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fi0t d.zReportNo. 558 (oatt.


€-.qfq ffi-d

f Ef,tra rq3fi {d tEBfi Eh't

HouseholdConsumptionof Various
Goodsand Servicesin India

(Gr$s(':H6Sqi dtT
NSS 68thRound
gor$ zo11- qd zotz)
(JULY 20rr - JUNE 2012)


{t-^SqqRE?tsferor mrqtdq
National Sample Survey Office
€ifr{6r 3it{ odffifr ordrqqa dTrffi
Ministry of Statisticsand Programme Implementation
8{r{d Tr{.FR
Government of India
q;T 2014

w Mt 20/t-/2 + altq arT"f &r rt ffi av 7469vraf ryziszos a?rflq F;A t t0t65t sffi
g q6&a swn w srurfta t t

3FIIG[, E|nT(r?i grCq ila

il rr-frur anra d cfr dqFa cfr qr6 qr+a frt Eltl-fl, 2004-os *' 6.38 fu'.en. ft go-tt *
2011-12d S.gAfu'.ry. *' sc q epm.R-al*-qr rrql- 7 sql f O.+l+'.e1.fi A-{r*d FS, 44-ftq
aTrrafr cfr EqRa cfr qr-6qroa 6r s.ra f {d A sff fr 0.2 fu'.e1.fi fi-{|-{d g=frt+.zt l+'.er. d
+.+ofr'.er.1 r sfr EqFiil q-S('q qrEa fr sqd 2004-zooSS 2011-12a+" qr$qr a+rcafr garfTd
erqr t, 3it{ ilrr0-q arrra f 66%'q.6rt t :ra: qr+a #t q.ra f qr$('s sftq fl :iqt +-rfl EGrrql

{ 2011-12fr n( frr sqd, 2oo4-ost rrr-frursH fr ffi -oea efr-qrd*-fi-q0.1 t*'.et. fit
5ofir vaa 3it{ a-+ftqs-l-{td 0.35fr'.rn. fi trRr+dEqr+ t fifrc's sfi-q s'r *qr trO€l HFrd d
afi raffiq frrfi elfr t r fifrr's d.d * cF qr-6cffid
E--d-ff Errri 2004-05d ffit at-{ttt
d-{al t sq-qrd rr$ t

S qrd ad Ercrraqraugo * fr('cffid Erqrr2004-05a?i 2011-12 * fiq 77-784I. {.6I-

r;rfiq ++-c{fr. efraT67os ul. C zag en.3rt{ ilrrtrq S-*?:{fr cfr'qTd8247)T.t got rfi. q.€l t rd
qR-it rrrfrqr et{ fr 69 rrrq ad n+trq +{c{ f 57 etrq*qa qr+ qn qqt' (a;ITEIFI, T{l ?;lT,qct
rti iaal g ep-6 53rttI

fl qrr Erat - 3r{f,r, t", *w qd 55d - fr fu 2011-12fr Erf,i qd qrfr r.q-qt *r sqa q't
m-ftqrr-fiur encafr 64% a?i a-qtrq aTrrdd. 68% t - EIEIcIfir arn jt Aa er,a sff fI srdfu fr q-a
qE alrdlT d-+-fl fr q;rt 14qT.ad d-lrtm et{ fr 1341.{fi+-6 s3lT I

S cR aqftd q1ft-f, s6q A-f, fir sq-a rr-Sq arrra dl 674 tl;-. ('.i n+ftq a+rq-a
fr 853 sn.
yr+.+R-aefi r frmd s-fiR *'erzE #t tt elr*q s'fd fr lr{€t i-d *'r qc$ c.sr 3i?t (q-trs +s7")
zn :itr il4-tm at-{ fr filwr$fl ta +r (Fsji q4d e-f, qd Mrfl d-f, efr mfra qT)fl{$ d-5I3i?I
(47o/o) 2IT I

sl-q qrfl

f 3iEtfir s.ril 7 Ht fr :rdB fr 29YoqTftvrad q-ftq 38%d-lrftq qFtqRl-

Est-{Mt fir
ar6 r qrfiq arrrad efr eqRA 3ie fi uva, vfta6 1.94 (0.45cfr €-a-O 3il-{;r4tfri a+rrafr
str-4l63.18(0.74cfr swrfl ?fi I

' L-qrf,fuqr arq l+ zoo+-zOos tni zot t-tz *' drE cF eqR-d3{ald *'r qrfr+' s+ rJrCIqa+rrad lz.z fu.en.
d tt.ZS fu.ert-.3ik ilrrtrq e{rrdf g.g+B'.4. C g.gZfr.ql. A-{ erql t (F ('m('q('€n$t +i. SSS)
vavap€ ffi s.ssa, etrrail ffiv avWt v?i ddBn w qffi sqener,2011-12
Feq Erd

il rrrffq e{rra f }rsfr fi cF eqRa eft=qrdqq?T (266 rJr.) n4-ftq wd (252 rr.) d ql.S
ffi ?fr I 7 lcai fir :rdfu it E-sfr frr sqa fi ffie m-ri srd cflqK afr annq rrra d (26% d
:rR-+.yillrtrq s{r{d (21%) d izE?rr qT I aGifl a-lrt|rr errd (tr, 3isr, {fit *-r arie t.i A+-a *
frrqd tt :rri en t

A fr--q,Rafiefr, q-;arrilafrrni cqrcr #r lsqd isr *'fl-trq sffi fr 3{fufi :n, aslfi 3rq
Edrrd,q-( qeft-qs-ffi/ gEtr 3ik f4-d s'r rjrfrur aH fr 7-l{d fiI 3rdfu d. qcf, s{fr Erd cf{ERt
q'r cfrerd 3Tfufi ?Trt 3rtsd rrrfrur &Trrfrq\rm'qr6 fr +-trq q+- R;d 965 qirq sTIqfiI sq6 fa-+
c) fu 3il-sa dqtq fircfiq *r qqa t q.trq 350 rnq 3Tfufi |

S n6*. wat q-.fa-E*r yffia d-rrtrqsqd, a;r*q' qqa d rreq rITqftqq ffi frI sFd d
3{fufi zrTI crcfl fr rrrfrq 3it{ ilrtfq 3rgsll;rdl alftqc{, 3tw, ffi qT
3it{ *-dr fr 3TqqTE-d'firy
ad +d, 3rT 3fu-dirfl f 3TBfi qI I

lr qfq tr{ ETq (qrqqcfi 3ik qrA *- fr(' tq-{ qrq) cffid efd=4T6rr-frq anra fr +-fte
zgs. r's ilJrf|q enra fr q-ts +gs. eII t

*p il4-trq et{ fr, ci a(' atrqa w acq cffif, efrfl6 q{ 585. w t \e$;c, n-s reia aft
t ili 6('df,s fi sffir ffi z-ftat *. a|{-fl s-trq 60% ilrrftq cREd rqrs fidt F+-qrerqr;
a-lrtm arra d' efr dqRiil eftffrd {s q{ sf, tr-d{rqfiq-fts gzs. en I

ftra, +vs,r,RIHrtni A6at

tD 96%n4-tfqckqn :tr Z+y"rJrffq cfuqrr{-dgrtrEd *r sqa fir ar$ t *era aqq (cftrif,
rJrfrq ckfl-{ i qcr+t t
€trfl * :roril +l q-tfs 50%EEd 3n-flda"ttq cfu{R us 22o/o

S ;rqtrq etdt fr ofts zt% ckdn lri r;rfrq et-{tfr 21% t 3TBfi ckdrr ffi go ftFf t
epra q1n:q1ftq;5q*41 * R(' ('f,ffi *-1E-cd*r fi1qit fu-qr t ddrs dq-.Slri EcTr *. 5q-d|JIs-{fr
drd cnts|-{}qr cFQrd, rJrffq' qH fr 83.5%ad d-rrftq aH d. 23y" fr v;n 6rn ttJ

il 2004-05 q?i zot 1-12 d fiq rr-frq &t{ d' \'f,ffi @qd f,{i u.r6 qR-dRt aEvn dl 83%
fi qR-:it-r cffia ('dffi frr sqa frr qr*r fi lsvo frI 1E' a@T4-qI t rufrq ab uafiS qqa
f,{i Erd ctrdn t r+q-s qd effi-d ('dffi *r sqa frr ar+r#t fr 2oo/o 4t v;q{ Getqt

A G-gd * qra-Afr, r;rfrq &t{ fr 2004-05rtf zot 1-12i fiE 7 Efr fr frq-d eqa +rfr
ErAcffii * r.;mn fr soy" +r *r{ (;fl-Sq qtrt fr 6% rifiq *r ge-md') rll-r cfr aqFil E-gd
sqa €r qr+r d 57o/o6t 1r+ft+ qH'd 29%) rffi'E 5rTI I

vdpap€ Mt ri.sss: etrla if Efrv aWsrt v?i tdBn or qffi 2011-12

ill Ftrq ETd

ln a-4-{fi ird-fl' fr rrrfrq eTn-dtq* q-qt fir qqa jt ert qd grrff 6I zFrrflq.r $B+'qc;s
q1,trqf i-Sfis rFjt, *d Qrt, qrsf,{, ificrl, vTqEIFIT F-.qTEnlrfrq arrra *' fr(' a5c ut qr t sr.S
* fft('Efat qf{ fr cse qr 160/o dq-qf3il |

{D effi-d (drq'*A sr* rflFd rf,deqr *' sr?T3fl-{ *-{fr FtTFfi' nfl sffqrd e}eTmsatrq
rrrfiq a+rrafr +-ts sos. tqqfisfg fir 3.5%)3i1-{ffirfiq a+rrafr 181.505.tqEq-SF+T q-trs 7%)

fi qq?FTtd :rq erdt * :ftr fr r;rfrq anra f 2004-05r'ti zot 1-12I fiE +-trE44o/ot
56% fir 3il-{;rl1-tg a+rrad q-ftq 58o/ot ozv" fiI 3Ff€fiq 1E g$ t GS ftsrmt (,zi +mar ad'
q{ oqq 6Ti Erd cffqnt *.r :raqrd 2011-12f errnsr anra fr q-trq 12%oG a-qtrs' a+rrafr tzy"

ilT-:drqT-qdrtiT (3fsl.rrd fr fuflr ffi qq d' csBTfinr e{rrtrr-frur elT{att q-ftq

s fll EGicrFr
80% \'if d-lrftq a+rrafr 75% qrqr 4-qr I

trtdq qrt (,ti dERi

t 2011-12fr q-Sq qH d' Era mr efr EqRa aqq +tq 235. T6I,t aqq 2004-05f P6('
ers oqq t +,2 TdT q6-h a-4tlq qH d' 2oo4-05tti zot 1-12* dfE f qd 2J Tur qfl (eft4|-6
ofrq gts. S ass. ?l-"F616r),gs rsfu t dh-f,, ga vF dqF'a Jqetrf,drqq err$sr t+rta fi lzzoto
ad ilrtrq arra fr 124o/o
I EE gg I

* rr-fiq a+Kf,d", 2011-12f iffid aqq qFEqR-d sF Fr€fflI +-fts 255. dtr {6,I sr} lfr
2004-05d gTq-frro{r 6-1+-ftq 4.6 rfur ET | 2004-05fr d-6Y32o/o;ItfrrorrcRleTdf tffia aqq
qtat qr arrq Rfr8 m-{i ErA cf{arui ql cFsrd 77% ?tt I
T$ *-rqrqr, 2o1i-12 fr E)-dr5d{

t 2011-12d- rrrfrur anra fr *-{d &.fr tit qc vR aqpT w 2oo4-05*. 3rq$ mq d s.g
(iE ,ir€ra+rl Tdfr *-{S ErS cRlaRf6I qcrf, 270o/o46t I

il 2004-05r,ti ZOtl-12 t fiq, 7 Efr fr q{ eil-$w cfr aqtra ilrtlq acrqfr m-tfqfia xotl
3{fro- E-ffiI qdrf-d osn l


il rJrfiur a+rrafr. e?TrSeTffii.q{ o{q fr {ri * rr{d} 6I }Ir4 24o/o4t, ws fiI ilrtfq ryrra fr
t 6.ffq 20% w I

vavspv Mt ri.SSS,errcaI Etrv a6311q?indBn qr qffi vcei?r,20//-/2

ffsq erd

f, ;Trrffq e{r€ fr *-{-fiRf fiI e{rrr rrt-ffq e{rq-d*' 9% *' qfirqd 21%o* 5rtr-{ qI, ff' AH' fr
dEt{TFrs d-qFd fl-A EEd'i sT e{r{ +-trq 12-14o/o6+' eil |

fr EIai ef{ * eqrs dRgt q{ cqq 61 +-fto 4.4% fEl-$fl st-d trr$c w 3IIqI I

| 2004-05 * 26yo* ge-ard zotl-12 fr rlr*ur cn:Erdlt soy"*. q-€ ('d'zoo+-os

fr o0y"
t E*m f zot 1-12t 80%a-rffrqqnlErii*'crq tdR-qa fe an t

il 2004_05 * g2otot gaar fr ZOt1-12rt d-rrtfqcfiqRt d 4+Vo*' qnr rni ZOO+-OS

rt +.6oto
#r ga-arfr zot 1-12fi 8% ;rrtrq cnl-od*' qrs tfficr tn t

t 2o1i-12t c-6d7 Est srdfr d rJrfrurcnnni f ffis-d{ vd, q-d{t ;FI 3FTqra
r zGyot ggyoao fr e--6tFrtI
erqr, Ef' n4trq qt{ f {€ 3F^icra 3i-€ t

adrap€ ffit ri.sss' etna I trfrv ar:Asf wi ddBn ar qrffi 3qsn4'20/l-12

The report is based on information collected during 2011-12 from 101651 households in 7469 villages
and 5268 urban blocks spread over the entire country.


Rice consumption per person per month in rural India was estimated as 5.98 kg in 2011-
12 compared to 6.38 kg in 2004-05 – a fall of 0.4 kg in 7 years. In urban India the fall in rice
consumption between these two years was 0.2 kg per person per month – from 4.71 kg to
4.49 kg. Per capita consumption of PDS rice has, however, doubled in rural India and risen
by 66% in urban India since 2004-05, implying that the share of PDS purchases in rice
consumption has risen substantially.1

Per capita consumption of wheat in 2011-12 showed a slight rise since 2004-05 of about
0.1 kg per person per month in rural areas and a fall of 0.35 kg in urban areas. As in case of
rice, the share of PDS purchase in wheat consumption has increased considerably, per capita
consumption of PDS wheat having more than doubled since 2004-05 in both sectors.

For the pulses-and-pulse-products group as a whole, per capita consumption rose by 77-
78 gm between 2004-05 and 2011-12 – from 705 gm per month to 783 gm in the rural sector
and from 824 gm to 901 gm in the urban sector. Of this rise, however, as much as 69 gm in
the rural sector and 57 gm in the urban sector was contributed by the four items split gram,
whole gram, pea and besan.

The four pulses arhar, moong, masur and urd – which in 2011-12 together made up
about 64% of consumption of pulses and pulse products in rural India and 68% in urban India
– registered a total increase in monthly per capita consumption of only 14 gm in the rural
sector and 18 gm in the urban sector over this 7-year period.

Monthly per capita edible oil consumption was estimated as 674 gm in rural India and
853 gm in urban India. Among the different kinds of edible oil, mustard oil had the largest
share – about 45% – in the rural sector and refined oil (which includes sunflower oil and
soyabean oil) had the largest share – 47% – in the urban.


Consumption of eggs during a 7-day period was reported by 29% of rural and about
38% of urban households. Per capita consumption of eggs was 1.94 per month (0.45 per
week) in rural India and 3.18 (0.74 per week) in urban India.

Note that monthly cereal consumption per person fell from 12.12 kg to 11.23 kg in rural India and from 9.94
kg to 9.32 kg in urban India between 2004-05 and 2011-12. (See NSS Report No.555.)

NSS Report No.558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
ii Highlights

Per capita consumption of fish in rural areas was slightly higher (266 gm per person
per month) than in urban (252 gm). Also, the percentage of households reporting
consumption during a 7-day period in case of fish was higher was in rural India (over 26%)
than in urban India (21%) but was higher in urban India for milk, eggs, goat meat and

Consumption of carrots, lemons, cauliflowers, cabbages and tomatoes was

appreciably more common in urban areas of the country, while potatoes, onions,
gourds/pumpkins and brinjal were reported to be consumed by a greater percentage of
households in rural areas in a 7-day period. The average rural Indian consumed about 1 kg
965 gm of potatoes a month, about 350 gm more than the average urban resident.

Per capita urban consumption of all the commonly consumed fruits and nuts exceeded
rural consumption whether measured in terms of value or quantity. Rural-urban disparities in
consumption were relatively low in case of coconuts, mangoes, groundnuts and bananas, and
high for apples, grapes and oranges.

Expenditure on tea (tea leaf plus purchased ready-to-drink tea) was about Rs.28 per
person per month in rural India and about Rs.48 in urban India.

In the urban sector the contribution of purchased cooked meals to food expenditure
per person per month was Rs.58. Purchases of ready-to-eat cooked snacks from restaurants,
food stalls, etc. were reported by nearly 60% of urban households during the last 7 days and
amounted to about Rs.37 per person per month in urban India.


Electricity was consumed by 96% urban households and 74% rural households.
Electricity made up about 50% of fuel (other than transport fuel) expenditure in the average
urban household and 22% in the average rural household.

Nearly 71% households in urban areas and over 21% in rural areas reported
consumption of LPG for household use during the last 30 days. However, the percentage of
households reporting use of firewood and chips remained as high as 83.5% in rural areas and
23% in urban areas.

Between 2004-05 and 2011-12, the rural sector showed an increase of 83% in the
proportion of LPG-consuming households and an increase of 75% in the quantity of LPG
consumption per person. The urban sector showed a rise of 20% both in the proportion of
LPG-consuming households and in the quantity of LPG consumption per person.

In case of electricity there was, in rural areas, in the 7-year period between 2004-05
and 2011-12, a rise of 36% in the proportion of electricity-consuming households (compared
to a rise of 6% in urban areas) and of 57% in per capita quantity of electricity consumed
(compared to 29% in urban areas).

NSS Report No.558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Highlights iii

Cloth for shirts and trousers had greater importance in the clothing budget of the rural
Indian compared to the urban, while the shares of readymade garments such as shirts,
trousers, kurtas, pyjamas, etc. were all greater for urban India. Saris accounted for 16% of the
clothing budget in both sectors.

Educational expenditure per person per month (including the entire population in the
denominator and not only students) was about Rs.50 (3.5% of MPCE) in rural India and
Rs.181.50 (about 7% of MPCE) in urban India.

The share of tuition and other fees grew noticeably from about 44% to 56% in rural
India and from about 58% to 67% in urban India between 2004-05 and 2011-12. The
proportion of households incurring expenditure on private tutors and coaching centres was
about 12% in rural India and 17% in urban India in 2011-12.

Medicine accounted for nearly 80% of non-institutional (that is, not incurred as in-
patient of a hospital) medical expenses in rural India and 75% in urban India.

MISCELLANEOUS GOODS AND SERVICES (all expenditures at current prices)

Per capita expenditure on petrol in rural areas rose in 2011-12 to about Rs.23, about
4.2 times its level in 2004-05. In urban areas it increased about 2.7 times, from Rs.31 to about
Rs.85 per month, between 2004-05 and 2011-12 – a period during which overall per capita
consumer expenditure grew by 122% in rural and by 124% in urban India.

In rural India, telephone expenditure per person increased to about Rs.25 per month in
2011-12, which was about 4.6 times its value in 2004-05. While 32% of rural households
reported telephone expenditure in 2004-05, the proportion of households in 2011-12 reporting
expenditure on mobile phones alone was 77%.

Expenditure per person on cable TV subscription in rural India rose in 2011-12 to 5.9
times its value in 2004-05, and the proportion of households incurring such expenditure
increased by 270%.

Urban expenditure per person on house rent registered a nearly threefold increase
over the 7 years between 2004-05 and 2011-12.


The share of gold ornaments in durables expenditure was estimated at nearly 24% in
rural India compared to about 20% in urban India.

Motor cars had a share of over 21% in urban India, compared to 9% in rural India.
The share of motorized two-wheelers was about 12-14% in both sectors.

Mobile phone handsets made up 4.4% of expenditure on durables in each sector.

NSS Report No.558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
iv Highlights

Television sets were possessed by nearly 50% of rural households in 2011-12

compared to 26% in 2004-05, and by 80% of urban households in 2011-12 compared to 66%
in 2004-05.

Refrigerators were possessed by 44% urban households in 2011-12 compared to 32%

in 2004-05, and motor cars by 8% of urban households in 2011-12 compared to 4.6% in

The proportion of rural households with motorcycles or scooters more than doubled in
the 7 years prior to 2011-12 from 7.7% to 18.4%, while in the urban sector the proportion
increased from 26% to 38%.

NSS Report No.558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Chapter One
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objective of the survey 1
1.3 Reports of the 68th round CES 2
1.4 Contents of this report 2
1.5 Precursors of the present report 4
1.6 Features of the survey: schedules of enquiry 5
1.7 Features of the survey: scope and coverage 6

Chapter Two
2. Concepts and Definitions 8
2.1 Conceptual framework 8
2.2 Monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) 9
2.3 Other concepts and definitions 10
2.4 A note on data comparability 17

Chapter Three
3. Summary of Findings 20
3.1 Cereals 21
3.2 Pulses and pulse products 22
3.3 Edible oil 24
3.4 Milk, egg, fish and meat 25
3.5 Vegetables 27
3.6 Fruits and nuts 28
3.7 Beverages, refreshments and processed food 29
3.8 Energy (excluding vehicle fuels) 30
3.9 Clothing and bedding 31
3.10 Education 32
3.11 Medical care 33
3.12 Trends in expenditure on consumer services and miscellaneous goods 33
3.13 Variation in budget shares with level of living 35
3.14 Durable goods: pattern of expenditure 38
3.15 Durable goods: trends in incidence of possession 38
3.16 Durable goods: variation in incidence of possession with level of 39
Summary Statements
1 Monthly per capita quantity of consumption of selected commodities 42
by State/UT
2 Monthly per capita expenditure (Rs.) on selected non-food items by 47
3R/U Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of 49
consumption: food items (all-India)
4R/U-a Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of 57-58
consumption: pan, tobacco, intoxicants, fuel & light, clothing & 63-64
footwear (all-India)
4R/U-b Monthly per capita value of consumption and proportion of households 59-62
reporting consumption: education, medical care, misc. goods & 65-68
services and durables (all-India)
5 Number per 1000 households possessing specific durable goods in 69
fractile classes of MPCE (all-India and State/UTs)

Appendix A (in enclosed CD)

Detailed Tables
Table 1-R/U (based on Schedule Type 2 data)
Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of A-1 to
consumption: food items A-384
for each State/UT(and all-India) and sector*
Table 2-R/U (based on Schedule Type 2 data)
Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of A-385 to
consumption: non-food items A-960
for each State/UT(and all-India) and sector*
Table 3-R/U (based on Schedule Type 2 data)
Number per 1000 households possessing specific durable goods in different A-961 to
fractile classes of MPCE A-996
for each State/UT(and all-India) and sector

*and, for all-India, separately for each fractile class of MPCE

Appendix B
Sample Design and Estimation Procedure B-1 to B-9
Appendix C
Schedule 1.0 – Type 1 and Type 2 C-1 to C-42
Chapter One

1.1 Background

1.1.1 The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) conducts nationwide household consumer
expenditure surveys at regular intervals as part of its “rounds”, each round normally of a year’s
duration. These surveys are conducted through interviews of a representative sample of
households selected randomly through a scientific design and cover almost the entire
geographical area of the country.

1.1.2 The household consumer expenditure survey (CES) is generally conducted along with the
employment-unemployment survey of the NSS at quinquennial intervals. Thus, "quinquennial"
surveys on consumer expenditure and employment-unemployment were conducted in the 27th,
32nd, 38th, 43rd, 50th, 55th, 61st and 66th rounds of NSS, at roughly 5-year intervals.

1.1.3 In its 32nd Meeting held on 23-24 April 2010, the National Statistical Commission (NSC)
considered the use of the 2009-10 NSSO quinquennial survey as the base year for both the price
indices as well as revision of the national income estimates. The NSC felt that 2009-10, being a
non-normal year, may pose problems; hence, it was desirable to repeat the survey once again in
respect of consumer expenditure as well as employment-unemployment issues. In its 33rd
Meeting held on 19-21 May 2010, the NSC decided that the 68th Round of NSS would be
devoted to repeating the quinquennial survey on consumer expenditure and employment-

1.1.4 Accordingly, the 66th round survey on consumer expenditure and employment-
unemployment was repeated in the 68th Round conducted in 2011-12. For the reason mentioned
in the above paragraph, readers of this and forthcoming reports are cautioned against making
direct comparisons of the estimates of the 68th round with those of the 66th. Key indicators on
household consumption in India during 2011-12 based on this survey have already been

1.2 Objective of the survey

1.2.1 The NSS consumer expenditure survey aims at generating estimates of average household
monthly per capita consumer expenditure (MPCE), the distribution of households and persons
over the MPCE range, and the break-up of average MPCE by commodity group, separately for
the rural and urban sectors of the country, for States and Union Territories, and for different

NSS KI (68/1.0): Key Indicators of Household Consumer Expenditure in India, 2011-2012, June 2013

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
2 Chapter One

socio-economic groups. These indicators are amongst the most important measures of the level
of living of the relevant domains of the population. The distribution of MPCE highlights the
differences in level of living of the different segments of the population and is an effective tool
to study the prevalence of poverty and inequality. These estimates thus assist the apex planning
and decision-making process in allocating the nation’s resources among sectors, regions, and
socio-economic groups, and assess the “inclusiveness” of economic growth.

1.2.2 Besides measurment of the level and the pattern of household consumption, another
important use of the CES is to provide the budget shares of different commodity groups for the
rural and urban population, which are used to prepare the weighing diagram for official
consumer price indices (CPIs).

1.2.3 Apart from these major uses of the CES, the food (quantity) consumption data are used to
study the level of intake of different nutritients for populations of different regions and
disparities therein. Further, the estimated budget shares of a commodity at different MPCE levels
facilitates the study of consumption elasticity or responsiveness of demand for the commodity to
change in purchasing power.

1.3 Reports of the 68th round CES

1.3.1 The results of the NSS 68th round survey on household consumer expenditure are planned
for release in six reports. The titles of these reports are:

1. Level and Pattern of Consumer Expenditure, 2011-12

2. Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
3. Public Distribution System and Other Sources of Household Consumption, 2011-12
4. Energy Sources of Indian Households for Cooking and Lighting, 2011-12
5. Nutritional Intake in India, 2011-12
6. Household Consumer Expenditure across Socio-Economic Groups, 2011-12

1.4 Contents of this report

1.4.1 The household consumer expenditure schedule used for the survey collected information
on quantity and value of household consumption with a reference period of last 30 days
preceding the date of interview. To minimise recall errors, a very detailed item classification
was, as usual, adopted to collect information.

1.4.2 The already released report Level and Pattern of Consumer Expenditure, 2011-12 (NSS
Report No.555) based on 68th round survey data, gave break-ups of per capita consumer
expenditure by 32 broad groups (14 food groups and 18 non-food groups) of items of
consumption, the groups being:

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Introduction 3

cereals edible oil sugar
gram egg, fish and meat salt
cereal substitutes vegetables spices
pulses & pulse products fruits (fresh) beverages & processed food
milk & milk products fruits (dry)
pan education other household consumables
tobacco medical (institutional) conveyance
intoxicants medical (non-institutional) other consumer services
fuel & light entertainment rent
clothing minor durable-type goods taxes and cesses
footwear toilet articles durable goods

1.4.3 In the present report – the second in the series – consumption patterns are studied in
greater detail, as far as the item classification adopted in the schedule of enquiry permits.
Monthly per capita expenditure estimates are presented here for all items of consumption for
which data was separately recorded in the schedule (see Appendix C: Schedule 1.0), along with
the estimated proportions of households consuming each item. All estimates are provided
separately for rural and urban sectors of each State and Union Territory. For food, fuel, clothing
and footwear, estimates of per capita quantity of consumption are also provided.

1.4.4 In the concluding sections of Chapter Three of the report, a study has been made of the
possession of certain common durable goods in the population, based on information collected in
the schedule. The durable goods include laptops, refrigerators, bicycles, motorcycles/scooters,
motor cars/jeeps and mobile phones. Table 3 (R & U) in Appendix A provides estimates of the
proportion of rural and urban households in each State/UT possessing each durable. Further,
estimates of these proportions are provided separately for twelve fractile groups of population of
the State/UT ranked by MPCE. These estimates throw light on disparities in the possession of
these durables among the population of each State/UT.

1.4.5 Following the present introductory chapter, Chapter Two explains the concepts,
definitions and procedures of data collection and tabulation that are necessary for proper
understanding of the estimates. Chapter Three presents the salient findings on quantity and value
of consumption of various goods and services, and on proportions of households possessing
specific durable goods. This is followed by two statements giving State/UT-level estimates of,
respectively, per capita quantity of consumption and per capita expenditure on selected items,
and three statements giving, for all-India, the item-level estimates that are given for all
States/UTs in Appendix A. Appendix A appears in the CD enclosed with the report and gives the
detailed tables generated from the survey data. Appendix B explains in detail the sample design

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
4 Chapter One

and estimation procedure followed. Appendix C consists of the schedules of enquiry (Schedule
1.0, Type 1 and Type 2) that were canvassed in the surveyed households.

1.4.6 The detailed State-sectorwise and all-India-sectorwise tables presented in Appendix A of

this report (in the enclosed CD) relate to 2011-12. They give:
(i) Estimated per capita quantity of consumption of each item for which information on
quantity of household consumption was collected in the survey schedule
(ii) Estimated per capita value of consumption of each item of the schedule
(iii) For each item of the schedule, estimated number per 1000 of households reporting
consumption of the item during the reference period
(iv) For 19 items of durable goods, the proportions of households reporting possession of the
item on the date of survey.
For (i), (ii) and (iii), all-India estimates are given separately for 12 classes of population
demarcated by MPCE level (12 fractile classes of the distribution of population by MPCE). For
(iv), State/UT as well as all-India level estimates are given for each fractile class (the classes
being formed separately for each sector of each State/UT).

1.5 Precursors of the present report

1.5.1 The practice of preparing a report presenting estimates at detailed item level from each
CES of the quinquennial series started with the 50th round (1993-94). The reports based on the
50th and 55th rounds – NSS Reports 404 and 461 – both named Consumption of Some Important
Commodities in India, related respectively to 1993-94 and 1999-2000. The reports from the 61st
and 66th rounds, numbered 509 and 541 respectively, had the same name as the present report.

1.5.2 The report (No.461) based on the 55th round, relating to 1999-2000, excluded items on
which the estimated proportion of consuming households was less than 10% and estimated value
of per capita consumption expenditure was less than Rs.0.50. Though no such specific criteria
were followed for the 50th round report (No.404), it, too, was selective in the sense that estimates
were presented for only 55 items of food and 36 non-food items. From the 61st round onwards,
estimates are being provided for all items.

1.5.3 In the 55th round report, a special feature was that the all-India estimates of both kinds –
per capita consumption and proportion of consuming households – were presented not only for
the entire rural and urban population but also for households in 12 different monthly per capita
expenditure classes. A similar practice has been followed in the 66th and 68th rounds, except that
the 66th round (Report No.541) used 10 fractile classes (i.e., the 10 decile classes) instead of 12.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Introduction 5

1.6 Features of the survey: schedules of enquiry

1.6.1 The household consumer expenditure schedule (“Schedule 1.0”) used for the survey
collected information on quantity 2 and value of household consumption. The schedules of
enquiry used were of two types. The two types had the same item break-up but differed in
reference periods used for collection of consumption data. Schedule Type 1, as far as reference
periods were concerned, was a repeat of the schedule used in most quinquennial rounds. For
certain categories of relatively infrequently purchased items, including clothing and consumer
durables, it collected information on consumption during the last 30 days and the last 365 days.
For other categories, including all food and fuel and consumer services, it used a 30-days
reference period. Schedule Type 2 used ‘last 365 days’ (only) for the infrequently purchased
categories, ‘last 7 days’ for some categories of food items, as well as pan, tobacco and
intoxicants, and ‘last 30 days’ for other food items, fuel, and the rest. This was in line with the
recommendations of an Expert Group that had been formed for the purpose of suggesting the
most suitable reference period for each item of consumption 3 . The differences (in reference
period) between Schedule Types 1 and 2 are shown in Table T1.

1.6.2 Schedule Type 1 and Schedule Type 2 were canvassed in two independent samples of
matching size drawn from each stratum/sub-stratum.

1.6.3 The present report is based on Schedule Type 2 only. This means that the data used for
this report were collected with the following reference periods: Category I items: Last 365 days;
Category II items: Last 7 days; Category III items: Last 30 days.

Table T1: Reference periods used for collection of consumption data in Schedule 1.0, Type 1 and Type 2

Reference period for

Cate- Item groups
gory Schedule Type 1 Schedule Type 2

I Clothing, bedding, footwear, education, medical ‘Last 30 days’ and Last 365 days
(institutional), durable goods ‘Last 365 days’
II Edible oil; egg, fish & meat; vegetables, fruits, spices, Last 30 days Last 7 days
beverages and processed foods; pan, tobacco & intoxicants

III All other food, fuel and light, miscellaneous goods and Last 30 days Last 30 days
services including non-institutional medical; rents and taxes

For education, medical care, and some goods and services listed in the schedule as “miscellaneous goods and
services”, no data on quantity of consumption are collected in the NSS CES’s.
See NSS Report no. 475; entitled “Results of a Pilot Survey on Suitability of Different Reference Periods for
Measuring Household Consumption”.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
6 Chapter One

1.7 Features of the survey: scope and coverage

1.7.1 Geographical coverage: The survey covered the whole of the Indian Union except (i)
interior villages of Nagaland situated beyond five kilometres of the bus route and (ii) villages in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands which remain inaccessible throughout the year.

1.7.2 Population coverage:

1. Floating population, i.e., persons without any normal residence, was excluded. But
persons residing in open space, roadside shelter, under a bridge, etc., more or less
regularly in the same place were covered.
2. Foreign nationals were excluded, as well as their domestic servants, if by definition the
latter belonged to the foreign national's household (see Chapter Two, paragraph 2.3.1, for
definition of household). A foreign national who had become an Indian citizen for all
practical purposes was, however, covered.
3. Persons residing in barracks of military and paramilitary forces (like police, BSF etc.)
were kept outside the survey coverage. However, the civilian population residing in their
neighbourhood, including the family quarters of service personnel, was covered.
4. Orphanages, rescue homes, ashrams and vagrant houses were outside the survey
coverage. However, the persons staying in old age homes, the students staying in
ashram/hostels and the residential staff (other than monks/nuns) of these ashrams were
covered. Although orphans living in orphanages were excluded, the persons looking after
them and staying there were covered. Convicted prisoners undergoing sentence were
outside the coverage of the survey.

1.7.3 Sample size First-stage units: As is usual in the regular NSS rounds, most States and Union
Territories participated in the survey: a “State sample” was surveyed by State Government
officials in addition to the “Central sample” surveyed by NSSO. For rural India, the number of
villages surveyed in the Central sample was 7,469 and the number of urban blocks surveyed was
5,268. This document is based on the estimates obtained from the Central sample only. Second-stage units: For the consumer expenditure survey, from each sample village and
urban block, two samples of 8 households each were selected for canvassing Schedule Type 1
and Schedule Type 2. The total number of households in which Schedule 1.0 was canvassed was
1,19,378 in rural India and 83,935 in urban India. Table T2 shows the numbers of villages and urban blocks surveyed, and, for each of the
two schedule types, the numbers of rural and urban sample households in which the consumer
expenditure schedule was canvassed.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Introduction 7

Table T2: Number of villages/blocks surveyed and number of households surveyed for Schedule 1.0
Type 1 and Type 2: NSS 68th round, Central sample
no. of fsu’s no. of sample households
State/UT surveyed Sch. Type 1 Sch. Type 2
rural + rural +
rural urban rural urban rural urban
urban urban
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Andhra Pradesh 491 372 3927 2972 6899 3925 2971 6896
Arunachal Pradesh 136 76 1072 608 1680 1066 608 1674
Assam 326 104 2608 832 3440 2607 832 3439
Bihar 414 159 3312 1270 4582 3310 1270 4580
Chhattisgarh 180 92 1435 734 2169 1440 734 2174

Delhi 8 120 64 887 951 63 882 945

Goa 20 36 160 287 447 159 288 447
Gujarat 214 215 1712 1714 3426 1712 1717 3429
Haryana 178 146 1424 1167 2591 1423 1166 2589
Himachal Pradesh 208 48 1658 383 2041 1657 383 2040

Jammu & Kashmir 254 171 2032 1351 3383 2032 1355 3387
Jharkhand 220 123 1757 983 2740 1757 980 2737
Karnataka 256 256 2048 2046 4094 2048 2048 4096
Kerala 326 232 2604 1855 4459 2608 1854 4462
Madhya Pradesh 342 248 2736 1981 4717 2735 1981 4716

Maharashtra 504 504 4032 4011 8043 4031 4013 8044

Manipur 172 148 1376 1184 2560 1376 1184 2560
Meghalaya 107 52 856 403 1259 856 404 1260
Mizoram 80 112 640 896 1536 640 896 1536
Nagaland 84 44 672 352 1024 672 352 1024

Orissa 372 132 2973 1053 4026 2974 1052 4026

Punjab 194 196 1552 1566 3118 1552 1566 3118
Rajasthan 323 195 2579 1549 4128 2579 1552 4131
Sikkim 76 20 608 160 768 608 160 768
Tamil Nadu 416 416 3319 3328 6647 3319 3327 6646

Tripura 164 68 1312 544 1856 1312 544 1856

Uttar Pradesh 740 388 5916 3099 9015 5915 3099 9014
Uttarakhand 131 92 1048 735 1783 1048 734 1782
West Bengal 446 344 3568 2747 6315 3566 2746 6312
A & N Islands 35 36 279 287 566 278 288 566

Chandigarh 8 31 64 248 312 64 248 312

Dadra & N. Haveli 12 12 96 96 192 96 94 190
Daman & Diu 8 8 64 64 128 64 64 128
Lakshadweep 8 16 64 127 191 63 128 191
Puducherry 16 56 128 448 576 128 448 576
All-India 7469 5268 59695 41967 101662 59683 41968 101651

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Chapter Two

Concepts and Definitions

2.1 Conceptual framework

2.1.1 Reference period: The consumption of any good or service by a household or person
occurs in the form of a flow over time. The survey may need to record the volume of
consumption over a short period such as a day, or a long period such as a year. The time period
for which consumption is recorded is called the reference period. It may vary from item to item.
Because the respondents are asked to recall and report the volume of consumption, the
reference period is also called the recall period.

2.1.2 Household consumer expenditure: The expenditure incurred by a household on

domestic consumption during the reference period is the household's consumer expenditure.
Expenditure incurred towards productive enterprises of households is excluded from
household consumer expenditure. Also excluded are expenditure on purchase and
construction of residential land and building, interest payments, insurance premium
payments, payments of fines and penalties, and expenditure on gambling including lottery
tickets. Money given as remittance, charity, gift, etc. is not consumer expenditure. However,
self-consumed produce of own farm or other household enterprise is valued and included in
household consumer expenditure. So are goods and services received as payment in kind or
free from employer, such as accommodation and medical care, and travelling allowance
excluding allowance for business trips. For articles of food (including pan, tobacco and intoxicants) and fuel, household
consumption is measured by the quantity of the article actually used by the household during
the reference period, irrespective of the expenditure incurred on it. For articles of clothing and
footwear, consumption by a household is considered to occur at the moment when the article is
brought into maiden or first use by any household member. The consumption may be out of (a)
purchases made in cash or credit during the reference period or earlier; (b) home-grown stock;
(c) receipts in exchange of goods and services; (d) any other receipt like gift, charity, borrowing
and (e) free collection. Home produce is evaluated at the ex farm or ex factory rate. For evaluating household consumption of all other items, a different approach is
followed: the expenditure made by the household during the reference period for the purchase
or acquisition of goods and services, regardless of when the goods and services are used and by
whom, is considered as household consumption. However, for a few items of expenditure such
as rent, telephone charges, consumer taxes and railway season tickets, expenditure during the
month is recorded as the amount that was last paid divided by the number of months to which
the payment related. It is pertinent to mention here that the consumer expenditure of a household on food
items relates to the actual consumption by the members of the household and also by the guests

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Concepts and Definitions 9

during ceremonies or otherwise. Normally, transfers of food, fuel, clothing and footwear made
by a household as charity, loan advance, etc. are not considered as consumption of that
household, since consumption out of all transfer receipts of these items have to be included.
However, meals prepared in a household and served to non-household members are an
exception to this rule. Meals prepared in the household kitchen and provided to the employees
and/or others would automatically get included in domestic consumption of employer (payer)
household. There is a practical difficulty of estimating the quantities and values of individual
items used for preparing the meals served to employees or others. Thus, to avoid double
counting, cooked meals received as perquisites from employer household or as gift or charity
are not recorded in the recipient household. As a general principle, cooked meals purchased
from the market for consumption of the members and for guests are also recorded in the
purchaser household. This procedure of recording cooked meals served to others in the
expenditure of the serving households leads to bias-free estimates of average per capita
consumption as well as total consumer expenditure. All goods and services received as payment in kind or perquisites are included in the
consumption of the recipient household as goods and services received in exchange of services,
except for meals received from other households’ kitchens. To simplify data collection, consumption of food processed in the home from one
“item” into another, such as milk converted into curd or butter, vegetables converted into
pickles, and rice converted into liquor are recorded in the survey against the primary or
ingredient item(s), such as milk, instead of the item in which form it is consumed (e.g. curd).
For some item groups such as intoxicants, this procedure leads to an underestimation of
consumption with a corresponding overestimation of the item groups of the major ingredients,
such as cereals.

2.1.3 Value of consumption: For items of food, pan, tobacco, intoxicants, fuel, clothing and
footwear, this term is not synonymous with expenditure incurred by the household on the item,
and the following rules of valuation are specified. Consumption out of purchase is evaluated at
the purchase price. Consumption out of home produce is evaluated at ex farm or ex factory rate.
Value of consumption out of gifts, loans, free collections, and goods received in exchange of
goods and services is imputed at the rate of average local retail prices prevailing during the
reference period.

2.2 Monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE)

2.2.1 Normally, the concept of per capita income – or per capita (overall) expenditure, if
income data are not available – is used for comparison of average living standards between
countries, between regions, and between social or occupational groups. For studies of poverty
and inequality within populations, however, average income or average expenditure is not
enough. One needs to assign a value that indicates level of living to each individual, or at least
to each household, in a population in order to know the level of inequality in living standards of
the population, or the proportion living in poverty.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
10 Chapter Two

2.2.2 The NSS concept of MPCE, therefore, is defined first at the household level (household
monthly consumer expenditure ÷ household size). This measure serves as the indicator of the
household’s level of living.

2.2.3 Next, each individual’s MPCE is defined as the MPCE of the household to which the
person (man, woman or child) belongs. This assigns to each person a number representing his
or her level of living. The distribution of persons by their MPCE (i.e., their household MPCE)
can then be built up, giving a picture of the population classified by economic level.

2.3 Other concepts and definitions

2.3.1 Household: A group of person normally living together and taking food from a
common kitchen constitutes a household. The word "normally" means that temporary visitors
are excluded but temporary stay-aways are included. Thus, a son or daughter residing in a
hostel for studies is excluded from the household of his/her parents, but a resident employee
or resident domestic servant or paying guest (but not just a tenant in the house) is included in
the employer/host's household. "Living together" is usually given more importance than
"sharing food from a common kitchen" in drawing the boundaries of a household in case the
two criteria are in conflict; however, in the special case of a person taking food with his
family but sleeping elsewhere (say, in a shop or a different house) due to space shortage, the
household formed by such a person's family members is taken to include that person also.
Each inmate of a mess, hotel, boarding and lodging house, hostel, etc., is considered as a
single-member household except that a family living in a hotel (say) is considered as one
household only; the same applies to residential staff of such establishments. Under-trial
prisoners in jails and indoor patients of hospitals, nursing homes, etc., are considered as
members of the households to which they last belonged.

2.3.2 Household size: The size of a household is the total number of persons in the

2.3.3 Percentiles and fractiles of an MPCE distribution: For any number p between 0 and
100, the MPCE level such that p% of the population lies below it is called the pth percentile of
the MPCE distribution (over persons). For any fraction f between 0 and 1, the MPCE level
such that 100f% of the population lies below it is called the fth fractile of the MPCE
distribution. Thus the 0.5th fractile is simply the 50th percentile (the median) of the
distribution and the 0.05th fractile is simply the 5th percentile, the 0.1th fractile is the 10th
percentile, and so on. Fractiles and fractile classes used in tabulation of data in this report:
Consumption patterns vary widely across MPCE levels; affluent households allocate their
household budgets very differently from poor households. To study this variation, this report
gives all-India estimates of per capita consumption of different items (estimated break-up of
MPCE) separately for rural population in 12 different fractile classes of MPCE, and likewise
for the urban population. A fractile class consists of population whose MPCE lies between

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Concepts and Definitions 11

two fractiles, such as the 0.05th fractile and the 0.1th fractile, that is, between the 5th and the
10th percentile. In this report fractile classes are usually referred to by the end points in percentile
form. Thus ‘0-5%’ refers to the bottom 5% of population ranked by MPCE, ‘5-10%’ to the
next 5% of population ranked by MPCE, and so on. The fractile classes for which estimates
are provided in Appendix A of this report (at all-India rural/urban level only, not at State/UT
level) are:
0-5%, 5-10%, 10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, ..., 70-80%, 80-90%, 90-95%, and 95-100%.

2.3.4 Uniform Reference Period MPCE (or MPCEURP): This is the measure of MPCE
obtained by the NSS consumer expenditure survey (CES) when household consumer
expenditure on each item is recorded for a reference period of “last 30 days” (preceding the
date of survey).

2.3.5 Mixed Reference Period MPCE (or MPCEMRP) This is the measure of MPCE
obtained by the CES when household consumer expenditure on items of clothing and
bedding, footwear, education, institutional medical care, and durable goods is recorded for a
reference period of “last 365 days”, and expenditure on all other items is recorded with a
reference period of “last 30 days”.

2.3.6 Modified Mixed Reference Period MPCE (or MPCEMMRP) This is the measure of
MPCE obtained by the CES when household consumer expenditure on edible oil, egg, fish
and meat, vegetables, fruits, spices, beverages, refreshments, processed food, pan, tobacco
and intoxicants is recorded for a reference period of “last 7 days”, expenditure on items of
clothing and bedding, footwear, education, institutional medical care, and durable goods is
recorded for a reference period of “last 365 days”, and expenditure on all other items is
recorded with a reference period of “last 30 days”. These, in fact, are the reference periods
that were used in Schedule Type 2 of the 68th round, from which the tables of this report have
been generated.

2.3.7 Major States: This refers to the 17 States of India which had a population of 20
million or more according to the Census of 2001. The States are: Andhra Pradesh, Assam,
Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
Together, these States accounted for nearly 94.7% of India’s population in 2001.

2.3.8 Consumption from PDS: For four consumption goods – rice, wheat, sugar and
kerosene – consumption from “PDS” purchase and consumption from “other sources” were
recorded against separate items in the schedule. Here PDS stands for Public Distribution
System, which means the distribution of some essential commodities by the government at
subsidised rates through ration shops, fair price shops and control shops. These shops may be
owned by the government, local government, a government undertaking, the proprietor of a
firm, co-operatives or private persons (individually or jointly) or other bodies like club, trust,

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
12 Chapter Two

etc. The following procedure was followed while classifying a purchase as “PDS” or
 "Super Bazaars" and co-operative stores were not generally included under public
distribution system. However, when these also sold rationed commodities at
controlled prices against ration cards, they were taken as ration shops for particular
 For kerosene, "PDS" also included kerosene depots selling kerosene at controlled
 Distribution of some controlled price commodities such as kerosene may in some
areas be made without a system of presentation of ration card. Except in such
situations, a purchase which was not made against a ration card was not considered as
a PDS purchase.
 A purchase was considered as “PDS” irrespective of whether the household had used
its own ration card or that of some other household.
 Purchase from PDS shops at prices higher than the PDS prices was also considered as
purchase from PDS as long as the price paid was perceptibly lower than the market


106 Other rice products: Foods which are obtained from rice by splitting, frying,
powdering, or parching of the grain. Rice used for home preparation of sweets, etc., is shown
against “rice” and not against this item.

114 Other wheat products: Does not include wheat preparations like biscuits, cakes, etc.,
which are shown separately in “beverages, etc.”

117 Maize & its products: This includes cornflakes, popcorn, etc., made of maize.

118 Barley & its products: This includes sattu prepared by frying and powdering of barley.

129 Cereal: Note that household consumption of cereals does not include consumption of
cereals by livestock belonging to the household. Such expenditure, being part of farm
expenditure, is excluded from household consumer expenditure altogether. Note also that the
estimate of cereal consumption does not include the cereal content of food that is received by
the household from outside in the form of meals obtained free or by purchase, or as cereal
preparations or snacks (e.g. in purchased burgers, samosas, etc). Such food is accounted in
“beverages, refreshments and processed food”. To the extent that such food forms part of the
household’s consumption, its cereal consumption is understated in the estimate of cereals

The number at the start of each paragraph is the code used for the item in the schedule of enquiry (see
Appendix C: Schedule 1.0).

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Concepts and Definitions 13

139 Cereal substitutes: This item includes tapioca, when consumed as a substitute for
cereals, as is common in some parts of the country. Jackfruit seed, mahua, etc., when
consumed as substitute for cereals, will also be included here. Potato or sweet potato
consumed as substitutes for cereals are, however, not shown here but included in

150 Gram products: This includes gram products such as sattu obtained by frying and
powdering of gram (whole grain). Besan made out of gram is, however, a separate item

152 Other pulse products: Includes soyabean meal and soya flour.

160 Milk: liquid: This covers milk as directly obtained from cow, buffalo, goat or any
other livestock. Milk sold in bottle or polypack, as well as readily drinkable flavoured and
bottled milk, is included. Milk transformed at home into curd, casein, ghee, butter, etc. for the
purpose of household consumption is also included. Milk used in home preparation of
sweetmeats, etc., is also accounted here.

161 Baby food: This covers only those baby foods of which the principal constituent is

166 Ice-cream: This category covers only ice-cream of which the major component is milk.
Ice with syrup but without milk sold under the name of ice-cream is not included.

180-185, 189 Edible oil: Excludes edible oils used for toilet purpose by the household.

238 Other fresh fruits: This includes sugarcane consumed like fruits.

276 Fruit juice and shake: Excludes fruit juice obtained at home by crushing the fruit.

280 Cooked meals purchased: This refers to cooked meals purchased from the market
(e.g., from hotels and restaurants), as well as from office and factory canteens on payment.
Valuation is at the purchase price (subsidized or otherwise).

281 Cooked meals received free in workplace: The word “free” is used here to mean that
no payment is made by the recipient for the meal. However, the meal itself may be provided
as full or part payment for services rendered. Meals received directly as full or partial
payment in kind are included here, as well as (number and imputed value of) meals received
free of charge from office or factory canteens.

282 Cooked meals received as assistance: (Number and imputed value of) all meals
received as assistance from Government, NGOs and charitable organizations, including meals
received by schoolchildren as part of the Midday Meal scheme, are covered by this item.
However, cooked meals received as charity or otherwise from other households are not

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
14 Chapter Two

included here. Consumption of such meals is accounted against the ingredients (rice, etc.) in
the server household.

280-289 Served processed food and 290-299: packaged processed food: In the schedule
of enquiry, processed food items were grouped under “served” and “packaged” according to
the usual way in which they are sold. It is, of course, possible, for a cooked meal to be
packaged and taken home; even so, all cooked meals were recorded against items 280-282
under “served processed food”. Similarly, it is quite possible for sweets to be served at the
sweet shop and eaten there; nevertheless, all sweets not prepared in the household were
recorded against item 290 under “packaged processed food”.

290 Prepared sweets, cake, pastry: Prepared sweets include sweets made of sugar, cereals,
milk, coconut, etc. Sweets made at home are accounted not against this item but against the
items for the ingredients. Bakery items such as buns and sweet rolls are included here.

291 Biscuits, chocolates, etc.: This includes confectionery such as toffees and lozenges,
and sugar substitutes such as saccharine and sugar-free sweeteners.

292 Papad, bhujia, namkeen, mixture, chanachur: Papad is usually made from powdered
pulses but may also be made from sago or other cereals. It is usually consumed in fried (or
toasted) form, as part of a rice meal or as a separate snack, in most parts of India. Bhujias,
namkeens and chanachur (often called mixture) are spicy pulse-based snacks available in
grocery shops.

293 Chips: Consumption of potato chips and similar foods (for example, chips made from
plantains) is included here.

294-295 Pickles, sauce, jam, jelly, etc.: Excludes pickles, jam, etc. prepared at home; these
are accounted against the ingredients (flour, sugar, vegetables, oil, etc.).

296 Other packaged processed food: This includes ready-to-cook mixes such as vada mix,
dosa mix, gulab jamun mix, etc., soup powder, custard powder, etc. Also included are baby
foods whose principal component is not milk, such as Cerelac, Nestum, etc.

302 Ingredients for pan: Includes supari, lime, katha, etc., but excludes tobacco, zarda,
surti, kimam, etc. even if consumed with pan, as these are accounted in the tobacco group.
312 Leaf tobacco: Includes all leaf tobacco consumed in any form, and also tobacco leaf
burnt and powdered for brushing teeth.

320 Ganja: Includes ganja consumed in the form of cigarettes.

322 Country liquor: Note that country liquor prepared at home from its ingredients and
consumed is accounted against the ingredients.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Concepts and Definitions 15

325 Other intoxicants: Includes drugs used for intoxication but excludes drugs used for
medicinal purposes.

332 Electricity: Includes meter rent and surcharge for electricity. If electricity is generated
at home using a diesel or petrol generator, consumption is not accounted against this item but
against diesel or petrol.

342 Gobar gas: The value of gobar gas is imputed on the basis of value of inputs used for
manufacturing gobar gas.

379 Clothing: Excludes raincoats. Expenditure on tailor-made clothing excludes tailoring

charges, which are shown against “tailor” under “consumer services”. Imported ready-made
garments, even if purchased second-hand, are shown as first-hand purchase. Livery supplied
by the employer is taken into account in household consumption of clothing even if used
during duty hours only.

389 Bedding: Apart from bedding proper such as bed sheets, pillows and mosquito nets,
this includes rugs, curtains, towels, mats, cloth for upholstery, etc.

390-395, 399 Footwear: This includes charges paid to a cobbler for getting a pair of shoes
or other footwear made. It excludes the cost of straps purchased separately.

400, 401 Books, journals: Apart from books purchased for educational purposes, these
items include novels and other fiction.

402 Newspapers, periodicals: Excludes newspapers and periodicals purchased second-

hand, which, along with second-hand books, etc., are accounted against item 401.

404 Stationery, photocopying charges: Excludes photocopying charges incurred for non-
educational purposes, which are accounted in item 491: miscellaneous expenses.

408 Other educational expenses: This includes expenditure on computer training; fees for
music, dancing, swimming schools, etc; schools for typing, shorthand, etc; and training in
physiotherapy, nursing, etc. Up to and including the 66th round, expenses on internet use
(exclusive of telephone charges) were included here; from this round, internet expenses is one
of the items of “consumer services”.

409 Education: This includes expenditure on books and journals, newspapers, paper, pen,
pencil, etc., magazines, novels and other fiction, tuition fees, expenses on training in
computer, typing, shorthand, music, nursing, etc. All compulsory payments collected by
educational institutions at the time of admission or along with the regular fees are regarded as
part of the expenditure for education and included in “education”, even if termed “donations”
by the institution collecting them. True donations to the school made voluntarily as charity
are, however, excluded from consumer expenditure.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
16 Chapter Two

410-429 Medical: institutional and non-institutional expenditure: The distinction

between institutional and non-institutional medical expenses lies in whether the expenses
were incurred on medical treatment as an in-patient of a medical institution (institutional), or
otherwise (non-institutional). Medical institution here covers private as well as Government
institutions such as hospitals and nursing homes.

468 Other washing requisites: This includes brushes, Scotch Brite and other utensil
cleaners, steel wool, toilet cleaners, Pheneol and other floor cleaners, etc.

480 Domestic servant/ cook: This includes the value of both cash and kind payment.
Imputed value of meals prepared in the home and consumed by a domestic servant/ cook is
included here.

481 Attendant: This item records expenditure incurred on persons engaged by the
household to look after an ailing member, or a child, or an aged person in the household. It
excludes payment for medical services rendered by a nurse, even if performed within the
household; such payment is accounted against item 424: other medical expenses.

491 Miscellaneous expenses: This includes expenses such as application fees for
employment, etc., subscriptions to societies and similar organisations, fax charges,
photocopying charges (other than for education), cost of water purchased through tanker,
porter, etc., but not insurance premium payments, which are not included in consumer

495 Pet animals: Pet animals include cats, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, mongoose, birds, fish,
etc., but not farm animals or poultry. Expenses include cost of feed, treatment expenses, etc.

496 Internet expenses: It may be noted that prior to this round, internet expenses were
included in “other educational expenses”.

497 Other consumer services excluding conveyance: Includes services of driver,

coachman, cleaner, cobbler, blacksmith, unskilled labourers, etc., commission paid to the
broker for purchase or sale of second-hand car/scooter etc., reconnection charge for
electric/telephone line, and all other consumer services excluding conveyance.

513 Other conveyance expenses: Includes animal feed for animal-drawn carriage or
vehicle. Does not include driver's or cleaner's salary, or garage rent.

519 Conveyance: Excludes expenditure on journeys undertaken on official or business

tours, but includes journeys to commute to and from place of work. The expenditure incurred
on journeys undertaken under Leave Travel Concession, etc., even if reimbursed, is included.
In case of owned conveyance, the cost of fuel (petrol, mobile oil, diesel, etc.) for power-
driven transport and animal feed for animal-drawn carriage is considered.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Concepts and Definitions 17

520 House rent, garage rent (actual): In case of quarters provided by the employer
(including government accommodation), the portion of monthly emoluments forfeited on
account of occupation of quarters is included in monthly house rent expenditure.
Salami/pugree is not included in “rent”.

521 Hotel lodging charges: Excludes expenditure on hotel stay during business tours and
official tours covered by travelling allowance paid by the employer.

523 Other consumer rent: This item covers hiring charges for consumer goods like
furniture, electric fans, crockery, utensils and charges for decoration on ceremonial

539 House rent, garage rent (imputed): For a household that resides in a house (or uses a
garage) which it either owns or otherwise occupies without paying any rent, the value of this
is imputed on the basis of prevailing rate of rent for similar houses in the locality or
surrounding areas. This information is obtained for urban households only. “Imputed rent” is
defined as zero for households which occupy hired accommodation. Estimate of per capita
imputed rent (for non-hired accommodation) is, however, computed taking both non-zero and
zero figures in the calculation. Note also that imputed rent is not included in the computation
of household consumer expenditure and MPCE.

540 Water charges: This item covers water charges paid to the municipality or other local
bodies. It does not include the cost of water purchased through tanker, etc.

541 Other consumer taxes and cesses: This category includes road cess, chowkidari tax,
municipal rates, other taxes and cesses paid by the household as a domestic consumer, and
consumer license fees such as fees paid for possession of firearms, vehicles, etc. It does not
include income tax or sales taxes.

550-649, 659 Durable goods: Items included here all have a lifetime of one year or more.
However, some petty durables such as spectacles, torches, locks, umbrellas, etc., are
excluded. Note that glassware, earthenware and plastic goods such as buckets are excluded
from durable goods and included in “other household consumables”. Consumption
expenditure on durable goods includes both expenditure on purchase and expenditure on
repair and construction of household durables. For land and residential building, only
expenditure on repair and construction is included.

2.4 A note on data comparability

2.4.1 It was mentioned in Chapter One, Section 1.5, that reports similar to the present one
are available based on data collected in the 50th (1993-94), 55th (1999-2000), 61st (2004-05)
and 66th (2009-10) rounds of NSS. In this context the following observations need to be made
regarding comparability of data presented in this report with those from earlier rounds.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
18 Chapter Two

2.4.2 Consumption data collected on the same item from the same population have been
found to vary depending on the length of the reference period used. One reason for the
variation is that even when reporting is perfect, the use of short reference periods produces
data reflecting fluctuations in consumption at the level of individual households. The level of
consumption of salt by a household may be more or less the same every week, but this may
not be true of the consumption of fish or fruits, and certainly not of the consumption of
clothing (as defined in NSS surveys) or durables. Use of longer reference periods such as a
year irons out the short-term fluctuations and produces data that exhibits less variation over

2.4.3 Averages of consumption (quantity or value) for large populations – and estimates
based on large samples – should not be affected by the abovementioned systematic
differences in inter-household variability found in data collected with different reference
periods. However, even these averages exhibit systematic differences for reasons which are
more complex and less predictable. Reporting of data collected with longer reference periods
may be affected by recall lapse. The term recall lapse covers not only the inability to
remember the fact that a certain item was consumed but also the inability to remember the
exact time when an item was consumed. While the former kind of error causes under-
reporting of consumption, the other may cause either under- or over-reporting.5

2.4.4 The data on food, pan, tobacco and intoxicants collected through Schedule Type 2 of
this survey differs from that collected in the quinquennial surveys prior to the 66th round
survey in that a reference period of “last 30 days” was used only for cereals, pulses, milk,
sugar and salt, while for all other food items, as well as for pan, tobacco and intoxicants, a
reference period of “last 7 days” was used. This was according to the recommendations of an
Expert Group that had been formed to suggest a suitable reference period for each item of
consumption. The Expert Group had noted that a 7-day reference period gives somewhat
higher estimates of per capita consumption for the item groups for which it is used, and hence
for the food group as a whole, as well as of household MPCE (all items) itself, but expected
these estimates to be closer to the true consumption levels of households than are obtainable
by the usual (30-day recall period) method.6 Users of the present report interested in studying
trends in consumption level over time would need to bear this fact in mind.

2.4.5 In case of clothing, footwear, education, medical care and durables (Category I items
in Chapter One, Section 1.6), the reference period used in Schedule Type 2 of the 68th round,
as in the 66th round, was “last 365 days”. This was also the practice followed in the 55th
round. In the 61st round, as well as the 50th), two sets of consumption data were collected
from each surveyed household on the Category I items – one for “last 30 days” and the other
for “last 365 days”. The 61st round report gives estimates based on “365 days” for items of
durables, and estimates based on both data sets for other items. Clearly, only the “365 days”

The tendency to report items consumed outside the reference period as consumed within the reference period
(called “telescoping”) is common, and causes over-reporting.
See NSS Report No. 475: Results of a Pilot Survey on Suitability of Different Reference Periods for Measuring
Household Consumption.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Concepts and Definitions 19

estimates should be used for comparison with the present round’s estimates. However, it
needs to be mentioned here that when data are collected with a double reference period from
the same household, the use of one reference period should be assumed (unless proved
otherwise) to have an influence on the data collected with the other reference period.

2.4.6 For these reasons, comparisons with past data have generally been avoided in the
present report, especially for estimates relating to food items. However, some discussion of
changes over time has been attempted for estimates for items of miscellaneous goods and
services – where “last 30 days” has been used in all the quinquennial surveys – and for
estimates of “possession of durable goods” which are expected to be unaffected by reference
period problems.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Chapter Three

Summary of Findings

3.0.0 The survey estimates presented in this report are of three kinds:
(a) Estimates of per capita consumption (quantity and value) of detailed items
(b) Estimates of proportions of households incurring consumer expenditure on different
items during a 7-day, 30-day or 365-day period
(c) Estimates of proportions of households possessing specific durable goods on the date
of survey

3.0.1 As mentioned in Chapter One, the NSS 68th round results released prior to this report
use an item classification with 32 broad item groups (14 food and 18 non-food groups) to
describe the pattern of consumer expenditure in India and its States and Union Territories.
Table T3 below, reproduced from NSS Report No.5557 (68th round), gives a broad break-up
using 20 item groups. The present report makes use of the detailed item classification adopted
in the schedule of enquiry to study consumer expenditure patterns in much greater detail.
Estimates are given separately for rural and urban areas of all 35 States and UTs of India (see
Appendix A in the enclosed CD). Also, all-India estimates are given separately for
households in 12 different fractile classes of MPCE formed separately for rural India and
urban India (Appendix A).

Table T3: Break-up of MPCE by 20 broad item groups: all-India, 2011-12

monthly per monthly per
item group capita exp. (Rs.) item group capita exp. (Rs.)
rural urban rural urban
cereals & cereal substitutes 154 175 clothing & footwear*** 100 167
pulses & their products* 42 54 education 50 182
milk & milk products 115 184 medical 95 146
edible oil 53 70 conveyance 60 171
egg, fish & meat 68 96 other consumer services 57 147
vegetables 95 122 misc. goods, entertainment 76 152
fruits 41 90 rent 7 164
sugar, salt and spices 76 94 taxes and cesses 4 22
beverages, refreshments & proc. food** 113 236 durable goods 65 139
food total 756 1121 non-food total 673 1509
pan, tobacco & intoxicants 46 42
fuel and light 114 176 all items 1430 2630
*includes gram ** includes purchased cooked meals ***excludes tailoring charges

Level and Pattern of Consumer Expenditure, 2011-12

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary of Findings 21

Estimates of quantity and estimates of value

3.0.2 For detailed items, estimates of consumption in quantity terms are available from the
68th round survey for most items of food, clothing, bedding and fuel, but not for most
durables and a large number of minor “miscellaneous” articles, nor for services of any kind
(including educational and medical services). Estimates of value of consumption in rupees
per person per month are, however, available for every kind of item, and have been presented
for every item, for rural and urban sectors of each State and UT.

Estimates of proportion of households consuming an item within a period

3.0.3 For each detailed item, estimates of the proportion (number per 1000) of households in
any sector of any State/UT that consumed the item during the reference period are given
alongside the estimates of per capita consumption. The reference period was “last 365 days”
for clothing, footwear, education, institutional medical care, and durables (categories of
infrequently purchased items). The reference period was “last 7 days” for edible oil,
vegetables, meat/fish/eggs, fruits, salt and spices, beverages, refreshments and processed
foods, pan, tobacco and intoxicants. For the remaining items of food and non-food, including
cereals, pulses, milk and milk products, sugar, fuel, education, medical care, transport, all
consumer services, and rent, the reference period was “last 30 days”. These estimates provide
an alternative way of studying patterns of consumption by indicating the spread of
consumption of an item among the population, or the shrinking of the segment of population
consuming the item.

3.0.4 The estimates for the items whose consumption was reported by very few sample
households, though presented for the sake of completeness, should obviously be used with
more caution than estimates for items reported by a substantial number of households.

3.1 Cereals

3.1.1 General trends in quantity of consumption of cereals (considering the cereal group as a
whole), as well as the variation in cereal consumption across MPCE classes, have been
discussed extensively in NSS Report No.555: Level and Pattern of Consumer Expenditure,
2011-12. Table T4 shows per capita quantity of consumption and incidence of consumption
in 2004-05 (NSS 61st round), 2009-10 (66th round) and 2011-12 (68th round) of important
individual cereal items listed in the schedule of enquiry.

3.1.2 The general tendency for cereal consumption to decline gradually over the years is
seen to affect nearly all the individual cereals. (Monthly cereal consumption per person fell
from 12.12 kg to 11.23 kg in rural India and from 9.94 kg to 9.32 kg in urban India between
2004-05 and 2011-12.) Rice consumption per person per month has fallen in rural India from
6.38 kg in 2004-05 to 5.98 kg in 2011-12 – a fall of 0.4 kg in 7 years. In urban India it has
fallen from 4.71 kg to 4.49 kg (a fall of 0.2 kg) per person per month. The share of PDS
purchases in consumption has, however, risen substantially. Per capita consumption of PDS
rice has, in fact, doubled in rural India and risen by 66% in urban India since 2004-05.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
22 Chapter Three

3.1.3 Per capita consumption of wheat shows a slight rise of about 0.1 kg per person per
month since 2004-05 in rural areas and a fall of 0.35 kg in urban areas. As in case of rice, the
share of PDS purchase in consumption has increased considerably, per capita consumption of
PDS wheat having more than doubled since 2004-05 in both sectors.
Table T4: Consumption of different cereals in 2004-05 and 2011-12, all-India
per capita qty (kg) percentage of hhs consuming$
cereal year consumed in 30 days in a 30-day period
rural urban rural urban
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
04-05 0.84 0.53 24.4 13.1
rice: PDS*
09-10 1.41 0.81 39.1 20.5
11-12 1.67 0.88 45.9 23.3
rice: other 04-05 5.54 4.18 85.3 89.1
sources* 09-10 4.59 3.71 84.7 87.4
11-12 4.31 3.61 84.6 87.6
rice: all 04-05 6.38 4.71 - -
sources 09-10 6.00 4.52 - -
11-12 5.98 4.49 - -
wheat/ atta: 04-05 0.31 0.17 11.0 5.8
PDS@ 09-10 0.62 0.37 27.6 17.6
11-12 0.74 0.41 33.9 19.0
wheat/ atta: 04-05 3.89 4.19 63.5 79.5
other sources@ 09-10 3.63 3.71 64.4 74.9
11-12 3.54 3.61 67.4 76.4
wheat/ atta: all 04-05 4.19 4.36 - -
sources 09-10 4.25 4.08 - -
11-12 4.29 4.01 - -
jowar & its 04-05 0.43 0.22 9.6 7.8
products 09-10 0.29 0.18 9.2 7.5
11-12 0.20 0.13 8.4 7.6
bajra & its 04-05 0.39 0.11 7.2 4.0
products 09-10 0.26 0.09 6.3 4.8
11-12 0.24 0.08 6.8 5.5
maize & its 04-05 0.31 0.025 8.0 2.1
products 09-10 0.20 0.021 6.0 1.7
11-12 0.13 0.014 6.7 2.1
all 04-05 12.12 9.94 98.6 95.1
cereals# 09-10 11.35 9.37 98.4 93.5
11-12 11.22 9.28 98.7 93.4
*excludes rice products @excludes other wheat products #includes all cereal products
Note that these are the percentages of households reporting cereal items, and exclude the households whose members
consumed cereals only as part of meals prepared outside the household (in restaurants, in other households, etc.).

3.1.4 The fall in per capita consumption of the lesser cereals – jowar, bajra and maize – has
been steeper, especially in the rural sector, than the fall for rice and wheat. The contribution
of cereals other than rice and wheat to total cereal consumption in 2011-12 was, however,
less than 1 kg per person per month in rural India and less than 0.8 kg in urban India.

3.2 Pulses and pulse products

3.2.1 Table T5 shows trends in per capita quantity of consumption and incidence of
consumption for the most common pulse varieties: arhar, moong, masur, urd, split gram and

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary of Findings 23

peas, for whole gram and besan, and the pulses-and-pulse-products group as a whole. For the
group as a whole, per capita consumption rose by 77-78 gm between 2004-05 and 2011-12 –
from 705 gm per month to 783 gm in the rural sector and from 824 gm to 901 gm in the
urban sector. Of this rise, however, as much as 69 gm in the rural sector and 57 gm in the
urban sector was contributed by the four items split gram, whole gram, pea and besan,
whereas the four pulses arhar, moong, masur and urd – which in 2011-12 together made up
about 64% of consumption of pulses and pulse products in rural India and 68% in urban India
– registered a total increase in consumption of only 14 gm in the rural sector and 18 gm in the
urban sector over this period.

Table T5: Consumption of major pulses and pulse products in 2004-05 and 2011-12, all-India
per capita qty (kg) % of consuming hhs* (in 30
year consumed in 30 days days)
rural urban rural urban
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
04-05 0.208 0.295 56.8 71.1
09-10 0.163 0.264 53.8 69.4
11-12 0.212 0.301 59.6 74.1
04-05 0.092 0.114 43.7 59.4
09-10 0.073 0.104 40.5 56.6
11-12 0.091 0.117 45.6 60.0
04-05 0.105 0.092 37.9 37.1
09-10 0.079 0.078 34.9 35.3
11-12 0.112 0.093 41.1 38.0
04-05 0.080 0.090 35.4 41.7
09-10 0.072 0.090 35.4 43.1
11-12 0.084 0.098 38.9 44.7
gram 04-05 0.058 0.073 33.2 44.3
(split) 09-10 0.077 0.079 38.7 43.1
11-12 0.079 0.085 39.9 46.6
gram 04-05 0.026 0.033 13.8 19.6
(whole) 09-10 0.033 0.039 17.5 22.5
11-12 0.040 0.045 20.7 25.9
04-05 0.037 0.015 10.4 8.2
09-10 0.057 0.025 15.3 11.0
11-12 0.052 0.023 14.9 11.9
04-05 0.031 0.050 23.2 34.4
09-10 0.038 0.058 27.7 38.1
11-12 0.050 0.075 34.7 45.1
04-05 0.705 0.824 97.3 94.4
all pulses & pulse
09-10 0.651 0.788 96.9 92.7
11-12 0.783 0.901 98.1 92.5

*Note that these are the percentages of households reporting items of pulses, and exclude households whose members
consumed pulses only as part of meals prepared outside the household (in restaurants, in other households, etc.).

3.2.2 Fig 1 shows the composition of pulse consumption in quantity terms. In value terms,
monthly per capita consumption was Rs.41.58 in rural India and Rs.53.66 in urban India
(Table T6). Full details, including State/UT-level estimates, are available in Table 1,
Appendix A. State/UT-level estimates of per capita quantity of consumption of selected pulse
varieties also appear on pages 42 and 43 (Statement 1).

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
24 Chapter Three

Fig 1: Pattern of pulse consumption (quantity), all-India

gram and gram: gram and gram:
pulse whole pulse whole
products 5% products 5%
9% 11%

peas peas
arhar, tur
7% 3% arhar, tur
other 33%
6% gram: split urd
10% 11%
11% masur moong 10% moong
14% 11% gram: split


3.2.3 Arhar (tur) accounted for as much as 27% of pulse consumption in rural areas and
33% in urban areas. Moong and masur together contributed 26% in rural and 23% in urban
areas, the share of moong being greater in urban India. Split gram contributed about 10% in
each sector. Products of pulses and gram had a total share of 9% in rural and 11% in urban
areas. While whole gram had a share of 5% in both sectors, the share of peas was markedly
higher in rural (7%) than in urban India.

Table T6: Details of consumption of selected pulses and pulse products, all-India
per capita consumption in 30 days % of consuming hhs (in
pulse/ pulse product quantity (gm) value (Rs.) 30 days)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
arhar, tur 212 301 12.94 19.47 59.6 74.1
gram: split 79 85 3.57 4.10 39.9 46.6
gram: whole 40 45 1.66 2.22 20.7 25.9
moong 91 117 5.78 8.15 45.6 60.0
masur 112 93 5.86 5.20 41.1 38.0
urd 84 98 4.73 6.10 38.9 44.7
peas 52 23 1.58 0.87 14.9 11.9
besan 50 75 2.39 3.73 34.7 45.1
all pulses & products 783 901 41.58 53.66 98.1 92.5

3.3 Edible oil

3.3.1 Monthly per capita edible oil consumption was estimated as 674 gm in rural India and
853 gm in urban India (for State/UT-wise estimates see Table 1 of Appendix A). The break-
up of edible oil consumed per capita at all-India level by type of oil is shown in Fig 2 for
rural and urban sectors.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary of Findings 25

3.3.2 The schedule of enquiry used five items of edible oil and a residual item “edible oil:
others” against which consumption of
Fig 2: Per capita edible oil consumption (gm)
(g all other edible oils such as linseed oil,
in 30 days rapeseed oil, gingelly oil, rice bran oil,
etc., were recorded. It is seen that
among the five types of edible oioil listed
900 in the schedule, mustard oil and refined
vanaspati & oil – which includes sunflower oil and
800 margarine
soyabean oil – were the two types with
700 mustard oil the largest shares in both sectors. Of
600 these, mustard oil had the largest share
500 coconut oil (about 45%) in the rural sector and
refined oil had the largest share (47%)
groundnut oil in the urban. The share of refined oil in
300 the rural sector was 34% and the share
200 refined oil of mustard oil in the urban sector was
100 28%. None of the other oils had a share
edible oil: greater than 6% except groundnut oil in
0 others the urban sector (about 9.5%).
9.5 Details
rural urban of per capita quantity and value of all all-
India edible oil consumption are given
in Table T7.

Table T7: Details of consumption of edible oil, all-India

per capita consumption in 30 days % of consuming hhs
hhs* (in
edible oil quantity (gm) value (Rs.) 7 days)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
vanaspati, margarine 20 21 1.47 1.59 6.0 5.0
mustard oil 304 242 25.07 20.20 52.7 34.1
coconut oil 15 16 1.36 1.57 3.5 3.5
groundnut oil 40 81 3.68 7.53 6.0 8.5
refined oil 227 400 17.19 32.62 35.7 51.7
edible oil: others 69 94 4.66 6.52 11.3 12.3
edible oil: sub-total 674 853 53.44 70.03 98.3 92.6
*Note that these are the percentages of households reporting items of edible oil, and exclude households whose
members consumed edible oil only as part of meals prepared outside the household (in restaurants, in other
households, etc.)

3.4 Milk, egg, fish and meat

.1 Milk, eggs, fish and meat are the four sources of animal-protein-rich
3.4.1 animal rich foods available to
the Indian population. The schedule of enquiry collects data separately for milk and its
products: curd, butter, ghee, etc. However, consumption of milk products (curd, ghee, etc.)
prepared in the home from liquid milk is recorded against “milk (liquid)” for simplicity of
data collection. To the extent that such home preparation of milk products takes place, the
26 Chapter Three

data as recorded overstates the consumption of liquid milk and understates the consumption
of milk products.

3.4.2 Milk and milk products commanded a share of 8% % of consumer expenditure in rural
India and 7% in urban India.. The group “egg, fish and meat”, on the other hand, had a share
of 4.8% in rural and 3.7%
% in urban consumer expenditure. In studying the all-India
India incidence
and magnitude of consumption of animal foods, the variation across the country due to
cultural differences needs, of course, to be remembered. State/UT level estimates are
provided inn Table 1, Appendix A.
Fig 3: Monthly per capita expenditure
3.4.3 Urban per capita consumption
on milk, eggs, fish and meat
levels (in physical terms) were higher
monthly per capita expenditure (Rs.)

than rural in case of all the animal

supplying foods except fish,
250 meat rural consumption of which was slightly
fish higher (266g per person per month)
200 eggs
meat than urban (252g). Also, the incidence
150 fish of consumption (Table T8, cols. 6 & 7)
eggs milk and
100 milk and milk was markedly higher in urban India for
milk products milk, eggs, goat meat and chicken, but
50 products lower for fish.
3.4.4 urban
While the per capita
meat 38.75 58.14
consumption of eggs was 1.94 per
fish 22.77 26.73 month (0.45 per week) in rural India
eggs 6.94 11.12 and 3.18 (0.74 per week)
ek) in urban India,
milk and milk the percentage of households reporting
114.90 184.31
consumption of eggs during a 7-day7
period was 29.2% in rural and 337.6% of
urban India.. As per capita consumption is computed taking all households in the
denominator, this works out to about 1.6 and 2.0 eggs per person per week for each
consuming household.

Table T8:: Details of consumption of milk, eggs, fish, and selected meats, all-India
per capita consumption in 30 days % of consuming hhs (in
item quantity value (Rs.) 7 days*)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
milk: liquid (litre) 4.333
333 5.422 106.25 158.43 78.0* 84.9*
eggs (no.) 94
1.94 3.18 6.94 11.12 29.2 37.6
fish, prawn (g) 266 252 22.77 26.73 26.5 21.0
goat meat/mutton (g) 49 79 12.11 21.78 6.4 10.0
beef/ buffalo meat (g) 42 64 4.40 6.55 4.0 5.0
chicken (g) 178 239 20.63 28.65 21.7 27.0
*for milk: liquid,, the figures in cols. 6 & 7 are percentages of households reporting consumption during the last 30 days
Summary of Findings 27

3.4.5 Between 2004-05 and 2011-12, estimated per capita consumption of “milk: liquid”
(Table T9) increased by about 470 ml per month in rural India and 315 ml per month in urban
India. The proportion of households reporting consumption of “milk: liquid” in the last 30
days rose by nearly 7 percentage points over this 7-year period while the proportion of urban
households reporting consumption remained the same.
Table T9: Consumption of “milk: liquid”, all-India: 2004-05 to 2011-12
per capita consumption % of consuming households
year (litres) (in 30 days)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2004-05 3.866 5.107 71.3 85.0
2009-10 4.117 5.358 76.4 84.9
2011-12 4.333 5.422 78.0 84.9

3.5 Vegetables

3.5.1 In view of the great diversity of vegetables consumed all over the country, the
vegetables group was assigned a total of 17 items in the schedule of enquiry including the
residual “other vegetables” item. At all-India level, monthly per capita consumption of
vegetables was estimated as Rs.94.62 in rural India (6.6% of rural MPCE) and Rs.121.70 in
urban India (4.6% of urban MPCE).

Table T10: Details of consumption of common vegetables, all-India

per capita consumption in 30 days % of consuming hhs*
vegetable quantity (kg) value (Rs.) (in 7 days)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
potato 1.965 1.612 18.80 17.41 91.1 85.5
onion 0.842 0.951 11.39 13.66 95.9 90.8
tomato 0.586 0.806 9.24 13.90 74.6 84.8
brinjal 0.428 0.358 6.73 6.96 57.8 53.8
radish 0.147 0.140 1.38 1.73 17.2 17.6
carrot 0.078 0.153 1.34 3.26 12.8 25.4
palak/other 0.590 0.528 7.65 9.74 61.2 59.0
green chillies 0.152 0.166 4.94 5.69 83.1 81.4
lady's finger 0.209 0.281 4.32 7.46 33.6 44.3
parwal/patal, kundru 0.105 0.106 2.14 2.65 15.5 16.1
cauliflower 0.284 0.326 3.95 6.50 28.4 36.0
cabbage 0.227 0.271 2.88 4.61 27.6 36.0
gourd, pumpkin 0.359 0.281 4.37 4.44 33.2 28.8
peas 0.096 0.150 1.65 3.40 11.1 17.9
beans, barbati 0.102 0.139 2.35 3.99 18.7 25.5
lemon (no.) 1.211 2.117 1.88 3.72 29.0 43.8
other vegetables 0.590 0.574 9.57 12.56 58.1 58.8
all vegetables - - 94.62 121.70 98.7 92.6
*Note that these are the percentages of households reporting items of vegetables, and exclude households whose members
consumed vegetables only as part of meals prepared outside the household (in restaurants, in other households, etc.).

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
28 Chapter Three

3.5.2 Table T10 shows per capita consumption of vegetables in quantity and value terms, as
well as percentages of households reporting consumption during a period of 7 days, in rural
and urban India.

3.5.3 Consumption of carrots, lemons, cauliflowers, cabbages, tomatoes, lady’s fingers and
beans was appreciably more common in urban areas of the country (columns 6 and 7 of Table
T10), while potatoes, onions, gourds/pumpkins and brinjal were consumed by a greater
percentage of households in rural areas. The average rural Indian consumed about 1 kg 965
gm of potatoes a month, about 350 gm more than the average urban resident. Total
consumption of vegetables per person per month on the basis of these estimates (leaving out
lemons) comes to around 6.8 kg for both rural and urban sectors.

3.6 Fruits and nuts

3.6.1 Fruits and nuts accounted for only 2.8% (Rs.40.52) of consumer expenditure in rural
India and 3.4% (Rs.90.12) in urban India. The schedule of enquiry listed 18 fresh fruits
including “other fresh fruits” and 8 dry fruits and nuts. Details of consumption of some of
these are shown in Table T11. Estimates for all fruits and nuts listed in the schedule are
available in Table 1 of Appendix A.

3.6.2 The eight fresh fruits listed in Table T11 together accounted for around 84% of the
value of fresh fruits consumed in rural areas and 87% of the value in urban areas. Per capita
urban consumption of all commonly consumed fruits and nuts exceeded rural consumption
whether measured in terms of value or quantity. Rural-urban disparities in consumption were
relatively low in case of coconuts, mangoes, groundnuts and bananas, and high for apples,
grapes and oranges. Of the Rs.90 spent per month on fruits and nuts for the average urban
Indian, more than half was spent on apples, bananas, coconuts and mangoes.

Table T11: Details of consumption of important fruits and nuts, all-India

per capita consumption in 30 days % of consuming hhs (in
fruit/nut quantity value (Rs.) 7 days)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
banana (no.) 4.18 6.69 8.12 15.31 36.5 53.2
coconut (no.) 0.49 0.61 4.38 5.97 20.8 25.1
green coconut (no.) 0.06 0.14 0.63 2.00 2.7 5.4
orange, mausami (no.) 0.40 1.02 1.51 4.48 5.3 12.4
apple (gm) 58 191 4.74 18.10 8.0 22.7
mango (gm) 160 202 4.79 8.33 10.4 13.4
grapes (gm) 38 84 1.97 4.84 7.3 13.0
papaya (gm) 53 81 0.91 1.76 4.0 6.1
groundnut (gm) 63 87 4.31 6.45 21.7 29.2
cashewnut (gm) 1 8 0.63 3.84 1.6 7.7

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary of Findings 29

3.7 Beverages and processed food

3.7.1 The schedule of enquiry listed 6 kinds of beverages including mineral water, with
“tea” and “coffee” further divided into “tea: cups” and “tea: leaf”, and coffee: cups” and
“coffee: powder” respectively – in other words, into tea/coffee purchased in beverage form
and tea/coffee made at home. The schedule also listed 12 kinds of processed food. The
processed foods were grouped into two categories: those served in restaurants, dhabas, snack
bars, etc., and those which are usually taken home and consumed. Taken together, beverages
and processed food accounted for 7.9% (Rs.112.95) of consumer expenditure in rural India
and 9% (Rs.236.17) in urban India. Details of consumption of important items of this group
(together accounting for about 75% of expenditure on the group in rural India and about 82%
in urban India) are shown in Table T12. Corresponding estimates for all items of the group
are available in Table 1 of Appendix A.

3.7.2 In both sectors, around 28-30% of the value of consumption of beverages and
processed food was contributed by cooked meals obtained either through purchase or as
assistance (including imputed value of free meals received from school). In the urban sector it
was purchased cooked meals that made up the greater part of this contribution, accounting for
over 24% (about Rs.58) of the value of consumption of beverages and processed food. In the
rural sector, the imputed value of meals received as assistance was 18% of the value of
consumption of beverages and processed food.

Table T12: Details of consumption of selected beverages and processed foods, all-India
per capita consumption in 30 days % of consuming
beverage/ processed food quantity value (Rs.) hhs (in 7 days)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
tea: cups (no.) 3.3 5.82 12.01 26.08 37.3 49.6
tea: leaf (gm) 79.9 95.3 16.31 22.21 86.1 83.8
biscuits, chocolates, etc. - - 13.77 23.73 68.3 72.1
prepared sweets, cake, pastry - - 7.36 16.38 17.3 24.2
papad, bhujia, namkeen 66 106 6.59 12.22 34.9 43.8
cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.42 1.54 13.06 57.54 6.0 15.6
cooked meals received as assistance (no.) 2.48 0.88 20.41 8.77 24.6 7.8
cooked snacks purchased - - 14.39 36.94 44.7 59.8

3.7.3 Expenditure on tea (leaf + prepared tea) was about Rs.28 per person per month in rural
India and about Rs.48 in urban India. Ready-to-drink tea accounted for 54% of this
expenditure in the urban sector and about 42% in the rural sector. Purchases of ready-to-eat
cooked snacks from restaurants, food stalls, etc. were reported by nearly 60% of urban
households and amounted to about Rs.37 per person per month in urban India.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
30 Chapter Three

3.8 Energy (excluding vehicle fuels)

3.8.1 Estimates of consumption of energy used for heating, lighting and household
appliances are given in Table 2 of Appendix A; Table T13 gives details for the major energy
items used in the schedule. Together
these items of fuel accounted for 86% Fig 4: Monthly per capita expenditure
of value of energy consumption on important household fuels (Rs.)
(excluding vehicle fuels) in rural India 90
and 95% in urban India. 80

3.8.2 Nearly 71% households in 70

urban areas and over 21% in rural 60 firewood L.P.G.
areas reported consumption of LPG for and chips
household use during the last 30 days
(Table T13). Electricity made up about
30 electricity
50% of fuel expenditure in the average firewood
urban household and 22% in the 20
kerosene and chips
average rural household. Electricity 10 L.P.G.
was consumed by 96% households in 0
urban areas and 74% in rural areas. rural urban

3.8.3 However, the percentage of

households reporting use of firewood and chips remained as high as 83.5% in rural areas and
23% in urban areas. Monthly per capita rural consumption of firewood and chips was
estimated at about 19 kg and its value (including imputed value of free collection and home-
grown stock) at Rs.48.20 (42% of fuel expenditure).

Table T13: Details of consumption of selected energy items, all-India

qty. of consn. per value of consumption in 30 days % (2011-12) of
person in 30 days per capita as % of all fuel consuming hhs
(2011-12) (Rs.) (2011-12) R U (in 30 days)
R U R U 68^ 66^ 61^ 68^ 66^ 61^ R U
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
firewood and chips (kg) 19.04 4.29 48.20 13.17 42 47 42 8 9 9 83.5 22.9
electricity (kwh) 8.9 25.8 25.11 87.20 22 22 20 50 51 46 74.2 96.0
kerosene - PDS (litre) 0.431 0.230 6.78 3.50 6 6 9 2 2 3 75.6 30.0
kerosene - other sources (litre) 0.103 0.166 2.92 5.70 3 2 4 3 3 5 21.7 15.7
LPG (kg) 0.378 1.926 11.31 56.74 10 8 8 32 31 32 21.4 70.8
other fuel - - 19.79 9.55 17 14 17 5 5 5 - -
all fuel (excl. vehicle use) - - 114.11 175.86 100 100 99.8 99.6
^round: 68 – 2011-12; 66 – 2009-10; 61 – 2004-05

3.8.4 Estimates of consumption of LPG and electricity from the 61st, 66th and 68th rounds of
NSS are shown in Table T14 below. The rural sector shows an increase of 83% in the
proportion of LPG-consuming households and 75% in the quantity of LPG consumption per
person. In case of electricity the changes are less dramatic but nevertheless impressive: a rise
of 36% in the proportion of electricity-consuming households and of 57% in per capita
quantity of electricity consumed. In the urban sector quantity of electricity consumption per
person shows a rise of 29% during the 7-year period.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary of Findings 31

Table T14: Changes in consumption of LPG and electricity between 2004-05 and 2011-12
% of hhs per capita qty of
% of hhs per capita qty of
consuming electricity
consuming LPG LPG consumed
year electricity in consumed in 30
in 30 days in 30 days (kg)
30 days days (kwh)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
2004-05 11.7 58.9 0.216 1.605 54.5 90.2 5.67 19.96
2009-10 15.5 66.2 0.299 1.818 67.3 93.9 7.93 24.27
2011-12 21.4 70.8 0.378 1.926 74.2 96.0 8.92 25.84
% increase:
+83% +20% +75% +20% +36% +6% +57% +29%
04-05 to 11-12

3.9 Clothing and bedding

3.9.1 The clothing expenditure of a household during a 365-day period is usually spread
over a large number of items and a number of months; the value of a purchase is frequently
small and difficult to recall. In an effort to minimise recall lapses, as many as 25 clothing
items were provided in the schedule of enquiry. The estimated value of consumption was a
very small component of MPCE for most of these items. Monthly per capita consumption
expenditure on all clothing was estimated as only about Rs.81 in rural India and Rs.133 in
urban India. The main components of clothing and bedding expenditure have been shown in
Fig 5 below. In Fig 5, “kurta, pyjamas, etc.” includes salwars and kameezes while “other
clothing” includes dhotis, coats, jackets and sweaters, shawls, frocks, skirts and blouses, other
casual wear, infant clothing, as well as school/college uniforms of all kinds.

Fig 5: Consumption expenditure on clothing and bedding, all-India

kurta, pyj
hosiery kurta, pyj hosiery
ama, etc. sari sari
articles ama, etc. articles
8% 16% 16%
9% 11% 8%
cloth for
shorts, tr cloth for
ousers shirt etc.
shirt etc. 9%
8% 13% shorts, tr
ousers cloth for
shirts, T- cloth for 13% trousers
shirts trousers shirts, T- etc.
9% etc. shirts other 6%
clothing 7% 12% clothing
30% 25%


3.9.2 As Fig 5 shows, cloth for shirts and trousers had greater importance in the clothing
budget of the rural Indian compared to the urban. The shares of readymade garments such as
shirts, trousers, kurtas, pyjamas, etc. were all greater for urban India than for rural India. Saris
accounted for 16% of the clothing budget in both sectors.

3.9.3 Some more details of consumption of clothing are provided in Table T15.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
32 Chapter Three

Table T15: Details of consumption of clothing items, all-India

per capita consumption in 30 days % of consuming hhs (in
item quantity value (Rs.) 365 days)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
sari (no.) 0.047 0.049 13.32 21.25 84.6 74.2
cloth for shirt etc. (m) 0.134 0.129 10.14 12.23 69.7 63.5
cloth for trousers etc. (m) 0.043 0.048 5.98 8.23 52.6 49.5
shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.039 0.058 7.32 15.68 72.8 80.2
shorts, trousers, etc. (no.) 0.026 0.045 6.60 16.79 51.0 65.7
kurta, pyjama, etc. - - 6.14 14.17 - -
hosiery articles (no.) 0.176 0.225 7.45 10.90 94.6 96.5
other clothing expenditure - - 23.86 33.69 - -

3.10 Education
3.10.1 Educational expenditure (which includes expenditure on newspapers, stationery and
books of all kinds apart from school and college education expenses) was reported by about
66% of rural and 76% of urban households. (See Table T16.) Per capita educational
expenditure was, however, as much as 3.6 times higher in the urban sector than in the rural.
Educational expenditure per person per month (including the entire population in the
denominator and not only students) was about Rs.50 (3.5% of MPCE) in rural India and
Rs.181.50 (about 7% of MPCE) in urban India.
Table T16: Details of educational expenditure, all-India
per capita expenditure in % of hhs incurring
item 30 days (Rs.) expenditure in 365 days
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
books, journals (first-hand) 7.62 17.13 44.9 54.8
newspapers, periodicals 1.21 6.85 8.2 31.9
stationery, photocopying 5.98 10.08 61.4 63.6
tuition and other fees 28.06 121.62 41.5 53.5
private tutor/coaching centres 6.00 23.17 11.6 16.8
other educational expenditure 1.10 2.65 - -
education: all 49.97 181.50 65.8 75.6

3.10.2 The largest component of educational expenses was tuition and other fees, which had
a share of 56% in the rural sector and about 67% in the urban sector. Private tuition had a
share of around 12-13% of educational expenditure in both sectors. The percentage of
households reporting expenditure on first-hand purchase of books and journals was 45% in
rural and 55% in urban India.

Table T17: Expenditure on tuition & other fees and private tuition: changes since 2004-05
tuition and other fees private tutor/coaching centres

year share in educational % of hhs reporting share in educational % of hhs reporting exp.
expenses exp. in 365 days expenses in 365 days
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
2004-05 43.7 57.5 41.3 52.5 12.3 14.8 8.3 15.5
2009-10 56.8 66.5 43.5 53.6 9.2 12.6 9.3 17.0
2011-12 56.2 67.0 41.5 53.5 12.0 12.8 11.6 16.8

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary of Findings 33

3.10.3 Changes since 2004-05 in the share in educational expenditure of (a) tuition and other
fees and (b) payments to private tutors and coaching centres are shown in Table T17. The
share of tuition and other fees has grown noticeably from 43.7% to 56.2% in rural India and
from 57.5% to 67% in urban India between 2004-05 and 2011-12. The incidence of
expenditure on private tutors and coaching centres appears to be growing at a faster rate in
rural India, though it was still 5 percentage points lower in 2011-12 than in urban India,
where it was about 17%.

3.11 Medical care

3.11.1 Expenditure on medical care has two components: institutional (incurred as in-patient
of a medical institution) and non-institutional. Data were collected with a reference period of
365 days for the institutional component and 30 days for the other.

3.11.2 As Table T18 shows, non-institutional medical expenditure during the last 30 days
was reported by about 79% of rural and 75% of urban households. Medicine accounted for
nearly 80% of non-institutional medical expenses in rural India and 75% in urban India.
Institutional medical expenditure during the last 365 days was reported by about 14-15% of
households in each sector. Here, too, medicine was the largest component but, as might be
expected, its share was smaller – 44% in the rural sector and 34% in the urban.

Table T18: Details of medical expenditure, all-India

non-institutional institutional
per capita % of hhs incurring per capita % of hhs incurring
item expenditure (Rs.) expenditure in 30 expenditure (Rs.) expenditure in 365
in 30 days days in 30 days days
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
medicine 51.24 70.83 76.8 73.3 13.46 17.53 14.1 13.1
X-ray, pathological test, etc. 3.73 6.70 5.4 5.8 3.29 5.64 9.4 9.6
doctor's/surgeon's fee 7.21 13.41 32.6 38.4 4.16 7.58 10.5 10.8
hospital/nursing home charges - - - - 6.32 13.67 8.8 10.4
other medical expenditure 2.19 3.33 - - 3.58 7.02 6.6 6.2
medical: all 64.37 94.27 78.5 74.9 30.81 51.44 15.0 14.4

3.12 Trends in expenditure on consumer services and miscellaneous goods

3.12.1 In the consumer expenditure survey schedule, the category “miscellaneous goods and
services” includes all consumer services including transport, minor entertainment goods,
toiletry, various household consumables and petty durables, and hired accommodation,
besides non-institutional medical care. For all these items, data are collected with a reference
period of “last 30 days”. For this category of items, no data on quantity consumed are
collected. The expenditure on these items is, of course, affected by price movements, and the
real change over time in consumption of any of the items cannot be separated out from the
change in expenditure incurred. Nevertheless, the growth of expenditure on any of these
items relative to the growth of total consumption expenditure throws light on the increase or
reduction in importance of the item over time.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
34 Chapter Three

3.12.2 Table T19 shows, for selected items of the “miscellaneous” category, both the change
in per capita expenditure (in nominal terms), and the change in proportion of households
incurring expenditure on the item in rural and urban India between 2004-05 and 2011-12. The
change in per capita expenditure on all consumption items (MPCE) is also shown, using the
MRP reference period for 2004-05, 2009-10 and 2011-12. For items which appear above the
“all consumption items” row, the growth in per capita expenditure has been faster than the
growth in overall MPCE, implying that the budget share of` the item has increased. For items
below the “all consumption items” row, the growth in per capita expenditure has been slower
than the growth in overall MPCE, implying that the budget share of the item has fallen over
the 7-year period. The increase in proportion of households incurring expenditure has also
been computed as a percentage; thus, a figure of 100 in col.9 would mean that the proportion
of households incurring expenditure on the relevant item has doubled, and a figure of minus
50 would mean that the proportion has been halved.

Table T19: Changes since 2004-05 in nominal expenditure on selected non-food items, all-India
per capita expenditure in 30 days no. per 1000 hhs incurring exp. in 30 days
item 2011-12 2009-10 2004-05 % increase % increase
from 04-05 to 2011-12 2009-10 2004-05 from 04-05 to
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) 11-12 11-12
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
cable TV connection 9.35 5.33 1.58 491.8 326 212 88 270.5
telephone charges# 25.23 21.18 5.54 355.4 767 536 317 142.0
petrol 22.56 12.97 5.41 317.0 170 132 73 132.9
taxi, auto-rickshaw fare 8.01 4.61 2.17 269.1 391 294 175 123.4
all consumption items8 1287.17 953.05 579.17 122.2 - - - -
bus/tram fare 21.18 14.03 10.81 95.9 616 579 603 2.2
washing soap/soda 13.06 10.21 6.82 91.5 986 983 982 0.4
toilet soap 9.25 7.36 5.22 77.2 977 965 962 1.6
grinding charges 6.37 5.15 4.18 52.4 662 623 616 7.5

house/garage rent 159.42 106.95 54.66 191.7 343 324 314 9.2
petrol 84.68 53.45 31.30 170.5 374 330 264 41.7
taxi, auto-rickshaw fare 15.88 11.41 5.95 166.9 413 355 266 55.3
all consumption items 2477.02 1856.01 1104.60 124.2 - - - -
cable TV connection 27.64 23.26 14.63 88.9 694 605 435 59.5
washing soap/soda 19.49 16.02 10.39 87.6 984 982 980 0.4
bus/tram fare 32.76 23.68 17.76 84.5 528 519 546 -3.3
telephone charges# 67.73 68.91 37.80 79.2 916 812 633 44.7
railway fare 9.01 6.59 5.09 77.0 119 100 93 28.0
toilet soap 14.09 11.46 8.12 73.5 988 984 988 0.0
washerman, laundry 5.96 4.71 3.62 64.6 209 224 268 -22.0
grinding charges 5.70 4.49 3.67 55.3 484 465 478 1.3
# Here the estimates in cols.6 & 7 (no. of hhs per 1000 incurring expenses in 09-10 &11-12) relate to mobile phones only.

For both rural and urban sectors, the estimate for “all consumption items” given here is the Mixed Reference Period (MRP)
estimate based on Schedule Type 1, which was canvassed in a different sample of households from the sample on which this
report is based. Because of this, the estimates for “all consumption items” shown in Table T19 differ from those shown in
Table T3. The reason for giving the MRP estimates in Table T19 is to ensure comparability of estimates of “all consumption
items” across rounds 61 (2004-05), 66 (2009-10) and 68 (2011-12).

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary of Findings 35

3.12.3 Among the facts highlighted by Table T19 are the following:
 In rural India, telephone expenditure per person increased to about Rs.25 per month in
2011-12, which was about 4.6 times its value in 2004-05. While 32% of rural
households reported telephone expenditure in 2004-05, the proportion of households
in 2011-12 reporting expenditure on mobile phones alone was 77%.
 Rural per capita expenditure on petrol rose in 2011-12 to about Rs.23, about 4.2 times
its level in 2004-05. Petrol expenditure per capita in urban India increased about 2.7
times during the same period, from Rs.31 to about Rs.85 per month.
 Expenditure per person on cable TV subscription in rural India rose in 2011-12 to 5.9
times its value in 2004-05, and the proportion of households incurring such
expenditure increased by 270%, from 88 per 1000 households to 326.
 Rural per capita expenditure on taxis and autorickshaws was in 2011-12 about 3.7
times its value in 2004-05.
 Urban expenditure per person on house rent (taking the entire population in the
calculation and not rent-paying households only) rose from about Rs.55 per month in
2004-05 to Rs.159 in 2011-12 – a nearly threefold increase over 7 years.
 While the proportion of urban households incurring expenditure on mobile phone
charges and cable TV subscription rose by 45% (at least) and 60% respectively
between 2004-05 and 2011-12, per capita expenditure on these services grew at a
slower rate than overall MPCE in urban India during this period, indicating a fall in
their budget shares.

3.13 Variation in budget shares with level of living

3.13.1 As mentioned in Chapter One, all-India estimates of per capita consumer expnditure
on individual items of consumption are given in Appendix A separately for households
belonging to different MPCE fractile classes (formed separately for rural and urban sectors).

3.13.2 Households belonging to different fractile classes of the MPCE distribution represent
a series of sub-populations with progressively increasing level of living. The variation in the
budget share of any particular item across MPCE fractile classes therefore enables the study
of variation in consumption behaviour with rise in level of living. For any particular item of
consumption, the share in the household budget is the same as the ratio of per capita
expenditure on the item to MPCE.

3.13.3 Table T20 gives the percentage share in consumer expenditure of selected items of
consumption (9 items for rural India and 9 for urban India) for the 12 fractile classes used in
tabulating the all-India estimates of this report. It may be recalled (see Chapter Two,
paragraph that the fractile classes used are the percentile classes 0-5%, 5-10%, 10-
20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, ..., 70-80%, 80-90%, 90-95%, and 95-100%. These are also referred
to as fractile classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …, 9, 10, 11 and 12 respectively.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
36 Chapter Three

Table T20: Percentage shares of selected items in total consumer expenditure: variation across fractile
classes, all-India
percentage share in total consumer expenditure for households in fractile class
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 all
electricity 1.14 1.19 1.30 1.43 1.56 1.67 1.77 1.89 1.94 2.07 2.07 1.65 1.76
sari 1.32 1.21 1.15 1.08 1.05 1.06 1.03 0.93 0.93 0.88 0.80 0.65 0.93
tuition & other fees 0.52 0.55 0.68 0.76 0.80 0.97 1.03 1.34 1.71 2.27 3.07 4.51 1.96
medicine 2.50 3.12 3.29 3.61 3.57 3.78 3.94 4.09 4.51 4.89 5.81 6.15 4.52
toilet articles, barber* 3.21 3.05 2.95 2.95 2.91 2.90 2.90 2.89 2.81 2.68 2.50 1.86 2.68
detergents & laundry 1.24 1.11 1.08 1.07 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.05 1.03 0.98 0.92 0.75 0.98
mobile phone charges 0.81 1.05 1.31 1.44 1.59 1.62 1.65 1.81 1.82 1.87 1.94 1.70 1.68
bus/tram fare 0.96 0.86 1.07 1.13 1.21 1.33 1.51 1.58 1.72 1.72 1.76 1.49 1.48
petrol+diesel 0.02 0.15 0.19 0.32 0.52 0.77 0.94 1.35 1.64 2.42 3.18 3.41 1.70
percentage share in total consumer expenditure for households in fractile class
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 all
electricity 2.72 2.85 3.07 3.15 3.36 3.46 3.38 3.45 3.47 3.47 3.58 2.99 3.32
tuition & other fees 1.03 1.33 1.74 2.08 2.60 3.08 3.47 3.79 4.65 5.82 6.17 6.85 4.62
medicine 2.53 2.81 3.04 3.15 3.18 3.17 3.74 3.62 3.53 3.50 3.85 2.97 3.36
toilet articles, barber* 3.40 3.25 3.20 3.17 3.14 3.09 2.96 2.89 2.76 2.59 2.46 2.09 2.71
detergents & laundry 1.21 1.13 1.10 1.06 1.06 1.09 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.94 0.95 0.79 0.97
domestic servant/ cook 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.12 0.27 0.42 0.85 1.43 2.30 0.81
mobile phone charges 1.36 1.46 1.67 1.81 1.95 2.15 2.17 2.32 2.43 2.47 2.55 2.29 2.24
bus/tram fare 0.82 0.97 1.23 1.39 1.45 1.56 1.48 1.47 1.39 1.27 1.16 0.81 1.25
petrol+diesel 0.17 0.32 0.72 1.37 1.79 2.35 2.81 3.32 3.70 4.03 4.79 5.11 3.46

*includes beautician

3.13.4 Figures 6.1 and 6.2 depict the variation in budget shares by means of line diagrams
with the fractile classes represented by equally spaced points on the horizontal axis.

Fig 6.1R: Percentage share of selected items in total consumer

expenditure across MPCE fractile classes: Rural
% share in total consumer expenditure

toilet articles, barber
detergents & laundry
mobile phone charges
1 bus/tram fare

0.5 petrol+diesel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary of Findings 37

Fig 6.1U: Percentage share of selected items in total consumer

expenditure across MPCE fractile classes: Urban

% share in total consumer expenditure


4 toilet articles, barber

detergents & laundry
mobile phone charges
bus/tram fare
1 petrol+diesel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig 6.2R: Percentage share of selected items in total consumer expenditure

across MPCE fractile classes: Rural
% share in total consumer expenditure

tuition & other fees

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig 6.2U: Percentage share of selected items in total consumer expenditure

across MPCE fractile classes: Urban
% share in total consumer expenditure

5 medicine
4 tuition & other fees
3 electricity
2 domestic servant/ cook
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
38 Chapter Three

3.14 Durable goods: pattern of expenditure

3.14.1 For durable goods, as many as 51 items are provided in the schedule to help the
informant to recall and report each item on which expenditure was incurred. Per capita
expenditure on durable goods (including expenditure on construction, repair and maintenance
of such goods) was estimated (see Appendix A, Table 1, all-India, all classes) as about Rs.65
in the rural sector (4.5% of MPCE) and Rs.139 (5.3% of MPCE) in the urban. For durable
goods, per household expenditure is, arguably, more meaningful than per capita expenditure.
In Table T21, columns 8 & 9 show the expenditure per reporting household (= expenditure
per household ÷ proportion of reporting households) on selected items of durable goods,
while columns 2 to 7 show the share of each item in durables expenditure in different years.

Table T21: Details of expenditure* on durables, all-India

% to total expenditure* on durable goods expenditure* (Rs.) % of hhs
in in in 365 days per incurring
item reporting household expenditure* in
11-12 09-10 04-05 11-12 09-10 04-05 (’11-’12) 365 days
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
bicycle 3.4 4.6 5.2 1.3 1.9 2.8 236 271 51.8 32.7
motor cycle scooter 13.5 11.7 13.0 12.7 13.7 17.9 2959 2546 16.5 34.2
motor car, jeep 9.1 8.4 6.0 21.4 16.3 14.2 19300 21331 1.7 6.9
PC/laptop$ 1.0 0.7 0.4 3.8 3.0 2.6 8679 8472 0.4 3.1
mobile phone handset 4.4 4.9 0.4 4.4 4.8 2.4 1251 2472 12.8 12.1
television 2.6 2.5 3.8 3.2 3.6 6.3 2280 3725 4.2 5.9
gold ornaments 23.6 14.2 13.8 19.9 14.3 11.5 25081 27855 3.4 4.9
residential building@ 18.1 29.9 33.4 11.4 16.5 20.9 1883 4283 34.7 18.2
other durables 24.4 23.0 24.1 22.0 25.8 21.5 - - - -
durables: total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4141 8088 87.4 84.9
$ @
* including expenditure on construction, repair and maintenance incl. software repair & maintenance cost only

3.14.2 The share of gold ornaments in durables expenditure was estimated at nearly 24% in
rural India compared to about 20% in urban India. Cost of repair and maintenance of
residential buildings made up 18% of per capita expenditure on durables in rural India,
compared to 11% in urban India. In urban India, motor cars had a share of over 21%
compared to 9% in rural India. The share of motorized two-wheelers was about 12-14% in
both sectors. Mobile phone handsets made up 4.4% of expenditure on durables in each sector.
Note that all expenditure figures, as well as percentage of households reporting expenditure,
take into account not only expenditure on purchases but also expenditure on construction,
repair and maintenance.

3.15 Durable goods: trends in incidence of possession

3.15.1 Table 3 (R & U) of Appendix A give, separately for rural and urban areas of each
State/UT, the estimated proportions (numbers per 1000) of households possessing each of 19
different items of durable goods, common but of the relatively expensive kind, including
items of furniture, entertainment goods, household “comfort” goods, and vehicles for
household use. Further, the estimated proportions are given separately for households in 12
fractile classes of MPCE in the relevant sector of the State/UT concerned.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary of Findings 39

3.15.2 Table T22 shows estimates, from the 50th, 55th, 61st, 66th and 68th rounds of NSS, of
percentages of households possessing a specific durable good, for each of nine durables.

3.15.3 It is seen that television sets were possessed by nearly 50% of rural households in
2011-12 compared to 26% in 2004-05, and by 80% of urban households in 2011-12
compared to 66% in 2004-05. Refrigerators were possessed by 44% urban households in
2011-12 compared to 32% in 2004-05, and motor cars by 8% of urban households in 2011-12
compared to 4.6% in 2004-05. The proportion of rural households with motorcycles or
scooters more than doubled in the 7 years prior to 2011-12 from 7.7% to 18.4% while in the
urban sector the proportion increased from 26% to 38%.

Table T22: Percentages of households having specific durable goods, 1993-94 to 2011-12, all-India
% of rural/urban households possessing a specific durable good
1993-94 32.7 37.1 2.1 11.6 0.2 1.2
1999-2000 40.5 39.0 4.5 18.4 0.4 2.7
2004-05 47.1 41.7 7.7 26.0 0.8 4.6
2009-10 54.9 41.1 13.9 33.0 1.4 6.5
2011-12 57.1 38.6 18.4 37.8 2.0 8.0
1993-94 26.8 41.8 7.0 40.5 0.9 12.3
1999-2000 30.4 35.1 18.7 59.5 2.7 22.9
2004-05 26.3 33.6 25.6 66.1 4.4 31.9
2009-10 26.5* 23.3* 41.7 75.8 7.1 39.0
2011-12 18.7* 17.4* 49.6 80.4 9.4 43.8
1993-94 5.6 18.4 15.9 56.6 0.5 6.4
1999-2000 7.4 20.3 26.3 68.5 1.7 10.9
2004-05 9.5 23.8 38.4 81.8 2.9 18.2
2009-10 10.9 21.7 55.2 90.6 5.0^ 21.4^
2011-12 13.0 22.3 63.5 92.7 5.9^ 23.5^
* includes tape recorders, 2-in-1’s ^includes air conditioners

3.15.4 For certain durables, which are giving way to more efficient or entertaining
substitutes, such as the radio to television, or bicycles to motorized two-wheelers, a decline
over time in the percentage of possessor households is seen, especially in urban areas. For
most of the durables considered here, however, the percentage shows an unbroken rising
trend in both sectors.

3.16 Durable goods: variation in incidence of possession with level of living

3.16.1 Statement 5 (page 69) gives, for different fractile classes of MPCE, the all-India
estimates of per 1000 numbers of rural and urban households possessing each of 19 common
durables, including radios, TV sets, VCR/VCP/DVD players, cameras, air conditioners and
coolers, sewing machines, washing machines, refrigerators, water purifiers, bicycles,
motorcycles/scooters, motor cars, PCs and laptops, and mobile phones.

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
40 Chapter Three

Fig 7.1: Percentages of households in Fig 7.2: Percentages of households

different MPCE fractile classes in different MPCE fractile classes
possessing washing machines possessing refrigerators
60 80
50 70
40 urban
urban 50
30 40
20 30 rural
rural 20
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
MPCE fractile class  MPCE fractile class 

Fig 7.3: Percentages of households in Fig 7.4: Percentages of households

different MPCE fractile classes in different MPCE fractile classes
possessing bicycles possessing water purifiers
80 50
rural 40
50 30
40 urban
urban 20
20 rural
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
MPCE fractile class  MPCE fractile class 

3.16.2 Figures 7.1 to 7.8 show, for each of 12 classes of population demarcated by MPCE
level (numbered 1 to 12), the percentages of rural and urban households possessing each of
eight specific durable goods.

3.16.3 Practically all the curves are upward-sloping, suggesting that financial constraints
played a major role in preventing the have-not households from acquiring the relevant
commodities. A notable exception is the bicycle (Fig 7.3), which appears to be desired more
by the lower fractile classes than the upper ones. Among the other durables, the one that is
most well spread among the different fractile classes of population is clearly the mobile
phone (Fig 7.8).

3.16.4 Statements 1 and 2 on pages 42-48 give State/UT-level estimates of, respectively, per
capita quantity of consumption and per capita expenditure on selected food and non-food
items. In Statements 3 and 4 (pages 49-68), the all-India estimates (all MPCE classes taken
together) appearing in Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix A are reproduced for ready reference.
Summary of Findings 41

Fig 7.5: Percentages of households in Fig 7.6: Percentages of households

different MPCE fractile classes in different MPCE fractile classes
possessing motorcycles/scooters possessing motor cars/ jeeps
60 40
urban 30
30 20
rural 10
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
MPCE fractile class  MPCE fractile class 

Fig 7.7: Percentages of households in Fig 7.8: Percentages of households

different MPCE fractile classes in different MPCE fractile classes
possessing PC/laptops possessing mobile phones
70 120
60 100 urban
80 rural
40 urban 60
20 40
10 20
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
MPCE fractile class  MPCE fractile class 

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
42 Summary Statements

Statement 1: Monthly per capita quantity of consumption of selected commodities by State/UT

rice (kg) wheat (kg) arhar (kg) moong (kg) masur (kg) urd (kg)
rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Andhra Pradesh 10.829 8.952 0.272 0.694 0.463 0.459 0.104 0.100 0.016 0.024 0.146 0.192
Arunachal Pradesh 11.278 11.136 0.332 0.699 0.038 0.056 0.049 0.088 0.185 0.327 0.006 0.004
Assam 11.868 9.575 0.481 0.823 0.018 0.043 0.062 0.163 0.360 0.389 0.086 0.035
Bihar 6.044 5.366 5.584 5.512 0.078 0.147 0.077 0.070 0.290 0.284 0.006 0.004
Chhattisgarh 11.251 8.698 0.875 2.135 0.305 0.584 0.012 0.026 0.047 0.048 0.111 0.062

Delhi 1.452 2.072 6.104 5.447 0.297 0.206 0.140 0.137 0.106 0.147 0.022 0.071
Goa 6.415 5.998 1.610 1.740 0.160 0.220 0.117 0.144 0.106 0.141 0.018 0.036
Gujarat 2.042 1.835 3.710 4.982 0.326 0.360 0.198 0.189 0.008 0.023 0.052 0.053
Haryana 0.715 1.061 8.553 7.197 0.020 0.076 0.156 0.168 0.089 0.110 0.062 0.075
Himachal Pradesh 4.390 3.819 6.434 5.810 0.006 0.039 0.099 0.135 0.100 0.155 0.242 0.202

Jammu & Kashmir 8.130 7.604 3.387 3.289 0.009 0.013 0.080 0.092 0.029 0.035 0.098 0.085
Jharkhand 8.838 5.716 2.671 4.458 0.165 0.281 0.024 0.049 0.176 0.212 0.037 0.010
Karnataka 5.622 5.213 0.897 1.185 0.366 0.387 0.098 0.109 0.017 0.020 0.075 0.129
Kerala 7.239 6.740 0.739 0.874 0.127 0.152 0.127 0.143 0.005 0.005 0.161 0.180
Madhya Pradesh 2.194 1.876 8.484 7.850 0.335 0.456 0.105 0.139 0.071 0.045 0.078 0.043

Maharashtra 3.238 2.945 4.313 4.145 0.367 0.412 0.149 0.151 0.056 0.081 0.071 0.046
Manipur 14.014 13.058 0.004 0.037 0.014 0.025 0.017 0.025 0.09 0.071 0.025 0.018
Meghalaya 9.844 8.981 0.165 0.456 0.006 0.032 0.023 0.098 0.237 0.314 0.001 0.000
Mizoram 12.685 11.476 0.074 0.296 0.000 0.000 0.018 0.005 0.353 0.514 0.002 0.003
Nagaland 13.079 12.565 0.007 0.122 0.014 0.017 0.033 0.030 0.169 0.228 0.000 0.000

Odisha 12.139 8.800 0.673 1.752 0.163 0.366 0.175 0.134 0.064 0.039 0.049 0.039
Punjab 0.844 1.169 8.208 7.045 0.008 0.057 0.151 0.154 0.105 0.114 0.083 0.075
Rajasthan 0.235 0.583 9.275 8.957 0.025 0.058 0.183 0.162 0.038 0.067 0.054 0.045
Sikkim 9.410 7.305 0.564 0.966 0.007 0.000 0.016 0.050 0.270 0.190 0.000 0.000
Tamil Nadu 8.604 7.337 0.530 0.726 0.390 0.390 0.068 0.089 0.002 0.003 0.304 0.320

Tripura 13.102 11.632 0.192 0.391 0.001 0.001 0.016 0.051 0.321 0.433 0.001 0.002
Uttar Pradesh 4.063 2.835 7.160 6.543 0.261 0.314 0.030 0.060 0.088 0.110 0.099 0.085
Uttarakhand 4.943 4.054 6.897 6.443 0.165 0.198 0.037 0.055 0.188 0.180 0.111 0.090
West Bengal 9.923 6.243 1.345 2.286 0.003 0.041 0.038 0.100 0.297 0.303 0.019 0.014
A & N Islands 8.366 7.241 1.531 1.867 0.338 0.448 0.115 0.107 0.266 0.219 0.075 0.141

Chandigarh 2.693 1.832 6.085 5.777 0.149 0.153 0.175 0.171 0.119 0.133 0.190 0.160
Dadra & N. Haveli 7.326 3.213 0.335 3.948 0.490 0.526 0.144 0.160 0.052 0.001 0.280 0.099
Daman & Diu 3.878 3.081 2.563 2.942 0.402 0.316 0.266 0.110 0.128 0.025 0.105 0.066
Lakshadweep 8.047 7.134 0.697 0.837 0.360 0.254 0.183 0.120 0.006 0.000 0.106 0.055
Puducherry 7.953 7.602 0.830 0.904 0.406 0.385 0.068 0.102 0.006 0.001 0.335 0.381

All-India 5.976 4.487 4.288 4.011 0.212 0.301 0.091 0.117 0.112 0.093 0.084 0.098

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 43

Statement 1: Monthly per capita quantity of consumption of selected commodities by State/UT

gram: split milk: liquid eggs fish goat meat/ chicken
State/UT (kg) (litre) (no.) (kg) mutton (kg) (kg)
rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban
(1) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

Andhra Pradesh 0.058 0.072 3.561 4.514 4.705 5.271 0.153 0.108 0.121 0.149 0.491 0.440
Arunachal Pradesh 0.018 0.027 1.017 1.384 3.865 6.772 0.580 0.647 0.039 0.102 0.255 0.375
Assam 0.035 0.058 1.388 1.740 4.097 5.441 0.665 0.767 0.017 0.055 0.208 0.308
Bihar 0.127 0.158 3.922 4.080 1.003 1.213 0.239 0.187 0.050 0.058 0.177 0.170
Chhattisgarh 0.012 0.033 0.655 2.417 0.715 1.407 0.157 0.103 0.012 0.032 0.226 0.265

Delhi 0.203 0.112 7.576 8.480 1.144 3.006 0.026 0.037 0.043 0.045 0.124 0.212
Goa 0.034 0.013 4.238 5.738 4.879 6.386 1.537 1.700 0.058 0.064 0.351 0.496
Gujarat 0.075 0.072 5.471 6.709 0.668 0.928 0.052 0.052 0.027 0.033 0.084 0.077
Haryana 0.158 0.156 14.790 11.033 0.737 1.815 0.002 0.017 0.036 0.003 0.061 0.064
Himachal Pradesh 0.251 0.262 9.415 8.326 1.209 2.382 0.005 0.031 0.143 0.169 0.111 0.145

Jammu & Kashmir 0.153 0.149 8.083 8.577 3.077 3.116 0.012 0.027 0.153 0.247 0.290 0.387
Jharkhand 0.041 0.081 1.983 3.923 1.190 2.153 0.142 0.149 0.035 0.105 0.236 0.290
Karnataka 0.097 0.106 3.391 4.731 2.391 3.416 0.163 0.117 0.095 0.119 0.369 0.433
Kerala 0.007 0.008 3.004 3.562 4.253 5.042 2.262 2.103 0.013 0.020 0.338 0.435
Madhya Pradesh 0.116 0.089 4.043 5.106 0.786 1.621 0.048 0.043 0.024 0.072 0.078 0.096

Maharashtra 0.135 0.098 3.252 4.953 1.774 3.409 0.090 0.175 0.069 0.107 0.207 0.270
Manipur 0.019 0.041 0.252 0.405 1.671 1.456 0.462 0.570 0.001 0.001 0.171 0.099
Meghalaya 0.009 0.013 0.984 1.598 1.890 3.961 0.403 0.517 0.013 0.019 0.168 0.191
Mizoram 0.000 0.011 0.535 2.105 3.531 6.851 0.176 0.203 0.003 0.002 0.235 0.147
Nagaland 0.001 0.001 0.161 0.238 3.172 3.522 0.285 0.482 0.022 0.001 0.226 0.190

Odisha 0.036 0.032 1.198 2.666 1.335 1.863 0.438 0.474 0.022 0.077 0.102 0.108
Punjab 0.182 0.167 11.993 10.793 0.669 1.261 0.001 0.004 0.015 0.015 0.046 0.091
Rajasthan 0.115 0.109 9.300 8.711 0.333 1.088 0.011 0.004 0.049 0.089 0.022 0.039
Sikkim 0.015 0.049 6.433 5.450 1.654 1.972 0.01 0.061 0.021 0.003 0.203 0.410
Tamil Nadu 0.055 0.080 3.713 4.961 3.615 5.165 0.257 0.292 0.089 0.094 0.356 0.385

Tripura 0.002 0.011 0.887 1.363 2.799 4.268 1.069 1.478 0.006 0.025 0.199 0.379
Uttar Pradesh 0.054 0.071 4.979 5.856 0.861 1.944 0.072 0.035 0.042 0.054 0.056 0.082
Uttarakhand 0.127 0.129 7.732 6.722 1.850 2.380 0.053 0.076 0.031 0.078 0.078 0.102
West Bengal 0.016 0.023 1.369 2.564 4.615 6.169 0.805 1.032 0.018 0.067 0.176 0.318
A & N Islands 0.030 0.034 1.080 2.331 6.433 6.448 1.573 1.255 0.005 0.025 0.631 0.884

Chandigarh 0.217 0.171 9.801 8.463 1.326 2.863 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.009 0.043 0.192
Dadra & N. Haveli 0.030 0.103 0.528 6.018 1.248 1.021 0.178 0.040 0.005 0.007 0.220 0.178
Daman & Diu 0.077 0.042 3.333 5.153 6.240 3.949 0.625 0.997 0.007 0.039 0.410 0.218
Lakshadweep 0.006 0.010 0.124 0.306 4.673 7.066 2.321 3.801 0.010 0.000 0.417 0.361
Puducherry 0.105 0.098 4.683 6.170 6.435 6.796 0.547 0.678 0.080 0.084 0.439 0.467

All-India 0.079 0.085 4.333 5.422 1.937 3.180 0.266 0.252 0.049 0.079 0.178 0.239

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
44 Summary Statements

Statement 1: Monthly per capita quantity of consumption of selected commodities by State/UT

groundnut oil mustard oil banana coconut potato
groundnut (kg)
State/UT (kg) (kg) (no.) (no.) (kg)
rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban
(1) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37)

Andhra Pradesh 0.184 0.174 0.000 0.001 7.125 8.240 0.910 0.991 0.115 0.13 0.506 0.526
Arunachal Pradesh 0.002 0.007 0.298 0.377 4.844 5.633 0.028 0.013 0.011 0.021 1.303 2.060
Assam 0.002 0.005 0.484 0.564 4.333 5.700 0.150 0.155 0.002 0.004 1.763 1.873
Bihar 0.004 0.003 0.508 0.562 3.761 3.740 0.010 0.013 0.006 0.007 3.389 3.361
Chhattisgarh 0.009 0.025 0.039 0.057 1.415 3.411 0.524 0.476 0.046 0.056 1.400 1.480

Delhi 0.001 0.001 0.537 0.480 3.755 5.718 0.000 0.098 0.009 0.050 1.867 1.834
Goa 0.000 0.009 0.001 0.002 8.536 9.204 5.943 5.976 0.001 0.005 0.561 0.660
Gujarat 0.187 0.299 0.047 0.073 3.515 6.576 0.127 0.156 0.044 0.065 1.300 1.582
Haryana 0.002 0.005 0.408 0.407 5.340 8.447 0.019 0.035 0.076 0.096 1.834 2.028
Himachal Pradesh 0.003 0.000 0.432 0.387 3.988 7.249 0.016 0.005 0.058 0.095 1.481 1.562

Jammu & Kashmir 0.003 0.004 0.785 0.844 2.639 4.836 0.001 0.004 0.014 0.029 1.174 1.191
Jharkhand 0.001 0.001 0.427 0.499 0.983 2.756 0.014 0.090 0.002 0.023 3.066 3.214
Karnataka 0.148 0.122 0.001 0.002 7.179 9.186 2.314 2.151 0.122 0.142 0.376 0.439
Kerala 0.005 0.002 0.000 0.001 9.409 10.338 5.566 5.398 0.021 0.018 0.394 0.436
Madhya Pradesh 0.005 0.010 0.172 0.126 3.247 4.536 0.364 0.306 0.035 0.056 1.407 1.425

Maharashtra 0.039 0.188 0.001 0.058 7.032 8.588 0.322 0.619 0.342 0.256 0.822 0.887
Manipur 0.004 0.003 0.344 0.364 3.235 3.110 0.022 0.003 0.006 0.010 1.110 0.951
Meghalaya 0.000 0.002 0.375 0.373 2.394 2.788 0.117 0.044 0.002 0.002 1.409 1.598
Mizoram 0.071 0.096 0.117 0.155 3.083 4.298 0.002 0.020 0.000 0.004 1.195 1.757
Nagaland 0.001 0.000 0.250 0.252 3.699 2.204 0.005 0.014 0.000 0.000 1.401 1.656

Odisha 0.004 0.003 0.204 0.215 2.631 4.921 0.492 0.506 0.014 0.015 2.271 2.004
Punjab 0.005 0.012 0.435 0.436 3.440 4.915 0.000 0.009 0.084 0.058 1.947 1.933
Rajasthan 0.041 0.070 0.289 0.228 3.716 5.795 0.073 0.044 0.054 0.054 1.053 1.370
Sikkim 0.001 0.005 0.593 0.415 1.521 1.814 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.000 1.734 1.364
Tamil Nadu 0.098 0.043 0.000 0.000 6.126 8.905 2.141 2.237 0.033 0.025 0.435 0.504

Tripura 0.002 0.006 0.470 0.649 7.488 7.696 0.058 0.035 0.002 0.005 1.636 1.884
Uttar Pradesh 0.004 0.004 0.537 0.560 2.451 4.570 0.008 0.023 0.043 0.059 3.074 2.990
Uttarakhand 0.010 0.004 0.585 0.479 4.361 5.958 0.005 0.028 0.034 0.068 1.917 1.930
West Bengal 0.004 0.005 0.612 0.668 2.683 5.185 0.140 0.216 0.003 0.005 3.794 3.664
A & N Islands 0.000 0.011 0.590 0.336 10.882 10.858 1.761 0.596 0.000 0.000 0.900 0.890

Chandigarh 0.000 0.001 0.556 0.509 4.618 5.781 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.027 2.231 1.884
Dadra & N. Haveli 0.014 0.248 0.008 0.381 2.091 12.249 0.034 0.024 0.004 0.002 0.772 1.193
Daman & Diu 0.165 0.206 0.138 0.003 4.286 6.365 0.127 0.588 0.049 0.102 1.269 0.756
Lakshadweep 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.102 7.656 12.506 10.068 0.026 0.017 0.665 0.506
Puducherry 0.047 0.006 0.000 0.000 6.429 8.160 1.533 1.918 0.012 0.020 0.480 0.515

All-India 0.040 0.081 0.304 0.242 4.181 6.694 0.551 0.755 0.063 0.087 1.965 1.612

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 45

Statement 1: Monthly per capita quantity of consumption of selected commodities by

onion (kg) brinjal (kg) cabbage (kg) tomato (kg)
State/UT (kg)
rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban
(1) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47)

Andhra Pradesh 1.080 1.064 0.449 0.385 0.066 0.122 0.153 0.226 1.120 1.094
Arunachal Pradesh 0.351 0.540 0.428 0.452 0.087 0.325 0.254 0.490 0.342 0.689
Assam 0.468 0.594 0.628 0.454 0.277 0.368 0.436 0.390 0.265 0.434
Bihar 1.041 1.156 0.654 0.514 0.513 0.609 0.259 0.317 0.253 0.390
Chhattisgarh 0.711 0.923 0.421 0.462 0.241 0.469 0.266 0.477 1.203 1.623

Delhi 1.022 0.944 0.301 0.301 0.585 0.550 0.194 0.216 0.846 0.857
Goa 1.088 1.395 0.077 0.095 0.205 0.255 0.343 0.401 0.637 0.743
Gujarat 0.703 0.882 0.585 0.508 0.317 0.366 0.362 0.454 0.638 0.920
Haryana 1.076 1.171 0.300 0.346 0.558 0.606 0.145 0.221 0.848 1.079
Himachal Pradesh 0.884 1.044 0.214 0.276 0.530 0.794 0.300 0.356 0.629 0.799

Jammu & Kashmir 0.868 1.017 0.140 0.163 0.452 0.490 0.226 0.214 0.613 0.808
Jharkhand 0.858 1.041 0.362 0.365 0.371 0.424 0.392 0.380 0.568 0.857
Karnataka 0.888 0.981 0.343 0.292 0.044 0.081 0.167 0.238 0.840 0.927
Kerala 0.815 0.917 0.110 0.107 0.016 0.033 0.229 0.239 0.504 0.565
Madhya Pradesh 0.755 0.922 0.459 0.339 0.243 0.299 0.123 0.165 0.739 0.856

Maharashtra 0.918 0.970 0.472 0.351 0.284 0.394 0.257 0.319 0.653 0.723
Manipur 0.279 0.289 0.250 0.165 0.138 0.139 0.594 0.375 0.163 0.167
Meghalaya 0.423 0.452 0.349 0.218 0.152 0.211 0.420 0.625 0.382 0.509
Mizoram 0.298 0.357 0.914 0.567 0.045 0.216 0.201 0.458 0.151 0.387
Nagaland 0.275 0.382 0.322 0.309 0.135 0.102 0.472 0.603 0.427 0.565

Odisha 0.685 0.888 0.786 0.807 0.280 0.386 0.335 0.426 0.630 0.852
Punjab 1.513 1.441 0.289 0.286 0.571 0.628 0.058 0.068 0.587 0.720
Rajasthan 0.901 0.929 0.193 0.206 0.237 0.327 0.154 0.238 0.640 0.979
Sikkim 0.411 0.546 0.093 0.157 0.342 0.371 0.449 0.681 0.469 0.674
Tamil Nadu 0.899 0.995 0.367 0.330 0.051 0.096 0.242 0.269 0.929 1.023

Tripura 0.415 0.532 1.011 1.041 0.430 0.416 0.349 0.398 0.232 0.533
Uttar Pradesh 0.724 0.834 0.298 0.280 0.301 0.364 0.104 0.137 0.431 0.634
Uttarakhand 0.837 0.866 0.264 0.224 0.557 0.537 0.227 0.243 0.595 0.761
West Bengal 0.707 0.739 0.530 0.504 0.335 0.394 0.424 0.377 0.224 0.342
A & N Islands 0.808 0.936 0.321 0.361 0.133 0.095 0.338 0.286 0.482 0.610

Chandigarh 1.709 1.534 0.252 0.326 0.437 0.498 0.146 0.147 0.910 0.982
Dadra & N. Haveli 0.485 0.748 0.480 0.455 0.176 0.188 0.289 0.314 0.675 1.062
Daman & Diu 0.990 0.572 0.563 0.362 0.246 0.197 0.784 0.284 1.012 0.627
Lakshadweep 0.872 0.956 0.151 0.117 0.000 0.000 0.210 0.194 0.681 0.680
Puducherry 0.987 1.130 0.407 0.397 0.029 0.086 0.358 0.326 0.966 0.976

All-India 0.842 0.951 0.428 0.358 0.284 0.326 0.227 0.271 0.586 0.806

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
46 Summary Statements

Statement 1: Monthly per capita quantity of consumption of selected commodities by

firewood & kerosene electricity
bidi (no.)
State/UT chips (kg) (litre) (kwh)
rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban
(1) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55)

Andhra Pradesh 23.975 6.740 18.874 2.900 0.421 0.284 15.723 25.630
Arunachal Pradesh 7.273 3.835 47.287 15.896 0.333 0.171 4.287 8.238
Assam 12.949 8.385 29.864 5.537 0.668 0.483 4.335 12.991
Bihar 3.060 1.467 9.898 4.229 0.590 0.418 2.415 11.609
Chhattisgarh 10.996 6.939 24.114 7.555 0.488 0.289 7.594 22.281

Delhi 13.071 11.832 0.594 0.173 0.000 0.045 33.178 43.247

Goa 3.042 0.420 7.439 1.707 0.799 0.269 37.04 51.896
Gujarat 35.777 12.463 20.692 3.411 0.750 0.367 10.717 23.602
Haryana 51.922 26.366 11.573 1.679 0.218 0.088 15.800 36.507
Himachal Pradesh 45.616 31.170 35.683 4.306 0.187 0.327 31.887 48.637

Jammu & Kashmir 17.569 9.321 29.679 4.062 0.476 0.311 16.369 29.243
Jharkhand 1.274 1.183 20.480 2.451 0.621 0.348 5.752 22.017
Karnataka 31.666 10.439 28.084 6.434 0.583 0.486 7.891 22.750
Kerala 11.122 5.781 32.405 20.598 0.240 0.189 17.767 29.675
Madhya Pradesh 42.065 17.535 16.089 5.457 0.560 0.341 7.277 17.988

Maharashtra 6.861 2.448 16.973 1.743 0.584 0.521 10.955 27.733

Manipur 13.989 6.435 19.143 6.185 0.313 0.197 12.183 14.353
Meghalaya 36.451 10.116 30.85 6.640 0.376 0.226 9.225 20.777
Mizoram 13.687 6.998 49.241 5.497 0.341 0.268 10.45 18.414
Nagaland 15.216 7.938 38.532 19.629 0.102 0.072 9.019 11.203

Odisha 7.298 2.453 29.962 15.689 0.56 0.518 10.173 23.937

Punjab 12.183 16.779 12.323 1.909 0.278 0.266 23.148 34.986
Rajasthan 67.327 20.600 28.555 5.257 0.485 0.184 9.311 23.296
Sikkim 6.455 1.065 13.672 0.166 0.260 0.154 11.206 17.425
Tamil Nadu 15.722 8.944 19.271 3.686 0.613 0.551 17.016 36.426

Tripura 95.476 45.509 57.014 19.869 0.676 0.542 7.414 16.899

Uttar Pradesh 30.405 17.939 11.847 4.268 0.493 0.316 3.913 19.604
Uttarakhand 49.112 28.349 36.959 6.451 0.460 0.231 13.733 21.553
West Bengal 54.960 23.841 18.019 3.408 0.690 0.783 6.243 21.705
A & N Islands 5.261 1.778 25.129 1.223 1.145 1.103 20.195 35.089

Chandigarh 42.76 17.309 0.031 0.706 0.648 0.444 44.617 29.327

Dadra & N. Haveli 12.453 3.944 29.965 2.377 0.782 0.192 13.263 28.759
Daman & Diu 2.121 6.436 9.391 2.262 1.224 0.358 22.120 32.976
Lakshadweep 4.119 12.711 20.309 20.477 0.895 1.001 33.996 62.950
Puducherry 10.158 3.673 5.976 3.214 0.391 0.285 41.035 54.167

All-India 26.797 11.692 19.036 4.285 0.534 0.396 8.923 25.837

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 47

Statement 2: Monthly per capita expenditure (Rs.) on selected non-food items by State/UT
books, journals, tuition and other telephone charges:
cable TV medicine
State/UT etc. fees mobile
rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

Andhra Pradesh 7.65 19.03 21.05 31.77 42.57 143.15 82.67 91.81 28.95 55.22
Arunachal Pradesh 7.82 15.13 14.07 45.96 23.43 55.61 35.63 55.14 35.39 83.97
Assam 4.20 14.39 8.46 30.75 7.73 56.63 23.36 63.70 24.80 69.00
Bihar 5.88 15.63 1.82 10.40 6.73 43.11 38.29 49.19 19.24 32.23
Chhattisgarh 3.69 15.36 3.97 21.47 8.33 80.86 34.79 61.51 13.54 42.62

Delhi 21.52 20.04 26.72 34.22 132.93 173.28 65.12 58.94 69.53 78.61
Goa 5.59 8.60 37.69 51.03 13.84 47.24 73.20 83.86 67.66 88.61
Gujarat 7.21 14.59 11.97 32.67 19.14 85.88 47.22 75.31 25.99 58.26
Haryana 22.29 30.68 16.68 37.70 114.89 254.86 77.90 94.39 41.96 92.25
Himachal Pradesh 16.15 39.36 14.30 31.74 54.80 175.45 106.87 121.62 41.76 95.14

