Singing Assessment Rubric PDF
Singing Assessment Rubric PDF
Singing Assessment Rubric PDF
Assessment Rubric
Mrs. Conforti
4 3 2 1 0
Tone Student Student Student’s tone is Student’s tone is Student’s tone is
demonstrates demonstrates mostly mostly totally
exceptional tone acceptable tone acceptable and unacceptable unacceptable
and uses proper and diction. Notes often has unclear with unclear with unclear
diction. Notes are are clear and easily diction. Notes are diction. Notes are diction. Notes are
clear and easily heard. mostly clear and often not heard or unclear OR student
heard. heard. clear. refuses to sing.
Tempo/Rhythm Student sings in a Student sings in a Student’s tempo Student’s tempo is Student cannot
consistent and consistent and sometimes unclear and maintain a tempo.
clear tempo. All clear tempo. Most fluctuates. Some irregular. Rhythms All rhythms are
rhythms are rhythms are rhythms are not are not at all inaccurate.
accurate and accurate and accurate. accurate.
precise. precise.
Accuracy Student sings all Student misses 1-5 Student misses 6- Student misses Student sings
(notes/pitches) the right notes/pitches. 10 notes/pitches. most almost all
notes/pitches. notes/pitches notes/pitches
(over 11). incorrectly.
Posture Student Student Student’s posture Student’s posture Student does not
demonstrates demonstrates is mostly correct. is sloppy and attempt to
correct posture correct posture incorrect. demonstrate
throughout the with some minor correct posture.
assessment. flaws.
Style (including Student Student mostly Student makes an Appropriate style No attempt to sing
dynamics) demonstrates sings with attempt to sing is rarely heard. with the
perfect style for appropriate style. with style. Student Dynamics are not appropriate style.
the selection. Student adheres to adheres to most heard. No attempt to sing
Student adheres to all dynamics. dynamics. dynamics.
all dynamics.
Term Definitions
Tone: The sound produced by the voice
Quality – The beauty and/or clarity of the vocal sound
Consistency – The evenness of the vocal sound
Projection – The ability, within the natural limits of the voice, to project tone into the performing area (filling the room
with the voice)
Diction: The articulation of vowels and consonants
Vowels – The appropriate use of vowels for singing
Consonants – The appropriate use of consonants for singing
Naturalness – Unaffected pronunciation (no regional accents)
Tempo: The speed of the music
Rhythm Accuracy: The performance of rhythms as written at a steady speed
Accuracy (notes/pitch): The performance of the notes/pitches as written
Posture: The position of the body
Style: The understanding of the composer’s musical intent with the historical period or cultural context of the
Dynamics: The contrast between loud and quiet