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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form.

1 Mike finished the university when he __________________ (be) 22 years.
2 Peter __________________ (fail) all his exams recently, so he´s going to study hard next time.
3 Andy __________________ (grow up) in Canada because her parents emigrated when she was a baby.
4 We __________________ (not have) any problems with neighbours if we lived in a detached house.
5 I found it hard to sleep because I __________________ (not slept) well the night before.
6 My feet are sore because I __________________ (walk) all day.
7 I’m hoping my headache __________________ (go) by the time we have to go out.
8 If only my parents __________________ (go out) tonight. Then my friends could come round.
9 This time next week, my dad __________________ (have) his operation.
10 Be careful not to touch that pan. You __________________ (definitely / burn) your hand if you do.

Mark: ___ / 10

2 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct second conditional or comparative form of the words
in brackets.
Tom This is the nicest restaurant in Oxford.

Mum I know. We 1_______________________ (come) here more often if it 2_______________________ (be)

less expensive.

Joshua Maths is my 3_______________________ (less favourite) subject. And I wish I

4_______________________ (not have to) sit at home and do my maths homework today. I want to go out

for a walk.

Mary Well, the sky is getting 5_______________________ (dark / dark) outside, so it might rain soon anyway.

Petrov This house is much 6_______________________ (old-fashioned) inside than our place. I think it’s really
Liliana I know, but don’t say anything to Tom’s parents. They think it’s 7_______________________ (good) house
in the street!

Mehmet We 8_______________________ (finish) the housework much 9_______________________ (quickly) if you

10_______________________ (help) us.

Oya I 11_______________________ (do) that if I my back 12_______________________ (not hurt) today.

Mark: ___ / 6

3 Write the sentences. Use comparative forms or the second conditional.

4 if we / repair / the windows / rain water / not come / into the house.

5 this / be / unusual / house / I / ever / visit.


6 I / not / eat / this much food / if / I / not / be / so hungry.


7 the / big / the house / be / the / long / it / take / to clean it.


Mark: ___ / 4
8 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1 We ___ live in a flat, but now we’ve got a semi-detached house.

A are used to B didn’t use to C used to

2 The further you live from the centre, ___ it is to have a car.

A the more necessary B more necessary C the most necessary

3 Mine is the ___ cramped of all the rooms in the house. I’ve got more space than everyone else.

A least B less C most

4 ___ of my friends listens to music on their phone. Nobody uses an MP3 player any more.

A Every B Every one C Some

5 We’re definitely going to your party, but we ___ stay long. It depends.
A couldn’t B might not C won’t

6 I’ve broken the screen of my laptop. I ___ left my pen on the keyboard.

A can’t have B may not have C shouldn’t have

7 The doctor ___ probably give you some painkillers for your sprained wrist.

A may B might C will

8 Ryan hates getting up early, but he’ll have to ___ it for his new job.

A be used to B get used to C used to

9 There are ___ websites I really like. I use them all the time.
A a few B few C a little

10 My phone has disappeared. Somebody ___ taken it when I left the room.

A can’t have B might have C must have

Mark: ___ / 10

9 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 They’ve put up a wooden fence / hedge around the garden to keep out the neighbours’ dogs.

2 Surprisingly / Unsurprisingly, Grace was late, as usual.

3 Their child is still an infant / a toddler, so he can’t walk yet.

4 I’m curious about / in your new boyfriend – where did you meet him?

5 I’ve hurt my thumb / toe, so I can’t use my hand.

6 My brother loves board games, and his favourite one is cards / chess.

7 My dad gave my mum some flowers to make up / make up for forgetting their anniversary.

8 We often go ice skating at our local ice ring / rink.

9 My sore throat won’t go away, so I’m going to do / make an appointment with the doctor.

10 Have you updated / uploaded your profile photo recently?

Mark: ___ / 10
10 Complete the sentences with the prepositions below. COMPLETA CON PHRASAL VERBS

away down in through up

11 Victor wasn’t successful __________________ repairing his games console so he’s going to buy a new one.

12 We couldn’t make __________________ our minds whether to go cycling or go for a walk.

13 Tanya was going to get a tattoo on her shoulder but in the end, she didn’t go __________________ with it.
14 My brother’s in his thirties, but he has no intention of getting married and settling __________________ .

