Baler - 700052094 HESSTON 4220,4240,4260

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@ feSSCON BAO RAOIERBO Catalogo parti ch ricanisto Catalogue) (lecas CECAEHEES ERSatztellkatdlog) Spare pares catalogue e e e eo. = e Sd vy , EUR/5-13 BALER RELEASE FOR COUNTRY: All : 4260 Model : ORIGIN: Coex (3018 A1 B2 C2 D1 E1) STANDARD UNIT idth: | ission: Pick-up width: 1.83 m Transmission: 3 U-joints Mechanical pick-up lift beted 02 opin Transmission: 640 rpm Pick-up gauge wheel ———_ PTO w/ shear bolt on main drive 3 teeth-forks feeding Shear bolt on knotters Bale chamber size: 36 x 46 cm Autumn prime colour Bale.length: 0.30 to 1.30 m Plunger speed: 92 stroke/min Tractor requirement Twine knotters i Wheel sizes: LH 10.0/75- 15 ees “oO RH 10.0/80- 12 @ eS COMPULSORY OPTIONALS — Factory fitted fone code only must be ordered from the following box) EUR/5-14 CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT (Kg) standard 3018A182C2D2E!) 3018 A2B2C2D2E! 3018A282C2D1E1 3018A1B2C2D1E4 3025A182C2D0E}| standard unit description, see page EUR/5-13 w/twine knotter, mechanical pick-up lift, green Agrifull colour, w/wire knotter, mechanical pick-up lift, green Agrifull colour ‘wiwire knotter, autumn prime colour, mechanical pick-up lift w/twine knotter, autumn prime colour, hydraulic pick-up lift and central ‘greasing factory installed for Germany: it differs from the standard unit in: central greasing, homologation shieldings, road signs, specific decals : e ™ ATTACHMENTS — Factory fitted 7 i EUR/5-15 fone code only must be ordered from the following box to have a complete machine) CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT (kg) DRAWBAR HITCH 998 57 06 | Single drawbar 998 57 14 | Clevis drawbar 7 998 57 22 | Rotating hitch — Not factory fitted 7) EUR/S-16 CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT (Kg) FOR HOMOLOGATION — Road \ | No = Safety 709.900 034 | Safety shield UK 709900075 | Safety shield Sweden 709 900 087 | Safety shield for Germany for hydraulic P.U. lift (must be ordered when optional NN, 998 59 46 is ordered) FOR FUNCTION 998 58 96 | Bale tuming 998 59 12 | Bale loading chute 998 59 79 |’ Pick-up protection roller aaa ft OPTIONALS — Not factory fitted ~ EUR/5-17 CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT: (Kg) 998 60 43 998 59 38 998 59 46 173 56 04 173 56 12 700 600 768 FOR FUNCTION (cont'd) Pick-up gauge wheel Hydraulic tongue positioning Hydraulic pick-up lift Central greasing Rear hitch. OM. Road sighs Decal Hesston HOMOLOGATION This page summarizes the homologation requirements in each country where the machine is or will be sold. For any proble concerning countries which are not mentioned herebelow, please contact Prodotto Machine Agricole - Direzione Commerciale - Fiat Trattori - Torino Road Regulation —. Not necessary = Necessary — Approved Yes No Safety Regulation — Not necessary — Necessary = Approved Yes No UH Ae OH HH Countries : All except Germany Countries: Germany Countries : Germany Countries : Requires local approval Countries: France, Italy, Portugal, Spain “Countries: Germany, Sweden, UK Countries: Germany, Sweden, UK Countri Requires local approval N.B. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO ORDER THE RIGHT ROAD AND/OR SAFETY REGULATION OPTIONAL ~EUR/5-18 res} - CALS FSF AAS! 2B AUSSTS GT? YABE FASCIA IFYSOR 154 SG0bS\ FaSolus St Heraedl spark extannin - £174 Hyprouic tren Woy = ade oe cena eae - FSb2 SNower sero 42s Hydeaic drnter pestis Wr - $4 wocadgrard Ki Ree quel ve sie Sdewer Rew Senn - free 85220 COEX (France) - Tél. (St) $469.19 - Télex 710038 PUBLICATIONS DPT. @ e \ D- INFORMATION TO 4220-4240-4260_ IPL Some parts being no more mentioned on illustrated parts listing n° 700 052 094, would you please refer to the list below for its usable parts while stocks last. REFERENCE TO USE WHILE STOCKS LAST NEW REFERENCE AFTER STOCKS LAST Valid for all run Valid for all run 708 804 882 701 179 472 708 750 770 701 182 559 701 180 538 701 183 110 708 750 739 701 179 530 708 750 721 700 602 082 700 602 083 700 603 897 700 603 896 700 603 899 700 603 900 700 603 901 700 603 903 700 603 904 Valid from run 181.001.001 & 181.005.080 Valid for all run 700 839 134 701 174 341 701 17% 465 701 17% 432 701 174 580 701 176 395 700 602 849 700 603 229 700 603 230 700 603 227 700 603 253 700 601 214 Valid from run 105.001.0014 105.004.083 Valid for all run 700 839 134 701 174 344 701 174 465, 701 174 762 701 174 788 701 176 395, 700 602 849 700 603 229 700 603 230 700 603 234 , 700 602 130 700 601 214 REFERENCES DUPLICATION L Reference not to use any longer to substitute by. new reference ee ree . 701 182 831 700 601 196 701 812 732 700 601 197 700 602 088 700 603 897 — ‘Sel Anonym Jo 26904075 F R.C.S. Le Rocheaurvon 6 48s S80 021 SIRET 485 $0021 00015 - Code APE 2202 85220 COEX (France) - Tel. (51) 54.69.19 - Télex 710038 SCE_CATALOGUES. INFORMATION AU CATALOGUE PIECES DE RECHANGE 4220-4240-4260 Certaines pices n'ftant plus mentionnées dans le catalogue pieces de rechange n® 700 052 094, veuillez consulter la liste ci-dessous pour ses pieces utilisables Jusqu'a épuisement des stocks. —— REFERENCE A UTILISER ‘JUSQU'A EPUISEMENT STOCK NOUVELLE REFERENCE APRES EPUISEMENT STOCK Valable pour toute série Valable pour toute série 708 80% 882 701 179 472 708 750 70 701 182 559 701 180 538 701 183 110 708 750 739 701 179 530 708 750 721 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 602 082 602 083 603 897 603 896 603 899 603 900 603 901 603 903 603 90% Valable de série 181.001.0013 181.005.080 Valable pour toute série 700 839 134 701 174 341 701 174 465 701 174 432 701 17% 580 701 176 395 700 700 700 700 700 700 602 849 603 229 603 230 603 227 603 253 601 216 Valable de série 105.001.0014 105.004.083 Valable pour toute série 700 839 134 700 602 849 701 17% 341 700 603 229 701 174 465 700 603 230 701 174 762 700 603 234 701 174 788 700 602 130 701 176 395 700 601 214 DUPLICATION DE REFERENCES |. Référence a ne plus utiliser Nouvelle référence & remplacer par la nouvelle référence 701 182 831 700 601 196 701 812 732 700 601 197 700 602 088 700 603 897 Société Anonyme au Capital 10 26594075 F - R.G.S. La Rocho-sur-Yon B 485580021 - SIRET 485580021 00015 - Code APE Z202 HESSTON «ne e el Cancels and replaces IPL N° 701723337 ; 700050086 and 700050644 e@ e 4220 4240 4260 e Catalogo parti di ricambio Catalogue des piéces détachées Ersatzteilkatalog Spare parts catalogue \Y e FIATAGRI HESSTON S.A. — 85220 COEX — (F) — REPLACEMENT HARDWARE e@ ‘The high quality hardware (C 8.8 oF grade 5) used on HESSTON equipment as well as bolts, washers, pins, ec., shown on first pagos of ths manual are considered a8 standards unless Specified otherwise in the llstratod Parts List, Tho use of ary poor quality of hardware can result in the unanticipated failure of the hardware or related structures, and may cause Personal injury, damage tothe equipment, o” los of property. HESSTON ASSURES YOU THE LATEST ‘You may nate an occasional citference between the ilustraion and an actual part received on your machina or as a replacement. This means you are getting the benefit of a new design Improvement made ater tho reloase ofthis manual “ SERIAL NUMBER EFFECTIVITY OF PARTS AND ASSEMBLIES Due to design changes during the Ie of this machine, itis necessary to identity the effectivity ‘of the orginal and the redesigned parts by the machine Serial Number. When an individual artis redesigned, the original pan’s number and the redesigned