Pay Equity Internal and External Conside PDF
Pay Equity Internal and External Conside PDF
Pay Equity Internal and External Conside PDF
External Considerations
EqUity (or fairness), a central theme in compensation theory and practice, arises
in many different contexts. Here, for example, are some major areas:
• The legal and economic issue of equal pay for similar work (comparable worth).
• Pay differences caused by external competition or market pressures.
• The fairness of individual wage rates for people who are doing the same job.
• Individual employee views of their value relative to their pay.
A company's approach to equity is as important as the actual pay programs it im
plements. Companies typically emphasize external equity in the design of their com
pensation structures. This focus on external equity enables a ,company to develop
compensation structures and programs that are competitive with other companies in
appropriate labor markets. Perceptions of equity can also influence a company's abil
ity to attract, retain, and motivate its employees.
Employee perceptions of equity and inequity are equally important and should be
carefully considered when a company sets compensation objectives. Employees who
perceive equitable pay treatment may be more motivated to perform better or to sup
port a company's goals. Individual employees, however, perceive equity in many
different ways. Therefore, it is difficult to specify one definition of equity that is ap
plicable to all s i t u a t i o n s . '
In sum, compensation equity poses a conceptual and practical challenge: how to
reconcile the company's ability to pay (financial resources), desire to pay (image), and
need to pay (labor market) with the employees' perception of equity (fairness).
Equity Theory
Early studies indicate that inequitable treatment directly affects and influences em
ployee behavior and performance. In Equity Theory Towards a General Theory of
Social Interaction (The Academic Press, 1976), J. Stacy Adams proposed that an em
ployee continuously monitors his or her inputs and outputs on the job, and perceives
an equitable situation when the ratio of his or her inputs and outputs are equal, to
those of other employees. If this ratio is not equal, the employee may feel angry (as
a result of not being paid enough) or guilty (as a result of being paid too much). Either
feeling could result in dissatisfaction or discomfort.
One can view equity from either an internal or an external perspective. Internally,
equity can be expressed in terms of employees who do the following:
• Perform similar jobs.
KENT E. ROMANOFF, as associate with the San Jose, California office of Hay Management
Consultants, provides a broad range of general management and human resources consulting
services across several industry sectors. Romanoff earned a B.A. and an M.A. from Stanford
University. Before joining Hay, he was manager of training and technical publications for
SoloSystems Inc " a high-technology company involved in designing and manufacturing
microcomputer workstations. He is also a past director of the Institute for Programming
Technology. KENNETH F. BOEHM, a corporate labor economist for Pacific Bell, is responsible
for compensation planning for all nonsalaried employees. He also serves as graduate lecturer
in statistics and economic forecasting at Golden Gate University. Currently completing his
Ph.D. in business administration at Golden Gate University, Boehm holds a B.S. in
mathematics from UCLA and an M.B.A. from Pepperdine University. In addition to being
a Certified Compensation Professional (CCP), Boehm is a member of the National Associa
tion of Business Economists, the American Compensation Association, the Northern
California Human Resources Council, the Human Resources Systems Professionals, and the
American Management Association. EDWARD E. BENSON JR" a vice-president in Hay's Wal
nut Creek office, consults in the area of human resources, providing management and orga
nization services to a wide variety of clients. During the last three years, Benson has been
particularly active in developing total compensation and human resource programs for start
up ventures within major corporations. He holds a B.S. in industrial rrianagement/psychol
ogy and an M.S. in business administration from San Jose State University, where he was
a research assistant to the dean of the business school.
External Equity
External equity exists when an employer pays a wage rate commensurate with the
wages prevailing in external labor markets~ Assessing external equity requires meas
uring these labor markets. There is, however, no single labor market for a particular
job. Supply and demand differ substantially among markets, resulting in significant
variation in wages across labor markets.
The following factors contribute to these wage differences among markets:
• Geographic location.
• Industry sector.
• Union status.
• Organization size.
• Product competition.
• Company prestige..
• Education and experience level of available work force.
• Licensing or certification requirements called for by the job.
