Leader-Follower Formation Control For Quadrotors PDF
Leader-Follower Formation Control For Quadrotors PDF
Leader-Follower Formation Control For Quadrotors PDF
To cite this article: Falin Wu et al 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 187 012016 - Intelligent passively stabilized quadrotor
D Sayfeddine, A G Bulgakov and T N
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- Backstepping Based Formation Control of
Quadrotors with the State Transformation
Keun Lee et al
Abstract. Quadrotors are gaining an increasing interest in public and extensively explored in
recent years. In many situations, a team of quadrotors is desired to operate in a certain shape,
which is also called formation. In this paper, a linear PID controller is used to control each
single quadrotor and a slide mode controller is adopted to solve the formation flying problem
which employs the leader-follower structure. The formation simulations are run in the
Matlab/Simulink environment to evaluate the performance of control laws.
1. Introduction
Quadrotor, or commonly known as drone and quadcopter, is a simple aerial vehicle which can operate
in the narrow space with four propellers. With the pace of electronic device industry accelerating,
quadrotors are being extensively explored and studied by an increasing number of scholars over the
past few years. Carrying with sensors and other necessary devices, they make a difference to
numerous civilian and military applications, including disaster mitigation, environment preservation,
reconnaissance and academic research [1].
However, in many application scenarios, a team of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) needs to
follow the preset trajectory while maintaining a specific geometric shape. Compared with the
conventional system, formation flight can increase the anti-interference performance and efficiency,
improve the probability of success in search tasks, expand the region of surveillance and reduce the
expense of military missions. As a result, the cooperation of multiple quadrotors is an active and
popular research topic as formation has broad applications in accomplishing complicated tasks in real-
world domains [2-4].
There are various methods to realize formation cooperation, such as leader-follower strategy [3; 5],
virtual structure approach [6] and behavior-based method [7].
The leader-follower method is the most common hierarchical structure used in the formation flight.
Each follower aircraft is controlled to maintain its position and velocity to a designated leader aircraft
which flies along some predefined trajectory. This structure is characterized by its easy
reconfiguration and simple expandability to new objects, for its function can be quickly taken over by
other UAVs [8]. However, this strategy does not use direct feedback from the followers in general.
Virtual architecture approach enables quadrotors to fly as if they were embedded in a rigid
structure. The formation has a so-called geometry center, which is a virtual point determined by shape,
flying speed, orientation of the formation or some other factors. If one of the UAVs in the team loses
its position, the overall flock can change the flight trajectory to help the lost one. The literature [9]
describes this approach applied in formation of space crafts. However, this strategy is relatively
difficult to be implemented in practical applications.
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ICMAE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 187 (2017) 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/187/1/012016
The behavior-based approach prescribes the desired behaviors and generates a vector based on a
weighted average of sensory inputs. Possible behaviors include formation keeping [7], trajectory
tracking and obstacle avoidance. This strategy is suitable for applications with multiple agents and has
an advantage in communication among agents. However, it is difficult to assure some of the
characteristics of the formation.
In this paper we adopt a slide mode controller [10] to manipulate formation flight of three UAVs,
which takes the leader-follower structure. PID control laws are used and preformed for each of the
three UAVs. To verify the control effect, simulations with six-degrees-of-freedom state space UAV
model are presented, which are run in Matlab/Simulink software.
The outline for this paper is as follows: Section 2 introduces the dynamic model of the quadrotor.
Section 3 lays out the controller strategy, including PID controller to manipulate a single quadrotor
and a formation controller to guide the whole team of UAVs. The simulation results are summarized
in Section 4 which evaluates the performance of the strategy. Section 5 is the conclusions.
respectively, with mass m and inertia matrix I . The angular velocity p q r is defined in the
body-fixed frame B .
Some reasonable assumptions need to be considered to simplify the design which can be referred in
literature [11]. Firstly, the quadrotor is a symmetric rigid body with the center of mass and body-fixed
frame origin coinciding. So the inertia matrix I can be simplified as I diag I xx I yy I zz .
