Technical, Environmental and Exergetic Aspects of Hydrogen Energy Systems PDF
Technical, Environmental and Exergetic Aspects of Hydrogen Energy Systems PDF
Technical, Environmental and Exergetic Aspects of Hydrogen Energy Systems PDF
In this paper, a number of technical, environmental and exergetic aspects of hydrogen and hydrogen energy systems
(particularly fuel cells) and their applications are discussed from an energy point of view. In addition, exergy concept is
introduced for hydrogen energy systems and exergetic aspects are discussed through two illustrative examples which show a
potential usefulness of exergy in hydrogen energy systems. ? 2002 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published
by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-3199/02/$ 20.00 ? 2002 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 6 0 - 3 1 9 9 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 1 9 - 7
266 I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285
steam-reformed to make higher-purity streams for various Instead, a catalyst on the fuel–cell membrane would chem-
fuel cells. The challenge is to overcome the economic barri- ically break the methanol into hydrogen and carbon diox-
ers that current technology presents for converting biomass ide [4].
to hydrogen for use in clean, e8cient energy conversion de- • A fourth option is to produce the hydrogen at central lo-
vices [4]. cations and then store it on board the vehicle as a gas,
Hydrogen that is manufactured from renewable resources as a cryogenic liquid, or in a solid. With this option, the
and used in fuel cells can provide sustainable energy to hydrogen could be produced via steam reforming of nat-
power electric vehicles. The total system, including distri- ural gas, via pyrolysis or gasi@cation of biomass or fossil
bution, refueling and on-board storage of hydrogen may fuels, or via electrolysis of water.
prove superior to batteries recharged with grid power. A
hydrogen-powered electric vehicle may o3er a market en- To date, the principal niche application for power gener-
try for hydrogen and renewable resources in transporta- ation with fuel cells has been in spacecraft. Recently, how-
tion. Attractive transitional applications of hydrogen include ever, there has been increased interest in their application for
use in combustion engine vehicles and production from both stationary and mobile power generation. This interest
natural gas. In either case, the environmental and energy has been motivated by the fuel cells’ high e8ciency, even
policy consequences are signi@cantly less than continued in small-scale installations, and their low waste emissions.
use of oil-derived fuels in conventional combustion engine Recent legislative initiatives in California, USA aimed at
vehicles. mandating the introduction of zero-emission vehicles, and
Fuel cells, which employ hydrogen to produce electricity, the failings of other technologies (e.g., the limited range
can be used to power a wide variety of applications. This and long refueling times of battery-powered vehicles) have
is especially true in transportation, where there are several further promoted the investigation of fuel cells in mobile
options for providing hydrogen for the fuel cells. applications [5].
The primary objective of the present paper is to discuss
• One option for obtaining the hydrogen is to use an technical, environmental and exergetic aspects of hydro-
on-board reformer to extract it from the gasoline in our gen and hydrogen energy systems. In order to highlight the
gas tanks. (Reformers break down hydrogen–carbon importance of the exergy analysis, some illustrative exam-
bonds to produce a mixed gas from which pure hydrogen ples are also presented.
is derived.) This approach could also be applied to other
• A second option is to use methanol as the hydrogen carrier. 2. Environmental issues
Methanol is easier to reform than gasoline and can be
produced from natural gas, solid fossil fuels, or renewable During the past two decades the risk and reality of
biomass resources. environmental degradation have become more apparent.
• A third option is to develop a fuel cell that uses methanol Growing evidence of environmental problems is due to
directly, eliminating the need for a separate reformer. a combination of several factors since the environmental
I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285 267
2.1. Acid rain Stratospheric ozone depletion is well known that the
ozone present in the stratosphere, roughly between altitudes
Acid rain (or acid precipitation) is a form of pollution of 12 and 25 km, plays a natural, equilibrium-maintaining
depletion in which pollutants produced by the combustion role for the earth, through absorption of ultraviolet (UV)
of fossil fuels, particularly from both stationary and mobile radiation (240 –320 nm) and absorption of infrared radia-
sources such as smelters for nonferrous ores, industrial boil- tion [6]. A global environmental problem is the distortion
ers, and transportation vehicles, are transported over great and regional depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer
distances through the atmosphere and deposited via precip- which has been shown to be caused by the emissions of
itation on the earth on ecosystems that are exceedingly vul- CFCs, halons (chlorinated and brominated organic com-
nerable to damage from excessive acidity. This acid rain pounds) and NOx (Fig. 2). Ozone depletion in the strato-
deposition was found to be mainly attributable to emissions sphere can lead to increased levels of damaging ultraviolet
of SO2 and NOx [1] and such gases react with water and radiation reaching the ground, causing increased rates of
oxygen in the atmosphere and result in acids such as sul- skin cancer, eye damage and other harm to many biological
furic and nitric acids (Fig. 1). It is therefore obvious that species.
268 I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285
• hydrogen energy,
• renewable energy technologies,
• energy conservation, leading to e8cient energy
• cogeneration and district heating,
• energy storage technologies,
• alternative energy dimensions for transport,
• energy source switching from fossil fuels to environmen-
tally benign energy forms,
• coal cleaning technologies,
• process change and sectoral shiftment,
• acceleration of forestation,
• carbon or fuel taxes,
Fig. 3. Illustration of greenhouse e3ect [6]. • materials substitution,
• promoting public transport,
• changing life styles,
Energy- and non-energy-related activities are only par- • increasing public awareness.
tially (directly or indirectly) responsible for the emissions
which lead to stratospheric ozone depletion. CFCs, which Of these potential solutions, we will discuss the most impor-
are used in air conditioning and refrigerating equipment as tant ones, in particular, hydrogen energy, in the following
refrigerants and in foam insulation as blowing agents, and section.