15 The teacher saw them copying in the exam. They didn’t get __________________ with it.

Mark: ___ / 5

11 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. COMPLETE WITH ADVERBS,

1 My uncle and aunt have converted their rather __________________ (space) basement into a fitness room.

2 The situation between Charlie and Eve is __________________ (hope); they’re going to split up.

3 My I.C.T. teacher shouted at me __________________ (angry) when I clicked on the wrong button.

4 They’ve got a lovely __________________ (conserve) on the side of their house where they can sit and enjoy the sun.

5 The mobile home has a __________________ (equip) kitchen and a cosy living area.

Mark: ___ / 5

Use of English
12 Read the text and find ten mistakes (an unnecessary word, a word missing or an incorrect word).
Circle the mistakes and write the corrections.

Both photos show a bungee jumping scene of any kind. In the first 1________________
photo, somebody has just jumped from a bridge, as in the second 2________________
photo the young woman is putting on her safety equipment. It looks to
me although she’s having som e kind of argument with the man who 3________________
is with her because her arms are raised in the air and she looks angry.
She doesn’t seem to be very keen in doing the jump and it looks like 4________________
the man is getting impatient while he has to wait, I would tell. ________________
Like the second photo where the people look upset and angry,
in the first photo everyone seems to be having a good time and the
person who is jumping is smiling. All things to consider, I don’t think 7________________
people shouldn’t put pressure on people to do things like 8
bungee jumping. It’s not a sport for everyone. If somebody
doesn’t really fancy to do it, then the manager 9________________
ought let them think about it before making them jump, or even
give them their money back.

Mark: ___ / 10
13  10 Listen to five people talking about how they dispose of electronic gadgets. Match the speakers
with the statements (A–F). There is one extra statement.
A Speaker ___ is aware of the dangers of electronic waste.

B Speaker ___ uses old gadgets to get money for new ones.

C Speaker ___ lets someone they know have their old gadgets.

D Speaker ___ contributes to animal conservation with their old gadgets.

E Speaker ___ exchanges old gadgets for new ones with friends.

F Speaker ___ doesn’t get rid of old gadgets straightaway.

Mark: ___ / 5


14 Read the advice to competitors in a race. Match questions A–F with paragraphs 1–5.
There is one extra question.

How to achieve success at the Marathon des Sables

The best – and probably only – way of completing this six-day ultramarathon in southern
Morocco is to make efficient preparations. Here are some tips to help you survive the 251 km

1 ___

As a competitor in the Marathon des Sables, you’ll be responsible for your own food. To
maintain physical strength, you’ll need between 3,000 and 4,000 calories per day. Dried food
is best because of its low weight and volume. Plan for a solid breakfast before the race, and a
large evening meal afterwards. Take dried fruit and nuts, and high energy bars as snacks.

2 ___

During the race, you’ll need to drink between six and seven litres of water per day. Water is
distributed in the morning, at control posts during the race and on completion of each stage –
remember to save some each evening to prepare breakfast the next day. You mustn’t discard
water bottles in the desert; they should be exchanged for new ones or thrown away at the
control posts.

3 ___

You’ll need a comfortable rucksack that doesn’t cover the competitor number on your chest; if
it does, you may not be allowed to compete. The bag should contain everything you need,
including food, a stove for heating water, a sleeping bag and your clothes. Everything you
carry must be weighed so that your rucksack isn’t too heavy for you.

4 ___
You should start preparing at least six months before the event starts. Aim to run 150 to 190
miles a week, increasing the distance as time goes on. Train with a rucksack occasionally and
get used to drinking water on long runs. You can also use the practice runs to test different
energy foods. If you aren’t used to running, you should not enter the competition.

5 ___

Special satellite facilities are arranged during the race so that you can call friends and family.
Phone calls cost around €3 per minute, so bring cash or a credit card with you. You can send
one free email per day and the rest you will be charged for. If you want to receive internet
messages, the sender will need your full name and competitor n umber.
A What are the sleeping arrangements?
B What are the rules about equipment?

C How much should I drink every day?

D Will I be able to contact home during the event?

E How should I go about training for the race?

F Do I need to take anything to eat?

Mark: ___ / 5

15 Your school recently organised a sports day for all the students. Follow the instructions below and
write a blog post about it.
• Describe the event.
• Give your personal opinion of the event.
• Suggest two improvements for next year’s sports day.
• Make a request for photos and video clips of the sports day.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 80

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