Purvavlokan Geography

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Indian Geography
General Introduction India extends between 804’ North to 3706’ North, latitudes
while the tropical zone is located between 230 30', north and
i. Area south latitudes. The latitudinal extension of the whole of
India lies between 6045' to 37 06' North latitudes. 820 30' East
*India is the seventh largest country in terms of area after
longitude is used to determine Indian Standard Time.
Rus sia, Canad a, US A, China, Brazil and Aus tral ia
respectively. India has 29 states and 7 Union territories. Its 2. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
total area is about 3287263 sq. km. which is approximately (a) Total area of India - 3.28 million sq. km.
2.4% of the total land surface of the world.
Top 10 l argest count ries in the worl d (In area)
(b) Latitudinal extent - 8o 4' N - 37o 6' N
(c) Longitudinal extent - 68o 7' E - 97o 25' E
(d) Number of states in India - 26
Russi a

Kaz akhasta n
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2016
USA China
Ans. (d)
Al geria
I ndia
The total area of India is 3.28 million sq. km. Its latitudinal
Brazil extent is 8 o 4' N - 37o 6' N and longitudinal extent is 68o 7' E -
Austra lia
97o 25' E. There are 29 states and 7 union territories in India.
Ar gentina
3. Where does India rank in the area among the countries
of the world?
*As per census 2011, the world’s 17.5% population lives in
India. The latitudinal and lo ngitudinal extent of India is (a) Fifth (b) Sixth
roughly about 30 degrees whereas t he act ual dis tance (c) Seventh (d) Eighth
measured from north to south extremity is 3214 km and that Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2016
from east to west is 2933 km. *As per the census 2001, there Ans. (c)
were 6,38,588 villages in India but after 2011 census the number
raised to 6,40,932. India’s territorial limit further extends See the explanation of above question.
towards the sea up to 12 nautical miles (about 21.9 km) from
4. India is in size -
the coast.
(a) Fifth largest country of the world
1. Which of the following statements aretrue about India ? (b) Sixth largest country of the world
Use the code given below to select the correct answer : (c) Seventh largest country of the world
1. India is the fifth largest country of the world
(d) None of the above
2. It occupies about 2.4 percent of the total area of the
lithosphere. M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010
3. Whole of India lies in the tropic zone. Ans. (c)
4. 82 o30' east lon gitude is used to determine Indian
See the explanation of above question.
Standard Time
Code : 5. Area of India is 2.4% of the total area of the world but
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 its–
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4
(a) population is 16% of world population
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
Ans. (d) (b) population is 17% of world population
(c) population is 18% of world population
India is the seventh largest country after (Russia, Canada,
China , USA, Brazil and Australia respectively) by area and (d) population is 28% of world population
the second largest by population. It occupies about 2.4 39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1994
percent of the total area of the lithos phere. The main land of Ans. (b)

C A–9 General Studies Indian Geography

As per Census 2001, area of India is 3287263 square km. *The imaginary lines on the earth surface joining north and
which is approximately 2.4% of the total land area of the south poles crossing the equator are known as longitudes.
world, whereas its total population is 16.7% (17.5% as per Such lines are also called meridians. *Unlike the equator
census 2011) of the total population of the world. Hence
which is centrally placed between the poles, any meridian
option (b) is the closest answer.
could have been taken to begin the numbering of longitude.
6. How many villages are(approximately) there in India – It was finally decided by an international agreement in 1884
(a) 5 lakh (b) 6 lakh 30 thousand that the Zero meridian will be the one which passes through
(c) 8 lakh (d) None of these
the Royal Astronomical Observatory at Greenwich near
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010
London. Zero meridian is also called as prime meridian or
Ans. (d) Greenwich mean time. *The longitudinal lines are not parallel
According to Census 2011, the total number of villages in to each other. The distance between two longitudinal lines is
India is 6 lakh 40 thousand 9 hundred and 30. Thus option maximum at the equator (111.33 km.). *East of the Prime
(d) is the correct answer. meridian is known as Eastern hemisphere and west of the
Prime meridian is known as Western hemisphere. *180o
ii. Latitudinal & Longitudinal lo ngi tud e i s known as International Date Lin e. India
Expansion completely lies in the northern hemisphere. *The mainland
extends between the latitu des 8o 4' and 37o 6' north and
longitudes 68o7' E and 97o 25'E. The southernmost boundary
*Latitudes are the imaginary lines drawn by joining all the
of Indian territory extends up to 6o 45 ' N. India lies in tropical
points having similar angular distance on the earth’s surface,
as well as temperate zone.
measured in degrees from the centre of the earth. 0o latitude
i.e the equator, divides the earth into two equal parts. T he 1. The expansion of India is between –
equator lies midways between the poles. All of these lines are (a) 37° 17' 53'' North and 8° 6' 28" South
parallel to each other and are therefore cal led parallel of (b) 37° 17' 53" North and 8° 4' 28" South
latitudes, and on the globe are actually circles, becoming (c) 37° 17' 53" North and 8° 28" North
smaller polewards. *North and South poles are 90o N and (d) None of the above
90o S latitudes respectively. Between these points, lines of 39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1994
latitudes are drawn at intervals of 1o. So, excluding North and Ans. (d)
Sou th poles and includi ng equator th ere are total 179
(89+89+1) latitudes. North of the equator is called as the The area of India extends between 8°4' North to 37°6' North
Nothern Hemisphere and South of the equator is known as latitudes and 68° 7' East to 97° 25' East longitudes. T he Tropic
Southern Hemisphere. The distance between two consecutive of Cancer passes through the middle of India. Thus it is clear
latitudinal lines is 111 km. that none of the options is correct.
2. The latitude that passes through Sikkim also passes
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Punjab
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Jammu & Kashmir
I.A.S. (Pre) 2010
Ans. (a)
The latitude that passes through Sikkim also passes through
0 Meridian Rajasthan.
Western 3. 700 East longitude passes through :-
Longitudinal (a) Jodh pur (b) Jaisalmer
(c) Dholpur (d) Nagaur
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2010
longitudinal lines Ans. (b)

Greenwich 700 East longitude passes through Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.

CA–10 General Studies Indian Geography

iii. India and the Tropic of Cancer Code :
(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
*The Tropic of Cancer (23o 30 ' N) divides India into almost
two equal parts. It passes through eight Indian states. These U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
are Gujarat, R ajast han, Madhya Pradesh, Chhat tisgarh, Ans. (a)
Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram.
See the explanation of above question.

3. Tropic of Cancer passes through –

(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Tripura
India and the
Tropic of (c) Mizoram (d) All of these
Cancer M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
Ans. (d)
Ra jasthan
Ahme dabad Ran chi Mizoram See the explanation of above question.

4. Through how many Indian states does the Tropic of


Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Agarta lla

sg a

Tropic of
at ti

Ca ncer West Ben gal Cancer pass?



Jharkha nd la titude
(a) 6 (b) 8
(c) 7 (d) 9
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2010
Ans. (b)

See the explanation of above question.

5. The state of India through which Tropic of Cancer passes

is –
The duration of the days in creases with the northward
movement of the sun. The position of the sun on 21 June is (a) Jammu and Kashmir (b) Himachal Pradesh
vertically overhead the T ropic of cancer. (c) Bihar (d) Jharkhand
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2011
1. The Tropic of Cancer passes through which of the
Ans. (d)
following states :-
(a) Odisha (b) Bihar (Jharkhand) See the explanation of above question.
(c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Andhra Pradesh
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre)1990 6. Which one of the following towns is nearest to the Tropic
Ans. (b) of Cancer :
(a) Agartala (b) Gandhi nagar
Tropic of Cancer passes almost through the middle of India.
(c) Jabalpur (d) Ujjain
It passes through 8 Indian states, namely Mizoram, Tripura,
West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010
Rajasthan and Gujarat. Thus, at present none of the options U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1999
is correct. At the time of examination, Jharkhand was part of U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002
Bihar. Thereforeoption (b) has been considered as the correct Ans. (b)
The place whose latitudinal position is at a minimum distance
2. TheTropic of cancer passes through which of the following
from the latitude of Tropic of Cancer will be the nearest place
to the Tropic of Cancer. The Tropic ofCancer is at 23° 30' N;
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
1. Gujarat 2. Chhattisgarh divides India into almost two equal parts. Latitudinal position
3. Uttar Pradesh 4. Jharkhand of the towns given in the options is :-

CA–11 General Studies Indian Geography

Pla ce Latitude Difference in Position 10. Which, among the following places, will have maximum
(23o 30') day length in the month of June ?
Agartala 23 50' N –20' (a) Hyderabad (b) Ch ennai
Gandhi nagar 23 13' N +17' (c) Bhopal (d) Delhi
Jabalpur 23 11' N +19' Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
Ujjain 23009' N +21' Ans. (c)
According t o th e dis tance from t he Tropic of Cancer,
Gandhinagar is the nearest town . Thus option (b) is the The day length of a place in the month of June depends on
correct answer. its closeness to the T ropic of Cancer. The closer the place is
the longer will be the day. So, among the above options,
7. Among the following cities, which one is nearest to the
Bhopal (23.25 oN) is closest to the T ropic of Cancer and hence
Tropic of Cancer?
will have maximum daylength in the month of June.
(a) Delhi (b) Kolkata
(c) Jodhpur (d) Nagpur
iv. Standard Time
I.A.S. (Pre) 2003
Ans. (b)
*To avoid difficulties a system of standard time is observed
The latitudinal position of the above cities in context to the by all countries. Most countries adopt their standard time
Tropic of Cancer is :- from the central meridian of the countries. *There is a general
Delhi - 2806' 1North understanding among the countries of the world to select the
standard meridian in multiples of 7o 30 ' of longitude. That is
Kolkata - 22033' North
why 82o 30 ' E has been selected as the Standard Meridian of
Jodh pur - 26029' North India. T his m eridi an passes through th e Naini area of
Nagpur - 21006' North Prayagraj in the state of UP. *Indian Standard Time is 5
The Tropic of Cancer is located approximately 230 30' North hours and 30 minutes ahead ofGreenwich Mean Time (GMT).
of the Equator, so the nearest city to the Tropic of Cancer
from the above options is Kolkata. Indian Standard Time Meridian

8. Which important latitude divides India into almost two East longitude
equal parts?
(a) 23°30' South (b) 33°30' North
(c) 0° (d) 23° 30' North Allahabad
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2008 U
Pr tt ar
Ans. (d) esh

23030' North latitude divides India into two equal parts. It is

known as Tropic of Cancer.

9. Which of the following Indian state lies north of the tropic

of Cancer ?
(a) Jharkhand (b) Manipur
(c) Mizoram (d) Tripura
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) (Re. Ex am) 2013
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008
Ans. (b)

The Tropic of Cancer passes through 8 Indian states namely

Mizoram, Tripura, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Indian standard Meridian passes through total 5 states which
Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Manipur lies north are Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha
of the Tropic of Cancer. and Andhra Pradesh. *There are total 360 longitudes. All

CA–12 General Studies Indian Geography

these longitudes divide the earth into two equal parts and 3. Consider the f ollowing statements:
therefore they are also known as Great Circle. Since the 1. Longitude of Jabalpur's location is between those of
earth makes one complete revolution of (360o) in one day or Indore and Bhopal.
24 hours, it passes through 15o in one hour or 1o in 4 minutes, 2. Latitude of Aurangabad's location is between those of
Therefore the difference in every 15 o longitude is 1 hour. The Vadodara and Pune.
earth rotates from west to east, so every 15o we go 3. Bangalore is situated moresouthward than Chennai.
easternwards and local time is advanced by an hour and vice Which of these statements is/are correct?
versa. *The whole world has been divided into 24 Standard (a) 1 and 3 (b) Only 2
time zones, each of which differs from the next by 15o in (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
longitude or one hour in time. A traveller going eastward of I.A.S. (Pre) 2003
the Greenwich gains time (He will be 12 hours ahead of G.M.T. Ans. (c)
till he reaches the 180oE meridian) while moving westward he
Latitudinal and longitudinal positions of the cities given in
loses 12 hours when he reaches 180o W. There is thus a total
the statements are:-
difference of 24 hours on the two sides of 180o meridian.
Jabalpur - 23.110N, 79.95 0E
Thus the date changes exactly by one day crossin g the
Indore - 230N, 76 0E
International Date Line. It is curved from the normal 180o
meridian at the Bering Strait, Fiji, Tonga and other islands to Bhopal - 23.250N, 77.420E
Aurangabad - 19053’47"N,75023’54"E
prevent confusion of date.
Vadodara - 22.300N,73.190E
1. When thereis midnight at IST meridian, a placeobserves Pune - 18031’N,73052' E
6A.M. The meridian on which the said place is located is Bangaluru - 12.970N, 77.560E
(a) 70 31' E (b) 1720 30' E Chennai - 13.040N,80.170E
(c) 7 30' E (d) 1270 30' W Statement (1) - Longitude of Jabalpur’s location(79.950 E)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2002 does not li e between those of Indore (760E) and Bhopal
Ans. (b) (77.420E). T hus statement (1) is wrong.
When there is midnight at IST meridian, a place observes S tat ement (2) - Lat it ude of Aurangabad’s l ocat io n
6:00 A.M. So the place is situated in the east of India. It is (19053’47"N) is between those of Vadodara (22.300N) and Pune
because Sun rises early in the east. T he difference in their (18031’N). Thus statement (2) is correct.
meridian after 6 hours will be 15 × 6 = 900 (150 = 1 hour). Statement (3) - Latitude of Bangalore is 12.97 0N and the
Indian Standard Time (IST ) is the time observed throughout latitudinal position of Chennai is at 13.04 0N. Thus Bangalore
10 is situated more southward than Chennai. So, statement (3) is
India and is calculated based on the 82 East longitude. also correct. Therefore statement (2) and (3) are correct but
statement (1) is wrong. Hence (c) is the correct answer.
Thus, the place is situated at = 900 + 82 = 1720 30' East. 4. Which of the following cities is closest to IST (Indian
Standard Time) meridian ?
2. How many hours of time difference will be there between (a) Rewa (b) Sagar
the most western village of Gujrat and the most eastern
(c) Ujjain (d) Hoshangabad
village of Arunachal Pradesh, Walong ?
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2008
(a) 1 hour (b) 2 hour
Ans. (a)
(c) 3 hour (d) 1/2 hour
Indian standard time (IST) is 5 : 30 hours (5 hours 30 minutes)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1992
ahead ofGreenwich Mean Time (GMT). The Standard Time
Ans. (b)
of India is calculated on 82o30' East longitude. It passes
The state of Gujarat is situated on the west coast of India through Naini, Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. The location of
between 680 4' east and 740 4' East longitudes and Arunachal abovecities with regard to their closeness to IST meridian is:
Pradesh is located between 91° 30' East and 97° 30' East
Rewa - 81.19 0E Longitude
lo ngit udes. Thus, the lon git udin al difference between
western village of Gujarat and eastern village of Arunachal Sagar - 78.50 0E Longitude
Pradesh is 97030' – 68 04' = 29 026' . As we know that there is a Ujjain - 75.43 0E Longitude
difference of 4 minutes in one longitude , thus 29026' × 4 = Hoshangabad - 77.45 0E Longitude
Approximately 118 minutes (approx 2 hours) difference. Thus it is clear that Rewa is closest to the IST meridian.

CA–13 General Studies Indian Geography

5. If it is 10.00 a.m. IST, then what would be the local timeat Indian Standard Time is calculated on the basis of 82.5°
Shillong at 92° E longitude? E l ongi tu de. T hi s M erid ian pas ses th rough Naini ,
(a) 9.38 a.m. (b) 10.38 a.m. All ahabad in t he st ate of Uttar Pradesh. It also passes
(c) 10.22 a.m. (d) 09.22 a.m. through Jagdalpur ofChhattisgarh. The Indian Standard Time
I.A.S. (Pre) 1999 is ahead ofGreenwich Mean Time by 5 hours and 30 minutes.
Ans. (b) 9. Which of the following longitudes is known as “Standard
Indian Standard Time is calculated on the basis of 82.5° Meridian” in India?
E longitude .The difference between the longitude of Shillong (a) 870 30 ' E (b) 850 30 ' E
and the Indian Standard time is 920-82.5 0= 9.50 . As we know (c) 840 30 ' E (d) 820 30 ' E
that the difference of 1 longitude is equals to 4 minutes. So
the difference in time between them is 9.5×4 = 38 minutes. So,
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre)2013
if a watch indicates 10:00a.m on IST , then 10:38 a.m. would
Ans. (d)
be the local time at Shillong. Thus the correct answer is option
(b). See the explanation of above question.

6. When it is noon at IST meredian, what would be the local 10. The Indian Standard Time is taken from which of the
time at 120o East longitude – following city?
(a) 09.30 (b) 14.30 (a) Allahabad (Naini) (b) Lucknow
(c) 17.30 (d) 20.00 (c) Meerut (d) Mu zaffarnagar
U.P.P.C.S.(Pre)2001 U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1993
Ans. (b) Ans. (a)
The longit udinal difference between the Indian Standard
See the explanation of above question.
Time and 120 0E longitude is 1200 - 82030'= 37030'. Sincethe
difference of 1 l ongitude is equal to 4 minutes. So the 11. How much is the differencebetween Indian Standard Time
difference in time between them is 37030' × 4= 150 minutes (I.S.T.) and Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.)?
(means 2 hours, 30 minutes).Thus, if it is noon at IST meridian, (a) + 4 1
hours (b) + 5 1
2 2
then the local time at 1200 East longitude is 12+2:30=14:30. 1 1
(c) – 5 2
hours (d) – 4 2
7. The Indian Standard TimeMeridian does not pass through
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2010
(a) Andhra Pradesh 45th B.P.S.C (Pre) 2001
(b) Chh attisg arh Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2003
(c) Maharas ht ra Ans. (b)
(d) Uttar P radesh
See the explanation of above question.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
Ans. (c) 12. If the Sun rises at TIRAP in Arunachal Pradesh at 5.00
am (IST) then what time(IST) will the Sun rise in Kandla
10 in Gujarat?
The Indian Standard Time Meridian 82 E passes through
2 (a) About 5.30 a.m. (b) About 6.00 a.m.
Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and (c) About 7.00 a.m. (d) About 7.30 a.m.
Andhra Pradesh. It does not pass through Telangana also . U.P.P.C.S (Pre) 2010
8. Standard Indian Time (Meridian Longitude 82° 30') passes Ans. (c)
through which of the following towns? There is a difference of about 2 hours between Kandla
(a) Nagpur (b) Delhi (Guj arat) and Ti rap (Arunachal P radesh) due to t he
(c) Pat na (d) Allahabad longitudinal position of both the cities. Thus, if the Sun rises
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1996 at Tirap (95o 32') in Arunachal Pradesh at 5:00 am (IST) then
Ans. (d) the Sun will rise at 7:00 am in Kandla (70o 11').