pars number willbe sot off with a bracket |When a groupe of parts i redesigned, the eater configuration will be shown within the main istration on the page and the latest configuration wil be shown 8s a detall within 9 border Tho bordered dota! {insert wil be designated with the applicable mechine Serial Number tfectity. When a major redesign has taken place, the entire page willbe limited and the Serial Number effectivity will be placod actos the top of pag. ‘SYMBOLS INDICATING SERIAL NUMBER EFFECTIVITY A black square infront ofa part number indicates tht the existing stock should-be used Prior to ordering the superceding part rumber listed below it L_The bracket is used to enclose two or more part numbers for @ common application. NOTE: Supercedence and interchangeabilty cannot always be indicated in the illustration by (W) black square or () Bracket — be sure to check Serial Number effectivity and substitution (of singe or related parts in the Pats Listing ‘Examples in Parts Listing (with or without Serial Number) [PRBS is sage nica ht both pans ae interchangeable 7326872 (S/N 181-201 and on.) parts are not interchangeable TE 730020 (S/N 181-001 thru -982) This usage indicates that the second part interchanges {40101 (S/N 181-933 and on.) with the frst part but that the second part must be Stocked for its respective afectivity 079025 (S/N 181-001 thru 600) This usage indicates thet the second part interchanges. (79495 (S/N 181-801 thru -680) with tho fist part but that the second part ond the (050032 (S/N 181-681 and on.) third part must be stocked for thelr respective ete or ‘G27E0081S/N 181-001 thru 200) This usage indicates & design change in which the e Page 2 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler e BOULONNERIE DE RECHANGE Le visserie de quelté (Cosse 8.8 ou Grade 5 utiisée sur le matériel Hesston sisi que les erous, rondelles, goupiles, etc, représentés sur les pages de légende de boulonneria au {début de co catalogue, sont considerés comme standards saut si una spéctication diferente st indiguée. Lutlsation d'une qualité inférieure pourrait occasionner une casse imprévisible Ge fa boulonnerie ou des structures sur lesquolies ele est utilsée et pourrait de ce alt raprésenter un danger pour les utllssteurs, endommeger le matériel ou dminver ses possibités. ESSTON ATTIRE VOTRE ATTENTION SUR CE QUI SUIT ‘est possible que vous notier une diférence oecesionnelle entre ilustation et une piece de votre mechine ou une pice de rechange aue vous venez de recevor. Ceci veut die que vous Béndrcle d'une amoloravn de conception effectube apes la difusion de ce caalogue. IDENTIFICATION DES PIECES OU ENSEMBLES SELON LE NUMERO DE SERIE (bu fait des différentes modifications de conception effectuées pendant 19 durde de vie de ‘erte machine, 1 est nécessaire de ditferencier les piéces d'ongine des pidces reconcues Gapris le numéro de série de la machine. Lorsqu une pidce individuelle est recongue, 1a e référence dela pice dorgine et cole de fa piéce reconcve,serontreliées par une perenthse. ‘Lorsqu’un ensemble de pidces est recangy, la configuration d'origine sera montrée dans ‘rinsration principle de fo page et le nouvel configuration tare indiquée comme un a dans un cadre. Le detail encadrs (insert fare mention du numéro de série 8 part duguel [2 ‘modification est applicable. Lorsqu'une reconception importante 2 été effectude, la page entire sera répdtée et mention sera fate du numéro de série 3 partir duquel a modification (st effective an haut defo p0ge. SYMBOLES INDIQUANT LE NUMERO DE SERIE A PARTIR DUQUEL INTERVIENT LA MODIFICATION Un carré noir devent une référence de pidce indique que le stock existant devra étre utise avant de commande la référence de remplecement qui est ingiguée e-dess0us. [42 parenthése est utisée pour inclure deux ou plusiurs pidces ayant une application “NOTA: Le remplacement ou linterchangeabilité ne peuvent pas toujours étre indiqués par un carré noir (@) ou une parenshése{f) = ssurec-vous du numéro de serie & parti duguel Ta e@ Toke hae rs os an colo dpe ns us Rte Se 720 cur inave que ls deur ices sont interchangeable. FN ein 0101430 arenton de ecpn Be eta Sete es eco = ii raz deter) Er nn ae sci pe ene Le ee ann) Sie Set ete e Sor tls lates pectve TW 075323 IN® de série 181-001 # 600) Ceci indique que ta seconde pibce est inter. (078495 (NS de série 181-001 8 680) changeable avec la premére mas qu'elle |__osoaae i ce série 181.681 et suivants) doit Bre stockée ens) que la wrosiome pour leurs applications respectives. IDENTIFICATION DU NUMERO DE SERIE ‘Afin de déterminer quele pidce convient 8 votre machine, il est ndcessare d'en verifier ‘numéro de sére. Une plague de sére est finée dans fe coin avant gauche dy chdssis pincoal. Ce manuel s applique aux mechines portant le numéro de série T81-QD1- 123-001 et suivant 106.001 4220 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 3 ERSATZ-SCHRAUBEN Die fur das Hesston-Materal benutzten Qualitatsschrauben (Klasse 8.8 oder Grad 5), sowie dic Muttern, Belagscheiben, Vorsccker us.v., die auf den Schrauben-Texssten am Anfang, dieses Kataloges dargstell sind, geen al Standardausfubrung, falls Keine anderweitige ‘Speafiation angegeben ist. Die. Verwendung. einer geringeren’Qualiit kann 20 nem “unvorbergeschenen Bruch der Schrauben oder der Strukturen fuhten, auf wechen sie benutzt ‘werden, und dadurch eine Gefahr Tr den Gebraucher darstllen, das Material beschadigen ‘oder dessr Leistungsmoglchkeiten vetringern HESSTON LENKT IHRE AUPMERKSAMKEIT AUF FOLGENDES. Es st maglich, dass Sie 2wischen der illustration und einem Teil Uhrer Maschine oder einem empfangenen Ersutztell gelegentich einen Unterschied bemerken. Dies besa dass then eine Verbesserung der AusTuhrung zugute kommt, die nach der Kalalog-Ausgabe eTolte IDENTIFIZIERUNG DER TEILE ODER GRUPPEN GEMASS DER SERIEN-NUMMER Infolge der wahrend der Lebensdauer dieser Maschine erflaten Anderungen der Ausfuhrung ist esnotg, die Usprungsteile von den neugeschafTenen Teilen durch die Seien-Nummer det Machine 2u unterscheiden. Wurde ein Einzeltel neugeschaffen, dann wird die Referen-Nr. des Ursprungstelles und jene’ des neugeschaffenen Teles “durch ein Klammerzeichen Yerbunden, Warde eine Telegruppe neugeschaffen, wird die ursprungliche Gestaltung in der Haupills- tation der Katalogseite gezsig und die Neugestaltung als Detail in einer Urorahmung. Das Uurarahmte Detail (Einsatz)enthalt die Seren-Nr., ab wecher die Anderung anwendbar ist Erfolgle cine bedeutende Neugestatung, wird die ganze Katalogseite widerholt mit der ‘Angabe der Serien-Nr. am Seitenobertell, ab welcher die Anderung in Krat tit SYMBOLE ZUR ANGABE DER SERIEN-NR., AB WELCHER DIE ANDERUNG IN FRAGE KOMMT Ein schwarzes Viereck vor der Teile-Ne. zeigt an, dass der enistierende Vorrat 2 ____benutzen ist, Bevor die darunterangefubrie Ersatz-Tele-Nr. beset wird Das Klammerzeichen wied benutz, um zwei oder mehrere Tele einzubeziehen, die eine [L___ gemeinsame Anwendung finden. TANMERKUNG: Das Ersetzen oder die Austouschbarksit Konnen nicht immer durch in fchwarzae Viereck |) oder ein Klammorzeichon (I) angegeben sein. Beachten Sie daner die Serion Nr, ab wolcher le Anderung eintit und wo eine Ersetzung durch ein oder mehrore Tele im Katalog angegeben wird Beispiele aus dem Teile Katalog (mit oder ohne Serien-Nr.) 742058 748867 {6278098 (Serien-Nr_ 181-001 - 200) Gibt eine Ausfuhrungs -Anderung an, wo die Teile 7326972 (Serien-Nr_ 181-201 w. fol) unaustauschbar sind 730020 (Serien-Nr. 181-001 -932) Git an, dass das zweite Teil mit dem ersten aus 40101 (Serien-N. 181.933 v.folg.) tguschbar ist, dass es jedoch (Ur seine geyenset Verwendung au lagern ist. 079323 (Serien-Nr. 181-001 - 600) Git an, dass das zweite Teil mit dem ersten aus (979498 (Serien-Nr. 181-601-680) tausehbar ist, dass es jedoch so wie das drt fur |___aon32 (Serien-Nr. 8-681 us Tol.) seine entsprechende Verwendung 2u lagern is. Dies gibt an, dass die zwei Tele austauschbat snd IDENTIFIZIERUNG DER SERIEN-NUMMER ‘Um au ermitteln, welches Teil sch fir thee Maschine eignet ist es dvig, die Svien-Nummer nachzuprufen. [9 der linken Vorderecke des Haupirahmens ist ein Serien-Nr.