CMO 87, S. 2017 - PSG FOR BSCpE-final PDF

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Computer Engineer (noun) – is a professional who embodies the science and technology of
design, development, implementation, maintenance and integration of software and hardware
components in modern computing systems and computer-controlled equipment.




1 Apply Understand the Use relevant and Propose innovations
knowledge of principles of appropriate applied in process design and
mathematics, mathematics, science, engineering operations
chemistry, chemistry, physics, principles and improvement and
physics, biology, natural and techniques in optimization and
biology, applied sciences formulating process impart these to peers.
information including information design and Develop and
technology and technology. operations continually upgrade
other Determine relevant improvement and proficiency in
engineering and appropriate optimization. numerical and
principles applied science, Develop simple computational
engineering computer programs modeling in solving
principles and to solve computer computer engineering
techniques that can engineering problems.
be used to address problems.
concerns related to
process design and
2 Identify, Use relevant Apply results Consolidate results of
formulate, information gathered research literature research and
research from research and other technical information
literature and literature and other technological in formulating
analyse available advances in process solutions to computer
complex technological design and engineering
engineering information sources operations processes and adapt
problems in coming out with improvement and these into systems to
reaching solutions to complex optimization.Propose achieve energy and
substantiated engineering changes in process efficiency
conclusions problems. parameter settings targets.Impart these
using first used in technological
principles of manufacturing advances to peers.
mathematics, processes or lab-
natural scale set-ups to
sciences and achieve the desired
engineering outputs.

3 Design Study, investigate Study, investigate Consolidate studies

solutions for and gather data and gather data made on problems in
complex related to complex related to problems computer engineering
engineering engineering in computer processes and
problems and problems and engineering operations and
design systems, propose solutions processes and propose changes in
components or based on the operations and operational
processes that fundamentals of prepare proposals to parameters.
meet specified engineering implement solutions Specialize in specific
needs with principles while while incorporating fields of practice in
appropriate incorporating ethics, ethics, safety and computer engineering
consideration safety and environmental and use the technical
for public health environmental considerations. expertise in design of
and safety, considerations. Conduct test runs solutions to applicable
cultural, and prepare final complex engineering
societal, and recommendations problems.
environmental based on results Impart learnings to
considerations. gathered. peers.
4 Conduct Conceptualize, Use available Organize teams of
investigations of formulate and database experts, plan and
complex implement design of information, design experiments in
problems using experiments in a coordinate with other conducting
research-based standard scientific technical experts, investigations of
knowledge and manner in plan and design complex engineering
research conducting experiments in problems.
methods investigations of conducting Prepare feasibility,
including design complex engineering investigations of optimization reports,
of experiments, problems with complex engineering implementation plans
analysis and consideration of cost, problems. and make
interpretation of quality, security, and Prepare reports and presentations to the
data, and environmental make presentations concerned entities on
synthesis of impact. to concerned entities the proposed
information to Recommend valid on the proposed solutions to the
provide valid conclusions based solutions to the complex engineering
conclusions. on gathered complex engineering problems.
information and problems.
results of
5 Create, select Be familiar with the Be familiar with the Be familiar with
and apply appropriate appropriate process operations
appropriate techniques, techniques, and applicable
techniques, resources, and resources, and modern tools and
resources, and modern engineering modern engineering techniques to solve
modern and IT tools, and IT tools, operational problems
engineering and including prediction including prediction taking into
IT tools, and modelling, to and modelling, to consideration process
including complex engineering complex engineering limitations.Use
prediction and problems, with an problems, with an industrial experience
modelling, to understanding of the understanding of the in conjunction with
solve complex limitations.Recomme limitations.Consolidat technical expertise
engineering nd the applicable e applicable and appropriate
problems, with modern tools that techniques and modern tools in
an can be used to solve modern tools that solving complex
understanding complex engineering can be used to solve engineering
of the problems. complex engineering problems.Prepare
limitations. problems.Prepare reports and
recommendations recommendations
based on results and present these to
considering the concerned
optimization, entities.
practical applications
and limitations of
process parameters
and equipment.
6 Apply reasoning Be familiar with Be familiar with Be familiar with
informed by relevant policies, relevant policies, relevant policies,
contextual laws, regulations and laws, regulations and laws, regulations and
knowledge to technical standards technical standards technical standards
assess societal, locally in conjunction both locally and both locally and
health, safety, with the computer internationally in internationally in
legal and engineering conjunction with the conjunction with the
cultural issues professional practice. computer computer engineering
and the Make a personal engineering professional practice.
consequent commitment to professional practice. Be familiar with
responsibilities societal, health, Prepare plans and specific country
relevant to safety, legal and designs to address regulations on
professional cultural issues industrial process professional
engineering recognizing problems while engineering practice
practice and obligations to taking into in implementing
solutions to society, consideration moral, solutions to complex
complex subordinates, and ethical and engineering
engineering the environment. environmental problems.
problems. concerns. Prepare plans and
Impart learning to designs to address
peers. industrial process
problems while taking
into consideration
moral, ethical and
Impart learning to

7 Understand and Be familiar with Be familiar with Be familiar with

evaluate the relevant applicable relevant applicable relevant applicable
sustainability technical and technical and technical and
and impact of engineering engineering engineering
professional standards that can standards that can standards that can be
engineering be applied in be applied in applied in
work in the professional professional professional computer
solution of computer computer engineering
complex engineering engineering practice.Use gained
engineering practice.Assess the practice.Use gained experience in
problems in effects of experience in industrial professional
societal and professional industrial practice to measure
environmental engineering work on professional practice impacts on society
contexts. process operational to measure impacts and environment.Be
problems.Gather on society and familiar with carbon
relevant data in environment.Be footprint calculations,
relation to the familiar with carbon life cycle assessment,
professional footprint calculations, green technologies
engineering work. life cycle and other upcoming
assessment, green standards.Do
technologies and research, develop
other upcoming projects and prepare
standards.Impart implementation plans
learning to peers. to implement and
assess professional
engineering works in
relation to complex
problems. Impart
learning to peers.
8 Apply ethical Be familiar with the Be familiar with the Be familiar with the
principles and professional ethics professional ethics professional ethics for
commit to for computer for computer computer engineers
professional engineers and apply engineers and apply and apply and behave
ethics and and behave and behave according to this code
responsibilities according to this according to this in professional
and norms of code in professional code in professional practice.Be familiar
engineering practice.Apply ethical practice.Be familiar with corporate and
practice. principles in with corporate and industrial
conjunction with industrial policies.Apply ethical
engineering practice. policies.Apply ethical principles in
principles in conjunction with
conjunction with engineering practice
engineering practice incorporating public
incorporating public safety as a priority.Be
safety as a an example to
priority.Be an upcoming engineers
example to upcoming in terms of integrity,
engineers in terms of morality and
integrity, morality and ethics.Exemplify
ethics. ethical and moral
values through
participation in
socially relevant
projects that
contribute to national
learning to peers.
9 Function Perform functions Plan, lead, Supervise and
effectively as an required in the coordinate and manage processes,
individual, and completion of a task implement people and facilities
as a member or as part of a project or designated tasks locally or
leader in endeavor or as an either as a team internationally
diverse teams employee of a leader or member. enabling efficiency,
and in multi- company. Interact with a improved
disciplinary Interact with peers network of performance,
settings. and higher levels in a professionals and business profitability
professional manner. participate in projects and safety.
Participate in or activities. Train other engineers.
activities either as a Handle small to
team leader or medium-sized
member and perform projects.
designated tasks.
10 Communicate Prepare reports, Prepare reports, Consolidate reports
effectively on presentations and presentations and and make
complex other engineering other engineering presentations to
engineering documents in an documents in an peers and superiors
activities with organized way and organized way and on projects or on
the engineering relay information relay information assigned endeavors
community and related to these related to these .Conduct trainings to
with society at effectively.Communic effectively.Prepare subordinates, peers
large, such as ate clearly both policies, procedures and
being able to verbally and in and other documents superiors.Communica
comprehend written form all related to an activity te and coordinate
and write instructions to peers, or project and clearly and act as
effective reports subordinates and cascade to liaison officer on
and design superiors as may be subordinates, peers matters concerning
documentation, deemed and superiors legal or regulatory
make effective necessary.Organize, effectively.Conduct issues.Prepare
presentations, coordinate and trainings to policies, rules,
and give and implement activities subordinates and regulations,
receive clear or projects in a clear peers.Communicate instructions,
instructions. way. clearly with legal procedures and
entities/ authorities implements them.
11 Demonstrate Plan, lead, organize Plan, lead, organize Manage and
knowledge and and control small and control small to implement medium-
understanding projects or tasks as medium-sized sized to major
of engineering may be deemed projects or tasks as projects or tasks as
management necessary in the may be deemed may be deemed
principles and practice of computer necessary in the necessary in the
economic engineering. practice of computer practice of computer
decision- engineering. engineering.
making and Manage financial Manage financial
apply these to aspects of the aspects of the project.
one’s own work, project. Manage supervisors
as a member Supervise and peers.
and leader in a subordinates and Prepare reports
team, to peers when needed. related to projects.
manage Prepare reports
projects and in related to projects.
B.S. Computer Engineering Program Curriculum Map


