EE469 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
EE469 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
EE469 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Expected outcome.
The students will be able to
i. Choose a suitable drive scheme for developing an electric hybrid vehicle depending on
ii. Design and develop basic schemes of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.
iii. Choose proper energy storage systems for vehicle applications
iv. Identify various communication protocols and technologies used in vehicle networks.
Text Book:
1. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press, 2003
1. James Larminie, John Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Wiley, 2003.
2. Mehrdad Ehsani, YimiGao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and
Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design, CRC Press, 2004.
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Introduction to Hybrid Electric Vehicles: History of hybrid and electric
vehicles, social and environmental importance of hybrid and electric
I vehicles, impact of modern drive-trains on energy supplies. 7 15%
Conventional Vehicles: Basics of vehicle performance, vehicle power
source characterization, transmission characteristics, mathematical
models to describe vehicle performance.
Hybrid Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of hybrid traction,
introduction to various hybrid drive-train topologies, power flow control
in hybrid drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
II 7 15%
Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of electric traction, introduction to
various electric drive-train topologies, power flow control in electric
drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
Electric Propulsion unit: Introduction to electric components used in 7 15%
III hybrid and electric vehicles, Configuration and control of DC Motor
drives, Configuration and control of Induction Motor drives
Energy Storage: Introduction to Energy Storage Requirements in Hybrid
IV and Electric Vehicles, Battery based energy storage and its analysis, Fuel 7 15%
Cell based energy storage and its analysis, Hybridization of different
energy storage devices.
V Sizing the drive system: Matching the electric machine and the internal 7 20%
combustion engine (ICE), Sizing the propulsion motor, sizing the power
electronics, selecting the energy storage technology,
Communications, supporting subsystems: In vehicle networks- CAN,
Energy Management Strategies: Introduction to energy management
VI strategies used in hybrid and electric vehicles, classification of different 7 20%
energy management strategies, comparison of different energy
management strategies
One question from each module of Modules I - IV; and two each from Module V & VI.
Part C: 3 questions uniformly covering Modules III & IV. Student has to answer any 2 from the 3
questions: (2 x 10) =20. Each question can have maximum of 4 sub questions (a,b,c,d), if needed.
Part D: 3 questions uniformly covering Modules V & VI. Student has to answer any 2 from the 3
questions: (2 x 10) =20. Each question can have maximum of 4 sub questions (a,b,c,d), if needed.