Jammu & Kashmir 14.16 23.20 11.45 26.36 42.14 126.97 58.6 85.73 33.33 62.72
Jharkhand 4.47 20.13 3.37 24.01 7.71 72.49 28.62 68.57 17.56 45.85
Karnataka 5.34 15.28 15.67 35.65 22.27 162.65 62.07 78.52 23.49 66.49
Kerala 12.93 16.51 26.15 29.81 49.89 106.87 149.97 160.74 46.14 63.36
Madhya Pradesh 4.79 15.11 3.54 20.19 14.27 101.42 45.58 81.97 18.70 43.17

Maharashtra 5.85 18.42 13.17 36.42 28.85 124.97 65.95 101.37 24.65 82.03
Manipur 24.10 22.64 5.13 9.94 47.33 63.48 17.52 14.18 25.22 28.5
Meghalaya 14.92 27.35 15.97 52.46 26.74 149.95 9.42 20.31 40.41 107.31
Mizoram 10.56 17.16 19.41 35.19 9.37 45.16 20.15 35.39 42.99 80.01
Nagaland 32.04 31.10 26.86 39.42 104.1 121.47 13.43 18.26 48.37 72.20

Odisha 2.54 10.88 7.14 25.94 5.61 50.62 49.03 65.09 13.77 42.89
Punjab 14.65 22.37 14.22 27.61 102.07 170.72 140.16 150.03 42.47 65.98
Rajasthan 7.69 19.24 5.93 19.09 46.27 174.21 68.60 66.06 31.24 57.81
Sikkim 12.41 24.50 36.82 61.88 23.58 182.79 12.01 24.34 38.86 75.59
Tamil Nadu 7.32 13.34 24.03 27.29 60.63 138.44 59.65 80.18 29.82 55.34

Tripura 8.90 15.61 13.27 25.45 5.56 20.45 40.09 94.25 24.67 46.97
Uttar Pradesh 10.31 19.07 1.99 14.36 25.47 109.34 81.77 87.98 19.74 41.32
Uttarakhand 14.12 23.02 17.58 29.57 59.44 98.79 60.00 64.67 42.34 62.56
West Bengal 8.04 18.65 7.98 26.47 6.14 66.35 63.52 113.84 15.03 47.32
A & N Islands 8.16 19.93 32.54 56.93 31.61 83.71 22.17 97.19 70.31 141.64

Chandigarh 24.64 20.75 27.60 34.69 191.94 211.55 72.84 107.59 66.94 95.01
Dadra & N. Haveli 11.31 19.22 11.85 34.39 7.34 126.90 34.48 70.72 19.78 78.44
Daman & Diu 8.86 20.08 26.90 34.02 11.33 47.10 33.69 81.05 93.00 60.37
Lakshadweep 3.34 2.96 14.62 23.82 1.05 20.10 81.69 226.48 45.33 64.69
Puducherry 16.14 22.38 31.70 36.87 68.87 242.02 67.13 95.65 44.98 56.61

All-India 7.95 17.77 9.35 27.64 28.06 121.62 64.70 88.36 24.07 59.03

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
48 Summary Statements

Statement 2: Monthly per capita expenditure (Rs.) on selected non-food items by State/UT
washing soap, house & garage barber,
bus/tram fare petrol
State/UT soda rent beautician
rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban
(1) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)

Andhra Pradesh 18.91 22.04 20.64 241.91 13.6 17.24 25.64 39.94 20.35 77.85
Arunachal Pradesh 12.08 14.05 15.92 75.74 5.92 8.96 8.48 4.30 23.24 71.12
Assam 7.17 11.66 0.41 110.63 7.46 13.95 16.79 28.63 9.22 59.94
Bihar 8.45 10.39 0.64 58.48 5.60 7.51 5.62 6.59 6.26 19.67
Chhattisgarh 10.87 15.75 0.99 56.87 6.49 11.63 8.70 6.09 17.97 69.65

Delhi 19.51 24.87 133.12 182.30 13.60 20.93 111.26 73.94 111.20 138.84
Goa 17.81 20.34 65.21 140.66 15.10 16.33 70.62 56.82 140.12 177.23
Gujarat 12.43 17.80 6.00 97.07 9.06 15.54 18.06 22.06 37.61 98.70
Haryana 22.30 28.56 11.87 329.25 11.50 21.02 22.03 19.72 61.51 176.32
Himachal Pradesh 22.72 28.11 23.29 271.87 6.89 13.09 61.03 65.75 36.45 68.91

Jammu & Kashmir 18.59 23.11 3.45 48.64 8.58 12.01 60.02 71.34 16.43 93.57
Jharkhand 10.92 17.05 2.16 99.16 5.76 12.30 6.98 7.88 9.29 63.43
Karnataka 13.87 19.78 9.04 358.48 11.60 20.10 42.55 64.08 21.70 108.29
Kerala 19.93 23.23 22.06 104.81 12.30 14.56 58.81 56.53 47.85 106.97
Madhya Pradesh 10.93 16.10 1.69 77.99 7.32 11.81 20.28 19.18 18.97 70.26

Maharashtra 14.93 23.32 10.38 191.29 12.50 22.09 29.02 33.95 31.66 86.41
Manipur 8.45 7.90 1.55 9.50 3.79 4.05 30.55 6.66 30.15 53.56
Meghalaya 11.98 14.58 1.91 179.77 4.57 8.28 27.01 15.78 16.51 79.93
Mizoram 14.35 19.57 6.27 74.12 2.34 11.76 7.65 17.29 21.40 59.92
Nagaland 13.55 12.80 3.09 45.49 6.61 8.14 25.63 15.18 34.700 44.76

Odisha 6.71 9.99 1.93 173.65 5.25 10.57 7.90 8.40 11.17 62.76
Punjab 29.53 29.32 5.40 70.56 9.31 12.43 28.48 24.54 83.70 111.58
Rajasthan 17.04 21.60 1.91 85.45 7.09 10.91 31.94 33.08 29.07 98.28
Sikkim 9.83 12.67 25.02 236.27 8.64 16.45 0.09 0.00 13.09 24.49
Tamil Nadu 17.05 19.81 18.27 237.32 13.60 18.45 47.76 52.99 39.10 87.91

Tripura 6.78 9.03 1.37 78.69 7.76 9.42 9.08 8.84 7.22 31.60
Uttar Pradesh 10.71 15.82 1.28 95.23 5.92 11.04 10.23 11.33 16.91 72.45
Uttarakhand 16.03 18.23 16.12 134.28 9.20 12.24 27.00 21.92 35.93 79.46
West Bengal 9.79 14.27 0.98 81.93 5.66 13.86 12.05 30.70 7.41 34.61
A & N Islands 33.10 37.44 101.74 358.67 16.90 26.62 63.74 70.8 66.29 133.46

Chandigarh 25.47 26.44 174.83 410.09 8.53 13.64 13.02 28.67 117.67 207.28
Dadra & N. Haveli 10.08 15.52 20.88 242.01 7.34 12.76 12.39 15.49 34.75 108.28
Daman & Diu 17.85 19.51 146.67 155.13 12.30 10.56 5.31 15.69 45.17 119.54
Lakshadweep 22.94 24.02 8.81 147.20 13.70 7.06 3.51 0.12 53.70 69.20
Puducherry 30.80 28.52 39.32 211.01 16.30 18.36 47.79 45.78 80.37 149.36

All-India 13.06 19.49 6.25 159.42 8.29 15.77 21.18 32.76 22.56 84.68

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 49

Statement 3R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India Rural
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.670 7.63 459 26975
102 rice – other sources 4.306 79.80 846 51729
103 chira 0.070 1.74 202 11613
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.09 13 730
105 muri 0.071 2.32 184 10664
106 other rice products 0.014 0.34 27 1801
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.744 3.55 339 17701
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.544 43.50 674 38451
110 maida 0.032 0.66 119 7745
111 suji, rawa 0.064 1.55 299 18421
112 sewai, noodles 0.010 0.56 78 5930
113 bread: bakery 0.030 1.31 134 10677
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.06 5 367
115 jowar & its products 0.202 4.46 84 4238
116 bajra & its products 0.235 2.56 68 3178
117 maize & its products 0.130 1.52 67 4290
118 barley & its products 0.002 0.02 2 114
120 small millets & its products 0.005 0.11 7 619
121 ragi & its products 0.076 0.93 51 2789
122 other cereals 0.007 0.19 16 1123
129 cereal: sub-total 11.217 152.91 987 59355
139 cereal substitutes 0.035 0.91 84 5557
140 arhar, tur 0.212 12.94 596 32186
141 gram: split 0.079 3.57 399 23466
142 gram: whole 0.040 1.66 207 14564
143 moong 0.091 5.78 456 27864
144 masur 0.112 5.86 411 26577
145 urd 0.084 4.73 389 23549
146 peas 0.052 1.58 149 8282
147 khesari 0.012 0.36 37 1751
148 other pulses 0.033 1.62 159 12344
150 gram products 0.007 0.41 64 3864
151 besan 0.050 2.39 347 19277
152 other pulse products 0.013 0.68 96 6750
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.783 41.58 981 58435
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.333 106.25 780 45501
161 baby food 0.002 0.61 14 1133
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.003 0.76 35 5228
163 curd 0.024 0.88 63 3876
164 ghee 0.017 5.71 97 6926
165 butter 0.000 0.10 5 742

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
50 Summary Statements

Statement 3R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India Rural
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.25 27 1820
167 other milk products - 0.35 24 1546
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 114.90 823 50432
170 salt 0.256 2.44 981 58999
171 sugar – PDS 0.113 1.73 337 22354
172 sugar – other sources 0.603 19.77 851 49442
173 gur 0.059 2.01 244 13599
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.11 28 1597
175 honey 0.000 0.06 7 598
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.033 26.13 987 59347
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.020 1.47 60 3794
181 mustard oil 0.304 25.07 527 33406
182 groundnut oil 0.040 3.68 60 3204
183 coconut oil 0.015 1.36 35 2771
184 refined oil 0.227 17.19 357 22024
185 edible oil: others 0.069 4.66 113 5965
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.674 53.44 983 58737
190 eggs (no.) 1.937 6.94 292 19164
191 fish, prawn 0.266 22.77 265 18197
192 goat meat/mutton 0.049 12.11 64 4430
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.042 4.40 40 3945
194 pork 0.009 1.30 11 2571
195 chicken 0.178 20.63 217 13674
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.30 8 1296
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 68.46 549 36197
200 potato 1.965 18.80 911 54912
201 onion 0.842 11.39 959 57199
202 tomato 0.586 9.24 746 45028
203 brinjal 0.428 6.73 578 32809
204 radish 0.147 1.38 172 10417
205 carrot 0.078 1.34 128 8693
206 palak/other 0.590 7.65 612 39257
207 green chillies 0.152 4.94 831 47948
208 lady's finger 0.209 4.32 336 19264
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.105 2.14 155 8044
211 cauliflower 0.284 3.95 284 17209
212 cabbage 0.227 2.88 276 17809
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.359 4.37 332 20901
214 peas 0.096 1.65 111 7151
215 beans, barbati 0.102 2.35 187 12898
216 lemon (no.) 1.211 1.88 290 16818

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 51

Statement 3R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India Rural
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.590 9.57 581 35836
219 vegetables: sub-total - 94.62 987 59303
220 banana (no.) 4.181 8.12 365 23658
221 jackfruit 0.027 0.21 10 827
222 watermelon 0.081 0.81 33 2105
223 pineapple (no.) 0.012 0.17 7 964
224 coconut (no.) 0.488 4.38 208 12478
225 green coconut (no.) 0.063 0.63 27 1630
226 guava 0.088 1.44 91 4717
227 singara 0.008 0.13 10 515
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.401 1.51 53 4885
230 papaya 0.053 0.91 40 2845
231 mango 0.160 4.79 104 6675
232 kharbooza 0.025 0.33 13 716
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.05 2 230
234 berries 0.006 0.09 8 435
235 leechi 0.003 0.18 5 392
236 apple 0.058 4.74 80 6751
237 grapes 0.038 1.97 73 4772
238 other fresh fruits - 1.69 63 4609
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 32.16 661 42095
240 coconut: copra 0.016 1.48 114 6111
241 groundnut 0.063 4.31 217 11725
242 dates 0.006 0.51 21 1557
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.63 16 1517
244 walnut 0.000 0.08 2 323
245 other nuts 0.001 0.21 6 554
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.63 33 2381
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.50 14 1287
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.093 8.36 281 16520
250 ginger (gm) 57.142 3.28 694 42789
251 garlic (gm) 74.142 5.51 896 52528
252 jeera (gm) 28.276 5.53 822 45664
253 dhania (gm) 52.754 5.05 747 40622
254 turmeric (gm) 46.637 7.60 949 56264
255 black pepper (gm) 6.825 2.04 272 14873
256 dry chillies (gm) 71.913 8.87 850 49470
257 tamarind (gm) 28.329 2.39 253 14007
258 curry powder (gm) 12.246 2.25 249 15567
260 oilseeds (gm) 18.255 1.43 446 23694
261 other spices (gm) 34.026 6.12 648 38786

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
52 Summary Statements

Statement 3R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India Rural
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 430.543 50.08 986 59068
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.290 12.01 373 23933
271 tea: leaf (gm) 79.925 16.31 861 53531
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.044 0.16 6 369
273 coffee: powder (gm) 2.443 0.66 39 2671
274 mineral water (litre) 0.246 0.22 7 627
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.038 0.89 25 1986
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.010 0.51 14 1349
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.69 23 1827
279 beverages: sub-total - 31.45 940 57254
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.423 13.06 60 4385
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.089 1.81 13 738
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.476 20.41 246 13531
283 cooked snacks purchased - 14.39 447 26603
284 other served processed food - 1.28 49 3136
289 served processed food: sub-total - 50.96 626 36959
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 7.36 173 12269
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 13.77 683 42250
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.066 6.59 349 20643
293 chips (gm) 5.455 0.91 54 4678
294 pickles (gm) 6.019 0.70 64 4348
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.645 0.09 6 592
296 other packaged food - 1.12 48 3685
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 30.54 803 49463
777 total: food group - 756.49 1000 59678

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 53

Statement 3U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India Urban
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.882 5.21 233 12442
102 rice – other sources 3.605 86.44 876 37137
103 chira 0.088 2.59 257 9509
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.12 15 507
105 muri 0.058 1.97 165 6934
106 other rice products 0.027 0.65 42 1711
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.406 2.53 190 8815
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.605 57.44 764 29818
110 maida 0.056 1.26 182 7429
111 suji, rawa 0.109 2.82 424 16039
112 sewai, noodles 0.030 2.02 180 7629
113 bread: bakery 0.110 4.53 338 14264
114 other wheat products 0.005 0.17 12 441
115 jowar & its products 0.132 3.44 76 2642
116 bajra & its products 0.081 1.12 55 1619
117 maize & its products 0.014 0.25 21 1119
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 2 66
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.05 5 186
121 ragi & its products 0.061 0.88 54 1801
122 other cereals 0.007 0.29 18 791
129 cereal: sub-total 9.280 173.82 934 40463
139 cereal substitutes 0.031 1.23 109 3864
140 arhar, tur 0.301 19.47 741 27111
141 gram: split 0.085 4.10 466 18125
142 gram: whole 0.045 2.22 259 11452
143 moong 0.117 8.15 600 23524
144 masur 0.093 5.20 380 18134
145 urd 0.098 6.10 447 17262
146 peas 0.023 0.87 119 5270
147 khesari 0.002 0.07 7 374
148 other pulses 0.036 2.11 195 8441
150 gram products 0.011 0.68 96 3439
151 besan 0.075 3.73 451 16816
152 other pulse products 0.016 0.97 117 5083
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.901 53.66 925 39902
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.422 158.43 849 33913
161 baby food 0.006 1.45 25 1060
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.006 1.31 38 4128
163 curd 0.062 2.64 172 6563
164 ghee 0.050 16.32 274 10325
165 butter 0.004 0.92 45 2083

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
54 Summary Statements

Statement 3U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India Urban
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.72 79 2960
167 other milk products - 1.51 62 2410
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 184.31 890 37435
170 salt 0.241 2.76 923 40107
171 sugar – PDS 0.084 1.27 206 10905
172 sugar – other sources 0.732 23.89 853 35331
173 gur 0.044 1.67 211 8245
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.12 30 1189
175 honey 0.002 0.39 26 1034
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.105 30.11 934 40453
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.021 1.59 50 2515
181 mustard oil 0.242 20.20 341 18105
182 groundnut oil 0.081 7.53 85 2638
183 coconut oil 0.016 1.57 35 2060
184 refined oil 0.400 32.62 517 20161
185 edible oil: others 0.094 6.52 123 4637
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.853 70.03 926 40103
190 eggs (no.) 3.180 11.12 376 16012
191 fish, prawn 0.252 26.73 210 11417
192 goat meat/mutton 0.079 21.78 100 4168
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.064 6.55 50 2486
194 pork 0.006 0.88 5 1356
195 chicken 0.239 28.65 270 10606
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.28 3 956
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 95.99 550 25162
200 potato 1.612 17.41 855 37309
201 onion 0.951 13.66 908 39063
202 tomato 0.806 13.90 848 34833
203 brinjal 0.358 6.96 538 21719
204 radish 0.140 1.73 176 7550
205 carrot 0.153 3.26 254 9868
206 palak/other 0.528 9.74 590 26236
207 green chillies 0.166 5.69 814 33334
208 lady's finger 0.281 7.46 443 16765
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.106 2.65 161 6048
211 cauliflower 0.326 6.50 360 14258
212 cabbage 0.271 4.61 360 14603
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.281 4.44 288 12753
214 peas 0.150 3.40 179 6985
215 beans, barbati 0.139 3.99 255 10695
216 lemon (no.) 2.117 3.72 438 15746

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 55

Statement 3U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India Urban
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.574 12.56 588 24625
219 vegetables: sub-total - 121.70 926 40241
220 banana (no.) 6.694 15.31 532 20667
221 jackfruit 0.008 0.11 4 277
222 watermelon 0.094 1.34 40 1666
223 pineapple (no.) 0.027 0.50 13 818
224 coconut (no.) 0.614 5.97 251 9783
225 green coconut (no.) 0.141 2.00 54 1735
226 guava 0.091 1.90 97 3527
227 singara 0.011 0.22 11 421
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.021 4.48 124 5255
230 papaya 0.081 1.76 61 2476
231 mango 0.202 8.33 134 5462
232 kharbooza 0.025 0.46 14 528
233 pears/nashpati 0.004 0.20 5 246
234 berries 0.003 0.09 5 169
235 leechi 0.008 0.48 9 400
236 apple 0.191 18.10 227 9091
237 grapes 0.084 4.84 130 4951
238 other fresh fruits - 3.42 87 3739
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 69.51 818 33080
240 coconut: copra 0.026 2.54 154 4773
241 groundnut 0.087 6.45 292 9725
242 dates 0.015 1.50 52 2068
243 cashewnut 0.008 3.84 77 3037
244 walnut 0.001 0.53 11 404
245 other nuts 0.003 1.17 22 880
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.009 2.46 83 3248
247 other dry fruits 0.006 2.13 41 1790
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.156 20.61 409 14766
250 ginger (gm) 73.318 4.34 768 31646
251 garlic (gm) 81.097 6.52 843 35383
252 jeera (gm) 33.346 6.84 829 32840
253 dhania (gm) 58.579 6.09 739 28901
254 turmeric (gm) 46.349 8.32 895 38313
255 black pepper (gm) 9.328 3.02 322 12323
256 dry chillies (gm) 77.667 10.37 817 34150
257 tamarind (gm) 35.478 3.25 300 11421
258 curry powder (gm) 21.952 4.60 369 13656
260 oilseeds (gm) 20.935 1.86 493 17716
261 other spices (gm) 41.082 8.50 681 27545

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
56 Summary Statements

Statement 3U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India Urban
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 499.131 63.73 925 40105
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.821 26.08 496 20001
271 tea: leaf (gm) 95.320 22.21 838 37011
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.190 1.41 25 660
273 coffee: powder (gm) 5.631 2.33 88 3180
274 mineral water (litre) 0.544 1.11 24 888
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.082 3.13 71 2772
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.053 3.16 56 2308
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 3.16 64 2315
279 beverages: sub-total - 62.59 964 40641
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.536 57.54 156 5138
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.197 5.97 19 719
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.876 8.77 78 3781
283 cooked snacks purchased - 36.94 598 22497
284 other served processed food - 3.97 76 3092
289 served processed food: sub-total - 113.19 705 27322
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 16.38 242 10429
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 23.73 721 30286
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.106 12.22 438 16784
293 chips (gm) 14.975 2.77 118 4983
294 pickles (gm) 11.498 1.53 116 4692
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 6.606 1.11 46 1612
296 other packaged food - 2.65 72 3229
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 60.39 863 35791
777 total: food group - 1120.88 1000 41960

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 57

Statement 4R-a: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: pan,
tobacco, intoxicants, fuel & light, clothing & footwear

All-India Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 3.720 1.41 111 8149
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.001 2.68 86 7075
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 2.72 194 12058
309 pan: sub-total - 6.81 262 17559
310 bidi (no.) 26.797 9.31 269 14426
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.989 2.93 48 4994
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 13.300 2.36 182 9034
313 snuff (gm) 0.459 0.09 8 459
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 4.061 0.28 13 1072
315 cheroot (no.) 0.125 0.13 5 223
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 3.563 1.12 53 3170
317 other tobacco products - 4.44 154 9009
319 tobacco: sub-total - 20.65 593 33645
320 ganja (gm) 0.085 0.07 2 90
321 toddy (litre) 0.095 1.57 27 1120
322 country liquor (litre) 0.094 6.72 77 4817
323 beer (litre) 0.013 1.30 10 822
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.018 6.86 36 2514
325 other intoxicants - 1.95 15 986
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 18.47 160 9925
330 coke (kg) 0.075 0.25 6 270
331 firewood and chips (kg) 19.036 48.20 835 48829
332 electricity (std. unit) 8.923 25.11 742 49006
333 dung cake - 11.65 408 18718
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.431 6.78 756 40507
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.103 2.92 217 13089
336 matches (box) 1.547 1.52 973 57809
337 coal (kg) 0.168 0.56 16 931
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.378 11.31 214 20195
340 charcoal (kg) 0.009 0.06 3 599
341 candle (no.) 0.282 0.74 237 17957
342 gobar gas - 0.15 3 200
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.03 1 90
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.08 3 123
345 other fuel - 4.75 266 13203
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 114.11 998 59641
350 dhoti (no.) 0.009 1.53 254 13585
351 sari (no.) 0.047 13.32 846 44793
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.134 10.14 697 40678
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.043 5.98 526 30584
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.011 3.15 286 20573
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.007 1.41 249 16031
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.71 272 19388

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-399

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
58 Summary Statements

Statement 4R-a: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: pan,
tobacco, intoxicants, fuel & light, clothing & footwear

All-India Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.21 229 16498
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.005 1.50 121 7874
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.009 2.70 187 10995
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.84 110 6636
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.10 106 6524
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.039 7.32 728 44791
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.026 6.60 510 31533
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.014 2.35 270 16152
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.038 2.28 595 35129
367 lungi (no.) 0.021 2.09 558 30020
368 other casual wear - 1.21 193 13628
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.176 7.45 946 56595
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.051 2.35 852 49590
372 infant clothing - 0.76 95 5761
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.005 0.37 137 9739
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.162 0.06 13 1024
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.01 135 10912
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.40 48 4219
379 clothing: sub-total - 80.81 999 59589
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.012 2.08 394 27177
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 1.25 144 10593
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 0.97 113 7705
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.10 15 1586
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.31 98 5993
385 bedding: others - 0.15 37 2937
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.87 539 35747
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.007 2.41 220 17958
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.015 2.62 353 25023
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 1.23 164 11030
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.065 5.70 840 49708
394 other footwear (pair) 0.018 2.64 377 24336
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.03 8 731
399 footwear: sub-total 0.111 14.61 988 59045

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-399

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 59

Statement 4R-b: Monthly per capita value of consumption and proportion of households reporting
consumption: education, medical care, misc. goods & services and durables

All-India Rural
no. of households
value per 30 reporting consumption
item code item description
days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
400 books, journals, first hand 7.62 449 30176
401 books, journals, etc., second hand 0.33 46 3057
402 newspapers, periodicals 1.21 82 9059
403 library charges 0.07 12 1011
404 stationery, photocopying charge 5.98 614 38918
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) 28.06 415 28223
406 private tutor/ coaching 6.00 116 7905
407 educational CD 0.01 1 116
408 other educational expenses 0.70 73 5857
409 education: sub-total 49.97 658 42585
410 medicine 13.46 141 9147
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. 3.29 94 6070
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee 4.16 105 6327
413 hospital & nursing home charges 6.32 88 5460
414 other medical expenses 3.57 66 4257
419 medical, institutional: sub-total 30.81 150 9657
420 medicine 51.24 768 44844
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. 3.73 54 3328
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee 7.21 326 18201
423 family planning devices 0.19 20 1563
424 other medical expenses 2.00 59 3401
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total 64.37 785 45896
430 cinema, theatre 0.71 35 2045
431 mela, fair, picnic 1.13 36 1946
432 sports goods, toys, etc. 1.23 79 4875
433 club fees 0.02 1 118
434 goods for recreation and hobbies 0.10 5 479
435 photography 0.43 21 1474
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) 0.10 5 497
437 cable TV 9.35 326 24900
438 other entertainment 1.14 43 2895
439 entertainment: sub-total 14.21 457 32246
440 spectacles 0.97 14 1129
441 torch 1.06 60 3730
442 lock 0.43 43 2706
443 umbrella, raincoat 1.22 43 3391
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) 0.15 29 2734
445 other minor durable-type goods 0.82 89 5345
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total 4.65 235 15689
450 toilet soap 9.25 977 58289
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. 5.02 867 53027
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume 4.80 647 40579
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream 6.37 948 55840

# ref. period for cols. 4-5 is 365 days for items 400-419 & 550-659 and 30 days for items 420-549

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
60 Summary Statements

Statement 4R-b: Monthly per capita value of consumption and proportion of households reporting
consumption: education, medical care, misc. goods & services and durables

All-India Rural
no. of households
value per 30 reporting consumption
item code item description
days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor 1.19 475 31794
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion 0.64 173 11603
456 sanitary napkins 0.98 133 10429
457 other toilet articles 1.74 318 19036
459 toilet articles: sub-total 29.99 997 59505
460 electric bulb, tubelight 1.71 225 15110
461 electric batteries 0.36 57 3822
462 other non-durable electric goods 0.10 9 772
463 earthenware 0.58 68 3574
464 glassware 0.25 20 1306
465 bucket & other plastic goods 1.44 103 6900
466 coir, rope, etc. 0.27 36 2272
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder 13.06 986 58815
468 other washing requisites 1.56 373 24905
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener 2.93 737 42156
471 flower (fresh), all purposes 0.93 126 6875
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. 1.69 257 16380
473 other petty articles 2.46 422 23677
479 other household consumables: sub-total 27.35 997 59475
480 domestic servant/cook 1.13 7 927
481 attendant 0.11 1 84
482 sweeper 0.17 11 864
483 barber, beautician, etc. 8.29 855 49786
484 washerman, laundry, ironing 0.99 87 4890
485 tailor 7.14 178 10627
486 grinding charges 6.37 662 34325
487 telephone charges, landline 1.16 42 3426
488 telephone charges, mobile 24.07 767 49389
490 postage & telegram 0.11 13 1267
491 miscellaneous expenses 3.84 324 20039
492 priest 1.13 82 6185
493 legal expenses 0.55 4 284
494 repair charges for non-durables 0.24 28 1579
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) 0.89 21 1648
496 internet expenses 0.27 10 791
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance 0.59 75 4577
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total 57.04 983 58682
500 air fare 0.11 0 20
501 railway fare 1.28 53 2521
502 bus/tram fare 21.18 616 37137
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare 8.01 391 22849
504 steamer, boat fare 0.09 8 562
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare 0.57 60 2985

# ref. period for cols. 4-5 is 365 days for items 400-419 & 550-659 and 30 days for items 420-549

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 61

Statement 4R-b: Monthly per capita value of consumption and proportion of households reporting
consumption: education, medical care, misc. goods & services and durables

All-India Rural
no. of households
value per 30 reporting consumption
item code item description
days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
506 horse cart fare 0.10 11 420
507 porter charges 0.18 2 275
508 petrol for vehicle 22.56 170 15789
510 diesel for vehicle 1.71 8 1131
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle 0.59 28 2906
512 school bus, van, etc. 3.12 30 2579
513 other conveyance expenses 0.60 20 1506
519 conveyance: sub-total 60.09 862 53289
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) 6.25 36 2028
521 hotel lodging charges 0.08 0 76
522 residential land rent 0.04 30 2708
523 other consumer rent 0.13 2 120
529 rent: sub-total 6.50 68 4894
539 house/garage rent (imputed) 0.00 0 0
540 water charges 1.48 205 13332
541 other consumer taxes & cesses 2.04 416 24749
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total 3.53 463 29070
550 bedstead 0.89 56 2807
551 almirah, dressing table 0.45 7 621
552 chair, stool, bench, table 0.60 50 3390
553 suitcase and other travel goods 0.25 33 2849
554 foam, rubber cushion 0.04 1 190
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings 0.07 11 1134
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. 0.02 4 302
557 other furniture & fixtures 0.33 4 469
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total 2.64 137 9424
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.07 28 1374
561 television 1.71 42 2530
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.19 9 619
563 camera & photographic equipment 0.03 1 135
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc 0.15 39 3665
565 musical instruments 0.01 1 97
566 other goods for recreation 0.06 3 258
569 goods for recreation: sub-total 2.22 106 7556
570 stainless steel utensils 2.02 348 19340
571 other metal utensils 0.51 89 5578
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware 0.06 11 1182
573 other crockery & utensils 0.42 167 11364
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total 3.01 462 27473
580 electric fan 0.54 75 4379
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.24 18 1460
582 inverter 0.45 7 618
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade 0.03 16 927

# ref. period for cols. 4-5 is 365 days for items 400-419 & 550-659 and 30 days for items 420-549

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
62 Summary Statements

Statement 4R-b: Monthly per capita value of consumption and proportion of households reporting
consumption: education, medical care, misc. goods & services and durables

All-India Rural
no. of households
value per 30 reporting consumption
item code item description
days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
584 sewing machine 0.12 35 2358
585 washing machine 0.23 3 348
586 stove, gas burner 0.22 79 4702
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.18 85 5671
588 refrigerator 0.70 8 744
590 water purifier 0.09 3 403
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances 0.14 12 1254
592 other cooking/ household appliances 0.15 14 1217
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total 3.10 240 15737
600 bicycle 2.18 518 26822
601 motorcycle, scooter 8.72 165 14246
602 motor car, jeep 5.86 17 2702
603 tyres & tubes 1.45 237 13160
604 other transport equipment 0.21 4 471
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total 18.42 613 35526
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. 0.05 4 336
611 other medical equipment 0.01 0 42
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total 0.06 4 374
620 clock, watch 0.16 158 9003
621 other machines for household work 0.01 0 45
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.62 4 429
623 mobile phone handset 2.86 128 8026
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.02 1 81
625 any other personal goods 0.02 4 331
629 other personal goods: sub-total 3.69 258 15630
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment 0.43 16 1179
631 plugs & other electrical fittings 0.29 34 2790
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) 11.67 347 19810
633 other durables 0.25 5 362
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total 12.64 370 21821
640 gold ornaments 15.23 34 2942
641 silver ornaments 2.31 52 3091
642 jewels, pearls 0.32 5 368
643 other ornaments 0.99 153 8930
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total 18.86 211 13091
659 durable: total 64.64 874 51853
888 total: non-food group 673.47 1000 59683
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) 1429.96 1000 59683

# ref. period for cols. 4-5 is 365 days for items 400-419 & 550-659 and 30 days for items 420-549

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 63

Statement 4U-a: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: pan,
tobacco, intoxicants, fuel & light, clothing & footwear

All-India Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 1.919 0.95 61 3257
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.043 3.31 64 4487
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.86 111 5266
309 pan: sub-total - 6.12 172 9326
310 bidi (no.) 11.692 4.28 109 4961
311 cigarettes (no.) 2.280 7.58 84 4523
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 4.091 0.89 54 2862
313 snuff (gm) 0.250 0.06 4 199
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.543 0.04 2 261
315 cheroot (no.) 0.040 0.05 1 55
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 2.286 0.88 31 1494
317 other tobacco products - 5.62 117 4967
319 tobacco: sub-total - 19.41 349 16186
320 ganja (gm) 0.043 0.01 0 14
321 toddy (litre) 0.009 0.21 3 203
322 country liquor (litre) 0.042 4.49 38 1715
323 beer (litre) 0.024 3.03 21 872
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.021 8.56 39 1835
325 other intoxicants - 0.47 5 186
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 16.77 103 4645
330 coke (kg) 0.112 0.51 8 292
331 firewood and chips (kg) 4.285 13.17 229 12139
332 electricity (std. unit) 25.837 87.20 960 40035
333 dung cake - 2.02 69 3103
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.230 3.50 300 14554
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.166 5.70 157 7048
336 matches (box) 1.238 1.24 924 38961
337 coal (kg) 0.323 1.30 22 978
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.926 56.74 708 30324
340 charcoal (kg) 0.013 0.16 4 591
341 candle (no.) 0.481 1.40 399 17789
342 gobar gas - 0.01 0 25
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.11 1 69
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.005 0.20 1 43
345 other fuel - 2.61 200 7577
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 175.86 996 41848
350 dhoti (no.) 0.005 0.96 121 5554
351 sari (no.) 0.049 21.25 742 28732
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.129 12.23 635 26126
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.048 8.23 495 19648
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.012 5.06 264 13132
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.006 1.73 187 9198
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.25 279 12974

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-399

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
64 Summary Statements

Statement 4U-a: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: pan,
tobacco, intoxicants, fuel & light, clothing & footwear

All-India Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.36 232 10803
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.007 3.16 152 6175
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.015 6.67 253 9143
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.006 1.65 111 5047
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.008 2.69 146 5839
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.058 15.68 802 33072
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.045 16.79 657 25482
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.013 3.19 214 9543
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.037 2.79 481 20976
367 lungi (no.) 0.018 1.98 448 18344
368 other casual wear - 3.01 315 13046
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.225 10.90 965 39970
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.074 3.55 848 34348
372 infant clothing - 1.02 73 3060
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.008 0.85 206 8254
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.096 0.04 7 446
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.48 127 6949
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.44 33 2324
379 clothing: sub-total - 132.94 999 41848
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.018 4.31 484 20729
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.003 1.67 123 6144
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.006 1.22 128 5534
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.005 0.40 36 1622
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.24 52 2844
385 bedding: others - 0.31 41 2095
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 8.15 567 24760
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.014 7.79 406 16881
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.022 5.48 460 20052
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.008 1.99 188 8234
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.058 6.36 776 32560
394 other footwear (pair) 0.023 4.70 416 17530
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.03 6 433
399 footwear: sub-total 0.126 26.34 991 41445

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-399

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 65

Statement 4U-b: Monthly per capita value of consumption and incidence of consumption: education,
medical care, misc. goods & services and durables

All-India Urban
no. of households
value per 30 reporting consumption
item code item description
days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
400 books, journals, first hand 17.13 548 23568
401 books, journals, etc., second hand 0.64 46 1940
402 newspapers, periodicals 6.85 319 13990
403 library charges 0.22 28 1194
404 stationery, photocopying charge 10.08 636 26959
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) 121.62 535 22708
406 private tutor/ coaching 23.17 168 7371
407 educational CD 0.03 6 263
408 other educational expenses 1.74 84 3884
409 education: sub-total 181.50 756 32184
410 medicine 17.53 131 6034
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. 5.64 96 4086
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee 7.58 108 4569
413 hospital & nursing home charges 13.67 104 4094
414 other medical expenses 7.01 62 2769
419 medical, institutional: sub-total 51.44 144 6473
420 medicine 70.83 733 30453
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. 6.70 58 2486
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee 13.41 384 14140
423 family planning devices 0.39 30 1260
424 other medical expenses 2.94 48 2146
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total 94.27 749 31203
430 cinema, theatre 5.57 100 3230
431 mela, fair, picnic 1.66 21 923
432 sports goods, toys, etc. 2.51 63 2921
433 club fees 0.53 4 185
434 goods for recreation and hobbies 0.40 7 312
435 photography 0.64 19 872
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) 0.26 10 465
437 cable TV 27.64 694 28653
438 other entertainment 3.02 46 1860
439 entertainment: sub-total 42.24 763 31528
440 spectacles 3.44 25 1152
441 torch 0.56 24 1233
442 lock 0.52 29 1387
443 umbrella, raincoat 1.89 40 2042
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) 0.45 38 2223
445 other minor durable-type goods 1.04 64 3275
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total 7.91 187 9350
450 toilet soap 14.09 988 41076
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. 8.23 947 39438
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume 11.09 741 30693
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream 10.36 954 39538

# ref. period for cols. 4-5 is 365 days for items 400-419 & 550-659 and 30 days for items 420-549

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
66 Summary Statements

Statement 4U-b: Monthly per capita value of consumption and incidence of consumption: education,
medical care, misc. goods & services and durables

All-India Urban
no. of households
value per 30 reporting consumption
item code item description
days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor 2.79 600 25016
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion 2.10 341 12405
456 sanitary napkins 3.77 354 13451
457 other toilet articles 2.98 378 14926
459 toilet articles: sub-total 55.39 998 41836
460 electric bulb, tubelight 3.36 208 9442
461 electric batteries 0.34 50 2221
462 other non-durable electric goods 0.20 10 549
463 earthenware 0.49 44 1725
464 glassware 0.55 18 827
465 bucket & other plastic goods 2.16 104 4520
466 coir, rope, etc. 0.11 13 718
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder 19.49 984 41164
468 other washing requisites 3.12 489 20401
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener 4.82 742 29817
471 flower (fresh), all purposes 3.67 294 9147
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. 5.01 472 18148
473 other petty articles 3.40 415 16243
479 other household consumables: sub-total 46.71 995 41723
480 domestic servant/cook 21.41 92 3352
481 attendant 0.69 4 144
482 sweeper 2.75 78 2629
483 barber, beautician, etc. 15.77 847 34504
484 washerman, laundry, ironing 5.96 209 7086
485 tailor 7.68 139 6231
486 grinding charges 5.70 484 18696
487 telephone charges, landline 8.70 104 4256
488 telephone charges, mobile 59.03 916 38220
490 postage & telegram 0.23 19 1009
491 miscellaneous expenses 6.62 353 14502
492 priest 1.88 86 3729
493 legal expenses 0.20 3 133
494 repair charges for non-durables 0.24 18 861
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) 1.41 17 810
496 internet expenses 5.38 72 2471
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance 3.56 161 5358
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total 147.21 988 41498
500 air fare 6.29 1 56
501 railway fare 9.01 119 3621
502 bus/tram fare 32.76 528 21344
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare 15.88 413 17107
504 steamer, boat fare 0.05 3 197
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare 1.85 87 3550

# ref. period for cols. 4-5 is 365 days for items 400-419 & 550-659 and 30 days for items 420-549

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 67

Statement 4U-b: Monthly per capita value of consumption and incidence of consumption: education,
medical care, misc. goods & services and durables

All-India Urban
no. of households
value per 30 reporting consumption
item code item description
days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
506 horse cart fare 0.01 1 75
507 porter charges 0.63 5 278
508 petrol for vehicle 84.68 374 15642
510 diesel for vehicle 6.24 18 766
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle 2.49 70 3000
512 school bus, van, etc. 10.65 66 2835
513 other conveyance expenses 0.91 19 1020
519 conveyance: sub-total 171.46 902 37473
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) 159.42 343 11829
521 hotel lodging charges 1.36 3 123
522 residential land rent 0.73 12 1048
523 other consumer rent 2.65 15 454
529 rent: sub-total 164.17 368 13290
539 house/garage rent (imputed) 475.06 638 29100
540 water charges 9.48 460 19127
541 other consumer taxes & cesses 12.06 503 20497
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total 21.54 644 27539
550 bedstead 1.16 23 1098
551 almirah, dressing table 1.10 10 519
552 chair, stool, bench, table 0.84 32 1712
553 suitcase and other travel goods 0.38 30 1747
554 foam, rubber cushion 0.06 2 124
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings 0.16 16 822
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. 0.06 3 190
557 other furniture & fixtures 1.56 8 402
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total 5.31 100 5140
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.03 7 386
561 television 4.46 59 2204
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.43 11 468
563 camera & photographic equipment 0.45 4 186
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc 0.37 77 3445
565 musical instruments 0.08 2 78
566 other goods for recreation 0.09 2 125
569 goods for recreation: sub-total 5.91 143 6116
570 stainless steel utensils 2.35 273 11479
571 other metal utensils 0.44 56 2656
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware 0.18 21 1076
573 other crockery & utensils 0.81 180 7625
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total 3.78 377 16418
580 electric fan 0.72 90 3464
581 air conditioner, air cooler 1.92 77 2825
582 inverter 1.11 26 1100
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade 0.02 6 355

# ref. period for cols. 4-5 is 365 days for items 400-419 & 550-659 and 30 days for items 420-549

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
68 Summary Statements

Statement 4U-b: Monthly per capita value of consumption and incidence of consumption: education,
medical care, misc. goods & services and durables

All-India Urban
no. of households
value per 30 reporting consumption
item code item description
days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
584 sewing machine 0.24 44 1829
585 washing machine 1.36 18 727
586 stove, gas burner 0.52 165 5503
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.36 155 5801
588 refrigerator 2.72 31 1267
590 water purifier 0.92 36 1255
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances 0.59 27 1140
592 other cooking/ household appliances 0.33 17 824
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total 10.83 386 14957
600 bicycle 1.80 327 13801
601 motorcycle, scooter 17.67 342 13638
602 motor car, jeep 29.87 69 2934
603 tyres & tubes 1.72 153 6853
604 other transport equipment 0.06 3 209
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total 51.11 586 24056
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. 0.12 7 328
611 other medical equipment 0.03 1 39
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total 0.14 8 365
620 clock, watch 0.28 218 7586
621 other machines for household work 0.03 1 44
622 PC/ laptop including software 5.33 31 1100
623 mobile phone handset 6.07 121 5161
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.02 1 55
625 any other personal goods 0.05 4 274
629 other personal goods: sub-total 11.78 322 12189
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment 1.11 23 1162
631 plugs & other electrical fittings 0.59 44 2112
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) 15.82 182 8265
633 other durables 0.37 5 241
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total 17.90 222 10163
640 gold ornaments 27.70 49 2336
641 silver ornaments 2.22 37 1596
642 jewels, pearls 0.76 4 195
643 other ornaments 1.92 117 4976
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total 32.61 180 7842
659 durable: total 139.36 849 35023
888 total: non-food group 1508.77 1000 41968
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) 2629.65 1000 41968

# ref. period for cols. 4-5 is 365 days for items 400-419 & 550-659 and 30 days for items 420-549

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Summary Statements 69

Statement 5: Number per 1000 households possessing specific durable goods in fractile classes of MPCE
per 1000 no. of possessor households no. of
fractile class of MPCE sample
code item report-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 all ing
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
all-India Rural
550 bedstead 848 903 902 904 910 908 911 907 917 928 933 914 910 55356
551 almirah, dressing table 147 215 249 315 383 421 499 551 596 666 727 749 485 36993
552 chair, bench, table 426 553 596 642 718 738 775 797 829 849 884 897 749 49201
560 radio, tape rec., 2-in-1 89 152 158 185 225 201 194 185 190 182 184 227 187 14937
561 television 118 165 241 294 374 434 503 570 640 693 772 789 496 37171
562 VCR/ DVD player 11 22 23 35 48 68 76 86 133 156 230 313 103 10563
563 camera & photo. equip. 2 0 0 5 5 5 6 11 14 25 44 94 17 2931
564 CD, DVD, etc. 10 16 20 29 40 62 68 77 118 143 203 287 92 9522
580 electric fan 240 352 383 453 526 599 636 722 759 822 865 902 635 40909
581 air cond., air cooler 8 4 12 17 14 30 50 41 64 94 160 209 59 5153
584 sewing machine 18 40 52 68 80 97 113 131 166 193 262 275 130 11263
585 washing machine 0 0 2 1 1 4 7 11 16 43 91 191 29 3944
588 refrigerator 0 3 5 5 13 23 39 60 97 177 290 426 94 11332
590 water purifier 3 3 4 4 10 11 14 17 19 36 63 109 24 4673
600 bicycle 568 600 638 669 649 625 598 575 520 502 471 427 571 31219
601 motorcycle, scooter 3 37 37 50 81 114 133 190 239 322 421 473 184 16192
602 motor car, jeep 1 2 4 2 5 6 10 8 14 29 46 120 20 3592
622 PC/ laptop incl. soft. 3 3 2 2 4 6 3 3 6 17 34 108 15 1918
623 mobile phone handset 384 524 640 690 765 777 796 848 843 869 901 929 776 49788
all-India Urban
550 bedstead 866 866 889 911 907 912 922 907 885 897 924 936 905 38752
551 almirah, dressing table 357 471 596 674 719 751 791 783 790 792 831 814 734 31720
552 chair, bench, table 655 724 785 855 859 852 895 900 880 876 921 926 863 37034
560 radio, tape rec., 2-in-1 97 126 134 140 137 152 138 187 189 211 234 254 174 9895
561 television 510 589 714 803 817 830 870 856 840 831 851 786 804 34263
562 VCR/ DVD player 37 63 118 150 184 246 290 353 384 436 489 535 305 13073
563 camera & photo. equip. 5 6 12 20 35 65 73 111 160 205 308 476 136 5828
564 CD, DVD, etc. 33 54 101 129 165 207 261 319 353 402 471 540 281 12155
580 electric fan 702 787 868 916 913 939 947 940 953 973 967 963 927 37134
581 air cond., air cooler 62 71 95 133 167 180 213 234 259 294 410 492 235 9203
584 sewing machine 107 138 183 210 215 246 238 259 241 229 267 204 223 10396
585 washing machine 4 5 31 48 74 116 141 221 272 352 485 532 213 9485
588 refrigerator 24 67 127 220 270 394 439 519 583 637 709 666 438 18789
590 water purifier 5 8 29 36 66 87 101 139 193 285 368 465 166 8304
600 bicycle 577 516 538 491 452 439 400 367 347 301 258 177 386 17367
601 motorcycle, scooter 41 70 130 233 283 351 402 466 508 524 544 469 378 15673
602 motor car, jeep 2 3 5 11 19 29 35 38 64 119 221 347 80 3653
622 PC/ laptop incl. soft. 7 2 7 14 35 47 69 99 151 242 371 590 149 5632
623 mobile phone handset 679 741 837 892 901 917 947 962 966 968 983 972 922 38471

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A

Detailed Tables

“0” estimates of per 1000 number of reporting households: If, in a sector of a State/UT, there
are no sample households reporting consumption of a particular item, the proportion of
households reporting the item is estimated as 0 for that State/UT. Estimated numbers per 1000
are also shown as 0 when they are greater than 0 but less than 0.5, and so become 0 when
rounded to the nearest integer.

“0.00” (or 0.000) entry in per capita value (or quantity) of consumption column: Estimated
per capita value of consumption is shown as (Rs.) “0.00” when the estimate is less than
Rs.0.005, and so becomes 0.00 when rounded to 2 decimal places. Similarly, estimated
quantity of consumption is shown as 0.000 when it is less than 0.0005.

A “-” against an item in the column for estimated quantity of consumption indicates that
quantity of consumption was not required to be recorded in the schedule of enquiry for the
item concerned.
Appendix A A-1

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 3.519 4.88 866 3261
102 rice – other sources 7.310 144.22 953 3814
103 chira 0.008 0.23 22 141
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 3
105 muri 0.011 0.38 39 219
106 other rice products 0.065 1.47 132 591
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.038 0.74 105 375
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.234 5.91 508 2279
110 maida 0.018 0.45 73 347
111 suji, rawa 0.142 3.56 430 1929
112 sewai, noodles 0.014 0.52 63 320
113 bread: bakery 0.010 0.51 55 289
114 other wheat products 0.003 0.07 10 42
115 jowar & its products 0.266 6.99 148 641
116 bajra & its products 0.004 0.07 4 20
117 maize & its products 0.002 0.05 5 19
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 4 10
120 small millets & its products 0.003 0.04 2 11
121 ragi & its products 0.121 1.81 164 732
122 other cereals 0.002 0.06 7 30
129 cereal: sub-total 11.771 171.98 973 3894
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.02 5 21
140 arhar, tur 0.463 28.94 960 3853
141 gram: split 0.058 2.99 411 1707
142 gram: whole 0.011 0.59 63 270
143 moong 0.104 7.00 454 1811
144 masur 0.016 0.89 79 307
145 urd 0.146 9.60 488 2120
146 peas 0.002 0.08 16 80
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 5
148 other pulses 0.006 0.23 22 116
150 gram products 0.009 0.49 82 377
151 besan 0.037 1.91 245 1026
152 other pulse products 0.005 0.24 22 119
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.857 52.96 969 3888
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.561 95.20 887 3595
161 baby food 0.002 0.54 11 78
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.16 6 34
163 curd 0.065 2.33 93 315
164 ghee 0.001 0.36 17 111
165 butter 0.000 0.01 0 3

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-2 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.24 22 109
167 other milk products - 0.06 5 20
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 98.91 904 3655
170 salt 0.305 3.04 964 3867
171 sugar – PDS 0.120 1.81 818 3073
172 sugar – other sources 0.389 12.88 839 3485
173 gur 0.052 1.97 218 911
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.11 28 119
175 honey 0.001 0.13 6 52
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.869 19.94 973 3895
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.005 0.33 7 32
181 mustard oil 0.000 0.02 0 4
182 groundnut oil 0.184 15.98 223 913
183 coconut oil 0.002 0.16 4 21
184 refined oil 0.340 24.34 413 1746
185 edible oil: others 0.273 16.37 351 1283
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.804 57.21 971 3886
190 eggs (no.) 4.705 14.91 667 2614
191 fish, prawn 0.153 12.29 174 646
192 goat meat/mutton 0.121 35.39 126 602
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.046 4.66 40 150
194 pork 0.002 0.25 2 7
195 chicken 0.491 57.42 574 2254
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.12 1 12
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 125.05 858 3387
200 potato 0.506 7.82 629 2556
201 onion 1.080 14.39 963 3854
202 tomato 1.120 16.66 934 3771
203 brinjal 0.449 7.89 658 2584
204 radish 0.017 0.32 31 130
205 carrot 0.081 1.99 139 634
206 palak/other 0.506 9.66 765 3049
207 green chillies 0.262 6.08 899 3605
208 lady's finger 0.415 8.80 626 2452
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.178 3.21 291 1053
211 cauliflower 0.066 1.14 85 367
212 cabbage 0.153 2.63 220 872
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.223 3.62 251 1065
214 peas 0.008 0.24 13 66
215 beans, barbati 0.173 4.04 274 1073
216 lemon (no.) 1.796 2.37 327 1357

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-3

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.576 11.31 642 2584
219 vegetables: sub-total - 102.22 972 3887
220 banana (no.) 7.125 14.49 557 2265
221 jackfruit 0.006 0.07 4 20
222 watermelon 0.052 0.71 31 138
223 pineapple (no.) 0.008 0.09 6 43
224 coconut (no.) 0.604 5.55 309 1323
225 green coconut (no.) 0.306 2.94 108 430
226 guava 0.093 1.42 108 405
227 singara 0.004 0.03 2 9
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.581 2.03 77 341
230 papaya 0.015 0.24 11 54
231 mango 0.227 7.20 120 550
232 kharbooza 0.014 0.19 4 19
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 1
235 leechi 0.000 0.01 0 2
236 apple 0.046 4.08 66 333
237 grapes 0.070 3.69 134 635
238 other fresh fruits - 2.11 65 254
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 44.87 793 3208
240 coconut: copra 0.052 4.39 390 1647
241 groundnut 0.115 7.72 505 2224
242 dates 0.003 0.20 9 56
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.47 10 74
244 walnut 0.000 0.04 4 29
245 other nuts 0.000 0.04 4 30
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.28 15 80
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.16 11 52
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.174 13.32 589 2538
250 ginger (gm) 79.392 4.73 878 3537
251 garlic (gm) 85.947 6.90 945 3779
252 jeera (gm) 31.548 5.83 850 3443
253 dhania (gm) 60.926 5.79 857 3458
254 turmeric (gm) 42.447 6.82 945 3778
255 black pepper (gm) 2.318 0.55 84 394
256 dry chillies (gm) 129.631 14.00 945 3786
257 tamarind (gm) 185.868 14.56 942 3767
258 curry powder (gm) 21.602 3.21 328 1413
260 oilseeds (gm) 31.509 3.13 739 2933
261 other spices (gm) 36.594 5.56 719 2930

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-4 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 707.782 71.09 971 3887
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.003 15.18 383 1656
271 tea: leaf (gm) 66.379 17.24 769 3113
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.053 0.19 8 27
273 coffee: powder (gm) 6.450 1.77 85 415
274 mineral water (litre) 3.287 2.16 53 269
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.258 1.93 54 222
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.010 0.50 12 69
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.44 32 138
279 beverages: sub-total - 40.41 942 3753
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.470 12.96 49 229
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.075 1.91 8 46
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.637 26.60 184 634
283 cooked snacks purchased - 30.75 507 1999
284 other served processed food - 3.13 31 109
289 served processed food: sub-total - 75.35 629 2445
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 6.54 127 586
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 13.16 399 1654
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.048 4.97 173 747
293 chips (gm) 2.776 0.39 19 99
294 pickles (gm) 12.439 1.55 93 379
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.199 0.04 2 10
296 other packaged food - 1.59 50 221
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 28.25 590 2455
777 total: food group - 901.58 1000 3925

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-5

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 3.935 44.14 521 495
102 rice – other sources 7.343 141.01 735 845
103 chira 0.027 0.79 55 55
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.03 2 3
105 muri 0.010 0.40 47 50
106 other rice products 0.013 0.29 10 19
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.043 0.73 39 60
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.289 6.42 237 216
110 maida 0.071 1.71 85 78
111 suji, rawa 0.012 0.48 45 42
112 sewai, noodles 0.026 0.96 55 78
113 bread: bakery 0.041 0.62 65 63
114 other wheat products 0.005 0.08 5 10
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.01 1 2
116 bajra & its products 0.004 0.07 3 6
117 maize & its products 0.359 5.83 209 241
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.314 5.75 121 119
121 ragi & its products 0.002 0.02 0 1
122 other cereals 0.099 1.78 65 104
129 cereal: sub-total 12.594 211.11 984 1064
139 cereal substitutes 0.127 1.55 113 117
140 arhar, tur 0.038 2.67 132 94
141 gram: split 0.018 0.96 58 38
142 gram: whole 0.026 1.18 66 70
143 moong 0.049 3.47 119 161
144 masur 0.185 13.10 492 589
145 urd 0.006 0.37 21 31
146 peas 0.039 1.27 93 108
147 khesari 0.001 0.06 5 4
148 other pulses 0.082 3.55 157 157
150 gram products 0.005 0.11 6 16
151 besan 0.007 0.40 76 40
152 other pulse products 0.046 1.32 59 81
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.504 28.46 790 850
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.017 21.94 235 204
161 baby food 0.003 0.62 16 19
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.050 11.56 273 365
163 curd 0.000 0.01 0 2
164 ghee 0.017 3.70 94 96
165 butter 0.007 1.11 35 41

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-6 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.08 5 6
167 other milk products - 2.08 53 59
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 41.10 529 587
170 salt 0.304 3.40 967 1046
171 sugar – PDS 0.161 3.10 307 260
172 sugar – other sources 0.265 10.96 632 765
173 gur 0.009 0.41 42 43
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.001 0.09 3 5
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.740 17.96 979 1060
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.007 0.61 19 20
181 mustard oil 0.298 28.27 631 670
182 groundnut oil 0.002 0.15 5 12
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.05 2 3
184 refined oil 0.069 6.59 96 116
185 edible oil: others 0.033 2.76 34 46
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.409 38.43 725 782
190 eggs (no.) 3.865 17.85 378 415
191 fish, prawn 0.580 77.44 525 527
192 goat meat/mutton 0.039 8.33 36 52
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.270 29.67 195 209
194 pork 0.166 25.90 163 198
195 chicken 0.255 45.30 252 311
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.090 13.66 94 92
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 218.16 921 1000
200 potato 1.303 19.10 710 809
201 onion 0.351 8.80 584 648
202 tomato 0.342 10.23 444 463
203 brinjal 0.428 7.98 365 379
204 radish 0.222 3.70 132 114
205 carrot 0.026 0.62 32 37
206 palak/other 2.269 36.22 777 859
207 green chillies 0.278 16.37 793 835
208 lady's finger 0.103 2.15 77 80
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.021 0.52 28 41
211 cauliflower 0.087 2.70 77 85
212 cabbage 0.254 5.51 191 228
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.390 5.19 208 249
214 peas 0.087 2.30 103 66
215 beans, barbati 0.124 3.01 124 115
216 lemon (no.) 0.194 0.45 43 55

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-7

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.251 21.95 518 566
219 vegetables: sub-total - 146.80 981 1060
220 banana (no.) 4.844 6.98 206 266
221 jackfruit 0.001 0.01 0 1
222 watermelon 0.017 0.44 11 13
223 pineapple (no.) 0.171 2.32 80 107
224 coconut (no.) 0.025 0.57 14 19
225 green coconut (no.) 0.003 0.03 1 5
226 guava 0.008 0.15 13 16
227 singara 0.003 0.05 1 4
228 orange, mausami (no.) 3.510 6.42 207 179
230 papaya 0.131 1.65 57 79
231 mango 0.023 1.26 17 29
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.034 0.48 13 15
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.008 0.21 8 13
236 apple 0.138 14.89 119 136
237 grapes 0.015 2.07 14 18
238 other fresh fruits - 3.96 85 101
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 41.48 543 581
240 coconut: copra 0.008 0.17 5 8
241 groundnut 0.011 0.88 31 24
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.003 0.71 12 19
244 walnut 0.015 3.02 7 7
245 other nuts 0.001 0.21 6 6
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.66 19 23
247 other dry fruits 0.030 2.35 30 43
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.071 8.01 84 100
250 ginger (gm) 108.436 6.10 563 576
251 garlic (gm) 58.636 6.01 439 447
252 jeera (gm) 13.152 2.91 212 176
253 dhania (gm) 11.516 1.60 190 163
254 turmeric (gm) 29.032 5.37 458 458
255 black pepper (gm) 3.834 0.93 72 72
256 dry chillies (gm) 42.529 5.87 282 316
257 tamarind (gm) 0.643 0.13 7 8
258 curry powder (gm) 10.598 2.51 138 156
260 oilseeds (gm) 1.253 0.25 18 23
261 other spices (gm) 41.267 7.13 324 390

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-8 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 320.895 38.81 833 869
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.714 22.89 256 290
271 tea: leaf (gm) 130.139 26.14 877 933
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.052 0.43 9 12
273 coffee: powder (gm) 2.464 0.76 12 12
274 mineral water (litre) 0.025 0.35 13 22
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.030 1.94 28 39
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.030 1.75 25 31
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.99 32 46
279 beverages: sub-total - 57.24 943 999
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.246 16.09 39 39
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.084 3.26 15 18
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.171 2.27 14 24
283 cooked snacks purchased - 11.27 165 183
284 other served processed food - 4.25 43 45
289 served processed food: sub-total - 37.13 230 265
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 6.95 140 150
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 22.13 618 631
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.044 3.56 59 68
293 chips (gm) 12.356 2.58 94 109
294 pickles (gm) 5.743 1.04 32 44
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 2.814 0.56 12 18
296 other packaged food - 4.44 60 74
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 41.25 684 712
777 total: food group - 927.48 1000 1066

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-9

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.912 20.83 527 1213
102 rice – other sources 8.956 157.02 937 2496
103 chira 0.159 4.13 419 1136
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.03 3 14
105 muri 0.092 3.33 428 1122
106 other rice products 0.004 0.11 13 50
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.043 0.46 68 163
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.438 5.42 559 1542
110 maida 0.021 0.48 108 336
111 suji, rawa 0.028 0.70 155 495
112 sewai, noodles 0.010 0.61 67 275
113 bread: bakery 0.030 1.29 171 526
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 1 4
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.01 3 7
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.003 0.06 1 2
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.003 0.12 15 39
129 cereal: sub-total 12.701 194.61 991 2603
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.018 1.18 119 394
141 gram: split 0.035 1.60 179 527
142 gram: whole 0.029 1.31 177 520
143 moong 0.062 4.36 325 983
144 masur 0.360 20.24 968 2547
145 urd 0.086 3.88 357 944
146 peas 0.020 0.70 137 397
147 khesari 0.014 0.56 70 168
148 other pulses 0.004 0.21 38 121
150 gram products 0.000 0.02 2 8
151 besan 0.006 0.30 79 256
152 other pulse products 0.011 0.58 115 302
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.647 34.94 991 2602
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.388 37.45 592 1664
161 baby food 0.007 1.17 37 106
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.011 2.58 165 450
163 curd 0.047 2.17 63 208
164 ghee 0.002 0.33 25 97
165 butter 0.000 0.08 12 66

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-10 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.11 14 56
167 other milk products - 0.14 7 32
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 44.03 754 2065
170 salt 0.276 2.94 988 2594
171 sugar – PDS 0.312 5.55 707 1811
172 sugar – other sources 0.154 5.35 490 1445
173 gur 0.035 1.59 243 650
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.03 8 14
175 honey 0.000 0.07 11 49
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.778 15.53 990 2601
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.004 0.34 8 34
181 mustard oil 0.484 40.80 967 2530
182 groundnut oil 0.002 0.22 4 12
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.01 0 5
184 refined oil 0.031 2.89 90 351
185 edible oil: others 0.000 0.01 0 3
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.522 44.27 989 2600
190 eggs (no.) 4.097 17.23 615 1615
191 fish, prawn 0.665 75.28 804 2118
192 goat meat/mutton 0.017 3.89 32 108
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.115 14.20 137 360
194 pork 0.094 13.77 135 394
195 chicken 0.208 31.27 284 838
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.007 1.00 24 59
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 156.63 965 2522
200 potato 1.763 19.97 988 2597
201 onion 0.468 8.73 970 2556
202 tomato 0.265 4.34 406 1128
203 brinjal 0.628 9.15 708 1843
204 radish 0.119 1.16 134 367
205 carrot 0.043 0.59 70 222
206 palak/other 1.052 11.84 775 2031
207 green chillies 0.153 7.46 922 2427
208 lady's finger 0.103 1.94 174 495
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.110 2.49 189 535
211 cauliflower 0.277 3.38 243 655
212 cabbage 0.436 4.45 339 897
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.790 9.01 545 1398
214 peas 0.016 0.28 34 96
215 beans, barbati 0.088 1.69 168 486
216 lemon (no.) 1.259 2.42 292 856

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-11

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.910 10.92 659 1756
219 vegetables: sub-total - 99.85 989 2601
220 banana (no.) 4.333 7.12 350 958
221 jackfruit 0.170 1.24 59 139
222 watermelon 0.009 0.16 9 23
223 pineapple (no.) 0.066 0.88 35 105
224 coconut (no.) 0.119 2.18 74 215
225 green coconut (no.) 0.031 0.49 19 58
226 guava 0.040 0.70 45 124
227 singara 0.003 0.01 1 2
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.624 2.28 91 288
230 papaya 0.199 2.72 154 425
231 mango 0.094 3.80 75 236
232 kharbooza 0.001 0.04 1 2
233 pears/nashpati 0.003 0.11 5 22
234 berries 0.001 0.01 1 7
235 leechi 0.005 0.20 11 36
236 apple 0.020 1.95 30 135
237 grapes 0.004 0.42 17 49
238 other fresh fruits - 0.78 44 118
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 25.10 638 1732
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.01 1 1
241 groundnut 0.002 0.22 18 63
242 dates 0.006 0.44 20 80
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.38 11 51
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 1
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.32 23 76
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.11 4 14
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.011 1.48 64 232
250 ginger (gm) 76.545 5.14 927 2449
251 garlic (gm) 61.748 5.64 862 2290
252 jeera (gm) 21.631 4.32 680 1818
253 dhania (gm) 11.224 1.48 295 785
254 turmeric (gm) 56.702 9.81 959 2516
255 black pepper (gm) 1.800 0.50 95 252
256 dry chillies (gm) 19.882 2.68 487 1319
257 tamarind (gm) 1.547 0.18 21 65
258 curry powder (gm) 5.751 1.10 177 491
260 oilseeds (gm) 4.966 0.47 122 347
261 other spices (gm) 20.588 3.44 548 1391

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-12 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 282.383 34.79 991 2603
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.052 9.57 457 1297
271 tea: leaf (gm) 93.046 14.22 976 2566
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.001 0.01 1 2
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 1
274 mineral water (litre) 0.011 0.16 11 42
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.003 0.14 3 21
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.002 0.18 4 25
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.30 13 48
279 beverages: sub-total - 24.59 992 2597
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.102 2.90 30 103
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.078 1.27 11 33
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.043 19.85 243 555
283 cooked snacks purchased - 13.78 453 1194
284 other served processed food - 0.70 27 67
289 served processed food: sub-total - 38.49 606 1554
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 5.47 216 687
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 20.74 922 2433
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.039 4.24 300 863
293 chips (gm) 4.484 1.08 84 272
294 pickles (gm) 5.098 0.70 74 216
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.481 0.26 16 61
296 other packaged food - 0.72 47 97
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 33.20 952 2506
777 total: food group - 747.51 1000 2607

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-13

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.321 8.77 450 1142
102 rice – other sources 4.723 87.50 926 3112
103 chira 0.182 3.87 537 1777
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.04 9 43
105 muri 0.042 1.40 199 687
106 other rice products 0.003 0.07 10 38
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.983 5.35 446 1125
108 wheat/atta – other sources 4.601 56.12 935 3147
110 maida 0.047 0.84 182 799
111 suji, rawa 0.044 0.90 303 1245
112 sewai, noodles 0.020 0.97 204 828
113 bread: bakery 0.007 0.29 59 250
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.03 7 31
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 1 3
116 bajra & its products 0.003 0.06 6 17
117 maize & its products 0.124 1.78 208 572
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.02 5 15
120 small millets & its products 0.010 0.19 3 6
121 ragi & its products 0.005 0.07 0 1
122 other cereals 0.016 0.31 50 132
129 cereal: sub-total 12.133 168.61 999 3307
139 cereal substitutes 0.026 0.41 3 16
140 arhar, tur 0.078 5.09 277 1185
141 gram: split 0.127 5.87 472 1714
142 gram: whole 0.057 2.18 244 991
143 moong 0.077 4.46 303 1027
144 masur 0.290 12.95 847 2750
145 urd 0.006 0.31 34 113
146 peas 0.015 0.52 52 187
147 khesari 0.022 0.62 74 220
148 other pulses 0.024 0.88 100 269
150 gram products 0.009 0.58 56 210
151 besan 0.032 1.69 314 1122
152 other pulse products 0.007 0.30 47 132
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.744 35.46 999 3303
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.922 88.51 886 3002
161 baby food 0.002 0.44 12 54
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.19 11 32
163 curd 0.045 1.67 89 282
164 ghee 0.005 1.45 57 270
165 butter 0.000 0.07 6 11

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-14 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.22 45 152
167 other milk products - 0.23 18 38
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 92.78 908 3053
170 salt 0.274 2.69 994 3283
171 sugar – PDS 0.009 0.26 19 53
172 sugar – other sources 0.453 15.33 955 3176
173 gur 0.021 0.69 144 537
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.08 52 224
175 honey 0.000 0.05 6 30
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.758 19.10 999 3301
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.028 2.11 110 371
181 mustard oil 0.508 43.66 967 3229
182 groundnut oil 0.004 0.36 8 18
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.01 1 8
184 refined oil 0.043 3.56 119 548
185 edible oil: others 0.003 0.25 7 16
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.587 49.95 995 3296
190 eggs (no.) 1.003 4.17 142 484
191 fish, prawn 0.239 22.08 299 989
192 goat meat/mutton 0.050 10.86 65 274
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.024 2.29 23 72
194 pork 0.003 0.44 3 8
195 chicken 0.177 19.53 219 683
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.04 2 5
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 59.42 590 1921
200 potato 3.389 32.04 998 3302
201 onion 1.041 13.65 955 3180
202 tomato 0.253 3.75 342 1375
203 brinjal 0.654 8.61 640 2101
204 radish 0.183 1.42 207 679
205 carrot 0.028 0.33 31 131
206 palak/other 0.626 5.27 479 1588
207 green chillies 0.080 3.29 690 2306
208 lady's finger 0.337 5.38 343 1166
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.275 5.54 311 1089
211 cauliflower 0.513 5.50 354 1205
212 cabbage 0.259 2.36 218 783
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.473 3.79 285 999
214 peas 0.091 1.26 114 408
215 beans, barbati 0.028 0.44 42 161
216 lemon (no.) 0.580 1.03 235 906

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-15

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.482 5.28 348 1198
219 vegetables: sub-total - 98.94 999 3304
220 banana (no.) 3.761 4.17 287 988
221 jackfruit 0.005 0.08 5 20
222 watermelon 0.070 0.59 38 154
223 pineapple (no.) 0.001 0.01 1 8
224 coconut (no.) 0.010 0.16 9 45
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 2
226 guava 0.118 1.89 134 417
227 singara 0.007 0.21 13 44
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.155 0.59 21 145
230 papaya 0.052 0.82 35 117
231 mango 0.170 5.58 99 301
232 kharbooza 0.018 0.16 8 29
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.04 2 7
234 berries 0.000 0.01 2 10
235 leechi 0.009 0.59 12 59
236 apple 0.056 3.75 85 415
237 grapes 0.017 0.97 41 207
238 other fresh fruits - 0.77 36 126
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 20.38 512 1868
240 coconut: copra 0.002 0.23 22 98
241 groundnut 0.006 0.47 45 182
242 dates 0.001 0.13 10 32
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.32 8 77
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 1
245 other nuts 0.000 0.05 4 25
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.006 1.28 80 374
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.27 11 67
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.018 2.76 133 594
250 ginger (gm) 25.552 1.73 447 1667
251 garlic (gm) 64.173 4.34 881 2905
252 jeera (gm) 24.715 4.91 894 2972
253 dhania (gm) 61.147 5.26 934 3100
254 turmeric (gm) 60.572 7.81 985 3264
255 black pepper (gm) 14.035 4.25 590 1975
256 dry chillies (gm) 44.862 5.01 917 3045
257 tamarind (gm) 0.937 0.12 22 71
258 curry powder (gm) 3.723 0.59 83 301
260 oilseeds (gm) 25.772 1.61 442 1408
261 other spices (gm) 23.669 3.78 502 1792

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-16 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 349.155 39.42 999 3300
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.954 12.24 426 1358
271 tea: leaf (gm) 58.993 10.00 760 2640
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.271 0.05 1 5
274 mineral water (litre) 0.001 0.02 0 8
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.006 0.23 9 38
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.002 0.12 5 17
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.26 11 47
279 beverages: sub-total - 22.93 906 3036
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.095 2.49 37 162
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.039 0.45 11 40
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.464 20.84 256 859
283 cooked snacks purchased - 9.20 392 1445
284 other served processed food - 1.01 46 170
289 served processed food: sub-total - 33.99 592 2078
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 5.67 164 735
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 12.07 749 2485
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.043 4.33 318 1242
293 chips (gm) 2.476 0.32 36 142
294 pickles (gm) 5.065 0.61 45 141
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.139 0.11 14 51
296 other packaged food - 0.37 30 121
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 23.49 838 2827
777 total: food group - 667.64 1000 3310

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-17

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 4.316 10.40 670 683
102 rice – other sources 6.935 107.43 845 1300
103 chira 0.056 1.38 183 398
104 khoi, lawa 0.004 0.16 33 57
105 muri 0.013 0.53 102 185
106 other rice products 0.001 0.01 4 9
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.361 0.94 252 265
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.514 7.38 352 710
110 maida 0.015 0.33 83 156
111 suji, rawa 0.020 0.49 129 287
112 sewai, noodles 0.005 0.25 53 106
113 bread: bakery 0.008 0.38 91 145
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.01 7 16
115 jowar & its products 0.001 0.02 6 7
116 bajra & its products 0.001 0.01 1 1
117 maize & its products 0.048 0.57 66 73
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.032 0.42 35 46
121 ragi & its products 0.001 0.02 2 5
122 other cereals 0.017 0.33 29 54
129 cereal: sub-total 12.349 131.05 991 1431
139 cereal substitutes 0.018 0.46 60 102
140 arhar, tur 0.305 15.34 583 1005
141 gram: split 0.012 0.46 90 160
142 gram: whole 0.049 1.37 241 350
143 moong 0.012 0.67 59 129
144 masur 0.047 2.09 212 327
145 urd 0.111 5.49 371 530
146 peas 0.009 0.30 69 108
147 khesari 0.140 4.07 363 402
148 other pulses 0.057 1.74 143 198
150 gram products 0.000 0.01 2 17
151 besan 0.039 1.60 280 512
152 other pulse products 0.013 0.48 85 106
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.794 33.61 991 1430
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.655 12.85 248 534
161 baby food 0.001 0.17 9 14
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.11 10 20
163 curd 0.005 0.17 42 91
164 ghee 0.001 0.26 17 44
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 2

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-18 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.14 30 67
167 other milk products - 0.13 51 67
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 13.84 320 632
170 salt 0.291 2.26 982 1414
171 sugar – PDS 0.189 2.84 659 715
172 sugar – other sources 0.446 14.45 818 1252
173 gur 0.018 0.63 145 245
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 3
175 honey 0.000 0.05 14 31
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.944 20.23 991 1431
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.005 0.47 35 63
181 mustard oil 0.039 3.26 137 207
182 groundnut oil 0.009 0.65 16 31
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 1
184 refined oil 0.539 40.03 890 1296
185 edible oil: others 0.013 0.65 38 51
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.605 45.06 991 1429
190 eggs (no.) 0.715 2.77 133 242
191 fish, prawn 0.157 12.97 199 272
192 goat meat/mutton 0.012 2.28 15 42
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.03 0 1
194 pork 0.002 0.19 3 4
195 chicken 0.226 23.83 246 362
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.005 0.50 7 8
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 42.56 462 689
200 potato 1.400 15.53 980 1421
201 onion 0.711 9.65 962 1394
202 tomato 1.203 16.56 929 1354
203 brinjal 0.421 6.01 556 809
204 radish 0.238 2.29 260 380
205 carrot 0.014 0.20 24 37
206 palak/other 0.950 12.13 815 1138
207 green chillies 0.145 4.71 895 1278
208 lady's finger 0.250 4.72 329 536
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.180 2.70 236 363
211 cauliflower 0.241 4.08 272 479
212 cabbage 0.266 3.34 308 482
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.562 6.70 539 762
214 peas 0.061 1.00 70 136
215 beans, barbati 0.287 5.60 460 689
216 lemon (no.) 0.514 0.64 130 230

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-19

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.648 9.88 650 981
219 vegetables: sub-total - 105.79 991 1430
220 banana (no.) 1.415 3.06 151 313
221 jackfruit 0.008 0.11 4 10
222 watermelon 0.024 0.21 16 23
223 pineapple (no.) 0.004 0.04 4 11
224 coconut (no.) 0.495 4.76 382 545
225 green coconut (no.) 0.029 0.28 21 22
226 guava 0.046 0.77 70 83
227 singara 0.002 0.06 6 11
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.082 0.35 23 51
230 papaya 0.050 0.96 47 80
231 mango 0.104 2.47 63 127
232 kharbooza 0.003 0.04 2 4
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.01 1 8
234 berries 0.016 0.26 31 50
235 leechi 0.005 0.29 10 16
236 apple 0.025 2.20 43 107
237 grapes 0.013 0.78 19 51
238 other fresh fruits - 0.62 28 45
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 17.31 595 905
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.06 5 20
241 groundnut 0.046 1.74 123 216
242 dates 0.002 0.08 5 15
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.12 5 26
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.28 22 59
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.09 6 17
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.050 2.36 139 268
250 ginger (gm) 48.145 2.74 589 957
251 garlic (gm) 63.791 5.09 837 1236
252 jeera (gm) 14.086 2.93 564 915
253 dhania (gm) 56.440 6.65 927 1357
254 turmeric (gm) 49.570 7.57 964 1405
255 black pepper (gm) 1.086 0.23 33 80
256 dry chillies (gm) 44.499 5.11 844 1219
257 tamarind (gm) 11.467 0.50 135 166
258 curry powder (gm) 8.388 1.42 208 373
260 oilseeds (gm) 6.720 0.73 225 360
261 other spices (gm) 30.725 4.97 655 909

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-20 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 334.918 38.00 991 1430
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.506 6.58 177 348
271 tea: leaf (gm) 62.307 12.73 972 1400
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.002 0.01 0 3
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.014 0.02 1 6
274 mineral water (litre) 0.011 0.17 12 21
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.003 0.21 12 40
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.023 1.00 41 75
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.09 9 27
279 beverages: sub-total - 20.81 981 1415
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.104 3.52 19 24
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.002 0.03 0 4
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.475 33.47 379 510
283 cooked snacks purchased - 11.77 520 830
284 other served processed food - 0.77 75 125
289 served processed food: sub-total - 49.57 711 1081
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 3.42 131 211
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 11.33 709 1069
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.049 4.42 300 485
293 chips (gm) 1.523 0.44 43 104
294 pickles (gm) 3.230 0.57 59 93
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.780 0.21 11 25
296 other packaged food - 0.44 29 65
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 20.82 806 1214
777 total: food group - 541.47 999 1439

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-21

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.068 0.61 80 5
102 rice – other sources 1.384 37.85 878 57
103 chira 0.000 0.01 1 1
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 1
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.499 3.71 138 6
108 wheat/atta – other sources 5.605 95.78 878 57
110 maida 0.000 0.01 5 6
111 suji, rawa 0.003 0.10 37 7
112 sewai, noodles 0.002 0.23 44 8
113 bread: bakery 0.238 7.85 549 32
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.002 0.17 15 3
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 7.803 146.33 945 61
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.297 20.74 925 56
141 gram: split 0.203 10.96 868 47
142 gram: whole 0.057 3.10 383 24
143 moong 0.140 9.57 773 43
144 masur 0.106 6.30 452 44
145 urd 0.022 1.51 160 17
146 peas 0.023 0.76 125 3
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.129 8.49 587 31
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 0 0
151 besan 0.092 5.49 749 37
152 other pulse products 0.004 0.25 43 6
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.072 67.16 937 60
160 milk: liquid (litre) 7.576 263.35 945 61
161 baby food 0.006 1.48 28 2
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.000 0.00 0 0
163 curd 0.042 2.61 180 11
164 ghee 0.130 46.25 498 35
165 butter 0.002 0.59 38 5

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-22 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.73 36 7
167 other milk products - 3.73 136 12
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 318.74 945 61
170 salt 0.174 2.28 937 60
171 sugar – PDS 0.001 0.02 1 1
172 sugar – other sources 0.928 32.00 936 59
173 gur 0.039 1.40 219 10
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.00 0 0
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.143 35.70 945 61
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.082 6.98 253 9
181 mustard oil 0.537 44.94 848 51
182 groundnut oil 0.001 0.09 2 1
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.199 16.93 419 31
185 edible oil: others 0.000 0.04 1 1
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.820 69.00 937 60
190 eggs (no.) 1.144 4.94 224 8
191 fish, prawn 0.026 2.36 58 1
192 goat meat/mutton 0.043 13.90 96 2
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.00 0 0
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.124 18.94 142 11
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 40.13 306 17
200 potato 1.867 19.39 937 60
201 onion 1.022 17.85 937 60
202 tomato 0.846 15.77 937 60
203 brinjal 0.301 5.22 477 31
204 radish 0.619 7.06 670 20
205 carrot 0.236 3.52 277 17
206 palak/other 0.496 7.71 630 34
207 green chillies 0.121 7.86 891 53
208 lady's finger 0.242 6.71 294 16
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.160 4.07 282 23
211 cauliflower 0.585 13.61 582 28
212 cabbage 0.194 3.23 324 9
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.477 7.91 434 36
214 peas 0.177 2.98 244 16
215 beans, barbati 0.109 1.89 236 17
216 lemon (no.) 1.372 3.07 283 22

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-23

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.417 9.79 606 35
219 vegetables: sub-total - 137.70 937 60
220 banana (no.) 3.755 9.92 268 19
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.031 0.38 17 5
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.245 5.50 215 17
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.379 0.98 68 6
230 papaya 0.004 0.12 2 2
231 mango 0.032 1.17 28 6
232 kharbooza 0.009 0.18 10 1
233 pears/nashpati 0.013 0.88 28 1
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.176 9.80 222 16
237 grapes 0.065 3.91 193 2
238 other fresh fruits - 0.00 0 0
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 32.82 556 41
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.12 11 1
241 groundnut 0.009 0.68 61 4
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.003 1.42 60 5
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 1
245 other nuts 0.001 0.34 8 1
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.66 19 3
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.53 30 1
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.016 3.75 121 10
250 ginger (gm) 83.530 5.27 796 42
251 garlic (gm) 53.221 5.15 858 45
252 jeera (gm) 36.025 8.91 847 51
253 dhania (gm) 38.272 6.32 887 51
254 turmeric (gm) 41.240 8.29 898 52
255 black pepper (gm) 12.491 4.37 441 21
256 dry chillies (gm) 39.577 6.63 867 48
257 tamarind (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
258 curry powder (gm) 5.300 1.63 125 15
260 oilseeds (gm) 1.269 0.25 28 2
261 other spices (gm) 40.501 10.84 770 44

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-24 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 351.427 57.70 937 60
270 tea: cups (no.) 7.918 35.48 619 38
271 tea: leaf (gm) 85.371 19.55 944 60
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.034 0.47 19 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.097 4.26 135 15
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.054 2.82 82 9
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.54 30 4
279 beverages: sub-total - 63.15 1000 63
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.883 30.55 96 7
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.164 1.38 26 6
283 cooked snacks purchased - 36.96 891 53
284 other served processed food - 0.35 30 2
289 served processed food: sub-total - 69.25 907 56
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 42.00 216 15
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 31.73 824 56
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.151 23.18 766 36
293 chips (gm) 3.023 0.32 32 4
294 pickles (gm) 23.631 3.15 188 10
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 5.245 0.53 58 1
296 other packaged food - 12.00 314 17
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 112.91 973 60
777 total: food group - 1154.32 1000 63

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-25

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.244 17.78 719 113
102 rice – other sources 4.171 91.36 920 149
103 chira 0.083 2.52 264 49
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.02 1 2
105 muri 0.003 0.12 19 6
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.287 2.26 382 71
108 wheat/atta – other sources 1.323 27.49 760 117
110 maida 0.013 0.32 54 13
111 suji, rawa 0.259 6.19 785 134
112 sewai, noodles 0.025 2.38 145 30
113 bread: bakery 0.366 21.48 448 68
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 1 1
115 jowar & its products 0.016 0.47 9 7
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.009 0.31 35 4
121 ragi & its products 0.006 0.12 39 7
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 1 1
129 cereal: sub-total 8.806 172.81 1000 159
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.160 10.11 875 142
141 gram: split 0.034 1.20 119 21
142 gram: whole 0.151 5.22 623 90
143 moong 0.117 7.41 636 106
144 masur 0.106 5.03 609 90
145 urd 0.018 1.22 117 29
146 peas 0.012 0.51 94 19
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.037 1.61 214 47
150 gram products 0.000 0.01 1 2
151 besan 0.021 1.03 162 33
152 other pulse products 0.025 1.41 134 22
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.681 34.76 976 155
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.238 133.50 822 137
161 baby food 0.008 2.66 34 6
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.005 1.07 27 4
163 curd 0.001 0.08 26 10
164 ghee 0.016 3.74 219 31
165 butter 0.006 1.81 110 29

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-26 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 3.33 176 41
167 other milk products - 0.16 10 3
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 146.35 845 140
170 salt 0.215 2.70 1000 159
171 sugar – PDS 0.000 0.00 0 0
172 sugar – other sources 0.868 26.86 1000 159
173 gur 0.072 2.83 360 73
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.08 10 1
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.156 32.47 1000 159
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.031 3.08 205 30
181 mustard oil 0.001 0.10 2 1
182 groundnut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
183 coconut oil 0.004 0.43 13 2
184 refined oil 0.514 39.97 786 132
185 edible oil: others 0.131 9.38 244 35
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.680 52.96 1000 159
190 eggs (no.) 4.879 16.81 552 92
191 fish, prawn 1.537 185.94 838 132
192 goat meat/mutton 0.058 9.44 64 4
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.068 8.43 61 7
194 pork 0.053 6.48 16 3
195 chicken 0.351 35.50 285 62
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.024 1.65 59 8
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 264.24 867 137
200 potato 0.561 9.35 861 135
201 onion 1.088 16.67 997 157
202 tomato 0.637 11.72 976 154
203 brinjal 0.077 2.18 149 25
204 radish 0.202 3.37 262 50
205 carrot 0.036 0.89 99 18
206 palak/other 0.577 13.07 626 98
207 green chillies 0.151 6.33 841 129
208 lady's finger 0.216 5.33 365 57
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.022 0.57 45 8
211 cauliflower 0.205 4.51 280 47
212 cabbage 0.343 6.26 453 73
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.047 1.25 54 9
214 peas 0.000 0.01 1 1
215 beans, barbati 0.123 1.95 154 31
216 lemon (no.) 1.921 3.86 323 60

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-27

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.140 4.56 263 40
219 vegetables: sub-total - 91.89 1000 159
220 banana (no.) 8.536 20.77 596 104
221 jackfruit 0.016 0.68 22 2
222 watermelon 0.083 1.14 28 3
223 pineapple (no.) 0.055 0.81 24 5
224 coconut (no.) 5.290 53.45 841 141
225 green coconut (no.) 0.653 6.70 66 8
226 guava 0.001 0.02 2 2
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.617 4.22 68 11
230 papaya 0.156 4.20 106 15
231 mango 0.281 32.26 155 23
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.225 23.17 214 46
237 grapes 0.063 5.17 77 16
238 other fresh fruits - 6.92 97 15
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 159.48 982 158
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.001 0.08 4 2
242 dates 0.000 0.04 0 1
243 cashewnut 0.002 0.89 44 15
244 walnut 0.000 0.04 5 2
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.02 3 1
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.27 16 6
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.004 1.33 49 18
250 ginger (gm) 61.052 4.78 822 137
251 garlic (gm) 65.997 9.46 865 140
252 jeera (gm) 26.979 6.41 857 132
253 dhania (gm) 46.759 5.57 770 111
254 turmeric (gm) 34.711 7.80 940 146
255 black pepper (gm) 4.709 0.86 103 20
256 dry chillies (gm) 121.849 24.37 791 135
257 tamarind (gm) 30.253 4.34 514 81
258 curry powder (gm) 38.047 7.51 314 60
260 oilseeds (gm) 22.197 1.96 412 71
261 other spices (gm) 61.518 10.28 660 96

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-28 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 514.072 83.45 1000 159
270 tea: cups (no.) 0.533 2.86 92 7
271 tea: leaf (gm) 148.102 30.20 987 157
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.070 0.48 21 6
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.664 1.22 65 11
274 mineral water (litre) 0.003 0.04 3 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.061 2.70 88 22
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.016 1.59 40 11
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.30 19 1
279 beverages: sub-total - 39.38 1000 158
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.082 3.47 32 10
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.283 8.97 21 3
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.071 16.08 101 9
283 cooked snacks purchased - 15.76 363 60
284 other served processed food - 2.99 27 7
289 served processed food: sub-total - 47.28 525 84
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 8.16 53 12
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 26.90 700 120
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.024 3.44 262 45
293 chips (gm) 16.405 2.75 185 34
294 pickles (gm) 30.728 2.99 398 69
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 5.456 0.93 81 17
296 other packaged food - 2.83 89 17
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 48.02 873 142
777 total: food group - 1174.42 1000 159

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-29

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.340 1.35 349 497
102 rice – other sources 1.702 36.61 867 1544
103 chira 0.035 1.08 194 440
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.04 6 24
105 muri 0.038 1.40 227 460
106 other rice products 0.005 0.12 11 29
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.668 2.32 316 440
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.042 46.59 752 1378
110 maida 0.014 0.38 104 204
111 suji, rawa 0.032 0.93 247 496
112 sewai, noodles 0.002 0.12 24 82
113 bread: bakery 0.011 0.57 59 118
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.01 0 3
115 jowar & its products 0.260 4.41 140 271
116 bajra & its products 1.690 19.75 583 963
117 maize & its products 0.853 9.60 204 326
118 barley & its products 0.005 0.07 2 7
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 1 6
121 ragi & its products 0.021 0.34 12 41
122 other cereals 0.005 0.10 11 28
129 cereal: sub-total 8.724 125.78 986 1700
139 cereal substitutes 0.008 0.38 59 106
140 arhar, tur 0.326 20.42 907 1614
141 gram: split 0.075 3.41 431 751
142 gram: whole 0.047 1.94 331 633
143 moong 0.198 12.08 852 1485
144 masur 0.008 0.48 64 114
145 urd 0.052 3.17 353 693
146 peas 0.005 0.22 63 121
147 khesari 0.000 0.01 6 5
148 other pulses 0.021 1.21 136 236
150 gram products 0.004 0.19 11 29
151 besan 0.087 4.40 626 1175
152 other pulse products 0.019 1.09 152 273
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.843 48.62 982 1699
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.471 176.90 924 1627
161 baby food 0.001 0.43 18 29
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.000 0.05 2 1
163 curd 0.017 0.63 93 194
164 ghee 0.041 13.84 256 560
165 butter 0.001 0.17 9 11

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-30 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.62 54 105
167 other milk products - 2.96 181 316
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 195.61 952 1651
170 salt 0.196 1.44 985 1699
171 sugar – PDS 0.123 1.73 317 444
172 sugar – other sources 0.765 24.81 929 1624
173 gur 0.136 5.28 597 1091
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.06 6 11
175 honey 0.000 0.02 6 10
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.221 33.32 986 1702
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.001 0.05 2 10
181 mustard oil 0.047 3.68 45 63
182 groundnut oil 0.187 20.57 180 376
183 coconut oil 0.003 0.31 3 10
184 refined oil 0.303 24.41 317 527
185 edible oil: others 0.505 39.89 489 787
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.045 88.90 986 1700
190 eggs (no.) 0.668 2.54 104 183
191 fish, prawn 0.052 4.15 54 95
192 goat meat/mutton 0.027 4.76 31 46
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.036 1.71 25 36
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 1
195 chicken 0.084 11.02 138 230
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.01 0 2
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 24.18 212 363
200 potato 1.300 15.29 982 1694
201 onion 0.703 9.81 937 1618
202 tomato 0.638 11.51 893 1529
203 brinjal 0.585 11.93 841 1411
204 radish 0.048 0.72 76 131
205 carrot 0.033 0.64 68 135
206 palak/other 0.318 5.78 422 749
207 green chillies 0.177 5.98 864 1486
208 lady's finger 0.233 6.92 407 732
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.093 2.69 167 247
211 cauliflower 0.317 6.33 477 807
212 cabbage 0.362 6.66 564 1031
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.261 4.55 342 557
214 peas 0.046 1.16 108 247
215 beans, barbati 0.182 4.99 251 446
216 lemon (no.) 3.242 4.43 569 1036

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-31

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.715 17.03 771 1299
219 vegetables: sub-total - 116.45 986 1700
220 banana (no.) 3.515 7.16 346 690
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.01 1 2
222 watermelon 0.088 1.59 58 120
223 pineapple (no.) 0.009 0.35 7 11
224 coconut (no.) 0.098 1.12 76 147
225 green coconut (no.) 0.029 0.33 14 41
226 guava 0.064 1.53 87 137
227 singara 0.004 0.09 8 7
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.122 0.43 20 57
230 papaya 0.047 0.99 50 105
231 mango 0.165 6.05 88 186
232 kharbooza 0.021 0.35 12 22
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.02 0 4
234 berries 0.001 0.03 3 7
235 leechi 0.000 0.03 0 2
236 apple 0.059 5.27 96 228
237 grapes 0.053 2.37 113 215
238 other fresh fruits - 3.61 159 259
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 31.33 686 1265
240 coconut: copra 0.004 0.47 27 75
241 groundnut 0.044 3.00 221 466
242 dates 0.017 1.25 35 80
243 cashewnut 0.003 1.32 17 67
244 walnut 0.000 0.06 1 12
245 other nuts 0.002 0.67 18 54
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.18 8 35
247 other dry fruits 0.003 0.60 16 54
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.074 7.55 273 594
250 ginger (gm) 63.795 3.96 734 1265
251 garlic (gm) 82.417 5.95 952 1644
252 jeera (gm) 34.376 6.53 917 1604
253 dhania (gm) 45.842 5.56 908 1569
254 turmeric (gm) 43.435 8.48 978 1684
255 black pepper (gm) 8.866 2.53 345 628
256 dry chillies (gm) 86.420 13.20 965 1674
257 tamarind (gm) 10.695 0.96 243 403
258 curry powder (gm) 10.420 1.98 300 573
260 oilseeds (gm) 27.137 1.99 782 1418
261 other spices (gm) 38.721 6.74 764 1329

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-32 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 452.123 57.92 986 1700
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.266 8.98 251 497
271 tea: leaf (gm) 131.905 29.46 967 1682
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.001 0.01 1 3
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.099 0.06 4 19
274 mineral water (litre) 0.036 0.05 2 12
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.021 0.90 39 86
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.007 0.34 11 20
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.77 25 50
279 beverages: sub-total - 40.57 976 1693
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.150 3.76 22 53
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.096 1.73 8 8
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.625 20.89 176 341
283 cooked snacks purchased - 11.82 302 569
284 other served processed food - 2.38 92 176
289 served processed food: sub-total - 40.57 504 919
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 3.29 66 133
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 14.44 657 1197
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.084 8.46 367 674
293 chips (gm) 9.564 1.54 97 176
294 pickles (gm) 9.243 1.21 91 156
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.322 0.06 3 13
296 other packaged food - 2.55 147 271
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 31.54 806 1447
777 total: food group - 842.74 1000 1712

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-33

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.011 0.07 8 12
102 rice – other sources 0.704 17.86 869 1240
103 chira 0.000 0.00 0 1
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.01 3 5
105 muri 0.000 0.00 1 2
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 1
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.231 6.24 193 260
108 wheat/atta – other sources 7.322 92.69 914 1312
110 maida 0.004 0.08 15 29
111 suji, rawa 0.015 0.36 99 171
112 sewai, noodles 0.005 0.25 32 64
113 bread: bakery 0.026 0.75 116 212
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.02 3 11
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
116 bajra & its products 0.096 1.11 106 138
117 maize & its products 0.016 0.31 36 50
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 1
129 cereal: sub-total 9.431 119.76 997 1422
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.020 1.38 138 211
141 gram: split 0.158 7.50 829 1205
142 gram: whole 0.086 4.12 489 744
143 moong 0.156 11.00 893 1269
144 masur 0.089 5.60 648 1000
145 urd 0.062 4.27 474 675
146 peas 0.004 0.21 24 28
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 2 2
148 other pulses 0.029 1.82 194 297
150 gram products 0.007 0.40 85 131
151 besan 0.136 6.43 786 1180
152 other pulse products 0.004 0.20 32 48
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.751 42.95 991 1415
160 milk: liquid (litre) 14.790 435.64 995 1420
161 baby food 0.002 0.38 12 15
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.34 2 5
163 curd 0.012 0.51 19 34
164 ghee 0.102 37.04 323 444
165 butter 0.001 0.29 27 5

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-34 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.14 15 32
167 other milk products - 0.24 9 19
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 474.57 995 1421
170 salt 0.232 2.95 983 1407
171 sugar – PDS 0.050 0.94 92 131
172 sugar – other sources 1.611 53.19 978 1395
173 gur 0.063 2.16 187 307
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 1 6
175 honey 0.000 0.01 0 2
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.955 59.25 997 1421
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.056 3.96 145 227
181 mustard oil 0.408 30.69 764 1106
182 groundnut oil 0.002 0.12 5 7
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.105 8.43 259 360
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.05 2 3
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.572 43.25 900 1298
190 eggs (no.) 0.737 2.92 104 87
191 fish, prawn 0.002 0.20 3 4
192 goat meat/mutton 0.036 6.80 53 38
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.008 0.73 7 14
194 pork 0.004 0.40 4 10
195 chicken 0.061 8.51 69 75
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 19.54 146 158
200 potato 1.834 20.47 988 1405
201 onion 1.076 16.39 979 1398
202 tomato 0.848 15.20 944 1337
203 brinjal 0.300 4.16 276 443
204 radish 0.539 4.72 356 471
205 carrot 0.394 4.29 275 351
206 palak/other 0.527 7.07 391 547
207 green chillies 0.139 5.53 715 1090
208 lady's finger 0.218 4.70 235 399
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.026 0.43 24 32
211 cauliflower 0.558 8.13 426 616
212 cabbage 0.145 2.16 157 182
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.722 10.45 476 735
214 peas 0.376 6.71 256 394
215 beans, barbati 0.060 1.34 45 65
216 lemon (no.) 2.096 3.93 276 450

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-35

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.596 9.04 367 577
219 vegetables: sub-total - 124.70 996 1421
220 banana (no.) 5.340 14.29 381 628
221 jackfruit 0.003 0.02 1 1
222 watermelon 0.136 1.36 37 68
223 pineapple (no.) 0.002 0.04 2 1
224 coconut (no.) 0.004 0.07 3 7
225 green coconut (no.) 0.015 0.24 4 4
226 guava 0.208 4.56 157 238
227 singara 0.014 0.31 17 31
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.261 4.12 119 185
230 papaya 0.110 2.39 77 118
231 mango 0.285 9.91 175 298
232 kharbooza 0.051 0.85 23 50
233 pears/nashpati 0.007 0.20 8 11
234 berries 0.017 0.42 20 27
235 leechi 0.001 0.10 1 6
236 apple 0.156 11.24 145 266
237 grapes 0.065 3.72 70 114
238 other fresh fruits - 6.22 42 61
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 60.08 667 1065
240 coconut: copra 0.002 0.14 7 12
241 groundnut 0.076 5.05 139 217
242 dates 0.015 1.52 49 27
243 cashewnut 0.002 1.07 15 26
244 walnut 0.000 0.02 0 1
245 other nuts 0.003 0.65 12 23
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.005 1.14 39 27
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.96 9 21
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.106 10.55 201 284
250 ginger (gm) 62.511 4.00 645 917
251 garlic (gm) 56.464 4.85 784 1131
252 jeera (gm) 44.366 9.10 944 1347
253 dhania (gm) 42.471 5.11 722 1069
254 turmeric (gm) 63.153 11.43 983 1411
255 black pepper (gm) 1.654 0.42 61 104
256 dry chillies (gm) 57.135 8.59 940 1343
257 tamarind (gm) 0.313 0.04 9 14
258 curry powder (gm) 0.788 0.20 19 30
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.368 0.08 4 4
261 other spices (gm) 32.170 7.66 544 770

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-36 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 361.393 51.51 996 1421
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.783 13.85 237 299
271 tea: leaf (gm) 148.361 30.39 991 1413
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.143 0.36 1 1
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.043 0.06 3 5
274 mineral water (litre) 0.003 0.10 2 8
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.093 3.09 65 120
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.036 2.41 63 99
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.14 6 10
279 beverages: sub-total - 50.41 997 1419
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.037 1.05 11 22
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.244 4.83 53 5
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.296 13.88 117 149
283 cooked snacks purchased - 8.65 246 395
284 other served processed food - 0.55 19 36
289 served processed food: sub-total - 28.95 389 519
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 12.45 145 260
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 21.21 760 1107
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.087 9.16 406 638
293 chips (gm) 9.513 1.45 68 96
294 pickles (gm) 20.494 1.94 147 173
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.560 0.10 6 12
296 other packaged food - 1.52 47 70
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 47.82 808 1173
777 total: food group - 1133.34 1000 1423

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-37

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.076 16.33 866 1457
102 rice – other sources 2.314 50.88 699 1165
103 chira 0.001 0.04 5 12
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.01 1 1
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 0
106 other rice products 0.007 0.18 2 3
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 3.177 21.88 810 1355
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.257 49.98 782 1309
110 maida 0.015 0.34 35 55
111 suji, rawa 0.057 1.35 351 577
112 sewai, noodles 0.019 1.34 170 333
113 bread: bakery 0.036 1.39 189 318
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.05 7 18
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
116 bajra & its products 0.009 0.09 5 5
117 maize & its products 0.910 10.81 358 593
118 barley & its products 0.004 0.06 4 10
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 1 1
122 other cereals 0.006 0.21 10 15
129 cereal: sub-total 11.891 154.94 992 1652
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.006 0.45 34 61
141 gram: split 0.251 7.49 968 1610
142 gram: whole 0.195 5.81 796 1328
143 moong 0.099 7.09 556 909
144 masur 0.100 5.86 556 912
145 urd 0.242 9.59 918 1540
146 peas 0.006 0.32 23 39
147 khesari 0.001 0.07 5 10
148 other pulses 0.285 18.12 834 1389
150 gram products 0.007 0.47 41 63
151 besan 0.052 2.46 380 631
152 other pulse products 0.019 1.32 135 221
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.264 59.05 992 1652
160 milk: liquid (litre) 9.415 212.75 943 1566
161 baby food 0.002 0.37 13 28
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.008 1.92 57 95
163 curd 0.021 0.78 46 80
164 ghee 0.040 13.55 217 341
165 butter 0.001 0.36 13 24

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-38 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.06 5 12
167 other milk products - 0.92 35 60
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 230.71 990 1645
170 salt 0.216 1.50 988 1645
171 sugar – PDS 0.627 8.63 909 1537
172 sugar – other sources 0.547 19.41 909 1510
173 gur 0.026 0.98 110 193
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.12 11 16
175 honey 0.000 0.03 6 8
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.418 30.67 993 1653
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.078 6.49 117 185
181 mustard oil 0.432 28.39 870 1450
182 groundnut oil 0.003 0.18 6 6
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.318 17.65 820 1376
185 edible oil: others 0.004 0.26 10 15
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.835 52.95 992 1652
190 eggs (no.) 1.209 5.07 163 312
191 fish, prawn 0.005 0.73 6 12
192 goat meat/mutton 0.143 28.78 161 320
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.05 0 3
194 pork 0.002 0.29 2 2
195 chicken 0.111 15.57 130 217
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 50.49 335 617
200 potato 1.481 15.54 960 1611
201 onion 0.884 13.44 985 1640
202 tomato 0.629 13.80 801 1308
203 brinjal 0.214 3.73 259 414
204 radish 0.199 2.22 209 312
205 carrot 0.155 2.55 158 253
206 palak/other 0.565 7.53 465 789
207 green chillies 0.045 1.93 375 626
208 lady's finger 0.248 4.77 240 393
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.011 0.20 16 20
211 cauliflower 0.530 9.88 488 804
212 cabbage 0.300 4.90 314 533
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.439 6.79 347 582
214 peas 0.287 6.87 283 459
215 beans, barbati 0.050 1.32 64 102
216 lemon (no.) 0.617 1.60 127 207

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-39

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.312 5.52 276 468
219 vegetables: sub-total - 102.58 992 1652
220 banana (no.) 3.988 14.50 426 711
221 jackfruit 0.001 0.00 0 1
222 watermelon 0.032 0.60 21 34
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.010 0.23 5 5
225 green coconut (no.) 0.006 0.05 2 3
226 guava 0.091 2.11 92 153
227 singara 0.004 0.03 1 2
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.252 5.18 184 307
230 papaya 0.025 0.77 20 28
231 mango 0.195 7.54 144 239
232 kharbooza 0.013 0.28 10 20
233 pears/nashpati 0.028 0.46 11 14
234 berries 0.002 0.09 5 7
235 leechi 0.011 0.50 11 16
236 apple 0.193 11.22 193 352
237 grapes 0.041 3.03 77 137
238 other fresh fruits - 1.00 24 46
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 47.60 715 1209
240 coconut: copra 0.007 0.75 31 42
241 groundnut 0.058 4.66 201 290
242 dates 0.001 0.06 5 5
243 cashewnut 0.003 1.71 19 39
244 walnut 0.013 1.70 32 71
245 other nuts 0.008 3.46 54 100
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.006 1.10 41 71
247 other dry fruits 0.006 2.14 28 58
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.102 15.59 329 545
250 ginger (gm) 55.053 3.20 477 799
251 garlic (gm) 63.665 5.64 762 1287
252 jeera (gm) 32.115 7.72 762 1249
253 dhania (gm) 44.039 5.57 873 1449
254 turmeric (gm) 58.720 12.96 981 1629
255 black pepper (gm) 3.248 1.10 111 192
256 dry chillies (gm) 31.461 4.78 736 1265
257 tamarind (gm) 0.960 0.10 16 27
258 curry powder (gm) 0.587 0.25 9 14
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.511 0.08 4 5
261 other spices (gm) 36.549 11.97 748 1251

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-40 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 326.908 53.41 992 1652
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.806 17.87 477 802
271 tea: leaf (gm) 93.558 23.58 981 1634
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.056 0.11 3 5
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.023 0.03 1 3
274 mineral water (litre) 0.001 0.01 1 1
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.034 1.50 35 68
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.013 0.79 15 31
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.69 15 26
279 beverages: sub-total - 44.59 998 1655
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.452 14.19 51 91
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.157 4.11 12 16
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.389 36.02 292 487
283 cooked snacks purchased - 16.03 346 566
284 other served processed food - 0.76 14 21
289 served processed food: sub-total - 71.11 597 989
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 19.02 254 433
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 17.66 708 1212
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.034 4.76 218 377
293 chips (gm) 15.688 3.85 177 283
294 pickles (gm) 28.328 2.87 177 307
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.136 0.20 7 18
296 other packaged food - 0.30 12 20
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 48.63 839 1404
777 total: food group - 962.32 1000 1657

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-41

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 4.387 38.77 748 1590
102 rice – other sources 3.743 78.59 666 1374
103 chira 0.006 0.09 1 1
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 0
106 other rice products 0.006 0.11 8 16
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.646 12.37 569 1200
108 wheat/atta – other sources 1.741 26.58 511 992
110 maida 0.005 0.11 18 35
111 suji, rawa 0.015 0.36 121 235
112 sewai, noodles 0.015 0.95 118 180
113 bread: bakery 0.312 17.07 481 1021
114 other wheat products 0.006 0.17 8 21
115 jowar & its products 0.002 0.05 3 8
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
117 maize & its products 0.817 9.82 303 577
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.011 0.25 21 50
129 cereal: sub-total 12.711 185.28 996 2027
139 cereal substitutes 0.012 0.07 1 1
140 arhar, tur 0.009 0.63 49 35
141 gram: split 0.153 7.67 575 1022
142 gram: whole 0.058 2.90 402 683
143 moong 0.080 5.77 548 1096
144 masur 0.029 1.82 220 422
145 urd 0.098 6.47 480 781
146 peas 0.006 0.27 46 96
147 khesari 0.003 0.20 8 13
148 other pulses 0.166 13.05 704 1400
150 gram products 0.004 0.30 14 23
151 besan 0.005 0.29 78 134
152 other pulse products 0.031 1.88 287 481
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.641 41.24 867 1721
160 milk: liquid (litre) 8.083 174.46 967 2009
161 baby food 0.002 0.57 8 16
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.004 0.78 29 41
163 curd 0.071 1.80 106 242
164 ghee 0.032 8.49 199 423
165 butter 0.005 1.21 45 114

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-42 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.50 19 45
167 other milk products - 1.36 62 136
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 189.17 982 2018
170 salt 0.324 4.44 993 2022
171 sugar – PDS 0.484 6.99 874 1829
172 sugar – other sources 0.221 7.90 463 812
173 gur 0.012 0.45 92 157
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.03 6 16
175 honey 0.000 0.09 7 13
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.042 19.91 996 2026
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.031 2.83 96 178
181 mustard oil 0.785 72.60 963 1942
182 groundnut oil 0.003 0.26 4 12
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.039 3.89 99 220
185 edible oil: others 0.000 0.04 1 3
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.858 79.62 995 2024
190 eggs (no.) 3.077 12.25 393 902
191 fish, prawn 0.012 1.74 9 31
192 goat meat/mutton 0.153 34.13 183 467
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.249 30.26 247 565
194 pork 0.002 0.30 3 7
195 chicken 0.290 30.61 272 667
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.003 0.30 2 7
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 109.58 647 1441
200 potato 1.174 14.73 909 1801
201 onion 0.868 13.97 959 1940
202 tomato 0.613 13.44 785 1544
203 brinjal 0.140 2.42 162 313
204 radish 0.390 4.69 365 752
205 carrot 0.127 2.00 122 282
206 palak/other 1.862 23.80 847 1811
207 green chillies 0.032 1.15 239 398
208 lady's finger 0.167 3.39 171 246
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.023 0.35 23 30
211 cauliflower 0.452 7.65 399 787
212 cabbage 0.226 3.39 215 418
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.390 6.13 301 588
214 peas 0.124 3.06 158 323
215 beans, barbati 0.133 3.09 144 350
216 lemon (no.) 0.758 1.39 116 212

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-43

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.405 6.36 307 580
219 vegetables: sub-total - 110.97 995 2024
220 banana (no.) 2.639 10.46 269 657
221 jackfruit 0.007 0.08 3 5
222 watermelon 0.159 2.97 74 166
223 pineapple (no.) 0.002 0.07 2 6
224 coconut (no.) 0.001 0.02 1 3
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.027 0.48 30 54
227 singara 0.001 0.01 1 1
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.520 6.22 171 368
230 papaya 0.018 0.41 10 20
231 mango 0.067 3.28 74 171
232 kharbooza 0.038 0.83 28 57
233 pears/nashpati 0.030 0.92 36 59
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.001 0.02 0 2
236 apple 0.340 10.29 245 503
237 grapes 0.030 1.56 57 113
238 other fresh fruits - 0.84 15 42
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 38.48 692 1462
240 coconut: copra 0.003 0.13 12 21
241 groundnut 0.014 1.20 51 84
242 dates 0.011 0.87 41 96
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.57 13 22
244 walnut 0.011 1.04 28 81
245 other nuts 0.003 0.56 22 32
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.41 23 48
247 other dry fruits 0.006 1.12 20 48
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.051 5.90 157 334
250 ginger (gm) 19.796 1.38 221 410
251 garlic (gm) 71.806 5.32 704 1472
252 jeera (gm) 10.080 2.07 305 545
253 dhania (gm) 7.584 1.12 166 300
254 turmeric (gm) 93.425 21.13 982 2004
255 black pepper (gm) 1.016 0.29 39 70
256 dry chillies (gm) 95.114 20.31 952 1949
257 tamarind (gm) 7.415 0.79 75 131
258 curry powder (gm) 0.611 0.10 8 15
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.425 0.05 4 7
261 other spices (gm) 48.189 11.54 704 1425

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-44 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 355.460 64.10 996 2023
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.209 6.09 215 482
271 tea: leaf (gm) 148.468 43.90 991 2015
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.003 0.01 1 3
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.048 0.03 1 3
274 mineral water (litre) 0.001 0.02 1 3
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.098 3.81 114 147
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.045 2.62 42 111
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.63 12 32
279 beverages: sub-total - 57.12 999 2028
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.359 9.11 46 118
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.082 1.76 13 31
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.536 12.27 133 270
283 cooked snacks purchased - 5.48 191 357
284 other served processed food - 0.97 21 26
289 served processed food: sub-total - 29.59 348 691
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 7.46 143 348
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 17.10 709 1423
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.025 3.88 185 320
293 chips (gm) 8.550 2.27 129 235
294 pickles (gm) 7.525 0.75 37 83
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.557 0.08 3 10
296 other packaged food - 0.49 18 37
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 32.01 765 1552
777 total: food group - 963.03 1000 2032

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-45

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.055 2.58 333 524
102 rice – other sources 6.783 121.30 895 1599
103 chira 0.109 2.26 262 516
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.05 17 26
105 muri 0.080 2.81 325 625
106 other rice products 0.001 0.01 1 3
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.022 0.23 8 8
108 wheat/atta – other sources 2.649 40.86 722 1371
110 maida 0.047 0.90 153 326
111 suji, rawa 0.029 0.65 202 434
112 sewai, noodles 0.015 0.93 103 228
113 bread: bakery 0.016 0.61 132 284
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.01 2 4
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 1 4
117 maize & its products 0.092 0.77 104 189
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.021 0.16 21 29
129 cereal: sub-total 11.921 174.13 984 1740
139 cereal substitutes 0.001 0.02 3 10
140 arhar, tur 0.165 10.05 563 1080
141 gram: split 0.041 1.87 242 475
142 gram: whole 0.057 2.20 272 517
143 moong 0.024 1.42 130 260
144 masur 0.176 8.53 687 1204
145 urd 0.037 1.31 126 218
146 peas 0.001 0.04 10 25
147 khesari 0.005 0.16 22 38
148 other pulses 0.030 0.87 89 147
150 gram products 0.017 1.06 126 215
151 besan 0.021 1.07 170 363
152 other pulse products 0.005 0.22 40 89
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.577 28.80 955 1703
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.983 46.75 462 928
161 baby food 0.002 0.56 15 22
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.005 1.12 73 133
163 curd 0.007 0.27 19 49
164 ghee 0.002 0.54 11 50
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 2

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-46 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.09 17 44
167 other milk products - 0.03 1 6
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 49.37 543 1076
170 salt 0.250 2.44 984 1739
171 sugar – PDS 0.002 0.07 8 12
172 sugar – other sources 0.393 13.69 898 1610
173 gur 0.025 0.89 150 279
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.09 42 79
175 honey 0.001 0.06 4 11
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.672 17.24 984 1740
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.007 0.48 28 65
181 mustard oil 0.427 36.71 979 1721
182 groundnut oil 0.001 0.10 3 12
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.04 2 6
184 refined oil 0.054 4.37 213 451
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.11 7 14
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.490 41.82 984 1739
190 eggs (no.) 1.190 4.52 181 315
191 fish, prawn 0.142 13.28 195 334
192 goat meat/mutton 0.035 8.62 49 113
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.011 1.07 11 16
194 pork 0.018 1.52 20 21
195 chicken 0.236 21.76 223 411
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.12 2 6
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 50.87 562 1000
200 potato 3.066 27.75 981 1735
201 onion 0.858 10.88 951 1674
202 tomato 0.568 6.61 635 1190
203 brinjal 0.362 4.97 440 791
204 radish 0.308 1.89 248 437
205 carrot 0.014 0.17 16 34
206 palak/other 0.706 5.67 502 922
207 green chillies 0.098 4.10 912 1598
208 lady's finger 0.244 3.96 289 551
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.127 2.29 189 392
211 cauliflower 0.371 4.50 318 569
212 cabbage 0.392 3.10 314 579
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.365 3.93 281 497
214 peas 0.075 1.06 77 145
215 beans, barbati 0.145 2.33 195 358
216 lemon (no.) 0.423 0.85 162 303

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-47

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.403 5.27 345 658
219 vegetables: sub-total - 89.33 984 1740
220 banana (no.) 0.983 1.69 98 205
221 jackfruit 0.002 0.01 2 5
222 watermelon 0.025 0.35 24 41
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.014 0.18 9 23
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.055 0.80 59 126
227 singara 0.000 0.00 1 1
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.057 0.22 7 28
230 papaya 0.030 0.46 22 46
231 mango 0.111 4.02 89 179
232 kharbooza 0.002 0.04 3 5
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 2
234 berries 0.016 0.17 18 25
235 leechi 0.006 0.33 9 19
236 apple 0.037 2.71 62 141
237 grapes 0.012 0.72 31 56
238 other fresh fruits - 0.05 3 13
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 11.76 324 639
240 coconut: copra 0.001 0.10 13 32
241 groundnut 0.002 0.21 16 42
242 dates 0.000 0.02 2 9
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.28 7 27
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.004 0.67 29 88
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.04 3 12
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.008 1.32 55 147
250 ginger (gm) 43.297 2.52 671 1271
251 garlic (gm) 65.391 4.25 915 1643
252 jeera (gm) 25.090 4.89 780 1396
253 dhania (gm) 34.549 3.57 811 1440
254 turmeric (gm) 47.890 7.50 963 1717
255 black pepper (gm) 12.959 4.28 534 970
256 dry chillies (gm) 21.982 2.60 632 1176
257 tamarind (gm) 0.905 0.06 23 36
258 curry powder (gm) 6.304 1.21 139 242
260 oilseeds (gm) 11.387 0.86 325 620
261 other spices (gm) 15.467 2.78 382 702

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-48 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 285.222 34.51 984 1739
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.480 4.64 254 526
271 tea: leaf (gm) 44.314 9.13 770 1427
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.003 0.00 0 1
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.010 0.12 4 7
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.009 0.34 9 24
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.002 0.25 5 13
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.43 18 37
279 beverages: sub-total - 14.91 847 1553
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.507 8.18 39 62
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.012 0.06 1 6
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 4.118 27.55 414 722
283 cooked snacks purchased - 14.33 674 1228
284 other served processed food - 0.52 30 67
289 served processed food: sub-total - 50.66 821 1481
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 6.39 214 453
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 10.31 697 1268
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.050 4.88 371 687
293 chips (gm) 0.496 0.15 21 38
294 pickles (gm) 3.069 0.37 61 104
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.015 0.00 0 3
296 other packaged food - 0.27 7 20
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 22.37 827 1492
777 total: food group - 587.12 1000 1757

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-49

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.544 8.24 752 1387
102 rice – other sources 3.078 62.93 776 1706
103 chira 0.160 4.38 469 1065
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.03 3 8
105 muri 0.086 3.18 477 1021
106 other rice products 0.006 0.13 16 66
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.432 1.44 715 1326
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.465 9.01 410 997
110 maida 0.049 1.12 224 579
111 suji, rawa 0.227 5.68 677 1470
112 sewai, noodles 0.008 0.35 45 123
113 bread: bakery 0.036 1.83 243 567
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.02 2 10
115 jowar & its products 1.391 36.93 462 923
116 bajra & its products 0.067 1.03 28 58
117 maize & its products 0.020 0.24 16 27
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.007 0.09 4 6
121 ragi & its products 1.156 13.10 437 924
122 other cereals 0.023 0.35 11 27
129 cereal: sub-total 9.755 150.06 979 2025
139 cereal substitutes 0.001 0.02 5 10
140 arhar, tur 0.366 23.03 971 2007
141 gram: split 0.097 4.61 646 1360
142 gram: whole 0.054 2.57 398 842
143 moong 0.098 6.41 627 1317
144 masur 0.017 1.00 84 152
145 urd 0.075 5.49 604 1360
146 peas 0.025 0.93 213 428
147 khesari 0.001 0.03 7 15
148 other pulses 0.116 5.01 545 1122
150 gram products 0.007 0.36 79 202
151 besan 0.035 1.58 328 738
152 other pulse products 0.024 0.96 158 317
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.914 51.97 977 2021
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.391 71.38 926 1953
161 baby food 0.001 0.14 5 34
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.004 0.85 32 48
163 curd 0.048 1.17 94 193
164 ghee 0.003 0.84 37 128
165 butter 0.002 0.56 24 54

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-50 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.26 34 74
167 other milk products - 0.04 5 10
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 75.25 961 1998
170 salt 0.264 2.44 972 2015
171 sugar – PDS 0.154 2.27 671 1256
172 sugar – other sources 0.520 16.03 881 1847
173 gur 0.156 4.99 618 1321
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.04 8 16
175 honey 0.000 0.05 7 27
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.096 25.82 979 2026
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.002 0.17 16 45
181 mustard oil 0.001 0.04 1 1
182 groundnut oil 0.148 12.13 190 427
183 coconut oil 0.013 1.36 46 104
184 refined oil 0.379 28.82 548 1176
185 edible oil: others 0.171 11.95 229 407
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.714 54.47 979 2023
190 eggs (no.) 2.391 7.53 337 689
191 fish, prawn 0.163 10.00 115 240
192 goat meat/mutton 0.095 24.12 79 183
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.023 2.29 22 36
194 pork 0.016 1.82 15 42
195 chicken 0.369 38.67 360 730
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.21 5 10
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 84.64 563 1139
200 potato 0.376 5.79 699 1531
201 onion 0.888 11.10 979 2020
202 tomato 0.840 12.06 966 2007
203 brinjal 0.343 6.55 701 1438
204 radish 0.119 2.02 310 677
205 carrot 0.129 3.08 323 742
206 palak/other 0.646 11.38 845 1745
207 green chillies 0.200 5.13 918 1899
208 lady's finger 0.145 3.45 353 751
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.025 0.49 59 120
211 cauliflower 0.044 0.96 82 209
212 cabbage 0.167 2.73 318 710
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.104 2.00 177 389
214 peas 0.019 0.53 53 130
215 beans, barbati 0.204 5.23 440 930
216 lemon (no.) 2.018 3.25 650 1398

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-51

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.292 6.29 473 968
219 vegetables: sub-total - 82.10 979 2025
220 banana (no.) 7.179 13.50 689 1520
221 jackfruit 0.040 0.40 15 40
222 watermelon 0.028 0.36 14 40
223 pineapple (no.) 0.030 0.36 20 46
224 coconut (no.) 2.052 18.15 831 1704
225 green coconut (no.) 0.262 2.73 108 259
226 guava 0.023 0.52 36 73
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.373 1.58 69 162
230 papaya 0.028 0.42 25 79
231 mango 0.124 3.49 98 251
232 kharbooza 0.001 0.02 1 6
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.01 1 3
235 leechi 0.001 0.07 1 1
236 apple 0.059 6.11 91 287
237 grapes 0.047 2.49 103 272
238 other fresh fruits - 1.72 83 151
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 51.93 959 1986
240 coconut: copra 0.050 4.38 283 628
241 groundnut 0.122 8.64 603 1313
242 dates 0.002 0.15 12 43
243 cashewnut 0.002 0.85 55 141
244 walnut 0.000 0.01 1 4
245 other nuts 0.005 0.50 20 43
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.67 58 157
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.14 9 26
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.185 15.36 661 1445
250 ginger (gm) 46.609 2.71 747 1575
251 garlic (gm) 91.171 6.41 971 2013
252 jeera (gm) 31.394 6.35 932 1926
253 dhania (gm) 58.110 5.52 768 1592
254 turmeric (gm) 30.332 5.37 910 1880
255 black pepper (gm) 12.661 3.55 484 1075
256 dry chillies (gm) 126.744 14.04 967 1997
257 tamarind (gm) 65.809 5.35 909 1896
258 curry powder (gm) 43.983 7.27 552 1204
260 oilseeds (gm) 32.377 2.76 852 1762
261 other spices (gm) 19.306 3.03 544 1140

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-52 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 558.496 62.34 978 2024
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.805 15.41 606 1319
271 tea: leaf (gm) 108.258 19.20 866 1772
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.194 0.92 45 111
273 coffee: powder (gm) 18.710 3.74 204 524
274 mineral water (litre) 0.060 0.10 2 10
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.010 0.39 17 49
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.005 0.27 11 47
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.19 49 122
279 beverages: sub-total - 41.24 985 2028
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.964 22.10 187 461
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.314 5.81 42 77
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.631 31.22 324 612
283 cooked snacks purchased - 19.58 489 1072
284 other served processed food - 1.36 45 108
289 served processed food: sub-total - 80.07 776 1620
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 5.11 160 422
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 11.66 605 1257
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.055 5.94 299 672
293 chips (gm) 6.364 0.87 55 146
294 pickles (gm) 12.574 1.28 133 322
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.404 0.18 8 20
296 other packaged food - 1.40 57 141
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 26.44 784 1669
777 total: food group - 801.72 1000 2048

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-53

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.571 8.14 782 1966
102 rice – other sources 4.668 106.30 895 2403
103 chira 0.032 1.07 127 344
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.01 0 2
105 muri 0.002 0.05 6 12
106 other rice products 0.152 4.62 198 548
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.412 2.65 543 1361
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.327 8.37 447 1318
110 maida 0.073 1.75 241 670
111 suji, rawa 0.134 3.54 456 1252
112 sewai, noodles 0.012 1.06 101 320
113 bread: bakery 0.090 3.94 403 1105
114 other wheat products 0.006 0.20 15 52
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.006 0.15 26 78
122 other cereals 0.017 1.66 76 253
129 cereal: sub-total 8.503 143.51 977 2570
139 cereal substitutes 0.598 8.43 532 1404
140 arhar, tur 0.127 7.69 827 2205
141 gram: split 0.007 0.37 45 108
142 gram: whole 0.134 6.56 664 1825
143 moong 0.127 8.48 650 1780
144 masur 0.005 0.27 29 78
145 urd 0.161 11.05 755 2043
146 peas 0.048 2.03 269 725
147 khesari 0.001 0.07 10 28
148 other pulses 0.058 2.41 316 883
150 gram products 0.004 0.20 23 68
151 besan 0.003 0.19 26 80
152 other pulse products 0.020 1.93 204 565
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.697 41.23 952 2530
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.004 80.91 766 2100
161 baby food 0.005 1.34 22 75
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.015 3.39 134 368
163 curd 0.087 2.66 239 612
164 ghee 0.006 2.05 136 404
165 butter 0.000 0.08 11 37

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-54 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.24 84 246
167 other milk products - 0.13 18 52
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 91.79 880 2361
170 salt 0.234 2.20 955 2515
171 sugar – PDS 0.109 1.61 283 633
172 sugar – other sources 0.681 21.19 926 2456
173 gur 0.049 1.85 286 827
174 candy, misri 0.003 0.19 29 94
175 honey 0.001 0.12 11 53
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.078 27.16 978 2572
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.002 0.17 12 31
181 mustard oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
182 groundnut oil 0.005 0.47 12 31
183 coconut oil 0.447 41.18 924 2417
184 refined oil 0.033 2.49 99 278
185 edible oil: others 0.065 4.69 203 540
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.551 49.00 974 2562
190 eggs (no.) 4.253 13.92 550 1508
191 fish, prawn 2.262 138.23 868 2293
192 goat meat/mutton 0.013 4.03 13 42
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.157 22.90 130 381
194 pork 0.015 2.31 11 27
195 chicken 0.338 33.49 204 603
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.38 6 16
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 215.26 903 2385
200 potato 0.394 7.22 709 1893
201 onion 0.815 14.67 960 2532
202 tomato 0.504 9.45 846 2254
203 brinjal 0.110 2.27 339 891
204 radish 0.003 0.09 8 17
205 carrot 0.186 5.36 498 1351
206 palak/other 0.202 4.21 562 1509
207 green chillies 0.135 4.63 926 2434
208 lady's finger 0.225 5.05 601 1595
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.057 1.34 121 351
211 cauliflower 0.016 0.46 26 81
212 cabbage 0.229 4.17 404 1076
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.242 4.02 423 1125
214 peas 0.105 3.24 187 502
215 beans, barbati 0.259 7.74 479 1309
216 lemon (no.) 0.780 1.60 161 452

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-55

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.876 17.68 815 2149
219 vegetables: sub-total - 93.18 975 2564
220 banana (no.) 9.409 25.81 634 1746
221 jackfruit 0.207 1.36 72 198
222 watermelon 0.077 1.04 27 96
223 pineapple (no.) 0.066 1.13 36 104
224 coconut (no.) 5.397 48.06 930 2453
225 green coconut (no.) 0.169 1.57 39 103
226 guava 0.023 0.46 30 86
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.367 7.06 157 484
230 papaya 0.072 0.66 50 139
231 mango 0.124 4.18 99 294
232 kharbooza 0.001 0.00 1 1
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.001 0.01 1 1
236 apple 0.093 9.33 100 347
237 grapes 0.103 5.35 122 357
238 other fresh fruits - 3.45 93 246
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 109.48 979 2570
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.02 2 6
241 groundnut 0.021 2.29 111 307
242 dates 0.018 2.81 62 216
243 cashewnut 0.007 2.70 67 238
244 walnut 0.000 0.15 2 6
245 other nuts 0.000 0.10 1 8
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.55 40 127
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.48 16 52
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.051 9.10 216 668
250 ginger (gm) 68.428 3.69 846 2267
251 garlic (gm) 63.522 5.41 918 2431
252 jeera (gm) 21.074 4.50 758 2022
253 dhania (gm) 103.004 8.34 871 2326
254 turmeric (gm) 34.071 4.92 963 2534
255 black pepper (gm) 18.052 5.64 612 1674
256 dry chillies (gm) 163.853 18.03 961 2538
257 tamarind (gm) 102.040 10.39 936 2471
258 curry powder (gm) 32.293 5.46 502 1360
260 oilseeds (gm) 38.385 2.69 948 2496
261 other spices (gm) 56.801 6.27 753 1966

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-56 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 701.523 75.30 974 2562
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.464 28.01 530 1354
271 tea: leaf (gm) 114.453 20.65 939 2480
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.239 0.60 17 42
273 coffee: powder (gm) 16.104 3.45 202 577
274 mineral water (litre) 0.010 0.06 3 14
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.019 0.82 31 77
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.027 1.76 43 133
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.89 90 280
279 beverages: sub-total - 58.23 995 2596
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 2.729 124.87 308 860
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.357 7.81 49 127
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.282 12.56 158 334
283 cooked snacks purchased - 18.40 364 955
284 other served processed food - 3.30 82 226
289 served processed food: sub-total - 166.94 635 1642
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 11.63 207 594
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 19.18 590 1574
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.129 15.11 506 1313
293 chips (gm) 39.231 5.98 189 528
294 pickles (gm) 9.218 1.17 79 200
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.702 0.34 16 58
296 other packaged food - 5.19 140 397
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 58.60 849 2249
777 total: food group - 1147.22 1000 2608

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-57

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.468 2.18 305 701
102 rice – other sources 1.726 30.54 765 2191
103 chira 0.068 1.85 181 623
104 khoi, lawa 0.006 0.26 34 90
105 muri 0.001 0.05 8 18
106 other rice products 0.005 0.07 6 17
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.506 5.05 362 853
108 wheat/atta – other sources 6.978 81.06 878 2478
110 maida 0.027 0.52 109 357
111 suji, rawa 0.034 0.75 162 551
112 sewai, noodles 0.003 0.17 18 48
113 bread: bakery 0.016 0.71 49 152
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.01 1 3
115 jowar & its products 0.174 1.89 33 81
116 bajra & its products 0.045 0.43 23 46
117 maize & its products 0.446 4.90 145 383
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 1 2
120 small millets & its products 0.002 0.11 6 15
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.002 0.12 11 38
129 cereal: sub-total 11.508 130.66 992 2726
139 cereal substitutes 0.040 1.04 146 457
140 arhar, tur 0.335 19.79 787 2330
141 gram: split 0.116 5.06 432 1267
142 gram: whole 0.025 0.89 80 268
143 moong 0.105 6.28 472 1350
144 masur 0.071 3.20 255 661
145 urd 0.078 4.18 319 846
146 peas 0.016 0.50 63 159
147 khesari 0.012 0.33 17 54
148 other pulses 0.020 0.77 67 139
150 gram products 0.001 0.04 6 14
151 besan 0.070 3.21 431 1190
152 other pulse products 0.006 0.24 35 76
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.854 44.48 990 2723
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.043 95.40 808 2375
161 baby food 0.001 0.14 6 20
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.09 2 12
163 curd 0.002 0.09 10 30
164 ghee 0.023 7.96 152 494
165 butter 0.000 0.11 1 3

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-58 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.14 14 42
167 other milk products - 0.43 36 94
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 104.36 822 2402
170 salt 0.242 2.11 989 2714
171 sugar – PDS 0.134 2.00 317 755
172 sugar – other sources 0.674 21.41 847 2447
173 gur 0.068 2.08 274 732
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.07 15 40
175 honey 0.000 0.01 2 4
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.119 27.69 993 2727
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.019 1.35 60 180
181 mustard oil 0.172 13.38 326 862
182 groundnut oil 0.005 0.44 11 33
183 coconut oil 0.002 0.11 3 8
184 refined oil 0.442 32.45 670 1875
185 edible oil: others 0.005 0.32 7 32
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.644 48.06 991 2724
190 eggs (no.) 0.786 3.16 124 343
191 fish, prawn 0.048 4.09 71 188
192 goat meat/mutton 0.024 4.53 39 111
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.001 0.16 3 6
194 pork 0.001 0.06 1 4
195 chicken 0.078 9.76 105 297
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.01 0 2
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 21.76 294 790
200 potato 1.407 13.53 980 2680
201 onion 0.755 8.17 951 2616
202 tomato 0.739 10.57 850 2397
203 brinjal 0.459 5.91 571 1528
204 radish 0.086 0.90 109 335
205 carrot 0.028 0.36 39 107
206 palak/other 0.386 4.57 441 1236
207 green chillies 0.161 4.62 822 2314
208 lady's finger 0.150 2.97 206 583
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.021 0.36 37 129
211 cauliflower 0.243 3.40 294 856
212 cabbage 0.123 1.59 157 443
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.307 3.79 324 928
214 peas 0.112 1.58 133 402
215 beans, barbati 0.046 0.84 89 265
216 lemon (no.) 0.654 0.72 142 449

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-59

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.353 5.42 450 1246
219 vegetables: sub-total - 69.35 992 2725
220 banana (no.) 3.247 4.64 260 774
221 jackfruit 0.002 0.05 2 6
222 watermelon 0.076 0.86 40 116
223 pineapple (no.) 0.001 0.01 1 6
224 coconut (no.) 0.354 3.40 224 644
225 green coconut (no.) 0.010 0.09 7 24
226 guava 0.083 1.38 88 240
227 singara 0.010 0.26 20 64
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.193 0.49 24 96
230 papaya 0.109 1.86 88 258
231 mango 0.115 3.29 99 302
232 kharbooza 0.026 0.32 13 50
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.013 0.20 26 51
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 1
236 apple 0.020 1.61 28 124
237 grapes 0.048 2.11 90 262
238 other fresh fruits - 0.75 27 87
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 21.35 645 1870
240 coconut: copra 0.005 0.50 30 93
241 groundnut 0.035 2.17 137 454
242 dates 0.005 0.28 12 36
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.50 12 64
244 walnut 0.000 0.01 0 4
245 other nuts 0.000 0.09 4 10
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.51 24 103
247 other dry fruits 0.003 0.58 8 36
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.051 4.64 170 577
250 ginger (gm) 52.530 2.76 599 1732
251 garlic (gm) 61.436 4.59 890 2447
252 jeera (gm) 32.246 5.88 898 2505
253 dhania (gm) 84.199 7.85 951 2610
254 turmeric (gm) 40.761 6.32 960 2656
255 black pepper (gm) 2.818 0.64 92 263
256 dry chillies (gm) 91.458 10.44 917 2498
257 tamarind (gm) 0.913 0.07 15 51
258 curry powder (gm) 5.330 1.38 147 401
260 oilseeds (gm) 11.363 0.89 334 913
261 other spices (gm) 27.102 5.99 598 1688

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-60 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 410.155 46.84 991 2723
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.619 6.27 234 769
271 tea: leaf (gm) 83.533 15.90 938 2600
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.002 0.02 1 2
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.011 0.01 0 3
274 mineral water (litre) 0.002 0.02 0 1
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.005 0.19 5 19
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.011 0.68 16 46
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.29 13 32
279 beverages: sub-total - 23.38 963 2643
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.544 11.44 21 51
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.083 0.65 8 18
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.518 21.39 297 781
283 cooked snacks purchased - 9.08 315 985
284 other served processed food - 0.45 25 75
289 served processed food: sub-total - 43.01 553 1579
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 7.32 130 418
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 9.78 584 1660
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.050 4.78 255 781
293 chips (gm) 2.341 0.35 22 67
294 pickles (gm) 2.336 0.32 27 79
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.128 0.02 2 11
296 other packaged food - 0.44 30 84
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 23.00 713 2026
777 total: food group - 609.61 1000 2735

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-61

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.128 7.00 433 1559
102 rice – other sources 2.110 40.75 695 3095
103 chira 0.149 4.79 516 2380
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.12 17 77
105 muri 0.034 1.38 152 677
106 other rice products 0.015 0.30 17 82
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.308 7.67 404 1446
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.005 45.39 679 2999
110 maida 0.019 0.50 85 412
111 suji, rawa 0.105 2.47 436 2022
112 sewai, noodles 0.005 0.32 27 148
113 bread: bakery 0.041 2.34 215 1048
114 other wheat products 0.011 0.20 6 15
115 jowar & its products 1.300 26.39 501 2168
116 bajra & its products 0.564 7.70 219 879
117 maize & its products 0.013 0.14 10 40
118 barley & its products 0.005 0.09 4 20
120 small millets & its products 0.015 0.60 58 295
121 ragi & its products 0.041 0.57 17 88
122 other cereals 0.009 0.15 8 39
129 cereal: sub-total 9.880 148.88 962 3987
139 cereal substitutes 0.123 6.76 613 2701
140 arhar, tur 0.367 22.98 926 3865
141 gram: split 0.135 6.13 561 2366
142 gram: whole 0.033 1.39 179 807
143 moong 0.149 9.83 727 3177
144 masur 0.056 3.19 332 1411
145 urd 0.071 4.35 392 1647
146 peas 0.013 0.57 94 466
147 khesari 0.017 0.45 47 176
148 other pulses 0.036 2.07 202 882
150 gram products 0.001 0.04 6 21
151 besan 0.080 4.06 498 2155
152 other pulse products 0.018 1.01 100 447
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.975 56.07 962 3986
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.252 89.56 839 3565
161 baby food 0.002 0.27 10 38
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.000 0.06 5 23
163 curd 0.037 1.27 157 655
164 ghee 0.008 2.68 95 489
165 butter 0.000 0.03 2 11

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-62 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.15 15 87
167 other milk products - 0.11 17 84
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 94.13 864 3645
170 salt 0.225 2.52 957 3961
171 sugar – PDS 0.081 1.46 151 558
172 sugar – other sources 0.963 29.90 914 3834
173 gur 0.053 1.81 269 1291
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.01 1 7
175 honey 0.000 0.08 5 32
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.322 35.79 963 3995
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.009 0.78 55 286
181 mustard oil 0.001 0.13 1 5
182 groundnut oil 0.039 3.61 39 233
183 coconut oil 0.001 0.13 2 14
184 refined oil 0.882 67.01 859 3522
185 edible oil: others 0.061 4.48 69 253
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.995 76.14 962 3984
190 eggs (no.) 1.774 6.15 224 952
191 fish, prawn 0.090 8.68 125 544
192 goat meat/mutton 0.069 18.43 116 546
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.024 2.15 22 94
194 pork 0.000 0.04 0 6
195 chicken 0.207 26.19 249 1001
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.22 4 18
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 61.86 495 2052
200 potato 0.822 10.34 906 3778
201 onion 0.918 10.81 957 3956
202 tomato 0.653 9.81 870 3643
203 brinjal 0.472 9.48 716 3011
204 radish 0.021 0.37 56 294
205 carrot 0.029 0.63 63 331
206 palak/other 0.709 13.87 785 3270
207 green chillies 0.254 6.72 856 3572
208 lady's finger 0.152 4.32 347 1631
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.014 0.31 24 120
211 cauliflower 0.284 6.80 552 2406
212 cabbage 0.257 4.88 481 2065
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.065 1.17 102 477
214 peas 0.030 0.64 51 260
215 beans, barbati 0.133 3.28 251 1011
216 lemon (no.) 2.103 2.73 468 2121

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-63

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.415 9.01 565 2336
219 vegetables: sub-total - 95.24 962 3984
220 banana (no.) 7.032 12.95 520 2270
221 jackfruit 0.002 0.04 2 14
222 watermelon 0.092 1.46 50 245
223 pineapple (no.) 0.006 0.11 5 31
224 coconut (no.) 0.233 2.47 152 716
225 green coconut (no.) 0.089 1.07 40 190
226 guava 0.049 0.98 65 249
227 singara 0.002 0.10 5 24
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.235 0.76 26 139
230 papaya 0.042 0.81 45 186
231 mango 0.141 6.18 106 495
232 kharbooza 0.010 0.24 7 23
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.02 1 4
234 berries 0.012 0.16 16 66
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.082 8.80 129 687
237 grapes 0.069 3.30 109 551
238 other fresh fruits - 2.38 85 409
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 41.81 764 3317
240 coconut: copra 0.103 9.61 659 2914
241 groundnut 0.342 25.12 843 3545
242 dates 0.008 0.66 27 179
243 cashewnut 0.002 1.23 20 148
244 walnut 0.001 0.22 6 43
245 other nuts 0.000 0.10 3 21
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.004 0.94 24 154
247 other dry fruits 0.003 0.37 10 63
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.464 38.26 884 3703
250 ginger (gm) 65.876 4.71 771 3297
251 garlic (gm) 113.085 9.31 946 3923
252 jeera (gm) 37.401 7.20 886 3712
253 dhania (gm) 37.324 3.84 604 2576
254 turmeric (gm) 44.776 8.64 924 3853
255 black pepper (gm) 6.578 1.27 173 721
256 dry chillies (gm) 120.446 15.35 901 3723
257 tamarind (gm) 3.982 0.40 82 405
258 curry powder (gm) 28.721 5.50 463 2004
260 oilseeds (gm) 29.301 2.82 621 2652
261 other spices (gm) 44.280 7.92 616 2542

