For My Guise Bab 8

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1.Who lost the box? (Siapa yang kehilangan kotak?)

Answer: Caty lost his box.(Caty kehilangan kotaknya.)
2.What is the box for? (Untuk apa kotak itu?)
Answer: The box is for pencil case. (kotak itu untuk tempat pensil.)
3.What is the box like? (Seperti apa kotak itu?)
Answer: The box is like a cube. (Kotak itu seperti sebuah kubus.)
4.Who will design an invitation card? (Siapa yang akan mendesain kartu undangan?)
Answer: Caty will design the card (Caty akan mendesain kartunya.)
5.What will the card be like? (Seperti apa kartunya?)
Answer: The card will be like heart-shaped and pink colour. (Kartunya akan berbentuk hati dan
warna merah muda.)
Exercise 1a
Fill in the blanks with the following words.
rectangle triangular square cubic shape
rectangular circle cone cylindrical
triangle circular conical pyramidical
1. Most of the books are Rectangular in shape.
2. You should have a safety Triangle in front of the car breaks down.
3. The full moon is always Circular.
4. An edible container if ice cream usually Concical.
5. In Indonesia it’s difficult to find white sugar in Cubic shape.
6. Pipes are always Cylindrical in shape.
7. A coin is shaped like a Circle.
8. The shape of TV screen is Square.
9. A blackboard is usually shaped like a Rectangle.
10. The letter A is Triangular in shape.
11. ‘Bacang’ food is shaped like a Pyramidical.
12. ‘Tumpeng’ food is shaped like a Cone.
Exercise 1b
Size Length Big Long
Height Thickness High Thick
Width Weight Wide Weigh
1. My dictionary is 1050 pages Thick.
2. The Width of the main street should be at least 12 m.
3. What Size shoes do you wear?
4. What is your Weight? It is 60 kg.
5. How Big is your refrigerator? It’s just enough for a family of three.
6. My girl-friend is taller than me. Her Height is 170 cm.
7. How High is the sky? Nobody knows.
8. Jl. Sudirman is not as Long is Jl. Merdeka.
9. The Thickness of that glass is 0,5 cm.
10. Do you know how much you Weight.
11. The street in front my house is more than 12 m Wide.

Exercise 2
Complete the black space with either adjectives or nouns. Look at the pictures as references
1. The shape of that land is like a Rectangle.
2. This land is Rectangular.
3. That ice cube is Cube.
4. That ice cube is Cubic in shape.
5. That invitation is lovely. It is shape like a Circle.
6. Yes, it’s shape is Circular.
7. The Shuttle Cock case always Cylinder.
8. The shape of the shuttle cock is like a Cylindrical.
9. That cupboard is 200 cm Height.
10. The Height of the table is 90 cm.
11. And the cupboard’s Length is 125 cm.
12. The Length of that table is 90 cm.
13. That table is 80 cm in Length.
14. The table is 50 cm Widht.
15. And the table has a Thickness of 3 cm.

Exercise 6
Answer the questions below.
I : “Do you have something special?”
"Apakah kamu memiliki sesuatu yang istimewa?"
U : “Yes, I do.”
U : “Ya, saya punya.”
I : “What is it?”
"Apa itu?"
U : “It’s a gift box.”
U : “Ini kotak hadiah.”
I : “What is it like?”
"Seperti apa itu?"
U : “It’s shaped like cube.”
U : “Bentuknya seperti kubus.”
I : “What is it for?”
"Untuk apa ini?"
U : “It is for keep a special present.”
U : “Ini untuk menyimpan hadiah yang spesial.”
I : “How high is it?”
"Seberapa tinggi itu?"
U : “It’s 20 cm high.”
U : “Tingginya 20 cm.”
I : “How long it is?”
"Berapa panjang itu?"
U : “It’s 20 cm high.”
U : “Tingginya 20 cm.”
I : “Is it thick? How thick is it?”
"Apakah itu tebal? Seberapa tebal? ”
U : “Yes, it’s thick. It’s about 3 mm thick.”
U : “Ya, tebal. Ketebalannya sekitar 3 mm.”
I : “How about its weight? How does it weight?”
“Bagaimana dengan beratnya? Bagaimana beratnya? "
U : “It’s weight 0,5 kg”
U :”Beratnya 0,5 kg.”
I : “What is its colour?”
"Apa warnanya?"
U : “The colour is red.”
U : “ Warnanya adalah merah.”
I : “Can you describe it in further details? I mean you can tell me about its
properties. What properties does it have?”
“Bisakah Anda menjelaskannya dengan lebih rinci? Maksud saya, Kamu
dapat memberi tahu saya tentang ciri-cirinya. Ciri seperti apa yang
dimilikinya? ”
U : “1. It’s has many colors, many choices
2. The basic material is 3mm thick board
3. Outer layer available exslusive gift paper, linen, plasma
4. Inner layers available are concord, linen, cardboard, HVS colors.”
U : “1. Ini memiliki banyak warna, banyak pilihan
2. Bahan dasarnya adalah papan tebal 3mm
3. Lapisan luar tersedia kertas kado eksklusif, linen, plasma
4. Lapisan dalam yang tersedia adalah kertas concorde, linen, kardus, warna HVS”
I : “Okay. Thank you.”
“Oke, Terima Kasih.”
U : “You’re Welcome.”
“ Sama-sama.”

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