement of the
cannot match the requirement of CWR.
deck is +5mm.
The deformations which may be permitted on
End Rotation under vertical load, the
the bridges on Indian Railway, as per existing
displacement of the upper edge of deck end
codes and specifications are as under,
must be limited to )= 8mm
• Vertical deflection of foundations due to
live load= 25mm (Substructure and • In case of LWR track on ballasted deck where
Foundation code-IRS) expansion joints are provided actual gap due
to temperature, should normally be limited to
• Vertical deflection of superstructure due
10-15mm and the span should be decided
to live load=1 in 600 (Steel Bridge Code-
correspondingly,(UIC-774-3 (R)
• It is to be noted that IRS codes do not In such case of expansion joint having been
recognize the need to limit the provided, the maximum permissible
deformations of RCC/PSC ballasted deck absolute displacement of the deck should
bridges even from the point of stability of be maximum 30mm.
the ballast and the track structure. 5.2 The UIC code or IRS codes do not however,
Further, it is pointed out that Vertical recognize the contribution of “twist” on the
displacement of Foundation under live deck and vertical uplift at the end of deck
load (25mm) and of superstructure for (Kick-up, in case of the bearing is sufficiently
steel bridge as provided in the IRS codes inside the edge of deck) to destabilize the track
do not match with the International under train loading,. This will affect in skew
Standards of UIC or BS/EN codes. bridges and also due to uneven placement of
5.1 Euro code (EN-1990- Annexure track on the deck transversely. EN-1990-
A2)however, recognize that the Appendix 2 provides as under,
deformations in the bridge can de- The maximum twist t [mm/3m] of a track
stabilize the track structure and create gauge s [m] of 1,435 m measured over a length
unsafe/ uncomfortable conditions for of 3m should not exceed the values given in
train running and prescribe as under, Table below,
i). Excessive bridge deformations can
endanger traffic by creating unacceptable
changes in vertical and horizontal track
geometry, excessive rail stresses and
vibrations in bridge structures. Excessive
vibrations can lead to ballast instability
and unacceptable reduction in wheel rail
contact forces. Excessive deformations can
also affect the loads imposed on the
Fig.- (D)Definition of Deck Twist
Limiting values of Maximum 6 Settlement of foundations:
deck twist twist, t Settlements are mainly caused by permanent loads
Speed range V (km/h) (mm/3m) and backfill. Variable or time dependent
V ≤ 120 t ≤ t1 settlements vary monotonically (in the same
120 < V ≤ 200 t ≤ t2 direction) with time and need be taken into account
from the time they give rise to effects in the
V > 200 t ≤ t3
structure (i.e. after the structure, or a part of it,
becomes statically indeterminate. On the Indian
This can be modified suitably if used for B.G. track.
Railways as also on DFCC only simply supported
The total track twist due to any twist which may be
bridges are being designed and constructed. While
present in the track when the bridge is not subject
settlement of foundations under live load are
to rail traffic actions (for example in a transition
expected to be in the elastic region, i.e. soon after
curve), plus the track twist due to the total
the passage of train the bridge comes back to its
deformation of the bridge resulting from rail traffic
original position. Assuming that first pier settles by
actions, shall not exceed tT.
NOTE: The value for tT may be defined by 25mm the limiting value and the nearby pier shows
concerned Railway authority but recommended no settlement, the longitudinal gradient, of the
value is 7.5mm/3m. bridge superstructure as also the track of the
loaded span will be very small of the order of 1 in
5.3 Uplift at end of deck: The vertical 1000 (For 25m span of bridge), which is not likely
displacement of the upper surface of a deck to be damaging to the safety or comfort to the
relative to the adjacent construction (abutment Railway users.
or another deck) dV [mm] due to variable
actions shall not exceed the following values: 6.1 Effects of uneven settlements should be taken
– 3 mm for a Maximum Line Speed at the Site into account if they are considered significant
of up to 160 km/h, compared to the effects from direct actions.
– 2 mm for a Maximum Line Speed at the Site However, in case of simply supported bridges they
over 160 km/h. rarely are significant and are taken care while
maintaining track to ensure safety and comfort to
5.4 Lateral deformations: The total lateral the traffic.
deformations of the deck under centrifugal ,
force, racking force, wind load, lateral 7. Durability:
temperature gradient should be limited as per Owing to the need of taking traffic blocks, or access
limits provided in UIC-776 3 (R). This is mainly to bridge through land of third parties, it is
to ensure acceptable track geometery and generally difficult to take up maintenance of the
passenger comfort. The limits are expressed in bridges and even proper inspection of the Railway
terms of maximum permitted change in track bridge . Particularly for minor bridges cost of
radius and maximum change in angle at the access, inspection and maintenance can be high
end of deck of the bridge. However, for short compared to the cost of the bridge itself.
From the maintenance Engineers point of view an
to medium span bridges this is never a
ideal bridge has minimum no. of parts of bridge to
significant issue and is generally ignored.
be inspected, which are accessible easily, without
5.5 Vertical acceleration of deck of bridge: For places where water dirt can gather. Important
high speed railways with speeds of 200 Km/Hr components which will require taking traffic block
or more, it is important to assess the dynamic for inspection, such as deck and floor members, is
behaviour of the bridge as to avoid resonance not considered justified. The frequency of detailed
with the vibrations produced by the moving examination of even major bridges is much higher
train loads. This needs special expertise in than track renewal and also can not be matched.
vehicle and structure dynamics and is not Important elements of bridge like components and
discussed here. connections that can only be inspected by
removing the track and ballast needs to be avoided.
7.1 RCC/PSC structures: Prior to advent of high While the quality of concrete is being satisfactorily
grade cements and twisted (Tor) reinforcement maintained especially when manufactured at
bars, it was generally considered that good quality central weigh batching plant and concrete
of concrete in regard to proper vibration, no transported through transit mixers, the moist
honeycombing, and adequate curing gives a very curing is being avoided by contractors due to short
durable structure and the bridges built in early availability of water in more than 50% of the
1960’s and prior are giving service even after 50-60 country and curing compound is being only used.
years. These however are RCC structures and The long term effect on concrete cured by curing
minor bridges. chemicals are not fully established. Even in 28days,
In regard to PSC structures used in Major bridge, the crushing strength of cube is about 10% less than
the experience in IR has not been encouraging. The in wet curing. In some experiments however, it has
codal life of concrete bridges is per IRS-CBC (Cl been found that the permeability of concrete in case
15.1.3) are as under, of curing compound are more than wet curing.
Another aspect is the method and quality of
Type of Structure Design Life workmanship in applying the compound. The
Bridges in sea 50 yrs compound should be applied at a uniform rate.
Bridges in coastal areas 80 yrs The usual values for coverage range from 0.20 to
Bridges in rest of India 100 yrs 0.25 m2/lit. Curing compound can be applied in
two applications at right angles to each other by
However, the Pre-stressed concrete bridges hand or power sprayer usually at about 0.5 to 0.7
technology was introduced in IR in nineteen sixties MPa pressure. For maximum beneficial effect on
and many of those bridges have been replaced due open concrete surfaces, compound must be applied
to cracks etc. on Eastern and North Eastern after finishing and as soon as the free water on the
Railways. Thus many of the PSC/RCC bridges do surface has disappeared and no water is visible,
not live even for codal life as indicated above. but not so late that the liquid curing compound
will be absorbed by the concrete. When forms are
This however, is not true for the structures built
removed, the exposed concrete surface should be
with high grade cement and HYSD/Tor bars
wetted with water immediately and kept moist
reinforcement. In order that RCC/PSC bridges and
until the curing compound is applied. Just prior to
viaducts may be durable, will it be sufficient to
application, the concrete should be allowed to
have a proper design for strength, to limit crack
reach to a uniformly damp appearance with no free
widths under service load conditions through
water on the surface and then application of the
conventional methods of design, to specify large
compound should begin at once.
cover to re-bars and to maintain good The importance of removal of rust from the re-bars
workmanship while building bridges, viaducts and prior to use must be ensured. In certain aggressive
other structures ? I would feel that the answer environments, IRS-CBC (Cl 7.1.5) protective
would be in the negative. The reasons may be as coating may be provided on the reinforcement.
under, Another, recommendation about delaying
i) The high heat of hydration from HG cement is
corrosion of re-bar and delay the carbonation of
not being dissipated gradually which is
concrete, concrete surface is also given protective
causing shrinkage cracks and micro-cracking
in concrete. The quality of concrete, formwork,
low water cement ratio, through the addition 7.2 Steel bridges: The lobby for RCC/PSC bridges
of admixtures, achieving greater compaction always consider that steel bridges require difficult
and lengthening the period of moist curing and costly maintenance for protection against
has not been achieved. corrosion apart from Initial higher cost of
ii) The HYSD/CTD bars corrode much faster construction. While, on initial cost basis steel
compared to mild steel round bars even in bridges do cost about twice the cost of RCC/PSC
normal environment and the corrosion might structures. AS per experience of IR, there are large
set in the bars even prior to interning the bars no. of steel bridges constructed more than 100
in concrete, which has not been removed. years back even in the sea and still serving
Railway, the without any problem. In modern designed for maintenance and inspection of
times, various coating systems based on Epoxy, bridges. Some of these are,
vinyls, poly-urethane etc. are available which have
long life as much as 15 years, against 4-5 years of oil Availability Bridge inspection unit for
based paints. inspection of underside of bridge
Then we have technology of metallizing which can superstructure as also the sub-structure.
be used in more corrosive environments. Indian Access in closed sections and overhead
Railways have standardized the method of members for an Engineer to reach and
galvanizing and metallizing which can be referred physically examine the elements of bridge.
to for use However, there are certain type of super- Advanced equipment for investigation of
structure like semi through bridges which have corrosion in RCC/PSC structures
very complex connections at the level of deck level Availability of non-destructive testing of
and difficult to access for inspection. Such details materials like Pulse velocity tester, Schmidt
may be avoided. Railway Engineers and staff are hammer etc.
well adept in maintaining steel bridges and equally In PSC girder bridges the deck below the wear
ignorant of maintaining Concrete bridges. course should be inspected at least once in 5
There is an opinion among some of the Railway years.
men and Engineers that on consideration of Life Ladders in the approach of bridges to reach the
Cycle Cost the steel structures may even work out ground level and also for inspection of
cheaper, though no scientific study is available. bearings.
8.0 Inspection and Maintenance: Many of the points Platform for inspection and replacement of
covered in para 7 above are applicable under this bearings.
item as well. To have a strong and durable Any element susceptible to corrosion like
structure it is necessary to have an integrated expansion joints, bearings, Hand railings,
approach which combines design for strength, foundation bolts for any structure like OHE
inspection, and maintenance. The durability of mast etc. should be provided with convenience
structure is largely decided at the stage of planning of dismantling the unserviceable element and
and design. All facilities should be planned and replacing with a new one.
Radical Approach to Rehabilitation
& Resettlement (R&R) of Project Affected
People (PAPS) in Maharashtra
V. N. Vajpayee P. M. Asai
Dy. CPM/Engg.-III/Mumbai(S)/DFCCIL PM/Engg. Mumbai(S)/DFCCIL
250 Ha of private land and 178 Ha of Govt. land is being acquired in 102 villages of Raigad, Thane & Palghar
district of Maharashtra state for laying DFC tracks. All the three districts have various type of title holders
of housing units like owners, not title holders, squatters etc. The disparity in entitlement for R&R of PAPs in
the Act of 2008 and 2013 led to lot of resentment. Not only did the compensation of land is substantially
more in the new act but also the entitlement of housing units and other benefits are substantial. By adopting
a pragmatic approach, the unit developed a package within the available Acts to have parity for all the
PAPs for R&R. The paper basically deals with these methods.
Equivalent cost Equivalent to
of Rs. 1,65,000/- latest
in lieu of construction cost
constructed of Indira Aawas
house in rural Yojana Scheme
area. in rural areas.
One-time Cost of house
financial construction
assistance not under JNURM
less than in urban areas.
Rs. 5,50,00/- in
urban area.
3 Annuity or Choice of Rehabilitation
Employment Annuity or assistance
/Rehabilita- Employment for loss of
tion any one of livelihood: -
assistance the below
for loss of (iii)
livelihood: Provision for Rehabilitation
employment at grant equivalent
a rate not lower to 750 days min.
than the min. agri. Wages to
2.1 The Disparity wages to at those families
The comparison of the new act RFCTLARR – 2013 least one losing livelihood
and old act RAA – 2008/NRRP – 2007 for entitle- member of (Rs. 1,08,750/-).
ment is as below: affected family
S Item As per As per in the project
N RFCTLARR RAA-2008/ or arrange for
-2013 NRRP-2007 job in other
R&R project; OR
1 Provision of All affected
One time Training
Housing families to be
payment of assistance of
Unit relocated with --
Rs. 5 lakhs per Rs. 4000/- for
affected family; income
house as per
OR generation per
Indira Aawas
Specification Rs. 2000/- per Temporary
in rural areas. month per employment in
Constructed family for 20 project
house as per years. construction
State Govt. work to affected
Policy in person with
urban area. particular
2 Alternate If not opted for Only BPL attention to BPL
benefit in constructed families to be PAPs by the
lieu of house provided with project contractor
housing additional during
unit financial benefit construction to
towards the extent
housing unit. possible.
As can be seen from the above comparison the
benefits are substantially higher under the new act.
Due to this there was a general resentment among
the PAPs whose land has been acquired under the
old act. Though most of the acquisition was done
under the old act but no physical possession of
acquired land was taken in areas where there were
structures. When the contracts came in place and
the process of physical possession and handing
over of land was initiated, the areas where
structures were there posed stiff resistance. To
overcome this resistance and to convert the
involuntary shifting of PAPs to voluntary various
methods were thought and deliberated.
contractors for executing the work some breather I. Nomination of district rehabilitation officer –
was available to find an amicable solution for R&R Divisional Commissioner shall nominate the
of the PAPs. Use of force or any other coercion district wise DROs for complete implementa-
method would have not worked in highly dense tion of R&R of DFC project affected structures
habitated areas. and CPRs. The same have been done for all the
To minimize the disparity and to provide adequate three districts and the work of identification of
R&R benefits to displaced families, proposal was beneficiary PAPs is in advanced stage in Thane
prepared by DFCCIL considering the already district.
available policy of R&R of MMRDA, CIDCO and II. Process of R&R implementation of PAPs by
other Government bodies. DROs
a. The competent authority shall submit the
5. PROPOSAL FOR ISSUE OF copies of village wise structures Compensation
GOVERNMENT RESOLUTION (GR) Award declared by them to the nominated
5.1 After approval from Board, the draft policy of DROs.
R&R for DFCCIL PAPs was formulated by the b. Nominated DROs shall prepare list of
Mumbai (South) unit and submitted to Govt. structures and sub structures based on JMS
of Maharashtra for their consideration and if and valuation by PWD etc.
found in order, then to issue the necessary c. Based on the above-mentioned structures /
Govt. Resolution. The unit developed this sub structures list, other records and survey
proposal to save time and to assist the state con-ducted by NGO appointed by DFCCIL,
government in appreciating the problem DROs shall prepared the list of eligible
within the limited time. displaced PAPs duly verifying the necessary
5.2 Several rounds of discussion were held. By the documents to established eligibility for R&R.
end of May 2018, GoM issued two GRs. One d. Further, the nominated DRO shall initiate the
dealt with the entitlement and the procedure procedure for allotment of housing units to the
to be adopted and other nomination of DRO confirmed eligible structure owners. They will
who will carry out the R&R work. inform the concerned PAPs by publishing the
5.3 GR issued on 22.05.2018 for Resettlement and notices in daily newspapers and also on village
Rehabilitation (R&R) of eligible Project notice boards for the alternate housing unit
Affected people due to DCCIL project covered and other payable cash assistance as approved
all types of PAPs: vide GR dated 22.05.2018
1. Eligible displaced PAPs included in the e. The PAPs in reference to notice can appeal to
Structures Compensation Award. DRO for any of their grievances within one
2. Displaced Squatters on Public land & PAPS month from the date of notice. The DRO shall
not covered under one above. give such person an opportunity of being
heard and after hearing if he feels necessary by
3. Rehabilitation of affected Common Property
order either allow or disallow the objection
within next two months.