CA–14 General Studies Indian Geography

v. Extreme Poi nts Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu) is the southern most point.
Northernmost Point - Near Siachen Glacier, at Indira Col
*India is located in the North-eastern hemisphere. In India, (Jammu Kashmir) .
the easternmost state is Arunachal Pradesh, westernmost is Westernmost point - Guhar Moti or Ghuar Mota (Gujarat).
Gujarat, northernmost state is Jammu and Kashmir and the Easternmost Point - Kibithu (Arunachal Pradesh).
southernmost is Tamil Nadu. The four extreme points ofIndia Thus the correct answer is option (c).
2. Name the place in India where Bay of Bengal, Arabian
*Southernmost Point - Indira Point (Great Nicobar) is a village
Sea and Indian Ocean meet.
in the Nicobar district ofAndaman and Nicobar islands, India.
(a) Kanyakumari (b) Indira Point
It is the location of the southernmost point of the India’s
(c) Nagarkoel (d) Rameshwaram
territory. Kanyakumari is the southern most point on the
Mainland. Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2016
*Northernmost Point - At Indira Col near Siachen glacier Ans. (a)
(Jammu & Kashmir). Kanyakumari, which is the southernmost point of the Indian
mainland, is the place where Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and
(Northern) Extreme Point of India Indian Ocean meet. Kanyakumari is a part of Tamil Nadu.
Indira Col
(Siachin, Jammu (Eastern) 3. Where is the southern most point of India located ?
& Kashmir) Arunachal
(a) Kanyakumari (b) Great Nikobar
(c) Lakshadweep (d) Madras
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990
Ans. (b)

See the explanation of above question.
Guhar Moti
(Gujarat) 4. The southernmost point of India "Indira Point" is in :
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Chhota Nicobar
(c) Great Nicobar
(d) Kar Nicobar Island
(Kanyakumari) M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006
(Tamil Nadu) (Southern) Ans. (c)
(Southern most Indira point
on the Mainland) Great Nicobar
See the explanation of above question.
*Westernmost Point - Guhar moti or Guhar mota (in the Kutch 5. Which one of the following pair of states of India indicates
region of Gujarat). *Easternmost point - Kibithu (Arunachal the easternmost and westernmost state?
Pradesh). (a) Assam and Rajasthan
1. The southern most point of India is- (b) Arunachal Pradesh and Rajasthan
(a) Kanyakumari (b) Rameshwaram (c) Assam and Gujarat
(c) Indira Point (d) Point Calimere (d) Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2003 I.A.S. (Pre) 2015
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002 Ans. (d)
Ans. (c)
The eastern most state is Arunachal Pradesh and the western
The four extreme points of India are :
most is Gujarat.
Southernmost Point - Indira Point is a village in the Nicobar
district of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. It is located 6. The westernmost point of India is -
in t he Great Nicobar t ehsil . It i s t he l ocati on of t he (a) 68° 7' W, Gujarat
southernmost point of India’s territory. On the mainland, (b) 68° 7' W, Rajasthan

CA–15 General Studies Indian Geography

(c) 68° 7' E, in Gujarat
Bordering countries of India
(d) 68° 7' E, Rajasthan
Shorte st Int ernational bou ndar y
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2008 of India
Ans. (c)
West of Guhar Moti in Kutch, Gujarat is the westernmost

is ta
point of India. Its Latitude/Longitude is 23.713 N/ 68 07' E.

h an
Guhar Moti is in the Kutch region of Gujarat. Kashm ir
Chin a

A fg

7. Which one among the following major Indian cities is

is ta

most eastward located ? Pun jab Uttarakhand
(a) Hyderabad (b) Bhopal N ep
al na
ru s h

A a de
U Pr
(c) Lucknow (d) Benguluru (Bangalore) t ta
Ass am Nagaland
Rajastha n ra
I.A.S. (Pre) 2007 sh Bi har Me ghalaya
Bangl Ma nipur
Ans. (c)
West adesh Tripura
Gujara t Bengal Mizoram
The location of the above-mentioned cities can be determined
by their longitudinal extension, which are Myanmar/Burm a
Bounda ry with
Hyderabad - 780 29' E Bangl adesh (L onges t
Int ernational boundary
Bhopal - 770 30’E of India with any
oth er nation.)
Lucknow - 810 E
Bangalore - 770 40' E
All the above cities are located in the middle of the eastern
longitudes. Thus, the city which has the largest longitudinal
extension is located most eastward. By looking at the above
longitudes Lucknow is most eastward located. Sri

vi. Bordering Countries Bhutan - West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh andAssam.
Bhutan is also called as the land of thunderbolt.
*T he neighbouring count ries of India are Paki stan , *Himalaya in the north, Bay of Bengal in the south-east,
Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Indian ocean in the South and Arabian sea in the south-west
Maldives and Sri Lanka. India has natural as well as man- are the natural boundaries of India. *The boundary between
made boundaries. Indian land boundary touches China and India and Pakistan is an example of Superimposed boundary.
Nepal in the north, Afghanistan in the north-west, Pakistan The superimposed boundary is a boundary that has been
in the west, Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east and Bhutan imposed over an area by an outsider or conquering power. In
in the north-east. The border of India with Pakistan and 1947, India and P akistan were separated through a draft
Bangladesh is man-made. created by a Britisher Sir Cyril Radcliffe and that is why the
*Indi an St ates s harin g boundaries with neigh bouring
boundary l ine between India and Paki stan i s known as
Countries are-
Radcliffe line. *The McMahon line separates India from
Pakistan - Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat.
China. Afghanistan is separated from India by Durand Line.
Afghanistan - Jammu & Kashmir (in PoK)
*In Sea, Sri Lanka is the nearest neighbour of India. Sri Lanka
China - Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea known as
Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.
the Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar. The Palk Strait was named
Bangladesh - Mizoram, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya and West
after the then Governor of Madras Robert Palk (1755-63).
Myanmar - Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and *Bangladesh forms the longest land frontier (4096 km) with
Mizoram. Myanmar is also called as the land of Golden India. Afghanistan forms the shortest land frontier (166 km)
Pagoda. with India.
Nepal - Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and *The north-east mountain ranges ofHimalayas (Arakan Yoma,
Sikkim. Naga, Patkoi) forms the land boundary separating Myanmar

CA–16 General Studies Indian Geography

from India by Irrawaddy R iver. The state of Tripura is Bangladesh border. The demarcated portions on both sides
surrounded by Bangladesh from three sides. Sikkim shares are fenced. Manipur does not share border with Bangladesh.
its boundary with three countries i.e. Nepal, Bhutan and Manipur has an International border with Myanmar.
China. West Bengal shares its boundary with Nepal, Bhutan 3. Indian states bordering Bangladesh are –
and Bangladesh.
(a) W. Bengal, Nagaland, Assam, Meghalaya
1. Consider the following statements : (b) Nagaland,Assam, Sikkim, W. Bengal
1. Assam shares border with Bhutan and Bangladesh. (c) Meghalaya, Assam, W. Bengal, Tripura
2. West Bengal shares border with Bhutan and Nepal. (d) Negaland, Assam, W. Bengal, Tripura
3. Mizoram s hares border with Bangl adesh and Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2003
Myanmar. Ans. (c)
Which of the statements given above are correct? See the explanation of above question.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only
4. Which one of the following Indian states does not share
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
borderwith Bhutan?
I.A.S. (Pre) 2006
(a) Sikkim (b) Meghalaya
Ans. (a)
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) West Bengal
The political map of India clearly shows that Assam shares M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
border with Bhutan and Bangladesh. West Bengal shares Ans. (b)
border with Bhutan and Nepal and Mizoram shares border
Bhutan and India are neighbouring countries that share
with Bangladesh and Myanmar. Thus all the above three
border with each other. The Indian states of West Bengal,
statements are correct. Hence (a) is the correct answer.
Sikkim, Assam, and Arunachal Pradesh share their borders
China with Bhutan. Meghalaya does not share border with Bhutan.
a ch It shares border with Bangladesh.
un sh
Nep a Ar r ade
l Bhutan P 5. In November 1998 Composite Dialogue Process between
Assam India and Pakistan included three contentious issues
an d
ga l

Megh alaya listed below as 1, 2 and 3. Contentious Issues are –


1. Disengagement of troops
u ra



Jharkhand 2. Settlement of boundary dispute


West Myanmar 3. Sharing river water.

M iz


2. Which one of the following states does not form the border
with Bangladesh –
(a) Meghalaya (b) Tripura
(c) Manipur (d) Mizoram
Uttrakhand U.D.A./LDA (Mains) 2007
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2004
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2002 Match the issues with the areas marked in the map as A,
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002 B and C and select the correct answer using the code
Ans. (c) given below :-
Code :
West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya and Tripura are the Indian (a) A-2 B-1 C-3 (b) A-2 B-3 C-1
states that share their borders with Bangladesh. Dhaka, (c) A-1 B-3 C-2 (d) A-3 B-2 C-1
Rangpur, Khulna, Sylhet, Rajshahi and Chittagong are the I.A.S. (Pre) 1999
six divisions of Bangladesh that are situated along the India- Ans. (a)

CA–17 General Studies Indian Geography

The Composite Dialogue Process between India and Pakistan 8. Which of the following group of Indian states shareits
was started in November, 1998, under which 6 issues were boundaries with Pakistan ?
scheduled for negotiation, including Sir Creek Sea Treaty, (a) Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh , Punjab and
Wullar Barrage/T ulbul Navigation Project and deployment
(b) Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan and Gujarat.
ofarmy troops on LOC . A denotes Sir Creek region, B denotes
(c) Punjab, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir and Rajasthan.
LOC region , C denotes Sindhu river Region.
(d) Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat.
6. Which of the following Indian stateshares its maximum U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2001
boundary with Myanmar ? U.P. P.C.S. (Pre)1990
(a) Manipur (b) Arunachal Pradesh Ans. (b)
(c) Mizoram (d) Nagaland See the explanation of above question.
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2007
9. The group of Indian states neighbouring Nepal is –
Ans. (b)
(a) Sikkim-Bhutan
Arunachal P radesh shares its maximum boundary with (b) Sikkim-Bihar
Myanmar. The neighbouring countries of India are Pakistan, (c) Asom- Bihar
Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh (d) Uttar Pradesh-Haryana
and Srilanka. The Indian boundaries are of both types i.e., R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 1999, 2000
natural and man-made. India sh ares t he l ongest land Ans. (b)
boundary with Bangladesh (4096.7 km) and the shortest Land See the explanation of above question.
boundary with Afghanistan (106 km).
10. Which one of the following countries share the longest
Indian states bordering with neighbouring countries are –
land frontier with India?
1. Bordering Pakista n - Jammu and Kashmi r, Pun jab,
(a) China (b) Nepal
Rajasthan and Gujarat
(c) Pakistan (d) Bangl adesh
2. Bordering China - Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh Ans. (d)
3. Bordering Nepal - Bihar, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh,
Bangladesh forms longest land frontiers with India with 4096
Sikkim and West Bengal
km lo ng international boundary. Indian st ates bordering
4. B ordering B angl ades h - West B engal , As s am,
Bangladesh are Mizoram, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya and
Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram
West Bengal.
5. Bordering Bhutan - West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam and
Arunachal Pradesh 11. Which of the following states does not form its boundary
6. Bordering Myanmar - Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, with Bangladesh?
(a) Assam (b) Nagaland
Manipur and Mizoram
(c) Meghalaya (d) Mizoram
7. Bordering Afghanistan - Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan-
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2016
Occupied Area).
Ans. (b)
7. Which of the following states of India does not have a
Nagaland does not share its border with Bangladesh. Indian
common border with Myanmar ?
st ates bordering B angl adesh are Ass am, Meghalaya,
(a) Assam (b) Nagaland Mizoram, Tripura and West Bengal.
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Mizoram
12. The boundary between India and Pakistan was demarcated
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2012
Ans. (a)
(a) Durand Line (b) McMohan Line
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram are (c) Maginot Line (d) Radcliff line
Indian states which share border with Myanmar but Assam U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1996
does not share its border with Myanmar. Ans. (d)

CA–18 General Studies Indian Geography

The boundary between India and Pakistan was demarcated 16. Which of the following line demarcates India and the
by Radcliff line. north-eastern part of China?
 Durand line is Between India and Afghanistan (a) Durand Line
McMohan Line is Between India and China (b) McMohan Line
Maginot Line is Between France and Germany.
(d) Redcliffe Line
(d) None of these.
13. Durand Line demarcated the Indian boundary with which M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1993
of the following countries? Ans. (b)
(a) Afghanist an (b) Burma
See the explanation of above question.
(c) Nepal (d) Tibet
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2006 17. MacMohan line forms the boundary between
Ans. (a) (a) India and China
(b) India and Pakistan
See the explanation of above question. (c) India and Myanmar
14. The boundary line between India and Pakistan is an (d) India and Nepal
exampleof U.P. P.C.S. (Pre)2018
Ans. (a)
(a) Superimposed boundary
(b) Antecedent boundary See the explanation of above question.
(c) Relict boundary 18. Which of the following separates India and Sri Lanka ?
(d) Subsequent boundary (a) Suez Canal
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 (b) Palk Strait bay
Ans. (a) (c) Gulf of Khambhat
(d) Gulf of Kutch
In 1947, Pakistan and India were separated on draft created
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990
by Sir Radcliffand Radcliff line was made. The two countries
Ans. (b)
share superimposed boundary. A superimposed boundary is
a boundary that has been imposed on an area by an outside See the explanation of above question.
or conquering power. 19. Which State of India has borders with three countries
namely Nepal, Bhutan and China?
15. What is Radcliffe line?
(a) Arunachal Pradesh
(a) America-Canada boundary line
(b) Meghalaya
(b) Indo-Pakistan boundary line
(c) West Bengal
(c) Indo-China boundary line
(d) Sikkim
(d) Russia-Finland boundary line M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2008
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006 M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015
Ans. (b) Ans. (d)
India has natural as well as man-made boundaries. Himalaya The State of Sikkim in India has borders with three countries
in the north, Bay of Bengal in the south-east, Indian Ocean namely Nepal, Bhutan and China.
in the south and Arabian sea in the south-west forms it's 20. Which one of the following states of India has an
natural boundary. India shares its border with China (Tibet), international boundary on its three sides ?
Bangladesh , Afghanistan, Paki stan, B hutan, Nepal and (a) Assam (b) Nagaland
Myanmar. Radcliff line demarcates the border between India (c) Tripura (d) West B engal
and Pakistan and Macmohan line between India and China. U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008
Durand lin e demarcates the border between India and Ans. (c)
Afghanistan. Sri Lanka is separated from India by the Palk Tripura is bordered by Bangladesh from north, west and
Strait. It is about 64-137 Km wide. It was named after the then south. Thus it has an international border on three sides.
governor of Madras Robert Palk. Assam and Mizoram are located in the east of T ripura.

CA–19 General Studies Indian Geography

2. Physical Divisions a

Geo territories
i. Natural Regions of India of India
Norther n Mountaineous
*Paleomagnetism is the branch that studies the magnetic Desert area (Thar) region
properties preserved in the rocks, sediments or other such Indus-Ganga Himalayas
things during their formation. This branch of science is helpful
i n t he s t udy of anci ent geol ogi cal phenom ena.
*Paleomagnetic studies has been made the basis to prove
Central High Lands
th e Wegener’s C ontin ental drift theory. Accordin g to
continental drift theory, the Indian mainland is a part of
Deccan Plateau
Gondwanaland. Gondwanaland includes present day India,
Australia, Africa, South America and regions of Antarctica.
*In mid Mesozoic era, (Jurassic Period, 200 Million Years Western Coastal
Ago) Gondwanaland split into a number of pieces through Eastern Coastal
plain Plain
convection currents. Indian plate st arted drifting towards
north after splitti ng from Gondwanaland. C onsequently, Andaman
Laks hadweep group group of Islands
Indian plate moving towards north, collided with a bigger
of Islands
plate, called Eurasian plate.
Due to this collision, the sedimentary rocks of the Tethys
1. The Northern and North-Eastern
sea, between the two plates (i.e. Indian and Eurasian) folded
2.T he Northern Plain
and developed into the Himalayas and mountain ranges of
West Asia. The whole mountain range of the Him alaya 3. The Indian Desert
represents a youth topography. It has high peaks, deep valleys 4. The Peninsular Plateau
(gorges) and fast - fl owing rivers. In Terai regio n of the 5. The Coastal Plain
Himalayas, artesian wells are also found. 6. The Islands
*Due to upli ftment of Tethys s ea at the Himalaya and
1. The paleomagnetic results obtained from India indicate
subsidence of the northern flank of the peninsular plateau,
that in the past, the Indian land mass has moved :
resulted in the formation of a large basin. With the passage of
time, this basin was filled gradually with sedimentary deposits (a) Northward (b) Southward
of rivers flowing from Northern mountains and Peninsular (c) Eastward (d) Westward
Plateau. In this way, a vast land area made up of alluvial U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1998
disposits was developed as the ‘ Northern Plain’ of India. I.A.S. (Pre) 1995
* Geologically, Peninsular plateau is the ancient part of Earth’s Ans. (a)
Surface. *Peninsular plateau is the most stable region ofIndia.
The Indian Landmass has moved northward. This is evident
Peninsular plateau comprises of hills and broad valleys which
from the paleomagnetic results obtained from India. Even the
are made up of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Meghalaya
extension of the plateau region in the north side is evident.
Plateau is an extension of Peninsular Plateau. It is a plain
Paleomagnetism is the study of the record of the Earth's
terrain, which was separated from Indian Peninsula through
Malda gap due to faulting. Western Coast of India was formed magnetic field in rocks, sediment or archeological materials.
due to faulting and subsidence of the Arabian Sea. This record provides information on the past behavior of
*Indian mainland shows a large variation in the physical Earth's magnetic field and the past location of tectonic plates.
structure. Therefore India is divided into four natural regions. According to Tectonic Shift Theory Indian land mass was
These are - 1. Northern Mountains 2. Northern Plains 3. part of Gondwanal and which in cluded Sout h America,
Peninsular Plateau and 4. Coastal Plains & Islands. *Apart Antarctica, Australia, and India. About 200 million years ago
from these divisions, on the basis of rock structure, relief and this large land mass broke and Indian land mass moved north
tectonic activities, India is divided into 3 main and 6 sub- wards. Vindhya and Western Ghat mountains emerged during
physical geo-morphic regions- this period.