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-64 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 531.769 67.01 962 3985
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.164 16.08 433 2019
271 tea: leaf (gm) 106.723 22.47 951 3944
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.022 0.04 1 9
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.292 0.07 3 19
274 mineral water (litre) 0.014 0.15 5 29
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.006 0.26 9 49
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.003 0.20 6 54
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.22 7 46
279 beverages: sub-total - 39.49 976 4001
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.361 13.94 37 182
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.072 1.17 8 25
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.128 28.08 275 1097
283 cooked snacks purchased - 14.71 368 1634
284 other served processed food - 0.75 21 89
289 served processed food: sub-total - 58.65 579 2440
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 5.79 123 614
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 14.85 631 2741
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.052 5.34 207 966
293 chips (gm) 5.498 1.08 65 334
294 pickles (gm) 6.985 1.02 78 426
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.327 0.07 4 26
296 other packaged food - 0.47 20 84
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 28.62 757 3222
777 total: food group - 848.72 1000 4030

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-65

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.194 2.18 55 74
102 rice – other sources 13.820 290.58 984 1362
103 chira 0.017 0.36 2 3
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.01 1 2
105 muri 0.003 0.11 13 21
106 other rice products 0.000 0.03 4 5
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.000 0.00 0 0
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.004 0.11 16 26
110 maida 0.001 0.02 5 9
111 suji, rawa 0.001 0.04 7 14
112 sewai, noodles 0.004 0.42 45 68
113 bread: bakery 0.073 2.76 170 262
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 1
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.003 0.08 10 17
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.025 0.62 2 2
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.002 0.06 7 6
129 cereal: sub-total 14.147 297.37 988 1372
139 cereal substitutes 0.005 0.18 16 26
140 arhar, tur 0.014 1.10 125 226
141 gram: split 0.019 0.83 97 135
142 gram: whole 0.015 0.59 87 154
143 moong 0.017 1.28 129 205
144 masur 0.090 6.13 544 737
145 urd 0.025 1.32 178 223
146 peas 0.103 3.85 489 705
147 khesari 0.003 0.10 14 19
148 other pulses 0.063 2.59 304 397
150 gram products 0.003 0.12 13 15
151 besan 0.022 1.03 223 343
152 other pulse products 0.032 1.33 200 299
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.404 20.28 950 1325
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.252 5.99 154 256
161 baby food 0.003 0.69 14 26
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.052 13.61 402 606
163 curd 0.000 0.02 0 1
164 ghee 0.000 0.08 5 12
165 butter 0.000 0.02 1 5

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-66 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.08 8 17
167 other milk products - 0.04 4 7
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 20.53 533 797
170 salt 0.264 3.37 984 1363
171 sugar – PDS 0.026 0.43 68 78
172 sugar – other sources 0.230 8.72 802 1143
173 gur 0.004 0.18 11 14
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.07 6 14
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.524 12.78 987 1371
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.003 0.37 9 16
181 mustard oil 0.344 33.88 920 1257
182 groundnut oil 0.004 0.50 10 10
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.007 0.69 12 31
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.10 6 7
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.359 35.54 955 1319
190 eggs (no.) 1.671 9.12 268 421
191 fish, prawn 0.462 67.52 663 898
192 goat meat/mutton 0.001 0.25 3 5
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.134 21.60 139 239
194 pork 0.063 10.14 75 131
195 chicken 0.171 27.65 192 291
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.120 19.92 471 590
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 156.21 936 1295
200 potato 1.110 19.41 946 1309
201 onion 0.279 7.25 780 1093
202 tomato 0.163 4.33 293 443
203 brinjal 0.250 5.03 319 391
204 radish 0.009 0.11 12 20
205 carrot 0.057 0.83 53 70
206 palak/other 1.270 24.31 811 1163
207 green chillies 0.082 4.57 329 427
208 lady's finger 0.052 1.24 77 115
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.000 0.00 0 1
211 cauliflower 0.138 2.74 125 198
212 cabbage 0.594 7.93 417 605
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.314 3.12 227 350
214 peas 0.070 2.38 144 214
215 beans, barbati 0.145 3.48 212 263
216 lemon (no.) 0.080 0.10 19 31

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-67

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.032 21.54 819 1138
219 vegetables: sub-total - 108.36 988 1372
220 banana (no.) 3.235 5.25 216 369
221 jackfruit 0.085 0.97 38 34
222 watermelon 0.028 0.53 17 33
223 pineapple (no.) 0.124 1.02 53 108
224 coconut (no.) 0.017 0.22 11 8
225 green coconut (no.) 0.005 0.10 4 4
226 guava 0.032 0.39 34 44
227 singara 0.059 0.34 16 27
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.219 0.96 52 95
230 papaya 0.095 1.25 48 60
231 mango 0.037 1.77 35 62
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.001 0.07 3 4
236 apple 0.035 2.00 29 59
237 grapes 0.002 0.31 4 13
238 other fresh fruits - 5.07 305 451
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 20.23 552 854
240 coconut: copra 0.001 0.05 2 4
241 groundnut 0.006 0.68 23 35
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 1
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.01 1 5
247 other dry fruits 0.018 1.61 112 162
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.025 2.36 134 201
250 ginger (gm) 130.387 4.19 758 1062
251 garlic (gm) 80.574 6.49 734 1073
252 jeera (gm) 6.393 1.32 250 354
253 dhania (gm) 13.926 2.08 167 257
254 turmeric (gm) 38.436 4.63 745 1084
255 black pepper (gm) 1.080 0.23 13 14
256 dry chillies (gm) 79.780 15.43 838 1243
257 tamarind (gm) 0.493 0.06 5 7
258 curry powder (gm) 8.145 1.66 247 385
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.115 0.03 8 10
261 other spices (gm) 49.017 6.90 689 941

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-68 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 408.348 43.04 987 1369
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.061 20.85 585 828
271 tea: leaf (gm) 52.512 10.75 806 1118
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.003 0.03 1 4
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.142 0.08 3 11
274 mineral water (litre) 0.026 0.39 19 44
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.004 0.19 7 17
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.014 0.95 27 44
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.76 24 35
279 beverages: sub-total - 34.00 927 1288
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.533 13.84 64 89
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.076 4.06 10 15
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.293 2.93 57 74
283 cooked snacks purchased - 14.29 417 539
284 other served processed food - 0.54 22 40
289 served processed food: sub-total - 35.66 482 647
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 4.42 262 352
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 13.22 641 891
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.026 2.83 127 179
293 chips (gm) 6.951 2.14 148 230
294 pickles (gm) 0.971 0.27 9 16
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.616 0.17 5 6
296 other packaged food - 3.20 176 260
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 26.24 800 1120
777 total: food group - 812.78 1000 1376

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-69

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 3.152 28.27 685 526
102 rice – other sources 6.692 125.89 925 814
103 chira 0.026 1.02 122 105
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.019 0.80 148 115
106 other rice products 0.026 0.51 66 61
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.006 0.08 17 10
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.159 3.30 423 386
110 maida 0.016 0.34 75 84
111 suji, rawa 0.015 0.37 80 103
112 sewai, noodles 0.009 0.80 83 94
113 bread: bakery 0.131 5.51 550 493
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.04 7 4
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.036 0.46 62 47
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.01 3 2
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 1 2
129 cereal: sub-total 10.289 167.40 985 853
139 cereal substitutes 0.171 1.82 235 191
140 arhar, tur 0.006 0.37 34 35
141 gram: split 0.009 0.50 64 67
142 gram: whole 0.004 0.19 16 19
143 moong 0.023 1.81 137 136
144 masur 0.237 13.61 824 735
145 urd 0.001 0.07 9 5
146 peas 0.003 0.13 18 18
147 khesari 0.002 0.09 13 9
148 other pulses 0.000 0.03 4 7
150 gram products 0.003 0.17 8 9
151 besan 0.005 0.20 43 52
152 other pulse products 0.016 0.80 126 90
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.309 17.95 877 769
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.984 29.74 478 440
161 baby food 0.009 2.26 48 42
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.022 6.18 274 282
163 curd 0.000 0.02 4 4
164 ghee 0.000 0.03 3 6
165 butter 0.003 0.87 93 114

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-70 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.33 54 50
167 other milk products - 0.31 49 42
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 39.74 718 660
170 salt 0.229 2.70 985 853
171 sugar – PDS 0.214 3.84 620 479
172 sugar – other sources 0.376 13.57 812 724
173 gur 0.003 0.15 25 23
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.04 5 5
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.823 20.31 985 853
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.004 0.34 16 24
181 mustard oil 0.375 33.72 967 831
182 groundnut oil 0.000 0.02 1 2
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.014 1.28 66 65
185 edible oil: others 0.024 1.63 370 323
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.417 36.99 985 852
190 eggs (no.) 1.890 8.67 379 365
191 fish, prawn 0.403 56.75 690 596
192 goat meat/mutton 0.013 2.46 18 21
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.419 62.64 587 523
194 pork 0.232 38.54 376 371
195 chicken 0.168 23.13 161 146
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.113 5.75 164 118
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 197.93 985 852
200 potato 1.409 18.71 976 842
201 onion 0.423 9.57 980 847
202 tomato 0.382 8.83 622 541
203 brinjal 0.349 4.74 388 326
204 radish 0.112 1.51 114 99
205 carrot 0.056 1.62 146 154
206 palak/other 1.028 15.75 916 782
207 green chillies 0.156 8.15 905 784
208 lady's finger 0.057 1.33 107 92
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.011 0.24 30 27
211 cauliflower 0.152 2.13 149 132
212 cabbage 0.420 6.21 456 375
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.572 8.78 539 463
214 peas 0.020 0.65 50 49
215 beans, barbati 0.175 4.40 333 273
216 lemon (no.) 0.473 1.26 191 174

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-71

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.170 18.74 822 703
219 vegetables: sub-total - 112.63 985 853
220 banana (no.) 2.394 5.37 267 260
221 jackfruit 0.062 0.53 33 17
222 watermelon 0.012 0.17 8 11
223 pineapple (no.) 0.130 1.85 88 87
224 coconut (no.) 0.058 0.50 33 26
225 green coconut (no.) 0.059 0.50 34 27
226 guava 0.018 0.55 26 30
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.017 3.87 168 170
230 papaya 0.077 0.99 62 43
231 mango 0.040 1.62 44 42
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.014 0.32 21 19
234 berries 0.004 0.17 10 6
235 leechi 0.029 0.61 32 28
236 apple 0.009 1.00 16 21
237 grapes 0.000 0.02 1 2
238 other fresh fruits - 6.45 387 324
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 24.50 801 704
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.03 1 3
241 groundnut 0.002 0.15 19 10
242 dates 0.001 0.06 5 2
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.12 2 4
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.001 0.16 11 12
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.02 2 4
247 other dry fruits 0.003 0.17 8 15
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.007 0.71 47 48
250 ginger (gm) 120.361 6.45 975 844
251 garlic (gm) 68.373 7.35 956 837
252 jeera (gm) 3.151 0.70 155 129
253 dhania (gm) 9.792 1.03 187 163
254 turmeric (gm) 34.414 4.96 950 816
255 black pepper (gm) 4.378 1.34 266 216
256 dry chillies (gm) 3.603 0.59 148 131
257 tamarind (gm) 0.142 0.01 2 6
258 curry powder (gm) 3.884 0.97 177 168
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.136 0.03 6 6
261 other spices (gm) 17.288 3.43 550 472

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-72 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 265.521 26.91 985 853
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.837 18.91 864 736
271 tea: leaf (gm) 118.489 27.83 971 845
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.001 0.01 0 1
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.006 0.12 8 8
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.016 0.74 37 33
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.015 0.88 36 37
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.61 33 41
279 beverages: sub-total - 49.09 1000 856
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.322 11.27 173 182
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.002 0.06 2 2
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.725 13.34 240 180
283 cooked snacks purchased - 18.37 617 537
284 other served processed food - 4.29 203 178
289 served processed food: sub-total - 47.32 816 703
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 6.24 306 278
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 23.85 892 759
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.015 2.50 163 157
293 chips (gm) 19.608 3.61 218 218
294 pickles (gm) 1.590 0.28 21 28
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.725 0.11 8 7
296 other packaged food - 5.82 293 249
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 42.39 957 822
777 total: food group - 785.68 1000 856

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-73

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 6.728 52.91 972 603
102 rice – other sources 5.957 115.35 850 556
103 chira 0.063 1.30 7 2
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 0
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.050 0.58 67 46
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.024 0.53 17 17
110 maida 0.001 0.03 2 3
111 suji, rawa 0.003 0.11 6 9
112 sewai, noodles 0.006 0.57 23 43
113 bread: bakery 0.066 3.31 154 128
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.004 0.05 3 2
117 maize & its products 0.148 2.82 71 38
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 13.048 177.56 999 639
139 cereal substitutes 0.068 1.06 108 61
140 arhar, tur 0.000 0.00 0 0
141 gram: split 0.000 0.01 1 1
142 gram: whole 0.018 0.63 67 54
143 moong 0.018 1.38 34 20
144 masur 0.353 28.15 829 561
145 urd 0.002 0.17 10 6
146 peas 0.003 0.14 11 8
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.044 1.67 101 61
150 gram products 0.002 0.15 5 6
151 besan 0.000 0.00 0 0
152 other pulse products 0.012 0.41 37 29
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.451 32.71 933 617
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.535 19.62 204 219
161 baby food 0.002 0.42 13 14
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.075 20.70 498 357
163 curd 0.000 0.02 0 1
164 ghee 0.000 0.06 4 6
165 butter 0.001 0.17 10 13

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-74 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.23 23 16
167 other milk products - 0.54 21 23
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 41.77 684 545
170 salt 0.247 3.64 994 637
171 sugar – PDS 0.460 6.38 803 497
172 sugar – other sources 0.201 9.09 493 361
173 gur 0.048 2.09 171 138
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.01 1 1
175 honey 0.000 0.05 2 1
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.957 21.27 997 639
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.030 2.62 56 45
181 mustard oil 0.117 10.98 175 124
182 groundnut oil 0.071 6.22 113 58
183 coconut oil 0.004 0.33 8 6
184 refined oil 0.295 24.50 463 304
185 edible oil: others 0.130 10.92 165 104
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.648 55.56 971 630
190 eggs (no.) 3.531 17.14 498 369
191 fish, prawn 0.176 24.72 193 138
192 goat meat/mutton 0.003 0.56 3 3
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.054 9.46 45 44
194 pork 0.574 93.48 482 368
195 chicken 0.235 38.95 200 110
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.186 17.54 210 122
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 201.86 971 626
200 potato 1.195 25.61 816 560
201 onion 0.298 10.38 917 614
202 tomato 0.151 7.12 228 212
203 brinjal 0.914 20.57 753 463
204 radish 0.020 0.21 22 11
205 carrot 0.022 0.95 44 37
206 palak/other 2.370 71.44 989 634
207 green chillies 0.163 12.66 822 525
208 lady's finger 0.106 3.49 135 89
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.042 0.47 49 26
211 cauliflower 0.045 1.64 53 53
212 cabbage 0.201 5.96 226 171
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.909 13.17 519 314
214 peas 0.040 1.33 53 29
215 beans, barbati 0.115 4.32 173 129
216 lemon (no.) 0.213 0.60 52 38

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-75

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.757 20.21 483 343
219 vegetables: sub-total - 200.08 997 639
220 banana (no.) 3.083 6.55 284 226
221 jackfruit 0.031 0.26 8 4
222 watermelon 0.049 0.98 23 10
223 pineapple (no.) 0.106 1.62 58 51
224 coconut (no.) 0.001 0.02 1 1
225 green coconut (no.) 0.001 0.01 0 1
226 guava 0.003 0.04 3 5
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.608 2.40 81 61
230 papaya 0.234 3.63 120 70
231 mango 0.133 2.71 132 80
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.01 0 1
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.001 0.02 2 2
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.001 0.12 2 3
237 grapes 0.000 0.00 0 0
238 other fresh fruits - 3.73 189 141
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 22.11 624 425
240 coconut: copra 0.002 0.17 5 3
241 groundnut 0.000 0.01 1 1
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.40 20 15
247 other dry fruits 0.010 0.68 30 29
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.014 1.27 55 46
250 ginger (gm) 202.270 5.83 659 423
251 garlic (gm) 53.859 6.78 491 367
252 jeera (gm) 0.174 0.05 9 5
253 dhania (gm) 3.760 0.53 57 28
254 turmeric (gm) 50.176 8.73 896 593
255 black pepper (gm) 0.433 0.09 10 6
256 dry chillies (gm) 16.630 2.51 188 136
257 tamarind (gm) 2.053 0.08 16 9
258 curry powder (gm) 4.980 0.67 84 65
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
261 other spices (gm) 38.244 4.82 320 210

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-76 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 372.579 30.14 999 639
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.171 6.09 249 234
271 tea: leaf (gm) 123.943 26.16 988 627
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.011 0.04 1 1
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.011 0.02 0 1
274 mineral water (litre) 0.001 0.02 1 1
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.005 0.26 6 7
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.003 0.14 4 6
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.26 30 18
279 beverages: sub-total - 34.00 994 636
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.030 2.05 16 29
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.219 2.05 25 13
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 4.002 32.72 344 214
283 cooked snacks purchased - 8.08 112 91
284 other served processed food - 0.88 20 20
289 served processed food: sub-total - 45.78 489 334
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 4.17 181 146
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 22.73 656 455
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.001 0.13 9 4
293 chips (gm) 1.857 0.36 18 10
294 pickles (gm) 5.246 0.71 31 28
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.261 0.06 3 2
296 other packaged food - 1.64 83 64
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 29.79 752 511
777 total: food group - 894.94 1000 640

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-77

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.830 12.21 147 72
102 rice – other sources 12.249 286.25 991 669
103 chira 0.000 0.00 0 0
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.001 0.03 7 4
106 other rice products 0.001 0.02 2 4
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.000 0.00 1 1
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.007 0.15 12 14
110 maida 0.012 0.29 37 31
111 suji, rawa 0.000 0.02 4 4
112 sewai, noodles 0.017 1.74 145 140
113 bread: bakery 0.091 4.46 250 210
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.01 1 1
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.129 1.17 78 54
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.05 4 6
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.004 0.18 21 21
129 cereal: sub-total 13.343 306.59 1000 672
139 cereal substitutes 0.022 0.17 25 18
140 arhar, tur 0.014 0.84 48 38
141 gram: split 0.001 0.07 12 10
142 gram: whole 0.005 0.28 22 25
143 moong 0.033 2.24 163 123
144 masur 0.169 10.77 699 522
145 urd 0.000 0.03 4 3
146 peas 0.003 0.15 30 27
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.061 2.15 150 87
150 gram products 0.000 0.01 4 4
151 besan 0.000 0.01 1 1
152 other pulse products 0.122 5.43 437 328
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.409 21.98 932 650
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.161 3.78 51 51
161 baby food 0.012 2.81 38 28
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.273 80.46 889 619
163 curd 0.000 0.02 2 3
164 ghee 0.001 0.13 13 10
165 butter 0.002 0.56 38 50

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-78 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.09 2 4
167 other milk products - 0.16 8 11
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 88.00 905 634
170 salt 0.220 2.78 999 670
171 sugar – PDS 0.005 0.11 14 8
172 sugar – other sources 0.306 12.53 973 659
173 gur 0.003 0.07 8 3
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.003 0.81 22 18
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.537 16.30 1000 672
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.001 0.11 3 4
181 mustard oil 0.250 22.81 873 572
182 groundnut oil 0.001 0.15 5 4
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.007 0.59 21 25
185 edible oil: others 0.004 0.34 16 24
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.263 23.99 900 607
190 eggs (no.) 3.172 14.64 346 253
191 fish, prawn 0.285 31.78 229 169
192 goat meat/mutton 0.022 2.96 18 8
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.576 60.40 383 252
194 pork 0.998 135.62 669 494
195 chicken 0.226 34.97 179 139
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.066 7.93 73 46
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 288.31 998 671
200 potato 1.401 27.18 937 648
201 onion 0.275 10.23 835 594
202 tomato 0.427 15.76 730 537
203 brinjal 0.322 6.89 257 187
204 radish 0.002 0.04 2 2
205 carrot 0.034 1.21 37 29
206 palak/other 2.148 41.32 915 622
207 green chillies 0.252 12.48 890 603
208 lady's finger 0.009 0.26 9 18
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.000 0.00 0 1
211 cauliflower 0.135 3.45 153 103
212 cabbage 0.472 9.30 407 270
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.524 7.88 369 247
214 peas 0.021 0.88 37 32
215 beans, barbati 0.117 3.17 119 86
216 lemon (no.) 0.097 0.29 17 17

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-79

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.564 29.54 823 571
219 vegetables: sub-total - 169.89 1000 672
220 banana (no.) 3.699 8.24 273 173
221 jackfruit 0.003 0.05 2 3
222 watermelon 0.034 1.11 17 15
223 pineapple (no.) 0.134 3.14 92 64
224 coconut (no.) 0.003 0.07 2 1
225 green coconut (no.) 0.002 0.03 1 1
226 guava 0.074 1.93 63 56
227 singara 0.001 0.03 1 2
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.185 4.31 103 83
230 papaya 0.043 0.93 29 28
231 mango 0.030 1.61 24 20
232 kharbooza 0.009 0.21 3 3
233 pears/nashpati 0.005 0.11 6 9
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.001 0.07 2 6
236 apple 0.056 6.95 59 84
237 grapes 0.004 0.62 6 7
238 other fresh fruits - 6.61 193 153
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 36.00 643 466
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.02 1 2
244 walnut 0.001 0.06 1 1
245 other nuts 0.000 0.05 2 3
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.14 4 4
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.46 17 15
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.004 0.73 24 24
250 ginger (gm) 162.147 8.83 796 538
251 garlic (gm) 82.011 9.90 723 518
252 jeera (gm) 0.200 0.06 5 6
253 dhania (gm) 2.499 0.51 66 56
254 turmeric (gm) 6.902 1.50 275 214
255 black pepper (gm) 0.181 0.03 2 3
256 dry chillies (gm) 72.610 9.51 643 454
257 tamarind (gm) 0.263 0.03 4 4
258 curry powder (gm) 9.776 1.98 124 104
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.009 0.00 0 1
261 other spices (gm) 30.693 4.55 370 267

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-80 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 367.291 36.88 937 649
270 tea: cups (no.) 0.794 3.98 151 133
271 tea: leaf (gm) 163.270 33.55 987 666
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.515 0.60 5 4
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.378 0.32 6 11
274 mineral water (litre) 0.017 0.24 10 12
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.007 0.30 9 13
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.015 1.14 17 29
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.73 29 24
279 beverages: sub-total - 40.86 990 670
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.127 12.23 37 41
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.005 0.41 2 2
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.028 0.85 14 6
283 cooked snacks purchased - 6.42 148 119
284 other served processed food - 4.55 94 66
289 served processed food: sub-total - 24.46 271 207
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 5.69 134 125
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 28.12 576 443
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.008 0.88 26 21
293 chips (gm) 6.629 1.99 81 63
294 pickles (gm) 1.051 0.22 7 5
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.402 0.11 2 4
296 other packaged food - 3.85 138 105
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 40.85 714 529
777 total: food group - 1095.00 1000 672

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-81

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 3.649 7.67 544 1416
102 rice – other sources 8.490 134.14 916 2752
103 chira 0.225 4.66 451 1434
104 khoi, lawa 0.004 0.13 18 56
105 muri 0.190 6.10 441 1373
106 other rice products 0.003 0.03 3 4
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.167 1.40 106 373
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.506 9.87 501 1655
110 maida 0.010 0.21 38 121
111 suji, rawa 0.081 1.82 374 1314
112 sewai, noodles 0.005 0.25 40 201
113 bread: bakery 0.011 0.42 99 364
114 other wheat products 0.004 0.17 6 9
115 jowar & its products 0.003 0.03 2 9
116 bajra & its products 0.001 0.01 1 2
117 maize & its products 0.009 0.07 11 36
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.002 0.03 2 6
121 ragi & its products 0.049 0.63 58 151
122 other cereals 0.008 0.18 18 73
129 cereal: sub-total 13.416 167.84 998 2970
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.01 1 7
140 arhar, tur 0.163 10.60 523 1782
141 gram: split 0.036 1.75 163 490
142 gram: whole 0.011 0.44 52 169
143 moong 0.175 9.84 567 1724
144 masur 0.064 3.37 305 775
145 urd 0.049 2.21 219 681
146 peas 0.030 0.96 196 649
147 khesari 0.006 0.26 15 45
148 other pulses 0.039 1.22 132 389
150 gram products 0.000 0.02 4 13
151 besan 0.021 0.93 174 655
152 other pulse products 0.016 0.69 73 179
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.610 32.31 979 2939
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.198 21.94 432 1477
161 baby food 0.006 1.58 31 110
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.008 1.74 101 321
163 curd 0.002 0.07 13 58
164 ghee 0.001 0.21 23 109
165 butter 0.000 0.01 1 2

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-82 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.11 28 112
167 other milk products - 0.10 19 67
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 25.75 537 1779
170 salt 0.309 2.90 991 2952
171 sugar – PDS 0.102 1.59 314 803
172 sugar – other sources 0.293 10.02 736 2336
173 gur 0.017 0.65 138 454
174 candy, misri 0.003 0.13 42 140
175 honey 0.001 0.11 14 49
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.724 15.41 997 2965
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.005 0.42 42 166
181 mustard oil 0.204 17.40 606 1866
182 groundnut oil 0.004 0.32 12 35
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.03 3 11
184 refined oil 0.189 13.45 519 1621
185 edible oil: others 0.036 2.35 112 314
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.437 33.97 993 2958
190 eggs (no.) 1.335 4.93 216 683
191 fish, prawn 0.438 36.28 576 1732
192 goat meat/mutton 0.022 5.78 29 132
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.001 0.10 1 6
194 pork 0.000 0.03 0 4
195 chicken 0.102 12.53 129 410
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.013 0.95 26 58
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 60.61 740 2248
200 potato 2.271 22.02 991 2951
201 onion 0.685 9.55 980 2927
202 tomato 0.630 9.16 809 2512
203 brinjal 0.786 12.01 796 2445
204 radish 0.098 0.88 119 360
205 carrot 0.012 0.19 22 79
206 palak/other 0.892 9.93 790 2333
207 green chillies 0.080 3.49 800 2420
208 lady's finger 0.153 3.21 246 785
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.158 3.16 218 693
211 cauliflower 0.280 3.34 234 725
212 cabbage 0.335 3.16 283 839
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.395 3.90 489 1489
214 peas 0.007 0.17 17 70
215 beans, barbati 0.147 2.82 239 840
216 lemon (no.) 1.521 1.92 403 1372

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-83

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.974 12.82 783 2386
219 vegetables: sub-total - 101.72 995 2963
220 banana (no.) 2.631 4.87 377 1232
221 jackfruit 0.098 0.55 16 45
222 watermelon 0.046 0.41 24 89
223 pineapple (no.) 0.015 0.21 10 33
224 coconut (no.) 0.460 4.47 326 1018
225 green coconut (no.) 0.032 0.35 24 84
226 guava 0.023 0.33 29 96
227 singara 0.000 0.01 1 2
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.071 0.37 19 71
230 papaya 0.070 0.95 55 184
231 mango 0.188 4.59 145 477
232 kharbooza 0.009 0.19 8 21
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.01 0 2
234 berries 0.002 0.02 4 9
235 leechi 0.000 0.01 0 6
236 apple 0.028 2.41 58 252
237 grapes 0.012 0.81 38 181
238 other fresh fruits - 0.56 33 96
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 21.10 636 2015
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 1
241 groundnut 0.014 0.74 67 200
242 dates 0.002 0.07 6 26
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.09 4 27
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 4
245 other nuts 0.000 0.02 3 6
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.09 9 48
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.03 3 13
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.017 1.04 84 284
250 ginger (gm) 57.214 3.27 822 2486
251 garlic (gm) 63.608 4.58 948 2840
252 jeera (gm) 24.609 4.88 831 2536
253 dhania (gm) 9.196 0.96 280 864
254 turmeric (gm) 37.606 6.70 982 2925
255 black pepper (gm) 0.710 0.19 31 118
256 dry chillies (gm) 30.982 3.61 890 2678
257 tamarind (gm) 12.102 0.42 120 366
258 curry powder (gm) 12.732 2.83 446 1459
260 oilseeds (gm) 37.667 2.49 821 2457
261 other spices (gm) 24.816 3.33 643 1962

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-84 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 311.242 33.23 994 2961
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.885 5.34 250 872
271 tea: leaf (gm) 37.318 8.52 761 2418
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.033 0.05 4 14
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.002 0.00 0 3
274 mineral water (litre) 0.007 0.08 5 37
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.014 0.55 21 123
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.004 0.16 10 32
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.45 42 142
279 beverages: sub-total - 15.15 824 2576
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.287 8.22 65 258
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.058 1.30 10 26
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.584 14.89 322 881
283 cooked snacks purchased - 16.94 592 1875
284 other served processed food - 1.44 77 261
289 served processed food: sub-total - 42.78 763 2326
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 2.68 129 456
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 10.90 671 2057
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.080 6.63 456 1472
293 chips (gm) 0.525 0.09 12 58
294 pickles (gm) 6.121 0.51 89 290
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.329 0.03 3 13
296 other packaged food - 1.29 71 261
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 22.13 825 2512
777 total: food group - 573.05 1000 2972

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-85

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.001 0.02 2 5
102 rice – other sources 0.843 21.59 862 1353
103 chira 0.000 0.00 1 1
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 0
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.153 4.76 228 327
108 wheat/atta – other sources 7.055 88.91 945 1493
110 maida 0.010 0.21 28 46
111 suji, rawa 0.026 0.58 179 276
112 sewai, noodles 0.007 0.62 64 126
113 bread: bakery 0.050 1.89 263 475
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.03 6 10
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.008 0.16 9 10
117 maize & its products 0.125 2.36 172 281
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.01 2 7
129 cereal: sub-total 9.280 121.14 980 1544
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.008 0.52 47 78
141 gram: split 0.182 7.91 860 1360
142 gram: whole 0.160 6.84 813 1298
143 moong 0.151 10.68 880 1405
144 masur 0.105 6.83 791 1248
145 urd 0.083 5.11 531 812
146 peas 0.001 0.05 6 11
147 khesari 0.000 0.01 1 2
148 other pulses 0.081 4.96 467 735
150 gram products 0.000 0.03 5 19
151 besan 0.105 4.98 690 1084
152 other pulse products 0.022 1.36 150 228
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.898 49.28 980 1544
160 milk: liquid (litre) 11.993 320.31 979 1536
161 baby food 0.002 0.32 10 18
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.34 4 10
163 curd 0.049 1.97 106 146
164 ghee 0.033 9.79 174 301
165 butter 0.001 0.11 4 8

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-86 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.46 19 42
167 other milk products - 0.33 18 35
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 333.62 981 1541
170 salt 0.210 2.78 977 1540
171 sugar – PDS 0.009 0.27 6 10
172 sugar – other sources 1.747 58.92 964 1523
173 gur 0.106 3.76 219 350
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.02 2 8
175 honey 0.000 0.10 6 11
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 2.072 65.85 981 1545
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.251 18.64 589 912
181 mustard oil 0.435 34.96 829 1280
182 groundnut oil 0.005 0.39 10 16
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.164 13.38 308 549
185 edible oil: others 0.002 0.19 6 10
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.858 67.57 980 1542
190 eggs (no.) 0.669 2.65 86 161
191 fish, prawn 0.001 0.18 3 4
192 goat meat/mutton 0.015 3.31 10 17
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.00 0 0
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.046 6.73 55 102
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 1
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 12.87 126 228
200 potato 1.947 17.92 978 1538
201 onion 1.513 19.64 979 1541
202 tomato 0.587 12.21 761 1230
203 brinjal 0.289 5.21 327 501
204 radish 0.449 3.32 309 487
205 carrot 0.380 4.54 306 469
206 palak/other 0.433 5.06 292 480
207 green chillies 0.112 3.60 631 983
208 lady's finger 0.294 6.59 320 497
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.017 0.22 11 17
211 cauliflower 0.571 8.45 478 754
212 cabbage 0.058 0.70 59 87
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.665 10.52 492 771
214 peas 0.304 6.02 350 557
215 beans, barbati 0.050 1.32 55 108
216 lemon (no.) 1.362 2.25 187 305

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-87

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.736 13.28 539 849
219 vegetables: sub-total - 120.82 980 1544
220 banana (no.) 3.440 10.76 264 474
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.058 0.55 21 44
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 1
224 coconut (no.) 0.000 0.01 0 1
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.088 1.64 63 98
227 singara 0.001 0.03 2 3
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.177 3.94 121 177
230 papaya 0.071 1.54 39 75
231 mango 0.198 7.06 123 222
232 kharbooza 0.044 0.54 27 51
233 pears/nashpati 0.006 0.09 4 9
234 berries 0.002 0.04 2 8
235 leechi 0.000 0.03 1 3
236 apple 0.165 9.36 136 258
237 grapes 0.049 3.08 61 110
238 other fresh fruits - 2.83 62 118
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 41.48 595 1020
240 coconut: copra 0.001 0.10 3 7
241 groundnut 0.084 5.86 123 188
242 dates 0.002 0.16 10 18
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.44 11 23
244 walnut 0.001 0.21 6 9
245 other nuts 0.001 0.61 18 39
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.36 19 38
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.68 12 23
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.095 8.41 161 264
250 ginger (gm) 88.135 4.59 686 1105
251 garlic (gm) 62.741 4.72 668 1086
252 jeera (gm) 25.576 5.24 596 953
253 dhania (gm) 29.318 3.02 429 704
254 turmeric (gm) 73.617 12.91 974 1531
255 black pepper (gm) 6.322 1.86 178 296
256 dry chillies (gm) 55.765 8.85 844 1353
257 tamarind (gm) 4.403 0.25 32 39
258 curry powder (gm) 0.406 0.08 4 9
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.032 0.00 1 4
261 other spices (gm) 53.640 12.09 665 1051

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-88 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 399.955 53.62 980 1544
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.558 12.72 287 375
271 tea: leaf (gm) 157.282 32.89 976 1538
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.281 0.28 12 24
274 mineral water (litre) 0.001 0.01 1 5
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.237 7.66 136 264
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.032 2.17 33 67
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.32 8 12
279 beverages: sub-total - 56.05 1000 1551
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.370 11.39 37 39
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.104 3.45 12 16
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.351 23.39 203 279
283 cooked snacks purchased - 15.58 389 687
284 other served processed food - 0.90 33 68
289 served processed food: sub-total - 54.70 556 897
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 12.75 139 258
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 19.47 807 1287
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.104 10.47 478 826
293 chips (gm) 8.947 2.39 103 188
294 pickles (gm) 6.103 0.61 43 74
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 3.706 0.47 24 58
296 other packaged food - 1.31 46 92
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 47.46 860 1388
777 total: food group - 1032.87 1000 1552

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-89

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.005 0.09 8 15
102 rice – other sources 0.230 6.41 573 1553
103 chira 0.006 0.15 17 60
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 1
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 2
106 other rice products 0.002 0.05 4 10
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.329 3.69 287 644
108 wheat/atta – other sources 7.946 95.04 848 2241
110 maida 0.020 0.41 45 145
111 suji, rawa 0.032 0.68 199 575
112 sewai, noodles 0.002 0.09 12 25
113 bread: bakery 0.006 0.25 21 50
114 other wheat products 0.006 0.11 4 10
115 jowar & its products 0.020 0.20 8 20
116 bajra & its products 1.791 16.65 309 810
117 maize & its products 0.426 4.53 150 366
118 barley & its products 0.013 0.14 7 12
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 2
122 other cereals 0.006 0.20 4 7
129 cereal: sub-total 11.839 128.70 999 2575
139 cereal substitutes 0.001 0.05 8 34
140 arhar, tur 0.025 1.65 176 484
141 gram: split 0.115 5.00 688 1783
142 gram: whole 0.016 0.62 80 221
143 moong 0.183 10.59 839 2220
144 masur 0.038 2.25 318 868
145 urd 0.054 3.28 382 962
146 peas 0.003 0.15 6 22
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.017 0.79 97 236
150 gram products 0.001 0.06 7 16
151 besan 0.107 5.01 578 1587
152 other pulse products 0.008 0.42 63 171
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.569 29.82 995 2567
160 milk: liquid (litre) 9.300 223.88 968 2515
161 baby food 0.000 0.07 3 10
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.12 5 15
163 curd 0.007 0.24 17 61
164 ghee 0.112 38.20 409 1120
165 butter 0.000 0.01 0 4

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-90 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.16 15 50
167 other milk products - 0.40 32 69
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 263.09 980 2537
170 salt 0.259 2.51 994 2558
171 sugar – PDS 0.026 0.36 49 101
172 sugar – other sources 1.004 32.58 973 2521
173 gur 0.122 4.20 307 800
174 candy, misri 0.004 0.17 28 74
175 honey 0.000 0.03 6 19
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.414 39.84 999 2575
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.007 0.56 12 27
181 mustard oil 0.289 22.85 526 1373
182 groundnut oil 0.041 3.91 70 184
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 1
184 refined oil 0.289 23.13 399 1013
185 edible oil: others 0.026 2.70 32 78
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.652 53.16 998 2571
190 eggs (no.) 0.333 1.79 41 86
191 fish, prawn 0.011 1.03 10 18
192 goat meat/mutton 0.049 11.43 64 158
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.001 0.06 1 5
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.022 2.97 25 70
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.04 0 1
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 17.32 114 276
200 potato 1.053 10.76 919 2385
201 onion 0.901 10.65 942 2436
202 tomato 0.640 11.33 832 2188
203 brinjal 0.193 3.37 318 819
204 radish 0.188 1.59 160 432
205 carrot 0.136 1.54 134 365
206 palak/other 0.354 4.89 419 1105
207 green chillies 0.265 6.90 800 2092
208 lady's finger 0.169 4.38 271 728
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.017 0.26 30 92
211 cauliflower 0.237 4.27 267 712
212 cabbage 0.154 2.82 182 485
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.258 3.99 265 718
214 peas 0.093 1.80 140 381
215 beans, barbati 0.058 1.21 75 181
216 lemon (no.) 1.460 2.40 226 663

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-91

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.546 10.14 474 1218
219 vegetables: sub-total - 82.32 998 2574
220 banana (no.) 3.716 7.81 304 836
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 1
222 watermelon 0.148 1.16 46 138
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.01 0 1
224 coconut (no.) 0.072 0.71 32 94
225 green coconut (no.) 0.001 0.02 1 4
226 guava 0.079 1.50 81 207
227 singara 0.015 0.23 16 46
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.425 1.21 45 137
230 papaya 0.060 1.37 53 174
231 mango 0.128 4.48 99 272
232 kharbooza 0.030 0.49 22 55
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.03 2 7
234 berries 0.028 0.49 31 69
235 leechi 0.001 0.04 0 1
236 apple 0.055 4.17 67 196
237 grapes 0.030 1.53 47 135
238 other fresh fruits - 1.99 59 170
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 27.24 567 1548
240 coconut: copra 0.014 1.25 51 146
241 groundnut 0.054 2.53 81 217
242 dates 0.007 0.39 10 22
243 cashewnut 0.003 1.31 20 71
244 walnut 0.000 0.07 0 3
245 other nuts 0.001 0.39 4 23
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.004 0.92 38 123
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.62 13 51
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.085 7.48 162 462
250 ginger (gm) 43.865 2.18 376 1021
251 garlic (gm) 105.170 6.74 895 2297
252 jeera (gm) 33.051 6.19 854 2236
253 dhania (gm) 80.032 8.56 919 2391
254 turmeric (gm) 46.994 7.67 987 2534
255 black pepper (gm) 3.635 0.98 116 332
256 dry chillies (gm) 145.104 19.33 983 2545
257 tamarind (gm) 0.642 0.05 4 13
258 curry powder (gm) 2.303 0.24 15 55
260 oilseeds (gm) 3.729 0.32 60 149
261 other spices (gm) 19.433 4.16 334 882

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-92 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 483.958 56.44 998 2574
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.987 11.75 317 855
271 tea: leaf (gm) 127.177 24.61 985 2540
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.002 0.01 0 3
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.231 0.17 2 12
274 mineral water (litre) 0.001 0.01 1 5
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.019 0.40 9 32
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.009 0.40 12 38
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.52 13 29
279 beverages: sub-total - 37.87 992 2563
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.113 5.02 20 71
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.046 1.75 5 16
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.791 20.46 257 616
283 cooked snacks purchased - 6.93 213 602
284 other served processed food - 0.17 14 39
289 served processed food: sub-total - 34.33 412 1095
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 6.31 91 286
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 12.75 533 1419
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.084 8.79 351 1005
293 chips (gm) 1.882 0.32 26 60
294 pickles (gm) 3.181 0.30 20 75
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.172 0.02 1 4
296 other packaged food - 0.24 17 53
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 28.72 666 1792
777 total: food group - 806.38 1000 2579

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-93

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 4.449 18.52 561 225
102 rice – other sources 4.961 109.27 783 502
103 chira 0.060 1.53 169 115
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.02 3 4
105 muri 0.006 0.25 58 49
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 2 1
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.014 0.25 30 16
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.550 9.99 747 483
110 maida 0.229 4.55 543 374
111 suji, rawa 0.004 0.18 31 19
112 sewai, noodles 0.047 2.68 226 145
113 bread: bakery 0.009 0.43 57 37
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.01 0 1
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.166 3.59 254 140
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.02 2 3
120 small millets & its products 0.136 2.24 70 31
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.003 0.08 5 1
129 cereal: sub-total 10.636 153.59 973 590
139 cereal substitutes 0.017 0.49 21 11
140 arhar, tur 0.007 0.48 38 24
141 gram: split 0.015 0.68 66 46
142 gram: whole 0.010 0.43 66 57
143 moong 0.016 1.20 59 66
144 masur 0.270 14.69 843 507
145 urd 0.000 0.02 2 3
146 peas 0.005 0.22 28 14
147 khesari 0.001 0.08 4 3
148 other pulses 0.144 11.81 504 302
150 gram products 0.001 0.09 7 4
151 besan 0.001 0.06 9 12
152 other pulse products 0.004 0.30 49 38
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.475 30.07 973 590
160 milk: liquid (litre) 6.433 131.14 833 503
161 baby food 0.004 1.37 16 8
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.015 3.97 108 66
163 curd 0.007 0.23 18 13
164 ghee 0.002 0.65 23 19
165 butter 0.006 1.56 60 41

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-94 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.03 2 3
167 other milk products - 0.79 46 36
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 139.73 944 572
170 salt 0.222 2.39 973 590
171 sugar – PDS 0.287 7.69 668 353
172 sugar – other sources 0.127 4.67 350 259
173 gur 0.000 0.00 0 1
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.02 1 1
175 honey 0.000 0.00 0 0
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.637 14.77 973 590
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.002 0.12 8 11
181 mustard oil 0.593 54.54 943 561
182 groundnut oil 0.001 0.07 2 2
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.037 3.55 90 101
185 edible oil: others 0.000 0.00 0 0
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.632 58.28 973 590
190 eggs (no.) 1.654 9.17 227 127
191 fish, prawn 0.010 1.20 12 14
192 goat meat/mutton 0.021 5.27 8 10
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.141 16.69 123 95
194 pork 0.184 23.81 149 93
195 chicken 0.203 31.43 194 149
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.08 1 1
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 87.65 622 413
200 potato 1.734 26.95 925 561
201 onion 0.411 8.12 972 589
202 tomato 0.469 11.62 809 520
203 brinjal 0.093 2.31 116 69
204 radish 0.156 2.42 175 109
205 carrot 0.004 0.15 8 5
206 palak/other 1.676 25.23 915 553
207 green chillies 0.104 6.35 812 502
208 lady's finger 0.030 0.95 53 26
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.002 0.07 4 4
211 cauliflower 0.342 6.44 244 176
212 cabbage 0.449 7.06 339 228
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.375 5.19 283 156
214 peas 0.092 2.82 110 71
215 beans, barbati 0.286 8.77 307 182
216 lemon (no.) 0.040 0.11 15 15

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-95

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.162 16.51 755 465
219 vegetables: sub-total - 131.05 973 590
220 banana (no.) 1.521 4.08 152 108
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.000 0.00 0 1
223 pineapple (no.) 0.001 0.03 1 1
224 coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.088 2.13 76 43
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.285 4.25 96 65
230 papaya 0.008 0.18 5 6
231 mango 0.028 1.64 29 23
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.004 0.18 5 5
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.009 0.79 15 8
236 apple 0.020 2.11 30 37
237 grapes 0.004 0.43 6 8
238 other fresh fruits - 0.00 0 0
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 15.83 356 249
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.01 1 2
241 groundnut 0.008 0.62 21 20
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.01 0 1
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.00 0 0
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.02 1 1
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.008 0.67 22 23
250 ginger (gm) 135.163 5.47 897 551
251 garlic (gm) 68.624 7.47 840 514
252 jeera (gm) 15.345 3.13 575 375
253 dhania (gm) 16.381 2.11 501 308
254 turmeric (gm) 35.742 6.16 970 585
255 black pepper (gm) 0.923 0.41 66 57
256 dry chillies (gm) 14.307 1.80 342 203
257 tamarind (gm) 0.028 0.00 1 1
258 curry powder (gm) 8.423 2.59 239 157
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.042 0.01 2 5
261 other spices (gm) 29.656 4.71 644 373

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-96 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 324.632 33.93 973 590
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.707 8.02 315 233
271 tea: leaf (gm) 125.693 29.00 961 587
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.008 0.08 1 4
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.003 0.05 3 4
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.001 0.06 2 4
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.020 1.32 24 21
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.60 8 2
279 beverages: sub-total - 39.13 984 595
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.362 10.16 37 33
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.018 0.76 2 3
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.655 45.19 333 157
283 cooked snacks purchased - 25.19 435 293
284 other served processed food - 3.99 55 27
289 served processed food: sub-total - 85.30 703 409
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 2.69 95 68
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 19.51 698 441
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.023 3.12 107 74
293 chips (gm) 5.791 1.69 84 66
294 pickles (gm) 2.363 0.43 26 23
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
296 other packaged food - 0.89 23 18
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 28.32 746 487
777 total: food group - 818.81 1000 608

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-97

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 4.534 39.00 891 2878
102 rice – other sources 4.070 96.50 820 2857
103 chira 0.002 0.06 7 34
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.007 0.39 62 204
106 other rice products 0.030 0.59 43 104
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.436 3.54 618 2021
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.094 2.59 175 759
110 maida 0.051 1.37 184 676
111 suji, rawa 0.108 3.36 405 1482
112 sewai, noodles 0.014 0.85 114 439
113 bread: bakery 0.015 0.64 75 267
114 other wheat products 0.004 0.19 14 38
115 jowar & its products 0.007 0.12 10 35
116 bajra & its products 0.012 0.20 13 42
117 maize & its products 0.002 0.02 4 16
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.01 2 9
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.01 1 7
121 ragi & its products 0.120 1.81 161 553
122 other cereals 0.001 0.06 6 36
129 cereal: sub-total 9.509 151.33 982 3284
139 cereal substitutes 0.017 0.16 19 67
140 arhar, tur 0.390 18.72 978 3275
141 gram: split 0.055 3.04 571 2062
142 gram: whole 0.027 1.56 236 851
143 moong 0.068 4.61 483 1774
144 masur 0.002 0.12 11 34
145 urd 0.304 14.26 911 3121
146 peas 0.008 0.33 69 230
147 khesari 0.001 0.04 6 16
148 other pulses 0.038 2.04 308 1073
150 gram products 0.071 4.42 624 2174
151 besan 0.014 0.77 120 451
152 other pulse products 0.015 0.83 143 492
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.993 50.75 982 3283
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.713 85.80 853 2950
161 baby food 0.005 1.11 20 84
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.22 6 40
163 curd 0.025 1.00 68 221
164 ghee 0.002 0.43 34 165
165 butter 0.000 0.03 2 13

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-98 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.22 20 75
167 other milk products - 0.32 20 38
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 89.13 867 2986
170 salt 0.313 2.62 980 3276
171 sugar – PDS 0.444 6.05 901 3041
172 sugar – other sources 0.167 5.28 444 1726
173 gur 0.028 1.09 150 544
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.06 7 41
175 honey 0.000 0.08 12 57
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.954 15.18 982 3285
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.005 0.40 16 62
181 mustard oil 0.000 0.00 0 2
182 groundnut oil 0.098 8.56 198 667
183 coconut oil 0.008 0.70 22 76
184 refined oil 0.314 22.74 548 1997
185 edible oil: others 0.199 8.91 460 1455
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.623 41.31 981 3282
190 eggs (no.) 3.615 11.42 458 1632
191 fish, prawn 0.257 23.41 218 791
192 goat meat/mutton 0.089 27.36 114 470
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.044 5.40 48 112
194 pork 0.001 0.12 1 6
195 chicken 0.356 42.18 400 1382
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.006 0.57 12 39
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 110.48 736 2517
200 potato 0.435 8.30 799 2742
201 onion 0.899 15.13 979 3272
202 tomato 0.929 14.03 970 3253
203 brinjal 0.367 6.96 779 2624
204 radish 0.129 2.19 302 1073
205 carrot 0.200 5.31 487 1796
206 palak/other 0.393 6.97 785 2625
207 green chillies 0.106 3.22 775 2684
208 lady's finger 0.281 5.31 588 1959
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.015 0.31 32 90
211 cauliflower 0.051 1.03 87 352
212 cabbage 0.242 4.24 457 1552
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.078 1.33 160 481
214 peas 0.022 0.68 60 177
215 beans, barbati 0.155 4.44 357 1306
216 lemon (no.) 1.016 2.36 306 1112

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-99

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.545 12.04 814 2735
219 vegetables: sub-total - 93.89 981 3282
220 banana (no.) 6.126 13.16 596 2101
221 jackfruit 0.011 0.16 8 23
222 watermelon 0.013 0.19 9 45
223 pineapple (no.) 0.008 0.08 4 19
224 coconut (no.) 1.982 14.77 785 2725
225 green coconut (no.) 0.159 1.48 52 189
226 guava 0.042 0.94 54 212
227 singara 0.001 0.03 2 3
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.285 1.67 46 191
230 papaya 0.007 0.12 6 29
231 mango 0.132 3.83 116 424
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.01 1 2
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 1
236 apple 0.075 8.73 112 507
237 grapes 0.046 2.62 83 372
238 other fresh fruits - 2.75 67 244
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 50.54 910 3131
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 1
241 groundnut 0.033 2.13 113 382
242 dates 0.015 1.75 73 324
243 cashewnut 0.002 0.64 24 124
244 walnut 0.000 0.05 3 9
245 other nuts 0.000 0.05 2 8
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.20 16 71
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.11 9 39
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.052 4.92 198 757
250 ginger (gm) 52.081 2.95 780 2657
251 garlic (gm) 94.811 7.86 966 3242
252 jeera (gm) 32.006 6.92 923 3140
253 dhania (gm) 90.839 7.83 946 3188
254 turmeric (gm) 30.655 4.96 962 3241
255 black pepper (gm) 25.241 8.63 853 2940
256 dry chillies (gm) 99.440 10.76 972 3255
257 tamarind (gm) 144.899 13.33 980 3265
258 curry powder (gm) 33.040 5.23 602 2054
260 oilseeds (gm) 37.863 3.05 975 3265
261 other spices (gm) 51.415 7.10 933 3135

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-100 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 692.291 78.55 981 3282
270 tea: cups (no.) 7.280 34.70 561 1849
271 tea: leaf (gm) 51.213 14.58 766 2593
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.196 0.91 26 101
273 coffee: powder (gm) 11.722 4.75 234 897
274 mineral water (litre) 0.190 0.35 9 37
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.020 0.70 20 69
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.008 0.35 9 47
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.40 47 190
279 beverages: sub-total - 58.74 975 3256
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.179 34.89 158 637
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.174 3.87 20 61
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.598 17.32 159 468
283 cooked snacks purchased - 22.19 507 1706
284 other served processed food - 1.08 22 90
289 served processed food: sub-total - 79.36 657 2218
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 8.49 189 730
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 18.63 558 1939
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.136 14.57 423 1547
293 chips (gm) 21.332 2.58 118 459
294 pickles (gm) 8.672 1.16 150 485
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.556 0.08 8 31
296 other packaged food - 1.68 47 159
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 47.19 799 2774
777 total: food group - 871.55 1000 3319

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-101

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 5.778 43.97 865 1063
102 rice – other sources 7.324 117.85 861 1183
103 chira 0.031 0.69 76 104
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.11 13 20
105 muri 0.259 11.87 694 946
106 other rice products 0.001 0.04 5 7
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.095 0.93 147 189
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.097 2.09 188 289
110 maida 0.024 0.58 65 123
111 suji, rawa 0.016 0.45 77 147
112 sewai, noodles 0.005 0.44 32 74
113 bread: bakery 0.016 0.79 138 212
114 other wheat products 0.003 0.03 5 2
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.004 0.04 6 5
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.03 5 5
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.01 1 4
129 cereal: sub-total 13.654 179.91 997 1310
139 cereal substitutes 0.033 0.23 37 51
140 arhar, tur 0.001 0.06 6 14
141 gram: split 0.002 0.10 14 24
142 gram: whole 0.001 0.04 8 13
143 moong 0.016 1.09 87 179
144 masur 0.321 19.19 930 1227
145 urd 0.001 0.07 4 7
146 peas 0.009 0.38 50 70
147 khesari 0.008 0.32 48 53
148 other pulses 0.034 1.74 139 190
150 gram products 0.001 0.03 5 6
151 besan 0.000 0.02 7 19
152 other pulse products 0.016 0.91 127 170
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.410 23.94 964 1274
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.887 16.40 236 409
161 baby food 0.004 1.11 16 37
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.038 7.44 470 602
163 curd 0.000 0.03 2 6
164 ghee 0.001 0.29 12 26
165 butter 0.000 0.02 2 2

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-102 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.02 6 12
167 other milk products - 0.51 19 29
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 25.82 687 967
170 salt 0.418 3.78 991 1301
171 sugar – PDS 0.434 5.91 898 1190
172 sugar – other sources 0.050 1.81 198 296
173 gur 0.013 0.57 83 121
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.05 7 13
175 honey 0.000 0.00 1 2
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.916 12.13 992 1306
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.001 0.04 1 10
181 mustard oil 0.470 41.95 981 1287
182 groundnut oil 0.002 0.18 4 5
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.005 0.35 10 32
185 edible oil: others 0.000 0.00 0 0
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.477 42.52 987 1303
190 eggs (no.) 2.799 10.85 452 618
191 fish, prawn 1.069 132.17 963 1268
192 goat meat/mutton 0.006 1.59 11 26
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.014 2.33 11 17
194 pork 0.169 27.56 242 311
195 chicken 0.199 25.93 219 358
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.30 2 6
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 200.71 981 1293
200 potato 1.636 20.86 951 1261
201 onion 0.415 8.79 957 1252
202 tomato 0.232 4.17 268 410
203 brinjal 1.011 17.63 916 1206
204 radish 0.324 2.26 178 233
205 carrot 0.019 0.45 42 71
206 palak/other 1.791 18.96 832 1081
207 green chillies 0.246 12.13 954 1257
208 lady's finger 0.132 3.62 190 264
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.086 2.13 135 199
211 cauliflower 0.430 4.79 280 370
212 cabbage 0.349 3.26 210 292
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.846 8.61 518 719
214 peas 0.017 0.42 21 40
215 beans, barbati 0.537 11.48 626 843
216 lemon (no.) 0.366 0.54 105 154

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-103

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.838 19.81 849 1101
219 vegetables: sub-total - 139.94 992 1306
220 banana (no.) 7.488 4.89 367 556
221 jackfruit 0.571 2.37 102 130
222 watermelon 0.017 0.34 11 23
223 pineapple (no.) 0.144 0.95 50 63
224 coconut (no.) 0.046 0.36 28 54
225 green coconut (no.) 0.012 0.07 5 10
226 guava 0.050 0.16 23 31
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.487 2.76 102 165
230 papaya 0.078 0.44 33 39
231 mango 0.257 4.47 114 158
232 kharbooza 0.005 0.08 5 3
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.09 3 3
234 berries 0.003 0.05 3 4
235 leechi 0.011 0.39 15 19
236 apple 0.016 1.89 32 78
237 grapes 0.013 1.39 66 88
238 other fresh fruits - 1.63 86 133
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 22.35 619 908
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.01 0 1
241 groundnut 0.002 0.12 9 15
242 dates 0.001 0.07 5 11
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.04 2 2
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.001 0.17 8 13
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.31 30 40
247 other dry fruits 0.003 0.31 28 53
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.009 1.03 71 118
250 ginger (gm) 58.294 3.02 733 1011
251 garlic (gm) 48.850 4.49 888 1181
252 jeera (gm) 31.459 6.85 789 1044
253 dhania (gm) 17.341 3.06 565 759
254 turmeric (gm) 48.557 10.43 958 1260
255 black pepper (gm) 0.845 0.22 54 79
256 dry chillies (gm) 32.757 4.94 810 1070
257 tamarind (gm) 0.461 0.06 10 20
258 curry powder (gm) 3.560 1.27 109 152
260 oilseeds (gm) 1.629 0.11 39 84
261 other spices (gm) 33.741 5.40 702 941

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-104 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 277.493 39.92 991 1302
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.442 7.77 317 417
271 tea: leaf (gm) 53.191 9.52 793 1063
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.004 0.27 12 25
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.008 0.55 13 29
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.08 108 139
279 beverages: sub-total - 19.20 892 1184
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.135 2.13 19 25
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.014 0.12 1 3
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 4.521 23.22 488 602
283 cooked snacks purchased - 8.02 280 402
284 other served processed food - 0.49 21 29
289 served processed food: sub-total - 33.98 655 853
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 4.96 252 390
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 16.61 885 1172
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.012 1.48 122 192
293 chips (gm) 4.382 1.12 94 136
294 pickles (gm) 0.148 0.03 4 8
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.264 0.07 6 11
296 other packaged food - 0.75 22 47
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 25.02 917 1218
777 total: food group - 766.71 1000 1312

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-105

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.871 4.49 248 1352
102 rice – other sources 3.192 48.86 848 5102
103 chira 0.015 0.38 56 344
104 khoi, lawa 0.005 0.19 35 220
105 muri 0.007 0.22 40 252
106 other rice products 0.003 0.05 6 42
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.666 2.81 257 1401
108 wheat/atta – other sources 6.494 68.38 947 5666
110 maida 0.030 0.55 132 879
111 suji, rawa 0.042 0.85 275 1806
112 sewai, noodles 0.010 0.52 84 602
113 bread: bakery 0.048 1.84 198 1288
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.02 4 30
115 jowar & its products 0.003 0.02 4 27
116 bajra & its products 0.035 0.29 23 157
117 maize & its products 0.023 0.26 28 151
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 5
120 small millets & its products 0.002 0.02 3 11
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.003 0.09 15 76
129 cereal: sub-total 11.451 129.85 994 5897
139 cereal substitutes 0.001 0.06 9 60
140 arhar, tur 0.261 16.38 758 4590
141 gram: split 0.054 2.30 274 1694
142 gram: whole 0.029 1.08 135 850
143 moong 0.030 1.83 209 1373
144 masur 0.088 4.60 403 2377
145 urd 0.099 5.46 464 2671
146 peas 0.218 6.27 494 2784
147 khesari 0.002 0.06 5 31
148 other pulses 0.011 0.54 57 331
150 gram products 0.001 0.05 8 53
151 besan 0.062 2.86 462 2887
152 other pulse products 0.011 0.57 85 528
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.865 41.98 992 5885
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.979 110.23 836 5080
161 baby food 0.001 0.25 6 36
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.16 5 35
163 curd 0.004 0.15 16 101
164 ghee 0.008 2.55 56 449
165 butter 0.000 0.02 1 12

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-106 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.17 19 125
167 other milk products - 0.28 14 89
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 113.82 843 5128
170 salt 0.204 1.91 988 5868
171 sugar – PDS 0.069 1.10 182 1005
172 sugar – other sources 0.638 21.19 904 5412
173 gur 0.068 2.11 262 1610
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.09 14 84
175 honey 0.000 0.04 6 27
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.981 26.45 995 5899
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.030 2.07 103 644
181 mustard oil 0.537 42.08 979 5808
182 groundnut oil 0.004 0.31 7 40
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.01 0 2
184 refined oil 0.039 3.03 136 982
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.07 3 17
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.611 47.56 992 5892
190 eggs (no.) 0.861 3.36 129 717
191 fish, prawn 0.072 5.87 103 586
192 goat meat/mutton 0.042 8.74 61 369
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.032 2.68 32 228
194 pork 0.001 0.14 2 13
195 chicken 0.056 6.74 75 481
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.01 0 1
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 27.53 307 1803
200 potato 3.074 24.82 992 5884
201 onion 0.724 9.40 948 5640
202 tomato 0.431 6.94 752 4592
203 brinjal 0.298 3.91 429 2638
204 radish 0.182 1.42 248 1544
205 carrot 0.062 0.65 76 467
206 palak/other 0.354 3.66 391 2413
207 green chillies 0.123 4.27 893 5301
208 lady's finger 0.145 2.62 209 1311
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.066 1.48 119 793
211 cauliflower 0.301 3.52 334 1990
212 cabbage 0.104 1.10 129 743
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.436 4.83 416 2467
214 peas 0.206 2.98 226 1347
215 beans, barbati 0.032 0.57 56 322
216 lemon (no.) 0.762 1.21 221 1413

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-107

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.543 7.58 537 3142
219 vegetables: sub-total - 80.99 994 5896
220 banana (no.) 2.451 4.59 205 1352
221 jackfruit 0.005 0.07 5 39
222 watermelon 0.172 1.16 54 333
223 pineapple (no.) 0.003 0.03 1 7
224 coconut (no.) 0.005 0.07 4 32
225 green coconut (no.) 0.003 0.03 2 12
226 guava 0.156 1.98 147 893
227 singara 0.025 0.30 31 208
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.243 0.89 30 210
230 papaya 0.050 0.96 36 241
231 mango 0.194 3.64 84 538
232 kharbooza 0.076 0.88 47 283
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.02 1 11
234 berries 0.006 0.07 10 71
235 leechi 0.001 0.04 2 28
236 apple 0.042 3.13 59 466
237 grapes 0.029 1.44 64 442
238 other fresh fruits - 0.83 37 241
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 20.15 564 3551
240 coconut: copra 0.005 0.54 39 295
241 groundnut 0.043 2.75 155 943
242 dates 0.003 0.30 10 57
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.25 7 88
244 walnut 0.000 0.07 2 11
245 other nuts 0.001 0.26 10 71
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.004 0.83 50 413
247 other dry fruits 0.005 1.18 39 266
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.062 6.19 243 1558
250 ginger (gm) 47.526 2.28 598 3703
251 garlic (gm) 65.124 4.21 872 5208
252 jeera (gm) 20.920 4.00 713 4364
253 dhania (gm) 56.635 5.00 824 4925
254 turmeric (gm) 42.496 6.39 897 5391
255 black pepper (gm) 4.045 1.33 253 1493
256 dry chillies (gm) 32.210 4.06 675 4001
257 tamarind (gm) 0.300 0.03 10 47
258 curry powder (gm) 6.670 1.73 204 1319
260 oilseeds (gm) 2.732 0.17 54 360
261 other spices (gm) 38.348 8.16 716 4261

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-108 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 317.006 37.37 994 5895
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.138 6.23 314 1962
271 tea: leaf (gm) 56.741 11.32 862 5245
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.024 0.10 1 4
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.014 0.01 1 7
274 mineral water (litre) 0.002 0.03 2 10
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.026 1.07 34 245
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.010 0.41 13 103
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.13 9 68
279 beverages: sub-total - 19.30 921 5552
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.200 6.47 30 157
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.030 0.68 6 39
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.923 12.83 213 1123
283 cooked snacks purchased - 11.67 544 3379
284 other served processed food - 1.32 100 672
289 served processed food: sub-total - 32.96 669 4055
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 9.76 235 1538
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 11.64 834 5044
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.059 5.79 455 2859
293 chips (gm) 1.856 0.31 24 133
294 pickles (gm) 1.995 0.18 22 143
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.173 0.02 1 17
296 other packaged food - 0.37 32 181
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 28.07 890 5360
777 total: food group - 612.28 1000 5915

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-109

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.827 8.06 619 648
102 rice – other sources 3.116 59.89 792 869
103 chira 0.002 0.04 8 10
104 khoi, lawa 0.005 0.19 22 25
105 muri 0.000 0.02 4 3
106 other rice products 0.003 0.13 32 36
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.686 5.84 664 717
108 wheat/atta – other sources 5.211 70.51 913 972
110 maida 0.021 0.31 40 34
111 suji, rawa 0.057 1.25 340 441
112 sewai, noodles 0.020 1.58 210 217
113 bread: bakery 0.030 1.10 134 149
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.02 6 8
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.01 3 1
116 bajra & its products 0.003 0.03 4 2
117 maize & its products 0.014 0.17 9 16
118 barley & its products 0.008 0.11 8 6
120 small millets & its products 0.033 0.33 35 43
121 ragi & its products 0.133 1.50 127 172
122 other cereals 0.015 0.24 24 30
129 cereal: sub-total 12.187 151.34 997 1044
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.165 11.54 771 814
141 gram: split 0.127 5.94 679 709
142 gram: whole 0.074 3.31 453 428
143 moong 0.037 2.51 226 235
144 masur 0.188 9.75 820 856
145 urd 0.111 6.87 592 640
146 peas 0.017 0.63 67 88
147 khesari 0.002 0.08 4 5
148 other pulses 0.225 13.43 744 822
150 gram products 0.001 0.04 6 14
151 besan 0.048 2.44 458 480
152 other pulse products 0.027 1.42 249 276
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.020 57.97 993 1043
160 milk: liquid (litre) 7.732 179.39 963 1006
161 baby food 0.001 0.17 4 8
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.26 15 19
163 curd 0.032 1.68 86 72
164 ghee 0.020 6.13 118 149
165 butter 0.001 0.22 10 8

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-110 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.41 25 19
167 other milk products - 0.41 23 33
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 188.66 979 1028
170 salt 0.207 2.56 995 1043
171 sugar – PDS 0.446 6.25 851 888
172 sugar – other sources 0.603 20.64 916 960
173 gur 0.057 1.99 212 247
174 candy, misri 0.045 1.93 156 189
175 honey 0.001 0.19 12 16
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.357 33.56 997 1044
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.010 0.74 31 34
181 mustard oil 0.585 48.16 854 892
182 groundnut oil 0.010 0.78 12 13
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.195 15.53 393 425
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.10 3 8
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.802 65.32 997 1044
190 eggs (no.) 1.850 7.09 219 231
191 fish, prawn 0.053 4.81 36 48
192 goat meat/mutton 0.031 6.84 39 65
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.053 4.72 54 31
194 pork 0.000 0.03 0 1
195 chicken 0.078 11.09 99 106
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 34.57 373 400
200 potato 1.917 21.59 989 1037
201 onion 0.837 13.10 947 994
202 tomato 0.595 11.41 758 783
203 brinjal 0.264 3.73 285 290
204 radish 0.349 3.36 290 306
205 carrot 0.071 0.88 71 65
206 palak/other 0.822 8.64 568 634
207 green chillies 0.067 2.51 476 475
208 lady's finger 0.196 3.78 231 218
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.022 0.43 23 23
211 cauliflower 0.557 8.54 460 488
212 cabbage 0.227 3.26 219 248
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.616 8.43 467 498
214 peas 0.244 4.06 280 288
215 beans, barbati 0.032 0.89 60 66
216 lemon (no.) 0.196 0.42 52 69

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-111

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.662 10.06 492 516
219 vegetables: sub-total - 105.10 997 1044
220 banana (no.) 4.361 10.72 356 367
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.037 0.49 18 15
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.004 0.07 4 4
225 green coconut (no.) 0.001 0.01 1 2
226 guava 0.176 3.01 116 111
227 singara 0.006 0.12 5 4
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.114 2.92 106 121
230 papaya 0.062 1.26 44 44
231 mango 0.095 2.78 66 96
232 kharbooza 0.003 0.08 2 4
233 pears/nashpati 0.003 0.09 2 3
234 berries 0.005 0.16 7 11
235 leechi 0.007 0.49 6 13
236 apple 0.102 7.28 112 137
237 grapes 0.047 2.80 55 61
238 other fresh fruits - 1.94 48 57
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 34.20 663 690
240 coconut: copra 0.004 0.36 25 35
241 groundnut 0.034 3.14 113 130
242 dates 0.001 0.07 2 5
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.51 9 20
244 walnut 0.003 0.46 7 16
245 other nuts 0.000 0.14 3 6
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.56 18 34
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.43 11 23
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.046 5.66 152 201
250 ginger (gm) 55.653 2.57 447 466
251 garlic (gm) 70.507 4.97 752 763
252 jeera (gm) 30.321 6.39 825 877
253 dhania (gm) 92.222 9.37 951 986
254 turmeric (gm) 46.205 7.79 958 996
255 black pepper (gm) 1.823 0.61 68 85
256 dry chillies (gm) 46.919 6.48 909 939
257 tamarind (gm) 0.198 0.05 6 7
258 curry powder (gm) 6.221 1.79 185 232
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.425 0.07 8 12
261 other spices (gm) 18.947 4.66 408 442

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-112 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 369.442 44.78 997 1044
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.971 14.64 382 451
271 tea: leaf (gm) 116.146 25.19 986 1033
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.118 0.05 3 9
274 mineral water (litre) 0.004 0.06 4 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.021 1.01 24 31
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.017 1.28 33 30
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.49 19 20
279 beverages: sub-total - 42.72 990 1039
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.200 6.36 50 57
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.025 0.50 2 4
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.781 28.50 293 313
283 cooked snacks purchased - 13.67 372 369
284 other served processed food - 1.06 28 45
289 served processed food: sub-total - 50.09 601 635
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 14.98 177 180
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 16.27 715 777
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.046 5.82 264 264
293 chips (gm) 5.551 1.57 79 54
294 pickles (gm) 14.548 1.33 89 119
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.246 0.04 2 9
296 other packaged food - 1.87 88 128
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 41.88 808 858
777 total: food group - 855.84 1000 1048

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-113

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.949 2.08 352 1032
102 rice – other sources 8.974 171.39 979 3515
103 chira 0.041 0.90 103 409
104 khoi, lawa 0.004 0.13 10 47
105 muri 0.539 16.56 711 2579
106 other rice products 0.004 0.08 5 23
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.609 3.32 435 1462
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.736 11.65 479 1875
110 maida 0.059 1.07 135 636
111 suji, rawa 0.016 0.44 127 592
112 sewai, noodles 0.016 0.96 92 439
113 bread: bakery 0.015 0.49 83 386
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.02 1 12
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.01 1 1
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.005 0.08 4 21
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 6
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.001 0.04 3 15
129 cereal: sub-total 11.969 209.22 996 3560
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.02 9 22
140 arhar, tur 0.003 0.19 19 124
141 gram: split 0.016 0.70 112 454
142 gram: whole 0.011 0.43 55 239
143 moong 0.038 3.30 230 1102
144 masur 0.297 16.93 890 3236
145 urd 0.019 1.08 104 421
146 peas 0.021 0.85 135 552
147 khesari 0.038 1.20 133 427
148 other pulses 0.011 0.54 63 197
150 gram products 0.001 0.09 5 29
151 besan 0.018 0.68 219 899
152 other pulse products 0.016 0.94 150 575
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.488 26.92 986 3536
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.369 27.08 479 1962
161 baby food 0.008 2.12 30 144
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.006 1.46 99 424
163 curd 0.004 0.26 17 116
164 ghee 0.003 0.84 62 394
165 butter 0.000 0.05 6 42

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-114 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.25 31 139
167 other milk products - 0.08 4 37
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 32.14 568 2330
170 salt 0.318 2.57 987 3535
171 sugar – PDS 0.039 0.65 149 467
172 sugar – other sources 0.406 13.92 905 3283
173 gur 0.023 0.89 127 528
174 candy, misri 0.006 0.34 105 399
175 honey 0.000 0.05 6 40
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.792 18.42 993 3556
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.004 0.35 12 53
181 mustard oil 0.612 54.24 974 3484
182 groundnut oil 0.004 0.38 6 24
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 4
184 refined oil 0.031 2.68 87 466
185 edible oil: others 0.002 0.18 8 30
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.653 57.84 994 3554
190 eggs (no.) 4.615 16.31 640 2353
191 fish, prawn 0.805 77.67 831 3037
192 goat meat/mutton 0.018 4.60 24 168
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.122 11.65 104 383
194 pork 0.010 1.15 12 38
195 chicken 0.176 19.43 212 876
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.010 0.47 23 54
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 131.29 947 3398
200 potato 3.794 31.04 992 3550
201 onion 0.707 10.27 972 3482
202 tomato 0.224 3.49 407 1669
203 brinjal 0.530 8.15 630 2398
204 radish 0.096 0.94 122 480
205 carrot 0.017 0.30 35 207
206 palak/other 1.017 10.11 867 3080
207 green chillies 0.122 5.79 902 3255
208 lady's finger 0.157 3.31 276 1046
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.278 5.68 371 1447
211 cauliflower 0.335 2.88 260 993
212 cabbage 0.424 2.83 312 1172
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.457 4.93 453 1623
214 peas 0.022 0.41 41 193
215 beans, barbati 0.075 1.38 140 587
216 lemon (no.) 1.065 1.70 263 1105

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-115

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.876 12.46 765 2763
219 vegetables: sub-total - 105.70 994 3556
220 banana (no.) 2.683 4.50 248 1045
221 jackfruit 0.048 0.38 16 65
222 watermelon 0.012 0.13 7 41
223 pineapple (no.) 0.018 0.23 9 37
224 coconut (no.) 0.099 1.28 54 245
225 green coconut (no.) 0.041 0.38 15 71
226 guava 0.091 1.57 108 416
227 singara 0.002 0.02 3 20
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.602 2.26 89 438
230 papaya 0.013 0.21 11 74
231 mango 0.158 4.99 129 511
232 kharbooza 0.001 0.02 1 4
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.11 4 14
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 1
235 leechi 0.015 0.80 22 101
236 apple 0.041 3.43 77 398
237 grapes 0.017 1.02 51 232
238 other fresh fruits - 2.15 116 465
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 23.49 521 2095
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.01 1 8
241 groundnut 0.003 0.21 27 113
242 dates 0.011 0.64 39 166
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.37 10 54
244 walnut 0.000 0.03 1 5
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 2
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.24 16 114
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.12 4 15
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.017 1.62 72 336
250 ginger (gm) 95.741 5.44 957 3444
251 garlic (gm) 52.498 4.20 873 3138
252 jeera (gm) 37.386 7.26 888 3211
253 dhania (gm) 14.636 1.57 391 1481
254 turmeric (gm) 56.477 9.46 960 3439
255 black pepper (gm) 2.088 0.61 108 401
256 dry chillies (gm) 26.990 3.69 756 2787
257 tamarind (gm) 3.595 0.27 53 187
258 curry powder (gm) 3.290 0.58 66 334
260 oilseeds (gm) 25.428 1.64 488 1759
261 other spices (gm) 42.012 6.81 791 2895

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-116 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 360.141 41.49 994 3554
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.666 10.11 392 1584
271 tea: leaf (gm) 50.230 9.15 750 2815
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.032 0.05 1 3
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.034 0.03 1 19
274 mineral water (litre) 0.005 0.01 0 6
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.010 0.50 12 71
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.003 0.16 4 31
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.37 24 143
279 beverages: sub-total - 21.37 854 3186
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.452 9.46 53 227
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.111 2.24 21 67
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.453 19.83 294 1045
283 cooked snacks purchased - 16.43 562 2173
284 other served processed food - 1.44 46 194
289 served processed food: sub-total - 49.40 721 2679
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 8.03 293 1288
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 15.00 868 3191
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.081 6.56 464 1842
293 chips (gm) 2.135 0.55 52 253
294 pickles (gm) 1.547 0.18 21 91
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.048 0.12 9 61
296 other packaged food - 2.36 59 247
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 32.80 917 3367
777 total: food group - 751.75 1000 3566

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-117

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

A&N Island Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 4.864 42.96 831 226
102 rice – other sources 3.502 72.03 720 197
103 chira 0.000 0.00 0 0
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.002 0.21 38 9
106 other rice products 0.006 0.26 15 3
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.799 5.56 376 85
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.732 17.62 435 135
110 maida 0.044 1.91 197 67
111 suji, rawa 0.129 6.28 511 146
112 sewai, noodles 0.077 6.60 391 107
113 bread: bakery 0.091 4.58 297 97
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.003 0.13 11 1
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 10.250 158.14 982 271
139 cereal substitutes 0.131 2.48 64 28
140 arhar, tur 0.338 25.09 687 194
141 gram: split 0.030 1.59 221 58
142 gram: whole 0.028 1.37 180 55
143 moong 0.115 8.27 368 98
144 masur 0.266 14.41 656 189
145 urd 0.075 5.30 312 91
146 peas 0.051 1.95 271 72
147 khesari 0.002 0.05 7 1
148 other pulses 0.000 0.00 0 0
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 0 0
151 besan 0.016 0.99 101 33
152 other pulse products 0.006 0.46 56 10
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.927 59.48 982 271
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.080 37.77 286 74
161 baby food 0.004 1.09 19 7
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.115 35.32 508 152
163 curd 0.002 0.19 20 4
164 ghee 0.004 1.37 78 33
165 butter 0.000 0.00 1 1

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-118 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

A&N Island Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.18 6 4
167 other milk products - 0.07 1 1
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 76.00 629 188
170 salt 0.274 3.29 973 268
171 sugar – PDS 0.744 10.13 901 252
172 sugar – other sources 0.068 2.33 106 29
173 gur 0.008 0.38 72 26
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.02 6 2
175 honey 0.000 0.03 5 2
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.094 16.19 979 272
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.008 0.85 31 6
181 mustard oil 0.590 59.16 656 162
182 groundnut oil 0.000 0.03 1 2
183 coconut oil 0.032 3.74 45 16
184 refined oil 0.326 40.81 413 144
185 edible oil: others 0.006 0.56 7 3
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.962 105.15 977 270
190 eggs (no.) 6.433 29.80 765 191
191 fish, prawn 1.573 122.08 914 252
192 goat meat/mutton 0.005 1.54 7 4
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.055 6.76 37 13
194 pork 0.013 3.55 8 7
195 chicken 0.631 72.78 491 133
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.032 3.92 31 12
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 240.43 965 265
200 potato 0.900 17.11 926 248
201 onion 0.808 20.88 982 270
202 tomato 0.482 19.21 804 223
203 brinjal 0.321 12.98 607 158
204 radish 0.031 0.43 37 7
205 carrot 0.031 2.00 74 18
206 palak/other 1.176 30.12 785 228
207 green chillies 0.103 9.93 757 219
208 lady's finger 0.515 21.23 648 180
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.141 6.37 202 61
211 cauliflower 0.133 6.70 177 45
212 cabbage 0.338 12.63 427 122
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.521 12.44 569 150
214 peas 0.001 0.04 2 2
215 beans, barbati 0.237 11.32 371 99
216 lemon (no.) 1.093 2.84 285 78

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-119

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

A&N Island Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.909 34.58 662 188
219 vegetables: sub-total - 220.81 982 271
220 banana (no.) 10.882 21.36 632 188
221 jackfruit 0.006 0.12 6 2
222 watermelon 0.000 0.00 0 0
223 pineapple (no.) 0.006 0.19 2 5
224 coconut (no.) 0.777 6.66 395 107
225 green coconut (no.) 0.984 7.36 194 60
226 guava 0.065 2.21 99 30
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.229 1.70 10 6
230 papaya 0.071 1.59 68 19
231 mango 0.052 3.67 60 24
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.067 9.84 93 33
237 grapes 0.024 4.86 36 7
238 other fresh fruits - 0.48 9 4
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 60.05 817 230
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.000 0.06 4 1
242 dates 0.005 0.82 33 15
243 cashewnut 0.007 3.45 130 35
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.14 3 2
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.005 1.22 113 35
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.00 0 0
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.018 5.69 181 49
250 ginger (gm) 77.114 6.92 856 242
251 garlic (gm) 91.243 12.32 981 269
252 jeera (gm) 29.355 8.73 954 260
253 dhania (gm) 44.462 5.07 740 216
254 turmeric (gm) 40.168 11.99 977 268
255 black pepper (gm) 6.884 3.70 331 105
256 dry chillies (gm) 63.794 10.10 951 262
257 tamarind (gm) 86.736 10.66 756 207
258 curry powder (gm) 51.640 11.13 884 246
260 oilseeds (gm) 23.331 2.78 889 247
261 other spices (gm) 60.199 12.78 857 238

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-120 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

A&N Island Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 574.928 96.14 982 270
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.678 29.30 482 134
271 tea: leaf (gm) 78.780 26.21 948 261
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.083 0.04 1 2
273 coffee: powder (gm) 2.746 1.58 79 28
274 mineral water (litre) 0.011 0.17 4 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.002 0.20 9 3
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.051 2.59 59 30
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.16 3 1
279 beverages: sub-total - 60.25 993 275
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.445 21.55 50 21
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.040 0.66 4 3
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.451 41.24 323 79
283 cooked snacks purchased - 39.30 630 169
284 other served processed food - 8.17 140 41
289 served processed food: sub-total - 110.91 820 222
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 9.73 194 50
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 24.04 709 183
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.059 9.10 367 118
293 chips (gm) 5.815 1.23 46 17
294 pickles (gm) 19.985 3.34 249 82
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 2.252 0.39 43 12
296 other packaged food - 6.38 125 36
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 54.21 856 230
777 total: food group - 1265.93 1000 278

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-121

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.029 0.35 50 2
102 rice – other sources 2.664 63.51 889 60
103 chira 0.104 2.52 61 2
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 0
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.480 4.16 130 4
108 wheat/atta – other sources 5.605 98.59 870 60
110 maida 0.013 0.33 54 4
111 suji, rawa 0.021 0.71 209 13
112 sewai, noodles 0.000 0.00 1 1
113 bread: bakery 0.025 0.99 134 19
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.002 0.03 1 1
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 8.942 171.20 1000 64
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.149 11.87 521 36
141 gram: split 0.217 14.18 701 49
142 gram: whole 0.174 12.81 736 40
143 moong 0.175 13.95 891 60
144 masur 0.119 8.77 726 51
145 urd 0.190 14.12 819 47
146 peas 0.051 2.83 165 4
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.175 13.34 568 47
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 0 0
151 besan 0.057 4.13 354 31
152 other pulse products 0.082 4.65 240 17
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.388 100.65 1000 64
160 milk: liquid (litre) 9.801 309.57 1000 64
161 baby food 0.000 0.30 4 1
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.000 0.00 0 0
163 curd 0.117 5.04 295 17
164 ghee 0.096 26.46 369 33
165 butter 0.010 2.44 52 7

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-122 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.11 10 3
167 other milk products - 0.18 13 3
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 344.10 1000 64
170 salt 0.289 4.10 1000 64
171 sugar – PDS 0.020 0.47 11 3
172 sugar – other sources 0.946 31.37 994 62
173 gur 0.002 0.08 4 3
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.00 0 0
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.257 36.01 1000 64
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.088 6.63 203 13
181 mustard oil 0.556 48.68 986 60
182 groundnut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.210 17.84 453 37
185 edible oil: others 0.000 0.00 0 0
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.854 73.22 1000 64
190 eggs (no.) 1.326 5.33 141 8
191 fish, prawn 0.000 0.00 0 0
192 goat meat/mutton 0.000 0.00 0 0
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.00 0 0
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.043 6.91 69 2
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 12.24 210 10
200 potato 2.231 34.90 967 63
201 onion 1.709 25.03 1000 64
202 tomato 0.910 18.55 998 62
203 brinjal 0.252 4.24 274 23
204 radish 0.199 2.90 193 14
205 carrot 0.145 1.74 130 11
206 palak/other 0.110 1.22 52 9
207 green chillies 0.131 6.52 552 43
208 lady's finger 0.467 10.94 324 28
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.009 0.22 8 2
211 cauliflower 0.437 4.49 268 25
212 cabbage 0.146 2.17 137 10
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.610 9.19 560 35
214 peas 0.263 6.65 137 12
215 beans, barbati 0.038 1.03 61 7
216 lemon (no.) 0.820 1.42 88 14

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-123

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.338 6.77 359 17
219 vegetables: sub-total - 138.05 1000 64
220 banana (no.) 4.618 14.02 319 27
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.000 0.00 0 0
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.087 1.97 69 9
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.496 0.95 29 2
230 papaya 0.063 1.86 54 3
231 mango 0.204 10.16 130 7
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.446 22.43 360 27
237 grapes 0.013 0.98 12 3
238 other fresh fruits - 0.00 0 0
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 52.38 679 48
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.08 4 1
241 groundnut 0.005 0.44 11 3
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.81 14 3
244 walnut 0.004 1.90 82 2
245 other nuts 0.007 2.11 23 7
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.45 15 4
247 other dry fruits 0.023 2.67 91 6
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.042 8.47 195 14
250 ginger (gm) 50.637 3.59 393 38
251 garlic (gm) 40.766 2.53 261 28
252 jeera (gm) 84.649 14.09 987 60
253 dhania (gm) 59.405 8.92 709 43
254 turmeric (gm) 83.933 12.82 971 63
255 black pepper (gm) 1.237 0.17 19 5
256 dry chillies (gm) 65.535 9.92 744 57
257 tamarind (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
258 curry powder (gm) 0.043 0.01 1 1
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
261 other spices (gm) 41.616 9.88 564 38

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-124 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 427.821 61.97 1000 64
270 tea: cups (no.) 10.249 51.54 557 35
271 tea: leaf (gm) 128.443 26.91 1000 64
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.055 0.05 5 1
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.045 3.71 107 8
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.53 71 3
279 beverages: sub-total - 83.71 1000 64
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.913 28.26 41 1
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.029 1.47 4 1
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
283 cooked snacks purchased - 11.72 253 23
284 other served processed food - 0.00 0 0
289 served processed food: sub-total - 41.45 253 23
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 2.15 42 12
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 19.06 471 41
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.077 13.19 386 38
293 chips (gm) 9.445 1.56 29 8
294 pickles (gm) 16.717 2.07 88 11
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
296 other packaged food - 3.66 109 10
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 41.69 533 48
777 total: food group - 1165.14 1000 64

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-125

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.160 13.08 528 60
102 rice – other sources 5.166 92.96 804 90
103 chira 0.010 0.33 84 11
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.001 0.04 7 3
106 other rice products 0.226 3.69 70 11
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.042 0.13 88 8
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.293 6.65 210 26
110 maida 0.008 0.27 63 11
111 suji, rawa 0.020 0.65 136 22
112 sewai, noodles 0.001 0.04 11 1
113 bread: bakery 0.001 0.04 8 1
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.176 4.45 115 14
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.256 5.06 168 11
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 8.361 127.39 834 92
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.490 30.54 795 90
141 gram: split 0.030 1.66 138 19
142 gram: whole 0.102 5.04 369 34
143 moong 0.144 10.09 575 63
144 masur 0.052 3.37 272 29
145 urd 0.280 17.13 677 78
146 peas 0.005 0.27 44 4
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.036 2.19 244 28
150 gram products 0.003 0.20 31 3
151 besan 0.026 1.55 136 21
152 other pulse products 0.048 2.82 145 17
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.218 74.86 834 92
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.528 19.30 209 32
161 baby food 0.000 0.00 0 0
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.000 0.00 0 0
163 curd 0.003 0.15 35 3
164 ghee 0.000 0.04 3 1
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 0

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-126 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.00 0 0
167 other milk products - 0.00 0 0
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 19.49 209 32
170 salt 0.187 1.58 834 92
171 sugar – PDS 0.000 0.00 0 0
172 sugar – other sources 0.192 6.71 498 60
173 gur 0.011 0.45 73 9
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.00 0 0
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.391 8.74 834 92
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.000 0.00 0 0
181 mustard oil 0.008 0.65 8 1
182 groundnut oil 0.014 1.43 14 4
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.430 38.21 429 49
185 edible oil: others 0.269 19.40 382 38
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.721 59.70 834 92
190 eggs (no.) 1.248 5.35 199 21
191 fish, prawn 0.178 15.06 244 26
192 goat meat/mutton 0.005 1.08 8 3
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.00 0 0
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.220 27.16 327 35
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 48.67 421 49
200 potato 0.772 9.36 829 91
201 onion 0.485 6.57 834 92
202 tomato 0.675 11.80 832 91
203 brinjal 0.480 8.96 620 65
204 radish 0.050 0.87 68 8
205 carrot 0.028 0.53 61 6
206 palak/other 0.214 3.90 298 33
207 green chillies 0.135 5.36 831 90
208 lady's finger 0.217 6.41 434 47
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.008 0.34 19 6
211 cauliflower 0.176 3.93 281 34
212 cabbage 0.289 6.85 478 55
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.000 0.00 1 1
214 peas 0.053 1.13 90 13
215 beans, barbati 0.234 8.79 371 42
216 lemon (no.) 0.939 1.37 181 24

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-127

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.406 10.01 477 49
219 vegetables: sub-total - 86.19 834 92
220 banana (no.) 2.091 6.06 218 39
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.030 0.81 54 6
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
225 green coconut (no.) 0.034 0.51 36 1
226 guava 0.000 0.00 0 0
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.148 0.51 28 6
230 papaya 0.000 0.00 0 0
231 mango 0.169 8.55 128 12
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.038 3.83 103 12
237 grapes 0.033 2.16 79 8
238 other fresh fruits - 1.30 24 4
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 23.73 454 57
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.004 0.40 24 7
242 dates 0.001 0.09 3 1
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.04 1 1
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.12 3 1
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.07 2 2
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.005 0.72 25 8
250 ginger (gm) 66.377 3.39 662 81
251 garlic (gm) 57.731 4.52 787 89
252 jeera (gm) 10.729 2.39 480 60
253 dhania (gm) 21.307 3.37 483 56
254 turmeric (gm) 33.300 7.83 834 92
255 black pepper (gm) 2.758 0.67 150 16
256 dry chillies (gm) 36.273 7.02 720 84
257 tamarind (gm) 45.486 2.50 490 52
258 curry powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
260 oilseeds (gm) 14.323 1.25 512 67
261 other spices (gm) 37.425 5.96 759 81

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-128 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 325.710 38.92 834 92
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.437 21.86 362 44
271 tea: leaf (gm) 31.448 7.72 430 58
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.009 0.43 11 3
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.00 0 0
279 beverages: sub-total - 30.02 581 74
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.834 18.87 158 2
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.012 0.12 1 1
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.550 13.55 300 40
283 cooked snacks purchased - 9.83 149 22
284 other served processed food - 0.52 5 1
289 served processed food: sub-total - 42.88 565 59
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 1.04 31 1
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 15.24 534 68
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.030 2.38 88 18
293 chips (gm) 7.420 1.13 107 14
294 pickles (gm) 9.992 1.03 141 21
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
296 other packaged food - 0.01 0 1
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 20.81 593 74
777 total: food group - 582.13 964 95

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-129

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.032 0.42 15 5
102 rice – other sources 3.846 83.48 910 63
103 chira 0.072 2.51 294 22
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.035 1.32 103 14
106 other rice products 0.046 0.96 9 7
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.031 0.22 13 4
108 wheat/atta – other sources 2.532 47.39 860 51
110 maida 0.016 0.42 66 6
111 suji, rawa 0.023 0.50 133 18
112 sewai, noodles 0.006 0.63 66 6
113 bread: bakery 0.016 0.68 70 9
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.189 4.17 62 17
116 bajra & its products 0.559 7.99 135 15
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 7.402 150.69 910 63
139 cereal substitutes 0.004 0.17 59 7
140 arhar, tur 0.402 25.90 854 62
141 gram: split 0.077 3.77 411 22
142 gram: whole 0.074 3.02 307 24
143 moong 0.266 21.03 727 55
144 masur 0.128 7.58 495 12
145 urd 0.105 7.35 408 45
146 peas 0.004 0.16 10 2
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.061 3.65 63 2
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 0 0
151 besan 0.086 4.95 318 41
152 other pulse products 0.001 0.04 3 4
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.203 77.46 910 63
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.333 109.74 798 61
161 baby food 0.000 0.23 5 1
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.000 0.00 0 0
163 curd 0.022 0.89 94 3
164 ghee 0.022 5.05 121 21
165 butter 0.000 0.06 5 1

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-130 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 3.11 82 9
167 other milk products - 3.92 136 15
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 123.01 798 61
170 salt 0.209 2.40 910 63
171 sugar – PDS 0.005 0.07 3 2
172 sugar – other sources 0.644 21.09 853 61
173 gur 0.040 1.70 232 16
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.00 0 0
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.898 25.25 910 63
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.000 0.00 0 0
181 mustard oil 0.138 11.75 127 4
182 groundnut oil 0.165 20.36 89 9
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.741 73.31 528 37
185 edible oil: others 0.266 20.64 166 13
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.310 126.06 910 63
190 eggs (no.) 6.240 26.15 484 40
191 fish, prawn 0.625 46.56 388 35
192 goat meat/mutton 0.007 1.48 8 4
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.00 0 0
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.410 51.90 505 47
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.45 7 1
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 126.49 715 58
200 potato 1.269 16.71 909 61
201 onion 0.990 13.45 910 63
202 tomato 1.012 19.00 910 62
203 brinjal 0.563 17.40 680 50
204 radish 0.000 0.01 1 3
205 carrot 0.008 0.17 13 8
206 palak/other 0.210 6.56 328 25
207 green chillies 0.366 15.44 910 61
208 lady's finger 0.494 17.60 603 39
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.092 2.42 151 8
211 cauliflower 0.246 6.46 327 37
212 cabbage 0.784 15.88 843 54
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.000 0.00 0 2
214 peas 0.075 1.53 75 6
215 beans, barbati 0.244 9.55 213 28
216 lemon (no.) 2.562 3.99 387 36

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-131

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.735 23.14 679 52
219 vegetables: sub-total - 169.31 910 63
220 banana (no.) 4.286 10.07 289 29
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.082 1.80 183 3
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.101 1.16 35 8
225 green coconut (no.) 0.026 0.22 7 4
226 guava 0.037 1.24 58 7
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.037 0.56 9 1
230 papaya 0.000 0.00 0 0
231 mango 0.149 10.15 76 7
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.02 0 1
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.019 2.18 21 8
237 grapes 0.011 0.59 11 6
238 other fresh fruits - 17.30 182 13
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 45.32 548 45
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.049 4.56 136 13
242 dates 0.015 1.14 30 6
243 cashewnut 0.006 2.76 14 5
244 walnut 0.000 0.05 0 1
245 other nuts 0.004 1.03 10 5
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 1.10 8 4
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.59 5 2
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.077 11.23 146 18
250 ginger (gm) 104.974 7.06 783 52
251 garlic (gm) 101.228 8.81 900 62
252 jeera (gm) 33.389 6.40 910 63
253 dhania (gm) 45.781 6.78 910 63
254 turmeric (gm) 40.790 8.70 907 62
255 black pepper (gm) 11.369 2.71 352 20
256 dry chillies (gm) 66.012 11.64 854 62
257 tamarind (gm) 5.321 0.56 82 18
258 curry powder (gm) 7.900 2.41 265 10
260 oilseeds (gm) 43.849 4.57 910 63
261 other spices (gm) 56.397 9.11 910 63

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-132 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 517.009 68.51 910 63
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.333 44.13 520 26
271 tea: leaf (gm) 121.151 26.11 854 62
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.038 0.05 0 1
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.009 0.42 11 6
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.032 2.00 69 3
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.00 0 0
279 beverages: sub-total - 72.71 1000 64
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 2.520 100.79 90 1
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.049 2.05 2 1
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.978 6.68 37 6
283 cooked snacks purchased - 20.22 405 28
284 other served processed food - 2.99 133 12
289 served processed food: sub-total - 132.74 565 34
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 0.82 15 8
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 26.65 380 43
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.051 5.83 149 20
293 chips (gm) 18.159 3.55 202 9
294 pickles (gm) 2.345 0.25 18 8
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
296 other packaged food - 8.07 197 15
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 45.19 570 49
777 total: food group - 1174.13 1000 64

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-133

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 6.580 61.36 905 61
102 rice – other sources 1.467 35.82 538 26
103 chira 0.097 3.66 302 18
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.009 0.24 44 4
106 other rice products 0.028 0.93 53 8
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.059 1.39 137 7
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.638 16.30 713 51
110 maida 0.658 15.64 782 52
111 suji, rawa 0.174 4.82 490 32
112 sewai, noodles 0.012 1.74 97 5
113 bread: bakery 0.060 3.02 326 27
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.015 1.85 113 4
129 cereal: sub-total 9.796 146.77 1000 63
139 cereal substitutes 0.235 4.79 410 29
140 arhar, tur 0.360 27.29 894 59
141 gram: split 0.006 0.40 50 4
142 gram: whole 0.130 8.36 556 38
143 moong 0.183 14.20 620 44
144 masur 0.006 0.46 31 1
145 urd 0.106 9.09 452 35
146 peas 0.074 2.81 427 31
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.014 0.81 73 4
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 0 0
151 besan 0.000 0.00 0 0
152 other pulse products 0.000 0.00 0 0
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.878 63.42 934 61
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.124 3.15 61 7
161 baby food 0.006 0.88 69 2
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.242 56.38 736 48
163 curd 0.000 0.00 0 0
164 ghee 0.024 7.93 240 22
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 0
* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-134 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 3.47 140 4
167 other milk products - 0.00 0 0
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 71.81 832 52
170 salt 0.247 2.41 935 62
171 sugar – PDS 0.963 13.02 884 59
172 sugar – other sources 0.667 22.56 784 52
173 gur 0.066 2.72 273 20
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.003 2.18 125 6
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.946 42.89 935 62
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.007 0.65 37 1
181 mustard oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
182 groundnut oil 0.001 0.11 2 1
183 coconut oil 0.465 52.30 780 52
184 refined oil 0.243 18.48 435 28
185 edible oil: others 0.087 6.09 167 14
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.804 77.64 935 62
190 eggs (no.) 4.673 18.79 305 28
191 fish, prawn 2.321 294.63 849 58
192 goat meat/mutton 0.010 1.63 13 1
193 beef/ buffalo meat 1.135 160.20 489 36
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.417 43.74 250 17
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 518.99 876 60
200 potato 0.665 15.03 816 55
201 onion 0.872 16.40 935 62
202 tomato 0.681 19.91 935 62
203 brinjal 0.151 5.26 506 31
204 radish 0.000 0.00 0 0
205 carrot 0.257 8.98 664 47
206 palak/other 0.020 0.50 230 15
207 green chillies 0.161 11.67 921 60
208 lady's finger 0.224 8.09 650 44
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.000 0.00 0 0
211 cauliflower 0.000 0.00 0 0
212 cabbage 0.210 5.55 550 41
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.002 0.08 8 4
214 peas 0.056 2.64 187 17
215 beans, barbati 0.296 12.68 667 42
216 lemon (no.) 0.321 0.71 70 5
* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-135

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.540 14.57 638 42
219 vegetables: sub-total - 122.00 935 62
220 banana (no.) 10.102 28.49 727 52
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.248 4.97 98 6
223 pineapple (no.) 0.001 0.04 2 1
224 coconut (no.) 12.302 53.88 923 61
225 green coconut (no.) 0.204 0.96 68 6
226 guava 0.056 2.86 65 3
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 2.444 15.89 286 26
230 papaya 0.089 1.56 56 4
231 mango 0.001 0.05 2 1
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.441 50.83 501 32
237 grapes 0.162 11.54 258 13
238 other fresh fruits - 0.03 1 1
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 171.07 1000 63
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.026 3.01 110 7
242 dates 0.129 10.08 244 18
243 cashewnut 0.012 3.17 81 9
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.20 13 1
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.03 2 1
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.168 16.49 339 23
250 ginger (gm) 91.480 7.14 865 57
251 garlic (gm) 46.067 4.32 912 59
252 jeera (gm) 25.139 4.23 899 56
253 dhania (gm) 86.032 8.95 718 55
254 turmeric (gm) 32.293 5.88 935 62
255 black pepper (gm) 18.705 7.16 701 54
256 dry chillies (gm) 131.571 19.53 718 55
257 tamarind (gm) 47.133 5.02 661 43
258 curry powder (gm) 90.584 15.92 737 52
260 oilseeds (gm) 37.183 2.58 888 61
261 other spices (gm) 225.269 17.11 812 56
* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-136 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 831.456 97.93 935 62
270 tea: cups (no.) 6.760 34.02 485 29
271 tea: leaf (gm) 192.389 31.27 888 61
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 3.611 1.01 82 4
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.001 0.03 1 1
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.61 13 1
279 beverages: sub-total - 66.95 935 62
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.677 49.78 109 12
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.374 10.53 62 3
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.848 54.94 435 28
283 cooked snacks purchased - 27.22 166 14
284 other served processed food - 7.63 145 4
289 served processed food: sub-total - 150.10 642 40
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 14.65 144 7
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 58.18 798 51
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.102 16.79 509 38
293 chips (gm) 72.027 13.26 275 19
294 pickles (gm) 36.727 4.98 128 15
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 12.653 2.53 75 3
296 other packaged food - 2.40 58 7
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 112.78 875 57
777 total: food group - 1663.65 1000 63

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-137

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 3.049 25.35 745 107
102 rice – other sources 4.904 115.55 873 116
103 chira 0.000 0.00 0 0
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 1
106 other rice products 0.033 0.72 37 3
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.671 4.98 531 72
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.159 4.06 196 30
110 maida 0.063 2.03 195 42
111 suji, rawa 0.105 3.11 349 61
112 sewai, noodles 0.020 1.42 202 26
113 bread: bakery 0.003 0.21 28 5
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.093 1.57 122 21
122 other cereals 0.008 0.13 10 1
129 cereal: sub-total 9.109 159.12 941 124
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.406 29.34 941 124
141 gram: split 0.105 6.20 704 101
142 gram: whole 0.034 2.17 208 33
143 moong 0.068 5.03 562 79
144 masur 0.006 0.46 29 4
145 urd 0.335 23.52 773 111
146 peas 0.000 0.00 1 2
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.000 0.02 5 2
150 gram products 0.112 7.12 718 103
151 besan 0.007 0.42 85 9
152 other pulse products 0.006 0.28 74 14
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.078 74.57 941 124
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.683 111.91 857 119
161 baby food 0.001 0.10 2 1
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.11 5 1
163 curd 0.053 2.69 251 38
164 ghee 0.005 1.85 204 33
165 butter 0.001 0.22 5 1

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-138 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.84 93 11
167 other milk products - 0.39 7 3
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 118.11 891 121
170 salt 0.314 3.72 941 124
171 sugar – PDS 0.140 1.92 308 50
172 sugar – other sources 0.400 12.63 737 99
173 gur 0.011 0.51 125 25
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.001 0.20 8 3
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.866 18.98 941 124
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.000 0.00 0 0
181 mustard oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
182 groundnut oil 0.047 4.48 67 4
183 coconut oil 0.002 0.31 12 4
184 refined oil 0.624 46.79 818 113
185 edible oil: others 0.110 8.61 291 38
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.784 60.18 941 124
190 eggs (no.) 6.435 18.55 795 99
191 fish, prawn 0.547 62.64 735 101
192 goat meat/mutton 0.080 24.95 107 16
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.051 6.71 68 11
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.439 46.15 550 68
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.01 1 1
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 159.02 920 117
200 potato 0.480 9.06 849 118
201 onion 0.987 15.14 941 124
202 tomato 0.966 14.04 941 124
203 brinjal 0.407 7.73 856 113
204 radish 0.138 2.54 455 63
205 carrot 0.325 9.70 803 107
206 palak/other 0.131 4.37 430 67
207 green chillies 0.108 3.51 898 117
208 lady's finger 0.246 5.21 617 95
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.002 0.02 3 1
211 cauliflower 0.029 0.86 109 21
212 cabbage 0.358 4.90 662 79
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.073 1.06 125 17
214 peas 0.001 0.02 5 2
215 beans, barbati 0.251 8.58 688 86
216 lemon (no.) 1.970 4.76 548 79

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-139

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.486 9.88 862 117
219 vegetables: sub-total - 101.44 941 124
220 banana (no.) 6.429 16.40 812 110
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.040 1.02 53 7
223 pineapple (no.) 0.023 0.13 10 2
224 coconut (no.) 1.485 10.92 777 103
225 green coconut (no.) 0.048 0.43 20 5
226 guava 0.014 0.49 11 6
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.626 2.95 84 13
230 papaya 0.006 0.16 5 1
231 mango 0.153 4.71 122 12
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.032 3.75 45 20
237 grapes 0.136 8.06 224 29
238 other fresh fruits - 3.73 88 21
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 52.77 924 120
240 coconut: copra 0.005 0.19 53 6
241 groundnut 0.012 1.10 49 7
242 dates 0.010 1.16 45 11
243 cashewnut 0.002 0.79 51 9
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.001 0.09 4 2
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.01 0 1
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.06 4 1
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.030 3.40 185 29
250 ginger (gm) 61.642 3.68 836 110
251 garlic (gm) 171.710 12.10 941 124
252 jeera (gm) 30.247 7.11 884 122
253 dhania (gm) 96.314 9.21 910 123
254 turmeric (gm) 30.214 5.90 884 121
255 black pepper (gm) 29.160 11.88 884 122
256 dry chillies (gm) 111.620 13.19 941 124
257 tamarind (gm) 236.142 26.82 941 124
258 curry powder (gm) 46.810 8.91 889 113
260 oilseeds (gm) 38.543 3.27 916 123
261 other spices (gm) 48.779 6.37 803 113

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-140 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 901.183 108.37 941 124
270 tea: cups (no.) 8.139 47.16 622 75
271 tea: leaf (gm) 47.444 17.22 711 101
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.166 0.19 11 1
273 coffee: powder (gm) 14.327 8.30 285 41
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.025 0.73 12 4
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.003 0.09 3 2
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.56 44 13
279 beverages: sub-total - 76.23 995 126
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 2.061 70.06 255 29
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.070 1.50 17 5
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.180 17.61 189 30
283 cooked snacks purchased - 28.21 417 50
284 other served processed food - 0.00 0 0
289 served processed food: sub-total - 117.40 610 80
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 9.12 149 25
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 30.21 789 102
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.061 8.51 297 55
293 chips (gm) 13.975 2.49 114 16
294 pickles (gm) 13.200 1.89 156 24
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
296 other packaged food - 3.09 96 16
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 55.32 892 117
777 total: food group - 1104.93 1000 128

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-141

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.404 9.03 633 1111
102 rice – other sources 3.623 55.70 793 1341
103 chira 0.035 0.74 115 185
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.07 14 22
105 muri 0.036 1.16 138 273
106 other rice products 0.009 0.13 5 13
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.981 3.54 402 604
108 wheat/atta – other sources 2.629 28.97 578 881
110 maida 0.006 0.12 33 55
111 suji, rawa 0.011 0.25 88 158
112 sewai, noodles 0.003 0.11 25 39
113 bread: bakery 0.003 0.14 32 72
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.01 3 4
115 jowar & its products 0.008 0.14 8 23
116 bajra & its products 0.035 0.30 24 23
117 maize & its products 0.202 2.03 81 130
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 1 1
120 small millets & its products 0.010 0.11 8 20
121 ragi & its products 0.029 0.33 28 68
122 other cereals 0.006 0.08 15 18
129 cereal: sub-total 10.033 102.96 991 1633
139 cereal substitutes 0.007 0.13 20 32
140 arhar, tur 0.107 5.99 416 655
141 gram: split 0.041 1.71 205 325
142 gram: whole 0.013 0.38 81 142
143 moong 0.027 1.62 167 293
144 masur 0.090 4.20 365 619
145 urd 0.048 2.22 232 341
146 peas 0.105 2.99 263 372
147 khesari 0.033 0.92 91 142
148 other pulses 0.027 0.88 107 203
150 gram products 0.002 0.11 20 26
151 besan 0.018 0.80 187 255
152 other pulse products 0.007 0.31 53 111
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.517 22.11 979 1583
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.816 16.94 389 575
161 baby food 0.000 0.09 4 10
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.12 15 39
163 curd 0.001 0.04 9 18
164 ghee 0.001 0.30 13 15
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 0

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-142 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.04 16 20
167 other milk products - 0.12 20 19
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 17.64 427 649
170 salt 0.208 1.75 981 1617
171 sugar – PDS 0.112 1.73 386 642
172 sugar – other sources 0.229 7.55 686 1115
173 gur 0.018 0.58 130 202
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.01 5 8
175 honey 0.000 0.00 1 3
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.568 11.63 991 1632
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.008 0.52 38 42
181 mustard oil 0.218 17.43 639 1042
182 groundnut oil 0.002 0.15 7 19
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.04 2 8
184 refined oil 0.091 6.56 264 433
185 edible oil: others 0.029 1.76 94 161
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.348 26.45 983 1603
190 eggs (no.) 0.514 1.87 109 190
191 fish, prawn 0.083 6.67 187 338
192 goat meat/mutton 0.004 0.69 12 14
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.003 0.35 9 23
194 pork 0.001 0.12 2 14
195 chicken 0.037 3.91 62 91
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.26 12 24
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 13.87 332 576
200 potato 1.798 15.54 953 1549
201 onion 0.476 6.12 920 1512
202 tomato 0.329 4.30 589 931
203 brinjal 0.316 4.04 502 801
204 radish 0.092 0.65 135 208
205 carrot 0.016 0.16 19 25
206 palak/other 0.460 4.46 525 920
207 green chillies 0.077 2.60 762 1265
208 lady's finger 0.087 1.41 157 245
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.047 0.83 102 181
211 cauliflower 0.185 1.88 216 312
212 cabbage 0.123 1.18 155 270
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.241 2.41 299 517
214 peas 0.036 0.51 68 104
215 beans, barbati 0.062 0.95 116 221
216 lemon (no.) 0.176 0.26 71 172

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-143

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.402 4.97 513 872
219 vegetables: sub-total - 52.32 986 1627
220 banana (no.) 0.631 0.99 93 161
221 jackfruit 0.034 0.09 6 8
222 watermelon 0.016 0.17 14 15
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 2
224 coconut (no.) 0.072 0.61 78 118
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 1 3
226 guava 0.027 0.40 61 90
227 singara 0.002 0.03 5 8
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.013 0.03 3 13
230 papaya 0.008 0.10 14 31
231 mango 0.044 0.94 41 72
232 kharbooza 0.004 0.02 2 6
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.005 0.05 6 11
235 leechi 0.001 0.02 2 2
236 apple 0.002 0.08 4 8
237 grapes 0.001 0.06 8 11
238 other fresh fruits - 0.39 27 46
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 3.99 302 493
240 coconut: copra 0.001 0.11 16 21
241 groundnut 0.006 0.37 41 62
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 1
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.05 3 1
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 1
245 other nuts 0.000 0.01 1 1
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.01 2 3
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.04 5 6
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.007 0.59 57 82
250 ginger (gm) 24.258 1.37 451 765
251 garlic (gm) 41.075 2.98 811 1337
252 jeera (gm) 12.865 2.48 577 962
253 dhania (gm) 30.776 2.89 647 968
254 turmeric (gm) 30.081 4.53 904 1499
255 black pepper (gm) 2.122 0.59 128 213
256 dry chillies (gm) 32.912 3.80 735 1181
257 tamarind (gm) 5.392 0.32 77 116
258 curry powder (gm) 3.772 0.78 132 222
260 oilseeds (gm) 8.451 0.60 310 515
261 other spices (gm) 22.883 3.87 588 888

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-144 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 214.586 24.23 987 1618
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.005 2.84 181 312
271 tea: leaf (gm) 31.164 5.91 691 1137
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 1
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.146 0.04 8 9
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.001 0.06 2 2
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 1
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.03 5 8
279 beverages: sub-total - 8.88 782 1290
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.039 0.52 8 14
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.019 0.23 4 11
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.657 17.12 348 596
283 cooked snacks purchased - 4.06 294 526
284 other served processed food - 0.27 31 52
289 served processed food: sub-total - 22.20 546 958
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 1.39 71 144
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 5.55 592 1010
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.016 1.50 174 287
293 chips (gm) 0.626 0.08 10 13
294 pickles (gm) 0.736 0.07 17 29
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.003 0.00 0 1
296 other packaged food - 0.23 26 55
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 8.83 669 1137
777 total: food group - 315.84 998 1642

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-145

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.049 8.49 597 1033
102 rice – other sources 4.082 64.70 851 1468
103 chira 0.048 1.05 160 274
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.10 20 33
105 muri 0.061 1.93 203 383
106 other rice products 0.004 0.10 11 17
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.944 3.80 435 617
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.177 35.72 680 1065
110 maida 0.021 0.36 65 110
111 suji, rawa 0.021 0.45 146 286
112 sewai, noodles 0.005 0.19 35 60
113 bread: bakery 0.009 0.41 77 135
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.03 4 5
115 jowar & its products 0.069 1.51 33 48
116 bajra & its products 0.036 0.41 20 38
117 maize & its products 0.111 1.13 51 108
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.004 0.06 7 11
121 ragi & its products 0.040 0.48 22 50
122 other cereals 0.006 0.13 19 29
129 cereal: sub-total 10.691 121.05 999 1732
139 cereal substitutes 0.004 0.10 17 36
140 arhar, tur 0.129 7.64 489 778
141 gram: split 0.046 1.97 271 453
142 gram: whole 0.019 0.67 115 210
143 moong 0.036 2.14 243 411
144 masur 0.112 5.37 466 784
145 urd 0.055 2.78 269 450
146 peas 0.096 2.82 237 372
147 khesari 0.020 0.57 65 123
148 other pulses 0.026 0.95 117 212
150 gram products 0.002 0.13 24 49
151 besan 0.024 1.09 244 373
152 other pulse products 0.008 0.35 60 127
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.574 26.48 992 1706
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.464 30.58 553 868
161 baby food 0.001 0.22 8 16
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.37 30 73
163 curd 0.001 0.04 8 17
164 ghee 0.001 0.37 16 30
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 1
* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-146 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.04 20 30
167 other milk products - 0.09 15 23
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 31.72 593 972
170 salt 0.229 1.95 994 1726
171 sugar – PDS 0.109 1.68 358 673
172 sugar – other sources 0.316 10.45 791 1298
173 gur 0.028 0.90 160 286
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.02 16 25
175 honey 0.000 0.00 1 4
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.682 15.01 999 1733
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.008 0.61 40 59
181 mustard oil 0.289 23.36 709 1186
182 groundnut oil 0.002 0.17 9 28
183 coconut oil 0.001 0.10 5 12
184 refined oil 0.095 6.84 247 463
185 edible oil: others 0.033 2.03 77 127
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.428 33.11 996 1716
190 eggs (no.) 0.704 2.55 149 304
191 fish, prawn 0.133 10.85 240 449
192 goat meat/mutton 0.007 1.59 15 22
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.012 1.16 15 39
194 pork 0.004 0.42 7 32
195 chicken 0.046 4.99 80 150
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.40 12 29
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 21.94 408 786
200 potato 2.078 18.14 966 1664
201 onion 0.549 7.21 947 1650
202 tomato 0.347 4.84 598 1063
203 brinjal 0.368 5.04 558 943
204 radish 0.121 0.82 162 265
205 carrot 0.022 0.22 44 56
206 palak/other 0.471 4.71 525 1017
207 green chillies 0.089 3.11 808 1410
208 lady's finger 0.120 2.06 214 345
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.077 1.34 143 218
211 cauliflower 0.240 2.51 250 403
212 cabbage 0.200 1.94 239 402
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.321 3.26 342 599
214 peas 0.059 0.77 85 143
215 beans, barbati 0.054 0.99 105 244
216 lemon (no.) 0.302 0.42 125 256
* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-147

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.462 6.37 569 986
219 vegetables: sub-total - 63.77 996 1730
220 banana (no.) 1.100 1.61 130 247
221 jackfruit 0.033 0.15 10 17
222 watermelon 0.015 0.15 12 21
223 pineapple (no.) 0.003 0.03 2 9
224 coconut (no.) 0.103 0.93 82 158
225 green coconut (no.) 0.009 0.09 7 13
226 guava 0.040 0.47 59 98
227 singara 0.006 0.08 7 15
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.043 0.20 11 34
230 papaya 0.015 0.20 15 34
231 mango 0.056 1.19 47 106
232 kharbooza 0.016 0.18 10 17
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.02 1 1
234 berries 0.002 0.02 6 10
235 leechi 0.001 0.06 4 6
236 apple 0.001 0.09 5 18
237 grapes 0.004 0.20 17 37
238 other fresh fruits - 0.36 30 55
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 6.02 357 697
240 coconut: copra 0.003 0.24 29 43
241 groundnut 0.014 0.91 86 127
242 dates 0.000 0.02 2 6
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.01 0 4
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 1
245 other nuts 0.000 0.04 3 3
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.11 7 12
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.02 2 6
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.018 1.34 108 163
250 ginger (gm) 31.359 1.73 560 1016
251 garlic (gm) 46.923 3.38 868 1470
252 jeera (gm) 16.971 3.22 702 1164
253 dhania (gm) 38.923 3.33 714 1111
254 turmeric (gm) 36.264 5.39 937 1642
255 black pepper (gm) 3.244 0.95 196 288
256 dry chillies (gm) 35.012 4.14 774 1305
257 tamarind (gm) 7.505 0.48 109 176
258 curry powder (gm) 4.973 0.96 159 289
260 oilseeds (gm) 9.750 0.74 315 579
261 other spices (gm) 22.569 3.93 589 1006
* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-148 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 253.494 28.26 996 1724
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.441 4.25 234 415
271 tea: leaf (gm) 41.880 7.89 800 1401
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.083 0.02 2 7
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.003 0.05 4 4
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.000 0.01 1 4
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.03 5 12
279 beverages: sub-total - 12.26 890 1538
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.025 0.44 9 19
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.020 0.30 6 11
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.887 19.56 359 651
283 cooked snacks purchased - 5.89 383 650
284 other served processed food - 0.55 39 66
289 served processed food: sub-total - 26.74 611 1076
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 1.77 82 194
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 8.07 731 1249
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.025 2.37 259 416
293 chips (gm) 0.282 0.05 5 26
294 pickles (gm) 1.010 0.10 24 50
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.045 0.02 1 2
296 other packaged food - 0.36 43 56
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 12.73 793 1377
777 total: food group - 400.51 1000 1734

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-149

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.861 7.42 527 1942
102 rice – other sources 4.353 72.45 836 3129
103 chira 0.067 1.49 187 675
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.09 17 59
105 muri 0.070 2.26 225 837
106 other rice products 0.004 0.06 8 29
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.863 3.59 395 1282
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.349 38.47 675 2280
110 maida 0.013 0.26 68 253
111 suji, rawa 0.029 0.66 179 694
112 sewai, noodles 0.005 0.26 48 194
113 bread: bakery 0.012 0.47 75 303
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.06 3 11
115 jowar & its products 0.120 2.30 48 149
116 bajra & its products 0.098 1.06 29 94
117 maize & its products 0.119 1.34 68 261
118 barley & its products 0.002 0.03 2 8
120 small millets & its products 0.005 0.08 8 23
121 ragi & its products 0.040 0.47 25 89
122 other cereals 0.004 0.07 11 40
129 cereal: sub-total 11.017 132.90 994 3674
139 cereal substitutes 0.005 0.19 28 109
140 arhar, tur 0.159 9.40 504 1757
141 gram: split 0.054 2.37 280 1017
142 gram: whole 0.021 0.78 124 483
143 moong 0.049 2.97 269 998
144 masur 0.115 5.79 479 1786
145 urd 0.053 2.67 268 1004
146 peas 0.090 2.67 215 727
147 khesari 0.019 0.59 63 237
148 other pulses 0.024 0.92 120 490
150 gram products 0.003 0.19 40 101
151 besan 0.027 1.25 249 896
152 other pulse products 0.007 0.34 62 277
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.622 29.93 990 3608
160 milk: liquid (litre) 2.125 46.56 626 2146
161 baby food 0.002 0.49 16 51
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.45 28 199
163 curd 0.004 0.17 18 77
164 ghee 0.002 0.66 24 114
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 1

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-150 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.07 22 61
167 other milk products - 0.13 19 53
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 48.52 676 2402
170 salt 0.235 2.07 989 3649
171 sugar – PDS 0.100 1.56 336 1327
172 sugar – other sources 0.371 12.26 823 2871
173 gur 0.037 1.22 202 669
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.06 17 68
175 honey 0.000 0.03 2 14
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.745 17.19 994 3672
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.007 0.53 40 157
181 mustard oil 0.311 25.79 683 2553
182 groundnut oil 0.012 0.96 22 78
183 coconut oil 0.002 0.22 6 28
184 refined oil 0.115 8.40 268 1040
185 edible oil: others 0.035 2.26 77 240
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.482 38.16 994 3644
190 eggs (no.) 0.975 3.56 187 807
191 fish, prawn 0.162 13.86 272 1119
192 goat meat/mutton 0.006 1.24 12 55
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.026 2.35 38 141
194 pork 0.005 0.77 7 67
195 chicken 0.073 8.08 113 446
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.007 0.38 15 65
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 30.24 475 1926
200 potato 2.217 19.63 950 3493
201 onion 0.633 8.36 964 3521
202 tomato 0.386 5.44 626 2343
203 brinjal 0.382 5.38 573 2081
204 radish 0.121 0.96 166 617
205 carrot 0.024 0.31 49 159
206 palak/other 0.529 5.64 604 2219
207 green chillies 0.109 3.68 833 3005
208 lady's finger 0.134 2.42 236 793
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.088 1.71 148 507
211 cauliflower 0.232 2.73 262 935
212 cabbage 0.201 2.00 240 973
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.323 3.52 345 1354
214 peas 0.067 0.96 85 310
215 beans, barbati 0.064 1.23 124 526
216 lemon (no.) 0.500 0.74 183 695

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-151

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.475 6.36 544 2118
219 vegetables: sub-total - 71.11 994 3671
220 banana (no.) 1.574 2.44 186 722
221 jackfruit 0.013 0.11 9 38
222 watermelon 0.070 0.50 20 64
223 pineapple (no.) 0.008 0.07 5 28
224 coconut (no.) 0.158 1.44 118 392
225 green coconut (no.) 0.014 0.09 6 25
226 guava 0.059 0.85 79 258
227 singara 0.012 0.14 13 40
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.078 0.36 18 100
230 papaya 0.025 0.34 18 89
231 mango 0.069 1.69 64 238
232 kharbooza 0.032 0.32 12 31
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.01 1 7
234 berries 0.006 0.10 10 30
235 leechi 0.002 0.07 3 11
236 apple 0.005 0.34 12 55
237 grapes 0.009 0.46 28 93
238 other fresh fruits - 0.57 37 139
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 9.90 455 1699
240 coconut: copra 0.003 0.27 31 138
241 groundnut 0.021 1.32 110 349
242 dates 0.001 0.06 6 22
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.04 1 10
244 walnut 0.000 0.01 0 3
245 other nuts 0.000 0.01 1 4
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.10 9 36
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.10 4 29
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.026 1.90 135 471
250 ginger (gm) 37.935 2.10 624 2351
251 garlic (gm) 52.662 3.71 878 3163
252 jeera (gm) 20.656 3.97 778 2655
253 dhania (gm) 37.459 3.52 691 2369
254 turmeric (gm) 38.202 5.98 941 3479
255 black pepper (gm) 3.460 1.03 200 654
256 dry chillies (gm) 41.882 4.98 786 2829
257 tamarind (gm) 9.272 0.62 123 397
258 curry powder (gm) 6.836 1.34 195 675
260 oilseeds (gm) 12.585 0.86 359 1231
261 other spices (gm) 25.556 4.33 611 2227

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-152 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 286.507 32.44 993 3648
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.769 5.14 283 1083
271 tea: leaf (gm) 46.270 8.88 816 3070
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.013 0.01 2 3
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.435 0.11 10 34
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.002 0.07 4 23
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.003 0.07 4 14
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.07 12 60
279 beverages: sub-total - 14.35 889 3326
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.073 0.91 14 60
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.051 0.83 10 37
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.969 20.85 368 1323
283 cooked snacks purchased - 7.12 393 1424
284 other served processed food - 0.61 33 128
289 served processed food: sub-total - 30.32 643 2315
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 2.67 124 427
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 8.97 724 2660
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.032 2.95 272 959
293 chips (gm) 1.127 0.17 22 99
294 pickles (gm) 1.578 0.18 29 126
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.161 0.02 2 3
296 other packaged food - 0.26 24 112
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 15.21 801 2955
777 total: food group - 472.35 1000 3681

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-153

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.730 7.51 475 1947
102 rice – other sources 4.400 74.24 844 3462
103 chira 0.070 1.57 209 785
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.06 13 56
105 muri 0.085 2.75 214 899
106 other rice products 0.003 0.06 9 41
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.808 3.45 375 1287
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.386 39.36 675 2536
110 maida 0.022 0.42 83 323
111 suji, rawa 0.036 0.83 209 884
112 sewai, noodles 0.007 0.34 63 259
113 bread: bakery 0.014 0.58 88 382
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.01 2 14
115 jowar & its products 0.208 4.01 67 212
116 bajra & its products 0.159 1.70 43 158
117 maize & its products 0.169 1.94 79 291
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 2 7
120 small millets & its products 0.003 0.03 3 26
121 ragi & its products 0.041 0.54 25 115
122 other cereals 0.011 0.19 23 62
129 cereal: sub-total 11.155 139.62 997 4036
139 cereal substitutes 0.020 0.27 39 156
140 arhar, tur 0.186 11.11 530 2051
141 gram: split 0.055 2.47 304 1203
142 gram: whole 0.024 0.98 148 590
143 moong 0.064 3.80 321 1275
144 masur 0.123 6.21 472 1913
145 urd 0.059 3.10 306 1235
146 peas 0.058 1.74 174 723
147 khesari 0.021 0.64 68 229
148 other pulses 0.020 0.81 100 544
150 gram products 0.003 0.17 34 135
151 besan 0.036 1.64 306 1087
152 other pulse products 0.012 0.56 76 336
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.661 33.25 991 3973
160 milk: liquid (litre) 2.436 54.60 680 2649
161 baby food 0.002 0.39 12 55
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.39 30 240
163 curd 0.012 0.41 40 117
164 ghee 0.005 1.86 43 186
165 butter 0.000 0.07 2 5

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-154 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.09 20 72
167 other milk products - 0.17 20 71
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 57.97 730 2944
170 salt 0.239 2.13 990 4013
171 sugar – PDS 0.107 1.65 343 1502
172 sugar – other sources 0.437 14.47 835 3225
173 gur 0.041 1.34 211 773
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.07 23 100
175 honey 0.000 0.03 5 12
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.826 19.69 997 4035
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.011 0.81 44 172
181 mustard oil 0.317 26.49 658 2713
182 groundnut oil 0.016 1.36 36 124
183 coconut oil 0.002 0.21 7 41
184 refined oil 0.143 10.52 288 1168
185 edible oil: others 0.046 3.08 82 305
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.536 42.48 996 3995
190 eggs (no.) 1.414 5.18 253 990
191 fish, prawn 0.197 17.13 288 1259
192 goat meat/mutton 0.020 4.24 35 112
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.030 2.90 35 197
194 pork 0.006 0.79 10 96
195 chicken 0.097 11.24 152 605
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.005 0.32 12 65
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 41.80 536 2255
200 potato 2.162 19.56 953 3833
201 onion 0.702 9.17 975 3867
202 tomato 0.427 6.38 637 2614
203 brinjal 0.404 5.75 576 2282
204 radish 0.109 0.92 154 665
205 carrot 0.028 0.43 57 236
206 palak/other 0.559 6.29 597 2517
207 green chillies 0.125 4.28 852 3346
208 lady's finger 0.178 3.26 281 1033
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.099 1.99 160 586
211 cauliflower 0.267 3.19 274 1083
212 cabbage 0.216 2.32 254 1032
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.376 3.98 366 1485
214 peas 0.074 1.14 96 371
215 beans, barbati 0.065 1.33 134 619
216 lemon (no.) 0.783 1.09 240 831

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-155

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.537 7.52 554 2354
219 vegetables: sub-total - 78.62 996 4032
220 banana (no.) 2.300 3.59 236 960
221 jackfruit 0.025 0.16 11 52
222 watermelon 0.055 0.46 31 102
223 pineapple (no.) 0.004 0.05 2 26
224 coconut (no.) 0.209 1.89 146 560
225 green coconut (no.) 0.013 0.13 10 29
226 guava 0.072 0.99 81 270
227 singara 0.005 0.08 8 42
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.144 0.47 26 148
230 papaya 0.023 0.36 23 105
231 mango 0.137 3.30 80 315
232 kharbooza 0.018 0.21 11 40
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.01 1 5
234 berries 0.004 0.04 7 23
235 leechi 0.001 0.18 4 15
236 apple 0.010 0.73 22 129
237 grapes 0.011 0.55 29 144
238 other fresh fruits - 0.66 44 185
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 13.85 532 2148
240 coconut: copra 0.006 0.58 57 223
241 groundnut 0.026 1.59 125 461
242 dates 0.002 0.14 7 34
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.02 3 9
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 1 5
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 3
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.22 17 67
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.11 8 38
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.036 2.67 160 626
250 ginger (gm) 43.254 2.41 635 2692
251 garlic (gm) 59.534 4.17 893 3552
252 jeera (gm) 22.673 4.36 791 3047
253 dhania (gm) 39.438 3.78 720 2658
254 turmeric (gm) 41.597 6.45 949 3831
255 black pepper (gm) 4.660 1.41 235 840
256 dry chillies (gm) 51.767 6.26 816 3224
257 tamarind (gm) 13.294 0.97 146 560
258 curry powder (gm) 7.010 1.34 190 826
260 oilseeds (gm) 16.034 1.13 400 1471
261 other spices (gm) 28.869 4.90 631 2496

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-156 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 328.130 37.20 996 4023
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.005 6.06 307 1290
271 tea: leaf (gm) 57.467 11.14 832 3417
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.012 0.01 1 8
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.622 0.13 12 44
274 mineral water (litre) 0.034 0.03 3 7
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.007 0.26 9 40
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.001 0.06 6 21
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.11 13 60
279 beverages: sub-total - 17.82 921 3744
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.103 2.07 24 116
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.038 0.58 11 39
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.824 20.80 323 1360
283 cooked snacks purchased - 8.28 410 1673
284 other served processed food - 0.57 41 152
289 served processed food: sub-total - 32.30 615 2539
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 3.17 133 572
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 9.98 723 2907
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.037 3.38 288 1119
293 chips (gm) 1.917 0.30 30 128
294 pickles (gm) 3.367 0.33 49 172
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.161 0.03 3 8
296 other packaged food - 0.53 37 187
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 17.73 815 3293
777 total: food group - 535.26 1000 4047

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-157

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.578 7.29 475 2082
102 rice – other sources 4.412 77.40 856 3661
103 chira 0.067 1.55 197 862
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.08 15 60
105 muri 0.078 2.52 221 912
106 other rice products 0.007 0.15 15 56
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.791 3.93 376 1415
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.463 41.31 678 2662
110 maida 0.020 0.40 91 389
111 suji, rawa 0.041 0.95 237 1033
112 sewai, noodles 0.009 0.45 78 279
113 bread: bakery 0.016 0.74 104 464
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.03 6 24
115 jowar & its products 0.180 3.53 76 268
116 bajra & its products 0.216 2.39 66 192
117 maize & its products 0.164 1.94 81 325
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.005 0.09 7 48
121 ragi & its products 0.060 0.68 42 146
122 other cereals 0.006 0.14 21 68
129 cereal: sub-total 11.116 145.57 999 4283
139 cereal substitutes 0.038 0.81 56 259
140 arhar, tur 0.181 11.05 559 2275
141 gram: split 0.061 2.74 346 1422
142 gram: whole 0.036 1.41 184 786
143 moong 0.075 4.57 391 1578
144 masur 0.129 6.59 490 2072
145 urd 0.072 3.80 334 1445
146 peas 0.054 1.65 166 664
147 khesari 0.013 0.41 46 175
148 other pulses 0.024 1.12 128 661
150 gram products 0.003 0.17 43 200
151 besan 0.039 1.83 325 1260
152 other pulse products 0.012 0.56 96 400
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.699 35.90 992 4228
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.130 71.46 765 3053
161 baby food 0.002 0.41 14 71
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.52 37 280
163 curd 0.018 0.57 48 164
164 ghee 0.006 2.15 52 212
165 butter 0.000 0.01 1 12

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-158 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.08 16 82
167 other milk products - 0.27 23 91
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 75.47 811 3370
170 salt 0.242 2.25 994 4261
171 sugar – PDS 0.098 1.54 301 1584
172 sugar – other sources 0.483 15.90 851 3476
173 gur 0.040 1.33 210 826
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.09 27 105
175 honey 0.000 0.02 4 16
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.864 21.12 999 4281
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.017 1.20 61 234
181 mustard oil 0.325 27.11 639 2760
182 groundnut oil 0.019 1.66 36 147
183 coconut oil 0.004 0.40 15 77
184 refined oil 0.166 12.43 309 1350
185 edible oil: others 0.061 4.02 90 366
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.592 46.81 995 4247
190 eggs (no.) 1.506 5.54 271 1142
191 fish, prawn 0.212 18.16 296 1366
192 goat meat/mutton 0.023 5.31 42 161
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.041 3.99 45 259
194 pork 0.009 1.19 14 142
195 chicken 0.131 15.03 192 765
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.003 0.23 9 86
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 49.46 573 2545
200 potato 2.148 19.68 936 4030
201 onion 0.752 9.92 971 4143
202 tomato 0.455 6.60 681 2961
203 brinjal 0.430 6.24 590 2467
204 radish 0.138 1.20 185 741
205 carrot 0.045 0.64 77 350
206 palak/other 0.580 6.73 600 2715
207 green chillies 0.126 4.29 826 3478
208 lady's finger 0.166 3.10 274 1089
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.114 2.24 173 611
211 cauliflower 0.264 3.26 282 1191
212 cabbage 0.239 2.59 285 1204
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.365 3.98 340 1585
214 peas 0.086 1.29 114 448
215 beans, barbati 0.079 1.63 161 792
216 lemon (no.) 0.809 1.18 251 970

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-159

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.542 7.94 567 2522
219 vegetables: sub-total - 82.54 999 4282
220 banana (no.) 2.971 4.80 284 1177
221 jackfruit 0.017 0.20 10 60
222 watermelon 0.049 0.43 22 99
223 pineapple (no.) 0.004 0.04 3 41
224 coconut (no.) 0.235 2.07 140 638
225 green coconut (no.) 0.022 0.23 15 57
226 guava 0.095 1.45 107 319
227 singara 0.008 0.17 12 44
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.151 0.50 27 172
230 papaya 0.043 0.65 36 165
231 mango 0.135 3.31 93 364
232 kharbooza 0.024 0.28 15 48
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.01 1 5
234 berries 0.006 0.08 8 40
235 leechi 0.002 0.10 4 17
236 apple 0.021 1.50 40 165
237 grapes 0.017 0.82 42 183
238 other fresh fruits - 0.63 40 227
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 17.29 589 2530
240 coconut: copra 0.009 0.84 91 305
241 groundnut 0.039 2.57 165 601
242 dates 0.003 0.17 12 48
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.02 1 20
244 walnut 0.000 0.01 0 10
245 other nuts 0.000 0.02 1 7
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.47 32 101
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.23 11 55
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.055 4.33 223 811
250 ginger (gm) 47.540 2.69 670 2979
251 garlic (gm) 63.937 4.61 905 3770
252 jeera (gm) 24.767 4.84 828 3252
253 dhania (gm) 45.664 4.32 744 2863
254 turmeric (gm) 45.111 6.96 961 4081
255 black pepper (gm) 5.761 1.79 271 934
256 dry chillies (gm) 55.461 6.77 844 3494
257 tamarind (gm) 14.729 1.23 165 681
258 curry powder (gm) 7.798 1.42 207 964
260 oilseeds (gm) 16.752 1.27 423 1585
261 other spices (gm) 27.546 4.95 607 2656

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-160 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 355.065 40.85 998 4273
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.600 8.22 357 1577
271 tea: leaf (gm) 65.005 12.45 858 3787
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.005 0.02 1 12
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.147 0.25 21 80
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 6
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.004 0.13 6 37
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.002 0.10 5 27
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.14 12 73
279 beverages: sub-total - 21.32 938 4084
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.093 2.31 34 166
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.044 0.68 9 49
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.036 24.33 327 1403
283 cooked snacks purchased - 9.17 433 1800
284 other served processed food - 0.82 55 203
289 served processed food: sub-total - 37.30 648 2720
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 3.41 139 638
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 10.93 718 3134
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.045 4.46 332 1357
293 chips (gm) 1.578 0.27 28 186
294 pickles (gm) 4.061 0.47 52 192
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.245 0.03 4 13
296 other packaged food - 0.72 43 191
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 20.28 807 3557
777 total: food group - 599.07 1000 4288

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-161

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.624 7.29 471 2349
102 rice – other sources 4.249 76.35 836 4092
103 chira 0.077 1.85 226 1022
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.08 11 55
105 muri 0.077 2.53 208 1023
106 other rice products 0.007 0.15 18 80
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.767 3.54 360 1575
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.613 43.24 671 3056
110 maida 0.028 0.54 114 542
111 suji, rawa 0.057 1.32 283 1333
112 sewai, noodles 0.008 0.45 70 336
113 bread: bakery 0.021 0.92 113 643
114 other wheat products 0.009 0.14 9 35
115 jowar & its products 0.224 4.97 95 360
116 bajra & its products 0.243 2.68 62 271
117 maize & its products 0.126 1.43 77 393
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.02 1 5
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.03 3 39
121 ragi & its products 0.066 0.80 48 212
122 other cereals 0.006 0.13 16 65
129 cereal: sub-total 11.207 148.46 991 4785
139 cereal substitutes 0.015 0.56 71 370
140 arhar, tur 0.207 12.60 603 2603
141 gram: split 0.076 3.52 399 1781
142 gram: whole 0.033 1.33 176 927
143 moong 0.076 4.79 402 1972
144 masur 0.118 6.12 450 2247
145 urd 0.068 3.75 357 1727
146 peas 0.052 1.59 170 730
147 khesari 0.010 0.31 39 155
148 other pulses 0.027 1.23 135 846
150 gram products 0.004 0.27 52 267
151 besan 0.042 2.02 321 1465
152 other pulse products 0.012 0.61 100 511
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.725 38.14 983 4734
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.728 86.05 792 3565
161 baby food 0.002 0.43 13 81
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.50 27 315
163 curd 0.023 0.80 55 230
164 ghee 0.008 2.57 68 343
165 butter 0.000 0.04 3 16