The GR issue on 22.05.2018 covers all type of PAPs
f. In case of structures / sub structures having no
including squatters on Railway Land. The DROs
objection towards its ownership final list of
for Raigad, Thane & Palghar Dist. have been
structures owners shall be prepared
appointed exclusively for DFC R&R work on
mentioning the entitled housing unit and other
19.05.2018. The process of implementation is now
payable cash compensation duly approved by
in place and the actual shifting of PAPs from two
Divisional Commissioner.
most critical areas has been planned and is not far
away. Once the process starts it will take a year to g. The allotment of housing units at designated
shift all the PAPs. lo-cation to the concerned structure owner
shall be done by nominated DRO, through
prescribed / extant lottery system. The final
6. PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION award / order mentioning PAP wise allotment
The salient features of the R&R GR are as under: of housing unit and other payable cash
compensation shall be prepared by nominated conditions which could not be implemented
DRO. were also dropped, based on the request of the
h. The PAPs who do not to agree with order can unit.
appeal to Dy. Commissioner Rehabilitation II. The condition was to link the R&R with Prad-
within one month from the issue of award. han Mantri Aawas Yojana (PMAY). But DFC
The Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R) has does not agree for housing unit under PMAY
been done for the first time in the DFC project for scheme since it had several conditions which
PAPs of Maharashtra. are to be fulfilled for the allotment of housing
units. These conditions would have not been
accepted by PAPs. The primary condition for
the allotment under PMAY is that they have
I. Formulation of policy, issue of GRs and nomi- no house anywhere in India. It cannot be
nation of DROs was only the tip of the iceberg. ensured because the PAP will not disclose the
The main issue was of the availability of hous- same. The Government of Maharashtra was
ing units for resettlement of the PAPs.Usually kind enough to understand the view of the
for all the projects in MCGM (Municipal Cor- unit and issued the amendment to the GR on
poration of Greater Mumbai) limits the houses 26.10.2018.With this amendment to the GR of
are constructed by MMRDA (Mumbai Metro- 25.09.2018,nowthe housing units constructed /
politan Region Development Authority) in under construction in KDMC area under BSUP
nominated areas of the city. Hence the unit ap- scheme shall be allotted to PAPs of DFC
proached MMRDA Chief for arranging project. The process of transfer of these houses
housing units for DFCCIL project as well. has already been initiated and KDMC will
However, during the initial discussions, itself shortly be advising the per unit cost to be
it was made clear that this won’t be possible borne by DFC for transfer of these houses for
since the avail-able houses are not even use of the project. KDMC is ready to spare
meeting the require-ments of PAPs for MCGM approximately 3000 housing units for PAPs of
projects especially Metro. Therefore, the unit DFC projects under BSUP scheme. Out of 3000
deliberated on various alternatives like housing units, 1000 housing units are ready for
constructing new houses, purchasing ready- possession and the PAPs of Thane district are
made houses, engaging MHADA for keeping proposed to be shifted to these initially.
some provision in their projects etc. However, Remaining 2000 housing units are under
none of this was found viable. The unit then construction and likely to be completed within
came to know of under construction houses in six months in a phased manner. The R&R of
Kalyan area by KDMC (Kalyan Dombivli other districts will be dealt as son as the units
Municipal Corporation) un-der a scheme are ready.
called BSUP (Basic Services for Urban Poor). A
The PAPs who are not willing to accept these
total of 7000 houses are pro-posed to be
housing units, the possibility of which is
constructed under this scheme. Some were
remote, will be paid cash assistance and other
ready, some were under construction and
benefits. These provisions have already been
some were yet to start. KDMC initially was
taken care through the GR.
reluctant to spare these houses for DFCCIL but
after series of meetings, they finally agreed for
the same. The proposal was sent by them to 9. AKNOWLEDGMENTS
GoM for communicating approval for utilising The authors on behalf of the Mumbai South Unit
these houses. Though GoM communicated are thankful to the various agencies like Railway
theirin-principle approval but since the houses Board, Govt. of Maharashtra, KDMC, and others
were constructed under a scheme of Central who understood the importance of the project and
Govt, proposal was sent to Secretary/ HUD have given activeco-operation for acceptance of the
for consent. In September 2018, through the R&R Policy for the first time in DFCCIL Project for
GR the houses were allotted for use of DFCCIL the State of Maharashtra.
and further through the amendment the
10. REFERENCES Pra.Kra.119-R-3, Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032, Dated
Railway Amendment Act 2008/National Resettlement 22nd May, 2018.
and Rehabilitation Policy-2007 Government of Maharashtra Gazette Notification No.
The Right Compensation and Transparency in Land Ac- RPA-2018/Pra.Kra.101(1)-R-3, Mantralaya, Mumbai
quisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 400 032, Dated 19th May, 2018.
(RFCT-LARR) Government of Maharashtra GR No. RPA-2018/
Government of Maharashtra GR No. RPA-2018/ Pra.Kra.98-R-2, Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032, Dated
25.09.2018 & 26.10.2018.
Policy framework for development of Project
on Private-Public-Partnership (PPP)
Creation of infrastructure such as Roads, Highways, Water and Sanitation (W&S), Ports, Power, Airways,
Urban transport is a prerequisite for rapid economic development of any country. Normally creation of
such Infrastructure is prime responsibility of the State or Government. However over the time with
increasing social obligations and growing aspirations from industry, Govt. is finding difficulty in mobilise
matching resources for creation of infrastructure needed for attaining required level of growth. Further
large investment in Infrastructure needs to be supported by technological innovation, skilled workforce
and excellent project management. This realization has brought together the public and the private sector
in a mutually beneficial relationship in the form of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) an alternate mode of
Funding and to execute infrastructure projects duly sharing of risks.
This article deals mainly with the basic concepts, frame work and procedure involved in developing Project
on PPP basis. DFCCIL is executing Dankuni- Sonnagar (540 km) Project of Eastern DFC on PPP basis, the
experience of which can be used in developing future Freight Corridors and other Projects like Private
Freight Terminals (PFT) on PPP mode which may come to DFCCIL.
always possible. The strain is especially great 1.4 PPPs make this possible because:
for developing country whose economies are • PPPs allow access to the substantial financial
undergoing rapid development and unbani- resources of the private sector,
sation. This realization has brought together • PPPs enable the public sector to benefit from
the public and the private sector in a mutually private sector technical expertise, experience
beneficial relationship in the form of Public and efficiency, and
Private Partnerships (PPPs) to execute
infrastructure projects. • PPPs enable the public sector to transfer
project-related risks to the private sector.
1.2 Public Private Partnerships (PPP) implies the
coming together of two dominant but A PPP brings the public and private sectors
divergent sectors of the economy, each with together as partners in a contractual agreement, for
different prescriptions and objectives, for the a pre-defined period matched to the life of the
overall development of the community and infrastructure assets used to provide the services.
country. Public Private Partnerships have The private partners (investors, contractors and
emerged as one of the latest and successful operators) provide specified infrastructure services
instruments of public finance, and are and, in return, the public sector either pays for
increasingly being adopted by both those services or grants the private partner the
developed and developing countries as a way right to generate revenue from the project. For
of increasing access to infrastructure services example, the private partner may be allowed to
for their citizens and economies at a reduced charge user fees or receive revenue from other
cost. aspects of the project.
1.2.1 The basic intent of PPP is to encourage the The best PPPs will have the public and private
private sector to dedicate its capacity to raise partners working together to build and sustain a
capital and the ability to complete projects on long-term relationship that is of benefit to all.
time and to budget for the welfare of the 1.5 Definition of PPPs in India: The Department
community, without having to compromise of Economic Affairs (DEA) defines as:
the profit motive. PPP means an arrangement between a
1.2.2 At the same time, the public sector would government or statutory entity or
retain its responsibility to provide goods and government owned entity on one side and a
services to the public at large at affordable private sector entity on the other, for the
rates. This arrangement, indeed, calls for a provision of public assets and/ or related
judicious approach to decision making and services for public benefit, through
underscores the need for a framework that investments being made by and/or
enables the private sector partner to make management undertaken by the private sector
reasonable returns on investments without entity for a specified time period, where there
diluting the standards and quality of services is a substantial risk sharing with the private
provided. sector and the private sector receives
1.2.3 The key to the success of PPP projects is a performance linked payments that conform
balanced and fair sharing of risks and benefits (or are benchmarked) to specified, pre-
between the partners, and transparency and determined and measurable performance
accountability in all transactions relating to standards.
the award and management of the contract.
1.3 The objectives of a PPP in infrastructure are 2. Characteristics of PPPs
to: 2.1 A PPP typically has the following
• increase the availability of infrastructure characteristics:
services, and • the private sector is responsible for carrying
• do so with greater efficiency (lower cost for out or operating the project and takes on a
the level of services provided) than could be substantial portion of the associated project
achieved using the traditional public sector risks,
approach. • during the operational life of the project, the
public sector’s role is to monitor the A PPP is a complex arrangement that requires
performance of the private partner and support from the Public sector during development
enforce the terms of the contract, and operation. The likelihood of PPP success will
• the private sector’s costs may be recovered in be increased when the public sector supporting
whole or in part from charges related to the environment is strong.
use of the services provided by the project, • The project is suitable to being carried out as
and may be recovered through payments a PPP:
from the public sector Certain characteristics make a project well
• public sector payments are based on suited to being a PPP, while others imply that
performance standards set out in the contract the PPP approach will be difficult or
• often the private sector will contribute the inappropriate.
majority of the project’s capital costs, • The potential barriers to successful project
although this is not always the case implementation have been identified and
• PPP is focused on outputs, and can be overcome:
• The outputs of the PPP are infrastructure Many of the common obstacles to successful
services, not infrastructure assets. PPP implementation can be identified in
advance. If these are insurmountable then the
3. Risk – a key focus of PPP design project should not proceed as a PPP. If they
can be overcome, then this needs to be
Allocating risk to achieve added efficiency is what
factored into the PPP development and
makes PPP a potentially powerful way of reducing
thoroughly planned for.
project-related costs and achieving improved value
for money for the public sector. The level of risk can • Given that these conditions are satisfied, the
be changed by allocating responsibility for project must be commercially viable for the
individual risks to those who are best able to private sector and offer value for money
manage them. (VFM) for the public sector:
3.1 The parties involved in a project can affect the The choice of PPP should allow the project to
amount of risk by: be undertaken at lower cost on a lifetime
• the level of influence they have over events, basis, while delivering the same or better
and quality services than could be achieved
through implementation by the public sector
• the level of information they have about the
or private sector on their own. It must also be
present and the future.
commercially viable in order to be attractive
3.2 The public and private sectors are different in to private investors.
the types of influence and information that
These important conditions should be checked
they have. This means they can control risks
early for every project. This will improve the
in different ways from each other and they
are better at controlling some risks and not as quality and likely success of projects entering the
good at controlling others. PPP development pipeline. Where these tests are
not met, it may be better to carry out the project
3.3 One of the goals of a well-designed PPP is to
through the traditional public sector route.
pick out the strengths and combine them
together. The result should be that a
partnership of public and private parties is 5. PPPs in Indian Railways:
stronger and more efficient than either party Indian Railways have successfully implemented
by itself. certain port/ mine connectivity projects since 2002
involving its Customers and Users. Cabinet
4. When should PPP be used? Committee on Infrastructure has approved a policy
4.1 The use of PPP for infrastructure projects on “Participative models for Rail Connectivity and
should only be considered when: Capacity augmentation projects” as communicated
• The public sector environment is suited to by Ministry of Railways vide letter
supporting PPPs: No.2011/Infra/12/32 Dt.10.12.2012 to strengthen,
modernise and expand the IR network for its CRS or the concerned Zonal Railway.
existing shelf of projects and also for new Projects. However, it will be responsibility of the
The policy provides following models for cocnessioning Authority/IR/Zonal Railway
implementation of various types of rail- to get these approvals within a specific time
connectivity and capacity augmentation projects in frame.
Indian Railways: • Land acquisition for the project will be done
i. Non-Government Private Line model, by the Railways at their cost. Land will be
ii. Joint Venture (JV) model, owned by the Zonal Railways. It will be given
to concessionaire on license on a token license
iii. Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) model,
fee of Re 1 per annum.
iv. Capacity augmentation with funding
5.1.4 Selection of Concessionaire: The
provided by customers model, and
Concessionaire shall be selected through
v. Capacity augmentation through annuity competitive bidding process. Premium or
model Grant (through Viability Gap) will be bidding
Three of these models (Private line, JV and parameters.
Customer Funded) involve participation of 5.1.5 Concession Period: Under this model, the
strategic investors/customers and two other (BOT normal concession period is 25 years. This
and Annuity models) are pure PPP models. The shall include construction period. In case the
salient features of Build, Operate and Transfer user fee on the expiry of 20 year is falling
(BOT) model and Capacity augmentation through short / exceeding the projected revenue by
annuity model are briefed below 4%, the Concession period will be increased
5.1 Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) /decreased by six months for every 2%
model: shortfall/enhancement. However, the
The salient features of BOT model are concession period shall not be less than 20
5.1.1 Applicability: years and will not be more than 30 years.
For the projects where it is not possible to 5.1.6 Concessionaire to be Railway
identify any stakeholder, a BOT type model is Administration:
suitable. The project under this model will be Under the framework agreement,
generally long rail corridors carrying traffic Government recognizes that the line built by
generated from various streams like the Concessionaire will be a Railway
sandwiched sanctioned new lines, gauge Administration under the Railway Act, 1989.
conversion projects or dedicated freight This facilitates construction and maintenance
corridors. by the Concessionaire.
5.1.2 Project Development: 5.1.7 Revenue share/ Use Fee:
Project development, preparation of DPR, A new concept of projected revenue has been
establishing financial viability & bankability introduced in this model instead of projected
will be done by Railway by engaging credible traffic to provide reasonable certainty and
consultants and the project will be sanctioned comfort to the Concessionaire to manage its
as a railway project following the applicable finances effectively throughout the concession
procedure of appraisal/approval of PPP period. User fee to be paid by IR will be
project. calculated on the basis of following principles
5.1.3 Design, Build, Finance, Maintain and i. To provide comfort to investor from any
Transfer (DBFMT) Concession uncertain variation in freight rates the base
• The project will be funded by the tariff, i.e. the tariff applicable during the RFQ
concessionaire. The concessionaire will design year is escalated annually at a rate linked
and build the project within the design & with WPI.
performance parameters specified by MoR. ii. Inter Railway Financial Adjustment formulae
The statutory/mandatory design approvals, shall be used for appointment of freight
wherever required, will have to be taken from realized by IR on the projection section.
iii. MoR shall pay 50% of apportionment of
freight revenue as user fee. to payment of damages to Ministry of
iv. MoR would guarantee 80% of the projected Railways at the rate specified in the
revenue during any year. agreement.
v. In case actual user fee in a particular year is in 4.1.13Utility shifting:
excess of 120% or 150% of the projected The cost of utility shifting would be borne by
revenue, 50% or 75% of the excess revenue MoR. The reason is that MoR will have better
respectively will be paid to MoR by the control on the costs of utility shifting through
Concessionaire. various government agencies than the
5.1.8 Construction Concessionaire.
Project Construction will be done by 5.1.14Construction, Monitoring and Supervision
Concessionaire through its own agency under of Rail System:
mandatory certification and supervision from The Concessionaire has to undertake
Railways/ Independent Engineer (IE). construction of rail system within the
5.1.9 Maintenance Specifications and Standards of MoR in a time
The concessionaire shall be responsible for bound manner. The Concessionaire is
maintenance of the project line to make it rail- expected to complete the construction within
worthy at all times including a period of four years. For monitoring of
replacement/renewal of assets as per IR construction, MoR shall appoint an
standards and specifications. Supervision and Independent Engineer (IE). The cost of IE will
certification shall be done by IR on payment be jointly shared. The purpose of
of specified charges. appointment of IE and cost sharing is to
ensure neutrality of IE.