Some combination of these factors determine the labor market for a particular job.
Employers should carefully define the appropriate market{s) to assure accurate exter
nal wage comparisons. Defining the market too narrowly can result in wages that are
higher than necessary. If, for example, a company doing business in two locations
defines its pay practice solely in terms of a metropolitan labor market, it could set
wages that are unnecessarily high for its rural areas. Conversely, defining the market
too broadly may cause an organization to set wages too low to attract and retain com
petent employees.
Internal Equity
Internal equity exists when an employer pays wages commensurate with the relative
internal value of each job. This is established according to the employer's perception
of the importance of the work performed.
Before an organization can estimate the importance of each job, however, it must
first determine the job-related factors that will be used for setting compensation
levels - in short, compensable factors. Here are some typical compensable factors
used for lower-level jobs:
• Education required.
• Experience required.
• Physical demands.
• Responsibility for equipment/materials.
• Responsibility for the safety of others.
• Supervisory/managerial responsibility.
• Working conditions.
• Accident or health hazards.
• Public contact.
• Manual dexterity.
Determining the relative internal value of jobs in a large or complex organization
can be a difficult process. Job-evaluation methods are often used to develop a job hier
archy that reflects the relative value of jobs on the basis of skill, effort, responsibility,
and working conditions. A number of job-evaluation approaches have been devel
oped. Such approaches include (1) whole job ranking, (2) classification, (3) point fac
tors, (4) factor comparison, (5) slotting, and (6) scored questionnaires.
Whether an organization chooses a rigorous and disciplined approach to job evalu
ation or a relatively simple one, it should be noted that all approaches are subjective.
They depend on management judgement for their accuracy and management commit
ment for their applications.
Individual Equity
Individual equity exists when an employer compensates individuals who are in
similar jobs on the basis of variations in individual performance - so-called pay for
performance. Excellent performers, for example, would receive more compensation
than average performers. For reasons that will be explored in greater detail later, the
most important compensation decisions are those that differentiate between the pay
received by individuals within the company who are performing the same job.
Personal Equity
Personal equity, unlike external, internal, or individual equity, involves no direct
comparison of one individual's compensation with another's. Personal equity exists
when an employer pays a wage rate that satisfies an employee's own perception of
his or her worth. The standards applied by each person relate to that particular indi
vidual's previous experiences and his or her knowledge of the market value of similar
jobs. These internal standards can determine the employee's pay satisfaction or dis
In addition to pay, there are many things that influence an employee's perception
of equity. Studies show that workers often rank job security, working conditions, ad
vancement opportunities, management appreciation, relations with co-workers, and
flexibility of hours or job assignment ahead of pay. But because job security is linked
to stability of income, it is possible that pay is more important than these studies indi
cate. The fact remains, however, that an individual's perception of equity is strongly
affected by factors other than pay.
A question remains concerning how large a differential an employee must perceive
between his or her own pay and that of employees in other applicable jobs before
feelings of inequity result. Studies suggest that employees perceive pay inequity when
there's a pay differential approaching 15%-200/0. If this 150/0-200/0 threshold is
reached, what actions are employees most likely to take?
In such circumstances, employees are likely to take one of the following actions:
Ask for a raise, reduce effort on the job, seek to reduce the pay of others (that is,
complain), or leave the company. Of these four actions, leaving the company is proba
bly the least likely because it carries with it the greatest risk. First, for specialized jobs
in large organizations, an employee's skills may not be transferable to other organiza
tions. Second, there are the unknown aspects of working conditions, quality of super
vision, and co-workers associated with changing jobs. Finally, there are certain geo
graphic constraints; even if an employee gets a suitable offer that meets all other
criteria, it will be unacceptable if it is too far away. But even if employees don't quit,
the negative consequences of retaining dissatisfied employees who feel that they are
being treated unfairly can have significant motivational and cost implications for a
In summary, it appears that employees may look at compensation equity from a
different viewpoint than that of their employers. Companies go to great lengths to
establish mechanisms for assessing pay practices in other companies, while employees
are primarily concerned with equity in their company.
nal inequity ... are the most severe for the organization and are the ones that deserve
primary attention." (Edward E. Lawler, Pay and Organizational Development,
Addison-Wesley, 1981)
• "We feel it is important to underline the sovereignty of external equity influence
on wages over internal equity influence. Certainly the power of a wage or salary to
attract employees is based solely on external equity considerations. The retention
power of a wage or salary is also influenced heavily by external equity considerations.