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-162 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.08 17 88
167 other milk products - 0.47 27 121
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 90.94 826 3915
170 salt 0.250 2.32 989 4763
171 sugar – PDS 0.105 1.60 329 1822
172 sugar – other sources 0.557 18.30 856 3921
173 gur 0.045 1.52 230 991
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.12 33 144
175 honey 0.000 0.04 6 29
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.960 23.90 992 4785
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.019 1.37 66 306
181 mustard oil 0.322 26.75 570 2938
182 groundnut oil 0.029 2.54 45 203
183 coconut oil 0.005 0.52 17 91
184 refined oil 0.208 15.39 353 1628
185 edible oil: others 0.065 4.34 108 459
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.648 50.91 990 4746
190 eggs (no.) 1.548 5.63 258 1374
191 fish, prawn 0.226 19.87 283 1563
192 goat meat/mutton 0.033 7.42 51 210
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.032 3.33 39 248
194 pork 0.008 0.99 11 128
195 chicken 0.155 17.36 206 973
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.21 5 102
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 54.83 555 2880
200 potato 2.103 19.81 934 4500
201 onion 0.816 10.67 965 4599
202 tomato 0.552 8.35 734 3396
203 brinjal 0.431 6.67 599 2747
204 radish 0.137 1.23 162 805
205 carrot 0.047 0.80 89 443
206 palak/other 0.538 6.40 597 3124
207 green chillies 0.140 4.56 824 3906
208 lady's finger 0.191 3.81 310 1386
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.123 2.52 177 677
211 cauliflower 0.290 3.72 287 1319
212 cabbage 0.225 2.60 270 1378
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.382 4.40 351 1772
214 peas 0.090 1.42 109 480
215 beans, barbati 0.088 1.85 167 906
216 lemon (no.) 0.981 1.43 267 1216

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-163

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.532 8.23 554 2834
219 vegetables: sub-total - 88.49 991 4781
220 banana (no.) 3.500 5.96 340 1560
221 jackfruit 0.015 0.12 7 59
222 watermelon 0.078 0.71 32 146
223 pineapple (no.) 0.008 0.10 6 59
224 coconut (no.) 0.346 3.01 186 840
225 green coconut (no.) 0.031 0.32 17 83
226 guava 0.084 1.27 95 347
227 singara 0.011 0.14 12 45
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.173 0.68 33 249
230 papaya 0.040 0.65 34 182
231 mango 0.150 3.91 94 467
232 kharbooza 0.033 0.38 20 65
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.01 0 7
234 berries 0.008 0.11 12 37
235 leechi 0.003 0.12 4 31
236 apple 0.026 1.95 43 247
237 grapes 0.025 1.25 61 280
238 other fresh fruits - 0.92 47 293
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 21.61 639 3077
240 coconut: copra 0.013 1.21 111 464
241 groundnut 0.049 3.30 209 865
242 dates 0.004 0.25 12 63
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.20 6 37
244 walnut 0.000 0.10 4 12
245 other nuts 0.000 0.12 6 25
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.32 26 114
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.53 16 82
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.071 6.03 276 1170
250 ginger (gm) 51.309 2.87 696 3387
251 garlic (gm) 69.282 4.92 903 4231
252 jeera (gm) 26.753 5.23 833 3728
253 dhania (gm) 49.670 4.72 755 3269
254 turmeric (gm) 44.173 7.03 946 4561
255 black pepper (gm) 6.621 2.02 283 1102
256 dry chillies (gm) 63.379 7.72 849 3982
257 tamarind (gm) 21.764 1.68 221 948
258 curry powder (gm) 9.587 1.86 252 1151
260 oilseeds (gm) 17.732 1.28 437 1823
261 other spices (gm) 29.510 5.44 635 3056

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-164 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 389.780 44.77 991 4773
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.839 8.95 357 1850
271 tea: leaf (gm) 71.831 14.20 857 4227
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.054 0.24 4 12
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.557 0.33 24 115
274 mineral water (litre) 0.064 0.07 4 16
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.008 0.34 14 64
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.005 0.24 9 41
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.34 14 93
279 beverages: sub-total - 24.71 934 4554
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.185 4.16 44 229
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.101 1.32 13 54
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.738 22.80 298 1486
283 cooked snacks purchased - 11.34 444 2059
284 other served processed food - 1.10 59 258
289 served processed food: sub-total - 40.72 650 3043
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 5.57 167 825
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 12.60 712 3411
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.055 5.21 347 1527
293 chips (gm) 3.265 0.51 47 280
294 pickles (gm) 3.855 0.42 54 256
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.258 0.04 4 16
296 other packaged food - 0.67 44 245
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 25.02 815 3922
777 total: food group - 659.10 1000 4800

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-165

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.623 7.65 468 2558
102 rice – other sources 4.407 79.75 825 4581
103 chira 0.081 2.03 238 1129
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.08 15 84
105 muri 0.077 2.54 218 1068
106 other rice products 0.009 0.21 19 109
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.785 3.87 369 1764
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.400 41.62 660 3347
110 maida 0.030 0.59 129 684
111 suji, rawa 0.060 1.42 303 1567
112 sewai, noodles 0.009 0.46 69 431
113 bread: bakery 0.029 1.24 135 835
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.03 4 19
115 jowar & its products 0.254 5.52 113 430
116 bajra & its products 0.324 3.50 81 325
117 maize & its products 0.146 1.69 76 391
118 barley & its products 0.002 0.02 2 13
120 small millets & its products 0.013 0.26 8 63
121 ragi & its products 0.078 0.92 49 238
122 other cereals 0.005 0.11 9 68
129 cereal: sub-total 11.338 153.51 993 5345
139 cereal substitutes 0.022 0.84 92 455
140 arhar, tur 0.224 13.74 620 2881
141 gram: split 0.083 3.79 419 2099
142 gram: whole 0.038 1.53 193 1158
143 moong 0.090 5.73 469 2369
144 masur 0.117 6.12 439 2539
145 urd 0.075 4.26 384 1976
146 peas 0.040 1.28 140 759
147 khesari 0.012 0.34 38 157
148 other pulses 0.032 1.60 159 1073
150 gram products 0.006 0.35 56 314
151 besan 0.048 2.29 369 1739
152 other pulse products 0.015 0.83 128 665
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.780 41.87 988 5276
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.093 97.18 814 4154
161 baby food 0.002 0.39 10 85
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.003 0.55 36 404
163 curd 0.018 0.63 64 273
164 ghee 0.011 3.87 79 440
165 butter 0.000 0.02 2 27

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-166 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.18 23 126
167 other milk products - 0.32 30 120
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 103.13 856 4559
170 salt 0.256 2.41 987 5314
171 sugar – PDS 0.118 1.84 348 2126
172 sugar – other sources 0.599 19.63 854 4377
173 gur 0.055 1.83 249 1195
174 candy, misri 0.003 0.13 29 144
175 honey 0.000 0.06 5 27
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.031 25.90 993 5340
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.019 1.47 63 335
181 mustard oil 0.316 26.22 526 3164
182 groundnut oil 0.033 3.03 56 252
183 coconut oil 0.008 0.74 20 128
184 refined oil 0.237 17.95 375 1936
185 edible oil: others 0.073 4.96 122 529
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.687 54.37 992 5300
190 eggs (no.) 2.145 7.71 316 1708
191 fish, prawn 0.259 22.39 278 1662
192 goat meat/mutton 0.049 11.02 71 330
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.042 4.15 44 366
194 pork 0.011 1.54 15 217
195 chicken 0.184 21.31 243 1243
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.21 5 129
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 68.34 605 3413
200 potato 1.921 18.35 917 4965
201 onion 0.832 11.09 969 5136
202 tomato 0.561 8.77 756 3916
203 brinjal 0.458 7.25 614 3060
204 radish 0.137 1.34 167 940
205 carrot 0.060 0.93 99 573
206 palak/other 0.601 7.73 641 3622
207 green chillies 0.155 5.07 851 4288
208 lady's finger 0.194 3.99 324 1566
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.106 2.11 144 724
211 cauliflower 0.285 3.82 296 1526
212 cabbage 0.232 2.91 296 1631
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.346 4.14 329 1930
214 peas 0.100 1.51 109 551
215 beans, barbati 0.104 2.33 184 1064
216 lemon (no.) 1.087 1.66 286 1399

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-167

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.615 9.86 610 3231
219 vegetables: sub-total - 92.91 993 5342
220 banana (no.) 3.588 6.55 348 1850
221 jackfruit 0.026 0.20 9 77
222 watermelon 0.073 0.78 33 176
223 pineapple (no.) 0.014 0.14 6 66
224 coconut (no.) 0.410 3.63 209 1014
225 green coconut (no.) 0.039 0.34 16 89
226 guava 0.080 1.27 88 398
227 singara 0.006 0.12 10 49
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.295 0.98 45 321
230 papaya 0.039 0.66 32 223
231 mango 0.163 4.76 113 565
232 kharbooza 0.016 0.22 11 58
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.04 2 19
234 berries 0.006 0.08 10 48
235 leechi 0.006 0.36 7 36
236 apple 0.038 2.95 62 358
237 grapes 0.031 1.54 70 335
238 other fresh fruits - 1.27 67 394
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 25.89 676 3663
240 coconut: copra 0.018 1.67 125 551
241 groundnut 0.063 4.31 237 1062
242 dates 0.006 0.41 17 73
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.21 9 55
244 walnut 0.000 0.05 1 18
245 other nuts 0.000 0.08 4 29
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.50 35 164
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.20 11 81
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.091 7.43 303 1395
250 ginger (gm) 59.809 3.47 732 3903
251 garlic (gm) 77.110 5.63 921 4764
252 jeera (gm) 29.266 5.67 854 4191
253 dhania (gm) 51.577 4.96 748 3645
254 turmeric (gm) 47.127 7.71 967 5105
255 black pepper (gm) 6.500 2.00 268 1239
256 dry chillies (gm) 74.088 9.14 877 4470
257 tamarind (gm) 22.972 2.03 245 1127
258 curry powder (gm) 10.828 2.06 240 1295
260 oilseeds (gm) 17.795 1.42 457 2054
261 other spices (gm) 33.736 6.16 670 3426

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-168 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 430.807 50.28 993 5333
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.965 10.55 388 2135
271 tea: leaf (gm) 83.111 16.47 877 4855
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.054 0.13 8 28
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.872 0.47 28 138
274 mineral water (litre) 0.034 0.06 3 19
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.012 0.51 22 108
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.005 0.16 6 61
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.48 17 94
279 beverages: sub-total - 28.82 945 5171
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.201 4.07 41 242
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.073 1.25 13 57
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.772 23.04 267 1465
283 cooked snacks purchased - 12.63 462 2330
284 other served processed food - 0.89 43 247
289 served processed food: sub-total - 41.88 641 3334
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 5.63 162 964
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 13.16 700 3832
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.060 5.81 359 1732
293 chips (gm) 3.520 0.58 42 336
294 pickles (gm) 4.284 0.48 52 295
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.130 0.02 3 17
296 other packaged food - 0.91 52 279
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 26.60 804 4394
777 total: food group - 721.78 1000 5357

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-169

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.662 7.96 456 2804
102 rice – other sources 4.242 79.78 839 5225
103 chira 0.072 1.86 230 1332
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.07 9 74
105 muri 0.080 2.60 196 1143
106 other rice products 0.012 0.29 23 160
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.699 3.60 338 1886
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.531 43.99 657 3893
110 maida 0.039 0.83 144 802
111 suji, rawa 0.070 1.69 329 1930
112 sewai, noodles 0.010 0.52 76 502
113 bread: bakery 0.031 1.40 142 1072
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.03 4 35
115 jowar & its products 0.251 5.88 102 527
116 bajra & its products 0.361 3.92 93 424
117 maize & its products 0.136 1.59 69 443
118 barley & its products 0.002 0.04 2 11
120 small millets & its products 0.005 0.11 9 82
121 ragi & its products 0.105 1.30 66 342
122 other cereals 0.007 0.17 16 99
129 cereal: sub-total 11.317 157.62 991 6083
139 cereal substitutes 0.033 1.02 89 576
140 arhar, tur 0.239 14.49 645 3399
141 gram: split 0.083 3.78 440 2554
142 gram: whole 0.040 1.60 206 1419
143 moong 0.110 6.96 530 3007
144 masur 0.100 5.40 385 2685
145 urd 0.089 5.10 414 2377
146 peas 0.035 1.08 115 717
147 khesari 0.007 0.21 29 148
148 other pulses 0.034 1.74 159 1268
150 gram products 0.010 0.62 76 406
151 besan 0.054 2.62 376 2064
152 other pulse products 0.013 0.68 99 659
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.813 44.29 987 5976
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.750 115.29 862 4949
161 baby food 0.002 0.53 12 127
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.003 0.66 34 473
163 curd 0.024 0.81 67 366
164 ghee 0.017 5.74 110 657
165 butter 0.000 0.04 3 33

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-170 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.17 23 158
167 other milk products - 0.38 26 150
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 123.62 903 5424
170 salt 0.260 2.55 984 6051
171 sugar – PDS 0.121 1.84 373 2462
172 sugar – other sources 0.644 21.05 873 5073
173 gur 0.063 2.15 255 1417
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.12 31 169
175 honey 0.000 0.03 4 35
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.090 27.74 990 6082
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.021 1.45 62 385
181 mustard oil 0.299 24.96 469 3360
182 groundnut oil 0.051 4.70 69 332
183 coconut oil 0.011 1.04 27 183
184 refined oil 0.258 19.41 376 2249
185 edible oil: others 0.099 6.75 142 671
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.739 58.30 988 6027
190 eggs (no.) 2.134 7.65 317 2008
191 fish, prawn 0.282 24.93 257 1798
192 goat meat/mutton 0.045 10.65 65 428
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.051 5.23 47 450
194 pork 0.010 1.27 10 237
195 chicken 0.206 23.91 263 1469
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.29 6 142
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 73.93 590 3833
200 potato 1.819 17.88 889 5582
201 onion 0.876 11.80 968 5867
202 tomato 0.647 10.06 792 4600
203 brinjal 0.452 7.46 620 3478
204 radish 0.150 1.48 183 1105
205 carrot 0.094 1.51 145 807
206 palak/other 0.628 8.66 650 4153
207 green chillies 0.172 5.44 847 4873
208 lady's finger 0.229 4.82 363 1951
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.109 2.23 154 822
211 cauliflower 0.291 4.22 301 1797
212 cabbage 0.247 3.34 309 1893
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.335 4.38 314 2056
214 peas 0.086 1.55 117 676
215 beans, barbati 0.112 2.65 200 1329
216 lemon (no.) 1.343 2.07 324 1795

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-171

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.592 10.18 599 3618
219 vegetables: sub-total - 99.74 990 6082
220 banana (no.) 4.494 8.55 402 2420
221 jackfruit 0.021 0.18 8 70
222 watermelon 0.092 0.90 36 221
223 pineapple (no.) 0.009 0.11 6 78
224 coconut (no.) 0.504 4.53 218 1256
225 green coconut (no.) 0.067 0.65 29 142
226 guava 0.080 1.26 70 417
227 singara 0.006 0.10 7 44
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.395 1.45 51 414
230 papaya 0.060 1.05 47 296
231 mango 0.157 5.04 109 654
232 kharbooza 0.033 0.42 17 82
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.05 1 17
234 berries 0.009 0.13 11 57
235 leechi 0.003 0.16 5 48
236 apple 0.050 3.90 75 488
237 grapes 0.043 2.24 90 462
238 other fresh fruits - 1.78 67 445
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 32.50 726 4421
240 coconut: copra 0.021 1.93 156 757
241 groundnut 0.074 5.07 261 1360
242 dates 0.006 0.41 14 92
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.37 14 85
244 walnut 0.000 0.08 3 29
245 other nuts 0.001 0.16 7 40
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.50 32 193
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.19 8 81
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.106 8.71 324 1742
250 ginger (gm) 63.460 3.56 736 4448
251 garlic (gm) 81.317 5.96 915 5415
252 jeera (gm) 30.902 6.09 853 4759
253 dhania (gm) 57.695 5.49 767 4167
254 turmeric (gm) 47.268 7.85 961 5780
255 black pepper (gm) 7.254 2.15 281 1478
256 dry chillies (gm) 84.536 10.41 880 5176
257 tamarind (gm) 35.735 3.03 309 1457
258 curry powder (gm) 14.172 2.63 284 1609
260 oilseeds (gm) 21.719 1.75 492 2428
261 other spices (gm) 34.847 6.19 659 3962

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-172 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 478.905 55.13 990 6067
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.666 13.46 415 2582
271 tea: leaf (gm) 89.914 18.39 885 5567
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.018 0.08 5 24
273 coffee: powder (gm) 2.999 0.84 51 240
274 mineral water (litre) 0.194 0.11 5 33
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.017 0.64 19 142
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.005 0.23 9 86
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.56 21 155
279 beverages: sub-total - 34.32 958 5939
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.212 4.91 51 358
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.085 1.53 12 60
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.521 22.82 248 1519
283 cooked snacks purchased - 16.10 459 2636
284 other served processed food - 1.53 57 322
289 served processed food: sub-total - 46.89 637 3701
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 6.41 167 1167
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 14.64 674 4307
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.075 7.41 388 2101
293 chips (gm) 4.141 0.70 50 413
294 pickles (gm) 6.007 0.65 66 402
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.357 0.04 5 31
296 other packaged food - 1.23 51 366
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 31.07 801 5018
777 total: food group - 794.89 1000 6091

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-173

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.614 8.14 445 3187
102 rice – other sources 4.237 83.87 861 6286
103 chira 0.078 2.07 216 1494
104 khoi, lawa 0.004 0.12 13 67
105 muri 0.066 2.18 165 1281
106 other rice products 0.018 0.41 34 234
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.668 3.50 315 2096
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.747 47.75 684 4644
110 maida 0.038 0.84 144 1014
111 suji, rawa 0.085 2.10 370 2428
112 sewai, noodles 0.010 0.59 76 723
113 bread: bakery 0.040 1.89 162 1428
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.03 4 32
115 jowar & its products 0.282 6.43 114 670
116 bajra & its products 0.327 3.58 87 474
117 maize & its products 0.103 1.18 56 518
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.02 3 16
120 small millets & its products 0.005 0.14 9 77
121 ragi & its products 0.119 1.45 69 379
122 other cereals 0.007 0.18 10 100
129 cereal: sub-total 11.450 166.48 992 7175
139 cereal substitutes 0.037 1.23 122 785
140 arhar, tur 0.251 15.43 664 4043
141 gram: split 0.092 4.24 455 3063
142 gram: whole 0.044 1.92 232 1805
143 moong 0.118 7.51 559 3712
144 masur 0.104 5.60 381 3201
145 urd 0.096 5.51 439 2977
146 peas 0.028 0.92 107 809
147 khesari 0.005 0.16 21 142
148 other pulses 0.037 1.95 179 1619
150 gram products 0.010 0.63 97 555
151 besan 0.057 2.72 383 2503
152 other pulse products 0.013 0.72 101 822
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.855 47.29 983 7039
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.534 136.29 866 5935
161 baby food 0.003 0.87 15 135
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.004 0.91 38 689
163 curd 0.026 1.00 75 511
164 ghee 0.024 8.10 118 899
165 butter 0.001 0.19 7 79

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-174 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.27 30 197
167 other milk products - 0.30 21 178
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 147.91 905 6558
170 salt 0.269 2.70 985 7134
171 sugar – PDS 0.120 1.82 351 2865
172 sugar – other sources 0.722 23.55 872 6046
173 gur 0.070 2.39 270 1712
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.13 31 197
175 honey 0.000 0.05 7 50
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.184 30.64 990 7168
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.022 1.59 60 492
181 mustard oil 0.297 24.35 446 3822
182 groundnut oil 0.066 5.88 92 479
183 coconut oil 0.018 1.67 41 292
184 refined oil 0.297 22.52 423 2893
185 edible oil: others 0.087 5.84 131 789
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.785 61.85 988 7105
190 eggs (no.) 2.479 8.77 345 2494
191 fish, prawn 0.291 24.50 241 2048
192 goat meat/mutton 0.059 13.73 77 613
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.061 6.29 48 594
194 pork 0.013 1.81 13 354
195 chicken 0.238 28.27 275 1904
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.003 0.29 5 159
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 83.68 582 4550
200 potato 1.822 18.46 891 6558
201 onion 0.981 13.41 967 6929
202 tomato 0.714 11.62 817 5615
203 brinjal 0.440 7.41 585 3996
204 radish 0.164 1.67 186 1283
205 carrot 0.098 1.71 153 1075
206 palak/other 0.648 9.49 650 4952
207 green chillies 0.184 5.85 838 5694
208 lady's finger 0.256 5.54 389 2530
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.112 2.33 160 968
211 cauliflower 0.314 4.73 304 2178
212 cabbage 0.239 3.35 291 2301
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.375 4.80 326 2441
214 peas 0.099 1.81 109 835
215 beans, barbati 0.125 2.98 225 1623
216 lemon (no.) 1.655 2.59 365 2286

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-175

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.632 11.04 600 4386
219 vegetables: sub-total - 108.82 990 7163
220 banana (no.) 5.568 10.84 454 3188
221 jackfruit 0.018 0.19 7 82
222 watermelon 0.093 1.02 42 303
223 pineapple (no.) 0.018 0.27 10 120
224 coconut (no.) 0.643 5.75 264 1604
225 green coconut (no.) 0.090 0.88 40 215
226 guava 0.107 1.92 103 614
227 singara 0.011 0.19 13 68
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.530 1.89 70 631
230 papaya 0.074 1.27 54 365
231 mango 0.187 6.47 131 919
232 kharbooza 0.022 0.28 12 84
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.04 2 24
234 berries 0.004 0.07 5 48
235 leechi 0.003 0.13 4 43
236 apple 0.078 5.96 97 798
237 grapes 0.052 2.68 95 612
238 other fresh fruits - 2.28 76 606
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 42.11 774 5518
240 coconut: copra 0.027 2.40 170 988
241 groundnut 0.093 6.42 294 1742
242 dates 0.006 0.52 22 185
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.50 14 137
244 walnut 0.000 0.07 2 36
245 other nuts 0.001 0.17 6 52
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.004 0.84 37 292
247 other dry fruits 0.003 0.62 19 160
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.136 11.55 364 2324
250 ginger (gm) 68.492 3.91 740 5326
251 garlic (gm) 88.099 6.55 907 6383
252 jeera (gm) 34.058 6.68 871 5624
253 dhania (gm) 63.029 6.11 791 4973
254 turmeric (gm) 52.185 8.80 962 6823
255 black pepper (gm) 8.772 2.55 306 1845
256 dry chillies (gm) 89.737 11.20 888 6141
257 tamarind (gm) 40.037 3.44 335 1910
258 curry powder (gm) 17.172 3.03 292 1992
260 oilseeds (gm) 21.845 1.79 499 2926
261 other spices (gm) 38.719 6.99 671 4778

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-176 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 522.146 61.07 989 7131
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.378 16.56 426 3140
271 tea: leaf (gm) 97.497 20.50 894 6672
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.018 0.08 4 32
273 coffee: powder (gm) 3.138 0.81 46 284
274 mineral water (litre) 0.291 0.21 8 57
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.024 1.05 29 233
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.013 0.63 17 143
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.99 26 197
279 beverages: sub-total - 40.83 965 7036
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.375 9.44 65 529
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.086 1.45 11 86
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.315 20.89 205 1500
283 cooked snacks purchased - 18.13 484 3361
284 other served processed food - 1.31 53 395
289 served processed food: sub-total - 51.23 631 4489
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 8.55 193 1575
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 16.45 659 5045
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.083 8.28 370 2508
293 chips (gm) 6.809 1.14 66 631
294 pickles (gm) 7.638 0.91 76 539
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.486 0.06 4 51
296 other packaged food - 1.25 49 443
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 36.65 808 6018
777 total: food group - 891.33 1000 7199

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-177

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.476 7.29 414 3621
102 rice – other sources 4.349 89.88 862 7662
103 chira 0.073 1.96 200 1727
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.10 10 106
105 muri 0.071 2.29 154 1350
106 other rice products 0.024 0.61 42 322
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.607 3.39 287 2381
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.924 51.37 693 5696
110 maida 0.044 0.95 140 1350
111 suji, rawa 0.099 2.51 400 3142
112 sewai, noodles 0.015 0.86 93 1051
113 bread: bakery 0.048 2.11 165 1913
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.09 6 53
115 jowar & its products 0.245 5.99 96 713
116 bajra & its products 0.356 3.84 96 573
117 maize & its products 0.099 1.24 54 620
118 barley & its products 0.002 0.03 2 19
120 small millets & its products 0.003 0.09 9 89
121 ragi & its products 0.088 1.09 60 435
122 other cereals 0.012 0.25 14 147
129 cereal: sub-total 11.540 175.94 990 8659
139 cereal substitutes 0.054 1.54 113 997
140 arhar, tur 0.265 16.53 660 4859
141 gram: split 0.101 4.70 497 3926
142 gram: whole 0.057 2.53 266 2504
143 moong 0.131 8.53 589 4790
144 masur 0.105 5.72 361 3822
145 urd 0.113 6.66 471 3848
146 peas 0.025 0.86 99 918
147 khesari 0.003 0.10 14 121
148 other pulses 0.044 2.45 193 2132
150 gram products 0.011 0.65 83 683
151 besan 0.072 3.55 422 3144
152 other pulse products 0.015 0.88 104 1070
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.942 53.16 982 8533
160 milk: liquid (litre) 6.868 176.58 887 7209
161 baby food 0.004 1.03 18 222
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.005 1.26 47 964
163 curd 0.037 1.39 91 758
164 ghee 0.031 10.48 149 1316
165 butter 0.001 0.18 6 139

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-178 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.40 35 324
167 other milk products - 0.32 23 270
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 191.66 932 8081
170 salt 0.285 2.93 982 8604
171 sugar – PDS 0.125 1.92 349 3388
172 sugar – other sources 0.844 27.59 887 7451
173 gur 0.087 3.06 287 2145
174 candy, misri 0.004 0.18 37 249
175 honey 0.001 0.08 9 92
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.346 35.76 989 8657
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.027 2.09 67 630
181 mustard oil 0.307 25.23 420 4463
182 groundnut oil 0.076 7.22 99 664
183 coconut oil 0.024 2.23 50 447
184 refined oil 0.304 23.30 412 3526
185 edible oil: others 0.106 7.26 142 993
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.845 67.31 984 8571
190 eggs (no.) 2.996 10.71 383 3244
191 fish, prawn 0.354 29.48 256 2580
192 goat meat/mutton 0.077 19.63 97 898
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.062 6.86 47 728
194 pork 0.015 2.10 14 530
195 chicken 0.276 32.91 298 2450
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.26 5 230
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 101.95 585 5613
200 potato 1.740 18.25 886 7915
201 onion 1.048 14.40 969 8398
202 tomato 0.793 13.46 853 7182
203 brinjal 0.438 7.71 583 4741
204 radish 0.176 1.86 173 1587
205 carrot 0.138 2.49 189 1629
206 palak/other 0.653 9.67 631 5986
207 green chillies 0.194 6.14 840 6949
208 lady's finger 0.296 6.60 443 3243
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.121 2.57 162 1152
211 cauliflower 0.306 5.03 292 2713
212 cabbage 0.235 3.54 293 2829
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.381 5.17 329 3016
214 peas 0.132 2.45 126 1237
215 beans, barbati 0.137 3.48 227 2122
216 lemon (no.) 1.991 3.21 390 2920

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-179

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.708 12.87 607 5328
219 vegetables: sub-total - 118.91 989 8652
220 banana (no.) 7.000 14.58 521 4330
221 jackfruit 0.037 0.35 14 129
222 watermelon 0.148 1.39 46 397
223 pineapple (no.) 0.017 0.33 10 176
224 coconut (no.) 0.790 6.93 267 2130
225 green coconut (no.) 0.131 1.34 50 352
226 guava 0.128 2.24 108 768
227 singara 0.009 0.15 9 66
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.918 3.37 93 994
230 papaya 0.084 1.57 56 495
231 mango 0.248 7.63 141 1149
232 kharbooza 0.029 0.41 14 114
233 pears/nashpati 0.004 0.12 5 51
234 berries 0.007 0.15 7 54
235 leechi 0.004 0.25 5 80
236 apple 0.114 9.18 132 1252
237 grapes 0.064 3.33 101 872
238 other fresh fruits - 2.63 81 836
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 55.95 817 7126
240 coconut: copra 0.028 2.57 165 1137
241 groundnut 0.117 8.10 294 2077
242 dates 0.008 0.76 29 291
243 cashewnut 0.002 1.02 20 233
244 walnut 0.001 0.13 3 57
245 other nuts 0.001 0.32 8 104
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.005 0.92 39 406
247 other dry fruits 0.003 0.58 15 196
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.165 14.40 374 2898
250 ginger (gm) 78.015 4.42 762 6544
251 garlic (gm) 93.538 7.12 912 7717
252 jeera (gm) 36.938 7.21 880 6778
253 dhania (gm) 65.346 6.37 780 5973
254 turmeric (gm) 56.622 9.68 963 8197
255 black pepper (gm) 9.188 2.72 307 2318
256 dry chillies (gm) 98.626 12.41 894 7367
257 tamarind (gm) 51.503 4.46 361 2450
258 curry powder (gm) 18.189 3.24 303 2589
260 oilseeds (gm) 23.567 1.99 500 3598
261 other spices (gm) 42.343 7.74 674 5848

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-180 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 573.875 67.38 988 8601
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.759 18.95 430 3987
271 tea: leaf (gm) 115.298 24.37 918 8126
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.058 0.24 8 76
273 coffee: powder (gm) 4.064 1.14 60 475
274 mineral water (litre) 0.446 0.44 16 126
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.186 1.45 39 360
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.014 0.73 20 217
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.13 33 321
279 beverages: sub-total - 48.45 981 8572
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.554 15.44 88 849
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.077 1.84 10 116
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.818 18.57 143 1341
283 cooked snacks purchased - 22.55 481 4151
284 other served processed food - 1.66 50 508
289 served processed food: sub-total - 60.06 594 5336
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 12.91 228 2177
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 19.09 658 6153
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.099 10.07 391 3320
293 chips (gm) 10.689 1.73 86 913
294 pickles (gm) 10.612 1.21 95 836
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.171 0.17 11 112
296 other packaged food - 1.91 56 639
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 47.08 806 7336
777 total: food group - 1039.54 1000 8692

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-181

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.372 7.04 377 2036
102 rice – other sources 4.249 93.59 882 4730
103 chira 0.064 1.83 182 980
104 khoi, lawa 0.004 0.15 19 63
105 muri 0.058 1.99 126 721
106 other rice products 0.032 0.81 57 245
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.536 3.02 255 1255
108 wheat/atta – other sources 4.005 52.80 716 3606
110 maida 0.051 1.14 171 883
111 suji, rawa 0.127 3.18 432 2064
112 sewai, noodles 0.019 1.09 120 770
113 bread: bakery 0.063 2.75 206 1370
114 other wheat products 0.008 0.25 11 42
115 jowar & its products 0.232 5.56 92 403
116 bajra & its products 0.232 2.69 89 296
117 maize & its products 0.089 1.22 58 352
118 barley & its products 0.007 0.07 2 14
120 small millets & its products 0.003 0.11 9 58
121 ragi & its products 0.117 1.47 74 273
122 other cereals 0.005 0.27 15 113
129 cereal: sub-total 11.272 181.02 983 5249
139 cereal substitutes 0.087 2.16 148 704
140 arhar, tur 0.269 16.50 654 2933
141 gram: split 0.115 5.34 505 2466
142 gram: whole 0.076 3.44 331 1781
143 moong 0.148 9.83 625 3147
144 masur 0.087 4.94 332 2215
145 urd 0.134 8.16 524 2504
146 peas 0.030 1.07 113 582
147 khesari 0.003 0.09 12 51
148 other pulses 0.056 3.14 243 1396
150 gram products 0.013 0.74 93 475
151 besan 0.083 4.02 435 1962
152 other pulse products 0.017 0.98 98 694
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.029 58.23 979 5165
160 milk: liquid (litre) 8.224 217.58 907 4469
161 baby food 0.006 1.35 18 127
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.007 1.69 42 659
163 curd 0.054 2.06 112 535
164 ghee 0.042 14.35 192 1020
165 butter 0.001 0.29 15 138

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-182 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.83 45 236
167 other milk products - 0.49 26 180
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 238.65 949 5035
170 salt 0.284 2.99 975 5222
171 sugar – PDS 0.124 1.88 317 1882
172 sugar – other sources 0.955 31.19 898 4584
173 gur 0.093 3.31 319 1352
174 candy, misri 0.004 0.20 30 150
175 honey 0.001 0.13 13 105
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.460 39.70 984 5247
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.043 3.21 86 453
181 mustard oil 0.284 23.16 380 2547
182 groundnut oil 0.085 8.15 93 377
183 coconut oil 0.051 4.84 93 450
184 refined oil 0.367 28.56 433 2240
185 edible oil: others 0.086 6.18 127 566
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.917 74.11 976 5192
190 eggs (no.) 3.121 11.04 348 2015
191 fish, prawn 0.462 38.93 249 1625
192 goat meat/mutton 0.118 30.92 132 684
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.056 6.60 39 403
194 pork 0.011 1.64 9 336
195 chicken 0.286 33.96 258 1471
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.003 0.39 5 126
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 123.49 567 3402
200 potato 1.748 18.64 876 4811
201 onion 1.133 16.40 953 5072
202 tomato 0.907 15.47 872 4500
203 brinjal 0.444 7.94 551 2782
204 radish 0.203 2.12 182 969
205 carrot 0.185 3.48 246 1261
206 palak/other 0.656 10.25 627 3608
207 green chillies 0.218 7.02 862 4270
208 lady's finger 0.319 7.16 428 2058
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.105 2.32 146 685
211 cauliflower 0.341 5.61 303 1696
212 cabbage 0.255 4.02 297 1675
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.375 5.45 314 1745
214 peas 0.158 3.05 136 791
215 beans, barbati 0.166 4.34 255 1393
216 lemon (no.) 2.381 3.94 390 1846

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-183

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.778 14.48 616 3250
219 vegetables: sub-total - 131.74 983 5246
220 banana (no.) 8.297 18.39 544 2879
221 jackfruit 0.053 0.32 13 84
222 watermelon 0.159 1.76 51 232
223 pineapple (no.) 0.025 0.43 14 136
224 coconut (no.) 1.195 10.90 324 1438
225 green coconut (no.) 0.186 1.99 55 237
226 guava 0.132 2.32 102 466
227 singara 0.010 0.20 13 45
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.941 3.69 95 668
230 papaya 0.100 2.04 59 313
231 mango 0.261 9.09 129 746
232 kharbooza 0.035 0.66 15 75
233 pears/nashpati 0.003 0.11 2 34
234 berries 0.008 0.19 13 40
235 leechi 0.005 0.22 5 37
236 apple 0.178 14.85 188 1140
237 grapes 0.106 5.89 138 672
238 other fresh fruits - 4.00 100 534
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 77.05 844 4523
240 coconut: copra 0.030 2.76 163 687
241 groundnut 0.125 8.91 312 1296
242 dates 0.016 1.47 45 250
243 cashewnut 0.005 1.96 45 269
244 walnut 0.001 0.17 4 45
245 other nuts 0.002 0.59 11 81
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.006 1.35 53 335
247 other dry fruits 0.009 1.99 32 185
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.193 19.20 417 1944
250 ginger (gm) 82.053 4.65 756 4047
251 garlic (gm) 100.457 7.87 905 4691
252 jeera (gm) 38.254 7.63 862 4129
253 dhania (gm) 73.018 7.12 782 3634
254 turmeric (gm) 57.283 10.01 950 4945
255 black pepper (gm) 11.404 3.24 326 1517
256 dry chillies (gm) 107.163 13.71 892 4498
257 tamarind (gm) 58.503 5.09 376 1635
258 curry powder (gm) 21.414 3.92 304 1628
260 oilseeds (gm) 22.973 1.90 500 2264
261 other spices (gm) 50.607 9.23 703 3664

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-184 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 623.130 74.38 982 5218
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.667 23.83 439 2349
271 tea: leaf (gm) 125.887 27.16 919 4980
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.179 0.60 13 59
273 coffee: powder (gm) 6.851 1.87 72 372
274 mineral water (litre) 1.320 1.09 17 103
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.089 3.07 61 352
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.025 1.36 29 226
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.28 45 253
279 beverages: sub-total - 61.26 986 5221
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.035 30.17 118 604
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.116 2.60 14 81
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.391 14.28 99 533
283 cooked snacks purchased - 26.60 487 2559
284 other served processed food - 1.91 63 332
289 served processed food: sub-total - 75.55 596 3179
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 16.81 251 1445
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 22.23 639 3718
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.123 13.33 431 2182
293 chips (gm) 14.192 2.43 98 645
294 pickles (gm) 18.263 2.33 112 588
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.782 0.28 14 98
296 other packaged food - 2.62 72 417
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 60.01 830 4518
777 total: food group - 1216.55 1000 5280

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-185

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.240 6.90 310 2305
102 rice – other sources 4.866 114.50 844 6092
103 chira 0.084 2.48 164 1148
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.11 8 51
105 muri 0.060 2.00 106 774
106 other rice products 0.072 1.89 80 495
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.443 2.95 220 1539
108 wheat/atta – other sources 4.246 58.33 685 4785
110 maida 0.087 1.92 172 1340
111 suji, rawa 0.163 4.11 422 2902
112 sewai, noodles 0.032 2.05 150 1286
113 bread: bakery 0.096 4.15 245 2060
114 other wheat products 0.005 0.13 10 93
115 jowar & its products 0.201 4.78 73 435
116 bajra & its products 0.222 2.47 61 310
117 maize & its products 0.082 1.24 48 458
118 barley & its products 0.004 0.06 4 18
120 small millets & its products 0.005 0.20 10 83
121 ragi & its products 0.138 1.82 81 442
122 other cereals 0.010 0.88 33 314
129 cereal: sub-total 12.059 212.97 921 6701
139 cereal substitutes 0.148 2.93 155 1078
140 arhar, tur 0.319 20.01 626 3952
141 gram: split 0.158 7.28 488 3157
142 gram: whole 0.096 4.49 352 2759
143 moong 0.181 12.27 638 4312
144 masur 0.133 7.53 298 2694
145 urd 0.189 11.76 551 3665
146 peas 0.032 1.24 112 909
147 khesari 0.003 0.09 7 71
148 other pulses 0.067 3.78 239 1900
150 gram products 0.019 1.13 104 653
151 besan 0.123 6.01 400 2529
152 other pulse products 0.024 1.59 123 1078
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.343 77.18 915 6614
160 milk: liquid (litre) 10.821 291.77 867 5929
161 baby food 0.005 1.46 19 153
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.011 2.56 48 893
163 curd 0.105 3.91 132 810
164 ghee 0.085 28.37 243 1694
165 butter 0.002 0.55 29 291

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-186 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.36 53 426
167 other milk products - 1.58 27 270
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 331.56 899 6523
170 salt 0.320 3.42 916 6645
171 sugar – PDS 0.120 1.79 254 2081
172 sugar – other sources 1.248 40.74 853 6005
173 gur 0.160 5.80 305 2031
174 candy, misri 0.004 0.23 34 238
175 honey 0.002 0.41 23 211
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.854 52.39 926 6715
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.054 4.05 71 529
181 mustard oil 0.290 23.72 327 2858
182 groundnut oil 0.113 10.49 90 501
183 coconut oil 0.089 8.21 139 1014
184 refined oil 0.530 42.10 424 3098
185 edible oil: others 0.088 6.20 114 759
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.164 94.78 908 6591
190 eggs (no.) 4.012 13.91 379 2888
191 fish, prawn 0.685 58.23 274 2390
192 goat meat/mutton 0.227 62.58 123 903
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.073 9.71 43 497
194 pork 0.020 2.82 10 418
195 chicken 0.461 53.46 275 2107
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.005 0.65 7 139
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 201.38 557 4418
200 potato 1.807 20.38 820 6012
201 onion 1.408 20.52 896 6505
202 tomato 1.073 18.91 820 5907
203 brinjal 0.554 9.89 494 3431
204 radish 0.253 2.67 181 1232
205 carrot 0.272 5.31 312 2079
206 palak/other 0.742 12.45 583 4424
207 green chillies 0.246 7.49 767 5464
208 lady's finger 0.374 8.70 456 3025
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.129 2.89 141 913
211 cauliflower 0.411 7.61 284 2056
212 cabbage 0.299 5.15 285 2221
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.487 7.50 315 2401
214 peas 0.197 4.37 151 1205
215 beans, barbati 0.215 5.81 275 2059
216 lemon (no.) 3.061 5.01 370 2432

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-187

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.888 17.61 589 4337
219 vegetables: sub-total - 162.31 921 6695
220 banana (no.) 11.597 26.81 586 4164
221 jackfruit 0.066 0.57 19 151
222 watermelon 0.119 1.64 37 329
223 pineapple (no.) 0.039 0.65 16 223
224 coconut (no.) 1.799 16.72 348 2330
225 green coconut (no.) 0.241 2.65 62 385
226 guava 0.160 3.15 109 672
227 singara 0.013 0.23 9 49
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.655 6.93 130 1141
230 papaya 0.149 2.85 70 547
231 mango 0.348 12.34 135 1080
232 kharbooza 0.033 0.62 14 96
233 pears/nashpati 0.008 0.24 4 60
234 berries 0.005 0.11 4 37
235 leechi 0.008 0.52 7 66
236 apple 0.303 26.75 250 2093
237 grapes 0.138 7.59 148 1071
238 other fresh fruits - 7.60 110 849
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 117.98 861 6200
240 coconut: copra 0.040 3.53 141 797
241 groundnut 0.147 10.63 287 1723
242 dates 0.032 3.28 82 492
243 cashewnut 0.013 5.85 78 657
244 walnut 0.002 0.61 8 106
245 other nuts 0.005 1.82 26 205
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.017 3.45 91 658
247 other dry fruits 0.011 2.79 37 368
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.267 31.97 427 2894
250 ginger (gm) 105.542 6.94 744 5331
251 garlic (gm) 123.422 10.60 851 6035
252 jeera (gm) 45.409 9.24 807 5375
253 dhania (gm) 92.604 9.16 739 4992
254 turmeric (gm) 64.531 11.08 894 6321
255 black pepper (gm) 15.292 4.63 353 2445
256 dry chillies (gm) 144.214 17.95 840 5803
257 tamarind (gm) 76.561 6.91 398 2550
258 curry powder (gm) 31.587 5.57 311 2327
260 oilseeds (gm) 27.862 2.33 501 3220
261 other spices (gm) 62.207 12.00 675 4779

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-188 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 789.231 96.41 922 6659
270 tea: cups (no.) 7.720 33.42 472 3213
271 tea: leaf (gm) 146.781 32.54 846 6292
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.231 0.87 16 114
273 coffee: powder (gm) 10.105 3.22 115 873
274 mineral water (litre) 1.483 1.42 30 258
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.156 5.80 90 621
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.073 4.32 53 508
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 3.84 60 501
279 beverages: sub-total - 85.43 974 6779
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 3.764 143.53 208 1199
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.521 14.07 44 137
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.599 9.00 43 354
283 cooked snacks purchased - 40.71 509 3434
284 other served processed food - 5.92 56 473
289 served processed food: sub-total - 213.22 641 4269
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 30.69 280 2141
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 27.89 634 4824
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.175 19.33 450 3135
293 chips (gm) 27.910 4.79 125 1008
294 pickles (gm) 17.556 2.25 109 863
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 5.125 0.72 24 240
296 other packaged food - 4.19 71 695
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 89.84 814 5938
777 total: food group - 1770.35 1000 6867

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-189

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.670 7.63 459 26975
102 rice – other sources 4.306 79.80 846 51729
103 chira 0.070 1.74 202 11613
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.09 13 730
105 muri 0.071 2.32 184 10664
106 other rice products 0.014 0.34 27 1801
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.744 3.55 339 17701
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.544 43.50 674 38451
110 maida 0.032 0.66 119 7745
111 suji, rawa 0.064 1.55 299 18421
112 sewai, noodles 0.010 0.56 78 5930
113 bread: bakery 0.030 1.31 134 10677
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.06 5 367
115 jowar & its products 0.202 4.46 84 4238
116 bajra & its products 0.235 2.56 68 3178
117 maize & its products 0.130 1.52 67 4290
118 barley & its products 0.002 0.02 2 114
120 small millets & its products 0.005 0.11 7 619
121 ragi & its products 0.076 0.93 51 2789
122 other cereals 0.007 0.19 16 1123
129 cereal: sub-total 11.217 152.91 987 59355
139 cereal substitutes 0.035 0.91 84 5557
140 arhar, tur 0.212 12.94 596 32186
141 gram: split 0.079 3.57 399 23466
142 gram: whole 0.040 1.66 207 14564
143 moong 0.091 5.78 456 27864
144 masur 0.112 5.86 411 26577
145 urd 0.084 4.73 389 23549
146 peas 0.052 1.58 149 8282
147 khesari 0.012 0.36 37 1751
148 other pulses 0.033 1.62 159 12344
150 gram products 0.007 0.41 64 3864
151 besan 0.050 2.39 347 19277
152 other pulse products 0.013 0.68 96 6750
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.783 41.58 981 58435
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.333 106.25 780 45501
161 baby food 0.002 0.61 14 1133
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.003 0.76 35 5228
163 curd 0.024 0.88 63 3876
164 ghee 0.017 5.71 97 6926
165 butter 0.000 0.10 5 742

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-190 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.25 27 1820
167 other milk products - 0.35 24 1546
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 114.90 823 50432
170 salt 0.256 2.44 981 58999
171 sugar – PDS 0.113 1.73 337 22354
172 sugar – other sources 0.603 19.77 851 49442
173 gur 0.059 2.01 244 13599
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.11 28 1597
175 honey 0.000 0.06 7 598
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.033 26.13 987 59347
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.020 1.47 60 3794
181 mustard oil 0.304 25.07 527 33406
182 groundnut oil 0.040 3.68 60 3204
183 coconut oil 0.015 1.36 35 2771
184 refined oil 0.227 17.19 357 22024
185 edible oil: others 0.069 4.66 113 5965
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.674 53.44 983 58737
190 eggs (no.) 1.937 6.94 292 19164
191 fish, prawn 0.266 22.77 265 18197
192 goat meat/mutton 0.049 12.11 64 4430
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.042 4.40 40 3945
194 pork 0.009 1.30 11 2571
195 chicken 0.178 20.63 217 13674
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.30 8 1296
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 68.46 549 36197
200 potato 1.965 18.80 911 54912
201 onion 0.842 11.39 959 57199
202 tomato 0.586 9.24 746 45028
203 brinjal 0.428 6.73 578 32809
204 radish 0.147 1.38 172 10417
205 carrot 0.078 1.34 128 8693
206 palak/other 0.590 7.65 612 39257
207 green chillies 0.152 4.94 831 47948
208 lady's finger 0.209 4.32 336 19264
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.105 2.14 155 8044
211 cauliflower 0.284 3.95 284 17209
212 cabbage 0.227 2.88 276 17809
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.359 4.37 332 20901
214 peas 0.096 1.65 111 7151
215 beans, barbati 0.102 2.35 187 12898
216 lemon (no.) 1.211 1.88 290 16818

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-191

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.590 9.57 581 35836
219 vegetables: sub-total - 94.62 987 59303
220 banana (no.) 4.181 8.12 365 23658
221 jackfruit 0.027 0.21 10 827
222 watermelon 0.081 0.81 33 2105
223 pineapple (no.) 0.012 0.17 7 964
224 coconut (no.) 0.488 4.38 208 12478
225 green coconut (no.) 0.063 0.63 27 1630
226 guava 0.088 1.44 91 4717
227 singara 0.008 0.13 10 515
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.401 1.51 53 4885
230 papaya 0.053 0.91 40 2845
231 mango 0.160 4.79 104 6675
232 kharbooza 0.025 0.33 13 716
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.05 2 230
234 berries 0.006 0.09 8 435
235 leechi 0.003 0.18 5 392
236 apple 0.058 4.74 80 6751
237 grapes 0.038 1.97 73 4772
238 other fresh fruits - 1.69 63 4609
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 32.16 661 42095
240 coconut: copra 0.016 1.48 114 6111
241 groundnut 0.063 4.31 217 11725
242 dates 0.006 0.51 21 1557
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.63 16 1517
244 walnut 0.000 0.08 2 323
245 other nuts 0.001 0.21 6 554
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.63 33 2381
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.50 14 1287
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.093 8.36 281 16520
250 ginger (gm) 57.142 3.28 694 42789
251 garlic (gm) 74.142 5.51 896 52528
252 jeera (gm) 28.276 5.53 822 45664
253 dhania (gm) 52.754 5.05 747 40622
254 turmeric (gm) 46.637 7.60 949 56264
255 black pepper (gm) 6.825 2.04 272 14873
256 dry chillies (gm) 71.913 8.87 850 49470
257 tamarind (gm) 28.329 2.39 253 14007
258 curry powder (gm) 12.246 2.25 249 15567
260 oilseeds (gm) 18.255 1.43 446 23694
261 other spices (gm) 34.026 6.12 648 38786

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-192 Appendix A

Table 1R : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 430.543 50.08 986 59068
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.290 12.01 373 23933
271 tea: leaf (gm) 79.925 16.31 861 53531
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.044 0.16 6 369
273 coffee: powder (gm) 2.443 0.66 39 2671
274 mineral water (litre) 0.246 0.22 7 627
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.038 0.89 25 1986
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.010 0.51 14 1349
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.69 23 1827
279 beverages: sub-total - 31.45 940 57254
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.423 13.06 60 4385
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.089 1.81 13 738
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.476 20.41 246 13531
283 cooked snacks purchased - 14.39 447 26603
284 other served processed food - 1.28 49 3136
289 served processed food: sub-total - 50.96 626 36959
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 7.36 173 12269
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 13.77 683 42250
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.066 6.59 349 20643
293 chips (gm) 5.455 0.91 54 4678
294 pickles (gm) 6.019 0.70 64 4348
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.645 0.09 6 592
296 other packaged food - 1.12 48 3685
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 30.54 803 49463
777 total: food group - 756.49 1000 59678

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-193

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.990 2.86 452 1423
102 rice – other sources 6.962 165.30 896 2782
103 chira 0.022 0.71 54 174
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.01 1 4
105 muri 0.027 1.08 94 303
106 other rice products 0.094 2.22 190 634
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.049 0.68 69 189
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.645 16.90 684 2098
110 maida 0.029 0.72 115 371
111 suji, rawa 0.240 5.99 599 1866
112 sewai, noodles 0.044 2.13 188 582
113 bread: bakery 0.035 1.75 176 534
114 other wheat products 0.004 0.10 11 39
115 jowar & its products 0.086 2.24 90 342
116 bajra & its products 0.001 0.02 3 14
117 maize & its products 0.001 0.07 6 20
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.06 10 28
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 3
121 ragi & its products 0.056 1.13 121 392
122 other cereals 0.001 0.06 5 22
129 cereal: sub-total 10.288 204.04 911 2833
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.02 5 14
140 arhar, tur 0.459 29.62 890 2764
141 gram: split 0.072 3.61 436 1358
142 gram: whole 0.009 0.49 56 194
143 moong 0.100 6.94 464 1483
144 masur 0.024 1.37 86 291
145 urd 0.192 13.37 610 1865
146 peas 0.005 0.27 31 90
147 khesari 0.000 0.01 1 6
148 other pulses 0.005 0.27 40 130
150 gram products 0.010 0.56 79 259
151 besan 0.068 3.26 358 1014
152 other pulse products 0.007 0.35 35 106
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.950 60.11 895 2791
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.514 136.30 858 2634
161 baby food 0.004 1.15 16 55
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.39 7 22
163 curd 0.098 4.12 169 445
164 ghee 0.008 2.39 79 256
165 butter 0.000 0.10 2 8

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-194 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.97 59 173
167 other milk products - 0.24 14 34
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 145.65 902 2739
170 salt 0.282 3.03 899 2805
171 sugar – PDS 0.067 1.00 423 1327
172 sugar – other sources 0.514 16.98 842 2587
173 gur 0.045 1.76 225 682
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.09 29 110
175 honey 0.003 0.75 33 121
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.913 23.60 906 2820
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.003 0.23 7 31
181 mustard oil 0.001 0.04 1 3
182 groundnut oil 0.174 14.68 189 534
183 coconut oil 0.002 0.23 4 18
184 refined oil 0.524 41.29 544 1689
185 edible oil: others 0.150 9.03 193 603
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.855 65.50 897 2792
190 eggs (no.) 5.271 16.43 649 1858
191 fish, prawn 0.108 8.80 112 354
192 goat meat/mutton 0.149 46.61 173 509
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.070 8.73 68 144
194 pork 0.002 0.18 3 10
195 chicken 0.440 52.43 500 1461
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.03 1 2
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 133.23 789 2349
200 potato 0.526 7.83 633 1924
201 onion 1.064 14.40 887 2765
202 tomato 1.094 16.08 866 2706
203 brinjal 0.385 6.92 536 1624
204 radish 0.022 0.37 38 133
205 carrot 0.158 4.17 271 824
206 palak/other 0.466 9.71 668 2148
207 green chillies 0.263 6.37 833 2556
208 lady's finger 0.409 9.27 591 1754
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.172 3.24 266 723
211 cauliflower 0.122 2.67 158 485
212 cabbage 0.226 3.69 286 859
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.206 3.40 223 681
214 peas 0.011 0.39 26 85
215 beans, barbati 0.185 4.81 281 883
216 lemon (no.) 2.098 3.29 392 1251

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-195

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.564 11.73 603 1915
219 vegetables: sub-total - 108.40 896 2793
220 banana (no.) 8.240 17.87 617 1831
221 jackfruit 0.003 0.15 1 6
222 watermelon 0.071 1.09 29 117
223 pineapple (no.) 0.105 1.62 21 49
224 coconut (no.) 0.541 5.21 281 894
225 green coconut (no.) 0.450 4.97 134 390
226 guava 0.120 2.19 127 370
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 2
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.289 5.02 150 392
230 papaya 0.034 0.76 27 94
231 mango 0.252 9.33 141 432
232 kharbooza 0.006 0.12 4 15
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 1
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.01 0 1
236 apple 0.148 14.66 177 514
237 grapes 0.123 6.50 183 567
238 other fresh fruits - 2.21 59 194
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 71.71 863 2518
240 coconut: copra 0.057 5.16 382 1153
241 groundnut 0.130 9.15 521 1600
242 dates 0.028 2.32 52 152
243 cashewnut 0.006 2.35 59 198
244 walnut 0.002 0.68 18 51
245 other nuts 0.002 0.79 24 81
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.007 1.59 78 212
247 other dry fruits 0.004 0.70 32 95
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.236 22.75 618 1874
250 ginger (gm) 85.759 5.04 834 2530
251 garlic (gm) 88.078 7.14 866 2672
252 jeera (gm) 36.227 6.69 826 2544
253 dhania (gm) 62.579 5.98 781 2435
254 turmeric (gm) 44.632 6.88 874 2715
255 black pepper (gm) 3.609 0.83 109 350
256 dry chillies (gm) 118.427 14.20 859 2673
257 tamarind (gm) 160.747 13.01 863 2671
258 curry powder (gm) 29.247 4.44 416 1232
260 oilseeds (gm) 36.074 3.60 733 2256
261 other spices (gm) 38.442 7.15 717 2165

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-196 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 703.820 74.99 896 2792
270 tea: cups (no.) 6.466 25.01 475 1433
271 tea: leaf (gm) 75.743 19.77 733 2305
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.104 0.57 10 33
273 coffee: powder (gm) 9.879 3.41 106 349
274 mineral water (litre) 3.118 3.59 76 222
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.078 2.98 69 211
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.048 2.68 63 139
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 4.59 94 224
279 beverages: sub-total - 62.60 944 2816
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.595 47.15 146 318
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.089 2.70 9 36
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.006 12.02 61 194
283 cooked snacks purchased - 48.04 566 1641
284 other served processed food - 3.66 61 167
289 served processed food: sub-total - 113.57 649 1880
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 12.61 184 540
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 20.50 451 1323
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.073 7.90 226 642
293 chips (gm) 11.997 2.29 91 271
294 pickles (gm) 22.697 2.95 166 539
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 3.250 0.73 23 62
296 other packaged food - 2.51 55 168
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 49.48 711 2111
777 total: food group - 1135.65 1000 2971

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-197

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 4.210 42.11 543 346
102 rice – other sources 6.926 133.89 735 435
103 chira 0.071 1.86 97 67
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.07 5 3
105 muri 0.015 0.63 55 32
106 other rice products 0.009 0.14 6 4
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.101 1.72 58 42
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.598 13.21 408 246
110 maida 0.082 2.23 75 58
111 suji, rawa 0.021 0.66 61 37
112 sewai, noodles 0.049 2.67 119 74
113 bread: bakery 0.149 2.35 158 118
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.08 8 3
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.032 0.59 45 24
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.070 1.68 41 18
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.023 0.66 31 23
129 cereal: sub-total 12.359 204.56 1000 608
139 cereal substitutes 0.075 1.68 65 32
140 arhar, tur 0.056 4.10 147 87
141 gram: split 0.027 1.52 87 43
142 gram: whole 0.011 0.52 46 27
143 moong 0.088 6.63 276 191
144 masur 0.327 22.46 796 470
145 urd 0.004 0.25 13 8
146 peas 0.032 1.33 91 51
147 khesari 0.000 0.01 2 2
148 other pulses 0.021 1.06 49 22
150 gram products 0.002 0.09 4 4
151 besan 0.009 0.59 62 33
152 other pulse products 0.026 1.20 45 32
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.604 39.76 955 566
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.384 35.78 281 168
161 baby food 0.014 4.02 33 24
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.100 24.95 518 338
163 curd 0.001 0.16 6 8
164 ghee 0.016 4.26 103 76
165 butter 0.011 2.68 107 73

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-198 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.62 19 11
167 other milk products - 4.40 71 47
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 76.87 821 516
170 salt 0.297 3.18 977 591
171 sugar – PDS 0.218 4.20 341 223
172 sugar – other sources 0.361 14.15 651 393
173 gur 0.006 0.24 24 14
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.008 0.47 19 16
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.890 22.24 996 604
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.004 0.35 7 4
181 mustard oil 0.377 37.23 720 418
182 groundnut oil 0.007 0.64 9 4
183 coconut oil 0.001 0.16 4 2
184 refined oil 0.175 15.66 181 113
185 edible oil: others 0.071 7.14 97 56
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.635 61.20 912 538
190 eggs (no.) 6.772 29.28 473 286
191 fish, prawn 0.647 86.91 578 342
192 goat meat/mutton 0.102 20.67 94 67
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.344 36.81 228 116
194 pork 0.125 19.88 112 75
195 chicken 0.375 64.69 333 223
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.016 1.00 11 11
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 259.25 908 550
200 potato 2.060 28.49 909 543
201 onion 0.540 14.70 851 504
202 tomato 0.689 20.44 683 412
203 brinjal 0.452 10.21 487 272
204 radish 0.108 1.92 111 58
205 carrot 0.039 1.07 52 35
206 palak/other 2.346 33.71 728 422
207 green chillies 0.210 13.06 753 434
208 lady's finger 0.093 2.88 111 64
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.037 1.34 39 27
211 cauliflower 0.325 8.56 245 174
212 cabbage 0.490 9.06 351 225
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.187 2.87 118 63
214 peas 0.036 1.24 40 26
215 beans, barbati 0.098 3.00 108 68
216 lemon (no.) 0.526 1.26 125 80

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-199

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.060 18.68 432 229
219 vegetables: sub-total - 172.47 980 591
220 banana (no.) 5.633 12.77 341 210
221 jackfruit 0.038 0.41 6 3
222 watermelon 0.012 0.15 6 2
223 pineapple (no.) 0.199 2.58 123 47
224 coconut (no.) 0.012 0.31 10 6
225 green coconut (no.) 0.001 0.04 1 1
226 guava 0.032 0.64 32 8
227 singara 0.093 0.59 7 4
228 orange, mausami (no.) 3.023 8.50 184 93
230 papaya 0.026 0.59 18 10
231 mango 0.001 0.04 1 1
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.014 0.20 10 4
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.013 1.10 12 8
236 apple 0.236 26.11 202 154
237 grapes 0.015 1.70 16 13
238 other fresh fruits - 4.36 74 44
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 60.10 614 359
240 coconut: copra 0.028 1.02 20 4
241 groundnut 0.021 1.46 32 13
242 dates 0.003 0.56 17 5
243 cashewnut 0.004 1.26 26 9
244 walnut 0.001 0.13 12 1
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.84 28 15
247 other dry fruits 0.051 3.05 28 22
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.110 8.31 97 56
250 ginger (gm) 132.056 9.19 566 340
251 garlic (gm) 92.845 11.90 678 394
252 jeera (gm) 25.312 4.96 299 180
253 dhania (gm) 41.998 5.40 278 166
254 turmeric (gm) 35.208 5.78 529 309
255 black pepper (gm) 3.517 0.76 54 34
256 dry chillies (gm) 16.933 2.43 203 123
257 tamarind (gm) 4.891 0.51 36 19
258 curry powder (gm) 8.127 1.88 108 71
260 oilseeds (gm) 1.904 0.25 24 15
261 other spices (gm) 52.254 9.62 367 204

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-200 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 415.044 52.66 875 518
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.358 24.40 351 231
271 tea: leaf (gm) 141.128 28.08 859 498
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.051 0.51 9 5
273 coffee: powder (gm) 10.039 2.07 23 14
274 mineral water (litre) 0.059 0.97 13 8
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.160 9.49 84 59
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.097 5.88 44 32
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.73 28 20
279 beverages: sub-total - 74.13 911 540
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.186 8.70 30 18
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.126 3.11 8 5
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.169 2.70 26 7
283 cooked snacks purchased - 24.18 306 199
284 other served processed food - 1.77 29 20
289 served processed food: sub-total - 40.45 355 222
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 17.81 281 167
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 27.45 632 366
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.057 6.90 178 107
293 chips (gm) 16.351 3.60 137 78
294 pickles (gm) 27.627 4.33 129 87
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 7.478 0.71 24 17
296 other packaged food - 3.73 61 43
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 64.50 734 443
777 total: food group - 1138.17 1000 608

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-201

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.146 9.49 265 216
102 rice – other sources 8.429 172.80 905 761
103 chira 0.138 3.82 384 284
104 khoi, lawa 0.005 0.19 17 11
105 muri 0.088 3.58 387 307
106 other rice products 0.006 0.28 28 8
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.009 0.15 14 15
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.814 16.40 692 565
110 maida 0.067 1.49 220 177
111 suji, rawa 0.053 1.53 246 214
112 sewai, noodles 0.042 3.68 245 194
113 bread: bakery 0.118 4.79 384 314
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.13 13 4
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.003 0.28 13 9
129 cereal: sub-total 10.920 218.62 961 801
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.043 2.87 198 187
141 gram: split 0.058 2.76 279 207
142 gram: whole 0.035 1.64 156 166
143 moong 0.163 11.14 597 436
144 masur 0.389 21.75 927 769
145 urd 0.035 1.68 159 150
146 peas 0.021 0.73 106 134
147 khesari 0.001 0.03 5 7
148 other pulses 0.005 0.31 44 45
150 gram products 0.002 0.09 5 5
151 besan 0.025 1.38 189 150
152 other pulse products 0.007 0.67 91 93
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.783 45.06 973 803
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.740 54.74 532 414
161 baby food 0.017 5.66 48 34
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.056 13.04 342 276
163 curd 0.051 3.21 138 85
164 ghee 0.015 3.79 128 111
165 butter 0.009 2.27 170 104

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-202 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.57 31 42
167 other milk products - 0.84 30 47
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 84.13 784 638
170 salt 0.271 3.03 953 793
171 sugar – PDS 0.225 3.72 406 367
172 sugar – other sources 0.325 11.61 698 578
173 gur 0.032 1.37 168 129
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.05 11 4
175 honey 0.002 0.71 51 41
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.856 20.49 961 800
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.018 1.46 36 23
181 mustard oil 0.564 50.84 890 743
182 groundnut oil 0.005 0.46 6 5
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 1
184 refined oil 0.115 11.28 277 223
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.09 2 3
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.703 64.13 960 798
190 eggs (no.) 5.441 22.24 616 483
191 fish, prawn 0.767 103.05 750 607
192 goat meat/mutton 0.055 13.67 116 81
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.041 5.51 53 38
194 pork 0.019 3.07 30 45
195 chicken 0.308 46.59 353 288
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.008 0.98 10 8
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 195.10 911 741
200 potato 1.873 21.57 956 797
201 onion 0.594 11.26 951 783
202 tomato 0.434 9.94 639 484
203 brinjal 0.454 8.66 584 491
204 radish 0.087 0.88 100 103
205 carrot 0.059 1.41 138 107
206 palak/other 0.788 9.85 714 565
207 green chillies 0.165 9.82 856 733
208 lady's finger 0.160 3.88 245 187
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.193 5.52 283 239
211 cauliflower 0.368 5.82 346 231
212 cabbage 0.390 5.10 326 290
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.512 7.33 408 343
214 peas 0.018 0.42 44 36
215 beans, barbati 0.133 3.51 242 218
216 lemon (no.) 2.307 4.93 378 287

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-203

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.657 11.32 605 531
219 vegetables: sub-total - 121.27 960 798
220 banana (no.) 5.700 12.03 398 345
221 jackfruit 0.028 0.38 18 17
222 watermelon 0.032 0.57 34 20
223 pineapple (no.) 0.089 1.85 52 38
224 coconut (no.) 0.091 1.68 34 34
225 green coconut (no.) 0.064 1.00 31 11
226 guava 0.020 0.45 25 33
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 1
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.948 4.12 164 140
230 papaya 0.075 1.66 54 61
231 mango 0.132 8.09 151 101
232 kharbooza 0.004 0.28 4 1
233 pears/nashpati 0.014 0.35 15 8
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.003 0.26 8 9
236 apple 0.136 16.17 171 136
237 grapes 0.020 2.45 66 52
238 other fresh fruits - 0.53 23 24
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 51.87 687 568
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.004 0.59 25 36
242 dates 0.011 1.29 45 34
243 cashewnut 0.012 5.59 58 52
244 walnut 0.000 0.09 1 2
245 other nuts 0.000 0.05 3 4
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.012 3.07 109 82
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.15 6 14
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.039 10.82 195 160
250 ginger (gm) 93.814 5.56 905 733
251 garlic (gm) 91.528 8.41 872 690
252 jeera (gm) 30.327 6.99 781 634
253 dhania (gm) 19.878 3.23 493 354
254 turmeric (gm) 58.054 12.05 927 771
255 black pepper (gm) 3.886 1.17 137 107
256 dry chillies (gm) 22.326 3.03 439 413
257 tamarind (gm) 0.327 0.05 6 11
258 curry powder (gm) 11.503 3.14 314 203
260 oilseeds (gm) 6.439 0.85 135 122
261 other spices (gm) 22.446 4.26 499 445

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-204 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 360.530 48.78 959 796
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.738 20.45 552 483
271 tea: leaf (gm) 131.601 21.95 936 785
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.131 1.57 32 11
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.128 0.06 3 5
274 mineral water (litre) 0.030 0.46 25 23
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.031 1.63 30 42
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.061 5.04 92 42
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.66 34 33
279 beverages: sub-total - 51.83 982 822
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.740 17.86 99 80
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.161 2.54 14 10
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.658 5.39 80 88
283 cooked snacks purchased - 35.75 615 471
284 other served processed food - 0.50 26 25
289 served processed food: sub-total - 62.03 706 543
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 17.62 379 290
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 30.62 954 790
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.082 10.78 369 334
293 chips (gm) 25.731 5.32 224 157
294 pickles (gm) 18.876 2.86 179 122
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 9.168 1.47 70 50
296 other packaged food - 0.84 39 33
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 69.51 979 813
777 total: food group - 1043.63 1000 832

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-205

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.582 4.04 190 293
102 rice – other sources 4.784 99.16 948 1197
103 chira 0.180 3.94 514 705
104 khoi, lawa 0.006 0.14 21 21
105 muri 0.039 1.24 174 283
106 other rice products 0.002 0.07 5 8
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.414 2.38 189 306
108 wheat/atta – other sources 5.098 70.52 964 1212
110 maida 0.063 1.18 252 334
111 suji, rawa 0.055 1.11 356 475
112 sewai, noodles 0.031 1.43 254 346
113 bread: bakery 0.027 1.03 163 190
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.05 7 8
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 2
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 1 1
117 maize & its products 0.018 0.26 34 66
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 1 1
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.007 0.17 25 35
129 cereal: sub-total 11.309 186.73 989 1258
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.01 7 6
140 arhar, tur 0.147 9.82 464 589
141 gram: split 0.158 7.29 587 722
142 gram: whole 0.069 2.58 304 364
143 moong 0.070 4.51 305 387
144 masur 0.284 12.77 826 1031
145 urd 0.004 0.17 19 38
146 peas 0.018 0.61 60 81
147 khesari 0.006 0.20 21 38
148 other pulses 0.008 0.35 34 43
150 gram products 0.012 0.83 77 86
151 besan 0.043 2.33 380 456
152 other pulse products 0.004 0.20 33 52
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.822 41.68 986 1255
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.080 104.23 862 1102
161 baby food 0.003 0.66 17 29
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.000 0.02 3 4
163 curd 0.014 0.76 82 96
164 ghee 0.011 3.78 133 166
165 butter 0.000 0.08 8 11

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-206 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.63 60 66
167 other milk products - 0.15 8 13
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 110.30 871 1119
170 salt 0.249 2.65 969 1246
171 sugar – PDS 0.013 0.40 22 23
172 sugar – other sources 0.502 16.93 941 1207
173 gur 0.017 0.57 95 140
174 candy, misri 0.003 0.13 49 65
175 honey 0.000 0.03 5 18
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.783 20.72 984 1254
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.019 1.36 81 103
181 mustard oil 0.562 47.21 963 1219
182 groundnut oil 0.003 0.28 6 8
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.03 1 4
184 refined oil 0.097 8.09 276 338
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.09 4 8
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.682 57.07 985 1254
190 eggs (no.) 1.213 5.34 165 213
191 fish, prawn 0.187 18.68 226 290
192 goat meat/mutton 0.058 13.04 82 108
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.035 2.68 32 28
194 pork 0.001 0.11 2 5
195 chicken 0.170 18.16 208 266
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.08 1 3
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 58.08 544 684
200 potato 3.361 30.90 985 1254
201 onion 1.156 14.17 960 1218
202 tomato 0.390 6.33 545 670
203 brinjal 0.514 7.49 563 749
204 radish 0.167 1.39 215 265
205 carrot 0.023 0.33 37 56
206 palak/other 0.522 4.91 433 552
207 green chillies 0.085 3.50 749 896
208 lady's finger 0.376 6.47 381 490
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.326 6.12 343 477
211 cauliflower 0.609 7.06 431 502
212 cabbage 0.317 3.06 280 359
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.373 3.37 248 331
214 peas 0.164 3.09 218 213
215 beans, barbati 0.033 0.61 51 68
216 lemon (no.) 1.008 1.77 380 454

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-207

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.472 6.75 345 449
219 vegetables: sub-total - 107.33 985 1254
220 banana (no.) 3.740 4.44 294 377
221 jackfruit 0.002 0.03 2 8
222 watermelon 0.069 0.77 41 63
223 pineapple (no.) 0.003 0.09 3 7
224 coconut (no.) 0.013 0.22 12 21
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.01 0 2
226 guava 0.100 1.81 122 173
227 singara 0.008 0.27 14 22
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.414 1.78 57 83
230 papaya 0.032 0.59 31 41
231 mango 0.243 8.95 118 138
232 kharbooza 0.009 0.10 5 11
233 pears/nashpati 0.005 0.34 7 5
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 1
235 leechi 0.024 1.12 27 44
236 apple 0.112 8.20 176 234
237 grapes 0.043 2.64 83 111
238 other fresh fruits - 1.00 31 38
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 32.39 628 794
240 coconut: copra 0.002 0.21 22 41
241 groundnut 0.007 0.48 46 62
242 dates 0.003 0.26 14 17
243 cashewnut 0.004 1.62 33 58
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.06 5 11
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.015 3.16 118 181
247 other dry fruits 0.004 0.92 26 40
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.035 6.71 160 246
250 ginger (gm) 30.774 2.00 515 684
251 garlic (gm) 65.446 4.29 875 1105
252 jeera (gm) 25.595 5.20 907 1160
253 dhania (gm) 55.679 4.72 932 1180
254 turmeric (gm) 58.734 7.60 971 1234
255 black pepper (gm) 15.514 5.09 636 773
256 dry chillies (gm) 44.816 5.12 874 1099
257 tamarind (gm) 1.415 0.10 31 38
258 curry powder (gm) 5.522 1.20 126 182
260 oilseeds (gm) 20.594 1.25 360 426
261 other spices (gm) 28.034 4.80 556 715

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-208 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 352.123 41.38 985 1254
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.916 12.75 373 474
271 tea: leaf (gm) 66.817 12.66 783 1029
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.009 0.06 2 4
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.114 0.07 4 11
274 mineral water (litre) 0.014 0.18 7 7
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.014 0.49 16 32
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.016 1.14 36 25
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.48 22 27
279 beverages: sub-total - 27.83 923 1157
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.272 5.83 43 57
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.078 1.01 10 9
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.083 8.80 104 177
283 cooked snacks purchased - 16.47 599 634
284 other served processed food - 1.83 76 100
289 served processed food: sub-total - 33.94 691 799
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 12.76 254 336
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 14.55 764 972
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.068 6.84 386 518
293 chips (gm) 2.999 0.53 38 46
294 pickles (gm) 2.684 0.31 33 39
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 5.103 0.65 30 26
296 other packaged food - 1.29 49 56
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 36.93 859 1085
777 total: food group - 761.11 1000 1270

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-209

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items
Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.575 8.26 415 253
102 rice – other sources 6.123 117.49 841 636
103 chira 0.164 4.31 408 350
104 khoi, lawa 0.005 0.16 31 31
105 muri 0.013 0.45 77 60
106 other rice products 0.001 0.02 6 7
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.563 2.12 247 156
108 wheat/atta – other sources 1.572 27.39 566 469
110 maida 0.041 0.96 123 91
111 suji, rawa 0.071 1.77 319 234
112 sewai, noodles 0.022 1.42 142 129
113 bread: bakery 0.028 0.98 148 131
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.03 7 8
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.002 0.04 16 15
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.04 4 1
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.02 2 11
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.018 0.48 31 25
129 cereal: sub-total 11.198 165.93 941 704
139 cereal substitutes 0.003 0.17 29 27
140 arhar, tur 0.584 33.14 816 616
141 gram: split 0.033 1.46 185 140
142 gram: whole 0.044 1.71 229 204
143 moong 0.026 1.65 151 135
144 masur 0.048 2.19 186 168
145 urd 0.062 3.29 242 201
146 peas 0.004 0.16 53 52
147 khesari 0.050 1.49 110 72
148 other pulses 0.018 0.58 54 48
150 gram products 0.001 0.04 5 8
151 besan 0.085 3.66 421 354
152 other pulse products 0.007 0.50 69 50
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.963 49.85 932 700
160 milk: liquid (litre) 2.417 60.01 468 391
161 baby food 0.003 0.61 20 13
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.32 23 16
163 curd 0.025 1.10 141 119
164 ghee 0.007 2.98 59 55
165 butter 0.000 0.01 1 1

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-210 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items
Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.51 64 52
167 other milk products - 0.32 52 35
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 66.86 538 444
170 salt 0.299 3.19 935 699
171 sugar – PDS 0.096 1.39 356 237
172 sugar – other sources 0.698 22.26 891 652
173 gur 0.013 0.44 75 78
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.02 8 4
175 honey 0.001 0.20 29 22
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.106 27.49 941 704
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.006 0.57 18 20
181 mustard oil 0.057 4.57 111 85
182 groundnut oil 0.025 1.88 27 20
183 coconut oil 0.002 0.12 2 1
184 refined oil 0.662 49.35 836 645
185 edible oil: others 0.007 0.52 21 15
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.759 57.01 938 703
190 eggs (no.) 1.407 5.01 196 153
191 fish, prawn 0.103 10.05 121 124
192 goat meat/mutton 0.032 6.88 35 32
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.00 0 0
194 pork 0.001 0.10 2 2
195 chicken 0.265 27.47 294 202
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.12 1 1
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 49.62 453 355
200 potato 1.480 16.88 939 699
201 onion 0.923 12.42 927 690
202 tomato 1.623 22.54 932 692
203 brinjal 0.462 7.26 537 413
204 radish 0.213 2.22 209 184
205 carrot 0.065 1.40 78 61
206 palak/other 0.842 11.77 667 525
207 green chillies 0.185 5.88 876 645
208 lady's finger 0.316 7.21 337 303
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.148 2.65 195 149
211 cauliflower 0.469 9.05 455 347
212 cabbage 0.477 6.26 481 316
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.518 6.74 450 358
214 peas 0.190 3.47 204 130
215 beans, barbati 0.334 6.94 384 311
216 lemon (no.) 1.333 2.23 260 220

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-211

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items
Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.706 11.29 585 465
219 vegetables: sub-total - 136.23 942 705
220 banana (no.) 3.411 7.68 289 218
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 1
222 watermelon 0.057 0.84 26 21
223 pineapple (no.) 0.013 0.26 10 7
224 coconut (no.) 0.422 4.10 336 244
225 green coconut (no.) 0.054 0.46 34 18
226 guava 0.031 0.56 34 33
227 singara 0.009 0.20 14 8
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.822 2.83 78 48
230 papaya 0.033 0.71 32 34
231 mango 0.227 7.45 151 120
232 kharbooza 0.042 0.57 22 9
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.017 0.24 20 21
235 leechi 0.013 1.20 16 10
236 apple 0.096 8.61 146 112
237 grapes 0.047 3.41 71 55
238 other fresh fruits - 1.32 33 29
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 40.41 725 514
240 coconut: copra 0.001 0.19 10 11
241 groundnut 0.056 3.27 221 152
242 dates 0.002 0.20 12 10
243 cashewnut 0.004 1.85 54 46
244 walnut 0.001 0.29 12 6
245 other nuts 0.001 0.41 4 3
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.006 1.22 81 67
247 other dry fruits 0.004 0.72 33 20
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.075 8.14 252 190
250 ginger (gm) 74.899 4.54 726 563
251 garlic (gm) 75.176 5.92 808 615
252 jeera (gm) 22.295 4.30 634 516
253 dhania (gm) 63.993 7.52 888 661
254 turmeric (gm) 58.153 8.92 906 684
255 black pepper (gm) 3.148 1.01 108 72
256 dry chillies (gm) 49.929 6.21 789 599
257 tamarind (gm) 4.796 0.33 62 54
258 curry powder (gm) 10.318 1.94 226 197
260 oilseeds (gm) 8.003 0.79 205 192
261 other spices (gm) 32.925 5.76 586 478

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-212 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items
Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 403.635 47.30 940 703
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.552 10.25 314 239
271 tea: leaf (gm) 76.726 16.41 911 687
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.031 0.35 11 9
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.550 0.40 13 10
274 mineral water (litre) 0.028 0.37 23 25
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.021 0.93 39 28
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.049 2.05 76 54
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.55 45 42
279 beverages: sub-total - 32.30 965 710
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.552 14.45 49 31
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.088 4.05 12 11
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.015 21.38 179 128
283 cooked snacks purchased - 25.14 638 509
284 other served processed food - 1.69 83 70
289 served processed food: sub-total - 66.71 726 568
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 10.57 161 116
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 17.15 709 548
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.064 6.69 304 277
293 chips (gm) 6.196 1.43 77 71
294 pickles (gm) 3.554 0.64 38 42
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 3.264 0.79 33 23
296 other packaged food - 2.64 53 35
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 39.90 797 616
777 total: food group - 787.92 1000 734

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-213

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.121 0.94 70 51
102 rice – other sources 1.951 55.60 896 765
103 chira 0.020 0.64 29 13
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.18 22 14
105 muri 0.001 0.05 12 8
106 other rice products 0.008 0.10 10 8
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.464 3.04 92 72
108 wheat/atta – other sources 4.983 90.72 908 775
110 maida 0.020 0.48 71 53
111 suji, rawa 0.032 0.99 187 155
112 sewai, noodles 0.015 1.23 159 139
113 bread: bakery 0.310 9.91 664 551
114 other wheat products 0.016 0.39 45 33
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.01 1 1
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.01 1 1
117 maize & its products 0.018 0.53 29 25
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.010 0.28 26 18
129 cereal: sub-total 7.972 165.10 929 797
139 cereal substitutes 0.001 0.05 10 11
140 arhar, tur 0.206 14.79 812 698
141 gram: split 0.112 5.71 673 578
142 gram: whole 0.066 3.96 371 330
143 moong 0.137 9.97 732 603
144 masur 0.147 8.76 743 622
145 urd 0.071 5.00 458 373
146 peas 0.003 0.18 22 21
147 khesari 0.000 0.01 1 1
148 other pulses 0.081 5.37 442 387
150 gram products 0.006 0.35 40 31
151 besan 0.078 4.29 561 490
152 other pulse products 0.017 1.18 152 129
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.925 59.58 924 794
160 milk: liquid (litre) 8.480 275.56 919 787
161 baby food 0.012 2.26 48 38
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.000 0.09 4 4
163 curd 0.058 3.11 184 164
164 ghee 0.108 34.91 525 427
165 butter 0.018 4.91 256 211

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-214 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 3.10 160 149
167 other milk products - 4.40 183 161
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 328.33 925 792
170 salt 0.200 2.72 926 795
171 sugar – PDS 0.020 0.34 17 21
172 sugar – other sources 0.950 32.64 909 776
173 gur 0.016 0.64 71 62
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.05 9 10
175 honey 0.002 0.65 45 39
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.189 37.04 932 802
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.078 6.48 115 104
181 mustard oil 0.480 39.87 664 571
182 groundnut oil 0.001 0.11 2 3
183 coconut oil 0.001 0.08 3 4
184 refined oil 0.324 29.69 536 445
185 edible oil: others 0.003 0.64 8 5
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.887 76.87 925 794
190 eggs (no.) 3.006 11.42 298 234
191 fish, prawn 0.037 4.13 51 38
192 goat meat/mutton 0.045 12.83 56 54
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.006 0.38 6 9
194 pork 0.001 0.21 1 2
195 chicken 0.212 30.68 236 187
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 59.63 443 349
200 potato 1.834 20.97 924 792
201 onion 0.944 16.17 901 772
202 tomato 0.857 16.79 906 779
203 brinjal 0.301 6.17 384 335
204 radish 0.327 3.53 322 265
205 carrot 0.223 3.52 264 211
206 palak/other 0.502 9.38 480 391
207 green chillies 0.106 5.04 729 645
208 lady's finger 0.276 8.39 330 303
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.114 3.31 165 147
211 cauliflower 0.550 11.51 556 470
212 cabbage 0.216 3.75 232 206
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.422 7.94 401 338
214 peas 0.332 7.79 366 284
215 beans, barbati 0.099 2.89 160 135
216 lemon (no.) 2.158 5.41 487 414

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-215

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.444 11.68 586 498
219 vegetables: sub-total - 144.23 926 796
220 banana (no.) 5.718 16.54 497 442
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.089 1.46 43 33
223 pineapple (no.) 0.005 0.15 5 6
224 coconut (no.) 0.012 0.26 9 10
225 green coconut (no.) 0.086 2.41 30 21
226 guava 0.131 3.08 136 124
227 singara 0.034 0.80 35 32
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.685 6.09 156 130
230 papaya 0.190 5.28 129 109
231 mango 0.158 6.88 137 123
232 kharbooza 0.028 0.71 19 16
233 pears/nashpati 0.014 0.42 13 12
234 berries 0.003 0.12 4 2
235 leechi 0.011 0.77 12 14
236 apple 0.199 15.47 217 206
237 grapes 0.073 4.87 115 96
238 other fresh fruits - 2.55 53 35
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 67.86 812 710
240 coconut: copra 0.003 0.33 13 17
241 groundnut 0.050 4.35 177 139
242 dates 0.003 0.27 12 12
243 cashewnut 0.010 5.24 84 89
244 walnut 0.002 0.87 12 11
245 other nuts 0.007 3.09 58 52
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.013 3.67 101 102
247 other dry fruits 0.004 1.80 28 27
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.092 19.61 275 239
250 ginger (gm) 91.715 5.48 773 648
251 garlic (gm) 53.412 5.18 702 581
252 jeera (gm) 41.625 9.50 847 725
253 dhania (gm) 52.373 7.92 847 716
254 turmeric (gm) 47.451 9.21 856 735
255 black pepper (gm) 11.569 3.80 353 302
256 dry chillies (gm) 51.175 9.25 753 637
257 tamarind (gm) 1.128 0.15 14 8
258 curry powder (gm) 16.729 4.64 347 288
260 oilseeds (gm) 1.739 0.28 35 25
261 other spices (gm) 36.886 10.20 603 526

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-216 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 405.803 65.65 924 793
270 tea: cups (no.) 6.781 33.55 611 525
271 tea: leaf (gm) 93.511 25.57 889 763
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.105 1.31 19 18
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.859 1.06 23 24
274 mineral water (litre) 0.128 1.54 46 38
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.229 8.98 233 194
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.115 7.83 119 119
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.11 40 38
279 beverages: sub-total - 81.94 990 869
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.391 62.23 163 166
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.222 7.30 18 20
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.644 5.69 56 46
283 cooked snacks purchased - 65.25 812 702
284 other served processed food - 8.19 157 133
289 served processed food: sub-total - 148.65 897 782
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 33.64 334 271
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 29.07 825 736
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.137 19.68 690 570
293 chips (gm) 12.467 3.03 121 107
294 pickles (gm) 11.639 1.43 120 126
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 7.308 1.25 67 62
296 other packaged food - 4.31 166 123
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 92.39 945 826
777 total: food group - 1346.93 1000 882

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-217

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.462 12.45 455 150
102 rice – other sources 4.536 112.53 914 259
103 chira 0.132 3.99 358 93
104 khoi, lawa 0.005 0.15 14 3
105 muri 0.007 0.34 28 6
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.231 1.85 235 70
108 wheat/atta – other sources 1.509 34.74 810 233
110 maida 0.029 0.70 111 25
111 suji, rawa 0.300 7.27 744 214
112 sewai, noodles 0.039 2.65 211 53
113 bread: bakery 0.242 13.30 406 117
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.020 0.35 16 6
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.01 2 1
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.004 0.08 8 2
121 ragi & its products 0.037 0.87 70 16
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 8.553 191.27 966 284
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.220 13.48 888 258
141 gram: split 0.013 0.50 53 21
142 gram: whole 0.171 5.80 614 174
143 moong 0.144 9.58 748 210
144 masur 0.141 7.35 639 176
145 urd 0.036 2.53 246 64
146 peas 0.009 0.32 65 17
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.064 3.18 333 85
150 gram products 0.001 0.07 9 6
151 besan 0.041 1.95 260 80
152 other pulse products 0.015 0.89 102 31
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.856 45.64 955 278
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.738 188.03 909 259
161 baby food 0.028 12.47 58 13
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.014 3.44 40 12
163 curd 0.009 0.45 65 19
164 ghee 0.033 9.69 267 78
165 butter 0.010 2.84 220 63

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-218 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 6.92 246 67
167 other milk products - 1.05 28 8
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 224.89 947 267
170 salt 0.227 2.90 958 281
171 sugar – PDS 0.004 0.11 11 4
172 sugar – other sources 0.807 25.33 954 275
173 gur 0.069 2.72 371 108
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.03 10 2
175 honey 0.001 0.28 17 4
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.108 31.37 978 285
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.095 8.40 291 87
181 mustard oil 0.002 0.24 8 1
182 groundnut oil 0.009 0.83 19 4
183 coconut oil 0.005 0.56 16 6
184 refined oil 0.573 46.18 763 218
185 edible oil: others 0.112 8.57 189 56
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.797 64.77 961 282
190 eggs (no.) 6.386 21.48 648 183
191 fish, prawn 1.700 234.68 809 232
192 goat meat/mutton 0.064 15.99 46 11
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.022 3.48 16 5
194 pork 0.008 1.21 8 2
195 chicken 0.496 49.83 384 112
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.030 2.31 17 6
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 328.95 867 251
200 potato 0.660 10.92 853 251
201 onion 1.395 19.94 953 280
202 tomato 0.743 13.89 906 268
203 brinjal 0.095 2.22 113 33
204 radish 0.108 2.57 135 38
205 carrot 0.064 2.24 164 41
206 palak/other 0.593 10.48 593 186
207 green chillies 0.167 7.59 826 233
208 lady's finger 0.188 4.32 290 73
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.038 1.08 67 10
211 cauliflower 0.255 5.37 284 78
212 cabbage 0.401 5.77 460 136
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.018 0.50 40 10
214 peas 0.019 0.69 41 12
215 beans, barbati 0.203 2.96 201 58
216 lemon (no.) 2.468 4.83 360 109

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-219

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.166 4.31 239 73
219 vegetables: sub-total - 99.65 962 283
220 banana (no.) 9.204 22.02 620 166
221 jackfruit 0.009 0.31 8 2
222 watermelon 0.125 2.36 31 8
223 pineapple (no.) 0.083 1.38 29 11
224 coconut (no.) 5.670 57.76 818 240
225 green coconut (no.) 0.306 3.12 42 18
226 guava 0.001 0.07 1 1
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.083 9.55 113 30
230 papaya 0.072 2.05 51 14
231 mango 0.097 15.16 73 22
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.12 1 1
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.001 0.16 1 1
236 apple 0.268 29.50 292 75
237 grapes 0.115 7.29 162 46
238 other fresh fruits - 3.69 74 22
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 154.57 938 275
240 coconut: copra 0.007 0.88 6 1
241 groundnut 0.005 0.30 17 5
242 dates 0.004 0.68 25 5
243 cashewnut 0.015 7.42 190 55
244 walnut 0.002 1.07 39 16
245 other nuts 0.002 1.54 19 4
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.010 4.18 38 10
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.81 53 15
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.048 16.87 222 63
250 ginger (gm) 64.208 5.58 848 249
251 garlic (gm) 79.072 9.85 883 257
252 jeera (gm) 23.946 5.38 744 211
253 dhania (gm) 47.027 5.48 672 199
254 turmeric (gm) 37.768 7.45 852 248
255 black pepper (gm) 6.264 1.44 126 39
256 dry chillies (gm) 92.477 17.82 691 193
257 tamarind (gm) 37.487 4.24 510 143
258 curry powder (gm) 49.546 12.81 371 108
260 oilseeds (gm) 21.471 2.11 390 116
261 other spices (gm) 62.639 9.08 593 181

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-220 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 521.905 81.46 962 283
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.197 5.69 139 31
271 tea: leaf (gm) 149.137 29.57 934 268
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.139 0.76 26 9
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.904 1.85 63 15
274 mineral water (litre) 0.024 0.34 21 5
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.139 6.82 187 59
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.052 4.85 50 13
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.00 0 0
279 beverages: sub-total - 49.88 995 286
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.115 44.47 102 20
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.406 14.32 46 11
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.500 7.50 39 11
283 cooked snacks purchased - 30.55 458 132
284 other served processed food - 4.65 47 11
289 served processed food: sub-total - 101.48 592 164
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 3.15 47 11
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 37.92 815 230
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.024 3.04 240 73
293 chips (gm) 19.485 2.94 175 49
294 pickles (gm) 33.405 3.88 389 109
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 16.988 2.81 131 31
296 other packaged food - 2.42 71 21
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 56.20 870 247
777 total: food group - 1447.01 1000 288

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-221

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.070 0.32 50 121
102 rice – other sources 1.765 44.80 923 1604
103 chira 0.104 3.44 423 754
104 khoi, lawa 0.008 0.25 26 51
105 muri 0.081 3.05 358 701
106 other rice products 0.021 0.42 18 44
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.168 0.97 57 143
108 wheat/atta – other sources 4.814 83.10 933 1607
110 maida 0.031 0.80 142 275
111 suji, rawa 0.059 1.67 360 664
112 sewai, noodles 0.017 1.22 119 226
113 bread: bakery 0.041 1.94 213 400
114 other wheat products 0.005 0.10 3 7
115 jowar & its products 0.103 2.31 80 162
116 bajra & its products 0.561 7.95 368 703
117 maize & its products 0.032 0.59 61 132
118 barley & its products 0.003 0.05 3 7
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.01 2 9
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.004 0.14 16 31
129 cereal: sub-total 7.887 153.12 948 1657
139 cereal substitutes 0.015 0.76 104 162
140 arhar, tur 0.360 23.05 918 1624
141 gram: split 0.072 3.39 463 855
142 gram: whole 0.061 2.65 434 769
143 moong 0.189 12.09 816 1526
144 masur 0.023 1.22 133 178
145 urd 0.053 3.35 383 697
146 peas 0.013 0.55 126 198
147 khesari 0.000 0.02 4 5
148 other pulses 0.025 1.59 162 271
150 gram products 0.002 0.10 15 24
151 besan 0.125 6.36 690 1302
152 other pulse products 0.030 1.82 213 335
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.953 56.19 948 1657
160 milk: liquid (litre) 6.709 220.50 901 1648
161 baby food 0.003 1.00 25 42
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.12 4 13
163 curd 0.042 2.07 230 404
164 ghee 0.104 32.96 521 975
165 butter 0.002 0.44 19 43

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-222 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 3.31 138 269
167 other milk products - 6.61 279 478
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 267.03 954 1665
170 salt 0.207 2.17 942 1649
171 sugar – PDS 0.020 0.30 40 109
172 sugar – other sources 0.896 28.69 904 1632
173 gur 0.138 5.60 617 1175
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.03 5 13
175 honey 0.002 0.31 18 35
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.263 37.09 952 1664
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.004 0.27 6 16
181 mustard oil 0.073 6.39 82 48
182 groundnut oil 0.299 31.93 212 430
183 coconut oil 0.007 0.67 8 9
184 refined oil 0.222 18.40 193 311
185 edible oil: others 0.625 49.07 465 879
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.228 106.74 948 1656
190 eggs (no.) 0.928 3.68 124 193
191 fish, prawn 0.052 4.88 84 89
192 goat meat/mutton 0.033 7.44 50 87
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.025 2.56 26 42
194 pork 0.001 0.11 1 1
195 chicken 0.077 10.20 122 162
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.003 0.72 3 2
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 29.59 253 332
200 potato 1.582 18.57 937 1634
201 onion 0.882 12.19 905 1566
202 tomato 0.920 17.20 878 1563
203 brinjal 0.508 11.59 678 1287
204 radish 0.041 0.72 67 124
205 carrot 0.078 1.70 149 240
206 palak/other 0.411 9.68 500 854
207 green chillies 0.206 7.82 868 1498
208 lady's finger 0.297 10.16 438 838
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.061 1.97 107 238
211 cauliflower 0.366 9.27 473 843
212 cabbage 0.454 9.40 596 1104
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.238 4.87 296 573
214 peas 0.176 5.22 277 421
215 beans, barbati 0.164 5.72 230 392
216 lemon (no.) 4.663 7.00 672 1247

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-223

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.758 22.43 763 1254
219 vegetables: sub-total - 155.55 948 1656
220 banana (no.) 6.576 13.02 489 905
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 1
222 watermelon 0.170 2.66 74 130
223 pineapple (no.) 0.010 0.30 7 21
224 coconut (no.) 0.048 0.55 38 81
225 green coconut (no.) 0.108 1.53 41 68
226 guava 0.057 1.49 65 125
227 singara 0.002 0.07 4 4
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.538 2.81 77 135
230 papaya 0.084 1.53 75 145
231 mango 0.246 12.08 128 276
232 kharbooza 0.013 0.30 6 20
233 pears/nashpati 0.008 0.30 10 18
234 berries 0.009 0.34 13 12
235 leechi 0.001 0.09 2 3
236 apple 0.177 16.14 231 438
237 grapes 0.084 3.83 129 248
238 other fresh fruits - 6.78 204 345
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 63.81 801 1431
240 coconut: copra 0.011 1.24 57 95
241 groundnut 0.065 4.74 294 539
242 dates 0.031 2.63 70 140
243 cashewnut 0.014 7.21 112 220
244 walnut 0.004 1.02 15 34
245 other nuts 0.006 2.83 59 145
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.008 1.98 57 109
247 other dry fruits 0.016 4.33 86 137
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.154 25.98 429 777
250 ginger (gm) 82.129 5.35 756 1355
251 garlic (gm) 88.554 7.12 894 1586
252 jeera (gm) 37.734 7.46 884 1605
253 dhania (gm) 63.078 7.60 883 1534
254 turmeric (gm) 48.279 9.52 936 1632
255 black pepper (gm) 8.950 2.81 317 626
256 dry chillies (gm) 100.111 16.93 929 1613
257 tamarind (gm) 10.000 0.92 158 360
258 curry powder (gm) 11.641 2.50 283 624
260 oilseeds (gm) 34.099 3.04 819 1399
261 other spices (gm) 46.393 9.45 747 1297

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-224 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 530.968 72.73 948 1656
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.755 32.93 477 767
271 tea: leaf (gm) 133.625 32.48 867 1630
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.017 0.14 7 15
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.058 0.80 34 54
274 mineral water (litre) 0.532 0.61 9 25
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.059 2.18 58 103
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.032 1.59 31 56
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.86 53 91
279 beverages: sub-total - 72.58 971 1698
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.892 30.17 94 157
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.132 2.92 10 23
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.281 2.88 31 82
283 cooked snacks purchased - 32.79 527 903
284 other served processed food - 3.75 78 150
289 served processed food: sub-total - 72.50 618 1095
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 6.38 76 139
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 24.35 662 1170
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.116 13.22 400 713
293 chips (gm) 24.760 3.53 155 244
294 pickles (gm) 11.863 1.65 96 208
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 3.178 0.48 19 58
296 other packaged food - 3.90 129 205
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 53.50 857 1456
777 total: food group - 1167.17 1000 1717

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-225

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.001 0.03 1 3
102 rice – other sources 1.060 31.86 933 1092
103 chira 0.001 0.02 3 5
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.02 6 7
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 2
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.683 3.37 89 126
108 wheat/atta – other sources 6.514 97.18 927 1082
110 maida 0.006 0.14 39 30
111 suji, rawa 0.024 0.59 163 171
112 sewai, noodles 0.028 2.15 194 203
113 bread: bakery 0.143 4.99 449 492
114 other wheat products 0.003 0.18 15 24
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.014 0.15 30 41
117 maize & its products 0.017 0.29 41 41
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.001 0.05 4 7
129 cereal: sub-total 8.495 141.04 973 1147
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.076 5.62 352 311
141 gram: split 0.156 7.68 799 941
142 gram: whole 0.107 5.59 555 674
143 moong 0.168 12.36 875 1030
144 masur 0.110 7.06 706 817
145 urd 0.075 5.38 527 607
146 peas 0.003 0.18 14 24
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 1
148 other pulses 0.046 3.16 255 308
150 gram products 0.004 0.23 41 69
151 besan 0.141 6.81 786 933
152 other pulse products 0.010 0.63 52 66
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.896 54.69 972 1145
160 milk: liquid (litre) 11.033 362.63 967 1145
161 baby food 0.006 1.37 21 17
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.29 9 13
163 curd 0.067 3.21 133 130
164 ghee 0.221 77.94 663 714
165 butter 0.009 2.90 72 64

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-226 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 2.42 88 77
167 other milk products - 1.29 49 55
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 452.05 974 1150
170 salt 0.232 3.09 968 1138
171 sugar – PDS 0.035 0.70 55 78
172 sugar – other sources 1.315 43.48 964 1129
173 gur 0.038 1.39 153 175
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.02 4 7
175 honey 0.002 0.53 26 27
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.622 49.22 979 1153
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.061 4.33 111 128
181 mustard oil 0.407 31.74 667 768
182 groundnut oil 0.005 0.44 7 10
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 1
184 refined oil 0.302 26.09 539 610
185 edible oil: others 0.000 0.06 2 4
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.775 62.66 948 1112
190 eggs (no.) 1.815 7.58 177 171
191 fish, prawn 0.017 2.47 17 16
192 goat meat/mutton 0.003 0.69 3 6
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.004 0.49 3 7
194 pork 0.001 0.07 1 2
195 chicken 0.064 9.29 75 79
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 20.58 204 206
200 potato 2.028 23.34 968 1140
201 onion 1.171 18.96 950 1120
202 tomato 1.079 20.59 947 1115
203 brinjal 0.346 6.06 337 404
204 radish 0.578 5.29 350 407
205 carrot 0.395 4.99 298 352
206 palak/other 0.545 8.34 432 467
207 green chillies 0.140 5.77 657 840
208 lady's finger 0.233 6.28 255 298
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.026 0.46 24 30
211 cauliflower 0.606 10.72 495 598
212 cabbage 0.221 3.93 202 193
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.582 9.49 413 505
214 peas 0.492 10.77 395 484
215 beans, barbati 0.071 1.76 61 64
216 lemon (no.) 2.543 5.49 357 412

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-227

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.616 11.08 370 466
219 vegetables: sub-total - 153.33 973 1146
220 banana (no.) 8.447 24.43 548 586
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.213 2.63 77 84
223 pineapple (no.) 0.009 0.35 8 7
224 coconut (no.) 0.012 0.21 9 12
225 green coconut (no.) 0.023 0.56 8 8
226 guava 0.305 7.46 218 260
227 singara 0.006 0.11 6 16
228 orange, mausami (no.) 2.063 8.09 197 221
230 papaya 0.232 5.58 137 161
231 mango 0.310 12.45 161 189
232 kharbooza 0.076 1.54 42 52
233 pears/nashpati 0.016 0.50 16 15
234 berries 0.005 0.15 4 6
235 leechi 0.020 1.58 25 22
236 apple 0.466 35.57 332 372
237 grapes 0.149 8.77 117 135
238 other fresh fruits - 5.99 64 71
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 115.98 862 974
240 coconut: copra 0.003 0.36 13 7
241 groundnut 0.096 6.30 185 211
242 dates 0.016 1.09 34 40
243 cashewnut 0.012 7.06 89 77
244 walnut 0.002 0.68 12 20
245 other nuts 0.016 6.86 82 91
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.011 3.30 93 75
247 other dry fruits 0.009 3.22 47 42
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.164 28.86 328 335
250 ginger (gm) 70.058 4.60 697 795
251 garlic (gm) 70.924 6.20 788 887
252 jeera (gm) 48.271 10.62 918 1084
253 dhania (gm) 47.511 6.31 741 910
254 turmeric (gm) 68.128 12.75 961 1137
255 black pepper (gm) 4.713 1.56 145 150
256 dry chillies (gm) 64.275 9.95 906 1066
257 tamarind (gm) 1.155 0.12 24 17
258 curry powder (gm) 4.299 1.40 101 84
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.156 0.02 7 4
261 other spices (gm) 33.344 9.04 533 622

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-228 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 412.835 62.62 970 1145
270 tea: cups (no.) 6.393 32.03 425 413
271 tea: leaf (gm) 137.156 30.50 955 1130
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.330 3.52 51 33
273 coffee: powder (gm) 2.435 2.19 41 38
274 mineral water (litre) 0.031 0.56 16 17
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.301 10.71 188 158
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.210 15.27 192 170
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.35 9 11
279 beverages: sub-total - 95.12 993 1156
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.240 66.40 108 90
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.319 15.98 36 14
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.262 3.71 16 32
283 cooked snacks purchased - 39.66 573 572
284 other served processed food - 46.25 41 49
289 served processed food: sub-total - 172.01 638 642
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 24.34 205 259
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 34.01 848 961
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.144 18.42 533 608
293 chips (gm) 15.284 2.98 104 113
294 pickles (gm) 21.238 2.50 182 157
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 14.986 2.37 70 62
296 other packaged food - 1.95 66 74
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 86.55 905 1023
777 total: food group - 1494.72 1000 1166

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-229

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.006 8.92 363 179
102 rice – other sources 2.813 78.05 773 297
103 chira 0.000 0.00 0 0
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 0
106 other rice products 0.007 0.16 2 1
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.975 15.78 384 184
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.835 69.59 750 303
110 maida 0.053 1.25 65 22
111 suji, rawa 0.078 2.02 341 137
112 sewai, noodles 0.063 4.46 330 125
113 bread: bakery 0.153 6.31 436 155
114 other wheat products 0.004 0.10 7 3
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.117 1.59 58 49
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.01 1 1
122 other cereals 0.001 0.06 9 1
129 cereal: sub-total 10.106 188.28 868 359
139 cereal substitutes 0.006 0.25 3 2
140 arhar, tur 0.039 3.04 138 55
141 gram: split 0.262 10.48 781 334
142 gram: whole 0.192 8.25 591 273
143 moong 0.135 9.84 555 234
144 masur 0.155 9.37 560 225
145 urd 0.202 9.06 667 298
146 peas 0.007 0.40 31 10
147 khesari 0.002 0.17 8 4
148 other pulses 0.301 19.85 682 279
150 gram products 0.005 0.32 15 10
151 besan 0.082 4.08 428 180
152 other pulse products 0.037 2.92 162 65
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.419 77.78 868 359
160 milk: liquid (litre) 8.326 222.18 845 346
161 baby food 0.001 0.18 5 4
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.005 1.36 44 15
163 curd 0.217 8.95 258 109
164 ghee 0.144 45.81 508 191
165 butter 0.014 3.88 119 33

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-230 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.34 34 13
167 other milk products - 1.51 53 25
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 284.22 875 366
170 salt 0.210 1.92 865 358
171 sugar – PDS 0.395 5.57 469 220
172 sugar – other sources 0.696 24.80 821 329
173 gur 0.026 1.05 110 38
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.11 11 3
175 honey 0.002 0.51 19 7
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.332 33.96 868 359
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.023 1.72 52 34
181 mustard oil 0.387 29.99 628 294
182 groundnut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.409 28.10 717 305
185 edible oil: others 0.007 0.53 7 5
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.827 60.34 868 359
190 eggs (no.) 2.382 9.26 211 85
191 fish, prawn 0.031 3.31 17 6
192 goat meat/mutton 0.169 34.42 150 51
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.001 0.17 1 1
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.145 19.19 117 51
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 66.34 328 128
200 potato 1.562 18.83 856 355
201 onion 1.044 17.42 865 357
202 tomato 0.799 18.05 787 324
203 brinjal 0.276 5.62 269 91
204 radish 0.282 4.04 203 95
205 carrot 0.306 5.41 213 99
206 palak/other 0.533 8.81 386 148
207 green chillies 0.057 3.21 359 143
208 lady's finger 0.289 7.43 277 107
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.019 0.36 22 9
211 cauliflower 0.794 17.45 498 217
212 cabbage 0.356 5.93 282 107
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.299 4.82 222 92
214 peas 0.415 11.64 347 153
215 beans, barbati 0.205 6.16 199 52
216 lemon (no.) 1.124 3.54 170 71

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-231

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.382 7.67 201 84
219 vegetables: sub-total - 146.36 871 360
220 banana (no.) 7.249 26.83 570 188
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.066 1.21 37 12
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.005 0.07 2 2
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.242 6.21 165 49
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.815 7.26 173 71
230 papaya 0.062 2.28 40 15
231 mango 0.241 12.14 185 69
232 kharbooza 0.011 0.32 5 3
233 pears/nashpati 0.038 0.91 37 11
234 berries 0.002 0.33 7 2
235 leechi 0.010 0.80 9 5
236 apple 0.401 23.71 285 102
237 grapes 0.067 4.92 96 48
238 other fresh fruits - 2.15 39 17
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 89.11 886 312
240 coconut: copra 0.002 0.29 14 7
241 groundnut 0.095 8.32 225 88
242 dates 0.001 0.16 9 4
243 cashewnut 0.012 5.73 49 20
244 walnut 0.007 1.91 16 6
245 other nuts 0.024 11.13 69 40
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.018 6.44 50 20
247 other dry fruits 0.014 5.02 60 27
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.173 39.00 358 155
250 ginger (gm) 79.378 4.78 468 198
251 garlic (gm) 79.956 7.97 756 297
252 jeera (gm) 45.374 11.26 719 296
253 dhania (gm) 51.574 7.00 746 317
254 turmeric (gm) 71.421 15.00 862 355
255 black pepper (gm) 11.232 3.31 174 75
256 dry chillies (gm) 32.658 5.38 567 248
257 tamarind (gm) 0.032 0.00 1 1
258 curry powder (gm) 2.673 0.68 42 16
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.018 0.02 1 1
261 other spices (gm) 34.912 10.82 557 229

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-232 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 409.229 66.29 868 359
270 tea: cups (no.) 7.518 36.60 634 226
271 tea: leaf (gm) 97.118 24.21 837 349
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.151 1.21 15 5
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.027 0.43 12 5
274 mineral water (litre) 0.005 0.08 5 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.207 8.69 105 27
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.091 3.85 66 28
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.00 27 13
279 beverages: sub-total - 76.10 989 379
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 3.275 87.18 169 46
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 1.737 52.48 60 9
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.384 3.96 43 31
283 cooked snacks purchased - 36.44 524 206
284 other served processed food - 2.87 43 10
289 served processed food: sub-total - 182.95 687 246
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 18.77 258 94
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 26.52 751 288
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.065 11.22 314 136
293 chips (gm) 22.327 5.73 207 85
294 pickles (gm) 76.092 6.98 315 96
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 8.063 0.84 36 14
296 other packaged food - 1.23 35 11
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 71.23 868 335
777 total: food group - 1382.21 1000 383

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-233

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 4.385 42.39 607 917
102 rice – other sources 3.219 80.74 666 846
103 chira 0.005 0.11 0 1
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 0
106 other rice products 0.005 0.09 8 11
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.551 13.36 416 542
108 wheat/atta – other sources 1.738 27.81 514 630
110 maida 0.017 0.30 27 33
111 suji, rawa 0.021 0.56 150 165
112 sewai, noodles 0.019 1.76 173 191
113 bread: bakery 0.713 43.40 746 1021
114 other wheat products 0.007 0.39 9 15
115 jowar & its products 0.003 0.06 1 4
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 2
117 maize & its products 0.057 0.84 59 82
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.003 0.17 5 16
129 cereal: sub-total 11.744 211.98 962 1336
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.013 0.96 59 81
141 gram: split 0.149 7.50 579 672
142 gram: whole 0.061 2.93 375 415
143 moong 0.092 6.96 605 777
144 masur 0.035 2.22 219 275
145 urd 0.085 5.71 426 451
146 peas 0.006 0.34 39 69
147 khesari 0.001 0.05 3 8
148 other pulses 0.172 14.09 689 862
150 gram products 0.003 0.26 12 14
151 besan 0.013 0.67 164 161
152 other pulse products 0.024 1.55 225 272
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.655 43.23 851 1136
160 milk: liquid (litre) 8.577 207.27 954 1321
161 baby food 0.005 1.52 24 33
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.004 0.76 22 41
163 curd 0.344 9.45 349 435
164 ghee 0.048 14.31 277 306
165 butter 0.014 3.61 138 195

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-234 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.12 60 75
167 other milk products - 4.67 163 193
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 242.71 969 1333
170 salt 0.289 4.02 959 1331
171 sugar – PDS 0.460 6.69 763 1072
172 sugar – other sources 0.243 8.79 487 548
173 gur 0.005 0.17 34 42
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.09 19 19
175 honey 0.001 0.22 14 20
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.999 19.98 964 1337
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.033 2.83 94 96
181 mustard oil 0.844 77.85 917 1249
182 groundnut oil 0.004 0.39 5 8
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.108 10.27 207 252
185 edible oil: others 0.005 0.40 19 9
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.994 91.74 962 1336
190 eggs (no.) 3.116 11.60 345 543
191 fish, prawn 0.027 3.84 23 35
192 goat meat/mutton 0.247 61.12 264 416
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.091 11.30 81 177
194 pork 0.004 0.37 3 4
195 chicken 0.387 40.00 308 432
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.003 0.41 3 4
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 128.63 607 938
200 potato 1.191 15.67 856 1160
201 onion 1.017 16.78 938 1292
202 tomato 0.808 19.10 826 1075
203 brinjal 0.163 3.27 184 226
204 radish 0.390 5.03 367 482
205 carrot 0.203 3.28 186 254
206 palak/other 1.768 27.98 775 1115
207 green chillies 0.041 1.53 259 280
208 lady's finger 0.224 5.14 246 256
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.007 0.15 6 10
211 cauliflower 0.490 9.03 399 518
212 cabbage 0.214 3.48 202 264
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.310 5.34 256 347
214 peas 0.228 5.95 232 326
215 beans, barbati 0.170 4.56 195 246
216 lemon (no.) 1.304 2.44 180 195

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-235

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.349 8.14 299 390
219 vegetables: sub-total - 136.83 962 1336
220 banana (no.) 4.836 18.32 437 556
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.132 2.40 68 95
223 pineapple (no.) 0.006 0.25 5 10
224 coconut (no.) 0.003 0.04 1 1
225 green coconut (no.) 0.001 0.01 1 1
226 guava 0.041 0.89 46 24
227 singara 0.001 0.01 1 3
228 orange, mausami (no.) 2.202 9.43 208 262
230 papaya 0.037 0.96 29 36
231 mango 0.169 7.78 139 167
232 kharbooza 0.051 1.03 32 42
233 pears/nashpati 0.040 1.57 33 37
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.012 0.77 11 12
236 apple 0.362 13.35 278 373
237 grapes 0.042 2.85 59 70
238 other fresh fruits - 2.75 26 27
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 62.42 786 1021
240 coconut: copra 0.003 0.29 18 24
241 groundnut 0.029 2.28 74 70
242 dates 0.018 1.95 56 74
243 cashewnut 0.003 1.92 36 36
244 walnut 0.009 1.20 24 24
245 other nuts 0.004 1.95 40 35
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.98 38 39
247 other dry fruits 0.005 1.48 33 47
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.075 12.07 192 230
250 ginger (gm) 26.867 1.99 270 312
251 garlic (gm) 72.630 5.45 733 1007
252 jeera (gm) 14.606 2.97 379 405
253 dhania (gm) 9.369 1.32 191 208
254 turmeric (gm) 89.570 20.64 953 1320
255 black pepper (gm) 2.985 0.76 63 60
256 dry chillies (gm) 93.578 21.34 933 1290
257 tamarind (gm) 7.777 0.67 69 72
258 curry powder (gm) 0.209 0.03 3 6
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.258 0.05 3 5
261 other spices (gm) 42.116 11.25 680 956

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-236 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 359.965 66.48 961 1334
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.204 11.07 299 357
271 tea: leaf (gm) 144.801 43.49 952 1322
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.017 0.18 3 2
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.130 0.11 8 10
274 mineral water (litre) 0.024 0.37 11 11
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.181 7.15 158 172
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.118 7.58 108 123
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.24 8 16
279 beverages: sub-total - 70.19 976 1340
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.763 19.04 80 90
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.073 1.91 9 16
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.596 5.80 42 65
283 cooked snacks purchased - 14.21 304 352
284 other served processed food - 1.06 16 15
289 served processed food: sub-total - 42.02 393 476
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 20.57 241 337
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 24.27 705 909
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.041 6.85 224 231
293 chips (gm) 21.244 6.20 206 230
294 pickles (gm) 9.167 0.95 39 52
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 3.157 0.63 25 25
296 other packaged food - 0.72 22 27
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 60.19 792 1031
777 total: food group - 1188.48 1000 1355

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-237

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.370 1.18 51 74
102 rice – other sources 5.346 119.90 906 900
103 chira 0.133 3.00 351 385
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.13 28 26
105 muri 0.050 1.88 240 289
106 other rice products 0.001 0.06 3 7
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.025 0.39 5 8
108 wheat/atta – other sources 4.433 75.37 907 896
110 maida 0.113 2.17 321 304
111 suji, rawa 0.083 1.84 387 380
112 sewai, noodles 0.026 1.90 257 267
113 bread: bakery 0.055 2.17 260 280
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 2
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.017 0.35 31 42
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.005 0.20 11 10
129 cereal: sub-total 10.659 210.54 931 930
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 1
140 arhar, tur 0.281 17.96 744 734
141 gram: split 0.081 3.97 354 369
142 gram: whole 0.109 4.48 405 396
143 moong 0.049 3.17 258 246
144 masur 0.212 10.55 664 658
145 urd 0.010 0.48 43 60
146 peas 0.003 0.12 26 30
147 khesari 0.000 0.01 1 2
148 other pulses 0.005 0.17 12 27
150 gram products 0.034 2.21 208 197
151 besan 0.051 2.94 309 329
152 other pulse products 0.004 0.22 33 42
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.838 46.30 921 918
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.923 106.47 699 662
161 baby food 0.002 0.65 14 14
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.007 1.66 82 65
163 curd 0.018 1.14 72 98
164 ghee 0.013 4.45 123 130
165 butter 0.000 0.14 8 18

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-238 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.57 58 62
167 other milk products - 0.37 14 15
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 115.46 731 712
170 salt 0.258 3.08 930 929
171 sugar – PDS 0.004 0.14 6 13
172 sugar – other sources 0.549 18.71 894 887
173 gur 0.029 1.00 196 195
174 candy, misri 0.004 0.16 66 77
175 honey 0.002 0.47 14 18
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.846 23.56 931 932
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.008 0.61 25 37
181 mustard oil 0.499 42.75 915 913
182 groundnut oil 0.001 0.11 5 6
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.01 0 1
184 refined oil 0.186 15.91 481 432
185 edible oil: others 0.002 0.18 10 5
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.696 59.57 926 928
190 eggs (no.) 2.153 8.42 241 225
191 fish, prawn 0.149 15.88 147 171
192 goat meat/mutton 0.105 27.32 99 94
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.031 2.49 19 23
194 pork 0.007 0.67 6 8
195 chicken 0.290 26.53 233 215
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.04 0 1
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 81.34 560 556
200 potato 3.214 31.96 928 927
201 onion 1.041 13.60 918 905
202 tomato 0.857 13.13 798 756
203 brinjal 0.365 6.23 426 419
204 radish 0.224 2.04 230 261
205 carrot 0.092 1.44 126 112
206 palak/other 0.581 6.50 445 457
207 green chillies 0.108 4.96 863 865
208 lady's finger 0.434 8.99 436 382
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.259 5.92 302 297
211 cauliflower 0.424 7.08 343 366
212 cabbage 0.380 5.27 351 349
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.342 4.60 275 273
214 peas 0.155 2.68 136 139
215 beans, barbati 0.210 4.49 259 227
216 lemon (no.) 0.994 2.22 271 281

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-239

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.366 5.61 288 320
219 vegetables: sub-total - 126.72 928 927
220 banana (no.) 2.756 4.83 220 232
221 jackfruit 0.001 0.01 1 4
222 watermelon 0.033 0.42 22 40
223 pineapple (no.) 0.008 0.20 7 5
224 coconut (no.) 0.074 1.05 64 40
225 green coconut (no.) 0.016 0.25 6 10
226 guava 0.023 0.50 28 47
227 singara 0.009 0.17 5 9
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.623 3.00 97 77
230 papaya 0.026 0.45 21 36
231 mango 0.400 16.52 199 176
232 kharbooza 0.031 0.26 7 7
233 pears/nashpati 0.004 0.20 5 10
234 berries 0.005 0.10 11 11
235 leechi 0.021 1.09 23 28
236 apple 0.185 14.83 243 231
237 grapes 0.038 2.51 84 71
238 other fresh fruits - 1.47 28 19
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 47.86 599 583
240 coconut: copra 0.003 0.30 17 31
241 groundnut 0.023 1.71 73 57
242 dates 0.001 0.10 3 8
243 cashewnut 0.010 4.34 81 97
244 walnut 0.000 0.11 4 4
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.017 3.49 130 145
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.47 18 22
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.056 10.52 205 218
250 ginger (gm) 62.304 3.66 789 745
251 garlic (gm) 81.879 5.18 868 853
252 jeera (gm) 31.210 6.25 887 849
253 dhania (gm) 29.856 3.70 700 734
254 turmeric (gm) 54.415 9.19 914 908
255 black pepper (gm) 19.221 5.99 654 654
256 dry chillies (gm) 26.387 3.32 648 635
257 tamarind (gm) 2.957 0.27 44 41
258 curry powder (gm) 6.345 1.39 134 146
260 oilseeds (gm) 14.966 1.44 375 340
261 other spices (gm) 20.841 4.15 450 446

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-240 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 350.380 44.55 928 927
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.730 18.75 451 379
271 tea: leaf (gm) 65.418 14.89 821 816
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.006 0.01 1 3
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.022 1.01 32 28
274 mineral water (litre) 0.081 0.99 13 14
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.031 1.14 30 45
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.063 4.90 75 59
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.36 35 42
279 beverages: sub-total - 44.06 904 893
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.140 33.90 109 94
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.136 2.90 16 19
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.066 7.29 89 137
283 cooked snacks purchased - 33.13 758 746
284 other served processed food - 1.94 128 118
289 served processed food: sub-total - 79.16 830 829
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 18.62 355 367
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 16.27 748 715
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.088 9.99 513 507
293 chips (gm) 7.592 1.77 119 105
294 pickles (gm) 4.359 0.52 56 74
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 12.292 1.96 87 80
296 other packaged food - 0.49 13 29
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 49.62 884 860
777 total: food group - 939.26 1000 980

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-241

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.312 4.45 327 889
102 rice – other sources 3.901 101.44 796 1745
103 chira 0.196 5.29 486 1161
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.06 7 15
105 muri 0.065 2.37 304 759
106 other rice products 0.023 0.51 29 72
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.224 0.77 303 823
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.961 22.53 656 1381
110 maida 0.121 2.90 365 761
111 suji, rawa 0.316 7.97 704 1557
112 sewai, noodles 0.025 1.96 138 280
113 bread: bakery 0.092 4.60 409 814
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.13 8 18
115 jowar & its products 0.690 19.06 295 748
116 bajra & its products 0.013 0.16 7 21
117 maize & its products 0.002 0.02 4 8
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 1 2
120 small millets & its products 0.002 0.03 2 3
121 ragi & its products 0.822 10.96 439 913
122 other cereals 0.009 0.22 12 41
129 cereal: sub-total 8.778 185.45 889 1931
139 cereal substitutes 0.002 0.06 8 16
140 arhar, tur 0.387 25.80 854 1905
141 gram: split 0.106 5.57 640 1362
142 gram: whole 0.058 2.98 369 776
143 moong 0.109 7.47 612 1350
144 masur 0.020 1.08 90 234
145 urd 0.129 9.55 682 1463
146 peas 0.037 1.55 294 579
147 khesari 0.001 0.03 4 14
148 other pulses 0.102 5.05 458 1002
150 gram products 0.007 0.38 62 171
151 besan 0.049 2.41 373 792
152 other pulse products 0.013 0.62 80 195
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.018 62.48 857 1916
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.731 116.79 854 1884
161 baby food 0.005 1.26 26 50
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.22 6 23
163 curd 0.165 4.58 231 488
164 ghee 0.019 5.54 187 373
165 butter 0.007 1.68 57 109

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-242 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.79 79 171
167 other milk products - 0.53 15 30
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 132.37 867 1910
170 salt 0.250 2.68 853 1911
171 sugar – PDS 0.078 1.16 267 689
172 sugar – other sources 0.616 19.20 842 1868
173 gur 0.091 3.01 414 991
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.04 9 19
175 honey 0.002 0.66 50 107
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.038 26.75 864 1924
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.004 0.30 17 59
181 mustard oil 0.002 0.17 1 4
182 groundnut oil 0.122 10.41 130 303
183 coconut oil 0.011 1.27 30 88
184 refined oil 0.586 47.70 642 1338
185 edible oil: others 0.092 6.18 87 269
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.817 66.02 859 1920
190 eggs (no.) 3.416 10.88 377 793
191 fish, prawn 0.117 10.12 81 203
192 goat meat/mutton 0.119 34.97 120 283
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.043 4.43 38 100
194 pork 0.012 1.39 9 17
195 chicken 0.433 48.27 361 689
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.11 2 9
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 110.17 548 1152
200 potato 0.439 7.10 621 1482
201 onion 0.981 13.19 856 1915
202 tomato 0.927 13.81 857 1912
203 brinjal 0.292 5.88 532 1228
204 radish 0.170 2.94 339 725
205 carrot 0.216 5.78 447 951
206 palak/other 0.629 13.26 712 1618
207 green chillies 0.186 5.19 825 1842
208 lady's finger 0.185 4.86 403 818
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.038 0.72 55 101
211 cauliflower 0.081 1.80 129 323
212 cabbage 0.238 3.77 371 802
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.080 1.62 131 323
214 peas 0.035 1.45 71 159
215 beans, barbati 0.251 7.35 455 997
216 lemon (no.) 2.435 4.86 673 1473

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-243

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.374 8.49 467 981
219 vegetables: sub-total - 102.13 859 1921
220 banana (no.) 9.186 20.96 784 1558
221 jackfruit 0.017 0.32 9 17
222 watermelon 0.098 1.68 52 89
223 pineapple (no.) 0.047 0.62 29 67
224 coconut (no.) 1.762 17.80 717 1551
225 green coconut (no.) 0.389 5.16 147 289
226 guava 0.022 0.61 34 54
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 1
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.036 5.98 157 291
230 papaya 0.052 1.00 42 99
231 mango 0.200 7.62 135 309
232 kharbooza 0.007 0.14 5 10
233 pears/nashpati 0.004 0.45 4 5
234 berries 0.001 0.01 1 2
235 leechi 0.002 0.05 2 2
236 apple 0.217 25.07 257 505
237 grapes 0.118 7.79 182 335
238 other fresh fruits - 3.05 92 165
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 98.28 946 1946
240 coconut: copra 0.057 4.94 259 568
241 groundnut 0.142 10.64 621 1309
242 dates 0.015 1.60 53 105
243 cashewnut 0.009 4.14 131 261
244 walnut 0.001 0.43 10 11
245 other nuts 0.005 0.92 20 42
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.009 2.57 128 263
247 other dry fruits 0.003 0.96 25 44
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.240 26.20 696 1464
250 ginger (gm) 58.608 3.37 706 1535
251 garlic (gm) 95.921 6.86 835 1881
252 jeera (gm) 34.464 7.42 826 1833
253 dhania (gm) 75.719 7.08 716 1545
254 turmeric (gm) 34.899 6.96 820 1827
255 black pepper (gm) 18.770 5.84 532 1127
256 dry chillies (gm) 110.438 12.85 850 1898
257 tamarind (gm) 65.924 6.10 789 1736
258 curry powder (gm) 50.573 9.04 601 1282
260 oilseeds (gm) 34.625 3.09 777 1697
261 other spices (gm) 24.507 4.50 525 1135

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-244 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 604.447 73.10 858 1919
270 tea: cups (no.) 6.160 27.60 590 1247
271 tea: leaf (gm) 102.816 21.48 731 1640
272 coffee: cups (no.) 1.005 7.23 105 160
273 coffee: powder (gm) 28.548 7.59 276 600
274 mineral water (litre) 0.383 1.14 29 55
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.061 2.56 67 109
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.061 3.42 71 118
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 6.72 109 203
279 beverages: sub-total - 77.75 972 2013
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 3.238 113.49 386 626
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.394 12.07 51 67
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.572 14.27 130 294
283 cooked snacks purchased - 43.46 572 1115
284 other served processed food - 3.46 63 136
289 served processed food: sub-total - 186.75 784 1530
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 15.89 260 494
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 26.92 675 1330
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.089 11.18 405 798
293 chips (gm) 20.181 3.31 139 242
294 pickles (gm) 20.828 2.50 188 432
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 10.902 1.78 64 71
296 other packaged food - 3.55 75 166
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 65.11 871 1728
777 total: food group - 1212.63 1000 2048

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-245

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.021 7.18 605 1163
102 rice – other sources 4.719 108.96 866 1641
103 chira 0.030 1.04 120 217
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 1
105 muri 0.002 0.07 9 20
106 other rice products 0.205 6.27 236 406
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.346 2.18 432 834
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.528 13.81 577 1079
110 maida 0.092 2.21 258 508
111 suji, rawa 0.132 3.48 447 833
112 sewai, noodles 0.024 2.19 162 296
113 bread: bakery 0.110 5.00 434 825
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.26 12 21
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.001 0.07 5 8
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 1 5
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.005 0.14 22 34
122 other cereals 0.024 2.74 109 204
129 cereal: sub-total 8.241 155.60 932 1770
139 cereal substitutes 0.338 5.02 423 764
140 arhar, tur 0.152 9.59 816 1557
141 gram: split 0.008 0.41 42 74
142 gram: whole 0.158 7.92 716 1344
143 moong 0.143 9.72 670 1289
144 masur 0.005 0.27 31 77
145 urd 0.180 12.46 737 1409
146 peas 0.055 2.29 307 566
147 khesari 0.002 0.10 12 29
148 other pulses 0.055 2.50 262 467
150 gram products 0.003 0.14 18 38
151 besan 0.005 0.26 30 50
152 other pulse products 0.019 2.08 192 372
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.785 47.75 907 1729
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.562 97.46 764 1468
161 baby food 0.007 1.52 31 54
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.022 5.08 155 325
163 curd 0.101 3.16 249 489
164 ghee 0.010 3.05 183 369
165 butter 0.001 0.15 16 30

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-246 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 2.25 114 202
167 other milk products - 0.31 20 41
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 112.98 870 1671
170 salt 0.243 2.29 895 1718
171 sugar – PDS 0.077 1.19 174 347
172 sugar – other sources 0.717 22.35 884 1673
173 gur 0.055 2.03 293 554
174 candy, misri 0.004 0.21 34 62
175 honey 0.001 0.39 30 55
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.096 28.46 921 1763
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.012 1.11 24 47
181 mustard oil 0.001 0.10 4 4
182 groundnut oil 0.002 0.24 6 10
183 coconut oil 0.462 43.56 847 1616
184 refined oil 0.056 4.66 137 272
185 edible oil: others 0.074 5.69 190 380
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.607 55.36 917 1752
190 eggs (no.) 5.042 16.72 554 1065
191 fish, prawn 2.103 147.85 794 1532
192 goat meat/mutton 0.020 6.29 16 36
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.134 19.91 106 213
194 pork 0.004 0.61 4 8
195 chicken 0.435 43.30 235 481
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.006 0.61 4 8
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 235.29 847 1618
200 potato 0.436 8.16 720 1364
201 onion 0.917 16.30 906 1728
202 tomato 0.565 10.80 846 1619
203 brinjal 0.107 2.26 293 567
204 radish 0.005 0.12 9 12
205 carrot 0.241 7.12 532 1023
206 palak/other 0.190 4.51 493 946
207 green chillies 0.146 5.13 874 1673
208 lady's finger 0.255 5.99 620 1169
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.066 1.71 123 228
211 cauliflower 0.033 0.97 45 96
212 cabbage 0.239 4.70 396 749
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.206 3.61 356 708
214 peas 0.119 3.83 219 403
215 beans, barbati 0.264 8.16 456 900
216 lemon (no.) 1.049 2.23 170 327

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-247

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.797 16.90 696 1330
219 vegetables: sub-total - 102.52 919 1752
220 banana (no.) 10.338 31.62 658 1241
221 jackfruit 0.132 1.23 42 70
222 watermelon 0.140 2.09 52 98
223 pineapple (no.) 0.076 1.08 28 64
224 coconut (no.) 5.180 47.90 858 1658
225 green coconut (no.) 0.218 2.24 43 73
226 guava 0.017 0.42 22 48
227 singara 0.010 0.09 2 2
228 orange, mausami (no.) 2.169 11.69 214 406
230 papaya 0.066 1.07 40 75
231 mango 0.136 5.55 96 183
232 kharbooza 0.002 0.05 2 2
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.02 0 1
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.03 0 2
236 apple 0.167 17.36 164 337
237 grapes 0.142 7.81 148 304
238 other fresh fruits - 3.75 68 117
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 134.01 944 1793
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.02 1 1
241 groundnut 0.018 1.85 92 171
242 dates 0.022 3.50 88 169
243 cashewnut 0.012 5.05 99 220
244 walnut 0.001 0.70 5 9
245 other nuts 0.001 0.37 7 13
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.004 1.02 51 117
247 other dry fruits 0.002 1.04 21 45
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.061 13.55 239 472
250 ginger (gm) 74.635 3.88 823 1583
251 garlic (gm) 66.372 5.80 888 1685
252 jeera (gm) 21.597 4.34 699 1326
253 dhania (gm) 95.270 7.73 800 1559
254 turmeric (gm) 35.392 5.22 911 1736
255 black pepper (gm) 18.611 6.07 569 1084
256 dry chillies (gm) 158.966 17.55 901 1734
257 tamarind (gm) 93.994 9.75 868 1685
258 curry powder (gm) 36.574 6.32 483 925
260 oilseeds (gm) 37.676 2.58 887 1696
261 other spices (gm) 71.605 6.73 650 1227

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-248 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 710.691 75.95 918 1754
270 tea: cups (no.) 6.179 31.28 540 924
271 tea: leaf (gm) 118.002 22.05 892 1700
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.110 0.64 18 30
273 coffee: powder (gm) 13.555 3.22 196 373
274 mineral water (litre) 0.285 0.71 13 30
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.028 1.57 31 63
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.052 3.23 59 123
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 4.67 89 172
279 beverages: sub-total - 67.38 976 1825
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 3.471 106.36 380 629
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.670 16.16 61 101
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.848 10.18 85 159
283 cooked snacks purchased - 20.07 324 616
284 other served processed food - 6.89 73 131
289 served processed food: sub-total - 159.67 635 1138
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 13.80 222 424
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 23.30 586 1091
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.125 15.13 458 863
293 chips (gm) 47.389 7.85 191 324
294 pickles (gm) 9.584 1.43 81 172
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 4.483 0.85 38 67
296 other packaged food - 4.33 107 194
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 66.69 830 1560
777 total: food group - 1260.23 1000 1852

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-249

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Madhya Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.229 1.20 176 366
102 rice – other sources 1.647 35.89 860 1740
103 chira 0.157 4.65 496 921
104 khoi, lawa 0.009 0.44 45 67
105 muri 0.002 0.05 18 28
106 other rice products 0.008 0.15 18 43
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 1.118 4.54 234 472
108 wheat/atta – other sources 6.732 87.25 906 1810
110 maida 0.049 1.04 209 388
111 suji, rawa 0.066 1.53 332 651
112 sewai, noodles 0.017 1.01 113 191
113 bread: bakery 0.055 2.17 243 392
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.06 9 11
115 jowar & its products 0.006 0.10 4 11
116 bajra & its products 0.042 0.42 21 23
117 maize & its products 0.040 0.51 43 80
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.12 4 6
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.009 0.32 26 53
129 cereal: sub-total 10.190 141.44 972 1945
139 cereal substitutes 0.066 2.26 231 421
140 arhar, tur 0.456 28.59 938 1863
141 gram: split 0.089 3.93 381 715
142 gram: whole 0.015 0.64 76 147
143 moong 0.139 8.70 644 1218
144 masur 0.045 2.29 234 462
145 urd 0.043 2.49 245 487
146 peas 0.005 0.19 26 69
147 khesari 0.002 0.07 7 16
148 other pulses 0.007 0.26 21 40
150 gram products 0.000 0.02 2 8
151 besan 0.117 5.36 587 1121
152 other pulse products 0.010 0.52 36 59
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.929 53.06 967 1937
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.106 139.03 925 1824
161 baby food 0.006 0.73 19 29
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.24 6 19
163 curd 0.022 1.11 73 149
164 ghee 0.071 24.11 416 796
165 butter 0.001 0.36 16 24

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-250 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Madhya Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.01 40 78
167 other milk products - 0.56 47 107
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 167.14 940 1856
170 salt 0.243 2.59 965 1933
171 sugar – PDS 0.080 1.27 193 397
172 sugar – other sources 0.885 27.79 937 1848
173 gur 0.034 1.08 143 317
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.08 26 42
175 honey 0.001 0.27 17 26
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.244 33.08 976 1953
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.024 1.69 68 130
181 mustard oil 0.126 9.73 221 493
182 groundnut oil 0.010 0.95 15 47
183 coconut oil 0.001 0.09 3 7
184 refined oil 0.678 49.95 795 1540
185 edible oil: others 0.009 0.60 10 23
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.847 63.02 969 1939
190 eggs (no.) 1.621 6.48 204 381
191 fish, prawn 0.043 3.95 58 121
192 goat meat/mutton 0.072 15.46 81 144
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.021 1.86 15 21
194 pork 0.002 0.18 3 4
195 chicken 0.096 12.37 122 246
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 40.30 337 642
200 potato 1.425 14.50 949 1902
201 onion 0.922 10.28 951 1893
202 tomato 0.856 14.06 915 1844
203 brinjal 0.339 5.27 484 1034
204 radish 0.124 1.56 166 349
205 carrot 0.068 1.00 93 149
206 palak/other 0.444 6.68 485 1022
207 green chillies 0.190 5.71 867 1738
208 lady's finger 0.216 5.53 317 623
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.038 0.95 64 113
211 cauliflower 0.299 5.10 375 767
212 cabbage 0.165 2.70 232 448
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.264 4.03 312 625
214 peas 0.195 3.17 202 403
215 beans, barbati 0.068 1.44 114 251
216 lemon (no.) 1.402 1.97 271 504

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-251

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Madhya Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.379 7.65 439 882
219 vegetables: sub-total - 91.63 969 1941
220 banana (no.) 4.536 7.29 349 700
221 jackfruit 0.003 0.06 6 11
222 watermelon 0.109 1.29 54 109
223 pineapple (no.) 0.017 0.35 7 9
224 coconut (no.) 0.285 2.73 172 354
225 green coconut (no.) 0.021 0.32 8 12
226 guava 0.083 1.46 88 173
227 singara 0.021 0.60 29 58
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.560 1.60 57 94
230 papaya 0.178 3.29 151 268
231 mango 0.213 6.30 154 342
232 kharbooza 0.019 0.27 12 40
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.05 2 8
234 berries 0.001 0.02 2 7
235 leechi 0.001 0.08 2 5
236 apple 0.133 11.80 167 308
237 grapes 0.095 4.44 132 248
238 other fresh fruits - 1.93 49 78
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 43.88 769 1501
240 coconut: copra 0.013 0.91 62 120
241 groundnut 0.056 3.87 246 498
242 dates 0.008 0.85 28 55
243 cashewnut 0.007 3.54 66 135
244 walnut 0.001 0.22 5 8
245 other nuts 0.002 0.85 19 37
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.011 2.52 95 192
247 other dry fruits 0.004 1.74 34 87
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.102 14.51 340 700
250 ginger (gm) 77.730 4.08 716 1431
251 garlic (gm) 73.613 5.65 850 1702
252 jeera (gm) 34.178 6.51 910 1832
253 dhania (gm) 96.721 9.30 941 1890
254 turmeric (gm) 45.553 7.58 950 1894
255 black pepper (gm) 2.678 0.90 109 238
256 dry chillies (gm) 98.970 12.27 909 1781
257 tamarind (gm) 1.018 0.12 18 40
258 curry powder (gm) 8.523 2.00 185 378
260 oilseeds (gm) 14.691 1.23 346 669
261 other spices (gm) 31.479 7.75 614 1273

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-252 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Madhya Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 485.155 57.45 969 1941
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.492 18.81 400 824
271 tea: leaf (gm) 109.531 22.38 944 1888
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.082 0.67 10 12
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.094 0.40 19 40
274 mineral water (litre) 0.014 0.18 6 9
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.024 1.14 26 46
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.038 2.11 57 93
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.20 38 66
279 beverages: sub-total - 46.90 975 1938
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.677 28.38 64 91
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.078 1.66 9 12
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.243 9.94 109 199
283 cooked snacks purchased - 24.16 482 962
284 other served processed food - 1.01 37 76
289 served processed food: sub-total - 65.15 590 1146
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 17.43 199 390
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 15.93 674 1302
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.107 11.62 425 819
293 chips (gm) 5.184 1.02 48 95
294 pickles (gm) 7.470 0.97 62 116
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 4.312 0.82 31 45
296 other packaged food - 0.82 29 63
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 48.59 824 1586
777 total: food group - 868.42 1000 1981

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-253

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Maharashtra Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.198 1.44 96 536
102 rice – other sources 2.747 70.43 868 3551
103 chira 0.212 6.93 651 2709
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.08 8 40
105 muri 0.022 0.95 96 462
106 other rice products 0.012 0.32 10 51
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.326 2.61 100 565
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.819 71.81 855 3517
110 maida 0.026 0.70 101 510
111 suji, rawa 0.119 3.04 488 2114
112 sewai, noodles 0.026 2.24 173 680
113 bread: bakery 0.177 7.54 486 1915
114 other wheat products 0.009 0.19 4 21
115 jowar & its products 0.490 12.67 273 1322
116 bajra & its products 0.174 2.71 128 522
117 maize & its products 0.003 0.09 6 16
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 1 4
120 small millets & its products 0.005 0.27 24 122
121 ragi & its products 0.003 0.05 3 21
122 other cereals 0.006 0.21 10 36
129 cereal: sub-total 8.378 184.27 914 3808
139 cereal substitutes 0.099 5.60 464 2020
140 arhar, tur 0.412 29.36 897 3719
141 gram: split 0.098 4.59 438 1948
142 gram: whole 0.038 1.82 220 833
143 moong 0.151 10.84 720 3000
144 masur 0.081 4.88 448 1868
145 urd 0.046 3.16 302 1279
146 peas 0.022 1.01 163 633
147 khesari 0.002 0.05 7 49
148 other pulses 0.041 2.31 216 841
150 gram products 0.001 0.08 8 38
151 besan 0.099 5.32 558 2261
152 other pulse products 0.017 1.08 91 439
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.009 64.50 910 3797
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.953 160.68 894 3708
161 baby food 0.004 0.89 20 85
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.18 7 22
163 curd 0.059 2.55 225 989
164 ghee 0.039 12.74 246 1018
165 butter 0.003 0.82 41 146