5.1.10Golden Share:
5.1.15Technical Parameters:
The concessionaire shall allot one equity share
in favour of MoR (Golden Share). The The Rail System will be built as per standards
purpose of this clause is not to interfere into and specifications specified by Ministry of
the day to day functioning of the Railways.
concessionaire but to facilitate better 5.1.16Maintenance and Capacity Augmentation of
communication between the concessionaire the Rail System:
and MoR. The maintenance of the Rail System shall be
5.1.11Conditions Precedent: undertaken by the Concessionaire or can be
The rights and obligations under the entrusted to Zonal Railways on payment of
agreement are subject to fulfillment of costs. Maintenance requirements as enshrined
conditions precedent specified in the in the agreement will need to be observed.
agreement. MoR has to procure the right of Damages are paid to MoR in case
way, approvals and permits etc to implement concessionaire fails to rectify the defect within
the project. The Concessionaire needs to the period specified in the agreement.
provide Performance Security and should 5.1.17Operation:
execute escrow agreement, substitution Indian Railways will provide seamless
agreement, financing agreement as operation.
Conditions Precedent. Delay in fulfillment of 5.1.18Safety:
such conditions requires payment of damages
The responsibility for safety on the Rail
to the tune of 0.1% of the Performance
System will be that of Concessionaire. The
Security by MoR and 0.2% of the Performance
concessionaire has to ensure adequate
Security by Concessionaire subject to
facilities for rescue operation on the Rail
maximum of 20%.
System. Zonal Railway shall arrange relief
5.1.12Financial Close: and evacuation at the cost of concessionaire if
The Concessionaire has to achieve financial requested in writing by the concessionaire.
close within 180 days from the date of the 5.1.19Concession Fee:
agreement. Extension can be granted subject
Ministry of Railways will provide land at a
nominal fees of rupee one per annum. execute such projects where it may not be
5.1.20Escrow Account: The Concessionaire possible to find funding from any specific
company has to open an escrow account. This user.
account will receive all inflows of funds and • Under this model, the construction risks are
withdrawals will have to be strictly as per the allocated to the concessionaire and other risks
provisions of the agreement. MoR has to such as traffic risk and all direct & indirect
ensure that at the transfer date at least 5% of political risks are assigned to the Authority.
the total user fee for the preceding year 5.2.2 Project Development:
should be available in the escrow account for Indian Railways will be responsible for
meeting any liabilities after termination. project formulation, DPR, Survey, Scale Plans
5.1.21Compensation for Breach of Agreement: etc. The Feasibility Report would be prepared
In case Concessionaire is responsible for any by a consulting firm to provide and indicative
material default or breach of agreement, it assessment to the prospective bidders. Indian
shall pay to MoR all direct costs suffered by Railway shall also be responsible for
MoR. MoR has to pay all direct costs in case of finalization of Engineering standards and
its material default. Ministry of Railways in specifications. The bidders will carry out their
case of concessionaire default during the own due diligence.
operation period shall pay to the 5.2.3 Selection of Concessionaire:
concessionaire an amount equal to 90% of the The Concessionaire will be selected through
debt due less insurance cover and 70% of the open transparent bidding system and Lowest
amount representing Additional Termination Annuity demanded for pre-determined
Payment. In case termination is on account of period will be selection criteria.
MoR’s default, Concessionaire will be paid an
amount equal to full debt due plus 150% of 5.2.4 Land and utility shifting:
the Adjusted Equity and 115% of the amount Land acquisition and utility shifting will be
representing Additional Termination done by MoR or its entity.
Payment. 5.2.5 Concession Period:
5.1.22Approval: Concession period will be fixed in the range
The project development and preparation of of 15-20 years based on the Feasibility Report
DPR to establish financial viability and (FR).
bankability will be done by Ministry of 5.2.6 Nature of Concession:
Railways. Once the financial viability is The Concessionaire will be responsible for
established with or without Viability Gap financing and construction. Supervision and
Funding (VGF), RFQ can be launched either Certification of construction will be done by
through Railway Board or by Zonal Railway MoR/IE.
or through Railway PSU. PPP-AC route will 5.2.7 Operation:
need to be adopted for appraisal of such
projects before final sanction of appropriate Train Operations and Maintenance will be
authority. done by MoR.MoR will manage stations,
signals, level crossing gates etc.
5.2 Capacity augmentation through annuity
model 5.2.8 Revenue:
The salient features of BOT model are Payment to Concessionaire will be through
Annuity which is determined through
5.2.1 Applicability:
competitive bidding for pre-determined
• For projects where user charges cannot period.
sustain the required private investment, an
5.2.9 CRS sanction:
alternative to the user charge based BOT
model is required, to execute various IR shall, based on the requisite papers
important projects of doubling, 3rd line, submitted by the Concessionaire, apply for
fourth line etc. and obtain CRS sanction.
• The Annuity model is also applicable to 5.2.10Non-interlocking (NI):
Non-interlocking (NI) activities preceding authorities to adopt them with considerable
operationalization of the double/multiple line ease for meeting the specific requirements of
will be undertaken within a stipulated period individual projects.
after Construction Completion Certificate in 6.1.2 Need for Consultants:
respect of the civil works is furnished by the The process of structuring PPPs is complex
Concessionaire. NI will be done by the and the requisite expertise does not normally
Concessionaire under the supervision of IR. exist within the government. Nor do the
Project Authorities have the time and staff
6. Overview of the framework: resources that go into fine tuning the
Niti Aayog (erstwhile Planning Commission) has documentation for PPPs. Employing
formulated guidelines for development of any experienced consultants enables the project
project on PPP basis. The various steps are involved authorities to enhance the possibilities of a
are:- successful project, helps in avoiding costly
• Development of standard document: Like mistakes, promotes capacity building within
Request for Qualification (RFQ), Request for the government sector and builds investor
Proposal (RFP), Concession Agreement (CA) confidence in the entire process.
• Approval of Regulatory Bodies: 6.1.3 Separate technical, financial and legal
For approval of project to be taken up on PPP
and For approval of Viability Gap Fund The Central Ministries, State governments or
(VGF) needed for project to be taken up on Statutory entities owning such projects (the
PPP “Project Authorities”) would normally need
expert financial, legal and technical advice for
• Selection of bidder : Through open bidding
formulating project documents necessary for
following RFQ and RFP process
award and implementation of PPP projects in
• Financial Close: an efficient, transparent and fair manner.
• Appointment of Independent Engineer(IE): Project Authorities sometimes seek the
For supervision and monitoring of comfort of a single consultancy firm to handle
construction and maintenance of project. all aspects of project preparation and award.
• Execution and maintenance of Project: While it may appear to be a convenient
Execution of works as per the laid down approach especially for Project Authorities
standard and specification and Key lacking in experience, this can lead to sub-
Performance Indicator(KPI) optimal outcomes and large contingent
6.1 Development of standard document: liabilities or claims arising out of the project
document and contract. It is an international
6.1.1 Need for a standardised framework:
best practice to engage technical, legal and
With a view to enabling a smooth transition financial consultants separately as the firms
from public sector projects to PPPs and for rendering such services are independent of
adoption of best practices, Government of each other and must also provide their advice
India has recognized the critical role of independently. Where necessary, the Project
standardizing documents and processes to be Authorities Consultants required for
adopted for structuring and award of Public structuring a successful PPP project Separate
Private Partnership (PPP) concessions. technical, legal and financial consultants
Standardised documents enable project
Standardised documents save on time and
authorities to save on the time and costs
costs; avoid costly mistakes Feasibility Report
involved in structuring complex PPP projects.
is necessary for defining a bankable project
In addition, they afford protection to
may also entrust the financial adviser with
individual entities and officials against
the role of transaction adviser for
making errors and answering for them. Such
coordinating the bid process.
standard documents typically lay down the
norms, principles and parameters to be 6.2 Keeping in view of above requirement, the
followed for PPP projects and enable project various stages are:
6.2.1 Selection of different Consultants: Report. Based on Revenue modelling, the
There are three Consultants namely Technical quantum of Viability Gap Funding (VGF) is
Consultant, Legal Consultant and Financial worked out to ensure specified Rate of return
Consultant cum Transaction Advisor to Concessionaire. Various Financial data so
essentially required to be appointed by worked out is used for processing PPPAC “in
Authority. The model RFP documents for – principal” approval, PPPAC “Final
Selection of these Consultants have been approval, VGF “in – principal” approval and
formulated by Planning Commission and VGF Final principal approval.
further modified by MoR. 6.2.4 Role of Legal Consultant:
6.2.2 Role of technical consultants: Based on international best practices, a
Technical consultants are normally required number of Model Concession Agreements
for preparing Feasibility Reports(FR), setting (MCAs) have been evolved for different
performance targets and determining sectors The process of pre-qualification and
investment needs. They are expected to be selection of bidders has also been
well conversant with the physical aspects of standardised through adoption of model
the infrastructure sector under consideration. documents for a two-stage selection
They can provide a range of skills and comprising the Request for Qualification
services including general and architectural (RFQ) and Request for Proposals (RFP). These
design, costing and quantity surveying, documents can be adapted with considerable
planning and traffic studies, technical ease for meeting the specific requirements of
feasibility studies and reviews, life-cycle individual projects. The rights and obligations
costing and analysis, and project monitoring of all stakeholders including the government,
and management. In short, they are users and the concessionaire flow primarily
instrumental in defining the project. They out of the respective PPP contracts. The role
may also develop Manual of Standard and of legal consultants in drafting the bid
Specification(MSM). The Technical documents, therefore, assumes critical
Consultants mainly comprises of “Team significance. Where new contracts are to be
Leader” to lead, co-ordinate and supervise the drafted, the legal consultants would have an
multi-disciplinary team for preparation of the extensive role. In cases where standard
Feasibility Report with support of other documents are to be applied, such as the
Experts in Bridge, Track, Estimate, Electrical, Model RFQ, RFP and MCA, the role of legal
Signal & Telecommunication, Environment, consultants could be largely confined to
Traffic etc depending the type of Project. adapting these documents to project-specific
6.2.3 Role of Financial Consultant & Transaction requirements. They would also be expected to
Advisor: provide legal counsel in the course of bid
process and award, including execution of the
The role of financial consultants is critical
agreement and its coming into effect. Legal
since the success of a PPP project depends on
advice may also be necessary on matters
its Financial Viability. The financial
ranging from regulatory review to execution
consultants are, therefore, expected to
and enforcement of project contracts.
appraise the project, develop a Revenue
model and structure the project on a least cost 6.3 Approval of Regulatory Bodies:
basis. The financial consultants should also There are mainly two approvals needed for
compile and analyse the financial data taking up project on PPP involving two stages
relating to all costs and revenues, and help in in each case i.e.
identification and allocation of project risks. • For approval of project to be taken up on PPP:
An important aspect of good financial advice Public Private Partnership Appraisal
would be a clear assessment of the financial Committee (PPPAC) - “ in principle”
impact of a project on the government and the approval and “final approval”
users. The important Reports prepared by • For approval of Viability Gap Fund (VGF)
them are Revenue Model and Appraisal needed for project to be taken up on PPP:
Appraisal by Empowered Institutions (EI)/ Memorandum for PPP Appraisal Committee
Empowered Committee (EC) - “ in for ‘In Principle’ Approval,
principle” approval and “final” approval. The pre-feasibility/feasibility report and a
6.3.1 For approval of PPPAC for project to be term-sheet containing the salient features of
taken up on PPP: the proposed project to be submitted,
While stepping up public investments in In cases where the PPP project is based on a
infrastructure, the Government of India has duly approved Model Concession Agreement
been actively engaged in finding the (MCA), ‘in principle’ clearance by the PPPAC
appropriate policy framework, which gives would not be necessary.
the private sector adequate confidence to PPPAC will either recommend the proposal
invest in infrastructure projects and for approval of the competent authority (with
simultaneously preserves adequate checks or without modifications) or request the
and balances through transparency, Administrative Ministry to make necessary
competition and regulation. Recognising changes for further consideration of PPPAC.
these requirements, Finance Ministry has
Once cleared by the PPPAC, the project
issued “Guidelines for Formulation,
would be put up to the competent authority
Appraisal and Approval of Public Private
for final approval. The competent authority
Partnership Projects, 2013”with objective to
for each project will be the same as applicable
fast track the appraisal and approval of PPP
for projects approval by PIB.
projects of all sectors. The salient points are
Following the ‘in principle’ clearance of
• Applicability :
PPPAC, the Administrative Ministry may
These guidelines will apply to all PPP projects invite expressions of interest in the form of
sponsored by Central Government Ministries Request for Qualification (RFQ) to be
or Central Public Sector Undertakings followed by shortlisting of pre-qualified
(CPSUs), statutory authorities or other bidders.
entities under their administrative control.
• ‘Final Approval of PPPAC:
The procedure specified herein will apply to
Required before calling of RFP/ Financial Bid
all PPP projects with capital costs exceeding
for selection of Concessionaire,
Rs. 100 crore
the Administrative Ministry shall submit its
• Committee Constitution:
proposal (in six copies, both in hard and soft
Appraisal Committee (PPPAC) has been set form) to the PPPAC Secretariat in the format
up comprising of the following: specified Memorandum for PPP Appraisal
(a) Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs (in Committee for Final Approval
the Chair) 6.3.2 For approval of Viability Gap Fund (VGF)
(b) Secretary, Planning Commission for project on PPP:
(c) Secretary, Department of Expenditure • “ The Scheme and Guidelines for Financial
(d) Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs and Support to PPPs in Infrastructure, 2013”
(e) Secretary of the Department sponsoring a issued by Ministry of Finance provides
project financial support in the form of grants, one
time or deferred, to infrastructure projects
The Committee may co-opt experts as necessary undertaken through PPPs with a view to
• ‘In Principle’ Approval of PPPAC: make them commercially viable.
Required before calling of RFQ for selection • The Government of India provides total
of Concessionaire, Viability Gap Funding up to twenty (20) per
While seeking ‘in principle’ clearance of cent of the total project cost; normally in the
PPPAC, the Administrative Ministry shall form of a capital grant at the stage of project
submit its proposal (in six copies, both in construction.
hard and soft form) to the PPPAC • The Government or statutory entity that owns
Secretariat in the format specified the project may, if it so decides, provide
additional grants out of its budget up to
further twenty (20) percent of the total project Project Cost. The proposal should include
cost. copies of all project agreements (such as
• The Scheme requires the project authorities to Concession Agreement, state support
seek ‘in-principle’ approval of the agreement, Substitution Agreement, Escrow
Empowered Institution/Empowered Agreement, O&M agreement and
Committee prior to seeking bids, and obtain shareholders’ agreement, as applicable) and
the final approval after the selection of the the Project Report.
bidder. • Eligibility:
• The Composition of the Empowered a. The PPP projects may be posed by the Central
Institution is as follows: Ministries, State Government or Statutory
i. Additional Secretary (Economic Affairs) Authorities (like Municipal Authorities and
ii. Additional Secretary (Expenditure) Councils), which own the underlying assets;
iii. Representative of Planning Commission (now b. The PPP projects should be implemented, i.e.