Secondly, the quadrotor operates in the hover state where roll and pitch are small ( c 1 , c 1 ,
s , s ), so the angular velocity can be seen equal to and the gyroscopic torque can be
The translational and rotational dynamics equations are as follows:
mr mgez TB RBE ez (1)
Iω ω Iω (2)
where g is the gravity acceleration; ez 0 0 1 is the unit vector w.r.t. earth frame E ; TB is the
total force generated by the four rotors w.r.t. body-fixed frame B ; RBE SO 3 is the rotation matrix
from body-fixed frame to earth frame; is the control torque in three dimensions obtained by
changing the rotor speeds. The speeds of four rotors are manipulated by adjusting the total force TB
and torque , both of which actually are the components of inputs u of the system. The relationship
between inputs and the speed of rotors is as follows:
u1 TB k k k k 12
u 0 lk 0 lk 2
u 2
2 (3)
u3 lk 0 lk 0 32
u4 d d d d 24
where k is the thrust factor; l is the distance from the center of mass to any one of the rotors; d is
the drag coefficient; i is the speed of the rotor i .
3. Control strategy
In this section, a PID law is utilized to make the single UAV move along the predefined trajectory.
Then we focus on leader-follower formation control according to the geometry of formation and the
relative dynamics.
ICMAE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 187 (2017) 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/187/1/012016
3.1.1. Attitude control. The attitude controller is designed at a point where roll and pitch are small.
According to the assumptions, the products of inertia are zero and I xx I yy because of the symmetry
I xx p u2 qr I zz I yy (4)
I yy q u3 pr I xx I zz (5)
I zz r u4 (6)
The component of the angular velocity r is very small. So the rightmost terms in (4) and (5) can
be ignored compared with other terms. The system is presented in the hover state, so . For those
reasons, simple proportional derivative control laws can be employed as follows:
u2d =k p, ( d ) kd , ( d ) (7)
u3d k p, ( d ) kd , ( d ) (8)
u4d k p, ( d ) kd , ( d ) (9)
3.1.2. Position control. We use pitch and roll to control position in XY plane, u4 to control yaw angle,
and u1 to control height. The desired position is denoted as ri d , which can be calculated from PID
ri,T ri)0
(ri ,T ri d ) kd ,i (ri ,T ri ) k p ,i (ri ,T ri ) ki ,i ( = (10)
where ri ,T ri ,T 0 for hover.
By linearizing equation (1), the relationship between the desired acceleration and angles (roll and
pitch) is obtained according to following assumptions:
a. The roll and pitch are small, so c 1 , c 1 , s , s .
b. The yaw keeps unchanged, which means = T = 0 , where 0 is the initial yaw and T is the
desired yaw.
c. In hover state TB mg .
After linearization, we can get
1 d
d (r1 sin T r2d cos T ) (11)
d (r1d cos T r2d sin T ) (12)
ICMAE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 187 (2017) 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/187/1/012016
ICMAE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 187 (2017) 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/187/1/012016
where viz is the velocity component in z axis w.r.t. body-fixed frame B and zi is the velocity
component w.r.t. earth frame E .
Then we mainly focus on the relative translational kinematics in XY plane at the same altitude,
which is demonstrated in figure 4. xi and yi are the velocity components w.r.t. earth frame E , while
vix , viy are the velocity components w.r.t. body-fixed frame B . The translational dynamics in the XY
plane can be described as
xi vix cos i viy sin i (15)
yi vix sin i viy cos i (16)
L L (17)
Similarly, xi , yi w.r.t. E can be transformed to vix , viy w.r.t. B .