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-254 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Maharashtra Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 2.38 78 295
167 other milk products - 1.94 68 280
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 182.18 910 3763
170 salt 0.217 2.82 909 3787
171 sugar – PDS 0.017 0.38 25 173
172 sugar – other sources 0.917 29.35 898 3728
173 gur 0.045 1.77 243 1060
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.01 3 12
175 honey 0.001 0.43 23 98
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.197 34.77 920 3826
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.009 0.73 37 215
181 mustard oil 0.058 5.04 73 173
182 groundnut oil 0.188 16.54 171 589
183 coconut oil 0.005 0.50 8 27
184 refined oil 0.728 61.33 643 2887
185 edible oil: others 0.046 3.32 44 216
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.032 87.45 911 3801
190 eggs (no.) 3.409 12.06 371 1496
191 fish, prawn 0.175 23.63 188 612
192 goat meat/mutton 0.107 30.33 140 615
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.080 7.19 52 304
194 pork 0.004 0.32 2 9
195 chicken 0.270 32.55 312 1152
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.26 2 8
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 106.35 551 2211
200 potato 0.887 11.73 884 3654
201 onion 0.970 13.07 898 3733
202 tomato 0.723 12.61 873 3614
203 brinjal 0.351 8.45 632 2679
204 radish 0.048 1.13 103 398
205 carrot 0.092 2.28 157 606
206 palak/other 0.745 18.08 795 3325
207 green chillies 0.200 6.61 843 3504
208 lady's finger 0.309 11.37 562 2213
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.079 2.78 162 539
211 cauliflower 0.394 11.98 663 2703
212 cabbage 0.319 7.29 555 2278
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.113 2.62 176 669
214 peas 0.129 4.32 214 772
215 beans, barbati 0.157 5.13 324 1238
216 lemon (no.) 2.366 3.60 527 2214

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-255

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Maharashtra Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.472 13.68 570 2374
219 vegetables: sub-total - 136.77 910 3795
220 banana (no.) 8.588 19.25 628 2450
221 jackfruit 0.001 0.03 1 9
222 watermelon 0.088 1.88 46 218
223 pineapple (no.) 0.023 0.53 15 76
224 coconut (no.) 0.406 5.24 201 771
225 green coconut (no.) 0.213 3.85 92 357
226 guava 0.048 1.21 70 249
227 singara 0.003 0.10 5 30
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.988 3.77 116 417
230 papaya 0.086 1.95 78 326
231 mango 0.187 10.65 141 644
232 kharbooza 0.015 0.37 9 49
233 pears/nashpati 0.003 0.21 6 27
234 berries 0.003 0.06 5 27
235 leechi 0.001 0.13 2 11
236 apple 0.271 29.50 351 1420
237 grapes 0.098 5.68 139 615
238 other fresh fruits - 3.96 94 399
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 88.34 863 3479
240 coconut: copra 0.095 9.88 552 2371
241 groundnut 0.256 19.57 689 3045
242 dates 0.019 1.89 64 331
243 cashewnut 0.011 5.49 99 447
244 walnut 0.002 0.96 20 119
245 other nuts 0.002 1.00 20 73
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.013 4.08 101 446
247 other dry fruits 0.008 3.98 58 251
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.406 46.85 770 3326
250 ginger (gm) 72.512 4.87 832 3474
251 garlic (gm) 105.071 8.84 879 3663
252 jeera (gm) 32.760 6.59 805 3441
253 dhania (gm) 35.595 4.28 559 2449
254 turmeric (gm) 39.493 8.33 850 3562
255 black pepper (gm) 5.468 1.65 191 749
256 dry chillies (gm) 73.705 10.30 724 3159
257 tamarind (gm) 3.514 0.39 80 367
258 curry powder (gm) 43.643 10.42 573 2314
260 oilseeds (gm) 23.963 2.30 522 2241
261 other spices (gm) 50.138 12.08 661 2654

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-256 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Maharashtra Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 485.861 70.12 911 3797
270 tea: cups (no.) 7.145 38.82 610 2382
271 tea: leaf (gm) 114.548 28.77 887 3732
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.207 1.94 28 65
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.827 1.20 38 165
274 mineral water (litre) 0.121 0.77 17 89
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.051 2.23 50 171
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.045 2.61 40 170
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 3.09 60 214
279 beverages: sub-total - 79.41 970 3948
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.892 102.79 169 515
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.149 7.00 15 51
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.101 12.48 91 435
283 cooked snacks purchased - 52.31 662 2472
284 other served processed food - 2.31 52 167
289 served processed food: sub-total - 176.89 767 2894
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 12.39 159 720
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 29.10 786 3074
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.086 10.78 326 1192
293 chips (gm) 15.665 2.95 125 526
294 pickles (gm) 12.201 1.96 147 584
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 8.463 1.67 66 229
296 other packaged food - 3.02 83 246
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 61.87 870 3433
777 total: food group - 1325.36 1000 4012

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-257

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Manipur Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.163 1.67 38 44
102 rice – other sources 12.895 259.57 994 1175
103 chira 0.000 0.01 0 1
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.010 0.20 1 1
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 1
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.000 0.01 1 1
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.037 0.83 57 79
110 maida 0.002 0.05 7 14
111 suji, rawa 0.004 0.11 14 15
112 sewai, noodles 0.014 1.32 130 153
113 bread: bakery 0.136 5.67 337 406
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.04 3 3
115 jowar & its products 0.001 0.01 2 2
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.02 3 5
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.016 0.34 1 1
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.002 0.10 8 8
129 cereal: sub-total 13.282 269.96 998 1182
139 cereal substitutes 0.006 0.31 24 28
140 arhar, tur 0.025 1.90 244 334
141 gram: split 0.041 1.85 221 233
142 gram: whole 0.023 0.93 136 139
143 moong 0.025 1.91 219 253
144 masur 0.071 4.79 552 644
145 urd 0.018 1.28 188 221
146 peas 0.080 2.92 474 538
147 khesari 0.001 0.04 6 8
148 other pulses 0.047 2.03 245 280
150 gram products 0.001 0.05 5 8
151 besan 0.053 2.35 466 544
152 other pulse products 0.027 1.16 223 271
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.412 21.20 998 1182
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.405 10.53 194 225
161 baby food 0.008 1.96 34 48
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.062 17.31 470 598
163 curd 0.000 0.00 0 0
164 ghee 0.001 0.16 7 15
165 butter 0.000 0.01 2 4

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-258 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Manipur Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.17 20 23
167 other milk products - 0.06 5 9
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 30.20 619 779
170 salt 0.253 3.21 997 1181
171 sugar – PDS 0.008 0.17 35 35
172 sugar – other sources 0.203 7.87 817 1000
173 gur 0.000 0.02 2 3
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.02 2 1
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.466 11.30 998 1182
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.002 0.23 8 11
181 mustard oil 0.364 38.64 968 1140
182 groundnut oil 0.003 0.36 6 6
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.006 0.80 17 25
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.06 2 3
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.377 40.10 998 1180
190 eggs (no.) 1.456 8.53 259 293
191 fish, prawn 0.570 85.59 813 936
192 goat meat/mutton 0.001 0.25 3 4
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.031 5.73 48 49
194 pork 0.034 5.62 54 50
195 chicken 0.099 15.14 143 145
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.119 23.53 629 721
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 144.38 974 1141
200 potato 0.951 18.23 948 1130
201 onion 0.289 8.16 824 989
202 tomato 0.167 5.28 345 420
203 brinjal 0.165 4.66 210 243
204 radish 0.003 0.06 4 6
205 carrot 0.014 0.32 21 25
206 palak/other 0.986 24.11 773 904
207 green chillies 0.066 3.30 359 395
208 lady's finger 0.052 1.15 79 109
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.001 0.01 1 2
211 cauliflower 0.139 3.41 119 139
212 cabbage 0.375 6.55 335 383
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.142 2.45 123 134
214 peas 0.073 3.50 149 175
215 beans, barbati 0.135 3.83 255 273
216 lemon (no.) 0.107 0.18 34 37

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-259

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Manipur Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.748 19.10 769 929
219 vegetables: sub-total - 104.30 997 1181
220 banana (no.) 3.110 5.81 219 260
221 jackfruit 0.022 0.09 3 5
222 watermelon 0.022 0.67 21 21
223 pineapple (no.) 0.052 0.50 26 42
224 coconut (no.) 0.003 0.01 1 2
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.075 1.09 76 84
227 singara 0.005 0.05 2 3
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.234 1.29 58 68
230 papaya 0.005 0.08 5 7
231 mango 0.014 0.94 21 29
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.001 0.09 3 4
236 apple 0.029 3.49 58 72
237 grapes 0.004 0.67 15 22
238 other fresh fruits - 3.21 249 281
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 17.98 559 652
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.010 0.89 37 44
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
244 walnut 0.001 0.05 2 1
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.41 3 2
247 other dry fruits 0.016 1.87 152 189
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.029 3.22 192 234
250 ginger (gm) 111.482 4.06 736 895
251 garlic (gm) 65.554 5.90 723 833
252 jeera (gm) 10.347 2.06 390 443
253 dhania (gm) 20.341 1.93 225 245
254 turmeric (gm) 41.391 5.49 862 1006
255 black pepper (gm) 1.276 0.20 16 20
256 dry chillies (gm) 71.475 11.76 898 1047
257 tamarind (gm) 1.434 0.27 22 27
258 curry powder (gm) 5.270 1.19 244 259
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.332 0.04 6 7
261 other spices (gm) 29.485 4.53 593 745

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-260 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Manipur Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 358.386 37.46 998 1181
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.834 27.24 632 729
271 tea: leaf (gm) 45.359 8.18 778 935
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.014 0.15 6 5
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.021 0.35 19 24
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.007 0.26 10 9
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.021 1.90 71 71
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.69 61 68
279 beverages: sub-total - 38.78 916 1079
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.246 9.36 54 57
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.024 0.71 6 4
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.295 2.28 53 51
283 cooked snacks purchased - 15.58 418 433
284 other served processed food - 0.53 22 26
289 served processed food: sub-total - 28.45 484 505
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 4.88 249 286
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 14.40 683 776
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.024 2.38 130 164
293 chips (gm) 7.330 2.11 151 166
294 pickles (gm) 1.055 0.27 12 18
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.263 0.04 1 3
296 other packaged food - 5.95 273 318
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 30.00 807 935
777 total: food group - 777.64 1000 1184

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-261

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Meghalaya Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.185 11.89 317 126
102 rice – other sources 7.796 165.39 945 389
103 chira 0.018 0.75 70 36
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.01 1 2
105 muri 0.010 0.38 49 32
106 other rice products 0.005 0.11 16 10
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.032 0.65 21 6
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.424 8.62 422 179
110 maida 0.137 2.84 281 91
111 suji, rawa 0.035 0.79 162 60
112 sewai, noodles 0.024 1.52 172 69
113 bread: bakery 0.287 11.92 606 271
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.05 6 1
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.011 0.28 29 18
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.003 0.10 12 3
129 cereal: sub-total 9.968 205.32 951 392
139 cereal substitutes 0.036 0.49 79 43
140 arhar, tur 0.032 2.04 150 43
141 gram: split 0.013 0.62 79 33
142 gram: whole 0.005 0.23 30 18
143 moong 0.098 6.23 348 128
144 masur 0.314 17.11 867 357
145 urd 0.000 0.01 1 1
146 peas 0.012 0.46 69 16
147 khesari 0.000 0.01 1 2
148 other pulses 0.001 0.06 8 5
150 gram products 0.001 0.07 15 4
151 besan 0.008 0.36 83 45
152 other pulse products 0.041 1.99 247 68
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.526 29.20 904 372
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.598 45.21 568 209
161 baby food 0.006 1.72 42 16
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.104 20.98 504 187
163 curd 0.001 0.11 13 5
164 ghee 0.001 0.34 12 7
165 butter 0.018 5.03 399 154

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-262 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Meghalaya Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.54 47 20
167 other milk products - 0.45 45 20
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 74.39 841 326
170 salt 0.217 2.75 946 389
171 sugar – PDS 0.143 2.32 296 122
172 sugar – other sources 0.399 14.12 791 339
173 gur 0.001 0.05 24 12
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.002 0.72 23 10
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.763 19.97 951 392
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.008 0.68 24 16
181 mustard oil 0.373 33.57 825 341
182 groundnut oil 0.002 0.14 4 2
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 1
184 refined oil 0.104 9.98 300 106
185 edible oil: others 0.013 0.83 165 101
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.499 45.19 951 392
190 eggs (no.) 3.961 16.74 593 204
191 fish, prawn 0.517 73.45 643 263
192 goat meat/mutton 0.019 4.94 32 17
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.278 43.49 380 170
194 pork 0.253 44.35 386 158
195 chicken 0.191 30.52 264 105
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.014 1.33 30 16
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 214.79 907 376
200 potato 1.598 22.69 948 390
201 onion 0.452 10.32 933 387
202 tomato 0.509 14.95 775 305
203 brinjal 0.218 4.85 292 133
204 radish 0.090 1.36 100 38
205 carrot 0.100 3.05 227 91
206 palak/other 0.850 18.38 824 341
207 green chillies 0.130 9.08 825 339
208 lady's finger 0.072 2.47 156 55
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.021 0.75 86 41
211 cauliflower 0.211 4.79 234 107
212 cabbage 0.625 10.53 503 195
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.396 7.90 374 161
214 peas 0.026 1.24 62 24
215 beans, barbati 0.207 8.16 434 143
216 lemon (no.) 0.551 2.36 245 96

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-263

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Meghalaya Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.758 15.12 716 300
219 vegetables: sub-total - 138.01 951 392
220 banana (no.) 2.788 10.78 373 118
221 jackfruit 0.057 0.69 33 12
222 watermelon 0.007 0.15 7 2
223 pineapple (no.) 0.219 3.89 159 49
224 coconut (no.) 0.042 0.32 21 12
225 green coconut (no.) 0.002 0.03 1 3
226 guava 0.006 0.20 10 6
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.469 6.74 231 98
230 papaya 0.043 1.79 48 13
231 mango 0.100 6.77 158 40
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.013 0.31 11 6
234 berries 0.003 0.08 5 3
235 leechi 0.012 0.55 15 9
236 apple 0.076 11.09 150 50
237 grapes 0.013 1.38 35 11
238 other fresh fruits - 8.52 361 135
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 53.26 847 318
240 coconut: copra 0.008 0.23 10 2
241 groundnut 0.002 0.11 6 3
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.005 1.78 25 11
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.001 0.09 6 3
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.66 26 6
247 other dry fruits 0.006 0.62 22 7
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.024 3.48 95 31
250 ginger (gm) 103.187 7.41 935 384
251 garlic (gm) 79.940 10.49 946 387
252 jeera (gm) 6.196 1.19 183 89
253 dhania (gm) 20.998 1.92 369 127
254 turmeric (gm) 32.432 4.89 858 369
255 black pepper (gm) 4.487 1.08 200 109
256 dry chillies (gm) 10.265 1.73 187 92
257 tamarind (gm) 0.038 0.00 2 1
258 curry powder (gm) 8.372 2.12 290 120
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.025 0.00 1 2
261 other spices (gm) 21.472 3.51 428 206

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-264 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Meghalaya Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 287.412 34.42 951 392
270 tea: cups (no.) 7.986 32.09 819 332
271 tea: leaf (gm) 123.130 28.24 940 388
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.080 0.77 22 8
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.715 0.46 8 4
274 mineral water (litre) 0.021 0.43 19 11
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.024 1.09 31 11
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.084 4.97 143 45
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.17 56 16
279 beverages: sub-total - 69.22 998 403
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.412 45.18 337 123
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.068 2.23 10 8
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.264 4.72 52 35
283 cooked snacks purchased - 22.35 469 209
284 other served processed food - 4.31 193 77
289 served processed food: sub-total - 78.78 699 302
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 12.95 405 139
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 27.26 856 339
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.025 4.02 179 76
293 chips (gm) 37.239 6.97 373 122
294 pickles (gm) 16.587 2.87 177 59
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 3.905 0.81 42 13
296 other packaged food - 4.05 182 97
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 58.88 939 371
777 total: food group - 1025.40 1000 404

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-265

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Mizoram Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 4.738 42.25 857 769
102 rice – other sources 6.738 158.52 931 835
103 chira 0.000 0.00 0 0
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 1 1
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 1 1
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.081 0.91 125 110
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.215 3.60 69 74
110 maida 0.017 0.36 11 11
111 suji, rawa 0.022 0.77 53 50
112 sewai, noodles 0.028 1.62 97 78
113 bread: bakery 0.201 11.10 374 363
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.01 0 2
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.017 0.38 29 24
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 12.056 219.53 1000 896
139 cereal substitutes 0.013 0.44 39 38
140 arhar, tur 0.000 0.00 0 0
141 gram: split 0.011 0.46 31 27
142 gram: whole 0.033 1.13 114 105
143 moong 0.005 0.37 10 8
144 masur 0.514 36.06 946 854
145 urd 0.003 0.21 6 4
146 peas 0.001 0.10 6 4
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.035 1.62 97 96
150 gram products 0.003 0.12 12 13
151 besan 0.001 0.04 4 4
152 other pulse products 0.005 0.19 19 22
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.611 40.31 981 880
160 milk: liquid (litre) 2.105 76.32 621 533
161 baby food 0.006 1.39 19 20
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.067 16.25 412 374
163 curd 0.000 0.00 0 0
164 ghee 0.004 0.88 34 34
165 butter 0.011 2.66 119 118

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-266 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Mizoram Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.78 67 57
167 other milk products - 1.35 50 48
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 99.62 922 830
170 salt 0.240 3.37 997 893
171 sugar – PDS 0.483 6.80 827 729
172 sugar – other sources 0.244 10.52 551 505
173 gur 0.069 3.48 290 277
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.08 4 3
175 honey 0.001 0.13 4 4
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.038 24.39 1000 896
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.030 2.61 59 66
181 mustard oil 0.155 13.38 151 124
182 groundnut oil 0.096 8.15 95 96
183 coconut oil 0.006 0.50 6 7
184 refined oil 0.412 33.40 559 491
185 edible oil: others 0.109 8.66 134 122
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.808 66.68 995 891
190 eggs (no.) 6.851 31.88 742 660
191 fish, prawn 0.203 29.27 236 223
192 goat meat/mutton 0.002 0.35 3 3
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.170 34.49 151 140
194 pork 0.933 172.70 718 638
195 chicken 0.147 27.60 144 138
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.069 7.33 83 80
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 303.66 985 881
200 potato 1.757 34.14 923 829
201 onion 0.357 11.64 980 882
202 tomato 0.387 19.39 648 581
203 brinjal 0.567 15.05 620 584
204 radish 0.013 0.47 21 21
205 carrot 0.067 3.51 147 148
206 palak/other 2.514 87.35 987 884
207 green chillies 0.162 13.91 820 734
208 lady's finger 0.095 3.80 179 164
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.001 0.02 1 2
211 cauliflower 0.216 7.58 225 218
212 cabbage 0.458 10.00 371 334
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.544 9.73 344 337
214 peas 0.021 0.63 27 26
215 beans, barbati 0.155 6.78 250 238
216 lemon (no.) 0.577 2.08 111 115

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-267

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Mizoram Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.993 28.32 620 562
219 vegetables: sub-total - 254.38 1000 896
220 banana (no.) 4.298 11.33 419 373
221 jackfruit 0.003 0.04 1 1
222 watermelon 0.027 1.01 13 16
223 pineapple (no.) 0.178 3.10 118 100
224 coconut (no.) 0.006 0.11 6 7
225 green coconut (no.) 0.014 0.14 4 5
226 guava 0.005 0.10 9 9
227 singara 0.006 0.06 1 1
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.650 3.59 86 94
230 papaya 0.104 2.67 56 52
231 mango 0.079 1.56 66 55
232 kharbooza 0.001 0.12 2 2
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.05 2 3
236 apple 0.021 3.10 37 40
237 grapes 0.008 1.07 12 13
238 other fresh fruits - 5.36 296 260
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 33.39 717 634
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.004 0.34 16 17
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.46 20 26
247 other dry fruits 0.006 0.80 51 54
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.013 1.61 84 92
250 ginger (gm) 167.672 5.63 641 578
251 garlic (gm) 83.907 10.84 666 607
252 jeera (gm) 1.098 0.24 26 30
253 dhania (gm) 0.581 0.11 16 15
254 turmeric (gm) 54.134 10.73 924 833
255 black pepper (gm) 0.519 0.10 11 8
256 dry chillies (gm) 18.687 3.28 227 239
257 tamarind (gm) 0.250 0.05 5 6
258 curry powder (gm) 4.842 0.71 105 87
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
261 other spices (gm) 19.463 2.81 220 193

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-268 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Mizoram Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 351.152 34.51 997 892
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.783 20.78 574 502
271 tea: leaf (gm) 116.663 27.69 990 886
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.089 0.54 18 16
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.485 0.37 9 8
274 mineral water (litre) 0.001 0.03 1 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.032 1.61 30 25
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.029 1.52 32 30
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.75 52 57
279 beverages: sub-total - 55.29 998 892
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.092 5.94 48 44
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.023 0.86 9 11
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.169 19.20 200 171
283 cooked snacks purchased - 13.60 245 221
284 other served processed food - 3.42 82 76
289 served processed food: sub-total - 43.02 518 459
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 12.09 326 315
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 39.33 811 725
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.004 0.37 9 10
293 chips (gm) 6.126 1.68 43 38
294 pickles (gm) 14.193 2.38 95 87
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 2.047 0.34 16 13
296 other packaged food - 2.70 114 119
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 58.89 872 781
777 total: food group - 1235.72 1000 896

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-269

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Nagaland Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.448 6.63 83 30
102 rice – other sources 12.117 284.25 990 349
103 chira 0.011 0.26 17 3
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.005 0.10 28 4
106 other rice products 0.000 0.01 1 1
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.021 0.39 12 2
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.101 2.38 68 11
110 maida 0.016 0.34 53 11
111 suji, rawa 0.003 0.12 15 3
112 sewai, noodles 0.036 3.54 194 76
113 bread: bakery 0.113 6.01 335 123
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.10 5 2
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.007 0.19 16 12
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.03 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.01 2 1
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.010 0.32 32 11
129 cereal: sub-total 12.889 304.68 1000 352
139 cereal substitutes 0.013 0.16 12 8
140 arhar, tur 0.017 1.03 84 15
141 gram: split 0.001 0.04 4 4
142 gram: whole 0.008 0.40 35 11
143 moong 0.030 1.95 132 56
144 masur 0.228 13.52 761 265
145 urd 0.000 0.01 0 1
146 peas 0.003 0.11 16 9
147 khesari 0.001 0.04 17 2
148 other pulses 0.028 1.19 102 66
150 gram products 0.001 0.03 2 1
151 besan 0.001 0.02 8 1
152 other pulse products 0.106 5.59 397 147
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.423 23.93 977 343
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.238 5.62 87 27
161 baby food 0.008 1.85 35 17
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.303 90.47 877 323
163 curd 0.000 0.00 0 0
164 ghee 0.003 0.65 31 5
165 butter 0.004 0.80 42 23

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-270 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Nagaland Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.22 8 5
167 other milk products - 0.91 33 10
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 100.50 893 331
170 salt 0.207 2.46 997 350
171 sugar – PDS 0.000 0.00 0 0
172 sugar – other sources 0.270 11.00 997 350
173 gur 0.002 0.12 20 3
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.001 0.23 5 5
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.480 13.81 1000 352
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.006 0.41 18 4
181 mustard oil 0.252 23.21 870 303
182 groundnut oil 0.000 0.01 0 1
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.020 1.76 54 15
185 edible oil: others 0.014 1.36 40 12
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.292 26.74 942 325
190 eggs (no.) 3.522 15.58 402 145
191 fish, prawn 0.482 53.54 424 131
192 goat meat/mutton 0.001 0.32 1 2
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.377 40.24 257 116
194 pork 1.039 142.74 633 239
195 chicken 0.190 27.10 140 52
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.030 4.35 39 19
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 283.88 997 350
200 potato 1.656 30.17 989 345
201 onion 0.382 12.91 869 301
202 tomato 0.565 19.70 798 265
203 brinjal 0.309 7.06 281 91
204 radish 0.007 0.25 23 4
205 carrot 0.041 1.02 45 8
206 palak/other 1.985 38.20 935 329
207 green chillies 0.244 11.41 881 320
208 lady's finger 0.032 1.27 60 18
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.000 0.00 0 0
211 cauliflower 0.102 2.58 110 50
212 cabbage 0.603 11.80 468 148
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.199 4.07 183 68
214 peas 0.016 0.67 16 7
215 beans, barbati 0.191 6.34 205 49
216 lemon (no.) 0.063 0.21 22 8

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-271

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Nagaland Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.506 33.43 804 297
219 vegetables: sub-total - 181.06 998 351
220 banana (no.) 2.204 5.50 204 84
221 jackfruit 0.010 0.15 11 2
222 watermelon 0.019 0.50 12 8
223 pineapple (no.) 0.107 2.13 78 28
224 coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
225 green coconut (no.) 0.014 0.27 8 1
226 guava 0.033 0.84 32 22
227 singara 0.005 0.14 3 3
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.100 5.20 107 47
230 papaya 0.046 1.27 34 14
231 mango 0.045 3.00 37 14
232 kharbooza 0.003 0.08 1 1
233 pears/nashpati 0.010 0.20 10 2
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.054 3.06 54 9
236 apple 0.170 21.22 158 48
237 grapes 0.020 2.74 23 5
238 other fresh fruits - 7.15 187 70
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 53.47 642 230
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.47 7 2
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.00 0 0
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.26 8 3
247 other dry fruits 0.011 2.91 52 12
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.012 3.65 56 14
250 ginger (gm) 126.545 6.77 642 252
251 garlic (gm) 101.243 11.39 753 282
252 jeera (gm) 2.081 0.87 55 19
253 dhania (gm) 6.561 0.82 121 42
254 turmeric (gm) 14.013 2.48 272 99
255 black pepper (gm) 0.294 0.07 17 2
256 dry chillies (gm) 77.911 9.01 605 216
257 tamarind (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
258 curry powder (gm) 11.686 1.79 129 53
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
261 other spices (gm) 25.407 4.37 376 127

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-272 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Nagaland Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 365.742 37.57 921 332
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.573 7.75 281 91
271 tea: leaf (gm) 151.031 31.71 968 342
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.052 0.51 15 5
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.022 0.28 19 8
274 mineral water (litre) 0.029 0.57 25 6
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.033 1.30 28 8
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.032 2.82 26 15
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.62 49 14
279 beverages: sub-total - 46.55 992 349
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.069 6.09 25 20
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.010 0.10 2 1
283 cooked snacks purchased - 20.73 331 108
284 other served processed food - 1.74 53 19
289 served processed food: sub-total - 28.66 394 138
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 20.33 358 96
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 26.35 545 209
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.012 1.19 28 13
293 chips (gm) 12.580 3.87 124 44
294 pickles (gm) 0.827 0.24 4 4
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.549 0.15 4 1
296 other packaged food - 3.33 102 47
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 55.46 742 268
777 total: food group - 1160.13 1000 352

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-273

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Odisha Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.367 3.04 179 275
102 rice – other sources 7.433 144.98 870 927
103 chira 0.269 5.62 526 554
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.06 7 10
105 muri 0.193 6.45 471 521
106 other rice products 0.000 0.01 1 2
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.331 3.21 122 133
108 wheat/atta – other sources 1.421 29.01 654 696
110 maida 0.030 0.62 76 101
111 suji, rawa 0.223 4.98 659 657
112 sewai, noodles 0.047 2.40 230 230
113 bread: bakery 0.042 2.08 190 219
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.12 7 4
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 3
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 1 5
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.015 0.28 24 12
122 other cereals 0.003 0.08 11 25
129 cereal: sub-total 11.378 202.95 938 1009
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.366 23.54 766 818
141 gram: split 0.032 1.59 124 173
142 gram: whole 0.015 0.75 95 100
143 moong 0.134 8.54 470 538
144 masur 0.039 2.17 190 159
145 urd 0.039 2.13 165 199
146 peas 0.036 1.12 200 236
147 khesari 0.001 0.03 1 9
148 other pulses 0.006 0.28 38 60
150 gram products 0.002 0.06 6 8
151 besan 0.054 2.40 281 318
152 other pulse products 0.006 0.30 53 33
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.729 42.93 915 981
160 milk: liquid (litre) 2.666 56.52 537 587
161 baby food 0.014 4.27 42 44
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.018 4.63 144 180
163 curd 0.024 0.76 79 70
164 ghee 0.005 1.42 47 66
165 butter 0.000 0.06 6 4

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-274 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Odisha Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.15 70 64
167 other milk products - 0.36 15 28
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 69.17 656 716
170 salt 0.287 3.09 924 996
171 sugar – PDS 0.051 0.81 117 128
172 sugar – other sources 0.466 16.07 850 921
173 gur 0.008 0.27 56 94
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.12 24 36
175 honey 0.000 0.07 9 23
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.814 20.43 937 1008
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.013 1.03 67 78
181 mustard oil 0.215 18.09 477 569
182 groundnut oil 0.003 0.25 13 11
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.04 3 8
184 refined oil 0.310 23.26 651 643
185 edible oil: others 0.027 1.81 69 84
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.569 44.48 915 982
190 eggs (no.) 1.863 6.76 252 266
191 fish, prawn 0.474 47.06 492 530
192 goat meat/mutton 0.077 19.74 95 131
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.019 1.85 16 11
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.108 13.09 140 160
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.30 5 9
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 88.81 721 760
200 potato 2.004 19.83 915 983
201 onion 0.888 12.53 909 981
202 tomato 0.852 13.93 830 905
203 brinjal 0.807 13.83 782 819
204 radish 0.082 1.08 102 131
205 carrot 0.069 1.30 96 90
206 palak/other 0.531 8.10 552 722
207 green chillies 0.085 3.67 727 821
208 lady's finger 0.258 6.75 389 335
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.233 6.30 306 332
211 cauliflower 0.386 5.28 266 331
212 cabbage 0.426 5.34 348 400
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.501 5.83 510 510
214 peas 0.019 0.43 28 37
215 beans, barbati 0.207 4.89 321 368
216 lemon (no.) 2.460 3.13 531 562

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-275

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Odisha Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.936 14.05 683 754
219 vegetables: sub-total - 126.28 922 993
220 banana (no.) 4.921 10.92 504 538
221 jackfruit 0.003 0.03 1 4
222 watermelon 0.143 1.43 49 36
223 pineapple (no.) 0.018 0.40 11 17
224 coconut (no.) 0.452 5.08 311 361
225 green coconut (no.) 0.054 0.62 27 45
226 guava 0.025 0.41 20 32
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.475 2.82 60 70
230 papaya 0.016 0.34 16 31
231 mango 0.168 5.80 147 170
232 kharbooza 0.001 0.01 1 2
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 1
235 leechi 0.001 0.05 1 4
236 apple 0.121 11.25 157 180
237 grapes 0.043 3.48 95 101
238 other fresh fruits - 0.60 16 22
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 43.23 688 757
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.015 0.97 64 99
242 dates 0.004 0.29 16 19
243 cashewnut 0.005 1.92 57 58
244 walnut 0.001 0.10 4 3
245 other nuts 0.000 0.02 3 5
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.005 0.90 44 50
247 other dry fruits 0.006 0.42 13 9
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.035 4.62 138 172
250 ginger (gm) 72.266 4.22 853 892
251 garlic (gm) 73.117 5.65 903 964
252 jeera (gm) 31.809 6.31 867 909
253 dhania (gm) 13.441 1.49 355 334
254 turmeric (gm) 40.038 7.83 897 963
255 black pepper (gm) 0.966 0.28 47 41
256 dry chillies (gm) 32.024 3.66 803 894
257 tamarind (gm) 24.037 1.13 132 104
258 curry powder (gm) 20.826 5.31 580 612
260 oilseeds (gm) 39.691 2.72 825 826
261 other spices (gm) 30.128 4.64 662 678

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-276 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Odisha Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 378.345 43.20 915 982
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.425 13.93 335 396
271 tea: leaf (gm) 47.010 10.90 728 810
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.066 0.31 9 14
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.105 0.06 4 11
274 mineral water (litre) 0.041 0.59 22 36
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.043 1.77 63 77
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.032 1.57 28 29
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.43 64 69
279 beverages: sub-total - 30.57 862 937
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.713 57.02 165 166
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.135 3.08 12 14
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.713 10.61 163 189
283 cooked snacks purchased - 41.57 764 795
284 other served processed food - 4.21 186 154
289 served processed food: sub-total - 116.50 840 904
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 7.41 222 255
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 19.25 730 812
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.175 15.45 621 606
293 chips (gm) 3.470 0.92 49 60
294 pickles (gm) 12.485 1.31 119 143
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 5.753 0.67 40 39
296 other packaged food - 3.55 111 102
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 48.53 907 944
777 total: food group - 881.67 1000 1052

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-277

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Punjab Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.002 0.07 2 2
102 rice – other sources 1.167 32.10 907 1457
103 chira 0.001 0.03 4 6
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.020 0.32 2 1
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.383 1.80 70 147
108 wheat/atta – other sources 6.662 97.96 933 1492
110 maida 0.014 0.24 47 80
111 suji, rawa 0.019 0.45 136 239
112 sewai, noodles 0.013 1.08 101 182
113 bread: bakery 0.099 3.97 415 688
114 other wheat products 0.004 0.15 18 28
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.01 1 2
116 bajra & its products 0.001 0.01 4 6
117 maize & its products 0.075 1.48 122 215
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.01 3 2
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.01 1 1
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.002 0.15 5 6
129 cereal: sub-total 8.465 139.85 957 1533
139 cereal substitutes 0.001 0.03 2 4
140 arhar, tur 0.057 4.01 222 269
141 gram: split 0.167 7.87 796 1303
142 gram: whole 0.160 7.65 785 1289
143 moong 0.154 11.18 834 1352
144 masur 0.114 7.38 744 1193
145 urd 0.075 4.91 468 798
146 peas 0.003 0.14 12 14
147 khesari 0.001 0.06 3 3
148 other pulses 0.093 5.93 473 805
150 gram products 0.003 0.15 17 21
151 besan 0.098 4.83 643 1059
152 other pulse products 0.031 1.85 164 245
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.956 55.96 953 1530
160 milk: liquid (litre) 10.793 316.69 952 1522
161 baby food 0.003 0.69 18 27
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.32 11 14
163 curd 0.103 4.39 212 325
164 ghee 0.073 21.72 288 439
165 butter 0.003 0.72 20 33

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-278 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Punjab Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.00 48 76
167 other milk products - 1.81 76 121
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 347.33 955 1529
170 salt 0.212 2.83 952 1527
171 sugar – PDS 0.009 0.29 7 14
172 sugar – other sources 1.375 46.15 948 1516
173 gur 0.040 1.45 130 209
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.04 6 10
175 honey 0.001 0.20 10 16
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.638 50.95 958 1536
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.165 12.23 369 645
181 mustard oil 0.436 36.46 757 1224
182 groundnut oil 0.012 1.10 26 19
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.03 1 1
184 refined oil 0.276 22.77 464 749
185 edible oil: others 0.002 0.15 5 14
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.892 72.74 952 1529
190 eggs (no.) 1.261 4.73 154 250
191 fish, prawn 0.004 0.55 5 14
192 goat meat/mutton 0.015 3.13 18 32
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.09 0 1
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.091 12.49 101 158
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 20.98 214 334
200 potato 1.933 18.72 936 1521
201 onion 1.441 20.00 949 1525
202 tomato 0.720 15.19 856 1359
203 brinjal 0.286 5.92 336 570
204 radish 0.401 3.50 271 462
205 carrot 0.359 4.87 273 462
206 palak/other 0.272 3.92 181 311
207 green chillies 0.123 4.45 636 1007
208 lady's finger 0.249 6.80 285 470
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.006 0.13 10 13
211 cauliflower 0.628 10.56 512 831
212 cabbage 0.068 0.95 68 98
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.521 9.32 411 673
214 peas 0.318 7.65 368 569
215 beans, barbati 0.052 1.59 71 129
216 lemon (no.) 1.578 2.39 182 282

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-279

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Punjab Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.738 15.17 520 808
219 vegetables: sub-total - 131.10 953 1530
220 banana (no.) 4.915 15.80 375 580
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.119 1.71 37 54
223 pineapple (no.) 0.005 0.09 2 5
224 coconut (no.) 0.001 0.02 1 1
225 green coconut (no.) 0.008 0.03 1 1
226 guava 0.110 1.93 73 128
227 singara 0.004 0.04 1 5
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.543 6.81 160 218
230 papaya 0.152 3.26 91 145
231 mango 0.185 8.24 119 166
232 kharbooza 0.043 0.48 17 32
233 pears/nashpati 0.011 0.52 12 12
234 berries 0.002 0.06 3 7
235 leechi 0.007 0.59 9 12
236 apple 0.271 18.02 233 348
237 grapes 0.046 3.01 59 103
238 other fresh fruits - 3.44 66 118
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 64.05 698 1054
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.03 3 6
241 groundnut 0.058 4.23 98 176
242 dates 0.008 0.58 20 31
243 cashewnut 0.004 1.91 25 35
244 walnut 0.001 0.22 6 8
245 other nuts 0.004 1.51 29 54
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.58 22 48
247 other dry fruits 0.005 2.09 28 48
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.082 11.15 162 288
250 ginger (gm) 89.023 5.02 702 1160
251 garlic (gm) 58.489 4.48 638 1004
252 jeera (gm) 25.877 5.40 609 1001
253 dhania (gm) 23.991 2.60 381 627
254 turmeric (gm) 77.384 13.84 946 1520
255 black pepper (gm) 6.035 2.08 196 351
256 dry chillies (gm) 55.235 9.21 819 1317
257 tamarind (gm) 1.875 0.15 12 23
258 curry powder (gm) 0.598 0.13 8 16
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.842 0.12 7 21
261 other spices (gm) 58.820 14.37 700 1108

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-280 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Punjab Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 398.169 57.42 952 1529
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.400 21.54 404 553
271 tea: leaf (gm) 136.864 31.24 944 1515
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.016 0.09 1 2
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.636 0.98 17 31
274 mineral water (litre) 0.004 0.06 3 7
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.318 11.05 189 285
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.116 7.30 94 138
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.41 10 17
279 beverages: sub-total - 72.65 983 1555
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.077 27.33 83 105
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.026 0.60 3 9
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.498 4.80 45 88
283 cooked snacks purchased - 26.68 525 802
284 other served processed food - 1.84 65 98
289 served processed food: sub-total - 61.26 582 918
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 14.81 160 271
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 24.21 817 1301
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.119 12.75 499 830
293 chips (gm) 15.614 3.70 135 223
294 pickles (gm) 10.630 1.06 91 104
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 10.601 1.43 49 92
296 other packaged food - 1.58 56 94
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 59.52 893 1400
777 total: food group - 1145.00 1000 1566

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-281

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Rajasthan Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.008 0.07 8 8
102 rice – other sources 0.575 17.14 763 1226
103 chira 0.049 1.67 157 240
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.02 2 5
105 muri 0.002 0.08 10 14
106 other rice products 0.002 0.10 11 13
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.716 4.26 169 262
108 wheat/atta – other sources 8.241 114.06 905 1456
110 maida 0.030 0.64 135 204
111 suji, rawa 0.058 1.29 308 474
112 sewai, noodles 0.016 1.22 100 145
113 bread: bakery 0.091 3.64 209 315
114 other wheat products 0.004 0.07 4 7
115 jowar & its products 0.007 0.06 5 5
116 bajra & its products 0.238 2.41 112 180
117 maize & its products 0.045 0.55 41 96
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.01 2 4
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.01 1 2
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.001 0.04 3 10
129 cereal: sub-total 10.084 147.35 928 1503
139 cereal substitutes 0.003 0.14 17 50
140 arhar, tur 0.058 3.95 392 604
141 gram: split 0.109 4.89 688 1110
142 gram: whole 0.011 0.53 72 128
143 moong 0.162 10.11 830 1341
144 masur 0.067 3.86 491 738
145 urd 0.045 2.90 348 616
146 peas 0.002 0.08 10 20
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.011 0.63 59 83
150 gram products 0.001 0.02 3 9
151 besan 0.119 5.56 658 1106
152 other pulse products 0.009 0.49 68 107
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.593 33.02 924 1495
160 milk: liquid (litre) 8.711 228.14 925 1495
161 baby food 0.002 0.27 7 17
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.50 5 8
163 curd 0.049 1.81 115 197
164 ghee 0.188 61.95 659 1047
165 butter 0.001 0.14 8 19

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-282 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Rajasthan Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.17 61 119
167 other milk products - 0.82 46 80
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 294.81 931 1505
170 salt 0.237 2.82 925 1497
171 sugar – PDS 0.017 0.26 24 39
172 sugar – other sources 0.983 31.89 914 1479
173 gur 0.059 2.05 185 303
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.10 15 33
175 honey 0.001 0.15 10 19
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.299 37.26 934 1510
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.007 0.60 17 26
181 mustard oil 0.228 18.10 325 567
182 groundnut oil 0.070 6.95 87 138
183 coconut oil 0.001 0.15 3 8
184 refined oil 0.492 39.76 555 859
185 edible oil: others 0.003 0.31 5 7
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.800 65.86 923 1496
190 eggs (no.) 1.088 4.35 123 143
191 fish, prawn 0.004 0.58 4 8
192 goat meat/mutton 0.089 21.63 127 178
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.019 2.06 21 21
194 pork 0.002 0.18 2 6
195 chicken 0.039 5.23 59 64
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.07 0 2
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 34.11 239 304
200 potato 1.370 13.67 903 1451
201 onion 0.929 12.20 875 1409
202 tomato 0.979 18.08 883 1419
203 brinjal 0.206 3.75 303 478
204 radish 0.214 2.03 151 244
205 carrot 0.165 2.39 170 247
206 palak/other 0.397 6.20 439 753
207 green chillies 0.263 7.30 747 1202
208 lady's finger 0.235 7.01 363 581
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.027 0.59 38 65
211 cauliflower 0.327 6.67 351 554
212 cabbage 0.238 4.44 277 440
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.313 5.18 344 546
214 peas 0.146 2.76 188 295
215 beans, barbati 0.023 0.56 34 66
216 lemon (no.) 3.032 4.88 410 653

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-283

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Rajasthan Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.435 9.84 394 656
219 vegetables: sub-total - 107.55 924 1499
220 banana (no.) 5.795 11.93 400 672
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.118 1.07 33 66
223 pineapple (no.) 0.006 0.10 2 5
224 coconut (no.) 0.029 0.31 14 28
225 green coconut (no.) 0.015 0.19 6 14
226 guava 0.089 1.78 80 134
227 singara 0.027 0.70 33 46
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.433 4.07 109 154
230 papaya 0.203 4.50 142 245
231 mango 0.276 11.11 165 254
232 kharbooza 0.030 0.62 20 32
233 pears/nashpati 0.005 0.16 5 9
234 berries 0.023 0.55 26 38
235 leechi 0.000 0.04 0 2
236 apple 0.166 14.27 179 321
237 grapes 0.099 5.45 137 221
238 other fresh fruits - 3.66 60 106
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 60.55 727 1159
240 coconut: copra 0.008 0.74 29 59
241 groundnut 0.054 2.81 81 131
242 dates 0.007 0.59 19 42
243 cashewnut 0.008 3.69 49 92
244 walnut 0.001 0.41 6 10
245 other nuts 0.006 2.33 32 49
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.016 5.26 95 143
247 other dry fruits 0.009 3.49 43 88
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.109 19.32 226 389
250 ginger (gm) 60.771 3.18 517 844
251 garlic (gm) 87.278 5.99 776 1239
252 jeera (gm) 36.955 7.06 861 1392
253 dhania (gm) 83.647 9.33 904 1464
254 turmeric (gm) 48.422 7.52 913 1479
255 black pepper (gm) 4.257 1.25 127 260
256 dry chillies (gm) 129.650 17.88 908 1473
257 tamarind (gm) 1.439 0.19 22 21
258 curry powder (gm) 3.692 1.07 67 85
260 oilseeds (gm) 2.758 0.33 82 121
261 other spices (gm) 23.263 5.52 431 691

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-284 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Rajasthan Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 482.131 59.34 919 1496
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.644 18.88 361 625
271 tea: leaf (gm) 128.015 25.92 911 1470
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.035 0.19 5 9
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.998 0.85 32 45
274 mineral water (litre) 0.046 0.31 7 14
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.030 1.18 21 46
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.083 3.85 70 128
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.07 23 40
279 beverages: sub-total - 52.27 937 1521
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.419 81.17 106 93
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.103 6.62 10 26
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.643 5.27 51 105
283 cooked snacks purchased - 20.74 344 565
284 other served processed food - 1.09 22 45
289 served processed food: sub-total - 114.89 467 712
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 22.39 185 310
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 20.72 575 940
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.187 19.92 523 827
293 chips (gm) 6.193 1.06 47 107
294 pickles (gm) 6.482 0.78 34 70
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 4.286 0.65 21 37
296 other packaged food - 1.44 21 43
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 66.95 775 1243
777 total: food group - 1093.42 1000 1552

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-285

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Sikkim Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.148 0.96 34 10
102 rice – other sources 7.157 192.72 844 140
103 chira 0.050 1.47 182 25
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.02 4 1
105 muri 0.017 0.68 108 25
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.000 0.00 0 0
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.966 17.23 816 135
110 maida 0.353 6.92 542 97
111 suji, rawa 0.020 0.57 109 22
112 sewai, noodles 0.082 6.92 495 82
113 bread: bakery 0.080 4.20 407 52
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.017 0.78 31 6
118 barley & its products 0.004 0.43 27 2
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 8.895 232.88 851 143
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.000 0.00 0 0
141 gram: split 0.049 1.91 189 27
142 gram: whole 0.057 2.60 355 49
143 moong 0.050 3.46 215 28
144 masur 0.190 11.46 691 129
145 urd 0.000 0.00 0 0
146 peas 0.012 0.46 95 13
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.133 10.97 466 75
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 0 0
151 besan 0.005 0.24 55 12
152 other pulse products 0.000 0.02 2 3
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.496 31.13 851 143
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.450 115.58 803 137
161 baby food 0.020 6.50 47 4
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.008 1.62 35 4
163 curd 0.032 1.29 71 15
164 ghee 0.016 4.57 83 10
165 butter 0.029 8.60 348 57

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-286 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Sikkim Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.00 0 0
167 other milk products - 8.62 352 65
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 146.78 847 142
170 salt 0.173 1.87 851 143
171 sugar – PDS 0.301 7.85 403 73
172 sugar – other sources 0.273 9.70 481 72
173 gur 0.000 0.00 0 0
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.00 0 0
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.748 19.43 851 143
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.044 2.98 106 12
181 mustard oil 0.415 38.77 594 116
182 groundnut oil 0.005 0.39 14 1
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.228 20.31 298 32
185 edible oil: others 0.000 0.00 0 0
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.692 62.43 851 143
190 eggs (no.) 1.972 10.30 251 41
191 fish, prawn 0.061 7.29 76 12
192 goat meat/mutton 0.003 0.64 3 3
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.333 40.19 255 41
194 pork 0.099 12.82 92 20
195 chicken 0.410 53.28 395 73
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 124.53 768 131
200 potato 1.364 21.77 851 143
201 onion 0.546 10.62 850 142
202 tomato 0.674 18.46 851 143
203 brinjal 0.157 4.08 174 43
204 radish 0.135 2.73 175 32
205 carrot 0.038 0.66 24 6
206 palak/other 0.988 23.92 774 132
207 green chillies 0.113 6.37 774 133
208 lady's finger 0.149 4.57 207 23
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.152 4.18 106 11
211 cauliflower 0.371 9.29 333 60
212 cabbage 0.681 12.06 544 94
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.281 5.79 205 39
214 peas 0.042 2.30 96 9
215 beans, barbati 0.127 4.76 280 44
216 lemon (no.) 0.605 1.42 124 15

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-287

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Sikkim Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.181 23.65 760 127
219 vegetables: sub-total - 156.56 851 143
220 banana (no.) 1.814 4.41 186 30
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.014 0.41 10 2
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.002 0.06 2 2
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.379 4.31 146 19
230 papaya 0.000 0.00 0 0
231 mango 0.152 9.12 141 11
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.014 0.50 20 2
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.218 23.49 229 32
237 grapes 0.011 1.59 17 1
238 other fresh fruits - 0.03 1 1
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 43.91 588 83
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.000 0.01 2 2
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.39 5 2
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.08 1 1
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.05 2 3
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.00 0 0
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.001 0.54 9 8
250 ginger (gm) 149.465 6.14 798 138
251 garlic (gm) 101.942 10.65 817 138
252 jeera (gm) 8.836 2.58 472 72
253 dhania (gm) 9.746 2.40 430 67
254 turmeric (gm) 27.775 6.39 846 142
255 black pepper (gm) 0.013 0.00 1 1
256 dry chillies (gm) 28.134 4.92 780 133
257 tamarind (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
258 curry powder (gm) 9.699 4.90 466 73
260 oilseeds (gm) 1.133 0.68 34 2
261 other spices (gm) 7.642 2.78 392 82

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-288 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Sikkim Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 344.386 41.49 851 143
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.910 25.01 680 109
271 tea: leaf (gm) 137.906 28.34 851 143
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.059 0.21 15 2
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.542 0.36 27 1
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.028 2.12 37 4
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.071 4.44 121 10
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.00 0 0
279 beverages: sub-total - 60.47 945 154
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.173 46.97 107 13
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.467 12.58 25 8
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.201 36.36 84 10
283 cooked snacks purchased - 62.28 660 98
284 other served processed food - 4.82 101 9
289 served processed food: sub-total - 163.02 737 112
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 15.29 292 38
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 34.71 843 129
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.013 2.70 68 19
293 chips (gm) 35.203 12.02 387 58
294 pickles (gm) 9.083 1.61 69 9
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 5.894 1.47 55 3
296 other packaged food - 0.29 2 1
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 68.05 935 146
777 total: food group - 1151.22 1000 160

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-289

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tamil Nadu Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 3.169 29.89 666 2295
102 rice – other sources 4.168 115.07 832 2798
103 chira 0.007 0.21 14 55
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.01 1 2
105 muri 0.004 0.21 38 149
106 other rice products 0.058 1.29 64 204
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.442 3.54 490 1731
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.284 9.09 339 1121
110 maida 0.067 1.98 224 758
111 suji, rawa 0.143 4.73 491 1642
112 sewai, noodles 0.037 2.30 201 650
113 bread: bakery 0.029 1.51 147 463
114 other wheat products 0.005 0.21 15 53
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.01 2 7
116 bajra & its products 0.002 0.04 5 23
117 maize & its products 0.001 0.01 2 9
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 1 5
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.01 1 5
121 ragi & its products 0.045 0.90 94 353
122 other cereals 0.016 0.64 33 100
129 cereal: sub-total 8.478 171.65 908 3122
139 cereal substitutes 0.019 0.24 20 86
140 arhar, tur 0.390 20.10 902 3101
141 gram: split 0.080 4.64 626 2091
142 gram: whole 0.038 2.34 301 1042
143 moong 0.089 6.21 557 1887
144 masur 0.003 0.23 20 48
145 urd 0.320 16.67 858 2951
146 peas 0.009 0.46 80 290
147 khesari 0.000 0.03 4 11
148 other pulses 0.036 2.04 278 943
150 gram products 0.069 4.49 587 2008
151 besan 0.016 0.92 127 436
152 other pulse products 0.017 1.07 169 569
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.069 59.20 907 3117
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.961 134.83 871 2938
161 baby food 0.007 1.93 28 94
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.003 0.63 12 43
163 curd 0.055 2.53 169 470
164 ghee 0.014 4.70 154 421
165 butter 0.002 0.37 16 42

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-290 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tamil Nadu Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.49 62 196
167 other milk products - 0.19 8 30
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 146.67 883 2971
170 salt 0.282 2.79 904 3110
171 sugar – PDS 0.432 5.89 773 2725
172 sugar – other sources 0.248 7.90 543 1895
173 gur 0.026 1.16 127 427
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.04 8 23
175 honey 0.002 0.44 38 103
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.991 18.22 915 3123
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.001 0.13 9 42
181 mustard oil 0.000 0.04 1 5
182 groundnut oil 0.043 3.78 83 291
183 coconut oil 0.012 1.55 52 127
184 refined oil 0.419 32.81 612 2089
185 edible oil: others 0.208 11.03 406 1469
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.685 49.35 907 3116
190 eggs (no.) 5.165 16.24 523 1783
191 fish, prawn 0.292 29.05 265 882
192 goat meat/mutton 0.094 30.77 125 492
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.021 2.62 22 84
194 pork 0.002 0.21 2 7
195 chicken 0.385 47.61 410 1344
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.25 4 23
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 126.76 691 2371
200 potato 0.504 9.69 772 2647
201 onion 0.995 17.06 904 3106
202 tomato 1.023 16.20 902 3097
203 brinjal 0.330 6.71 673 2329
204 radish 0.120 2.19 261 896
205 carrot 0.319 8.90 642 2115
206 palak/other 0.368 7.36 652 2311
207 green chillies 0.112 3.77 776 2686
208 lady's finger 0.306 6.68 590 1990
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.023 0.48 39 117
211 cauliflower 0.096 2.03 143 488
212 cabbage 0.269 4.96 467 1560
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.061 1.17 114 456
214 peas 0.024 0.85 68 248
215 beans, barbati 0.231 6.79 446 1449
216 lemon (no.) 1.394 3.40 388 1237

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-291

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tamil Nadu Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.453 10.48 723 2525
219 vegetables: sub-total - 108.77 906 3113
220 banana (no.) 8.905 22.27 731 2355
221 jackfruit 0.004 0.05 3 14
222 watermelon 0.028 0.33 11 50
223 pineapple (no.) 0.022 0.28 11 33
224 coconut (no.) 2.070 17.36 773 2672
225 green coconut (no.) 0.167 2.50 55 218
226 guava 0.046 1.18 55 163
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 1
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.665 4.47 91 289
230 papaya 0.018 0.33 15 43
231 mango 0.155 5.56 126 447
232 kharbooza 0.003 0.11 1 3
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 1
235 leechi 0.000 0.01 0 1
236 apple 0.165 19.15 200 691
237 grapes 0.090 5.22 144 455
238 other fresh fruits - 2.81 50 205
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 81.63 953 3176
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.03 1 3
241 groundnut 0.025 1.75 92 310
242 dates 0.028 3.32 116 406
243 cashewnut 0.005 2.16 65 203
244 walnut 0.001 0.26 4 12
245 other nuts 0.000 0.05 2 7
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.38 26 89
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.42 18 60
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.062 8.37 234 785
250 ginger (gm) 56.797 3.57 813 2712
251 garlic (gm) 94.361 8.16 894 3071
252 jeera (gm) 33.039 7.40 881 3027
253 dhania (gm) 89.351 8.02 884 3027
254 turmeric (gm) 29.505 4.96 891 3075
255 black pepper (gm) 29.338 10.20 848 2877
256 dry chillies (gm) 99.558 11.19 899 3091
257 tamarind (gm) 131.591 13.11 897 3083
258 curry powder (gm) 34.725 5.93 634 2082
260 oilseeds (gm) 39.248 3.41 898 3081
261 other spices (gm) 47.838 6.67 845 2918

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-292 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tamil Nadu Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 685.351 82.58 906 3111
270 tea: cups (no.) 6.507 34.64 498 1745
271 tea: leaf (gm) 57.010 15.48 688 2484
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.444 2.71 46 114
273 coffee: powder (gm) 19.667 8.99 306 995
274 mineral water (litre) 1.406 2.36 30 88
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.027 1.12 27 109
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.027 1.58 32 93
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 6.02 101 347
279 beverages: sub-total - 72.90 962 3238
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 2.774 72.84 224 699
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.499 13.15 36 105
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.981 11.97 79 242
283 cooked snacks purchased - 31.42 544 1735
284 other served processed food - 1.04 25 87
289 served processed food: sub-total - 130.41 685 2209
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 11.70 221 732
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 27.29 640 2023
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.124 14.87 443 1516
293 chips (gm) 27.122 3.86 158 492
294 pickles (gm) 13.283 1.75 181 563
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 3.107 0.53 27 76
296 other packaged food - 2.56 56 185
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 62.55 853 2795
777 total: food group - 1119.31 1000 3326

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-293

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tripura Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 3.420 32.08 558 343
102 rice – other sources 8.212 167.11 934 501
103 chira 0.023 0.58 81 45
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.14 15 5
105 muri 0.347 15.80 872 470
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.126 1.30 153 94
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.265 5.49 347 174
110 maida 0.037 0.84 102 64
111 suji, rawa 0.028 0.83 164 84
112 sewai, noodles 0.026 2.58 178 87
113 bread: bakery 0.059 3.01 339 157
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.01 3 3
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 2 1
129 cereal: sub-total 12.545 229.77 990 539
139 cereal substitutes 0.012 0.22 30 16
140 arhar, tur 0.001 0.09 13 7
141 gram: split 0.011 0.56 55 21
142 gram: whole 0.003 0.19 24 9
143 moong 0.051 3.39 271 128
144 masur 0.433 25.01 939 517
145 urd 0.002 0.08 12 6
146 peas 0.017 0.61 62 32
147 khesari 0.006 0.22 30 18
148 other pulses 0.015 0.79 82 57
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 1 1
151 besan 0.006 0.27 41 17
152 other pulse products 0.013 0.76 134 76
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.557 31.97 979 535
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.363 39.66 358 180
161 baby food 0.019 6.23 61 31
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.059 12.86 600 333
163 curd 0.002 0.13 7 5
164 ghee 0.005 2.06 81 30
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 0

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-294 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tripura Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.14 16 13
167 other milk products - 0.79 17 10
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 61.87 847 459
170 salt 0.400 4.15 985 536
171 sugar – PDS 0.485 6.59 766 437
172 sugar – other sources 0.089 3.15 269 154
173 gur 0.010 0.52 67 30
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 1
175 honey 0.000 0.01 1 1
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.985 14.43 990 539
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.007 0.78 11 3
181 mustard oil 0.649 58.69 944 512
182 groundnut oil 0.006 0.54 8 5
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.054 4.58 73 36
185 edible oil: others 0.002 0.17 5 3
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.718 64.75 982 536
190 eggs (no.) 4.268 17.88 620 325
191 fish, prawn 1.478 202.09 933 501
192 goat meat/mutton 0.025 6.50 30 17
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.001 0.14 3 2
194 pork 0.024 4.09 33 17
195 chicken 0.379 48.71 364 194
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.59 5 2
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 279.97 966 519
200 potato 1.884 24.46 979 535
201 onion 0.532 11.04 961 523
202 tomato 0.533 10.45 524 260
203 brinjal 1.041 20.39 944 512
204 radish 0.230 2.77 193 93
205 carrot 0.076 2.00 135 63
206 palak/other 1.682 23.72 893 479
207 green chillies 0.245 12.73 961 523
208 lady's finger 0.182 5.63 247 140
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.146 3.64 212 120
211 cauliflower 0.416 5.34 277 148
212 cabbage 0.398 4.60 218 127
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.895 12.62 576 308
214 peas 0.046 1.39 84 39
215 beans, barbati 0.512 12.41 581 324
216 lemon (no.) 0.669 1.43 211 106

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-295

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tripura Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 1.677 27.75 900 467
219 vegetables: sub-total - 182.39 985 537
220 banana (no.) 7.696 9.50 441 227
221 jackfruit 0.243 1.42 56 47
222 watermelon 0.016 0.40 9 6
223 pineapple (no.) 0.140 1.29 59 34
224 coconut (no.) 0.030 0.23 15 10
225 green coconut (no.) 0.005 0.06 3 3
226 guava 0.003 0.05 4 3
227 singara 0.001 0.07 3 1
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.362 9.94 254 109
230 papaya 0.005 0.07 4 3
231 mango 0.124 4.30 100 51
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.14 4 1
234 berries 0.003 0.11 6 2
235 leechi 0.001 0.09 3 1
236 apple 0.078 9.14 147 67
237 grapes 0.049 4.82 125 61
238 other fresh fruits - 2.01 111 55
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 43.63 720 380
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.005 0.47 28 12
242 dates 0.003 0.24 28 10
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.37 9 5
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.04 2 3
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.52 33 25
247 other dry fruits 0.012 0.76 89 40
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.023 2.41 150 77
250 ginger (gm) 56.544 2.95 711 394
251 garlic (gm) 50.834 4.68 876 488
252 jeera (gm) 35.133 8.68 867 473
253 dhania (gm) 23.034 4.29 738 392
254 turmeric (gm) 52.666 13.42 973 528
255 black pepper (gm) 1.329 0.37 58 33
256 dry chillies (gm) 31.067 5.35 851 449
257 tamarind (gm) 0.532 0.12 18 16
258 curry powder (gm) 2.510 0.80 68 52
260 oilseeds (gm) 4.795 0.43 115 55
261 other spices (gm) 35.165 6.81 781 417

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-296 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Tripura Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 293.610 47.91 985 537
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.257 11.82 311 165
271 tea: leaf (gm) 75.519 14.02 845 464
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.037 0.26 12 2
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.003 0.06 5 1
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.027 1.53 52 23
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.047 3.06 63 34
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.85 76 43
279 beverages: sub-total - 31.60 919 495
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.267 5.06 30 18
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.009 0.07 2 1
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.127 17.82 321 184
283 cooked snacks purchased - 22.54 497 247
284 other served processed food - 1.79 62 38
289 served processed food: sub-total - 47.27 690 370
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 9.82 303 170
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 22.58 955 515
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.026 2.90 201 98
293 chips (gm) 8.642 2.27 130 79
294 pickles (gm) 0.484 0.10 9 5
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 4.446 0.55 41 17
296 other packaged food - 8.93 130 59
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 47.15 970 525
777 total: food group - 1085.35 1000 544

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-297

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttar Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.252 1.40 72 314
102 rice – other sources 2.583 53.01 930 2853
103 chira 0.017 0.47 50 194
104 khoi, lawa 0.006 0.25 38 108
105 muri 0.004 0.14 31 130
106 other rice products 0.009 0.19 17 61
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.461 2.74 166 574
108 wheat/atta – other sources 6.082 79.81 952 2950
110 maida 0.036 0.70 174 573
111 suji, rawa 0.067 1.38 432 1272
112 sewai, noodles 0.039 2.27 208 625
113 bread: bakery 0.177 6.69 542 1485
114 other wheat products 0.006 0.20 28 76
115 jowar & its products 0.001 0.02 1 3
116 bajra & its products 0.006 0.06 10 48
117 maize & its products 0.007 0.15 20 71
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.004 0.15 18 48
129 cereal: sub-total 9.756 149.64 977 3061
139 cereal substitutes 0.004 0.30 29 56
140 arhar, tur 0.314 20.53 866 2739
141 gram: split 0.071 3.18 420 1171
142 gram: whole 0.030 1.39 165 526
143 moong 0.060 3.87 425 1119
144 masur 0.110 5.83 573 1539
145 urd 0.085 5.12 509 1448
146 peas 0.077 2.37 199 763
147 khesari 0.000 0.01 1 2
148 other pulses 0.027 1.78 171 307
150 gram products 0.002 0.14 19 50
151 besan 0.097 4.54 660 1947
152 other pulse products 0.015 0.91 130 333
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.888 49.67 976 3058
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.856 169.12 934 2868
161 baby food 0.002 0.71 14 37
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.35 7 19
163 curd 0.036 1.76 148 405
164 ghee 0.049 16.38 291 836
165 butter 0.003 0.89 47 111

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-298 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttar Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.56 81 194
167 other milk products - 1.52 54 166
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 192.29 949 2898
170 salt 0.200 2.42 972 3042
171 sugar – PDS 0.029 0.54 57 258
172 sugar – other sources 0.835 27.54 944 2926
173 gur 0.025 0.82 128 492
174 candy, misri 0.003 0.21 33 83
175 honey 0.001 0.25 17 51
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.094 31.78 978 3066
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.035 2.54 98 331
181 mustard oil 0.560 44.45 898 2845
182 groundnut oil 0.004 0.28 5 20
183 coconut oil 0.001 0.13 4 6
184 refined oil 0.177 14.49 418 1185
185 edible oil: others 0.000 0.03 2 11
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.777 61.93 975 3050
190 eggs (no.) 1.944 7.36 262 677
191 fish, prawn 0.035 3.28 49 185
192 goat meat/mutton 0.054 11.72 70 277
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.145 13.11 127 360
194 pork 0.002 0.15 2 9
195 chicken 0.082 9.79 108 311
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 45.41 413 1234
200 potato 2.990 27.28 973 3047
201 onion 0.834 11.63 942 2927
202 tomato 0.634 11.28 885 2704
203 brinjal 0.280 4.22 432 1288
204 radish 0.193 1.94 266 867
205 carrot 0.124 1.46 145 426
206 palak/other 0.360 4.66 426 1351
207 green chillies 0.137 4.94 887 2771
208 lady's finger 0.258 5.12 311 936
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.083 2.25 169 533
211 cauliflower 0.364 5.41 403 1169
212 cabbage 0.137 1.75 169 498
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.449 6.00 432 1274
214 peas 0.297 4.44 271 796
215 beans, barbati 0.024 0.57 55 179
216 lemon (no.) 1.822 3.34 433 1248

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-299

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttar Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.644 11.02 568 1680
219 vegetables: sub-total - 107.32 976 3054
220 banana (no.) 4.570 9.34 341 1047
221 jackfruit 0.002 0.03 3 7
222 watermelon 0.133 1.21 45 150
223 pineapple (no.) 0.002 0.07 1 10
224 coconut (no.) 0.014 0.18 12 33
225 green coconut (no.) 0.009 0.16 7 11
226 guava 0.187 2.97 205 589
227 singara 0.042 0.58 42 143
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.389 1.72 51 173
230 papaya 0.076 1.60 63 232
231 mango 0.167 5.31 118 338
232 kharbooza 0.092 1.49 61 152
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.04 3 7
234 berries 0.002 0.07 5 10
235 leechi 0.023 1.29 28 59
236 apple 0.171 14.46 202 599
237 grapes 0.059 3.16 105 333
238 other fresh fruits - 2.86 57 179
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 46.55 740 2223
240 coconut: copra 0.008 0.77 60 200
241 groundnut 0.059 4.12 207 590
242 dates 0.008 0.70 28 93
243 cashewnut 0.007 3.28 65 183
244 walnut 0.001 0.60 12 30
245 other nuts 0.002 0.95 24 67
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.011 2.55 116 356
247 other dry fruits 0.009 3.51 77 234
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.104 16.48 390 1119
250 ginger (gm) 66.226 3.29 742 2252
251 garlic (gm) 67.317 4.85 843 2618
252 jeera (gm) 29.001 5.76 830 2538
253 dhania (gm) 70.181 6.74 882 2676
254 turmeric (gm) 48.130 8.03 927 2845
255 black pepper (gm) 5.748 1.89 298 930
256 dry chillies (gm) 44.139 5.86 785 2274
257 tamarind (gm) 0.516 0.05 12 33
258 curry powder (gm) 12.595 3.15 307 892
260 oilseeds (gm) 3.525 0.42 90 185
261 other spices (gm) 41.921 9.67 793 2312

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-300 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttar Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 389.299 49.73 974 3052
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.942 14.13 445 1296
271 tea: leaf (gm) 75.828 17.14 929 2887
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.091 0.74 17 24
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.843 0.89 30 67
274 mineral water (litre) 0.324 0.86 12 33
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.132 4.50 110 308
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.045 2.80 52 149
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.42 45 97
279 beverages: sub-total - 42.49 983 3028
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.389 16.68 64 144
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.055 1.33 6 22
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.425 3.90 51 147
283 cooked snacks purchased - 26.05 735 2169
284 other served processed food - 3.06 151 485
289 served processed food: sub-total - 51.02 782 2317
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 22.08 317 900
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 18.27 868 2700
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.108 12.42 626 1935
293 chips (gm) 9.166 2.17 91 236
294 pickles (gm) 4.634 0.65 54 166
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 6.515 0.95 46 114
296 other packaged food - 1.24 47 131
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 57.78 943 2882
777 total: food group - 902.40 999 3096

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-301

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttarakhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.606 3.18 265 221
102 rice – other sources 3.448 81.63 926 675
103 chira 0.017 0.32 13 8
104 khoi, lawa 0.004 0.22 32 18
105 muri 0.004 0.19 15 11
106 other rice products 0.011 0.26 21 20
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.845 3.38 364 283
108 wheat/atta – other sources 5.598 91.21 944 695
110 maida 0.022 0.48 92 67
111 suji, rawa 0.076 1.72 453 326
112 sewai, noodles 0.055 3.27 384 255
113 bread: bakery 0.149 5.71 441 312
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.07 9 11
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.008 0.21 13 7
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.002 0.03 5 5
122 other cereals 0.002 0.06 8 7
129 cereal: sub-total 10.850 191.96 967 714
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.198 14.13 829 622
141 gram: split 0.129 6.17 681 497
142 gram: whole 0.070 3.18 425 314
143 moong 0.055 3.93 375 267
144 masur 0.180 9.71 826 598
145 urd 0.090 5.85 592 438
146 peas 0.010 0.38 53 52
147 khesari 0.002 0.12 6 5
148 other pulses 0.138 8.88 600 483
150 gram products 0.004 0.30 12 8
151 besan 0.084 4.43 603 395
152 other pulse products 0.032 1.57 230 190
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.993 58.65 965 713
160 milk: liquid (litre) 6.722 203.62 954 697
161 baby food 0.004 1.02 30 15
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.012 1.84 55 32
163 curd 0.186 9.02 369 280
164 ghee 0.068 22.64 342 248
165 butter 0.004 1.15 58 39

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-302 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttarakhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 2.53 123 67
167 other milk products - 3.41 119 107
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 245.24 973 716
170 salt 0.203 2.65 961 708
171 sugar – PDS 0.291 4.13 560 406
172 sugar – other sources 0.719 24.45 942 690
173 gur 0.035 1.17 136 107
174 candy, misri 0.012 0.65 77 69
175 honey 0.001 0.34 27 23
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.261 33.40 969 716
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.027 1.94 65 33
181 mustard oil 0.479 39.53 776 567
182 groundnut oil 0.004 0.37 6 5
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 1
184 refined oil 0.335 27.04 589 433
185 edible oil: others 0.004 0.27 8 5
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.848 69.17 965 713
190 eggs (no.) 2.380 9.08 300 227
191 fish, prawn 0.076 7.34 62 42
192 goat meat/mutton 0.078 16.58 93 63
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.097 8.94 85 46
194 pork 0.018 2.40 20 6
195 chicken 0.102 15.44 113 111
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 59.79 474 353
200 potato 1.930 23.03 960 707
201 onion 0.866 14.18 941 687
202 tomato 0.761 17.11 892 662
203 brinjal 0.224 3.76 268 194
204 radish 0.281 3.75 310 220
205 carrot 0.105 1.44 129 83
206 palak/other 0.543 7.47 427 330
207 green chillies 0.075 3.04 519 370
208 lady's finger 0.305 7.17 377 256
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.025 0.59 36 21
211 cauliflower 0.537 10.06 446 327
212 cabbage 0.243 3.47 253 199
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.610 9.82 480 331
214 peas 0.280 5.66 352 251
215 beans, barbati 0.052 1.44 92 81
216 lemon (no.) 0.911 2.14 174 112

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-303

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttarakhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.629 12.59 495 372
219 vegetables: sub-total - 126.73 965 713
220 banana (no.) 5.958 15.38 396 274
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.063 0.78 31 20
223 pineapple (no.) 0.001 0.04 1 1
224 coconut (no.) 0.026 0.50 17 9
225 green coconut (no.) 0.002 0.04 2 1
226 guava 0.240 4.11 189 97
227 singara 0.008 0.11 4 4
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.840 3.19 89 71
230 papaya 0.133 3.38 87 55
231 mango 0.179 6.01 105 97
232 kharbooza 0.038 0.83 32 17
233 pears/nashpati 0.006 0.21 7 8
234 berries 0.007 0.32 14 9
235 leechi 0.029 1.86 28 25
236 apple 0.274 21.29 311 198
237 grapes 0.070 4.00 105 98
238 other fresh fruits - 2.24 44 32
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 64.28 735 545
240 coconut: copra 0.008 1.06 42 34
241 groundnut 0.068 6.23 179 128
242 dates 0.006 1.00 25 17
243 cashewnut 0.005 2.65 45 37
244 walnut 0.000 0.10 1 4
245 other nuts 0.005 2.24 38 16
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.012 2.76 88 67
247 other dry fruits 0.008 3.00 71 51
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.111 19.04 345 232
250 ginger (gm) 76.302 4.05 543 395
251 garlic (gm) 68.873 5.42 669 505
252 jeera (gm) 32.864 7.17 908 657
253 dhania (gm) 88.006 9.95 896 668
254 turmeric (gm) 41.039 7.84 922 681
255 black pepper (gm) 2.707 0.89 104 80
256 dry chillies (gm) 41.250 6.33 860 634
257 tamarind (gm) 0.233 0.03 3 6
258 curry powder (gm) 13.834 4.46 302 233
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.053 0.01 1 4
261 other spices (gm) 25.025 7.13 490 339

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-304 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Uttarakhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 390.186 53.31 967 714
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.137 26.20 504 371
271 tea: leaf (gm) 111.770 25.09 957 705
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.025 0.27 10 8
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.529 0.51 22 16
274 mineral water (litre) 0.010 0.11 9 5
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.109 4.32 87 67
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.034 2.30 45 41
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.35 28 19
279 beverages: sub-total - 60.16 976 722
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.287 10.69 53 49
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.141 3.24 10 14
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.736 7.89 79 68
283 cooked snacks purchased - 22.66 534 390
284 other served processed food - 1.69 75 63
289 served processed food: sub-total - 46.17 632 475
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 17.79 226 149
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 20.54 747 573
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.057 7.48 324 261
293 chips (gm) 13.545 3.19 112 73
294 pickles (gm) 24.356 2.70 170 126
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 10.672 1.19 53 32
296 other packaged food - 3.11 120 117
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 55.97 857 634
777 total: food group - 1083.86 1000 734

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-305

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

West Bengal Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.370 1.47 114 373
102 rice – other sources 5.873 142.74 902 2567
103 chira 0.037 0.95 127 367
104 khoi, lawa 0.004 0.17 21 58
105 muri 0.463 14.63 787 2233
106 other rice products 0.008 0.19 12 27
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.381 2.53 192 581
108 wheat/atta – other sources 1.905 32.92 758 2101
110 maida 0.195 3.65 386 1038
111 suji, rawa 0.036 1.02 259 720
112 sewai, noodles 0.051 3.26 256 694
113 bread: bakery 0.085 2.46 270 759
114 other wheat products 0.007 0.39 11 25
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.002 0.02 1 1
117 maize & its products 0.015 0.27 10 33
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 1
122 other cereals 0.004 0.19 13 33
129 cereal: sub-total 9.436 206.87 949 2671
139 cereal substitutes 0.001 0.03 6 18
140 arhar, tur 0.041 2.98 157 462
141 gram: split 0.023 1.12 164 501
142 gram: whole 0.010 0.46 68 194
143 moong 0.100 9.60 543 1489
144 masur 0.303 17.28 852 2411
145 urd 0.014 0.82 103 304
146 peas 0.022 0.90 156 469
147 khesari 0.002 0.09 13 41
148 other pulses 0.008 0.44 50 146
150 gram products 0.005 0.42 39 79
151 besan 0.028 1.14 318 903
152 other pulse products 0.019 1.28 197 528
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.575 36.54 928 2601
160 milk: liquid (litre) 2.564 64.39 639 1822
161 baby food 0.015 4.41 48 126
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.022 5.30 186 530
163 curd 0.027 2.46 118 319
164 ghee 0.014 4.37 269 755
165 butter 0.005 1.43 106 313

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-306 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

West Bengal Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.27 81 219
167 other milk products - 0.78 33 96
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 84.39 782 2192
170 salt 0.281 3.21 916 2597
171 sugar – PDS 0.026 0.51 63 217
172 sugar – other sources 0.549 18.64 902 2504
173 gur 0.020 0.96 90 283
174 candy, misri 0.012 0.65 179 462
175 honey 0.001 0.34 32 88
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.889 24.30 940 2629
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.010 0.79 23 65
181 mustard oil 0.668 59.39 866 2472
182 groundnut oil 0.005 0.43 8 23
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.02 1 1
184 refined oil 0.171 15.89 436 1125
185 edible oil: others 0.007 0.62 23 59
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.861 77.15 920 2610
190 eggs (no.) 6.169 22.13 687 1938
191 fish, prawn 1.032 130.46 792 2221
192 goat meat/mutton 0.067 19.77 92 279
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.147 14.38 81 138
194 pork 0.002 0.26 3 10
195 chicken 0.318 39.77 376 1002
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.50 5 13
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 227.27 868 2444
200 potato 3.664 33.12 914 2600
201 onion 0.739 11.68 891 2517
202 tomato 0.342 6.96 635 1749
203 brinjal 0.504 9.86 647 1800
204 radish 0.062 0.80 93 299
205 carrot 0.069 1.55 153 407
206 palak/other 0.705 8.89 692 1990
207 green chillies 0.126 6.30 878 2495
208 lady's finger 0.218 5.73 378 1024
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.371 9.15 478 1349
211 cauliflower 0.394 4.73 287 831
212 cabbage 0.377 3.83 295 833
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.436 5.80 469 1305
214 peas 0.068 1.36 120 322
215 beans, barbati 0.112 3.01 248 665
216 lemon (no.) 2.022 3.66 452 1251

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-307

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

West Bengal Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.895 17.71 777 2147
219 vegetables: sub-total - 134.16 919 2608
220 banana (no.) 5.185 10.78 475 1294
221 jackfruit 0.013 0.18 9 32
222 watermelon 0.037 0.54 21 72
223 pineapple (no.) 0.032 0.85 19 55
224 coconut (no.) 0.121 1.88 70 199
225 green coconut (no.) 0.095 1.20 35 100
226 guava 0.123 3.40 163 432
227 singara 0.005 0.13 11 22
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.906 8.56 266 749
230 papaya 0.027 0.74 23 80
231 mango 0.170 6.91 120 340
232 kharbooza 0.004 0.10 3 5
233 pears/nashpati 0.005 0.41 12 32
234 berries 0.002 0.09 2 7
235 leechi 0.021 1.22 32 80
236 apple 0.133 11.86 200 593
237 grapes 0.048 3.14 111 302
238 other fresh fruits - 6.16 224 565
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 58.15 750 2026
240 coconut: copra 0.001 0.03 1 6
241 groundnut 0.005 0.40 37 121
242 dates 0.009 0.73 57 178
243 cashewnut 0.006 2.75 76 214
244 walnut 0.000 0.06 2 6
245 other nuts 0.000 0.03 1 8
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.008 1.85 89 249
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.25 10 27
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.030 6.09 160 468
250 ginger (gm) 102.092 6.13 901 2562
251 garlic (gm) 52.859 4.67 820 2291
252 jeera (gm) 39.411 8.64 868 2452
253 dhania (gm) 16.262 2.14 483 1317
254 turmeric (gm) 58.627 11.09 897 2546
255 black pepper (gm) 3.487 1.12 199 529
256 dry chillies (gm) 26.743 4.04 706 1986
257 tamarind (gm) 1.917 0.18 28 86
258 curry powder (gm) 6.003 1.48 121 377
260 oilseeds (gm) 23.202 1.72 476 1301
261 other spices (gm) 48.350 10.18 798 2225

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-308 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

West Bengal Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 378.952 51.36 913 2600
270 tea: cups (no.) 8.979 20.82 549 1437
271 tea: leaf (gm) 70.699 16.31 812 2351
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.093 0.35 11 25
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.759 0.70 25 76
274 mineral water (litre) 0.136 1.06 24 75
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.089 3.49 79 233
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.025 1.40 32 87
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 6.99 87 226
279 beverages: sub-total - 51.12 958 2634
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.773 55.98 160 357
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.237 4.98 21 43
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.687 5.86 86 256
283 cooked snacks purchased - 47.03 717 1929
284 other served processed food - 4.77 129 358
289 served processed food: sub-total - 118.62 791 2150
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 25.47 578 1525
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 25.30 921 2538
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.114 10.22 568 1531
293 chips (gm) 7.805 2.23 132 361
294 pickles (gm) 4.297 0.59 43 141
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 10.082 1.60 76 206
296 other packaged food - 4.72 85 245
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 70.14 961 2650
777 total: food group - 1146.20 1000 2746

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-309

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

A&N Island Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 3.951 35.90 659 187
102 rice – other sources 3.290 90.72 695 205
103 chira 0.000 0.00 0 0
104 khoi, lawa 0.001 0.04 5 1
105 muri 0.010 0.85 69 17
106 other rice products 0.005 0.21 5 1
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.590 4.05 235 68
108 wheat/atta – other sources 1.277 31.70 610 170
110 maida 0.046 2.15 218 64
111 suji, rawa 0.141 6.86 550 150
112 sewai, noodles 0.119 8.59 558 157
113 bread: bakery 0.224 11.21 559 149
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 9.654 192.27 949 275
139 cereal substitutes 0.003 0.06 9 4
140 arhar, tur 0.448 32.65 836 241
141 gram: split 0.034 1.92 250 79
142 gram: whole 0.044 2.32 266 79
143 moong 0.107 7.76 399 112
144 masur 0.219 11.51 565 164
145 urd 0.141 10.20 525 145
146 peas 0.058 2.04 331 94
147 khesari 0.003 0.10 6 3
148 other pulses 0.006 0.53 52 17
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 0 0
151 besan 0.022 1.28 136 39
152 other pulse products 0.023 1.89 136 37
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.105 72.20 948 274
160 milk: liquid (litre) 2.331 84.16 469 134
161 baby food 0.008 2.52 19 5
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.175 51.94 648 191
163 curd 0.010 0.81 83 23
164 ghee 0.017 7.02 258 69
165 butter 0.004 0.50 53 14

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-310 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

A&N Island Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.88 49 11
167 other milk products - 0.00 0 0
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 147.83 842 244
170 salt 0.277 3.46 949 275
171 sugar – PDS 0.721 9.78 779 222
172 sugar – other sources 0.106 3.83 181 52
173 gur 0.005 0.25 39 13
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.04 10 3
175 honey 0.000 0.07 8 2
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.110 17.43 949 275
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.003 0.35 7 2
181 mustard oil 0.336 35.47 389 109
182 groundnut oil 0.011 1.20 12 7
183 coconut oil 0.012 1.44 18 6
184 refined oil 0.677 86.61 677 197
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.14 3 2
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.041 125.21 949 275
190 eggs (no.) 6.448 28.80 726 208
191 fish, prawn 1.255 94.31 783 228
192 goat meat/mutton 0.025 7.58 24 5
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.024 3.18 20 6
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.884 91.06 545 159
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.027 2.92 15 3
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 227.85 886 258
200 potato 0.890 15.71 885 254
201 onion 0.936 19.57 948 274
202 tomato 0.610 22.50 898 262
203 brinjal 0.361 16.91 619 189
204 radish 0.011 0.38 19 8
205 carrot 0.125 8.41 313 86
206 palak/other 1.174 33.60 836 245
207 green chillies 0.123 12.84 842 246
208 lady's finger 0.646 29.92 759 216
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.146 7.91 216 62
211 cauliflower 0.095 5.93 138 46
212 cabbage 0.286 12.43 472 143
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.458 13.71 552 160
214 peas 0.021 1.51 75 19
215 beans, barbati 0.447 22.98 598 180
216 lemon (no.) 1.160 3.70 276 77

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-311

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

A&N Island Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.958 48.01 685 201
219 vegetables: sub-total - 276.02 949 275
220 banana (no.) 10.858 24.34 584 173
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.008 0.31 3 1
223 pineapple (no.) 0.019 0.78 10 2
224 coconut (no.) 0.539 6.55 278 81
225 green coconut (no.) 0.057 0.86 23 11
226 guava 0.020 0.66 23 7
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.283 11.35 85 24
230 papaya 0.032 0.95 14 3
231 mango 0.194 13.25 158 33
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.005 0.52 5 2
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.014 1.93 16 4
236 apple 0.339 51.82 353 98
237 grapes 0.077 12.32 115 29
238 other fresh fruits - 3.58 29 8
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 129.22 853 244
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
242 dates 0.015 2.69 81 24
243 cashewnut 0.015 7.84 205 59
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.001 0.23 7 3
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.012 2.91 188 50
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.41 7 5
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.043 14.07 273 79
250 ginger (gm) 82.509 7.26 869 254
251 garlic (gm) 92.125 10.84 934 272
252 jeera (gm) 34.729 9.86 902 261
253 dhania (gm) 45.040 4.68 748 220
254 turmeric (gm) 44.328 13.03 942 272
255 black pepper (gm) 10.873 6.29 439 133
256 dry chillies (gm) 72.185 9.85 915 266
257 tamarind (gm) 93.842 12.81 795 226
258 curry powder (gm) 43.794 9.52 735 219
260 oilseeds (gm) 27.225 2.94 848 247
261 other spices (gm) 83.023 17.40 869 249

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-312 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

A&N Island Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 629.673 104.49 947 274
270 tea: cups (no.) 9.423 52.29 634 194
271 tea: leaf (gm) 89.573 28.39 895 254
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.011 0.05 2 1
273 coffee: powder (gm) 3.414 1.14 87 28
274 mineral water (litre) 0.031 0.55 7 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.013 0.64 19 4
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.057 3.40 74 23
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.24 1 1
279 beverages: sub-total - 86.69 958 279
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.891 84.05 121 30
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.341 9.35 21 4
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.323 13.93 125 42
283 cooked snacks purchased - 68.37 752 213
284 other served processed food - 16.00 321 94
289 served processed food: sub-total - 191.70 839 242
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 19.93 264 76
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 27.56 730 217
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.099 17.47 470 129
293 chips (gm) 12.167 2.21 68 18
294 pickles (gm) 40.241 6.69 308 94
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 7.997 1.39 82 19
296 other packaged food - 13.02 187 58
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 88.26 902 261
777 total: food group - 1673.31 1000 288

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-313

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chandigarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.083 0.97 36 5
102 rice – other sources 1.749 47.81 891 223
103 chira 0.019 0.47 11 1
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 0
106 other rice products 0.000 0.00 0 0
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.784 7.50 145 38
108 wheat/atta – other sources 4.993 85.64 870 204
110 maida 0.012 0.34 73 20
111 suji, rawa 0.054 1.44 352 70
112 sewai, noodles 0.013 0.74 61 18
113 bread: bakery 0.125 5.26 391 102
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.10 4 3
115 jowar & its products 0.001 0.02 8 1
116 bajra & its products 0.001 0.01 3 1
117 maize & its products 0.015 0.36 36 8
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 7.849 150.66 939 230
139 cereal substitutes 0.000 0.00 0 0
140 arhar, tur 0.153 11.39 619 149
141 gram: split 0.171 9.20 693 159
142 gram: whole 0.132 7.21 610 131
143 moong 0.171 12.59 858 205
144 masur 0.133 9.07 760 185
145 urd 0.160 11.32 764 173
146 peas 0.022 1.28 106 21
147 khesari 0.002 0.15 25 3
148 other pulses 0.182 13.75 574 125
150 gram products 0.015 0.92 55 11
151 besan 0.087 4.39 544 123
152 other pulse products 0.007 0.48 32 15
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.236 81.74 939 229
160 milk: liquid (litre) 8.463 261.67 932 228
161 baby food 0.009 2.42 37 2
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.000 0.00 0 0
163 curd 0.138 6.19 297 64
164 ghee 0.099 27.39 410 92
165 butter 0.002 0.38 32 10

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-314 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chandigarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 3.10 111 27
167 other milk products - 0.90 65 19
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 302.05 943 231
170 salt 0.250 3.41 939 230
171 sugar – PDS 0.066 2.01 41 10
172 sugar – other sources 0.904 30.12 894 218
173 gur 0.015 0.58 58 16
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.06 13 2
175 honey 0.002 0.31 20 7
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.237 36.49 943 231
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.100 7.50 183 43
181 mustard oil 0.509 40.08 812 197
182 groundnut oil 0.001 0.11 5 1
183 coconut oil 0.001 0.16 12 2
184 refined oil 0.229 19.30 488 120
185 edible oil: others 0.001 0.12 7 2
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.841 67.26 939 229
190 eggs (no.) 2.863 10.54 246 60
191 fish, prawn 0.005 0.60 6 2
192 goat meat/mutton 0.009 2.20 6 3
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.00 0 0
194 pork 0.000 0.03 0 1
195 chicken 0.192 26.43 162 38
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 39.80 306 80
200 potato 1.884 22.39 939 229
201 onion 1.534 20.89 939 228
202 tomato 0.982 19.52 905 214
203 brinjal 0.326 5.82 442 102
204 radish 0.390 4.38 366 88
205 carrot 0.253 3.34 216 60
206 palak/other 0.175 2.88 195 50
207 green chillies 0.148 5.96 578 144
208 lady's finger 0.370 8.63 409 83
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.012 0.24 13 4
211 cauliflower 0.498 7.08 419 90
212 cabbage 0.147 1.98 156 29
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.504 7.61 452 102
214 peas 0.261 5.99 262 69
215 beans, barbati 0.117 2.51 113 28
216 lemon (no.) 1.423 3.35 167 47

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-315

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chandigarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.241 5.39 154 42
219 vegetables: sub-total - 127.98 947 231
220 banana (no.) 5.781 19.95 409 100
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.055 0.82 20 4
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
225 green coconut (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
226 guava 0.097 2.20 55 10
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.844 7.14 138 36
230 papaya 0.084 2.59 59 19
231 mango 0.594 22.67 191 46
232 kharbooza 0.047 0.77 17 5
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.06 2 1
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.042 2.57 39 10
236 apple 0.160 10.05 140 41
237 grapes 0.142 7.12 114 28
238 other fresh fruits - 0.48 5 1
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 76.43 703 169
240 coconut: copra 0.002 0.33 11 2
241 groundnut 0.027 1.29 27 7
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.003 1.55 13 6
244 walnut 0.000 0.12 3 1
245 other nuts 0.015 5.97 68 16
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.014 3.97 81 19
247 other dry fruits 0.006 2.21 26 6
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.067 15.44 145 36
250 ginger (gm) 104.943 5.99 655 156
251 garlic (gm) 62.943 4.11 580 143
252 jeera (gm) 69.510 11.83 884 214
253 dhania (gm) 62.180 7.20 761 175
254 turmeric (gm) 89.185 13.16 935 227
255 black pepper (gm) 12.343 2.77 211 48
256 dry chillies (gm) 86.743 12.46 885 215
257 tamarind (gm) 3.058 0.49 34 6
258 curry powder (gm) 6.407 1.84 102 23
260 oilseeds (gm) 0.171 0.02 3 2
261 other spices (gm) 37.724 6.16 393 89

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-316 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Chandigarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption**
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 535.206 66.10 935 227
270 tea: cups (no.) 13.565 63.26 559 141
271 tea: leaf (gm) 161.903 30.39 920 225
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.128 0.80 13 6
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.525 0.66 29 7
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.002 0.09 2 3
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.137 6.83 82 28
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 2.35 33 9
279 beverages: sub-total - 104.38 999 246
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.898 57.13 83 29
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.227 2.92 11 2
283 cooked snacks purchased - 50.48 359 87
284 other served processed food - 2.69 11 5
289 served processed food: sub-total - 113.21 372 96
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 16.55 165 38
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 36.12 608 132
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.137 19.07 424 94
293 chips (gm) 20.159 4.06 130 24
294 pickles (gm) 18.698 3.06 80 20
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 11.246 1.33 43 14
296 other packaged food - 1.52 32 8
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 81.71 686 156
777 total: food group - 1263.24 1000 248

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-317

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.384 3.29 181 22
102 rice – other sources 2.829 60.75 825 88
103 chira 0.203 6.66 549 57
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.066 2.63 221 22
106 other rice products 0.029 0.52 7 2
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.049 0.37 72 4
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.899 72.97 827 84
110 maida 0.060 1.49 135 7
111 suji, rawa 0.137 4.08 504 46
112 sewai, noodles 0.001 0.10 25 2
113 bread: bakery 0.011 0.57 68 9
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.223 5.80 160 12
116 bajra & its products 0.067 1.02 34 5
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 7.957 160.25 873 91
139 cereal substitutes 0.027 1.42 145 10
140 arhar, tur 0.526 33.86 866 90
141 gram: split 0.103 5.21 427 35
142 gram: whole 0.065 3.00 401 36
143 moong 0.160 10.68 696 74
144 masur 0.001 0.03 7 2
145 urd 0.099 6.64 545 63
146 peas 0.004 0.18 46 5
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.034 1.90 145 16
150 gram products 0.002 0.10 7 1
151 besan 0.133 8.67 575 51
152 other pulse products 0.009 0.52 56 7
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.135 70.79 873 91
160 milk: liquid (litre) 6.018 229.87 954 86
161 baby food 0.014 4.12 85 9
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.004 0.56 15 1
163 curd 0.043 1.79 171 10
164 ghee 0.052 14.90 258 23
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 0

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-318 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.31 12 1
167 other milk products - 0.05 8 1
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 251.60 954 86
170 salt 0.206 2.77 873 91
171 sugar – PDS 0.000 0.00 0 0
172 sugar – other sources 0.921 29.02 990 91
173 gur 0.047 1.82 266 20
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.02 7 1
175 honey 0.000 0.00 0 0
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.174 33.62 997 92
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.000 0.00 0 0
181 mustard oil 0.381 35.08 325 27
182 groundnut oil 0.248 26.06 159 18
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.677 57.16 384 44
185 edible oil: others 0.065 5.26 53 6
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.371 123.56 873 91
190 eggs (no.) 1.021 4.71 141 16
191 fish, prawn 0.040 3.78 72 5
192 goat meat/mutton 0.007 1.86 18 3
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.000 0.00 0 0
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.178 21.92 240 24
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 32.28 356 33
200 potato 1.193 14.61 873 91
201 onion 0.748 9.07 831 88
202 tomato 1.062 19.46 851 89
203 brinjal 0.455 11.21 626 62
204 radish 0.010 0.21 28 4
205 carrot 0.014 0.29 34 4
206 palak/other 0.271 8.06 391 44
207 green chillies 0.173 6.70 798 81
208 lady's finger 0.393 12.81 641 67
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.039 2.16 50 6
211 cauliflower 0.188 6.34 276 32
212 cabbage 0.314 7.72 546 62
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.034 0.77 55 6
214 peas 0.046 1.31 89 10
215 beans, barbati 0.175 8.76 307 31
216 lemon (no.) 1.504 2.94 367 40

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-319

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.408 13.75 600 59
219 vegetables: sub-total - 126.18 873 91
220 banana (no.) 12.249 30.05 656 57
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.000 0.00 0 0
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.008 0.12 4 1
225 green coconut (no.) 0.016 0.20 7 1
226 guava 0.036 0.89 19 3
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.681 2.62 73 8
230 papaya 0.013 0.41 12 2
231 mango 0.096 3.00 147 10
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.04 1 1
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.135 15.63 124 9
237 grapes 0.026 1.72 70 8
238 other fresh fruits - 0.77 17 2
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 55.44 771 66
240 coconut: copra 0.002 0.25 9 2
241 groundnut 0.002 0.12 10 3
242 dates 0.000 0.00 0 0
243 cashewnut 0.022 13.50 221 17
244 walnut 0.013 5.05 56 5
245 other nuts 0.010 6.19 90 4
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.015 3.57 148 11
247 other dry fruits 0.022 9.81 173 10
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.086 38.49 270 22
250 ginger (gm) 128.830 5.87 819 86
251 garlic (gm) 71.059 5.31 858 90
252 jeera (gm) 31.592 6.77 860 90
253 dhania (gm) 56.043 8.81 856 90
254 turmeric (gm) 44.831 9.53 873 91
255 black pepper (gm) 2.240 0.62 90 11
256 dry chillies (gm) 81.820 15.43 860 89
257 tamarind (gm) 2.123 0.17 46 10
258 curry powder (gm) 0.598 0.19 25 2
260 oilseeds (gm) 41.524 2.87 873 91
261 other spices (gm) 52.411 11.85 799 83

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-320 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 513.070 67.42 873 91
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.749 47.11 437 30
271 tea: leaf (gm) 86.077 23.27 975 89
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.026 0.03 1 1
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.00 0 0
279 beverages: sub-total - 70.45 995 93
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.961 97.57 133 3
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.035 0.52 2 1
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.218 1.09 24 6
283 cooked snacks purchased - 23.76 425 30
284 other served processed food - 0.88 22 2
289 served processed food: sub-total - 123.83 449 37
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 0.67 9 2
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 36.01 872 79
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.058 10.78 231 20
293 chips (gm) 11.837 1.75 85 11
294 pickles (gm) 16.671 1.90 128 16
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
296 other packaged food - 2.82 76 7
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 53.92 895 83
777 total: food group - 1209.24 1000 94

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-321

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Daman & Diu Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.131 1.26 100 9
102 rice – other sources 2.950 65.66 860 58
103 chira 0.106 3.61 527 33
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.100 3.84 449 24
106 other rice products 0.032 0.58 59 4
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.010 0.06 4 2
108 wheat/atta – other sources 2.932 48.96 831 57
110 maida 0.017 0.41 122 9
111 suji, rawa 0.046 1.34 300 19
112 sewai, noodles 0.018 1.59 172 9
113 bread: bakery 0.047 2.38 312 17
114 other wheat products 0.000 0.00 0 0
115 jowar & its products 0.293 6.43 156 12
116 bajra & its products 0.320 4.28 245 19
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
122 other cereals 0.000 0.00 0 0
129 cereal: sub-total 7.001 140.41 890 60
139 cereal substitutes 0.012 0.78 158 7
140 arhar, tur 0.316 20.89 890 60
141 gram: split 0.042 1.96 326 18
142 gram: whole 0.023 1.05 150 14
143 moong 0.110 7.69 772 50
144 masur 0.025 1.42 92 8
145 urd 0.066 4.58 517 34
146 peas 0.000 0.00 0 0
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 0
148 other pulses 0.002 0.12 26 1
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 0 0
151 besan 0.077 4.57 688 47
152 other pulse products 0.013 0.83 202 7
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.674 43.12 890 60
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.153 174.63 798 55
161 baby food 0.015 4.47 113 6
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.001 0.23 25 3
163 curd 0.083 4.14 348 24
164 ghee 0.048 16.52 328 19
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 0

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-322 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Daman & Diu Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 5.50 213 8
167 other milk products - 3.99 298 15
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 209.47 806 56
170 salt 0.198 1.86 890 60
171 sugar – PDS 0.008 0.13 12 2
172 sugar – other sources 0.701 22.64 835 57
173 gur 0.066 2.55 446 26
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.00 0 0
175 honey 0.000 0.09 28 1
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.973 27.28 890 60
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.000 0.00 0 0
181 mustard oil 0.003 0.35 2 1
182 groundnut oil 0.206 25.04 198 10
183 coconut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
184 refined oil 0.359 30.64 289 22
185 edible oil: others 0.406 30.52 400 27
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.974 86.54 890 60
190 eggs (no.) 3.949 14.65 439 29
191 fish, prawn 0.997 60.29 651 41
192 goat meat/mutton 0.039 8.35 70 4
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.009 1.46 30 3
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.218 28.09 323 23
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 112.82 676 47
200 potato 0.756 9.17 885 59
201 onion 0.572 6.97 874 59
202 tomato 0.627 12.98 890 60
203 brinjal 0.362 10.17 634 41
204 radish 0.048 0.96 97 4
205 carrot 0.008 0.20 21 2
206 palak/other 0.116 3.72 250 22
207 green chillies 0.163 6.33 825 56
208 lady's finger 0.259 8.08 541 30
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.000 0.00 0 0
211 cauliflower 0.197 5.75 453 27
212 cabbage 0.284 5.84 597 42
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.071 1.67 109 8
214 peas 0.050 1.85 157 7
215 beans, barbati 0.085 3.63 197 12
216 lemon (no.) 3.876 6.81 775 50

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-323

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Daman & Diu Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.477 14.55 711 44
219 vegetables: sub-total - 98.74 890 60
220 banana (no.) 6.365 16.87 541 35
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.000 0.00 0 0
223 pineapple (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
224 coconut (no.) 0.017 0.12 15 1
225 green coconut (no.) 0.571 6.05 236 14
226 guava 0.030 0.81 37 3
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.534 1.89 89 5
230 papaya 0.004 0.08 7 1
231 mango 0.546 45.32 242 6
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.121 14.35 278 16
237 grapes 0.028 2.08 98 6
238 other fresh fruits - 8.06 258 13
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 95.65 885 50
240 coconut: copra 0.003 0.35 15 1
241 groundnut 0.102 7.22 451 24
242 dates 0.014 0.91 55 5
243 cashewnut 0.008 4.63 149 9
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.012 5.20 157 10
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.012 3.65 178 10
247 other dry fruits 0.060 5.96 94 4
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.210 27.92 591 32
250 ginger (gm) 84.688 5.45 675 42
251 garlic (gm) 87.759 6.21 890 60
252 jeera (gm) 23.789 4.72 867 59
253 dhania (gm) 45.764 6.10 850 57
254 turmeric (gm) 41.058 8.13 876 59
255 black pepper (gm) 2.500 0.91 181 13
256 dry chillies (gm) 103.975 17.23 883 59
257 tamarind (gm) 7.479 0.58 253 17
258 curry powder (gm) 3.268 0.91 200 10
260 oilseeds (gm) 33.215 2.43 852 58
261 other spices (gm) 38.722 6.75 829 55

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-324 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Daman & Diu Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 472.219 59.38 890 60
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.468 41.41 650 35
271 tea: leaf (gm) 98.880 22.34 841 58
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.212 6.26 287 10
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.001 0.12 11 1
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.00 0 0
279 beverages: sub-total - 70.12 1000 64
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.176 7.03 26 1
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 2.279 57.14 139 5
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.575 3.27 67 4
283 cooked snacks purchased - 21.23 497 25
284 other served processed food - 3.30 198 13
289 served processed food: sub-total - 91.96 684 37
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 1.67 55 4
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 22.65 631 40
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.147 14.57 365 18
293 chips (gm) 26.501 4.17 189 12
294 pickles (gm) 14.297 1.81 238 14
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
296 other packaged food - 5.33 232 14
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 50.16 859 56
777 total: food group - 1114.35 1000 64

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-325

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Lakshadweep Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 6.426 65.69 876 112
102 rice – other sources 0.708 17.17 300 36
103 chira 0.030 1.46 120 17
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.00 0 0
105 muri 0.000 0.00 0 0
106 other rice products 0.052 1.84 90 15
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.066 1.08 77 10
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.771 20.01 746 90
110 maida 0.645 15.69 724 99
111 suji, rawa 0.132 4.11 388 47
112 sewai, noodles 0.006 0.53 46 9
113 bread: bakery 0.065 3.12 249 34
114 other wheat products 0.010 1.42 38 4
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
117 maize & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.003 0.09 16 3
122 other cereals 0.001 0.09 10 3
129 cereal: sub-total 8.915 132.30 933 119
139 cereal substitutes 0.021 0.43 43 7
140 arhar, tur 0.254 19.19 858 109
141 gram: split 0.010 0.73 49 9
142 gram: whole 0.123 6.04 411 61
143 moong 0.120 9.13 511 68
144 masur 0.000 0.00 0 0
145 urd 0.055 4.25 307 44
146 peas 0.109 4.23 424 56
147 khesari 0.014 0.80 48 12
148 other pulses 0.009 0.40 49 5
150 gram products 0.000 0.00 0 0
151 besan 0.002 0.11 12 3
152 other pulse products 0.005 0.19 16 2
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.701 45.06 900 115
160 milk: liquid (litre) 0.306 8.33 129 16
161 baby food 0.001 0.18 3 1
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.129 31.81 434 63
163 curd 0.000 0.00 0 0
164 ghee 0.012 3.91 109 20
165 butter 0.000 0.00 0 0

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-326 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Lakshadweep Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.22 67 11
167 other milk products - 0.00 0 0
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 45.46 627 83
170 salt 0.240 2.29 923 118
171 sugar – PDS 0.821 11.17 876 113
172 sugar – other sources 0.564 20.03 614 80
173 gur 0.042 2.52 192 26
174 candy, misri 0.000 0.02 7 2
175 honey 0.001 0.34 43 7
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.669 36.38 933 119
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.002 0.22 24 2
181 mustard oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
182 groundnut oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
183 coconut oil 0.375 42.10 591 78
184 refined oil 0.162 14.17 186 24
185 edible oil: others 0.264 20.61 393 49
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.803 77.11 933 119
190 eggs (no.) 7.066 28.96 532 71
191 fish, prawn 3.801 400.52 889 112
192 goat meat/mutton 0.000 0.00 0 0
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.821 125.20 502 65
194 pork 0.000 0.00 0 0
195 chicken 0.361 40.49 220 32
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.006 1.67 7 1
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 596.81 925 117
200 potato 0.506 11.64 696 91
201 onion 0.956 18.21 893 116
202 tomato 0.680 22.01 834 107
203 brinjal 0.117 4.05 373 49
204 radish 0.000 0.00 0 0
205 carrot 0.230 9.14 532 72
206 palak/other 0.039 1.71 286 46
207 green chillies 0.139 7.26 898 116
208 lady's finger 0.223 6.48 503 66
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.012 0.42 42 8
211 cauliflower 0.000 0.00 0 0
212 cabbage 0.194 4.51 355 52
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.056 1.59 175 29
214 peas 0.000 0.00 0 0
215 beans, barbati 0.118 4.27 261 42
216 lemon (no.) 0.723 1.76 100 13

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-327

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Lakshadweep Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.211 6.06 312 41
219 vegetables: sub-total - 99.09 933 119
220 banana (no.) 7.656 28.92 526 66
221 jackfruit 0.000 0.00 0 0
222 watermelon 0.031 0.72 16 3
223 pineapple (no.) 0.050 0.42 28 4
224 coconut (no.) 9.599 53.46 903 116
225 green coconut (no.) 0.469 3.08 56 7
226 guava 0.000 0.00 0 0
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 2.242 14.34 220 32
230 papaya 0.040 0.20 17 2
231 mango 0.000 0.00 0 0
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.280 30.04 326 44
237 grapes 0.072 4.66 118 13
238 other fresh fruits - 2.05 36 6
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 137.92 946 121
240 coconut: copra 0.000 0.00 0 0
241 groundnut 0.017 2.08 52 8
242 dates 0.101 12.35 212 29
243 cashewnut 0.015 6.88 130 21
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 0
245 other nuts 0.000 0.10 4 2
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.006 0.99 49 9
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.88 8 2
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.141 23.29 343 51
250 ginger (gm) 85.988 5.02 907 114
251 garlic (gm) 88.167 8.15 926 117
252 jeera (gm) 22.671 5.00 643 87
253 dhania (gm) 89.579 10.16 870 111
254 turmeric (gm) 35.295 5.99 917 116
255 black pepper (gm) 18.825 6.93 576 77
256 dry chillies (gm) 174.697 24.88 916 117
257 tamarind (gm) 46.728 5.13 698 94
258 curry powder (gm) 64.228 13.01 641 80
260 oilseeds (gm) 30.591 2.86 932 118
261 other spices (gm) 72.841 6.53 684 94

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-328 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Lakshadweep Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 729.611 93.67 933 119
270 tea: cups (no.) 9.522 47.27 565 76
271 tea: leaf (gm) 155.368 22.33 933 119
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
273 coffee: powder (gm) 4.154 2.03 72 8
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.028 1.47 23 4
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 3.92 44 5
279 beverages: sub-total - 77.04 1000 128
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.476 46.76 131 19
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.096 2.87 22 2
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 3.073 37.03 330 46
283 cooked snacks purchased - 10.60 152 21
284 other served processed food - 29.18 151 15
289 served processed food: sub-total - 126.45 568 77
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 13.70 243 33
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 31.51 675 88
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.115 15.69 303 43
293 chips (gm) 69.563 12.29 308 45
294 pickles (gm) 27.126 3.80 124 19
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 2.824 0.37 35 4
296 other packaged food - 15.86 144 22
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 93.21 849 107
777 total: food group - 1584.21 1000 128

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-329

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Puducherry Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 2.337 20.43 668 317
102 rice – other sources 5.265 135.79 850 384
103 chira 0.005 0.22 52 28
104 khoi, lawa 0.000 0.01 8 3
105 muri 0.003 0.11 38 19
106 other rice products 0.170 2.82 109 45
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.664 4.49 470 222
108 wheat/atta – other sources 0.240 7.40 335 147
110 maida 0.134 4.04 388 181
111 suji, rawa 0.193 6.16 634 276
112 sewai, noodles 0.058 3.51 287 132
113 bread: bakery 0.036 1.86 196 91
114 other wheat products 0.001 0.05 2 2
115 jowar & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
116 bajra & its products 0.002 0.06 7 4
117 maize & its products 0.001 0.05 2 1
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 3 1
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
121 ragi & its products 0.043 1.12 122 50
122 other cereals 0.004 0.31 7 5
129 cereal: sub-total 9.155 188.45 873 403
139 cereal substitutes 0.014 0.21 13 13
140 arhar, tur 0.385 28.24 871 400
141 gram: split 0.098 5.97 677 295
142 gram: whole 0.040 2.50 229 121
143 moong 0.102 7.31 641 306
144 masur 0.001 0.05 4 2
145 urd 0.381 27.94 813 366
146 peas 0.002 0.11 20 14
147 khesari 0.000 0.00 0 1
148 other pulses 0.004 0.19 30 14
150 gram products 0.097 6.31 594 249
151 besan 0.016 0.85 141 60
152 other pulse products 0.027 1.64 185 85
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.153 81.11 872 402
160 milk: liquid (litre) 6.170 154.21 889 393
161 baby food 0.003 0.72 13 7
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.57 18 17
163 curd 0.092 4.60 295 124
164 ghee 0.018 6.04 325 148
165 butter 0.001 0.36 18 9

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-330 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Puducherry Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.74 81 47
167 other milk products - 1.14 37 16
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 169.38 903 400
170 salt 0.309 3.65 861 400
171 sugar – PDS 0.078 1.14 167 75
172 sugar – other sources 0.585 18.53 802 372
173 gur 0.048 2.06 327 144
174 candy, misri 0.003 0.17 29 12
175 honey 0.001 0.35 19 19
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.024 25.90 874 404
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.000 0.01 2 2
181 mustard oil 0.000 0.00 0 0
182 groundnut oil 0.006 0.58 4 3
183 coconut oil 0.014 1.41 25 29
184 refined oil 0.764 60.23 796 348
185 edible oil: others 0.115 9.97 283 125
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.899 72.19 871 402
190 eggs (no.) 6.796 19.98 703 314
191 fish, prawn 0.678 76.81 670 309
192 goat meat/mutton 0.084 28.91 128 61
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.010 1.44 8 5
194 pork 0.000 0.07 1 1
195 chicken 0.467 52.74 523 227
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.29 5 4
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 180.23 795 367
200 potato 0.515 9.36 810 379
201 onion 1.130 15.93 870 401
202 tomato 0.976 15.20 859 399
203 brinjal 0.397 8.29 775 340
204 radish 0.205 3.74 546 234
205 carrot 0.387 11.56 784 352
206 palak/other 0.199 6.16 527 251
207 green chillies 0.102 3.41 797 370
208 lady's finger 0.385 7.84 709 324
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.026 0.46 55 25
211 cauliflower 0.086 2.20 213 92
212 cabbage 0.326 5.24 610 281
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.051 0.93 155 67
214 peas 0.015 0.60 78 36
215 beans, barbati 0.271 8.91 638 286
216 lemon (no.) 2.274 5.42 580 258

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-331

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Puducherry Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.589 12.99 803 373
219 vegetables: sub-total - 118.29 870 401
220 banana (no.) 8.160 19.65 858 379
221 jackfruit 0.008 0.08 3 4
222 watermelon 0.053 1.11 26 16
223 pineapple (no.) 0.085 0.73 26 9
224 coconut (no.) 1.685 12.39 723 331
225 green coconut (no.) 0.233 2.06 44 21
226 guava 0.073 1.79 66 32
227 singara 0.000 0.00 0 0
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.824 9.05 202 101
230 papaya 0.016 0.28 14 5
231 mango 0.221 7.87 130 63
232 kharbooza 0.000 0.00 0 0
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.00 0 0
234 berries 0.000 0.00 0 0
235 leechi 0.000 0.00 0 0
236 apple 0.180 21.14 243 127
237 grapes 0.154 8.97 254 127
238 other fresh fruits - 5.44 134 56
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 90.55 935 415
240 coconut: copra 0.001 0.03 7 7
241 groundnut 0.020 1.65 111 55
242 dates 0.016 2.17 96 53
243 cashewnut 0.009 3.56 122 63
244 walnut 0.000 0.06 4 2
245 other nuts 0.000 0.01 1 1
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.17 9 7
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.29 21 9
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.047 7.95 254 132
250 ginger (gm) 66.642 4.05 796 361
251 garlic (gm) 163.934 13.44 869 399
252 jeera (gm) 30.464 6.98 848 386
253 dhania (gm) 99.762 9.02 848 390
254 turmeric (gm) 28.618 6.07 863 395
255 black pepper (gm) 23.422 9.29 793 360
256 dry chillies (gm) 114.429 13.28 864 398
257 tamarind (gm) 213.769 25.52 865 399
258 curry powder (gm) 43.208 8.73 710 325
260 oilseeds (gm) 34.426 2.98 838 391
261 other spices (gm) 49.525 7.39 826 381

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-332 Appendix A

Table 1U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

Puducherry Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 868.199 106.70 871 402
270 tea: cups (no.) 8.458 45.75 539 239
271 tea: leaf (gm) 59.036 20.45 745 344
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.229 1.15 45 5
273 coffee: powder (gm) 16.230 8.17 290 133
274 mineral water (litre) 0.093 0.20 5 4
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.042 1.91 54 27
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.022 1.49 33 22
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 9.93 181 75
279 beverages: sub-total - 89.04 970 434
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 2.533 65.67 279 140
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.740 16.37 46 28
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.127 27.09 130 49
283 cooked snacks purchased - 30.77 442 188
284 other served processed food - 5.09 116 50
289 served processed food: sub-total - 145.00 686 308
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 15.61 315 135
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 30.52 808 345
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.126 15.62 474 206
293 chips (gm) 17.515 2.77 144 71
294 pickles (gm) 13.118 2.24 178 79
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.531 0.33 14 7
296 other packaged food - 7.36 157 68
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 74.45 907 401
777 total: food group - 1349.45 1000 447

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

Draft NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-333

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Urban

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.539 6.79 458 1103
102 rice – other sources 3.287 56.91 807 1895
103 chira 0.043 1.05 162 425
104 khoi, lawa 0.004 0.10 11 29
105 muri 0.052 1.67 174 467
106 other rice products 0.015 0.26 14 31
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.953 4.56 429 864
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.195 41.11 691 1420
110 maida 0.018 0.36 90 203
111 suji, rawa 0.037 0.86 203 470
112 sewai, noodles 0.008 0.39 49 141
113 bread: bakery 0.022 0.88 161 337
114 other wheat products 0.003 0.06 4 13
115 jowar & its products 0.087 2.08 58 131
116 bajra & its products 0.079 0.83 33 62
117 maize & its products 0.006 0.07 12 36
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 1 7
121 ragi & its products 0.022 0.32 23 33
122 other cereals 0.005 0.13 18 30
129 cereal: sub-total 9.377 118.42 968 2270
139 cereal substitutes 0.005 0.22 42 75
140 arhar, tur 0.185 10.98 626 1247
141 gram: split 0.052 2.27 322 715
142 gram: whole 0.020 0.78 116 287
143 moong 0.036 2.33 256 651
144 masur 0.103 5.15 433 1097
145 urd 0.043 2.36 278 527
146 peas 0.069 2.07 188 451
147 khesari 0.010 0.31 35 85
148 other pulses 0.015 0.67 88 251
150 gram products 0.003 0.20 34 100
151 besan 0.036 1.67 339 681
152 other pulse products 0.009 0.48 74 205
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.582 29.27 955 2219
160 milk: liquid (litre) 1.455 36.10 613 1241
161 baby food 0.001 0.22 7 22
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.002 0.35 30 150
163 curd 0.008 0.29 53 105
164 ghee 0.003 0.85 35 60
165 butter 0.000 0.01 2 2

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-334 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Urban

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.07 21 38
167 other milk products - 0.07 12 20
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 37.96 668 1441
170 salt 0.212 2.01 962 2252
171 sugar – PDS 0.095 1.47 319 732
172 sugar – other sources 0.382 12.38 814 1814
173 gur 0.020 0.63 103 220
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.05 19 31
175 honey 0.000 0.00 1 4
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.709 16.54 968 2268
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.007 0.51 42 90
181 mustard oil 0.262 21.03 592 1484
182 groundnut oil 0.010 0.82 24 37
183 coconut oil 0.002 0.19 9 33
184 refined oil 0.137 9.86 315 648
185 edible oil: others 0.038 2.34 92 215
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.456 34.76 960 2253
190 eggs (no.) 1.085 3.88 215 474
191 fish, prawn 0.088 7.98 156 553
192 goat meat/mutton 0.012 2.52 30 47
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.046 3.88 75 113
194 pork 0.001 0.12 2 10
195 chicken 0.053 5.53 102 199
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.14 5 94
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 24.05 437 1109
200 potato 1.751 15.70 926 2144
201 onion 0.585 7.63 937 2135
202 tomato 0.415 6.07 699 1528
203 brinjal 0.289 4.27 505 1136
204 radish 0.078 0.78 138 331
205 carrot 0.030 0.42 70 165
206 palak/other 0.358 4.21 486 1297
207 green chillies 0.097 3.25 800 1757
208 lady's finger 0.114 2.16 252 531
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.082 1.51 156 334
211 cauliflower 0.216 2.63 266 605
212 cabbage 0.178 2.01 276 675
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.282 3.16 336 691
214 peas 0.082 1.11 127 264
215 beans, barbati 0.052 1.01 118 302
216 lemon (no.) 0.630 0.95 235 494

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-335

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Urban

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.351 5.18 507 1242
219 vegetables: sub-total - 62.07 961 2256
220 banana (no.) 1.467 2.56 199 421
221 jackfruit 0.001 0.02 3 6
222 watermelon 0.035 0.32 20 39
223 pineapple (no.) 0.003 0.06 3 12
224 coconut (no.) 0.153 1.33 131 292
225 green coconut (no.) 0.007 0.06 6 13
226 guava 0.051 0.78 74 152
227 singara 0.008 0.10 12 16
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.059 0.18 13 51
230 papaya 0.005 0.09 7 17
231 mango 0.072 2.13 83 154
232 kharbooza 0.015 0.21 11 15
233 pears/nashpati 0.000 0.02 1 3
234 berries 0.000 0.01 1 4
235 leechi 0.000 0.02 1 4
236 apple 0.007 0.44 16 33
237 grapes 0.007 0.34 22 50
238 other fresh fruits - 0.27 23 85
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 8.94 465 1009
240 coconut: copra 0.003 0.30 37 103
241 groundnut 0.021 1.40 124 258
242 dates 0.002 0.13 7 14
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.03 2 2
244 walnut 0.000 0.01 1 1
245 other nuts 0.000 0.02 3 4
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.000 0.10 8 23
247 other dry fruits 0.000 0.03 3 17
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.026 2.02 148 328
250 ginger (gm) 38.151 2.09 641 1504
251 garlic (gm) 48.741 3.53 845 1889
252 jeera (gm) 18.408 3.54 748 1681
253 dhania (gm) 36.981 3.67 729 1491
254 turmeric (gm) 34.569 5.44 914 2111
255 black pepper (gm) 3.418 1.01 200 467
256 dry chillies (gm) 41.198 5.01 767 1792
257 tamarind (gm) 8.857 0.72 125 311
258 curry powder (gm) 6.596 1.37 214 479
260 oilseeds (gm) 10.048 0.72 337 769
261 other spices (gm) 22.143 4.18 598 1343

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-336 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Urban

quantity no. of households

per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description value (Rs)
days per 1000
(kg*) in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 269.110 31.28 961 2245
270 tea: cups (no.) 1.927 5.93 303 678
271 tea: leaf (gm) 45.157 8.81 820 1849
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.001 0.01 2 1
273 coffee: powder (gm) 0.217 0.07 8 22
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 1 2
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.002 0.08 6 11
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.004 0.11 7 18
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.25 15 48
279 beverages: sub-total - 15.25 887 2019
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.055 1.21 18 44
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.016 0.17 3 22
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 2.051 13.98 273 581
283 cooked snacks purchased - 5.78 392 860
284 other served processed food - 0.44 44 94
289 served processed food: sub-total - 21.58 588 1300
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 1.40 86 219
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 7.76 682 1497
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.028 2.63 254 523
293 chips (gm) 0.705 0.12 16 51
294 pickles (gm) 2.304 0.24 38 82
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.054 0.01 1 2
296 other packaged food - 0.21 13 66
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 12.37 762 1685
777 total: food group - 414.73 997 2307

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-337

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.405 6.80 440 1052
102 rice – other sources 3.164 59.35 846 1690
103 chira 0.047 1.22 187 377
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.08 16 33
105 muri 0.052 1.73 182 396
106 other rice products 0.012 0.24 20 39
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.779 3.81 401 774
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.395 45.75 717 1311
110 maida 0.028 0.58 139 225
111 suji, rawa 0.051 1.19 300 523
112 sewai, noodles 0.012 0.52 86 151
113 bread: bakery 0.049 1.88 225 359
114 other wheat products 0.006 0.14 19 18
115 jowar & its products 0.148 3.44 76 127
116 bajra & its products 0.073 0.87 39 84
117 maize & its products 0.018 0.20 12 30
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.02 2 2
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.00 0 2
121 ragi & its products 0.022 0.29 30 53
122 other cereals 0.006 0.21 12 23
129 cereal: sub-total 9.271 128.32 978 2017
139 cereal substitutes 0.007 0.27 43 87
140 arhar, tur 0.210 12.85 696 1280
141 gram: split 0.066 2.92 379 735
142 gram: whole 0.022 0.94 159 330
143 moong 0.066 4.36 443 819
144 masur 0.100 5.07 453 921
145 urd 0.055 3.05 367 655
146 peas 0.042 1.35 157 256
147 khesari 0.005 0.16 20 39
148 other pulses 0.018 0.90 130 272
150 gram products 0.005 0.30 64 148
151 besan 0.044 1.99 384 643
152 other pulse products 0.010 0.52 105 211
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.645 34.42 978 1993
160 milk: liquid (litre) 2.266 57.66 753 1404
161 baby food 0.001 0.31 10 26
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.003 0.69 49 193
163 curd 0.020 0.85 101 157
164 ghee 0.007 2.10 95 127
165 butter 0.000 0.05 8 6

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-338 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.09 26 40
167 other milk products - 0.10 17 33
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 61.83 811 1622
170 salt 0.220 2.15 970 1999
171 sugar – PDS 0.096 1.42 343 838
172 sugar – other sources 0.485 15.78 847 1598
173 gur 0.020 0.67 123 251
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.06 24 51
175 honey 0.000 0.07 6 3
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.822 20.15 976 2015
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.020 1.43 66 107
181 mustard oil 0.275 22.55 531 1086
182 groundnut oil 0.016 1.35 34 59
183 coconut oil 0.005 0.47 17 54
184 refined oil 0.209 15.05 387 701
185 edible oil: others 0.069 4.06 145 321
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.593 44.91 977 2007
190 eggs (no.) 1.680 5.92 301 593
191 fish, prawn 0.138 12.22 195 535
192 goat meat/mutton 0.013 3.00 30 51
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.085 7.83 105 140
194 pork 0.007 0.58 8 28
195 chicken 0.095 10.40 166 300
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.14 3 34
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 40.10 544 1133
200 potato 1.841 17.02 908 1853
201 onion 0.676 9.06 956 1956
202 tomato 0.503 7.45 813 1543
203 brinjal 0.325 5.28 573 1122
204 radish 0.105 0.97 164 321
205 carrot 0.055 0.93 113 226
206 palak/other 0.404 5.21 556 1254
207 green chillies 0.125 4.12 845 1654
208 lady's finger 0.147 2.93 316 575
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.083 1.60 144 271
211 cauliflower 0.241 3.12 282 558
212 cabbage 0.191 2.40 297 625
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.252 3.07 296 652
214 peas 0.109 1.62 149 227
215 beans, barbati 0.046 1.00 118 306
216 lemon (no.) 0.870 1.28 295 522

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-339

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.415 6.66 577 1178
219 vegetables: sub-total - 73.75 977 2013
220 banana (no.) 2.298 4.06 301 527
221 jackfruit 0.003 0.04 4 9
222 watermelon 0.034 0.37 17 37
223 pineapple (no.) 0.001 0.01 1 10
224 coconut (no.) 0.278 2.38 189 381
225 green coconut (no.) 0.014 0.17 13 21
226 guava 0.059 0.97 100 145
227 singara 0.012 0.21 17 20
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.124 0.43 32 70
230 papaya 0.019 0.36 26 47
231 mango 0.090 2.64 106 161
232 kharbooza 0.017 0.25 13 19
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.04 1 3
234 berries 0.003 0.09 5 9
235 leechi 0.005 0.30 8 12
236 apple 0.012 0.89 29 56
237 grapes 0.019 0.85 54 101
238 other fresh fruits - 0.54 31 76
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 14.60 612 1139
240 coconut: copra 0.007 0.59 71 126
241 groundnut 0.031 2.08 157 268
242 dates 0.005 0.24 16 22
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.09 6 8
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 0 4
245 other nuts 0.000 0.01 1 6
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.22 19 28
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.23 13 23
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.045 3.45 203 351
250 ginger (gm) 45.669 2.66 702 1411
251 garlic (gm) 56.221 4.21 865 1751
252 jeera (gm) 23.154 4.55 851 1611
253 dhania (gm) 44.027 4.37 770 1431
254 turmeric (gm) 38.761 6.31 951 1931
255 black pepper (gm) 5.741 1.55 267 485
256 dry chillies (gm) 54.813 6.74 837 1681
257 tamarind (gm) 20.096 1.67 238 495
258 curry powder (gm) 9.957 1.91 265 489
260 oilseeds (gm) 12.250 0.92 390 784
261 other spices (gm) 27.525 5.24 672 1265

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-340 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 338.215 40.15 977 2008
270 tea: cups (no.) 2.825 9.53 398 743
271 tea: leaf (gm) 61.883 12.53 879 1791
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.001 0.00 1 3
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.139 0.30 27 50
274 mineral water (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 1
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.006 0.22 7 12
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.004 0.20 13 14
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.28 28 34
279 beverages: sub-total - 23.06 965 1938
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.104 2.59 35 70
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.097 0.91 13 27
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.767 13.42 225 479
283 cooked snacks purchased - 10.17 464 801
284 other served processed food - 1.02 73 114
289 served processed food: sub-total - 28.11 628 1182
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 3.55 122 201
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 10.10 707 1353
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.040 3.94 314 530
293 chips (gm) 1.805 0.33 38 93
294 pickles (gm) 3.984 0.41 65 106
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.239 0.05 3 7
296 other packaged food - 0.91 54 91
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 19.29 815 1545
777 total: food group - 532.40 1000 2039

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-341

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.247 6.71 384 1658
102 rice – other sources 3.366 66.14 868 3440
103 chira 0.058 1.52 195 758
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.09 16 37
105 muri 0.053 1.75 163 666
106 other rice products 0.020 0.37 25 113
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.689 3.81 344 1227
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.576 50.17 716 2617
110 maida 0.026 0.58 126 464
111 suji, rawa 0.063 1.54 335 1169
112 sewai, noodles 0.012 0.60 88 365
113 bread: bakery 0.048 1.98 223 888
114 other wheat products 0.003 0.12 12 22
115 jowar & its products 0.149 3.52 79 247
116 bajra & its products 0.072 0.94 46 169
117 maize & its products 0.014 0.19 21 97
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 1 4
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.05 4 19
121 ragi & its products 0.033 0.44 33 115
122 other cereals 0.006 0.13 15 40
129 cereal: sub-total 9.437 140.64 971 3907
139 cereal substitutes 0.022 0.60 66 239
140 arhar, tur 0.250 15.19 743 2555
141 gram: split 0.070 3.26 434 1584
142 gram: whole 0.029 1.26 192 826
143 moong 0.075 4.91 481 1783
144 masur 0.103 5.42 449 1818
145 urd 0.068 3.77 404 1385
146 peas 0.028 0.91 130 527
147 khesari 0.004 0.11 13 46
148 other pulses 0.024 1.33 149 647
150 gram products 0.006 0.38 80 246
151 besan 0.051 2.35 423 1477
152 other pulse products 0.011 0.64 113 433
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.718 39.54 968 3865
160 milk: liquid (litre) 2.910 77.27 827 3019
161 baby food 0.004 0.73 21 83
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.004 0.94 40 362
163 curd 0.023 0.88 104 392
164 ghee 0.013 4.09 115 384
165 butter 0.000 0.04 3 27

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-342 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.12 20 105
167 other milk products - 0.38 34 136
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 84.46 867 3391
170 salt 0.223 2.29 962 3881
171 sugar – PDS 0.099 1.52 314 1332
172 sugar – other sources 0.555 17.95 858 3307
173 gur 0.022 0.76 143 564
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.07 25 84
175 honey 0.000 0.04 4 19
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.900 22.63 971 3908
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.022 1.62 63 247
181 mustard oil 0.271 22.17 471 2003
182 groundnut oil 0.026 2.18 43 169
183 coconut oil 0.006 0.59 19 118
184 refined oil 0.252 18.61 446 1535
185 edible oil: others 0.088 5.50 158 577
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.665 50.67 970 3893
190 eggs (no.) 2.100 7.42 359 1303
191 fish, prawn 0.163 14.47 213 1047
192 goat meat/mutton 0.033 7.24 60 202
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.103 9.46 108 317
194 pork 0.004 0.41 5 75
195 chicken 0.118 13.62 205 730
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.23 6 126
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 52.84 606 2439
200 potato 1.673 16.14 895 3597
201 onion 0.738 9.83 955 3775
202 tomato 0.563 9.02 823 3057
203 brinjal 0.317 5.26 567 2116
204 radish 0.107 1.10 171 641
205 carrot 0.070 1.31 174 570
206 palak/other 0.410 6.06 576 2395
207 green chillies 0.133 4.32 845 3137
208 lady's finger 0.177 3.90 348 1297
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.077 1.66 142 520
211 cauliflower 0.252 3.70 309 1123
212 cabbage 0.209 2.87 327 1283
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.264 3.58 321 1266
214 peas 0.097 1.66 138 491
215 beans, barbati 0.083 2.02 180 789
216 lemon (no.) 1.151 1.78 340 1125

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-343

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.420 7.55 574 2284
219 vegetables: sub-total - 81.78 970 3898
220 banana (no.) 3.302 6.06 383 1329
221 jackfruit 0.003 0.02 2 21
222 watermelon 0.054 0.56 25 103
223 pineapple (no.) 0.010 0.14 8 51
224 coconut (no.) 0.328 2.91 199 684
225 green coconut (no.) 0.033 0.38 18 60
226 guava 0.066 1.09 92 312
227 singara 0.014 0.28 20 57
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.250 0.87 46 200
230 papaya 0.025 0.48 27 124
231 mango 0.101 3.06 100 360
232 kharbooza 0.020 0.25 14 36
233 pears/nashpati 0.001 0.04 3 10
234 berries 0.003 0.07 5 17
235 leechi 0.003 0.14 6 20
236 apple 0.025 1.97 53 206
237 grapes 0.028 1.37 69 239
238 other fresh fruits - 0.82 44 228
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 20.51 686 2557
240 coconut: copra 0.013 1.18 116 379
241 groundnut 0.046 3.26 213 733
242 dates 0.004 0.34 21 68
243 cashewnut 0.000 0.13 6 30
244 walnut 0.000 0.00 1 4
245 other nuts 0.000 0.06 3 14
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.001 0.29 20 82
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.14 8 70
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.066 5.40 269 971
250 ginger (gm) 53.197 3.02 754 2891
251 garlic (gm) 63.694 4.82 884 3367
252 jeera (gm) 26.005 5.12 858 3132
253 dhania (gm) 48.944 4.79 795 2786
254 turmeric (gm) 39.534 6.61 933 3694
255 black pepper (gm) 6.143 1.93 286 938
256 dry chillies (gm) 63.076 7.98 864 3326
257 tamarind (gm) 24.454 2.10 272 976
258 curry powder (gm) 10.870 2.19 278 1038
260 oilseeds (gm) 14.955 1.26 454 1610
261 other spices (gm) 29.985 5.53 684 2518

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-344 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 380.857 45.40 969 3888
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.162 11.54 399 1544
271 tea: leaf (gm) 70.873 14.79 890 3555
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.019 0.10 2 10
273 coffee: powder (gm) 1.499 0.43 35 127
274 mineral water (litre) 0.031 0.08 5 17
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.011 0.47 20 81
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.005 0.20 9 52
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.62 28 91
279 beverages: sub-total - 28.22 956 3797
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.181 3.42 36 145
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.061 0.97 10 51
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.584 12.71 182 702
283 cooked snacks purchased - 12.64 526 1753
284 other served processed food - 1.33 81 233
289 served processed food: sub-total - 31.07 649 2273
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 4.31 163 591
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 12.16 721 2730
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.059 5.80 383 1223
293 chips (gm) 3.197 0.59 55 249
294 pickles (gm) 5.936 0.62 72 269
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.382 0.04 4 18
296 other packaged food - 0.88 46 218
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 24.41 838 3176
777 total: food group - 628.17 1000 3959

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-345

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.202 7.36 379 1372
102 rice – other sources 3.426 73.00 897 3220
103 chira 0.063 1.73 225 764
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.10 16 38
105 muri 0.055 1.86 186 607
106 other rice products 0.019 0.39 33 107
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.583 3.64 328 1087
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.571 51.16 724 2356
110 maida 0.039 0.81 147 512
111 suji, rawa 0.075 1.86 357 1133
112 sewai, noodles 0.017 0.88 124 442
113 bread: bakery 0.058 2.35 241 991
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.06 10 26
115 jowar & its products 0.159 3.89 91 243
116 bajra & its products 0.087 1.19 63 159
117 maize & its products 0.012 0.18 20 89
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.02 2 4
120 small millets & its products 0.000 0.01 2 9
121 ragi & its products 0.067 0.86 57 168
122 other cereals 0.004 0.13 12 53
129 cereal: sub-total 9.443 151.48 988 3583
139 cereal substitutes 0.021 0.74 86 285
140 arhar, tur 0.259 15.91 769 2338
141 gram: split 0.066 3.11 439 1478
142 gram: whole 0.035 1.59 239 890
143 moong 0.090 6.00 559 1808
144 masur 0.095 5.16 411 1609
145 urd 0.079 4.53 464 1429
146 peas 0.022 0.80 115 520
147 khesari 0.001 0.05 8 32
148 other pulses 0.027 1.44 182 675
150 gram products 0.009 0.58 110 263
151 besan 0.060 2.92 441 1443
152 other pulse products 0.012 0.69 120 413
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.756 42.77 984 3545
160 milk: liquid (litre) 3.803 100.65 865 2776
161 baby food 0.004 1.04 21 87
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.004 0.86 37 410
163 curd 0.033 1.35 138 442
164 ghee 0.021 6.58 165 503
165 butter 0.000 0.08 7 45

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-346 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.40 44 140
167 other milk products - 0.46 35 117
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 111.41 911 3190
170 salt 0.234 2.50 984 3556
171 sugar – PDS 0.097 1.44 305 1091
172 sugar – other sources 0.616 19.97 874 3097
173 gur 0.034 1.21 189 601
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.08 28 99
175 honey 0.000 0.02 3 11
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 0.983 25.22 988 3580
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.019 1.36 60 237
181 mustard oil 0.239 19.97 400 1776
182 groundnut oil 0.051 4.34 70 213
183 coconut oil 0.015 1.40 41 174
184 refined oil 0.290 21.90 459 1452
185 edible oil: others 0.112 7.59 171 431
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.726 56.57 987 3564
190 eggs (no.) 2.277 7.87 352 1253
191 fish, prawn 0.222 19.38 243 1056
192 goat meat/mutton 0.038 9.22 58 228
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.097 9.26 91 279
194 pork 0.003 0.39 3 86
195 chicken 0.170 20.16 244 783
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.19 5 193
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 66.48 610 2325
200 potato 1.552 16.00 894 3298
201 onion 0.819 11.22 964 3442
202 tomato 0.657 10.65 875 2860
203 brinjal 0.335 5.98 589 1933
204 radish 0.111 1.30 169 581
205 carrot 0.091 1.73 198 618
206 palak/other 0.441 7.17 613 2308
207 green chillies 0.151 4.98 848 2862
208 lady's finger 0.222 5.06 421 1287
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.088 1.94 146 475
211 cauliflower 0.244 4.03 292 1027
212 cabbage 0.223 3.38 344 1191
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.278 3.94 325 1129
214 peas 0.099 1.91 129 482
215 beans, barbati 0.089 2.31 208 802
216 lemon (no.) 1.520 2.44 416 1170

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-347

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.480 9.47 607 2142
219 vegetables: sub-total - 93.54 987 3574
220 banana (no.) 4.285 8.59 437 1442
221 jackfruit 0.003 0.03 2 16
222 watermelon 0.071 0.73 35 125
223 pineapple (no.) 0.009 0.11 8 42
224 coconut (no.) 0.499 4.45 266 799
225 green coconut (no.) 0.059 0.62 26 78
226 guava 0.063 1.09 81 264
227 singara 0.009 0.15 13 31
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.354 1.31 58 216
230 papaya 0.032 0.65 31 122
231 mango 0.118 3.86 104 368
232 kharbooza 0.016 0.17 8 29
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.05 3 9
234 berries 0.002 0.04 3 15
235 leechi 0.003 0.14 5 13
236 apple 0.048 3.96 88 281
237 grapes 0.042 2.14 88 283
238 other fresh fruits - 1.33 72 302
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 29.40 754 2559
240 coconut: copra 0.015 1.42 125 361
241 groundnut 0.061 4.45 248 718
242 dates 0.007 0.54 27 93
243 cashewnut 0.001 0.35 15 58
244 walnut 0.000 0.05 2 11
245 other nuts 0.001 0.17 7 22
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.002 0.49 33 107
247 other dry fruits 0.001 0.26 12 109
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.089 7.72 320 1006
250 ginger (gm) 60.440 3.47 787 2680
251 garlic (gm) 72.349 5.47 895 3106
252 jeera (gm) 28.891 5.78 895 2858
253 dhania (gm) 53.249 5.28 796 2506
254 turmeric (gm) 41.633 7.20 961 3406
255 black pepper (gm) 7.930 2.55 337 992
256 dry chillies (gm) 73.252 9.26 888 3103
257 tamarind (gm) 32.607 2.74 327 942
258 curry powder (gm) 16.114 3.19 342 1046
260 oilseeds (gm) 16.892 1.36 501 1448
261 other spices (gm) 31.934 6.27 687 2310

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-348 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 435.290 52.59 985 3560
270 tea: cups (no.) 3.944 15.87 442 1573
271 tea: leaf (gm) 80.764 17.00 898 3280
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.028 0.14 5 21
273 coffee: powder (gm) 3.084 0.88 60 166
274 mineral water (litre) 0.035 0.06 4 15
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.017 0.68 25 81
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.008 0.41 14 74
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 0.79 29 110
279 beverages: sub-total - 35.84 974 3525
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.219 5.51 57 221
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.077 1.29 12 42
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.262 11.73 150 537
283 cooked snacks purchased - 16.15 532 1715
284 other served processed food - 1.29 62 200
289 served processed food: sub-total - 35.97 641 2151
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 5.63 182 658
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 14.59 680 2526
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.073 7.64 415 1249
293 chips (gm) 5.347 0.98 73 304
294 pickles (gm) 7.911 0.93 92 273
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 0.712 0.09 9 27
296 other packaged food - 1.50 66 271
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 31.35 845 2998
777 total: food group - 741.07 1000 3615