NITI Aayog) not below the rank of Joint developed, financed, constructed, maintained
Secretary and operated for the Projects term by a
Private Sector Company to be selected
iv. Joint Secretary in the line Ministry dealing
through a transparent and open competitive
with the subject
bidding process;
(v) Joint Secretary (FT), DEA -- Member Secretary
c. The criterion for bidding should be the
Viability Gap Funding(VGF) up to Rs. 100 amount of Viability Gap Funding
crore (Rupees one hundred crore) for each
d. The project should provide a service against
project may be sanctioned by the Empowered
payment of pre-determined tariff or user
Institution (EI). Empowered Institution will
also consider other proposals and place them
before the Empowered Committee. e. This Scheme will apply only if the
contract/concession is awarded in favour of a
• The composition of Empowered Committee is
private sector company in which 51 percent
as follows:
or more of the subscribed and paid up equity
i. Secretary (Economic Affairs) is owned and controlled by a private entity.
ii. Secretary (Planning Commission)(now CEO f. The approval is given prior to invitation of
NITI Aayog) bids and actual disbursement takes place once
iii. Secretary (Expenditure) the private entity has expended his portion of
iv. Secretary of the line Ministry dealing with the the equity; and
subject g. The final VGF is determined through the
The Empowered Committee (EC) is bidding.
responsible for Sanctioning Viability Gap • Eligible Sectors: The sectors eligible for
Funding up to Rs. 200 crore (Rs. Two hundred Viability Gap Funding under Scheme are:
crore) for each project and amounts exceeding a. Roads and bridges, railways, seaports,
Rs. 200 crore may be sanctioned by the airports, inland waterways;
Empowered Committee(EI) with the approval
b. Power;
of Finance Minister;
c. Urban transport, water supply, sewerage,
• Procedure:
solid waste management and other physical
The proposal for seeking clearance of the infrastructure in urban areas;
Empowered Institution shall be sent to the
d. Infrastructure projects in Special Economic
PPP Cell of the Department of Economic
Zones and internal infrastructure in National
Affairs in the format specified “Memorandum
Investment and Manufacturing Zones;
for Empowered Institution” along with
Certificate Relating to User Charge/Tariff, e. International convention centers and other
Certificate relating to Concession Period for tourism infrastructure projects;
the Project and Certificate relating to Total f. Capital investment in the creation of modern
storage capacity including cold chains and
post- harvest storage; typically divided into two stages. In the first
g. Education, health and skill development, stage, eligible and prospective bidders are
without annuity provision;** shortlisted through Request for Qualification
h. Oil/Gas/Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) (RFQ) or Expression of Interest (EoI). The
storage facility (includes city gas distribution objective is to short-list eligible bidders for
network); stage two of the process. In the second and
final stage referred to as the Request for
i. Oil and Gas pipelines (includes city gas Proposal (RFP) or invitation of financial bids,
distribution network); the bidders engage in a comprehensive
j. Irrigation (dams, channels, embankments, scrutiny of the project before submitting their
etc); financial offers. .
k. Telecommunication (Fixed Network) 7.1 Request for Qualification (RFQ):
(includes optic fibre/ wire/ cable networks 7.1.1 The RFQ process should aim at short-listing
which provide broadband /internet); and pre-qualifying applicants who will be
l. Telecommunication towers; asked to submit financial bids in the RFP
m. Terminal markets; stage.
n. Common infrastructure in agriculture 7.1.2 The objective is to identify eligible bidders
markets; and who have the requisite Technical and
o. Soil testing laboratories. Financial capacity for undertaking the project.
• In- Principal Approval: Model document specific the various criteria
for adoption of eligible project under different
Financial bids shall be invited for award of the categories of projects, Net worth, and
project within four months of the approval of maintenance experience.
the Empowered Institution.
7.1.3 The Applicant firm for pre-qualification
• Final Approval : under RFQ may be a single entity or a group
Within three months from the date of award, of entities (the “Consortium”), coming
or such extended period as may be permitted, together to implement the Project.
the Lead Financial Institution shall present its 7.1.4 The information sought for the purposes of
appraisal of the project (in six copies, both in pre-qualification generally be restricted to
hard and soft form) for consideration and technical and financial capabilities that are
Final approval of the Empowered Institution. relevant to the project. Such information
The appraisal shall be accompanied by an should be precise and quantified so that the
updated application in the format specified process of short-listing is fair and transparent,
along with the project report and project and does not expose the government to
agreements. disputes or controversies.
The Lead Financial Institution shall verify the 7.1.5 The credentials of eligible Applicants shall be
contents of the application and convey its measured in terms of their Experience Score.
recommendation to the Empowered The sum total of the Experience Scores for all
Institution Eligible Projects shall be the ‘Aggregate
Prior to final approval by the Empowered Experience Score’ of a particular Applicant. In
Institution, the Ministry, State Government or case of a Consortium, the Aggregate
statutory authority, as the case may be, Experience Score of each of its Members, who
proposing the project, shall certify that the have an equity share of at least 26% in such
bidding process conforms to the provisions of Consortium, shall be summed up for arriving
this Scheme and that all the conditions at the combined Aggregate Experience Score
specified in the Scheme have been complied of the Consortium.
with. 7.1.6 The Applicants shall then be ranked on the
basis of their respective Aggregate Experience
7.0 Selection of bidder: Scores and short-listed for submission of
The bidding process for PPP projects is Bids( RFP).
7.1.7 The Authority expects to shortlist upto 6 (six) 7.5 Execution and maintenance of Project:
pre-qualified Applicants for participation in Execution of works as per the laid down
the Bid Stage. The Authority, however, standard and specification and Key
reserves the right to increase the number of Performance Indicator (KPI)
short-listed pre-qualified Applicants by
adding additional Applicant. 8. PPP Projects in Indian Railways:
7.1.8 The Authority may, in its discretion, maintain Presently two Projects identified as pilot
a reserve list of pre-qualified Applicants who Projects under Annuity Model on Indian
may be invited to substitute the short-listed Railways being developed by Zonal Railways
Applicants in the event of their withdrawal under guidance of Infra Directorate of
from the Bidding Process or upon their failure Ministry of Railways. The current status of
to conform to the conditions specified herein. these Projects are as detailed below:
7.2 Request for Proposal (RFP): 1. 3rd Line between Bhadrak- Byree(67km) part
7.2.1. After pre-qualification and shortlisting of of Bhadrak- Nergundi section of East Cost
eligible firms through Request for Railway: RFQ finalised and four bidders
Qualification (RFQ), financial offers from pre- shortlisted i.e. M/s IRCON, M/s Oriental
qualified and short-listing of eligible bidders Structural Engineers Pvt Ltd, M/s
are called through the Request for Proposals EsselIndifra Project, M/s IL&FS . RFP opened
(RFP). and under finalisation.
7.2.2 During RFP stage the bidder is required to 2. 3rd Line between LidhauraKhurd-
quote only the value for a single bidding Golapatti(95 km) part of Bina- Katani section
parameter for either Grant (to be paid as VGF) of West Central Railway: RFQ under
or Premium (up- front payment to Authority) finalisation
7.2.3 The detailed terms of the project is specified
in the Concession Agreement that should 9. PPP in Dedicated Freight Corridor
form an integral part of the Bidding Corporation of India Limited. (DFCCIL)
Documents to be provided to the bidders 9.1 As a part of Eastern Dedicated Freight
along with the RFP document. Corridor (EDFC), the Dankuni- Sonnagar
7.3 Financial Close: section (538 Km)is approved by Ministry of
Railways (“MoR”) to develop through Public
After appointment of Concessionaire,
Private Partnership (“PPP”) basis on Design,
Financial Close is to be done in 180 days.
Build, Finance, Maintain and Transfer
7.4 Appointment of Independent Engineer (IE): (“DBFMT”) model based on Policy guidelines
For supervision and monitoring of construc- issued by MoR on Participative Models for
tion and maintenance of project, like PMC Rail Connectivity and Capacity
Independent Engineer (IE) is appointed in Augmentation Projects (2012). Subsequently,
mutual understanding with Authority and Ministry of Railways (“MoR”) directed to take
Concessionaire. To ensure neutrality, the cost up this project in two stages, i.e. Dankuni-
is equally borne by Authority and Gomoh (282.22 Kms) as Phase-I and Gomoh-
Concessionaire. Sonnagar (256.58 Kms) as Phase-II.
9.2 Salient features of Dankuni-Gomoh section
S. No Description Details :
(282.22 Km), Phase-Iare
1. Route Length 282.22 Kms
2. Double/Single Line Double Line
3. Construction Period 4 years
4. Concession Period (incl. const. period) DBFMT Model – 25 years
5. Construction Cost (including IDC and Financing fee) Rs. 7527.22 crores
The salient features of the proposed Project Development Structure i.e. DBFMT are:
Fixed Infrastructure
The Concessionaire shall be responsible for maintenance of the project
Revenue 1. The Authority shall pay to the Concessionaire a sum equal to 50% of
the revenue apportionment from freight operations on the Rail
System, determined in accordance with Inter Railway Financial
Adjustment Rules, as the User Fee for using the Rail System.
2. During the Concession Period the base tariff shall be escalated at
the rate of 3% (three percent) annually.
3. The projected revenue for the 1st year after COD shall be
determined and for each subsequent year, the projected revenue
shall be deemed to be 6% higher than for the immediately
preceding year.
4. 80% of the projected revenue during any year will be guaranteed.
5. In case traffic is in excess of 120% & 150% of the projected revenue,
provision of additional revenue share with Concessioning Authority.
6. Provision for review and change in concession period based on
projected revenue at the end of 20 year of concession.
9.3.2 Financial Consultant & Transaction Advisor for Phase-II have been appointed in Nov 2018 and
work on updation of cost is in progress. Based on updated Project cost and Financial Modelling, RFQ,
RFP and CA documents will be ready by Dec 2018.
9.4 The current status of Land Acquisition for both phases is
9.5 As directed by Board now, Tendering Process of floating of RFQ/RFP will be done for both phases
Reference :
1. Ministry of Railways’ Letter No. 2011/Infra/12/32 dt 10.12.2012 on “Participative Model for Rail –
Connectivity and Capacity Augmentation project”
2. “Overview of Framework for Participative Model for Rail – Connectivity and Domestic & Foreign Direct
Investment, 2014”, issued by PPP Cell Infrastructure Directorate, Ministry of railways
3. Model document Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Annuity/ BOT Model issued by Ministry of Railways
vide letter No. 2015/Infra/12/24 dt. 10.5.18
4. Model document Request for Proposal (RFP) for Annuity/ BOT Model issued by Ministry of Railways vide
letter No. 2015/Infra/12/24 dt. 10.5.18
5. Model document Concession Agreement (CA) for Annuity/ BOT Model issued by Ministry of Railways vide
letter No. 2015/Infra/12/24 dt. 10.5.18
6. Model document Request for Proposal (RFP) for selection of Technical Consultant issued by Planning
7. Model document Request for Proposal (RFP) for selection of Financial Consultant & Transaction Advisor
issued by Planning Commission.
8. Model document Request for Proposal (RFP) for selection of Legal Advisor issued by Planning Commission.
9. “Guidelines for Formulation, Appraisal and Approval of Public Private Partnership Projects, 2013”issued by
Finance Ministry.
10. “ The Scheme and Guidelines for Financial Support to PPPs in Infrastructure,2013”issued by Ministry of
11. “ Concession Agreement ” between Ministry of Railways & DFCC Feb 2014.
This paper has focused on those selective environmental and social tools and indicators, which resulted in
integration of sustainability concepts in development of a new freight railway corridor, with specific
reference to the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC). The concise information provided is based
on experience gained during integration of environmental and social parameters during different phases
of the project, right from the concept stage till construction stage.
The key success strength in the project lies in addressing potential environmental and social impacts on
“Continual Improvement Model” and recognizing various factors, risks, challenges and constraints and
taking appropriate and timely actions for enhancing sustainability performance of different activities and
deliverables associated with the project. These factors were based on – a) “Compliant Level” to comply
with laws & regulations; b) “Reactive Level” to reduce negative impacts of the project; c) “Proactive Level”
i.e. the area where the project contributes to; and d) “Purpose Level” i.e. where the sustainability
considerations are included in the justification of the project.
The key inputs and results of sustainability performance in WDFC are focused on – Environmental
Performance; Social Performance; Policy Initiatives & Tools; Human Rights Performance; and Integration
of International Standards. Active participation of all stakeholders and community facilitated the
consideration of sustainability aspects and provided a framework on how the different variables of
sustainability relevant to the project activities are considered in the management and monitoring of
environmental and social variables.
DFC project is also following a low carbon path adopting various technological options which can help
DFC project to operate in a more energy efficient fashion and at the same time explore options to offset its
own GHG emissions by investing in low carbon assets such as solar power, wind power and afforestation.
1.0 INTRODUCTION on account of further developments or recommen-
The main aim of mainstreaming environmental dations in the project; made use of improved
and social sustainability initiatives in development understanding and knowledge based on the results
of a large-sized new freight railway infrastructure of engineering and technical design; and addressed
project is to avoid, reduce or mitigate any negative various issues as well as potential environmental
impacts, while maximising potential benefits. This and social impacts by specifying more concrete and
paper has focussed on the use of sustainability practical actions.
tools and indicators for assessing, evaluating, and The detailed review of the mitigation, manage-
monitoring the impacts of environmental and ment, and monitoring measures identified during
social issues and making timely decisions for ESIA study stage revealed that there were broadly
achieving sustainability during project design and five factors which needed to be considered for
execution of the Western Dedicated Freight integrating additional / revised mitigation,
Corridor (WDFC). management and monitoring measures so as to
The Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) is one of the enhance environmental and social performance in
largest transport infrastructure projects the project.
implemented in India, conceived to meet the needs These factors were based on “Compliant Level” to
of India’s rapid economic growth while inducing comply with laws & regulations; “Reactive Level”
further regional economic development. The DFC to reduce negative impacts of the project;
project signifies a major transition in the freight “Proactive Level” i.e. the area where the project
transport sector by increasing the relative share of contributes to; and “Purpose Level” i.e. where the
rail as an energy efficient, environment friendly sustainability considerations are included in the
and less carbon-intensive mode of transport. justification of the project.
Although railway schemes are not normally These five factors were:
subjected to Environmental Impact Assessment [A] Existing or newly recognized Environmental
(EIA) in India, the involvement of JICA in the Clearance (EC) / Forest Clearance (FC)
Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) has Process;
itself ensured that the project is subjected to
[B] Implications of Enforced Environmental Laws
scrutiny regarding its potential environmental and
and Regulations and Court Orders;
social impacts throughout its development, in
compliance with the safeguard policies of the [C] Site-specific measures for identified Critical
funding agencies. These policies are aimed at Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs);
avoiding where possible and mitigating where [D] Elaboration or Extension of measures based
necessary the potential negative environmental on improved practices & more technical &
and social impacts. Safeguards generally include practical approach; and
policies on environmental assessment, involuntary [E] Results of Reviewed Engineering Design.
resettlement, indigenous people, gender, wildlife After integrating all pertinent additional/revised
and natural habitats, cultural historical resources, measures on the basis of above listed factors, the
and other important aspects. continuous updated mitigation, management and
2.0 METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES monitoring measures assisted all involved parties
2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS FOR (design consultant, contractor, project management
IMPROVED SUSTAINABILITY consultant, or client) to apply environmental and
PERFORMANCE social measures in each phase of the project (pre-
The integration of sustainability factors for construction/design, construction, operation) in an
addressing potential environmental and social effective and efficient manner.
impacts in the WDFC project strategized on 2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL TOOLS
“Continual Improvement Model” during different AND INDICATORS
phases of the project and resulted in enhanced Various potential environmental and social impacts
performance. were identified in the WDFC project through series
This was done by identifying possible gaps; of surveys, field investigations, hiring of subject
appropriately incorporating additional provisions experts & expert agencies, and use of international
techniques & impacts assessment methodology encompassing sustainability approaches are
relevant to the Railway projects. In order to offset summarized in Figure-1.
any significant impacts, technically and practically The comprehensive study at the ESIA (as a
feasible Mitigation, Management, and Monitoring sustainability tool) and engineering design level
Measures were designed and integrated in the consisted of pollution control, natural environment,
design and contractual documents during social impact, public consultation and information
construction stages, such as: dissemination, impact identification and
• Site-specific Safety, Health & Environment assessment, preparation of mitigation measures,
(SHE) Policy & Plans including issue-wise and preparation of Environmental Management
supplementary plans before start of work at Plan (EMP) and Environmental Monitoring Plan
the Contractor’s level; (EMoP).