vix xi cos i yi sin i (18)
viy xi sin i yi cos i (19)
As shown in figure 4, is the distance from the mass center of the leader to one of the followers,
x , y are the x , y coordinates in the leader’s body-fixed frame( BL ). Then,
x xL xF cos L yL yF sin L (20)
y xL xF sin L yL yF cos L (21)
Differentiating (20) w.r.t. time and using (15), (16), (17), (18) and (19), we can obtain
x yL xF cos L yF sin L vLx (22)
By defining e F L , using the equation (15), (16) with the trigonometric identities, one gets
x yL vFx cos e vFy sin e vLx (23)
Similarly, y can be written as
y yL vFx sin e vFy cos e vLy (24)
The desired distance and angle are constant, so 0 . Define the formation error
d d d
ex xd x (25)
ey y
y (26)
e F L (27)
Differentiating (25), (26), (27) w.r.t. time, one gets
ex yd ey L vFx cos e vFy sin e vLx (28)
ey xd ex L vFx sin e vFy cos e vLy (29)
e F L (30)
From the formation dynamics (28), (29) and (30), a control law is designed to make the errors
converge to zero. For doing this, vFx , vFy and F are considered as the formation control inputs and
the dynamics of the formation error is written as
F G (31)
ex ey e (32)
vFx vFy F (33)
ICMAE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 187 (2017) 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/187/1/012016
eyL 1
F exL 2 (34)
ce se 0
G se ce 0 (35)
0 0 1
1 vLx L yd (36)
2 vLy L d
x (37)
The slide mode technique is used to design a robust controller. The switching function is
2 k f dt (38)
where k f is a constant matrix. The dynamics of the formation error are expected to keep on a surface
defined by 2 =0 through choosing k f appropriately, on which the errors converge to zero. On this
surface 2 =0 , so we can get
2 k f F G eq k f 0 (39)
eq can be obtained by (39) as
eq =G 1 F k f (40)
To make sure the system keep on the surface 2 =0 considering perturbations, it can be obtained
2 k f F G eq k f Lsgn( 2 ) (41)
where L is a positive constant. Then the control input can be obtained by
eq =G 1 F k f Lsgn( 2 ) (42)
The sgn( x) is defined as
1 x0
sgn( x) (43)
1 x 0
and the vector
sgn(1 ) sgn(11 ) sgn(12 ) sgn(13 )
x y 5 m . The simulation time is 250 seconds. The red line is the leader’s trajectory while the
black and blue line describe the trajectory of Follower 1 and Follower 2 respectively.
ICMAE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 187 (2017) 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/187/1/012016
Simulation results of the quadrotor formation flight trajectory tracking in three dimensions and XY
plane are presented in figure 5 and figure 6 respectively, indicating that the agents try to follow the
leader’s trajectory fairly well.
The position errors of Follower 1 in X and Y direction in the first 10 seconds are shown in figure 7
and figure 8. Due to the fact that the three quadrotors start from the same position, the initial position
errors in X and Y direction are both 5 m according to the predefined x and y . Then the Follower 1
moves to (5, 5) while the Follower 2 moves to (-5, -5) in the XY plane w.r.t. body-fixed frame B of
the leader. So ex and e y converge to zero during the first 5 seconds. As can be seen from the figures,
the errors converge to zero at a fast rate and fluctuate around zero after 5 seconds. The position errors
of Follower 2 in X and Y direction are similar to Follower 1. In addition, the error of yaw also
oscillates between -0.04 rad and 0.08 rad in the first 5 seconds and then fluctuates around zero after 5
seconds, which is not illustrated in the figure. The error is relatively small without considering the
communication delay and disturbance. The analysis of error demonstrates that the performance of the
formation control is quite satisfactory under the circumstance where the roll and pitch are small.
25 0
Leader -30
-5 Follower 1
20 Follower 2
0 30 -40
-20 20 Leader
10 Follower 1
y(m) -40 Follower 2
0 x(m) -50
-60 -10 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time(s) time(s)
5. Conclusions
The paper focuses on formation control with a leader-follower structure designed for three quadrotors.
PID control law is presented to manipulate a single vehicle and a slide mode controller is adopted for
formation control. The experiments illustrate the effective performance of control laws. However, this
research is restricted to simulations without considering the practical noise and communication delay.
Future research will focus on the hardware platform for formation flight experiments.
6. References
ICMAE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 187 (2017) 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/187/1/012016
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This work was supported by Postgraduate Innovation Research Fund of Beihang University under
Grant YCSJ-01-2016-10.