NOx emissions which are produced by the fossil fuel and
biomass combustion processes, the natural denitri@cation,
the nitrogen fertilizers, and the aircrafts play the most sig- 3. Comparison of possible fuels
ni@cant role in ozone depletion.
Since we need to manufacture a fuel for the post-fossil fuel
era, we are in a position to select the best possible fuel. There
2.3. Greenhouse e9ect
are many candidates, such as synthetic gasoline, synthetic
natural gas (methane), methanol, ethanol and hydrogen. The
Greenhouse e3ect (or global climate change) is known as
fuel of choice must satisfy the following conditions [7]:
a rise in the earth’s temperature as a result of emissions of
greenhouse gases. Although the term greenhouse e9ect has • It must be a convenient fuel for transportation.
generally been used for the role of the whole atmosphere • It must be versatile or convert with ease to other energy
(mainly water vapor and clouds) in keeping the surface of forms at the user end.
the earth warm, it has been increasingly associated with the • It must have high utilization e8ciency.
contribution of CO2 (currently, it is estimated that CO2 con- • It must be safe to use.
tributes about 50% to the anthropogenic greenhouse e3ect).
However, several other gases such as CH4 , CFCs, halons, In addition, the resulting energy system must be environ-
N2 O, ozone and peroxyacetylnitrate (so-called: greenhouse mentally compatible and economical.
gases) produced by the industrial and domestic activities Veziroglu and Barbir [8] also pointed out that hydrogen is
can also contribute to this e3ect, resulting in an increase in the best fuel, particularly for transportation based on the fol-
the earth’s temperature (Fig. 3). lowing criteria: versatility, utilization e8ciency and safety.
Potentially, the most important environmental problem
relating to energy utilization is the greenhouse e3ect, also
known as the global warming. Increasing atmospheric con- 4. Hydrogen
centrations of greenhouse gases are increasing the manner
in which these gases trap heat radiated from the earth’s sur- Unlike most other fuels, hydrogen cannot be produced
face, thereby raising the surface temperature of the earth. directly by digging a mine or drilling a well. It must be
The earth’s surface temperature has increased by about 1 C extracted chemically from hydrogen-rich materials such as
over the last century, and as a consequence sea level is es- natural gas, water, coal, or plant matter. Accounting for the
timated to have risen by perhaps 20 cm. Such changes can energy required for the extraction process is critical in eval-
have wide-ranging e3ects on human activities all over the uating any hydrogen use option. The current hydrogen pro-
world. duction techniques include steam reforming of natural gas,
Recently, a large number of potential solutions to these cleanup of industrial by-product gases, and electrolysis of
environmental problems associated with the harmful pollu- water. A number of other technologies are being studied,
I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285 269
particularly in developed countries, including several that • convince government decision makers to provide steadily
produce hydrogen from water or biomass using solar or other increasing support for hydrogen and fuel cell development
renewable energy. programs in the near-term, with the realization that these
At present, fuel hydrogen is mostly distributed in tankers technologies will eventually become economically viable
as a cryogenic liquid. Expanded use would probably be the on a broad scale without any government support;
mean distribution in pipelines as a gas, but few hydrogen • help guide hydrogen energy investment choices by gov-
pipelines now exist and any large-scale distribution system ernment agencies in the industrialized world, including
would also require techniques for bulk storage. choices by the U.S. Department of Energy;
In the USA today, the only major non-experimental user • help convince other key players (such as state and local
of hydrogen as a fuel is the space program, for propulsion o8cials, building inspectors, the insurance industry, the
and as an on-board source of electricity. Aircraft applications investment industry, and the public at large) that the hy-
have been widely studied, particularly for supersonic and drogen energy industry is safe, economical, and sustain-
hypersonic planes. Cars, trucks, and buses can burn pure able; and
hydrogen in an internal combustion engine, use it in a fuel • encourage other companies and organizations to join the
cell to drive an electric motor, or burn a hydrogen-containing NHA.
mixture to reduce the environmentally harmful emissions
from another fuel [9]. The above commercialization plan begins by identifying
The idea of using hydrogen as a fuel has been around for the most likely early markets for hydrogen as an energy
many years. As early as 1874, a character in Jules Verne’s carrier, and sets realistic near-term and mid-term goals for
novel The Mysterious Island suggested that when fossil fuel selected market penetration. The plan outlines the major
supplies run out, hydrogen “will furnish an inexhaustible barriers to achieving those goals and recommends activities
source of heat and light”. So far, however, this idea has to capitalize on the incentives and overcome the market
generated much research but little commercial application. barriers.
In the USA, a serious hydrogen commercialization plan
is underway and is one major tool needed to implement the
U.S. National Hydrogen Association (NHA) mission state- 5. Technical aspects of hydrogen energy
ment: “: : :to foster the development of technologies and their
utilization in industrial and commercial applications and pro- 5.1. Hydrogen energy production
mote the transition role of hydrogen in the energy @eld”. The
hydrogen commercialization plan is a living document to be Although hydrogen is the universe’s most abundant ele-
revised and expanded over the coming years as more and ment, it is present in the atmosphere only in concentrations
better information becomes available about new technolo- of less than one part per million. Most of the Earth’s hy-
gies and the growing market for hydrogen energy systems. drogen is bound up in chemical compounds. Hydrogen for
The primary objective of the plan is to obtain commitments large-scale use should therefore be extracted from a source
from both industry and government to begin implementing such as water, coal, natural gas, or plant matter. It cannot
the hydrogen energy industry. Such joint commitment will simply be produced from a mine or a well. Since consider-
require an economically and technically feasible road map able energy is consumed in the extraction process, hydrogen
on how to get from here to there. Industry must be con- should properly be considered an energy carrier rather than
vinced that it can eventually make a return on investments an energy source; the energy released when it is @nally used
in hydrogen technology. Government should be convinced is just the energy that was invested in its original manufac-
that its investments will leverage larger societal bene@ts in ture (minus any losses). Recognizing this fact is of critical
the form of reduced health costs, reduced oil imports, and importance. Any analysis of how hydrogen is to be used
improved international competitiveness over time. In short, must also consider how the hydrogen is to be produced. A
the hydrogen commercialization plan should point to a cred- variety of alternative hydrogen energy production technolo-
ible bene@t=cost ratio for all participants. In summary, the gies are available in practice, including [9]:
plan will be used to [10]:
• Steam reforming. Steam reforming is a chemical process
that makes hydrogen from a mixture of water and a hydro-
• identify unique niche market opportunities where hydro- carbon feedstock, usually a fossil fuel. The most common
gen is economical now, or nearly so, with growth poten- feedstock is natural gas, consisting primarily of methane.