• Regular meetings with all stakeholders to Mitigation measures were identified for all
monitor implementation of environmental environmental impacts due to different project
and social management in the project; etc.; activities and its components to curtail adverse
• Effective Monitoring & Supervision Control impacts including a detailed monitoring plan for
of Contractor’s Activities; etc. safeguarding the environment with a time frame
for the monitoring activities. Example of some of
The key tools and indicators employed in the
these initiatives are summarised below in Box#1:
project, mainly during construction phase,
BOX # 1
[Examples of Initiatives to Mitigate Environmental Impacts]
Potential Impacts Initiatives on Mitigation Measures
Air Quality
< Construction Phase >
Deterioration of air quality due to • Storage of construction materials in covered
particulate matter such as dust, go downs or enclosed spaces.
especially during dry condition, • Coverage of truck carrying soil, sand and
and gaseous emissions from stone to avoid spilling.
construction equipment and • Adequate dust suppression measures such as
vehicular traffic regular water sprinkling on unpaved haul
roads and vulnerable areas of the construction
• Use of low emission construction equipment,
vehicles and generator set
Noise and Vibration Levels
< Construction phase >
Noise and vibration due to • Use of low noise construction equipment.
movement of vehicles, and • Construction activities carried out near
operation of light and heavy residential area preferably in daytime.
construction machineries • Provision of protective gears such as ear plugs
etc. to construction personnel exposed to high
noise levels
Water Quality
< Construction phase >
• Wastewater from construction • Provision of silt fencing near water bodies.
activities with suspended • Control of quality of construction wastewater
impurities. emanating from the construction site through
• Wastewater disposal from the suitable drainage system with sediment traps.
workers camp and sludge • Provision of proper sanitation facilities at the
generated from construction construction site to prevent health related
site. problems due to water contamination
< Construction stage >
• Loss of flora due to felling of • Appropriate compensatory plantation with
trees along the ROW. about 2 times of the number of trees felled.
• Deposition of fugitive dust on • Compensation for forest land and trees to be
pubescent leaves of nearby felled in forest area and private land.
vegetation • Mixed plantation consisting of flowering
shrubs and evergreen ornamental trees
• Strip plantation in available open spaces on
both sides of the railway track.
• Provision of cooking fuel to construction
workers to avoid cutting/felling of trees for
fuel wood
2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS, affecting a wider area than the direct infrastructure
CHALLENGES AND CONSTRAINTS impacts. Especially linear railway projects can lead
The project took adequate steps to overcome two to over exploitation of resources, land speculation,
major risks: human wildlife conflicts, loss of culture, local
• Land acquisition risk: By constructing major knowledge and livelihood of indigenous groups.
part of alignment covering around 3300 km
across multiple states in the country along the 3.0 KEY INPUTS AND RESULTS FOR
existing railway tracks of Indian Railways (IR). SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE
For the balance requirement, MoR (under 3.1 INTEGRATION OF INTERNATIONAL
powers vested in it through The Railways STANDARDS, GUIDELINES & ISO
Amendment Act, 2008) acquired land and gave CERTIFICATIONS
it on long-term lease to DFCCIL. WDFC project integrated implementation of
• Environmental risk: The loan covenants with “International Standards, Guidelines & ISO
bilateral/multilateral agencies required Certifications” in all Contract Packages during
detailed environmental and social impact construction phase. Every Contractor was
assessment along with preparation of contractually obliged to ensure that their works
appropriate rehabilitation and resettlement were undertaken in accordance with the applicable
matrix. The project has timely obtained all international guidelines, standards and
relevant clearances and approvals. specifications on “Safety, Health and Environment”
The major challenges and constraints are and the Contractors were accredited under the
embedded in issues linked to infrastructure following schemes before commencement of
development – Direct Impacts and Indirect Impacts physical works –
ISO 14001-2015: Environmental Management
Direct impacts Systems
The nature of infrastructure projects differs widely. OHSAS 18001-2007: Occupational Health and
Direct impacts depend on type of activity (e.g. Safety Management Systems
railway), applied technology, geographic Once the certification was obtained at the project
circumstances (e.g. seismic, flood, weather related level covering all activities specific to a particular
risks), type of ecosystem (e.g. wetland or dryland), contract package, the project was subjected to
population density (in relation to impacts by noise, regular internal / external / surveillance audits
dust, pollution, accident risks, etc.), traffic density and inspection of various activities on the
(disturbance; wildlife-vehicle collision risk) and construction sites in accordance with the audit
more. guidance, procedure and management system as
In general, linear infrastructure projects usethe per ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 on aspects related
concept of ‘effect zone’, i.e. a zone of a certain to safety, labour protection, occupational health &
width parallel to the entire project, used to quantify welfare, and environmental management.
potential negative ecological, environmental and These certifications created systematic management
social impacts. From a biodiversity perspective system of monitoring, measurement & review of
important potential direct impacts are habitat loss, environmental and social performance in the
fragmentation, disturbance, altered drainage WDFC Project as required by internal and external
patterns, and erosion/sedimentation. audits procedure.
Infrastructure can act as a barrier in wildlife 3.2 POLICY SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES
migration corridors. & TOOLS
Indirect impacts The project took various proactive initiatives to
Infrastructure facilitates further developments, address environmental and social impacts of
with intended (e.g. planned human settlement) or different activities through integration of high level
unintended consequences (e.g. illegal settlement, of compliance with the national and international
hunting or logging in formerly inaccessible areas, environmental laws & regulations at every stage of
spread of communicable diseases such as HIV the WDFC project. Environmental approach was
AIDS). These impacts are usually more severe and reflected from the initiatives taken with selection of
DFC alignments such that land acquisition, forest Box#3:
land diversion and impact to environment was
Through careful planning, the WDFC project
overcome following intricate issues related to
compliance with legislations and statutory
(1) Complex web of legal requirements in Indian
(2) Lengthy processes of permissions and
(3) Risk of non-compliances leading to unexpected
court orders;
(4) Untimely actions leading to time delays in
project executions; In order to judge the extensiveness of particular laws
and regulation as applied to the various activities of
(5) Project cost overrun;
the project, the example is presented in Box#4 on the
(6) Risk of non-compliances affecting reputation level of monitoring and control parameters for
of employer and funding agencies. Central Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Rules, 1989
Though Railway and Bridge construction projects applied to the project activities considering the fact
are exempted legally from the national that the project deployed large number of
environmental clearance process, yet as a construction vehicles and machinery.
responsible corporate and recognizing ESIA as a EXAMPLE OF VEHICLE INSPECTION
“Sustainable Development Tool”, a Detailed & CHECKLIST
Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
studies with data generation in all critical seasons
were conducted for WDFC to meet the JICA
safeguard policies. The comprehensive set of
various laws and regulations applicable to the
project are summarized in Box#2 and Box#3.
Box#2: Applicable Acts and Regulations (pre-
construction phase)
Box#3: Applicable Acts and Regulations
(construction phase)
3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 3.3.2 Construction Materials and Waste
PERFORMANCE Management: Major construction materials used in
The environmental dimension of sustainability the project include concrete, borrow material
concerns and project’s impacts on living and non- (earth), quarry material (aggregate, ballast,
living natural systems including ecosystems, land, blanketing), rail supply, sleeper supply, HSD, and
air and water were addressed through relevant others. Key initiatives implemented to conserve
Environmental indicators to cover performance resource use and prevent land pollution included –
related to inputs (e.g. material, energy, water) and • Maximum use of locally available materials to
outputs (e.g. emissions, effluents, waste). reduce transportation impacts;
Four different components were taken into account • Use of fly ash and fly ash-based products in
for integrating environmental sustainability certain structures;
performance of WDFC activities during pre- • Every contractor was contractually obliged to
construction and construction phases. These were: prepare, implement, and monitor “Solid
Water Conservation, Construction Materials and Waste, Hazardous Waste, C&D Waste & e-
Waste Management, Control of Emissions and Waste Management” throughout the
Wildlife & Natural Conservation. construction period;
3.3.1 Water Conservation - Construction of DFC • Recycling & Reuse of waste within the work
Corridor is a linear project and does not depend on sites itself;
the local water sources for a longer period of time.
• Training & awareness among all workers and
Abstraction of water is restricted to construction
staff on work sites for reduction in waste
requirement and domestic use of construction
generation; etc.
workers. Various initiatives implemented at
construction sites resulted in prevention or 3.3.3 Control of Emissions (Air, Noise, Vibration):
reduction of any wastage of water and included – DFC project is intended to follow a low carbon
path adopting various technological options which
• Training & awareness among workers,
can help the project to operate in a more energy
engineers, etc. on behavior issues regarding
efficiency manner and at the same time explore
usage of water;
options to offset its own GHG emissions by
• During monsoon, the rain water from rooftop investing in low carbon assets such as solar power,
of site huts are collected in tanks and later wind power and afforestation.
reused in Dust suppression,
Key success factors in control of emissions during
implementation phase included –
• Developing borrow and quarry areas into
• Regular environmental monitoring for air,
pond to recharge local ground water sources;
water, noise (environmental & occupational),
vibration, soil, etc.;
• Keeping record of water consumption at all
• Regular meetings among all stakeholders to
work sites;
monitor implementation of environmental
• Display Posters, Slogans and messages for management;
promoting conservation and prevent wastage
• Dust control & its effective management on all
of water;
sites with a variety of measures, such as
• Recharging through water harvesting methods limiting vehicle speed; covering all
along the project corridor and adopting trucks/dumpers carrying fine grained loose
rainwater harvesting scheme at level crossings, materials with secured tarpaulins; daily water
road under bridges (RUBs) and building areas sprinkling on roads; etc.;
(station, residential);
• Noise & Vibration reduction & abatement
• Use of efficient fixtures in toilets and measures were in-built in project design,
washrooms at sites to reduce the wastage; locomotive technology, track design, and
• Regular maintenance and repairing of water construction methodology.
supply network and waste water carrying 3.3.4 Wildlife & Natural Conservation: Key
pipeline to ensure that there is no leakage or success factors covered –
obstruction to flow; etc.
• Annual financial contribution to encourage appropriate designs, and mitigating local impacts
research for improving measures for Wildlife were offset due to the smooth implementation of
Conservation in Protected Areas (PA); the project.
• Construction of wildlife passes at strategic 3.4.2 Base line and Census of WDFC Project for
locations inside PA; preparation of RRP
• Installation of wildlife fencing along corridor To establish the severity of adverse impact on
for stretch of alignment passing through PA; people, census and socio-economic surveys are the
• Implementation of pre-afforestation (1:10 ratio) beginning point. The basis for the preparation of
in eco-sensitive areas to increase tree and the resettlement plan for the project was the
vegetation cover; identification and quantification of affected
• Mangrove plantation to arrest soil erosion and persons, the extent and nature of the impacts on
reduce salinity due to sea ingress; them, and their existing socio-economic condition.
It indicated the categories of impact to develop
The project recognized the indigenous rights of
entitlements for compensation and assistance
Scheduled Tribes and other categories of forest
packages. Moreover, it formed the baseline to
dwellers dependent upon it for their sustenance
measure effectiveness of resettlement activities. The
and livelihood and successfully involved and
several socio-economic survey were conducted
engaged these local people after obtaining
between 2007 and 2012 for preparation and
resolution from the village.
finalization of RRP.
PERFORMANCE • Identification of the number of potentially
affected structures as PAFs in the parallel
Some of the major components which resulted in
sections and the detour sections by the field
enhanced social sustainability performance in
survey; and conducted the socio-economic
WDFC project included -
questionnaire at 10% of identified PAFs in the
3.4.1 Stake Holders Meetings (SHM) / Public field by using the on-site sampling method,
Consultations Meetings (PCM) process and analyzed the obtained data in
WDFC project undertook public consultation 2007;
meetings between 2007 and 2012 and set good
• Detailed project affected structure survey as
example of an elaborate consultation mechanism to
well as project affected families to be resettled
involve community, project affected persons
for land acquisition process in 2008.
(PAPs) suggestions in the final freight corridor
design. • 100% Baseline and Census survey was
First Stage SHM/PCM was conducted at state level conducted during 2010 to 2012 covering all
all along the whole WDFC project area. Second and along the DFC Corridor.
third Stage PCMs were held at 22 districts level. In The project involved high quality of census survey,
addition, village-level meetings were held between additional baseline and census survey was
the Second and Third Stage SHMs. At the end of conducted wherever alignment design was
social study, a central level stakeholder/public modified. Identification of squatters and
consultation meeting was held to disseminate the encroaches eligible for assistance was most
results of ESIA and SEA to the stakeholders and challenging in this project. R&R policies specify the
public. date of census/surveys as the cut-off for all project
Wherever the community raised issues, a team affected persons including squatters and
including environmental and social specialists and encroachers. This was conducted to prevent
the Railway design engineers visited the sites to fraudulent claims by opportunistic encroachers
work out alternative designs. The final designs occupying the ROW at a date subsequent to the
were again discussed with the PAPs, at each of the census.
locations to demonstrate how the community In this project, Baseline and Census Survey, 30,912
concerns were integrated with the design, reason families with 164080 persons were interviewed.
out how conflicting community concerns have been This projected wide publicity of the Project
resolved, and wherever not incorporated, and the throughout the study area.
associated solutions. The costs of preparing
3.4.3 Review and Upgradation of RRP Policy for 3.4.4 Wide range of Information Disclosure for
Public Acceptance this Project
Most resettlement preparation and planning DFCCIL’s information disclosure mechanisms of
conclude in an implementable Rehabilitation and “Environment and Social Impact Assessment
Resettlement plan (RRP). Background studies Report” & RRP reports of displaying documents in
cover census and socioeconomic surveys of the State Administrative level like popular station or
people in the impact area, land tenure and its use, offices, including village level panchayat and
and of income restoration programmes. In websites of DCCIL served a great purpose. The
addition, consultations with stakeholders at dissemination of project documents in the different
various levels were carried out. Analyses and public forum had been very effective. The PAPs
outputs from studies and consultations form the knew their entitlements from their interaction with
basis for minimizing adverse impacts, finalization the NGOs,/ public officer and the wider
of R&R policy, framework for ongoing community found it easily access in different
consultation, site selection for relocation, locations. Public sent their grievances and demands
institutional arrangements, implementation to the Project proponent for rectifications of the
schedule, monitoring arrangements with indicators entitlement matrix for affected persons.
and budget, which becomes a part of RRP. The The R & R policies were also translated in the local
following three important concerns that considered languages in all the projects and disclosed and
course of preparing and upgradation of socially distributed among the project-affected persons. To
sustainable a realistic RRP. that end, the disclosure of the EIA and SIA & RRP
• Recognizing the adverse impacts of the project document has been successful and created
and addressing the involuntary displacement transparency among the affected PAPs. Project
and other related adverse social impacts, MOR moved successfully in a sustainable manner.
and DFCCIL had formulated the Resettlement 3.4.5 Grievance Redress Mechanism as a social
and Rehabilitation Policy including sustainable tool
entitlements keeping in view the national laws Grievance Committees at the field and Headquarter
and international guidelines: The Railways levels to hear and redress grievances made by PAPs
(Amendment) Act, 2008 (RAA 2008), the and any other local residents having a stake in the
National Rehabilitation and Resettlement DFC project implementation process was
Policy, 2007 (NRRP 2007), and Japan Bank for established as per RRP. In addition to the
International Cooperation (Ex-JBIC) committees, arbitrator for compensation matter as
Guidelines for Confirmation of Environmental per RAA 2008 and LARR 2013 Act and ombudsman
and Social Considerations, April 2002, social for R&R matter have been appointed to hear and
acceptability of the Project. resolve grievances not addressed by the Grievance
• Further, as per “THE RIGHT TO FAIR Committees to the satisfaction of the concerned
COMPENSATION AND TRANSPARENCY project affected person/family upon receipt of
AND RESETTLEMENT ACT, 2013” under sec The grievances related with land acquisition which
108, DFCCIL prepared the “Entitlement have been raised from the PAPs such as
Matrix 2015” for providing adequate R&R requirement of construction of under bridge on the
benefits affected PAPs. DFC alignment or sharing of land use with other
• DFCCIL conducted the additional Non- projects are tackled by Deputy General
titleholder field verification survey in Manager/Public Grievances in DFCCIL.
Maharashtra. Appox, 1693 houses were Ombudsman is also on board to look out this
required at different locations in Maharashtra matter.
to be provided to the PAPs (TH&NTHs) for 3.5 ENERGY AND CLIMATE
R&R compensations under LARR-2013 Act, as SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE
per their eligibility based on cut-off date. The
The project integrated various options in its design
issue of R&R was taken care by MOR
and project implementation to improve energy
/DFCCIL/Government of Maharashtra for
performance –
sustainability of the Project.