By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:

a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering

b) Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
c) Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with
d) Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams;
e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems;
f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
g) Ability to communicate effectively;
h) Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context;
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues;
k) Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice; and
l) Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary


PSG for BSCpE (Annex II) Page 1 of 4

Code Descriptor Descriptor
I Introductory Course An introductory course to an outcome
E Enabling Course A course that strengthens an outcome
D Demonstrating Course A course demonstrating an outcome

Code Classification
M Mathematics
NPS Natural/Physical Sciences
BES Basic Engineering Sciences
A Allied Courses
P Professional Courses
TE Technical Electives
GE General Education Courses
GEM GEC Electives/Mandated Courses
PE Physical Education
NSTP National Service Training Program

A. Mathematics

Relationship to Program
COURSES Outcomes
a b c d e f g h i j k l
Calculus 1 I
Calculus 2 I
Engineering Data Analysis I I
Differential Equation I
Mathematics for the Modern

B. Natural and Physical Sciences

Relationship to Program
COURSES Outcomes
a b c d e f g h i j k l
Physics for Engineers I
Chemistry for Engineers I

C. Basic Engineering Sciences

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Relationship to Program
Courses Outcomes
a b C d e f g h i j k l
Computer-Aided Drafting I I
Engineering Mechanics I
Engineering Economy I I
Engineering Management I I
Engineering Ethics I I
Technopreneurship I

D. Allied Courses

Relationship to Program
COURSES Outcomes
a b C d e f g h i j k l
Fundamentals of Electrical
Fundamentals of Electronic
Fundamentals of Mixed Signals
and Sensors

E. Professional Courses

Student Outcome
a b C d e f g h i j k l
Computer Engineering as a
Discipline I
Programming Logic and Design I
Discrete Math I
Numerical Methods E
Object Oriented Programming E
Data Structures and Algorithms E
Software Design E
Logic Circuits and Design E
Operating Systems E
Data and Digital Communications E
Introduction to HDL E
Feedback and Control Systems E
Basic Occupational Health and
Safety E
Computer Networks and Security E
Microprocessors E
Methods of Research E

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CpE Laws, Obligations and
Contracts E
Embedded Systems E
Computer Architecture and
Organization E
Digital Signal Processing E
Emerging Technologies in CpE E
Seminars and Fieldtrips D D
CpE Practice and Design 1 D D D D D
CpE Practice and Design 2 D D D D D D D D
On the Job Training D D D D D D D
Cognate / Track Course 1
Cognate / Track Course 2
Cognate / Track Course 3


A. General Education Courses

Relationship to Program
COURSES Outcomes
a b c d e f g h i j k l
Understanding the Self I I
Contemporary World I I
Readings in Philippine History I I
Art Appreciation I I
Purposive Communication I I
Life and Works of Rizal I I
Science, Technology, and Society I I
Environmental Science and
PE 3 I
PE 4 I
Free Elective I I I

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering


TECHNICAL COURSES ............................................................................................................ 3

MATHEMATICS ......................................................................................................................... 3
Calculus 1 ........................................................................................................................... 3
Calculus 2 ........................................................................................................................... 3
Engineering Data and Analysis ........................................................................................... 5
Differential Equations .......................................................................................................... 7
NATURAL/PHYSICAL SCIENCES............................................................................................. 8
Chemistry for Engineers ..................................................................................................... 8
Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory .................................................................................... 9
Physics for Engineers ........................................................................................................10
Physics for Engineers Laboratory ......................................................................................10
BASIC ENGINEERING SCIENCE.............................................................................................11
Computer Aided Drafting ...................................................................................................11
Engineering Economics .....................................................................................................12
Engineering Management ..................................................................................................13
ALLIED COURSES ...................................................................................................................14
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits ....................................................................................14
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits Laboratory ..................................................................14
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits ...................................................................................15
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits Laboratory .................................................................16
PROFESSIONAL COURSES....................................................................................................17
Computer Engineering as a Discipline ...............................................................................17
Discrete Mathematics ........................................................................................................18
Numerical Methods ............................................................................................................18
Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors ....................................................................19
Programming Logic and Design .........................................................................................20
Object Oriented Programming ...........................................................................................21
Data Structures and Algorithms .........................................................................................22
Software Design ................................................................................................................23
Software Design Laboratory...............................................................................................23
Logic Circuits and Design ..................................................................................................24
Logic Circuits and Design Laboratory ................................................................................25
Operating Systems ............................................................................................................25
Data and Digital Communications ......................................................................................26
Introduction to HDL ............................................................................................................27
Feedback and Control Systems .........................................................................................27
Computer Engineering Drafting and Design .......................................................................28
Basic Occupational Health and Safety ...............................................................................29
Computer Networks and Security.......................................................................................30
Computer Networks and Security Laboratory .....................................................................30
Microprocessors ................................................................................................................31
Microprocessors Laboratory...............................................................................................32
Methods of Research .........................................................................................................32
CpE Laws and Professional Practice .................................................................................33
Embedded Systems Laboratory .........................................................................................34
Computer Architecture and Organization ...........................................................................35

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Computer Architecture and Organization Laboratory .........................................................36
Emerging Technologies in CpE ..........................................................................................36
Seminars and Fieldtrips .....................................................................................................37
Digital Signal Processing ...................................................................................................37
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory .................................................................................38
CpE Practice and Design 1 ................................................................................................40
CpE Practice and Design 2 ................................................................................................41
On the Job Training ...........................................................................................................41

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Course Name Calculus 1

Course An introductory course covering the core concepts of limit, continuity and
Description differentialbility of functions involving one or more variables. This also
includes the application of differential calculations in solving problems on
optimization, rates of change, related rates, tangents and normals, and
approximations; partial differentiation and transcendental curve tracing.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites None
Program To be identified by the program.
Course To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Functions
2. Continuity and Limits
3. The Derivative
4. The Slope
5. Rate of Change
6. The Chain Rule and the General Power Rule
7. Implicit Differentiation
8. Higher-Order Derivatives
9. Polynomial Curves
10. Applications of the Derivative
11. The Differential
12. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
13. Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
14. Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
15. Derivatives of the Hyperbolic Functions
16. Solutions of Equations
17. Transcendental Curve Tracing
18. Parametric Equations
19. Partial Differentiation

Course Name Calculus 2

Course The course introduces the concept of integration and its application to some
Description physical problems such as evaluation of areas, volumes of revolution, force,
and work. The fundamental formulas and various techniques of integration
are taken up and applied to both single variable and multi-variable functions.
The course also includes tracing of functions of two variables for a better
appreciation of the interpretation of the double and triple integral as volume
of a three-dimensional region bounded by two or more surfaces.