CA–20 General Studies Indian Geography

2. The Indian subcontinent was originally part of a huge 2. Indo-Gangetic plain would be devoid of such extensive
mass called : alluvial soils.
(a) Jurassic land mass (b) Aryavarta 3. The pattern of monsoon would be different f rom what
(c) Indiana (d) Gondwana Continent it is at present.
I.A.S. (Pre) 1995 Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Ans. (d) (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 3 only
The Indian sub continent was originally part of a huge (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
landmass called Gondwana Continent. Gondwana was an I.A.S. (Pre) 2010
ancient supercontinent that broke up about 200 million years Ans. (d)
ago. The continent eventually split into landmasses that we If there were no Himalayan ranges then most geographical
recognize t oday as A frica, So uth A merica, Aust rali a, parts of India would experience the cold waves from Siberia
Antarcti ca, th e Indi an s ubconti nent and t he Arabi an , Indo-Gangetic plain would also be devoid of such extensive
Peninsula. alluvial soil and the pattern of monsoon would be different
3. India is divided into how many Natural Territories ? from what it is at present. T hus, all the above statements are
(a) 4 (b) 6 correct.
(c) 7 (d) 8 6. Consider the following statements regarding formation
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 1996 of landforms in India :
Ans. (a) I. Structurally, the Meghalaya plateau is an extended
India is divided into four main natural regions. T hese are – part of the Deccan plateau.
(i) Northern mountainous region II. TheValley of Kashmir was formed in a synclinorium.
(ii) Large Plains III. The Gangetic plain was formed in a foredeep.
(iii) Peninsular Plateau IV. The Himalayas originated as a result of triangular
(iv) Coasts and Islands convergence of the Indian plate, the European plate
It is further categorized in six sub-physical regions. and the Chineses plate.
(i) Northern Mountains Which of these statements are correct?
(ii) Sindhu-Ganga Plains (a) I, II and III (b) I, III and IV
(iii) Thar desert (c) I and III (d) II and IV
(iv) Central highland and Deccan Plateau 47th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2005
(v) Coastal plains Ans. (a)
(vi) Sea and Islands
Meghalaya plateau is an extension of the Peninsular plateau.
4. In which part of Uttarakhand are artesian wells found? It is believed that due to th e force exerted by the north
(a) Bhabhar eastward movement of the Indian plate at the time of the
(b) Tarai Himalayan origin, a huge fault was created between the
(c) Shivalik Hills Raj mahal hills and th e Meghalaya plateau. Later, t his
(d) None of t he above depress ion got fill ed up by the deposit ion acti vity of
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
numerous rivers. Today, the Meghalaya and Karbi Anglong
Ans. (b)
plateau stand detached from the main Peninsular Block. Thus
An artesian well is simply a well that doesn’t require a pump statement (1) is correct. The Valley of Kashmir was formed in
to bring water to the surface. This occurs when there is a synclinorium. The Indo-Gangetic basin is an active foreland
enough pressure in the aquifer. The pressure forces the water basin having east-west elongated shape. The basin formed
to the surface without any sort of assistance. In Uttarakhand, in response to the uplift of Himalaya after the collision of
artesian wells are mostly found in the Tarai Region. India and China plates (Dewey and Bird, 1970). Suess (1893-
5. If there were no Himalayan ranges, what would have been 1909) was the first geologist to suggest that the Indo-
the most likely geographical impact on India? Gangetic depression is a ‘ fore-deep’ and was formed in front
1. Most of the country would experiencethe cold waves of the high crust-waves of the Himalayas as their southward
from Siberia. migration was resisted by the rigid landmass of the Peninsula.

CA–21 General Studies Indian Geography

Thus statement (3) is also correct. The Himalayan mountain C.Aravalli 3. Cretaceous Eocene
range and Tibetan plateau have formed as a result of the D. Narmada-Tapti alluvial 4. Cambrian
collision between the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate. deposits
Chinese plate is not mentioned in the theory of plate tectonics. 5. Pleistocene
Thus statement (4) is wrong. Code :
7. Which of the following statement is incorrect ? A B C D
(a) Geologically Peninsula region is India’s most ancient (a) 3 5 1 4
part. (b) 3 1 2 5
(b) Himalaya mou ntains demonstrate the most newly (c) 2 1 3 4
developed folded mountains in the world. (d) 1 4 2 5
(c) The Western coast line of India is formed by the I.A.S. (Pre) 1997
deposition process of the rivers.
Ans. (b)
(d) Gondwana rocks have the largest reserve of coal in
India. The correctly matched order is :
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2004 The origin of the Deccan Traps - Cretaceous Eocene
Ans. (c) Origin of Western Ghats - Late Cenozoic period
Origin of Aravalli Mountain - Pre-Cambrian
The Western coastline ofIndia is not formed by the deposition
process of the rivers. In fact, it is formed by submergence Narmada-Tapi alluvial deposits -Pleistocene period
and emergence of the land . Gondwana rocks have the largest 11. Rajasthan desert or Thar desert is the expanse of which
reserve of coal in India. Himalaya is the newly developed of the following?
folded mountain. Geologically, Peninsular region is the most (a) Pliocene
ancient part of India. Thus statement (c) is incorrect. (b) Pal eocene
8. Which one of the following geographical regions is the (c) Pleistocene and recent deposit's
oldest in the country? (d) Oligo cene
(a) Himalayan Mountainous Region U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
(b) Great Plains of North India Ans. (c)
(c) Indian Peninsular Plateau
According to the Archeological Department, the Thar Desert
(d) Eastern Coastal Plains
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2017 is t he expanse of Pleist ocene and recent deposits. The
Ans. (c) development of the Thar desert started somewhere 70,000
years ago. Pleistocene (often referred to IceAge) lasted from
See the explanation of above question.
2,588,000 to 11,700 years ago.
9. Which of the following is a desert region?
12. Kuttanad (or Kuttanadu) of Kerala is famous for :
(a) Sindhu area
(a) A freshwater lake
(b) Gangetic area
(c) Assam area (b) The region with the lowest altitude in India
(d) Central India area (c) A coral island
M.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2018 (d) The westernmost point of India
Ans. (a) U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015
Ans. (b)
The Sindhu area or the Indus Valley Region is a desert region
located in the Northwestern Punjab Province (Pakistan). Kuttanad of Kerala is famous for its lowest altitude in India.
10. Match List I with List II and selectthe correct answer : Kuttanad is called the Rice Bowl of Kerala. Here farming is (4
List-I List-II to 10 ft.) practiced 2.5 to 4 meters below sea level. FAO has
A. Deccan Traps 1. Late Cenozoic declared the Kuttanad farming system as a globally important
B. Western Ghats 2. Pre-Cambrian Agriculture Heritage System.

CA–22 General Studies Indian Geography

range is always covered with snow. The Himalayas contain a
ii. Northern Mountainous Region
number of Glaciers, therefore Himalayan Rivers are perennial.
*Paleomagnetic studies has been made the basis to prove Ranges situated in the south of Greater Himalaya are called
the Wegener’s continental drift theory. Himalaya is the highest lesser Himalaya/ middle Himalaya. Its height lies between
mountain range in the World. *Himalaya spreads to a length 3700 meter and 4500 meter and average width is 50 km. Pir
of 2400 km and forms a semi-circle. Panjal is th e lo ngest range i n th e m iddl e Himalayas.
Its width is 400 km in Kashmir and 150 km in Arunachal Dhauladhar and Mahabharat Ranges are also important.
Pradesh. We see more variation in Himalayan heights in the Kashmi r valley, Kangda and Kullu Valleys of Himachal
western part than the eastern region. Pradesh are located in this range.
*Himalayas can be divided into 4 parallel structural regions- *Outermost range of Himalayas is called Shivalik. Its width is
1. Trans Himalaya (Tibet’s Region) between 10 to 50 Km and height between 900m to 1200m.
These ranges are formed by - sediments brought by Rivers
2. Greater Himalaya (Himadri)
form Greater Himalaya. *Longitudinal valley lying in between
3. Middle Himalaya ( Lesser Himalaya)
the lesser Himalaya and the Shivalik are called duns. *Some
4. OuterSub-Himalaya (Shivalik)
famous duns are - Dehradun, Kotlidun and Patlidun. *The
*Greater Himalaya is the oldest range, formed in Oligocene
plain which lies in the foothills of Shivalik and longitudinally
epoch (25-40 million years ago). Afterwards, middle Himalaya
between Indus in the west and Teesta in the east is called
was formed in mid Miocene epoch (14 Million years ago) and
Bhabhar. Bhabhar is a narrow belt of land about 8 to 16 km
Shivalik, the earliest one was formed in Pliocene epoch (5-1.7
wide covered with pebbles deposited by the rivers and lying
Million years ago).
parallel to the slopes of the Shivaliks.
*Mountain Range situated in the northern part of Himalayas It is an alluvial fan structure made of riverine deposits. In this
is called Greater or Higher Himalaya or Himadri. It is the most regi on, rivers disappear due to porosity of pebbles and
continuous range which has the highest peaks with an average gravels.
height of more than 6000 meters. The width of Bhabhar plain is more in the east than the west.
*Tarai is a 15-30 kilometer wide marshy areasouth ofBhabhar.
Pa mirs Trans Himalaya is located to the north of Greater Himalaya.
sh Ku
Northern Mountains
du mo
ain Pamir knot is also locat ed in Trans Himalaya (Ti bet).
Nanga P ar bat Lad rak o ra
dh a m Karakoram mountain range is a part of T rans - Himalaya.
kh ra n g

Kailash mountain, holy shrine of Hindu religion, also lies in

n ge
ar r

P ir
Pa Ka

n ja

l ila
iv a
un the western part of T rans - Himalaya.
Kam tai n
Namcha Bar wa *Himalaya is divided into various sub-regions west to east.

These divisions are based on the borders of river valleys.

D ev

nt Ku nchenjunga

e st

The Kashmir/Punjab/Himachal Himalayas lies between

Indus and Sutlej rivers. Kumaon Himalayas lies between
Satluj and Kali rivers. Nepal Himalaya lies between Kali and
Teesta rivers. Assam/Eastern Himalayas lies between Teesta
*Mt. Everest is the highest peak of the World located in and Dihang rivers.
Greater Himalayas. It is located on the boundary of Nepal *Brahmaputra River forms the easternmost boundary of
and Tibet. *Kanchenjunga, the third highest Peak of theworld, Himalaya. Himalaya spreads along the eastern border of India
lies in the Himalaya. It lies between Teesta River in the east after crossing Dihang Gorge in the south. These expansions
and Tamur River in the west. Kanchenjungalies on the border are called Purvanchal or Eastern Hills. T hese are located in
of eastern Nepal and Sikkim state of India. *Annapurna Peak North-Eastern states of India.
is located in North - central Nepal. Dhaulagiri Peak also lies The eastern extension of Himalaya includes Dafla hills,
in the middle of Nepal. Mishmi hills, Abhora hills, Patkoi hills, Naga hills, Mizohills
The core of this part of Himalaya is made up of Granite. This and Manipur hills.

CA–23 General Studies Indian Geography

1. Consider the f ollowing statements and select the correct On the basis of folds and age of formation, the Himalayas is
answer from the code given below : divided into four parallel structural areas -
Assertion (A): All riv ers orig i n ati n g f rom th e 1. Trans Himalaya
Himalayas are perennial. 2. Great Himalaya
Reason (R) : H imala yas receive much of th eir 3. the Middle Himalayas
p recipi tation from S out h- Western 4. Shiwalik
monsoon. According to the above options Great Himalaya is the oldest
Code : range of Himalayas (Oligocene period-25-40 million years
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct ago). After this, the Middle Himalayas (mid-Miocene- 14
explanation of (A) million years ago) and Shiwalik (Pliocene era- 5-1.7 million
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not th e correct years ago) the newest range among them was formed.
explanation of (A)
4. The flat plains along the sub-Himalayan region in North
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false
India, are called –
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true
(a)Tarai (b) Doon
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011
(c)Khadar (d) Bhabar
Ans. (b)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2007
The rivers originating from the Himalayas are perennial Ans. (d)
because their source is located in the Himalayan glaciers.
The flat plains along the sub-Himalayan region in North India,
The Himalaya receives much of it's rain from the south-
are called Bhabar. It is a narrow belt ranging between 8-10 km
western monso on. Assertion and Reason both are true.
parallel to the Shiwalik foothills at the break-up of the slope.
However Reason (R) does not explain the Assertion (A)
As a result of this, the streams and rivers coming from the
mountains deposit heavy materials of rocks and boulders,
2. Consider the f ollowing statements and select the correct and at times, disappear in this zone. South of the Bhabar is
answer from the code given below : the Tarai belt, with an approximate width of 15-30 km where
Assertion (A) : All rivers originating f rom the Himalayas most of the streams and rivers re-emerge without having any
are perennial. properly demarcated channel, thereby, creating marshy and
Reason (R) : Source of Himalayan rivers is located in swampy conditions known as the Tarai. This has a luxurious
gla ciers. growth of natural vegetation and houses a varied wildlife.
Code :
5. The foothills region of Himalayas is –
(a) (A) is false, but (R) is true
(a) Trans-Himalayas (b) Shiwalik
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
(c) Greater Himalayas (d) Aravali
explanation of (A)
43rd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1999
(c) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not th e correct
explanation of (A) Ans. (b)
(d) (A) is true, but (R) is false. The foothills region ofthe Himalaya is called Shiwalik. These
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) (2013) are the outer most range of the Himalayas . They extend over
Ans. (b) a width of 10-50 Km and have an altitude varying between
See the explanation of above question. 900 to 1100 m eters . These rang es are compo sed of
unconsolidated sediments brought down by rivers from the
3. TheHimalayas are formed of parallel fold ranges, of which main Himalayan ranges located at farther north.
the oldest range is –
(a) The Siwalik Range 6. Shiwalik Hills are part of which of the following?
(b) The Lesser Himalayas (a) Aravali (b) Western Ghats
(c) The Great Himalayan Range (c) Himalaya (d) Satp ura
(d) The Dhauladhar Range M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
I.A.S. (Pre) 1994 Ans. (c)
Ans. (c) See the explanation of above question.

CA–24 General Studies Indian Geography

7. Shiwalik series was formed in – 11. When you travel in Himalayas, you will seethe following
(a) Eozoic (b) Paleozoic 1. Deep gorges
(c) Mesozoic (d) Cenozoic 2. U-turn river courses
42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997 3. Parallel Mountain ranges
Ans. (d) 4. Steep gradients causing landsliding
Which of the above can be said to be the evidences for
Shiwalik or outer Himalaya has formed approximately 5-1.7
Himalayas being young fold mountains ?
million years ago in Pliocene Era means in Cenozoic period.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 4
8. The altitude of Shiwalik peaks fall in between – (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(a) 850 – 1200 Mts (b) 750 – 1100 Mts I.A.S. (Pre) 2012
(c) 750 –1500 Mts (d) 750 – 1300 Mts Ans. (d)
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2010
Ans. (a) All above feat ures can be said t o be the evidence for
Himalayas being young folded mountain . Deep gorges , U-
Shiwalik range, spread over about 2400 km is the southern turn river cours es, Parallel Mountain Ranges and steep
range of Himalaya. Its averagealtitude is 900 meter-1200 meter. gradient causing land sliding are very common views on
Thus, the closest answer is option (a). Himalayas.
9. The south of 'Shiwalik' rock series, Bhabar region is an 12. Examine the map of Jammu and Kashmir given below :
exampleof ? The mountains ranges marked 1,2,3 and 4 respectively :
(a) Midland Situation.
(b) Intermountain situation.
(c) Piedmont situation.
(d) Littoral Region.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1994
Ans. (c)
Bhabar region is a narrow belt ranging between 8-16 km
parallel to the Shiwalik foothill at the break-up of the slope.
As a result of this, the stream and rivers coming from the
mountains deposits heavy material of rock and boulders. (a) Ladakh, Zanskar, Karakoram and Pir Panjal
South of Bhabar is a Tarai belt with an approximate width of (b) Karakoram, Pir Panjal, Zanskar and Ladakh
15-30 km. Bhabar in the Southern region of Shiwalik is an (c) Karakoram, Ladakh, Zanskar and Pir Panjal
example of the Piedmont situation. (d) Ladakh, Pir Panjal , Karakoram and zanskar
I.A.S. (Pre) 1995
10. The Himalayan Mountain Ranges arenot a partof which
Ans. (c)
of the following states?
(a) Utt arakhand (b) Uttar Pradesh The mountain ranges marked 1,2,3 and 4 on the map of Jammu
(c) Sikkim (d) Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir are :-
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012 1. Karakoram ranges
Ans. (b) 2. Ladakh ranges
3. Zanskar ranges
The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) spreads across 10 states 4. Pir Panjal
(administrative regions) namely, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal
P rades h, Uttaranchal, Si kki m, Arun achal Pr adesh , 13. The Lesser Himalaya is located between
Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, and hill (a) Trans Himalaya and Great Himalaya
(b) Shiwalik and Great Himalaya
regions of 2 states viz. Assam and West Bengal. On the
(c) Trans Himalaya and Shiwalik
other hand the expansion of Uttar Pradesh lies only in the
(d) Shiwaliks and Outer Himalaya
plain regions. So the Himalayan Mountain Ranges are not a
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2006
part of Uttar Pradesh .
Ans. (b)

CA–25 General Studies Indian Geography

The Himalayan Range consists of parallel mountain ranges. 16. Which of the following rock systems in India is the latest
It includes Great Himalayas, Trans Himalayan range, Middle one ?
Himalaya and the Shiwalik. The mountain range which runs (a) Vindhyan (b) Cudd apah
parallel between the Shiwalik in the south and the Great (c) Dharwar (d) Gondwana
Himalayas in the north is classified as the Middle Himalayas, U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
sometimes also called Lesser Himalaya or Himachal or Lower Ans. (d)
Himalayas. It has an intricate system of ranges that have an Gondwana Rock System is the latest rock system in India.
average width of 50 Km. having elevation varying from 3,500 Gondwana coal is of much recent origin than carboniferous
to 4,500 mt above sea level. Many peaks are more than 5,050 coal. Gondwana system is upper carboniferous to the recent.
mt above sea level and are covered with snow throughout Gondwana rocks contain nearly 98% of India's coal reserves.
the year. Pir Panjal, the Dhauladhar, the Mussoorie Range,
17. Consider the following relief features –
the Nag T iba and Mahabharat Lekh are some of the important
1. Zanskar Range
ranges of the Middle Himalaya.
2. Dhauladhar Range
14. Which of the following is the correct order of the Himala- 3. Ladakh Range
yan Ranges fromsouth to north in the western section ? 4. Karakoram Range
(a) Great Himalaya-Lesser Himalaya-Siwalik The correct south to the northward sequence of the above
(b) Siwalik-Lesser Himalaya Great Himalaya relief features is
(c) Lesser Himalaya-Great Himalaya-Siwalik (a) 2, 1, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3, 4, 1
(d) Siwalik-Great Himalaya- Lesser Himalaya (c) 4, 3, 2, 1 (d) 4, 2, 1, 3
(e) None of these Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2013
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2015 Ans. (a)
Ans. (b)
From south to northward, th e correct sequence of above
The correct order of Himalayan Ranges in the western section options is: Dhauladhar Range, Zas kar (Zanskar) Range,
from south to north is the Shiwalik-Lesser Himalayas-Great Ladakh Range and Karakoram. Karakoram, Ladakh and
Himalayas. Zaskar Ranges are related to trans Himalaya while Dhauladhar
Range is situated in Lesser or Middle Himalaya .
15. Which one of the following is the youngest mountain
chain ? 18. Which one of the following is the correct northward
(a) Vind hyas (b) Aravalli sequence of the relief features?
(c) Shiwaliks (d) Annamalai (a) Zanskar Ranges, Pirpanjal Ranges, Ladakh Ranges,
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2010 Karakoram Ranges
Ans. (c) (b) Pirpanjal Ranges, Zanskar Ranges, Ladakh Ranges,
Karakoram Ranges
The Shiwalik Himalaya formed in the last stage of formation
(c) Karakoram Ranges, Ladakh Ranges, Zanskar Ranges,
of Himalaya, thus they are considered as th e youngest
Pirpanjal Ranges
mountain range. It comprises the outermost range of the
(d) Pirpanjal Ranges, Ladakh Ranges, Zanskar Ranges,
Himalayas and is also known as outer Himalayas. Fl at
Karakoram Ranges
scraps, anticlinal crests and synclinal valleys are the chief
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2013
characteristics of this range. The Shiwaliks are formed of
Ans. (b)
great th ickness of M io-Pleist ocene sand, gravels and
conglomerates which have been brought by the rivers flowing The correct northward sequence of the relief features is -
from the higher ranges of the Himalayas. These have been Pi rpanjal R anges, Zanskar Ranges, Ladakh R anges,
folded and faulted by the earth movements. Shiwaliks have a Karakoram Ranges. Pirpanjal Ranges are situated in Middle
different names in different areas like Jammu Hills in Jammu, Himalaya while remaining are related to Trans Himalaya .
Dafla, Miri, Abora and Mishmi Hills in Arunachal Pradesh. Thus, option (b) is the correct answer.

