Cabloc Vertical Fall Arrest PDF

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The document discusses Cabloc, a vertical fall arrest system using tensioned cables, and criteria for assessing compliance of fixed ladders.

Cabloc is designed to provide vertical fall arrest protection based on a vertical tensioned cable system and arrester device.

The main components of the Cabloc system include a tensioned galvanised or stainless steel cable, impact indicating shock absorbers, intermediate brackets, and an arrester device connected to the operative's harness via a karabiner.

Think Safety, Think Safesite

Safesite Cabloc


Cabloc has been designed to provide vertical fall arrest protection An arrester device with a double cam-brake is connected to the Cabloc has been installed at Kemsley Mill in Kent to provide
based upon a vertical tensioned cable system and arrester cable and via a karabiner to the operative’s harness. In order safe access for maintenance purposes to the towers which
device. This system is extremely flexible in its application and for the system to fail, the operative has to remove the karabiner house the Mill’s CCTV cameras and lighting systems. As with
will allow an operative complete hands free protection. Cabloc connecting the lanyard to the device. Once this has been many of today’s modern sites, CCTV cameras and floodlighting
has been developed for use in areas where wind loading would disconnected, the arrester device can be removed from the are strategically placed around the mill to provide a safe working
inhibit the use of Railok or in instances where a track system system, thus preventing misuse. environment. However, the provision of the systems lead
would encumber the general use of the existing system. to a further health and safety issue - how to ensure safe
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS maintenance of the equipment. The problem has been solved
SPECIFICATION All fall arrest & PPE equipment needs regular inspection and by the installation of a Cabloc system which provides total
The system relies upon a tensioned galvanised or stainless recertification in accordance with BS EN 365 Personal Protective safety when access to the towers is required. The system’s
steel 8mm cable (+o.4) with 19 solid core strands to prevent Equipment against falls from height - General requirements cable is clamped to the top of the tower with an impact shock
deformation under load. The cable is clamped to the top of for instruction for use and marking. This can be carried out by absorber and then at regular intervals along the length of the
the ladder with an impact indicating shock absorber and at Safesite as a service contract and included within the quotation system. Should an operative fall then the shock absorber will
intermediate points (10m) along the length of the stringer. for the system. The Work at Height Regulations require that the absorb the energy caused by the fall, preventing serious injury.
These intermediate brackets allow the cable to be released as employer/building owner has a rescue plan and policy in place
the arrester device passes through and the tensioned cable for all fall arrest systems.
then simply springs back into the bracket. At the bottom of the
ladder there is either a counterweight, or alternatively the cable
is attached to a tensioner and clamped to the ladder.
Safesite Cabloc Specification - BS EN 353-1/353-2

FEATURES :- A hands free vertical fall protection system.

A cable based fall arrest fall protection system for fixed structures.
The system provides hands free falls from height protection compliant to EN 353-1/353-2.
System incorporates an Anchor Bracket, Shock Absorber, Cable Guides and Tensioner/Counter
Weight at the base of the structure. The Shock Absorber is designed to deploy at a minimum
load of 2.4kN should an operative fall, thus reducing the loadings applied to operative and

Primary components connecting to the cable are fabricated from 316 Grade Stainless Steel.
Secondary components are fabricated from steel to BS EN 10025 S275 Grade and S275JO
Grade. All steel components are then hot dipped galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461. All fixings
are A2 Grade Stainless Steel. The cable consists of an 8mm 316 grade stainless steel 7 x 7
structure with breaking resistance of >37kN. The system is pre-tensioned to 80daN.

When designed as fall arrest systems a rescue plan must be incorporated within the design.
The spacing between Cable Guides can be up to 10m.
The system can be installed on various structures using specifically designed brackets.

The traveller incorporates a further shock absorber and specific connector joined via a trace
wire to the twist lock karabiner.
The system is designed to allow entry/exit at any point along the entire length of the system,
thus permitting access to multiple levels using a secondary fall protection system.
This traveller has been engineered with a double action fail safe mechanism and has no
mechanical/moving parts which reduces the potential for misuse and maintenance of the

All systems have been tested to EN 353-1/353-2.

Annual recertification in accordance with BS EN 365 and BS 7883 is required.
Safesite Cabloc Specification - BS EN 353-1/353-2
General purpose anchorage bracket designed to take the loads 202.5mm
generated in the event of a fall occuring. 81mm
Designed to be adaptable for most ladder/mast designs.
Constructed from 316 grade stainless steel.
Net weight : 2.5 kg.


Designed to operate with a minimum of 2.4kN loading.
Constructed from stainless steel AISI 304-303. ATTACHMENT OF CABLE GUIDE BRACKET ATTACHMENT
Maximum displacement 70mm. ARRESTER/SHUTTLE
Breaking strength >52kN.
Net weight : 1.1kg.