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Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Calculus 1
Program To be identified by the program.
Course To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Integration Concepts/Formulas
1.1. Anti-Differentiation
1.2. Indefinite Integrals
1.3. Simple Power Formula
1.4. Simple Trigonometric Functions
1.5. Logarithmic Function
1.6. Exponential Function
1.7. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
1.8. Hyperbolic Functions (sinh u & cosh u only)
1.9. General Power formula (include Substitution Rule)
1.10. Constant of Integration
1.11. Definite Integral (include absolute, odd & even functions)
2. Integration Techniques
2.1. Integration by Parts
2.2. Trigonometric Integrals
2.3. Trigonometric Substitution
2.4. Rational Functions
2.5. Rationalizing Substitution
3. Improper Integrals
4. Application of Definite Integral
4.1. Plane Area
4.2. Areas Between Curves
5. Other Applications
5.1. Volumes
5.2. Work
5.3. Hydrostatic Pressure
6. Multiple Integrals (Inversion of order/ change of coordinates)
6.1. Double Integrals
6.2. Triple Integrals
7. Surface Tracing
7.1. Planes
7.2. Spheres
7.3. Cylinders
7.4. Quadric Surfaces
7.5. Intersection of Surfaces
8. Multiple Integrals as Volume
8.1. Double Integrals
8.2. Triple Integrals

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Course Name Engineering Data and Analysis
Course This course is designed for undergraduate engineering students with
Description emphasis on problem solving related to societal issues that engineers and
scientists are called upon to solve. It introduces different methods of data
collection and the suitability of using a particular method for a given situation.
The relationship of probability to statistics is also discussed, providing
students with the tools they need to understand how "chance" plays a role in
statistical analysis. Probability distributions of random variables and their
uses are also considered, along with a discussion of linear functions of
random variables within the context of their application to data analysis and
inference. The course also includes estimation techniques for unknown
parameters; and hypothesis testing used in making inferences from sample
to population; inference for regression parameters and build models for
estimating means and predicting future values of key variables under study.
Finally, statistically based experimental design techniques and analysis of
outcomes of experiments are discussed with the aid of statistical software.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Calculus 1
Program To be identified by the program.
Course To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Obtaining Data
1.1. Methods of Data Collection
1.2. Planning and Conducting Surveys
1.3. Planning and Conducting Experiments: Introduction to
Design of Experiments
2. Probability
2.1. Sample Space and Relationships among Events
2.2. Counting Rules Useful in Probability
2.3. Rules of Probability
3. Discreet Probability Distributions
3.1. Random Variables and their Probability Distributions
3.2. Cumulative Distribution Functions
3.3. Expected Values of Random Variables
3.4. The Binomial Distribution
3.5. The Poisson Distribution
4. Continuous Probability Distribution
4.1. Continuous Random Variables and their Probability
4.2. Expected Values of Continuous Random Variables
4.3. Normal Distribution
4.4. Normal Approximation to the Binomial and Poisson
4.5. Exponential Distribution

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5. Joint Probability Distribution
5.1. Two or Random Variables
5.1.1. Joint Probability Distributions
5.1.2. Marginal Probability Distribution
5.1.3. Conditional Probability Distribution
5.1.4. More than Two Random Variables
5.2. Linear Functions of Random Variables
5.3. General Functions of Random Variables
6. Sampling Distributions and Point Estimation of Parameters
6.1. Point Estimation
6.2. Sampling Distribution and the Central Limit Theorem
6.3. General Concept of Point Estimation
6.3.1. Unbiased Estimator
6.3.2. Variance of a Point Estimator
6.3.3. Standard Error
6.3.4. Mean Squared Error of an Estimator
7. Statistical Intervals
7.1. Confidence Intervals: Single Sample
7.2. Confidence Intervals: Multiple Samples
7.3. Prediction Intervals
7.4. Tolerance Intervals
8. Test of Hypothesis for a Single Sample
8.1. Hypothesis Testing
8.1.1. One-sided and Two-sided Hypothesis
8.1.2. P-value in Hypothesis Tests
8.1.3. General Procedure for Test of Hypothesis
8.2. Test on the Mean of a Normal Distribution, Variance Known
8.3. Test on the Mean of a Normal Distribution, Variance
8.4. Test on the Variance and Statistical Deviation of a Normal
8.5. Test on a Population Proportion
9. Statistical Inference of Two Samples
9.1. Inference on the Difference in Means of Two Normal
Distributions, Variances Known
9.2. Inference on the Difference in Means of Two Normal
Distributions, Variances Unknown
9.3. Inference on the Variance of Two Normal Distributions
9.4. Inference on Two Population Proportions
10. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
10.1. Empirical Models
10.2. Regression: Modelling Linear Relationships – The Least-
Squares Approach
10.3. Correlation: Estimating the Strength of Linear Relation
10.4. Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression
10.4.1. Use of t-tests
10.4.2. Analysis of Variance Approach to Test
Significance of Regression
10.5. Prediction of New Observations
10.6. Adequacy of the Regression Model
10.6.1. Residual Analysis

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10.6.2. Coefficient of Determination
10.7. Correlation

Course Name Differential Equations

Course This course is intended for all engineering students to have a firm foundation
Description on differential equations in preparation for their degree-specific advanced
mathematics courses. It covers first order differential equations, nth order
linear differential equations and systems of first order linear differential
equations. It also introduces the concept of Laplace Transforms in solving
differential equations. The students are expected to be able to recognize
different kinds of differential equations, determine the existence and
uniqueness of solution, select the appropriate methods of solution and
interpret the obtained solution. Students are also expected to relate
differential equations to various practical engineering and scientific problems
as well as employ computer technology in solving and verifying solutions.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Calculus 2
To be identified by the program.
To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Introduction / Definition
1.1. Definition and Classifications of Differential Equations (DE)
1.2. Solution of a DE
2. Solution of some 1st order DE
2.1. Variable Separable
2.2. Exact Equation
2.3. Linear Equation
2.4. Substitution Methods
2.4.1. Homogeneous Coefficients
2.4.2. Bernoulli’s Equation
2.4.3. Other Substitution Methods
2.5. Mixed Problems (method not pre-identified)
2.6. Introduction to Use of Computer in Solving Differential
3. Application of 1st Order Differential Equations
3.1. Decomposition /Growth
3.2. Newton’s Law of Cooling
3.3. Mixing (non-reacting fluids)
3.4. Electric Circuits
4. Linear Differential Equation of Order n
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Standard form of a nth order Linear DE
4.1.2. Differential Operators
4.1.3. Principle of Superposition

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4.1.4. Linear Independence of a Set of Functions
4.2. Homogeneous Linear Differential Equation with Constant
4.2.1. Solution of a Homogeneous Linear Ordinary DE
4.2.2. Initial and Boundary Value Problems
4.3. Non-homogeneous Differential Equation With Constant
4.3.1. Form of the General Solution
4.3.2. Solution by Method of Undetermined Coefficients
4.3.3. Solution by Variation of Parameters
4.3.4. Mixed Problems
4.4. Solution of Higher Order Differential Equations using
5. Laplace Transforms of Functions
5.1. Definition
5.2. Transform of Elementary Functions
5.3. Transform of eatf(t) – Theorem
5.4. Transform of tnf(t) – Derivatives of Transforms
5.5. Inverse Transforms
5.6. Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms using a Computer
5.7. Transforms of Derivatives
5.8. Initial Value Problems
6. The Heaviside Unit-Step Function
6.1. Definition
6.2. Laplace Transforms of Discontinuous Functions and
Inverse Transform Leading to Discontinuous Functions
6.3. Solution of Initial Value Problems with Discontinuous
Functions by Laplace Transform Method
7. Application of Laplace Transforms (Problems on Vibration)
8. Solution of Systems of Linear Differential Equation with Initial
Values/Simultaneous Solution to DE (Laplace Transform Method)


Course Name Chemistry for Engineers

Course This course provides students with core concepts of chemistry that are
Description important in the practice of engineering profession.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites None
Co-requisites Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.

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Course To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Energy
1.1 Electrochemical energy
1.2 Nuclear chemistry and energy
1.3 Fuels
2. The Chemistry of Engineering Materials
3. Basic Concepts of Crystal Structure
3.1 Metals
3.2 Polymers
3.3 Engineered Nanomaterials
4. The Chemistry of the Environment
5. The Chemistry of the atmosphere
5.1 The Chemistry of Water
5.2 Soil chemistry
6. Chemical Safety
7. Special topics specific to field of expertise

Course Name Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory

Course A fundamental laboratory course designed to provide opportunity to
Description observe and apply the principles and theories taught in the chemistry for
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites None
Co-requisites Chemistry for Engineers
Program a-I, b-I, k-I
Course Outline 1. Rules and Regulations in the Chemistry Laboratory
2. Safety Precautions in the Chemistry Laboratory
3. Rules in Performing an Laboratory Experiment
4. Making Preliminary and Final Reports
5. Familiarization of Equipment/Apparatus
6. Performance of Laboratory Experiments
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.