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-349

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items
All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.068 5.88 317 1258
102 rice – other sources 3.605 78.18 912 3215
103 chira 0.091 2.58 271 874
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.07 11 45
105 muri 0.056 1.88 184 660
106 other rice products 0.021 0.48 39 118
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.458 3.03 257 918
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.573 53.06 774 2513
110 maida 0.041 0.90 156 550
111 suji, rawa 0.091 2.28 409 1268
112 sewai, noodles 0.023 1.16 142 505
113 bread: bakery 0.076 3.09 283 1076
114 other wheat products 0.002 0.09 13 31
115 jowar & its products 0.176 4.31 96 277
116 bajra & its products 0.093 1.28 61 132
117 maize & its products 0.009 0.14 16 98
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.02 2 6
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.05 5 17
121 ragi & its products 0.046 0.65 55 133
122 other cereals 0.007 0.18 15 48
129 cereal: sub-total 9.441 159.31 982 3545
139 cereal substitutes 0.026 1.15 120 324
140 arhar, tur 0.293 18.32 793 2387
141 gram: split 0.079 3.72 492 1539
142 gram: whole 0.036 1.66 228 910
143 moong 0.107 7.20 601 1973
144 masur 0.088 4.90 405 1640
145 urd 0.087 5.10 458 1405
146 peas 0.018 0.65 108 444
147 khesari 0.001 0.04 5 25
148 other pulses 0.029 1.67 180 689
150 gram products 0.010 0.62 106 296
151 besan 0.065 3.19 447 1468
152 other pulse products 0.011 0.66 93 392
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.823 47.74 976 3495
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.434 122.88 905 2990
161 baby food 0.004 1.13 27 101
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.004 1.02 37 386
163 curd 0.040 1.57 141 472
164 ghee 0.027 8.55 184 623
165 butter 0.001 0.22 14 83

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-350 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items
All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.54 52 163
167 other milk products - 0.80 46 139
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 136.71 939 3318
170 salt 0.239 2.67 975 3516
171 sugar – PDS 0.084 1.28 259 1053
172 sugar – other sources 0.701 22.81 903 3082
173 gur 0.038 1.37 213 659
174 candy, misri 0.001 0.07 27 82
175 honey 0.000 0.06 7 24
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.064 28.26 981 3539
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.023 1.76 61 264
181 mustard oil 0.240 19.94 353 1677
182 groundnut oil 0.062 5.48 85 207
183 coconut oil 0.010 0.96 25 135
184 refined oil 0.345 27.00 487 1571
185 edible oil: others 0.115 7.73 175 478
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.795 62.86 979 3528
190 eggs (no.) 2.921 10.25 411 1412
191 fish, prawn 0.211 19.45 211 996
192 goat meat/mutton 0.071 18.35 106 336
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.072 7.18 62 275
194 pork 0.004 0.53 5 85
195 chicken 0.209 24.80 278 929
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.18 4 132
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 80.74 617 2339
200 potato 1.487 15.64 896 3277
201 onion 0.891 12.34 962 3438
202 tomato 0.748 12.14 900 3018
203 brinjal 0.357 6.54 584 1987
204 radish 0.126 1.47 178 629
205 carrot 0.113 2.18 217 714
206 palak/other 0.512 8.86 646 2343
207 green chillies 0.167 5.31 863 2874
208 lady's finger 0.231 5.65 420 1347
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.097 2.19 163 499
211 cauliflower 0.286 5.18 355 1173
212 cabbage 0.255 4.13 376 1246
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.254 3.87 278 1096
214 peas 0.118 2.30 150 534
215 beans, barbati 0.102 2.67 220 795
216 lemon (no.) 1.643 2.69 405 1238

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-351

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items
All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.501 10.19 589 2100
219 vegetables: sub-total - 103.41 979 3535
220 banana (no.) 5.255 11.01 500 1613
221 jackfruit 0.007 0.07 5 29
222 watermelon 0.079 1.00 37 133
223 pineapple (no.) 0.009 0.14 6 53
224 coconut (no.) 0.524 4.64 240 755
225 green coconut (no.) 0.064 0.70 32 92
226 guava 0.089 1.65 108 306
227 singara 0.010 0.20 10 33
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.546 2.10 84 307
230 papaya 0.057 1.16 49 169
231 mango 0.146 5.23 121 403
232 kharbooza 0.028 0.39 14 44
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.07 4 14
234 berries 0.005 0.09 6 15
235 leechi 0.006 0.33 8 32
236 apple 0.076 6.16 113 450
237 grapes 0.060 3.00 113 317
238 other fresh fruits - 2.22 76 277
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 40.16 811 2766
240 coconut: copra 0.022 2.13 165 435
241 groundnut 0.079 5.63 303 844
242 dates 0.011 1.12 38 116
243 cashewnut 0.002 0.66 22 79
244 walnut 0.000 0.12 5 15
245 other nuts 0.001 0.29 9 26
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.003 0.77 42 153
247 other dry fruits 0.002 0.63 20 100
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.121 11.34 387 1153
250 ginger (gm) 66.500 3.90 800 2743
251 garlic (gm) 78.509 6.22 896 3118
252 jeera (gm) 31.694 6.42 880 2827
253 dhania (gm) 56.439 5.65 768 2430
254 turmeric (gm) 45.126 7.91 946 3360
255 black pepper (gm) 7.748 2.48 305 964
256 dry chillies (gm) 80.536 10.50 873 3053
257 tamarind (gm) 38.446 3.39 334 963
258 curry powder (gm) 17.946 3.51 363 1097
260 oilseeds (gm) 20.305 1.79 502 1455
261 other spices (gm) 35.905 7.07 703 2426

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-352 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items
All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Urban
no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 479.153 58.88 978 3529
270 tea: cups (no.) 4.258 18.40 457 1641
271 tea: leaf (gm) 91.306 20.10 915 3321
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.027 0.15 6 24
273 coffee: powder (gm) 2.644 0.88 56 169
274 mineral water (litre) 0.152 0.24 8 33
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.024 0.89 29 119
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.021 0.81 22 74
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.25 41 124
279 beverages: sub-total - 42.73 972 3508
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.436 8.93 70 253
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.043 0.88 8 44
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 1.151 11.40 118 423
283 cooked snacks purchased - 20.17 556 1796
284 other served processed food - 1.65 71 216
289 served processed food: sub-total - 43.03 651 2190
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 8.73 194 748
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 16.44 698 2582
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.085 8.79 407 1342
293 chips (gm) 8.606 1.57 94 373
294 pickles (gm) 9.080 1.13 107 342
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 1.104 0.15 13 49
296 other packaged food - 2.34 64 248
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 39.13 854 3064
777 total: food group - 855.47 1000 3600

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-353

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 1.059 6.70 311 1187
102 rice – other sources 3.518 82.82 889 3013
103 chira 0.084 2.44 240 824
104 khoi, lawa 0.002 0.07 11 37
105 muri 0.059 1.99 170 553
106 other rice products 0.019 0.47 39 121
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.448 2.79 247 806
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.516 53.66 718 2344
110 maida 0.052 1.13 181 602
111 suji, rawa 0.094 2.35 433 1320
112 sewai, noodles 0.022 1.28 146 568
113 bread: bakery 0.099 4.25 311 1138
114 other wheat products 0.008 0.17 12 32
115 jowar & its products 0.129 3.43 71 236
116 bajra & its products 0.108 1.43 66 167
117 maize & its products 0.012 0.22 17 78
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 0 0
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.06 6 21
121 ragi & its products 0.048 0.66 51 142
122 other cereals 0.005 0.17 14 45
129 cereal: sub-total 9.282 166.11 955 3331
139 cereal substitutes 0.037 1.29 113 365
140 arhar, tur 0.285 17.90 759 2227
141 gram: split 0.079 3.81 460 1454
142 gram: whole 0.045 2.11 258 948
143 moong 0.114 7.89 616 1952
144 masur 0.102 5.67 383 1474
145 urd 0.098 5.75 475 1436
146 peas 0.015 0.60 101 361
147 khesari 0.002 0.06 5 24
148 other pulses 0.038 2.20 223 762
150 gram products 0.012 0.74 120 312
151 besan 0.070 3.47 454 1404
152 other pulse products 0.014 0.91 121 434
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.875 51.13 950 3283
160 milk: liquid (litre) 4.895 138.86 877 2881
161 baby food 0.005 1.17 23 96
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.007 1.67 39 343
163 curd 0.052 2.23 183 546
164 ghee 0.042 13.42 240 746
165 butter 0.002 0.39 23 105

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-354 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.70 55 174
167 other milk products - 1.10 51 174
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 159.55 924 3172
170 salt 0.239 2.74 945 3305
171 sugar – PDS 0.102 1.51 275 1042
172 sugar – other sources 0.732 23.77 852 2860
173 gur 0.039 1.45 193 667
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.12 24 92
175 honey 0.000 0.07 9 42
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.115 29.67 956 3329
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.018 1.39 47 206
181 mustard oil 0.261 21.72 356 1523
182 groundnut oil 0.074 6.45 82 205
183 coconut oil 0.012 1.19 32 165
184 refined oil 0.369 28.91 519 1609
185 edible oil: others 0.116 7.74 161 439
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.851 67.41 952 3315
190 eggs (no.) 2.894 10.18 385 1327
191 fish, prawn 0.223 21.22 227 892
192 goat meat/mutton 0.056 14.77 86 355
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.108 10.46 65 241
194 pork 0.008 0.97 6 140
195 chicken 0.214 25.83 274 896
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.27 2 62
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 83.70 577 2133
200 potato 1.634 17.38 880 3085
201 onion 0.955 13.69 934 3236
202 tomato 0.759 13.10 865 2885
203 brinjal 0.349 6.77 559 1780
204 radish 0.140 1.58 167 605
205 carrot 0.134 2.70 245 744
206 palak/other 0.486 8.66 604 2197
207 green chillies 0.162 5.43 837 2748
208 lady's finger 0.255 6.44 440 1329
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.092 2.44 149 460
211 cauliflower 0.338 6.15 375 1138
212 cabbage 0.262 4.21 359 1205
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.267 4.02 279 1027
214 peas 0.136 2.66 167 558
215 beans, barbati 0.140 3.88 269 858
216 lemon (no.) 1.744 3.00 427 1252

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-355

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.510 10.96 598 1993
219 vegetables: sub-total - 113.09 951 3318
220 banana (no.) 5.850 12.69 513 1625
221 jackfruit 0.004 0.05 3 16
222 watermelon 0.084 1.14 37 133
223 pineapple (no.) 0.012 0.33 9 55
224 coconut (no.) 0.601 5.49 267 819
225 green coconut (no.) 0.061 0.73 31 104
226 guava 0.086 1.62 96 269
227 singara 0.009 0.18 10 34
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.721 2.69 95 347
230 papaya 0.058 1.22 48 169
231 mango 0.146 4.99 104 400
232 kharbooza 0.022 0.39 14 49
233 pears/nashpati 0.002 0.08 4 18
234 berries 0.005 0.12 8 18
235 leechi 0.004 0.19 6 26
236 apple 0.107 9.17 147 518
237 grapes 0.066 3.40 116 373
238 other fresh fruits - 2.20 77 292
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 46.67 809 2747
240 coconut: copra 0.022 2.17 143 396
241 groundnut 0.085 6.10 276 792
242 dates 0.011 0.83 40 123
243 cashewnut 0.002 1.08 35 107
244 walnut 0.000 0.15 4 15
245 other nuts 0.001 0.22 6 24
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.006 1.43 65 184
247 other dry fruits 0.005 1.08 29 97
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.133 13.06 372 1092
250 ginger (gm) 70.317 4.13 775 2603
251 garlic (gm) 78.860 6.40 877 2976
252 jeera (gm) 32.367 6.58 840 2642
253 dhania (gm) 55.325 5.85 769 2338
254 turmeric (gm) 45.152 8.19 921 3156
255 black pepper (gm) 9.311 2.97 342 1016
256 dry chillies (gm) 78.202 10.41 856 2828
257 tamarind (gm) 35.773 3.36 313 943
258 curry powder (gm) 19.816 4.16 359 1059
260 oilseeds (gm) 21.027 1.85 534 1467
261 other spices (gm) 39.828 7.80 708 2256

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-356 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 485.978 61.72 950 3310
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.164 22.32 504 1668
271 tea: leaf (gm) 92.340 21.22 861 3124
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.040 0.23 8 27
273 coffee: powder (gm) 3.464 1.10 67 167
274 mineral water (litre) 0.165 0.36 9 33
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.045 1.68 50 166
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.017 0.89 24 104
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.63 42 128
279 beverages: sub-total - 49.44 951 3328
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.929 20.00 109 318
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.114 2.02 12 57
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.981 11.12 83 314
283 cooked snacks purchased - 24.00 579 1768
284 other served processed food - 2.51 76 257
289 served processed food: sub-total - 59.64 688 2129
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 11.31 216 783
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 19.03 710 2465
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.094 10.28 422 1285
293 chips (gm) 9.841 1.79 100 374
294 pickles (gm) 9.054 1.21 112 366
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 2.187 0.35 20 63
296 other packaged food - 1.90 70 259
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 45.86 850 2924
777 total: food group - 948.34 1000 3411

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-357

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.894 5.54 261 1127
102 rice – other sources 3.742 89.10 921 3381
103 chira 0.093 2.78 280 856
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.12 15 51
105 muri 0.068 2.24 178 607
106 other rice products 0.025 0.61 42 144
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.361 2.53 192 748
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.736 59.72 789 2654
110 maida 0.054 1.21 184 700
111 suji, rawa 0.112 2.88 456 1527
112 sewai, noodles 0.026 1.64 178 687
113 bread: bakery 0.102 4.04 310 1233
114 other wheat products 0.004 0.11 9 41
115 jowar & its products 0.124 3.36 77 241
116 bajra & its products 0.100 1.43 73 156
117 maize & its products 0.013 0.22 19 89
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.01 2 5
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.07 6 22
121 ragi & its products 0.055 0.80 53 150
122 other cereals 0.005 0.18 13 52
129 cereal: sub-total 9.518 178.59 969 3639
139 cereal substitutes 0.034 1.55 139 374
140 arhar, tur 0.315 20.05 778 2427
141 gram: split 0.090 4.34 511 1678
142 gram: whole 0.042 1.98 249 1031
143 moong 0.128 8.86 643 2199
144 masur 0.091 5.13 387 1656
145 urd 0.102 6.34 476 1577
146 peas 0.016 0.63 114 390
147 khesari 0.001 0.02 3 14
148 other pulses 0.035 2.12 200 747
150 gram products 0.012 0.76 108 344
151 besan 0.083 4.22 487 1558
152 other pulse products 0.017 1.02 130 477
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.932 55.48 964 3589
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.480 161.34 905 3142
161 baby food 0.006 1.58 31 119
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.006 1.47 43 425
163 curd 0.055 2.18 158 588
164 ghee 0.050 16.44 264 910
165 butter 0.002 0.60 31 154

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-358 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 0.99 66 231
167 other milk products - 1.17 55 210
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 185.76 936 3474
170 salt 0.247 2.88 960 3610
171 sugar – PDS 0.090 1.34 236 1045
172 sugar – other sources 0.776 25.16 886 3169
173 gur 0.047 1.75 217 730
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.11 27 99
175 honey 0.001 0.19 15 59
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.163 31.43 968 3634
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.020 1.56 49 221
181 mustard oil 0.236 19.88 326 1580
182 groundnut oil 0.097 8.96 96 249
183 coconut oil 0.013 1.26 29 155
184 refined oil 0.422 33.79 540 1900
185 edible oil: others 0.114 7.86 149 454
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.902 73.31 964 3615
190 eggs (no.) 3.173 11.08 408 1516
191 fish, prawn 0.233 23.29 219 1000
192 goat meat/mutton 0.085 22.87 114 409
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.051 5.44 46 240
194 pork 0.007 1.06 7 194
195 chicken 0.251 30.07 316 1028
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.14 2 83
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 93.95 586 2311
200 potato 1.496 17.14 895 3377
201 onion 0.989 14.29 954 3541
202 tomato 0.862 14.93 906 3205
203 brinjal 0.354 7.17 564 2031
204 radish 0.139 1.72 177 700
205 carrot 0.145 3.07 253 873
206 palak/other 0.538 10.04 613 2402
207 green chillies 0.180 6.24 861 3044
208 lady's finger 0.287 7.68 452 1486
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.111 2.82 180 517
211 cauliflower 0.331 6.85 375 1348
212 cabbage 0.268 4.75 365 1307
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.276 4.54 301 1155
214 peas 0.151 3.31 180 609
215 beans, barbati 0.153 4.55 282 961
216 lemon (no.) 2.266 3.94 464 1415

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-359

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.606 13.28 621 2254
219 vegetables: sub-total - 126.35 965 3625
220 banana (no.) 6.768 14.64 539 1914
221 jackfruit 0.009 0.12 7 32
222 watermelon 0.098 1.47 38 145
223 pineapple (no.) 0.023 0.40 14 97
224 coconut (no.) 0.603 5.60 260 859
225 green coconut (no.) 0.107 1.28 45 131
226 guava 0.089 1.87 100 318
227 singara 0.012 0.23 10 40
228 orange, mausami (no.) 0.740 3.02 98 438
230 papaya 0.079 1.66 57 215
231 mango 0.221 8.28 141 490
232 kharbooza 0.017 0.29 10 49
233 pears/nashpati 0.003 0.18 4 16
234 berries 0.006 0.21 8 17
235 leechi 0.009 0.49 11 37
236 apple 0.145 13.17 190 692
237 grapes 0.071 3.84 115 388
238 other fresh fruits - 2.74 81 334
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 59.47 834 3084
240 coconut: copra 0.031 3.03 187 466
241 groundnut 0.096 7.09 300 881
242 dates 0.013 1.10 42 158
243 cashewnut 0.003 1.39 39 154
244 walnut 0.001 0.20 8 24
245 other nuts 0.002 0.73 17 51
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.008 1.80 65 239
247 other dry fruits 0.004 1.51 36 149
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.158 16.86 421 1298
250 ginger (gm) 78.753 4.65 834 2898
251 garlic (gm) 87.532 7.11 898 3244
252 jeera (gm) 33.979 6.86 855 2920
253 dhania (gm) 61.326 6.21 760 2582
254 turmeric (gm) 47.405 8.54 925 3427
255 black pepper (gm) 10.134 3.12 332 1099
256 dry chillies (gm) 84.113 11.32 868 3074
257 tamarind (gm) 40.111 3.68 321 1020
258 curry powder (gm) 22.395 4.48 371 1211
260 oilseeds (gm) 23.008 2.08 549 1588
261 other spices (gm) 43.917 8.65 703 2501

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-360 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 532.673 66.73 962 3612
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.418 23.84 495 1830
271 tea: leaf (gm) 102.388 23.76 888 3389
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.057 0.30 11 33
273 coffee: powder (gm) 5.560 1.84 83 246
274 mineral water (litre) 0.293 0.66 15 55
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.058 2.04 51 197
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.029 1.50 36 161
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 1.90 46 168
279 beverages: sub-total - 55.82 970 3633
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 0.662 17.90 97 346
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.182 3.99 18 66
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.663 8.80 57 231
283 cooked snacks purchased - 29.33 604 2047
284 other served processed food - 1.61 63 256
289 served processed food: sub-total - 61.62 687 2391
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 11.72 222 905
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 22.42 723 2715
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.098 10.69 422 1497
293 chips (gm) 12.141 2.16 114 455
294 pickles (gm) 8.568 1.09 97 400
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 3.278 0.57 25 83
296 other packaged food - 2.25 65 265
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 50.89 861 3211
777 total: food group - 1057.81 1000 3715

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-361

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.706 4.67 203 1105
102 rice – other sources 3.682 93.22 912 3628
103 chira 0.098 2.98 279 974
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.12 17 52
105 muri 0.060 2.04 167 655
106 other rice products 0.030 0.75 48 178
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.255 2.06 150 665
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.682 61.88 805 2857
110 maida 0.069 1.55 210 823
111 suji, rawa 0.123 3.23 466 1687
112 sewai, noodles 0.031 2.07 193 794
113 bread: bakery 0.137 5.53 353 1502
114 other wheat products 0.004 0.15 12 44
115 jowar & its products 0.148 4.01 94 301
116 bajra & its products 0.080 1.16 64 153
117 maize & its products 0.016 0.27 26 111
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.01 2 5
120 small millets & its products 0.002 0.11 10 27
121 ragi & its products 0.068 0.99 53 171
122 other cereals 0.009 0.28 18 72
129 cereal: sub-total 9.202 187.08 946 3842
139 cereal substitutes 0.035 1.43 126 442
140 arhar, tur 0.328 21.70 775 2593
141 gram: split 0.087 4.34 494 1781
142 gram: whole 0.051 2.48 284 1126
143 moong 0.134 9.42 652 2392
144 masur 0.086 4.97 385 1727
145 urd 0.103 6.46 467 1723
146 peas 0.018 0.80 124 451
147 khesari 0.001 0.03 5 23
148 other pulses 0.038 2.23 200 836
150 gram products 0.014 0.88 109 386
151 besan 0.078 3.90 463 1664
152 other pulse products 0.018 1.10 122 496
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.956 58.29 939 3800
160 milk: liquid (litre) 6.188 180.12 880 3354
161 baby food 0.007 1.61 34 126
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.007 1.63 43 465
163 curd 0.062 2.75 203 699
164 ghee 0.060 19.30 303 1078
165 butter 0.003 0.85 45 227

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-362 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.45 74 282
167 other milk products - 1.44 69 246
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 209.15 931 3718
170 salt 0.247 2.95 934 3807
171 sugar – PDS 0.079 1.27 187 1002
172 sugar – other sources 0.809 26.41 865 3399
173 gur 0.053 2.06 243 873
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.11 29 108
175 honey 0.001 0.33 24 86
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.191 33.13 944 3838
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.024 1.78 51 230
181 mustard oil 0.231 19.36 307 1609
182 groundnut oil 0.112 10.36 107 320
183 coconut oil 0.020 1.91 37 208
184 refined oil 0.452 37.07 550 2019
185 edible oil: others 0.106 7.72 124 438
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.945 78.19 941 3818
190 eggs (no.) 3.320 11.38 390 1653
191 fish, prawn 0.282 28.61 212 1102
192 goat meat/mutton 0.083 23.20 105 449
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.043 5.15 30 238
194 pork 0.009 1.32 7 218
195 chicken 0.293 35.13 312 1162
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.001 0.17 3 80
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 104.96 551 2488
200 potato 1.612 18.13 865 3549
201 onion 1.030 15.14 921 3739
202 tomato 0.897 15.74 878 3468
203 brinjal 0.362 7.52 551 2094
204 radish 0.138 1.77 170 737
205 carrot 0.184 3.87 298 1061
206 palak/other 0.586 11.52 631 2663
207 green chillies 0.179 6.32 828 3208
208 lady's finger 0.324 8.85 493 1725
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.114 2.90 173 565
211 cauliflower 0.350 7.47 391 1462
212 cabbage 0.311 5.74 405 1509
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.274 4.75 296 1208
214 peas 0.168 3.88 194 709
215 beans, barbati 0.172 5.04 296 1140
216 lemon (no.) 2.467 4.29 488 1665

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-363

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.602 13.79 613 2373
219 vegetables: sub-total - 136.77 941 3824
220 banana (no.) 7.053 15.81 562 2160
221 jackfruit 0.012 0.11 5 33
222 watermelon 0.112 1.46 40 183
223 pineapple (no.) 0.016 0.34 10 81
224 coconut (no.) 0.680 6.84 273 1005
225 green coconut (no.) 0.118 1.50 48 164
226 guava 0.101 1.99 91 324
227 singara 0.014 0.33 15 48
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.136 4.65 131 537
230 papaya 0.079 1.69 58 237
231 mango 0.248 9.92 146 575
232 kharbooza 0.029 0.57 15 56
233 pears/nashpati 0.007 0.26 7 26
234 berries 0.003 0.11 5 15
235 leechi 0.006 0.39 5 35
236 apple 0.216 19.04 251 952
237 grapes 0.097 5.30 145 546
238 other fresh fruits - 3.56 110 387
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 73.85 883 3419
240 coconut: copra 0.030 3.12 172 514
241 groundnut 0.105 7.75 322 1028
242 dates 0.015 1.44 47 216
243 cashewnut 0.006 2.88 60 259
244 walnut 0.000 0.20 5 25
245 other nuts 0.002 0.88 19 72
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.009 2.08 76 310
247 other dry fruits 0.005 1.67 36 170
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.174 20.03 438 1542
250 ginger (gm) 81.510 4.88 807 3112
251 garlic (gm) 88.198 7.08 866 3409
252 jeera (gm) 36.248 7.29 854 3105
253 dhania (gm) 62.776 6.59 757 2742
254 turmeric (gm) 48.182 8.64 913 3670
255 black pepper (gm) 10.121 3.24 342 1178
256 dry chillies (gm) 84.072 11.20 827 3206
257 tamarind (gm) 37.115 3.47 325 1131
258 curry powder (gm) 26.257 5.37 406 1408
260 oilseeds (gm) 23.960 2.23 542 1729
261 other spices (gm) 44.621 8.96 707 2638

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-364 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 543.059 68.99 940 3816
270 tea: cups (no.) 7.075 32.02 542 2050
271 tea: leaf (gm) 101.480 24.23 830 3562
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.202 1.25 20 63
273 coffee: powder (gm) 6.052 2.82 96 287
274 mineral water (litre) 0.681 1.08 20 71
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.077 2.85 65 249
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.038 1.94 39 193
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 3.18 72 255
279 beverages: sub-total - 69.37 976 3892
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.224 29.55 125 449
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.229 5.83 20 70
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.511 7.11 41 185
283 cooked snacks purchased - 36.27 619 2265
284 other served processed food - 2.36 65 295
289 served processed food: sub-total - 81.11 706 2632
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 15.96 265 1131
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 23.81 726 2966
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.111 12.67 462 1682
293 chips (gm) 16.554 3.00 131 524
294 pickles (gm) 14.901 2.02 146 531
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 5.762 0.95 43 139
296 other packaged food - 2.29 78 342
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 60.69 892 3517
777 total: food group - 1183.05 1000 3975

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-365

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.531 3.69 151 975
102 rice – other sources 3.865 100.85 908 4012
103 chira 0.115 3.51 311 1122
104 khoi, lawa 0.004 0.18 17 63
105 muri 0.060 2.14 167 735
106 other rice products 0.035 0.86 44 187
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.172 1.33 104 645
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.788 64.69 817 3302
110 maida 0.081 1.82 224 904
111 suji, rawa 0.145 3.81 495 2006
112 sewai, noodles 0.038 2.53 202 1024
113 bread: bakery 0.132 5.49 373 1725
114 other wheat products 0.007 0.31 10 52
115 jowar & its products 0.103 2.98 63 240
116 bajra & its products 0.088 1.29 58 166
117 maize & its products 0.014 0.24 20 134
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 2 7
120 small millets & its products 0.002 0.06 5 21
121 ragi & its products 0.119 1.73 77 234
122 other cereals 0.005 0.36 21 92
129 cereal: sub-total 9.306 197.88 937 4231
139 cereal substitutes 0.038 1.65 129 469
140 arhar, tur 0.364 24.29 773 2915
141 gram: split 0.105 5.21 529 2082
142 gram: whole 0.061 3.17 321 1436
143 moong 0.137 9.67 665 2794
144 masur 0.081 4.71 350 1851
145 urd 0.122 7.98 469 1940
146 peas 0.017 0.75 125 523
147 khesari 0.001 0.04 4 24
148 other pulses 0.046 2.70 220 977
150 gram products 0.012 0.75 92 390
151 besan 0.091 4.62 488 1867
152 other pulse products 0.017 1.07 113 544
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.055 64.96 928 4175
160 milk: liquid (litre) 7.030 208.65 875 3797
161 baby food 0.009 2.11 33 143
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.006 1.38 35 460
163 curd 0.078 3.22 191 810
164 ghee 0.077 24.59 366 1494
165 butter 0.003 0.79 35 260

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-366 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 2.14 103 437
167 other milk products - 1.71 69 298
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 244.58 910 4112
170 salt 0.252 3.06 927 4202
171 sugar – PDS 0.070 1.03 147 1002
172 sugar – other sources 0.855 27.84 880 3769
173 gur 0.054 2.11 251 1004
174 candy, misri 0.003 0.13 27 134
175 honey 0.002 0.50 33 140
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.235 34.67 935 4228
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.022 1.66 46 288
181 mustard oil 0.222 18.51 290 1696
182 groundnut oil 0.131 12.18 122 390
183 coconut oil 0.023 2.35 43 227
184 refined oil 0.505 41.43 557 2389
185 edible oil: others 0.097 7.12 106 415
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.000 83.25 927 4178
190 eggs (no.) 3.929 13.52 392 1832
191 fish, prawn 0.284 28.67 198 1153
192 goat meat/mutton 0.098 27.82 117 555
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.037 4.03 25 226
194 pork 0.009 1.33 6 201
195 chicken 0.312 37.84 317 1329
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.004 0.82 5 62
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 114.03 547 2655
200 potato 1.606 18.47 855 3919
201 onion 1.092 15.83 912 4103
202 tomato 0.978 17.38 881 3869
203 brinjal 0.374 7.82 551 2308
204 radish 0.156 2.07 188 835
205 carrot 0.188 4.16 276 1185
206 palak/other 0.600 11.99 602 2793
207 green chillies 0.183 6.38 818 3530
208 lady's finger 0.351 9.72 503 1990
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.125 3.25 169 663
211 cauliflower 0.353 8.13 386 1617
212 cabbage 0.303 5.57 382 1631
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.320 5.46 290 1343
214 peas 0.181 4.41 199 822
215 beans, barbati 0.190 5.75 305 1332
216 lemon (no.) 2.749 4.92 496 1947

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-367

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.648 15.36 605 2585
219 vegetables: sub-total - 146.70 930 4207
220 banana (no.) 8.949 20.89 610 2605
221 jackfruit 0.005 0.06 3 23
222 watermelon 0.091 1.39 39 198
223 pineapple (no.) 0.026 0.50 13 85
224 coconut (no.) 0.847 8.40 287 1174
225 green coconut (no.) 0.214 2.92 76 235
226 guava 0.108 2.31 98 393
227 singara 0.010 0.22 9 50
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.325 5.64 141 693
230 papaya 0.116 2.51 76 328
231 mango 0.254 10.73 149 717
232 kharbooza 0.020 0.38 11 59
233 pears/nashpati 0.005 0.25 6 30
234 berries 0.003 0.10 4 21
235 leechi 0.010 0.67 11 64
236 apple 0.255 23.92 265 1280
237 grapes 0.105 6.22 141 659
238 other fresh fruits - 4.13 91 405
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 91.23 865 3855
240 coconut: copra 0.034 3.36 178 562
241 groundnut 0.118 8.75 369 1178
242 dates 0.015 1.56 54 240
243 cashewnut 0.009 4.51 88 415
244 walnut 0.001 0.41 11 57
245 other nuts 0.003 1.17 23 109
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.013 3.58 104 434
247 other dry fruits 0.009 2.66 50 223
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.204 25.99 492 1814
250 ginger (gm) 85.657 5.14 807 3418
251 garlic (gm) 93.987 7.68 850 3712
252 jeera (gm) 38.722 8.16 846 3504
253 dhania (gm) 65.309 6.91 735 3064
254 turmeric (gm) 49.734 9.40 900 4001
255 black pepper (gm) 10.814 3.65 332 1385
256 dry chillies (gm) 86.177 12.01 825 3560
257 tamarind (gm) 42.585 4.00 326 1261
258 curry powder (gm) 28.282 5.84 420 1597
260 oilseeds (gm) 26.161 2.38 537 1987
261 other spices (gm) 49.874 10.59 705 2978

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-368 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 577.300 75.77 929 4187
270 tea: cups (no.) 7.572 34.63 553 2328
271 tea: leaf (gm) 113.943 27.47 831 3873
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.169 0.96 19 86
273 coffee: powder (gm) 7.741 3.02 111 424
274 mineral water (litre) 0.602 0.86 20 104
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.109 4.08 81 385
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.055 3.08 54 273
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 4.59 70 306
279 beverages: sub-total - 78.68 968 4299
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.710 48.22 177 607
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.268 5.69 21 88
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.423 6.83 33 158
283 cooked snacks purchased - 43.06 623 2602
284 other served processed food - 2.98 72 353
289 served processed food: sub-total - 106.78 712 2987
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 21.43 263 1344
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 29.45 737 3318
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.133 15.21 484 2039
293 chips (gm) 20.950 3.75 147 667
294 pickles (gm) 13.062 1.81 123 596
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 6.622 1.10 43 195
296 other packaged food - 3.75 94 391
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 76.49 872 3881
777 total: food group - 1342.64 1000 4397

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-369

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.422 3.01 111 970
102 rice – other sources 4.127 114.32 881 4667
103 chira 0.112 3.44 290 1255
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.12 12 62
105 muri 0.061 2.17 164 822
106 other rice products 0.037 0.96 59 287
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.142 1.21 83 628
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.512 63.64 794 3951
110 maida 0.077 1.84 199 1151
111 suji, rawa 0.165 4.41 485 2395
112 sewai, noodles 0.047 3.27 229 1277
113 bread: bakery 0.148 6.10 401 2215
114 other wheat products 0.009 0.26 14 76
115 jowar & its products 0.113 3.25 75 301
116 bajra & its products 0.062 0.99 53 197
117 maize & its products 0.017 0.41 25 149
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 2 17
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.04 2 18
121 ragi & its products 0.091 1.34 65 316
122 other cereals 0.006 0.36 16 110
129 cereal: sub-total 9.152 211.16 906 4889
139 cereal substitutes 0.042 1.67 121 541
140 arhar, tur 0.363 24.40 742 3418
141 gram: split 0.104 5.15 474 2497
142 gram: whole 0.059 2.98 280 1676
143 moong 0.154 11.08 654 3353
144 masur 0.090 5.29 345 2098
145 urd 0.133 8.82 472 2504
146 peas 0.019 0.84 114 595
147 khesari 0.001 0.04 3 22
148 other pulses 0.048 2.90 211 1223
150 gram products 0.014 0.90 98 510
151 besan 0.100 4.98 463 2205
152 other pulse products 0.021 1.38 128 703
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.106 68.75 897 4829
160 milk: liquid (litre) 7.659 232.28 865 4449
161 baby food 0.008 2.23 22 144
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.008 1.86 33 458
163 curd 0.100 4.56 212 1069
164 ghee 0.085 27.93 374 1931
165 butter 0.007 1.70 70 425

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-370 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 3.40 116 582
167 other milk products - 3.31 89 456
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 277.26 900 4785
170 salt 0.259 3.18 898 4857
171 sugar – PDS 0.070 1.07 126 1061
172 sugar – other sources 0.879 28.94 844 4403
173 gur 0.063 2.52 256 1258
174 candy, misri 0.004 0.21 35 159
175 honey 0.003 0.73 43 213
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.278 36.66 914 4893
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.021 1.70 45 326
181 mustard oil 0.227 19.87 287 1853
182 groundnut oil 0.140 13.41 108 404
183 coconut oil 0.022 2.12 36 292
184 refined oil 0.534 44.83 551 2933
185 edible oil: others 0.087 6.61 89 466
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.031 88.53 900 4842
190 eggs (no.) 4.448 15.45 401 2241
191 fish, prawn 0.350 42.45 218 1429
192 goat meat/mutton 0.153 44.91 145 738
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.035 4.64 30 210
194 pork 0.011 1.59 6 191
195 chicken 0.335 40.61 299 1566
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.37 2 48
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 150.04 544 3064
200 potato 1.531 18.21 827 4500
201 onion 1.131 16.78 877 4726
202 tomato 0.997 17.69 861 4565
203 brinjal 0.404 8.56 519 2630
204 radish 0.172 2.33 178 1026
205 carrot 0.249 5.70 330 1715
206 palak/other 0.646 13.22 600 3264
207 green chillies 0.203 6.98 796 4126
208 lady's finger 0.400 11.44 510 2488
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.132 3.67 172 794
211 cauliflower 0.398 9.15 384 2009
212 cabbage 0.327 6.05 381 1887
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.281 4.91 263 1491
214 peas 0.198 5.13 208 999
215 beans, barbati 0.195 5.82 297 1620
216 lemon (no.) 3.125 5.58 487 2333

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-371

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.743 18.18 613 3180
219 vegetables: sub-total - 159.44 898 4863
220 banana (no.) 10.028 24.52 623 3241
221 jackfruit 0.009 0.18 5 40
222 watermelon 0.121 1.90 45 253
223 pineapple (no.) 0.094 1.44 20 131
224 coconut (no.) 0.823 8.44 275 1440
225 green coconut (no.) 0.230 3.25 72 328
226 guava 0.107 2.58 96 444
227 singara 0.006 0.16 7 45
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.848 8.62 190 964
230 papaya 0.126 2.82 77 428
231 mango 0.276 13.38 146 831
232 kharbooza 0.018 0.33 10 58
233 pears/nashpati 0.005 0.24 5 41
234 berries 0.003 0.11 3 21
235 leechi 0.014 0.89 11 59
236 apple 0.371 35.79 353 1910
237 grapes 0.146 8.38 165 855
238 other fresh fruits - 5.70 101 580
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 118.71 892 4636
240 coconut: copra 0.045 4.44 189 709
241 groundnut 0.128 9.61 349 1463
242 dates 0.031 3.00 75 399
243 cashewnut 0.017 8.10 132 735
244 walnut 0.002 0.89 14 82
245 other nuts 0.004 1.78 31 182
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.018 4.81 132 691
247 other dry fruits 0.010 3.84 59 338
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.255 36.47 494 2359
250 ginger (gm) 91.647 5.43 774 4057
251 garlic (gm) 97.646 8.13 820 4329
252 jeera (gm) 40.494 8.47 814 4080
253 dhania (gm) 66.597 7.19 713 3595
254 turmeric (gm) 52.610 9.79 867 4658
255 black pepper (gm) 11.792 3.97 329 1732
256 dry chillies (gm) 89.316 12.58 796 4190
257 tamarind (gm) 47.974 4.62 332 1654
258 curry powder (gm) 32.594 7.16 411 1960
260 oilseeds (gm) 27.462 2.52 528 2404
261 other spices (gm) 51.247 11.51 680 3502

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-372 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 609.379 81.39 898 4848
270 tea: cups (no.) 8.902 42.35 571 2782
271 tea: leaf (gm) 118.133 29.27 797 4483
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.226 1.50 27 114
273 coffee: powder (gm) 9.631 4.24 116 605
274 mineral water (litre) 1.283 2.07 41 193
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.166 6.46 118 587
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.103 6.03 99 488
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 5.43 89 450
279 beverages: sub-total - 97.36 979 5055
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 2.766 79.51 210 902
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.303 8.33 24 113
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.183 2.58 14 107
283 cooked snacks purchased - 62.54 665 3174
284 other served processed food - 4.65 93 497
289 served processed food: sub-total - 157.59 746 3661
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 24.90 275 1709
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 34.63 711 3819
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.147 17.85 460 2415
293 chips (gm) 27.210 5.09 161 871
294 pickles (gm) 20.818 2.84 156 805
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 11.632 1.91 67 352
296 other packaged food - 4.37 93 509
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 91.58 874 4605
777 total: food group - 1576.60 1000 5153

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-373

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.245 1.82 62 376
102 rice – other sources 3.666 108.29 851 2713
103 chira 0.130 4.09 296 690
104 khoi, lawa 0.009 0.30 19 30
105 muri 0.064 2.17 158 476
106 other rice products 0.046 1.28 58 186
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.111 0.91 58 284
108 wheat/atta – other sources 4.001 73.75 811 2424
110 maida 0.094 2.21 230 711
111 suji, rawa 0.174 4.71 494 1409
112 sewai, noodles 0.069 5.24 288 874
113 bread: bakery 0.233 9.49 484 1403
114 other wheat products 0.004 0.21 11 40
115 jowar & its products 0.116 3.30 70 170
116 bajra & its products 0.057 0.90 44 97
117 maize & its products 0.023 0.43 25 111
118 barley & its products 0.001 0.04 4 11
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.08 4 9
121 ragi & its products 0.057 0.91 56 148
122 other cereals 0.011 0.59 25 84
129 cereal: sub-total 9.110 220.71 882 2835
139 cereal substitutes 0.055 2.34 133 359
140 arhar, tur 0.381 26.23 712 2002
141 gram: split 0.113 5.70 496 1454
142 gram: whole 0.073 3.78 318 1025
143 moong 0.176 12.72 667 2020
144 masur 0.094 5.73 356 1219
145 urd 0.132 8.79 440 1429
146 peas 0.020 0.88 112 391
147 khesari 0.000 0.01 1 12
148 other pulses 0.052 3.37 217 701
150 gram products 0.013 0.84 81 262
151 besan 0.120 6.16 479 1310
152 other pulse products 0.023 1.51 117 394
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.198 75.71 866 2792
160 milk: liquid (litre) 9.359 287.27 846 2629
161 baby food 0.005 1.70 17 63
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.009 1.77 39 262
163 curd 0.143 6.13 237 682
164 ghee 0.115 38.39 432 1282
165 butter 0.012 3.15 106 325

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-374 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 5.53 137 353
167 other milk products - 3.93 96 301
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 347.87 877 2797
170 salt 0.262 3.31 865 2791
171 sugar – PDS 0.062 0.89 89 425
172 sugar – other sources 1.003 33.07 830 2614
173 gur 0.068 2.70 243 777
174 candy, misri 0.005 0.27 40 128
175 honey 0.005 1.25 56 184
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.404 41.48 878 2833
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.026 2.08 45 173
181 mustard oil 0.226 19.23 267 1028
182 groundnut oil 0.121 11.78 92 215
183 coconut oil 0.027 2.72 47 226
184 refined oil 0.637 56.60 610 1825
185 edible oil: others 0.056 4.31 62 220
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.092 96.72 864 2781
190 eggs (no.) 5.095 18.10 392 1263
191 fish, prawn 0.390 49.92 215 873
192 goat meat/mutton 0.146 42.92 136 470
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.030 4.09 18 133
194 pork 0.006 0.85 4 83
195 chicken 0.370 45.41 282 883
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.18 1 30
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 161.47 498 1711
200 potato 1.711 19.97 807 2593
201 onion 1.191 18.01 842 2719
202 tomato 1.118 20.89 831 2633
203 brinjal 0.430 9.08 489 1426
204 radish 0.210 3.01 202 626
205 carrot 0.312 6.65 329 1024
206 palak/other 0.712 15.02 587 1842
207 green chillies 0.186 6.91 764 2400
208 lady's finger 0.421 12.82 485 1464
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.131 3.69 158 489
211 cauliflower 0.466 10.69 425 1206
212 cabbage 0.388 7.24 403 1119
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.291 5.21 245 880
214 peas 0.258 6.48 227 667
215 beans, barbati 0.219 6.47 287 951
216 lemon (no.) 3.383 6.19 480 1380

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-375

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.852 20.41 560 1779
219 vegetables: sub-total - 178.77 865 2797
220 banana (no.) 11.961 30.06 649 1964
221 jackfruit 0.011 0.15 4 22
222 watermelon 0.183 2.93 55 170
223 pineapple (no.) 0.060 1.08 23 91
224 coconut (no.) 0.969 10.13 262 816
225 green coconut (no.) 0.383 5.83 91 223
226 guava 0.126 3.04 101 306
227 singara 0.020 0.38 12 24
228 orange, mausami (no.) 2.589 12.17 217 710
230 papaya 0.184 4.13 98 294
231 mango 0.371 17.90 174 529
232 kharbooza 0.036 0.65 14 48
233 pears/nashpati 0.009 0.47 10 30
234 berries 0.003 0.08 3 12
235 leechi 0.018 1.31 17 54
236 apple 0.537 52.29 440 1332
237 grapes 0.187 12.02 198 582
238 other fresh fruits - 7.87 117 353
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 162.51 901 2794
240 coconut: copra 0.047 4.46 197 426
241 groundnut 0.141 10.84 367 865
242 dates 0.031 3.46 92 295
243 cashewnut 0.027 13.16 196 532
244 walnut 0.005 1.91 32 78
245 other nuts 0.009 3.83 49 153
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.028 8.09 170 492
247 other dry fruits 0.017 7.64 88 237
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.305 53.38 533 1454
250 ginger (gm) 100.920 6.24 749 2357
251 garlic (gm) 98.165 8.46 770 2441
252 jeera (gm) 43.261 9.27 789 2445
253 dhania (gm) 73.591 8.06 684 2112
254 turmeric (gm) 55.449 10.64 827 2668
255 black pepper (gm) 13.810 4.65 351 1076
256 dry chillies (gm) 89.349 12.37 759 2399
257 tamarind (gm) 41.770 3.96 267 914
258 curry powder (gm) 37.907 8.46 443 1236
260 oilseeds (gm) 26.440 2.40 459 1366
261 other spices (gm) 55.098 12.86 666 2037

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-376 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 635.758 87.40 864 2788
270 tea: cups (no.) 9.330 46.41 538 1670
271 tea: leaf (gm) 128.285 32.54 805 2619
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.337 2.74 33 89
273 coffee: powder (gm) 11.899 5.53 133 411
274 mineral water (litre) 1.884 3.88 54 158
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.223 8.73 124 421
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.156 10.29 122 387
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 8.02 101 284
279 beverages: sub-total - 118.15 953 3002
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 4.062 156.56 281 737
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.592 21.77 30 73
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.118 2.32 8 41
283 cooked snacks purchased - 81.66 670 1961
284 other served processed food - 6.54 84 277
289 served processed food: sub-total - 268.85 790 2294
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 42.18 331 1085
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 44.10 740 2298
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.197 24.59 521 1553
293 chips (gm) 39.070 7.41 174 520
294 pickles (gm) 21.515 3.22 145 491
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 21.566 3.87 113 280
296 other packaged food - 4.96 83 304
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 130.34 889 2745
777 total: food group - 1945.69 1000 3073

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-377

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.200 1.65 41 259
102 rice – other sources 3.313 109.01 724 2263
103 chira 0.110 3.51 207 590
104 khoi, lawa 0.006 0.28 14 30
105 muri 0.047 1.67 97 290
106 other rice products 0.055 1.52 48 200
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.055 0.56 27 169
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.594 72.30 695 2069
110 maida 0.098 2.38 186 584
111 suji, rawa 0.185 4.96 389 1132
112 sewai, noodles 0.087 7.47 282 801
113 bread: bakery 0.302 12.74 491 1397
114 other wheat products 0.016 0.47 17 46
115 jowar & its products 0.082 2.57 54 128
116 bajra & its products 0.026 0.45 29 77
117 maize & its products 0.023 0.64 27 97
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.00 1 5
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.07 4 14
121 ragi & its products 0.059 1.05 44 138
122 other cereals 0.015 1.21 33 142
129 cereal: sub-total 8.274 224.51 774 2374
139 cereal substitutes 0.049 1.65 89 304
140 arhar, tur 0.336 23.91 602 1722
141 gram: split 0.099 5.20 391 1128
142 gram: whole 0.079 4.38 290 967
143 moong 0.179 13.45 596 1780
144 masur 0.090 5.51 306 1024
145 urd 0.147 10.32 403 1252
146 peas 0.027 1.20 110 361
147 khesari 0.001 0.04 3 28
148 other pulses 0.060 4.08 215 661
150 gram products 0.015 1.05 80 182
151 besan 0.103 5.46 412 1096
152 other pulse products 0.028 1.88 130 381
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 1.163 76.50 743 2317
160 milk: liquid (litre) 10.567 343.47 743 2231
161 baby food 0.012 3.70 23 50
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.009 1.80 33 214
163 curd 0.181 7.99 206 601
164 ghee 0.125 43.34 405 1187
165 butter 0.021 5.83 153 424

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-378 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 9.27 151 415
167 other milk products - 5.40 97 280
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 420.80 787 2415
170 salt 0.246 3.20 741 2331
171 sugar – PDS 0.045 0.70 56 282
172 sugar – other sources 0.926 30.93 740 2219
173 gur 0.071 2.91 200 641
174 candy, misri 0.005 0.30 41 122
175 honey 0.010 2.64 86 249
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.303 40.69 769 2388
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.024 2.09 27 126
181 mustard oil 0.211 18.37 220 790
182 groundnut oil 0.096 9.82 62 170
183 coconut oil 0.042 4.43 55 273
184 refined oil 0.675 63.80 563 1579
185 edible oil: others 0.043 4.03 45 183
189 edible oil: sub-total 1.092 102.55 731 2309
190 eggs (no.) 5.621 20.27 339 1145
191 fish, prawn 0.479 69.43 177 781
192 goat meat/mutton 0.168 50.30 104 328
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.032 3.95 11 74
194 pork 0.007 0.88 4 45
195 chicken 0.453 55.63 228 801
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.30 2 12
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 200.76 408 1455
200 potato 1.749 21.27 684 2117
201 onion 1.272 20.17 715 2253
202 tomato 1.156 22.25 697 2202
203 brinjal 0.410 9.31 391 1156
204 radish 0.221 3.22 177 518
205 carrot 0.311 7.64 303 973
206 palak/other 0.657 15.29 464 1478
207 green chillies 0.194 7.51 656 1994
208 lady's finger 0.438 13.83 418 1246
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.153 4.42 155 461
211 cauliflower 0.493 12.36 352 992
212 cabbage 0.354 7.20 299 925
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.370 7.14 261 815
214 peas 0.254 8.25 213 623
215 beans, barbati 0.215 7.28 263 839
216 lemon (no.) 4.123 8.76 459 1205

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-379

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.835 21.42 505 1515
219 vegetables: sub-total - 197.38 737 2331
220 banana (no.) 15.179 41.13 664 1826
221 jackfruit 0.035 0.62 6 30
222 watermelon 0.214 3.90 67 147
223 pineapple (no.) 0.085 2.04 29 110
224 coconut (no.) 1.076 12.02 222 759
225 green coconut (no.) 0.643 11.22 130 286
226 guava 0.176 4.90 110 294
227 singara 0.011 0.23 6 23
228 orange, mausami (no.) 3.813 19.07 239 722
230 papaya 0.260 6.28 114 326
231 mango 0.481 24.94 181 474
232 kharbooza 0.095 2.51 35 66
233 pears/nashpati 0.019 1.19 15 46
234 berries 0.000 0.02 1 5
235 leechi 0.023 1.57 15 44
236 apple 0.774 81.98 500 1381
237 grapes 0.246 16.30 213 558
238 other fresh fruits - 14.39 140 420
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 244.30 913 2515
240 coconut: copra 0.037 3.80 121 296
241 groundnut 0.118 9.34 245 697
242 dates 0.050 6.25 116 324
243 cashewnut 0.049 25.38 241 658
244 walnut 0.010 4.71 36 88
245 other nuts 0.020 8.94 77 217
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.034 10.25 167 505
247 other dry fruits 0.028 11.06 90 257
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.346 79.72 491 1398
250 ginger (gm) 105.571 6.56 635 1972
251 garlic (gm) 97.261 8.29 648 2041
252 jeera (gm) 45.302 10.13 675 2035
253 dhania (gm) 77.055 8.70 602 1824
254 turmeric (gm) 59.455 11.40 713 2231
255 black pepper (gm) 15.613 5.33 322 991
256 dry chillies (gm) 90.482 12.65 617 1938
257 tamarind (gm) 40.701 4.00 239 811
258 curry powder (gm) 36.046 8.40 363 1036
260 oilseeds (gm) 22.417 2.31 367 1109
261 other spices (gm) 62.253 14.97 579 1771

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-380 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Urban

no. of households
quantity per reporting consumption#
item code item description 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 652.154 92.77 732 2314
270 tea: cups (no.) 11.346 57.89 514 1494
271 tea: leaf (gm) 128.625 34.71 675 2165
272 coffee: cups (no.) 1.924 16.15 139 189
273 coffee: powder (gm) 20.014 10.34 169 506
274 mineral water (litre) 2.516 7.44 82 206
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.392 15.31 180 463
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.335 22.87 178 470
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 15.83 149 317
279 beverages: sub-total - 180.53 956 2645
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 10.257 564.57 505 1046
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.689 38.52 47 66
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.057 1.23 4 23
283 cooked snacks purchased - 152.98 710 1755
284 other served processed food - 34.61 111 300
289 served processed food: sub-total - 791.91 855 2132
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 72.48 405 1055
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 67.69 789 2017
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.261 35.34 511 1446
293 chips (gm) 50.236 9.75 180 502
294 pickles (gm) 23.502 3.52 132 431
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 46.912 7.90 164 397
296 other packaged food - 8.41 80 265
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 205.08 909 2440
777 total: food group - 2859.12 1000 2716

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-381

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Urban

no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
101 rice – P.D.S. 0.882 5.21 233 12442
102 rice – other sources 3.605 86.44 876 37137
103 chira 0.088 2.59 257 9509
104 khoi, lawa 0.003 0.12 15 507
105 muri 0.058 1.97 165 6934
106 other rice products 0.027 0.65 42 1711
107 wheat/atta – P.D.S. 0.406 2.53 190 8815
108 wheat/atta – other sources 3.605 57.44 764 29818
110 maida 0.056 1.26 182 7429
111 suji, rawa 0.109 2.82 424 16039
112 sewai, noodles 0.030 2.02 180 7629
113 bread: bakery 0.110 4.53 338 14264
114 other wheat products 0.005 0.17 12 441
115 jowar & its products 0.132 3.44 76 2642
116 bajra & its products 0.081 1.12 55 1619
117 maize & its products 0.014 0.25 21 1119
118 barley & its products 0.000 0.01 2 66
120 small millets & its products 0.001 0.05 5 186
121 ragi & its products 0.061 0.88 54 1801
122 other cereals 0.007 0.29 18 791
129 cereal: sub-total 9.280 173.82 934 40463
139 cereal substitutes 0.031 1.23 109 3864
140 arhar, tur 0.301 19.47 741 27111
141 gram: split 0.085 4.10 466 18125
142 gram: whole 0.045 2.22 259 11452
143 moong 0.117 8.15 600 23524
144 masur 0.093 5.20 380 18134
145 urd 0.098 6.10 447 17262
146 peas 0.023 0.87 119 5270
147 khesari 0.002 0.07 7 374
148 other pulses 0.036 2.11 195 8441
150 gram products 0.011 0.68 96 3439
151 besan 0.075 3.73 451 16816
152 other pulse products 0.016 0.97 117 5083
159 pulses & pulse products: sub-total 0.901 53.66 925 39902
160 milk: liquid (litre) 5.422 158.43 849 33913
161 baby food 0.006 1.45 25 1060
162 milk: condensed/powder 0.006 1.31 38 4128
163 curd 0.062 2.64 172 6563
164 ghee 0.050 16.32 274 10325
165 butter 0.004 0.92 45 2083

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-382 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Urban

no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
166 ice-cream - 1.72 79 2960
167 other milk products - 1.51 62 2410
169 milk & milk products: sub-total - 184.31 890 37435
170 salt 0.241 2.76 923 40107
171 sugar – PDS 0.084 1.27 206 10905
172 sugar – other sources 0.732 23.89 853 35331
173 gur 0.044 1.67 211 8245
174 candy, misri 0.002 0.12 30 1189
175 honey 0.002 0.39 26 1034
179 salt & sugar: sub-total 1.105 30.11 934 40453
180 vanaspati/ margarine 0.021 1.59 50 2515
181 mustard oil 0.242 20.20 341 18105
182 groundnut oil 0.081 7.53 85 2638
183 coconut oil 0.016 1.57 35 2060
184 refined oil 0.400 32.62 517 20161
185 edible oil: others 0.094 6.52 123 4637
189 edible oil: sub-total 0.853 70.03 926 40103
190 eggs (no.) 3.180 11.12 376 16012
191 fish, prawn 0.252 26.73 210 11417
192 goat meat/mutton 0.079 21.78 100 4168
193 beef/ buffalo meat 0.064 6.55 50 2486
194 pork 0.006 0.88 5 1356
195 chicken 0.239 28.65 270 10606
196 others: birds, crab, etc. 0.002 0.28 3 956
199 egg, fish & meat: sub-total - 95.99 550 25162
200 potato 1.612 17.41 855 37309
201 onion 0.951 13.66 908 39063
202 tomato 0.806 13.90 848 34833
203 brinjal 0.358 6.96 538 21719
204 radish 0.140 1.73 176 7550
205 carrot 0.153 3.26 254 9868
206 palak/other 0.528 9.74 590 26236
207 green chillies 0.166 5.69 814 33334
208 lady's finger 0.281 7.46 443 16765
210 parwal/patal, kundru 0.106 2.65 161 6048
211 cauliflower 0.326 6.50 360 14258
212 cabbage 0.271 4.61 360 14603
213 gourd, pumpkin 0.281 4.44 288 12753
214 peas 0.150 3.40 179 6985
215 beans, barbati 0.139 3.99 255 10695
216 lemon (no.) 2.117 3.72 438 15746

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-383

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Urban

no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
217 other vegetables 0.574 12.56 588 24625
219 vegetables: sub-total - 121.70 926 40241
220 banana (no.) 6.694 15.31 532 20667
221 jackfruit 0.008 0.11 4 277
222 watermelon 0.094 1.34 40 1666
223 pineapple (no.) 0.027 0.50 13 818
224 coconut (no.) 0.614 5.97 251 9783
225 green coconut (no.) 0.141 2.00 54 1735
226 guava 0.091 1.90 97 3527
227 singara 0.011 0.22 11 421
228 orange, mausami (no.) 1.021 4.48 124 5255
230 papaya 0.081 1.76 61 2476
231 mango 0.202 8.33 134 5462
232 kharbooza 0.025 0.46 14 528
233 pears/nashpati 0.004 0.20 5 246
234 berries 0.003 0.09 5 169
235 leechi 0.008 0.48 9 400
236 apple 0.191 18.10 227 9091
237 grapes 0.084 4.84 130 4951
238 other fresh fruits - 3.42 87 3739
239 fruits, fresh: sub-total - 69.51 818 33080
240 coconut: copra 0.026 2.54 154 4773
241 groundnut 0.087 6.45 292 9725
242 dates 0.015 1.50 52 2068
243 cashewnut 0.008 3.84 77 3037
244 walnut 0.001 0.53 11 404
245 other nuts 0.003 1.17 22 880
246 raisin, kishmish, monacca 0.009 2.46 83 3248
247 other dry fruits 0.006 2.13 41 1790
249 fruits, dry: sub-total 0.156 20.61 409 14766
250 ginger (gm) 73.318 4.34 768 31646
251 garlic (gm) 81.097 6.52 843 35383
252 jeera (gm) 33.346 6.84 829 32840
253 dhania (gm) 58.579 6.09 739 28901
254 turmeric (gm) 46.349 8.32 895 38313
255 black pepper (gm) 9.328 3.02 322 12323
256 dry chillies (gm) 77.667 10.37 817 34150
257 tamarind (gm) 35.478 3.25 300 11421
258 curry powder (gm) 21.952 4.60 369 13656
260 oilseeds (gm) 20.935 1.86 493 17716
261 other spices (gm) 41.082 8.50 681 27545

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-384 Appendix A

Table 1U : Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Urban

no. of households
quantity reporting consumption#
item code item description per 30 days value (Rs)
(kg*) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
269 spices: sub-total 499.131 63.73 925 40105
270 tea: cups (no.) 5.821 26.08 496 20001
271 tea: leaf (gm) 95.320 22.21 838 37011
272 coffee: cups (no.) 0.190 1.41 25 660
273 coffee: powder (gm) 5.631 2.33 88 3180
274 mineral water (litre) 0.544 1.11 24 888
275 cold beverages (litre) 0.082 3.13 71 2772
276 fruit juice and shake (no.) 0.053 3.16 56 2308
277 other beverages: cocoa, chocolates, etc. - 3.16 64 2315
279 beverages: sub-total - 62.59 964 40641
280 cooked meals purchased (no.) 1.536 57.54 156 5138
281 cooked meals received free in workplace (no.) 0.197 5.97 19 719
282 cooked meals received as an assistance (no.) 0.876 8.77 78 3781
283 cooked snacks purchased - 36.94 598 22497
284 other served processed food - 3.97 76 3092
289 served processed food: sub-total - 113.19 705 27322
290 prepared sweets, cake, pastry - 16.38 242 10429
291 biscuits, chocolates, etc. - 23.73 721 30286
292 papad, bhujia, namkeen 0.106 12.22 438 16784
293 chips (gm) 14.975 2.77 118 4983
294 pickles (gm) 11.498 1.53 116 4692
295 sauce, jam, jelly (gm) 6.606 1.11 46 1612
296 other packaged food - 2.65 72 3229
299 packaged processed food: sub-total - 60.39 863 35791
777 total: food group - 1120.88 1000 41960

* unless otherwise specified # ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 30 days for items 101-179 and 7 days for items 180-299

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-385

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 2.099 0.79 62 289
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.152 0.44 11 51
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.85 57 268
309 pan: sub-total - 2.08 73 345
310 bidi (no.) 23.975 9.05 183 659
311 cigarettes (no.) 3.906 11.50 113 486
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 17.415 2.25 56 137
313 snuff (gm) 0.060 0.06 2 10
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.476 0.11 2 8
315 cheroot (no.) 1.316 1.37 42 135
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.536 0.32 10 49
317 other tobacco products - 2.74 54 212
319 tobacco: sub-total - 27.39 419 1508
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.793 11.06 135 462
322 country liquor (litre) 0.114 8.01 61 196
323 beer (litre) 0.031 4.11 25 131
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.069 34.26 119 437
325 other intoxicants - 2.07 8 25
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 59.51 326 1169
330 coke (kg) 0.073 0.15 4 15
331 firewood and chips (kg) 18.874 39.58 821 3161
332 electricity (std. unit) 15.723 34.53 973 3860
333 dung cake - 0.32 30 90
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.368 5.48 808 3062
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.053 1.51 112 456
336 matches (box) 1.699 1.71 954 3807
337 coal (kg) 0.003 0.01 1 12
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.636 18.35 362 1829
340 charcoal (kg) 0.016 0.12 6 19
341 candle (no.) 0.265 0.66 307 1254
342 gobar gas - 0.03 1 7
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 2
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 1
345 other fuel - 2.32 281 1128
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 104.78 997 3922
350 dhoti (no.) 0.011 2.03 227 816
351 sari (no.) 0.068 25.00 942 3785
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.118 12.50 838 3377
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.056 9.66 616 2624
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.002 0.29 42 184
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.001 0.20 26 89
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.26 149 667

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-386 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.86 133 549
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 0.60 38 141
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.009 3.26 159 708
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.001 0.21 16 59
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 1.25 44 214
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.038 8.69 588 2442
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.031 9.90 488 2019
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.009 1.88 126 528
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.012 0.77 166 657
367 lungi (no.) 0.038 3.85 704 2997
368 other casual wear - 1.36 201 883
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.147 6.54 845 3479
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.052 2.53 728 2887
372 infant clothing - 1.22 80 336
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.21 66 322
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.001 0.00 1 4
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.21 189 765
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.11 14 52
379 clothing: sub-total - 97.35 995 3907
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.009 2.02 225 991
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.005 1.37 145 602
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.002 0.25 34 180
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.09 13 48
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.09 19 80
385 bedding: others - 0.03 9 44
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 3.84 352 1498
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.003 1.07 88 435
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.012 2.50 230 1028
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.012 2.34 240 990
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.059 5.70 798 3185
394 other footwear (pair) 0.021 2.89 372 1521
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.01 3 14
399 footwear: sub-total 0.106 14.50 987 3876
400 books, journals, first hand - 7.48 402 1656
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.17 15 64
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.94 47 336
403 library charges - 0.02 3 13
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 7.04 515 2052
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 42.57 336 1364
406 private tutor/ coaching - 0.43 12 65
407 educational CD - 0.00 1 6
408 other educational expenses - 0.57 56 226
409 education: sub-total - 59.23 564 2329

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-387

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 14.67 116 471
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.70 88 365
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 5.56 108 443
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 5.65 93 386
414 other medical expenses - 4.66 45 180
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 34.24 120 496
420 medicine - 68.00 770 3068
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 6.91 69 281
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 13.32 444 1821
423 family planning devices - 0.02 1 4
424 other medical expenses - 2.91 32 111
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 91.17 777 3097
430 cinema, theatre - 3.67 123 483
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.04 2 7
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.61 17 108
433 club fees - 0.07 1 1
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.05 0 7
435 photography - 0.69 7 28
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.03 3 24
437 cable TV - 21.05 709 3134
438 other entertainment - 1.32 21 109
439 entertainment: sub-total - 27.54 737 3238
440 spectacles - 2.06 20 77
441 torch - 0.83 19 93
442 lock - 0.50 33 119
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.60 20 85
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.11 12 60
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.05 3 19
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 4.15 96 400
450 toilet soap - 15.83 984 3881
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 7.45 886 3618
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 5.71 689 2860
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 10.35 956 3792
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.08 355 1555
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.47 86 430
456 sanitary napkins - 1.13 135 587
457 other toilet articles - 3.27 518 2197
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 45.28 993 3918
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.45 294 1234
461 electric batteries - 0.18 48 242
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.02 3 12
463 earthenware - 0.11 10 57
464 glassware - 0.19 2 14

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-388 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.81 94 429
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.06 7 33
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 18.91 978 3876
468 other washing requisites - 1.82 377 1618
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.40 638 2672
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 2.83 369 1461
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 5.02 421 1819
473 other petty articles - 3.30 495 2040
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 40.09 991 3917
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.90 6 64
481 attendant - 0.38 2 1
482 sweeper - 0.12 2 18
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 13.61 842 3439
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 6.92 317 1396
485 tailor - 8.79 170 701
486 grinding charges - 1.47 292 1294
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.52 60 258
488 telephone charges, mobile - 28.95 786 3385
490 postage & telegram - 0.08 8 38
491 miscellaneous expenses - 3.26 317 1245
492 priest - 0.57 37 207
493 legal expenses - 1.03 0 1
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.01 2 11
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.63 9 40
496 internet expenses - 0.72 21 62
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.91 146 579
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 69.87 954 3844
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 1.51 26 99
502 bus/tram fare - 25.64 609 2375
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 17.13 668 2658
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.09 2 8
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.02 1 9
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.09 1 11
508 petrol for vehicle - 20.35 148 984
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.50 3 40
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.29 11 66
512 school bus, van, etc. - 5.27 49 276
513 other conveyance expenses - 1.42 7 39
519 conveyance: sub-total - 72.32 905 3678
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 20.64 82 261
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.03 0 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-389

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.02 0 1
523 other consumer rent - 0.41 3 3
529 rent: sub-total - 21.10 82 266
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 2.25 337 1479
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 4.12 588 2443
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 6.38 651 2700
550 bedstead 0.000 0.91 20 74
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 1.06 11 39
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.66 48 217
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.33 39 152
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.01 1 9
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 0 3
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.48 4 9
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 3.46 105 428
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 4
561 television 0.001 3.52 68 261
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.40 7 33
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.02 2 5
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.06 18 127
565 musical instruments - 0.02 1 6
566 other goods for recreation - 0.06 2 9
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 4.07 87 399
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.65 166 716
571 other metal utensils - 0.36 37 170
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.02 4 26
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.07 12 75
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.10 201 866
580 electric fan 0.001 1.03 95 377
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.49 10 82
582 inverter 0.000 0.40 3 18
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 1 4
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.16 13 53
585 washing machine 0.000 0.29 2 7
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.82 27 114
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.43 18 62
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.25 2 40
590 water purifier 0.000 0.04 1 11
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.07 5 26
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.19 5 37
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 4.18 156 675
600 bicycle 0.000 2.24 329 1205

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-390 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 13.74 136 947
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 3.38 7 62
603 tyres & tubes 0.004 1.10 123 528
604 other transport equipment - 0.15 1 10
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 20.61 433 1947
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.05 3 10
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.05 4 11
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.10 96 400
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 3
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.22 3 11
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 4.47 119 480
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.02 1 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.03 0 2
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 4.85 191 786
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.20 1 7
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.14 13 58
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 6.07 180 803
633 other durables - 0.03 2 6
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 6.45 189 847
640 gold ornaments - 19.30 42 212
641 silver ornaments - 3.62 33 139
642 jewels, pearls - 2.33 2 13
643 other ornaments - 0.57 35 151
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 25.82 98 453
659 durable: total - 71.59 722 3049
888 total: non-food group - 852.40 1000 3925
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1753.96 1000 3925

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-391

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 3.735 1.89 105 89
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.530 5.35 116 138
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.40 93 82
309 pan: sub-total - 10.64 234 243
310 bidi (no.) 7.273 3.00 117 112
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.420 4.37 63 80
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 21.211 3.89 227 245
313 snuff (gm) 0.656 0.11 6 10
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 2.030 0.37 17 6
315 cheroot (no.) 0.011 0.00 0 1
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.710 0.25 14 17
317 other tobacco products - 4.55 172 176
319 tobacco: sub-total - 16.54 493 525
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.004 0.09 2 3
322 country liquor (litre) 0.826 21.79 186 193
323 beer (litre) 0.201 11.94 77 88
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.060 11.97 84 102
325 other intoxicants - 34.64 193 205
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 80.43 486 532
330 coke (kg) 0.278 0.55 6 8
331 firewood and chips (kg) 47.287 119.27 789 898
332 electricity (std. unit) 4.287 15.14 644 716
333 dung cake - 0.00 0 1
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.181 2.96 261 233
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.152 3.94 288 306
336 matches (box) 1.134 1.33 872 881
337 coal (kg) 0.004 0.00 2 4
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.867 26.52 337 361
340 charcoal (kg) 0.004 0.07 2 4
341 candle (no.) 0.619 2.64 273 322
342 gobar gas - 0.05 6 4
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.036 2.32 17 25
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.07 1 5
345 other fuel - 0.68 13 22
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 175.55 998 1062
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.20 26 29
351 sari (no.) 0.006 2.07 122 126
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.021 2.57 221 260
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.010 1.81 101 123
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.018 10.84 436 503
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.008 2.86 268 314
356 school/college uniform: boys - 8.99 402 495

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-392 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 8.04 380 445
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 0.71 49 55
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.003 1.21 62 106
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.003 0.85 72 79
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 1.21 71 82
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.029 7.89 590 639
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.009 2.41 196 209
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.008 2.05 204 236
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.019 2.62 333 356
367 lungi (no.) 0.007 1.41 226 216
368 other casual wear - 1.78 181 210
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.070 5.90 706 772
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.020 2.54 493 530
372 infant clothing - 0.63 50 63
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.002 0.37 78 86
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.976 0.58 54 63
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 12.50 411 465
376 clothing, second-hand - 2.68 160 155
379 clothing: sub-total - 84.73 986 1055
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.019 5.22 578 620
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.011 11.44 402 478
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.011 2.42 242 241
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.003 0.30 52 69
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.005 1.64 219 273
385 bedding: others - 3.10 168 193
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 24.10 862 916
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.013 7.53 372 468
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.020 5.14 479 530
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 2.05 141 180
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.040 5.21 683 635
394 other footwear (pair) 0.016 3.91 352 406
395 footwear, second-hand 0.002 0.21 39 45
399 footwear: sub-total 0.096 24.04 973 1040
400 books, journals, first hand - 7.60 420 439
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.22 32 28
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.44 37 51
403 library charges - 0.05 13 15
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 6.54 539 587
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 23.43 383 406
406 private tutor/ coaching - 1.08 21 45
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 6.83 231 266
409 education: sub-total - 46.21 656 741

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-393

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 10.99 372 440
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.27 128 151
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.18 36 53
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.03 4 7
414 other medical expenses - 3.35 175 200
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 15.84 429 498
420 medicine - 24.64 351 343
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.52 26 25
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 1.70 31 31
423 family planning devices - 0.10 5 9
424 other medical expenses - 9.10 105 124
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 38.05 402 393
430 cinema, theatre - 0.04 1 3
431 mela, fair, picnic - 3.77 51 27
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.95 31 35
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.75 7 5
435 photography - 1.16 38 41
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 1.16 9 15
437 cable TV - 14.07 251 273
438 other entertainment - 5.09 78 106
439 entertainment: sub-total - 27.99 385 412
440 spectacles - 2.23 19 27
441 torch - 5.07 170 173
442 lock - 2.14 133 95
443 umbrella, raincoat - 8.38 176 221
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.14 8 16
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.60 63 60
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 19.55 409 423
450 toilet soap - 7.73 794 837
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 8.63 819 875
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 8.50 471 524
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 9.42 757 810
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.25 233 198
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.62 76 91
456 sanitary napkins - 1.60 119 147
457 other toilet articles - 2.64 198 247
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 40.40 951 1014
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.13 199 234
461 electric batteries - 0.58 39 43
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.01 1 3
463 earthenware - 0.13 2 4
464 glassware - 0.23 8 14

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-394 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 6.61 174 218
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.53 32 38
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 12.08 848 903
468 other washing requisites - 1.21 215 195
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.88 323 316
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.00 1 1
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.44 171 140
473 other petty articles - 2.18 147 124
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 30.01 902 973
480 domestic servant/cook - 4.48 23 37
481 attendant - 0.12 1 2
482 sweeper - 0.48 11 13
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 5.92 454 470
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.02 44 56
485 tailor - 3.20 132 162
486 grinding charges - 0.81 41 58
487 telephone charges, landline - 2.06 36 44
488 telephone charges, mobile - 35.39 505 564
490 postage & telegram - 0.06 2 4
491 miscellaneous expenses - 8.61 138 167
492 priest - 1.65 18 20
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 4.30 85 49
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.73 32 48
496 internet expenses - 0.25 2 6
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.20 24 33
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 71.29 735 803
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.00 0 0
502 bus/tram fare - 8.48 166 211
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 5.64 116 112
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.05 4 5
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.29 4 8
508 petrol for vehicle - 23.24 109 176
510 diesel for vehicle - 5.69 10 21
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.99 13 33
512 school bus, van, etc. - 1.81 17 23
513 other conveyance expenses - 9.72 82 114
519 conveyance: sub-total - 55.91 418 541
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 15.92 162 107
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.08 1 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-395

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 1.84 12 11
523 other consumer rent - 0.15 2 5
529 rent: sub-total - 17.99 172 120
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 3.74 214 206
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.01 1 4
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 3.75 214 206
550 bedstead 0.001 2.18 59 61
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.89 16 34
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.11 67 79
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 3.71 223 242
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.31 10 10
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 1.21 103 104
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.05 1 4
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.91 25 37
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 10.37 361 393
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.001 0.83 62 59
561 television 0.000 2.38 19 21
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.25 4 9
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.04 1 2
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.48 43 49
565 musical instruments - 0.01 1 3
566 other goods for recreation - 0.14 11 15
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 4.13 132 148
570 stainless steel utensils - 3.17 274 299
571 other metal utensils - 1.73 163 176
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.21 22 36
573 other crockery & utensils - 2.58 226 240
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 7.68 468 478
580 electric fan 0.000 0.86 30 32
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 2.25 15 15
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.37 60 66
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.04 4 1
585 washing machine 0.000 0.76 4 6
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.11 28 36
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.002 2.10 103 116
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.21 2 5
590 water purifier 0.000 0.50 19 22
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.46 36 38
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.71 66 81
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 8.35 242 277
600 bicycle 0.000 1.39 57 58

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-396 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 2.84 40 58
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.97 10 30
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 1.71 55 76
604 other transport equipment - 0.35 20 29
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 7.25 129 179
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.48 24 25
611 other medical equipment - 0.02 3 4
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.51 25 27
620 clock, watch 0.000 1.84 134 133
621 other machines for household work - 0.14 7 7
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 1.97 5 6
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 5.00 86 93
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.09 2 5
625 any other personal goods - 0.74 55 69
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 9.78 229 260
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.50 59 60
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.54 105 113
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 6.67 138 148
633 other durables - 0.37 30 30
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 8.08 238 250
640 gold ornaments - 10.92 63 62
641 silver ornaments - 0.99 21 26
642 jewels, pearls - 0.04 1 3
643 other ornaments - 3.14 73 94
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 15.09 145 168
659 durable: total - 71.25 668 730
888 total: non-food group - 854.28 1000 1066
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1781.74 1000 1066

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-397

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 21.235 7.94 857 2252
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.947 4.75 255 746
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 16.24 857 2248
309 pan: sub-total - 28.94 923 2424
310 bidi (no.) 12.949 4.04 355 814
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.035 3.05 83 347
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 25.888 4.15 448 1132
313 snuff (gm) 0.163 0.02 5 14
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.544 0.12 4 8
315 cheroot (no.) 0.015 0.02 1 4
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.677 0.24 30 121
317 other tobacco products - 1.85 170 409
319 tobacco: sub-total - 13.49 777 1992
320 ganja (gm) 0.097 0.03 3 5
321 toddy (litre) 0.006 0.19 6 11
322 country liquor (litre) 0.369 10.37 210 509
323 beer (litre) 0.005 0.37 7 22
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.005 1.40 15 65
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 12.36 236 592
330 coke (kg) 0.061 0.09 2 4
331 firewood and chips (kg) 29.864 55.22 896 2214
332 electricity (std. unit) 4.335 16.87 554 1686
333 dung cake - 0.18 20 55
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.426 7.16 779 2008
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.242 7.61 522 1287
336 matches (box) 1.288 1.35 972 2553
337 coal (kg) 0.001 0.00 2 1
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.429 12.33 186 806
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.02 1 7
341 candle (no.) 0.404 1.30 358 1026
342 gobar gas - 0.17 4 8
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.13 1 9
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.02 1 3
345 other fuel - 0.16 39 101
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 102.60 991 2603
350 dhoti (no.) 0.006 0.81 215 590
351 sari (no.) 0.034 7.89 856 2257
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.018 1.20 201 626
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.007 0.65 130 411
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.017 5.14 468 1301
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.015 2.91 488 1320
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.35 274 738

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-398 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.87 219 632
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.004 0.93 110 292
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.005 1.38 130 344
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.006 1.04 142 368
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.006 1.44 176 504
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.048 8.76 913 2394
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.027 6.00 598 1583
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.015 2.72 360 981
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.052 2.73 841 2244
367 lungi (no.) 0.017 1.83 457 1147
368 other casual wear - 1.00 187 552
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.132 6.06 969 2530
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.053 2.64 885 2319
372 infant clothing - 0.53 84 246
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.004 0.18 111 357
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.136 0.01 6 17
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.95 190 557
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.93 160 320
379 clothing: sub-total - 62.92 1000 2605
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.015 2.43 603 1692
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.005 1.92 238 672
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.003 0.44 93 301
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.003 0.12 37 132
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.003 0.62 191 550
385 bedding: others - 0.32 56 155
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 5.84 761 2078
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.005 1.56 176 573
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.010 1.90 311 893
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.004 0.82 123 319
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.046 3.79 824 2202
394 other footwear (pair) 0.016 2.26 401 1046
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.03 14 24
399 footwear: sub-total 0.082 10.36 983 2560
400 books, journals, first hand - 3.99 438 1273
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.21 41 112
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.16 93 388
403 library charges - 0.05 24 77
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 3.36 646 1806
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 7.73 441 1228
406 private tutor/ coaching - 1.62 41 158
407 educational CD - 0.01 0 1
408 other educational expenses - 0.12 30 96
409 education: sub-total - 18.24 719 1981

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-399

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 1.58 67 183
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.56 35 104
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.45 40 119
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.70 21 60
414 other medical expenses - 0.34 25 59
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 3.62 67 183
420 medicine - 21.78 765 2025
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.29 12 46
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 1.91 82 264
423 family planning devices - 0.21 26 73
424 other medical expenses - 0.46 40 109
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 25.64 778 2053
430 cinema, theatre - 0.36 29 78
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.19 44 83
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.04 62 203
433 club fees - 0.00 0 1
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.04 2 5
435 photography - 0.07 7 19
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.21 13 40
437 cable TV - 8.46 195 790
438 other entertainment - 0.48 25 80
439 entertainment: sub-total - 11.84 325 1118
440 spectacles - 0.41 9 21
441 torch - 0.76 53 157
442 lock - 0.40 49 131
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.67 68 223
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.12 31 101
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.57 76 221
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 3.92 237 701
450 toilet soap - 5.65 994 2591
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 3.80 877 2304
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 5.19 743 2006
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 4.50 919 2427
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.39 710 1900
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.43 142 411
456 sanitary napkins - 0.99 162 537
457 other toilet articles - 0.56 125 352
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 22.49 1000 2606
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.69 132 418
461 electric batteries - 0.31 69 168
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.03 7 14
463 earthenware - 0.09 21 43
464 glassware - 0.19 13 38

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-400 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.55 118 362
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.57 108 281
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 7.17 973 2569
468 other washing requisites - 1.25 368 993
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.50 646 1719
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.02 5 10
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.90 399 1157
473 other petty articles - 0.31 91 268
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 16.59 987 2601
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.67 5 33
481 attendant - 0.12 2 8
482 sweeper - 0.01 1 4
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 7.46 896 2324
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.12 16 62
485 tailor - 2.13 128 369
486 grinding charges - 1.52 184 454
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.02 1 7
488 telephone charges, mobile - 24.80 667 1998
490 postage & telegram - 0.19 21 93
491 miscellaneous expenses - 5.82 345 892
492 priest - 0.46 56 156
493 legal expenses - 0.01 3 11
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.18 21 53
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.95 59 184
496 internet expenses - 0.11 6 33
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.46 43 127
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 45.03 980 2572
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.37 32 86
502 bus/tram fare - 16.79 766 1978
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 7.29 457 1245
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.97 45 138
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 1.60 144 412
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 1
507 porter charges - 0.26 5 10
508 petrol for vehicle - 9.22 65 420
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.58 4 33
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.32 21 121
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.35 4 18
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.10 15 50
519 conveyance: sub-total - 37.84 916 2419
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.41 14 23
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.02 0 3

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-401

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.30 351 998
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 1 2
529 rent: sub-total - 0.73 365 1021
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.01 4 12
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.57 383 1013
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.59 387 1025
550 bedstead 0.000 0.44 28 69
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.47 11 48
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.16 127 379
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.52 83 247
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 1 6
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.07 10 39
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 1 8
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.14 9 20
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.81 231 680
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.08 24 60
561 television 0.000 0.87 18 50
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.06 2 12
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.04 1 6
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.17 45 205
565 musical instruments - 0.02 1 3
566 other goods for recreation - 0.10 6 15
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.34 91 325
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.49 326 886
571 other metal utensils - 0.62 124 393
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.09 13 40
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.05 274 718
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.25 572 1560
580 electric fan 0.000 0.44 36 143
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.07 1 9
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.04 22 49
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.07 4 12
585 washing machine 0.000 0.02 0 2
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.10 14 61
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.23 22 97
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.01 0 4
590 water purifier 0.000 0.08 11 41
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.02 3 14
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.04 16 50
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 1.11 110 402
600 bicycle 0.000 2.19 606 1527

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-402 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 0.91 61 336
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.35 16 96
603 tyres & tubes 0.007 1.18 326 833
604 other transport equipment - 0.07 36 105
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 5.71 688 1837
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.10 8 32
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.10 8 32
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.26 56 166
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.04 3 11
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.35 135 406
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.05 4 6
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 7 19
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 3.71 194 566
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.41 39 116
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.36 47 169
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 24.37 659 1741
633 other durables - 0.08 7 10
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 25.22 689 1842
640 gold ornaments - 1.35 14 71
641 silver ornaments - 0.70 34 110
642 jewels, pearls - 0.25 23 73
643 other ornaments - 2.47 481 1298
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 4.77 521 1448
659 durable: total - 48.03 955 2523
888 total: non-food group - 471.08 1000 2607
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1218.57 1000 2607

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-403

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.586 0.83 29 109
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.748 5.27 193 701
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.29 135 373
309 pan: sub-total - 6.39 293 1005
310 bidi (no.) 3.060 0.86 100 228
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.305 0.89 38 168
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 39.688 8.09 614 1975
313 snuff (gm) 0.279 0.07 6 26
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.706 0.12 6 20
315 cheroot (no.) 0.065 0.09 6 16
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 2.409 0.52 53 121
317 other tobacco products - 2.37 106 313
319 tobacco: sub-total - 13.01 743 2351
320 ganja (gm) 0.067 0.16 3 18
321 toddy (litre) 0.202 2.85 85 215
322 country liquor (litre) 0.126 4.40 76 209
323 beer (litre) 0.012 0.45 5 26
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.005 1.08 10 39
325 other intoxicants - 0.11 7 24
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 9.04 175 484
330 coke (kg) 0.128 0.43 16 44
331 firewood and chips (kg) 9.898 39.91 711 2259
332 electricity (std. unit) 2.415 7.00 306 1310
333 dung cake - 17.49 614 2042
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.455 7.73 882 2874
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.135 4.68 369 1308
336 matches (box) 1.105 1.10 984 3251
337 coal (kg) 0.044 0.29 17 75
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.167 5.35 86 574
340 charcoal (kg) 0.005 0.03 2 14
341 candle (no.) 0.107 0.26 104 395
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 2
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.09 2 11
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.006 0.24 6 14
345 other fuel - 12.84 304 919
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 97.44 999 3306
350 dhoti (no.) 0.011 1.60 362 1190
351 sari (no.) 0.046 11.77 973 3222
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.093 7.39 719 2435
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.033 4.89 488 1694
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.011 2.96 367 1345
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.008 1.81 379 1336
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.82 196 739

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-404 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.70 171 620
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.005 1.61 173 633
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.007 2.05 183 672
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.008 1.65 264 897
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.006 0.98 160 525
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.034 5.71 766 2560
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.020 3.52 440 1510
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.017 3.20 407 1369
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.038 2.33 731 2460
367 lungi (no.) 0.029 3.01 839 2804
368 other casual wear - 0.69 157 581
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.118 5.23 953 3144
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.036 1.94 912 3052
372 infant clothing - 0.62 94 349
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.002 0.10 63 244
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.126 0.06 19 104
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.99 195 734
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.48 66 195
379 clothing: sub-total - 68.08 1000 3309
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.018 2.77 713 2460
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.003 1.10 164 618
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.006 0.78 165 624
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.002 0.08 28 138
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.006 0.87 332 1171
385 bedding: others - 0.17 50 204
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 5.76 838 2815
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.006 1.87 234 986
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.018 3.07 528 1936
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.004 0.70 134 522
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.056 3.79 873 2828
394 other footwear (pair) 0.007 0.90 237 876
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.01 5 17
399 footwear: sub-total 0.092 10.34 994 3288
400 books, journals, first hand - 5.41 458 1693
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.47 69 244
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.69 79 420
403 library charges - 0.03 7 20
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 5.64 681 2376
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 6.73 310 1165
406 private tutor/ coaching - 9.97 220 874
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 2
408 other educational expenses - 0.12 35 118
409 education: sub-total - 29.06 710 2513

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-405

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 7.01 174 559
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.12 86 286
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.48 124 390
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 1.71 53 213
414 other medical expenses - 0.69 72 253
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 12.01 177 565
420 medicine - 31.28 827 2750
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.87 60 229
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 3.68 184 699
423 family planning devices - 0.12 17 64
424 other medical expenses - 1.87 96 323
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 39.83 835 2781
430 cinema, theatre - 0.82 74 249
431 mela, fair, picnic - 2.26 109 377
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.13 132 501
433 club fees - 0.00 1 3
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.10 6 43
435 photography - 0.37 47 174
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.14 3 14
437 cable TV - 1.82 60 339
438 other entertainment - 0.56 53 185
439 entertainment: sub-total - 7.21 345 1324
440 spectacles - 1.27 27 119
441 torch - 1.99 183 575
442 lock - 0.85 106 351
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.13 51 212
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.17 13 57
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.51 230 655
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 6.92 494 1547
450 toilet soap - 6.20 955 3185
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 3.61 822 2812
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.34 646 2259
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 5.33 964 3179
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.55 227 930
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.44 129 540
456 sanitary napkins - 0.24 40 170
457 other toilet articles - 1.03 234 869
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 21.75 1000 3307
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.13 168 644
461 electric batteries - 0.50 85 326
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.10 16 59
463 earthenware - 0.24 47 188
464 glassware - 0.47 49 188

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-406 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.94 184 655
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.39 84 306
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 8.45 980 3238
468 other washing requisites - 1.18 357 1257
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.39 809 2745
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.07 12 36
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.15 284 1149
473 other petty articles - 1.32 281 1041
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 19.33 998 3304
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.79 6 53
481 attendant - 0.01 1 1
482 sweeper - 0.10 10 46
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 5.60 899 3001
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.13 194 684
485 tailor - 9.99 309 1005
486 grinding charges - 7.33 825 2770
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.16 8 30
488 telephone charges, mobile - 19.24 800 2786
490 postage & telegram - 0.12 14 89
491 miscellaneous expenses - 4.75 482 1534
492 priest - 0.22 30 130
493 legal expenses - 0.07 2 17
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.42 83 276
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.50 38 130
496 internet expenses - 0.04 5 23
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.58 67 238
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 52.06 995 3298
500 air fare - 0.03 4 3
501 railway fare - 1.17 144 417
502 bus/tram fare - 5.62 402 1401
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 4.50 504 1564
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.09 11 37
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 1.27 154 554
506 horse cart fare - 0.05 7 17
507 porter charges - 0.15 2 16
508 petrol for vehicle - 6.26 58 495
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.58 4 67
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.11 10 90
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.14 3 24
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.21 41 146
519 conveyance: sub-total - 20.17 783 2652
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.64 5 14
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.08 1 5

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-407

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.01 0 1
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 0.74 6 20
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.00 0 5
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.01 3 32
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.01 3 37
550 bedstead 0.000 0.68 67 207
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.27 11 37
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.89 134 464
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.39 59 241
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 1 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.08 26 80
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 1 6
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.04 3 19
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.35 229 799
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.34 188 583
561 television 0.000 0.57 49 210
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.17 10 53
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.02 1 11
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.07 28 141
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 3
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.18 231 812
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.77 542 1896
571 other metal utensils - 0.78 202 693
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.02 4 32
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.16 94 359
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.73 642 2225
580 electric fan 0.000 0.30 48 201
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 2
582 inverter 0.000 0.29 2 9
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.14 119 373
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.12 38 149
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 2 9
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.06 70 278
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.15 70 330
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.17 2 4
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 3
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.04 6 48
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.01 5 30
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 1.28 275 978
600 bicycle 0.000 2.51 673 2212

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-408 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 1.06 73 556
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.44 8 89
603 tyres & tubes 0.004 1.03 234 781
604 other transport equipment - 0.26 4 38
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 5.30 721 2472
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.02 2 12
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 2 13
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.24 161 532
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.05 3 18
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.23 225 679
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.01 1 7
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 3 11
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.55 332 1063
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.21 46 177
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.18 33 154
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 19.09 553 1790
633 other durables - 0.27 13 48
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 19.76 581 1907
640 gold ornaments - 2.46 30 166
641 silver ornaments - 1.72 80 331
642 jewels, pearls - 0.02 0 5
643 other ornaments - 0.58 88 297
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 4.79 163 645
659 durable: total - 39.96 961 3157
888 total: non-food group - 459.10 1000 3310
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1126.75 1000 3310

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-409

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.123 0.25 21 44
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.523 1.90 95 182
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.07 239 432
309 pan: sub-total - 5.22 302 535
310 bidi (no.) 10.996 3.28 191 210
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.170 0.51 21 64
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 14.912 2.39 298 364
313 snuff (gm) 0.356 0.09 15 12
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.383 0.05 4 6
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.064 0.16 3 8
317 other tobacco products - 9.12 572 797
319 tobacco: sub-total - 15.59 832 1101
320 ganja (gm) 0.003 0.01 0 1
321 toddy (litre) 0.019 1.10 26 33
322 country liquor (litre) 0.118 9.16 199 245
323 beer (litre) 0.008 0.85 11 31
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.014 2.96 38 63
325 other intoxicants - 0.31 7 17
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 14.38 279 380
330 coke (kg) 0.168 1.05 10 9
331 firewood and chips (kg) 24.114 59.37 969 1361
332 electricity (std. unit) 7.594 18.85 859 1291
333 dung cake - 9.50 619 887
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.434 6.54 861 1126
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.054 1.01 136 288
336 matches (box) 1.265 1.23 979 1412
337 coal (kg) 0.031 0.05 15 18
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.046 1.47 25 116
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.00 1 3
341 candle (no.) 0.074 0.19 93 172
342 gobar gas - 0.07 2 8
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 1.10 228 351
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 100.41 994 1438
350 dhoti (no.) 0.007 0.72 228 286
351 sari (no.) 0.053 13.58 955 1374
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.060 4.91 627 1036
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.031 4.56 560 940
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.006 1.26 206 323
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.008 1.33 306 449
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.82 359 540

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-410 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.31 288 493
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 0.49 64 94
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.008 2.03 171 318
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.011 1.93 247 410
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.007 1.69 164 261
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.045 7.46 819 1212
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.032 7.86 640 1021
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.020 3.44 382 557
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.038 2.10 655 878
367 lungi (no.) 0.029 2.09 798 1123
368 other casual wear - 1.21 248 382
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.200 8.62 961 1403
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.049 2.36 897 1251
372 infant clothing - 0.71 97 118
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.20 96 166
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.047 0.04 30 53
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.47 137 220
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.14 30 34
379 clothing: sub-total - 74.30 991 1436
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.010 1.58 364 647
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 1.04 162 273
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.002 0.23 58 95
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.06 13 58
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.17 56 108
385 bedding: others - 0.09 51 86
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 3.17 490 850
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.002 0.56 57 189
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.005 0.88 158 315
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.004 0.76 131 253
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.081 6.56 873 1249
394 other footwear (pair) 0.020 1.91 325 491
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.01 7 7
399 footwear: sub-total 0.112 10.68 988 1434
400 books, journals, first hand - 3.07 359 644
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.62 94 157
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.40 29 153
403 library charges - 0.02 4 14
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 4.61 652 1052
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 8.33 436 738
406 private tutor/ coaching - 0.22 7 29
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 4
408 other educational expenses - 0.32 35 61
409 education: sub-total - 17.59 680 1100

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-411

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 4.43 63 129
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.25 42 87
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 3.20 53 106
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 2.72 43 88
414 other medical expenses - 0.78 32 64
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 16.38 64 130
420 medicine - 30.36 653 979
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.16 48 81
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 6.47 361 514
423 family planning devices - 0.19 6 4
424 other medical expenses - 1.19 35 44
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 40.36 668 1003
430 cinema, theatre - 0.06 4 9
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.75 34 80
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.82 131 200
433 club fees - 0.08 6 8
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.74 29 61
435 photography - 0.24 20 45
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.76 10 9
437 cable TV - 3.97 124 400
438 other entertainment - 1.46 64 112
439 entertainment: sub-total - 9.88 303 629
440 spectacles - 1.10 30 75
441 torch - 0.77 68 130
442 lock - 0.57 76 112
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.34 55 97
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.02 7 15
445 other minor durable-type goods - 2.06 125 201
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 5.86 260 443
450 toilet soap - 9.58 991 1431
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.09 814 1258
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 5.96 782 1210
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.14 952 1406
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.84 500 756
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.35 121 273
456 sanitary napkins - 0.51 76 213
457 other toilet articles - 1.70 411 635
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 29.15 1000 1440
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.57 322 530
461 electric batteries - 0.27 82 145
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.26 17 50
463 earthenware - 1.12 129 203
464 glassware - 0.08 15 38

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-412 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.17 93 173
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.17 49 79
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 10.87 987 1422
468 other washing requisites - 0.91 265 466
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.69 883 1314
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.02 5 18
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.90 156 338
473 other petty articles - 3.72 709 1065
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 23.74 997 1439
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.42 5 40
481 attendant - 0.10 1 8
482 sweeper - 0.08 4 13
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 6.49 807 1188
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.09 12 32
485 tailor - 4.97 162 271
486 grinding charges - 2.43 598 926
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.11 5 19
488 telephone charges, mobile - 13.54 530 1029
490 postage & telegram - 0.18 13 33
491 miscellaneous expenses - 5.08 372 563
492 priest - 0.12 20 50
493 legal expenses - 0.06 5 4
494 repair charges for non-durables - 1.29 28 46
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.40 38 63
496 internet expenses - 0.01 1 9
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.35 56 110
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 35.72 962 1406
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.14 4 12
502 bus/tram fare - 8.70 367 548
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 1.37 110 157
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.04 4 1
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.13 25 51
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.40 2 9
508 petrol for vehicle - 17.97 163 578
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.39 1 12
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.44 10 47
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.48 3 22
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.04 1 3
519 conveyance: sub-total - 30.10 542 1002
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.99 9 28
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.41 2 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-413

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 1.40 9 29
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.39 45 110
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.07 243 473
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 1.46 279 543
550 bedstead 0.000 0.31 7 19
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.62 7 27
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.39 51 94
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.16 42 82
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 1 9
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.08 30 57
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 1
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.01 0 4
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.58 109 229
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.17 29 32
561 television 0.000 0.82 41 56
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.10 10 14
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 1 3
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.14 50 137
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 2
566 other goods for recreation - 0.22 23 35
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.45 132 243
570 stainless steel utensils - 3.99 425 645
571 other metal utensils - 2.71 195 307
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.06 10 29
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.22 105 172
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 6.99 511 789
580 electric fan 0.000 0.30 60 90
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.24 18 84
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 5 8
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.13 18 33
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.04 31 60
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.12 66 110
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.10 1 8
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 1 3
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.03 11 38
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.25 36 59
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 1.22 191 347
600 bicycle 0.000 3.65 796 1169

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-414 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 5.07 146 549
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 3.61 8 36
603 tyres & tubes 0.017 2.89 466 704
604 other transport equipment - 0.04 7 19
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 15.26 831 1280
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 3
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 4
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.13 94 102
621 other machines for household work - 0.11 4 11
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.11 1 6
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.56 82 169
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.10 17 22
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.01 185 276
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.01 4 20
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.27 51 116
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 12.84 933 1362
633 other durables - 0.01 2 3
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 13.13 936 1367
640 gold ornaments - 4.34 31 102
641 silver ornaments - 3.37 85 149
642 jewels, pearls - 0.17 61 97
643 other ornaments - 0.33 96 131
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 8.21 186 320
659 durable: total - 49.86 981 1428
888 total: non-food group - 485.26 1000 1440
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1026.73 1000 1440

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-415

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.003 0.02 0 1
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 0.02 0 1
310 bidi (no.) 13.071 5.59 137 9
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.862 6.64 125 9
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.497 0.15 11 2
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.178 0.02 2 2
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.850 0.74 51 1
317 other tobacco products - 0.00 0 0
319 tobacco: sub-total - 13.13 254 21
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
322 country liquor (litre) 0.122 14.78 113 1
323 beer (litre) 0.005 0.51 4 1
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.034 12.65 107 3
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 27.93 225 5
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 0.594 5.33 86 9
332 electricity (std. unit) 33.178 104.78 1000 63
333 dung cake - 0.62 11 2
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.000 0.00 1 1
336 matches (box) 0.953 0.95 999 62
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 2.492 73.73 945 61
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
341 candle (no.) 0.351 1.66 570 45
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.00 0 0
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 187.08 1000 63
350 dhoti (no.) 0.004 1.05 110 5
351 sari (no.) 0.034 15.57 708 38
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.079 11.92 473 32
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.063 16.59 506 32
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.035 18.20 687 32
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.017 8.22 581 26
356 school/college uniform: boys - 5.78 373 26

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-416 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 5.37 277 16
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.014 5.97 411 22
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.025 12.40 522 26
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.009 1.92 271 10
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.008 1.73 276 10
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.066 19.37 979 55
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.043 12.99 821 46
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.001 0.16 22 7
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.024 2.50 390 34
367 lungi (no.) 0.006 1.08 312 14
368 other casual wear - 1.84 251 21
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.294 14.16 1000 63
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.069 4.08 868 57
372 infant clothing - 2.02 154 3
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.007 1.03 281 15
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.83 186 22
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.55 95 12
379 clothing: sub-total - 165.28 1000 63
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.017 5.87 598 33
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.001 1.29 49 8
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.008 3.52 242 10
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.004 0.17 50 7
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.43 135 4
385 bedding: others - 0.02 9 2
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 11.28 708 39
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.012 10.96 426 24
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.025 7.92 635 34
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.002 0.70 128 6
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.045 6.36 786 53
394 other footwear (pair) 0.026 8.76 533 34
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 0 0
399 footwear: sub-total 0.110 34.69 1000 63
400 books, journals, first hand - 20.45 762 43
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 1.07 113 7
402 newspapers, periodicals - 8.62 400 21
403 library charges - 0.00 0 0
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 6.89 838 46
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 132.93 730 40
406 private tutor/ coaching - 60.55 305 9
407 educational CD - 0.01 3 1
408 other educational expenses - 5.06 292 9
409 education: sub-total - 235.62 867 49

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-417

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 14.58 25 3
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.48 100 3
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.93 100 3
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 6.72 98 2
414 other medical expenses - 51.88 127 3
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 76.60 247 6
420 medicine - 50.54 855 41
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.00 0 0
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 15.62 630 27
423 family planning devices - 2.62 254 6
424 other medical expenses - 4.19 241 8
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 72.97 881 44
430 cinema, theatre - 7.90 89 7
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.00 0 1
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.93 30 1
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.20 8 1
435 photography - 0.00 0 0
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.00 0 0
437 cable TV - 26.72 822 52
438 other entertainment - 0.98 24 2
439 entertainment: sub-total - 36.74 847 54
440 spectacles - 0.00 0 0
441 torch - 0.00 0 0
442 lock - 0.02 2 1
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.00 0 0
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.03 4 2
445 other minor durable-type goods - 13.58 425 13
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 13.63 431 16
450 toilet soap - 10.49 998 62
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 8.02 917 57
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 11.37 882 53
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 11.81 971 59
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.63 548 40
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 3.07 462 34
456 sanitary napkins - 4.61 519 30
457 other toilet articles - 10.51 653 39
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 62.52 1000 63
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.68 80 9
461 electric batteries - 0.03 5 1
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.00 0 0
463 earthenware - 0.17 15 5
464 glassware - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-418 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.04 2 4
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.24 28 1
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 19.51 1000 63
468 other washing requisites - 6.89 697 40
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.71 761 48
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.34 149 7
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 2.57 487 34
473 other petty articles - 11.17 644 33
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 45.36 1000 63
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.00 0 0
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.65 116 8
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 13.58 937 58
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.45 249 8
485 tailor - 0.86 22 6
486 grinding charges - 3.12 233 24
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.01 0 1
488 telephone charges, mobile - 69.53 1000 63
490 postage & telegram - 0.00 0 0
491 miscellaneous expenses - 22.46 631 36
492 priest - 0.00 0 0
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.00 0 0
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 6.12 10 1
496 internet expenses - 0.50 5 2
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 3.02 158 16
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 121.30 1000 63
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 5.35 124 2
502 bus/tram fare - 111.26 965 58
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 13.30 307 12
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.56 27 5
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 111.20 590 33
510 diesel for vehicle - 8.78 11 1
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.00 0 0
512 school bus, van, etc. - 24.97 128 3
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.00 0 0
519 conveyance: sub-total - 275.42 1000 63
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 133.12 270 14
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-419

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 133.12 270 14
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 7.82 435 25
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 28.45 508 26
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 36.27 752 36
550 bedstead 0.000 0.08 97 2
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.00 0 0
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.17 16 2
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.00 0 0
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.12 28 1
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.00 0 0
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 0.37 140 5
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 0.45 58 2
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.00 0 0
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 1.26 131 5
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.72 189 7
570 stainless steel utensils - 6.90 691 46
571 other metal utensils - 0.06 17 3
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 0 2
573 other crockery & utensils - 2.39 413 23
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 9.37 718 50
580 electric fan 0.000 0.57 369 9
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 2.15 433 32
582 inverter 0.000 0.06 6 2
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.01 5 3
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 1
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.53 504 25
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.53 559 27
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.06 11 1
590 water purifier 0.000 0.01 2 3
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.62 30 1
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.00 0 0
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 4.57 810 47
600 bicycle 0.000 2.08 410 22

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-420 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 20.22 591 32
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 5.24 175 10
603 tyres & tubes 0.000 0.39 137 5
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 27.93 730 43
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.11 211 22
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.01 1 1
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 0.39 38 6
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 0.52 221 25
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 2.93 113 1
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.22 143 4
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 10.13 13 3
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 14.28 156 7
640 gold ornaments - 0.00 0 0
641 silver ornaments - 0.00 0 1
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.11 37 10
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 0.11 37 11
659 durable: total - 58.96 992 62
888 total: non-food group - 1607.83 1000 63
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2762.11 1000 63

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-421

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 3.043 1.27 96 9
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.85 96 9
309 pan: sub-total - 2.11 96 9
310 bidi (no.) 3.042 1.45 31 9
311 cigarettes (no.) 2.812 8.41 87 13
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 2.413 0.95 64 6
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
317 other tobacco products - 0.08 2 1
319 tobacco: sub-total - 10.89 185 29
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
322 country liquor (litre) 0.071 7.94 112 9
323 beer (litre) 0.123 8.64 113 16
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.008 1.91 6 3
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 18.49 230 27
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 7.439 21.31 462 64
332 electricity (std. unit) 37.040 52.68 982 158
333 dung cake - 0.27 11 2
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.431 6.75 524 91
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.368 11.19 211 16
336 matches (box) 1.190 1.47 877 140
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 2.049 59.48 756 137
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
341 candle (no.) 1.304 2.72 280 47
342 gobar gas - 0.69 6 2
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.00 0 0
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 156.57 1000 159
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.18 42 9
351 sari (no.) 0.055 20.30 801 138
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.052 4.91 464 68
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.015 1.97 201 33
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.006 1.35 121 24
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.004 1.71 91 10
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.97 269 49

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-422 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 4.47 296 44
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 0.77 47 11
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.018 6.83 233 35
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.012 2.27 223 39
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.024 7.39 401 72
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.072 16.58 864 141
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.045 11.02 738 124
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.017 5.71 263 45
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.018 1.62 274 45
367 lungi (no.) 0.002 0.19 49 13
368 other casual wear - 12.05 673 110
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.325 13.62 974 152
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.119 4.05 796 118
372 infant clothing - 0.46 38 8
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.013 1.57 375 68
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.23 109 27
376 clothing, second-hand - 1.67 118 11
379 clothing: sub-total - 124.90 1000 159
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.027 5.15 559 94
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.001 0.15 27 7
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.025 1.59 290 45
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.12 10 3
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.13 19 4
385 bedding: others - 0.60 45 5
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 7.74 574 102
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.013 6.22 415 75
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.045 10.55 644 111
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 2.42 138 29
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.034 3.40 531 84
394 other footwear (pair) 0.039 6.38 556 91
395 footwear, second-hand 0.005 0.20 57 9
399 footwear: sub-total 0.142 29.16 1000 158
400 books, journals, first hand - 5.39 474 78
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.20 57 10
402 newspapers, periodicals - 3.57 210 50
403 library charges - 0.08 17 4
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 6.32 512 103
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 13.84 354 79
406 private tutor/ coaching - 3.93 55 10
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.00 0 0
409 education: sub-total - 33.38 647 125

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-423

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 8.25 105 23
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.13 49 13
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.95 59 16
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 4.05 78 16
414 other medical expenses - 0.15 14 5
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 15.53 105 23
420 medicine - 64.95 761 129
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.49 38 7
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 15.19 582 100
423 family planning devices - 0.00 0 0
424 other medical expenses - 0.00 0 0
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 83.63 761 129
430 cinema, theatre - 2.06 26 4
431 mela, fair, picnic - 5.95 75 12
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 4.44 106 19
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.94 62 12
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.00 0 0
437 cable TV - 37.69 650 114
438 other entertainment - 0.00 0 0
439 entertainment: sub-total - 51.08 691 119
440 spectacles - 7.56 34 7
441 torch - 0.61 27 6
442 lock - 0.90 54 6
443 umbrella, raincoat - 13.63 183 27
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 1.59 97 17
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.40 16 3
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 24.67 394 58
450 toilet soap - 16.88 1000 159
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 9.92 922 150
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 13.61 763 127
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 9.53 887 147
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 4.36 694 119
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 4.65 531 92
456 sanitary napkins - 8.86 647 112
457 other toilet articles - 5.18 665 116
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 73.00 1000 159
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.30 131 27
461 electric batteries - 0.17 39 9
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.00 0 0
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.51 10 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-424 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.79 48 9
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.07 16 2
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 17.81 1000 159
468 other washing requisites - 1.90 265 37
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 6.25 667 114
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 1.86 140 30
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 2.15 199 42
473 other petty articles - 3.88 213 36
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 36.67 1000 159
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.02 8 3
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 1.25 12 6
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 15.05 725 118
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.26 13 7
485 tailor - 22.99 236 29
486 grinding charges - 2.01 452 75
487 telephone charges, landline - 10.82 167 41
488 telephone charges, mobile - 67.66 942 151
490 postage & telegram - 0.18 17 2
491 miscellaneous expenses - 9.56 639 105
492 priest - 1.18 92 20
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.27 4 1
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 2.30 67 11
496 internet expenses - 0.51 6 3
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.49 35 4
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 135.54 982 158
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.09 3 2
502 bus/tram fare - 70.62 871 137
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 0.22 4 1
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.04 3 1
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 140.12 543 103
510 diesel for vehicle - 11.73 62 16
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.92 9 3
512 school bus, van, etc. - 5.06 43 3
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.00 0 0
519 conveyance: sub-total - 228.80 982 158
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 65.21 204 17
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-425

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.07 17 2
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 65.28 221 19
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 28.29 835 130
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 8.28 792 142
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 36.57 933 153
550 bedstead 0.000 0.00 0 0
551 almirah, dressing table 0.001 1.03 29 2
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.00 0 0
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.00 0 0
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.00 0 0
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.06 0 1
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.09 29 3
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 10.46 28 5
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.00 0 0
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.37 2 1
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.02 5 5
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 10.84 36 11
570 stainless steel utensils - 0.04 4 2
571 other metal utensils - 0.02 3 3
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.04 4 1
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.00 0 0
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 0.11 12 6
580 electric fan 0.000 0.25 70 5
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.01 1 1
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.05 5 2
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.01 0 1
588 refrigerator 0.001 12.38 33 5
590 water purifier 0.000 0.01 1 1
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.01 1 1
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 1.45 18 1
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 14.17 128 16
600 bicycle 0.000 1.49 106 21

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-426 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 11.31 416 84
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 9.29 181 47
603 tyres & tubes 0.001 0.58 38 3
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 22.68 511 101
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.02 18 3
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.01 0 1
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.85 39 10
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 1.88 55 13
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.24 46 14
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.03 16 1
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 14.10 121 24
633 other durables - 0.22 22 1
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 14.59 190 33
640 gold ornaments - 34.07 64 6
641 silver ornaments - 0.00 0 0
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.00 0 0
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 34.07 64 6
659 durable: total - 99.43 733 122
888 total: non-food group - 1233.47 1000 159
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2407.88 1000 159

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-427

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.001 0.00 0 2
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.946 10.17 126 245
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.43 21 43
309 pan: sub-total - 10.59 135 264
310 bidi (no.) 35.777 15.12 303 438
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.065 0.21 4 11
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 2.532 0.62 23 38
313 snuff (gm) 0.723 0.18 19 37
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.339 0.07 2 8
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.109 0.05 3 15
317 other tobacco products - 14.42 317 496
319 tobacco: sub-total - 30.67 577 923
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.003 0.04 1 2
322 country liquor (litre) 0.066 2.28 34 41
323 beer (litre) 0.006 0.35 5 8
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.001 0.20 2 8
325 other intoxicants - 0.04 1 1
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 2.92 42 59
330 coke (kg) 0.024 0.05 1 3
331 firewood and chips (kg) 20.692 58.44 890 1488
332 electricity (std. unit) 10.717 43.77 932 1647
333 dung cake - 4.65 268 490
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.654 9.66 646 1049
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.096 2.79 133 260
336 matches (box) 1.896 1.67 981 1682
337 coal (kg) 0.020 0.11 5 3
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.308 9.30 173 448
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 1
341 candle (no.) 0.116 0.22 140 265
342 gobar gas - 0.33 6 9
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.02 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 2
345 other fuel - 2.39 445 755
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 133.42 1000 1712
350 dhoti (no.) 0.005 0.71 123 212
351 sari (no.) 0.048 12.63 894 1552
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.101 7.90 631 1210
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.043 5.40 532 1014
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.004 1.01 170 408
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.006 1.04 274 502
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.98 255 489

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-428 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.30 173 358
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.007 2.12 183 351
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.015 4.11 310 597
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.006 1.03 158 216
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.006 1.13 126 196
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.043 7.81 795 1368
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.028 8.09 507 864
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.009 1.31 195 373
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.036 2.41 605 1050
367 lungi (no.) 0.004 0.33 168 336
368 other casual wear - 0.72 194 412
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.200 7.10 962 1661
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.062 2.36 782 1425
372 infant clothing - 0.36 69 131
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.007 0.55 250 548
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.146 0.02 4 7
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.70 142 261
376 clothing, second-hand - 2.22 220 266
379 clothing: sub-total - 74.30 1000 1712
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.011 1.63 370 786
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.003 1.02 134 271
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 0.29 84 188
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.03 8 29
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.14 47 121
385 bedding: others - 0.28 58 123
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 3.39 472 986
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.012 3.65 443 879
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.017 2.66 467 901
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.008 1.31 212 346
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.073 5.53 910 1560
394 other footwear (pair) 0.017 2.08 398 682
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 8 11
399 footwear: sub-total 0.128 15.24 999 1711
400 books, journals, first hand - 6.90 446 795
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.31 47 99
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.60 41 187
403 library charges - 0.03 20 41
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 3.78 521 972
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 19.14 210 444
406 private tutor/ coaching - 3.01 43 110
407 educational CD - 0.00 1 3
408 other educational expenses - 0.31 45 87
409 education: sub-total - 34.09 587 1119

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-429

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 13.91 166 330
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.89 118 229
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 6.01 157 291
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 8.53 134 260
414 other medical expenses - 2.06 90 183
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 34.40 170 340
420 medicine - 33.31 716 1203
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.08 49 74
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 6.91 393 653
423 family planning devices - 0.23 27 64
424 other medical expenses - 2.65 97 183
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 47.18 751 1269
430 cinema, theatre - 0.39 14 47
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.21 32 80
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.33 84 173
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.28 16 40
435 photography - 0.69 37 76
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.13 5 13
437 cable TV - 11.97 383 851
438 other entertainment - 2.51 67 139
439 entertainment: sub-total - 18.51 481 1012
440 spectacles - 1.42 22 45
441 torch - 1.65 79 173
442 lock - 0.54 52 108
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.56 58 101
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.31 47 73
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.48 131 215
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 6.97 312 568
450 toilet soap - 8.12 949 1662
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.86 777 1411
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.55 628 1165
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.61 952 1654
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.43 723 1300
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.56 393 717
456 sanitary napkins - 0.93 133 267
457 other toilet articles - 0.77 179 384
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 29.84 996 1708
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.55 339 636
461 electric batteries - 0.53 56 136
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.31 21 43
463 earthenware - 1.15 137 290
464 glassware - 0.68 39 88

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-430 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.98 188 318
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.35 27 51
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 12.43 977 1689
468 other washing requisites - 1.17 277 522
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.47 898 1567
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.51 79 170
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.82 144 371
473 other petty articles - 0.58 167 331
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 27.53 997 1709
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.05 6 26
481 attendant - 0.51 4 6
482 sweeper - 0.30 3 10
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 9.06 876 1504
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.18 18 48
485 tailor - 8.54 252 516
486 grinding charges - 12.19 942 1604
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.66 29 79
488 telephone charges, mobile - 25.99 792 1489
490 postage & telegram - 0.04 6 30
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.66 262 463
492 priest - 0.91 62 146
493 legal expenses - 0.06 2 2
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.26 22 52
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.19 6 21
496 internet expenses - 0.08 3 15
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.19 40 112
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 62.87 986 1701
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.26 16 47
502 bus/tram fare - 18.06 599 984
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 14.80 743 1221
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.04 3 7
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.29 16 27
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.90 3 10
508 petrol for vehicle - 37.61 280 694
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.61 7 38
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.89 27 79
512 school bus, van, etc. - 2.47 32 65
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.27 16 54
519 conveyance: sub-total - 78.20 952 1654
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 6.00 42 73
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.10 1 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-431

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 6.10 42 75
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 2.12 658 1144
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 3.36 917 1564
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 5.47 931 1598
550 bedstead 0.001 0.76 63 122
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.35 6 21
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.50 59 126
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.28 35 68
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 0 5
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.03 6 21
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 3 8
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.35 10 19
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.28 161 318
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 6 17
561 television 0.000 1.68 59 109
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.29 13 35
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 1
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.29 83 182
565 musical instruments - 0.04 2 6
566 other goods for recreation - 0.01 3 7
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.33 139 296
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.99 308 588
571 other metal utensils - 0.28 51 103
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.08 21 60
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.61 297 545
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.96 485 895
580 electric fan 0.000 0.86 179 342
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.01 0 5
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 2
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.03 13 25
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.08 26 58
585 washing machine 0.000 0.04 4 9
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.44 348 733
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.39 409 829
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.88 13 51
590 water purifier 0.000 0.21 19 28
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.11 19 54
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.35 26 65
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 3.41 561 1122
600 bicycle 0.000 1.46 434 714

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-432 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 12.23 282 686
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 5.23 20 98
603 tyres & tubes 0.003 1.58 199 385
604 other transport equipment - 1.67 3 15
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 22.17 590 1139
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.05 11 16
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 2
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.05 11 18
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.37 401 726
621 other machines for household work - 0.01 1 3
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.05 3 12
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.20 126 277
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.08 4 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.08 21 44
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 3.77 472 898
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 1.25 9 33
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.51 50 102
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 10.54 140 264
633 other durables - 0.05 0 2
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 12.35 182 348
640 gold ornaments - 15.44 33 87
641 silver ornaments - 5.26 24 52
642 jewels, pearls - 0.05 5 12
643 other ornaments - 1.16 124 237
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 21.91 159 337
659 durable: total - 71.24 874 1593
888 total: non-food group - 692.92 1000 1712
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1535.66 1000 1712

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-433

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.004 0.03 1 1
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.001 0.01 1 1
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 0.04 2 2
310 bidi (no.) 51.922 19.83 420 626
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.285 0.95 14 22
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 1.577 0.07 9 14
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 54.565 2.30 113 158
315 cheroot (no.) 0.001 0.00 0 1
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 4.082 2.10 39 19
317 other tobacco products - 0.05 3 2
319 tobacco: sub-total - 25.30 496 704
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.03 0 1
322 country liquor (litre) 0.113 10.84 102 141
323 beer (litre) 0.004 0.33 2 8
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.021 3.36 19 23
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 14.55 118 170
330 coke (kg) 0.015 0.04 0 2
331 firewood and chips (kg) 11.573 36.57 692 1042
332 electricity (std. unit) 15.800 55.14 962 1371
333 dung cake - 29.02 666 996
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.154 2.24 170 248
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.064 1.48 95 136
336 matches (box) 1.998 2.05 964 1368
337 coal (kg) 0.002 0.01 2 5
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.771 21.91 557 801
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 1
341 candle (no.) 0.692 3.14 564 782
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 1 3
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 2
345 other fuel - 3.70 189 265
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 155.30 1000 1423
350 dhoti (no.) 0.003 0.65 79 132
351 sari (no.) 0.010 5.34 203 297
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.439 31.76 878 1337
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.083 11.80 599 916
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.030 9.70 608 892
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.017 4.80 584 823
356 school/college uniform: boys - 6.40 436 625

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-434 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.99 298 466
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.019 6.03 418 565
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.009 3.12 201 230
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.008 1.63 181 230
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.009 1.38 157 240
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.052 10.90 800 1129
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.031 10.92 545 760
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.006 1.19 112 186
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.061 4.09 687 966
367 lungi (no.) 0.003 0.39 95 110
368 other casual wear - 2.87 231 358
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.209 9.47 970 1365
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.084 4.65 924 1283
372 infant clothing - 1.14 99 162
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.007 0.60 226 327
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.281 0.13 37 69
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 3.36 178 269
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.08 9 13
379 clothing: sub-total - 136.38 1000 1422
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.023 5.33 604 865
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 2.25 217 266
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.008 2.17 248 353
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.11 12 25
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.12 29 59
385 bedding: others - 0.21 40 42
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 10.18 699 978
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.014 6.24 398 642
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.017 3.08 323 539
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.007 1.82 182 265
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.078 12.13 947 1338
394 other footwear (pair) 0.034 8.76 689 964
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 0 2
399 footwear: sub-total 0.151 32.01 998 1422
400 books, journals, first hand - 21.41 644 944
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.88 90 131
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.85 96 174
403 library charges - 0.18 15 14
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 10.69 685 1012
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 114.89 636 931
406 private tutor/ coaching - 2.90 48 86
407 educational CD - 0.03 4 4
408 other educational expenses - 3.81 109 171
409 education: sub-total - 156.63 720 1081

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-435

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 12.95 104 150
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.44 84 130
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 7.55 100 143
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 6.79 74 118
414 other medical expenses - 3.42 44 73
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 34.16 104 153
420 medicine - 64.95 849 1208
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.22 44 83
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 8.95 381 569
423 family planning devices - 0.39 48 37
424 other medical expenses - 1.63 21 42
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 79.14 854 1217
430 cinema, theatre - 0.68 10 14
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.70 23 32
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.63 67 130
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.06 3 5
435 photography - 0.06 5 6
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.09 4 10
437 cable TV - 16.68 594 894
438 other entertainment - 0.42 13 32
439 entertainment: sub-total - 20.32 636 970
440 spectacles - 1.15 24 35
441 torch - 0.12 7 14
442 lock - 0.39 36 48
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.31 13 23
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.13 11 31
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.77 93 120
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 2.87 151 226
450 toilet soap - 11.58 987 1405
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.97 932 1335
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 7.26 614 890
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 7.53 934 1335
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.33 516 779
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.69 364 558
456 sanitary napkins - 1.81 252 384
457 other toilet articles - 2.18 349 540
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 41.35 989 1410
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.82 304 524
461 electric batteries - 0.13 33 46
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.14 16 27
463 earthenware - 1.06 85 145
464 glassware - 0.55 27 49

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-436 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.05 87 133
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.17 14 20
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 22.30 992 1412
468 other washing requisites - 3.51 651 933
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.52 543 867
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.03 4 14
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 3.09 361 573
473 other petty articles - 2.88 449 679
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 40.25 996 1420
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.40 3 5
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.10 3 9
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 11.54 854 1258
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.05 4 7
485 tailor - 9.84 181 302
486 grinding charges - 9.42 773 1140
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.22 21 42
488 telephone charges, mobile - 41.96 907 1304
490 postage & telegram - 0.25 11 12
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.46 262 424
492 priest - 0.23 29 53
493 legal expenses - 0.29 5 9
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.13 22 39
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.15 5 5
496 internet expenses - 0.05 2 10
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.38 64 84
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 78.46 996 1421
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 1.31 57 58
502 bus/tram fare - 22.03 582 853
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 11.38 529 695
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.03 4 5
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.16 16 25
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.53 4 3
508 petrol for vehicle - 61.51 343 592
510 diesel for vehicle - 7.79 27 59
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 1.42 28 46
512 school bus, van, etc. - 9.90 85 148
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.39 8 12
519 conveyance: sub-total - 116.46 921 1312
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 11.87 64 21
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-437

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.01 5 8
523 other consumer rent - 0.01 1 3
529 rent: sub-total - 11.89 70 32
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 1.35 92 135
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.02 125 228
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 2.36 203 332
550 bedstead 0.000 1.55 47 75
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.07 3 8
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.37 26 46
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.21 21 43
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.03 2 7
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 11 18
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.09 1 8
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.34 97 174
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 4 7
561 television 0.000 0.81 57 94
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.18 4 6
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.05 2 4
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.18 30 53
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.01 1 1
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.24 91 156
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.80 366 582
571 other metal utensils - 0.34 88 120
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.05 12 22
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.41 150 248
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.60 454 711
580 electric fan 0.001 0.90 151 233
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 1.18 138 228
582 inverter 0.000 2.22 41 86
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 1
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.32 206 322
585 washing machine 0.000 0.98 23 46
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.12 115 193
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.07 85 139
588 refrigerator 0.000 1.71 45 78
590 water purifier 0.000 0.14 6 20
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.16 24 43
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.07 10 28
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 7.86 442 721
600 bicycle 0.000 2.17 526 762

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-438 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 9.42 350 593
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 16.84 68 142
603 tyres & tubes 0.003 1.87 184 268
604 other transport equipment - 0.11 4 6
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 30.42 703 1046
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.03 8 8
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.03 8 8
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.14 228 352
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 3.24 15 25
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 4.07 157 274
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.10 3 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.01 1 2
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 7.56 356 572
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.60 15 25
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.33 37 69
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 11.54 59 103
633 other durables - 2.25 5 8
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 14.72 102 178
640 gold ornaments - 13.76 18 37
641 silver ornaments - 1.64 24 51
642 jewels, pearls - 0.41 8 4
643 other ornaments - 2.47 175 269
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 18.28 202 314
659 durable: total - 85.05 884 1297
888 total: non-food group - 1042.70 1000 1423
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2176.04 1000 1423

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-439

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
310 bidi (no.) 45.616 19.85 398 656
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.961 6.33 76 152
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.973 0.25 7 13
313 snuff (gm) 0.117 0.03 1 1
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 1.263 0.11 5 8
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.798 0.57 21 38
317 other tobacco products - 0.09 4 6
319 tobacco: sub-total - 27.23 463 771
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 1
322 country liquor (litre) 0.171 20.71 183 285
323 beer (litre) 0.005 0.76 7 10
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.052 15.60 68 128
325 other intoxicants - 0.11 1 1
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 37.20 255 417
330 coke (kg) 0.032 0.06 1 3
331 firewood and chips (kg) 35.683 79.91 856 1434
332 electricity (std. unit) 31.887 39.51 979 1630
333 dung cake - 0.55 45 92
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.144 2.03 313 486
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.043 1.06 27 49
336 matches (box) 1.480 1.50 961 1603
337 coal (kg) 0.004 0.01 2 4
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.914 27.93 606 1068
340 charcoal (kg) 0.007 0.20 7 10
341 candle (no.) 0.219 1.25 271 469
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.16 2 5
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.07 1 1
345 other fuel - 0.43 21 40
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 154.67 994 1655
350 dhoti (no.) 0.000 0.03 6 9
351 sari (no.) 0.000 0.23 5 9
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.376 30.94 962 1590
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.072 9.52 608 1056
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.038 14.01 723 1226
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.013 4.23 428 762
356 school/college uniform: boys - 6.93 429 705

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-440 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 5.99 358 589
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.007 2.27 236 404
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.005 1.64 121 193
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.003 0.81 72 135
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.002 0.50 47 76
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.033 7.98 670 1137
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.020 7.80 411 731
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.003 0.81 84 123
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.053 4.54 645 1056
367 lungi (no.) 0.000 0.03 3 5
368 other casual wear - 1.68 129 219
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.184 9.51 981 1627
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.060 3.15 740 1252
372 infant clothing - 1.00 85 144
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.004 0.44 98 166
374 knitting wool (gm) 1.643 0.96 120 207
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 5.58 312 480
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.26 23 37
379 clothing: sub-total - 120.80 1000 1657
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.020 5.46 513 875
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.009 5.10 296 567
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.006 3.95 163 275
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.12 24 36
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.01 3 4
385 bedding: others - 0.44 42 67
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 15.08 612 1041
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.016 9.49 518 904
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.027 7.41 659 1087
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.007 2.63 200 337
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.075 7.95 837 1423
394 other footwear (pair) 0.041 15.74 790 1296
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.16 20 26
399 footwear: sub-total 0.168 43.36 999 1655
400 books, journals, first hand - 15.98 490 790
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.17 15 30
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.78 104 167
403 library charges - 0.13 8 16
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 13.49 682 1091
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 54.80 638 1023
406 private tutor/ coaching - 2.48 30 56
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 2.01 150 255
409 education: sub-total - 90.82 730 1175

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-441

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 24.12 154 255
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.72 79 146
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 2.09 28 51
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 1.61 33 63
414 other medical expenses - 6.75 62 117
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 40.30 170 283
420 medicine - 82.75 754 1255
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.64 32 55
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 0.50 13 18
423 family planning devices - 0.06 7 12
424 other medical expenses - 6.40 65 106
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 93.37 801 1332
430 cinema, theatre - 0.04 3 3
431 mela, fair, picnic - 2.28 44 74
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.08 53 97
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.46 10 21
435 photography - 0.94 6 11
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.09 2 6
437 cable TV - 14.30 361 609
438 other entertainment - 3.51 63 104
439 entertainment: sub-total - 23.70 457 771
440 spectacles - 1.02 11 22
441 torch - 0.79 29 49
442 lock - 0.46 43 55
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.67 48 96
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.52 67 104
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.24 23 37
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 4.72 188 298
450 toilet soap - 11.94 992 1643
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.28 931 1553
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 6.95 728 1231
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 5.41 898 1490
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.57 815 1373
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.40 415 711
456 sanitary napkins - 2.15 288 490
457 other toilet articles - 2.37 340 584
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 39.08 998 1654
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.84 234 406
461 electric batteries - 0.38 15 32
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.08 4 13
463 earthenware - 0.06 5 10
464 glassware - 0.41 18 21

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-442 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.52 60 124
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.17 13 25
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 22.72 994 1645
468 other washing requisites - 3.56 586 973
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.73 898 1500
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.00 0 2
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.09 10 28
473 other petty articles - 1.07 200 345
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 36.63 998 1654
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.92 5 9
481 attendant - 0.00 0 1
482 sweeper - 0.89 17 17
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 6.89 760 1277
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.18 8 11
485 tailor - 13.53 237 425
486 grinding charges - 5.00 545 863
487 telephone charges, landline - 5.48 114 226
488 telephone charges, mobile - 41.76 914 1542
490 postage & telegram - 0.38 35 61
491 miscellaneous expenses - 10.15 500 810
492 priest - 2.15 40 73
493 legal expenses - 2.55 10 18
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.39 10 14
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.80 14 25
496 internet expenses - 0.40 7 15
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.13 7 12
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 92.59 992 1645
500 air fare - 0.00 0 1
501 railway fare - 0.10 9 15
502 bus/tram fare - 61.03 932 1538
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 5.32 41 82
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.06 2 4
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.02 2 2
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.15 9 26
508 petrol for vehicle - 36.45 147 292
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.76 7 16
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.15 2 5
512 school bus, van, etc. - 6.95 53 86
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.48 27 43
519 conveyance: sub-total - 113.46 973 1619
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 23.29 83 91
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.10 1 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-443

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 1
529 rent: sub-total - 23.39 84 94
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 2.73 467 763
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.99 423 682
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 3.72 643 1042
550 bedstead 0.001 1.73 19 35
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.97 11 16
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.95 39 74
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.24 17 29
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.20 11 18
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.12 1 1
557 other furniture & fixtures - 2.04 7 13
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 6.24 79 139
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 1 3
561 television 0.000 1.96 14 25
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.31 7 5
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.18 2 6
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.12 15 43
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.19 6 7
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.75 38 81
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.15 167 278
571 other metal utensils - 0.15 15 33
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.06 6 12
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.89 97 172
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.25 249 428
580 electric fan 0.000 0.45 22 34
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.46 2 6
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.27 18 33
585 washing machine 0.000 2.54 16 16
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.15 11 16
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.45 35 64
588 refrigerator 0.000 1.42 10 15
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 1
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.82 18 21
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.23 9 13
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 6.79 126 193
600 bicycle 0.000 0.35 25 50

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-444 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 10.66 107 196
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 12.38 48 111
603 tyres & tubes 0.000 1.09 18 38
604 other transport equipment - 0.10 1 2
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 24.59 159 306
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.02 1 2
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 1 2
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.10 56 102
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 5.11 11 24
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.83 92 164
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.17 3 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 1 1
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 9.23 151 264
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 1.49 8 17
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.03 15 25
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 27.47 155 265
633 other durables - 0.79 2 3
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 30.79 168 285
640 gold ornaments - 25.33 40 64
641 silver ornaments - 2.53 26 44
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.21 1 3
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 28.07 54 88
659 durable: total - 111.72 557 971
888 total: non-food group - 1071.84 1000 1657
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2034.15 1000 1657

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-445

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
310 bidi (no.) 17.569 7.51 213 363
311 cigarettes (no.) 3.479 9.01 153 406
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 3.975 0.61 39 68
313 snuff (gm) 1.314 0.20 16 31
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 62.784 3.23 174 376
315 cheroot (no.) 0.008 0.03 1 2
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.156 0.13 4 6
317 other tobacco products - 0.79 30 46
319 tobacco: sub-total - 21.51 525 1086
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.002 0.09 2 2
322 country liquor (litre) 0.030 3.77 49 83
323 beer (litre) 0.000 0.03 0 1
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.005 1.00 8 13
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 4.90 59 99
330 coke (kg) 0.005 0.03 1 5
331 firewood and chips (kg) 29.679 59.88 786 1579
332 electricity (std. unit) 16.369 29.03 955 1935
333 dung cake - 3.18 194 394
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.428 6.93 632 1364
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.048 0.89 82 160
336 matches (box) 1.259 1.27 958 1927
337 coal (kg) 0.010 0.08 3 9
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.738 23.16 543 1220
340 charcoal (kg) 0.400 2.25 82 248
341 candle (no.) 0.729 2.86 606 1185
342 gobar gas - 0.01 4 3
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.003 0.21 1 3
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.006 0.28 3 4
345 other fuel - 1.43 112 176
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 131.49 996 2028
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.07 6 16
351 sari (no.) 0.005 0.86 46 84
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.321 29.06 877 1800
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.030 4.71 385 673
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.029 11.00 694 1415
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.007 1.56 238 450
356 school/college uniform: boys - 5.15 486 1067

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-446 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 4.13 417 919
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.011 4.00 307 694
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.010 3.95 267 652
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.002 0.45 49 119
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.002 0.49 52 104
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.030 7.39 648 1262
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.023 7.17 469 836
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.003 0.87 78 156
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.036 3.04 638 1283
367 lungi (no.) 0.000 0.01 2 6
368 other casual wear - 0.48 56 89
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.120 6.21 919 1842
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.034 1.92 550 1002
372 infant clothing - 0.74 78 170
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.009 0.69 276 591
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.082 0.04 13 28
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.44 77 197
376 clothing, second-hand - 1.62 182 350
379 clothing: sub-total - 97.02 997 2025
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.013 2.73 387 808
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.011 5.68 374 837
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.005 1.75 115 273
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.005 0.47 35 85
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.02 6 12
385 bedding: others - 0.08 10 23
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 10.73 611 1256
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.016 7.60 532 1137
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.020 5.04 618 1289
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 1.73 163 386
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.064 6.90 907 1803
394 other footwear (pair) 0.023 6.29 542 1079
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.08 23 52
399 footwear: sub-total 0.130 27.63 995 2020
400 books, journals, first hand - 13.70 630 1391
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.46 63 154
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.27 138 374
403 library charges - 0.32 42 100
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 10.20 724 1532
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 42.14 642 1373
406 private tutor/ coaching - 10.20 204 472
407 educational CD - 0.00 1 4
408 other educational expenses - 0.85 129 222
409 education: sub-total - 79.15 761 1629

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-447

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 9.13 139 299
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.73 96 188
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.69 52 100
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 4.26 39 62
414 other medical expenses - 1.19 59 116
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 18.02 140 300
420 medicine - 49.47 842 1721
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.86 47 106
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 2.74 111 276
423 family planning devices - 0.35 53 136
424 other medical expenses - 0.75 41 113
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 56.16 846 1730
430 cinema, theatre - 0.17 3 3
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.39 17 40
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.48 77 154
433 club fees - 0.01 0 1
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.05 2 4
435 photography - 0.67 49 134
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.01 0 2
437 cable TV - 11.45 359 847
438 other entertainment - 1.36 46 115
439 entertainment: sub-total - 16.58 475 1095
440 spectacles - 1.87 30 61
441 torch - 1.78 98 220
442 lock - 0.58 69 147
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.05 50 139
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.36 40 93
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.49 177 385
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 7.12 392 844
450 toilet soap - 9.77 979 1999
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.45 832 1686
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.12 483 937
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 4.30 773 1548
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.18 561 1148
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.53 98 233
456 sanitary napkins - 1.19 202 371
457 other toilet articles - 0.93 128 266
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 26.47 995 2020
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.90 363 720
461 electric batteries - 0.50 108 208
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.13 15 38
463 earthenware - 0.02 3 5
464 glassware - 0.47 67 155

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-448 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.60 147 337
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.93 67 135
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 18.59 982 1986
468 other washing requisites - 1.51 374 743
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 1.15 288 491
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.09 12 16
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.35 71 109
473 other petty articles - 0.48 80 179
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 28.72 995 2019
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.03 0 1
481 attendant - 0.01 1 1
482 sweeper - 0.11 4 6
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 8.58 909 1841
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.11 1 5
485 tailor - 13.05 295 665
486 grinding charges - 2.36 338 621
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.08 42 86
488 telephone charges, mobile - 33.33 873 1792
490 postage & telegram - 0.05 3 11
491 miscellaneous expenses - 4.26 378 750
492 priest - 1.10 162 385
493 legal expenses - 0.01 1 3
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.19 19 33
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.60 15 37
496 internet expenses - 0.27 11 56
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.16 19 51
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 65.30 994 2018
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 1.01 10 28
502 bus/tram fare - 60.02 908 1849
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 6.82 158 397
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.00 0 0
506 horse cart fare - 0.01 1 3
507 porter charges - 0.23 2 8
508 petrol for vehicle - 16.43 84 258
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.22 1 7
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.38 8 24
512 school bus, van, etc. - 4.93 48 90
513 other conveyance expenses - 1.55 34 86
519 conveyance: sub-total - 91.60 960 1975
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 3.45 19 18
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.08 1 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-449

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.18 18 4
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 3.71 37 22
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 2.69 374 911
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.38 28 63
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 3.07 400 967
550 bedstead 0.000 1.04 16 35
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.62 11 30
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.47 31 68
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.69 89 173
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.31 23 54
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 2.63 93 238
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.14 28 44
557 other furniture & fixtures - 1.10 4 9
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 6.99 224 495
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.24 59 127
561 television 0.000 2.11 41 94
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.27 3 6
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.01 0 2
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.02 7 19
565 musical instruments - 0.00 1 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.13 7 10
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.79 109 226
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.83 306 615
571 other metal utensils - 1.07 114 243
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.64 87 220
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.78 375 810
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 5.32 613 1270
580 electric fan 0.001 1.01 62 104
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.25 21 29
582 inverter 0.000 2.24 22 37
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.15 14 38
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.22 50 97
585 washing machine 0.000 0.61 5 26
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.12 61 125
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.61 161 308
588 refrigerator 0.000 1.34 18 31
590 water purifier 0.000 0.06 3 11
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.47 127 274
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.13 11 23
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 7.23 354 709
600 bicycle 0.000 0.30 52 94

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-450 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 5.25 62 139
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 4.48 30 134
603 tyres & tubes 0.000 0.18 39 94
604 other transport equipment - 0.02 1 7
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 10.22 128 318
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.06 2 6
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.06 2 6
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.32 136 277
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 2
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 1.31 5 10
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 6.21 252 499
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 2 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.01 1 2
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 7.86 338 659
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 1.62 27 57
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.55 71 174
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 24.41 298 563
633 other durables - 0.08 1 2
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 27.65 353 685
640 gold ornaments - 21.87 45 121
641 silver ornaments - 0.10 9 29
642 jewels, pearls - 0.09 4 8
643 other ornaments - 0.25 66 170
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 22.31 118 315
659 durable: total - 90.44 827 1657
888 total: non-food group - 779.61 1000 2032
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1742.64 1000 2032