CABLE GUIDE - AC 320 Mounted on flat ladder rung/style Ø16mm min

General purpose cable guide fitted at 10m centres.
Constructed from stainless steel and rubber.
Net weight : 0.36kg.


Easy connection & disconnection at any point. Mounted on flat ladder rung/style Ø22-26mm

Constructed from stainless steel AISI 304.

Breaking strength >25kN.
Net weight : 0.7kg.

CABLE - AC 300 1

Stainless steel cable 8mm diameter. Mounted on flat ladder rung/style 12mm thickness max, width 100mm max
Breaking strength >37kN.
Net weight : 0.246kg. per metre.
Alternative galvanised cable 8mm diameter.
Breaking strength >35kN.
Net weight : 0.21kg. per metre.


Utilised to tension the cable to the optimum requirement with

built in indicator.
Material : stainless steel 316.
Breaking strength 59kN.
Net weight : 0.635kg.

Annually in accordance to BS EN 365 and BS 7883.
COMPLIES WITH - BS EN 353-1/353-2
Shuttle Operation

a. Take the shuttle and auto twist b. Whilst twisting the safety clasp c. Now detach the karabiner from d. Having removed the karabiner e. Holding the shuttle horizontally,
lock karabiner in two hands. Twist push the karabiner together using the shuttle. push up the latch as shown. position on the cable as shown
the safety clasp in a clockwise your thumb as shown. and rotate the whole shuttle
direction as shown. anticlockwise.

f. Ensuring the cable is positioned g. Ensure the arrow on the shuttle h. Take the karabiner and twist i. Thread the karabiner through j. The shuttle is now ready for the
on both the top and bottom cable is pointing in an upwards direction the safety clasp in a clockwise the hole in the shuttle and release appropriate PPE to be connected
guides as shown. and release the latch so the shuttle direction. Whilst twisting the safety the karabiner so that it closes and to the auto twist locking karabiner
is held on the cable. clasp push the karabiner together is locked into place. as shown above.
utilising your thumb as shown.
Safesite Cabloc Recertification
• Periodic inspections by a competent person are required under Regulation 5 of the Workplace (Health Safety & Welfare) Regulations, BS EN 365 & BS 7883.
The frequency will depend upon environment, location and utilisation, but should be at least every 12 months.

• Check structural connection of system.

• Climb the complete system and check the intermediate brackets for wear & tear. Check the system still serves the client’s needs.
• Establish if any modifications, additional products are required to reflect any refurbishment or additional plant and equipment that has been installed and requires access.

• Inspect shock absorber.

• Inspect cable for damage / kinks / signs of wear.

• Check and tighten all visible / accessible fixings.

• Any galvanised components showing signs of corrosion, wire brush thoroughly and apply galvanised spray / paint as appropriate. If rusted significantly take digital photographs and include in
inspection report.

• Pull test visible end fixings to concrete / brickwork / structure (where possible) 6kN - 15 secs.

• Re-tension cable if required to allow smooth operation of the system, (where required).

• Clean entire cable run with white spirit.

• Any part of the installation or fixings that may need additional attention including shock absorber - take digital photographs and include in the inspection report.

• Any major components i.e. other than nuts/ bolts/ washers etc which may need replacing report to client and establish costing so it can be repaired whilst on site, if possible.