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Laboratory See Annex of Lab Requirements

Course Name Physics for Engineers

Course This course covers vectors; kinematics; dynamics; work, energy, and
Description power; impulse and momentum; rotation; dynamics of rotation; elasticity;
and oscillation. Fluids; thermal expansion, thermal stress; heat transfer;
calorimetry; waves; electrostatics; electricity; magnetism; optics; image
formation by plane and curved mirrors; and image formation by thin lenses.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Calculus 1
Co-requisites Physics for Engineers Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Work, Energy and Power
2. Impulse and Momentum
3. Kinematics
4. Dynamics
5. Rotation
6. Dynamics of Rotation
7. Elasticity
8. Oscillations
9. Fluids
10. Heat Transfer
11. Waves
12. Electrostatics
13. Electricity
14. Magnetism
15. Optics

Course Name Physics for Engineers Laboratory

Course A fundamental laboratory course designed to provide opportunity to
Description observe and apply the principles and theories taught in the physics for

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Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites None
Co-requisites Physics for Engineers
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Rules and Regulations in the Physics Laboratory
2. Safety Precautions in the Physics Laboratory
3. Rules in Performing an Laboratory Experiment
4. Making Preliminary and Final Reports
5. Familiarization of Equipment/Apparatus
6. Performance of Laboratory Experiments
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory See Annex of Lab Requirements


Course Name Computer Aided Drafting

Course Concepts of computer-aided drafting (CAD); introduction to the CAD
Description environment; terminologies; and the general operating procedures and
techniques in entering and executing basic CAD commands.
Number of Units 1 unit
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites 2nd Year Standing
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Introduction to CAD Software

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2. CAD Drawing
3. Snapping, Construction Elements
4. Dimensioning
5. Plotting, Inputting Images
6. 3D and Navigating in 3D
7. Rendering
Laboratory See Annex of Lab Requirements

Course Name Engineering Economics

Course This course deals with the study of concepts of the time value of money
Description and equivalence; basic economic study methods; decisions under
certainty; decisions recognizing risk; and decisions admitting
Number of Units 3 units
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Program e-E, k-E
Course Outcomes After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Solve problems involving interest and the time value of money;
2. Evaluate project alternatives by applying engineering economic
principles and methods and select the most economically efficient
one; and
3. Deal with risk and uncertainty in project outcomes by applying the
basic economic decision making concepts.
Course Outline 1. Introduction
1.1. Definitions
1.2. Principles of Engineering Economics
1.3. Engineering Economics and the Design Process
1.4. Cost Concepts for Decision Making
1.5. Present Economic Studies
2. Money-Time Relationships and Equivalence
2.1. Interest and the Time Value of Money
2.2. The Concept of Equivalence
2.3. Cash Flows
3. Economic Study Methods
3.1. The Minimum Attractive Rate of Return
3.2. Basic Economic Study Methods: Present Worth, Future
Worth, Annual Worth, Internal Rate of Return, External Rate
of Return

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3.3. Other Methods: Discounted Payback Period, Benefit/Cost
4. Decisions Under Certainty
4.1. Evaluation of Mutually Exclusive Alternatives
4.2. Evaluation of Independent Projects
4.3. Effects of Inflation
4.4. Depreciation and After-Tax Economic Analysis
4.5. Replacement Studies
5. Decisions Recognizing Risk
5.1. Expected Monetary Value of Alternatives
5.2. Discounted Decision Tree Analysis
6. Decisions Admitting Uncertainty
6.1. Sensitivity Analysis
6.2. Decision Analysis Models

Course Name Engineering Management

Course Decision-making; the functions of management; managing production
Description and service operations; managing the marketing function; and managing
the finance function.
Number of Units 2 units
Number of 2 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Program i – I, l - I
Course Outcomes After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Explain the basic concepts of engineering management;
2. Apply the principles of engineering management to analyze case
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Engineering Management
2. Decision Making
3. Functions of Management
3.1. Planning / Coordinating
3.2. Organizing
3.3. Staffing
3.4. Communicating
3.5. Motivating
3.6. Leading
3.7. Controlling
4. Managing Product and Service Operations
5. Managing the Marketing Function

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6. Managing the Finance Function


Course Name Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits

Course This course introduces the fundamental concepts, circuit laws, theorems and
Description techniques used in electrical circuit analysis and transient analysis, as well as
its application. The course covers circuit topologies and DC excitations,
transient response, AC response, and polyphase circuits. The use of
computer software for circuit simulation and design are emphasized to expose
students to computer-based tools.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Physics for Engineers
Co-requisites Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Circuit Topologies and DC Excitations
1.1 Introductory Concepts
1.2 Electrical Properties of Materials
1.3 Passive Elements
1.4 Network Laws and Theorems
1.5 Electric Circuit Theorems
2. Transient Response
2.1 RC Circuits
2.2 RL Circuits
2.3 RLC Circuits
3. AC Response and Polyphase Circuits
3.1 Reactance and Impedance
3.2 Introduction to Single-Phase AC
3.3 AC Power Analysis
3.4 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
3.5 Three-Phase Circuits
3.6 Transformer

Course Name Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits Laboratory

Course This course allows the students to verify the laws and theorems
Description discussed in Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits (lecture) through

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simulation, experimentation and project construction. The course topics
include experimental determination of the characteristics of the different
circuit configurations (series, parallel, series/parallel, delta, and wye),
electrical power, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws,
Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s equivalent circuit, and maximum
power transfer. The use of computer software for circuit simulation and
design are used as basis in verifying experimental results and to expose
students to computer-based tools.
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Physics for Engineers
Co-requisites Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Rules and Regulations in the Electrical Engineering Laboratory
2. Safety Precautions in the Electrical Engineering Laboratory
3. Rules in Performing an Laboratory Experiment
4. Making Preliminary and Final Reports
5. Familiarization of Equipment/Apparatus
6. Performance of Laboratory Experiments
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Program shall provide complete tools and equipment necessary to
Equipment perform the identified laboratory exercise.
1 set of tools and equipment per maximum of 5 students per group.

Course Name Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits

Course This course discusses the construction, operation and characteristics of
Description basic electronic devices such as junction diodes, bipolar junction
transistors, Field Effect Transistors and MOS Field Effect Transistors
and oscillators.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture

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Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
Co-requisites Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Electronics
2. Solid State Fundamentals
3. Semiconductor PN Junction Diode
4. Diode Circuit Analysis and Applications
5. DC Regulated Power Supply
6. IC Regulator
7. Light Emitting Diode (LED)
8. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
9. Field Effect Transistor (FET)
10. Switching Transistor Circuits
11. Resistor Transistor Logic (RTL)
12. Direct-Coupled Transistor Logic (DCTL)
13. Integrated-Injection Logic (I2L)
14. Schottky-Diode Non-Saturating Logic (Schottky-Clamped Logic for
15. Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL)
16. MOSFET Logic
17. Comparison of Different Logic Families (Summary)
18. Oscillator Circuits

Course Name Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits Laboratory

Course This course is the laboratory component of the course Fundamentals of
Description Electronic Circuits (Lecture) that allows students to verify theoretical concepts
pertaining to the operation of electronic devices such as the PN junction
diodes, BJT and FET and their subsequent applications to electronics circuits
involving rectification, amplification and switching applications. The use of
laboratory equipment and apparatus to verify the characteristics of diodes and
transistor devices, and their operations in circuits such as rectifiers, voltage
regulators, amplifiers, oscillators and switches are emphasized. Such
equipment includes but not limited to the curve tracer, the oscilloscope, signal
generator and multi-meters.
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week

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Prerequisites Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
Co-requisites Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
Program To be identified by the program.
Course To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Rules and Regulations in the Electronics Engineering Laboratory
2. Safety Precautions in the Electronics Engineering Laboratory
3. Rules in Performing an Laboratory Experiment
4. Making Preliminary and Final Reports
5. Familiarization of Equipment/Apparatus
6. Performance of Laboratory Experiments
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Program shall provide complete tools and equipment necessary to perform
Equipment the identified laboratory exercise.
1 set of tools and equipment per maximum of 5 students per group.