tial toward longer-term goals; When steam and methane are combined at high pressure
• convince appropriate companies, both members and non- and temperature, a chemical reaction converts them into
members of the NHA, to make investments in hydro- hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The energy content of the
gen development, demonstration, and commercialization hydrogen produced is actually higher than that of the nat-
projects, with industry paying an increasing share of the ural gas consumed, but considerable energy is required
cost as each technology approaches market viability; to operate the reformer, so the net conversion e8ciency
270 I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285
is typically only about 65%. Hydrogen produced by this Photoprocesses are a major component of current hydro-
technique can cost as little as 65 a=kg. gen research programs.
• O9-gas cleanup. After steam reforming, the next most • Thermochemical process. This process uses heat to split
common source of hydrogen at present is the cleanup of in- water into hydrogen and oxygen. The conceptually sim-
dustrial o3-gases. Numerous industries give o3 high con- plest version of this technique is direct thermal conver-
centrations of hydrogen in their waste streams petroleum sion, i.e. heating water to extreme temperatures, perhaps
re@neries, blast furnaces, and some chemical plants, for 3400 K. Owing to the high temperatures required, how-
example. Collecting and purifying these gases is often ever, direct thermal conversion is as yet impractical out-
cost-e3ective, with costs typically ranging between 80 and side the laboratory. Chemical reactions can be employed
120 a=kg. Most o3-gas hydrogen is used on-site by the to reduce the required temperature. Various alternatives
industry that produces it, so although o3-gas cleanup is have been studied, often involving complex multistep pro-
an important feature of today’s market, it seems unlikely cesses. Hybrid techniques that incorporate electrolysis into
that it could be expanded enough to meet the increased one or more of the reaction steps are under investigation.
demand that would result from widespread use of hydro- There has been little recent work available on thermo-
gen as a fuel. chemical techniques.
• Electrolysis. Electrolysis means passing an electrical cur- • Radiolysis. This process is the splitting of water molecules
rent through water to split individual water molecules into by collisions with high-energy particles produced in a nu-
their constituent hydrogen and oxygen. Energy losses dur- clear reactor. Since the hydrogen and oxygen atoms thus
ing this process are relatively modest: 65% energy e8- produced quickly recombine to produce water again, ra-
ciency is common, and state-of-the-art large electrolyz- diolysis would probably be only about 1% e8cient. Most
ers can be 80 –85% e8cient. Electrolysis has captured experts agree that radiolysis is less promising than other
considerable attention, even though it accounts for only techniques.
a small fraction of current hydrogen production, because • Solar hydrogen. In this original and simplest form of hy-
it is a clean process and water is abundant. At present, drogen energy production, the solar hydrogen scenario
however, the technique is only used at relatively small envisions producing electricity from sunlight using pho-
plants, with a cost of 2.40 –3:60 $=kg of hydrogen pro- tovoltaic cells, electrolyzing water to produce hydrogen,
duced. This high cost is expected to limit electrolysis to and substituting this hydrogen for the oil and other fos-
niche markets in the near and mid-term. In the long term, sil fuels in general use today. The term is now often used
could electrolysis become more competitive? At present, more broadly to include electrolysis based on other re-
natural gas reforming is more than 3 times more en- newable sources of electricity, such as wind. This idea
ergy e8cient than electrolysis if fossil-source electricity is has received considerable attention largely because of the
used. environmental bene@ts of using hydrogen instead of fos-
• Photoprocess. Photoprocesses use the energy and other sil fuels. It also addresses two barriers to the ultimate
special properties of light (usually sunlight) to produce achievement of large-scale use of solar energy: that solar
hydrogen from either water or biomass. There are three electricity cannot be used directly for non-electric appli-
broad categories of photoprocess. Photobiological tech- cations, such as combustion engines, and that electricity
niques are based on the photosynthesis cycle used by is di8cult and expensive to store.
plants and by some bacteria and algae. The e8ciency of • Partial oxidation of hydrocarbons. Hydrogen may be
photobiological hydrogen production is only 1–5%, but formed from the noncatalytic partial oxidation (i.e., gasi-
researchers hope to increase it to 10% or more. Photo- @cation) of hydrocarbons such as residual oil. Any hy-
chemical processes mimic natural photosynthesis using drocarbon feedstock that can be compressed or pumped
synthetic molecules. This technique is only about 0.1% may be used in this technology. However, the overall ef-
e8cient now, but could in principle be much improved. @ciency of the process (50%) is less than that for SMR
Photoelectrochemical techniques use layers of semicon- (65 –75%) and pure oxygen is required [11]. Two com-
ductor material separated by water. When exposed to light, mercial technologies for this conversion are available: the
the semiconductor layers produce an electrical voltage Texaco gasi@cation process and the Shell gasi@cation pro-
that splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The best cess [12].