-Schild befestit. Das Handbuch finde fur Maschinen Anwendung, welche die Serien-Nr. 181-001-129-001 und folgende haben 105.001 Page 4 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler BULLONERIA DI RICAMBIO Le vite i bullon di qualita (Classe 8.8 0 grado 5) impiegati sul macchinario Hesston, come pure i dah, le rondelle, le coppigte ece."lusirati sulle pogina di legenda della bulioneria filiniio del cetalogo, sono consideratt come standard tranne se e indicate una diversa Specfice. Una qualita inferiore potrebbe provocare la rriura imprevedible della bullneria 0 dle strtture Sule qual esa € impegata, cosituendo cost un pertcolo per gli utenti 0 un ‘ischio di dannegelamento del materiale o di diminucione delle sue prestaxion HESTON ATTIRA LA VOSTRA ATTENZIONE SU QUANTO SEGUE [Nel caso dovesteconstatare un’eventualedifferenca 7a Villsirazione e un pezzo dela vostra rmacchina oppure un peeco di ricambio appena ricevuo, cio" ol dre che benefciate dun ‘migioramento di concecione apporioto dopo la dffusione del caatogo. IDENTIFICAZIONE DI PEZZI 0 GRUPPI SECONDO IL. NUMERO DI SERIE [Nel corso della vita di questa macchina vengono apportate diverse modificke di concecione ed ‘ dunque necestario poterriconascere | pezzi d'origine dai nuovi pezzi modifica secondo tl numero di erie dela macchina. Quando un singolo peizo e modifcato, il numero di codice del pezzo d'origine € quello del nuovo pesto modifcaro sono runili com una sola parents. ‘Quando e un insieme di pest che si rova modificat, il disegno d'origine sara mostrato rel'llustraione principale dello pagina ei! nuova disegno sara indicato come partcolere in lin riquadro. Oltreal nuovo insieme di peti nl riguadro sare ugualmente indice il numerg a serie 0 partie dal quale e stata opplicata la modifica, Se un complesivo alquanto ‘importante e stato modyicato, la pagine completa sora ripetula e in alto dela pogina sare portato il numero di seri apartire dal quale le modifica e introdota \SIMBOLI INDICANTI IL. NUMERO DI SERIE A PARTIRE DAL QUALE $1 ADOTTA LA MODIFICA Un quadrato nero davanti al numero di code del pezza indica che le scorte existent devono essere exourite primo di ordinare il nuovo peszo modifica 1 cul numero € indicato soto Valo. La porentesi eusora per due o piu peel destinat allo stesso impiego. OTA: La sastiuzione o Vintercambabiita non si possono sempre indicare con un quedato ‘nero Wo una parente! (i. Accertrs! del numero di sere a parire dal quale e appleata le ‘moditice © consultare i catalogo dei pez per vedere qual sone |pezesostult Ecco acuni eemp presi in un caalogo i pezzi (con 0 senza numeri di serie) Cio! indica che i due peze sono intercambiabili [= 6278008 (N® di sere 181-001 0 200) Cio" indica una modifica di concezione per ta 7326972 (N° ai serie 181-201 e success) quale 1 pezzi non sono intercambiebil 730020 (N° di serie 181-001 a 932) Cio" indica che il secondo pezzo ¢ intercambi L__ 40101 (N° ai serie 181-933 ¢succesiv) ile con il primo ma che vain stock per a impiego prevsto. 079323 (Nd serie 181-001 a 600) Cio" indica che i secondo pezzo ¢ intercambia (079498 (N° di serie 181-601 @ 680) bile com il primo ma esso va in stock, come iI {__asons2 (W* a serie 181-681 e suecessviyterzo, per Vimplego prevst. IDENTIFICAZIONE DEL NUMERO DI SERIE Per determinare quae il pezzo che convene alla vostra macchina,e necessario contollarne I'mumero di serie. Questo erportoto su una targhettafssata nell'angolo anterior snistro del telaio principale. Questo manuale concene le macchine con numero di serie 181-00/-129-001 success. 105-001 Page 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS HARDWARE LEGEND 10-11 | GERMANY P.U. HYDRAULIC LIFT SHIELDING HARDWARE 2 | KIT vo BT DECAL AND PAINT 13. | GERMANY TRANSMISSION a7 FRAME 14 | WHEEL GAUGE KIT 88.89 3 UJOINTS TRANSMISSION TONGUE CENTRAL LUBRICATION KIT 90 ‘ASSEMBLY 15 | TRAILER HITCHING KIT 3 2 U-JOINTS TRANSMISSION TONGUE BALE TURNER KIT 3 ‘ASSEMBLY 16 | RIGHT HITCH RING KIT WHEELS 17 | BALE ELEVATOR GUTTER KIT : WHEELS 18 | FRONT HITCHING KIT PISTON 19 | ITCHING CLEVis KIT 4260 CRANK ROD PISTON 20 | PART NUMBER PAGE INDEX 4220-4240 CRANK ROD PISTON 2 LOWER CHANNEL 2-23 4260 UPPER CHANNEL 24-25 4220 4240 UPPER CHANNEL, 26-27 e 4220-4240 FEEDING 28-29 4260 FEEDING 30:31 ‘TWINE KNOTTER 32.38 WIRE KNOTTER 34-35 4260 WIRE KNOTTER DRIVE 4220-4240 WIRE KNOTTER 4220-4240 TWINE KNOTTER DRIVE 4260-TWINE KNOTTER DRIVE SLIP CLUTCH AUGER PICK-UP 4260 PICK-UP 4220-4240 PICK-UP e@ 4260 HOUSING 4220-4240 HOUSING PICK-UP TRANSMISSION 2 U-JOINTS TRANSMISSION 3 U-JOINTS TRANSMISSION FLY WHEEL REDUCER 4260 2ND FEEDING FORK e 4260 IST FEEDING FORK 4220-4240 IST FEEDING FORK 4220-4240 2ND FEEDING FORK TWINE KNOTTER, WIRE KNOTTER WIRE BOX HYDRAULIC LIFTING KIT PICK-UP HYDRAULIC ORIENTATION PROTECTION ROLL KIT 4220-4240 SAFETY SHIELD GERMANY KIT 4260 SAFETY SHIELD GERMANY KIT SWEDEN SAFETY KIT U.K. SAFETY KIT 4240-4260 SAFETY ITALY TWINE KIT 4240-4260 SAFETY ITALY WIRE KIT ROADSIGNS KIT e@ Page 6 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler TABLE DES MATIERES LEGENDE DE BOULONNERIE 10-11 | KIT CARTER RELEVAGE HYDRAULIQUE BOULONNERIE 12 | PURE. DECALQUES ET PEINTURES 13. | TRANSMISSION ALLEMAGNE CHASSIS. 14 | KIT ROUE DE JAUGE TIMON TRANSMISSION 3 CARDANS 15 | KIT GRAISSAGE CENTRALISE TIMON TRANSMISSION 2 CARDANS 16 | KIT ATTACHE-REMORQUE ROUES 17 |_ KIT VIRE BALLES ROUES 18 | KIT RAMPE MONTE BALLE PISTON 19 | KIT ANNEAU ATTELAGE DROIT MANIVELLE BIELLE PISTON 4260 20 (| KIT ATTELAGE AVANT MANIVELLE BIELLE PISTON 4240-4220 21 | KIT CHAPE ATTELAGE CANAL ANTERIEUR 22-23 | INDEX NUMERIQUE CANAL POSTERIEUR 4260 24-25 CANAL POSTERIEUR 4240-4220 26-27 ALIMENTATION 4240-4220 28-29 ‘ALIMENTATION 4260 30-31 NOUEUR FICELLE 32-33 NOUEUR FIL DE FER 34.35 COMMANDE NOUEUR FIL DE FER 4260 36 COMMANDE NOUEUR FIL DE FER 4240-4220 .. 37 COMMANDE NOUEUR FICELLE 4240-4220 ..... 38 COMMANDE NOUEUR FICELLE 4260 39 UMITEUR 40 RELEVAGE DU RAMASSEUR 4 RAMASSEUR 4260 RAMASSEUR 4240-4220 44-45 CARTER 4260 CARTER 4240-4220 48-49 TRANSMISSION PICK-UP TRANSMISSION 2 CARDANS 52.53 TRANSMISSION 3 CARDANS 54.57 VOLANT 58 REDUCTEUR 59 2» FOURCHE ALIMENTATION 4260 60 18 FOURCHE ALIMENTATION 4260 61 1® FOURCHE ALIMENTATION 4240-4220 2 2+ FOURCHE ALIMENTATION 4240-4220 63 NOUEUR FICELLE NOUEUR FIL DE FER BOITE FIL DE FER KIT RELEVAGE HYDRAULIQUE ORIENTATION HYDRAULIQUE FLECHE KIT ROULEAU DE PROTECTION KIT CARTER SECURITE ALLEMAGNE 4240-4220 KIT CARTER SECURITE ALLEMAGNE 4260 KIT SECURITE SUEDE KIT HOMOLOGATION U.K, KIT SECURITE ITALIE FICELLE 4240-4260 KIT SECURITE ITALIE FIL DE FER 4240 4260 KIT SIGNALISATION ROUTIERE 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page7 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ‘SCHRAUBEN BILDTEXT. 