Course Name Computer Engineering as a Discipline

Course This course discusses the curriculum for Computer Engineering as well
Description as how to prepare students for success through engineering design
process, ethical decision-making, teamwork, and communicating to
diverse audiences.
Number of Units 1 unit
for Lecture
Number of 1 hour per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites None
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. CpE Curriculum
2. Introduction to the Engineering Profession
3. Preparing for an Engineering Career
4. Introduction to Engineering Design
5. Engineering Communication

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6. Engineering Ethics

Course Name Discrete Mathematics

Course This course deals with logic, sets, proofs, growth of functions, theory of
Description numbers, counting techniques, trees and graph theory.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Calculus 1
Program To be Identified by the program.
Course To be Identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Logic, Sets, Proofs, and Functions
2. Algorithms, Integers and Matrices
2.1 Growth of Functions
2.2 Complexity of Algorithms
2.3 Number Theory
2.4 Matrices
3. Counting Techniques
4. Relations
5. Graph Theory
6. Trees
7. Introduction to Modeling Computation

Course Name Numerical Methods

Course This course covers the concepts of numerical analysis and computer
Description software tools in dealing with engineering problems. It includes techniques in
finding the rots of an equation, solving systems of linear and non-linear
equations, eigenvalue problems, polynomial approximation and interpolation,
ordinary and partial differential equations. The Monte-Carlo method,
simulation, error propagation and analysis, the methods of least squares and
goodness-of-fit tests are also discussed
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Differential Equations
Program To be identified by the program.
Course To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Introduction

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2. Non Linear Transcendental and Polynomial Function
3. Iterative Bracketing Method
4. Iterative Non-Bracketing/Open Method
5. Iterative Polynomial Function Techniques
6. System of Linear Equations
7. Direct Methods
8. Iterative Methods
9. Curve Fitting Techniques
10. Least Square Regression
11. Interpolation Techniques
12. Numerical Integration Techniques
13. Numerical Differentiation
14. Ordinary Differential Equations

Course Name Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors

Course This course covers operational amplifiers, signal converters, power
Description switching devices and the construction and operation of sensors and
transducers for converting physical parameters into electrical signals
and vice-versa. The course focuses on the application of these devices
in developing signal conversion circuits that allows measurement,
processing and control of physical parameters by digital processing
systems such as a finite state machine or a digital computer. Topics on
actuators are also included.

Number of Units 3 units

for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Differential Amplifiers
2. Operational Amplifiers
3. Linear and Non-Linear Applications of Op-Amp
4. Analog to Digital Conversion
5. Digital to Analog Conversion
6. Other Mixed Signals
7. Basic Measurement Theory
8. Sensors and Transducers
9. Other Types of Sensors and Transducers
10. Basic Control Devices

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Course Name Programming Logic and Design
Course This is an introductory course in computer programming logic. The
Description student will learn algorithms applicable to all programming languages,
including: identifiers, data types, arrays, control structures, modular
programming, generating reports, and computer memory concepts. The
student will learn to use charts commonly used in business and
information processing. Program logic will be developed using
flowcharts and pseudo code. Programs will be written using any
programming language.

Number of Units 2 units

for Laboratory
Number of 6 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites None
Program c–I
Course Outcomes After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Identify important steps in program development cycle
2. Draw a flowchart to represent the program's logic
3. Break down programming problems into modules
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Computers and Logic
2. Tools for Developing Program Logic: Flowchart and Pseudocode
3. Logical Control Structures: Sequence, Selection/Decision,
Iteration/Loop, Case
4. Data and Data Types, Constants and Variables, Operators And Its
5. Looping: While Loop, Do…While Loop, For Loop
6. Lists and Arrays: Representation, Arrays Interpolation, Add and
Delete, Operators and Functions, Slicing
7. Debugging Techniques: Steps/Process in Debugging, Approaches,
Debugging Tools
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Computer and object-oriented programming software tool
Equipment Depending on the class size
1 computer per student
Sample Model Course Specification

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Course Name Object Oriented Programming
Course Introduces the fundamental concepts of programming from an object
Description oriented perspective. Topics are drawn from classes and objects,
abstraction, encapsulation, data types, calling methods and passing
parameters, decisions, loops, arrays and collections, documentation,
testing and debugging, exceptions, design issues, inheritance, and
polymorphic variables and methods. The course emphasizes modern
software engineering and design principles.
Number of Units 2 units
for Laboratory
Number of 6 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Programming Logic and Design
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and UML
1.1. Fundamental Concepts: Classes, Objects, and Methods,
Inheritance, Encapsulation and Abstraction, Polymorphism
1.2. Unified Modeling Language (UML): Basic Concepts, Association,
Aggregation, Composition, and Multiplicity, UML Diagrams
2. Object Oriented Analysis and Design
2.1. Cohesion and Coupling Concepts
2.2. Data-Driven Design
2.3. Responsibility-Driven Design
2.4. Object-Oriented Design using UML
3. Programming Language Fundamentals
3.1. Coding Conventions and Data Types
3.2. Constants and Variables
3.3. Attributes, Methods, and Constructors
3.4. Control and Iterative Statements
3.5. Characters and Strings
3.6. Arrays
4. Advanced Programming Language Fundamentals
4.1. Inheritance
4.2. Abstract Classes
5. Exception Handling
5.1. Understanding Errors and Exceptions
5.2. Try, Catch, and Finally
6. Graphical User Interface Programming
6.1. Forms and Widgets
6.2. Graphics, Images, and Sound
6.3. Layout Managers
6.4. Event Handling

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Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Computer and object-oriented programming software tool
Equipment Depending on the class size
1 computer per student

Course Name Data Structures and Algorithms

Course Solving computational problems that involve manipulating collections of
Description data, study a core set of data abstractions, data structures, and
algorithms that provide a foundation for writing efficient programs.
Number of Units 2 units
for Laboratory
Number of 6 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Object Oriented Programming

Program To be identified by the program.

Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Pointers, Arrays, Structures
2. Abstract Data Types (ADT) and Fundamentals of Linked Lists
3. Linked Lists Operations
4. Stack Abstract Data Type and Its Linked Lists Operations
5. Queue Abstract Data Type and Its Linked Lists Operations
6. Algorithm Analysis and Linked List Types: Doubly Linked Lists
7. Tree ADT and Binary Search Tree
8. AVL Tree
9. Heaps
10. Basic Algorithmic Analysis
11. Algorithmic Strategies
12. Classic Algorithms For Common Tasks
13. Analysis and Design of Application-Specific Algorithms
14. Parallel Algorithms and Multithreading
15. Algorithmic Complexity
16. Scheduling Algorithms
17. Basic Computability Theory
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.

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For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Computer and any programming software tool
Equipment Depending on the class size
1 computer per student

Course Name Software Design

Course This course focuses on programming paradigms and constructs, data
Description structures and use of standard library functions for manipulating them,
object-oriented design and the use of modeling languages, testing and
software quality concepts, and tradeoffs among different software
design methods.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Data Structures and Algorithms
Co-requisites Software Design Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.

Course Outline 1. History and Overview

2. Relevant Tools, Standards, and/or Engineering Constraints
3. Programming Constructs and Paradigms
4. Problem-Solving Strategies
5. Data Structures
6. Recursion
7. Object-Oriented Design
8. Software Testing and Quality
9. Data Modeling
10. Database Systems
11. Event-Driven and Concurrent Programming
12. Using Application Programming Interfaces
13. Data Mining
14. Data Visualization

Course Name Software Design Laboratory

Course This course focuses on providing hands-on experience in software
Description design.

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Number of Units 1 unit
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Data Structures and Algorithms
Co-requisites Software Design
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.

Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.

Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Computer and object-oriented programming software tool
Equipment Depending on the class size
1 computer per student

Course Name Logic Circuits and Design

Course The course includes design and analysis or digital circuits. This course
Description covers both combinational (synchronous and asynchronous) logic
circuits with emphasis on solving digital problems using hardwired
structures of the complexity of medium and large-scale integration.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
Co-requisites Logic Circuits and Design Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Gates, Truth Tables, Boolean Algebra, Function Simplification
2. K-Maps, Circuit Implementation Using K-Maps, SOP and POS
Representation, NAND/NOR Implementations.
3. Mux, Demux, Decoders, Code Conversion (BCD to Binary, Excess-
3 to Binary, Gray Code)

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4. Latches and Flip-Flops: SR, D, JK, T
5. Counter Design, Register Design, ALU Function
6. Sequential Circuits, Excitation Function, State Table, State
7. Sequential Circuit Design with Different Flip-Flops.
8. Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits Analysis and Design,
Excitation Function, Flow Table
9. Algorithmic State Machine
10. Addressing and Decoding of Memory and I/O Systems

Course Name Logic Circuits and Design Laboratory

Course This course focuses on providing hands-on experience in designing
Description digital circuits.
Number of Units 1 unit
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
Co-requisites Logic Circuits and Design
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Program shall provide complete tools and equipment necessary to
Equipment perform the identified laboratory exercise.
1 set of tools and equipment per maximum of 5 students per group.