prototypes yet demonstrated in the laboratory are about
13% e8cient, but the maximum theoretical e8ciency is There are also some other hydrogen production technolo-
believed to be more than 35%. It has been estimated that gies, such as:
an e8ciency in the @eld of 10 –15% might be econom-
ical, but such estimates depend strongly on projections
of equipment costs. Note that since all these photopro- • thermal decomposition of hydrocarbon fuels,
cesses use light as their primary energy source, their e8- • thermocatalytic CO2 -free production of hydrogen from
ciencies should not be used directly in cost comparisons hydrocarbon fuels,
with processes that use hydrocarbon fuels or electricity. • superadiabatic decomposition of hydrogen sul@de,
I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285 271
• autothermal reforming (combining partial oxidation and some other technique is essential for a practical vehicle. So
steam reforming), far, storage requirements tend to severely limit range. Dur-
• sorption enhanced reaction process (SERP), ing the past two decades, several techniques have been stud-
• production of hydrogen from biomass-derived liquids, ied to overcome this problem. The four main contenders are
• photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, compressed gas, cryogenic liquid, metal hydride, and carbon
• biological H2 from fuel gases and from H2 O, adsorption. Of these, the @rst two appear most promising for
• two-phase photobiological algal H2 -production system, the short-term. Metal hydrides are also relatively mature, but
• H2 production from glucose-6-phosphate. require further R&D to be competitive. Carbon adsorption
is not yet a mature technique, but it appears very promising
Most of the above listed methods are at developmental stage. if R&D goals can be met. Glass microspheres and onboard
partial oxidation reactors are currently under investigation,
5.2. Hydrogen storage but as yet are “insu8ciently characterized for evaluation at
the systems level”. It is likely that di3erent techniques will
5.2.1. Bulk storage in distribution system turn out to be most appropriate for di3erent applications
It is expected that any large-scale hydrogen distribution (buses are less size-sensitive than cars, for example) [9].
system should address the problem of bulk storage, to pro-
vide a bu3er between production facilities and Iuctuations • Compressed gaseous hydrogen storage is at room tem-
in demand. Low-cost and e8cient bulk storage techniques perature in a high-strength pressure tank. Including the
are a major research goal. One can store hydrogen as either weight of the tank, compressed gas storage holds about
a gas or a liquid. The most widely studied options for stor- 1–7% hydrogen by weight, depending on the type of tank
ing gaseous hydrogen are underground caverns and depleted used. Lighter, stronger tanks, capable of holding more hy-
underground natural gas formations. Although hydrogen is drogen with less weight, are more expensive. Compress-
more prone to leak than most other gases, leakage is shown ing the hydrogen gas at the @lling station requires about
not to be a problem for these techniques. For example, town 20% as much energy as is contained in the fuel.
gas (a mixture containing hydrogen) has been stored suc- • Cryogenic liquid storage is at 20 K in a heavily insulated
cessfully in a cavern in France, and helium, which is even tank at ordinary atmospheric pressure. As a liquid, hydro-
more leak-prone than hydrogen, has been stored in a de- gen contains almost 3 times more energy than an equal
pleted natural gas @eld near Amarillo, Texas. The energy weight of gasoline, and takes up only about 2.7 times as
consumed in pumping gas in and out of such storage fa- much space for an equal energy content. Including the tank
cilities may be signi@cant, however. Above-ground storage and insulation, this technique can hold as much as 16%
tanks at high pressure are another option. hydrogen by weight. Furthermore, liquefaction at the @ll-
A certain amount of gaseous storage can be achieved ing station requires about 40% as much energy as is con-
by allowing modest pressure changes in the distribution tained in the fuel. Another disadvantage is the so-called
pipeline system. In the case of natural gas, this technique is “dormancy problem”: despite the insulation, some heat
used to help manage transient demand Iuctuations, such as leaks into the tank, eventually boiling o3 the hydrogen. A
the morning and evening peaks in residential demand in ur- “cryopressure” system stores liquid hydrogen in a pressure
ban areas. Though the same technique might be useful for vessel like that used for compressed gaseous storage, al-
hydrogen, its potential is limited, particularly if the hydro- lowing containment of the boiled-o3 gas. This helps with
gen is to be produced from intermittent sources such as solar dormancy, but increases weight and size.
or wind. • Metal hydride systems store hydrogen in the interatom
Storage in liquid form uses tanks similar to those used for spaces of a granular metal. Various metals can be used.
liquid hydrogen distribution. For example, Kennedy Space The hydrogen is released by heating. Metal hydride sys-
Center uses a 3217 m3 sphere near the launch pad, and can tems are reliable and compact, but can be heavy and ex-
transfer fuel from this tank to the space shuttle at up to 38 m3 pensive. Varieties now under development can store about
per minute. Storage at lique@er plants is in vacuum-insulated 7% hydrogen by weight. Unlike the compressed gas and
spherical tanks that usually hold about 1514 m3 [9]. The cryogenic liquid techniques, metal hydrides require little
energy required for liquefaction may not be a barrier if the or no “overhead” energy when refueling. They do require
hydrogen is to be transported as a liquid anyway, or if the energy to release the fuel, however. For low-temperature
end-use application requires its fuel to be in liquid form. varieties this energy may be available as waste heat from
the fuel cell or engine. For high-temperature varieties,
5.2.2. Hydrogen storage in end use which tend to be the less expensive ones, as much as half
The di8culty of onboard storage is the main barrier to of the vehicle’s energy consumption may go to releasing
fueling vehicles with hydrogen. Because it is a gas, hydro- the fuel from the metal.