10-11 BOLZEN 12 ZECHNUNGSUNTERLAGEN UND FARBE 13 FAHRGESTELL 4 3 KARDANUBERTRAGUNG DEICHSEL 5 2 KARDANUBERTRAGUNG DEICHSEL 16 RADER 7 RADER 18 KOLBEN 19 4260 KURBEL PLEUELSTANGE KOLBEN 20 4220-4240 KURBEL PLEUELSTANGE KOLBEN | 21 UNTERER KANAL 2.23 4260 OBERER KANAL 24-25 4220-4240 OBERER KANAL 26-27 4220-4240 ZUFUHRUNG 23-23 4260 ZUFUHRUNG 30-31 GARNKNOTER 32:33 DRAHTKNOTER 34-35 4260 DRAHTKNOTERANTRIEB 36 4220-4240 DRAHTKNOTERANTRIEB. a 4220-4240 GARNKNOTERANTRIEB 4260 GARNKNOTERANTRIEB. RUTSCHKUPPLUNG SAMMLER HUB 4260 SAMMLER 4220-4240 SAMMLER 4260 GEHAUSE 4220-4240 GEHAUSE ‘SAMMLERUBERTRAGUNG 2 KARDANUBERTRAGUNG 3 KARDANUBERTRAGUNG ‘SCHWUNGRAD: REDUZIERGETRIEBE 4260-2-ZUFUHRGABEL 4260-1-ZUFUHRGABEL. 4220-4240-1 ZUFUHRGABEL '4220-4240-2 ZUFUHRGABEL. GARNKNOTER DRAHKNOTER DRAHTKASTEN HYDRAULIKHUB KIT HYDRAULIKORIENTIERUNG DER DEICHSEL. ‘SCHUTZWALZEKIT 4220-4240 BAUSATZ SCHUTZGEHAUSE DEUTSCHLAND 4260 BAUSATZ SCHUTZGEHAUSE DEUTSCHLAND. ‘SCHWEDEN SCHUTZ KIT 76-77 OMOLOGAZIONE KIT U.K. 78-79 ‘4240-4260 ITALIEN BINDFADEN SICHERHEITS. KIT... 80-81 4240-4260 ITALIEN EISENDRAHT SICHERHEITS. kit 2-83 YERKEHRSZEICHEN KIT 84-85, Page 8 BAUSATZ HYDRAULIKHUB GEHAUSE KIT SAMMLER B.0.R. DEUTSCHLAND UEBERTRAGUNG LEITROLLE KIT ZENTRALSCHMIERUNG KIT ANHANGERKUPPLUNG KIT SCHWADEN WENDER KIT SCHWADAUFZUGRUTSCHE KIT RECHTE ZUGOSE KIT VORDERE KUPPLUNG KIT ANHANGEZUGMAUL KIT NUMMERNVERZEICHNIS 8 B8SSSLLSBIR g 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler INDICE DELLE MATERIE LEGGENDA DELLA BULLONERIA 10-11 | KIT CARTER SOLLEVAMENTO IDRAULICO BULLONERIA 12 | RACCOGLITORE GERMANIA 86 DECALCOMANIE E VERNICI 13 | TRASMISSIONE GERMANIA 87 TELAIO 14 | KIT RUOTA DI REGOLAZIONE 88-89 TIMONE TRASMISSIONE 3 CARDANO 15 | KIT LUBRIFICAZIONE CENTRALIZZATA TIMONE TRASMISSIONE 2 CARDANO 16 | KIT ATTACO PER RIMORCHIO RUOTE 17 | KIT VOLTABALLE RUOTE 18 | KIT SCIVOLO CARICA BALLE PISTONE 19 | KIT OCCHIONE GIREVOLE MANOVELLA BIELLA PISTONE 4260 20 | KIT OCCHIONE FISSO MANOVELLA BIELLA PISTONE 4240-4220 ..... 21 KIT OCCHIONE DOPPIO. CANNA ANTERIORE 22-23 | INDICE NUMERICO CANNA POSTERIORE 4260 24-25 CANNA POSTERIORE 4240-4220 26-27 ALIMENTATORE 4240-4220 28-29 ALIMENTATORE 4260 30-31 LEGATORE A SPAGO 32-33 LEGATORE FILO FERRO 34-35 COMANDO LEGATORE FILO FERRO 4260 ..... 36 COMANDO LEGATORE FILO FERRO 4240-4220 COMANDO LEGATORE ASPAGO 4240-4220 COMANDO LEGATORE ASPAGO 4260 FRIZIONE ‘SOLLEVAMENTO RACCOGLITORE RACCOGLITORE 4260 RACCOGLITORE 4240-4220 CARTER 4260 CARTER 4240-4220 TRASMISSIONE P.U. TRASMISSIONE 2 CARDANO TRASMISSIONE 3 CARDANO VOLANO RIDUTTORE 2° FORCHE ALIMENTATORE 4260 1" FORCHE ALIMENTATORE 4260 1" FORCHE ALIMENTATORE 4240-4220 2: FORCHE ALIMENTATORE 4240-4220 LEGATORE A SPAGO LEGATORE FILO FERO CASSA PORTA BOBINE KIT SOLLEVAMENTO IDRAULICO RACCOGLITORE SPOSTAMENTO IDRAULICO TIMONE KIT RULLO PROTEZIONE RACCOGLITORE KIT CARTER SICUREZZA GERMANIA 4240-4220 KIT CARTER SICUREZZA GERMANIA 4260 KIT SICUREZZA SVEZIA KIT OMOLOGAZIONE U.K. KIT SICUREZZA ITALIA ASPAGO 4240-4260 KIT SICUREZZA ITALIA FILO 4240-4260 KIT SEGNALAZIONE STRADALE BIRBRIBSB 238 420 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 9 HARDWARE LEGEND CPHSSS CRTHMS ETLW EWPW EWWW FIC FTHFSS FTRHSSNB “Averaga Plain Washor Rondolle Plate Praciso Moyenne Mittiere glatte Unterlegsscheibe Rondelta prana di precisione media. ‘Average Wrought Washer Rondolio Plate Brute Moyenne Miisre rohe Unterlegescheibe Rondella plana grezsa media Hex Cap Screw Vira Tete jonale Seciskantschraube Vite a testa esagonale Gotter Pin Goupiio Fendue Spline Coppiglia normate Cup Point Hex Socket Set Screw Gis'sana Tete, Six Pans Croux, Bout Cuvette Kopitose innensechskanttcllerschraube Dire senza testa con esugonale incassaro ed estremita incova Grose Recess Truss Hoad Machine Serew. jis 8 Tete Ronde Large 4 Empreinte Cruciforme Kreuslochschraube = Vite a testa roronda larga con intaglio a croce ‘External Tooth Lock Washer Rondelle & Dents Extérieures Uhtertegsscheibe mit Ausscnzahnung Rondella a dentatura esterna Extra Wide Ploin Washer Rondelle Plate Precise Trés large Extra breite glatte Unterlegssenecibe Rondella plana di precisione motto larga Extra Wide Wrought Wash Hondelle Plate brute tres large Exira brelte robe Unterlegssencibe Rondetta prana grezea molto targa Full Thread Hex Cap Screw Vis Tate Hexagonale, Entisrement Filetée Sccnskantkophechraube iit vollstandigem Gewinde Vite a testa esagonate foraimente filettata Full Thread Hex Flange Serrated Screw Vis Tete Hexagonale, Embase Stride, Entidrement Filetée Scchskantkophehraube, geriliter Aniatz, mit vollstandigem Giwinde Vite '@ testa esagonale con collare dentellaro Full Thread Round Head Square Short Neck Bok Vis Tate Bombse, Collet Carre Court, Entisrement Filetée Uinsenschraube, kurser quadrauscher Hials, mit vollstandigem Gewinde Vireo testa tonda con quaciro basso totalmente Jilettata Sechskantmater Dado esagonale normale Clamp Cotter Schelle Fascetta Hex Flange Serrated Lock Nut Ecrou hexagonal 9 embase siriée Sechskanimutter mi bund Dado esagonale con collarino Hex Flange Serrated Scrow, Vieva tare hexagonale 8 embase Sechskantsehraube mit bund Vise a testa esagonate con collarine Hexagonal Oval Lock Nut Ecrou Frein-Ovale Qvale Flockiermutter Bado esagonale autoftenanti HSFCHCS Page 10 Hair Pin Cotter Goupille Bera Splint Coppiglia a molla Hex Socket Flat Countersunk Head Cap Screw Vis Této Fraisée, Six Pans Creux Senkschraube mit Innensechskant Vite a testa svasata con esagonate incassaro 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler HARDWARE LEGEND Hex Socket Head Cap. Screw Vis Tere ‘Cylinarique, ‘Six Pans, Croux Zylinderschraube mit Innensechskant ee al testa eilindrica Com esagono IMCassaro jintenal Tooth Lock Washer Rondelie @ Dents Intéreures Unterlegascheibe mit Innenzahnung Rondeila a denrarura interna [Hex Jam Nut Ecrou Hexagonal Bas Gegensechskammutter [Dado esagonate basso [Helical Spring Lock Washer Rondelle Grower Schmale glatte Unterlegsscheibe Rondella plana di precisione siretia Narrow Wrought Washer Rondelie Plate Brute Etroite Schmale robe Unterlegsscheibe Rondella plana gresea stretia Tide ise Washer a a, ea DES SR tratato cote cart Bowne fag Square Neck Bot Deg tareheess carer cans RHSNB Flachkopfschraube mit Vierkantschraubenhals F Round Head Square Shor Neck Bolt Vie Tete Bombée, Collet Carré Court RHSSNB Linsensehraube, kurzer quadratischer Hals. Vine resta ionda con quatiro, basto parsialinente filettare Siotied Fiat Counteraunk Head Machine Serow Vis 8 Tete Frarsde 2 90° Fondue Plate SFCHMS Flache Schlitzkopfsenkschraube Vite testa svasota plana con spucco, SRHMS Halbrundschraube mit Schlitz Siete pag iene ssp Gerotlier stift (Typ Mecanindus) Snes eT an gee STHMS Halbrundschhitzkopfschraube Bi Sen WN Flagelmutter ae arg Bae, www Rohe breite Munterlagsscheibe 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 11 HARDWARE AVAILABLE FOR SPARE PARTS SYMBOL Page 12 70703119 707771876 708702003 707883978 70773187 707772185 700873620 707884240 707071202 "700873612 TOTTINTO 70771882 07772197 70772361 707702301, 70772551 707772189 ‘707772569 707771298 07772015 707708267 707703077 707702319 TOTTNTB "707703200 70772583 "707883952 707702327 707071640 0777975 707703275 707702384 707772287 707703258 707702335 707702343 707703226 707071665 707702491, ‘707883788 1707883796 707772650 707772668 JOTTIAT75 708702227 708701468 707aB174 707702368 701180579 707884570 708701997 7OTT1942 DIMENSION DESCRIPTION Hex Cap Screw (Class 8.8) Full Thread Hex Bolt Full Thread Hex Cap Screw (Class 8.8) DIMENSION DESCRIPTION Hex Flange Serrated Lock