• Check system plaque position & mark up to reflect date of the next required inspection. Establish if additional plaques are required due to any refurbishment works.
Safesite Fixed Ladder Safesite Fixed Ladder
Employers have a duty under the Health & Safety at Work etc Act to Each ladder should be assessed and assigned a risk rating to enable fur-
provide a safe means of access and egress to the workplace. There is
also an obligation to ensure that work equipment is safe, properly ther actions to be prioritised using the following risk level indicator based
installed and maintained. on BS8800:2004.
Additional guidance on fixed ladders can be found in BS4211 which
specifies the requirements for ladders with single bar rungs which are Likelihood Severity of Harm
fixed permanently to structures to provide a means of access. This of Harm Slightly Harmful Harmful Extremely Harmful
includes usage on high structures such as chimneys, silos and bins. Very Unlikely Very low risk Very low risk High risk
MAINTENANCE & RECERTIFICATION Unlikely Very low risk Medium risk Very high risk
Each time a ladder is used, a visual inspection must be carried out by a Likely Low risk High risk Very high risk
competent person to check for wear and abrasion. Regular checks to Very Likely Low risk Very high risk Very high risk
certify that the fittings, hinges, anchor points, supports and mounting
points are rigid and stable enough to ensure the safety of users must
also be carried out.
Based on the risk level estimations, recommendations are made using
Periodic inspections by a competent person are required under the following control plan:
Regulation 5 of the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations,
the Work at Height Regulations 2005 and BS 4211.
Risk Level Tolerability: Action Guidance
When inspecting or recertifying a ladder, a risk rating must be deter- Very low Considered acceptable, maintain existing controls
mined by considering its physical compliance and factors such as light-
ing levels, environment, housekeeping, proximity of adjacent services May be upgraded when other works are done
etc. Low Considered acceptable, maintain existing controls
Consideration should be given to whether the risk can
FALL PROTECTION be reduced but the associated costs should be take
Fall protection must be provided when the ladders is more than 2m high
or if there is a risk of falling more than 2m, for example if there is an into account Action within 2 years
unprotected side to the access platform (or similar structure) or if radius Medium The possibility of a fall can not be ruled out
from the centreline of the ladder is less than 3m. Remedial works or changes to working practices may
For new installations a risk assessment must be carried out when be appropriate
considering the removal of traditional hoops and installation of a A full risk assessment of all work activities involving
vertical fall arrest solution. The height of the ladder, frequency of use, the equipment should be undertaken
level of training and availability of PPE will need to be considered.
In instances where a ladder is fitted with both hoops and a vertical fall Action within 1 year
arrest system the responsible person will need to contact the High Significant risk of a fall occurring
manufacturer to establish the suitability of this combination. During the Remedial works may be required
recertification process this needs to be addressed.
Action required within 3 months
Fall arrest systems should be fitted in accordance with BS EN 363 . If Immediate control measures may be required until the
a guided type of fall arrester is fitted then this must be in accordance risk can be reduced to an acceptable level
with BS EN 353-1 or BS EN 353-2.
Very high A substantial and unacceptable risk that a fall could
Any unauthorised access must be prevented through the use of suitable occur Remedial works are very likely to be required
safeguards such as locking devices. Action recommended within 6 weeks
Immediate control measures should be put in place
until the risk has been reduced
A full risk assessment of all work activities involving
the equipment should be undertaken
Safesite Fixed Ladder
As stipulated in the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, ACOP and Once the Risk Ratings and Compliance Criteria have been determined, a typical ladder
BS4211, the following principle criteria should be used when assessing the compliance date sheet would be as follows:
of each ladder.
Dimension Observed Criteria Compliance
• Fixed ladders should not be used where it would be practical to install a Height between rungs 220 225-300 x
conventional staircase Width between strings 305 300-600 x
• The ladder should be of sound construction, properly maintained and securely Clear toe space 400 >200 √
fixed Partial toe space 400 >150 √
• Assembly should be sufficiently rigid and stable to ensure safety of the user Diameter of rungs 15 20-35 x
under normal conditions Height of ladder 2860 6000 landings √
• Handrails should extend at least 1100mm above landing Fall protection provided No Fall >2000 x
• Stiles should extend to the height of guarding Height to cage N/A 2200-3000 √
• The ladder should not exceed 6m without an intermediate landing Cage diameter N/A 650-800 √
• Hoops should be fixed if the ladder exceeds 2.5m Sq cage depth N/A 700-800 √
• Fall protection should be provided if there is a risk of falling more than 2m Sq cage width N/A 650-700 √
• Hoops should be a maximum of 900mm apart Distance between cage rails N/A <300 √
• Hoops should not exceed 1500m apart with uprights not more than 300mm Height between cage hoops N/A <1500 √
apart Top cage hoop at handrail N/A Level √
• The width between the strings should be between 300mm (400mm preferred) Height of handrail at top 550 partial >1100 x
and 600mm Width of strings at top 220 600-700 x
• Handrails should open out to between 600mm & 700mm above the landing Top rung level with landing Yes Level √
• Rungs must withstand 1.5kN and have a diameter of 20-35 mm Clear distance behind user 1000+ >600 √
• The top rung should be level with the platform Secure fixings Yes Secure √
• Rise between rungs should be 225mm to 300mm Sufficient fixings Yes Varies √
• A minimum of 200mm clear space should be behind each rung Rigid strings Yes Stiff √
• Clear space on the user side should be 600mm Clear of traffic routes Yes No hazard √
Clear of services Yes No hazard √
Lighting level Yes Adequate √
Floor surfaces clean/clear Yes Avoid slips/trips √
Is ladder appropriate No Stairs practical? x
Comments: This ladder appears to be fabricated locally and does not meet a number
of the design criteria. For example, the hand holds and rails at high level are poor
and transfer down onto the ladder is not easy. There is space available to install a
proper staircase if access is required on a regular basis. The roof to which access
is gained is also poorly organised and may not be strong enough to support a person's
weight throughout and there are no delineated routes or guardrails.
Safesite Limited
Safesite House
Priestley Way Think Safety, Think Safesite
West Sussex
RH10 9NA

t +44 (0)1293-529977
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Safesite Limited

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