CA–26 General Studies Indian Geography

19. Which one of the following groups is the correct sequence In Himalayan Ranges, the types of vegetation changes with
of mountain peaks fromeast to west? altitude due to decrease in temperature, changes in rainfall,
(a) Everest, Kanchenjunga, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri unfertile soil, low atmospheric pressure and low air. Thus
(b) Kanchenjunga, Everest, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri options 1, 2, and 3 are correct and (a) is the correct answer.
(c) Kanchenjunga, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Everest Note : The question was deleted in the revised answer key
sheet by Chhattisgarh P.C.S.
(d) Everest, Kanchenjunga, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2012 22. Which mountain range amongst the following is latest in
Ans. (b) origin:
(a) Ajanta range (b) Palkonda range
The correct sequence of mountain peaks from east to west
(c) Kaimur Hills (d) Patkoi ranges
is: Kanchenjunga, Everest, Annapurna, Dhaula giri .
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 1996
Kanchenjunga is the third tallest mountain in the world. Three
Ans. (d)
of the five summits of the Kanchenjungha (main, central,
and south) are situated on the boundary of the North Sikkim Patkoi Range is situated in lower Himalayan ranges. It
district in Sikkim, India and the Taplejung District in Nepal. originated in the tertiary era. Remaining all ranges/hills are
situated in South and Mid India . Thus the latest mountain
The t wo other peaks are entirel y situated in Tapl ejung
range is Patkoi Ranges.
District. Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world above
sea surface. The elevation of Mount Everest is 8,848 meters. 23. Which one of the following states does not lie along Patkai
The peak is situated in the Himalayas on the border of Nepal hills?
and China, which is also known as the Sagarmatha Zone. (a) Nagaland (b) Tripura
The Annapurna region is an area in central Nepal where (c) Manipur (d) Mizoram
some of the most popular treks are located. Dhaulagiri Peak U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015
is also located in Central Nepal, west of Annapurna peak. Ans. (b)

20. In comparison to eastern Himalaya the value of height of The Patkai hills are situated on India's north-eastern border
tree-line in western area is :- with Myanmar. The Indian states along Patkai hills areAssam,
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland. Tripura does
(a) Mo re (b) Less
not lie along Patkai hills. Mizo hills stretch through Mizoram
(c) Same (d) Unrelated variable and Tripura.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005
Ans. (b) 24. Identify the correct west to eastsequence of the following
Hilly Castes?
The treeline is the edge of the habitat at which trees are (a) Khasi-Garo-Naga-Jaintia
capable of growing. The value of tree-line in eastern Himalaya (b) Naga-Jaintia-Khasi-Garo
and Middle Himalaya lies between 3600 to 3800m,while in (c) Garo-Khasi-J aintia-Naga
western or north western region, it declines to 3300-3600m. (d) Jaintia-Naga-Garo-Khasi
Thus, in comparison to eastern Himalaya the value of height
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
of tree-line in the western area is less.
Ans. (c)
21. In Himalayan Ranges the types of vegetation changes with Garo, Khas i and J aintia tribes are found in Meghalaya
altitude due to the following reasons – whereas Naga tribes are found in some districts of Manipur
1. Decrease in temperature and Arunachal Pradesh also besides Nagaland. Garo tribe is
2. Changes in rainfall found in the western part of Meghalaya, Khasi in central and
3. Unfertile soil Jaintia in the eastern part. T herefore the correct sequence of
the hilly castes west to east is - Garo-Khasi-Jaintia-Naga.
4. Strong winds
Select the correct answer – 25. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 using the codes given below the lists :
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4 List-I List-II
(e) None of these (Hills) (States)
Chhattisgarh P.C.S (Pre) 2013 A. Garo 1. Meghalaya
Ans. (a) B. Miri 2. Tamil Nadu

CA–27 General Studies Indian Geography

C. Kollai Mallai 3. Arunachal Pradesh The major natural resources ofWestern Himalayas are forests.
D. Dalma 4. Jharkhand Forests contribute a major share in the land use of region,
Code : covering more than 65% of the total geographical area of the
A B C D region.
(a) 1 3 2 4
30. What is the height of Great Himalaya ?
(b) 1 2 3 4
(a) 8850 M. Above sea level
(c) 1 3 4 2
(b) 8815 M. Above sea level
(d) 2 1 3 4
U.P. R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) 2017 (c) 8890 M. Above sea level
Ans. (a) (d) 8860 M. Above sea level
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2011
List-I List-II
Ans. (a)
(Hills) (States)
Garo Meghalaya The average height of the Great Himalayais 6100m while the
Miri Arunachal Pradesh height of its highest peak, Mount Everest is approximately
Kollai Mallai Tamil Nadu 8850 m. (8848m.) T hus option (a) is the correct answer.
Dalma Jharkhand
31. Himachal stands for
26. Pir Panjal Range is located/found in- (a) The Great Himalaya
(a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Jammu and Kashmir (b) The Middle Himalaya
(c) Punjab (d) Utt arakhand (c) Shivalik
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007 (d) Trans-Himalaya
Ans. (b) U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008
Pir Panjal Range is located in Middle Himalaya. It is spread in Ans. (b)
Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir from south east The Middle Himalayas forms the most intricate and rugged
to north west. mountainous system, with an average width of 50 km and
27. Between which two mountain ranges in the Valley of elevation 3500-4500m. Its Vedic name is Himachal. Most of
Kashmir situated? the hill stations like Shimla, Nainital, Mussoorie are located
(a) Ladakh and Zanskar in this range.
(b) Great Himalayas and Pir Panjal
32. Consider the f ollowing statements:
(c) Great Himalayas and Zanskar
1. In India, the Himalayas arespread over five States only.
(d) Karakoram and Ladakh
2. Western Ghats arespread over five States only.
M.P.P.C.S (Pre) 2016
3. Pulicat Lake is spread over two states only.
Ans. (b)
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
The Kashmir Valley is bounded on the southwest by Pir Panjal (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
Range and on the north-east by Great Himalayan Range. (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
28. Which of the following is a part of Aksai Chin region : I.A.S. (Pre) 2017
(a) Karakoram Range (b) Siwalik Range Ans. (b)
(c) Kashmir Valley (d) Ladakh Plateau
The Himalayas are spread over most of the northern and
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1995
north-eastern states i.e., Jammu & Kashmi r, Himachal
Ans. (d)
P radesh , Utt arakhand, S ik ki m, Arun achal P radesh ,
Aksai Chin is spread over about 3800 square kilometers in Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura.
Jammu Kashmir's Ladakh region. It is an Indian territory under Besides these, mountain range of Assam and West Bengal
the occupation of China. are also part of the Himalayas. So, Himalayas are spread over
29. Main resources of Western Himalayan resource region, more than five states. The Western Ghats are spread over
are: the states of Gujrat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu
(a) Forests (b) Metallic minerals and Kerala i.e., 6 states. Pulicat lake is second largest (after
(c) Carbonic minerals (d) Atomic minerals Chilika lake) lagoon in India, straddles the border of Tamil
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2010 Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. T herefore statements 1 and 2 are
Ans. (a) wrong and statement 3 is correct.

CA–28 General Studies Indian Geography

iii. Mountain Ranges and Hills of Coromandel coast on the Bay of Bengal. *Javadi Hill is
located on the Eastern Ghats in the North Arkat district of
South and Central India Tamil Nadu. *Nilgiri Hills also known as Q ueen of Hills, is
The P eninsular Pl ateau i s a tableland composed of old the meeting point of Eastern and Western Ghats. Dodabetta
(2637m) is its highest peak.
crystalline, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Delhi ridge in
the northwest (extension of Aravallis), the Rajmahal Hills in
the east, Gir Range in the east and Cardamom Hills in the Mountain Ranges and Hills of South
south constitute the outer extent of the Peninsular Plateau. and Central India
Shillong and Karbi-Anglong Plateau seen in the north-east Dafla Mismi
H ima la Hills
ya M ou Hills
is a part of the Peninsular Plateau. *This Plateau was formed R ange s ntai n

due to the breaking and drifting of the Gondwana land. Broad

and shallow valleys and rounded hills are its special features.

al i
Garo Khasi Ja ya ntiya Naga Hills

*It has two broad divisions, namely, the Central Highlands

Vindya Mountain Kaimur Mountain Hajariba gh Platea u
and the Deccan Plateau. *The part of Peninsular Plateau lying
R an Ra mgarh Mounta in Mijo Hills
to the north of the Narmada river covering a major area of the Ma
n dw
M oun
t ai n
a nges
ur a R
Malwa Plateau is known as the Central Highl ands. The S a tp Garhja t Mounta in
Ajanta Ma lya Giri Mounta in
Vindhyan Range is bounded by the Central Highlands in the S a tma
laM o
t ain Mountain Da nda karana
South and Aravallis on the north-west. The Aravalli range is Are a

Ba ge
H n ge

r an
l ag s
ar i s
a mountain range in Western India running approximately



Mou ama lai


nt ai n
800 km in the north-east direction across the states ofGujarat,

Rajasthan and Haryana, ending in Delhi. It is formed in the Ni lgiri Moun tain
Dodda bett a
Java di Hills
Pre-Cambrian era (600-570 million years). Its highest peak is
Guru-Shikhar (1722m) located in Mt. Abu. It is an example An nama lai Mo unt ain

of residual mountains. Residual mountains are remnants of Shevr oy Hills

Kard amam Hi lls
old mountains which have been worn down by agents of
denudation. The examples of Resid ual mo unt ains are
Vindhyanchal, Aravalli, Satpura, etc. *The Deccan Plateau *Toda tribes of South India resides in these hills. *Anaimalai
is a triangular landmass that lies to the south of the river Hills is located on the borders of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Its
Narmada. The Deccan Plateau is higher in the west and slopes highest peak is Anaimudi. Nilgiri Hills spread across the states
gently eastwards. It is bordered by the Western Ghats in the of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. The Cardamom Hills
west, the Eastern Ghats in the east and the Satpura, the are part of South Western Ghats located in the Southeast
Maikal range and the Mahadeo hills in the north. The Satpura Kerala and South-west Tamil Nadu. It is called so because of
range forms the northernmost boundary of the Deccan Plateau. large scale production of Cardamom in the area. They conjoin
the Anaimalai Hills to the north west, the Palani Hills to the
It lies between the Narmada river in the north and the river
north-east and the Agasthyamalai Hills to the South. *Shevroy
Tapi in the south. It spreads across the states of Madhya
Hills is located in the Salem town of Tamil Nadu. It is a part of
Pradesh and Maharashtra. Dhupgarh is the highest peak of
the Eastern Ghats. Yercaud, a famous hill station of Tamil
the Satpura range located in Pachmarhi (M.P.).
Nadu, is located on these hills. Mahadeo Hills are part of the
*Western Ghat is locally known by different names such as Satpura mountain range located in Madhya Pradesh. *Kaimur
Sahyadri in Maharashtra, Nilgiri Hills in Karnataka and Tamil Hills is also located in Madhya Pradesh. *Garhjat Hills which
Nadu and Anaimalai Hills and Cardamom Hills in Kerala. is home to the Gond tribes is located in Odisha. Balaghat
Western Ghat is comparatively higher in elevation and more range, Harishchandra range, and Satmala Hills are located
continuous than the Eastern Ghats. Anaimudi (2695m) is the in Maharashtra. Ajanta range completely falls in Maharashtra.
highest peak of Peninsular Plateau at Anaimalai Hills of the Ramgiri Hills is located in the Chittoor district of Andhra
Western Ghats followed by Dodabetta (2637m) on the Nilgiri Pradesh. It is a part of the Eastern Ghats. Maikal range is the
Hills. eastern ext ensi on of S atpura range. It is l ocated i n
*Nallamalla Hills lies between the Krishna and Pennar rivers Chhattisgarh. Mahendra Giri (1501m) is the highest peak of
of South India, stretched from north to south, parallel to the Eastern Ghats.

CA–29 General Studies Indian Geography

1. Which of the following is the oldest mountain range in Eastern Ghats are older than Western Ghats. The Vindhyachal
India? Mountain Range is a very old mountain range extending in
(a) Himalaya (b) Aravalli the states of Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.
(c) Vindhya (d) Satp ura 6. Among the following which mountain range is the oldest
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2003 in India?
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1993 (a) Nilgiri (b) Aravali
Ans. (b) (c) Satp ura (d) Western Ghat
The Aravalli Range is a range of mountains in western India (e) Himalaya
running approximately 800 km in northestern direction across Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2016
Ans. (b)
the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana, ending in Delhi.
These are highly eroded hills and are found as broken hills. See the explanation of above question.
The Aravalli Rangeis the oldest fold mountains of the world. 7. The approximate age of the Aravalli Range is:
It was formed in the Precambrian Era (600 to 570 million years (a) 370 million years (b) 470 million years
ago). Its highest peak is Guru-Shikhar (1722 m.) (c) 570 million years (d) 670 million years
2. Which of the following mountain systems of India is the I.A.S. (Pre) 2001
oldest? Ans. (c)
(a) Aravalli (b) Himalayas See the explanation of above question.
(c) Satp ura (d) Nilgiri
8. Which of the following is the example of ‘Residual
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017
Mountain’ ?
Ans. (a)
(a) Himalaya (b) Kilimanjaro
See the explanation of above question. (c) Etna (d) Arawali
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005
3. In which of the following states are the Aravali Ranges
Ans. (d)
(a) Rajasthan (b) Himachal Pradesh Residual Mountains are remnants of old mountains that have
(c) Odisha (d) Andhra Pradesh been worn down by agents of denudati on. R esidual
U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) 2014 moun tains are formed from old fold , block or volcanic
Ans. (a) materials. Satpura is examples of residual mountains. T he
Aravalli ranges are remnants of early mountain ranges.
See the explanation of above question.
9. Which of the following is the highest peak in South India?
4. The oldest mountain range in India is:- (a) Anaimudi (b) Dodabet ta
(a) Aravalli (b) Himalaya (c) Amarkantak (d) Mahendragiri
(c) Shivalika (d) Vindhya U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2005, 2012
U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010 U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2013
M.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 1995 Ans. (a)
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre)1991 Anaimudi is the highest peak of Southern India and a part of
Ans. (a) the Western Ghats mountains, having an elevation of 2,695
See the explanation of above question. metres. It is located in the Idukki district of Kerala. T he heights
of peaks given in the options are as given below:
5. Which of the following ranges is the most recent one?
Dodabetta - 2,637 metres
(a) Aravallis (b) Vindhyachal Range
Amarkantak - 1048 metres
(c) The Himalayas (d) The Eastern Ghats Mahendragiri - 1501 metres
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2018
Ans. (c) 10. Which of the following is the highest peak of South India?
(a) Anaimudi (b) Doda Betta
The Himalayan Range is a range of young fold mountains (c) Guru Shikhar (d) Mahendragiri
and is one of the youngest mountain ranges of the world. M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
Aravalli is the oldest range of fold mountains in India. The Ans. (a)

CA–30 General Studies Indian Geography

Anaimudi is the highest peak in the Western Ghat in South (c) Rajmahal Hills
India with a height of 8842 feet. The nameof Anaimudi literally (d) Aravalli Hills
translate to "elephant forehead" a reference to resemblance U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2007
of the mountain to an elephant head. Ans. (b)
11. The highest peak of the Indian Peninsula is Satpura Range, is part of the Deccan plateau, in central India.
(a) Ootakamund (b) Anaimudi The hi lls stretch through th e states of Maharasht ra and
(c) Dodabet ta (d) Mahabal eshwar Madhya Pradesh. The Satpura range, means "Seven Folds",
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 which forms the watershed between the Narmada (North)
Ans. (b) and Tapti (South) rivers. Hence, the correct option is (b).

Anaimudi is the highest peak (height 2695 metre) ofpeninsular 15. Consider the following relief features:
India. It is located in Idukki district of Kerala. It is part of 1. Mahadev Range
Western Ghat Mountain Range. The height of Dodabetta is 2. Maikal Range
2637 metre, Ootakamund- 2240 metre and Mahabaleshwar is 3. Chhotanagpur Plateau
1438 metre. 4. Khasi Hills
The correct west to eastward sequenceof the above relief
12. 'Kodaikanal' is situated in which hill? features is
(a) Anamalai (b) Bundi (a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 4, 3, 2, 1
(c) Palni (d) Amarkantak (c) 2, 3, 4, 1 (d) 1, 3, 2, 4
(e) None of these Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2016
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2017 Ans. (a)
Ans. (c)
West to east sequence of the above relief features is Mahadev
Kodaikanal is a city in the Palani Hills of the Dindigul district range, Maikal range, Chhotanagpur plateau and Khasi hills.
in the state of Tamil Nadu. Mahadev and Maikal ranges are the eastward extension of
Satpura range. Chhotanagpur plateau spread over much of
13. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer
Jharkhand as well as adjacent parts of Chhattisgarh, Bihar,
using the codes given below the list :
West B engal and Odisha. Khasi hi lls are si tuated in
List-I List-II
States Highest Peak
A. Kerala 1. Dodda Betta 16. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the
B. Nagaland 2. Nand Devi given hills starting fromthe north and going towards the
C. Uttarakhand 3. Anai Mudi south?
D. Tamil Nadu 4. Saramati (a) Nallamalai Hills – Nilgiri Hills – Javadi Hills –Anaimalai
Code : Hills
A B C D (b) Anaimalai Hills – Javadi Hills –Nilgiri Hills – Nallamalai
(a) 1 3 4 2 Hills
(b) 2 3 4 1 (c) Nallamalai Hills – Javadi Hills –Nilgiri Hills – Anaimalai
(c) 3 4 2 1 Hills
(d) Anaimalai Hills – Nilgiri Hills – Javadi Hills –
(d) 1 2 3 4
Nallamalai Hills
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre)2018
I.A.S. (Pre) 2005
Ans. (c)
Ans. (c)
State Highest Peak
Nallamalai Hills are situated between the Krishna River and
Kerala – Anai Mudi
the Pennar Hills, streched from north to south, parallel to the
Nagaland – Saramati
Coromandel Coast on the Bay of Bengal. Javadi Hills are
Utt arakhand – Nanda Devi
located on the Eastern Ghats in North Arkat district of Tamil
Tamil Nadu – Doda Betta Nadu State. Renowned as ‘Queen of Hills’ , Nilgiri Hills are
14. The Narmada and Tapti rivers f lank – located at the junction of Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats.
(a) Vindhyan Mountains Doddabetta is the highest mountain in the Nilgiri Hills at
(b) Satpura Ranges 2,637 metres. T here are around 15 tribal groups in the Nilgiris.