• Energy Optimization and Saving in Electric policies, code of conduct, contractual requirements
Locomotive Operations for Different Train Mix and procedures in order to mainstream the
Type principles in every stakeholder’s activities,
• Enhanced Utilization of Renewable Energy on operations, and deliverables.
both Short-term and Long-term Basis The basic principle emphasized that all employees
• Energy Efficient New Technological Options in including the employees of contractors,
Traction and Non-Traction subcontractors or consultants must live with social
and economic dignity and freedom, regardless of
• Energy Conservation Measures for Non-
nationality, gender, race, economic status or
traction Applications
religion. It is committed to the principles of – No
• Energy Efficiency and Conservation Measures child or forced labour in its operations;
in Corporate Office Building Discrimination free workplace; Gender Equity; and
Reduction in specific energy consumption was Supportive work environment.
accomplished through various measures at Major section of workforce comprising of
different construction sites, such as – unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled, and highly skilled
• Use of solar PV for street and site security categories, on various construction sites of DFC
lighting; alignment were regularly trained and educated on
• Low-sulphur HSD to run DG sets in wide variety of human rights aspects, such as
emergency situations only on account of power HIV/AIDS prevention & control, minimum wages
failure; rights, occupational health and personal hygiene,
• Permitting only energy efficient equipment safety management, and other labour related
and machineries on construction sites together policies and procedures.
with their regular “Maintenance Regime”; In addition to these, technical trainings were also
• Introduction of contractual clauses on “Energy facilitated for professional up gradation of staff and
Conservation”; etc. officers of DFCCIL on Organizational & Team
Leadership; Brand Communication & Perception
DFC project is also following a low carbon path
Management; Land Acquisition and Resettlement
adopting various technological options which can
& Rehabilitation Program; Right to Information
help DFC project to operate in a more energy
(RTI) Act, and other critical aspects.
efficient fashion and at the same time explore
options to offset its own GHG emissions by Key Success Factors –
investing in low carbon assets such as solar power, • Strict Monitoring & Supervision of Field
wind power and afforestation. Activities;
3.6 HUMAN RIGHTS SUSTAINABILITY • A Joint Coordination Committee among all
PERFORMANCE Stakeholders;
WDFC project adopted two major policies – • System of Penalties and Incentives;
“DFCCIL’s Work Place Policy on Labour • Experience sharing among different Projects &
Protection”, and “DFCCIL’s Work Place Policy on Contracts through Interface Meetings;
HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control for Workers
Engaged by Contractors”, to serve as some of the
key instruments in assessing and monitoring of Employees
human rights performance and impacts.
The project laid enough stress to safeguard and Service Contractors
respect human rights and labor standards in its HUMAN
day-to-day operations as well as during RIGHTS &
implementation of wide range of works contract STANDARDS
through a battery of contractors, consultants, Material Sub-
suppliers, and service providers. It had Suppliers Contractors
continuously strived to integrate relevant national
and international laws and practices that relate to Consultants
human rights and labor standards into DFCCIL’s
• Control Systems of Compliance & • Innovative and newer approach is
Enforcement; instrumental in driving contractors and other
• Training & Awareness to all Workers; project stakeholders towards attaining defined
• Mix of Self-regulatory & Audit Mechanism; goals and targets for long term environmental
etc. benefits and responsibility.
Leveraging Procurement for
Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure
Sanjay Kumar
Engineers (FIDIC) in its report titled ‘State of the resources, and contributes to enhanced livelihoods
World: FIDIC Infrastructure Report’ has flagged and social well-beingduring construction and use
many challenges such as economic crises, phase? Investment in sustainable infrastructure
urbanisation, non-renewable resource depletion, would augment and improve the efficiency of
water scarcity, climate change, waste management energy, mobility, and logistics and thereby boost
and increasingly complex disasters, which threaten the productivity and competitiveness of all sectors,
the resilience of critical infrastructure and service. spur economic growth and unlock waves of
The world has fresh memories of what happened innovation and creativity.
to critical infrastructure such as railways, metro, Closing the infrastructure gap in these countries
highway, airport, water supply etc. during the would naturally need spending more on roads,
recent flood in Kerala, India in August 2018. All power plants, and water Sewage systems etc. but
infrastructure crumbled when the people needed more importantly it would mean spending
them the most. This raises the question what kind differently and transforming the way infrastructure
of infrastructure does the world need? is planned, developed and operated. Infrastructure
Of course, the world needs more infrastructure, that is built now will determine our climate future.
particularly in developing countries. But investing It is estimated that globally, 35–60% of the future
in conventional infrastructure would put these carbon budget will be taken up by infrastructure
countries in a great danger of locking in the capital, (The New Climate Economy, 2016). The impacts of
technology, and patterns of economic activity that climate change are growing concerns, reducing the
will last for decades and become progressively predictability of future infrastructure needs as well
unsustainable. Further, it would not help us as increasing the vulnerability of assets. Therefore,
achieve the economic, social and environmental delivering sustainable infrastructure is complex
objectives embodied by the Paris Agreement and given climate change, environmental concerns, and
the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). social challenges. But at the same time, the scale of
Therefore, the need of the hour is not just any new investment that must be made offers a unique
infrastructure but infrastructure that is sustainable, opportunity for developing countries, including
low-carbon and climate resilient. Arranging fund India, to accelerate the transitions towards low-
for infrastructure development in developing carbon, climate resilient and sustainable economy.
countries is going to be a big challenge but the
bigger challenge would be to make these 3. Procurement as a strategic tool
infrastructures sustainable and climate resilient in
The belief that conducting environmental and social
view of climate change and diminishing natural
impact assessments for infrastructure projects
would lead to the sustainable outcome has not
Building a new infrastructure comes at significant yielded any significant results. It has merely
environmental risks such as deforestation, loss of become a part of the licensing and construction
habitat, water pollution, GHG emission, soil permit requirements for undertaking infrastructure
erosion, displacement of people etc. The existing projects. Therefore, the focus shall move away
stock of infrastructure and its use accounts for from conducting environmental and social impact
more than 60 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas assessments to integrating sustainability concerns
(GHG) emissions. Buildings and construction across the entire project lifecycle. Notably,
together account for 36% of global final energy use. addressing some sustainability aspects upstream
The fact that majority of the infrastructure in could be much more cost effective than trying to
developing countries that would be required to address sustainability when projects are designed
meet the societal need and well being of the people or in operation .That is the reason the procurement
by 2050 is yet to be built, imagine the resources that phase of the infrastructure cycle presents perhaps
would be required to construct those the most critical opportunity to deploy sustainable
infrastructures. This brings us to the question how infrastructure . The rationale for leveraging
do we design, plan and build infrastructure that procurement phase as a tool is based on a couple of
consumes fewer resources, less energy, less water, important learnings. Firstly, in developing and
produce less waste and at the same time supports emerging economies, about 60–65% of the cost of
the conservation and sustainable use of natural infrastructure projects is financed by public
resources, while in advanced economies this figure and total present value of Annual Maintenance
is around 40% . Secondly, it is the stage at which Contracts (AMC) for specified number of years
governments, the originators of the project, go to a within the estimated cost and also the evaluation
market and issue public tenders in an effort to seek criteria of procurement contract. Secondly, it does
out bidders that offer the best for value for money not capture the negative externalities caused during
(VfM). Thirdly, procurement acts as a gatekeeper execution, operation, use and dismantling of the
and choices exercised at this stage of procurement infrastructure on environment and society.
on the kind of products and services that would go Therefore, the VfM as a concept has to be
into the construction of infrastructure has a broadened to include social and environmental
significant bearing on overall impact on externalities or factors such as employment
environment and well being of people. By creation, support for vulnerable groups, or local
demanding greener products, works and services, content etc. to better utilise tax payers’ money and
the government can minimize (if not eliminate) achieve wider sustainability objectives of the
negative impacts of infrastructure during its government. The concern on this issue has been
construction, operation and use on the brewing globally and now the consensus has
environment and society. emerged on broadening VfM conceptamong
However, the conventional method of achieving stakeholders with question remaining how we
Value for Money (VfM) in public procurement by integrate sustainability concerns in procurement
awarding a contract to the lowest price bidder has decision.
been criticised in recent time and found unsuited The World Bank in its latest review of the
to deliver sustainability goals. VfMis typically procurement system in 2016 has introduced VfM as
defined as “what a government judges to be an a core principle in all procurements financed by
optimal combination of quantity, quality, features them. This essentially means a shift in focus from
and cost, expected over the whole of the project’s the lowest evaluated compliant bid to bids that
lifetime” . The infrastructure sector is highly provide the best overall value for money, taking
competitive and contractors win bids by lowering into account quality, cost, and social and
their costs. Thus the winning tenderer may not environmental risks as needed. The Bank,in fact,
have the incentive to provide an infrastructure that found VfM concept so transformational for delivery
uses fewer resources, consume less energy and of developmental outcome that they released a
water, generate less waste etc. Besides, it may well separate guideline on “Achieving VfM in
be the one which pays the lowest wages, does not Investment Projects Financed by the World Bank by
provide adequate health and safety benefits to the World Bank”in July 2016. In this guideline, the
labourers, employs shortcut procedure to bypass Bank defines VfM as the effective, efficient, and
environmental regulations and provide/use economic use of resources, which requires the
technology that is inherently unsustainable. evaluation of relevant costs and benefits, along
The traditional method to achieve VfM has some with an assessment of risks, and of non-price
glaring shortcomings, which are coming in the way attributes and/or life cycle costs, as appropriate.
of delivering larger objectives of the government. Price alone may not necessarily represent VfM. The
Firstly, it does not consider even all economic costs General Financial Rule 2017 also states that
over the entire life cycle of the project when purchases should be made in a transparent,
arriving at the lowest price. For example, capital competitive and fair manner, to secure the best
equipment that is used in infrastructure projects value for money. It further definesVfM in the
during construction and use, the cost of operations, Manual for Procurement of Goods 2017 as “VfM
maintenance and disposal of the equipment over means the effective, efficient, and economic use of
its life cycle may far outweigh the initial resources, which may involve the evaluation of
procurement cost over the life cycle of the relevant costs and benefits, along with an
equipment. Hence value for money becomes an assessment of risks, non-price attributes (e.g. in
important consideration – which can be addressed goods and/or services that contain recyclable
in public procurement by way of appropriate content, are recyclable, minimise waste and
Description, Specification, Contract conditions like greenhouse gas emissions, conserve energy and
inclusion of cost of supply of initial essential spares water and minimize habitat destruction and
environmental degradation, are nontoxic etc.) practical and measurable criteria depending on the
and/or life cycle costs, as appropriate”. This is in national context of a country. It would further
line with the Most Economically Advantageous clarify end goals and give a valuable basis for
Tender (MEAT) method of assessment, introduced analysis to identify key actions, including roles and
by the European Parliament in January 2014, that is responsibilities, at different stages across the whole
used as the selection procedure for publicly- project life cycle. Many governments and
procured contracts, allowing the contracting party organisations have successfully addressed
to award the contract based on aspects of the numerous challenges like legal framework,
tender submission other than just price. availability of greener products in market, training
The procurement process that takes into account &capacity building of stakeholders, methodology
social, environmental and public health concerns to integrate sustainability criteria into a standard
in procurement decision apart from economic tender document, verification of sustainability
parameters like quality, price, delivery period etc. claims made by contractors etc. coming in the way
is called sustainable procurement. As per UN of delivering sustainable infrastructure employing
Environment, Sustainable public procurement procurement as a tool.
(SPP) is a “process whereby public organizations
meet their needs for goods, services, works and 4. Case Study: London Olympic 2012
utilities in a way that achieves value for money on
Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) was given the
a whole life-cycle basis in terms of generating
mandate for construction of main venues and
benefits not only to the organization, but also to
infrastructure for the London 2012 Olympic and
society and the economy, whilst significantly
Paralympic Games. The London bid team created
reducing negative impacts on the environment”.
an aspirational vision called “Towards a One
Depending on region and country, SPP is also
Planet Olympics” to deliver a sustainable legacy. It
known as green purchasing, environmentally
addressed environment with objectives on GHG
preferable purchasing, or socially responsible
emission, water and waste; social issues like noise,
procurement, green government procurement etc.
communities, transport and mobility; and
It is now widely recognized as a strategic lever to
economic factors like employment and business.
drive innovation and improve the sustainability
The mission of the ODA was to deliver venues,
performance of both public and private sector
facilities and infrastructure and transport on time
organizations across the globe. As per UN Report
and in a way that maximises the delivery of a
2017, 41 countries have reported having SPP
sustainable legacy within the available budget. The
commitments and provisions in either a
ODA’s Procurement Policy stated that “the ODA
sustainable or ‘green’ procurement policy or in
would seek to use its purchasing power to support
other organizational policies, e.g. general
sustainable development in London and the UK
procurement regulations or environmental
and ………., and would aim to ensure that
policies. This policy could equally be used for
sustainability is integrated into business cases,
procuring sustainable infrastructure.
procurement plans and related contracts”. The
However, delivering sustainable infrastructure is construction of the Olympic Park and Athletes
not that easy considering the complexity of the village was largely publicly funded and cost
infrastructure projects. Infrastructure when viewed approx. £9.3bn.
from the perspective of different
ODA estimated requirement of 500,000 cubic-meter
disciplines—engineering, finance, economics,
of ready-mixed concrete and an equivalent
development, climate, social, and
aggregate requirement of 1 million tonnes and
environmental—looks very different; some of these
identified them as the area of major spend. Also,
differences are so pronounced that they often
concrete has a high environmental impact and
create disagreement if not diverging approaches .
therefore improving the sustainability of the
Many times, the decision would boil down to
concrete was a key focus for the ODA. The
making a trade-off among competing priorities.
procurement was done on a “Two Envelop” system
Therefore, developing a common framework to
with 60% and 40% weight for quality and price
operationalize infrastructure sustainability, the
respectively. Further, in total 20% of the weighting
definition and principles should be translated into
of the technical assessment in the tender evaluation
was applied to meeting sustainability requirements. standards for sustainability in many areas by
Bidders were encouraged to identify opportunities saving 400,000 tonnes CO2 equivalent, achieving
to deliver innovative solutions. The tenderers were ‘zero waste’ to landfill target, using 100%
specifically asked to ensure that they either met or sustainability sourced timber etc. and most of all
exceeded the following targets: inspiring sustainable living in many Londoners. It
• Ensure that as a minimum, construction was one of the projects that demonstrated that
materials (by value) comprise at least 20 % embedding sustainability criteria in purchasing
recycled content; decision early on in the project cycle could be the
• Ensure that 25 % of aggregate used will be smartest way to drive a market for adopting
recycled; innovative solutions and deliver sustainable
infrastructure.This was also one of the first projects
• Transport 50 % of materials (by weight) to site
in which sustainable procurement as a policy to
by sustainable means i.e. water or rail; and
deliver sustainability outcome in infrastructure was
• Use energy-efficient, low emissions vehicles tested on the ground. The success story of ODA in
on-site delivering sustainable project has been
With these sustainability criteria, a framework documented in “The Legacy: Sustainable
contract for ready-mixed concrete was awarded to Procurement for Construction Projects” by the
M/s Aggregate Industries UK Ltd, a member of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Holcim Group. The contractor used materials such Affairs, Government of United Kingdom .
as China Clay Waste – Cornish Granite, Glass Sand,
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS),
5. Conclusion
Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) etc. to replace primary
aggregate/cement to meet the sustainability The investment in infrastructure is widely
criteria. Some of the recycled alternative used were recognised as a critical factor for achieving
recycled crushed concrete, spent rail ballast, glass Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. However,
sand and road planings. Over 90% of the total it is clear that the need of the hour is not just
aggregate volume was delivered to the Olympic infrastructure but low carbon, climate resistant and
Park by rail. The strategy resulted in the use of sustainable infrastructure. Many organisations
approximately 170,000 tonnes (almost 22 %) of have already used procurement as a tool to deliver
recycled and secondary aggregate, a saving of sustainable infrastructure. London Olympics’ ODA
approximately 30,000 tonnes (24 %) of embodied is one the success stories. It clearly demonstrated
carbon and elimination of over 70,000 road vehicle that it is possible to deliver sustainable outcome
movements . within the given budget provided sustainability is
built into the process since the very inception of the
A number of new, more sustainable products and
project. The example also highlights the importance
processes were developed by the supply chain and
of leadership in embedding sustainability into the
implemented on the Park. Two of the most
supply chain. Understanding the impacts of
important lessons from the Learning Legacy are
purchasing products, works and services on the
that many environmental sustainability benefits go
environment and society besides economic impacts
hand in hand with cost savings and that with the
on the organisation and taking responsibility for
right approach to projects of this scale it is possible
these impacts are fundamental for ensuring shift
to drive innovation in areas such as design and
towards sustainable infrastructure.
materials specification .Thanks to this commitment,
the London Games raised the bar and set new
Bhiwandi pipeline bridge - Soldier pile box
construction for protection of Railway Bank
Anurag Rastogi
Dy CPM/Engg.-I/Mumbai(S), DFCCIL
The author through this paper intend to highlight the challenges faced and how by meticulous planning,
design and construction techniques of temporary work could surmount the difficult site conditions and
ensure smooth construction of foundations for the major Bhiwandi pipeline bridge parallel to the existing
Mumbai sub-urban tracks. The protection work involved the construction of soldier pile box supported
with walers and struts at different levels up to the soft rock level. The design of this soldier pile box was
done considering the Railway loads. The continuous monitoring of the settlement of both the soldier pile
box and the Railway structures was ensured. The arrangements adopted ensured minimal disruptions to
Railway traffic and avoided imposition of crippling speed restrictions during the construction work. Thus,
by meticulous planning, design and additional safety measures for the temporary protection work, the
treacherous stretch of Mumbai sub-urban could be tackled for the construction of foundations of the
Bhiwandi bridges.