Course Name Operating Systems

Course This course includes different policies and strategies used by an
Description operating system. Topics include operating systems structures, process
management, storage management, file management and distributed
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture

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Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Data Structures and Algorithms
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Overview of the Operating System
2. Process Management
3. Process Coordination
4. Memory Management
5. Storage Management
6. Protection and Security
7. Interfacing to Operating Systems
8. Special-Purpose Systems

Course Name Data and Digital Communications

Course This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of digital and data
Description communications. It also includes topics on data security and integrity.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Elements of Digital Communication
2. Pulse Code Modulation
3. Digital Modulation Techniques
4. Information Theory
5. History of Data Communication
6. Transmission Media and Transmission Technologies
7. Data Transmission Modes and Standards
8. Protocols
9. Error Detection and Correction
10. Encryption and Decryption
11. Virus, Worms, And Hacking

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Course Name Introduction to HDL
Course A laboratory course that introduces hardware description language as a
Description tool for designing and testing combinational and sequential circuits. It
covers fundamental of concepts of HDL and the basic building blocks of
HDL programming.
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Programming Logic and Design
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Hardware Description Language Programming
2. Gate Level Modeling
3. Dataflow Modeling
4. Behavioral Modeling
5. Combinational Circuit
6. Sequential Circuit
7. Counters
8. State Machine Design
9. Task and Functions
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Computer and any HDL software tool
Equipment Depending on the class size
1 computer per student

Course Name Feedback and Control Systems

Course The course includes the control devices, equations of a systems and
Description block diagram of systems.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week

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Prerequisites Numerical Methods
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Control System
2. Block Diagram Algebra and Transfer Function
3. Review of Frequency Response Transfer Function
4. Block Diagram of Control Systems
5. Types of Feedback
6. Frequency Response of Feedback Systems
7. Root Locus and Nyquist Criteria
8. Stability and Compensation
9. Step Response

Course Name Computer Engineering Drafting and Design

Course This course focuses on the principles of layout of electrical, electronics,
Description and logic drawings; stressing modern representation used for block
diagrams, wiring/assembly, drawings, printed circuit board layouts, and
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Block Diagrams and Flowcharts
2. Electrical, Electronic and Logic Components
3. Designation, Standards and Abbreviations
4. Hand-sketched Schematic Diagrams
5. Circuit Layout Simulation Tool
6. Wiring and Cabling Diagrams Electronic Packaging
7. PCB Design Process
8. PCB Design Issues
9. Etching
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program,15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.

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For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Program shall provide complete tools and equipment necessary to
Equipment perform the identified laboratory exercise.
1 set of tools and equipment per maximum of 5 students per group.

Course Name Basic Occupational Health and Safety

Course This course tackles key Occupational Health and Safety (OSH)
Description concepts, principles and practices that are foundational knowledge
requirements applicable in almost all industries. Specifically, it assists
learners in identifying the key elements in the OSH situation both here
and abroad; determine existing and potential safety and health hazards;
identify the range of control measures; discuss pertinent provisions of
Philippine laws that refer to occupational safety and health; explain key
principles in effectively communicating OSH; identify components of
effective OSH programs and demonstrate some skills in identifying
hazards and corresponding control measures at the workplace.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites 3rd Year Standing
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Introductory Concepts
2. Occupational Safety
3. Industrial Hygiene
4. Control Measures for OSH Hazards
5. Occupational Health
6. Personal Protective Equipment
7. OSH Programming
8. Training of Personnel on OSH
9. OSH Legislation
10. Plant Visit Simulation

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Course Name Computer Networks and Security
Course The course includes the basic principles of network architecture,
Description computer network design, services, technologies and network security.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Data and Digital Communications
Co-requisites Computer Networks and Security Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Evolution of Computer Networks and Services
2. Applications and Layered Architectures
3. Local Area Networks (LAN)/Wide Area Networks (WAN)
3.1 Devices and Protocols
3.2 Standards
4. Internetworks
4.1 Principles of Internetworking
4.2 Architectures
4.3 IP Addressing and Architecture
5. Network Security
5.1 Internet Protocol and Standards
5.2 Internet Authentication and Applications
5.3 Wireless Network Security
5.4 Web Security
6. Introduction to Cybersecurity

Course Name Computer Networks and Security Laboratory

Course This course provides hands-on laboratory activities on computer
Description networking. It focuses on the configuration of TCP/IP, routers and
switches, network security and wireless fidelity.
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Data and Digital Communications
Co-requisites Computer Networks and Security

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Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Program shall provide complete tools and equipment necessary to
Equipment perform the identified laboratory exercise.
1 set of tools and equipment per maximum of 5 students per group.

Course Name Microprocessors

Course This course provides understanding of architecture of microprocessor-
Description based systems; registers, study of microprocessor operation, assembly
language, arithmetic operations, and interfacing.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Logic Circuits and Design
Co-requisites Microprocessors Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Structural Components of Microprocessor/Microcontroller
1.1 Internal CPU Interconnection
1.2 ALU
1.3 CU
1.4 Registers
1.5 Other Peripherals
2. Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle
3. Functional Operations of Microprocessor/Microcontroller
3.1 Data Movement
3.2 Data Processing
3.3 Control
3.4 Data Storage
4. Instruction Set
5. I/O Interfacing

PSG for BSCpE (Annex III) Page 31 of 42

5.1 Interfacing of Input/Output Devices
5.2 Interface Devices
5.3 Time-Based I/O
5.4 Handshaking

Course Name Microprocessors Laboratory

Course This course provides understanding of architecture of microprocessor-
Description based systems; study of microprocessor operation, assembly language,
arithmetic operations, and interfacing
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Logic Circuits and Design
Co-requisites Microprocessors
Program To be identified by the program.
Course To be identified by the program.
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Computer and assembly language programming software tool
Equipment Depending on the class size
1 computer per student

Course Name Methods of Research

Course This course will provide in-depth understanding of research through
Description exploration of different research methodologies and ethics. It includes
qualitative and quantitative research, descriptive and other applicable
research methodologies, inferential statistics and introduction to data
Number of Units 2 units
for Lecture

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Number of 2 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Engineering Data Analysis
Purposive Communication
Logic Circuits and Design
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Academic Honesty/Plagiarism
2. Types of Research
3. Problem Identification
4. Literature Search and Review
5. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
6. Data Sampling, Collection, and Testing
7. Data Analysis and Interpretation
8. Validity, Reliability, and Sources of Error
9. Citation and Style Mechanics (E.G., APA)
10. Article Writing (E.G., IEEE, ACM)
11. Presentation and Publication

Course Name CpE Laws and Professional Practice

Course This course provides the importance of the professional and ethical
Description responsibilities of practicing computer engineers and the effects of their
work on society; the importance of understanding contemporary issues,
lifelong learning strategies; and applicable IT laws in the field of
computer engineering.
Number of Units 2 units
for Lecture
Number of 2 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites 3rd Year Standing
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Philippine IT Laws and Policies
a. E-Commerce Law (RA 8792)
b. Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (RA 8293)
c. Optical Media Act Of 2003 (RA 9239)
d. Data Privacy Act Of 2012 (RA 10173)

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e. Department of Information and Communications Technology Act
of 2015 (RA 10844)
f. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (RA 10175)
2. Philosophical Frameworks and Cultural Issues
3. Engineering Solutions and Societal Effects
4. Professional and Ethical Responsibilities
5. Contemporary Issues
6. Lifelong Learning Strategies
7. Business and Management Issues
8. Tradeoffs in Professional Practice

Course Name Embedded Systems

Course This course provides advanced topics in embedded systems design
Description using contemporary practice; interrupt-driven, reactive, real-time, object-
oriented, and distributed client/server embedded systems.
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Microprocessors
Co-requisites Embedded Systems Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. History and Overview
1. Relevant Tools, Standards, and/or Engineering Constraints
2. Characteristics of Embedded Systems
3. Basic Software Techniques for Embedded Applications
4. Parallel Input and Output
5. Asynchronous and Synchronous Serial Communication
6. Periodic Interrupts, Waveform Generation, Time Measurement
7. Data Acquisition, Control, Sensors, and Actuators
8. Implementation Strategies for Complex Embedded Systems
9. Techniques for Low-Power Operation
10. Mobile and Networked Embedded Systems
11. Advanced Topics on Input/Output
12. Computing Platforms for Embedded Systems

Course Name Embedded Systems Laboratory

PSG for BSCpE (Annex III) Page 34 of 42

Course This course will provide hands-on activities designed to advanced
Description topics in embedded systems design using contemporary practice;
interrupt-driven, reactive, real-time, object- oriented, and distributed
client/server embedded systems.
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Microprocessors
Co-requisites Embedded Systems
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Program shall provide complete tools and equipment necessary to
Equipment perform the identified laboratory exercise.
1 set of tools and equipment per maximum of 5 students per group.