CA–31 General Studies Indian Geography

Among them the Badagas, Kotas, and Todas are the main 21. Nilgiri Mountain Range lies in –
tribal groups of the region. The Anaimalai Hills form the (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Maharashtra
southern portion of the Western Ghats and span upto the (c) Orissa (d) Uttarakhand
border of Kerala and Tamil Nadu in southern India. Anaimudi Uttarakhand Lower(Sub.) (Pre) 2010
is the highest peak in the Anaimalai Hills at 2695 metres. These Ans. (a)
four hills are located in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and
Nilgiri mountains are located in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and
Kerala state in India from north to south. Hence, the correct
Karnataka states which meet at junction of Western Ghats
option is (c).
& East ern Ghats. Doddabetta is the hig hest peak in the
17. Which of the following hills arefound where the Eastern Nilgi ri Hills at 2,637 metres. Anaimudi is the hi ghest
Ghats and the Western Ghats meet? mount ain peak of southern India l ocated in the Anai malai
(a) Annamalai Hills (b) Cardamom Hills Hills at 2695 metres.
(c) Nilgiri Hills (d) Shevoroy Hills
I.A.S. (Pre) 2008 22. Indian Oceanists discovered a high mountain with a height
43 B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1999 of 1505 meter at the bottom of Arabian sea about 455 km
Ans. (c) west South West from Bombay, the mountain is called-
(a) Kailash II (b) Raman Sagar mountain
See the explanation of above question.
(c) Kanya Sagar Parvat (d) Bombay Parvat
18. Which of the f ollowing mountain peak is not situated in 40th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1995
Eastern Ghats? Ans. (b)
(a) Gali Konda
Indian Oceanists have discovered three marine mountain
(b) Salher
ranges in which one is located in Indian Ocean basin; Second
(c) Sinkram Gutta
is Sagar Kanya in Eastern Arabian Sea and third one is a high
(d) Madugula Konda
mountain with height of 1505 meter at the bottom ofArabian
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2018
Ans. (b) Sea about 455 km west south west from Mumbai. This
mountain is named after famous scientist C.V.Raman as Raman
Salher is a place located in Satna Tehsil in Nasik district of Sagar mountain.
Maharashtra. It is the site of the highest fort in the Sahyadri
mountains and the second highest peak at 1,567 mts. after 23. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
Kalsubai in Maharashtra and 32nd highest peak in western (a) The Western Ghats are relatively high in their Northern
ghats. region.
(b) The Anaimudi is the highest peak in the Western
19. At which of the following hills the Eastern Ghats join the
Western Ghats?
(c) Tapti river lies to the south of Satpura.
(a) Palani Hills (b) Anamudi Hills
(d) The Narmada and the Tapti river valleys are said to be
(c) Nilgiri Hills (d) Shevaroy Hills
old rift valleys.
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above
I.A.S. (Pre) 2005
60th to 62nd B.P.S.C. (Pre)2016
Ans. (a)
Ans. (c)
Anaimudi (2695 meters) is the highest peak ofsouthern India
See the explanation of above question.
as well as in the Western Ghats in India, located in southern
20. Which one of the following lies at the junction of region. Hence, statement (b) is correct. Tapti river lies to the
Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu states? south of Satpura. Hence, Statement (c) is correct. The Rift
(a) Anaimalai Hills (b) Palni Hills valley is a linear-shaped lowland between several highlands
(c) Nandi Hills (d) Nilgiri Hills or mountain ranges created by the action of a geologic rift or
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 fault. Hence Narmada, Damodar & Tapti rivers are examples
Ans. (d) of Indian rift valley. Hence, statement (d) is also correct.
Nilgiri Hills are part of Western Ghats spread in western Tamil Statement (a) is wrong because southern part of Western
Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala in southern India. Ghats is relatively high.

CA–32 General Studies Indian Geography

24. Which one of the following mountain ranges is spread 27. Cardamom Hills lie along the border of the states of –
over only one state in India? (a) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
(a) Aravalli (b) Satpura (b) Karnataka and Kerala
(c) Ajanta (d) Sahyadri (c) Kerala and Tamil Nadu
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017 (d) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
I.A.S. (Pre) 1995 U.P. Lower Sub. (Spl) (Pre) 2010
Ans. (c) U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Pre)2008
Ans. (c)
Ajanta Range : Ajanta Range is located in Maharastra. It is a
mountain range that is spread over only one state. Others are The Cardamom Hills are southern hills of India and part of
expanded to more than one state. the southern Western Ghats located in south east Kerala
Satpura Range : The Satpura Range is a range of hills in and south west Tamil Nadu in South India. This namecomes
Central India. The range rises in eastern Gujarat running east from the Cardamom spice grown abundantly on these hills.
through the border of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh to They conjoin the Anaimalai Hills to the north west, the Palni
the east of Chhattisgarh. Hills to the north east and the Agasthyamalai Hills to the
Aravalli Range: The Aravalli Range is a range of mountains sou th.
in western India running approximately 692 km in northeast 28. The southernmost range of India is
direction across the states ofGujarat, Rajasthan, and Haryana (a) Nilgiri (b) Annamalai
ending in Delhi. (c) Cardamom (d) Nallamalai
Sahyadri Range: Sahyadri Mountain Range or the Western M.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
Ghats originates near the town of Nasik in Maharashtra, runs Ans. (c)
parrallel to the coast and merge with the Nilgiri hill complex of
The Cardamom hills or Yela Mala is the Southernmost
Tamilnadu in the south. Thesehills cover 1600 km and form
mountain range of India. Located in the Western Ghats,
the catchment area for complex river drainage systems. Southeast Kerala and Southwest Tamil Nadu in South India.
25. Western Ghats in Maharashtra and Karnataka is known Its name comes from the Cardamom spice grown in much of
as – the hills, cool elevation also supports pepper and coffee.
(a) Nilgiri mountain (b) Sahyadri The Western Ghats and Periyar sub Cluster including the
(c) Deccan plateau (d) None of these Cardamom hills are UNESCO World Heritage site.
44th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2000
29. Where are Shevaroy Hills located ?
Ans. (b) (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka
Western Ghats is known as Sahyadri in Maharashtra, Goa & (c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu
Karnataka. The Western Ghats has a high altitudinal variation I.A.S. (Pre) 2007
and the average elevation is 1200 metres. Ans. (d)

26. Select from the code given below the correct locational Shevaroy Hills are located in the Salem town of Tamil Nadu.
sequence of the following hills proceeding from south to The height of Shevaroy Hills is about 4000 to 5000 feet above
north. sealevel. Its total area is about 50 sq km. The famous 'Yercaud'
(1) Satmala hills (2) Kaimur hills hill station is situated in these hills.
(3) Pir Panjal Range (4) Naga hills 30. Which one of the following does not lie in Maharashtra?
Code : (a) Balaghat Range
(a) 2, 3, 1, 4 (b) 1, 2, 4, 3 (b) Harishchandra Range
(c) 1, 2, 3, 4 (d) 4, 3, 2, 1 (c) Mandav Hills
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 (d) Satmala Hills
Ans. (b) U.P.P.C.S (Pre) 2011
The correct locational sequence from south to north of the Ans. (c)
given hills is - Satmala Hills (Maharashtra), Kaimur Hills Balaghat Range, Harishchandra Range & Satmala Hills are
(Madhya Pradesh), Naga Hills (Indo-Myanmar Border) and expanded in Maharashtra while Mandav Hills are located in
Pir Panjal Range (Jammu and Kashmir). Gujarat.

CA–33 General Studies Indian Geography

31. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly 34. The Dhupgarh peak is situated in –
matched? (a) Satpura Range
(a) Garhjat Hills : Ori ssa (b) Maikal Range
(b) Mandav Hills : Maharas ht ra (c) Vindhya Range
(c) Nallamalai Hills : Andhra Pradesh (d) None of these
(d) Shevaroy Hills : Tamil Nadu M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011 Ans. (a)
Ans. (b) Dhupagarh is the highest peak of the Satpura Range located
Mandav Hills are located in Gujarat not in Maharashtra , in Pachmarhi (MP).
hence, option (b) is not correctly matched . The Garhjat Hills 35. Dhoopgarh, the highest peak of Madhya Pradesh, is located
is a mountain range that stretch into Odisha from the Utkal
Plains in the Ch otanagpur region of J harkhand and the
(a) Satpura Range
Chhattisgarh Plains where Gond tribes reside. Nallamalai Hills
(b) Mahadeo Range
are located in Andhra Pradesh and Shevaroy Hills are located
(c) Maikal Range
in the state of Tamil Nadu.
(d) Vindhyayan Range
32. Considerthe following pairs : M.P. P.C.S.(Pre) 2018
Hills Region Ans. (a)
1. CardamomHills : Coromandel Coast
See the explanation of above question.
2. Kaimur Hills : Konkan Coast
3. Mahadeo Hills : Central India 36. The hills of Ramgiri are part of this mountain range
4. Mikir Hills : North-East India (a) Vindhy achal
Which of the above pairs are correctly matched? (b) Satp ura
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) Maikal
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 4 (d) Sahyadri
I.A.S. (Pre) 2014 (e) None of the above
Ans. (c) Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2015
Ans. (*)
Cardamom Hills are part of Western Ghats in the state of
Kerala and Tamil Nadu whereas Coromandel Coast is the The hills of Ramgiri are located in Chittoor district ofAndhra
sout h east ern region between Eastern Ghat and Bay of Pradesh. It is part of Eastern Ghat or Mahendra Parvat. Apart
Bengal. Thus pair (1) is not matched correctly. Kaimur Hills from this Ramgiri Hills are also located in Maikal Range of
is situated in Madhya Pradesh while Konkan Coast is the Chhattisgarh. Since Maikal Range is a part of Satpura Range
western coastline of India. Thus pair (2) is also not correctly so (b) (c) and (e) can be possible answer. Chhattisgarh Public
matched. Mahadeo Hills are situated in Central India in Service Commission held option (b) as correct in the revised
Madhya Pradesh and Mikir Hills are situated in North East answer key which is not correct.
India region. Thus pair (3) and (4) are correctly matched. 37. What is the height of Parasnath Hill?
33. Mahadeo mountains are part of – (a) 1600 Meters (b) 1565 Meters
(a) Satp ura (b) Vindhya (c) 1365 Meters (d) 1260 Meters
(c) Kaimur (d) None of these Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2016
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2014 Ans. (c)
Ans. (a)
Parasnath hill is located in Giridih district of Jharkhand. Its
Mahadeo Hills are part of Satpura Hills. Satpura Mountain height is approximately 1365 m. Shikharji Jain temple is
Range is southward of Vindhya Hills and parallel to it. It situated on this hill. Parasn ath hills is one of the most
extends from Raj pipla Hills in the west to the west of Chhota important pilgrimage centre for Jains named after Parasnath,
Nagpur Plateau in the form of Mahadeo and Maikal Hills. the 23rd Tirthankara.

CA–34 General Studies Indian Geography

iv. Mountain Peaks 2. Which of the following is the highest mountain on Earth?
(a) Mount Everest (b) Kanchanjunga
(c) Lhotse (d) Makalu
*Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. It is located
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2011
in Nepal . Its height is 8848m. It is also known as
‘Sagarmatha’ in Nepal. Bachhendri Pal was the first Indian Ans. (a)
Women to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1984. See the explanation of above question.
*Mount K is also known as Godwin Austin, the highest
2 3. The first Indian woman to have climbed Mt. Everest is :
peak of India and Second highest peak in the world. It is
located in Karakoram range in PoK. Its height is 8611m. (a) Bachendri Pal (b) Dicky Dolma
*Kunchenjunga (8548m) is the second highest peak and it is (c) Santosh yadav (d) P.T. Usha
located in the Indian State ofSikkim. Nanda Devi (7816m) is U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1996
the third highest peak of India. It is located in Uttarakhand. Ans. (a)
This region has been declared as Nanda Devi National Park.
In 1988, UNESCO recognised it as World Heritage Site of Bachhendri Pal was the first Indian women to reach the summit
natural importance. of Mount Everest in 1984.
4. The first woman to climb Mount Everest was
Na nga Parbat
Godwin (a) Junko Tabei (b) Karoline Mikkelson
(c) Valentina Tereshkova (d) None of the above
Major Peaks of India M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015
N anda Devi
Ans. (a)
Kanchenj unga

Sarama ti
Junko Tabei (22 September, 1939-20 October, 2016) was a
Guru Shikhar
Japanese mountaineer. She was the first woman to climb
P aras nath
Blue peak Mount Everest on 16 May, 1975. She was also the first woman
Mala ygir i to climb the highest peaks of all seven continents.
Bardri nat h N eem Giri
5. The woman mountaineer who climbed Mt. Everest twice
M ahendra giri
M ahaba leshw ar is :
S adle Pea k
(a) Bachendri Pal (b) Chandra P rabha Aitwal
Mount hariyat
(c) Jaya Kshetri (d) Santosh Yadav
K edrem ukh
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2002
Ans. (d)
A naim udi Agarthy ama lai
Santosh Yadav is the first woman in the world to climb Mount
Everest twice. She first climbed the peak in May 1992 and
then again in May 1993. She is also the second Indian woman
*Guru Sikhar (1722m) is the highest peak ofAravalli range. to climb Mt. Everest. The first Indian woman was Bachhendri
It is located in the Sirohi district of Rajasthan. Kamet and
Pal who succeeded in climbing the Everest in 1984.
Trishul mountain peaks are located in the Indian state of
Uttarakhand. *Gosainthan is located in Tibet near Nepal 6. Who was the second Indian women to climb Mount
borders. *Utakmand is situated in Nilgiri Range. *Kodaikanal Everest–
of South India is located in Palani Hills of Dindigul district of (a) Bachendri Pal (b) Madhu Yadav
Tamil Nadu (not inAnnamalai Hills). (c) Santosh Yadav (d) Suneeta Godra
1. Where is 'Mount Everest' located? M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1992
(a) Pakistan (b) India Ans. (c)
(c) Tibet (d) Nepal See the explanation of above question.
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1995 7. Highest mountain peak in India is–
Ans. (d) (a) K2 Godwin Austin (b) Kanchanjung ha
Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world located in (c) Nanda Devi (d) Mount Everest
Nepal. Its height is 8848m (29028feet). It is also known as 42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997
“ Sagarmatha” in Nepal. Ans. (a)

CA–35 General Studies Indian Geography

Mount K2 also known as Godwin Austin is the highest peak 12. Nanda Devi peak forms a part of:
of India and the second highest peak of the world. It is (a) Assam Himalayas
located in Pak Occupied Kashmir (POK) in Karakoram range. (b) Garhwal Himalayas
Its height is 8611m. (c) Nepal Himalayas
(d) Punjab Himalayas
8. Which of the f ollowing is the highest mountain peak in
I.A.S. (Pre) 2003
Ans. (b)
(a) Everest (b) Siachen
(c) K2 (d) Kargil Nanda Devi (7816 m.) is the third highest peak in India after
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2009 K2 (8611 m) and Kanchenjunga (8598 m). It is located in
Ans. (c) Garhwal Uttarakhand.

See the explanation of above question. 13. Nanda Devi is situated in –

(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Utt arakhand
9. Highest mountain peak in India –
(c) Nepal (d) Sikkim
(a) Kanchenjunga (b) Makalu
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2013
(c) Karakoram (d) Mt. Everest
Ans. (b)
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 1995
Ans. (a) Nanda Devi Peak is part of the Greater Himalayas. It is located
in Uttarakhand, India. It is the third highest peak in India.
The peaks of the Himalayan Mountain range and t heir
Fi rst two high est peaks are Godwin Austi n (K2) and
countries are as follows –
Kanchenjunga. The height of Nanda Devi is 7816 m. This
Mount Everest (8848m) - Nepal
region has been decl ared as Nanda Devi National Park.
Godwin Austin (K2) [8611m] - India
UNESCO recognised it as a World Heritage Site in 1988.
Kanchenjunga (8598m) - India/Nepal
Makalu (8463m) - Nepal 14. Nanda Devi Peak is located in :
Highest Peak of India, Godwin Austin is not in the options (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Utt arakhand
so Kanchenjunga is the correct answer. (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Sikkim
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
10. Himalayan peak Kanchenjunga is situated at Ans. (b)
(a) Kashmir (b) Nepal
(c) Sikkim (d) Himachal Pradesh See the explanation of above question.
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014 15. In which state is the Guru Shikhar Peak located ?
Ans. (b) & (c) (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat.
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Maharasht ra
Kanchenjunga is the world's third highest mountain peak
(8568 mt). It is situated on Eastern Himalayas on the border of I.A.S. (Pre) 2007
Ans. (a)
Sikkim and Nepal. Thus both option (b) and (c) are correct.

11. Choose the correct order from the f ollowing – The highest peak ofAravalli Range is Guru Shikhar (1722 m).
(a) Godwin Austin, Kanchenjunga, Mount Everest It is located in Sirohi district of Rajasthan.
(b) Nanda Devi, Godwin Austin, Kanchenjunga. 16. Which one of the following is the highest Aravalli peak?
(c) Mount Everest, Godwin Austin, Kanchenjunga. (a) Sajjangarh (b) Lilagarh
(d) Godwin Austin, Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga. (c) Kumbhalgarh (d) Taragarh
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1991 R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2012
Ans. (c) Ans. (c)

The correct order of the Himalayan peaks in height is Mount Guru Shikhar peak, the highest peak in Aravalli Mountain, is
Everest (8848m), Godwin A ust in (K2) (8611m ) and not given in the options, therefore Kumbhalagarh (1244 m) is
Kanchenjanga (8598m). the highest peak among the given options.