Nut (Class 8.8) Hex Flange Serrated Screw (Class 8.8.) HSFcHcs 707703044 708702136 Hex Socket Flat Countersunk Head Screw "708702235 Hex Socket Head Cap Screw "708702219 Hox Washer Head Thread Forming Tapping Screw 70704661 70704648 707704679 707704695 707708737 707704885 Hexagonal Oval ‘Lock Nut (Class 8) RHSN 707704448 Regular Hex Stop Nut AKSSNB 707700511 707700537 707700610 707700891, 708701252 707700545 707700495 707700453 707700628 707700887 Round Head Square Short ‘Neck Bott (Class 8.8) 1700706895 700706747 Slotted Thruss Head Machine ‘Screw (Class'8.8) 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler DECAL AND PAINT 4220 FOUR LANGUAGES DECALS FIAT KIT : 708900073 4240 FOUR LANGUAGES DECALS FIAT KIT : 709900070 2260 FOUR LANGUAGES DECALS FIAT KIT : 709900066 4240 FOUR LANGUAGES DECALS FIATAGAI KIT : 709800363, 44260 FOUR LANGUAGES DECALS FIATAGAI KIT : 709800360, KIT DECALQUES FIAT 4 LANGUES 4720 : 709800073, KIT DECALQUES FIAT 4 LANGUES 4240 : 709800070 KIT DECALQUES FIAT 4 LANGUES 4260 : 708800086, KIT DECALQUES FIATAGRI 4 LANGUES 4240 : 708800363, KIT DECALQUES FIATAGRI 4 LANGUES 4260 : 700800360, 4220 FIAT ZIECHNUNGSUNTERLAGEN 4 SPRACHEN : 708800073, 4240 FIAT ZIECHNUNGSUNTERLAGEN 4 SPRACHEN : 708800070, 4260 FIAT ZIECHNUNGSUNTERLAGEN 4 SPRACHEN : 705800066, 4240 FIATAGRI ZIECHNUNGSUNTERLAGEN 4 SPRACHEN “7ose00363 4260 FIATAGRI ZIECHNUNGSUNTERLAGEN 4 SPRACHEN 709800380, ASSORTIMENTO DI CALCHI 4220 FIAT : 708800073 ASSORTIMENTO Di CALCH! 4240 FIAT : 708800070 ASSORTIMENTO Di CALCH! 4260 FIAT : 708900065 ASSORTIMENTO Di CALCH! 4240 FIATAGAI : 70990036 ‘ASSORTIMENTO Di CALCHI 4260 FIATAGAI : 709901360 BROWN PAINT IN 1 KG BOX : 701722388 (CREAM PAINT IN 1 KG BOX : 707895311 PEINTURE MARRON EN GOITE DE 1 KG : 701722388 PEINTURE CREME EN BOITE OE 1 KG : 707695311 BRAUN FARBE IN 1 KG TOPF : 701722388 (CREME FARGE IN 1 KG TOPF : 707895311, VERNICE MARRONE CONFEZIONE DA 1 KG : 701722388 \VERNICE AVORIO CONFEZIONE DA 1 KG : 707805311 4220 ~ 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 13 M8-20 RHSSNB ; NP ; 10 NP; H (2) M 10-30 RHSSNB ; NP ; HTLN M1235 C ; HTLN 15) M8.20 RHSSNB ; NP; K (4) M8.20 RHSSNB ; NP; H (6) 12.35 C ; HTLN (2), TONT74085 (1) Tongue assembly ats 7oni74aa (1) deck TONN73848 (1) Ad 24 TO1173847 (1) Ae (250) 701173870 (1) Supply chanel 240 701173862 (1) Supply chanel 71178159 (1) Right ower side 71174267 (1) Right oper site 4240) 701174283 (1) Right upper site 4250) TO1N78748 (1) Connection tube 12401 701178755 (1) Connection tube 250 700762858 (1) Spi pin Page 14 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 3 U-JOINTS TRANSMISSION TONGUE ASSEMBLY riage dsm 708058232, ‘Spring @ Tea 9) Sphv 700762765, ‘Splint Pin masa eo feo) fies 8) & 701180678 Tongue Assembly fvarga wrasse} oe ross) See ronsst ye whee) Peet I) dag 707852387 ‘Snap Ring frost | Sarto wisn) st e@ 700051417 Fnge @ | nese M12 HTL (al MB-45 C ; HTLN 4220 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 15 Page 16 2 U-JOINT TRANSMISSION TONGUE ASSEMBLY 701174135 708058232 701179682 700762785, 71174127 170884620 701173988 Tongue Assenbiy Lach Sping Sop Busting Macarinds Pin Latch Lever Cod Tongue Assenbiy Ma-45 ©; HTLN (see rave ¥ 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler WHEELS 707726428 707726367 707027154 708027724 708027732, 707728486 701721638, 707026528 soma 107726481 707726524 707710827 701721646 707726833 708027732 fom @ forage hornasese fnnarise roasts 420 - 4240 - 4260 Baler a a 4) a a (2) (a ao) (2 a cao) Qi a 2) a) i a) i) i (2) Wha Rim 8.00 16" Whee Rin 200 12 Vive Tre 10516516 Tre 10/02 Hub Cop Caste Nut M26 15, Wheat Nat Batng Wea Hub Whee Bat Bering Thess Busting Spindle Tre W-2 Tre 70012 Wed Rin 2.00 12" Wea Rim 425 12" Vave Water Page 17 WHEELS FOR MACHINE RUN N° 105.003.001 and on N° 129.001.001 and on N° 181.004.001 and on Page 18 700727743 790728661, 708027732 790050853 790050852 707710618 700050856 700050643 707711800 700050854 700050867 708027732 708027740, 107726367 707726488 700727743, 700050855 700077602 700708780, 700050735, 707726367, 4-25 CP (2) Vee Tre 190715 Tre 10/2 Hub Cop Cas Nut M 16 15, Being Wie Hub Whee! dt Baring Tohres Bushing Spine Tre 10/12 Tie 7012 ‘Whee im 7.90 «12 Whee im 425 x 12 Vive Water Zak Washer Wheat im 9.00 « 15" Whe i 7.00 12° 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler PISTON M6-20 HESS (2) 12.20 © ; NP (5) + M1260 C 5 HTLN (2) M620. : NP; H 15) M620 C ; NP (6) 701177013, eft atl Potcon 707871130 Speci Screw 700052621 Shap fing 700050054 Bearing 708804816 Fler 701177008 Space 701177038, Serpe 701180108 is 701180118 Pte 701180082 Sitar 301177087 Right atl Protcton 700748382 Kafe 701180074 Waster 701176874 Peon 107775398 Jam Nut 701680075 is 700052181, Washer 7o601081 Washer 700601080, Waster 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 19 Page 20 4260 CRANK ROD PISTON M1230 C ; NP (2) M16-190 ¢ ; HTLN (2) J] see Page 59 1 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 79845125 708845117 701178378, 707852428 708052565 708051203, 708051178, 701177183, 5708052730 700051554 Courtright Courtright Cask Sap fing Adjust Shin Beaing Asenbiy Beating Peston Rod Busing Busing 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 4220-4240 CRANK ROD PISTON M1230 C | NP (2) For bush page 58 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 708808881 708051173 708051203 708052565 707852423 8 701177146 7708052730, 700051864 Cenk Beating Basing Asenbly Adjustment Stim Sap ing Paton Rod Bushing Bushing Page 21 Page 22 701175496 701178698 708058240 708179753 701175421, 708058281, 701180561 701180462 701179803 701179828 701180124 701179811, 701179795 701179787 701178778 701175488 701179746 201179761, 700602324 LOWER CHANNEL m i mn i a a a a a i iy 2) (2) (2) 3) (3) i i (2) Late brace latch Song is Morbl presi pate Song over channe! 240) ower channel (260) Bracket Kite Adusent sin Grape Shin 1 Shim 05 Th Piston guide (240) ston guide (280) is Gronmet stim MB.20.C ; NP; H (2) 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 72S? TRE LOG RERNECEN 0906/99 P og 13: Loy ene cress; “e%%s Phu Mts lined | Te. A, cA Boo. BECO 0/335 230382 M10-25 RHSSNB ; NP; H (4) Ae R- Hayoos seeing G® ® @ thecra | 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 23, 1 ror1s0199 2 701180187 3 701180165 4701175470 5 701179340 8 701180413 7701180363 8 701180371 9 701180388 10 701174865 M1 700762633 12 ront7928 13 701179217 14 700739674 1 798052631 16 701179860 ¥7 701179852 18 701174952 18° 701178367 20 701174878 24701178332 22° 701178233 23 701180181 24 701180173 25 701180207 26 701183524 27 701178181 Page 24 4260 UPPER CHANNEL a @ a a a a) ay ay ay Q wy a im (2) wy (a) TH (a) a aw (a (3) a in a a io) Side pessuerol xs Bracket Printer guard Beam Lower press ll Fare side Parr side Upper pressure Beam Spel in Crank Beam Pasi rab Rirg Chan Chamel Fron washer Sping M10-25 RHSSNB ; NP; H (4) Spacer Spiny mow ioe 7 Beam Bige Hande Faster Presi plate Spacer (7030 RHSSNB ; HSLN (2) 'M10.25 RHSSNB ; HESLN (8) 10-65. : NP ATLN (2) M10-66 6: NP: HTLN (2) 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 10.25 RHSSNB : HFSLN (1) gy @ sy 3.2.25 CP 12) 4220-4240 - 4260 Baler Page 25 4220-4240 UPPER CHANNEL ——————~———- © | M10-65 ¢ ; NP; HTLN (2) Page 26 4220 ~ 4240 - 4260 Baler 'M10-30 RHSSNB ; P; H (4 17019792331) Basm 2 701480496 (1) Shin 3 701179340 (1) Baan 4701175462 (2) Gua § 701179316 (11 Lover pes pate 8 7OUN79175 (1) Rear sie 7 WOVN79183 (5) Rew night sie 8 701179266 (1) Upper presse plate 9 701174945 (2) Baan 10 701079217 (1) Bean 1 70179241 (2) Crane 12 701179860 (2) Cain 13. 