Course Name Computer Architecture and Organization

Course This course includes the study of the evolution of computer architecture
Description and the factors influencing the design of hardware and software
elements of computer systems. The focus is on the understanding of the
design issues specifically the instruction set architecture and hardware
Number of Units 3 units lecture
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Microprocessors
Co-requisites Computer Architecture and Organization Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.

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Course Outline 1. History and Overview of Computer Architecture
2. Relevant Tools, Standards and/or Engineering Constraints
3. Instruction Set Architecture
4. Measuring Performance
5. Computer Arithmetic
6. Processor Organization
7. Memory System Organization and Architectures
8. Input/Output Interfacing and Communication
9. Peripheral Subsystems
10. Multi/Many-Core Architectures
11. Distributed System Architectures

Course Name Computer Architecture and Organization Laboratory

Course This course will provide hands-on activities designed to focus on the
Description computer hardware issues specifically the instruction set architecture
and hardware architecture.
Number of Units 1 unit laboratory
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Microprocessors
Co-requisites Computer Architecture and Organization
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.
Laboratory Program shall provide complete tools and equipment necessary to
Equipment perform the identified laboratory exercise.
1 set of tools and equipment per maximum of 5 students per group.

Course Name Emerging Technologies in CpE

Course This course is designed to provide flexibility in the curriculum by
Description discussing any emerging technologies applicable to computer

PSG for BSCpE (Annex III) Page 36 of 42

Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites 4th Year Standing
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline Depending on the topic chosen by the institution.

Course Name Seminars and Fieldtrips

Course The course includes seminars and lecturers on current trends and
Description issues on Computer Engineering developments. Include field trips to
different companies and plants dealing with computer system facilities.
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites 4th Year Standing
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Seminars
1.1 Technical Seminars (Minimum of 3)
1.2 Non-Technical Seminars
1.2.1 Career Development
1.2.2 Labor Education
2. Fieldtrips (Minimum of 2 Company Visits)
3. Submission of Student Portfolio

Course Name Digital Signal Processing

Course The course includes the need for and tradeoffs made when sampling
Description and quantizing a signal; linear, time-invariant system properties;
frequency as an analysis domain complementary to time; and filter

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Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Feedback and Control Systems
Co-requisites Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. History and Overview
2. Relevant Tools, Standards, and/or Engineering Constraints
3. Convolution
4. Transform Analysis
5. Frequency Response
6. Sampling and Aliasing
7. Digital Spectra and Discrete Transforms
8. Finite and Infinite Impulse Response Filter Design
9. Window Functions
10. Multimedia Processing

Course Name Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

Course This course is designed to provide hands-on activities on different
Description applications of digital signals processing.
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Feedback and Control Systems
Co-requisites Digital Signal Processing
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Laboratory Laboratory exercises to be identified by the program.
Experiments Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
For semestral program, 15 exercises per semester.
For trimestral program, 12 exercises per trimester.
For quarterm program, 9 exercises per quarter.

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Laboratory Computer and DSP software tool
Equipment Depending on the class size
1 computer per student

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Course Name CpE Practice and Design 1
Course This course is the first course in a two-semester sequence that
Description constitutes the design experience for undergraduate computer
engineers. It provides essential ideas, concepts and principles in
engineering design process and emphasizes other design issues
including engineering standards and multiple constraints as well as
effective communication strategies. Students work in teams to develop
project proposals for assigned open-ended problems. Students are
required to make oral presentations and submit written proposal for their
Number of Units 1 unit
for Laboratory
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Microprocessors
Methods of Research
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Orientation
2. Relevant Tools, Standards, and/or Engineering Constraints
3. Effective Communication Strategies
4. Intellectual Property and Legal Issues
5. Submission of Design Proposal
6. Presentation of Design Proposal
7. Submission of Approved Proposal
Laboratory Computer and any programming language and/or simulation software
Equipment tool; materials, components and tools needed for prototype
development and testing.

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Course Name CpE Practice and Design 2
Course This course is the second of the design experience for undergraduate
Description computer engineering students. In this course, students will be expected
to build/fabricate their design, test and evaluate the design against their
design specifications, and demonstrate a fully functional project to their
design review committee. Students make oral presentations and submit
final reports documenting their projects.
Number of Units 2 units
for Laboratory
Number of 6 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites CpE Practice and Design 1
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.
Course Outline 1. Orientation
2. Final oral presentation
3. Submission of final document
Laboratory Computer and any programming language and/or simulation software
Equipment tool; materials, components and tools needed for prototype
development and testing.

Course Name On the Job Training

Course This course enables students to relate their acquired competencies to
Description the realities and problems of industries in a multidisciplinary
environment. This may include involvement in the industry’s manpower
requirements, development and research concerns, trainings,
applications of principles, environmental concerns, ethical and
behavioral concerns, decision making, and equipment and materials
Number of Units 3 units
for Lecture
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Minimum Number 240 hours of field work
of Hours

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Required for Field
Prerequisites 4th Year Standing
Program To be identified by the program.
Course Outcomes To be identified by the program.

Course Outline 1. Orientation and Presentation of Policies and Guidelines

2. Multidisciplinary Team Approaches
3. Assertion of Student’s OJT on the Company
4. Completion of 240 Hours
5. Submission of Progress Reports
6. Final Oral Presentation
7. Submission of Final Report

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering


NATURAL/PHYSICAL SCIENCES .............................................................................. 2

Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory ........................................................................ 2
Physics for Engineers Laboratory ............................................................................ 3

PSG for BSCpE (Annex IV-A) Page 1 of 5


Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory

Required Tools/Equipment Required Quantity

Activated charcoal 5g
Al strips 5 pieces
Alcohol 30 mL
Alligator clip 10 pieces
Alligator clip 10 pieces
Battery 5 pieces
Beaker 5 pieces
Burner 5 pieces
Conductivity apparatus 1 set-up
Cu strips 10 pieces
CuSO4 solution 25 mL
Distillation apparatus 1 set-up
Electrolyte solution 25 mL
Evaporating dish 5 pieces
Fe (NO3)3 solution 25 mL
FeCl3 solution 25 mL
Filter stand 5 pieces
Food color 5g
Glass funnel 5 pieces
Glass tubing 5 pieces
Graduated cylinder 5 pieces
HCI solution 80 mL
Hexane 25 mL
I2 crystals 8g
KCl solution 25 mL
KClO3 solid 3g
KMnO4 solution 25 mL
KSCN solution 25 mL
Mg strips 10 pieces
NaCl 5g
NaCl solution 50 mL
NaOH solution 25 mL
NH4OH solution 5 mL
Oil 5 mL
Pb (NO3)2 solution 50 mL
Pb strips 5 pieces
Petri dish 5 pieces
pH paper 20 pieces
Sand bag 5 pieces
Staple wire 50 pieces
Sugar 5g
Sugar solution 25 mL
Syringe 5 pieces
Test tube 50 pieces

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Thermometer 5 pieces
Triple beam balance 5 pieces
Urea 5g
Zn (NO3)2 solution 25 mL
Zn strips 15 pieces
 Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on
class size of 25 students.

Physics for Engineers Laboratory

Required Tools/Equipment Required Quantity

Atwood’s machine 5 pieces
Bar magnets 10 pieces
Beaker 5 pieces
Beam balance 5 pieces
Blackwood ballistic pendulum 5 pieces
Bridging plugs/connecting wires 5 sets
Calorimeter 5 pieces
Centripetal force apparatus 5 pieces
Clamp 5 pieces
Coil 5 pieces
Compass 5 pieces
Component holder 15 pieces
concave lens 5 pieces
Connecting wires 5 sets
Convex lens 5 pieces
Crossed arrow target 5 pieces
Cylindrical lens 5 pieces
DC power supply 5 pieces
Demonstration balance 5 pieces
Dynamic cart 5 pieces
Electric calorimeter 5 pieces
Field mapper kit/mapping Apparatus 5 pieces
Fixed capacitor (330 microfarad) 5 pieces
Fixed resistors 15 pieces
Fluorescent lamp 2 sets
Force table Set 5 pieces
Frame for bar magnets 5 pieces
Free fall apparatus 5 pieces
Friction block with different surfaces 5 pieces
Friction board with pulley 5 pieces
Frictionless dynamic track 5 pieces
Galvanometer 5 pieces
Glass plate 5 pieces
Glass plate of size similar to friction board 5 pieces
Horseshoe magnets 5 pieces
Hydrometer jar 5 pieces
Inclined plane 5 pieces
Inverted U-tube 5 pieces