gen at room temperature and pressure takes up about 3000 • The carbon adsorption technique stores hydrogen under
times more space than an energy equivalent amount of gaso- pressure on the surface of highly porous superactivated
line. This obviously means that compression, liquefaction, or graphite. Some varieties are cooled, others operate at room
272 I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285
temperature. Current systems store as much as 4% hy- The physical properties of hydrogen make its safety char-
drogen by weight. It is hoped to increase this e8ciency acteristics rather di3erent from those of other fuels. Its low
to about 8%, even for the room temperature variety. Car- density means that it tends to rise and disperse into the atmo-
bon adsorption is very similar to compressed gas storage sphere in the event of a leak, rather than remaining in a “pud-
except that the pressure tank is @lled with graphite; the dle” near the ground. This increases safety in well-ventilated
graphite adds some weight but allows more hydrogen to applications. Its low density also means that a hydrogen ex-
be stored at the same pressure and tank size. plosion releases less energy in a given volume than an ex-
• Glass microspheres are small, hollow, glass micro-balloons plosion of other fuels, and compared to gasoline or natural
whose diameters vary from about 25 to 500 m, and gas, hydrogen requires much higher concentrations in the
whose wall thicknesses are about 1 m. They can be air to produce an explosion rather than just a Iame. Further-
used in large beds to store hydrogen at high pressures. more, hydrogen’s low ignition temperature and Iammabil-
The microspheres are @lled with hydrogen gas at temper- ity over a wide range of concentrations make leaks a sig-
atures of 200 – 400 C. The high temperature makes the ni@cant @re hazard, especially in con@ned spaces such as a
glass walls permeable, and the gas @lls the spheres. Once garage. Because it is clear and odorless, leaking hydrogen
the glass is cooled to room temperature, the hydrogen is is also more likely to go undetected than a leak of gasoline
trapped inside the spheres. The hydrogen can be released or most other fuels. Even the Iame of burning hydrogen is
as needed by heating the spheres. The spheres can also invisible. Techniques of leak detection have been and con-
be crushed to release hydrogen. This option precludes tinue to be an R&D priority. A simple approach is to add an
sphere recycling, but is desirable for applications where odorant like that added to natural gas, or possibly a colorant,
weight is important. or both. Any addition may detract somewhat from the envi-
• Onboard partial oxidation reactor is a concept proposed to ronmental cleanliness inherent to pure hydrogen, however,
help bring about a transition from conventional automo- and additives would need to be chosen with care to avoid
biles to cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells. First, a shift destroying other important features. For example, contam-
would be made from the internal combustion engine to the inants may reduce the e8ciency and=or lifetime of a fuel
fuel cell using a conventional hydrocarbon fuel such as cell.
gasoline or diesel coupled to an on-board partial oxidation As with most fuels, the @re and explosion hazards
process and a water gas shift reaction process. The par- discussed above are the main safety concerns. In some
tial oxidation process yields 30% hydrogen gas directly situations, there may be other safety issues, for example in
and 20% carbon monoxide. Then, the carbon monoxide is applications that involve hydrogen storage under high pres-
chemically reacted with steam to produce additional hy- sure or at extreme low temperatures. These problems can
drogen and carbon dioxide gas, which is readily usable by be minimized with proper equipment design and operating
a hydrogen fuel cell. This fossil-to-hydrogen fuel system procedures, however, and are generally agreed to be of less
would be used as a “bridge” until R&D yields a com- concern than hydrogen’s Iammability.
mercially ready advanced hydrogen storage system or a
suitable hydrogen carrier. 5.4. Economics of hydrogen energy
• Other techniques are still in the early stages of develop-
ment. One uses powdered iron and water. At high tem- Hydrogen is currently more expensive than other fuel
peratures these react to produce rust and hydrogen. Other options, so it is likely to play a major role in the economy
methods are similar to the metal hydride option, but sub- only in the long term, if technology improvements succeed
stitute certain liquid hydrocarbons (also known as “recy- in bringing down costs. Higher prices for fossil fuels would
clable liquid carriers”) or other chemicals for the metal. not necessarily make hydrogen more cost-competitive in the
short term. Since fossil fuels are currently the main source
of heat, feedstock, and electricity for hydrogen production
5.3. Safety plants, rising prices for gas, oil, or coal would also drive
up the price of hydrogen. Since hydrogen can be produced
Hydrogen is intrinsically no more dangerous than many in many di3erent ways, from many di3erent sources, most
other fuels. Its di3erent characteristics require di3erent hydrogen-related international commerce is likely to be not
safety equipment and procedures, but all fuels have some of fuel but of technology: plant components, engineering
potential for accidents; if they did not burn, they would services, construction know-how, and so on. These areas
not be much use as a fuel. Hydrogen is already routinely could potentially represent new export markets.
and safely used worldwide in the petroleum and chemical
industries and elsewhere. It was also routinely used in the
USA as a fuel (a component of “town gas”) before natural 6. Environmental aspects of hydrogen energy
gas became widely available. Town gas is still used in some
countries. Moreover, hydrogen ranks between propane and The use of hydrogen as a fuel is inherently very clean.
methane (natural gas) in safety. Hydrogen consumed by either combustion or a fuel cell
I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285 273
produces only water as an end product. The high tempera- • When fossil fuels burn, they emit a cocktail of toxic pol-
tures involved in combustion may stimulate some NOx pro- lutants that damage the environment and people’s health.
duction from nitrogen and oxygen in the air, but this problem • World oil production will decline in the next 10 –20 years
is familiar from other fuels and can be controlled. Unlike and dependence on a few energy-rich nations will signif-
other fuels, hydrogen contains no other pollutant-producing icantly increase. Energy security and price will be threat-
elements, so it has no potential to produce SO2 , CO, CO2 , ened.
volatile organic chemicals, etc. • Deregulation of the electricity supply industry is changing
The environmental consequences of hydrogen production the market. New companies are entering the market of-
should also be considered, however. As mentioned above, fering energy services based on distributed on-site power
production from fossil fuel feedstocks by steam reforming generation. This segment of the energy market is likely to
leads to carbon dioxide emissions greater than those from grow rapidly and utilities will have to adapt to the oppor-
simply using the feedstock itself as a fuel. Steam reformers tunity and challenge.
should also somehow dispose of feedstock impurities such
as sulfur. Electrolysis is responsible for the emissions of The market for automotive power and stationary gener-
whatever power plants are used to generate the needed elec- ation conversion equipment is the largest market for capi-
tricity. Production of hydrogen from sustainably harvested tal equipment in the world. Fuel cells and fuel-cell-powered
biomass, solar energy, or other renewable sources might vehicles will be an economic growth leader in the coming
considerably reduce production emissions, but (as described decades securing high-quality employment for many thou-
above) these techniques are not yet fully developed. sands of people.