2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION excavation and construction of foundation
2.1 Bridges works for bridges.
There are five major and important bridges in Ma- e) The rock existed at a shallow depth below
harashtra section which fall parallel to the densely ground level.
worked sub-urban tracks of Mumbai. These are as 4 SOLDIER PILE BOX ARRANGMENT
follows: -
4.1 Layout of the soldier pile box
Table 1. Description of Bridges
Taking into considerations the various challenges
outlined in para 3 above, the method of protection
Bridge Name/ Span Arrangement for the Railway bank was selected as the steel (I-
Number (Overall) (m) section) soldier piles with provision of strut and
Kopar flyover RFO-06 1 ×79.98 + 1 × 28 waler arrangement at pre designed levels all
Ulhas Br. 122 6 × 79.98 around to form a box like structure. The gap
between the steel soldier piles was filled with
Bhiwandi Br. 126 1 × 64.15 + 1 × 48.5
wooden battens (called laggings). These were
Kamwadi Br. 135 3 × 48.5 further strengthened by steel cross angles. The
Kalamboli Flyover 1 × 108 + 1 × 85, 1 × 103 + 1 × 75 arrangement of the soldier pile box is as shown in
Figure 1.
2.2 Background
These bridges form part of the proposed new
WDFC track running parallel to the Jawaharlal
Nehru port-Panvel-Kopar-Juichandra-Vaitarna
section of Central Railway. The availability of land
in this stretch is very less. Hence the proposed
tracks have been kept close to the existing tracks.
The foundations of these structures require
excavations of Railway banks for depths varying
from 8m to 12m at a distance of around 8 to 9m
from the nearest Railway track centre. Any
excavation so close to the Railway track is to be
done with properly designed temporary structure.
Suitable system which shall ensure safety not only
to the existing Railway bank, abutments, OHE mast Figure 1: Soldier pile box arrangement
etc but also nearby structures was required.
4.2 Construction of soldier pile box
The step by step procedure for the construction of
soldier pile box arrangement is as follows:-
The various challenges faced and the factors taken
a) Hard fencing sheets shall be provided at a dis-
into account for the design of the appropriate
tance of 3.5m from the nearest Railway track
system for temporary protection of Railway bankat
and of height around 1.2m above formation
Bhiwandi bridge are as follows:-
level of railway track for safety.
a) The method should be sturdy enough to bear
b) Before commencing the piling activity, the
the lateral earth pressure combined with the
ground shall be levelled adequately for
superimposed dead and Railway live loads
allowing safe movement of crane with proper
without causing any tilt.
b) The execution of the system should be fast.
c) Carry out survey and mark piling points for
c) The system should have the requirement for sol-dier piles with iron pegs to set out the
minimum traffic block or speed restrictions position of the soldier pile wall.
during its execution
d) Two level guide frame along with anchor
d) The system should have no requirement for beam shall be placed on the levelled surface at
speed restriction during execution of the re-quired position (Figure 2).
length of the soldier pile wall construction is
h) After entire length of the soldier pile wall is
constructed excavation shall be done in layer of
0.5m and after every 0.5m excavation suitable
design lagging (wooden) shall be placed. This
will be ensured by manual excavation for the
width of 1.5m from the inner face of soldier
i) Excavation between the soldier piles shall be
Figure 2: Two level guide frame with anchor beam done to a minimum of 125mm so that laggings
shall be easily placed (Figure 4b).
j) Level 1 strut and waler shall be placed in accor-
dance with the approved drawings (supported
on steel brackets and welded to the soldier
piles) as shown in Figure 5.
k) Excavation shall continue till 0.5m below level
2 strut and waler, as shown in Figure 6, and
lag-gings shall be placed.
l) Level 2 strut and waler shall be placed in accor-
dance with the approved drawings as shown in
Figure 7.
rock breakers and excavators, keeping an offset of
around 1m from the inside face of the soldier piles.
This offset is required for the stability of soldier
piles, as small or no offset may cause the soldier
piles to subside and fail. Thus the size of the box
should be kept around 2m more than the required
excavation size in case the foundation is to be taken
inside the rock.
Figure 6: Excavation till level 2 strut and waler 5 REMOVAL OF SOLDIER PILE BOX
The casting of the foundation and abutment is done
after the excavation is completed. The concrete sur-
face in contact with the earth is painted with
bitumen and then the backfilling is done with the
suitable material. As the backfilling reaches the
level 2 strut and waler, the same is removed. This
process continues till the ground level is reached,
after which the soldier piles are driven out by
means of vibro hammer.
Figure 9b: Target on existing Bhiwandi bridge abutment
Figure 9b: Target on existing Bhiwandi bridge abutment The bridge was constructed without any hassle,
with the adoption of the temporary protection
measure described above. The following
conclusions may be drawn from the temporary
protection method adopted for solving the
challenge of retaining the Railway bank, during the
construction of Bhiwandi bridge foundations for
the heavy haul system along Mumbai sub-urban
a) Properly designed temporary work avoids any
type of impact on nearby structures and
running lines (including speed restriction)and
helps in building confidence among the utility
owners, which ensures smooth progress of the
b) The method is fast and can be adopted in all
types of soils.
c) The adoption of the monitoring mechanism of
targets on structures ensures timely detection
of any settlements and the consequent
remedial ac-tion.
Based on the experience gained from the challenges
faced during the construction of soldier pile box for
Figure 9c. Target on OHE mast near Bhiwandi bridge the protection of Railway bank, following recom-
mendations can be made for the design and 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
construction of the temporary works:- The author is thankful to the various utility owners
a) The type of the temporary protection measure like Railways, MCGMetc who understood the im-
chosen should be based not only on the type of portance of the project and who had full faith in the
the soil conditions but also on the nearby design and construction methods adopted by the
utilities and structures to be protected. freight corridor. Besides, the authors are thankful to
b) Temporary works need to be designed with the designers of the Larson & Toubro and Project
same degree of sincerity as the main structure. Management Consultancy firm OCGC who
provided their inputs and helped to work out the
c) Monitoring of the settlement of surrounding
optimal solution to the design and layout of the
structures need to carried out with high
protection method.
accuracy instrument like total station and
necessary recti-fication should be done timely.
d) Additional safety measures like provision of 8REFERENCES
cross angles for lateral support of laggings, re- HQ/EN/PWC/PHASE-II PKG-15A/D&B/5/IIS-
ducing the spacing of the soldier piles on the L&T Consor-tium. Contract Agreement, Civil and
Railway side than calculated, fixing of targets Track Package -15A
on the soldier piles, using good quality wood IRS Bridge and sub-structures & Foundations
for laggings with sufficient thickness (100 mm code:2013. Code of Practice for the design of sub-
in this case), additional waler on Railway side structures and foundations of bridges.
etc as per site requirement should be adopted. Lucknow:RDSO
This ensures practically NIL settlement, IS:800:2007 – Indian Standard code of practice for
thereby helps in building confidence regarding General construction in steel. New Delhi:BIS
safety in the minds of the utility owners for the
DFCCIL works.
Technical Paper on Challenges Faced to Obtain
NOC/Clearance from Inland Waterways Authority of
India for Narmada River Bridge of Western Corridor
Shri Rajesh Mishra Shri Guru Prakash Shri Ghanshyam Das Bhagwani
The Western Corridor alignment is traversing through Baruch district of Gujarat State, where the
alignment crosses the Narmada River. As per memorandum issued by Inland Waterways Authority of
India (IWAI), Narmada River has been designated as one of the three National Waterways. This paper
discusses in detail various steps of seeking the clearance from IWAI.
SN National Water Ways Stretch Class
From To
1(a) NW-1 (Ganga) Sagar Patna VII
1(b) Patna Allahabad VI
2(a) NW-2 (Brahmaputra) Bangladesh Border Dibrugarh VII
2(b) Dibrugarh Sadiya VI
3(a) NW-3 (West Coast Canal) Kottapuram Kollam IV
3(b) NW-3 (Udhyogmandal Canal) Kochi Pathalam IV
3(c) NW-3 (Champakkara Canal) Kochi Ambalamughal IV
1.3. Model study of the Narmada River Bridge for for construction of bridge. But nothing was
DFCCIL project, was carried out by RITES, in heard from the IWAI.
Feb 2008. Based on the Model study Report, an 1.6. The tender for construction of the proposed
Important Bridge having span configuration of Narmada bridge under tender package of
29 x 48.15m with super structure as Under CTP-15B was invited in Feb-2014 and work
Slung Steel Girder with RCC Deck Slab was was awarded to the M/S IIS-L&T consortium
proposed over Narmada River on WDFC under Design and Build Lump Sum Contract
Alignment between Sarfuddin & Kukarwada at a contract Price of INR 283.05 Cr.& JPY 79.79
villages of Bharuch District(proposed Cr. with equivalent INR 330.71 cr vide letter of
longitudinal section is as shown in Fig. 01). acceptance no 2013/HQ/EN/PWC/PQ.15-
A,15-B & 15-C dated 03.06.2015and Contract
Agreement No HQ/EN/PWC/Phase-II/Pkg.-
15B/D&B/6/IIS-L&Tdated 06.08.20154 was
signed.The work was commenced on
1.7. Based on the survey in March 2016, cross-
section was plotted. From this cross section, it
is seen that the water stream flows between
span P12 to P26 but the depth of water and
velocity of current is more in between Span
P13 to P19. (please see fig. 02)
Figure 01
1.8 As per the contract Condition, the Technical Gazette Notification No 3 dated 20.01.2007)
Design of the Bridge shall be completed in 38 and entitled vehicles are as under : (Table-1)
weeks (up to 15.06.2016). Construction of Well a) River
foundation had commenced from 4th March
i. Water Depth : Min 2.75 m (Draft)
ii. Bottom Width of Channel : 100 m and above
iii. Bend Radius of Channel : 900m
2 Technical Requirements of IWAI and
Classification of Waterway: iv. Vertical Clearance : 10 m (As per Gazette
2.1 Classification of Inland Water Way : (As per notification no 398 of 8th Nov 2016, the
Gazette Notification No 3 dated 20th Jan vertical clearance has been Relaxed up to 8m)
2007) v. Horizontal clearance: 100 m
2.1.1 Through Gazette Notification No 18 dated b) Requirements for Vessels:
26th March-2016 of National Water Way Act, i. Vessel Dead Weight Tonnage : 2000 T
2016, approx. 100 Km stretch length of
ii. Approx Size : Over all length : 86 m, Moulded
Narmada River from confluence of Narmada
Width : 14 m
with Arabian Sea at Gulf of Khambhat
(upstream of sea mouth Latitude 21° 38’27’’N, iii. Loaded Draft : Approx : 2.5 m
Longitude 72° 33’28’’E) to Pandhariya c) Requirements for Tug Boat & Two Barge
(Latitude 21° 57’10’’N, Longitude 74° Combination
08’28’’E), has been notified as Class VII i. Dead Weight Tonnage : 4000 T
National Water way-73 (Refer Page 11 Sr no
ii. Approx Size : Over all Length 210 m,
73 of Gazette Notification No 18 dated 26th
Moulded width : 14 m
March-2016, National Water Way Act). The
Proposed Narmada Bridge under CTP-15B is iii. Loaded Draft : Approx : 2.5 m
approx. 41 Km upstream of the confluence of
Narmada with Arabian Sea at Gulf of 3. Technical Details and Justification submitted
Khambhat. to IWAI for NOC :
2.1.2 As the proposed Bridge lies in the stretch of In terms of para 6 of the Gazette Notification no 398
National Water Way-73, the DFCCIL sought of 8th Nov 2016, the required details as under (as
clearance/NOC on 18.10.2016, from IWAI for per format of annexure of the said Gazette
construction of an Important Narmada river Notification)were provided to IWAI and clearance
bridge having span 29x48.15 m (clear span was sought from the Inland Waterway Authority.
3.1. Typical span cross section showing details of
2.1.3 The water ways are classified in 7 categories Formation Level, HFL, HTL, LTL, Girder Soffit
from Class-I to Class-VII, for self-propelled level, Horizontal clearance between Well and
vessels up to 2000 t Dead Weight Tonnage Well cap, top and calculated National Flood
(DWT) and Tug boat- Barge formation in Level are as shown in the (fig. 03.)
push-tow units of carrying capacity up to
8000 tonne. Vessel size has also been defined
for the respective class of water way.
2.1.4 The IWAI has classified, the Narmada River
channel (from confluence of Narmada with
Arabian Sea at Gulf of Khambhat to
Pandhariya approx. 100Km as Class VII
water ways. The technical requirements of
the Class-VII water ways for rriver (as per
Figure 03
3.2. Technical details of the Narmada bridge as per GAD approved
(Please see following table -02)
SN Description Details
1 Location A1 (WGS-84, co-ordinates) X = 287160.674, Y = 2397297.001
2 Location A2 X = 286789.760, Y = 2398643.187
3 Rail Level 22.306
4 Formation Level 21.5m
5 Span (nos. x Length C/C) 29 x 48.15m
6 Clear Span required at HFL 45.70m
7 Clear Span available at HFL 46.271m
8 Soffit Level of Super Structure 15.495
9 HFL (m) 13.26
10 HTL(m) 4.355
11 LWL(m) 2.43
12 Design Discharge 72452 cusec
13 Vertical Clearance available at HFL (at Design 2.235m
discharge 72452 cumec)
14. Pier cap top level RL:18.945m
15. Pier cap bottom Level RL:17.445m
16. Pier Top thickness 1.5m
17. Width of Pier cap 2.5m
18. Length of Pier cap 15.08m
19. Pier Bottom thickness 2.5m
20. Pier height 10.96m
21. Well cap Top level (RL) 6.485m
22. Well cap Dia 11.0m
Sr no. Year Flood discharge Flood discharge Tp ln(Tp) Flood discharge
(m3/sec) at (m3/sec) at (Years) (m3/sec) at
Gurudeshwar Golden bridge Golden bridge
# Data taken from CWC
#No discharge data available for Golden bridge
with either CWC or irrigation however, discharge of
GArudeswar is available.