701174952 (2) Fietion washer 14 700739474 (2) asic knob 15 708052631 (4) fing 16 701079852 (1) Bale chute bie 17 701974878 (4) Spacer 18 701178367121 Speng 19 701179932 (2) Sprag mavh pace 20 701183524 12] Presse plate 24 701179191 (41 Spacer 22 700782633 Spl Pn 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 27 1 2 3 i 5 8 7 8 8 10 2 3 i“ 5 8 7 8 13 2 n 2 2 ua 2% % 2 2B 23 30 u 32 3 4 35 36 37 38 39 0 a 2 3 “a 5 4% ” 8 ao 701180272 701178326 708750798 1708750812, 700050389, 700050369, 708052854 707052081 708052599 708052623, 117708806333, 301727817 708750855 708052870, 101177815 700840813, 708052888 708052839, 708052557 708051211 708750853, 700050368, 707052081 708750808 700051250 708750873 798052813 701177385 701177161, 70117737 701177835; 701878317 101177338 701178045, 700762789 708052714 701178417 704052714 704177817 701178318 707714819 707712854 708052714 701178037 701177798 701177401, 708052623 708051211 708750861, 708052873 Page 28 4220-4240 FEEDING My a a i a wy (AR) iW nN i i i (2) ARI iy (2) AR) aR) 2) 12) 12) (2) (2) ra) (2) (2) (a1 i MB-16 C ; APW (6! mn in) (2) (2) i in (a) (a) in) (2) i i (4) a (2) a (3 a (2) a a a Fark ve shat Con defector Bracket Gear Basing Basing Shim 02 Th Sap ig Adjustment shim Sap ting Dive sh (S/N 181.01 tr 15) Dive staf (S/N 18.18 aon) Bushing Shim 03TH, Space Soap rng Shim 03TH Shim 02TH Adjstnent shi uring Cex Bering Step tng Bracket Baring Gear rep cing. Cover Fock relat Fight sie Ciak Bocket Rex side Unmovale od Grooved pin Bushing Bracket Bushing Spacer Roden boty Bukae Brating Bushing Rod foot Speer Bicker Sra ng Bating Cex Adjsimen shim 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 12.110 C ; HTLN: M10-25 RHSSNB ; HTLN (3) M10-25 ¢ : HTLN (8) M10-25 RHSSNB ; NP: HTLN (2) Page 29 4260 FEEDING M10-75.C ; HTLN (2) My2-110 ¢ ; HTLN (2) M10-25.¢ ; NP: H (2) ME-16C ; APW (6) 1 70117829211) Drive shat @ 2 70084081311) Snap tng 3 7og052888 —|AR) Shim -03 TH 4708052839 (AR) Shim-02 TH § 708052557 11) Austen him 8 708051211 11) Bexiag 7 708750846 11), Coc gox 8 708750788 1) Gearbox housing 9 7011781281) Fok bracket 10 708750812 (11 Gear 11 700050369 (2) Beating 12 708177815 (11 Spacer 13° 70806257311). Adusment him 14 708052870 (AR) Shan-03 Th 15 708052854 (AR) Shim-02 Th 46 707052081 (2) Sap ing 47 708750655 (2) Dog 18 TmHOs88 1) Altri 3080526231} Spring 7088083331} Div shaft (S/N 0.00 tr 00) 101727817 (41 Dive staf (SIN 5.00 and on) 20708806333 (1! Dive stat eq Page 30 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 2 B Fy % % n 28 2 0 31 32 3 4 3% 36 37 38 38 0 4a a a “4 4% 6 0 8 8 50 51 708750861, 708052623, 708052714 701178318 701178342 701178433 701177798 700840813 708052888 708052839 708052557 708051211 708750853, 701178193, 708052813, 708750878, 708050171 708750804 707052081 700050368, 701178201 708052714 701183201 701177817, 701178268 701678317, 700782798, 701178218 707714818 707712854 701178037 a rH ay a a (2) (2) (AR) (AR) (2) a (2) a} (2) (2) (2) (2) 10) (1 a oy a a (1 a a a (a) a ay Go Sap ig 53 Busing 54 ot hex boty 55 Cental defector 56 Bracket 5 Space 58 Soap ting 59 Shim 03 th 60 ‘Shim 0.2 a Adjsteentshim 8 Bearag Ge Cover Shop cing Gees Beating Bracket hop tng Beating Fight side Bushing Conestng ro Spacer ark Bracket Groved pin Fr side Flange Beating ‘Adjustable od foot M8.50.C ; KTLN. 708052714 701178235 7oe051211 708750798 708052847 708052862 1708062821 700840595, 701178300, 700050173, 708805313 4220 ~ 4240 - 4260 Baler oH uy ay aH) (aR) (ARI a a 2) i Bushing Bracket Bering Bracket Spal Waster Shin 02 th Shim 03 th Snap sng Space Besing Speci pocket ae, M10-25 ¢ HTLN- 2 NP ; HTLN 14) Page 31 TWINE KNOTTER 1 708058042 (1) Spring 2° 700176171 (2) As 370117910011) Plate 4701178546 (1), rater tame 5 708702110 (1) Ais 5 7 8 701178876 (1) Leer 7Oni75684 (1) Spee 708082608 (4). Machinery busing 3 708052532 (2) Wachney busting 10 701175827 (1) Tire gue stat 11 708780689 (2) Twine gue 12 700176183 (2) Gip 13 700178872 (2) Defecr 14700787832) Aas 18 700050986 (4) Bal 16 708088281 (2) Speg : 17 701175421 (2) Movable pressure pete 18 701175858 (2) Brace 1s 708702102 (1) Aes 20 707017753 (1) Stel tstiog 21 TON179484 (2) Sing guia 22° 701179456 (2) Spacer 25 708058285 (21 Spang 2% 70118007 (2) as 25 701179883 (2) Bale ting 28 701183714 (11 Suey Bot (Packt nd sa by 10m 21 700868665 (2) Cip 28 708750688 (21 Twine ite / 2° 701178448 11) Rod foot 30 708088315 (4) Spring 31701680106 (1) Stexrg Busting 3 701182542 (2) Farge 4.36.cP \ \ \woreartn’ /P Ma70.C 2H (2) ) 4220-4240 WIRE KNOTTER 7oxr74846 Basket 700840413 Sep ing 708052857 Agjusient stim 708051211 Basing 708750846 Core gear 708750788 Gear bx housing 708805319 Soli piston 701178300, Spacer 700080179 708052847 708052862 708052821 700840595 708750655, 708750683 700840520, Soop cing 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 37 Page 38 4220-4240 TWINE KNOTTER DRIVE 707861424 798052607 70117880 701177886 707851397 700177823 700762641, 701180322 708058287 701728167 704178810 108750648 fm701 175813 {100602076 708052680 708052599 708052516 708052540 700047830 700047548 707085888 a a a ay ay a ay ay i) i a i) in) i a i (aR) AR) a a Ma.16 C ; NP (2) Suaighenr gear Adjsient stim Spacer Brace Gost Suaighener baat Spl pn Dine ds Sping Key Dog Dog top Toots when ince bushing) Tootas wee Bushing Adjsiment shin Adjustment shim 05 Th, ‘Adjsirent sin 1Th, Connector Uk tink ‘Chain typ AR RUCED 19 Min 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 70076264) (1) 708052516 (1) 708052540 (1) 3708750838 (1) 700802081 (1) Twioe0sz664 (1) 700051858 (1) 701178810 (1) 70117851211) 7087508201) 70005017912) 70117830011) 70805284711) 7008405851) 708750855 (2) 7008405201) 708750671 (1) 701180322 (1) 701725167 (1) 708058257 (1) 708750848 (1) 708052589 (1) 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 4260 TWINE KNOTTER DRIVE Spal pia ‘Adjstmant shim Aden tin Gea In inde bushing) Goat Bushing Bushing Dog Bracket Sprocket Beating Space Speci weser Shap tng Dog Sap tng Shat Dive ds oy Sping Dog sop ‘Ajman shim 10-35 ¢: NP; H 14) Page 39 Page 40 SLIP CLUTCH 7oasos640 708805657 708808731 708808681 708808698 708808707 708808715 708808723 708805624 708808731 708805748 708808756 70880576 70805616 708805873, 709805632 ange fstirg Proeion dsc Housng Groed na Soi a) Sel Srp ng Proecion dsc Inset te Presse pte Sing oe Te Space M12-35 C : NP (3) 110-100 C ; RHSN {6} SHEA CT UBB22R 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler AUGER PICK-UP Mé-30 RHSSNB ; NP H e wi rvussa a) yet M825 C ; HTLN (2) 708058207 Sping 701178587 Tootad wheel 708738116 Cate 701178818 Ose 701178873 Lever 708058224 Sping 701180140 Waser 701180132 Space: 708750830 Finger 708058216 Spring 701178466, Boat 701178643 Shane 700762732 Spin 701178607 Bact 708720849 Cate tener 708845158 Hear thimble 708845620 cas 700762740 Spiga 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 41 4260 PICK-UP M8.20.