When external and internal equity considerations are in conflict, we suspect ... that
external equity takes precedence." (Mark J. Wallace and Charles H. Fay, Compensa
tion Theory and Practice, Kent Publishing Company, 1983)
• "Most pay comparison research suggests that it is probably more important to
have internal equity than external. Employees can seemingly obtain a better grasp of
whether they think they are fairly paid by a particular employer through looking at
other jobs in that organization than they can by weighing external information."
(Thomas H. Patten, Pay: Employee Compensation and Incentive Plans, The Free
Press, 1977)
• "Experience seems to indicate that establishment of compromise rates in cases of
conflict is probably the solution. Internal consistency is more important than strict
external competitiveness." (Milton L. Rock, Handbook of Wage and Salary Adminis
tration, McGraw-Hill, 1984)
Finally, the American Compensation Association (ACA) and the American Society
for Personnel Administration (ASPA) have recently issued a joint policy statement
that reflects the current dilemma over external equity and internal equity.
Regardless of the methodology selected (in job evaluation), pay grades and pay ranges are
ultimately determined by:
1. Market rates for comparable jobs - external competitiveness. This approach is referred
to as the "labor market," or "market supply" approach.
2. Management's judgements as to the relative internal worth of the job's content
internal equity. Organizations may place different emphasis on either external competitive
ness, internal equity, or a blend of the two depending on their objectives or circumstances.
The issue, therefore, is still how to reconcile the conflict between external and internal
dresses a company's approach to pay relative to the marketplace (Le., external equity),
and an internal job evaluation methodology for use in assessing the relative value of
each job in an organization (Le., internal equity).
The strategic wage-level policy should take into consideration not only the charac
teristics of the external labor market, but also the jobs and job families that are most
critical to the long-term success of the organization. This will help the organization
meet its external equity objectives.
The internal job evaluation methodology positions the organization to address its
internal equity objectives. Once the relative internal value and importance of differ
ent jobs is established, each job can be compared with appropriate labor markets.
If discrepancies arise between individual jobs, they can be reconciled using the inter
nal ranking system. Because employee perceptions of equity are most affected by
comparisons with jobs that are similar to theirs, the internal ranking provides the best
guidance for setting individual wage levels.
Occasionally, because of a short-term supply-and-demand imbalance, certain jobs
may have to be paid more to attract and retain competent employees. These situations
usually do not arise until the market for the job (or the job family) exceeds the com
pany's wage by 15%-200/0. When this occurs, it may be appropriate for a company
to institute a pay policy exception for the affected job or group. However, the im
balance should be regularly checked and verified as, over time, it may no longer re
quire special consideration.
Companies operating in several geographic locations often create separate pay poli
cies for each location to takecadvantage of wage differences in local labor markets.
Paying geographic differentials may, however, erode employee perceptions of internal
equity. But because employee perceptions of equity are usually based on similar jobs
in similar location and because geographic pay differentials are often less than 15 0/0,
paying geographic differentials will probably have a minimum negative impact. As
a result, the decision to institute a geographic pay policy should be based more on
strategic and economic' considerations than on internal equity considerations.
In conclusion, organizations should consider a two-pronged approach to setting
wage levels. External data should be used to establish strategic guidelines for overall
company pay policy. In addition, a sound job-evaluation methodology should be
used to determine the relative internal value of the company's jobs. This job evalua
tion methodology lays the groundwork for establishing internal equity. This ap
proach provides an objective basis for making critical compensation decisions and
adds increased credibility to an organization's pay practice and better satisfies em
ployees' equity concerns.