The U.S. Department of Energy (has examined the
full-cycle environmental e3ects of various scenarios for 7.1. Utilization of fuel cells
hydrogen production and use. It concludes that “substantial
emissions can be generated when hydrogen is produced Fuel cell technology is clean, quiet and Iexible one and
from certain energy sources”, namely fossil fuels. Thus, the is already beginning to serve humanity in a variety of useful
technique of hydrogen production remains crucial. ways. But production volume is low and costs are too high.
Public support is needed to help generate initial demand to
break this cycle.
7. Fuel cells as hydrogen energy systems
Fleet vehicles, in particular urban transit buses, represent
an early entry route into the transportation market. This is
Fuel cells power generation is not a new idea. The prin-
due to several factors: conventional buses are signi@cant
ciple was discovered over 160 years ago by a Welsh judge,
sources of noxious emissions in urban areas; central fuelling
Sir William Grove. Until recently, their use was con@ned to
depots will facilitate the use of hydrogen; and, fuel cell buses
the laboratory and to space applications where they provide
are expected to have lower maintenance and operating costs.
electricity, heat and water, and have done so since the 1960s
Several fuel cell buses have been demonstrated in pub-
when they were chosen over riskier, less reliable options.
lic transport systems, particularly in the USA. An event
But the technology was immature and far too expensive for
of special signi@cance occurred on 16 March 1998, when
terrestrial applications.
fare-paying passengers in Chicago boarded the world’s @rst
Recently, interest in fuel cells has increased sharply and
fuel cell bus to enter revenue service. Compressed hydro-
progress towards commercialization has accelerated. Today,
gen fuels the engine, providing a range of about 250 miles.
practical fuel cell systems are becoming available and are
The bus has equivalent performance to a conventional diesel
expected to take a growing share of the markets for auto-
without the growling engine and unhealthy emissions.
motive power and generation equipment once costs fall to
Hydrogen fuel cell buses are now su8ciently technically
competitive levels.
advanced to enter the market but extensive @eld demonstra-
On 26 July 1996 the London Financial Times stated that
tion and Ieet testing is required to prove performance and
“: : : recent progress in cutting the costs and improving the
build con@dence in the technology.
performance of fuel cells has been so rapid that there really
Light-duty automotive applications are by far the largest
does seem to be a good prospect of the technology going
market opportunity available to fuel cell technology and
into mass production as a clean energy source in the next
have been the focus of intense development e3ort. All major
century, both for moving vehicles and for stationary power
automakers now have fuel cell vehicle programs. Most have
generation”. Since then the pace of development has further
either launched prototype cars or announced their intention
to do so. Some examples are as follows. A major milestone
Commercialization is being driven by four major chal-
was achieved on 17 March 1999 with the launch of a pro-
lenges that fuel cells are uniquely able to address [13]:
totype fuel cell car, based on the sub-compact Mercedes
• Build-up of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is A-class. Described as the @rst viable fuel cell car, Necar IV
leading to global warming with unpredictable but poten- demonstrated that fuel cell technology had advanced to the
tially catastrophic consequences. point where it met the high performance and compact size
274 I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285
fuel cell-powered passenger bus in Vancouver and Chicago. the fuel cell. On automobiles and buses two air compressors
The U.S. Department of Transportation is also developing are often used. One is a turbocharger and the second is a
fuel-cell buses. supercharger.
In this category, there is also another type of fuel cell, (e) Unitized regenerative fuel cells (URFCs). If the fuel
polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC). The PEFC generally cell is designed to operate also in reverse as an electrolyzer,
operates at 80 C which makes it ideal for small applications then electricity can be used to convert the water back into
and allows reasonably inexpensive materials to be used. Un- hydrogen and oxygen (Fig. 9). This dual-function system
fortunately, such a low temperature is quite near the ambient is known as a reversible or unitized regenerative fuel cell.
temperature which hampers disposing of excess heat. A cat- Lighter than a separate electrolyzer and generator, a URFC
alyst is also required to promote the chemical reaction at the is an excellent energy source in situations where weight is
low temperatures involved. Previously, the platinum cata- a concern.
lysts used in the stack made this type of fuel cell expensive. Mitlitsky et al. [18,19] developed the 50-W prototype
New techniques for coating very thin layers of catalyst on which is a single proton-exchange membrane cell (a poly-
the polymer electrolyte have reduced the cost of the catalyst mer that passes protons) modi@ed to operate reversibly as
to around $150 per automobile. a URFC. It uses bifunctional electrodes (oxidation and re-
The PEFC is particular in that only hydrogen fuel can be duction electrodes that reverse roles when switching from
used in the cell. Hydrocarbon fuels must be reformed care- charge to discharge, as with a rechargeable battery) and
fully. Even small amounts of CO in the cell can poison the cathode-feed electrolysis (water is fed from the hydrogen
catalyst permanently. If a reformer is used, this also requires side of the cell). By November 1996, the prototype had op-
a few minutes warm up time. Stored hydrogen must be used erated for 1700 ten-min charge–discharge cycles, and degra-
in the startup phase. Such problems make the PEFC run- dation was less than a few percent at the highest current
ning on stored hydrogen sound better. A larger manufactur- densities. Testing will continue in a variety of forms. Larger,
ing plant running continuously has a much better chance of more powerful prototypes are expected to increase the size
supplying very pure hydrogen. of the membrane and by stacking multiple fuel cells. For use
Larger than 1 kW PEFCs are generally pressurized to on Helios, a prototype will likely provide 2–5 kW running
increase the chemical reaction at the low temperatures in- on a 24-h charge–discharge cycle.
