0037 Penyapaian Logo IFRC Terbaru Dan Guidelines
0037 Penyapaian Logo IFRC Terbaru Dan Guidelines
0037 Penyapaian Logo IFRC Terbaru Dan Guidelines
December 2019
The IFRC’s digital logo was adopted by the IFRC Gov-
erning Board in May 2014. Its use was restricted to cam-
paigns, fundraising, co-branding with partners and the
branding of IFRC digital platforms and communica-tions
materials. The logo was not developed to replace the IF-
RC’s conventional logo, rather it was designed spe-cifical-
ly for digital platforms, to overcome the practical design
constraints posed by the long-form conventional IFRC
Since the adoption of the digital logo there has been a
growing call amongst certain staff within the IFRC sec-re-
tariat, donors and partners to have a more userfriendly
and universal solution outside of the digital space to in-
clude branded marketing and communication products Conventional logo
such as publications and banners; IFRC merchandise
and souvenirs; co-branded communications initiatives
with external partners; and for operational branding such
as visibility and labelling of relief items, vehicles, equip-
ment, as well as field clothing.
There is considerable confusion and misunderstanding
around the IFRC’s brand identity and use of logos.
Digital logo
New logo
A new logo can help in reframing the IFRC’s identity and
positioning as a more dynamic and modern organisation.
Also, updating and consolidating the IFRC’s branding
guidelines and promoting them internally would certain-
ly serve to bring greater coherence to the IFRC’s brand
• National Societies
• Donors
• IFRC employees
• Media
• The rest of the world Horizontal logo
1. Create one, uniform graphic identity across
various products and platforms
2. Strengthen IFRC brand, increase the visibility of the
IFRC and ensure consistent brand image
3. Show change of the core mentality:
digital first approach
Square logo
Logo: clear space,
white background 10 mm
and sizes
Clear Space
To ensure high visibility and an uncluttered presentation,
always maintain “clear space” around the logo.
Determine the logo’s clear space by measuring the size of
the “x”, where “x” is the height of the logo.
White background
The white background should always be larger than the
space covered by the emblems and text:
Horizontal logo: clear space
• The white background around the emblems and the
text should always equal half of the height or width of
one of the emblems as shown in the example.
Sizes 8 mm
Horizontal logo
Vertical logo
Logo: co-branding
If there is a need to show several partner logos, it’s very Partner Logo
Partner Logo
Logo Typeface
Montserrat Bold
Montserrat is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed I watched
the storm,
by Julieta Ulanovsky, inspired by posters and signage
from her historical Buenos Aires neighborhood of the
same name. It is rather close in spirit to Gotham and
Proxima Nova, but has its own individual appearance —
so beautiful
more informal, less extended, and more idiosyncratic.
It is provided in a total of nine different weights, each hav
ing eight figure styles and small caps in both upright and
italic shapes.
yet terrific.
Montserrat Bold
Colour palette
Dark Grey: Pantone Black 7 CP
Four Colour process: C: 0% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 95%
RGB Process: R:50 G:50 B:50
There are three primary colour options for the logo – dark Web Colours: #323232
grey, white and red. These colours have been selected to
provide a bright, clean, modern and sophisticated look. White
Four Colour process: C: 0% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 0%
RGB Process: R:255 G:255 B:255
Web Colours: #ffffff
Merchandise White t-shirt front Field vest
Publication example
Mobile version
Social Media
Facebook Twitter
LinkedIn Instagram
For more information,
please contact:
IFRC Communications department
Benoit Carpentier: [email protected]
Nic Jones: [email protected]
Val Shapiro: [email protected]