¢ ; NP; H (2) M6NZC ENP: H Me14C; NP; H 700050881, 707705544 708051146 701182822 1708058273 701182887 701183045 701176726 077164 701182871 708058256 701183011 3 ae 700801738, 14 Protsaz6e2 790601733 2% 700775308 701176787 1701180820 701182823, 701174200 700801197 700601214 701182898 708058208 1180025 700800545, 700840322, ro ewow 121) @ mio.20 ¢ 4) 61 (5) (23) (60) aH (1 a 6 a a i i mn mw a a “ ay ay a a a a ny 2) 2) i M1240 HSFCHCS ; H Flange Waser jon waster Waning Sing Rotor od Deflector Beating Gam Soin Fight Side Detar (S/N 181.0000 18.0808) (S/N 10.01.00 to 10500413) Defesta 18/1 181.005 0 and on (S/N 16.08501 and on) Bee |S 18.01.01 to 18.00.00), (SIN 10.01.01 to 1050.13) ‘roe (8 18.005 00 and on {SIN 10.0801 and on) lug Datlectr igh bracket Cove fm Camp Pickup Fame Defector bracket leh se Sping Brace Brace Soap sg 708052581 701179621 700705806 700863050, 700050054 707871122, 708750830, 01179638 00602328 707855943 700863060 108178247 790705808 08052708 700051886 700762831, 708058216 701178239 700705806 To1178254 798051195 1 i nt iy 12) i i iy in i i) a a i a ay ay ay ay ay a MB.20.C; NP ; HTLN (2) Adjsent Stim Braet Waster Thick in Bexng Spacel Screw Finger haze no nelade Busting) Shane Vb Thick pia Dive Shat Washer ing Ring Spl pia Sping Dog Waster Brace Baxieg Page 42 ‘4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Miz Ha) M6-18 HWHTFTS (100), 3.2.20 CP 12) M12 HTLW 4-50 CP ou hs 4-50 CP 13) M6 H ; NP (6) dy Zi CB . \2a ne ° 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 43 4220-4240 PICK-UP M8206: NP; H (2) 12-300; H (3) MB.20 CNP; HTLN (2) 12-40 HSFCHCS : H : HTLN (4) 22 700601196 (1) Pickup frame 23701174200 (1) Colar 24708056208 (21 Spring 2sfmrior 90025 © (2) Brace 700600546 (2) Brace 26700601214 (1) Deflector tracer Page 44 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 6-15 HWHTFTS (88) 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 45 4260 HOUSING ——_—_——_—_—______—__—_—_ e MB.16 CNP; H (6) meso; we urun// MEMO C; HTLN Page 46 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 14708027871 (7) Rubber sop 32 700602843111 Sping 1§ 701182632 (1) ron protection ¥8 701174655 (1) Twine Box e M8.20.¢ ; NP: HTLN MB-16 6; NP; H LA) Mazo: NP; H(A) eo MIG NP: HIRD MB-18.C NP; H(A) a M816 CNP; H (2) MBN8C: NP; (2) Ma.16 CNP; H (2) 4220,- 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 47 4220-4240 HOUSING wesc: NP: HU eo mat. we HTLN _* x ewe snr & ets ne) wowec: ne; He) | M8206; NR; H IA) — SS Jeet 6: NP: H 12) MB-16 CNP: HA) e M10-20 RHSSNB; NP; H (2) MB16.C: NP; H(A) M816. : NP: H (2) e weave; whe: H1 M818. NP; H (2) 1 700503230 (1) or sid gut 17 70117463011) Cone 2701174507 (11 Rar lowes housing 18 708027871 8) Rubber Sop 370017854911 bag 19 70117457211) Baaciet 4700178531 (1) bg 20 70080325311) Kotter var Housing 5701178493 (1) Front wer housing 21 7006005491) Bracket § 701183425 (1) From se quaré 22 701180751 (1) Breet 7 700179696 (1) Res gad 23 708804932 (2) Bonet holder 8 700802843 (1). Movable bonnet 24 701174556 (1) Brocka (S/N 181.0000 01.05.0805 9 701179712 (2) 25 700803227 (1) —_Itemedate hosing 10 700895805 (2) 28 701174518 (1) Rear clsng 11700603229 (1) Fron Howsing 27 700800550 (1), Bracket 12708789272 11) Gas Lit Cider 28 700800548 (1) Bracket (GIN 181.001 t 181.008.0029 707895469 (1) Latch 700600703 (1) rasa S/N 12.00 and on) 33 700794339 (1) Stop Washer (SIN 181.004 ard ox) 32 700802843 (1) Song 13 701974523 (1) Bracket 14 701182682 (1) Font protecon 15 701182500 (1! Rear Potecion e 16701174855 _(11_Twino box 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 50 PICK-UP TRANSMISSION 708806192 708806200, 708806253, 708806267 1799606242 709806234 708806267 798806253 708806275 708806218 708806226 708806283, a mn i ny uy i i i a nm i) i lamalht ransmiason Extaal ha tensisson Enanal Jen Compete costar aw vith exter tube aw ith tra tube Compete costar Exaal jaw Beating asembiy fx imtera ube Internal at potecton Exaal hat tection Beating asembiy fr cers tbe 4220 4240 - 4260 Baler PICK-UP TRANSMISSION 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 51 2 U-JOINTS TRANSMISSION FOR MACHINE RUN N? 18.07.00 to 18.0000 708805897 (1) tema hatarsmision (240) (420) 708805987 (1) ters ube - gt 10 (240) 420) 708806135 (1) Ima ht ansmision (260) 708806176 (1) tal ube ng 800 280) 708805821 |1) External hanson (4240 (47201 708805962 (1) tera ube jaw 40) (2 708806143 |1) Extend ha-ransmision (250) 708803728 (1) eta tube jaw 80) 708803801 (1) Lath (24) 60 (¢z0 700763896 (1) Thick pin 2) 4220) 708805988, (1) Estemal aw (40) (220) 708803793 (1) Meanings pin 260) 708803769" (1) Este jaw 80) 708806002 (1) Complete casa 240) (20) 708806002 (1) Complete sar 240 (221 700813022 (1) Complete eos 0 700813022. [1} Compete costar (260) ‘708805988 (1) Exel aw 40) (70) 708805970 1} Exel ue jw 124) 20) 708803769 (1) Exel jaw (50 708803738 (1) Exel ube jaw (250) 708805813 (1) intra hal protection 20 (420) 708805998 1} Mecainus pin (24) 20) 708808150 (1) teal protection (260) 700783847 (1) Grooved pin 60 708805839 (1) Exel al protection 240 (720) 78805954 1} Exel tub length 30 (240 (720) 708806188 (1) Exaalal protection 80) 708806184 (1) Exel tube length 80 (80) FRANCE ET ENGLAND USE FRANCE ET ANGLETERRE U} a roxsose07 | [700051410 seve voseoss21 | [700051611 se 700105813 | 700051362 see neve 708005939 | | 700081360 Page 52 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 2 U-JOINTS TRANSMISSION FOR MACHINE RUN N° 181.005.01 and on 700051410 (1) _Intemal Ha Transmission feos) Gout feme finaie fi) Be foes) ata Toes) Sau fod) eae fasease I) Meas Tossee 0) Bae gs 708805947 (1) Internal Tube length 800 foes) Rea finns (hfe Totes) Eat ow Ties) ed Totes) en e Tinted) heat Sus 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 63 3 U-JOINTS TRANSMISSION FOR MACHINE RUN N° 106.0001 to 1065.004190 1 708806010 (1), ltemal a wennison 2 708806028 (1) Estema hal renin e 3 708805988 (1) Exemajew 708806002, 11) Complete crossbar 5 708805970" (1) nema ube jaw § 708805996 (1), Mecainds pin 7 708806069 .(1) —Estema tube nth 485 8 70880605111) Inna be eng 485 9 708805962 11) lama ube jw 40 70078388811) Thoksin HY 708806002 (1) Compete costar 12 708805388 (1) Exeral jw 13708803801 (2) Lach 4 708806044 (1) Extra Ra protection 15 708806036 (1) Iera ha protcton 18 708806077 (1) _naral taf wansmsson 17 708806085 (1) Extomal haf wnsrisson 18 708806127 (1) External be wth grooved mouth pce 19 708806119 (1) neal ube length 80, 20 708805962 11) eral ube jw 21 700763886 (1) Thick pn 22 708806002 (1) Compl cossbx 23 708805888 (1) Ester aw 24 708803801 (1) Lach 25 708806101 (1) Inara ua 26 708806325 (1) cera ha ued Page 54 420 - 4240 - 4260 Baler 420 - 4240 - 4260 Baler FRANCE ET ENGLAND USE FRANCE ET ANGLETERRE UTIUSER ae 7oss08010 | 700051612 weve 7on0s2s {| 700051413 sae mmannee | 700051368 aeseoene 700006036 §] 700051351 Page 55 3 U-JOINTS TRANSMISSION FOR MACHINE RUN N? 16.08.00 and on 1 700081812 11) lea Hal Transision 2 700051813 11) tema Ha Tasrision 3 708805988 (1) Extend Jaw 4 708806002 11) Caml Cos Bar "5 708805970 1) Exteral Tube Jew & 708805898 1) Mecainus Pi 7 70880606911) Eeral Tube length 495 8 708806051, {1 Inemal Tube nat 5 9 708805962 (1) lena Tuber Jaw 10 700763896 (1) Thek Pa 11 708806002 (1) Complete Css Bas 12 708805988 (1) Enteral Jaw 43 70050248 (2) Lath 14 700051958 1) Enteral Ha Protection 15 700061351 (1) tema Hat Protection 16 708806077 (1) tera Hal Tansrision 47 708806085 1) Enteral Ha Transmssion 18 708806127 1) Exteral Tube wth grooved mouth Piece 19° 708806119 1). tonal Tube length 55 20 708805962 (1) tema Tube Jaw 21 70076389811) Thok Pa 22 708806002 1). Complete Crosser 23 708805988 1) Exeral Jaw 24 708803801 (1) Latch 2% 708806101 (1) Ineal Hall Guard 26 708806325 11) Estema Ha Guard Page 56 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Beler 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 58 FLY WHEEL 1 nose0ees6 2 701176841 3700762658 ‘4fimvosos2698 00051555, rm}08404965, 100802073, fm)08805012 00802311 7701179613 8 701183722 \ see box a (Hy ay ay ay ay ay a ay ay (Hy Bara Stop Bushing Spl Pin Busing Bushing Crank Ino ince Busting Crank Seeing Whee! (nonce Busting) Steting Whee Shave Soflery Bot Packet ard sl by 1 tons) M1645 FTC 12.78 ¢ ; HTLN A ee M10-70.C ; HTLN * PACKET AND SOLD BY 10 ITEMS (10) M10-70 Hex cap Screw (Class 8.8) (10) M10 Hexagonal Oval Lock Nut (Cl 10-30 ¢ (3), 420 - 4240 - 4260 Baler [708745887 (1) Compa Reyer (S/N 18.00.01 to 8.0.16) SIN 15 00.01 to ‘sono, 701727882 (1) Compete Reduce ony 240) 00051537 E ror rt 708804700 (2) Stim-01 TH 2 181.0116 SIN 1065.01.01 708804682 (31 Stim-05TH 19600080) 708804725 (1) Coe 701680105, Conic Torque fry 4240 708604718 (2), Stim-0.18TH 700601887 Conic Torque 701727825 (1) Ske 708804835 Shin 05TH 70—e04618 (2) Shim-015TH 708804883 Stim 015 Th 708605863. (1) Crown Held 708804850 Sim- 01TH 708081062 (2) Being 708604825 Nase (ony 240) 708748257 (2) Up Se 700081541 Nese 8604833 11) Cover aiy 20) 708804742 Lock at 0051533 (1) Cove 70804753 Cover 700603082 (3) Stop 10 708744245 lip Sea 700603061 (6). Step 707712788 Bexing 707703811 (14). MID x 1.25 x 30 Hex Cop Screw 12708051252 Bexing 13[708808871 Housing lniy 4240 e 00051538, Housing 1aftoe804767 ange ony 201 00061981 Range 15 708845307 Gp 16 708051237 Beating 17 707710627 Boxing 10-30 ¢ (12) i M10-30.€ (6) 10-30 ¢ (12) oo @* @e LY) weke Stew = tL elw i B PAIS c2n.20-cmn tum (2) compte SR > lave RA SI pay BY lee pare ok ala ugbe Page 60 4260 2ND FEEDING FORK M210 0; HTLN 1708052672 700603896 708052714 701177881, 701177875 701177887 101177834 1708052722 708058053 701177883 1700603897 701177817 701177625 708052656 700602082 701179874 701179833, 701177841 701177682 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Bater 4260 1ST FEEDING FORK M10-30 C ; HTLN 10-30 ; HTLN M1210 C ; HTLN 708052672 700603898 708052714 701177881, 701177875 701177887 701177834 708052722 708058059 708177583 700603897 701177617 701177625, 708052656 700602082 701177874 701177633 701177641 701177682 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 61 4220-4240 1ST FEEDING FORK - ® 10-30 6; HTLN 701177641 708052672, 700802083, 700602088 701077682 708052714 701177625 1700602082 708052656 701177674 a1 700177617 12 701177534 13701177591 ve 701177633 1§ 708088059 18 701177567 17701177575, 18 701177883, 19 708082722 Page 62 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Bal 4220-4240 2ND FEEDING FORK 4.36 CP (21 709058042 701178589 708804874 Shearing Busing 700603803, Fer TONTIT6 iis 708052872, Bushing 701680106 ‘Sharing Busing @ 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 63 TWINE KNOTTER 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Ma HTLN ; APW M1025 0: H 700077602 (51. Fight zek 708805343 (1), Gea 700863639 (1) Rol pin 708805517 (2) Sping sickle 708805667 (1),_ Fame 708805566 (2) Spacer 708805574 (2), Spacer 708805335 (1), Complete shat 708805483 (1) Kotter hook 10 708805434 (1) Knife 11 708805459 (1) Compe aim 12 708805541 (2) Scaper 13, 708885174 (2) Twine kote 14 7088852991) Compiate 15 708845568 (1) Plate 18 708805350 (1) Thine reir 17 708805533 (1) Twine press 18 708805826 (1) Rober 13 708805574 (2), Busting 20 708052763 (1) E14 Spring 21 708805378 (1) Sing 22 708805392 (1) daweam 23 700863639 (2) Rollin 24 708805475 (1) Hook ger 25 708045619 (1) Gea 26 708808418 (2) Washer 27 70007745312) SP Zak 28 708052771 (1) Snap ing €20 29 708805525 (1) Specel bat 708808384 Spada bot 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 65 WIRE KNOTTER Page 66 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Balor 708750787 708845854 m01177245 701178144 700762740 708845372 701177898, 700782787 701177822 701177814 701177252 708052486 708750697 708056158, 701178520 700782815 708845356 708058186 701178052 708702086 708750705, 700603801 708051278 708845349, 701178003 708051294 701178102 707778348, 700077853 701178078 790603804 708052474 e 700077578 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Cam pte Wie knters as Pete Rl gn Hook Stop Bushing Ragin Stop water Stop washer owe Brome busting Krie Song hs" Ft bin xe Spring Kae HS M 101.25-75 Tie einer able tw einer Bronze busting Role Stop Bushing Bora busting Bushing Hex Mut MIO «1.5 tak Gea Kote tame Bore bushing tak Page 67 ron74911 701177989 qou7797 708052805 701178389, 701183381, 701174829 701175355 701174960 701175363 708058182 M200 NP: H Page 68 WIRE BOX Bracket Cp Ring Shaping Wir Reusing Bracket Bracket op Bracket Brace Sping M8256: NP: H 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler HYDRAULIC LIFTING KIT 709985846 1 70718062911) ip 2 70876452611) Ong 4 700885797 11) Vee 470118367311) How 5 70118262511) Space 6 7 8 Hydra ting et 708051286 |1) Ring 701182617 |1)Shewe 708734568 |1) Seal bags 9 70118263311) Gua 10 701182587 (1) Geis 11 7088453801) Cable 12 70089804311) Complete cinder 13 70118267411) Gp 14 701182641 (1) Brokat 15 701887920 (1) Hose Breoat 18 701183243 (1) Hose Bacat 17 708846107 (1) Bayo MIB x 15 708866073 data 12" 14 NP (2) 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 69 PICK-UP HYDRAULIC ORIENTATION e 709995838 Hyde iemation kit 700762785 lpn 701181197 is 701180629, ip 701180623, ip 701181163 finer Fasting Sea Bap 708734578 ° 700895737 Vave 701183565 Hose 708744526 O-ing Sel 701183243 Hose Bracket 700896050, Conlete Cynder 701887938 finer Faster 708846081, Bajo 28° Gar 708846073, Adept 1/2" 12.30 C ; HTLN (3) Page 70 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler PROTECTION ROLL KIT 709985979 Proton ol kt 701181247 Braet 701183169 Adjstment ro 701180629 op 701181208 ah bracket 701181254 Am 708792425 Speci sees 708052664 Bushing 701181239, ight bracket 700603800, Proton rl 701183151 Shet M12.20 FTB ; NP (2) 701183177, ais M20 HTLN (2) 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 71 ron199471 + 701683200 2 700051913, 3 700800020, 700600024 5 Tovse32e2 6 701883259, 7 701889850, 8 701889876 8 700261024 10° 700051068 11700601082 12, 700840322 13 701689002 14 701688142 18 701682954 16 701882970, 17 701682988 18 708804932 19° 701683081, 20 701888035, 21 701698043 22 700863225 23 71689454 24 701723725, 25 701883182 28 701883184 a 700801537 28 701688134 29 701683236 Page 72 4220-4240 SAFETY SHIELD GERMANY KIT my in) i in) a a i i ny 12) 12) 12) 12) i i ny i) i) i i iy i) i in Wy iy i i 13) a M6 HFSLN (10) Mase O 5 NPSH Safty hie Ki Ee Preetor sick Pte Bracket Gao Potro. Aight Poet Fight Side Fk Protector Waster Song Twine guide Sap fing Proscar Bradt ug Upper Casing Device Wrapping Lower Cising Davie Hood Fastener Ching Device Suppo Latch Bracket late Mearns in M616. NP H. lat Side Grooved in Rea Lover Closing Davie ea Loner Shi Proctor Protector Late Potctor See Page 87 4.25.0P 14.NP (3), M8-20.C ; APW (2) 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler MB-16 C ; EWPW ; HTLN (2) 10-25 RHSSNB ; NP; H (3) MeS0C NP; H MB-16 CNP; H (2) 16.0: NP; H (2) | 4220 - 4240 - 4260 Baler Page 73, 4260 SAFETY SHIELD GERMANY KIT 701189475, 1701683200 2 700051813, 3 70000020 4 7ongo00z4 5 701683242 6 701683259 7701689439 8 701689868 9 700261024 10 70051068 11709601042 12 700840322 13. 701683002 14 701683325 15 701682954 16 701682370, 17 701882988 18 708804932 ig 701683081, 20 701888035, 21 7or6a6043 22 700883225 23 71889439, 24 701723725, 25 701883192 26 701883184 27 700601537 28 701688134 29 701683234 Page 74 ay y ay ay a a a ay uy (2) 2 2 (2) a nN a i in i iy iy i i i) i) in iy i) 3) an we wes e M10-2006 ; NP: H M816. NP; H(6) MB16. 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