CA–36 General Studies Indian Geography

17. Which one of the following gives correct sequence of which lie in the lap of Himalayas. * The scenery beauty of
Himalayan peaks in the direction east to west ? these places makes the valleys atourism hotspot. * The Kullu
(a) Dhaulagiri, Kanchenjunga, Makalu, M ount Everest valley of Himachal Pradesh lies between Dhauladhar and Pir
(b) Namcha Barwa, Kanchenjunga, Nanda Devi, Mount Panjal Range. The Nelang Valley is situated in the state of
Everest Utt arakhand (In the district of Uttarkashi near Gangotri
(c) Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Kumaun, Namcha Barwa National Park). It is situated near Indo-china border. It was
(d) Namcha B arwa, Kanchenj unga, Mou nt Everest, closed for civilians after the Indo-china war of 1962. It was re-
Nanda Devi opened in the year 2015 for tourism.
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008 * The Markha Valley is a famous valley of Ladakh region of
Ans. (d) Jammu & Kashmir. The Dzukou Valley is situated in the
state of Nagaland.
The correct sequence of Himalayan Peaks in the direction * The sangla valley ofHimachal Pradesh is surrounded on all
east to west is – sides by mountain Peaks and Baspa River. The Yuthang
Namcha Banwa (Arunachal - Tib et border) Valley which lies at a distance of 149 km from the capital of
Kanchenjunga (Sikkim) sikkim i.e. Gangtok is known for its Rhododendron vegetation
Mount Everest (Nepal) and other such green floras. T he valley is also known for its
Nanda Devi (Uttarakhand) ‘Hotsprings’.
18. Which one of the following mountain peaks is not located The silent valley of Palakkad district Palghat in
in India ? the state of Kerela is situated in the Nilgiri Forests
(a) Gosain Than (b) Kamet of Western Ghats.
(c) Nanda Devi (d) Trishul 1. The Kullu Valley is situated between the mountain ranges
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005 of :
Ans. (a) (a) Dhauladhar and Pir Panjal
Nandadevi, Kamet and Trishul are the peaks located in India. (b) Ranjoti and Nagtibba
Gosain Than is located in Tibet near Nepal border. (c) Ladakh and Pir Panjal
(d) Middle Himalayas and Siwalik
19. Which one of the following is not correctly matched – U.P. Lower Sub. (Spl.) (Pre) 2002
(a) Mount Abu - Aravali Hills U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1999
(b) Kodaikanal - Anamalai Hills Ans. (a)
(c) Ootacamund - Nilgiri Hills
Kullu Valley is situated in Himachal Pradesh. It is located
(d) Shimla - Pir Panjal Range
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2013 between Dhauladhar and Pir Panjal Ranges.
Ans. (*) 2. In which state is the Nelang Valley located?
(a) Himachal Pradesh
Kodai kanal lies in Palani Hills of Dindigul district of Tamil
(b) Sikkim
Nadu not in Anamalai Hills. Palani Hills is connected to
(c) Jammu and Kashmir
Anamalai Hills in the west. Similarly, Shimla is located in
(d) Utt arakhand
Dhauladhar Range not in Pir Panjal Range. Thus, option (b)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
and (d) both are not correctly matched.
Ans. (d)

v. Valleys Nelang Valley falls under the Gangotri National Park in

Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand. It is near Indo-China border,
which was closed for civilians after the 1962 war. It was finally
* A valley is a low area of land between hills and mountains, reopened to tourist in 2015.
typically with a river or stream flowing through it. India is
blessed with a lot of valleys, famous for its scenic views and 3. Match List-I (Valley) with List-II (State) and select the
historical importances. Valleys in India are found both in correct answer using the code given below the lists :
Northern and Southern parts, however valleys are dominantly List I ListII
found in the Northern mountainous part of the country. (Valley) (State)
T * he Himalayas are formed of parallel fold ranges. The A. Markha Valley 1. Sikkim
Kashmir Valley, Doon Valley, Kangra and Kullu Valley B. Dzukou Valley 2. Himachal Pradesh
(Himachal Pradesh), the Bhagirathi Valley (near Gangotri) C. Sangla Valley 3. Jammu and Kashmir
and the Mandakini Valley (near Kedarnath) are various valleys D. Yumthang Valley 4. Nagaland

CA–37 General Studies Indian Geography

Code : * A Pass is a connectivity route th rough the basin of a
A B C D mountain or mountain ranges. In India a lot of passes are
(a) 2 4 3 1 found in the Himalayan region and the Western Ghats. These
(b) 3 1 2 4 passes often become an important medium for connectivity
via roadways and railways. * The Kara koram Pass i s
(c) 2 1 3 4
situated in the Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir. * The
(d) 3 4 2 1
Burzil Pass provides a route between Srinagar and Gilgit.
I.A.S. (Pre) 2006 The Srinagar-Leh route passes through Zoji La Pass which
Ans. (d) is situated in the Zaskar Range. The route from kulgaon to
Markha Valley is situated in Ladakh, (Jammu and Kashmir). kothi passes through Pir Panjal Range. * The route from
Jammu to Srinagar passes through Banihal Range. The
Dzukou Valley is located in Nagaland at a height of 2438 m
Banihal Pass is also famous for Jawahar Tunnel.
above sea level behind Japfu Range. This valley is well known
for its natural beauty and seasonal flowers. It is approximately Mintek
30 kms away from Kohima (Nagaland's Capital). Burzila Zoj i la
Major Passes of India
Sangla Valley is in the Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. Pir Panjal Bar a-lach-la
Banihal S hipki la
It is surrounded by mountain peaks and Baspa river. Mana Niti
Yumthang Valley is in Sikkim at a distance of 149 kms from Lipule kh
Gangtok (Capital of Sikkim). The valley is also known as Hot Bum la Difu
spring. Na thula
4. Consider the f ollowing statements:
1. Silent Valley National Parkis in the Nallamalai range.
2. Pathrakkadavu Hydroelectric project is proposed to
Thalgha t
be built near the Silent Valley National Park. Bhorghat
3. The Kunthi river origin ates i n Silen t Vall ey's
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Palgha t
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
I.A.S. (Pre) 2005
Ans. (c)

Silent Valley National Park is located in Palakkad/Palghat * The Shipkila pass is situated in the state of Himachal
district of Kerala. It is situated on Nilgiri Hills of Western Pradesh provides route that adjoins shimla to Tibet. * The
Ghat not Nallamalai Range. Therefore statement 1 is wrong. Baralacha La pass provides route between Mandi and Leh.
Pathrakkadavu hydroelectric project was proposed by Kerala Thang La pass is situated in the kumaon region of the state
State Electricity Board at a distance of1 km from Silent Valley of Uttarakhand. * Mana Pass which is also known as
National Park. Thus, statement 2 is correct. Kunti is the Chirbitya La and Dungri La situated in the Himalayan region
of the country between India and Tibet. Mana Pass situated
tributary of T hutha puzha and originates in the Silent Valley.
in the state of Uttrakhand, extends from the Nanda Devi
Thus, statement 3 is also correct. Thus, the correct answer Biosphere Reserve upto the eastern edge of Zaskar Mountain
will be option (c). Range. Lake Deota l which is the Sourc e of River
Saraswati a T ributary of River alaknanda is situated in
vi. Passes the man a pass. * Lipu Lekh Pass situated in the state of
Uttarkhand lies on the Indo-China Border. The route for the
Lake Mansarovar and Kailash Valley passes through T hang
* A Pass is a gap, or break, in high, rugged terrain such as a la, Mana, Niti and Lipu Lekh passes.
mountain ridge. A Pass is formed when a glacier or a stream * Nathula Pass is situated in the state of Sikkim. Nathula
erodes, or wears away, the land between the areas of higher Pass extends upto Chumbi valley of Tibet Plateau region of
terrain. Passes often Provide the easiest routes for people to China. Nathula Pass is also the third Border T rade Point
travel across steep mountain ranges. between India and China the other two being Lipulekh Pass

CA–38 General Studies Indian Geography

of Uttrakhand and Shipkila Pass of Himachal Pradesh. Post 2. Palghat is situated between :
1962 Indo-China war both the Lipulekh Pass of Uttrakhand (a) The Nilgiris and the Cardamom Hills
and Shipkila Pass of Himanchal Pradesh were closed for (b) The Nilgiris and theAnnamalai Hills
any trade activities between the two country, however on (c) The Annamalai Hills and the Cardamom Hills
6th July, 2006 they were re-opened. * The Jelep La pass, (d) The Cardamom Hills and Palani Hills
situated in sikkim, connects the Eastern Sikkim district to R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2013
Ans. (b)
Lahsa (Tibet).
* Bomd ila pa ss connects Arunachal Pr ades h (Western Palghat Pass is located between the Nilgiri Hills to the north
Kameng District) to Lahsa T ibet. * Yang Yap pass is located and Anaimalai Hills to the south. It is located in Kerala.
in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. The River Brahmaputra Thalghat, Bhorghat and Palghat are main Passes of Western
enters India near this pass. *Diflu and Pangsau passes which Ghat whose heights are 581 mt, 229 mt and 300 mt respectively.
are situated in the state of Arunchal Pradesh lie on Indo- 3. Which of the following is not correctly matched :
Mayanmar Border. * Tuju pass located on South-East region (a) Bomdi-la Pass - Arunachal Pradesh
provides way from Imphal to Tamu and Myanmar. (b) Nathu-la Pass - Sikkim
* The Western Ghats extend from the mouth of the River (c) Bhorghat Pass - Himachal Pradesh
Tapti in the North to the cape of Kanyakumari in the south (d) Palghat - Kerala
covering 1600 kms in landscape. * Thalghat situated in the U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1998
stat e of M aharas tra, provide road and rail connectiv ity Ans. (c)
between Mumbai-Nagpur & Kolkata. * Bhor Ghat Pass also Bomdi-la Pass is located in Arunachal Pr adesh in West
located in Maharastra provide road and rail connectivity Kameng district. Nathu-la Pass is located in Sikkim. Bhorghat
between Mumbai-Pune-Belgaum-Chennai. * Palghat Gap is is located in Maharashtra which connects Mumbai and Pune.
lo w mo unt ain pass i n th e Western Ghat s i n between Palghat-Paas is located in Kerala which connects Kollam
Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu and Palakkad in Kerala. The pass and Madurai.
is located between the Nilgiri Hills to the north and Anaimalai
4. Which one of the following is not correctly matched:
Hills to the South.
(a) Shipki La - Himachal Pradesh
Some other important passes of India are -
(b) Lipu Lekh – Uttar Pradesh
Chang-La - Jammu and Kashmir (c) Nathu La – Sikkim
Bum La - Arunachal Pradesh (d) Jozila - Kashmir
Rohtang Pass - Himanchal Pradesh U.P.P.C.S.(Pre)2001
Niti Pass - Uttrakhand U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014
Muling La Pass is a seasonal pass located to the North of Ans. (b)
Gangotri. It connects Uttrakhand to Tibet. In winters it gets
Li pulekh Pas s is lo cated on India- C hi na border in
covered with snow, hence becomes inactive for travelling
Uttarakhand not in Uttar Pradesh.
5. Which of the following river valleys is most important in
1. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
respectof coal reserves of the Gondwana period?
(a) Chang La - Jammu and Kashmir
(a) The Son river valley
(b) Roht ang - Himachal Pradesh
(c) Bomdi la - Arunachal Pradesh (b) Mahanadi river valley
(d) Se La - Utt arakhand (c) Damodar river valley
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 (d) Godavari river valley
Ans. (d) (e) None of the above/More than one of the above.
The Passes and their location is as follows– Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2017
Chang La – Jammu and Kashmir Ans. (c)
Roht ang – Himachal Pradesh
The Damodar river valley along the Bihar-West Bengal border
Bomdi La – Arunachal Pradesh
Se La – Arunachal Pradesh includes India's most important coal and mica-mining fields
Thus option (d) is not correctly matched. and has long been an area of active industrial development.

CA–39 General Studies Indian Geography

6. Which of the following Passes lead to Leh? (c) Nathu La - Meghalaya
(a) Zozila (b) Shipki La (d) Zoji La - Jammu & Kashmir
(c) Chumbi Valley (d) Banihal U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 Ans. (c)
Ans. (a) See the explanation of above question.
Zozila Pass is a high mountain pass in Jammu and Kashmir 11. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
located on the Indian National Highway 1 between Srinagar using the code given below :
and Leh. List-I (Mountain Pass) List-II (State)
A. Banihal 1. Himachal Pradesh
7. Nathu La Pass is situated in which state ? B. Nathu La 2. Jammu and Kashmir
(a) Arunachal (b) Assam C. Niti 3. Si kkim
(c) Meghalaya (d) Sikkim D. Shipki 4. Uttaranchal
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006 Code :
Ans. (d)
(a) 2 1 4 3
Nathu La is amountain pass in the Himalayan region situated (b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 4 3 1 2
at a height of 4508 m above sea level. On the Indian side, the
(d) 3 4 2 1
pass is 52 km east to Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim and
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011
opens in Chumbi Valley in Tibet. Nathu la is one of the three
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2004
open trading border posts between India and China. The Ans. (b)
others being Shipki la in Himachal Pradesh and Lipulekh in
The correct match is as follows :
Uttarakhand. Nathu La pass was reopened in 2006 following (Mountain) (State)
numerous bilateral trade negotiations after 1962 Indo-China Banihal Jammu and Kashmir
War. Nathu La Sikkim
Niti Utt aranchal
8. The Pass, which is situated at the highest elevation, is Shipki Himachal Pradesh
(a) Zoji La (b) Roht ang
12. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
(c) Nathu La (d) Khyber
using the code given below the Lists :
(e) None of the above/more than one of the above List-I List-II
64th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2018 (Mountain Pass) (State)
Ans. (c) A. Bum La 1. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Jelep la 2. Himachal Pradesh
Nathula is in Sikkim at an elevation of approximately 4,300 C. Muling La 3. Si kkim
mts followed by Rohtang (Himachal Pradesh) 3, 900 mts (apx), D. Shipka La 4. Uttarakhand
Zojila (J & K) 3800 mts (apx) and Khyber 1000 mts (apx). Code :
9. Which one of the following Himalayan Passes was (a) 1 2 3 4
reopened around the middle of the year 2006 to facilitate (b) 1 3 4 2
trade between India and China ? (c) 4 3 2 1
(a) Chang La (b) Jara La (d) 3 1 4 2
(c) Nathu La (d) Shipki La U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
Ans. (b)
I.A.S. (Pre) 2007
Ans. (c) The correct match of Mountain Pass and the corresponding
state is as follows.
See the explanation of above question. Mountain Pass - State
Bum La - Arunachal Pradesh
10. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
Jelep la - Sikkim
(a) Sipki La - Himachal Pradesh Muling La - Utt arakhand
(b) Bomdi La - Arunachal Pradesh Shipki La - Himachal Pradesh

CA–40 General Studies Indian Geography

13. Match the list-I and List-II and select the correct answer 16. Whi ch one of the foll owing pas ses i s located in
using the code given below : Uttarakhand ?
List -I List-II (a) Jelapa (b) Lipulekh
(Mountain Pass) (State) (c) Nath ula (d) Shipki
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008
A. Mana 1. Si kkim
Ans. (b)
B. Nathula 2. Jammu and Kashmir
C. Zozi la 3. Himachal Pradesh Jelep-la is located in eastern Sikkim between India and Tibet.
D. Sipki La 4. Uttarakhand Li pulekh P ass is l ocated i n Pi th oragarh di st rict of
Uttarakhand. It provides entry to Mansarovar lake through
Code :
Kailash Valley. Nathu la is located in Sikkim whereas Shipki-
A B C D la is located in Himachal Pradesh.
(a) 2 3 1 4
(b) 4 3 2 1 17. Lipulekh Pass is situated in –
(a) Jammu and Kashmir (b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) 4 1 2 3
(c) Utt aranchal (d) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) 4 1 3 2 (e) Western Ghats
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 Chhattisgarh P.C.S (Pre) 2013
Ans. (c) Ans. (c)
The correct match of the given Mountain Passes and States See the explanation of above question.
is as follows – 18. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?
(Mountain Pass) (State) (a) Nathu La - Arunachal Pradesh
Mana - Utt arakhand (b) Lipulekh - Utt arakhand
Nath ula - Sikkim (c) Roht ang - Himachal Pradesh
Zozila - Jammu and Kashmir (d) Palghat - Kerala
Sipki La - Himachal Pradesh M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2013
14. Which of the f ollowing is not a correct match ? U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2010
Pass es State U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
(a) Jelep La - Sikkim Ans. (a)
(b) Mana and Niti - Utt arakhand The correct order of Passes and related States is as follows:
(c) Shipki La - Jammu and Kashmir Pass State
(d) Bom Di La - Arunachal Pradesh Nathu La - Sikkim
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2016 Lipulekh - Utt arakhand
Ans. (c) Roht ang - Himachal Pradesh
Palghat - Kerala
Shipki La is a mountain pass and border post on the Indo-
19. Rohtang pass is located in –
China border. It is located in Kinnaur district of Himachal
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Jammu and Kashmir
Pradesh not in Jammu and Kashmir. Rest of the passes are (c) Sikkim (d) Utt arakhand
correctly matched with their States. U.P. Lower Sub.(Pre) 2009
15. What are Kingri-Wingri, Neeti-Mana? Ans. (a)
(a) Pass es (b) Rivers See the explanation of above question.
(c) Mount ains (d) Religious places 20. Mana Pass is located in –
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2016 (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand
Ans. (a) (c) Jammu-Kashmir (d) Himachal Pradesh
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2010
Kin gri-W in gri, Neet i-M ana are pas ses lo cated i n
Ans. (b)
Uttarakhand. Neeti i s an im portant pass of Himalaya
connecting Uttarakhand to T ibet. Mana pass which is also Mana Pass is located in the Himalayan Region between India
called as Chirbitiya la or Dungri la is located between India and Tibet. It is also Known as Chirbitya or Dungri la. It is
locat ed in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Uttarakhand
and Tibet. Devtal lake which is the source of Saraswati river
Devtal lake is located in this pass, where Saraswati, the
(tributary of Alaknanda) is situated in this pass. tributary of Alaknanda originates.

CA–41 General Studies Indian Geography

21. Which of the following option represents correct order * The most important glaciers of Himalayas are located in the
of mountain Passes from west to east mountains of Great Himalayas and Trans Himalayas. Glaciers
I. Shipki La II. Nathu La are found in the Karakoram, Ladakh and Zaskar ranges. * The
III. Bomdi- La IV. Lipulekh glaciers of lesser Himalayas are small in size, however the Pir
Code : Panjal range provides evidences for big glaciers. T he largest
(a) I, II, III, IV (b) II, III, IV, I glacier of Pir Panjal range is sona pani, which is situated in
(c) I, IV, II, III (d) III, II, I, IV the Chandra Ghati of Lahul and Spiti district in Himachal
Pradesh. * The Karakoram and Greater Himalaya consists of
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2009
largeglaciers, Siachen (76.64 km), Hispar (61 km), Biafo (60
Ans. (c)
km), Batora (58 km), Sasaini are some prominent ones. The
The correct order of mountain Passes from west to east is Chorabari glacier situated in the state of Uttarakhand at the
Shipki La (Himachal Pradesh), Lipulekh (Uttarakhand), Nathu dis trict of Rud raprayag, north of the famous temple of
La (Sikkim) and Bomdi- La (Arunachal Pradesh). Kedarnath. The southern slope of this glacier is located to
the north of the temple of Kedarnath at a distance of 4 km.
Due to melting of the chorabari glacier, a glacial lake was
vii. Snow Lines and Glaciers formed, known by the name of Gandhi Sarovar. * The Milam
* The altitude at a particular place above which some snow Glaciers is located in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand. It
remains on t he ground throughout t he year is call ed a is the main glacier of the area and the source of River Sharda
snowline. A glacier is a slowly moving mass or river of ice (Kali Ganga).
formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow on Glacier- which is larger Siachen or Sasaini
mountains or near the poles. * According to UPPSC - Siachen (source - Geography of
* Different areas of the Himalayas have different snowlines India, Ramchandra Tiwari.
dependin g upon th e difference i n l ati tu des, reli ef, * According to Allahabad Highcourt - Sasaini
precipitation, slope and local top ography. However, the Source - Bhautik Bhugol Ka Swaroop - Author Ravindra
average snowline is found between the height of 5500-6000 Singh
meters in the northern part of greater Himalayas and between - Geography of India by V.S. Chauhan & Alka Gautam
4500 - 6000 meters in the southern part ofgreater Himalayas. - Geography of India by K. Bharadwaj
Approximately 40,000 sq. km. area of the middle Himalayas Now t he books are efficient enough as a source for the
ranging from karakoram in Jammu & Kashmir to Arunachal determining the measurement of the glaciers, W hile sources
Pradesh is covered with glaciers. based on real surveys are available regarding the length and
area of glaciers.
Balt oro gla cie r
Bia fo Glacier
Siachin glacier Sources such as -
Important Glacier 1. Records of the Geological survey of India (Vol 63)
H is par Gla cie r D ran g- Drung glac ier
of India 2. World Glacier Inventory.
Milam Glacier
 Decoding to the records of Geological survey of India-
Yamuno tri Pindari Glac ier 1. Siachen (L-45 miles)
Satopa nth
Kafni Glacier Zemu Glacier 2. Sasaini - (L-11 miles).
G la cier  According to the Geological survey of India (Vol 63, Pg -
260) - outside the poles the largest glacier is Fedchenko,
situated in the Pamir Region, W hereas Siachen is the second
largest glacier. Even according to the vari ous sources
available on the internet Fed-chenko is the largest glacier
outside the polar region and Siachen is the second largest.
Hence according to this order Sasaini is way below in the
According to World Glacier Inventory -
 Siachen - L - 76.64 km, area - 1056.42 sq/km.
 Sasaini - L - 17.85 km, area - 33.51 sq/km.
 According to W.G.L. even Zemu and Gangotri glaciers are
larger than Sasaini.
Hence the claim of Sasaini being a larger glacier than Siachen
is debateful.