volved. Air compression to about 3 atm or higher must be In a 1994 study for automotive applications, Livermore
used for the fuel cell to have a reasonable power density. On and the Hamilton Standard Division of United Tech-
small systems this results in a substantial loss of e8ciency. nologies studied URFCs and found that compared with
The air compressors also add considerable complexity to battery-powered systems, the URFC is lighter and provides
278 I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285
Table 1
Common fuel cells and their technical detailsa
Type Operation temperature range ( C) Application
Solid oxide (SOFC) 500 –1000 All sizes of CHP
Direct methanol (DMFC) 50 –100 Buses, cars, appliances, small CHP
Polymer electrolyte (PEFC) 50 –100 Buses, cars
Phosphoric acid (PAFC) 200 Medium CHP
Molten carbonate (MCFC) 600 Large CHP
Alkaline (AFC) 50 –250 Space vehicles
a Source: Wiens [21].
Table 2
Status of fuel cell technology developmenta
exergy analysis takes the entropy portion into considera- this, recently, international exergy community has expanded
tion by including irreversibilities. During the past decade greatly.
exergy-related studies have received tremendous amount of The exergy of a quantity of energy or a substance is a mea-
attention from various disciplines ranging from chemical sure of its usefulness, quality or potential to cause change.
engineering to mechanical engineering, from environmen- Exergy appears to be an e3ective measure of the potential
tal engineering to ecology and so on. As a consequence of of a substance to impact the environment. In practice, the
280 I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285
9. Exergy and energy A hydrogen fuel cell is a device that converts hydrogen
and oxygen directly into electricity, water and waste heat
Exergy is de@ned as the maximum amount of work which while producing none of the noxious by-products typical
can be produced by a system or a Iow of matter or energy of combustion processes. A single fuel cell is connected in
as it comes to equilibrium with a reference environment. series with other cells in a stack to provide a higher voltage.
Unlike energy, exergy is not subject to a conservation law A basic hydrogen fuel cell power system is comprised of
(except for ideal, or reversible, processes). Rather exergy is this stack together with the required ancillary components
consumed or destroyed, due to irreversibilities in any real to provide the stack with the necessary reactants as well as
process. The exergy consumption during a process is pro- to remove the wastes.
I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285 281
Table 3
The main di3erences between energy and exergy
Energy Exergy
• Is dependent on the parameters of matter or energy • Is dependent both on the parameters of matter or
Iow only, and independent of the environment pa- energy Iow and on the environment parameters.
• Has the values di3erent from zero (equal to mc2 in • Is equal to zero (in dead state by equilibrium with
accordance with Einstein’s equation). the environment).
• Is guided by the @rst law of thermodynamics for all • Is guided by the @rst law of thermodynamics for
the processes. reversible processes only (in irreversible processes
it is destroyed partly or completely).
• Is limited by the second law of thermodynamics for • Is not limited for reversible processes due to the
all processes (incl. reversible ones). second law of thermodynamics.
• Is motion or ability to produce motion. • Is work or ability to produce work.
• Is always conserved in a process, so can neither be • Is always conserved in a reversible process, but is
destroyed or produced. always consumed in an irreversible process.
• Is a measure of quantity. • Is a measure of quantity and quality due to entropy.
The fuel cell stack, particularly for a PEMFC is the cen- The gross fuel cell stack power is
tral component of the system — this is where the output •
Wfc = iv: (3)
power is generated and where the electrochemical reaction
of hydrogen and oxygen takes place as follows: Here the exergy of particular Iow in the above equation
H2(g) + 1=2O2(g) → H2 O(l) : (1) consists of two components in terms of thermomechanical
exergy (
tm ) and chemical exergy (
ch ) for a given state as
It is important to mention that humidi@cation cells for hu- follows:
midi@cation of the inlet stream are used to prevent dehydra-
th = (h − h0 ) − T0 (s − s0 ); (4)
tion of the membranes in the fuel cell assembly.
An exergy analysis is similar to an energy analysis, but where kinetic and potential energy e3ects are neglected.
takes into account the quality of the energy as well as the
ch = xj (j0 − j00 ); (5)
quantity. Since it includes a consideration of entropy, ex-
ergy analysis allows a system to be analyzed more compre-
hensively by determining where in the system the exergy where xj is the mole fraction of the species j in the Iow, j0
is destroyed by internal irreversibilities, and the causes of is the chemical potential of species j in the Iow evaluated at
those irreversibilities. T0 and P0 ; and j00 is the chemical potential of species j in
The Second Law equations for the system under con- the Iow evaluated in the reference environment (or as if it
sideration were derived from a basic exergy balance. For exists in the reference environment). The chemical potential
any open system at steady state, an equation for the rate of values for most materials can be found in a tabular form in
exergy destruction is some reference books (e.g., Kotas [32]).