#To arrive at discharge at Golden bridge a
coefficient of ((93316/87892)^0.75 is taken for
adjustment of higher catchment(source-Model
3.5.2. Using the gauge readings for these two
stations, High Flood Level of (for 20Years
return period) 11.81m was derived by
applying “Best Fit Curve” (Refer Fig-4) and
the vertical clearance 3.685m was worked out
above this NHFL level as i.e. 11.81m to soffit
of Girder i.e. 15.495m. Figure 04
3.6. Vertical Clearance above Navigational High Flood Level atvarious structures on up stream of
proposed Narmada River Bridge has been calculated as shown in following table( Table-04)and
presented to IWAI.)
(Table 04)
Details of Bridges on Up stream side of propoesed Nramada River Bridge of CTP-15B, in Bharuch Dist
Sr. Structure Soffit Horizontal HFL (in NHFL (in Vertical Distance of Remarks
No. Name Bottom Clearance Meters) meters) clearance Bridge from
(in (in Meters) from NHFL Sardar
Meters) (in meters) Sarovar Dam
in Kms
3rd Narmada Not Newly Opened
1 17.53 m 144 m 13.9 m Available NA 98 Km in March-2017
New Road Under
2 17.53 m 55.05 m 13.9 m 11.3 m 6.05 m 103 Km Construction
Bridge in lieu of
Golden Bridge -
3 135 years old 17.53 m 55.05 m 13.9 m 11.3 m 6.05 m 103 Km Existing
Road Bridge
Existing Indian
railway BG
4 15.030 80.860 13.900 11.300 3.730 104 Km Existing
Bridge No. 502 -
Silver Bridge
DFCC CTP-15B Under
5 15.495 45.650 13.600 11.810 3.685 112 Km Construction
Railway Bridge
3.7. Depth of the water at the proposed Narmada bridge is only 2.43 mas against requirement of 2.75 m for
Class-VII of navigational channel.
3.8. The application of the DFCCIL for IWAI clearance was based on the premise that vertical clearance at
the existing railway silver bridge (6.7 kmon upstream of the proposed Narmada bridge) is 3.73 m
which is approximately same asthe vertical clearance of 3.685 m at the proposed Narmada bridge.
Since the existing railway silver bridge is located just at the South end of the Bharuch station and it is
not possible to raise the level of the existing railway silver bridge and thus, required vertical clearance
of 8 m is not possible at the existing railway bridge and therefore should also not been insisted upon
for the proposed Narmada bridge and IWAI should grant the clearance for the proposed Narmada
bridge. This contention of DFCIL was also presented in the meeting held on 27.04.2017 with IWAI.
4.2. During the meeting, IWAI was requested to be provided with fenders. With the above
grant NOC in the view of justification brought change, IWAI asked DFCCIL to construct
out under para 3.9 above. proposed bridge under CTP-15B project with
However, IWAI vide MOM circulated under its the required clearance.
letter No IWAI/NOC/NW-73(Narmada)/2017 D. Thus, in MOM the IWAI has asked the DFCCIL
dated 12.05.2017, did not agree with the contention to convert the Super Structures of Navigational
of DFCCIL and asked DFCCIL as under : Spans i.e. P13 to P19, into Through type
A. Keeping in mind the low depth of water in Girders. At that time well foundation work on
Narmada at the proposed bridge site as 2.43 m, wells was in progress, which
IWAI modified this stretch of Narmada river further increased the difficulty for the DFCCIL
as Class-IV from the original classification of to full fill the said requirements as while the
Class-VII(Official Memorandum regarding centre to centre track distance on the under
change in classification was issued by IWAI slung girders ( i.e. on the either side land wells)
vide memorandum no IWAI/NW- is 6 m and minimum track centre to centre
5/64/Nav.Clearance/217 dated 08.12.2017). distance for through type girders is 8 m.
This resulted into lesser requirement of
clearances to be provided at the proposed 5. Impact of the IWAI Requirements:
Narmada bridge which are as under : 5.1. The suggestion of reversal of super structure
The technical requirements of the Class-IV water from Under slung to Through Type Girders
ways for River (as per Gazette Notification No 3 was an ill solution for the health of the Project
dated 20.01.2007) are as under : of CTP-15B and it would have led to complete
change (thereby creating major contractual
(Table- 05)
complication) in the lumpsum contract for
a) River :
construction of said Narmada bridge-CTP-15B:
i. Water Depth : Min 2.0 m (Draft)
5.1.1. The centre to centre track distance of the
ii. Width of Channel : 30 m at bottom
proposed Narmada bridge would have
iii. Bend Radius of Channel : 800 m
increased from 6m to 8m due to change in
iv. Vertical Clearance : 10 m (As per Gazette superstructure from underslung to through
notification no 398 of 8th Nov 2016, the
type of girder. It would have been very
Vertical clearance has been Relaxed up to 8m).
complicated to design and construct a bridge
v. Horizontal clearance: 50 m with underslung girder from A1 to P13 with 6
b) Requirements for Vessels: m centre to centre track distance, then change
i. Vessel Dead Weight Tonnage : 1000 T it to through type of girder with 8 m centre to
ii. Approx Size : Over all length : 70 m, Moulded centre track distance from P13 to P19 (due to
Width : 12 m provision of two separate through type girder
iii. Loaded Draft : Approx : 1.8 m placed side by side as it is difficult to design a
c) Requirements for Tug Boat & Two Barge single through girder for double line track
Combination with axle load of 32.5 T)and then again reduce
i. Dead Weight Tonnage : 2000 T the track centre to 6 m with underslung
ii. Approx Size : Over all Length 170 m, Moulded girder.
width : 12 m
5.1.2. It shall lead total change in design of super
iii. Loaded Draft : Approx : 1.8 m structure, pier cap, pier and approach
B. IWAI suggested that vertical clearance of 8 m embankment(of CTP-15B including some
may be made available by reversing the length of CTP- 13 adjoining to interface of
direction of steel trusses i.e. Underslung girder both side approaches of CTP-15B) thereby
may be converted to Through type girder. undoing all the design and construction work
C. IWAI agreed not to insist for provision of 8 m executed upto 27.04.2017. As a result, the
of vertical clearance for all the water way design phase of the project and construction
spans from P12 to P26 but only for the deepest stage of project would have prolonged
river bed from P13 to P19 and for horizontal substantially. The said requirement would
clearance, relaxation was also made up to have meant financial impact of more than 100
48.15m has been provided subject to piers shall crores
5.2. Thus the IWAI requirement for CTP-15B bridge do not comply the required clearance
project, conveyed by IWAI on 12.05.2017 of 8m as desired by IWAI. The list of
extremely difficult challenge that was structures and available clearance are as
required to be resolved in interest of project. under.
5.3. Since the main issue was to complywith the (Table-06)
requirement of vertical clearance of 8m above
the navigational flood level, therefore, S Particulars Location Soffit High Flood Vertical Remarks
of from Bottom Level Clearance
availability of vertical clearance was once N
Structure Sea Mouth (in (in meter) above
again analysed by integrating various factors (Appx.) meter) as provided HFL
by IWAI (in meter)
and effect of various structures on the 1 Proposed 37 km 15.50 8.90 6.6 Under
hydrology/water level of Narmada river DFCCIL Upstream Construction
around the CTP-15B bridge location.
2 IR existing 43.70 km 15.030 8.90 6.13 Existing
5.4. In view of above, DFCCIL- Vadodara unit has BG Bridge upstream
made integrated study and comparative of the No. 502-
current scenario by considering various factors Bridge
not limited to following:
5.4.1 Impact of raising of height of existing Sardar 6.2 Analysis of Technical Facts about the 160 km
Sarovar dam located at 112Km upstream of Stretch of Narmada upstream of the Sea
the CTP-15B, mouth:
5.4.2 Upcoming projectof Bhadbhut Barrage 6.2.1 Fixing of Navigational Flood level & Impact
(Esteemed project of the Gujarat Govt) approx of existing as well as proposed Irrigation/
16 km. in the downstream of CTP-15B, Hydraulic Projects :
5.4.3 Clearance available at existing Silver Bridge I. Sardar Sarovar Dam :
located approx. 6.7Km on up stream side The well-known Sardar Sarovar Dam located
from the CTP-15B bridge. approximately 160 km upstream of sea
5.5. To meet the above objective, DFCCIL mouth, was initially commissioned in June
Vadodara unit collected following details: 2006 with Reservoir Level (FRL) of 121.92m.
5.5.1 Stipulated Discharge from Sardar Sarovar Subsequently, raising of height of the dam
Dam sought vide letter dated 16.08.2017 has also been completed with installation of
addressed to Narmada control authority. 30 nos. of radial gates in June 2017. Now Full
Reservoir Level to be maintained is 138.68 m.
5.5.2 Gauge level reading of nearest gauge station
This is to be noted that High Flood Level of
(Golden Bridge Bharuch, situated on
8.90 m as provided by IWAI is of the year
upstream side approx. 8.3 km from CTP-15B
2012 when the Sardar Sarovar dam height
Bridge) was sought from the CE, Narmada,
was not raised. However, now due to raising
vide letter dated 21.08.2017.
of gates to 138.68 m, flood scenario in the
5.5.3 Details of proposed Bhadbhut Barrage down steam of dam has completely changed.
(approx 16 Km on downstream of CTP-15B).
Due to raising of the height of Sardar Sarovar
5.6. DFCCIL-Vadodara unit presented the Dam, the capacity of the reservoir has been
integrated comparative study of present increased substantially and now only 600
scenario of the existing structures and cusecs (equivalent to 1.35 m)of water in the
proposed structures in terms of their river downstream as environmental release is
Hydrology and its effect on IWAI being released from Sardar Sarovar. At
requirement of Class-IV waterway for CTP- present, water level at Narmada is due to
15B Narmada Bridge location. tidal effect as well as environmental release
and maximum observed gauge level was 5.0
6. Technical Gist of the existing & proposed structure m during July 2017.Now in this situation, the
on the water level in the Narrmada river. draft availability will be only 1.35 m
6.1. Present scenario of the Bridge structures excluding tidal effect.
(other than the DFCC’s Bridge) on II. Garudeshwar weir is also being constructed
Navigation Channel: Existing BG railway
at 12 Km down stream of Sardar Sardar Impact of the Bhadbhut Barrage :
Sarovar which will further intercept Case1: If Bhadbhut Barrage is Constructed - Full
incoming flood water after its completion. Reservoir Level of Barrage will be 7.5 m of from
This will further reduce water level in the right from barrage to the Garudeswarwier in the
downstream of the Garudeshwar weir. Thus, upstream of the barrage.
the water level at the proposed bridge site In such condition, the DFCC Bridge having soffit
will further reduce. level of 15.495 m, has vertical clearance of 7.95 m
III. CWC Data : which is almost equal to 8.0 m.
Central Water Commission data for Narmada Case 2: If Bhadbhut Barrage Not Provided –In
river, states that water level at Bharuch addition to the regulated release of water from
varied from 5.00 m to 10.90 m (during 2013) Sardar Sarovar dam, there will be discharge from
during the peak monsoon flood after 2006, free catchment area downstream of Sardar Sarovar
when the Gates on Sardar Sarovar Dam were Dam which will be further modified by the tidal
not installed and FRL was approx. 121.92m. effect.
Factors governing the water level : Rise of water
IV. Bhadbhut Barrage : Government of Gujarat
level due to tidal effect is very low. During high
has come up with a proposal to build a
tide, the sea water enters into Narmada river up to
barrage across river Narmada at
50 km upstream. As observed from previous data,
approximately 21 km upstream of sea mouth.
tide level hardly reaches to 4.5 m. Hence, Hence, the
This barrage is named as Bhadbhut Barrage
water level would not reach upto 8.90 m recorded
during all over the years prior to construction
Objective of Bhadbhut Barrage Project. : especially raising of height of Narmada dam except
i. Protection of water quality of Narmada river for few days of peak monsoon. This conclusion is
from salinity due to tidal influence and also evident from the critical analysis of data in para
checking the problems of salinity ingress and 6. In addition, it is important to note that during the
deterioration of ground water quality in the However, in monsoon period during high flood,
upper reaches of Narmada river; navigation is statutorily not permitted.
ii. Storage of the regulated release of water V. Critical analysis of daily gauge data as
from Sardar Sarovar Dam and runoff from provided by IWAI reveals that,
free catchment for irrigation, domestic and A. During 2004
industrial water supply; Daily data available from 15th June 2004 to 15th
iii. Flood protection of about 400 sq km low lying October 2004. This includes the peak monsoon
area covering 17 villages on the left bank of period and pertains to the time when the height of
river Narmada; and Sardar Sarvoar dam was not raised.
iv. Road connectivity between left and right On 13 no. days, gauge equalled or exceeded 5.0 m
banks, shortening route from Surat/Hajira to (during 4th August to 2nd September).
Dahej region. There is provisions for ship • 5.00 m to 5.50 m - 5 days (more than 5.50 m
lock-type arrangement for allowing boat occurred on 8 days during 15th August to 31st
passage between upstream and downstream August).
of the barrage. • 5.50 m to 6.50 m - 5 days (more than 6.5 m
occurred on 3 days during 26th August to 28th
• 6.50 m to 7.50 m - 3 days (more than 7.5 m -
Nil)maximum gauge of 7.00 m occurred on
27th August.
B. During 2011
Daily gauge data available from 1st June 2011 to
31st December 2011. On 21 days, gauge exceeded
5.0 m during 28th August to 30th September. This
includes the peak monsoon period and pertains to
Figure 05 the time when the height of Sardar Sarvoar dam
was not raised.
• 5.00 m to 5.50 m - 7 days (more than 5.50 m 6.2.3 As per CTP-15 B bridge site data from April -
occurred in 14 days during 28th August to 13th 2017 to Sep-2017, as per the gauge observed on
September). regular basis in the monsoon season, the water
• 5.50 m to 6.50 m - 10 days (more than 6.5 m level including tidal effect is not more than 5m.
occurred during 4 days from 28th August to Thus, taking the overall picture of the two cases
5th September). namely whether the Bhadbhut Barrage is
• 6.50 m to 7.50 m - 4 days (maximum 7.00 m constructed or not, the maximum water level at the
occurred on 29 August), not exceeded 7.50 m. both sides shall be 7.5 m. Now, if 7.50 m is taken as
C. During 2012 Navigational High Flood Level (NHFL) then
• gauge exceeded or equalled 5.00 m during 19th navigation would be restricted for once or twice in
August to 19th September on 19 days. This a year that too during peak monsoon flood.
includes the peak monsoon period and pertains
to earlier time when the height of Sardar 7. Revision in proposal of NOC on Basis
Sarvoar was not raised. Integrated study and factual Data:
• 5.00 m to 5.50 m - 9 days (more than 5.50 m 7.1. DFCCIL Vadodara on 05.09.2017revised its
occurred during 9th August to 13th September
proposal seeking clearance of IWAI,
or 10 days)
incorporating the above-mentioned facts and
• 5.50 m to 6.50 m - 5 days (more than 6.50 m
details along with the revised Declaration
occurred during 9th August to 8th September
attached as Annexure-1. The salient features of
or 5 days)
revised proposal are as under:
• 6.50 m to 7.50 m - 2 days (more than 7.50 m
occurred during 9th August to 8th September 7.2. Location Plan on google map :
or 3 days)
More than 7.50 m - 3 days, (maximum 8.90 m
occurred on 7th September which may be a
combination of high rainfall coupled with high tide).
D. During 2013
Data is available for the duration of 1st January to
31st May. Thus, the data is not of relevance.
E. During 2014
Daily data available from 1st June to 31st Dec.
On 5 days gauge exceeded or equalled 5.00 m.
This includes the peak monsoon period and
pertains to the earlier time when the height of
Sardar Sarvoar was not raised.
• 5.00 m to 5.50 m - 1 days (more than 5.50 m
occurred on 4 days during 9th September to
12th September).
• 5.50 m to 6.50 m - 4 days (more than 6.50 m nil)
• Maximum gauge of 6.50 m occurred on 10th
6.2.2 Above observations are summarised as below :
No. of days on which flood Max. recorded
Year equalled or exceeded 7.5m flood in year Period
Jump-Form Shuttering for concreting of Pier of 2.75 Km long Bridge (No. 92)
viaduct near Aravalli range in Sohna yard under Rewari-Dadri section of Western Corridor
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