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-451

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.203 0.43 17 21
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.820 2.45 125 231
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.13 37 64
309 pan: sub-total - 3.01 167 298
310 bidi (no.) 1.274 0.39 63 118
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.211 0.73 27 58
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 32.160 6.54 609 1054
313 snuff (gm) 0.161 0.03 2 5
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.067 0.02 3 7
315 cheroot (no.) 0.016 0.02 3 3
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.335 0.32 26 44
317 other tobacco products - 2.26 111 184
319 tobacco: sub-total - 10.30 710 1236
320 ganja (gm) 0.087 0.02 3 3
321 toddy (litre) 0.126 2.09 49 72
322 country liquor (litre) 0.269 9.23 179 295
323 beer (litre) 0.006 0.31 4 7
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.002 0.51 4 15
325 other intoxicants - 6.67 111 186
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 18.83 329 553
330 coke (kg) 0.213 0.41 8 9
331 firewood and chips (kg) 20.480 46.60 889 1545
332 electricity (std. unit) 5.752 10.79 650 1226
333 dung cake - 7.50 571 1001
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.355 6.10 623 1117
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.266 7.73 536 951
336 matches (box) 1.156 1.10 979 1735
337 coal (kg) 2.867 8.45 208 410
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.079 2.60 49 145
340 charcoal (kg) 0.003 0.03 2 4
341 candle (no.) 0.187 0.50 172 308
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.04 0 1
345 other fuel - 0.33 26 34
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 92.17 1000 1757
350 dhoti (no.) 0.006 0.67 195 387
351 sari (no.) 0.043 10.76 921 1635
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.066 5.26 648 1219
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.026 4.62 555 1077
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.010 2.83 316 618
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.005 1.20 248 440
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.75 251 426

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-452 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.63 234 401
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 0.95 104 187
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.008 2.71 214 374
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.88 120 193
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.13 137 243
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.038 7.11 760 1353
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.029 7.69 556 1003
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.021 3.99 437 758
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.043 2.18 773 1365
367 lungi (no.) 0.020 1.92 747 1342
368 other casual wear - 1.06 166 344
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.156 5.88 957 1709
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.036 1.82 886 1569
372 infant clothing - 0.63 99 178
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.14 86 164
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.027 0.01 4 15
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.27 39 65
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.13 33 57
379 clothing: sub-total - 67.18 1000 1757
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.010 1.68 414 858
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.002 0.69 91 170
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.001 0.30 53 117
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.02 5 20
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.003 0.45 137 313
385 bedding: others - 0.09 31 55
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 3.22 563 1097
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.007 2.36 260 536
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.011 1.91 396 837
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.002 0.33 71 133
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.066 5.26 929 1634
394 other footwear (pair) 0.007 1.13 204 398
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.04 8 11
399 footwear: sub-total 0.093 11.01 982 1726
400 books, journals, first hand - 4.25 330 673
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.22 43 86
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.44 43 144
403 library charges - 0.02 5 13
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 4.60 631 1163
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 7.71 361 663
406 private tutor/ coaching - 4.17 114 270
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 1
408 other educational expenses - 0.19 68 119
409 education: sub-total - 21.61 656 1226

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-453

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 3.27 74 132
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.59 59 101
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.02 67 123
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 2.66 56 102
414 other medical expenses - 0.30 33 59
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 7.85 75 134
420 medicine - 25.35 732 1315
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.46 33 62
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 4.47 206 409
423 family planning devices - 0.10 9 21
424 other medical expenses - 0.32 17 36
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 31.70 743 1324
430 cinema, theatre - 0.19 16 45
431 mela, fair, picnic - 3.03 109 195
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.11 123 200
433 club fees - 0.03 2 4
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.01 3 4
435 photography - 0.11 12 30
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.09 7 20
437 cable TV - 3.37 115 291
438 other entertainment - 0.41 55 99
439 entertainment: sub-total - 8.37 362 707
440 spectacles - 0.34 6 15
441 torch - 0.76 52 114
442 lock - 0.64 75 125
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.42 67 109
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.04 5 26
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.71 185 355
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 3.90 331 623
450 toilet soap - 7.33 980 1733
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 3.38 824 1521
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.09 707 1337
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 3.96 921 1647
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.59 397 800
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.25 128 287
456 sanitary napkins - 0.34 63 157
457 other toilet articles - 0.83 316 602
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 20.76 996 1752
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.17 185 397
461 electric batteries - 0.24 58 126
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.08 4 16
463 earthenware - 0.35 63 139
464 glassware - 0.05 5 31

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-454 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.23 105 200
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.54 66 124
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 10.92 992 1749
468 other washing requisites - 1.50 425 814
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.07 677 1218
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.04 12 38
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.14 265 538
473 other petty articles - 1.96 471 856
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 21.29 1000 1756
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.54 5 22
481 attendant - 0.01 0 3
482 sweeper - 0.05 8 13
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 5.76 900 1614
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.17 40 105
485 tailor - 4.48 155 313
486 grinding charges - 1.34 163 277
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.23 27 38
488 telephone charges, mobile - 17.56 653 1307
490 postage & telegram - 0.08 15 34
491 miscellaneous expenses - 3.16 440 785
492 priest - 0.41 79 148
493 legal expenses - 0.18 7 17
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.31 46 89
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 4.81 68 128
496 internet expenses - 0.14 6 12
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.20 53 97
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 39.42 974 1729
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.79 37 74
502 bus/tram fare - 6.98 329 582
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 9.31 525 889
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 2
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.43 72 136
506 horse cart fare - 0.04 9 17
507 porter charges - 0.01 0 3
508 petrol for vehicle - 9.29 92 366
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.14 1 18
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.23 8 50
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.45 5 21
513 other conveyance expenses - 1.60 28 57
519 conveyance: sub-total - 29.29 804 1469
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 2.16 17 32
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.03 0 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-455

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.07 67 126
523 other consumer rent - 0.01 5 12
529 rent: sub-total - 2.28 87 165
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.08 10 18
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.87 368 633
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.95 374 643
550 bedstead 0.000 0.56 43 72
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.04 2 8
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.40 45 86
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.05 10 25
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 5 2
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.01 7 12
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 1 1
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.00 0 3
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.08 99 183
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.03 18 33
561 television 0.000 0.24 13 31
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.19 6 13
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 2
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.06 23 56
565 musical instruments - 0.03 1 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 1 2
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.55 57 125
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.02 297 516
571 other metal utensils - 0.31 60 116
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 0 1
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.06 59 112
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.40 387 678
580 electric fan 0.000 0.22 24 52
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 3
582 inverter 0.000 0.01 0 3
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 12 17
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.02 7 17
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 1 3
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.02 26 37
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.03 21 44
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.01 0 1
590 water purifier 0.000 0.10 4 8
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.01 10 24
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.05 69 114
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.49 149 279
600 bicycle 0.000 2.42 639 1158

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-456 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 3.27 90 345
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.06 7 36
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 0.69 172 339
604 other transport equipment - 0.19 27 61
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 7.62 681 1313
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 1
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 1
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.09 102 177
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.00 0 0
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.16 66 139
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 1 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 2 3
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 1.24 159 300
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.01 2 14
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.16 39 77
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 11.09 464 802
633 other durables - 0.01 1 3
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 11.26 483 848
640 gold ornaments - 0.38 4 18
641 silver ornaments - 0.88 26 64
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.34 139 227
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 1.61 166 290
659 durable: total - 25.25 936 1658
888 total: non-food group - 418.40 1000 1757
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1005.55 1000 1757

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-457

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 24.096 6.54 502 979
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.173 0.31 16 50
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 7.10 486 958
309 pan: sub-total - 13.96 512 1017
310 bidi (no.) 31.666 12.88 298 512
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.773 2.97 48 157
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 12.632 1.34 131 223
313 snuff (gm) 1.949 0.34 23 27
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.041 0.00 1 3
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.478 0.19 11 18
317 other tobacco products - 3.73 80 194
319 tobacco: sub-total - 21.45 517 973
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.003 0.21 2 5
322 country liquor (litre) 0.031 2.97 25 40
323 beer (litre) 0.036 4.38 30 72
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.064 18.80 115 222
325 other intoxicants - 1.78 18 28
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 28.14 187 363
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 28.084 57.32 931 1891
332 electricity (std. unit) 7.891 20.27 953 1975
333 dung cake - 0.54 57 111
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.473 7.40 795 1544
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.110 3.06 191 426
336 matches (box) 1.505 1.56 977 2001
337 coal (kg) 0.001 0.00 0 2
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.332 10.00 173 551
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
341 candle (no.) 0.187 0.58 268 615
342 gobar gas - 0.51 11 32
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 3.06 463 951
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 104.30 998 2047
350 dhoti (no.) 0.010 2.10 280 588
351 sari (no.) 0.056 17.60 957 1977
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.124 10.19 884 1853
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.058 8.64 689 1456
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.002 0.43 58 164
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.002 0.38 62 123
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.97 219 484

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-458 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.77 193 445
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 1.05 58 143
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.008 3.29 188 392
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.002 0.40 37 82
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 0.88 72 150
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.032 5.95 681 1431
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.017 4.24 376 804
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.014 2.08 256 539
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.034 2.03 443 940
367 lungi (no.) 0.035 3.70 790 1651
368 other casual wear - 2.58 348 748
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.176 8.70 969 1991
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.062 2.55 892 1841
372 infant clothing - 0.45 67 163
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.004 0.35 135 310
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.005 0.00 0 3
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.54 120 249
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.02 3 15
379 clothing: sub-total - 81.83 1000 2048
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.008 1.74 257 599
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.006 1.64 190 436
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.002 0.24 83 187
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.12 18 38
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.14 31 83
385 bedding: others - 0.17 40 72
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.04 419 963
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.005 1.70 168 433
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.016 3.37 361 836
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.012 2.17 280 650
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.057 5.94 791 1616
394 other footwear (pair) 0.019 2.34 348 761
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.01 2 7
399 footwear: sub-total 0.111 15.54 998 2041
400 books, journals, first hand - 5.25 466 1018
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.09 7 26
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.90 68 229
403 library charges - 0.06 20 41
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 5.09 556 1190
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 22.27 401 882
406 private tutor/ coaching - 1.57 27 55
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 2
408 other educational expenses - 0.85 103 243
409 education: sub-total - 36.08 594 1317

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-459

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 19.01 199 452
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 8.01 156 367
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 14.31 189 438
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 17.32 176 420
414 other medical expenses - 6.89 117 264
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 65.54 200 459
420 medicine - 43.06 729 1528
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.89 31 72
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 10.58 529 1126
423 family planning devices - 0.05 3 8
424 other medical expenses - 1.39 74 160
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 56.97 736 1540
430 cinema, theatre - 2.01 67 163
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.48 12 21
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.71 28 62
433 club fees - 0.02 0 3
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.01 0 2
435 photography - 0.50 18 43
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.11 4 13
437 cable TV - 15.67 623 1473
438 other entertainment - 0.61 17 44
439 entertainment: sub-total - 22.10 653 1539
440 spectacles - 1.88 10 24
441 torch - 0.97 35 76
442 lock - 0.51 42 91
443 umbrella, raincoat - 2.27 49 120
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.19 17 34
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.54 86 168
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 6.36 199 432
450 toilet soap - 10.88 996 2036
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 5.49 936 1947
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 5.33 772 1654
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 7.35 961 1973
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.37 447 1032
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.84 213 510
456 sanitary napkins - 1.08 147 307
457 other toilet articles - 0.89 202 465
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 33.23 998 2043
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.79 226 502
461 electric batteries - 0.19 25 82
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.16 12 25
463 earthenware - 0.10 17 32
464 glassware - 0.07 5 18

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-460 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.35 130 261
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.12 12 28
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 13.87 994 2036
468 other washing requisites - 2.19 441 974
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.26 904 1890
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 4.19 488 1060
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.76 280 600
473 other petty articles - 1.99 446 911
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 33.04 997 2045
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.69 5 26
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.05 0 7
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 11.60 865 1795
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.64 68 157
485 tailor - 9.48 178 386
486 grinding charges - 6.58 907 1853
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.37 60 161
488 telephone charges, mobile - 23.49 843 1839
490 postage & telegram - 0.06 11 36
491 miscellaneous expenses - 4.02 377 761
492 priest - 2.00 57 146
493 legal expenses - 1.10 6 10
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.28 28 62
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.86 24 69
496 internet expenses - 0.11 7 29
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.42 71 165
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 62.76 996 2042
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.61 20 39
502 bus/tram fare - 42.55 882 1808
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 5.06 205 438
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 1
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.04 2 7
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.17 2 9
508 petrol for vehicle - 21.70 182 651
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.36 12 66
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.98 48 175
512 school bus, van, etc. - 2.15 30 77
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.19 6 26
519 conveyance: sub-total - 75.81 961 1996
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 9.04 65 117
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-461

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.23 1 1
529 rent: sub-total - 9.28 66 118
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 2.86 498 1080
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 6.14 881 1813
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 9.00 915 1888
550 bedstead 0.000 0.30 7 20
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.48 5 20
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.14 37 74
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.19 16 33
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.00 1 6
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.03 1 4
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.22 5 14
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.37 61 132
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 3 8
561 television 0.000 3.71 50 111
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.11 3 12
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.05 1 5
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.09 18 50
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.01 2 3
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 3.98 69 176
570 stainless steel utensils - 3.45 277 573
571 other metal utensils - 0.46 51 124
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.03 6 22
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.06 12 34
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.01 315 654
580 electric fan 0.000 0.32 19 47
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 1
582 inverter 0.000 0.15 3 14
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.16 8 40
585 washing machine 0.000 0.34 2 13
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.44 82 185
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.21 28 70
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.55 7 19
590 water purifier 0.000 0.17 4 8
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.05 6 14
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.36 30 61
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 2.73 153 369
600 bicycle 0.000 1.47 360 708

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-462 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 16.57 170 591
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.94 14 92
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 1.10 96 230
604 other transport equipment - 0.02 0 2
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 21.11 481 1143
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 2
611 other medical equipment - 0.03 0 4
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.04 1 6
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.13 163 391
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.22 1 5
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.21 70 189
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 1 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.56 214 526
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.08 5 17
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.16 11 43
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 12.64 547 1121
633 other durables - 0.12 2 4
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 13.00 553 1141
640 gold ornaments - 28.01 55 135
641 silver ornaments - 2.01 34 84
642 jewels, pearls - 0.22 10 6
643 other ornaments - 0.12 31 63
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 30.36 107 245
659 durable: total - 80.15 857 1839
888 total: non-food group - 759.57 1000 2048
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1561.28 1000 2048

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-463

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 2.325 1.35 65 150
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.847 2.74 34 68
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.49 67 158
309 pan: sub-total - 5.59 97 217
310 bidi (no.) 11.122 5.42 119 253
311 cigarettes (no.) 6.329 18.11 172 419
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 2.107 0.41 23 53
313 snuff (gm) 0.152 0.06 3 10
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.001 0.00 0 1
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
317 other tobacco products - 0.09 2 5
319 tobacco: sub-total - 24.08 274 631
320 ganja (gm) 0.003 0.11 0 1
321 toddy (litre) 0.109 5.67 29 68
322 country liquor (litre) 0.013 2.60 12 36
323 beer (litre) 0.033 2.92 12 32
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.078 30.24 110 271
325 other intoxicants - 0.26 2 3
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 41.81 156 386
330 coke (kg) 0.022 0.07 1 3
331 firewood and chips (kg) 32.405 46.47 931 2428
332 electricity (std. unit) 17.767 32.68 963 2532
333 dung cake - 0.00 0 0
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.223 3.22 753 1951
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.017 0.52 30 71
336 matches (box) 1.151 1.18 932 2437
337 coal (kg) 0.002 0.03 1 2
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.049 31.51 710 1989
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.01 1 4
341 candle (no.) 0.509 1.21 346 901
342 gobar gas - 0.41 7 21
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 2
345 other fuel - 4.05 386 988
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 121.36 999 2606
350 dhoti (no.) 0.030 6.99 690 1836
351 sari (no.) 0.042 21.09 835 2208
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.129 12.76 635 1687
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.017 3.04 223 626
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.000 0.04 4 16
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.002 0.22 31 84
356 school/college uniform: boys - 5.24 314 801

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-464 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 4.78 289 758
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 1.07 43 104
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.007 3.63 153 406
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.002 0.65 36 77
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.009 4.48 172 464
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.051 16.25 724 1949
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.025 10.16 433 1201
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.016 5.09 232 638
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.015 1.45 242 669
367 lungi (no.) 0.043 5.18 765 2002
368 other casual wear - 7.94 733 1967
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.244 12.49 967 2531
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.078 2.17 855 2251
372 infant clothing - 1.49 88 231
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.006 0.47 141 388
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.001 0.00 0 1
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 2.83 164 452
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.05 6 13
379 clothing: sub-total - 129.53 1000 2608
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.013 3.50 357 1074
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.001 0.22 37 103
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.003 0.46 71 192
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.005 0.60 23 86
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.05 15 45
385 bedding: others - 0.25 32 93
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 5.08 411 1211
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.005 2.29 167 497
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.016 4.11 303 872
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.007 1.67 161 480
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.062 9.05 782 2062
394 other footwear (pair) 0.026 4.31 327 892
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.01 2 9
399 footwear: sub-total 0.117 21.43 988 2579
400 books, journals, first hand - 12.50 538 1431
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.43 33 75
402 newspapers, periodicals - 13.38 490 1460
403 library charges - 0.08 20 65
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 8.12 633 1677
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 49.89 482 1293
406 private tutor/ coaching - 9.86 149 386
407 educational CD - 0.04 8 27
408 other educational expenses - 3.23 158 431
409 education: sub-total - 97.53 822 2202

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-465

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 33.97 269 710
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 12.90 227 598
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 9.18 194 517
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 23.22 220 600
414 other medical expenses - 13.57 125 330
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 92.85 289 758
420 medicine - 116.00 794 2097
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 17.99 168 455
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 14.21 420 1121
423 family planning devices - 0.16 14 42
424 other medical expenses - 3.20 59 150
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 151.56 806 2119
430 cinema, theatre - 1.35 53 137
431 mela, fair, picnic - 2.30 11 26
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.26 30 99
433 club fees - 0.07 1 8
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.03 0 2
435 photography - 4.64 22 55
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.27 10 31
437 cable TV - 26.15 741 2003
438 other entertainment - 0.65 12 27
439 entertainment: sub-total - 36.69 775 2094
440 spectacles - 0.95 7 29
441 torch - 0.43 8 24
442 lock - 0.13 6 18
443 umbrella, raincoat - 3.14 49 146
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.30 71 189
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.80 38 109
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 5.75 168 479
450 toilet soap - 13.61 968 2524
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.93 864 2278
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.27 455 1204
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 7.77 890 2331
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.55 604 1656
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.86 135 404
456 sanitary napkins - 3.84 387 1064
457 other toilet articles - 2.72 384 1053
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 42.55 996 2598
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 4.41 165 475
461 electric batteries - 0.37 55 145
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.01 1 3
463 earthenware - 0.36 23 62
464 glassware - 0.15 11 33

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-466 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.52 89 238
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.29 19 61
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 19.93 976 2557
468 other washing requisites - 4.20 618 1649
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.68 453 1181
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 1.01 41 122
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.88 203 567
473 other petty articles - 2.90 384 1060
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 40.71 993 2593
480 domestic servant/cook - 10.80 23 110
481 attendant - 0.56 1 6
482 sweeper - 0.75 7 37
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 12.33 751 1983
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.49 16 59
485 tailor - 9.62 182 499
486 grinding charges - 4.25 535 1387
487 telephone charges, landline - 16.04 349 1118
488 telephone charges, mobile - 46.14 927 2448
490 postage & telegram - 0.42 35 87
491 miscellaneous expenses - 4.02 423 1107
492 priest - 10.48 345 900
493 legal expenses - 3.04 3 8
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.34 6 19
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 2.01 41 134
496 internet expenses - 2.15 32 136
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 2.43 207 564
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 125.85 992 2596
500 air fare - 2.45 1 2
501 railway fare - 1.88 27 96
502 bus/tram fare - 58.81 908 2309
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 23.94 521 1348
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.23 13 36
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.05 2 7
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.20 2 4
508 petrol for vehicle - 47.85 263 905
510 diesel for vehicle - 4.49 18 99
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.59 26 114
512 school bus, van, etc. - 17.41 140 422
513 other conveyance expenses - 4.61 9 26
519 conveyance: sub-total - 162.51 982 2582
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 22.06 66 152
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.40 2 8

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-467

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.01 0 3
523 other consumer rent - 1.47 16 38
529 rent: sub-total - 23.94 83 200
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 1.22 89 253
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 7.09 829 2233
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 8.31 840 2263
550 bedstead 0.001 4.67 27 65
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 2.92 22 57
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 2.38 43 133
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.39 35 108
554 foam, rubber cushion - 1.01 9 27
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.23 11 35
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 2 6
557 other furniture & fixtures - 5.42 18 58
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 17.03 127 376
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.02 2 6
561 television 0.000 5.64 67 186
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.47 12 43
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.04 0 4
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.23 39 130
565 musical instruments - 0.04 2 5
566 other goods for recreation - 0.45 9 21
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 6.89 115 344
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.17 126 343
571 other metal utensils - 0.49 60 174
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.21 14 40
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.58 62 183
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.45 210 585
580 electric fan 0.000 0.66 24 78
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.33 1 7
582 inverter 0.000 1.13 4 16
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.02 2 5
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.33 13 44
585 washing machine 0.000 1.23 9 40
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.69 16 48
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.28 18 68
588 refrigerator 0.001 5.68 36 84
590 water purifier 0.000 0.04 1 4
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 2.29 40 112
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 1.60 32 91
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 14.29 157 460
600 bicycle 0.000 1.43 127 337

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-468 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.001 28.27 193 603
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 64.11 67 390
603 tyres & tubes 0.001 1.05 57 168
604 other transport equipment - 0.30 5 20
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 95.16 326 1033
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.36 22 68
611 other medical equipment - 0.02 1 4
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.38 23 72
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.17 21 59
621 other machines for household work - 0.09 0 2
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 4.84 21 81
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.15 77 203
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.02 2 8
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 1 5
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 8.28 110 309
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 2.59 15 43
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.30 22 66
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 22.71 100 290
633 other durables - 0.72 5 14
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 27.32 134 386
640 gold ornaments - 208.55 139 412
641 silver ornaments - 0.82 26 68
642 jewels, pearls - 0.01 0 2
643 other ornaments - 3.20 30 91
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 212.58 182 534
659 durable: total - 384.38 682 1886
888 total: non-food group - 1521.51 1000 2608
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2668.73 1000 2608

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-469

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.567 0.45 49 161
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.511 1.75 93 312
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 4.40 297 834
309 pan: sub-total - 6.60 362 1042
310 bidi (no.) 42.065 14.49 414 1035
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.245 0.73 14 60
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 16.583 2.32 280 671
313 snuff (gm) 0.668 0.11 11 30
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.424 0.05 5 15
315 cheroot (no.) 0.052 0.08 2 9
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.725 0.43 42 112
317 other tobacco products - 5.99 224 586
319 tobacco: sub-total - 24.19 738 1893
320 ganja (gm) 0.049 0.06 0 3
321 toddy (litre) 0.075 1.18 20 41
322 country liquor (litre) 0.116 10.14 130 334
323 beer (litre) 0.004 0.68 6 17
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.003 0.93 8 20
325 other intoxicants - 0.59 9 23
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 13.58 170 427
330 coke (kg) 0.045 0.14 3 9
331 firewood and chips (kg) 16.089 49.97 938 2525
332 electricity (std. unit) 7.277 28.64 841 2338
333 dung cake - 17.44 760 2040
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.447 6.99 718 1933
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.113 2.38 225 646
336 matches (box) 1.869 1.80 981 2693
337 coal (kg) 0.005 0.01 3 5
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.158 5.31 73 322
340 charcoal (kg) 0.002 0.02 2 6
341 candle (no.) 0.112 0.22 102 317
342 gobar gas - 0.58 9 27
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.03 0 2
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.02 0 3
345 other fuel - 0.48 74 199
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 114.02 1000 2733
350 dhoti (no.) 0.008 1.17 207 542
351 sari (no.) 0.047 10.78 929 2533
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.094 6.30 644 1816
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.038 4.37 523 1508
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.013 3.31 369 1078
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.010 1.65 366 1020
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.18 260 736

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-470 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.33 178 537
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 0.61 85 261
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.008 1.95 193 567
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.005 0.81 126 369
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 0.48 67 212
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.037 6.22 736 2050
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.029 7.07 590 1638
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.015 2.18 305 820
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.039 2.16 645 1801
367 lungi (no.) 0.008 0.56 318 924
368 other casual wear - 0.31 87 262
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.193 7.42 974 2664
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.038 1.69 811 2197
372 infant clothing - 0.33 69 202
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.004 0.30 120 363
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.103 0.01 4 12
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.34 52 188
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.21 31 78
379 clothing: sub-total - 63.72 999 2732
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.012 1.65 402 1232
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.005 1.40 206 574
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.005 1.38 141 414
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.16 8 32
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.003 0.28 114 339
385 bedding: others - 0.11 20 62
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.97 574 1718
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.006 1.82 203 656
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.011 1.42 275 808
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.003 0.70 93 308
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.080 7.00 874 2378
394 other footwear (pair) 0.021 2.48 460 1273
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 4 14
399 footwear: sub-total 0.122 13.44 989 2715
400 books, journals, first hand - 4.58 340 1058
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.21 38 99
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.46 43 189
403 library charges - 0.11 7 13
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 4.42 598 1698
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 14.27 309 987
406 private tutor/ coaching - 2.03 52 189
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 2
408 other educational expenses - 0.34 62 206
409 education: sub-total - 26.44 631 1813

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-471

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 8.29 100 292
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.04 63 213
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 2.43 93 263
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 3.73 67 214
414 other medical expenses - 1.25 40 132
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 17.74 103 295
420 medicine - 37.29 669 1912
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.67 61 175
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 6.24 384 1146
423 family planning devices - 0.18 25 85
424 other medical expenses - 0.90 58 179
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 48.27 692 1962
430 cinema, theatre - 0.25 21 52
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.04 34 99
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.37 95 257
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.06 2 7
435 photography - 0.33 32 101
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.08 9 23
437 cable TV - 3.54 118 453
438 other entertainment - 1.62 90 226
439 entertainment: sub-total - 8.29 326 957
440 spectacles - 0.60 18 74
441 torch - 1.24 98 277
442 lock - 0.44 51 164
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.27 53 162
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.14 19 60
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.46 70 208
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 4.15 255 768
450 toilet soap - 8.33 992 2711
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.82 912 2525
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.61 731 2111
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 5.43 963 2644
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.13 635 1753
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.61 230 695
456 sanitary napkins - 0.55 88 266
457 other toilet articles - 1.23 274 842
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 26.71 999 2732
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.54 316 966
461 electric batteries - 0.29 35 120
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.05 8 29
463 earthenware - 1.57 178 502
464 glassware - 0.45 44 121

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-472 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.97 84 300
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.77 66 181
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 10.93 986 2701
468 other washing requisites - 0.68 210 610
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.26 898 2460
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.29 42 129
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.77 123 377
473 other petty articles - 3.45 457 1287
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 25.02 997 2731
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.25 6 40
481 attendant - 0.07 2 6
482 sweeper - 0.07 9 45
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 7.32 873 2410
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.27 26 91
485 tailor - 6.09 178 491
486 grinding charges - 9.79 968 2657
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.31 9 36
488 telephone charges, mobile - 18.70 712 2118
490 postage & telegram - 0.08 18 46
491 miscellaneous expenses - 1.62 164 473
492 priest - 0.70 68 233
493 legal expenses - 0.79 6 13
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.05 9 30
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.59 14 40
496 internet expenses - 0.23 11 28
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.35 39 109
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 48.28 995 2728
500 air fare - 0.00 0 1
501 railway fare - 1.13 48 146
502 bus/tram fare - 20.28 719 1967
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 1.61 108 322
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.04 5 13
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.05 4 16
506 horse cart fare - 0.03 3 10
507 porter charges - 0.16 3 6
508 petrol for vehicle - 18.97 180 826
510 diesel for vehicle - 1.29 8 57
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.52 17 101
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.88 12 54
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.19 19 53
519 conveyance: sub-total - 45.16 840 2413
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 1.69 16 50
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.03 1 4

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-473

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.14 2 2
523 other consumer rent - 0.13 0 1
529 rent: sub-total - 1.99 19 57
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.91 104 327
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.72 99 357
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 1.63 174 587
550 bedstead 0.000 0.55 59 163
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.33 6 26
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.47 45 144
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.26 50 137
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.08 20 70
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 2 7
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.02 1 6
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.70 152 429
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.05 24 64
561 television 0.000 1.07 42 138
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.18 12 39
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 1
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.15 48 191
565 musical instruments - 0.00 1 6
566 other goods for recreation - 0.02 1 9
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.47 111 380
570 stainless steel utensils - 4.03 485 1368
571 other metal utensils - 0.36 61 178
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.05 14 31
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.79 434 1268
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 5.23 687 1913
580 electric fan 0.000 0.63 138 394
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.25 48 165
582 inverter 0.000 0.30 8 25
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 4 12
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.04 25 110
585 washing machine 0.000 0.28 2 6
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.07 60 180
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.10 78 239
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.54 5 19
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 1
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.05 3 21
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.03 8 18
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 2.28 253 787
600 bicycle 0.000 2.16 550 1508

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-474 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Madhya Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 6.47 176 793
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 3.97 13 88
603 tyres & tubes 0.007 1.93 355 1029
604 other transport equipment - 0.04 3 13
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 14.58 653 1940
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 2 6
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 2 6
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.17 194 522
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.21 1 8
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.70 172 520
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 2 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 4.08 313 907
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.16 38 98
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.19 75 226
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 8.19 728 2025
633 other durables - 0.05 3 9
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 8.59 754 2101
640 gold ornaments - 4.93 28 129
641 silver ornaments - 3.34 132 400
642 jewels, pearls - 0.02 3 13
643 other ornaments - 2.35 351 963
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 10.65 432 1218
659 durable: total - 48.60 965 2663
888 total: non-food group - 542.78 1000 2735
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1152.39 1000 2735

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-475

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 2.341 0.61 52 245
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.096 0.36 17 90
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 5.91 481 1988
309 pan: sub-total - 6.87 496 2068
310 bidi (no.) 6.861 2.86 67 241
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.199 0.68 10 80
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 14.956 2.84 200 711
313 snuff (gm) 0.467 0.12 13 66
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 2.180 0.21 13 52
315 cheroot (no.) 0.111 0.03 3 12
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 18.185 5.50 199 825
317 other tobacco products - 8.64 178 707
319 tobacco: sub-total - 20.89 574 2211
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.004 0.09 3 13
322 country liquor (litre) 0.079 10.11 88 302
323 beer (litre) 0.004 0.38 3 30
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.002 1.48 6 33
325 other intoxicants - 3.29 37 115
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 15.35 136 488
330 coke (kg) 0.013 0.04 1 6
331 firewood and chips (kg) 16.973 46.29 779 3147
332 electricity (std. unit) 10.955 38.47 890 3762
333 dung cake - 2.28 148 617
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.432 7.00 647 2549
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.152 3.82 260 1129
336 matches (box) 1.510 1.52 953 3930
337 coal (kg) 0.006 0.01 3 8
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.587 17.68 272 1608
340 charcoal (kg) 0.003 0.02 1 12
341 candle (no.) 0.267 0.67 261 1115
342 gobar gas - 0.33 6 30
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 1
345 other fuel - 8.84 325 1324
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 126.96 990 4026
350 dhoti (no.) 0.007 1.73 162 636
351 sari (no.) 0.060 18.07 936 3874
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.109 10.37 757 3195
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.047 7.54 586 2577
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.003 0.87 100 519
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.004 0.74 139 614
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.13 326 1391

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-476 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.49 264 1152
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.012 4.90 232 999
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.012 4.24 232 1059
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.96 93 408
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.48 116 474
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.039 7.29 659 2765
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.032 8.43 507 2144
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.013 2.45 246 1036
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.046 2.71 664 2806
367 lungi (no.) 0.006 0.54 214 1024
368 other casual wear - 1.08 149 687
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.255 11.22 968 3934
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.080 3.59 905 3703
372 infant clothing - 0.48 63 292
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.007 0.40 180 911
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.004 0.00 1 7
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.49 50 239
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.11 17 39
379 clothing: sub-total - 95.27 999 4030
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.012 1.86 350 1661
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.007 1.97 212 942
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.002 0.13 42 239
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.03 8 46
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.06 16 85
385 bedding: others - 0.11 18 109
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.16 509 2285
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.007 2.50 232 1146
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.025 4.05 420 1827
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.009 1.30 168 796
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.062 6.01 725 2963
394 other footwear (pair) 0.028 3.19 397 1635
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.06 11 26
399 footwear: sub-total 0.132 17.10 998 4024
400 books, journals, first hand - 5.58 428 1926
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.27 42 142
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.74 157 850
403 library charges - 0.04 11 65
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 5.97 611 2622
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 28.85 383 1711
406 private tutor/ coaching - 4.04 47 271
407 educational CD - 0.06 5 5
408 other educational expenses - 0.55 61 283
409 education: sub-total - 47.11 673 2920

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-477

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 18.12 180 852
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.38 131 638
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 7.71 171 813
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 9.37 143 701
414 other medical expenses - 6.90 81 385
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 46.47 195 918
420 medicine - 47.83 735 3121
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.79 41 177
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 12.85 566 2439
423 family planning devices - 0.29 24 107
424 other medical expenses - 5.22 125 464
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 68.98 790 3296
430 cinema, theatre - 0.27 13 77
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.15 13 48
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.22 53 246
433 club fees - 0.00 0 2
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 3
435 photography - 0.36 33 136
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.08 3 26
437 cable TV - 13.17 349 1818
438 other entertainment - 1.05 25 122
439 entertainment: sub-total - 17.30 426 2128
440 spectacles - 1.98 20 110
441 torch - 1.30 61 278
442 lock - 0.42 32 149
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.47 47 264
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.12 9 70
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.55 73 304
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 5.84 200 933
450 toilet soap - 11.72 978 3990
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.25 920 3790
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 6.56 813 3462
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 7.09 965 3928
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.81 591 2532
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.15 285 1335
456 sanitary napkins - 1.00 130 653
457 other toilet articles - 1.22 229 954
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 36.80 990 4023
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.88 273 1230
461 electric batteries - 0.34 73 373
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.03 3 19
463 earthenware - 0.46 30 114
464 glassware - 0.21 11 50

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-478 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.88 90 428
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.19 16 89
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 14.93 989 3981
468 other washing requisites - 1.99 419 1681
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.55 868 3591
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.62 95 484
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.81 250 1113
473 other petty articles - 3.58 375 1497
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 33.45 999 4025
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.17 8 75
481 attendant - 0.01 0 2
482 sweeper - 0.05 0 7
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 12.49 862 3574
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.30 87 492
485 tailor - 6.26 132 567
486 grinding charges - 12.84 942 3905
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.97 64 296
488 telephone charges, mobile - 24.65 778 3453
490 postage & telegram - 0.19 19 80
491 miscellaneous expenses - 5.05 365 1455
492 priest - 1.34 13 84
493 legal expenses - 0.39 4 24
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.07 8 41
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.35 13 74
496 internet expenses - 0.20 11 74
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.28 31 143
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 67.60 991 4023
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.87 27 120
502 bus/tram fare - 29.02 631 2537
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 11.85 465 1871
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.10 9 21
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.12 10 36
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.28 2 21
508 petrol for vehicle - 31.66 212 1395
510 diesel for vehicle - 3.04 10 108
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 1.21 37 245
512 school bus, van, etc. - 1.77 23 115
513 other conveyance expenses - 1.02 11 53
519 conveyance: sub-total - 80.93 932 3864
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 10.38 60 209
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.01 0 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-479

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.01 1 6
523 other consumer rent - 0.02 0 2
529 rent: sub-total - 10.42 61 218
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 6.69 782 3258
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 7.43 891 3672
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 14.12 904 3734
550 bedstead 0.000 0.19 13 82
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.41 7 36
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.35 29 142
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.04 10 55
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 4
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.01 4 6
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 1 5
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.17 1 16
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.19 57 306
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 3 25
561 television 0.000 3.29 57 246
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.11 9 42
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.07 2 9
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.12 28 194
565 musical instruments - 0.04 1 7
566 other goods for recreation - 0.04 2 12
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 3.68 90 480
570 stainless steel utensils - 3.00 312 1441
571 other metal utensils - 0.41 65 300
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.05 15 54
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.95 430 1857
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.42 532 2346
580 electric fan 0.000 0.61 97 447
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.41 40 236
582 inverter 0.000 0.24 6 49
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 4
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.13 24 140
585 washing machine 0.000 0.18 2 5
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.42 230 1029
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.22 160 800
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.54 10 75
590 water purifier 0.000 0.07 3 24
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.04 6 38
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.14 15 64
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 3.01 399 1843
600 bicycle 0.000 1.82 320 1260

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-480 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Maharashtra Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 13.10 210 1396
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 5.81 17 183
603 tyres & tubes 0.004 2.23 121 650
604 other transport equipment - 0.49 1 13
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 23.45 466 2266
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.10 8 27
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 2
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.10 8 28
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.16 215 939
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 1.00 3 22
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.62 107 531
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.01 1 5
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 2
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 3.79 299 1346
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.09 4 21
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.10 15 82
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 7.32 241 1015
633 other durables - 0.05 6 21
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 7.55 255 1085
640 gold ornaments - 5.76 23 163
641 silver ornaments - 0.89 11 70
642 jewels, pearls - 0.66 3 8
643 other ornaments - 0.40 70 313
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 7.70 101 498
659 durable: total - 54.89 833 3572
888 total: non-food group - 770.49 1000 4031
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1619.22 1000 4031

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-481

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 1.941 1.47 58 81
301 pan: finished (no.) 6.058 23.60 550 727
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.49 24 33
309 pan: sub-total - 25.55 600 795
310 bidi (no.) 13.989 4.94 264 328
311 cigarettes (no.) 5.413 7.19 230 307
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 8.888 1.52 46 66
313 snuff (gm) 0.047 0.02 1 5
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 1.063 0.42 25 31
315 cheroot (no.) 0.141 0.07 7 9
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.860 0.73 49 58
317 other tobacco products - 7.79 361 530
319 tobacco: sub-total - 22.67 699 913
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.003 0.14 3 5
322 country liquor (litre) 0.156 8.33 130 177
323 beer (litre) 0.002 0.18 2 2
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.004 1.97 6 21
325 other intoxicants - 0.02 1 3
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 10.65 138 203
330 coke (kg) 0.132 0.45 5 6
331 firewood and chips (kg) 19.143 50.99 694 945
332 electricity (std. unit) 12.183 41.76 853 1179
333 dung cake - 0.19 13 13
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.134 2.63 346 458
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.179 7.79 609 807
336 matches (box) 1.229 1.74 964 1333
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 1
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.754 25.44 354 569
340 charcoal (kg) 0.576 4.18 96 149
341 candle (no.) 1.639 4.92 684 990
342 gobar gas - 0.00 1 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.003 0.23 4 8
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.40 16 20
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 140.73 1000 1375
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.15 33 52
351 sari (no.) 0.001 0.48 48 80
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.005 0.94 100 170
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.004 1.39 108 179
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.008 4.70 306 479
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.010 2.59 330 501
356 school/college uniform: boys - 8.21 540 757

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-482 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 6.55 444 633
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.001 0.59 45 83
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.001 0.54 39 67
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.002 0.69 72 112
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.002 0.81 58 84
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.033 7.89 759 1059
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.014 4.62 402 608
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.005 1.39 201 299
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.010 1.42 311 455
367 lungi (no.) 0.010 1.35 297 360
368 other casual wear - 1.39 194 305
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.055 3.85 789 1121
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.025 1.39 559 815
372 infant clothing - 0.66 95 141
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.008 0.62 205 323
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.065 0.06 2 4
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 7.74 547 751
376 clothing, second-hand - 7.16 627 852
379 clothing: sub-total - 67.20 976 1351
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.017 3.73 539 815
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 3.25 214 364
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.005 1.22 165 216
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.09 18 26
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.004 2.27 214 302
385 bedding: others - 0.74 120 188
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 11.29 733 1052
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.009 5.60 352 570
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.013 3.35 376 614
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 2.49 195 270
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.033 4.69 664 885
394 other footwear (pair) 0.015 3.46 441 676
395 footwear, second-hand 0.005 1.20 152 237
399 footwear: sub-total 0.082 20.77 953 1304
400 books, journals, first hand - 23.22 738 1075
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.88 135 219
402 newspapers, periodicals - 5.43 313 497
403 library charges - 0.16 46 78
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 7.36 729 1060
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 47.33 621 897
406 private tutor/ coaching - 15.71 276 400
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 2
408 other educational expenses - 3.00 213 339
409 education: sub-total - 103.08 839 1197

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-483

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 4.33 158 256
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.58 71 136
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.47 120 208
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.99 58 100
414 other medical expenses - 0.95 98 175
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 7.32 162 267
420 medicine - 13.19 445 688
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.41 14 16
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 2.56 71 125
423 family planning devices - 0.14 20 35
424 other medical expenses - 2.23 123 171
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 18.53 509 757
430 cinema, theatre - 2.33 152 217
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.43 19 29
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.60 153 235
433 club fees - 0.17 26 53
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.71 47 89
435 photography - 0.62 57 99
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.24 25 31
437 cable TV - 5.13 186 286
438 other entertainment - 1.60 88 125
439 entertainment: sub-total - 13.81 536 777
440 spectacles - 1.57 18 32
441 torch - 1.70 99 168
442 lock - 1.10 105 95
443 umbrella, raincoat - 5.59 131 154
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.87 198 284
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.24 136 211
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 12.07 535 720
450 toilet soap - 7.36 964 1349
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.41 981 1363
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 6.37 767 1071
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 5.79 952 1321
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.11 678 947
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.13 61 92
456 sanitary napkins - 0.09 16 32
457 other toilet articles - 1.03 153 233
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 28.28 989 1375
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.55 191 283
461 electric batteries - 0.16 27 47
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.28 31 61
463 earthenware - 0.00 1 1
464 glassware - 0.22 9 13

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-484 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.87 109 185
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.44 28 43
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 8.45 972 1358
468 other washing requisites - 1.68 578 756
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.04 581 774
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.07 15 12
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 2.18 438 588
473 other petty articles - 0.91 112 179
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 20.86 989 1374
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.26 2 6
481 attendant - 0.00 0 1
482 sweeper - 0.01 2 2
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 3.79 561 751
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.24 15 9
485 tailor - 2.02 82 113
486 grinding charges - 4.10 479 630
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.20 9 18
488 telephone charges, mobile - 25.22 764 1111
490 postage & telegram - 0.20 30 59
491 miscellaneous expenses - 9.64 237 378
492 priest - 3.53 154 233
493 legal expenses - 0.27 14 28
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.71 43 73
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.65 31 40
496 internet expenses - 0.32 10 16
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.41 89 128
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 52.57 975 1339
500 air fare - 0.01 0 1
501 railway fare - 0.02 1 1
502 bus/tram fare - 30.55 590 857
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 18.00 554 731
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.36 5 7
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.53 36 37
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.42 6 7
508 petrol for vehicle - 30.15 199 359
510 diesel for vehicle - 1.96 7 20
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.20 86 203
512 school bus, van, etc. - 5.53 49 96
513 other conveyance expenses - 1.59 65 88
519 conveyance: sub-total - 91.30 972 1351
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 1.55 14 8
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-485

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.02 3 7
523 other consumer rent - 0.06 0 2
529 rent: sub-total - 1.62 18 17
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.07 20 23
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 2.59 552 772
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 2.66 552 774
550 bedstead 0.000 0.61 20 34
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.66 9 19
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.07 74 94
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.40 46 71
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.52 19 32
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.47 47 70
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 0 1
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.20 4 7
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 3.93 180 266
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.22 39 64
561 television 0.000 0.40 4 13
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.66 18 33
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.06 6 8
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 1.03 93 175
565 musical instruments - 0.05 2 7
566 other goods for recreation - 0.06 6 12
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.49 149 268
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.20 175 262
571 other metal utensils - 0.80 77 97
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.34 37 60
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.68 139 206
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.02 330 471
580 electric fan 0.000 0.16 4 8
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.58 15 27
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.53 97 140
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.11 3 4
585 washing machine 0.000 0.23 2 5
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.17 14 27
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.52 34 50
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.19 2 5
590 water purifier 0.000 0.30 13 22
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.20 22 26
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.09 19 33
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 3.07 179 282
600 bicycle 0.000 0.44 149 197

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-486 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Manipur Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 3.23 55 112
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.85 12 52
603 tyres & tubes 0.004 1.51 155 230
604 other transport equipment - 0.05 3 6
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 6.09 260 400
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.13 9 19
611 other medical equipment - 0.08 4 7
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.21 14 26
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.70 142 192
621 other machines for household work - 0.01 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.50 4 9
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.21 92 152
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.04 2 8
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 4.47 217 324
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.50 13 23
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.54 54 82
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 4.23 90 122
633 other durables - 0.38 38 53
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 5.65 180 259
640 gold ornaments - 5.87 55 83
641 silver ornaments - 0.48 40 50
642 jewels, pearls - 0.19 22 30
643 other ornaments - 2.69 280 398
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 9.24 338 483
659 durable: total - 38.17 603 869
888 total: non-food group - 689.14 1000 1376
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1501.89 1000 1376

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-487

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 27.683 17.30 869 757
301 pan: finished (no.) 6.079 7.37 592 525
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 35.92 861 748
309 pan: sub-total - 60.59 954 833
310 bidi (no.) 36.451 11.99 559 410
311 cigarettes (no.) 6.054 18.86 338 379
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 13.422 2.32 231 165
313 snuff (gm) 0.279 0.07 5 3
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 2.886 0.43 42 35
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 4.048 1.34 88 74
317 other tobacco products - 0.93 114 100
319 tobacco: sub-total - 35.94 849 722
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.005 0.44 11 7
322 country liquor (litre) 0.094 5.97 107 90
323 beer (litre) 0.006 0.46 5 10
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.034 10.41 62 72
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 17.27 177 172
330 coke (kg) 0.264 0.51 8 4
331 firewood and chips (kg) 30.850 70.32 923 795
332 electricity (std. unit) 9.225 22.72 834 747
333 dung cake - 0.04 7 3
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.258 4.87 569 448
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.118 3.96 293 248
336 matches (box) 1.399 2.03 983 846
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 1
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.176 5.48 59 79
340 charcoal (kg) 0.058 1.11 46 46
341 candle (no.) 0.155 0.76 239 244
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.05 5 9
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 111.84 1000 856
350 dhoti (no.) 0.000 0.02 2 3
351 sari (no.) 0.031 9.30 927 800
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.030 2.76 474 413
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.027 3.50 528 453
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.029 9.46 686 612
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.011 2.30 526 456
356 school/college uniform: boys - 5.47 445 396

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-488 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 5.39 475 414
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.001 0.22 30 22
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.003 0.72 78 73
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.006 1.09 181 178
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.16 154 142
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.049 8.35 867 745
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.032 6.88 749 615
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.025 4.69 615 514
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.030 3.16 643 558
367 lungi (no.) 0.001 0.16 40 35
368 other casual wear - 3.90 533 441
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.130 5.93 990 847
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.046 1.96 807 710
372 infant clothing - 1.02 163 137
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.011 0.77 260 222
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.089 0.01 4 4
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 7.35 817 689
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.72 83 68
379 clothing: sub-total - 86.27 1000 856
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.012 2.01 522 462
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.007 2.23 311 275
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 0.67 143 136
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.013 1.01 148 150
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.005 0.87 258 225
385 bedding: others - 0.24 69 59
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 7.02 779 695
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.029 12.67 743 674
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.028 5.83 813 740
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.010 3.41 308 281
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.049 4.10 855 733
394 other footwear (pair) 0.015 2.60 475 410
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.04 15 12
399 footwear: sub-total 0.132 28.63 1000 856
400 books, journals, first hand - 14.46 744 645
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.46 80 69
402 newspapers, periodicals - 3.29 495 491
403 library charges - 0.28 79 78
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 5.97 844 720
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 26.74 719 617
406 private tutor/ coaching - 1.65 34 39
407 educational CD - 0.00 2 2
408 other educational expenses - 1.33 252 204
409 education: sub-total - 54.17 914 785

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-489

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 0.59 92 86
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.11 12 13
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.19 17 17
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.36 17 15
414 other medical expenses - 0.07 33 36
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 1.32 92 87
420 medicine - 8.83 461 427
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.33 8 5
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 1.63 95 107
423 family planning devices - 0.01 0 1
424 other medical expenses - 0.35 38 38
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 11.14 477 438
430 cinema, theatre - 0.02 2 1
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.90 29 26
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.13 169 153
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.03 5 5
435 photography - 0.15 12 7
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.22 15 21
437 cable TV - 15.97 279 335
438 other entertainment - 0.27 8 9
439 entertainment: sub-total - 19.70 437 457
440 spectacles - 0.45 4 4
441 torch - 1.25 80 71
442 lock - 0.51 52 46
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.93 80 78
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.27 67 60
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.47 118 94
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 5.87 361 300
450 toilet soap - 9.62 977 839
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 7.34 994 847
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 8.18 933 817
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 5.60 916 789
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.37 576 519
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.48 139 110
456 sanitary napkins - 0.52 83 87
457 other toilet articles - 2.28 421 394
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 35.39 1000 856
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.16 216 242
461 electric batteries - 0.89 180 148
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.09 15 14
463 earthenware - 0.34 52 42
464 glassware - 0.13 14 16

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-490 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.50 161 152
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.33 63 47
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 11.98 996 855
468 other washing requisites - 3.60 863 736
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 0.28 65 55
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.05 11 15
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.14 208 208
473 other petty articles - 2.14 501 444
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 24.62 1000 856
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.18 6 21
481 attendant - 0.05 0 1
482 sweeper - 0.01 5 1
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 4.57 607 552
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.00 0 1
485 tailor - 2.37 79 69
486 grinding charges - 1.17 137 85
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.05 1 4
488 telephone charges, mobile - 40.41 760 723
490 postage & telegram - 0.02 13 12
491 miscellaneous expenses - 10.73 720 627
492 priest - 3.56 389 318
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.03 4 3
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.10 11 17
496 internet expenses - 0.05 3 4
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.56 69 68
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 64.88 971 848
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.07 3 1
502 bus/tram fare - 27.01 780 654
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 46.22 837 717
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.32 15 14
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.13 14 12
506 horse cart fare - 0.01 2 1
507 porter charges - 0.32 31 32
508 petrol for vehicle - 16.51 92 172
510 diesel for vehicle - 1.25 5 11
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.58 14 33
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.00 0 0
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.09 7 8
519 conveyance: sub-total - 92.51 982 851
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 1.91 28 13
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-491

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 1
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 1.91 28 14
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.13 17 16
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.10 7 12
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.23 24 28
550 bedstead 0.000 0.20 10 20
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.13 5 8
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.45 154 112
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 1.37 178 162
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.25 16 18
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.16 34 50
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.33 62 49
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 3.88 381 344
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.02 19 17
561 television 0.000 0.06 6 9
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.04 2 4
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.02 2 6
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.51 133 163
565 musical instruments - 0.07 7 8
566 other goods for recreation - 0.02 9 6
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.74 170 195
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.39 411 350
571 other metal utensils - 0.48 104 104
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.38 73 85
573 other crockery & utensils - 2.71 665 587
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.95 797 696
580 electric fan 0.000 0.05 7 10
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.29 8 15
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.39 130 86
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.01 2 3
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.08 13 16
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.49 31 31
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.00 0 0
590 water purifier 0.000 0.13 16 18
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.04 7 10
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.66 164 146
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 2.13 314 278
600 bicycle 0.000 0.30 185 137

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-492 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Meghalaya Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 0.75 57 89
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.58 17 40
603 tyres & tubes 0.001 0.42 92 90
604 other transport equipment - 0.13 3 3
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 2.19 273 269
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.07 5 6
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.07 5 6
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.23 64 51
621 other machines for household work - 0.01 1 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.14 1 2
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.84 56 50
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.42 65 47
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.64 182 147
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.11 13 24
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.51 105 130
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 11.01 429 390
633 other durables - 0.07 9 12
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 11.70 480 456
640 gold ornaments - 0.74 6 14
641 silver ornaments - 0.17 12 4
642 jewels, pearls - 0.01 1 2
643 other ornaments - 0.60 117 119
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 1.53 128 130
659 durable: total - 29.83 914 798
888 total: non-food group - 689.13 1000 856
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1474.78 1000 856

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-493

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
301 pan: finished (no.) 36.954 66.74 786 527
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.15 3 3
309 pan: sub-total - 66.89 789 530
310 bidi (no.) 13.687 6.48 139 66
311 cigarettes (no.) 22.358 35.90 338 276
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 22.014 6.44 148 79
313 snuff (gm) 0.029 0.01 0 1
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.471 1.03 53 36
317 other tobacco products - 18.85 551 347
319 tobacco: sub-total - 68.71 912 564
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
322 country liquor (litre) 0.026 5.18 39 19
323 beer (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 5.18 39 19
330 coke (kg) 0.035 0.07 2 1
331 firewood and chips (kg) 49.241 50.92 770 447
332 electricity (std. unit) 10.450 23.37 851 569
333 dung cake - 0.00 0 0
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.259 4.31 472 302
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.082 2.62 229 157
336 matches (box) 0.671 1.24 711 433
337 coal (kg) 0.001 0.02 1 1
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.121 37.07 421 392
340 charcoal (kg) 0.030 0.55 21 11
341 candle (no.) 1.612 10.57 599 374
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.08 1 2
345 other fuel - 0.01 1 1
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 130.82 999 639
350 dhoti (no.) 0.000 0.01 1 1
351 sari (no.) 0.000 0.17 12 13
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.006 0.97 83 61
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.002 0.75 45 30
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.014 8.24 340 256
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.004 1.56 174 123
356 school/college uniform: boys - 6.44 376 254

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-494 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 6.48 380 266
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.001 0.18 31 19
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.001 0.36 24 12
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.022 6.10 462 330
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.002 0.44 61 33
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.059 13.04 888 582
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.029 11.59 625 418
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.018 5.45 467 303
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.005 1.85 141 113
367 lungi (no.) 0.001 0.56 64 54
368 other casual wear - 11.36 380 246
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.104 8.16 945 596
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.033 3.13 533 365
372 infant clothing - 0.89 82 48
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.004 0.42 114 92
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.138 0.01 4 1
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 7.24 396 275
376 clothing, second-hand - 6.02 298 169
379 clothing: sub-total - 101.43 999 639
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.009 2.77 277 227
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.003 2.83 133 117
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.002 0.70 78 54
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.37 17 16
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.003 1.45 160 110
385 bedding: others - 0.17 23 22
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 8.28 466 359
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.025 15.09 572 420
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.018 8.39 502 357
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.009 4.38 237 184
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.058 10.95 873 556
394 other footwear (pair) 0.024 11.07 511 323
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.11 19 3
399 footwear: sub-total 0.134 49.98 1000 640
400 books, journals, first hand - 10.41 639 428
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.15 29 23
402 newspapers, periodicals - 5.21 364 329
403 library charges - 0.05 24 17
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 4.94 615 411
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 9.37 305 227
406 private tutor/ coaching - 0.26 6 7
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 1.47 86 70
409 education: sub-total - 31.87 791 549

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-495

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 1.69 103 80
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.08 9 8
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.13 50 41
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.13 18 13
414 other medical expenses - 0.10 12 11
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 2.13 103 81
420 medicine - 18.46 792 516
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.20 7 5
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 0.38 26 21
423 family planning devices - 0.00 0 0
424 other medical expenses - 0.26 12 9
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 19.29 804 525
430 cinema, theatre - 0.00 0 0
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.01 0 1
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.24 57 47
433 club fees - 0.03 3 1
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.09 6 14
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.17 8 4
437 cable TV - 19.41 439 407
438 other entertainment - 0.17 3 4
439 entertainment: sub-total - 21.12 463 427
440 spectacles - 1.37 10 18
441 torch - 0.58 25 23
442 lock - 0.61 43 28
443 umbrella, raincoat - 2.54 52 53
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 2.38 557 334
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.82 64 52
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 8.31 630 403
450 toilet soap - 8.63 855 567
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 8.04 993 636
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 9.30 779 528
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 8.09 862 578
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.84 577 391
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.08 8 9
456 sanitary napkins - 4.26 541 359
457 other toilet articles - 0.55 59 56
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 40.78 1000 640
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.78 227 185
461 electric batteries - 0.11 23 36
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.34 11 17
463 earthenware - 0.02 2 3
464 glassware - 0.28 16 10

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-496 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.19 44 52
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.07 5 8
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 14.35 991 633
468 other washing requisites - 2.23 350 226
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 0.41 88 63
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.00 0 0
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.64 77 54
473 other petty articles - 0.24 30 24
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 22.67 1000 640
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.04 0 2
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.00 0 0
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 2.34 191 175
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.00 0 0
485 tailor - 0.33 7 15
486 grinding charges - 1.57 53 27
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.49 21 25
488 telephone charges, mobile - 42.99 719 533
490 postage & telegram - 0.06 2 5
491 miscellaneous expenses - 35.24 408 270
492 priest - 5.34 72 62
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 3.99 20 20
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.00 0 0
496 internet expenses - 0.00 1 1
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.53 7 7
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 94.92 826 580
500 air fare - 0.00 0 1
501 railway fare - 0.00 0 0
502 bus/tram fare - 7.65 167 145
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 5.84 150 111
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.35 19 15
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.04 3 1
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.14 2 3
508 petrol for vehicle - 21.40 115 143
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.72 8 20
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 1.31 39 48
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.02 1 1
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.26 7 6
519 conveyance: sub-total - 39.73 382 358
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 6.27 35 24
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-497

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.67 207 127
523 other consumer rent - 0.01 4 1
529 rent: sub-total - 6.94 246 152
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 2.19 389 292
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.81 163 134
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 4.01 465 337
550 bedstead 0.000 1.06 18 12
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.61 5 8
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.50 10 16
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.36 29 25
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.04 0 2
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.04 1 1
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.60 59 61
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 0.77 8 7
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.10 2 3
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.03 6 4
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.20 24 22
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.11 33 31
570 stainless steel utensils - 0.73 81 41
571 other metal utensils - 0.78 59 40
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.18 8 8
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.09 8 5
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.78 132 82
580 electric fan 0.000 0.04 1 2
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.18 2 6
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 1
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.02 3 1
585 washing machine 0.000 0.29 1 2
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.14 10 9
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.81 31 20
588 refrigerator 0.000 1.27 7 5
590 water purifier 0.000 0.12 4 8
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.30 21 19
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.00 0 1
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 3.18 71 64
600 bicycle 0.000 0.17 2 3

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-498 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Mizoram Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 6.82 39 30
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.54 7 16
603 tyres & tubes 0.001 1.51 31 43
604 other transport equipment - 0.15 3 6
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 9.18 67 77
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.14 8 7
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.14 8 7
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.10 15 11
621 other machines for household work - 0.02 4 2
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.60 6 5
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.16 52 48
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.03 1 2
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.91 74 63
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.06 6 4
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.24 30 24
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 3.97 94 58
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 4.28 97 67
640 gold ornaments - 0.16 3 5
641 silver ornaments - 0.17 19 9
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.20 23 11
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 0.53 39 21
659 durable: total - 25.71 357 267
888 total: non-food group - 748.76 1000 640
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1643.69 1000 640

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-499

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.281 0.44 15 14
301 pan: finished (no.) 12.586 39.72 568 390
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.20 11 7
309 pan: sub-total - 40.35 573 398
310 bidi (no.) 15.216 5.90 293 157
311 cigarettes (no.) 4.848 16.54 218 196
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 3.318 0.45 38 14
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.031 0.07 1 2
317 other tobacco products - 8.76 228 146
319 tobacco: sub-total - 31.71 649 421
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.001 0.07 1 1
322 country liquor (litre) 0.222 5.39 68 36
323 beer (litre) 0.008 0.91 5 7
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.020 6.58 34 40
325 other intoxicants - 0.82 6 5
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 13.77 113 87
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 38.532 68.12 955 641
332 electricity (std. unit) 9.019 27.56 975 661
333 dung cake - 0.05 3 1
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.029 0.45 74 32
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.073 2.86 375 243
336 matches (box) 1.104 1.22 932 624
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.162 37.89 586 492
340 charcoal (kg) 0.077 0.86 20 15
341 candle (no.) 1.039 4.35 660 453
342 gobar gas - 0.00 1 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.00 0 0
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 143.36 1000 672
350 dhoti (no.) 0.000 0.02 1 1
351 sari (no.) 0.003 1.11 84 74
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.005 0.87 116 67
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.007 1.19 131 81
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.022 13.37 648 454
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.005 2.71 220 165
356 school/college uniform: boys - 15.72 594 441

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-500 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 15.11 557 395
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.001 0.43 27 14
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.001 0.37 23 11
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.009 2.20 202 115
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.001 0.31 28 25
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.058 12.92 901 611
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.030 9.76 567 416
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.022 6.64 595 409
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.022 3.38 332 235
367 lungi (no.) 0.000 0.09 6 4
368 other casual wear - 2.50 173 131
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.126 9.16 941 641
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.046 3.83 679 493
372 infant clothing - 0.82 71 36
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.010 1.49 236 169
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.994 0.30 42 22
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 7.67 344 285
376 clothing, second-hand - 18.88 867 555
379 clothing: sub-total - 130.83 1000 672
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.019 5.16 587 390
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 3.77 245 159
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 1.47 144 133
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.002 0.26 36 39
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.28 55 40
385 bedding: others - 1.05 145 89
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 11.99 775 544
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.028 17.40 752 531
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.031 7.44 593 406
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.005 1.69 186 161
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.049 6.82 598 407
394 other footwear (pair) 0.022 7.35 504 365
395 footwear, second-hand 0.002 0.45 69 50
399 footwear: sub-total 0.139 41.12 999 671
400 books, journals, first hand - 31.24 831 593
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.80 88 67
402 newspapers, periodicals - 9.54 547 427
403 library charges - 0.01 3 2
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 8.10 770 549
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 104.10 767 562
406 private tutor/ coaching - 7.34 161 138
407 educational CD - 0.06 5 6
408 other educational expenses - 0.67 86 69
409 education: sub-total - 161.87 919 638

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-501

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 1.91 296 178
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.03 3 5
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.31 169 99
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.03 1 3
414 other medical expenses - 0.08 29 20
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 2.37 297 179
420 medicine - 11.52 478 360
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.34 12 2
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 0.52 24 16
423 family planning devices - 0.00 0 0
424 other medical expenses - 0.54 17 14
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 12.92 490 367
430 cinema, theatre - 0.00 0 0
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.49 31 17
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.07 57 51
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.72 19 17
435 photography - 0.36 14 16
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.33 18 17
437 cable TV - 26.86 445 420
438 other entertainment - 4.23 114 94
439 entertainment: sub-total - 36.06 591 503
440 spectacles - 4.06 29 20
441 torch - 2.98 100 57
442 lock - 0.67 53 37
443 umbrella, raincoat - 5.12 140 115
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.38 54 57
445 other minor durable-type goods - 2.58 178 145
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 15.78 480 367
450 toilet soap - 10.48 998 669
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 8.97 921 630
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 13.10 794 572
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 12.11 914 635
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.17 386 299
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.67 105 81
456 sanitary napkins - 1.09 179 170
457 other toilet articles - 1.95 245 184
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 49.54 1000 672
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.57 233 177
461 electric batteries - 0.13 17 9
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.44 29 29
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.15 6 10

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-502 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 6.86 185 151
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.18 45 23
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 13.55 973 657
468 other washing requisites - 1.29 406 270
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 0.22 49 42
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.05 4 4
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.70 90 61
473 other petty articles - 2.29 224 183
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 27.45 1000 672
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.16 2 4
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.00 0 1
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 6.61 636 420
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.02 4 1
485 tailor - 1.83 78 50
486 grinding charges - 6.85 297 157
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.37 9 12
488 telephone charges, mobile - 48.37 849 610
490 postage & telegram - 0.14 12 14
491 miscellaneous expenses - 15.85 448 332
492 priest - 3.60 52 65
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.06 2 1
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 5.39 108 72
496 internet expenses - 0.41 12 12
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.94 73 57
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 91.60 999 671
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.16 1 2
502 bus/tram fare - 25.63 558 331
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 15.02 290 223
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.05 1 1
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.26 11 9
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 1
508 petrol for vehicle - 34.70 94 124
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.70 3 6
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 3.71 40 51
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.28 5 6
513 other conveyance expenses - 6.65 183 125
519 conveyance: sub-total - 87.17 936 636
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 3.09 14 7
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.10 0 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-503

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 3.19 14 8
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 1.96 89 53
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.21 14 15
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 2.17 100 65
550 bedstead 0.000 1.81 64 31
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 1.03 39 29
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.83 99 79
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 3.32 248 164
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 1 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.18 16 19
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 2 3
557 other furniture & fixtures - 2.28 97 70
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 10.48 476 336
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.14 11 8
561 television 0.000 0.29 11 10
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 1.06 18 14
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.40 12 4
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 2.31 233 248
565 musical instruments - 0.22 7 4
566 other goods for recreation - 0.10 19 11
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 4.51 293 282
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.90 153 92
571 other metal utensils - 2.65 191 139
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.22 28 29
573 other crockery & utensils - 3.49 314 210
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 8.27 592 394
580 electric fan 0.000 0.19 9 3
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.08 1 1
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.02 1 1
585 washing machine 0.000 0.15 2 2
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.08 10 12
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.50 53 54
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.00 0 0
590 water purifier 0.000 0.35 11 20
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 1.21 66 45
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.25 24 27
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 2.85 157 145
600 bicycle 0.000 0.02 3 5

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-504 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Nagaland Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 0.73 38 30
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.62 37 61
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 3.11 73 91
604 other transport equipment - 0.61 16 20
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 6.09 101 129
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.32 75 40
621 other machines for household work - 0.01 1 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 2.27 2 2
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 4.09 158 106
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.05 3 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.23 37 17
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 6.96 275 166
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.42 38 52
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.19 198 153
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 8.51 205 155
633 other durables - 9.33 47 37
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 19.45 416 317
640 gold ornaments - 0.80 5 9
641 silver ornaments - 0.15 19 19
642 jewels, pearls - 0.03 2 2
643 other ornaments - 0.71 129 110
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 1.70 134 117
659 durable: total - 60.32 941 638
888 total: non-food group - 963.56 1000 672
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2058.58 1000 672

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-505

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 3.798 1.54 182 560
301 pan: finished (no.) 3.498 4.43 197 669
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.80 187 567
309 pan: sub-total - 9.77 351 1135
310 bidi (no.) 7.298 2.01 190 531
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.339 0.91 43 165
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 7.509 0.89 126 274
313 snuff (gm) 2.712 0.35 35 79
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.225 0.03 2 1
315 cheroot (no.) 0.004 0.00 0 2
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.341 0.22 14 49
317 other tobacco products - 6.63 467 1328
319 tobacco: sub-total - 11.04 684 1915
320 ganja (gm) 0.241 0.13 9 35
321 toddy (litre) 0.035 0.44 15 58
322 country liquor (litre) 0.088 4.25 102 263
323 beer (litre) 0.011 0.96 10 35
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.004 1.33 13 47
325 other intoxicants - 2.24 68 142
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 9.35 206 549
330 coke (kg) 0.018 0.05 1 3
331 firewood and chips (kg) 29.962 61.78 920 2688
332 electricity (std. unit) 10.173 17.59 682 2219
333 dung cake - 3.79 250 654
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.459 7.36 777 2184
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.101 2.66 264 844
336 matches (box) 0.959 0.96 988 2939
337 coal (kg) 0.228 0.54 15 38
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.115 3.58 47 271
340 charcoal (kg) 0.017 0.06 3 12
341 candle (no.) 0.054 0.17 91 317
342 gobar gas - 0.12 3 10
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 5.17 292 892
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 103.83 1000 2974
350 dhoti (no.) 0.012 1.47 382 1138
351 sari (no.) 0.055 14.16 971 2880
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.024 2.51 348 1119
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.013 2.44 314 1002
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.003 0.70 105 350
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.005 1.08 205 638
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.24 296 918

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-506 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.34 274 792
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.006 1.90 150 490
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.003 1.00 77 258
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.003 0.46 78 228
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.39 99 346
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.040 6.92 802 2370
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.027 4.46 539 1640
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.018 3.26 389 1139
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.056 2.57 882 2633
367 lungi (no.) 0.036 3.08 886 2663
368 other casual wear - 0.56 140 468
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.112 4.72 915 2721
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.050 2.35 947 2831
372 infant clothing - 0.65 124 353
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.23 117 419
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.005 0.00 0 3
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.77 183 601
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.11 24 77
379 clothing: sub-total - 61.35 1000 2974
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.008 1.26 303 1024
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.002 0.51 86 292
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.002 0.22 81 270
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.02 3 21
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.37 119 351
385 bedding: others - 0.08 44 124
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 2.46 480 1504
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.001 0.55 54 277
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.007 1.30 199 755
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.003 0.50 103 353
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.055 4.15 821 2449
394 other footwear (pair) 0.010 0.82 270 800
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 7 4
399 footwear: sub-total 0.076 7.33 979 2928
400 books, journals, first hand - 2.48 288 1016
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.06 22 71
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.34 30 180
403 library charges - 0.01 6 28
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 3.25 560 1716
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 5.61 270 890
406 private tutor/ coaching - 8.23 203 670
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.38 63 227
409 education: sub-total - 20.38 581 1801

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-507

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 10.74 122 350
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.07 104 301
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.93 57 165
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 2.84 46 133
414 other medical expenses - 1.80 83 220
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 20.38 123 351
420 medicine - 38.29 723 2181
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.14 107 361
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 2.95 147 439
423 family planning devices - 0.20 19 68
424 other medical expenses - 0.60 31 100
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 46.19 725 2189
430 cinema, theatre - 0.38 27 84
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.38 30 66
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.62 66 222
433 club fees - 0.02 1 2
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.03 4 17
435 photography - 0.10 10 34
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.00 0 2
437 cable TV - 7.14 246 1052
438 other entertainment - 0.16 16 65
439 entertainment: sub-total - 8.83 348 1333
440 spectacles - 0.48 7 37
441 torch - 0.77 52 150
442 lock - 0.31 30 107
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.43 49 163
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.06 16 50
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.60 83 259
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 3.64 219 693
450 toilet soap - 5.87 978 2909
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 3.29 665 2116
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.07 643 2040
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 5.57 978 2905
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.74 529 1650
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.26 101 368
456 sanitary napkins - 0.56 94 330
457 other toilet articles - 0.84 262 864
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 21.21 999 2968
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.88 171 607
461 electric batteries - 0.18 35 118
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.03 6 20
463 earthenware - 0.30 49 137
464 glassware - 0.10 24 68

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-508 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.76 75 242
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.25 47 135
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 6.71 989 2942
468 other washing requisites - 0.47 156 534
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.74 742 2317
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.06 26 91
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.91 318 1062
473 other petty articles - 2.35 549 1709
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 16.74 997 2961
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.07 1 12
481 attendant - 0.01 1 6
482 sweeper - 0.01 1 6
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 5.25 890 2678
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.57 112 340
485 tailor - 1.52 132 383
486 grinding charges - 0.83 155 527
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.24 17 43
488 telephone charges, mobile - 13.77 563 1935
490 postage & telegram - 0.08 25 98
491 miscellaneous expenses - 1.54 258 806
492 priest - 0.65 194 606
493 legal expenses - 0.58 3 8
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.06 16 45
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.81 23 64
496 internet expenses - 0.02 2 20
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.23 39 140
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 26.23 954 2855
500 air fare - 0.01 1 1
501 railway fare - 0.72 16 57
502 bus/tram fare - 7.90 509 1524
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 2.62 173 479
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.02 7 17
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.09 20 53
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.01 0 2
508 petrol for vehicle - 11.17 109 652
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.30 1 14
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.09 5 37
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.37 4 27
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.06 4 23
519 conveyance: sub-total - 23.36 635 2067
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 1.93 18 54
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.31 1 5

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-509

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.11 193 577
523 other consumer rent - 0.01 0 3
529 rent: sub-total - 2.36 213 639
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.06 12 45
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.64 249 881
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.70 255 905
550 bedstead 0.000 0.15 13 39
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.23 3 17
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.31 44 129
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.09 25 80
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 0 2
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.04 15 51
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 1 10
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.05 4 13
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 0.87 90 270
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 3 18
561 television 0.000 0.77 37 130
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.01 0 4
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 1
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.04 6 46
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.02 4 11
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.85 46 194
570 stainless steel utensils - 0.63 190 597
571 other metal utensils - 0.30 93 258
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 0 7
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.15 66 184
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.09 253 784
580 electric fan 0.000 0.31 44 180
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.21 3 16
582 inverter 0.000 0.02 0 2
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 6 12
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.00 2 7
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.07 28 102
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.07 5 24
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.19 2 12
590 water purifier 0.000 0.01 0 6
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.05 11 34
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.03 17 50
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.97 86 330
600 bicycle 0.000 3.15 744 2312

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-510 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Odisha Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 3.19 110 631
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.17 4 37
603 tyres & tubes 0.008 1.19 278 840
604 other transport equipment - 0.25 2 11
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 7.95 770 2434
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.02 2 5
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 2 6
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.18 70 235
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 2
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.08 1 3
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.26 53 156
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 10 24
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 1.54 121 383
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.09 7 36
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.12 43 128
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 16.56 566 1645
633 other durables - 0.05 2 10
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 16.81 578 1702
640 gold ornaments - 3.22 37 152
641 silver ornaments - 0.74 33 127
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 1 4
643 other ornaments - 0.38 110 340
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 4.35 146 504
659 durable: total - 34.45 925 2805
888 total: non-food group - 429.57 1000 2974
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1002.61 1000 2974

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-511

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
310 bidi (no.) 12.183 4.74 131 181
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.043 0.10 4 12
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.758 0.37 10 16
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.756 0.02 1 1
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 5.237 2.43 86 107
317 other tobacco products - 0.21 4 8
319 tobacco: sub-total - 7.88 214 295
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.001 0.15 3 1
322 country liquor (litre) 0.201 29.94 136 217
323 beer (litre) 0.006 0.62 4 7
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.046 12.19 42 80
325 other intoxicants - 1.15 5 10
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 44.05 184 305
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 1 1
331 firewood and chips (kg) 12.323 31.63 546 862
332 electricity (std. unit) 23.148 103.27 976 1525
333 dung cake - 43.59 652 986
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.180 2.91 180 237
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.098 3.12 133 178
336 matches (box) 1.725 1.69 959 1512
337 coal (kg) 0.004 0.07 2 2
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.100 32.84 543 980
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.02 1 2
341 candle (no.) 0.715 2.94 686 1002
342 gobar gas - 0.86 7 21
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.017 0.60 11 27
345 other fuel - 5.51 180 268
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 229.06 1000 1552
350 dhoti (no.) 0.000 0.09 9 8
351 sari (no.) 0.001 0.41 14 18
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.550 37.27 958 1497
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.061 8.90 532 911
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.031 11.33 632 1046
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.014 3.99 415 707
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.95 377 648

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-512 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.94 295 498
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.008 2.43 166 268
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.005 1.83 63 99
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.92 66 114
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.002 0.40 43 76
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.053 12.45 806 1267
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.039 14.51 663 1041
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.003 0.60 55 111
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.058 4.47 725 1126
367 lungi (no.) 0.000 0.02 5 10
368 other casual wear - 0.86 66 127
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.226 10.60 982 1524
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.084 3.97 862 1354
372 infant clothing - 1.44 80 143
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.019 3.67 460 751
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.145 0.06 10 16
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.73 139 220
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.81 60 75
379 clothing: sub-total - 131.60 998 1550
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.016 4.80 498 837
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 2.85 155 273
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 0.75 68 119
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.003 0.31 22 31
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.05 8 15
385 bedding: others - 0.35 70 114
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 9.11 571 945
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.024 10.24 584 947
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.023 5.51 563 907
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.009 2.46 246 405
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.082 6.07 895 1411
394 other footwear (pair) 0.029 7.41 619 960
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.10 18 26
399 footwear: sub-total 0.168 31.76 999 1549
400 books, journals, first hand - 13.64 455 795
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 1.01 97 148
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.32 85 181
403 library charges - 0.24 4 7
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 11.28 607 1000
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 102.07 491 843
406 private tutor/ coaching - 6.40 88 165
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 1
408 other educational expenses - 2.93 313 546
409 education: sub-total - 138.88 636 1057

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-513

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 28.60 147 246
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 8.72 104 187
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 7.90 108 194
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 13.75 104 187
414 other medical expenses - 3.71 54 98
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 62.69 148 249
420 medicine - 111.56 923 1470
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 7.65 84 127
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 12.14 439 734
423 family planning devices - 0.44 26 46
424 other medical expenses - 1.78 47 68
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 133.57 929 1479
430 cinema, theatre - 0.22 4 8
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.11 5 13
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.52 48 81
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.15 13 23
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.10 5 8
437 cable TV - 14.22 430 766
438 other entertainment - 5.12 74 131
439 entertainment: sub-total - 22.44 503 874
440 spectacles - 0.70 11 29
441 torch - 0.56 18 31
442 lock - 0.27 31 54
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.28 6 11
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.23 22 33
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.94 183 288
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 3.98 245 399
450 toilet soap - 14.51 989 1531
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 8.46 948 1471
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 7.79 604 1008
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 9.32 969 1496
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.48 137 213
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.50 108 166
456 sanitary napkins - 2.68 348 570
457 other toilet articles - 4.56 499 805
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 48.31 998 1550
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.72 289 495
461 electric batteries - 0.06 21 37
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.70 32 51
463 earthenware - 0.53 60 97
464 glassware - 0.31 19 30

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-514 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.21 65 115
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.38 15 30
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 29.53 993 1538
468 other washing requisites - 4.16 701 1129
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.00 611 1000
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.04 5 8
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 2.58 265 436
473 other petty articles - 5.45 653 1057
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 51.66 1000 1552
480 domestic servant/cook - 2.92 10 42
481 attendant - 0.07 6 11
482 sweeper - 2.34 158 290
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 9.31 722 1122
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.12 5 12
485 tailor - 10.20 195 325
486 grinding charges - 9.29 781 1257
487 telephone charges, landline - 3.92 96 194
488 telephone charges, mobile - 42.47 902 1428
490 postage & telegram - 0.01 2 7
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.27 212 347
492 priest - 0.10 14 29
493 legal expenses - 3.72 4 8
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.04 3 9
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 4.33 37 62
496 internet expenses - 0.76 10 22
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.62 72 121
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 92.49 997 1548
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 2.41 47 61
502 bus/tram fare - 28.48 636 975
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 5.93 241 373
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.01 1 1
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.62 55 96
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.39 2 4
508 petrol for vehicle - 83.70 449 827
510 diesel for vehicle - 10.89 33 86
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 1.92 81 165
512 school bus, van, etc. - 12.10 101 227
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.57 6 8
519 conveyance: sub-total - 147.02 911 1449
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 5.40 41 46
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.02 0 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-515

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 5.41 41 47
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 5.46 361 588
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 3.23 303 572
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 8.69 520 900
550 bedstead 0.001 1.86 52 111
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.59 11 17
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.54 32 76
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.14 21 42
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 1 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.03 2 5
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 10 24
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.60 17 32
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 3.79 115 242
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 4 3
561 television 0.000 2.66 61 92
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.19 13 20
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.01 2 4
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.32 84 153
565 musical instruments - 0.02 2 3
566 other goods for recreation - 0.03 6 10
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 3.24 144 249
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.44 282 496
571 other metal utensils - 0.39 70 106
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.25 46 73
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.24 250 402
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.32 477 790
580 electric fan 0.001 1.58 224 350
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 3.23 118 239
582 inverter 0.000 5.44 61 107
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.34 160 255
585 washing machine 0.000 2.65 30 60
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.22 151 247
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.19 254 413
588 refrigerator 0.000 3.38 67 108
590 water purifier 0.000 1.11 27 65
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.42 29 52
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.32 41 54
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 18.88 666 1093
600 bicycle 0.000 3.59 724 1138

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-516 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Punjab Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 25.89 446 823
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 40.26 77 219
603 tyres & tubes 0.007 2.82 345 575
604 other transport equipment - 0.01 3 3
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 72.58 838 1347
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.06 5 11
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.06 5 12
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.23 639 1028
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 1.75 17 50
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 5.23 198 313
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 1 2
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 1
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 7.22 742 1183
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 1.08 35 67
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.65 61 107
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 10.35 50 109
633 other durables - 0.38 3 8
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 12.45 110 212
640 gold ornaments - 19.90 18 32
641 silver ornaments - 0.16 8 8
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.62 61 91
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 20.68 80 120
659 durable: total - 143.19 976 1532
888 total: non-food group - 1311.81 1000 1552
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2344.66 1000 1552

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-517

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.001 0.01 0 3
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.024 0.13 8 23
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.01 2 7
309 pan: sub-total - 0.15 10 32
310 bidi (no.) 67.327 30.91 462 1115
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.733 2.38 31 77
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 6.702 1.35 34 59
313 snuff (gm) 0.057 0.02 3 12
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 15.042 1.09 41 125
315 cheroot (no.) 0.178 0.13 4 5
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 10.074 3.81 124 304
317 other tobacco products - 6.06 143 392
319 tobacco: sub-total - 45.76 654 1613
320 ganja (gm) 0.553 0.14 2 3
321 toddy (litre) 0.018 0.55 5 4
322 country liquor (litre) 0.081 7.18 63 151
323 beer (litre) 0.036 3.29 9 21
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.007 2.19 7 30
325 other intoxicants - 16.15 12 26
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 29.50 94 224
330 coke (kg) 0.017 0.07 2 1
331 firewood and chips (kg) 28.555 79.30 934 2387
332 electricity (std. unit) 9.311 38.11 779 2113
333 dung cake - 8.54 567 1423
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.434 6.69 776 1938
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.051 1.14 104 258
336 matches (box) 2.829 2.58 984 2534
337 coal (kg) 0.001 0.02 0 2
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.269 7.76 169 580
340 charcoal (kg) 0.003 0.01 1 7
341 candle (no.) 0.231 0.52 211 616
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.07 3 7
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.06 2 2
345 other fuel - 1.42 228 579
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 146.29 1000 2579
350 dhoti (no.) 0.012 2.25 323 817
351 sari (no.) 0.033 7.77 580 1490
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.278 17.61 896 2322
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.094 9.61 760 1979
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.017 4.52 488 1252
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.010 2.09 382 1014
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.36 470 1231

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-518 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.99 352 938
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 0.91 101 315
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.009 2.48 185 476
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.005 0.95 143 357
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.004 0.88 114 300
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.034 6.01 679 1796
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.023 5.97 478 1269
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.009 1.17 190 522
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.052 3.98 728 1923
367 lungi (no.) 0.004 0.48 169 434
368 other casual wear - 0.17 26 88
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.225 9.83 960 2501
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.042 2.54 836 2191
372 infant clothing - 0.61 103 264
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.006 0.70 210 540
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.037 0.01 4 12
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.69 237 613
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.14 26 57
379 clothing: sub-total - 89.68 1000 2577
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.008 1.38 278 795
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 1.24 165 451
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.005 2.05 141 399
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.03 8 38
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.04 6 25
385 bedding: others - 0.09 18 55
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.83 443 1224
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.015 4.63 443 1208
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.018 2.75 422 1163
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.010 2.27 296 797
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.092 7.76 936 2423
394 other footwear (pair) 0.019 3.00 436 1187
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.01 3 8
399 footwear: sub-total 0.154 20.39 998 2572
400 books, journals, first hand - 7.39 472 1275
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.30 37 83
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.89 63 243
403 library charges - 0.03 4 12
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 7.03 680 1783
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 46.27 472 1251
406 private tutor/ coaching - 2.41 40 108
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 2
408 other educational expenses - 0.33 52 133
409 education: sub-total - 64.65 717 1887

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-519

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 12.35 133 318
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.03 95 240
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 2.49 89 208
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 5.63 86 211
414 other medical expenses - 2.62 61 151
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 26.14 141 342
420 medicine - 56.25 726 1885
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.00 66 138
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 3.55 194 518
423 family planning devices - 0.20 19 57
424 other medical expenses - 3.10 49 122
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 66.10 746 1937
430 cinema, theatre - 0.13 8 27
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.61 19 70
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.04 69 193
433 club fees - 0.02 1 3
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.05 3 15
435 photography - 0.31 16 48
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.08 4 19
437 cable TV - 5.93 172 559
438 other entertainment - 1.86 65 194
439 entertainment: sub-total - 10.02 302 914
440 spectacles - 0.40 7 30
441 torch - 2.65 54 176
442 lock - 0.45 52 144
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.97 37 91
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.10 9 34
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.34 76 198
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 5.90 204 569
450 toilet soap - 9.62 931 2437
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.79 779 2074
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 3.51 411 1180
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.37 904 2354
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.72 701 1844
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.11 322 916
456 sanitary napkins - 0.67 105 328
457 other toilet articles - 3.25 400 1043
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 31.02 993 2563
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.41 246 689
461 electric batteries - 0.31 33 94
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.14 16 39
463 earthenware - 2.70 252 689
464 glassware - 0.37 31 87

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-520 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.11 77 234
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.13 13 29
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 17.04 994 2560
468 other washing requisites - 1.37 290 785
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.33 849 2224
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.11 36 105
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.37 53 142
473 other petty articles - 4.83 544 1406
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 33.23 999 2575
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.16 1 7
481 attendant - 0.17 1 6
482 sweeper - 0.43 43 137
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 7.09 770 2022
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.12 16 57
485 tailor - 12.13 242 625
486 grinding charges - 13.95 933 2416
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.92 24 98
488 telephone charges, mobile - 31.24 812 2171
490 postage & telegram - 0.04 7 35
491 miscellaneous expenses - 8.33 202 558
492 priest - 1.10 70 207
493 legal expenses - 0.11 1 2
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.34 11 33
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.28 14 31
496 internet expenses - 0.28 11 26
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.26 23 63
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 77.96 996 2573
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.75 44 123
502 bus/tram fare - 31.94 765 1978
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 5.82 186 482
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 2
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.02 3 18
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.17 1 4
508 petrol for vehicle - 29.07 227 760
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.55 20 87
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.14 4 14
512 school bus, van, etc. - 4.75 48 151
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.61 21 51
519 conveyance: sub-total - 75.81 916 2394
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 1.91 17 41
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-521

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.17 1 1
529 rent: sub-total - 2.08 17 42
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 2.46 282 791
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.25 54 204
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 2.71 321 932
550 bedstead 0.001 1.68 118 269
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.37 4 10
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.41 41 120
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.30 21 55
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.04 11 32
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 3 13
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.18 2 8
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.99 158 389
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.02 7 21
561 television 0.000 3.16 43 100
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.36 16 38
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.06 2 8
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.20 63 167
565 musical instruments - 0.04 1 3
566 other goods for recreation - 0.11 5 11
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 3.95 99 266
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.11 311 868
571 other metal utensils - 0.25 55 143
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.06 16 69
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.52 248 697
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.94 442 1215
580 electric fan 0.000 0.61 93 246
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.32 41 155
582 inverter 0.000 0.66 3 9
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 1 2
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.24 80 253
585 washing machine 0.000 0.08 2 7
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.09 53 155
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.07 27 76
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.88 9 30
590 water purifier 0.000 0.17 1 5
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.08 14 40
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.10 8 26
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 3.31 224 670
600 bicycle 0.000 1.27 290 761

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-522 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Rajasthan Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 9.96 220 724
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 3.13 23 126
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 1.41 125 379
604 other transport equipment - 0.22 6 12
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 15.98 456 1296
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.02 3 4
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 3 4
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.13 175 495
621 other machines for household work - 0.01 1 3
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.84 5 14
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.01 156 455
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.02 1 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.04 13 36
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 4.06 301 843
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.08 15 37
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.07 23 65
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 7.10 375 945
633 other durables - 0.15 3 6
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 7.40 389 977
640 gold ornaments - 13.25 23 58
641 silver ornaments - 4.62 49 132
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 2
643 other ornaments - 0.37 63 162
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 18.25 117 304
659 durable: total - 58.90 840 2203
888 total: non-food group - 791.12 1000 2579
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1597.50 1000 2579

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-523

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.126 0.11 2 3
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.457 2.46 68 72
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.52 21 16
309 pan: sub-total - 3.10 91 91
310 bidi (no.) 6.455 1.57 130 48
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.886 5.74 82 63
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 1.549 0.76 34 18
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.024 0.01 0 1
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 14.567 4.80 283 145
317 other tobacco products - 0.59 29 12
319 tobacco: sub-total - 13.47 532 273
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
322 country liquor (litre) 0.052 2.29 20 11
323 beer (litre) 0.171 12.82 93 66
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.093 27.26 195 115
325 other intoxicants - 19.29 157 77
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 61.67 445 260
330 coke (kg) 0.020 0.08 1 1
331 firewood and chips (kg) 13.672 47.28 688 347
332 electricity (std. unit) 11.206 11.11 968 595
333 dung cake - 0.00 0 0
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.224 4.14 565 298
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.036 0.91 66 37
336 matches (box) 1.380 1.38 980 595
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.417 46.31 707 490
340 charcoal (kg) 0.006 0.19 3 2
341 candle (no.) 0.235 1.23 409 304
342 gobar gas - 0.15 4 2
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.00 0 0
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 112.79 995 606
350 dhoti (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
351 sari (no.) 0.015 8.92 483 309
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.072 8.22 675 405
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.042 7.43 586 372
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.044 22.02 917 557
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.006 1.56 258 176
356 school/college uniform: boys - 7.79 453 259

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-524 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 8.07 402 230
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.001 0.24 16 7
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.008 3.90 269 175
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.011 3.25 239 139
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.002 0.87 76 65
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.051 10.83 917 562
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.039 13.91 853 523
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.004 1.14 141 85
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.006 0.84 152 119
367 lungi (no.) 0.005 0.77 160 103
368 other casual wear - 8.00 501 323
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.155 8.33 980 599
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.053 2.42 804 510
372 infant clothing - 2.14 113 63
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.004 0.41 127 103
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.119 0.05 8 7
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 13.63 432 268
376 clothing, second-hand - 3.40 269 99
379 clothing: sub-total - 138.10 1000 608
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.030 5.92 769 479
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.008 6.53 350 241
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.012 4.28 371 213
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.014 1.12 110 90
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.07 15 7
385 bedding: others - 1.03 187 114
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 18.96 890 548
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.033 20.04 849 526
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.032 10.48 867 535
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 1.92 165 104
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.061 5.99 996 599
394 other footwear (pair) 0.010 3.87 289 184
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 0 0
399 footwear: sub-total 0.142 42.24 1000 608
400 books, journals, first hand - 12.26 582 353
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.15 17 10
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.10 128 130
403 library charges - 0.00 0 0
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 7.80 764 477
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 23.58 615 373
406 private tutor/ coaching - 2.07 34 23
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 1.27 281 163
409 education: sub-total - 48.23 789 494

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-525

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 1.36 72 59
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.42 41 30
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.09 9 15
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.10 9 14
414 other medical expenses - 0.22 24 28
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 2.19 72 59
420 medicine - 10.65 281 210
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.42 8 6
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 1.22 25 14
423 family planning devices - 0.00 0 0
424 other medical expenses - 0.25 11 4
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 12.54 281 210
430 cinema, theatre - 0.03 1 2
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.00 0 0
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.40 12 8
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.25 19 9
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.62 10 9
437 cable TV - 36.82 624 467
438 other entertainment - 0.96 22 14
439 entertainment: sub-total - 39.09 640 478
440 spectacles - 3.61 6 7
441 torch - 0.41 21 13
442 lock - 0.19 17 8
443 umbrella, raincoat - 2.79 76 51
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.23 22 19
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.03 1 4
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 7.26 142 99
450 toilet soap - 7.33 971 587
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 5.50 788 478
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 2.92 268 196
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 4.33 561 357
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.34 473 275
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.33 46 41
456 sanitary napkins - 2.46 298 236
457 other toilet articles - 0.38 54 43
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 24.59 997 605
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.98 195 115
461 electric batteries - 0.08 23 20
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.10 4 2
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-526 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.85 27 30
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.11 9 3
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 9.83 987 597
468 other washing requisites - 1.30 305 189
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.33 635 445
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.45 18 8
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.01 1 3
473 other petty articles - 0.57 45 25
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 18.62 1000 608
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.41 2 4
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.03 2 1
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 8.64 661 441
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.03 2 5
485 tailor - 2.82 65 47
486 grinding charges - 0.13 4 1
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.60 8 10
488 telephone charges, mobile - 38.86 812 546
490 postage & telegram - 0.15 8 4
491 miscellaneous expenses - 0.00 0 0
492 priest - 0.43 10 5
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.00 0 0
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.82 51 26
496 internet expenses - 0.61 5 4
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.34 9 7
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 55.88 940 587
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.01 0 1
502 bus/tram fare - 0.09 4 1
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 57.79 923 548
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.00 0 0
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.01 1 2
508 petrol for vehicle - 13.09 38 52
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.08 9 20
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.39 6 14
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.16 2 2
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.50 5 2
519 conveyance: sub-total - 74.12 958 589
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 25.02 134 82
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.82 3 7

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-527

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 3.74 775 449
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 2 2
529 rent: sub-total - 29.58 911 532
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.18 9 13
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.09 5 7
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.27 11 16
550 bedstead 0.000 0.71 9 4
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 1.75 23 6
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.58 20 14
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.80 36 22
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.57 9 12
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 0 1
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.00 0 0
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 4.43 93 53
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 1 1
561 television 0.000 1.89 13 10
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.06 0 1
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.44 3 2
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.43 84 100
565 musical instruments - 0.02 0 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.85 98 112
570 stainless steel utensils - 0.90 73 53
571 other metal utensils - 1.30 109 69
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.52 44 33
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.22 142 114
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.94 314 225
580 electric fan 0.000 0.02 4 1
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
585 washing machine 0.000 0.03 0 1
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.03 2 2
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.26 12 10
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.19 1 4
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 0
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.34 14 11
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.02 2 4
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.89 32 32
600 bicycle 0.000 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-528 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Sikkim Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 0.10 1 4
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.90 17 24
603 tyres & tubes 0.001 1.32 19 30
604 other transport equipment - 0.13 1 3
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 3.45 26 41
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.06 2 2
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.06 2 2
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.11 17 12
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 1.40 2 2
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.77 58 33
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.04 1 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 5.32 77 48
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.48 16 15
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.21 18 15
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 21.76 216 149
633 other durables - 0.02 0 2
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 22.47 223 156
640 gold ornaments - 0.00 0 0
641 silver ornaments - 0.00 0 0
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.00 0 0
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
659 durable: total - 43.41 546 393
888 total: non-food group - 746.10 1000 608
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1564.91 1000 608

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-529

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 11.846 4.35 204 595
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.135 0.33 10 22
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.73 203 597
309 pan: sub-total - 8.41 214 623
310 bidi (no.) 15.722 6.97 167 457
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.367 5.15 71 285
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 2.934 0.87 26 94
313 snuff (gm) 0.530 0.11 9 25
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 2.372 0.66 4 9
315 cheroot (no.) 0.019 0.04 2 7
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.040 0.03 1 2
317 other tobacco products - 1.75 56 146
319 tobacco: sub-total - 15.58 303 930
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.004 0.22 1 1
322 country liquor (litre) 0.029 2.13 13 34
323 beer (litre) 0.035 3.99 30 82
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.065 26.15 126 434
325 other intoxicants - 0.51 3 10
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 33.01 172 557
330 coke (kg) 0.001 0.00 0 2
331 firewood and chips (kg) 19.271 42.18 819 2558
332 electricity (std. unit) 17.016 18.24 970 3228
333 dung cake - 0.09 13 24
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.543 7.42 748 2347
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.070 2.20 88 303
336 matches (box) 1.382 1.33 985 3274
337 coal (kg) 0.001 0.01 1 2
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.948 26.63 406 1719
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.00 2 4
341 candle (no.) 0.285 0.99 313 1120
342 gobar gas - 0.11 3 2
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 1.31 211 731
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 100.52 1000 3319
350 dhoti (no.) 0.027 4.51 677 2324
351 sari (no.) 0.058 17.19 953 3205
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.089 7.92 691 2413
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.030 4.16 367 1392
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.004 0.33 44 159
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.003 0.89 57 195
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.70 263 898

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-530 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.34 248 804
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 0.63 37 128
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.006 2.09 112 395
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.001 0.32 25 94
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.004 1.39 85 286
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.039 8.38 663 2259
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.023 5.94 410 1427
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.010 1.53 166 629
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.017 1.19 271 874
367 lungi (no.) 0.040 4.55 794 2734
368 other casual wear - 2.27 361 1314
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.150 6.97 899 3082
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.059 2.38 789 2715
372 infant clothing - 0.87 86 329
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.22 72 274
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.024 0.01 3 3
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.44 82 268
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.02 4 11
379 clothing: sub-total - 81.18 1000 3315
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.008 1.62 227 885
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.001 0.17 32 107
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.006 0.55 134 487
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.02 5 22
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.04 7 30
385 bedding: others - 0.25 73 243
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 2.65 360 1299
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.003 0.87 80 390
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.005 0.89 113 425
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.009 1.56 198 721
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.054 5.29 709 2389
394 other footwear (pair) 0.024 2.29 379 1315
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.05 10 24
399 footwear: sub-total 0.095 10.94 980 3275
400 books, journals, first hand - 7.15 318 1188
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.17 18 74
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.94 68 324
403 library charges - 0.34 43 145
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 9.28 541 1869
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 60.63 357 1261
406 private tutor/ coaching - 1.09 31 120
407 educational CD - 0.01 4 21
408 other educational expenses - 1.78 110 379
409 education: sub-total - 81.40 575 2018

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-531

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 12.98 110 428
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.83 88 357
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 5.72 102 413
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 8.24 95 386
414 other medical expenses - 1.82 54 217
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 32.60 110 432
420 medicine - 46.67 665 2307
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.73 38 176
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 14.16 492 1757
423 family planning devices - 0.60 2 7
424 other medical expenses - 0.95 44 165
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 66.11 667 2318
430 cinema, theatre - 1.13 30 132
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.09 4 12
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.55 18 74
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.09 1 7
435 photography - 0.07 3 18
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.10 4 41
437 cable TV - 24.03 832 2876
438 other entertainment - 1.84 20 80
439 entertainment: sub-total - 28.90 835 2898
440 spectacles - 0.55 3 13
441 torch - 0.55 16 71
442 lock - 0.21 12 58
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.67 21 78
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.11 10 57
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.91 55 192
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 3.00 110 422
450 toilet soap - 13.85 991 3292
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.04 930 3137
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 5.27 644 2306
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 8.30 976 3247
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.68 464 1719
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.87 166 640
456 sanitary napkins - 2.71 286 1067
457 other toilet articles - 2.40 428 1502
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 41.11 999 3315
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.45 172 615
461 electric batteries - 0.22 39 178
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.10 3 11
463 earthenware - 0.30 21 64
464 glassware - 0.11 4 20

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-532 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.07 103 423
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.13 22 86
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 17.05 995 3303
468 other washing requisites - 2.09 411 1505
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.46 707 2464
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 7.33 675 2427
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 3.70 394 1436
473 other petty articles - 4.94 713 2407
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 43.96 999 3316
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.58 4 29
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.01 1 8
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 13.57 830 2785
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.92 102 469
485 tailor - 9.25 186 687
486 grinding charges - 2.63 488 1607
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.59 44 212
488 telephone charges, mobile - 29.82 816 2911
490 postage & telegram - 0.10 10 33
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.58 301 1120
492 priest - 2.63 220 766
493 legal expenses - 0.19 1 6
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.15 10 34
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.02 13 72
496 internet expenses - 0.63 10 39
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.04 162 664
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 67.68 972 3252
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 1.83 19 59
502 bus/tram fare - 47.76 925 3008
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 3.29 104 377
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 2
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.00 0 0
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.17 1 4
508 petrol for vehicle - 39.10 307 1401
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.21 10 70
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.35 145 711
512 school bus, van, etc. - 7.83 56 287
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.15 19 82
519 conveyance: sub-total - 104.70 972 3247
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 18.27 84 234
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.10 1 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-533

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 1
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 1
529 rent: sub-total - 18.37 85 238
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 1.81 226 895
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 2.87 863 2955
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 4.68 881 3003
550 bedstead 0.000 0.20 3 20
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.29 2 11
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.58 23 83
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.04 3 19
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.00 2 7
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 1
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.24 3 13
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.36 32 129
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.04 3 15
561 television 0.000 1.34 33 120
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.09 3 33
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.04 0 3
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.24 33 199
565 musical instruments - 0.02 0 4
566 other goods for recreation - 0.03 2 3
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.81 71 344
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.33 126 468
571 other metal utensils - 0.53 38 126
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.07 9 28
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.32 47 144
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.25 173 608
580 electric fan 0.000 0.56 34 128
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 6
582 inverter 0.000 0.20 1 8
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 2 4
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.09 8 32
585 washing machine 0.000 0.27 3 29
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.33 50 205
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.27 37 148
588 refrigerator 0.000 1.78 10 54
590 water purifier 0.000 0.15 3 25
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.06 3 25
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.17 8 51
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 3.91 120 522
600 bicycle 0.000 2.25 448 1525

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-534 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tamil Nadu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 18.47 304 1382
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.33 10 119
603 tyres & tubes 0.003 1.33 136 545
604 other transport equipment - 0.24 1 7
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 23.63 605 2254
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.27 4 14
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 2
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.27 4 16
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.11 91 339
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 1 2
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.99 2 21
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.96 71 250
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.02 0 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 1
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 3.07 149 538
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.86 3 13
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.78 21 76
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 11.89 311 1026
633 other durables - 0.87 8 15
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 14.40 325 1073
640 gold ornaments - 22.20 39 220
641 silver ornaments - 2.21 26 112
642 jewels, pearls - 1.27 5 8
643 other ornaments - 0.19 23 70
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 25.88 81 359
659 durable: total - 76.59 785 2786
888 total: non-food group - 821.38 1000 3319
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1692.93 1000 3319

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-535

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 49.494 17.35 661 856
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.678 1.07 54 75
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 13.31 659 853
309 pan: sub-total - 31.73 665 867
310 bidi (no.) 95.476 26.79 632 755
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.967 2.57 31 93
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 4.246 0.70 143 207
313 snuff (gm) 1.073 0.11 16 23
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 6.543 0.54 38 45
315 cheroot (no.) 0.056 0.09 9 5
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.100 1.86 143 213
317 other tobacco products - 2.12 115 167
319 tobacco: sub-total - 34.79 765 996
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.009 0.30 8 7
322 country liquor (litre) 0.209 12.77 201 245
323 beer (litre) 0.000 0.02 0 1
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.001 0.33 3 13
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 13.42 211 266
330 coke (kg) 0.076 0.06 1 4
331 firewood and chips (kg) 57.014 54.10 939 1182
332 electricity (std. unit) 7.414 20.24 816 1115
333 dung cake - 0.09 11 12
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.625 9.10 957 1245
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.051 1.55 84 105
336 matches (box) 1.999 1.96 989 1289
337 coal (kg) 0.001 0.00 1 1
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.199 5.63 72 179
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.00 1 3
341 candle (no.) 0.700 1.16 332 498
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.15 2 5
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 1
345 other fuel - 0.09 7 13
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 94.15 996 1308
350 dhoti (no.) 0.003 0.58 100 136
351 sari (no.) 0.071 16.06 913 1206
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.060 5.28 670 881
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.033 5.70 630 842
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.010 2.71 259 382
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.004 1.28 174 262
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.56 365 459

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-536 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.73 279 377
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.004 1.04 97 140
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.003 0.97 82 127
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.003 0.69 65 100
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.55 134 191
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.040 8.84 748 983
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.019 3.95 415 539
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.015 3.11 272 385
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.084 4.31 925 1229
367 lungi (no.) 0.034 4.67 808 1068
368 other casual wear - 0.95 165 254
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.150 7.78 974 1265
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.059 3.10 960 1263
372 infant clothing - 0.34 60 80
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.001 0.11 44 73
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.893 0.33 23 29
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 2.98 445 623
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.78 108 124
379 clothing: sub-total - 83.36 1000 1311
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.020 3.27 610 902
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.002 0.61 69 97
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.003 0.51 64 138
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.07 10 26
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.61 114 161
385 bedding: others - 0.16 90 125
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 5.21 660 972
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.002 0.54 56 132
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.026 4.63 533 777
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.010 1.64 247 328
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.048 3.54 787 1033
394 other footwear (pair) 0.018 1.22 322 445
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.03 7 7
399 footwear: sub-total 0.104 11.58 965 1276
400 books, journals, first hand - 8.28 503 693
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.62 85 116
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.50 25 87
403 library charges - 0.04 19 16
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 8.67 621 847
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 5.56 511 678
406 private tutor/ coaching - 35.12 501 671
407 educational CD - 0.02 6 11
408 other educational expenses - 0.42 134 183
409 education: sub-total - 59.25 637 886

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-537

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 6.96 207 290
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.24 119 183
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.55 136 197
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.67 93 134
414 other medical expenses - 0.79 113 146
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 11.22 208 293
420 medicine - 33.13 755 987
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.80 26 52
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 4.05 156 251
423 family planning devices - 1.15 175 274
424 other medical expenses - 0.93 36 48
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 42.06 799 1063
430 cinema, theatre - 0.00 0 0
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.37 14 16
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.17 20 32
433 club fees - 0.05 2 6
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.15 13 18
435 photography - 0.18 19 22
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.07 2 4
437 cable TV - 13.27 335 551
438 other entertainment - 1.42 39 57
439 entertainment: sub-total - 15.68 427 675
440 spectacles - 0.10 0 4
441 torch - 0.21 15 21
442 lock - 0.16 19 22
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.64 28 43
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.62 199 237
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.16 27 47
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 1.89 255 321
450 toilet soap - 5.68 899 1184
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.13 853 1150
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 3.95 606 869
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.01 965 1266
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.04 536 736
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.23 113 189
456 sanitary napkins - 0.20 22 40
457 other toilet articles - 0.20 48 84
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 21.45 999 1310
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.82 97 149
461 electric batteries - 0.05 10 19
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.06 3 18
463 earthenware - 0.07 8 13
464 glassware - 0.03 5 9

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-538 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.94 59 116
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.01 3 8
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 6.78 989 1289
468 other washing requisites - 3.25 616 840
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.13 841 1120
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.03 11 23
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.94 184 313
473 other petty articles - 0.10 33 59
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 16.22 1000 1311
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.14 3 6
481 attendant - 0.01 0 1
482 sweeper - 0.01 3 4
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 7.76 869 1129
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.29 53 119
485 tailor - 1.30 66 85
486 grinding charges - 0.56 38 59
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.45 28 41
488 telephone charges, mobile - 24.67 719 1020
490 postage & telegram - 0.05 46 146
491 miscellaneous expenses - 7.53 483 684
492 priest - 1.05 112 139
493 legal expenses - 0.01 1 3
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.01 1 2
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.28 43 54
496 internet expenses - 0.07 3 5
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.05 6 14
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 45.21 982 1285
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.37 28 51
502 bus/tram fare - 9.08 359 486
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 23.38 883 1127
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.43 41 80
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.01 1 4
508 petrol for vehicle - 7.22 56 157
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.00 0 0
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.59 17 34
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.22 1 7
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.25 23 45
519 conveyance: sub-total - 41.56 974 1271
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 1.37 9 15
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-539

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.02 1 1
529 rent: sub-total - 1.39 10 16
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.01 1 8
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.63 43 90
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.64 44 95
550 bedstead 0.000 0.23 0 2
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.18 2 3
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.29 22 20
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.37 64 88
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.07 6 8
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.09 48 58
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.00 0 0
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.23 93 121
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 0.27 5 4
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.00 0 0
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.00 0 2
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.27 5 6
570 stainless steel utensils - 0.54 99 150
571 other metal utensils - 0.61 130 170
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.01 2 6
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.51 155 210
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.67 214 305
580 electric fan 0.000 0.02 3 3
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.00 2 2
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.00 0 1
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.04 0 2
590 water purifier 0.000 0.03 1 2
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.00 1 3
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.00 0 0
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.10 7 12
600 bicycle 0.000 1.57 433 575

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-540 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Tripura Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 5.50 44 128
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.79 9 29
603 tyres & tubes 0.003 0.77 80 95
604 other transport equipment - 0.09 9 21
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 9.72 511 719
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.01 0 2
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.01 0 2
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.02 5 9
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.49 1 4
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.69 49 70
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.20 54 82
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.10 0 2
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.06 13 22
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 12.86 268 364
633 other durables - 0.04 2 6
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 13.06 268 366
640 gold ornaments - 4.42 26 60
641 silver ornaments - 2.60 112 130
642 jewels, pearls - 0.30 24 31
643 other ornaments - 1.30 224 295
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 8.61 264 359
659 durable: total - 36.87 761 1011
888 total: non-food group - 567.68 1000 1312
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1334.39 1000 1312

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-541

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.497 0.35 31 228
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.276 3.27 121 768
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.72 156 1011
309 pan: sub-total - 5.34 247 1609
310 bidi (no.) 30.405 8.62 336 1830
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.177 0.49 13 100
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 8.633 1.59 164 1029
313 snuff (gm) 0.182 0.03 4 16
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 4.139 0.22 20 105
315 cheroot (no.) 0.012 0.01 2 6
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 4.156 1.05 87 472
317 other tobacco products - 5.28 203 1251
319 tobacco: sub-total - 17.28 665 3870
320 ganja (gm) 0.127 0.14 3 18
321 toddy (litre) 0.012 0.27 4 20
322 country liquor (litre) 0.026 4.78 52 316
323 beer (litre) 0.001 0.07 1 9
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.002 0.76 5 37
325 other intoxicants - 0.04 1 6
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 6.07 64 397
330 coke (kg) 0.031 0.14 3 13
331 firewood and chips (kg) 11.847 39.65 871 5103
332 electricity (std. unit) 3.913 11.82 462 3170
333 dung cake - 27.28 803 4708
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.408 6.54 850 5056
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.085 2.27 237 1378
336 matches (box) 1.559 1.55 983 5814
337 coal (kg) 0.003 0.02 2 7
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.170 5.44 116 958
340 charcoal (kg) 0.002 0.01 3 5
341 candle (no.) 0.412 0.69 218 1235
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 2
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.005 0.20 9 45
345 other fuel - 3.50 205 1202
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 99.12 1000 5914
350 dhoti (no.) 0.005 0.74 174 1047
351 sari (no.) 0.039 10.91 818 4890
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.173 10.95 896 5313
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.055 6.86 735 4429
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.019 4.92 543 3384
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.008 1.43 360 2367
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.97 266 1741

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-542 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.55 226 1460
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 0.89 112 792
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.011 3.06 263 1615
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.003 0.53 97 595
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 0.39 74 436
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.030 4.61 694 4255
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.020 4.26 475 3028
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.014 2.04 317 1939
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.027 1.50 541 3346
367 lungi (no.) 0.013 1.07 547 3413
368 other casual wear - 0.51 119 757
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.191 6.79 964 5745
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.039 1.72 850 5097
372 infant clothing - 0.93 134 762
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.005 0.27 162 1031
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.443 0.16 39 229
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.50 119 727
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.17 28 154
379 clothing: sub-total - 68.70 999 5908
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.009 1.33 365 2435
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.003 1.01 140 910
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.005 1.95 183 1194
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.06 14 128
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.003 0.37 149 925
385 bedding: others - 0.06 12 85
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.78 567 3545
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.006 1.89 240 1605
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.013 2.08 371 2363
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.004 0.78 114 743
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.072 5.49 913 5426
394 other footwear (pair) 0.016 2.39 415 2430
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 6 44
399 footwear: sub-total 0.112 12.64 993 5884
400 books, journals, first hand - 10.11 548 3516
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.20 34 241
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.36 34 325
403 library charges - 0.04 7 42
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 5.58 666 4151
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 25.47 557 3555
406 private tutor/ coaching - 2.99 82 574
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 4
408 other educational expenses - 0.39 78 496
409 education: sub-total - 45.15 688 4311

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-543

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 18.28 143 881
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.89 75 476
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 2.90 84 507
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 4.81 76 479
414 other medical expenses - 5.71 78 461
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 33.58 166 1012
420 medicine - 63.49 864 5109
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.31 38 238
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 4.17 209 1318
423 family planning devices - 0.06 14 127
424 other medical expenses - 2.02 62 370
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 72.05 887 5233
430 cinema, theatre - 0.17 12 82
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.95 48 289
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.63 148 962
433 club fees - 0.00 0 1
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.06 7 45
435 photography - 0.21 27 207
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.03 3 38
437 cable TV - 1.99 73 567
438 other entertainment - 0.99 66 453
439 entertainment: sub-total - 6.04 307 2037
440 spectacles - 0.45 12 117
441 torch - 0.65 54 366
442 lock - 0.27 32 242
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.85 41 238
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.03 5 57
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.64 92 610
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 2.89 205 1372
450 toilet soap - 6.99 990 5861
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.02 894 5343
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 3.54 638 3898
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 4.71 941 5615
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.69 422 2615
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.30 115 765
456 sanitary napkins - 0.50 81 548
457 other toilet articles - 2.20 430 2645
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 22.95 998 5907
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.82 186 1375
461 electric batteries - 0.27 73 509
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.04 9 79
463 earthenware - 0.43 94 587
464 glassware - 0.15 17 105

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-544 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.81 71 481
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.18 26 179
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 10.71 988 5840
468 other washing requisites - 1.08 370 2252
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 1.80 653 4065
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.06 24 178
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.13 219 1503
473 other petty articles - 1.72 462 2773
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 19.21 999 5904
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.51 3 34
481 attendant - 0.03 0 3
482 sweeper - 0.06 13 108
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 5.92 903 5426
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.35 71 462
485 tailor - 6.13 167 968
486 grinding charges - 6.67 929 5551
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.11 16 78
488 telephone charges, mobile - 19.74 797 4934
490 postage & telegram - 0.08 10 69
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.94 306 1799
492 priest - 0.46 62 386
493 legal expenses - 0.55 9 75
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.23 41 304
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.24 4 33
496 internet expenses - 0.10 8 57
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.33 46 291
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 44.45 998 5904
500 air fare - 0.00 0 1
501 railway fare - 1.43 51 322
502 bus/tram fare - 10.23 470 2818
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 7.78 520 3109
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.03 6 34
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.59 71 419
506 horse cart fare - 0.50 67 363
507 porter charges - 0.02 0 5
508 petrol for vehicle - 16.91 157 1389
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.86 4 88
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.26 22 194
512 school bus, van, etc. - 2.37 21 197
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.25 23 139
519 conveyance: sub-total - 41.24 820 5063
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 1.28 14 40
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.05 0 3

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-545

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.13 1 5
529 rent: sub-total - 1.46 16 48
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.02 5 34
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.29 70 671
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.31 74 699
550 bedstead 0.001 1.21 176 1066
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.11 2 25
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.34 34 253
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.20 27 191
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 3
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.03 9 72
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.03 12 69
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.07 1 18
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.98 223 1402
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.04 27 144
561 television 0.000 0.48 28 209
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.18 13 89
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.01 1 12
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.18 58 465
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 7
566 other goods for recreation - 0.06 3 28
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.95 108 805
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.88 567 3483
571 other metal utensils - 0.37 89 539
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.02 6 51
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.21 133 890
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.49 629 3853
580 electric fan 0.000 0.34 70 507
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.07 13 131
582 inverter 0.000 0.39 13 136
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 8 47
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.09 63 484
585 washing machine 0.000 0.02 3 21
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.05 51 394
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.11 132 914
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.16 2 25
590 water purifier 0.000 0.01 1 10
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.03 14 113
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.05 11 65
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 1.33 250 1739
600 bicycle 0.000 2.49 732 4438

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-546 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttar Pradesh Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 6.02 159 1439
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 3.62 14 189
603 tyres & tubes 0.009 1.55 414 2567
604 other transport equipment - 0.04 2 31
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 13.72 777 4812
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.01 3 26
611 other medical equipment - 0.01 1 3
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 3 28
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.10 202 1190
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.12 4 25
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.88 154 1049
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.01 1 5
625 any other personal goods - 0.01 2 8
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 3.12 308 1934
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.05 14 96
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.12 40 302
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 6.77 237 1498
633 other durables - 0.25 4 31
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 7.19 265 1682
640 gold ornaments - 4.79 35 275
641 silver ornaments - 3.42 109 754
642 jewels, pearls - 0.01 2 18
643 other ornaments - 1.47 315 1910
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 9.69 384 2418
659 durable: total - 40.49 941 5643
888 total: non-food group - 543.74 1000 5915
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1156.03 1000 5915

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-547

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.094 0.08 7 8
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.088 0.50 18 17
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.14 7 7
309 pan: sub-total - 0.71 25 25
310 bidi (no.) 49.112 17.92 448 493
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.819 2.98 58 77
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.274 0.11 4 4
313 snuff (gm) 0.019 0.01 0 1
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 11.249 0.40 26 30
315 cheroot (no.) 0.013 0.00 0 2
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 6.745 1.98 131 138
317 other tobacco products - 2.93 80 94
319 tobacco: sub-total - 26.32 602 661
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.04 0 1
322 country liquor (litre) 0.052 9.60 93 118
323 beer (litre) 0.008 1.03 9 15
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.023 10.59 54 91
325 other intoxicants - 0.67 7 13
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 21.93 161 233
330 coke (kg) 0.004 0.01 0 1
331 firewood and chips (kg) 36.959 56.88 768 836
332 electricity (std. unit) 13.733 32.35 970 1005
333 dung cake - 2.08 103 75
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.451 7.01 772 791
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.009 0.19 17 23
336 matches (box) 1.995 2.00 983 1028
337 coal (kg) 0.007 0.01 2 3
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.878 25.30 407 473
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
341 candle (no.) 0.773 1.88 510 495
342 gobar gas - 0.04 1 4
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.05 2 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 2.78 372 408
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 130.58 1000 1048
350 dhoti (no.) 0.004 0.94 97 103
351 sari (no.) 0.031 11.63 686 767
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.265 20.20 811 825
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.061 8.02 562 606
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.039 14.22 705 732
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.008 2.02 293 302
356 school/college uniform: boys - 5.37 407 409

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-548 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.49 275 303
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.005 1.57 142 179
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.014 4.97 266 313
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.002 0.53 56 60
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 0.79 69 81
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.041 9.37 730 767
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.027 9.80 520 573
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.005 1.30 146 170
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.021 1.92 408 395
367 lungi (no.) 0.000 0.04 13 22
368 other casual wear - 1.29 206 234
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.234 9.49 971 1011
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.034 1.79 536 564
372 infant clothing - 1.54 100 109
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.004 0.39 140 171
374 knitting wool (gm) 1.915 0.99 104 89
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.65 110 112
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.95 71 60
379 clothing: sub-total - 114.26 999 1047
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.015 3.92 469 493
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.005 3.22 222 225
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.005 3.32 165 177
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.002 0.20 17 22
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.04 6 10
385 bedding: others - 0.25 39 36
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 10.96 619 642
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.008 4.41 300 331
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.013 2.84 347 360
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.003 0.85 54 58
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.091 12.56 956 993
394 other footwear (pair) 0.021 6.03 462 490
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.04 9 6
399 footwear: sub-total 0.137 26.72 995 1041
400 books, journals, first hand - 13.95 540 573
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.17 31 40
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.80 55 76
403 library charges - 0.02 1 2
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 11.95 674 726
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 59.44 647 692
406 private tutor/ coaching - 6.34 95 90
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.55 99 77
409 education: sub-total - 93.21 705 750

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-549

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 10.19 80 93
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.58 65 65
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 2.87 61 59
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 4.23 59 62
414 other medical expenses - 2.99 36 43
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 22.86 84 97
420 medicine - 49.81 731 771
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.53 28 36
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 3.25 164 189
423 family planning devices - 0.04 6 8
424 other medical expenses - 0.53 37 29
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 57.16 758 801
430 cinema, theatre - 0.09 2 3
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.41 9 9
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.06 58 58
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 2.65 41 34
435 photography - 0.25 24 24
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.23 7 6
437 cable TV - 17.58 464 456
438 other entertainment - 3.10 69 79
439 entertainment: sub-total - 26.36 565 556
440 spectacles - 1.52 25 29
441 torch - 0.97 37 46
442 lock - 0.42 34 33
443 umbrella, raincoat - 2.24 62 67
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.19 14 18
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.09 4 9
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 5.43 164 185
450 toilet soap - 10.20 974 1020
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 5.86 801 841
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 5.40 402 465
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.30 741 784
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.92 617 719
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.52 89 116
456 sanitary napkins - 1.35 192 198
457 other toilet articles - 1.51 163 196
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 33.05 996 1045
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.07 416 428
461 electric batteries - 0.18 38 55
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.98 25 36
463 earthenware - 0.44 50 51
464 glassware - 0.11 8 7

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-550 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.72 46 52
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.30 30 39
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 16.03 992 1041
468 other washing requisites - 2.05 434 443
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.34 743 809
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.11 14 20
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.12 134 102
473 other petty articles - 2.46 327 378
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 30.91 1000 1048
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.31 3 4
481 attendant - 0.07 3 2
482 sweeper - 0.18 4 6
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 9.20 805 839
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.08 5 5
485 tailor - 6.85 147 163
486 grinding charges - 7.80 777 812
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.65 13 16
488 telephone charges, mobile - 42.34 893 963
490 postage & telegram - 0.50 40 54
491 miscellaneous expenses - 5.15 316 324
492 priest - 1.88 102 107
493 legal expenses - 0.01 1 2
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.56 66 82
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.93 41 65
496 internet expenses - 0.97 43 28
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.27 57 83
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 79.75 995 1044
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.43 9 6
502 bus/tram fare - 27.00 573 621
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 8.67 279 284
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.70 32 18
506 horse cart fare - 0.16 7 7
507 porter charges - 0.30 23 37
508 petrol for vehicle - 35.93 171 177
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.89 14 11
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.04 2 2
512 school bus, van, etc. - 4.58 33 42
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.08 2 3
519 conveyance: sub-total - 80.77 820 895
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 16.12 67 63
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.09 0 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-551

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 16.21 67 64
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 4.63 418 424
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.41 82 116
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 6.04 476 506
550 bedstead 0.000 1.31 40 52
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.88 20 15
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.96 70 69
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.89 89 115
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.06 2 4
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.45 51 56
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 3 5
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.02 1 2
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 4.57 233 271
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.04 7 9
561 television 0.000 2.68 86 62
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.43 26 28
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.35 6 9
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.37 114 113
565 musical instruments - 0.05 4 5
566 other goods for recreation - 0.06 2 4
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 3.97 200 187
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.55 424 431
571 other metal utensils - 0.65 92 81
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.16 28 31
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.96 240 246
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.33 615 645
580 electric fan 0.000 0.45 74 73
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.35 27 15
582 inverter 0.000 0.04 16 12
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 1 1
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.64 165 179
585 washing machine 0.000 0.26 6 14
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.48 165 151
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.83 486 502
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.56 8 14
590 water purifier 0.000 0.97 13 10
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.51 79 73
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.03 0 2
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 5.13 630 655
600 bicycle 0.000 1.31 219 204

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-552 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Uttarakhand Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 7.65 192 174
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 16.69 23 47
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 0.84 51 56
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 26.49 348 319
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.12 13 9
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.12 13 9
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.33 240 238
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 5.64 24 21
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 7.79 242 280
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.04 3 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 1 1
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 13.81 457 476
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.45 38 35
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.63 119 77
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 13.07 292 318
633 other durables - 0.40 11 7
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 14.55 398 391
640 gold ornaments - 12.24 28 37
641 silver ornaments - 1.11 33 37
642 jewels, pearls - 0.07 1 1
643 other ornaments - 0.29 63 82
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 13.72 111 141
659 durable: total - 86.70 929 959
888 total: non-food group - 869.93 1000 1048
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1725.77 1000 1048

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-553

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 4.752 1.69 154 609
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.258 2.50 90 335
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.88 146 588
309 pan: sub-total - 6.08 236 909
310 bidi (no.) 54.960 12.73 519 1704
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.450 3.83 73 396
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 5.152 0.78 75 288
313 snuff (gm) 0.178 0.03 4 15
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.288 0.02 2 4
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 2
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.587 0.15 11 53
317 other tobacco products - 1.29 85 276
319 tobacco: sub-total - 18.83 641 2227
320 ganja (gm) 0.046 0.07 1 3
321 toddy (litre) 0.008 0.29 6 17
322 country liquor (litre) 0.100 5.06 65 172
323 beer (litre) 0.004 0.31 2 11
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.003 1.22 6 47
325 other intoxicants - 0.97 24 66
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 7.92 101 305
330 coke (kg) 0.384 1.34 25 111
331 firewood and chips (kg) 18.019 45.36 744 2605
332 electricity (std. unit) 6.243 22.08 705 2717
333 dung cake - 8.77 580 1962
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.571 8.90 911 3222
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.119 3.54 261 888
336 matches (box) 1.354 1.36 972 3434
337 coal (kg) 0.909 3.31 82 314
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.228 6.91 103 637
340 charcoal (kg) 0.005 0.01 1 5
341 candle (no.) 0.221 0.57 181 681
342 gobar gas - 0.01 0 5
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.05 1 3
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 1 3
345 other fuel - 12.11 470 1566
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 114.32 1000 3566
350 dhoti (no.) 0.005 0.79 133 545
351 sari (no.) 0.066 16.59 972 3460
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.022 2.07 262 1164
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.015 2.33 273 1166
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.006 1.57 169 772
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.004 0.96 164 676
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.47 189 784

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-554 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.58 204 762
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.004 0.90 102 432
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.007 1.95 148 546
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.005 0.89 115 454
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.006 1.38 142 529
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.053 9.31 841 3050
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.041 7.95 677 2480
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.019 3.03 320 1129
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.069 3.20 902 3252
367 lungi (no.) 0.040 4.32 837 2999
368 other casual wear - 0.98 212 752
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.134 5.69 945 3391
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.055 2.36 946 3392
372 infant clothing - 0.78 116 458
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.17 99 413
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.006 0.00 2 12
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.52 64 217
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.62 90 260
379 clothing: sub-total - 71.36 1000 3563
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.013 2.30 448 1873
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.001 0.37 42 225
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.003 0.61 87 356
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.002 0.10 21 104
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.003 0.53 121 517
385 bedding: others - 0.26 78 316
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.16 551 2255
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.003 1.19 112 593
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.012 2.33 327 1425
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.005 0.79 118 461
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.045 3.28 786 2780
394 other footwear (pair) 0.013 1.39 299 1160
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.03 14 36
399 footwear: sub-total 0.079 9.00 961 3442
400 books, journals, first hand - 7.28 480 1886
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.76 115 426
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.82 72 485
403 library charges - 0.05 13 61
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 4.37 589 2213
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 6.14 454 1759
406 private tutor/ coaching - 27.45 466 1748
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 3
408 other educational expenses - 0.41 36 164
409 education: sub-total - 47.26 638 2436

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-555

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 9.33 144 529
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.69 92 386
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 2.37 67 271
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 7.26 74 339
414 other medical expenses - 0.82 46 198
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 22.46 154 586
420 medicine - 54.19 801 2908
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.06 43 207
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 9.18 353 1356
423 family planning devices - 0.37 56 265
424 other medical expenses - 0.79 27 102
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 68.58 815 2954
430 cinema, theatre - 0.21 18 97
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.91 47 188
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.68 63 260
433 club fees - 0.03 5 21
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.03 3 22
435 photography - 0.08 7 36
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.08 5 45
437 cable TV - 7.98 282 1370
438 other entertainment - 0.25 16 85
439 entertainment: sub-total - 10.27 371 1684
440 spectacles - 0.49 6 44
441 torch - 0.48 40 161
442 lock - 0.22 20 96
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.09 44 187
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.32 139 530
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.29 35 141
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 2.90 249 978
450 toilet soap - 7.42 979 3516
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 5.06 873 3183
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.76 537 2073
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.82 976 3458
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.83 374 1503
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.35 114 588
456 sanitary napkins - 0.93 100 462
457 other toilet articles - 0.66 156 598
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 26.83 997 3560
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.29 155 647
461 electric batteries - 1.10 68 281
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.06 4 37
463 earthenware - 0.14 26 90
464 glassware - 0.16 14 68

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-556 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.93 101 431
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.19 40 178
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 9.79 988 3530
468 other washing requisites - 1.11 329 1292
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.78 710 2596
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.47 65 255
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.54 296 1232
473 other petty articles - 1.22 282 980
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 20.77 998 3558
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.79 26 202
481 attendant - 0.18 1 5
482 sweeper - 0.02 1 15
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 5.66 847 3034
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.17 23 139
485 tailor - 2.27 76 299
486 grinding charges - 1.54 297 1014
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.42 27 111
488 telephone charges, mobile - 15.03 645 2623
490 postage & telegram - 0.10 7 69
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.37 305 1124
492 priest - 0.92 114 449
493 legal expenses - 0.08 1 15
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.21 53 156
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.72 31 96
496 internet expenses - 0.04 4 38
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.78 130 455
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 32.31 960 3465
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 3.40 148 592
502 bus/tram fare - 12.05 590 2223
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 4.82 270 960
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.12 24 79
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 2.59 261 942
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 1
507 porter charges - 0.07 4 26
508 petrol for vehicle - 7.41 63 513
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.37 2 19
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.61 22 177
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.59 11 63
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.47 43 164
519 conveyance: sub-total - 32.51 829 3061
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.98 12 43
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.01 0 3

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-557

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.10 91 351
523 other consumer rent - 0.07 9 35
529 rent: sub-total - 1.16 111 428
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.04 9 39
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.84 733 2617
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.88 735 2629
550 bedstead 0.000 0.44 6 30
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.55 6 34
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.37 33 167
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.18 35 178
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 0 5
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.02 8 46
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 1
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.03 1 8
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.59 80 394
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.03 11 45
561 television 0.000 1.58 22 95
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.07 4 27
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.01 1 12
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.08 26 176
565 musical instruments - 0.01 2 12
566 other goods for recreation - 0.05 2 13
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.82 60 326
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.07 312 1136
571 other metal utensils - 0.61 144 541
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.05 11 71
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.29 149 592
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.01 470 1771
580 electric fan 0.001 0.63 52 236
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.14 1 9
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.02 5 32
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.03 4 18
585 washing machine 0.000 0.01 0 2
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.14 54 168
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.02 8 40
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.46 4 19
590 water purifier 0.000 0.01 2 18
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.04 2 17
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.01 1 8
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 1.51 118 488
600 bicycle 0.000 2.34 653 2514

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-558 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

West Bengal Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 2.87 66 502
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.69 4 28
603 tyres & tubes 0.008 1.37 347 1382
604 other transport equipment - 0.02 3 8
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 8.27 687 2665
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.01 2 12
611 other medical equipment - 0.01 1 9
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 3 21
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.08 42 179
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.30 1 17
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.07 77 348
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.01 1 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 1 4
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.46 115 524
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 1.34 9 50
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.34 21 114
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 14.08 183 666
633 other durables - 0.02 2 11
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 15.77 207 793
640 gold ornaments - 6.52 20 158
641 silver ornaments - 0.32 14 81
642 jewels, pearls - 0.14 5 25
643 other ornaments - 0.88 245 964
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 7.86 271 1128
659 durable: total - 41.33 871 3210
888 total: non-food group - 538.93 1000 3566
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1290.68 1000 3566

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-559

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

A & N Islands Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 5.888 5.66 204 55
301 pan: finished (no.) 7.883 39.21 401 100
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 28.19 477 135
309 pan: sub-total - 73.07 749 204
310 bidi (no.) 5.261 2.17 76 18
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.792 3.55 29 13
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 1.210 0.31 34 8
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.061 0.05 2 1
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 14.166 13.52 384 112
317 other tobacco products - 1.55 115 35
319 tobacco: sub-total - 21.17 580 164
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.264 24.25 67 30
322 country liquor (litre) 0.067 17.06 82 21
323 beer (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.183 53.69 125 24
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 95.00 274 75
330 coke (kg) 0.513 0.77 12 2
331 firewood and chips (kg) 25.129 33.35 481 131
332 electricity (std. unit) 20.195 41.47 904 250
333 dung cake - 0.01 1 1
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.845 14.62 485 128
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.300 8.73 171 39
336 matches (box) 1.173 1.93 971 269
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.083 32.41 412 128
340 charcoal (kg) 0.027 0.31 15 2
341 candle (no.) 0.964 7.14 829 236
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.06 1 2
345 other fuel - 6.30 582 151
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 147.13 1000 278
350 dhoti (no.) 0.002 0.31 38 10
351 sari (no.) 0.052 22.19 820 206
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.198 22.03 826 231
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.084 14.96 743 217
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.000 0.00 0 0
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.001 0.34 43 17
356 school/college uniform: boys - 7.51 376 90

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-560 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

A & N Islands Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 5.04 297 88
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.000 0.19 14 4
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.016 7.88 151 45
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.013 1.42 164 51
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 0.71 53 14
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.067 19.14 877 242
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.057 21.58 768 214
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.015 4.53 245 63
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.020 1.87 263 76
367 lungi (no.) 0.043 7.81 821 234
368 other casual wear - 10.94 691 185
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.253 14.56 991 274
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.098 4.82 924 260
372 infant clothing - 0.97 65 11
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.010 1.25 310 82
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.033 0.05 11 2
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.12 1 1
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.00 0 0
379 clothing: sub-total - 170.18 1000 278
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.016 4.60 349 105
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.000 0.09 7 2
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.006 0.77 87 22
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.010 0.73 58 18
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.20 38 8
385 bedding: others - 0.21 39 15
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 6.59 397 117
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.001 0.69 43 12
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.009 3.10 238 87
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.005 1.67 151 49
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.106 19.93 990 274
394 other footwear (pair) 0.008 1.28 173 50
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 0 0
399 footwear: sub-total 0.129 26.68 997 277
400 books, journals, first hand - 8.10 282 82
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.06 6 2
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.75 28 13
403 library charges - 0.00 7 3
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 14.61 621 162
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 31.61 585 151
406 private tutor/ coaching - 14.88 114 34
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.49 11 3
409 education: sub-total - 70.48 631 169

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-561

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

A & N Islands Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 2.04 18 11
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.69 15 10
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.63 18 11
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 1.20 15 10
414 other medical expenses - 0.52 9 8
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 5.09 18 11
420 medicine - 20.13 287 66
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.66 14 6
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 2.38 53 14
423 family planning devices - 0.18 4 2
424 other medical expenses - 1.23 10 5
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 26.57 288 67
430 cinema, theatre - 0.00 0 0
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.00 0 0
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.07 4 2
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.29 13 3
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.13 13 2
437 cable TV - 32.54 630 164
438 other entertainment - 0.00 0 0
439 entertainment: sub-total - 33.02 651 168
440 spectacles - 2.55 11 1
441 torch - 0.41 13 7
442 lock - 0.30 16 7
443 umbrella, raincoat - 4.96 66 16
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.00 0 0
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.04 1 1
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 8.27 93 30
450 toilet soap - 22.79 997 275
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 14.57 952 261
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 14.76 893 247
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 13.28 956 263
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 3.89 764 218
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.25 255 81
456 sanitary napkins - 12.10 589 159
457 other toilet articles - 3.93 497 148
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 86.58 1000 278
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.96 59 24
461 electric batteries - 0.24 23 8
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.00 0 0
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.21 13 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-562 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

A & N Islands Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.50 12 6
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.23 20 6
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 33.10 999 277
468 other washing requisites - 7.88 848 238
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 6.64 772 220
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.48 45 15
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 4.27 377 105
473 other petty articles - 7.34 557 154
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 61.84 1000 278
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.28 4 3
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.00 0 0
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 16.91 852 233
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.08 3 2
485 tailor - 3.73 86 28
486 grinding charges - 2.13 279 57
487 telephone charges, landline - 3.73 78 25
488 telephone charges, mobile - 70.31 838 243
490 postage & telegram - 0.16 17 2
491 miscellaneous expenses - 0.34 14 5
492 priest - 1.68 94 31
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.00 0 0
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.00 0 0
496 internet expenses - 0.00 0 0
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.00 0 0
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 100.34 982 272
500 air fare - 94.21 24 8
501 railway fare - 0.60 6 2
502 bus/tram fare - 63.74 761 194
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 25.33 493 130
504 steamer, boat fare - 14.40 335 89
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.00 0 0
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 66.29 287 92
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.74 3 5
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.14 1 1
512 school bus, van, etc. - 3.74 23 10
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.00 0 0
519 conveyance: sub-total - 269.20 958 263
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 101.74 240 57
521 hotel lodging charges - 4.72 20 3

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-563

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

A & N Islands Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.02 93 33
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 3 1
529 rent: sub-total - 106.49 336 92
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 1.17 383 108
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.23 290 89
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 1.41 487 147
550 bedstead 0.001 6.71 26 7
551 almirah, dressing table 0.001 3.78 21 3
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 3.40 18 4
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.01 3 1
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.00 0 0
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 1.74 9 2
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 15.64 66 14
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.001 4.33 27 4
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.02 1 1
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.18 37 11
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 4.53 65 16
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.21 46 18
571 other metal utensils - 0.22 27 8
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 0 0
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.21 10 8
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.64 82 31
580 electric fan 0.000 0.01 0 1
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
585 washing machine 0.000 3.08 18 5
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 1.91 24 3
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.01 0 1
588 refrigerator 0.001 5.28 37 10
590 water purifier 0.000 0.34 7 1
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.73 11 5
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.02 1 1
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 11.39 91 22
600 bicycle 0.000 1.61 59 18

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-564 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

A & N Islands Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 20.38 252 79
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 39.54 31 24
603 tyres & tubes 0.003 1.20 24 8
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 62.72 327 102
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.07 4 3
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 4.56 9 4
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.38 36 16
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.03 3 1
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 7.04 49 21
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.00 0 0
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.00 0 0
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 0.44 8 1
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 0.44 8 1
640 gold ornaments - 30.35 71 27
641 silver ornaments - 2.90 24 3
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.00 0 1
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 33.25 75 29
659 durable: total - 136.65 489 143
888 total: non-food group - 1445.73 1000 278
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2711.62 1000 278

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-565

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
310 bidi (no.) 42.760 15.32 352 15
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.072 5.10 118 9
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 23.299 3.86 142 2
317 other tobacco products - 0.00 0 0
319 tobacco: sub-total - 24.26 425 18
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
322 country liquor (litre) 0.011 2.14 15 4
323 beer (litre) 0.022 3.48 41 1
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.071 12.25 170 8
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 17.87 226 13
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 0.031 0.37 4 2
332 electricity (std. unit) 44.617 144.98 1000 64
333 dung cake - 1.44 19 6
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.162 1.95 65 1
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.486 11.07 229 8
336 matches (box) 1.619 1.36 795 58
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 2.454 77.95 762 54
340 charcoal (kg) 0.003 0.01 5 1
341 candle (no.) 0.120 0.35 244 26
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.007 0.28 9 2
345 other fuel - 0.00 0 0
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 239.77 1000 64
350 dhoti (no.) 0.010 1.36 143 5
351 sari (no.) 0.014 7.48 222 14
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.115 14.29 684 48
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.045 7.54 415 33
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.020 8.69 509 39
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.010 3.11 404 22
356 school/college uniform: boys - 0.69 51 14

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-566 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 0.45 41 14
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.011 3.94 226 14
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.033 16.26 495 38
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.006 2.75 133 10
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.008 3.01 143 17
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.050 11.88 699 56
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.018 6.80 322 24
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.012 2.28 230 17
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.016 1.74 358 27
367 lungi (no.) 0.001 0.16 53 2
368 other casual wear - 0.95 168 9
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.113 8.96 1000 64
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.023 2.58 615 38
372 infant clothing - 0.77 70 4
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.010 0.97 187 13
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.083 0.05 8 1
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 4.08 182 14
376 clothing, second-hand - 1.56 77 1
379 clothing: sub-total - 112.29 1000 64
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.010 2.87 406 28
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.002 1.59 104 11
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.009 0.99 129 8
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.014 1.41 77 2
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
385 bedding: others - 0.01 0 1
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 6.85 461 38
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.032 16.25 756 53
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.037 7.56 708 51
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.003 2.79 59 8
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.023 4.27 528 35
394 other footwear (pair) 0.006 1.72 167 13
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 0 0
399 footwear: sub-total 0.100 32.60 935 62
400 books, journals, first hand - 24.16 449 45
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.48 77 1
402 newspapers, periodicals - 7.95 427 36
403 library charges - 0.00 0 0
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 8.25 531 45
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 191.94 452 38
406 private tutor/ coaching - 2.24 26 7
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.00 0 0
409 education: sub-total - 235.03 638 53