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Light source 5 pieces
Light source, sodium/mercury lamps 5 pieces
Linear air track with blower and trolley 5 pieces
Mass with hook 5 pieces
Masses 5 sets
Mechanical equivalent of heat apparatus 5 pieces
Metal ball 5 pieces
Metal balls of different sizes 12 pieces
Metal conductor with insulated handle 2 sets
Metal stand 5 pieces
Meter stick 5 pieces
Micrometer caliper 5 pieces
Natural magnets 5 pieces
Ohmmeter/VOM 5 pieces
Optics bench 5 pieces
Panel board/circuit board 5 pieces
Parallel ray lens 5 pieces
Platform/triple beam balance 5 pieces
Potentiometer 5 pieces
Ramp/launcher 5 pieces
Ray optics mirror 5 pieces
Ray table and base 5 pieces
Reversing switch 5 pieces
Rheostat 5 pieces
Ring 5 pieces
Rubber hammer 5 pieces
Set of Weights 5 sets
slide wire/ wheatstone bridge 5 pieces
Slit mask 5 pieces
Slit plate 5 pieces
Slotted masses, 5-500g 5 sets
Solenoid 5 pieces
Sonometer 5 pieces
SPDT switch 5 pieces
Specimen for shot 5 sets
spherical mirror 5 pieces
Spring 5 pieces
SPST switch 5 pieces
Steam generator 5 pieces
Stirrer for shot 5 pieces
Stop watch 5 pieces
Stopwatch 5 pieces
Support rod 5 pieces
Switch 5 pieces
Thermal expansion apparatus 5 pieces
Thermometer 5 pieces
Timer/stopwatch 5 pieces
Tuning forks of three different frequencies 5 sets
U-tube 5 pieces

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Van de Graff generator 2 sets
Vernier caliper 5 pieces
VOM or multitester 5 pieces
Weight holder 5 pieces
* Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on class
size of 25 students.

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering


BASIC ENGINEERING SCIENCES ................................................................................ 2

Computer Aided Drafting ............................................................................................. 2
ALLIED COURSES ......................................................................................................... 2
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits.............................................................................. 2
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits ............................................................................ 3
PROFESSIONAL COURSES .......................................................................................... 3
Programming Logic and Design .................................................................................. 3
Object Oriented Programming ..................................................................................... 3
Data Structures and Algorithms ................................................................................... 4
Software Design Laboratory ........................................................................................ 4
Logic Circuits and Design Laboratory .......................................................................... 4
Introduction to HDL ..................................................................................................... 4
Computer Engineering Drafting and Design ................................................................ 4
Computer Networks and Security Laboratory .............................................................. 5
Microprocessors Laboratory ........................................................................................ 5
Embedded Systems Laboratory .................................................................................. 5
Computer Architecture and Organization Laboratory ................................................... 6
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory ........................................................................... 6

PSG for BSCpE (Annex IV-B) Page 1 of 6


Computer Aided Drafting

Required Tools/Equipment Required Quantity

Complete set of computer system 1:1 ratio
Computer-aided design software 1:1 ratio


Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits

Required Required Quantity Per Minimum Required

Tools/Equipment Group Quantity
Complete set of computer 1 5
Open or commercial 1 5
simulation tools in
Fundamentals of Electrical
Circuits trainer 1 5
Analog DC ammeter (100 1 5
mA DC)
Analog DC voltmeter (20V 1 5
Digital multimeter 1 5
Watt meter 1 5
Potentiometer 1 5
Strain transducer 1 5
Function generator 1 5
Oscilloscope 1 5
Variable power supply (0- 1 5
20V DC and 0-5V AC)
Resistive load (e.g., 100Ω, 1 5
470Ω, 1KΩ)
Capacitive load (e.g., 1 5
Inductive load (e.g., 1 5
100mH, 150mH)
Practical inductor (e.g., 1 5
100-200 mH)
Test bed 1 5
Purely resistive impedance 1 5
(e.g., 3KΩ)
Balanced 3-phase source 1 5
(e.g., 220VRMS at 60Hz)
* Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on class
size of 25 students.

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Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits

Required Required Quantity Per Minimum Required

Tools/Equipment Group Quantity
Complete set of computer 1 5
Open or commercial 1 5
simulation tools in
Fundamentals of Electronic
Variable power supply (0- 1 5
20V DC and 0-5V AC)
Analog DC ammeter (100 1 5
mA DC)
Analog DC voltmeter (20V 1 5
Breadboard 1 5
Oscilloscope 1 5
Complete set of computer 1 5
Function generator 1 5
Semiconductor devices 1 5
circuit board
Transistor amplifier circuit 1 5
FET fundamentals circuit 1 5
Transistor power amplifier 1 5
circuit board
Operational amplifier circuit 1 5
Transistor feedback circuit 1 5
Digital circuit training 1 5
* Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on class
size of 25 students.


Programming Logic and Design

Required Tools/Equipment Required Quantity

Complete set of computer system 1:1 ratio
Programming language environment 1:1 ratio

Object Oriented Programming

Required Tools/Equipment Required Quantity

Complete set of computer system 1:1 ratio

PSG for BSCpE (Annex IV-B) Page 3 of 6

Programming language environment 1:1 ratio

Data Structures and Algorithms

Required Tools/Equipment Required Quantity

Complete set of computer system 1:1 ratio
Programming language environment 1:1 ratio

Software Design Laboratory

Required Tools/Equipment Required Quantity

Complete set of computer system 1:1 ratio
Programming language environment 1:1 ratio
Computer-aided design software 1:1 ratio

Logic Circuits and Design Laboratory

Required Required Quantity Per Minimum Required

Tools/Equipment Group Quantity
Complete set of computer 1 5
Open or commercial 1 5
simulation tools in Logic
Circuits and Design
Power supply 1 5
Breadboard 1 5
Complete set of different 1 5
logic gates
Logic probe 1 5
Oscilloscope 1 5
* Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on class
size of 25 students.

Introduction to HDL

Required Tools/Equipment Required Quantity

Complete set of computer system 1:1 ratio
Programming language environment 1:1 ratio
Computer-aided design software 1:1 ratio

Computer Engineering Drafting and Design

Required Required Quantity Per Minimum Required

Tools/Equipment Group Quantity
Complete set of computer 1 5
Computer-aided design 1 5

PSG for BSCpE (Annex IV-B) Page 4 of 6

Open or commercial 1 5
simulation tools in
Computer Engineering
Drafting and Design
Complete set of PCB 1 5
etching tools
* Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on class
size of 25 students.

Computer Networks and Security Laboratory

Required Required Quantity Per Minimum Required

Tools/Equipment Group Quantity
Complete set of computer 1 5
Open or commercial 1 5
simulation tools in
Computer Networks and
Complete set of network 1 5
cable fabrication tools
NIC 1 5
Network operating system Depends on class size Depends on class size
Switch/hub Depends on class size Depends on class size
Router Depends on class size Depends on class size
* Required quantity is based on a class size of 25 students.

Microprocessors Laboratory

Required Required Quantity Per Minimum Required

Tools/Equipment Group Quantity
Complete set of computer 1 5
Programming language 1 5
Open or commercial 1 5
simulation tools in
Power supply 1 5
Breadboard 1 5
Microprocessor or 1 5
I/O devices 1 5
* Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on class
size of 25 students.

Embedded Systems Laboratory

Required Required Quantity Per Minimum Required

Tools/Equipment Group Quantity

PSG for BSCpE (Annex IV-B) Page 5 of 6

Complete set of computer 1 5
Programming language 1 5
Open or commercial 1 5
simulation tools in
Embedded Systems
Power supply 1 5
Breadboard 1 5
Microprocessor or 1 5
I/O devices 1 5
* Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on class
size of 25 students.

Computer Architecture and Organization Laboratory

Required Required Quantity Per Minimum Required

Tools/Equipment Group Quantity
Complete set of computer 1 5
Open or commercial 1 5
simulation tools in
Computer Architecture and
Power supply 1 5
Breadboard 1 5
Microprocessor or 1 5
I/O devices 1 5
Memory devices 1 5
* Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on class
size of 25 students.

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

Required Required Quantity Per Minimum Required

Tools/Equipment Group Quantity
Complete set of computer 1 5
Graphing software 1 5
Mathematical software 1 5
Open or commercial 1 5
simulation tools in Digital
Signal Processing
* Maximum of 5 students per group and minimum required quantity is based on class
size of 25 students.

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