CA–42 General Studies Indian Geography

1. The snow-line in Himalayas lies between The length of above glaciers are given below :
(a) 4300 to 6000 meters in East Gangotri - 26 km
(b) 4000 to 5800 meters in West Rundun - 19 km
(c) 4500 to 6000 meters in West Kanchenjunga - 16 km
(d) None of the above Kedarnath - 14 Km
39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1994 In the above question, Gangotri is the largest glacier. So
Ans. (a) option (c) is correct.

The altitude in a particular place above which some snow 5. Chaurabari Glacieris located towards –
(a) South of Kedarnath temple
remains on the ground throughout the year is called snow
(b) West of Kedarnath temple
line. The snowline in the Himalayas has different heights in
(c) North of Kedarnath temple
different parts. On an Averageit has height- of 5500 – 6000m (d) East of Kedarnath temple
in Northern Part and 4500- 6000m in Sourthern Part of the U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004
Himalaya . In this way snowline in Himalayas lies between U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010
4300 m to 6000 m. Ans. (c)
2. Which of the following is the largest glacier ? Chaurabari Glacier is located in Ru draprayag dist rict of
(a) Siachen (b) Baltoro Uttarakhand. The glacier lies in north of the Kedarnath
(c) Chogo Lungma (d) Biafo Temple. Due to melting of glacier, a lake is formed which is
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2013 named as Gandhi Sarovar Lake.
Ans. (a)
6. The rate of melting of Himalayan glaciers is
The length of the above glaciers is as follows: (a) Lowest in the world
Glacier Length (km) (b) Highest in the world
Siachen – 70 (c) Same as o f the glaciers of other parts of the world
Baltoro – 62 (d) No information is available about the meltin g rate of
Chongo Lungma – 42 Himalayan glaciers
Biafo – 63 Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2006
In the above question, Siachen is the largest glacier. So option Ans. (b)
(a) is correct. The rate of melting of Himalayan glaciers is highest in the
world. The Gangotri Glacier from where river Ganga originates
3. Which amongst the following is the largest glacier?
is melting very fast, due to which it is reduced to half of its
(a) Sasaini (b) Gangotri
extension in the last 50 years.
(c) Zemu (d) Siachin
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017 7. Which one of the following glaciers is located in Kumaun
Ans. (a) region of Uttarakhand ?
(a) Hispar (b) Zemu
According to the textbooks titled as 'Bhautik Bhugol ka (c) Milam (d) Rupal
Swaroop' written by Savindra Singh, 'Geography of India' U.P.P.S.C. (R.I.) 2014
written by V.S. Chauhan and Alka Gautam and 'Physical Ans. (c)
Geography (Introduction to Earth)' written by K. Bharadwaj
Milam Glacier is a major glacier of the Kumaun region in
and 'Bharat Ka Bhugol (Geography of India)' written by Uttarakhand. Sharda River (Kali Ganga) originates from this
professor Ram Chandra Tiwari, the length of Siachin is 72 glacier.
km. Further three of the above mentioned books states that
the length of Sasaini is 158 km. The criteria to determine the
largest glacier by the commission is the length of the glacier. viii. Plateaus
Thus the correct answer of the aforesaid question is option
(a) i.e., Sasaini. * The Indian peninsula was formed around 3600 million years
ago. In the Carboniferous era it was a part of Gondwana land.
4. Which of the following is the largest glacier? * In the Carboniferous era, coal was formed in the Damodar,
(a) Kanchenjunga (b) Rundun Son, Mahanadi and Godavari basins whereas in Cretaceous
(c) Gangotri (d) Kedarnath period bulk of volcanic eruptions lead to the formation of
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1995 Deccan Traps. * The Deccan plateau is a part Indian shield.
Ans. (c) It is made up of basaltic lava. The Deccan trap was formed

CA–43 General Studies Indian Geography

appx. 146 million years ago. The Peninsular plateau consists * The Deccan Plateau is a triangular landform, situated south
of both broad and shallow valleys and round top hills. * The of the River Narmada. To the North of it lies the Satpura
Plateau is basically divided into two parts- The Central Range while Mahadev, Kaimur and Maikal ranges display
Highlands and the Deccan plateau. To the North of River its eastern extension. The Decan trap, where black soil or
Narmada, the Malwa Plateau is located, which Majority of Regur is found which was formed as a result of weathering
of lava (basalt) obtained by volcanic eruptions. Aravalli
the portion is also known by the name of central highlands.
range is found in the North - Western part of the Peninsular
The central highlands are broad towards the west and start
Plateau. The Aravalli Range is an eroded stub of ancient
narrowing down towards the east. T he eastward extension mountains and is the oldest range of fold mountains in India.
of the central highlands is sometimes locally known as * A part of the Peninsular Plateau is also found in the North-
Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand. Eastern part of our country. Locally th ey are call ed the
Meghalaya Plateau, Karbi Anglong Plateau and North
Laddakh Cachar Hills. This North eastern part of the Peninsular
Plateau got separated from the mainland by Maldagap as a
Plateau of India result of faulting. T here are three important hill complexes in
the Meghalaya Plateau, named Garo, Khasi and Jantia hills
respectively. The dandkaranya region of Odisha (Districts
of Koraput and Kalahandi), Chhattisgarh (Bastar district)
and Andra Pradesh (Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam) are
Meghalaya Plateau
spread across an area of 89078 sq/km.
Plateau Chhotanagpur
P lat eau 1. Basaltic Lava rocks over Indian Deccan Plateau were
formed in which of the following period ?
Plateau (a) Cretaceous period
Dandakaranya (b) Pleistocene period
Karna ta ka Re gion (c) Carboniferous period
Plateau Deccan (d) Miocene period
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2012
Ans. (a)
The origin of rocks of Peninsular India is more than 3600
million years old . Before the Carboniferous Period, it was a
part of Gondwanaland. It was during the Carboniferous period
that coal was formed in the Damodar, Son, Mahanadi and
* The River DamodarDrains the Chota Nagpur plateau which Godavari basins. During the Cretaceous Period, large scale
is a part of central highlands. The chota Nagpur Plateau vulcanicity produced the Deccan Trap (the Lava Plateau of
extends from Ranchi in Jharkhand to Hazaribagh, Santhal India) comprising Lava sheets of several thousand metre in
Paragana, Palamu, Dhanbad, Singhbhum district and Puruliya depth. The Deccan Trap originated about 146 million years
District in West Bengal covering an area of 65000 sq/km ago.
(apx). * The Chota Nagpur Plateau comprises ofvarious other 2. Meghalaya plateau is the part of –
plateaus of different heights. In the central western part of (a) Himalayan Range
the Chota Nagpur plateau pat land is found, which has (b) Peninsular Plateau
maximum height of1100 meters. All around this Plateau spans (c) Mountains of Eastern Ghats
are found and the sharp break in slopes are marked by steep (d) Satpura Range
scarps. * The central hi ghlands, consists of Rivers like U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2013
Chambal, Sindh, Betwa and Ken which flows from south- Ans. (b)
west to North-east thus being a proving factor of the slope Meghalaya plateau is in fact an extension of the Indian
of the region. * The Malwa Plateau (l- 530 km, b - 390 km) peninsular plateau. It was s eparated from the peninsular
covers apx 150,000 sq km area of Peninsular India. Its borders plateau by Malda Gap. Peninsular plateau is triangular in
are determined by Aravalli in the North, Vindhya range in the shape. It extends from plains of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
south and Bundelkhand Plateau in the east. towards south and encompasses whole of the peninsula.

CA–44 General Studies Indian Geography

3. Which one of the following is not a partof the Meghalaya T he Ch ot anagpur P lat eau ext ends over an area of
Plateau? approximately 65000 sq.km. Chotanagpur consists of a series
(a) Bhuban Hills of plateaus at different levels of elevation. On Central Western
(b) Garo Hills portion the 'Patland' is extended whose height is about 1100
(c) Khasi Hills mt. In this the sharp break in slope is marked by steep scarps.
(d) Jaintia Hills Hence it is a front sloping.
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above
64th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2018 7. Albama Hill located at
Ans. (a) (a) the west of Bijapur upland
(b) the east of Bijapur upland
Garo, Khasi, Jaintia are parts of Meghalaya Plateau whereas (c) the south of Bijapur upland
Bhuban Hills is part of Mizo Hills. (d) the north of Bijapur upland
4. Additional peninsular mountains of India were formed Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre)2018
during Ans. (c)
(a) Eozoic Era (b) Palaeozoic Era
(c) Mesozoic Era (d) Cenozoic Era Albama Hill is located in the south of Bijapur upland.
41st B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1996 8. Consider the map given below :
Ans. (b)
Peninsular plateau which is part of ancient Gondwanaland India

was formed by Arcadian to carboniferous complex rocks. It

also gave rise to initial mountains in the central Dharwar
metamorphic cycle. Thus additional peninsular mountains
of India were formed in Paleozoic Era.
5. Why is Dhanbad most densely inhabited district of
The place marked A, B, C and D in the map are
Chhotanagpur plateau ?
respectively :
(a) Fertile soil and irrigational facilities by canals from the
(a) Rift valley region, Chattisgarh plain, Rain shadow
region and Chota Nagpur
(b) Availability of coal, iron ore, mica, copper etc.
(b) Chattisgarh plain, Chota Nagpur plateau, Rift valley
(c) Development of mining ind ustries and industriali-
region, and Rain shadow region
(c) Rift valley region, Chattisgarh plain, Chota Nagpur
(d) All of the above.
plateau and Rain shadow region
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007
(d) Chattisgarh plain, Rain shadow region, Chota Nagpur
Ans. (c)
plateau and Rift valley region
Dhanbad comes under Chota Nagpur plateau which is famous I.A.S. (Pre) 1997
for coal mining and has some of the largest mines in India. Ans. (c)
Red soil is found in most of its region which is not useful for
The place marked 'A' in the map is Narmada and Tapti river's
agriculture. Availability of coal, iron, mica etc is not a good
rift valley region. The place marked 'B' is Chhattisgarh plain
reason for population density.
which is drained mostly by Mahanadi river. The place marked
6. Chotanagpur Plateau – 'C' is Chota Nagpur plateau. The place marked ' D' is a
(a) Is a front sloping rainshadow area which is part of Western Ghat.
(b) Is a pitfall
9. Which plateau lies between the Aravalli and the Vindhya
(c) Is a foothill
(d) Is a plain subland ranges –
40th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1995 (a) Malwa Plateau
(b) Chhota Nagpur Plateau
Ans. (a)
(c) Deccan Plateau
Chota Nagpur plateau covers much of Jharkhand as well as (d) Peninsular Plateau
adj acent parts of Odi s ha, West Bengal, B i har and M.P.P.C.S. (Pre), 2008
Chhattisgarh. Ans. (a)

CA–45 General Studies Indian Geography

Malwaplateau spreads over an area of 1,50, 000sq .km with a
length of 530km and a width of 390 km. It's northern end is
determined by Aravalli, southern end by the Vindhya range Coastal States of
and eastern border by Bundelkhand plateau. India

10. Dandakaranya lies in –

(a) Chhattis garh and Madhya Pradesh
(b) Chhattisgarh and Orissa West
(c) Jharkhand and Orissa Gujarat
Paradip Kolkata
Digha Pulin
(d) Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand Odisha Haldiya
Maharashtra Gopalp ur
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008 Janjira Vishakhapatnam
Ans. (b)
Calangute Goa
Dandakaranya region occupies an area of about 89,078 sq. An dhra Pradesh
Uduppi Karnataka
km in the State of Odisha (Koraput and Kalahandi districts ), Ennore
Tamil Nadu Chennai
Chhatisgarh (Bastar District), and Andhra Pradesh (East Marina beach
Kerala Au rovine
Godavari, Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam district). The region
Tutik orin
extends for about 480km from east to west and 320km from Kan yakumar i

north to south.
* The length of the coastline touching the mainland of the
11. In which part of India, Dandakaranya is situated? country is 5422.6 km long. whereas the coastline away from
(a) Nort hern the mainland is 2094 km long. * The state of Gujarat has the
(b) East ern longest coastline whereas that of Goa is the shortest. The
(c) Central coastline or the seashore, is the area where land meets the
(d) Western sea or the ocean or a line that forms the boundary between
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2013 the land and ocean which is often called the ground line.
Ans. (c) * The territorial waters ofa country is known as its Territorial
Dandkaranya is part of South India's peninsular plateau. It sea. The range of the territorial sea of any country is measured
extends over an area ofapproximately 89078 sq. km. in Odisha from its coastline, towards the open ocean. Commonly it is
(Koraput and Kalahari district), Chhattisgarh (Bastar district) somewhere around 12 nautical miles. India has complete
and Andhra Pradesh (Eastern Godavari, Vishakhapattanam and Sovereign right over this region. T he contiguous zone
and Srika Kulam district). extends 24 nautical miles from the groundline towards the
open ocean. In this zone India has the right to collect Custom
Duty and also carry out economical activities. * The exclusive
ix. Coastal Regions economic zone of any country extends 200 nautical miles
from the baseline towards the open ocean. In this zone, India
(a) Indian Coastline
is allowed to conduct scientific researches.
* India is surrounded by water on three sides. The length of
the Indian Coastline is 7516.6 kms. T he Indian coastline 1. From which of the following coasts the mean sea level of
India is measured ?
extends from Bay of Bengal in the east to Indian Ocean in the
(a) Mumbai (b) Chennai
south to Arabian sea in the west. * India has a coastline that
(c) Kochi (d) Visakhapatnam
touches 13 states and union Territories. The coastal states U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2013
of India are Gujarat (1214.70 km), Maharashtra (652.60 km), Ans. (b)
Goa (101 Km), Karnataka (280 km), Kerala (569.70 km), Tamil
The mean sea level of India is measured with reference to
Nadu (906.9 km), Andra Pradesh (973.7 km), Odisha (476.4 Chennai coast.
km) & West Bengal (157.50 km). The coastal union Territories
2. The limit of the territorial water of India extends upto
of India are Daman and Diu (42.20 km), Lakshadweep (132
km), Puducherry (47.6 km) and Andaman Nicobar Islands (a) 3 nautical miles from t he coast
(1962 kms.). (b) 6 nautical miles from t he coast

CA–46 General Studies Indian Geography

(c) 12 nautical miles from t he coast 6. Coastal line of India is –
(d) 24 nautical miles from t he coast (a) 6,200 km. long (b) 6,100 km. long
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005 (c) 5,985 km. long (d) 6,175 km. long
Ans. (c) 39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1994
Territorial waters in the area of the sea immediately adjacent Ans. (*)
to the shore ofa State and subject to the territorial jurisdiction See the explanation of above question.
ofthat State. This area is generally 12 nautical miles. Similarly,
an adjacent area of 200 nautical miles is considered an 7. Which of the following Indian states has the longest sea
Exclusive Economic Zone of that country. coast ?
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Maharashtra
3. What is the total length of coastal line of India?
(a) 3500 km (b) 800 km (c) Gujarat (d) Tamil Nadu
(c) 6000 km (d) 7500 km M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1995, 2014
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2003 Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2006
Ans. (d) Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2006
India is surrounded by sea on three sides. The length of it's
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2007
total coastline is 7516.6 km. India's coastline consists of Bay
Ans. (c)
of Bengal in the east, Indian Ocean in south and Arabian Sea
in the west. See the explanation of above question.
India' s coastline extends to nine States and four Union
8. In India, how many States share the coastline?
Territories. These are –
(a) 7 (b) 8
Gujarat – 1214.70 km
(c) 9 (d) 10
Maharasht ra – 652.60 km
Goa – 101 km I.A.S. (Pre) 2008
Karnataka – 280 km Ans. (c)
Kerala – 569.70 km See the explanation of above question.
Tamil Nadu – 906.90 km
Andhra Pradesh – 973.70 km 9. During ancient Indian historical geography, the term
Odisha – 476.70 km 'Ratnakara' denoted –
West Bengal – 157.50 km (a) The Arabian Sea
Daman & Diu – 42.20 km (b) The bay of Bengal
Lakshadeweep – 132 km (c) The Indian Ocean
Pud ucherry – 47.60 km (d) The Confluence of the Ganga, the Jamuna and the
Andman Nicobar Island – 1962 km. mythical Saraswati in prayag.
The length of mainland India's coastline is 5422.6 km and I.A.S. (Pre) 1994
offshore is 2094 km. Ans. (c)
4. Which of the following States of India has the longest In ancient Indian historical geography the Indian Ocean has
been named as “ Ratnakara”- a place where gems and jewels
(a) Maharasht ra (b) Andhra Pradesh
are found.
(c) Kerala (d) Gujarat
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre)2018
(b) Eastern and Western Coast
Ans. (d)
*The western coastal area is a narrow stretch of a plain/flat
See the explanation of above question.
land which lies between the western Ghats and Arabian
5. The number of coastal states in India is Ocean. The northern part of the western coastal area is called
(a) 06 (b) 07 Konkan coast (Mumbai and Goa) the central part is called
(c) 08 (d) 09 Karnataka coast and the southern part is called Malabar
U.P. R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) 2017 Coast.
*The Eastern coastal area has developed as a result of deltas
Ans. (d)
of Rivers like Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri.
See the explanation of above question. Hence t he Eastern coasts are very fertile. The region of