• •
I= (1 − T0 =Ti ) Q i − Wnet
i 10.1. For a PEMFC stack
• •
+ (m
)in − (m
)out ; (2)
in out In the case of the fuel cell stack (see Fig. 8), heat is
• transferred from the stack to the environment, and the work
where Qi is the heat transfer rate crossing the system bound-
• interaction is the gross power produced by the stack. Three
ary at a constant temperature Ti . W net is the net work transfer mass streams Iow in and out of the fuel cell: air, hydrogen,
rate (net power) crossing the system boundary. For a com- and water. For clarity, separate terms are included here to
plete fuel cell system, the net work may be summation of account for the water chemically produced that Iows out
the parasitic loads (works or energies) of various ancillary of the fuel cell, and the chemical exergy of the hydrogen
components (e.g., fuel cell, the water pump, the air com- consumed by the reaction. Thus, the internal irreversibilities
pressor and the radiator fan). of the fuel cell can be written in an expanded form with an
exergy balance as
• • • •
I = (1 − T0 =Tfc ) Q − W + m [(
H2 )in ]fc − m [(
H2 O )out ]fc
fc fc H2 ;cons H2 O;pr
• • •
+[ m (
in −
out )air ]fc + [ m (
in −
out )H2 O;recir ]fc + [ m (
in −
out )H2 ;recir ]fc ; (6)
air H2 ;recir H2 O;recir
282 I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285
where the mass Iow rate of the water used to hu- tions were made to simplify the analysis of the system,
midify the air and hydrogen streams is assumed to including:
be negligible, and the composition of the exhaust air
from the fuel cell is assumed to be the same as that • The fuel cell system is operating at steady state.
for the inlet air. This simpli@cation will have only • A theoretical amount of hydrogen is required based on the
negligible e3ects on the exergy analysis results pre- current produced (using Faraday’s constant). As well, a
sented subsequently because the Iow rate of humidi- theoretical amount of oxygen can be calculated based on
@cation water is small and it is at near-environmental the required hydrogen. During operation, we assume that
conditions (implying its speci@c exergy is twice the theoretical amount of hydrogen and 1.75 times
small). the theoretical amount of oxygen are supplied to the fuel
In calculating exergy Iow rates for material Iows, cell.
Eq. (4) was used to evaluate thermomechanical exergy and,
if necessary, chemical exergy as given by Eq. (5) was then
10.2.1. Results
added on. Air and hydrogen were treated as ideal gases and
water as an ideal liquid. The chemical exergy values for The exergy analysis of the solid polymer fuel cell sys-
both air and water are negligible [17]. tem has led to a better understanding of the system. Some
Here the exergy of the air into the system is zero of the @ndings obtained from the exergy analysis are sim-
since it is assumed to be at atmospheric conditions. ilar to the @ndings obtained from the @rst law analysis
The composition of air exiting the fuel cell is as- of the same system (e.g. the energy and exergy e8cien-
sumed to be the same as that of the environmen- cies for the overall system are similar), while others are
tal air, even though it is actually depleted in oxy- markedly di3erent (e.g. the locations and causes of the
gen and rich in water vapor due to the chemical re- main energy losses are di3erent than those for the main
action occurring within the fuel cell. This compo- exergy losses). In particular, the exergy analysis has al-
sitional di3erence leads to the exhaust air having lowed for a more accurate and comprehensive quanti@-
a small chemical exergy, which is assumed to be cation of the losses within the system. The main losses
negligible. of exergy within the system are associated with exergy
consumptions (or irreversibilities), and the great major-
ity of exergy losses occur within the fuel cell stack. It is
10.2. Illustrative example 1 hoped that a more accurate fuel cell model that accounts
for mass transport losses can be developed and incorpo-
This example was taken from Cownden et al. [17] to rated into the overall system model so that the causes
highlight some signi@cant exergetic aspects of fuel cells. of the losses can be investigated in more detail, and a
Here are the details on the fuel cell studied [17]: meaningful analysis of the e3ects of varying the operat-
ing parameters in the fuel cell system can be performed.
• The fuel cell is A Ballard MK5 solid polymer, or polymer The model with its exergy analysis capability is expected
electrolyte membrane fuel cell. to provide a powerful tool for the design of fuel cell
• The active cell area is 232:0 cm2 . systems.
• The speci@c chemical exergy of hydrogen is 235:2 kJ=kmol. The speci@c results of the work of Cownden et al. [17]
• The number of cells in the stack: 40. can be summarized as follows:
• The fuel cell operating temperature: 75 C.
• The operating pressure of the fuel cell is varied lin- • The second law system e8ciencies are very similar in
early as a function of current density — from 1:3 atm magnitude to the @rst law e8ciencies obtained from an
at 0:11 amp=cm2 to 3 atm at 1:08 amp=cm2 . Below energy analysis of the same system. It is expected, since
0:11 amp=cm2 ; the operating pressure is equal to 1:3 atm; the chemical exergy of hydrogen is very close to the lower
while above 1:08 amp=cm2 ; it is equal to 3 atm. The heating value that was used in the @rst law analysis of the
exergy analysis methodology was integrated into the system.
existing hydrogen fuel cell performance model, and ap- • Most of the exergy entering the system either is consumed
plied to the system with the fuel cell operating at current by internal irreversibilities or leaves the system with the
densities ranging from 0.054 to 1:29 amp=cm2 . product electricity.
• The environment consists of a gaseous mixture at 1 atm • The largest irreversibilities in the system occur within
and 298:15 K; composed of 79% nitrogen and 21% oxy- the fuel cell itself. For example, at maximum net system
gen, on a volume basis; and of liquid water at 298:15 K. power, 80% of the system irreversibilities occur within
the fuel cell. This result is not surprising, since the fuel
Cownden et al. [17] applied the model to one set of cell is the site of chemical reaction. The irreversibilities
operating conditions, and the e3ect of varying the current in the fuel cell of this model are due only to the activation
density was studied. They made a number of assump- overpotential, the ohmic losses within the fuel cell, and
I. Dincer / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 265–285 283
Table 4
Exergy e8ciency of subsystems in 30 kW AC power plants operating on hydrocarbon fuela
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