CA–47 General Studies Indian Geography

eastern coastal area falling between river Mahandi and river 3. Consider the map given below :
Krishna is called Northern Circars. *The Coromandel coast
extends from Krishna delta in the state of Andra Pradesh to
cape Comorin (Kanyakumari) in Tamil Nadu.
*The important harbours situated on the western coast are -
Mum bai (Maharash tra), Zanj eera (Maharashtra), Udupi
(Karnataka), Cochin (Kerela), New Mangalore etc.
*The i mp ortant harb ours on th e east ern coas t are
Vishakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh), Haldia (West Bengal),
Paradip (Odisha) Ennore (Tamil Nadu) and New T uticorin
(Tamil Nadu).
The divisions along India's coastal region indicate?
1. Consider the following cities located on western coast of (a) Coastal pollution zones
India – (b) Salinity density isopleths
1. Janjira (c) The areas upto which sovereignty extends
2. Kannur (d) Underwater relief contours
3. Nagercoil I.A.S. (Pre) 1995
4. Sindhudurg Ans. (d)
Which of the following option represents correct order The divisions along India's coastline indicate underwater
of cities f romnorth to south – coastal relief contours. These show the depth of the sea floor.
Code : On this basis, there are four relief zones in the sea region –
(a) 1 2 3 4 continental coast, continental slope, Deep sea plains and sea
(b) 2 1 3 4 trough.
(c) 1 2 4 3
4. Which of the f ollowing city is/are located on western coast
(d) 1 4 2 3 of India.
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2001 1. Janjira 2. Udupi
Ans. (d) 3. Auroville 4. Tuticorin
The correct order of the above cites from north to south is: Code :
Janjira – Located in Raigarh district of Maharashtra. (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
Sindhudurh– Located in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1,2 and 4.
Kannur – Located in Kannur district of Kerala. U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002
Ans. (a)
Nagercoil – It is located in Kanyakumari district ofTamil Nadu.
The location of above cities is as follows –
2. "You might see a few curious Danes around, but that is
Janjira – It is located in Raigad district of Maharastra.
because ……. used to be Danish out post. This quaint
Udupi – Udupi, is located in the state of Karnataka.
town with its f ort and a beautiful church, the New
Auroville – It is located in Tamilnadu and Puducherry along
Jerusalem, empty streets and deserted beach front is a
the Coromandel coast.
quaint gem” The place referred to in this quotation lies
Tuticorin – It is a port city located on south-east coast of
on the – Tamil Nadu.
(a) Tamil Nadu Coast (b) Kerala Coast
(c) Karnataka Coast (d) Goa Coast. 5. Consider the following statements about Western Ghats–
I.A.S. (Pre) 1996 1. It is a block mountain
Ans. (a) 2. Its eastern slope is a gently lowering down plateau.
3. Its northern section is covered by lava (Basalt)
"Tharangambadi" a town in the Nagapattinam district located Which of the above statements are correct?
at the coast of Tamil Nadu, was a colony of Denmark from (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
1620 to 1845. New Jerusalem Church and Zion church are (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
among the important building made by Danish people. They U.P. R.O./A.R.O. (Mains) 2017
left this place in 1845 after selling it to the British. Ans. (d)

CA–48 General Studies Indian Geography

The Western Ghat is a block mountain. 10. Which of the following is also known as ‘Cape Comorin’?
Its eastern slope is a gently lowering down plateau. (a) Mizoram (b) Kashmir
(c) Kanyakumari (d) Gujarat
Its northern section is covered by Lava (Basalt).
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007
Ans. (c)
6. Match List-I with List-II and select the correctanswer by
using the code given below the lists : See the explanation of above question.
List-I List-II 11. Maximum Coastal erosion is caused by
(Sea Beach) (State)
(a) Waves (b) Tides
A. Deegha 1. Tamil Nadu
B. Gopalpur 2. West Bengal (c) Currents (d) Tsunami waves
C. Calangute 3. Orissa Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2016
D. Marina 4. Goa Ans. (a)
Code : Coastal erosion is caused by ocean waves, tides, currents,
A B C D Tsunami waves etc. Among the given options maximum
(a) 1 2 4 3 coastal erosion is caused by ocean waves.
(b) 2 3 4 1
x. Islands
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008 (a) Island groups of the Bay of Bengal
Ans. (b) *Among the island groups of Bay of Bengal the Andaman
The correct match of list I and II is as follows : and Nicobar Islands have an important place. The Andaman
Digha – West Bengal group of Islands is separated by Nicobar group of islands
Gopalpur – Odisha by 10º (10 degree channel). The width of the channel is apx
Calangute – Goa 150 kms, also the channel lies parallel to the 10º North
Marina – Tamil Nadu latitude. The Andaman & Nicobar island is a Union Territory
which is located in the Bay of Bengal. T he highest peak of
7. Thename of the coast of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
Andaman island group is Saddle Peak which is 732 meters
is :
above sea level. It is located in North Andaman island near
(a) Coromandel (b) Malabar
(c) Northern Circar (d) Konkan
The highest peak of the Nicobar island group is Mount
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2010
Thullier, which is located in the Great Nicobar island. The
Ans. (a)
Andaman Nicobar island group consists of 222 islands of
The Coromandel Coast runs between False Divi point in south which 204 are in Andaman island group and rest 18 are in
east (Andhra Pradesh) to the Cape Comorin in the south Nicobar i sland group. *Barren Isla nd lo cated in the
(KanyaKumari). Andaman sea lies 135 kms, North-East of Portblair. It is the
8. The sea coast of Tamil Nadu is known as only active volcano of South Asia. It first erupted in 1787.
(a) Circar coast (b) Konkan coast The Narcondam island is also located in the Andaman sea,
(c) Malabar coast (d) Coromandel coast which is a Dormant volcano. *The Andaman island group
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2016 was formed as a result of the extension of the Arakan Yoma
Ans. (d) (a tertiary mountain range). Limestone, sandstone and shale
are the most prominent rock features of this island group.
See the explanation of above question. *In the Eastern coastal state of Andra Pradesh, lies the lake
9. Which one of the following coasts of India is located Pulicat. The lake is famous for being the second largest
between Krishna delta and Cape Comorin? brackish water lake in India after Lake Chilika. Sriharikota
(a) Coromandel Coast (b) North Circar Island is situated in the Pulicat lake. The Island separates
(c) Malabar Coast (d) Konkan Coast the lake from the Bay ofBengal. *The Satish Dhawan space
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015 center is located on this island and it is used by India for her
Ans. (a) satellite launch programme. The Adam’s Bridge (Ram setu)
starts as a chain of shoals from the Dhanushkodi, tip of
See the explanation of above question. India’s Pamban Island and ends at Sri Lanka’s Mannar Island.

CA–49 General Studies Indian Geography

1. "Saddle peak" the highest peak of Andaman &Nicobar 6. Palk Strait is located between
is located in- (a) India and Pakistan
(a) Great Nicobar (b) Middle Andaman (b) India and Bangladesh
(c) Little Andaman (d) North Andaman (c) India and Sri Lanka
I.A.S. (Pre) 1996 (d) India and Maldives
Ans. (d) M.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
Ans. (c)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal
have around 572 islands and islets, most of these islands Palk Strait is located between India and Sri Lanka. It connects
(about 550) are in theAndaman Group. The smaller Nicobars Bay of Bengal to Palk Bay.
comprises some 22 islands. Saddle Peak (732 Mtrs) is the 7. Which one of the following pairs of islands is separated
highest peak in Andman and Nicobar islands. fromeach other by the Ten degree channel’?
2. Which of the f ollowing is the highest peakof Andaman (a) Andaman and Nicobar
and Nicobar group of islands ? (b) Nicobar and Sumatra
(a) Saddle peak (b) Mount Thuillier (c) Maldives and Lakshadweep
(c) Mount Diavolo (d) Mount Koyale (d) Sumatra and Java
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2009 I.A.S. (Pre) 2014
Ans. (a) Ans. (a)

See the explanation of above question. See the explanation of above question.

3. Andaman and Nicobar are– 8. Which one of the following pair of island is separated by
(a) Two Islands in Bay of Bengal 10 degree channel ?
(b) Group of Islands in Bay of Bengal (a) Lakshwadeep and Minicoy
(c) Group of Islands in Arabian Sea (b) South Andaman and Little Andaman
(d) Two Islands in Indian ocean. (c) Andaman and Nicobar
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1993 (d) Pamban and Mannar
Ans. (b) U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Spl) (Pre) 2010
Ans. (c)
See the explanation of above question.
See the explanation of above question.
4. Number of islands in Andaman and Nicobar is–
9. Which of the following is geographically closest to Great
(a) 200 (b) 240
(c) 220 (d) 250
(a) Sumatra (b) Borneo
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre)2003
(c) Java (d) Sri Lanka
Ans. (c)
I.A.S. (Pre) 2017
Total number of islands in Andaman and Nicobar is 222 Ans. (a)
whereas number of islands and islets is 572.
Great Nicobar is the southernmost island of India located
5. Ten degree channel separates – between 6o 45' N - 7o 15' N and 93o 37' E - 93o 56' E. This is
(a) Andaman from Nicobar Islands approximately 480 km away from Port Blair. Indonesian island
(b) Andaman from Myanmar Sumatra is geographically closest to Great Nicobar as compare
(c) India from Sri Lanka to Borneo, Javaand Sri Lanka. Java is an island of Indonesia
(d) Lakshadweep from Maldives to the south of Sumatra. Borneo is located to the east of
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2005 Sumatra.
Ans. (a)
10. Barren island is located in-
Ten degree channel separates Andaman group of Island to (a) Bay of Bengal (b) Arabian sea.
Nicobar group of Island. The expansion of the channel is (c) Mediterranean Sea (d) China sea
about 150 km. It is parallel to 10o North latitude so it is called U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010
10 degree channel. Ans. (a)

CA–50 General Studies Indian Geography

The Barren Island is located in the Andaman Sea in the Bay of An daman and Nicobar Islands . Hence s tatement 1 is
of Bengal – 135 km northeast from Port Blair. It is the only correct.
active volcano in South Asia. It first erupted in 1787. It lies about 138 km. northeast of the territory's capital Port
Blair and 538 km. from Great Nicobar. Hence statement two is
11. Which one of the following is a volcanic island of India?
(a) Little Andaman (b) Little Nicobar
The volcano erupted for the first time (as per the records) in
(c) Great Nicobar (d) Barren Island
1787. In 1991 there was another eruption that lasted for about
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
six months and was particularly harmful to island's fauna.
Ans. (d)
However there were eruptions in 1994-95 and 2005-07, the
See the explanation of above question. latter considered to be linked to the 2004 Indian Ocean
12. The northern part of the Western Coastal Plain of India earthquake. Hence statement 3 is incorrect.
is also known as 15. Sriharikota island is located in –
(a) Karnataka Coast (b) Malabar (a) NearChilka lake
(c) Konkan (d) Coromandel (b) Near the mouth of Mahanadi River
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 (c) Near Pulicat lake
Ans. (c) (d) Near the mouth of Godavari River
The western coastal plain is divided into 3 regions namely Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2011
the Konkan Coast, the Kanara Coast, and the Malabar Coast. Ans. (c)
The northern portion of west coast is called 'Konkan' and Sriharikota island is located near Pulicat Lake of Andhra
southern portion 'Malabar'. The western coastal plain of India Pradesh. It separates Pulicat Lake from the Bey of Bengal.
is narrow, and the east-coast is very wide. Satish Dhawan Space Centre is located in Sriharikota.
13. Which of the following islands of India has a volcanic 16. TheAdam’s Bridge begins from –
origin? (a) Dhanus hkodi (b) Mandapam
(a) Barren (b) Car Nicobar (c) Pamban (d) Rameshwaram
(c) Little Nicobar (d) North Andaman U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Spl) (Pre) 2010
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 Ans. (a)
Ans. (a)
Adam Bridge is also known as 'Ram Setu'. It is spread as
The Barren Island is located in Andaman. It is the only chain of shoals from Dhanushkodi tip of India's Pamban
confirmed active volcano in South Asia. It is a part of the island to Sri Lanka's Mannar island. Pamban island is semi
Indian Union Territory ofAndaman and Nicobar Island. connected to Indian mainland by 2km long Pamban Bridge.
14. Consider the following statements :
1. TheBarren Island volcano is an active volcano located (b) Island groups of Arabian Sea
in the Indian territory.
2. Barren Island lies about 140 km. east of Great *In Kerala, near Malabar coast lies an archipelago of 12 atolls,
Nicobar. 3 reefs and 5 submerged banks with a total ofabout 36 islands
3. The last time the Barren Island Volcano erupted was and islets. T his archipelago is known as Lakshadweep. The
in 1991 and it has remained inactive since then. name of this archipelago was changed to Lakshadweep in
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 1973, earlier it was known as the Laccadive, Minicoy and
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 Aminidivi Islands. The distance of the Lakshadweep island
(c) 3 only (d) 1 and 3 from the state ofKerala varies from 200-300 kms. Lakshadweep
I.A.S. (Pre) 2018 is a Union Territory with a total area of 32 sq/kms. *T here are
Ans. (a) 36 islands in the Lakshadweep island group and only 10 are
The Barren Island is an isl and located in Andaman sea, *The Northern end ofLakshadweep island is called Aminidivi
dominated by Barren Volcano, the only confirmed active whereas the southern end is called Minicoy. Minicoy island
volcano in South Asia. It is a part of the Indian Union Territory is separated from the rest of the islands by 90 channel.

CA–51 General Studies Indian Geography

*Mi nicoy is the 2 l argest isl an d (4. 80 sq /km ) of 3. Lakshadweep island is situated –
Lakshadweep. *Kavaratti is the capital of Lakshadweep, (a) In South West India
located on the Kavaratt i Island. The larges t is land of (b) In South India
Lakshadweep is Andrott or Androth (4.90 sq/km). The (c) In South East India
Elephanta island is located near Mumbai at a distance of 10 (d) In East India near West Bengal
km from the Gateway of India. *Salsetteisland is in the state 38th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1992
of Maharashtra on India’s West coast. The Metropolis of Ans. (a)
Mumbai and the city of thane lies on it. See the explanation of above question.
*Offshore Island - from the deltaic regions ofGanga to Eastern
4. Islands group Lakshadweep is -
and Western coasts of India, to Gulf of Mannar, a lot of
(a) Accumulation of coral reef
islands are located. Among these Piram (Gulf of Khambat),
(b) Accumulation of volcano substances
Bhainsa la (Kathiawar), Diu, Bai da, Nora, Peestan,
(c) Soil sedimentation
Karunbhar (Kutch), Khadiya Bet : Elyabet (near the source
(d) None of the above-mentioned is true
of Rivers Narmada & Tapti), Butcher, Karanja, Cross (near
39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1994
Mu mbai), Bh atkal, Pi geon C oc, Sa in t Mary (near
Ans. (a)
Mangalore), Anjediva (near Goa), Vypeen (near Kochi), Shrot,
Wheeler (near the mouth of rivers Mahandi & Bhramani), See the explanation of above question.
New Moor & Ganga Sagar (in Ganga Deltaic region) are
5. Lakshadweep consists of how many Islands?
some prominent ones. *Kori creek and Niveshika are tidal
(a) 17 (b) 27
creeks. Sir Creek is a 96 km long tidal estuary in the Rann of
(c) 36 (d) 47
Kutch region. It lies on the border of India and Pakistan and
45th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2001
has been disputed area between the two nations. It separates
Ans. (c)
Gujrat from the Sindh provinceof Pakistan. T he dispute lies
in the interpretation of the maritime boundary line between The Lakshadweep group of islands comprises 36 islands,
India and Pakist an. At present th e area is under t he covering 32 sq. km area. Its capital is Kavaratti. Lakshadweep
possession of India. is comprised of 10 inhabited islands and 16 uninhabited
1. Where is Lakshadweep located?
6. Which one of the following is one of the remotest islands
(a) Indian Ocean (b) Arabian Sea
from Indian coast.
(c) Bay of Bengal (d) Pacific Ocean
(a) Bhatkal (b) Arnala
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990
(c) Minicoy (d) Henry
Ans. (b) U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2013
Lakshadweep is a group of islands in the Arabian sea. These Ans. (c)
are scattered between 8oN - 12oN and 71oE - 74oE. The entire Among the given options, Minicoy is one of the remotest
island group is built of coral deposits. T here are approximately islands from Indian Coast. Bhatkal, Arnala, and Henry come
36 islands out of which 10 are inhabited. Minicoy is the in the category of penisular island.
second largest island separated from other islands by 9o 7. Which one of the following Indian island lies between
Channel. Kavaratti is the capital of Lakshadweep. The largest India and Sri Lanka ?
island of Lakshadweep is Andrott. These islands are located (a) Elephanta
at a distance of 280 km - 480 km off the Kerala coast. (b) Ni cobar
2. Which of the following is a coral island ? (c) Rameshwaram
(d) Salsette
(a) New Moore. (b) Car Nicobar
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre)2010
(c) Andaman (d) Lakshadweep
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2013
Ans. (c)
Ans. (d)
Location of islands given in the options is as follows :
Lakshadweep is a coral island located in the Arabian sea and Elephanta Island : It is located at a distance of 10 kilometers
its capital is Kavaratti. It is located in South West of India. from Gateway of India (Mumbai).

CA–52 General Studies Indian Geography

Nicobar Island : It is located in southeast of Bay of Bengal 10. Kori Creek lies in –
between 6o -100 north latitude and 920-940 East latitude. It (a) Gulf of Kutch
consists of 22 islands. (b) Gulf of Khambhat
Rameswaram Islan d: Ram eswaram is locat ed in the (c) Little Rann of Kutch
Ramanatha Puram district of Tamil Nadu. It is separated from (d) Rann of Kutch
mainland India by the Pamban channel. U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008
Salsette Island : It is an island in the Maharashtra state of U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011
India. The metropolis ofMumbai and the cities of T hane are Ans. (d)
located here making it the most densely populated islands of The Kori Creek is a tidal creek in the Rann of Kutch region of
India. Gujarat. It is a maritime border between India and Pakistan.
So, it is clear that the Rameswaram island lies between India 11. Sir Creek dispute is between which of the following two
and Sri Lanka. countries?
(a) India-Pakistan
8. A large city built on an Indian island is – (b) Afghanistan-Pakistan
(a) Panaji (b) Rameswaram (c) China-India
(d) India-Bangladesh
(c) Port Blair (d) Mumbai
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre)1993 Ans. (a)
Ans. (d)
Sir Creek is a disputed area in Rann of Kutch. It is a 96 km
India's largest city on an island is Mumbai. The total area of tidal estuary on the border of India and Pakistan. It separates
Gujarat state of India from Sindh province of Pakistan. The
Port Blair is greater than that of Mumbai however from
two countries are not in agreement over the demarcation line
Township perspective it is lesser. in Sir Creek in Rann of Kutch.
9. Match list –I with list – II and select the correct answer
using the code given below. 3. States Union territories of India
List –I List-II i. States
(Island) (Location)
*Pr esent ly India compri ses of 29 states and 7 uni on
A. Viyant Syodhar 1. Coast of Kathiawar
territories. New Delhi is the capit al of India. Presently,
B. Piram 2. Coast of Arabian sea
besides Delhi, National Capital Region (NCR) includes sub-
C. Dwarka 3. Gulf of Kutch
regions of Faridabad, Gurugram, Mewat, Rohtak, Sonipat,
D. Diu 4. Gulf of Cambay (Khambhat)
Rewari, Jhajjar, Panipat, Palwal, Bhiwani, Mahendragarh,
Code :
Jind and Karnal districts of Haryana sub-region; Meerut,
Ghaziabad, Hapur, Gautam Budh Nagar, Bulandshahar,
(a) 1 2 3 4
Muzaffar Nagar, and Baghpat districts of Uttar Pradesh and,
(b) 3 4 2 1
Alwar and Bharatpur of Rajasthan.
(c) 2 1 4 3
*According to Registrar general of Home Ministry in terms
(d) 4 3 1 2
of Geographical area five largest state in descending order
U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010
of area are Rajasthan (342,239.00 km 2 ), Madhya Pradesh
Ans. (b)
(308252 sq. km.), Maharashtra (307,713 sq. km.), Uttar
The correct match of islands and their location is as follows: Pradesh (240,928.00 sq. km.) and Jammu and Kashmir
Island Location (222,236 sq. km.). *In terms of population five largest states
Viyant Syodhar - Gulf of Kutch in India are Uttar Pradesh (199812341), Maharashtra
Piram - Gulf of Cambay (Khambhat) (112374333), Bihar (104099452), West Bengal (91276115) and
Dwarka - Coast of Arabian sea. Andhra Pradesh (84580777) respectively. *Uttar Pradesh
Diu - Coast of Kathiawar. shares its boundary with eight states and one Union Territory

CA–53 General Studies Indian Geography

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