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-567

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 19.05 83 3
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.78 83 3
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.20 77 2
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.24 6 2
414 other medical expenses - 0.00 0 0
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 24.28 83 3
420 medicine - 53.79 698 52
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.16 12 4
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 1.48 59 8
423 family planning devices - 0.00 0 0
424 other medical expenses - 0.00 0 0
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 56.43 702 54
430 cinema, theatre - 1.83 41 1
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.00 0 0
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.00 0 0
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.00 0 0
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.00 0 0
437 cable TV - 27.60 797 55
438 other entertainment - 0.41 5 1
439 entertainment: sub-total - 29.83 843 57
440 spectacles - 0.00 0 0
441 torch - 0.07 6 1
442 lock - 0.28 29 1
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.00 0 0
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 1.10 88 5
445 other minor durable-type goods - 3.47 192 15
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 4.93 227 18
450 toilet soap - 18.83 999 63
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 11.55 935 62
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 11.04 693 50
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 11.06 930 61
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 4.79 746 49
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 4.25 648 43
456 sanitary napkins - 4.11 451 30
457 other toilet articles - 2.98 355 20
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 68.60 1000 64
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 5.28 327 22
461 electric batteries - 0.00 0 0
462 other non-durable electric goods - 1.10 88 5
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.33 4 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-568 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.40 109 11
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.01 1 2
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 25.47 967 63
468 other washing requisites - 5.74 519 30
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 0.78 138 21
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.00 0 0
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 2.01 130 18
473 other petty articles - 2.14 171 10
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 45.25 1000 64
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.92 5 2
481 attendant - 0.15 4 1
482 sweeper - 5.19 326 23
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 8.53 376 37
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 9.24 271 24
485 tailor - 2.50 40 13
486 grinding charges - 0.49 54 3
487 telephone charges, landline - 5.51 71 8
488 telephone charges, mobile - 66.94 934 58
490 postage & telegram - 0.00 0 0
491 miscellaneous expenses - 0.00 0 0
492 priest - 1.33 5 2
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.00 0 0
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 2.70 5 1
496 internet expenses - 0.04 1 1
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.00 0 0
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 103.53 1000 64
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.00 0 0
502 bus/tram fare - 13.02 429 26
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 11.94 388 28
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.95 77 1
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.65 6 3
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 117.67 424 36
510 diesel for vehicle - 8.66 18 6
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.00 0 0
512 school bus, van, etc. - 29.33 55 5
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.00 0 0
519 conveyance: sub-total - 182.22 818 58
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 174.83 456 22
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-569

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 174.83 456 22
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 11.17 456 35
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 8.91 437 41
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 20.08 723 56
550 bedstead 0.002 14.17 82 2
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.00 0 0
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.11 5 1
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.00 0 0
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.03 5 1
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.81 4 1
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 15.12 86 3
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 0.00 0 0
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.00 0 0
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.00 0 1
565 musical instruments - 0.22 5 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.22 6 2
570 stainless steel utensils - 0.96 195 19
571 other metal utensils - 0.00 0 0
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.15 77 1
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.54 142 10
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.66 322 24
580 electric fan 0.000 0.12 33 3
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.64 78 7
582 inverter 0.000 0.01 0 1
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.03 10 3
585 washing machine 0.000 0.07 5 1
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.33 164 5
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.02 4 1
588 refrigerator 0.000 2.32 7 2
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 0
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.04 15 4
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.11 82 3
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 3.70 271 22
600 bicycle 0.000 3.12 531 34

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-570 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chandigarh Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 11.54 419 35
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 24.84 123 18
603 tyres & tubes 0.001 1.38 79 7
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 40.88 813 58
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.17 170 6
621 other machines for household work - 0.06 5 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 3.23 50 3
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.97 60 5
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 1
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 6.42 285 15
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.00 0 1
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.07 21 5
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 1.66 8 1
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 1.73 29 7
640 gold ornaments - 14.73 12 3
641 silver ornaments - 4.72 6 1
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.00 0 0
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 19.45 12 3
659 durable: total - 89.22 890 59
888 total: non-food group - 1467.81 1000 64
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2632.97 1000 64

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-571

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
310 bidi (no.) 12.453 4.14 141 15
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.275 0.55 36 1
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.043 0.06 1 1
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 4.225 2.09 52 3
317 other tobacco products - 9.10 263 29
319 tobacco: sub-total - 15.94 441 42
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.807 9.73 216 24
322 country liquor (litre) 0.424 15.06 161 13
323 beer (litre) 0.167 13.23 95 13
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.001 0.06 3 1
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 38.08 375 42
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 29.965 74.04 749 79
332 electricity (std. unit) 13.263 8.71 989 95
333 dung cake - 2.73 191 16
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.569 9.64 590 62
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.213 8.66 230 23
336 matches (box) 1.317 1.32 834 92
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.089 2.73 54 20
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
341 candle (no.) 0.246 0.36 192 18
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 3.89 474 60
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 112.07 1000 96
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.17 36 1
351 sari (no.) 0.036 9.68 764 85
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.045 4.57 597 70
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.022 2.47 426 43
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.003 0.63 138 19
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.012 1.61 326 35
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.24 396 39

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-572 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.57 237 30
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.001 0.13 28 2
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.011 3.49 347 38
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.001 0.14 10 4
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 1.10 65 11
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.044 8.33 932 86
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.028 8.20 692 62
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.008 2.08 322 30
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.023 1.72 553 61
367 lungi (no.) 0.002 0.18 85 4
368 other casual wear - 1.57 375 50
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.257 7.76 1000 96
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.092 2.45 845 81
372 infant clothing - 0.26 40 9
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.002 0.25 126 10
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.00 0 1
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.13 35 4
379 clothing: sub-total - 63.66 1000 96
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.008 1.39 206 28
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.000 0.02 6 2
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.03 17 5
385 bedding: others - 0.01 5 1
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 1.45 206 28
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.007 2.04 303 44
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.019 3.06 601 65
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.004 0.72 144 18
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.071 5.55 985 93
394 other footwear (pair) 0.008 1.20 239 21
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 0 0
399 footwear: sub-total 0.109 12.51 994 95
400 books, journals, first hand - 11.24 593 54
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.07 6 1
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.08 4 5
403 library charges - 0.00 0 0
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 4.26 624 56
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 7.34 143 20
406 private tutor/ coaching - 0.00 0 0
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.37 13 6
409 education: sub-total - 23.37 683 62

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-573

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 4.82 110 17
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.45 67 12
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 4.54 110 17
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 3.13 110 17
414 other medical expenses - 5.82 119 14
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 19.76 185 23
420 medicine - 29.66 454 43
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.23 50 2
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 3.31 116 11
423 family planning devices - 0.00 0 0
424 other medical expenses - 0.26 24 2
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 38.46 460 44
430 cinema, theatre - 0.35 14 3
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.00 0 0
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.03 3 1
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.10 18 3
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.00 0 0
437 cable TV - 11.85 220 42
438 other entertainment - 0.00 0 0
439 entertainment: sub-total - 12.33 231 44
440 spectacles - 0.00 0 0
441 torch - 0.44 46 2
442 lock - 0.03 3 1
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.31 40 5
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.02 2 1
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.00 0 0
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 1.80 91 9
450 toilet soap - 7.43 789 90
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.11 616 71
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.13 524 61
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 7.32 993 94
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.54 586 67
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.27 31 5
456 sanitary napkins - 0.07 9 2
457 other toilet articles - 1.03 49 7
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 25.90 1000 96
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.51 188 18
461 electric batteries - 0.82 165 23
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.07 31 1
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-574 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.68 34 2
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.05 8 1
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 10.08 871 95
468 other washing requisites - 2.57 349 44
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.56 597 66
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.03 6 3
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.71 131 15
473 other petty articles - 0.08 19 3
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 20.16 871 95
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.00 0 0
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.04 8 1
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 7.34 741 72
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.00 0 0
485 tailor - 0.63 35 3
486 grinding charges - 8.56 696 83
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.45 5 3
488 telephone charges, mobile - 19.78 526 73
490 postage & telegram - 0.00 0 0
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.82 125 18
492 priest - 0.00 0 0
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.00 0 0
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.00 0 0
496 internet expenses - 0.00 0 0
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.00 0 0
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 39.61 988 95
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 1.97 30 1
502 bus/tram fare - 12.39 315 36
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 26.28 670 61
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.07 2 1
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 34.75 217 39
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.16 0 1
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.00 0 0
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.37 3 1
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.00 0 0
519 conveyance: sub-total - 76.00 871 95
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 20.88 136 10
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-575

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 20.88 136 10
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.00 0 0
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.74 698 82
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.74 698 82
550 bedstead 0.000 0.08 2 1
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.08 3 1
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.32 43 6
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.00 0 0
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.00 0 0
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.00 0 0
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 0.48 48 8
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 0.17 36 4
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.01 4 1
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.07 26 8
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.25 62 12
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.60 199 16
571 other metal utensils - 0.04 7 1
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 0 0
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.24 97 14
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.88 303 31
580 electric fan 0.001 0.69 99 10
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.01 0 1
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.05 12 3
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.12 102 16
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.14 118 27
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.14 7 4
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 0
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.00 0 0
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.00 0 0
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 1.14 264 44
600 bicycle 0.000 0.62 201 22

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-576 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Dadra & N. Haveli Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 2.55 205 34
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.81 19 12
603 tyres & tubes 0.003 4.42 278 37
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 8.41 361 48
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.21 251 28
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.00 0 1
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.73 116 9
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 1.95 310 35
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.91 0 1
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.03 0 1
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 0.61 3 1
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 1.54 3 2
640 gold ornaments - 0.75 9 2
641 silver ornaments - 0.12 2 2
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 1.72 428 47
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 2.59 437 50
659 durable: total - 18.25 830 93
888 total: non-food group - 540.96 1000 96
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1123.16 1000 96

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-577

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
301 pan: finished (no.) 4.216 22.73 182 9
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 22.73 182 9
310 bidi (no.) 2.121 0.86 13 3
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.100 0.28 5 1
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 3.644 0.89 91 2
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 49.645 57.15 211 6
317 other tobacco products - 54.76 256 14
319 tobacco: sub-total - 113.93 569 25
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.229 3.45 100 9
322 country liquor (litre) 0.241 5.97 63 4
323 beer (litre) 1.686 139.75 514 34
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.062 7.24 64 8
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 156.41 731 48
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 9.391 30.63 219 36
332 electricity (std. unit) 22.120 42.96 1000 64
333 dung cake - 3.08 96 12
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.287 4.49 139 18
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.937 44.57 635 35
336 matches (box) 2.406 2.41 1000 64
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.773 23.72 258 37
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 1
341 candle (no.) 1.060 1.84 721 35
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 6.30 378 40
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 159.99 1000 64
350 dhoti (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 1
351 sari (no.) 0.036 25.92 300 46
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.104 10.93 559 50
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.072 9.99 457 42
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.009 1.46 132 14
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.012 1.49 147 11
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.73 70 16

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-578 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 4.40 114 15
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.020 4.24 232 8
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.014 2.64 130 17
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.73 93 4
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.000 0.08 1 4
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.106 18.60 895 54
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.056 18.26 554 35
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.024 4.36 180 16
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.018 0.61 71 20
367 lungi (no.) 0.017 1.69 285 9
368 other casual wear - 0.81 99 21
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.289 10.38 1000 64
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.086 2.56 626 44
372 infant clothing - 0.05 6 2
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.002 0.29 30 15
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.24 144 19
376 clothing, second-hand - 1.19 71 6
379 clothing: sub-total - 123.50 1000 64
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.015 2.63 193 30
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 0.56 94 4
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.014 1.38 156 7
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.003 0.33 79 11
385 bedding: others - 0.00 0 0
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.89 412 38
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.013 5.77 309 31
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.021 3.98 357 35
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.014 3.76 155 16
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.063 5.38 773 56
394 other footwear (pair) 0.013 4.20 307 21
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 0 0
399 footwear: sub-total 0.125 23.07 1000 64
400 books, journals, first hand - 8.86 198 28
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.00 0 0
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.58 16 8
403 library charges - 0.00 0 0
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 2.28 198 27
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 11.33 103 19
406 private tutor/ coaching - 5.21 37 12
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.57 59 1
409 education: sub-total - 28.83 204 30

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-579

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 3.05 38 8
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.72 13 7
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.90 38 8
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 1.76 38 8
414 other medical expenses - 0.53 6 6
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 6.95 38 8
420 medicine - 30.64 432 35
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.58 3 3
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 5.98 210 25
423 family planning devices - 0.00 0 0
424 other medical expenses - 0.33 2 1
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 37.53 432 35
430 cinema, theatre - 7.74 235 9
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.95 8 8
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 5.55 66 6
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.00 0 0
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.09 1 2
437 cable TV - 26.90 405 40
438 other entertainment - 2.15 92 2
439 entertainment: sub-total - 43.38 630 48
440 spectacles - 0.00 0 0
441 torch - 5.73 247 5
442 lock - 2.12 128 6
443 umbrella, raincoat - 4.67 74 10
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.76 109 7
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.00 0 0
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 13.28 494 24
450 toilet soap - 14.57 992 62
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 9.45 941 59
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 8.20 662 53
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 10.57 1000 63
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 4.19 654 45
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 3.21 299 27
456 sanitary napkins - 1.70 100 10
457 other toilet articles - 0.65 69 3
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 52.55 1000 64
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.98 220 15
461 electric batteries - 0.82 83 16
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.03 0 1
463 earthenware - 0.18 5 1
464 glassware - 0.25 5 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-580 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.79 36 6
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.00 0 0
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 17.85 909 63
468 other washing requisites - 3.66 439 34
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 9.46 845 61
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.69 72 7
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 2.49 191 20
473 other petty articles - 0.11 46 3
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 40.31 1000 64
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.00 0 0
481 attendant - 0.05 0 2
482 sweeper - 0.00 0 0
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 12.28 646 52
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.01 0 1
485 tailor - 13.89 119 12
486 grinding charges - 6.67 544 50
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.00 0 0
488 telephone charges, mobile - 93.00 974 60
490 postage & telegram - 0.71 16 4
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.84 138 21
492 priest - 2.13 17 9
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.00 0 0
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.33 5 1
496 internet expenses - 0.00 0 0
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.00 0 0
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 131.91 1000 64
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.00 0 0
502 bus/tram fare - 5.31 211 12
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 22.75 753 49
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 1.50 183 3
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 45.17 103 31
510 diesel for vehicle - 7.30 6 3
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.00 0 0
512 school bus, van, etc. - 1.74 5 2
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.00 0 0
519 conveyance: sub-total - 83.76 974 63
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 146.67 773 23
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-581

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 146.67 773 23
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 2.64 175 25
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.91 235 42
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 4.55 235 42
550 bedstead 0.000 0.00 0 0
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.00 0 0
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.57 137 11
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.00 0 1
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.00 0 0
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 2.83 26 3
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 4.40 163 14
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.09 91 1
561 television 0.000 1.00 37 5
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.00 0 0
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.33 21 11
565 musical instruments - 0.02 4 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.44 153 18
570 stainless steel utensils - 3.54 222 33
571 other metal utensils - 0.02 3 4
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 1 1
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.62 355 27
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 5.17 420 44
580 electric fan 0.002 4.23 211 11
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.47 7 4
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.08 11 1
585 washing machine 0.000 0.02 3 3
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 1.12 649 54
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 1.42 590 54
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.94 3 2
590 water purifier 0.000 0.03 6 3
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.78 12 2
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.00 0 0
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 9.17 909 63
600 bicycle 0.000 2.26 236 20

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-582 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Daman & Diu Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 5.51 100 28
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.37 14 11
603 tyres & tubes 0.006 5.07 287 39
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 14.22 287 40
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.19 5 1
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.19 5 1
620 clock, watch 0.000 1.02 167 15
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.20 4 3
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 10.69 340 21
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 11.91 494 33
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.00 0 0
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.00 0 1
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 11.77 91 14
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 11.77 91 15
640 gold ornaments - 3.95 16 9
641 silver ornaments - 2.02 6 2
642 jewels, pearls - 0.24 6 1
643 other ornaments - 2.88 132 12
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 9.10 142 20
659 durable: total - 67.37 1000 64
888 total: non-food group - 1261.61 1000 64
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2435.76 1000 64

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-583

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 36.428 11.09 315 20
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 9.40 315 20
309 pan: sub-total - 20.50 315 20
310 bidi (no.) 4.119 1.69 56 4
311 cigarettes (no.) 3.950 11.72 111 5
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 72.347 12.59 97 4
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 16.856 2.42 40 8
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
317 other tobacco products - 0.00 0 0
319 tobacco: sub-total - 28.42 304 21
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
322 country liquor (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
323 beer (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 20.309 47.13 920 59
332 electricity (std. unit) 33.996 57.70 1000 63
333 dung cake - 0.00 0 0
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.895 15.24 932 60
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
336 matches (box) 1.211 1.21 1000 63
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.061 4.51 62 5
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
341 candle (no.) 0.658 1.90 544 32
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.00 0 0
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 127.68 1000 63
350 dhoti (no.) 0.038 11.90 854 55
351 sari (no.) 0.009 6.61 215 20
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.071 9.21 383 20
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.003 0.53 55 3
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.005 3.60 219 15
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.001 0.19 48 1
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.45 402 22

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-584 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 5.55 317 22
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.026 14.76 405 27
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.051 20.04 715 53
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.032 14.83 601 43
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.006 3.44 181 15
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.015 3.13 428 21
367 lungi (no.) 0.034 4.82 772 49
368 other casual wear - 11.51 764 49
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.206 10.12 996 61
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.040 1.69 987 58
372 infant clothing - 1.31 105 8
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.002 0.25 118 7
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 15.75 558 32
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.00 0 0
379 clothing: sub-total - 143.59 1000 63
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.015 5.21 424 33
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.000 0.05 11 2
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 2.96 122 7
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.15 1 1
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
385 bedding: others - 0.27 60 2
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 8.64 442 35
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.001 0.75 72 10
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.027 8.39 415 27
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.013 4.84 414 27
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.063 10.62 904 58
394 other footwear (pair) 0.009 1.11 168 18
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 0 0
399 footwear: sub-total 0.113 25.73 988 62
400 books, journals, first hand - 3.33 250 20
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.01 4 2
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.28 161 12
403 library charges - 0.00 0 0
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 6.23 733 45
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 1.05 70 5
406 private tutor/ coaching - 1.40 73 6
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.00 0 0
409 education: sub-total - 13.30 762 49

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-585

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 49.09 222 22
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 17.90 222 22
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 19.07 188 15
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 43.58 260 23
414 other medical expenses - 0.09 1 2
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 129.73 262 24
420 medicine - 32.60 473 29
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 7.02 52 6
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 4.48 85 8
423 family planning devices - 0.23 31 1
424 other medical expenses - 0.00 0 0
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 44.32 515 31
430 cinema, theatre - 0.00 0 0
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.00 0 0
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.99 54 3
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.00 0 0
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.04 3 2
437 cable TV - 14.62 456 31
438 other entertainment - 0.00 0 0
439 entertainment: sub-total - 15.65 505 33
440 spectacles - 0.60 3 3
441 torch - 0.00 0 0
442 lock - 0.00 0 0
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.19 29 1
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.11 37 3
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.12 5 1
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 2.03 73 8
450 toilet soap - 17.02 986 61
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 7.21 953 58
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 2.95 159 14
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 7.47 887 57
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.92 758 46
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.52 62 6
456 sanitary napkins - 3.47 218 21
457 other toilet articles - 0.81 50 7
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 42.36 988 62
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 8.49 442 32
461 electric batteries - 0.18 38 5
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.00 0 0
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.02 7 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-586 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.74 50 3
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.00 0 0
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 22.94 973 61
468 other washing requisites - 2.99 459 39
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 1.25 287 18
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.00 0 0
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 4.09 341 32
473 other petty articles - 2.17 179 16
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 42.86 1000 63
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.00 0 0
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.00 0 0
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 13.68 743 51
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.02 2 1
485 tailor - 10.42 166 10
486 grinding charges - 0.83 128 6
487 telephone charges, landline - 21.37 558 33
488 telephone charges, mobile - 45.33 910 61
490 postage & telegram - 0.00 0 0
491 miscellaneous expenses - 8.62 343 17
492 priest - 7.44 342 18
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.24 33 2
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.42 35 2
496 internet expenses - 1.19 13 1
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.42 267 16
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 110.98 1000 63
500 air fare - 46.72 2 1
501 railway fare - 1.35 37 1
502 bus/tram fare - 3.51 130 9
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 31.56 693 42
504 steamer, boat fare - 52.67 215 27
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.00 0 0
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 53.70 296 28
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.56 15 3
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.33 48 6
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.00 0 0
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.00 0 0
519 conveyance: sub-total - 190.40 846 55
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 8.81 44 3
521 hotel lodging charges - 53.70 103 13

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-587

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 62.52 147 16
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 0.00 0 0
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.27 57 5
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.27 57 5
550 bedstead 0.000 5.62 66 4
551 almirah, dressing table 0.001 5.20 46 5
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 2.68 45 4
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.00 0 0
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.00 0 0
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 15.20 38 2
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 28.70 150 9
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 0.00 0 0
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.00 0 0
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.05 12 1
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.05 12 1
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.58 111 5
571 other metal utensils - 1.08 103 6
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 1.34 29 1
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.00 0 0
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.01 184 10
580 electric fan 0.000 0.00 0 0
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.001 14.90 38 2
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.24 18 2
585 washing machine 0.002 10.22 99 4
586 stove, gas burner 0.001 0.42 40 3
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.03 2 1
588 refrigerator 0.002 15.00 106 4
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 0
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 1.01 37 3
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.00 0 0
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 41.81 225 13
600 bicycle 0.001 4.42 531 42

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-588 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Lakshadweep Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 7.79 296 28
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.13 13 2
603 tyres & tubes 0.005 0.68 114 6
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 13.03 694 50
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.26 38 1
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 6.40 13 2
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.94 39 6
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 10.60 90 9
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 1.15 28 3
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.10 13 1
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 24.76 128 8
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 26.00 143 10
640 gold ornaments - 126.94 55 4
641 silver ornaments - 0.00 0 0
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.34 37 1
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 127.29 55 4
659 durable: total - 251.49 837 56
888 total: non-food group - 1260.48 1000 63
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2924.13 1000 63

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-589

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 4.257 1.73 88 9
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.28 88 9
309 pan: sub-total - 3.01 88 9
310 bidi (no.) 10.158 5.17 107 13
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.619 6.42 49 7
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
317 other tobacco products - 0.00 0 0
319 tobacco: sub-total - 11.59 156 20
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.161 4.05 35 6
322 country liquor (litre) 0.090 8.89 64 7
323 beer (litre) 0.269 20.94 61 8
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.000 0.02 0 1
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 33.89 132 19
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 5.976 22.06 651 81
332 electricity (std. unit) 41.035 31.35 998 127
333 dung cake - 0.19 3 2
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.220 3.09 308 45
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.171 4.60 269 25
336 matches (box) 1.000 0.99 995 126
337 coal (kg) 0.003 0.00 5 1
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.752 47.16 657 96
340 charcoal (kg) 0.002 0.05 2 1
341 candle (no.) 0.355 1.53 481 63
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.89 45 10
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 111.91 1000 128
350 dhoti (no.) 0.012 1.92 335 55
351 sari (no.) 0.055 19.21 874 121
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.056 5.02 455 68
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.016 3.09 246 44
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.002 0.21 21 3
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.001 0.21 12 1
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.09 250 34

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-590 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 5.18 257 33
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 1
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.005 1.86 96 11
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.015 5.98 219 30
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.066 19.96 769 107
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.045 15.55 716 85
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.013 3.10 200 25
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.035 2.95 476 56
367 lungi (no.) 0.034 4.87 759 109
368 other casual wear - 2.68 312 49
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.191 9.32 955 125
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.031 1.14 442 72
372 infant clothing - 0.41 57 8
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.001 0.07 20 5
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.34 12 6
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.00 0 0
379 clothing: sub-total - 107.10 1000 128
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.008 1.57 244 41
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.002 0.34 88 12
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.012 0.69 193 35
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
385 bedding: others - 0.34 68 13
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 2.95 481 74
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.004 1.10 123 24
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.035 5.96 729 88
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.013 2.01 296 46
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.043 5.57 673 95
394 other footwear (pair) 0.006 0.55 151 23
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 0 0
399 footwear: sub-total 0.100 15.20 999 127
400 books, journals, first hand - 16.14 413 59
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.00 0 0
402 newspapers, periodicals - 2.88 91 17
403 library charges - 0.19 54 9
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 12.43 584 82
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 68.87 415 58
406 private tutor/ coaching - 3.04 46 8
407 educational CD - 0.02 3 2
408 other educational expenses - 0.06 8 4
409 education: sub-total - 103.65 682 93

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-591

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 3.26 66 12
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.94 32 10
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.47 36 11
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 18.22 66 12
414 other medical expenses - 0.00 0 0
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 23.89 66 12
420 medicine - 63.87 677 105
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.99 24 10
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 12.43 434 77
423 family planning devices - 0.00 0 0
424 other medical expenses - 0.22 8 1
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 79.51 677 105
430 cinema, theatre - 0.37 10 5
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.00 0 0
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.46 8 2
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 0.00 0 0
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.00 0 0
437 cable TV - 31.70 848 115
438 other entertainment - 0.00 0 0
439 entertainment: sub-total - 32.54 852 116
440 spectacles - 0.00 0 0
441 torch - 0.44 13 2
442 lock - 0.06 2 1
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.77 20 5
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.00 0 0
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.65 38 5
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 2.92 74 13
450 toilet soap - 18.65 1000 128
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 9.58 998 127
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 6.98 715 101
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 14.31 997 127
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 4.14 513 68
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 3.49 328 39
456 sanitary napkins - 0.65 88 25
457 other toilet articles - 1.57 362 59
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 59.38 1000 128
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 7.94 256 40
461 electric batteries - 1.29 200 17
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.00 0 0
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-592 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.24 107 19
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.02 3 1
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 30.80 995 127
468 other washing requisites - 1.72 365 58
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.44 731 103
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 11.70 788 106
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 6.79 669 95
473 other petty articles - 7.03 951 115
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 72.98 1000 128
480 domestic servant/cook - 14.99 40 5
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 2.25 8 2
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 16.26 733 113
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 2.96 80 23
485 tailor - 8.71 141 25
486 grinding charges - 3.75 562 75
487 telephone charges, landline - 6.27 96 13
488 telephone charges, mobile - 44.98 938 118
490 postage & telegram - 0.00 0 0
491 miscellaneous expenses - 24.35 220 39
492 priest - 0.01 2 2
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.00 0 0
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.07 11 2
496 internet expenses - 0.41 7 4
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.36 124 19
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 125.36 963 126
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.00 0 0
502 bus/tram fare - 47.79 806 104
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 0.72 18 6
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.00 0 0
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 80.37 344 69
510 diesel for vehicle - 4.44 7 3
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.15 71 17
512 school bus, van, etc. - 8.87 62 8
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.00 0 0
519 conveyance: sub-total - 144.35 952 126
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 39.32 176 16
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.30 1 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-593

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 39.62 176 16
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - - - 0
540 water charges - 3.96 705 87
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 2.57 463 66
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 6.52 749 95
550 bedstead 0.000 0.03 1 2
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.10 1 1
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.11 14 4
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.00 0 0
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.00 0 0
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 1.77 16 4
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.02 30 9
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 3.40 103 17
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.14 2 1
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.13 46 17
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 3.67 148 33
570 stainless steel utensils - 0.95 169 28
571 other metal utensils - 0.64 88 10
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 0 0
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.04 7 2
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.63 264 40
580 electric fan 0.000 1.55 147 19
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.28 12 3
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
585 washing machine 0.000 0.13 12 3
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.12 49 9
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.00 0 0
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.52 14 4
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 1
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.24 12 5
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 1.21 64 11
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 4.06 247 38
600 bicycle 0.000 2.77 488 72

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-594 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Puducherry Rural
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 25.43 340 70
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.24 12 4
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 0.32 60 9
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 29.77 636 103
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.15 213 28
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.00 0 0
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 0.73 100 20
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 0.88 254 36
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.00 0 0
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.02 29 8
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 21.73 100 21
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 22.74 124 25
640 gold ornaments - 25.88 28 9
641 silver ornaments - 1.34 64 2
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.00 0 0
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 27.22 92 11
659 durable: total - 92.01 835 117
888 total: non-food group - 1068.37 1000 128
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2173.30 1000 128

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-595

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 1.063 0.47 56 112
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.254 0.57 41 84
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.23 163 263
309 pan: sub-total - 2.27 196 332
310 bidi (no.) 11.240 3.15 261 409
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.036 0.04 5 11
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 14.134 2.33 304 498
313 snuff (gm) 0.697 0.07 12 29
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.531 0.04 4 14
315 cheroot (no.) 0.006 0.01 1 2
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.860 0.43 34 56
317 other tobacco products - 2.39 217 397
319 tobacco: sub-total - 8.46 682 1155
320 ganja (gm) 0.077 0.06 5 16
321 toddy (litre) 0.025 0.43 17 41
322 country liquor (litre) 0.048 2.72 88 165
323 beer (litre) 0.000 0.03 1 2
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.000 0.04 2 8
325 other intoxicants - 1.26 44 82
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 4.54 155 305
330 coke (kg) 0.041 0.11 2 5
331 firewood and chips (kg) 15.648 36.53 918 1513
332 electricity (std. unit) 2.479 5.95 429 751
333 dung cake - 8.64 523 762
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.378 6.07 838 1384
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.078 2.00 223 359
336 matches (box) 1.018 1.00 975 1605
337 coal (kg) 0.066 0.22 10 30
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.005 0.14 4 8
340 charcoal (kg) 0.002 0.01 2 9
341 candle (no.) 0.088 0.14 92 171
342 gobar gas - 0.00 1 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.02 3 2
345 other fuel - 3.70 184 260
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 64.53 1000 1645
350 dhoti (no.) 0.006 0.72 247 384
351 sari (no.) 0.034 6.88 915 1459
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.066 3.77 511 790
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.019 2.19 389 602
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.006 1.09 205 320
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.004 0.53 187 281
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.03 217 358

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-596 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 0.95 193 322
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 0.49 81 155
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.005 1.06 158 245
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.002 0.38 85 161
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 0.42 83 129
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.027 3.45 695 1160
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.017 2.56 455 753
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.017 2.23 418 718
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.025 1.16 589 976
367 lungi (no.) 0.017 1.33 621 1013
368 other casual wear - 0.30 106 190
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.121 4.20 895 1466
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.027 1.21 789 1307
372 infant clothing - 0.51 142 252
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.001 0.06 55 79
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.079 0.02 8 6
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.40 100 176
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.45 92 158
379 clothing: sub-total - 37.36 998 1639
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.004 0.50 203 363
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.001 0.26 70 135
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.001 0.15 33 62
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.00 0 1
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.12 62 118
385 bedding: others - 0.04 17 35
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 1.08 316 576
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.001 0.26 50 92
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.005 0.56 146 247
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.002 0.21 55 85
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.049 3.27 807 1355
394 other footwear (pair) 0.016 1.16 340 519
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.00 1 8
399 footwear: sub-total 0.072 5.46 955 1583
400 books, journals, first hand - 1.68 271 449
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.12 34 71
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.02 4 13
403 library charges - 0.00 1 2
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 2.40 579 969
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 2.73 301 504
406 private tutor/ coaching - 0.52 32 61
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.07 32 74
409 education: sub-total - 7.54 614 1014

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-597

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 1.11 50 102
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.31 35 56
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.22 31 49
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.32 23 33
414 other medical expenses - 0.51 33 50
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 2.47 62 114
420 medicine - 11.91 594 994
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.22 15 25
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 1.12 138 198
423 family planning devices - 0.03 5 9
424 other medical expenses - 0.37 36 61
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 13.65 618 1033
430 cinema, theatre - 0.01 1 6
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.44 35 51
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.31 56 95
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 1 1
435 photography - 0.04 6 14
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.01 2 4
437 cable TV - 0.73 35 60
438 other entertainment - 0.13 27 48
439 entertainment: sub-total - 1.67 144 244
440 spectacles - 0.02 1 3
441 torch - 0.26 36 59
442 lock - 0.09 18 35
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.45 29 51
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.03 16 28
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.21 65 114
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 1.07 140 260
450 toilet soap - 4.63 948 1559
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 2.10 662 1049
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 1.63 480 806
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 3.16 901 1462
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.45 381 608
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.07 53 82
456 sanitary napkins - 0.05 12 27
457 other toilet articles - 0.68 234 376
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 12.77 988 1626
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.20 80 163
461 electric batteries - 0.07 22 47
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.02 3 5
463 earthenware - 0.34 74 114
464 glassware - 0.00 2 4

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-598 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.13 21 57
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.07 20 42
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 6.38 977 1598
468 other washing requisites - 0.40 177 288
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 1.11 557 894
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.07 22 32
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.31 105 194
473 other petty articles - 1.11 378 605
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 10.20 987 1619
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.00 0 0
481 attendant - 0.01 1 1
482 sweeper - 0.00 0 1
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 3.99 820 1303
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.07 18 38
485 tailor - 1.21 88 126
486 grinding charges - 4.00 642 916
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.06 16 24
488 telephone charges, mobile - 4.20 365 659
490 postage & telegram - 0.02 5 6
491 miscellaneous expenses - 1.33 221 387
492 priest - 0.06 31 52
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 2
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.05 19 41
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.20 11 19
496 internet expenses - 0.00 0 0
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.15 40 61
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 15.35 950 1527
500 air fare - 0.00 1 1
501 railway fare - 0.13 20 44
502 bus/tram fare - 4.98 398 652
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 2.40 245 430
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.02 1 3
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.19 30 50
506 horse cart fare - 0.01 2 8
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 0.11 2 16
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.00 0 0
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.01 4 4
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.00 0 0
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.17 25 25
519 conveyance: sub-total - 8.01 588 976
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.09 5 13
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-599

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.01 31 71
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 1 3
529 rent: sub-total - 0.11 36 86
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 0.14 49 70
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.24 186 293
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.38 205 319
550 bedstead 0.000 0.11 50 63
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.02 2 3
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.03 11 18
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.02 10 17
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.01 4 5
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 1
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.00 0 0
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 0.19 72 102
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 19 21
561 television 0.000 0.00 1 3
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.00 0 0
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.00 1 6
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.01 1 1
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.03 21 32
570 stainless steel utensils - 0.69 274 428
571 other metal utensils - 0.11 57 96
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 1 1
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.08 82 134
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 0.89 359 572
580 electric fan 0.000 0.08 22 34
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 2 2
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 10 11
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.00 2 9
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.00 6 19
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.01 19 24
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.00 0 0
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 0
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.00 0 2
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.01 6 16
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.12 62 105
600 bicycle 0.000 1.37 532 899

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-600 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:01 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 0.02 2 15
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.00 0 2
603 tyres & tubes 0.003 0.56 210 319
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 1 5
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 1.95 541 916
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.04 80 139
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.00 0 1
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 0.43 36 73
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.01 2 4
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 0.47 113 208
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.02 8 17
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.03 12 29
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 4.09 423 725
633 other durables - 0.11 6 9
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 4.25 441 754
640 gold ornaments - 0.13 4 6
641 silver ornaments - 0.27 25 49
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 2 6
643 other ornaments - 0.38 167 267
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 0.78 188 307
659 durable: total - 8.68 853 1402
888 total: non-food group - 205.58 1000 1647
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 521.44 1000 1647

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-601

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 1.869 0.65 85 222
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.464 1.07 77 139
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.78 200 363
309 pan: sub-total - 3.50 259 485
310 bidi (no.) 17.773 5.03 313 507
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.064 0.14 7 25
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 15.194 2.63 310 512
313 snuff (gm) 0.584 0.08 17 26
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.747 0.06 7 14
315 cheroot (no.) 0.049 0.05 3 8
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.462 0.32 37 54
317 other tobacco products - 2.89 209 389
319 tobacco: sub-total - 11.20 727 1229
320 ganja (gm) 0.107 0.07 7 10
321 toddy (litre) 0.064 1.25 33 47
322 country liquor (litre) 0.067 2.92 84 165
323 beer (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 4
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.001 0.35 4 12
325 other intoxicants - 1.12 36 79
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 5.71 158 303
330 coke (kg) 0.071 0.33 7 8
331 firewood and chips (kg) 15.780 40.08 889 1587
332 electricity (std. unit) 3.092 7.92 485 958
333 dung cake - 11.42 595 884
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.405 6.45 874 1455
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.084 2.44 271 479
336 matches (box) 1.178 1.15 988 1711
337 coal (kg) 0.137 0.39 16 35
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.012 0.41 10 29
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.01 1 1
341 candle (no.) 0.125 0.21 102 204
342 gobar gas - 0.01 2 2
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 2 1
345 other fuel - 4.78 226 316
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 75.61 1000 1734
350 dhoti (no.) 0.007 0.84 273 416
351 sari (no.) 0.037 8.05 935 1544
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.073 4.61 612 1011
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.027 3.21 486 789
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.008 1.72 279 443
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.005 0.75 230 373
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.09 209 426

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-602 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.23 219 426
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 0.64 107 183
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.007 1.41 189 316
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.59 125 188
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 0.56 90 204
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.030 4.23 747 1284
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.020 3.44 515 869
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.018 2.47 441 757
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.028 1.37 639 1131
367 lungi (no.) 0.017 1.49 626 1078
368 other casual wear - 0.38 110 209
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.133 4.87 935 1625
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.033 1.47 867 1491
372 infant clothing - 0.83 153 262
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.001 0.07 63 124
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.098 0.02 10 22
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.46 101 206
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.31 75 140
379 clothing: sub-total - 46.08 1000 1731
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.006 0.79 298 514
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.002 0.49 101 184
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.001 0.33 54 79
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.00 1 6
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.22 105 157
385 bedding: others - 0.06 22 41
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 1.89 426 745
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.002 0.44 76 183
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.007 0.83 221 398
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.002 0.34 86 152
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.059 4.02 846 1476
394 other footwear (pair) 0.013 1.21 351 589
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 16 25
399 footwear: sub-total 0.083 6.87 981 1701
400 books, journals, first hand - 2.45 355 661
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.15 36 85
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.03 11 16
403 library charges - 0.01 4 6
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 3.23 615 1133
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 3.65 363 670
406 private tutor/ coaching - 1.26 65 128
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 1
408 other educational expenses - 0.09 44 98
409 education: sub-total - 10.88 647 1191

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-603

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 2.29 71 136
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.21 32 59
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.25 42 66
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.64 30 50
414 other medical expenses - 0.36 37 48
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 3.75 81 148
420 medicine - 18.46 727 1170
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.38 17 31
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 2.07 197 294
423 family planning devices - 0.03 7 14
424 other medical expenses - 0.34 27 49
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 21.28 740 1195
430 cinema, theatre - 0.03 4 12
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.44 27 54
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.55 105 149
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.01 2 4
435 photography - 0.05 11 26
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.00 1 3
437 cable TV - 1.03 56 125
438 other entertainment - 0.64 48 85
439 entertainment: sub-total - 2.76 225 402
440 spectacles - 0.20 8 6
441 torch - 0.34 43 66
442 lock - 0.23 35 51
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.64 36 74
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.03 14 38
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.30 81 133
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 1.74 194 328
450 toilet soap - 5.33 968 1692
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 2.67 750 1304
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 2.39 588 1002
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 3.60 942 1610
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.53 404 727
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.14 72 122
456 sanitary napkins - 0.11 26 62
457 other toilet articles - 0.87 261 470
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 15.64 999 1728
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.32 117 219
461 electric batteries - 0.15 45 76
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.01 4 6
463 earthenware - 0.33 68 120
464 glassware - 0.04 10 16

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-604 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.24 42 83
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.17 26 52
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 7.32 982 1704
468 other washing requisites - 0.66 244 453
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 1.43 639 1094
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.11 27 48
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.42 123 257
473 other petty articles - 1.33 409 694
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 12.53 998 1729
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.00 0 0
481 attendant - 0.00 0 1
482 sweeper - 0.04 7 8
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 4.68 851 1432
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.08 21 54
485 tailor - 1.62 97 155
486 grinding charges - 4.74 642 955
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.15 26 36
488 telephone charges, mobile - 7.01 509 974
490 postage & telegram - 0.00 3 8
491 miscellaneous expenses - 1.62 260 481
492 priest - 0.19 49 96
493 legal expenses - 0.02 4 7
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.11 28 57
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.57 23 35
496 internet expenses - 0.00 0 1
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.09 36 64
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 20.93 975 1666
500 air fare - 0.00 0 1
501 railway fare - 0.44 35 53
502 bus/tram fare - 5.70 416 833
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 3.45 331 558
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.02 1 5
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.25 47 75
506 horse cart fare - 0.05 11 17
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 1
508 petrol for vehicle - 1.00 27 69
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.00 0 0
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.09 6 9
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.07 2 2
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.12 12 26
519 conveyance: sub-total - 11.20 691 1254
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.36 8 11
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-605

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.02 36 78
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 1 1
529 rent: sub-total - 0.37 44 89
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 0.14 37 83
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.32 214 392
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.46 228 428
550 bedstead 0.000 0.21 62 88
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.00 0 0
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.12 25 35
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.07 21 44
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 2
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.01 4 10
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 2 5
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.00 0 1
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 0.41 106 170
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.03 28 36
561 television 0.000 0.03 9 18
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.13 6 6
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.02 12 25
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.02 1 3
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.24 53 85
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.00 354 588
571 other metal utensils - 0.22 89 150
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 4 4
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.13 117 198
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.36 461 759
580 electric fan 0.000 0.18 41 62
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 1
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 1
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.03 21 26
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.03 11 18
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.01 22 41
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.01 13 34
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.00 0 0
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 1
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.02 1 2
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.02 16 34
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.30 110 195
600 bicycle 0.000 1.62 567 982

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-606 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:02 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 0.22 26 65
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.00 1 3
603 tyres & tubes 0.005 0.82 268 434
604 other transport equipment - 0.01 3 14
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 2.67 592 1031
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 1 5
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.01 1 6
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.04 82 160
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.00 0 0
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 0.68 69 132
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.01 3 6
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 0.73 149 279
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.04 21 23
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.03 21 40
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 5.87 462 796
633 other durables - 0.04 7 11
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 5.98 473 824
640 gold ornaments - 0.09 4 7
641 silver ornaments - 0.68 45 78
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 3
643 other ornaments - 0.46 186 330
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 1.22 217 378
659 durable: total - 12.92 879 1516
888 total: non-food group - 265.32 1000 1734
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 665.84 1000 1734

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-607

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 2.390 0.87 108 532
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.799 1.88 95 381
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.69 201 806
309 pan: sub-total - 4.44 279 1123
310 bidi (no.) 20.984 6.09 285 1081
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.118 0.32 13 72
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 15.320 2.54 282 963
313 snuff (gm) 0.325 0.07 8 40
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 1.884 0.13 7 41
315 cheroot (no.) 0.041 0.05 3 9
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 2.084 0.47 44 151
317 other tobacco products - 3.31 194 750
319 tobacco: sub-total - 12.98 679 2522
320 ganja (gm) 0.040 0.04 1 12
321 toddy (litre) 0.027 0.55 19 76
322 country liquor (litre) 0.075 3.73 81 350
323 beer (litre) 0.001 0.11 1 5
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.003 0.91 12 36
325 other intoxicants - 0.69 23 89
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 6.03 135 551
330 coke (kg) 0.086 0.34 9 29
331 firewood and chips (kg) 16.741 43.58 891 3345
332 electricity (std. unit) 3.877 10.19 554 2236
333 dung cake - 11.70 560 1811
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.415 6.64 836 2956
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.097 2.66 270 1061
336 matches (box) 1.215 1.19 979 3609
337 coal (kg) 0.152 0.53 18 70
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.036 1.10 28 158
340 charcoal (kg) 0.004 0.01 3 6
341 candle (no.) 0.176 0.36 143 580
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 1 3
345 other fuel - 4.90 273 763
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 83.19 1000 3679
350 dhoti (no.) 0.007 0.89 244 830
351 sari (no.) 0.039 9.00 905 3152
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.088 5.61 624 2195
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.030 3.70 491 1737
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.008 1.78 265 1001
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.005 0.76 227 838
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.47 241 1046

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-608 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.46 234 912
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 0.83 111 389
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.007 1.80 191 648
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.64 120 419
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 0.61 100 392
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.031 4.61 727 2723
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.021 3.74 502 1884
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.017 2.51 401 1469
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.032 1.58 653 2391
367 lungi (no.) 0.019 1.63 629 2208
368 other casual wear - 0.45 129 512
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.146 5.33 948 3455
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.037 1.63 866 3076
372 infant clothing - 0.77 141 502
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.002 0.11 77 319
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.121 0.04 15 45
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.50 112 504
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.37 63 311
379 clothing: sub-total - 51.79 998 3671
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.007 0.91 317 1285
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.002 0.52 106 428
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.002 0.47 82 282
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.01 3 24
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.23 99 366
385 bedding: others - 0.06 25 118
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 2.19 469 1842
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.003 0.71 108 491
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.009 1.19 258 1016
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.003 0.46 93 399
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.061 4.32 857 3067
394 other footwear (pair) 0.013 1.39 341 1300
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 12 43
399 footwear: sub-total 0.090 8.10 981 3599
400 books, journals, first hand - 3.14 374 1496
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.28 64 225
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.02 11 58
403 library charges - 0.02 6 19
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 3.76 652 2432
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 5.34 375 1500
406 private tutor/ coaching - 2.14 92 328
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.17 50 216
409 education: sub-total - 14.88 672 2543

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-609

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 2.61 78 331
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.41 44 185
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.30 41 175
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.58 33 146
414 other medical expenses - 0.69 34 141
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 4.60 88 357
420 medicine - 23.13 735 2585
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.57 22 78
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 2.44 204 681
423 family planning devices - 0.05 13 57
424 other medical expenses - 0.51 39 138
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 26.70 751 2643
430 cinema, theatre - 0.14 13 47
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.71 46 136
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.67 97 340
433 club fees - 0.00 0 6
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.02 2 11
435 photography - 0.06 9 44
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.02 1 9
437 cable TV - 1.95 96 399
438 other entertainment - 0.53 40 151
439 entertainment: sub-total - 4.11 263 1001
440 spectacles - 0.11 3 21
441 torch - 0.47 50 195
442 lock - 0.20 34 127
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.88 48 168
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.05 23 105
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.44 91 311
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 2.14 220 813
450 toilet soap - 5.92 969 3578
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 3.22 818 2977
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 2.67 597 2191
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 4.19 939 3424
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.57 406 1624
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.17 93 333
456 sanitary napkins - 0.24 47 212
457 other toilet articles - 0.95 262 946
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 17.95 998 3670
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.42 142 581
461 electric batteries - 0.15 39 175
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.02 5 29
463 earthenware - 0.34 64 221
464 glassware - 0.13 18 54

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-610 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.65 77 256
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.17 32 123
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 8.30 983 3619
468 other washing requisites - 0.79 266 1047
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 1.70 673 2446
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.13 34 137
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.65 178 692
473 other petty articles - 1.40 398 1411
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 14.86 997 3662
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.00 0 3
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.01 3 15
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 5.19 873 3105
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.17 37 134
485 tailor - 2.97 116 417
486 grinding charges - 5.08 653 2172
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.16 21 64
488 telephone charges, mobile - 10.25 632 2345
490 postage & telegram - 0.03 8 30
491 miscellaneous expenses - 1.93 282 1069
492 priest - 0.20 63 209
493 legal expenses - 0.15 3 11
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.14 34 105
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.22 14 75
496 internet expenses - 0.01 1 2
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.19 50 176
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 26.70 980 3552
500 air fare - 0.00 0 2
501 railway fare - 0.27 37 123
502 bus/tram fare - 8.41 511 1906
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 3.98 339 1270
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.11 14 47
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.42 68 201
506 horse cart fare - 0.10 15 47
507 porter charges - 0.00 0 0
508 petrol for vehicle - 1.47 28 180
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.04 1 10
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.05 5 25
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.06 2 7
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.23 16 55
519 conveyance: sub-total - 15.15 778 2886
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.26 8 23
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-611

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.02 34 161
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 1 5
529 rent: sub-total - 0.28 42 188
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 0.33 69 240
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.49 280 1013
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 0.82 300 1103
550 bedstead 0.000 0.30 55 172
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.00 0 1
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.18 28 110
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.06 20 95
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 1 3
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.01 5 31
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 2 5
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.00 1 4
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 0.56 101 376
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.06 32 99
561 television 0.000 0.11 11 53
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.01 2 9
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 0
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.02 11 54
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.03 1 9
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.24 53 207
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.20 379 1258
571 other metal utensils - 0.27 91 326
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.00 4 11
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.15 118 473
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.63 471 1646
580 electric fan 0.000 0.08 20 111
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.01 2 6
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 1
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 21 67
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.03 18 64
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 0
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.06 34 121
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.04 39 128
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.00 0 1
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 1 2
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.00 3 14
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.02 9 54
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.25 122 468
600 bicycle 0.000 1.80 607 2141

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-612 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:03 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 0.33 27 191
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.02 3 18
603 tyres & tubes 0.005 0.82 263 921
604 other transport equipment - 0.01 3 21
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 2.98 622 2233
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 3
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 3
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.06 105 362
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.00 1 1
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 0.93 78 309
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 3 9
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 1.00 172 626
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.05 13 48
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.03 20 87
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 5.90 421 1521
633 other durables - 0.01 3 9
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 5.99 435 1581
640 gold ornaments - 0.17 6 30
641 silver ornaments - 0.53 39 143
642 jewels, pearls - 0.01 3 13
643 other ornaments - 0.62 189 665
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 1.32 215 775
659 durable: total - 13.97 871 3173
888 total: non-food group - 310.88 1000 3681
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 783.24 1000 3681

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-613

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 2.987 1.27 126 637
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.750 1.71 97 431
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 2.35 206 929
309 pan: sub-total - 5.33 286 1273
310 bidi (no.) 21.960 6.50 289 1205
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.288 0.61 26 134
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 12.954 2.28 241 939
313 snuff (gm) 0.466 0.07 9 37
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 1.138 0.10 8 63
315 cheroot (no.) 0.034 0.04 3 12
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 2.135 0.67 47 193
317 other tobacco products - 4.05 204 837
319 tobacco: sub-total - 14.32 671 2726
320 ganja (gm) 0.107 0.07 2 8
321 toddy (litre) 0.055 0.90 28 109
322 country liquor (litre) 0.068 4.15 78 384
323 beer (litre) 0.002 0.19 3 12
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.003 0.74 8 38
325 other intoxicants - 1.06 17 83
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 7.11 131 614
330 coke (kg) 0.082 0.31 6 24
331 firewood and chips (kg) 18.449 48.60 896 3673
332 electricity (std. unit) 4.814 12.92 594 2675
333 dung cake - 11.60 525 1852
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.435 6.91 834 3231
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.100 2.87 265 1106
336 matches (box) 1.365 1.34 986 3972
337 coal (kg) 0.175 0.57 19 91
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.046 1.42 34 248
340 charcoal (kg) 0.003 0.01 4 13
341 candle (no.) 0.160 0.35 143 725
342 gobar gas - 0.08 2 5
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 4
345 other fuel - 5.40 270 912
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 92.40 1000 4046
350 dhoti (no.) 0.007 0.96 239 903
351 sari (no.) 0.041 9.76 900 3424
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.095 6.54 656 2540
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.033 4.34 512 2001
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.009 1.93 265 1182
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.005 0.86 229 975
356 school/college uniform: boys - 1.85 258 1186

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-614 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.52 210 1010
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.004 0.87 109 438
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.007 2.02 198 753
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.67 123 438
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.004 0.76 105 403
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.035 5.31 770 3065
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.024 4.57 525 2111
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.016 2.43 363 1484
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.033 1.75 649 2615
367 lungi (no.) 0.020 1.87 618 2408
368 other casual wear - 0.62 144 616
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.155 6.06 953 3847
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.039 1.79 863 3389
372 infant clothing - 0.71 129 513
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.16 100 394
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.107 0.03 12 54
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.56 120 595
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.38 55 298
379 clothing: sub-total - 58.27 999 4041
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.008 1.10 337 1493
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.002 0.65 108 484
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.003 0.54 96 330
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.02 8 38
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.28 116 458
385 bedding: others - 0.12 32 131
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 2.71 494 2105
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.004 1.00 144 678
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.010 1.40 294 1230
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.004 0.70 123 546
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.064 4.76 861 3437
394 other footwear (pair) 0.014 1.60 343 1469
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 6 45
399 footwear: sub-total 0.096 9.49 982 3981
400 books, journals, first hand - 4.67 444 1843
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.26 49 232
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.06 14 115
403 library charges - 0.03 8 29
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 4.13 650 2691
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 6.83 395 1720
406 private tutor/ coaching - 3.48 111 465
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 0.21 52 263
409 education: sub-total - 19.66 679 2833

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-615

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 4.25 101 398
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.99 60 222
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.94 66 216
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 1.65 57 183
414 other medical expenses - 1.04 47 169
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 8.87 111 427
420 medicine - 28.39 758 2936
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.06 27 126
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 3.53 256 895
423 family planning devices - 0.05 11 67
424 other medical expenses - 0.82 44 174
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 33.85 775 2997
430 cinema, theatre - 0.18 19 77
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.62 34 152
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 0.78 97 373
433 club fees - 0.01 1 3
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.03 4 20
435 photography - 0.15 19 67
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.06 4 18
437 cable TV - 2.91 130 631
438 other entertainment - 0.55 36 191
439 entertainment: sub-total - 5.28 294 1303
440 spectacles - 0.18 6 32
441 torch - 0.61 55 220
442 lock - 0.28 37 166
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.66 32 152
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.07 31 140
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.57 104 384
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 2.36 234 941
450 toilet soap - 6.93 979 3954
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 3.62 830 3386
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 3.07 605 2527
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 4.79 956 3792
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.69 417 1891
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.28 118 447
456 sanitary napkins - 0.40 65 301
457 other toilet articles - 1.09 266 1097
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 20.86 999 4036
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.56 157 747
461 electric batteries - 0.26 55 234
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.03 6 37
463 earthenware - 0.47 79 287
464 glassware - 0.11 16 60

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-616 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.73 83 332
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.28 46 170
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 9.41 985 3987
468 other washing requisites - 0.85 286 1274
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.12 723 2821
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.34 76 244
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.77 185 794
473 other petty articles - 1.54 388 1517
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 17.47 998 4034
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.01 1 4
481 attendant - 0.00 0 3
482 sweeper - 0.01 4 18
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 5.81 864 3445
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.24 47 178
485 tailor - 4.28 146 531
486 grinding charges - 5.77 681 2439
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.17 15 68
488 telephone charges, mobile - 13.01 680 2863
490 postage & telegram - 0.05 7 39
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.58 306 1206
492 priest - 0.15 41 233
493 legal expenses - 0.03 1 9
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.22 35 125
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.40 17 92
496 internet expenses - 0.01 2 8
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.24 50 187
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 32.98 981 3948
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.71 50 160
502 bus/tram fare - 10.18 538 2274
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 4.31 356 1459
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.12 9 43
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.48 66 219
506 horse cart fare - 0.08 13 43
507 porter charges - 0.02 1 7
508 petrol for vehicle - 2.84 41 313
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.05 1 14
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.07 6 38
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.28 6 25
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.19 15 80
519 conveyance: sub-total - 19.33 787 3295
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.42 7 34
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-617

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.03 34 211
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 3
529 rent: sub-total - 0.45 41 247
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 0.41 88 374
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.70 311 1236
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 1.12 332 1370
550 bedstead 0.000 0.25 49 189
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.02 1 10
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.17 29 132
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.11 24 115
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.02 7 41
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 4 15
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.01 2 7
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 0.58 104 453
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.07 35 106
561 television 0.000 0.24 21 94
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.04 4 16
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 2
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.04 15 72
565 musical instruments - 0.01 1 6
566 other goods for recreation - 0.01 2 11
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.41 72 277
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.26 356 1404
571 other metal utensils - 0.30 76 340
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.01 3 20
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.17 118 540
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.75 444 1809
580 electric fan 0.000 0.17 42 156
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.01 3 16
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 1 8
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.03 18 72
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.06 22 94
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 1
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.04 41 165
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.04 50 210
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.01 1 7
590 water purifier 0.000 0.00 0 0
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.01 5 29
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.03 14 59
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.40 152 624
600 bicycle 0.000 2.16 619 2303

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-618 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:04 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 1.05 42 320
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.04 2 19
603 tyres & tubes 0.005 0.80 256 968
604 other transport equipment - 0.01 4 28
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 4.06 646 2478
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.01 0 5
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.01 0 5
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.08 122 481
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.02 1 4
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.18 86 358
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.02 2 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 1 11
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 1.30 198 790
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.06 16 58
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.09 24 114
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 6.72 414 1672
633 other durables - 0.04 2 11
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 6.92 435 1760
640 gold ornaments - 0.67 11 51
641 silver ornaments - 0.76 47 186
642 jewels, pearls - 0.01 3 18
643 other ornaments - 0.59 175 719
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 2.02 209 863
659 durable: total - 17.45 878 3509
888 total: non-food group - 369.31 1000 4047
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 904.57 1000 4047

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-619

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 3.042 1.17 119 679
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.099 2.53 121 519
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 2.33 212 997
309 pan: sub-total - 6.04 296 1365
310 bidi (no.) 24.769 7.99 318 1299
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.363 0.94 32 188
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 14.018 2.66 235 887
313 snuff (gm) 0.532 0.08 10 35
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 1.738 0.10 11 68
315 cheroot (no.) 0.080 0.07 4 22
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 2.975 0.95 52 240
317 other tobacco products - 4.66 183 772
319 tobacco: sub-total - 17.45 679 2824
320 ganja (gm) 0.031 0.04 1 7
321 toddy (litre) 0.101 1.55 42 115
322 country liquor (litre) 0.109 5.60 95 402
323 beer (litre) 0.010 0.38 7 25
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.005 1.54 16 84
325 other intoxicants - 0.84 20 88
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 9.95 176 696
330 coke (kg) 0.062 0.15 4 27
331 firewood and chips (kg) 18.089 46.72 886 3870
332 electricity (std. unit) 5.729 15.90 659 3128
333 dung cake - 12.68 496 1750
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.429 6.83 831 3306
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.102 2.97 249 1166
336 matches (box) 1.400 1.37 985 4200
337 coal (kg) 0.237 0.86 23 108
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.112 3.47 76 435
340 charcoal (kg) 0.004 0.02 1 22
341 candle (no.) 0.199 0.48 186 907
342 gobar gas - 0.02 1 8
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.004 0.15 3 6
345 other fuel - 4.95 261 929
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 96.57 1000 4288
350 dhoti (no.) 0.008 1.10 246 961
351 sari (no.) 0.043 10.68 901 3519
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.102 7.33 659 2785
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.037 4.81 517 2159
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.010 2.41 290 1365
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.006 1.07 264 1131
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.02 270 1344

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-620 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 1.81 241 1187
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.004 1.15 118 479
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.007 1.82 166 733
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.005 0.79 130 486
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 0.82 120 442
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.034 5.68 741 3204
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.022 4.65 503 2235
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.015 2.48 346 1487
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.035 1.95 646 2722
367 lungi (no.) 0.020 1.95 603 2398
368 other casual wear - 0.81 171 767
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.157 6.27 953 4077
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.041 1.88 846 3542
372 infant clothing - 0.72 108 493
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.20 112 466
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.162 0.06 12 65
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.67 135 717
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.52 72 408
379 clothing: sub-total - 63.61 998 4279
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.009 1.33 385 1657
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.003 0.78 126 602
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.003 0.59 96 394
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.04 13 50
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.34 129 490
385 bedding: others - 0.12 40 181
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 3.20 549 2343
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.005 1.38 191 896
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.012 1.85 325 1502
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.005 0.87 144 664
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.064 5.06 867 3658
394 other footwear (pair) 0.015 1.83 350 1555
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.05 15 63
399 footwear: sub-total 0.101 11.02 989 4235
400 books, journals, first hand - 4.84 456 2025
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.27 47 210
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.20 31 189
403 library charges - 0.03 6 27
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 4.40 643 2865
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 8.11 407 1851
406 private tutor/ coaching - 4.35 124 501
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 1
408 other educational expenses - 0.26 70 321
409 education: sub-total - 22.45 677 3000

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-621

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 5.72 137 518
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.83 74 287
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.03 90 306
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 1.72 58 226
414 other medical expenses - 1.36 58 232
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 10.67 143 547
420 medicine - 30.58 753 3126
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.94 29 131
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 3.79 258 1024
423 family planning devices - 0.16 20 114
424 other medical expenses - 1.30 64 210
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 36.78 779 3219
430 cinema, theatre - 0.32 23 111
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.14 47 158
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.03 104 424
433 club fees - 0.00 0 10
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.05 4 21
435 photography - 0.16 23 84
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.05 3 31
437 cable TV - 4.38 186 909
438 other entertainment - 0.50 41 167
439 entertainment: sub-total - 7.62 368 1637
440 spectacles - 0.36 11 38
441 torch - 0.81 76 266
442 lock - 0.39 46 177
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.81 40 179
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.06 27 139
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.64 109 393
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 3.06 263 1033
450 toilet soap - 7.36 976 4190
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.03 843 3690
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 3.67 656 2800
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 5.12 949 4006
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.84 450 2171
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.35 144 621
456 sanitary napkins - 0.45 73 367
457 other toilet articles - 1.17 288 1169
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 22.98 998 4270
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 0.78 179 872
461 electric batteries - 0.21 47 226
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.04 8 37
463 earthenware - 0.43 65 252
464 glassware - 0.14 18 69

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-622 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.11 111 425
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.22 41 187
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 9.97 989 4225
468 other washing requisites - 1.05 337 1512
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.30 744 3069
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.36 86 330
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.00 219 962
473 other petty articles - 1.60 384 1580
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 19.22 999 4277
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.01 0 3
481 attendant - 0.00 0 1
482 sweeper - 0.03 8 33
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 6.68 872 3614
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.43 71 230
485 tailor - 4.97 180 611
486 grinding charges - 5.91 672 2532
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.19 20 86
488 telephone charges, mobile - 16.16 749 3302
490 postage & telegram - 0.03 9 45
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.62 321 1323
492 priest - 0.32 71 324
493 legal expenses - 0.08 4 13
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.24 42 132
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.35 15 84
496 internet expenses - 0.01 2 8
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.31 57 231
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 38.33 986 4212
500 air fare - 0.01 1 1
501 railway fare - 0.62 61 166
502 bus/tram fare - 12.36 573 2499
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 5.74 410 1677
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.10 11 43
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.42 59 212
506 horse cart fare - 0.22 25 58
507 porter charges - 0.02 0 7
508 petrol for vehicle - 5.24 69 465
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.09 1 17
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.09 8 60
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.40 7 44
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.15 20 89
519 conveyance: sub-total - 25.45 836 3649
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.79 8 46
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-623

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.03 36 239
523 other consumer rent - 0.01 2 8
529 rent: sub-total - 0.83 46 294
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 0.74 138 547
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.06 351 1416
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 1.80 371 1575
550 bedstead 0.000 0.55 65 187
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.06 2 15
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.39 59 213
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.17 31 143
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.02 11 43
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 2 18
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.01 1 10
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.21 149 540
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.09 50 132
561 television 0.000 0.53 38 132
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.11 6 29
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 1
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.06 22 110
565 musical instruments - 0.00 1 4
566 other goods for recreation - 0.03 3 10
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 0.82 101 373
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.48 382 1502
571 other metal utensils - 0.37 104 416
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.01 7 30
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.24 148 700
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.11 501 2035
580 electric fan 0.000 0.12 47 228
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.01 3 25
582 inverter 0.000 0.03 1 6
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.03 24 64
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.03 21 102
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 0 2
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.06 64 237
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.09 73 287
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.02 1 7
590 water purifier 0.000 0.02 1 10
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.03 7 49
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.02 10 65
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.45 190 830
600 bicycle 0.000 2.08 594 2288

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-624 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:05 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 1.06 70 454
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.06 3 29
603 tyres & tubes 0.005 0.96 272 1034
604 other transport equipment - 0.02 6 31
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 4.17 638 2549
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.01 3 11
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.01 3 11
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.11 164 596
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 4
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.01 1 7
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.75 136 487
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.01 0 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 7 33
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 1.89 264 1012
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.17 16 58
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.10 28 140
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 7.68 402 1687
633 other durables - 0.06 8 32
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 8.01 423 1782
640 gold ornaments - 0.82 14 64
641 silver ornaments - 1.52 51 220
642 jewels, pearls - 0.01 3 16
643 other ornaments - 0.66 180 743
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 3.00 219 917
659 durable: total - 21.70 882 3722
888 total: non-food group - 418.72 1000 4288
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1017.80 1000 4288

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-625

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 3.227 1.37 116 733
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.771 1.96 90 539
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 2.60 201 1082
309 pan: sub-total - 5.93 275 1512
310 bidi (no.) 27.921 9.39 297 1374
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.401 1.01 35 232
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 12.820 2.41 195 866
313 snuff (gm) 0.341 0.08 9 45
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 1.640 0.09 8 68
315 cheroot (no.) 0.347 0.35 14 31
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 3.065 0.89 60 274
317 other tobacco products - 4.27 171 846
319 tobacco: sub-total - 18.47 646 2992
320 ganja (gm) 0.354 0.16 3 10
321 toddy (litre) 0.089 1.36 32 109
322 country liquor (litre) 0.083 5.85 82 428
323 beer (litre) 0.005 0.58 6 39
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.007 2.53 26 111
325 other intoxicants - 0.57 13 68
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 11.05 153 738
330 coke (kg) 0.062 0.18 5 23
331 firewood and chips (kg) 19.420 50.63 889 4253
332 electricity (std. unit) 6.893 18.95 723 3712
333 dung cake - 11.28 450 1788
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.452 7.14 823 3706
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.107 3.04 246 1175
336 matches (box) 1.514 1.50 978 4704
337 coal (kg) 0.236 0.75 23 116
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.158 4.74 103 754
340 charcoal (kg) 0.005 0.03 2 38
341 candle (no.) 0.241 0.56 210 1188
342 gobar gas - 0.04 1 7
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.02 2 8
345 other fuel - 4.87 273 1115
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 103.74 999 4798
350 dhoti (no.) 0.008 1.35 254 1110
351 sari (no.) 0.047 12.06 883 3900
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.123 8.66 698 3247
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.043 5.68 538 2529
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.010 2.52 282 1517
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.006 1.21 261 1306
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.28 275 1576

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-626 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.09 251 1390
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.004 1.24 125 608
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.008 2.36 197 918
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.72 117 532
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.004 0.80 98 519
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.035 5.95 731 3580
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.024 5.18 509 2520
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.015 2.61 318 1471
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.038 2.16 624 2984
367 lungi (no.) 0.021 2.05 587 2634
368 other casual wear - 0.96 177 909
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.168 6.69 948 4548
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.047 2.06 841 4000
372 infant clothing - 0.59 89 515
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.22 102 558
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.264 0.06 17 96
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.70 127 815
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.55 63 390
379 clothing: sub-total - 70.71 999 4794
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.010 1.62 396 2027
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.003 0.88 124 727
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.003 0.88 112 503
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.03 12 77
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.34 114 510
385 bedding: others - 0.11 39 225
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 3.87 537 2708
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.005 1.55 183 1056
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.014 2.14 342 1819
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 1.16 179 812
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.066 5.35 841 4056
394 other footwear (pair) 0.017 2.22 367 1908
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.03 8 56
399 footwear: sub-total 0.108 12.44 989 4737
400 books, journals, first hand - 5.72 456 2309
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.35 59 269
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.30 40 279
403 library charges - 0.03 10 40
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 5.34 653 3221
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 11.02 400 2141
406 private tutor/ coaching - 5.28 127 610
407 educational CD - 0.00 1 3
408 other educational expenses - 0.30 61 356
409 education: sub-total - 28.35 683 3403

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-627

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 6.41 129 554
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 0.97 74 317
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.28 89 356
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 2.31 77 307
414 other medical expenses - 1.09 57 239
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 12.07 135 586
420 medicine - 36.52 764 3623
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.65 48 181
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 4.49 302 1330
423 family planning devices - 0.12 21 122
424 other medical expenses - 0.90 58 238
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 43.68 782 3707
430 cinema, theatre - 0.39 27 129
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.30 53 185
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.06 85 393
433 club fees - 0.00 1 8
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.06 4 18
435 photography - 0.23 28 107
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.03 2 22
437 cable TV - 5.83 237 1382
438 other entertainment - 0.70 41 206
439 entertainment: sub-total - 9.60 401 2101
440 spectacles - 0.58 13 48
441 torch - 0.95 67 294
442 lock - 0.43 47 244
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.66 29 214
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.08 25 175
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.66 91 394
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 3.36 230 1181
450 toilet soap - 8.08 973 4678
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.44 867 4195
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.09 652 3189
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 5.69 959 4512
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.95 468 2500
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.46 157 757
456 sanitary napkins - 0.62 98 535
457 other toilet articles - 1.47 311 1377
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 25.81 999 4781
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.22 227 1096
461 electric batteries - 0.28 62 317
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.07 10 55
463 earthenware - 0.53 75 319
464 glassware - 0.14 20 94

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-628 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.24 102 523
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.35 41 211
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 11.30 983 4732
468 other washing requisites - 1.19 341 1759
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.57 747 3492
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.56 106 479
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.16 232 1116
473 other petty articles - 1.83 397 1765
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 22.46 999 4787
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.02 0 10
481 attendant - 0.00 0 4
482 sweeper - 0.02 6 39
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 7.17 865 4131
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.45 72 268
485 tailor - 5.85 171 731
486 grinding charges - 6.43 684 2857
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.22 19 117
488 telephone charges, mobile - 18.44 767 3872
490 postage & telegram - 0.10 12 54
491 miscellaneous expenses - 3.09 321 1471
492 priest - 0.44 71 393
493 legal expenses - 0.48 4 19
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.15 22 114
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.53 19 94
496 internet expenses - 0.01 1 11
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.32 59 260
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 43.72 981 4721
500 air fare - 0.02 3 1
501 railway fare - 1.06 58 205
502 bus/tram fare - 15.14 602 2955
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 6.31 399 1876
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.03 5 39
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.56 70 285
506 horse cart fare - 0.16 13 48
507 porter charges - 0.04 1 8
508 petrol for vehicle - 8.60 97 644
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.16 2 24
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.16 18 102
512 school bus, van, etc. - 0.63 14 63
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.27 23 103
519 conveyance: sub-total - 33.13 847 4196
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 0.63 9 69
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-629

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.02 35 261
523 other consumer rent - 0.02 1 5
529 rent: sub-total - 0.67 46 335
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 1.08 178 817
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.27 381 1795
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 2.35 419 2041
550 bedstead 0.000 0.50 59 231
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.09 3 27
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.39 50 243
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.14 30 176
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 1 7
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.03 12 57
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 2 16
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.02 1 18
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.18 135 654
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.07 39 142
561 television 0.000 0.84 29 153
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.10 6 29
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 1
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.09 32 146
565 musical instruments - 0.02 0 4
566 other goods for recreation - 0.03 4 17
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.16 98 441
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.60 378 1601
571 other metal utensils - 0.48 103 479
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.02 8 52
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.28 154 808
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.39 494 2224
580 electric fan 0.000 0.36 71 296
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.04 8 51
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 1 7
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.02 16 73
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.06 24 146
585 washing machine 0.000 0.02 1 3
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.11 74 294
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.14 86 385
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.01 1 8
590 water purifier 0.000 0.02 1 12
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.03 8 61
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.05 13 78
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 0.86 221 1020
600 bicycle 0.000 2.10 574 2507

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-630 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:06 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 1.79 101 628
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.10 4 39
603 tyres & tubes 0.006 1.09 260 1118
604 other transport equipment - 0.06 4 36
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 5.14 626 2822
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.02 3 13
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 3
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 3 14
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.12 152 685
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.02 1 4
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.06 145 613
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 5 33
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.22 255 1162
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.06 10 60
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.13 32 164
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 9.08 387 1798
633 other durables - 0.04 4 28
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 9.31 404 1901
640 gold ornaments - 1.05 18 94
641 silver ornaments - 1.18 50 231
642 jewels, pearls - 0.06 8 39
643 other ornaments - 0.89 161 812
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 3.17 207 1025
659 durable: total - 25.46 890 4150
888 total: non-food group - 476.87 1000 4800
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1135.97 1000 4800

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-631

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 4.413 1.61 140 896
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.103 2.93 90 667
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.30 237 1296
309 pan: sub-total - 7.84 301 1776
310 bidi (no.) 26.399 9.17 278 1485
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.468 1.34 39 313
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 14.087 2.52 194 907
313 snuff (gm) 0.391 0.06 7 32
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 4.260 0.30 16 117
315 cheroot (no.) 0.262 0.14 7 29
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 3.516 1.27 64 317
317 other tobacco products - 5.58 190 914
319 tobacco: sub-total - 20.38 623 3252
320 ganja (gm) 0.006 0.01 0 4
321 toddy (litre) 0.081 1.30 27 100
322 country liquor (litre) 0.113 6.47 81 492
323 beer (litre) 0.006 0.45 6 42
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.007 2.45 23 137
325 other intoxicants - 1.09 16 89
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 11.77 149 840
330 coke (kg) 0.049 0.17 5 28
331 firewood and chips (kg) 20.370 51.04 864 4668
332 electricity (std. unit) 7.949 22.39 746 4380
333 dung cake - 11.94 404 1784
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.464 7.30 808 4008
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.102 2.89 219 1229
336 matches (box) 1.575 1.52 978 5227
337 coal (kg) 0.149 0.58 19 103
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.237 7.17 145 1173
340 charcoal (kg) 0.011 0.07 2 57
341 candle (no.) 0.251 0.62 214 1460
342 gobar gas - 0.15 3 12
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.02 1 4
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.003 0.11 3 10
345 other fuel - 5.35 282 1188
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 111.33 999 5354
350 dhoti (no.) 0.008 1.38 239 1191
351 sari (no.) 0.047 13.05 867 4149
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.131 9.47 721 3675
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.046 6.07 563 2811
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.011 2.88 303 1921
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.007 1.40 256 1492
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.74 297 1832

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-632 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.29 253 1588
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.005 1.57 129 680
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.010 2.91 217 1037
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.005 0.82 116 582
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.06 111 590
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.039 6.77 744 4056
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.027 6.44 534 2807
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.012 2.27 261 1488
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.040 2.36 617 3316
367 lungi (no.) 0.021 2.11 557 2738
368 other casual wear - 1.00 186 1070
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.179 7.59 946 5092
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.052 2.28 863 4422
372 infant clothing - 0.66 87 531
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.005 0.32 141 779
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.148 0.05 14 94
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.83 140 999
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.41 51 432
379 clothing: sub-total - 78.68 1000 5351
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.011 1.72 385 2323
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 1.23 151 906
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 0.91 114 618
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.000 0.03 9 92
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.32 100 566
385 bedding: others - 0.12 32 226
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.34 543 3119
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.006 1.94 210 1400
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.014 2.40 351 2130
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 1.13 168 954
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.066 5.76 859 4523
394 other footwear (pair) 0.020 2.76 418 2302
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.03 7 74
399 footwear: sub-total 0.113 14.01 993 5310
400 books, journals, first hand - 6.36 477 2790
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.31 46 272
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.47 51 434
403 library charges - 0.03 9 52
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 5.75 621 3604
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 12.98 428 2570
406 private tutor/ coaching - 5.14 132 673
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 3
408 other educational expenses - 0.45 68 469
409 education: sub-total - 31.47 661 3829

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-633

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 9.20 138 688
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.73 88 426
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 2.03 100 444
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 3.73 82 379
414 other medical expenses - 1.80 63 342
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 18.49 143 730
420 medicine - 40.68 763 4001
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.73 42 209
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 5.71 317 1502
423 family planning devices - 0.19 24 151
424 other medical expenses - 1.45 68 294
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 49.77 782 4104
430 cinema, theatre - 0.43 35 155
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.06 37 184
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.05 81 462
433 club fees - 0.01 1 8
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.15 7 48
435 photography - 0.21 23 128
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.20 4 40
437 cable TV - 8.27 301 1816
438 other entertainment - 1.26 52 253
439 entertainment: sub-total - 12.64 443 2598
440 spectacles - 0.75 15 54
441 torch - 0.95 64 347
442 lock - 0.44 48 269
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.05 40 257
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.10 27 212
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.75 89 456
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 4.03 237 1335
450 toilet soap - 9.02 979 5251
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.92 889 4804
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.44 659 3663
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.14 953 4995
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.18 500 2879
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.57 172 947
456 sanitary napkins - 0.92 130 764
457 other toilet articles - 1.55 304 1573
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 28.74 998 5344
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.41 251 1307
461 electric batteries - 0.26 58 333
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.11 7 31
463 earthenware - 0.55 68 345
464 glassware - 0.16 18 105

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-634 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.32 106 581
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.26 46 233
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 12.46 984 5292
468 other washing requisites - 1.48 373 2128
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.85 769 3846
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.68 130 599
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.25 231 1307
473 other petty articles - 2.45 422 2063
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 25.23 999 5350
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.04 1 10
481 attendant - 0.00 0 2
482 sweeper - 0.03 8 41
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 8.00 855 4520
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.59 80 337
485 tailor - 5.71 172 885
486 grinding charges - 6.86 703 3200
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.44 33 146
488 telephone charges, mobile - 20.95 790 4506
490 postage & telegram - 0.04 9 82
491 miscellaneous expenses - 3.68 337 1742
492 priest - 0.55 81 485
493 legal expenses - 0.16 4 21
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.17 24 125
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.89 23 124
496 internet expenses - 0.02 2 15
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.34 65 312
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 48.47 983 5283
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 0.78 53 235
502 bus/tram fare - 19.11 663 3439
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 6.88 422 2164
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.08 11 52
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.51 64 290
506 horse cart fare - 0.15 19 55
507 porter charges - 0.07 2 17
508 petrol for vehicle - 11.31 115 915
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.62 4 47
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.15 15 150
512 school bus, van, etc. - 1.51 22 96
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.22 21 114
519 conveyance: sub-total - 41.40 900 4818
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 1.28 17 89
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.04 1 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-635

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.03 34 272
523 other consumer rent - 0.07 1 7
529 rent: sub-total - 1.41 52 369
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 1.59 243 1119
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.90 470 2161
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 3.48 513 2495
550 bedstead 0.000 0.51 54 225
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.23 5 31
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.43 51 296
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.17 32 239
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 1 12
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.04 12 86
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 5 21
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.01 1 18
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.40 137 778
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.07 32 137
561 television 0.000 0.90 39 191
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.12 10 46
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.00 0 4
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.12 34 211
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 4
566 other goods for recreation - 0.04 2 16
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.27 97 527
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.10 367 1788
571 other metal utensils - 0.50 105 543
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.05 10 78
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.40 185 1035
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.05 487 2549
580 electric fan 0.000 0.33 74 353
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.09 14 75
582 inverter 0.000 0.20 3 22
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.03 16 101
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.08 35 202
585 washing machine 0.000 0.00 1 4
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.14 87 404
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.14 93 483
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.24 2 20
590 water purifier 0.000 0.01 2 14
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.03 9 90
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.04 9 77
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 1.34 245 1285
600 bicycle 0.000 2.28 544 2580

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-636 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:07 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 3.38 120 903
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.25 10 75
603 tyres & tubes 0.006 1.19 247 1213
604 other transport equipment - 0.04 6 41
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 7.13 610 3057
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.02 2 17
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 3 18
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.16 167 774
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 5
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.08 1 9
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.54 141 709
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 5
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 3 23
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.80 274 1367
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.05 7 63
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.13 32 198
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 8.60 357 1889
633 other durables - 0.06 3 28
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 8.83 380 2020
640 gold ornaments - 2.18 22 133
641 silver ornaments - 1.81 50 267
642 jewels, pearls - 0.08 4 31
643 other ornaments - 0.91 170 905
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 4.97 217 1168
659 durable: total - 30.81 880 4636
888 total: non-food group - 544.30 1000 5357
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1266.08 1000 5357

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-637

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 5.265 1.96 136 949
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.150 3.19 96 751
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.14 214 1329
309 pan: sub-total - 8.29 291 1895
310 bidi (no.) 32.835 12.08 296 1657
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.894 2.48 51 467
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 12.851 2.28 145 842
313 snuff (gm) 0.332 0.08 5 42
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 3.861 0.31 13 133
315 cheroot (no.) 0.148 0.27 7 27
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 4.505 1.37 73 381
317 other tobacco products - 4.49 142 911
319 tobacco: sub-total - 23.35 593 3538
320 ganja (gm) 0.021 0.08 1 10
321 toddy (litre) 0.097 1.38 24 104
322 country liquor (litre) 0.100 8.47 83 501
323 beer (litre) 0.011 1.27 9 68
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.014 5.03 37 202
325 other intoxicants - 1.22 11 97
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 17.45 161 949
330 coke (kg) 0.063 0.25 5 23
331 firewood and chips (kg) 20.663 52.52 854 5230
332 electricity (std. unit) 9.568 27.02 813 5204
333 dung cake - 11.12 380 1841
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.464 7.23 784 4417
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.103 2.81 202 1304
336 matches (box) 1.673 1.67 974 5941
337 coal (kg) 0.215 0.64 18 97
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.351 10.42 199 1713
340 charcoal (kg) 0.013 0.08 3 74
341 candle (no.) 0.290 0.78 252 1834
342 gobar gas - 0.09 2 18
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 7
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.10 3 6
345 other fuel - 4.82 299 1385
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 119.56 995 6088
350 dhoti (no.) 0.010 1.76 271 1385
351 sari (no.) 0.048 13.34 853 4619
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.143 10.89 731 4352
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.048 6.41 558 3262
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.011 3.11 283 2088
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.007 1.48 266 1717
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.06 316 2139

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-638 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.43 248 1839
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.005 1.43 119 796
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.010 3.07 202 1182
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.83 105 678
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.18 110 699
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.039 7.53 735 4567
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.026 6.71 507 3183
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.012 2.17 241 1605
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.040 2.40 595 3674
367 lungi (no.) 0.021 2.23 557 3017
368 other casual wear - 1.16 200 1333
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.187 8.02 944 5782
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.053 2.44 841 4974
372 infant clothing - 0.78 87 550
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.005 0.36 149 970
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.104 0.04 12 103
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.09 149 1181
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.39 39 436
379 clothing: sub-total - 84.27 1000 6082
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.011 1.87 392 2700
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 1.32 163 1103
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 0.89 104 745
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.05 14 116
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.31 99 622
385 bedding: others - 0.17 39 302
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.59 543 3607
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.007 2.30 229 1750
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.016 2.89 380 2634
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.008 1.55 192 1208
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.067 6.15 841 5160
394 other footwear (pair) 0.020 2.84 394 2595
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.03 7 89
399 footwear: sub-total 0.118 15.75 990 6043
400 books, journals, first hand - 7.45 481 3211
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.43 57 351
402 newspapers, periodicals - 0.72 68 643
403 library charges - 0.04 12 94
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 6.31 626 4048
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 19.06 430 2954
406 private tutor/ coaching - 6.29 125 840
407 educational CD - 0.00 1 6
408 other educational expenses - 0.52 71 621
409 education: sub-total - 40.82 666 4350

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-639

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 10.38 143 896
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.05 98 592
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 2.79 110 623
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 3.52 87 517
414 other medical expenses - 1.23 65 428
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 19.98 147 933
420 medicine - 48.00 797 4638
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.10 42 256
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 6.64 357 1884
423 family planning devices - 0.25 24 167
424 other medical expenses - 1.35 57 350
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 58.34 812 4736
430 cinema, theatre - 0.58 36 199
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.95 33 179
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.08 75 460
433 club fees - 0.01 1 14
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.07 4 36
435 photography - 0.28 24 144
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.16 7 45
437 cable TV - 10.72 384 2536
438 other entertainment - 1.19 46 266
439 entertainment: sub-total - 15.05 519 3294
440 spectacles - 0.57 12 81
441 torch - 1.01 58 360
442 lock - 0.46 47 306
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.16 40 295
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.19 27 260
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.12 95 556
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 4.51 237 1537
450 toilet soap - 10.41 983 5970
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 5.44 896 5533
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.95 666 4178
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.69 949 5714
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.36 511 3330
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.72 198 1199
456 sanitary napkins - 1.07 154 1015
457 other toilet articles - 1.72 322 1846
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 32.37 994 6076
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.75 261 1596
461 electric batteries - 0.25 58 386
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.10 11 69
463 earthenware - 0.63 69 360
464 glassware - 0.24 22 126

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-640 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.40 102 669
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.29 39 237
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 14.01 993 6020
468 other washing requisites - 1.67 414 2582
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.21 774 4418
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 1.04 161 756
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.57 246 1539
473 other petty articles - 2.53 433 2380
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 28.67 999 6074
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.08 1 18
481 attendant - 0.00 0 2
482 sweeper - 0.04 8 59
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 8.92 873 5161
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.03 101 472
485 tailor - 8.26 201 1098
486 grinding charges - 7.03 682 3665
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.51 32 182
488 telephone charges, mobile - 25.82 841 5266
490 postage & telegram - 0.11 13 112
491 miscellaneous expenses - 4.42 351 2057
492 priest - 0.68 88 604
493 legal expenses - 0.34 3 30
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.25 28 152
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.80 21 148
496 internet expenses - 0.05 6 29
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.54 83 449
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 58.88 983 6015
500 air fare - 0.00 0 1
501 railway fare - 0.92 51 240
502 bus/tram fare - 22.52 678 3993
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 8.10 432 2506
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.10 9 60
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.67 67 335
506 horse cart fare - 0.13 14 43
507 porter charges - 0.13 2 23
508 petrol for vehicle - 18.78 177 1386
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.43 5 68
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.41 25 225
512 school bus, van, etc. - 3.18 26 182
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.22 18 153
519 conveyance: sub-total - 55.60 918 5613
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 3.28 28 149
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-641

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.03 32 310
523 other consumer rent - 0.02 2 10
529 rent: sub-total - 3.33 61 467
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 1.58 244 1497
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 2.06 479 2569
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 3.64 523 3049
550 bedstead 0.001 0.88 67 285
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.39 6 37
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.60 59 374
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.31 40 294
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 1 24
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.08 17 111
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 3 27
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.06 2 33
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.34 157 968
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.08 32 165
561 television 0.000 1.13 43 247
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.15 9 49
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.03 1 10
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.11 38 301
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.08 4 19
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.58 106 697
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.03 356 1973
571 other metal utensils - 0.60 84 544
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.05 9 109
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.44 200 1296
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.12 467 2849
580 electric fan 0.000 0.59 90 497
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.10 12 84
582 inverter 0.000 0.04 1 16
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.03 15 89
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.11 41 239
585 washing machine 0.000 0.02 1 15
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.13 92 524
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.15 96 611
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.49 5 36
590 water purifier 0.000 0.01 1 20
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.08 13 111
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.16 15 117
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 1.92 258 1610
600 bicycle 0.000 2.19 524 2731

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-642 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:08 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 5.71 168 1286
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.37 8 105
603 tyres & tubes 0.006 1.43 233 1259
604 other transport equipment - 0.04 4 54
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 9.74 608 3430
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.02 4 16
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 2
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 4 18
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.18 185 1004
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 2
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.02 1 8
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.64 137 848
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.02 1 6
625 any other personal goods - 0.01 3 30
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.87 284 1660
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.05 16 86
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.27 35 245
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 10.02 339 2008
633 other durables - 0.07 4 43
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 10.42 365 2171
640 gold ornaments - 2.73 23 169
641 silver ornaments - 1.72 50 299
642 jewels, pearls - 0.05 7 37
643 other ornaments - 0.93 149 942
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 5.42 200 1243
659 durable: total - 37.43 873 5239
888 total: non-food group - 631.87 1000 6091
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1426.76 1000 6091

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-643

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 5.043 1.82 118 1037
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.143 3.32 79 894
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.77 208 1531
309 pan: sub-total - 8.90 271 2242
310 bidi (no.) 34.638 12.87 274 1814
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.106 3.20 55 689
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 14.247 2.50 146 955
313 snuff (gm) 0.509 0.10 8 59
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 6.231 0.67 16 166
315 cheroot (no.) 0.147 0.12 5 34
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 5.272 1.74 56 428
317 other tobacco products - 4.43 119 985
319 tobacco: sub-total - 25.63 558 4020
320 ganja (gm) 0.003 0.04 0 2
321 toddy (litre) 0.157 2.68 30 151
322 country liquor (litre) 0.104 7.44 73 547
323 beer (litre) 0.014 1.68 13 106
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.023 7.97 44 339
325 other intoxicants - 1.15 9 81
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 20.95 165 1184
330 coke (kg) 0.102 0.32 7 40
331 firewood and chips (kg) 20.810 52.76 838 5981
332 electricity (std. unit) 11.263 31.95 840 6393
333 dung cake - 11.20 336 1977
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.461 7.18 743 4877
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.116 3.26 209 1520
336 matches (box) 1.762 1.73 975 6963
337 coal (kg) 0.164 0.47 16 103
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.517 15.50 283 2759
340 charcoal (kg) 0.014 0.08 3 104
341 candle (no.) 0.317 0.91 274 2403
342 gobar gas - 0.17 3 27
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.08 1 14
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.03 1 9
345 other fuel - 4.37 262 1583
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 130.00 995 7191
350 dhoti (no.) 0.011 2.06 277 1652
351 sari (no.) 0.051 15.29 829 5233
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.158 12.22 749 5174
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.052 6.99 548 3874
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.013 3.62 294 2662
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.008 1.66 252 2010
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.50 295 2571

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-644 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.57 234 2143
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.006 2.01 128 1033
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.009 3.09 191 1424
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.88 101 769
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.25 111 782
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.042 8.34 702 5436
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.029 7.65 494 3806
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.010 1.85 173 1638
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.042 2.68 578 4168
367 lungi (no.) 0.022 2.27 526 3391
368 other casual wear - 1.49 223 1733
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.192 8.51 952 6818
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.060 2.75 852 5900
372 infant clothing - 0.85 78 642
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.006 0.45 151 1305
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.129 0.07 13 134
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.09 147 1441
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.35 35 481
379 clothing: sub-total - 93.44 1000 7188
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.014 2.58 435 3408
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 1.44 158 1407
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.005 1.28 136 984
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.07 15 192
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.39 103 762
385 bedding: others - 0.15 38 370
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 5.91 568 4456
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.009 2.93 265 2361
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.018 3.39 414 3308
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.008 1.60 187 1457
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.067 6.39 833 6010
394 other footwear (pair) 0.021 3.22 400 3167
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.03 5 98
399 footwear: sub-total 0.124 17.54 993 7151
400 books, journals, first hand - 9.24 479 3935
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.24 35 348
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.27 90 1085
403 library charges - 0.04 12 132
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 6.90 597 4802
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 28.09 435 3614
406 private tutor/ coaching - 7.63 127 1013
407 educational CD - 0.00 1 3
408 other educational expenses - 0.86 93 783
409 education: sub-total - 54.28 636 5181

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-645

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 13.41 151 1132
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.24 103 746
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 4.14 115 797
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 5.27 99 678
414 other medical expenses - 2.05 58 491
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 28.11 158 1189
420 medicine - 60.73 783 5519
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.49 73 424
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 9.23 400 2460
423 family planning devices - 0.18 23 235
424 other medical expenses - 2.78 70 477
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 77.42 804 5654
430 cinema, theatre - 0.87 40 251
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.68 25 219
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.24 67 571
433 club fees - 0.02 2 11
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.17 6 76
435 photography - 0.31 24 194
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.10 6 55
437 cable TV - 13.81 447 3532
438 other entertainment - 1.56 46 354
439 entertainment: sub-total - 18.76 555 4374
440 spectacles - 0.88 15 139
441 torch - 1.32 64 493
442 lock - 0.53 47 343
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.56 51 430
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.23 33 342
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.90 90 668
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 5.41 256 2005
450 toilet soap - 11.14 982 7050
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.11 909 6586
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 5.65 679 5029
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 7.55 947 6734
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.47 506 4002
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.87 210 1567
456 sanitary napkins - 1.37 170 1414
457 other toilet articles - 2.10 347 2298
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 36.28 1000 7189
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.16 268 1996
461 electric batteries - 0.33 66 487
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.16 9 102
463 earthenware - 0.91 80 473
464 glassware - 0.40 24 179

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-646 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.73 116 896
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.29 37 278
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 15.83 990 7109
468 other washing requisites - 1.97 419 3263
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.54 779 5169
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 1.20 168 976
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 2.31 309 2071
473 other petty articles - 3.16 451 2860
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 33.98 998 7180
480 domestic servant/cook - 0.33 4 46
481 attendant - 0.03 1 5
482 sweeper - 0.08 12 81
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 9.97 850 6042
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.06 100 604
485 tailor - 8.61 195 1368
486 grinding charges - 7.13 673 4239
487 telephone charges, landline - 0.77 35 288
488 telephone charges, mobile - 30.00 833 6316
490 postage & telegram - 0.13 15 197
491 miscellaneous expenses - 4.59 363 2541
492 priest - 0.84 96 803
493 legal expenses - 0.22 4 36
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.21 31 186
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.91 22 186
496 internet expenses - 0.11 11 72
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.65 100 602
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 65.66 986 7106
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 1.44 61 309
502 bus/tram fare - 28.31 699 4829
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 9.17 421 2905
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.05 4 52
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.62 58 345
506 horse cart fare - 0.07 6 38
507 porter charges - 0.27 3 36
508 petrol for vehicle - 25.72 217 2025
510 diesel for vehicle - 1.21 10 109
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.66 36 366
512 school bus, van, etc. - 3.22 39 294
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.37 25 188
519 conveyance: sub-total - 71.11 920 6702
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 4.42 33 201
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.07 0 6

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-647

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.04 25 328
523 other consumer rent - 0.01 2 11
529 rent: sub-total - 4.54 61 542
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 2.25 282 1969
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 2.59 484 3176
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 4.84 549 3844
550 bedstead 0.000 0.72 52 316
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.70 11 72
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.63 60 417
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.28 35 381
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.02 1 22
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.10 11 143
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 4 35
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.12 5 40
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.58 147 1186
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.06 21 167
561 television 0.000 2.15 53 326
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.40 12 81
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.04 1 12
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.23 54 488
565 musical instruments - 0.02 1 11
566 other goods for recreation - 0.07 3 33
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.96 121 971
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.81 345 2372
571 other metal utensils - 0.56 91 663
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.07 14 153
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.54 192 1510
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.97 472 3424
580 electric fan 0.000 0.68 94 578
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.19 19 165
582 inverter 0.000 0.03 4 32
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.03 14 120
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.25 42 314
585 washing machine 0.000 0.20 3 20
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.33 96 668
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.23 96 781
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.54 7 63
590 water purifier 0.000 0.02 2 24
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.10 12 141
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.20 15 122
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 2.80 277 2058
600 bicycle 0.000 2.24 462 3026

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-648 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:09 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 7.81 219 1889
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 0.54 13 187
603 tyres & tubes 0.005 1.51 215 1428
604 other transport equipment - 0.09 5 40
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 12.20 586 4021
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.03 3 22
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 6
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.03 4 28
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.19 171 1138
621 other machines for household work - 0.02 1 5
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.05 1 16
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.44 145 1061
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.02 1 9
625 any other personal goods - 0.01 4 30
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 3.72 284 2013
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.20 14 129
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.38 37 365
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 9.84 312 2182
633 other durables - 0.14 4 37
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 10.57 336 2452
640 gold ornaments - 8.41 33 277
641 silver ornaments - 2.93 65 394
642 jewels, pearls - 0.02 4 55
643 other ornaments - 1.07 142 1039
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 12.43 207 1502
659 durable: total - 51.27 872 6212
888 total: non-food group - 754.04 1000 7199
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1645.36 1000 7199

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-649

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 4.572 1.70 102 1148
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.256 3.63 78 1211
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 2.99 172 1654
309 pan: sub-total - 8.32 233 2566
310 bidi (no.) 33.165 12.62 234 1885
311 cigarettes (no.) 2.114 6.30 81 1111
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 12.245 2.17 118 880
313 snuff (gm) 0.755 0.12 10 52
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 7.716 0.45 16 170
315 cheroot (no.) 0.071 0.08 4 23
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 5.884 1.72 52 506
317 other tobacco products - 5.02 106 1110
319 tobacco: sub-total - 28.49 502 4470
320 ganja (gm) 0.147 0.14 1 8
321 toddy (litre) 0.177 2.48 27 138
322 country liquor (litre) 0.103 9.45 74 644
323 beer (litre) 0.027 3.09 19 174
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.035 12.80 59 481
325 other intoxicants - 2.43 8 89
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 30.39 181 1471
330 coke (kg) 0.117 0.38 8 36
331 firewood and chips (kg) 20.663 51.99 799 6797
332 electricity (std. unit) 14.319 41.51 889 7973
333 dung cake - 12.46 307 2077
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.444 6.83 687 5388
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.105 3.01 183 1703
336 matches (box) 1.898 1.88 971 8375
337 coal (kg) 0.158 0.60 13 95
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.795 23.57 386 4335
340 charcoal (kg) 0.019 0.12 5 139
341 candle (no.) 0.426 1.23 325 3317
342 gobar gas - 0.28 4 32
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.06 1 16
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.09 3 14
345 other fuel - 4.19 267 1909
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 148.21 998 8686
350 dhoti (no.) 0.011 2.07 245 1877
351 sari (no.) 0.054 17.66 794 6045
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.181 14.65 755 6255
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.058 8.11 550 4697
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.015 4.67 304 3374
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.009 2.09 265 2471
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.01 287 3086

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-650 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.08 228 2617
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.006 2.28 133 1263
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.010 3.45 172 1574
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.005 1.10 102 1038
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.006 1.67 104 925
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.045 9.69 709 6581
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.031 9.06 506 4733
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.011 2.26 176 1888
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.045 2.97 554 4962
367 lungi (no.) 0.022 2.40 484 3863
368 other casual wear - 1.81 228 2282
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.210 9.40 938 8265
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.065 3.11 850 7207
372 infant clothing - 0.83 68 718
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.007 0.62 177 1807
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.143 0.07 12 167
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.58 157 1807
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.39 34 572
379 clothing: sub-total - 108.99 998 8673
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.016 3.24 444 4387
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.006 2.20 183 1845
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.006 1.38 132 1391
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.002 0.13 25 324
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.38 85 839
385 bedding: others - 0.21 46 496
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 7.55 596 5696
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.011 4.04 290 3320
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.021 4.23 429 4335
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.009 1.92 204 1939
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.070 7.16 839 7197
394 other footwear (pair) 0.022 3.87 394 3801
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 5 122
399 footwear: sub-total 0.134 21.22 995 8630
400 books, journals, first hand - 12.06 478 4845
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.41 42 488
402 newspapers, periodicals - 2.32 132 1865
403 library charges - 0.09 14 217
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 8.24 582 5664
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 45.64 443 4542
406 private tutor/ coaching - 8.97 124 1333
407 educational CD - 0.00 1 15
408 other educational expenses - 1.37 92 1036
409 education: sub-total - 79.09 638 6266

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-651

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 19.02 178 1586
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.68 130 1090
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 6.02 142 1133
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 9.77 122 991
414 other medical expenses - 3.82 87 738
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 43.32 190 1679
420 medicine - 79.16 806 6725
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 6.83 80 581
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 11.93 429 3111
423 family planning devices - 0.29 25 321
424 other medical expenses - 2.57 70 541
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 100.78 820 6870
430 cinema, theatre - 1.39 53 373
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.41 33 261
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.45 60 720
433 club fees - 0.02 2 18
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.17 6 107
435 photography - 0.24 20 252
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.15 5 83
437 cable TV - 18.28 530 5049
438 other entertainment - 1.82 44 457
439 entertainment: sub-total - 24.92 616 5915
440 spectacles - 1.61 20 219
441 torch - 1.58 65 606
442 lock - 0.65 52 419
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.86 50 583
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.22 30 500
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.02 75 827
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 6.94 237 2525
450 toilet soap - 12.58 985 8533
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.99 919 8131
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 6.88 678 6244
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 8.60 954 8194
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.81 515 4987
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.04 219 2070
456 sanitary napkins - 1.75 208 2071
457 other toilet articles - 2.61 376 2951
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 42.26 995 8670
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.90 289 2576
461 electric batteries - 0.43 67 601
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.19 14 173
463 earthenware - 0.69 61 469
464 glassware - 0.49 28 238

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-652 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.25 124 1188
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.31 30 328
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 18.00 991 8568
468 other washing requisites - 2.43 442 4189
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.10 757 6230
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 1.55 179 1292
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 3.02 343 2818
473 other petty articles - 3.38 443 3524
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 39.74 998 8668
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.02 9 129
481 attendant - 0.03 2 17
482 sweeper - 0.22 16 152
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 11.64 855 7214
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.62 120 880
485 tailor - 11.74 225 1846
486 grinding charges - 7.54 660 4948
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.90 55 522
488 telephone charges, mobile - 37.58 864 7873
490 postage & telegram - 0.19 19 250
491 miscellaneous expenses - 5.10 345 3208
492 priest - 1.34 95 1076
493 legal expenses - 0.22 3 31
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.37 26 223
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.59 26 253
496 internet expenses - 0.21 14 120
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.72 88 753
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 83.02 981 8586
500 air fare - 0.00 0 1
501 railway fare - 1.97 62 377
502 bus/tram fare - 34.48 687 5922
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 11.86 416 3451
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.12 7 84
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 1.00 68 444
506 horse cart fare - 0.06 6 38
507 porter charges - 0.25 4 60
508 petrol for vehicle - 45.88 307 3265
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.72 11 172
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 1.11 49 598
512 school bus, van, etc. - 5.83 52 527
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.33 21 243
519 conveyance: sub-total - 105.60 930 8219
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 8.21 42 331
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.03 0 5

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-653

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.06 29 393
523 other consumer rent - 0.05 3 27
529 rent: sub-total - 8.34 74 750
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 2.75 307 2618
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 3.35 518 4142
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 6.10 592 5000
550 bedstead 0.001 1.02 51 409
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.66 10 110
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.94 61 596
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.45 43 498
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.03 1 30
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.15 13 240
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.03 5 56
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.23 5 78
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 3.50 153 1624
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.05 16 167
561 television 0.000 3.15 72 480
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.27 10 107
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.03 2 29
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.27 60 783
565 musical instruments - 0.01 2 18
566 other goods for recreation - 0.06 3 50
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 3.84 143 1419
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.63 323 2798
571 other metal utensils - 0.74 90 829
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.10 16 267
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.67 205 1963
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.14 462 4133
580 electric fan 0.001 1.04 108 785
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.30 30 284
582 inverter 0.000 0.76 10 111
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.03 15 138
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.17 54 457
585 washing machine 0.000 0.18 3 40
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.47 116 901
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.33 114 1036
588 refrigerator 0.000 1.05 12 118
590 water purifier 0.000 0.04 2 60
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.15 16 247
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.40 20 192
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 4.93 325 2769
600 bicycle 0.000 2.50 448 3397

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-654 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:10 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 13.56 297 2955
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.39 22 400
603 tyres & tubes 0.005 2.02 211 1792
604 other transport equipment - 0.18 3 55
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 19.65 606 5097
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.09 8 74
611 other medical equipment - 0.01 1 9
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.09 8 83
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.26 189 1469
621 other machines for household work - 0.01 1 11
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.62 5 45
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 4.32 141 1302
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.04 2 9
625 any other personal goods - 0.04 3 41
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 5.28 298 2497
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.59 19 188
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.41 38 512
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 16.55 258 2430
633 other durables - 0.20 4 52
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 17.74 285 2788
640 gold ornaments - 10.71 48 509
641 silver ornaments - 3.22 54 465
642 jewels, pearls - 0.14 5 74
643 other ornaments - 1.38 128 1154
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 15.45 200 1851
659 durable: total - 74.63 865 7532
888 total: non-food group - 967.92 1000 8692
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2007.46 1000 8692

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-655

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 4.206 1.58 86 597
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.626 5.25 79 703
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.21 142 886
309 pan: sub-total - 10.05 207 1447
310 bidi (no.) 33.280 13.08 204 885
311 cigarettes (no.) 2.995 9.06 97 729
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 8.911 1.48 81 415
313 snuff (gm) 0.340 0.12 6 30
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 11.207 0.53 22 104
315 cheroot (no.) 0.093 0.12 4 13
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 4.451 1.50 48 281
317 other tobacco products - 6.83 97 571
319 tobacco: sub-total - 32.71 450 2386
320 ganja (gm) 0.103 0.13 1 3
321 toddy (litre) 0.119 2.17 17 68
322 country liquor (litre) 0.116 10.39 66 351
323 beer (litre) 0.020 2.17 15 137
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.057 22.19 77 356
325 other intoxicants - 1.12 9 58
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 38.17 177 929
330 coke (kg) 0.131 0.29 6 16
331 firewood and chips (kg) 19.554 47.39 706 3730
332 electricity (std. unit) 18.251 52.85 919 4972
333 dung cake - 13.61 274 1113
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.397 6.13 599 2844
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.099 2.87 147 929
336 matches (box) 1.981 1.97 960 5058
337 coal (kg) 0.095 0.32 6 37
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.243 37.14 551 3392
340 charcoal (kg) 0.015 0.16 4 76
341 candle (no.) 0.621 1.80 387 2187
342 gobar gas - 0.37 6 25
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.04 1 10
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.005 0.20 6 10
345 other fuel - 4.26 262 1142
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 169.40 999 5273
350 dhoti (no.) 0.013 2.54 256 1169
351 sari (no.) 0.056 20.54 759 3482
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.217 17.83 757 3768
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.063 9.54 547 2732
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.018 6.09 323 2095
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.010 2.57 262 1546
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.73 280 1834

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-656 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.69 223 1507
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.007 2.64 128 841
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.011 4.26 181 1004
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.005 1.24 94 615
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.006 2.01 114 620
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.051 12.01 693 3976
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.034 11.07 499 2849
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.012 2.62 164 1030
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.048 3.40 535 2847
367 lungi (no.) 0.024 2.62 484 2255
368 other casual wear - 2.84 278 1625
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.226 10.72 947 5030
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.076 3.68 858 4404
372 infant clothing - 1.03 69 382
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.009 0.96 221 1168
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.519 0.24 18 109
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 2.11 142 1103
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.32 20 316
379 clothing: sub-total - 131.22 998 5275
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.020 4.32 474 2912
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.006 2.47 185 1195
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.008 2.12 156 896
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.003 0.23 31 219
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.37 75 497
385 bedding: others - 0.24 41 323
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 9.74 619 3658
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.014 5.74 360 2395
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.024 5.13 459 2710
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.010 2.28 216 1154
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.071 7.68 827 4333
394 other footwear (pair) 0.024 5.05 398 2336
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.05 4 60
399 footwear: sub-total 0.143 25.91 996 5248
400 books, journals, first hand - 15.91 486 2984
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.54 39 237
402 newspapers, periodicals - 4.30 206 1564
403 library charges - 0.19 29 152
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 9.62 563 3363
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 78.42 477 2815
406 private tutor/ coaching - 10.96 127 860
407 educational CD - 0.01 2 20
408 other educational expenses - 1.55 98 681
409 education: sub-total - 121.49 637 3878

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-657

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 34.34 197 1043
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 6.90 142 735
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 9.74 164 801
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 14.92 149 688
414 other medical expenses - 10.54 103 472
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 76.43 213 1092
420 medicine - 114.14 822 4155
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 10.41 91 412
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 16.25 430 1997
423 family planning devices - 0.81 22 153
424 other medical expenses - 3.30 63 334
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 144.90 835 4252
430 cinema, theatre - 2.17 68 264
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.38 23 142
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.77 68 413
433 club fees - 0.01 1 14
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.39 7 54
435 photography - 0.42 21 163
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.19 8 71
437 cable TV - 23.77 597 3477
438 other entertainment - 2.36 45 307
439 entertainment: sub-total - 33.45 675 3931
440 spectacles - 3.99 34 177
441 torch - 1.38 50 367
442 lock - 0.80 45 253
443 umbrella, raincoat - 2.47 59 382
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.28 32 339
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.45 87 490
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 10.36 259 1613
450 toilet soap - 14.54 982 5162
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 7.98 907 4949
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 8.53 688 3874
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 10.04 948 4938
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.18 520 3072
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.50 262 1425
456 sanitary napkins - 2.46 253 1534
457 other toilet articles - 3.48 382 2005
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 50.71 997 5264
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.73 280 1653
461 electric batteries - 0.57 72 363
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.19 10 87
463 earthenware - 0.84 60 263
464 glassware - 0.43 24 156

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-658 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 3.18 155 802
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.39 27 178
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 20.99 986 5199
468 other washing requisites - 3.11 511 2671
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.93 779 3757
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 2.33 197 816
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 3.82 366 1857
473 other petty articles - 5.06 476 2236
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 49.55 998 5263
480 domestic servant/cook - 2.46 19 140
481 attendant - 0.03 1 12
482 sweeper - 0.39 23 127
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 13.26 839 4361
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 2.62 141 627
485 tailor - 14.30 216 1163
486 grinding charges - 7.50 640 2880
487 telephone charges, landline - 3.80 86 511
488 telephone charges, mobile - 49.52 897 4908
490 postage & telegram - 0.34 24 184
491 miscellaneous expenses - 6.50 362 2012
492 priest - 3.01 131 774
493 legal expenses - 0.79 6 36
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.35 23 121
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.59 25 177
496 internet expenses - 0.53 17 128
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.87 104 554
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 107.87 995 5234
500 air fare - 0.00 0 1
501 railway fare - 3.25 62 246
502 bus/tram fare - 45.05 707 3542
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 13.19 398 1999
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.08 5 44
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.65 49 239
506 horse cart fare - 0.03 2 15
507 porter charges - 0.69 4 35
508 petrol for vehicle - 75.50 400 2518
510 diesel for vehicle - 5.80 17 172
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.22 70 497
512 school bus, van, etc. - 10.92 81 511
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.83 16 171
519 conveyance: sub-total - 158.20 948 5044
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 21.30 82 318
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.05 1 13

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-659

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.07 18 210
523 other consumer rent - 0.26 4 12
529 rent: sub-total - 21.67 104 546
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 3.85 348 1748
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 4.60 537 2679
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 8.45 635 3252
550 bedstead 0.001 1.53 49 226
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 1.06 12 95
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.99 63 366
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.59 53 328
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.07 2 29
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.17 12 139
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.04 6 33
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.95 11 77
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 5.40 159 1001
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.05 17 102
561 television 0.001 5.09 79 337
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.56 15 90
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.07 2 18
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.40 78 588
565 musical instruments - 0.01 1 13
566 other goods for recreation - 0.17 5 28
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 6.35 170 1030
570 stainless steel utensils - 3.14 309 1606
571 other metal utensils - 0.62 76 499
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.16 23 189
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.98 217 1216
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.91 441 2456
580 electric fan 0.001 1.35 118 541
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.84 52 285
582 inverter 0.000 1.13 15 105
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.05 11 80
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.41 67 327
585 washing machine 0.000 0.84 13 71
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.91 127 555
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.41 145 729
588 refrigerator 0.000 2.17 25 129
590 water purifier 0.000 0.37 8 62
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.55 22 166
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.48 25 138
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 9.48 375 1920
600 bicycle 0.000 2.75 402 1918

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-660 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:11 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.001 28.83 380 2221
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 4.16 37 459
603 tyres & tubes 0.006 3.01 212 1138
604 other transport equipment - 0.46 5 51
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 39.21 617 3301
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.07 8 49
611 other medical equipment - 0.01 0 4
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.08 8 53
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.28 212 959
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 6
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 1.22 8 67
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 6.77 168 863
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.06 3 12
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 4 35
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 8.36 340 1648
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.54 19 156
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.80 54 328
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 20.17 246 1367
633 other durables - 0.45 6 37
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 21.97 286 1636
640 gold ornaments - 34.84 90 464
641 silver ornaments - 6.53 72 322
642 jewels, pearls - 0.61 7 28
643 other ornaments - 1.76 113 644
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 43.74 221 1206
659 durable: total - 139.50 878 4637
888 total: non-food group - 1339.79 1000 5280
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2556.33 1000 5280

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-661

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 5.390 1.89 74 607
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.531 4.47 59 756
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.82 120 922
309 pan: sub-total - 10.17 172 1543
310 bidi (no.) 28.307 11.54 152 825
311 cigarettes (no.) 5.188 16.94 104 1023
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 10.687 2.14 55 370
313 snuff (gm) 0.265 0.14 5 32
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 11.793 0.57 17 114
315 cheroot (no.) 0.096 0.09 3 13
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 4.610 2.00 41 289
317 other tobacco products - 5.09 65 527
319 tobacco: sub-total - 38.52 377 2531
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.121 3.12 18 62
322 country liquor (litre) 0.138 15.98 46 388
323 beer (litre) 0.089 8.33 26 208
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.112 46.64 100 710
325 other intoxicants - 17.51 5 83
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 91.57 184 1345
330 coke (kg) 0.014 0.07 1 11
331 firewood and chips (kg) 19.321 44.33 580 4182
332 electricity (std. unit) 25.816 73.75 951 6624
333 dung cake - 11.37 179 1079
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.320 4.93 432 2935
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.134 4.01 138 1058
336 matches (box) 1.953 1.93 925 6444
337 coal (kg) 0.089 0.31 7 46
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.791 53.65 653 5191
340 charcoal (kg) 0.017 0.14 3 60
341 candle (no.) 0.693 2.11 404 2981
342 gobar gas - 0.88 8 62
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.004 0.24 2 37
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.011 0.42 4 50
345 other fuel - 4.63 249 1701
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 202.76 997 6859
350 dhoti (no.) 0.015 3.45 256 1707
351 sari (no.) 0.061 29.30 652 4267
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.273 25.92 725 4886
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.067 12.36 497 3391
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.019 8.23 295 2605
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.011 3.35 241 1891
356 school/college uniform: boys - 5.40 229 1990

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-662 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.83 163 1557
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.008 3.48 136 1009
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.014 6.32 159 1161
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.006 1.66 93 730
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.007 2.64 103 819
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.066 18.87 728 5159
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.047 18.96 556 3783
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.011 2.58 109 1117
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.050 4.01 451 3343
367 lungi (no.) 0.029 3.45 464 3017
368 other casual wear - 3.99 302 2382
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.262 13.40 956 6590
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.098 4.79 868 5878
372 infant clothing - 1.09 50 401
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.012 1.54 237 1770
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.186 0.11 10 129
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 3.13 148 1368
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.19 11 277
379 clothing: sub-total - 182.00 1000 6865
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.028 7.22 524 4108
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.007 3.68 186 1577
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.011 2.99 180 1421
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.009 1.03 45 447
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.39 61 608
385 bedding: others - 0.60 61 489
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 15.91 635 4892
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.018 10.02 400 3336
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.026 6.81 432 3694
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.012 2.96 216 1660
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.074 9.04 777 5436
394 other footwear (pair) 0.025 5.95 388 2795
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.03 5 48
399 footwear: sub-total 0.155 34.78 993 6827
400 books, journals, first hand - 25.32 469 3628
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.72 31 269
402 newspapers, periodicals - 9.02 317 2798
403 library charges - 0.53 31 241
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 14.82 548 4126
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 202.30 437 3342
406 private tutor/ coaching - 20.67 128 1093
407 educational CD - 0.13 12 64
408 other educational expenses - 3.98 117 939
409 education: sub-total - 277.50 659 5097

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-663

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 89.51 257 1763
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 28.54 209 1355
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 35.90 219 1361
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 53.50 205 1262
414 other medical expenses - 33.83 133 907
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 241.28 266 1855
420 medicine - 185.89 797 5372
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 24.77 137 874
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 29.30 448 2825
423 family planning devices - 0.45 26 153
424 other medical expenses - 12.51 78 535
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 252.91 811 5486
430 cinema, theatre - 3.44 68 421
431 mela, fair, picnic - 4.53 32 225
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 4.32 50 475
433 club fees - 0.16 3 26
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.23 5 83
435 photography - 4.78 34 251
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.36 9 116
437 cable TV - 29.11 649 4984
438 other entertainment - 3.51 39 410
439 entertainment: sub-total - 50.43 715 5446
440 spectacles - 5.07 33 311
441 torch - 3.89 60 457
442 lock - 0.65 32 316
443 umbrella, raincoat - 3.69 59 606
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.59 44 456
445 other minor durable-type goods - 2.23 77 619
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 16.12 246 2118
450 toilet soap - 17.54 978 6672
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 10.10 924 6423
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 12.65 692 5076
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 13.01 942 6459
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.90 531 4003
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 2.14 279 2033
456 sanitary napkins - 3.34 261 2127
457 other toilet articles - 4.52 390 2928
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 66.21 991 6851
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 7.48 295 2304
461 electric batteries - 2.07 71 577
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.41 17 141
463 earthenware - 1.02 56 351
464 glassware - 0.89 21 205

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-664 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 4.38 123 1088
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.43 23 233
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 27.98 979 6762
468 other washing requisites - 4.22 515 3739
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 6.38 730 4920
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 4.37 215 1166
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 5.88 418 2773
473 other petty articles - 6.02 464 3042
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 71.52 986 6832
480 domestic servant/cook - 17.21 59 564
481 attendant - 2.00 7 36
482 sweeper - 2.01 32 290
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 17.04 807 5458
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 5.80 177 1068
485 tailor - 20.94 239 1696
486 grinding charges - 7.64 550 3522
487 telephone charges, landline - 10.47 152 1382
488 telephone charges, mobile - 76.21 921 6505
490 postage & telegram - 0.53 27 260
491 miscellaneous expenses - 11.24 316 2542
492 priest - 10.27 145 1136
493 legal expenses - 6.94 9 69
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.85 20 198
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 3.99 37 361
496 internet expenses - 3.93 59 397
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 4.02 137 928
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 201.08 993 6832
500 air fare - 2.03 0 11
501 railway fare - 6.21 55 363
502 bus/tram fare - 66.79 665 4293
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 28.49 391 2554
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.31 9 90
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.87 37 290
506 horse cart fare - 0.02 1 10
507 porter charges - 1.28 8 81
508 petrol for vehicle - 134.81 467 3993
510 diesel for vehicle - 17.82 40 498
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 4.06 88 832
512 school bus, van, etc. - 21.22 102 828
513 other conveyance expenses - 6.92 23 259
519 conveyance: sub-total - 290.82 948 6637
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 64.62 203 744
521 hotel lodging charges - 1.19 4 48

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-665

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.21 10 174
523 other consumer rent - 2.04 7 28
529 rent: sub-total - 68.05 220 981
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 4.06 295 2250
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 8.88 537 3877
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 12.94 625 4594
550 bedstead 0.001 6.50 61 416
551 almirah, dressing table 0.001 3.70 25 220
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 3.42 73 590
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.89 44 519
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.55 4 59
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.33 16 228
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.09 7 70
557 other furniture & fixtures - 4.63 16 183
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 20.12 177 1572
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.13 13 100
561 television 0.001 11.03 80 496
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.68 18 157
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.29 6 58
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.68 90 881
565 musical instruments - 0.12 3 35
566 other goods for recreation - 0.28 7 61
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 13.22 181 1497
570 stainless steel utensils - 5.39 293 2022
571 other metal utensils - 1.57 81 693
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.33 26 268
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.51 192 1491
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 8.80 404 3017
580 electric fan 0.002 2.48 127 738
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 2.48 69 466
582 inverter 0.000 5.83 46 309
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.04 6 86
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.42 62 386
585 washing machine 0.000 2.94 20 192
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.85 121 773
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.91 138 963
588 refrigerator 0.001 7.03 46 355
590 water purifier 0.000 1.16 25 198
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 1.32 41 342
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.75 23 265
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 26.22 400 2853
600 bicycle 0.001 3.17 341 2050

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-666 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:12 Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.001 75.89 433 3319
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 107.47 109 1366
603 tyres & tubes 0.006 5.04 198 1536
604 other transport equipment - 2.87 8 95
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 194.44 621 4591
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.59 15 121
611 other medical equipment - 0.07 2 16
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.67 17 135
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.51 189 1236
621 other machines for household work - 0.07 1 9
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 9.65 29 267
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 11.63 178 1271
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.09 4 23
625 any other personal goods - 0.07 3 76
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 22.01 336 2368
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 5.58 33 293
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.77 62 568
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 54.55 227 1735
633 other durables - 3.05 10 65
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 64.95 268 2152
640 gold ornaments - 216.17 140 1138
641 silver ornaments - 11.41 60 437
642 jewels, pearls - 5.10 8 48
643 other ornaments - 3.13 86 710
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 235.80 231 1856
659 durable: total - 586.24 857 6125
888 total: non-food group - 2710.84 1000 6867
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 4481.18 1000 6867

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-667

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 3.720 1.41 111 8149
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.001 2.68 86 7075
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 2.72 194 12058
309 pan: sub-total - 6.81 262 17559
310 bidi (no.) 26.797 9.31 269 14426
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.989 2.93 48 4994
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 13.300 2.36 182 9034
313 snuff (gm) 0.459 0.09 8 459
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 4.061 0.28 13 1072
315 cheroot (no.) 0.125 0.13 5 223
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 3.563 1.12 53 3170
317 other tobacco products - 4.44 154 9009
319 tobacco: sub-total - 20.65 593 33645
320 ganja (gm) 0.085 0.07 2 90
321 toddy (litre) 0.095 1.57 27 1120
322 country liquor (litre) 0.094 6.72 77 4817
323 beer (litre) 0.013 1.30 10 822
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.018 6.86 36 2514
325 other intoxicants - 1.95 15 986
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 18.47 160 9925
330 coke (kg) 0.075 0.25 6 270
331 firewood and chips (kg) 19.036 48.20 835 48829
332 electricity (std. unit) 8.923 25.11 742 49006
333 dung cake - 11.65 408 18718
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.431 6.78 756 40507
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.103 2.92 217 13089
336 matches (box) 1.547 1.52 973 57809
337 coal (kg) 0.168 0.56 16 931
338 L.P.G. (kg) 0.378 11.31 214 20195
340 charcoal (kg) 0.009 0.06 3 599
341 candle (no.) 0.282 0.74 237 17957
342 gobar gas - 0.15 3 200
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.03 1 90
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.08 3 123
345 other fuel - 4.75 266 13203
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 114.11 998 59641
350 dhoti (no.) 0.009 1.53 254 13585
351 sari (no.) 0.047 13.32 846 44793
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.134 10.14 697 40678
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.043 5.98 526 30584
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.011 3.15 286 20573
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.007 1.41 249 16031
356 school/college uniform: boys - 2.71 272 19388

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-668 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.21 229 16498
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.005 1.50 121 7874
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.009 2.70 187 10995
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.84 110 6636
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.10 106 6524
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.039 7.32 728 44791
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.026 6.60 510 31533
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.014 2.35 270 16152
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.038 2.28 595 35129
367 lungi (no.) 0.021 2.09 558 30020
368 other casual wear - 1.21 193 13628
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.176 7.45 946 56595
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.051 2.35 852 49590
372 infant clothing - 0.76 95 5761
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.005 0.37 137 9739
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.162 0.06 13 1024
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.01 135 10912
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.40 48 4219
379 clothing: sub-total - 80.81 999 59589
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.012 2.08 394 27177
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 1.25 144 10593
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 0.97 113 7705
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.001 0.10 15 1586
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.31 98 5993
385 bedding: others - 0.15 37 2937
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 4.87 539 35747
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.007 2.41 220 17958
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.015 2.62 353 25023
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 1.23 164 11030
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.065 5.70 840 49708
394 other footwear (pair) 0.018 2.64 377 24336
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.03 8 731
399 footwear: sub-total 0.111 14.61 988 59045
400 books, journals, first hand - 7.62 449 30176
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.33 46 3057
402 newspapers, periodicals - 1.21 82 9059
403 library charges - 0.07 12 1011
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 5.98 614 38918
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 28.06 415 28223
406 private tutor/ coaching - 6.00 116 7905
407 educational CD - 0.01 1 116
408 other educational expenses - 0.70 73 5857
409 education: sub-total - 49.97 658 42585

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-669

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 13.46 141 9147
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.29 94 6070
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 4.16 105 6327
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 6.32 88 5460
414 other medical expenses - 3.57 66 4257
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 30.81 150 9657
420 medicine - 51.24 768 44844
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.73 54 3328
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 7.21 326 18201
423 family planning devices - 0.19 20 1563
424 other medical expenses - 2.00 59 3401
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 64.37 785 45896
430 cinema, theatre - 0.71 35 2045
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.13 36 1946
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.23 79 4875
433 club fees - 0.02 1 118
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.10 5 479
435 photography - 0.43 21 1474
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.10 5 497
437 cable TV - 9.35 326 24900
438 other entertainment - 1.14 43 2895
439 entertainment: sub-total - 14.21 457 32246
440 spectacles - 0.97 14 1129
441 torch - 1.06 60 3730
442 lock - 0.43 43 2706
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.22 43 3391
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.15 29 2734
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.82 89 5345
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 4.65 235 15689
450 toilet soap - 9.25 977 58289
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 5.02 867 53027
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.80 647 40579
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.37 948 55840
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.19 475 31794
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.64 173 11603
456 sanitary napkins - 0.98 133 10429
457 other toilet articles - 1.74 318 19036
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 29.99 997 59505
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 1.71 225 15110
461 electric batteries - 0.36 57 3822
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.10 9 772
463 earthenware - 0.58 68 3574
464 glassware - 0.25 20 1306

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-670 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.44 103 6900
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.27 36 2272
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 13.06 986 58815
468 other washing requisites - 1.56 373 24905
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.93 737 42156
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.93 126 6875
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.69 257 16380
473 other petty articles - 2.46 422 23677
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 27.35 997 59475
480 domestic servant/cook - 1.13 7 927
481 attendant - 0.11 1 84
482 sweeper - 0.17 11 864
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 8.29 855 49786
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.99 87 4890
485 tailor - 7.14 178 10627
486 grinding charges - 6.37 662 34325
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.16 42 3426
488 telephone charges, mobile - 24.07 767 49389
490 postage & telegram - 0.11 13 1267
491 miscellaneous expenses - 3.84 324 20039
492 priest - 1.13 82 6185
493 legal expenses - 0.55 4 284
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.24 28 1579
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.89 21 1648
496 internet expenses - 0.27 10 791
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.59 75 4577
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 57.04 983 58682
500 air fare - 0.11 0 20
501 railway fare - 1.28 53 2521
502 bus/tram fare - 21.18 616 37137
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 8.01 391 22849
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.09 8 562
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.57 60 2985
506 horse cart fare - 0.10 11 420
507 porter charges - 0.18 2 275
508 petrol for vehicle - 22.56 170 15789
510 diesel for vehicle - 1.71 8 1131
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.59 28 2906
512 school bus, van, etc. - 3.12 30 2579
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.60 20 1506
519 conveyance: sub-total - 60.09 862 53289
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 6.25 36 2028
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.08 0 76

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-671

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.04 30 2708
523 other consumer rent - 0.13 2 120
529 rent: sub-total - 6.50 68 4894
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 0.00 0 0
540 water charges - 1.48 205 13332
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 2.04 416 24749
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 3.53 463 29070
550 bedstead 0.000 0.89 56 2807
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.45 7 621
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.60 50 3390
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.25 33 2849
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.04 1 190
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.07 11 1134
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 4 302
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.33 4 469
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.64 137 9424
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.07 28 1374
561 television 0.000 1.71 42 2530
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.19 9 619
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.03 1 135
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.15 39 3665
565 musical instruments - 0.01 1 97
566 other goods for recreation - 0.06 3 258
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.22 106 7556
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.02 348 19340
571 other metal utensils - 0.51 89 5578
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.06 11 1182
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.42 167 11364
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.01 462 27473
580 electric fan 0.000 0.54 75 4379
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.24 18 1460
582 inverter 0.000 0.45 7 618
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.03 16 927
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.12 35 2358
585 washing machine 0.000 0.23 3 348
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.22 79 4702
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.18 85 5671
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.70 8 744
590 water purifier 0.000 0.09 3 403
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.14 12 1254
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.15 14 1217
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 3.10 240 15737
600 bicycle 0.000 2.18 518 26822

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-2012
A-672 Appendix A

Table 2R: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

All-India fractile class of MPCE:all Rural

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 8.72 165 14246
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 5.86 17 2702
603 tyres & tubes 0.005 1.45 237 13160
604 other transport equipment - 0.21 4 471
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 18.42 613 35526
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.05 4 336
611 other medical equipment - 0.01 0 42
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.06 4 374
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.16 158 9003
621 other machines for household work - 0.01 0 45
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.62 4 429
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 2.86 128 8026
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.02 1 81
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 4 331
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 3.69 258 15630
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.43 16 1179
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.29 34 2790
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 11.67 347 19810
633 other durables - 0.25 5 362
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 12.64 370 21821
640 gold ornaments - 15.23 34 2942
641 silver ornaments - 2.31 52 3091
642 jewels, pearls - 0.32 5 368
643 other ornaments - 0.99 153 8930
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 18.86 211 13091
659 durable: total - 64.64 874 51853
888 total: non-food group - 673.47 1000 59683
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1429.96 1000 59683

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-673

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 1.302 1.08 37 135
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.365 1.65 24 62
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.05 38 137
309 pan: sub-total - 3.78 67 219
310 bidi (no.) 6.740 2.79 49 203
311 cigarettes (no.) 4.994 16.23 145 432
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.829 0.16 5 17
313 snuff (gm) 0.341 0.06 2 4
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.005 0.00 0 1
315 cheroot (no.) 0.329 0.45 12 35
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.743 0.52 13 33
317 other tobacco products - 1.68 32 97
319 tobacco: sub-total - 21.89 237 760
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.069 1.04 12 72
322 country liquor (litre) 0.034 3.88 29 69
323 beer (litre) 0.068 9.63 56 160
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.042 20.20 92 282
325 other intoxicants - 1.19 4 12
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 35.94 189 576
330 coke (kg) 0.009 0.03 1 5
331 firewood and chips (kg) 2.900 7.24 180 708
332 electricity (std. unit) 25.630 66.46 981 2909
333 dung cake - 0.01 0 2
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.181 2.69 319 1050
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.103 2.84 90 290
336 matches (box) 1.137 1.17 856 2680
337 coal (kg) 0.050 0.34 8 22
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.929 55.51 784 2321
340 charcoal (kg) 0.013 0.27 5 14
341 candle (no.) 0.354 1.11 435 1301
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.10 1 4
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 1
345 other fuel - 2.10 220 720
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 139.89 994 2966
350 dhoti (no.) 0.003 0.64 62 212
351 sari (no.) 0.069 35.37 843 2612
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.116 14.68 778 2348
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.062 12.84 595 1892
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.003 0.51 42 112
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.001 0.13 15 60
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.90 203 606

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-674 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.56 193 538
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 1.79 58 158
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.015 7.61 204 610
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.003 0.71 27 87
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.007 2.60 86 242
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.060 17.03 707 2080
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.054 22.07 645 1817
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.010 2.58 135 462
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.013 1.00 164 466
367 lungi (no.) 0.032 3.59 659 2051
368 other casual wear - 2.98 299 868
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.180 8.63 915 2674
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.066 3.03 717 2175
372 infant clothing - 1.02 65 190
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.007 0.94 174 466
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.009 0.01 1 3
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.18 170 495
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.11 10 41
379 clothing: sub-total - 148.47 994 2951
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.014 3.27 326 907
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.005 1.56 141 447
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.005 0.98 118 256
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.004 0.40 35 105
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.14 38 55
385 bedding: others - 0.04 13 41
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 6.39 434 1238
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.010 5.84 261 674
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.018 5.19 346 994
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.015 3.76 276 839
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.052 6.09 751 2205
394 other footwear (pair) 0.026 4.78 430 1272
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 2 8
399 footwear: sub-total 0.120 25.67 985 2926
400 books, journals, first hand - 18.48 545 1551
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.55 24 82
402 newspapers, periodicals - 4.81 211 686
403 library charges - 0.32 16 44
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 12.72 619 1777
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 143.15 504 1473
406 private tutor/ coaching - 3.51 32 104
407 educational CD - 0.03 7 22
408 other educational expenses - 0.84 78 216
409 education: sub-total - 184.41 712 2088

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-675

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 13.55 88 308
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.43 72 243
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 6.73 84 293
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 11.23 75 256
414 other medical expenses - 3.44 42 126
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 40.38 94 319
420 medicine - 78.26 695 2124
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 9.69 63 214
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 14.32 407 1201
423 family planning devices - 0.01 0 3
424 other medical expenses - 1.79 28 86
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 104.08 705 2152
430 cinema, theatre - 10.99 231 646
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.21 3 9
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.81 40 97
433 club fees - 0.02 0 1
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.14 2 2
435 photography - 0.30 8 33
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.31 10 37
437 cable TV - 31.77 766 2334
438 other entertainment - 2.13 20 70
439 entertainment: sub-total - 47.68 836 2513
440 spectacles - 3.73 21 81
441 torch - 0.37 12 34
442 lock - 0.96 25 65
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.06 27 61
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.39 28 92
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.53 14 33
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 7.03 108 321
450 toilet soap - 18.53 984 2927
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 10.10 953 2831
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 10.92 787 2269
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 12.50 964 2870
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.48 522 1511
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 2.03 302 772
456 sanitary napkins - 2.87 275 788
457 other toilet articles - 3.61 444 1438
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 63.04 996 2958
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.68 207 679
461 electric batteries - 0.38 65 216
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.07 2 6
463 earthenware - 0.05 4 12
464 glassware - 0.11 3 18

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-676 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.57 117 366
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.06 14 59
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 22.04 986 2905
468 other washing requisites - 2.71 398 1283
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.92 622 1972
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 4.21 388 1208
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 8.13 588 1785
473 other petty articles - 2.72 342 1142
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 50.64 993 2940
480 domestic servant/cook - 11.09 66 228
481 attendant - 0.11 2 5
482 sweeper - 2.30 16 53
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 17.24 807 2471
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 14.92 418 1275
485 tailor - 10.17 167 475
486 grinding charges - 1.43 265 855
487 telephone charges, landline - 5.11 89 264
488 telephone charges, mobile - 55.22 895 2662
490 postage & telegram - 0.28 17 47
491 miscellaneous expenses - 6.23 409 1177
492 priest - 1.43 70 195
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 1
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.07 2 8
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.06 11 30
496 internet expenses - 5.76 69 180
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 3.99 257 783
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 136.41 974 2911
500 air fare - 2.17 1 2
501 railway fare - 5.22 59 155
502 bus/tram fare - 39.94 519 1500
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 18.83 529 1775
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.12 3 7
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.17 6 15
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 1.64 8 16
508 petrol for vehicle - 77.85 356 1089
510 diesel for vehicle - 5.41 20 52
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.04 67 202
512 school bus, van, etc. - 10.78 54 183
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.26 12 31
519 conveyance: sub-total - 164.42 896 2691
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 241.91 480 1368
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.16 1 3

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-677

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.97 6 11
523 other consumer rent - 0.36 4 8
529 rent: sub-total - 243.40 483 1374
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 302.93 486 1540
540 water charges - 10.40 485 1364
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 10.99 435 1405
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 21.39 616 1798
550 bedstead 0.000 1.30 11 40
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.93 8 31
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.68 33 126
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.50 32 105
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.04 3 9
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.07 2 5
557 other furniture & fixtures - 1.24 7 23
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 4.76 80 281
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 1 3
561 television 0.000 4.67 102 242
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.60 14 41
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.54 5 12
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.38 54 180
565 musical instruments - 0.01 2 2
566 other goods for recreation - 0.05 2 4
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 6.27 160 426
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.31 115 433
571 other metal utensils - 0.34 33 131
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.10 8 21
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.11 18 65
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 1.86 148 527
580 electric fan 0.001 1.12 95 275
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 2.53 37 136
582 inverter 0.000 0.53 7 23
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 2 3
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.17 12 37
585 washing machine 0.000 1.99 12 31
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.24 42 121
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.38 22 84
588 refrigerator 0.000 2.61 20 84
590 water purifier 0.000 0.47 22 46
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 1.04 18 49
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.31 11 39
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 11.41 223 683
600 bicycle 0.000 1.52 210 696

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-678 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Andhra Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 14.99 335 1042
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 13.03 23 77
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 1.07 99 377
604 other transport equipment - 0.04 2 4
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 30.65 493 1585
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.06 3 18
611 other medical equipment - 0.09 1 3
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.15 4 21
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.24 109 309
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 4.34 23 68
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 4.81 94 288
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.01 1 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 1 5
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 9.40 206 603
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.51 5 26
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.25 7 33
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 5.61 69 270
633 other durables - 0.12 2 10
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 6.49 77 308
640 gold ornaments - 26.77 44 177
641 silver ornaments - 3.77 26 92
642 jewels, pearls - 0.87 5 12
643 other ornaments - 2.14 42 131
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 33.56 101 356
659 durable: total - 104.53 703 2193
888 total: non-food group - 1549.44 1000 2971
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2685.09 1000 2971

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-679

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 2.010 1.97 49 34
301 pan: finished (no.) 2.414 11.86 211 128
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 1.06 19 11
309 pan: sub-total - 14.90 257 158
310 bidi (no.) 3.835 1.37 50 26
311 cigarettes (no.) 3.014 10.26 99 63
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 18.934 2.74 182 92
313 snuff (gm) 0.123 0.02 5 1
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 1.891 0.46 11 8
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.915 0.32 13 7
317 other tobacco products - 6.98 154 93
319 tobacco: sub-total - 22.16 438 247
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.035 0.56 6 4
322 country liquor (litre) 0.573 22.22 132 79
323 beer (litre) 0.281 18.86 99 58
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.213 39.89 126 77
325 other intoxicants - 10.93 83 42
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 92.47 378 217
330 coke (kg) 0.074 0.91 4 2
331 firewood and chips (kg) 15.896 43.92 287 185
332 electricity (std. unit) 8.238 27.91 886 551
333 dung cake - 0.00 0 0
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.118 1.92 148 99
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.053 1.37 108 58
336 matches (box) 0.960 1.15 708 408
337 coal (kg) 0.006 0.11 7 3
338 L.P.G. (kg) 2.498 75.20 856 513
340 charcoal (kg) 0.035 0.53 9 6
341 candle (no.) 0.518 2.42 285 181
342 gobar gas - 0.01 3 2
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.032 2.08 13 15
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.06 1 1
345 other fuel - 0.22 9 6
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 157.81 998 607
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.25 17 12
351 sari (no.) 0.009 6.20 237 135
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.019 2.88 152 99
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.004 1.16 81 46
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.031 23.85 540 317
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.009 3.87 287 164
356 school/college uniform: boys - 11.34 434 263

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-680 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 12.22 368 226
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 1.41 65 38
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.004 2.38 85 52
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.005 1.71 112 59
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.004 1.71 103 52
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.039 11.80 647 378
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.010 2.74 171 98
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.010 3.41 180 108
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.021 5.12 302 185
367 lungi (no.) 0.004 1.01 138 75
368 other casual wear - 7.05 261 171
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.092 10.22 772 444
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.027 4.77 568 316
372 infant clothing - 0.68 46 33
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.005 0.96 140 71
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.834 0.57 74 43
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 31.01 481 316
376 clothing, second-hand - 3.61 176 100
379 clothing: sub-total - 151.91 992 605
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.029 10.45 601 367
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.014 20.31 413 240
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.017 6.09 256 154
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.004 0.53 35 21
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.011 4.50 329 180
385 bedding: others - 16.97 299 187
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 58.84 862 511
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.017 12.26 458 275
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.029 9.01 592 340
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.011 4.81 221 129
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.037 4.95 549 301
394 other footwear (pair) 0.033 11.60 481 322
395 footwear, second-hand 0.003 0.44 49 21
399 footwear: sub-total 0.130 43.06 983 596
400 books, journals, first hand - 15.02 475 280
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.11 12 7
402 newspapers, periodicals - 3.50 182 131
403 library charges - 0.32 52 25
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 5.94 430 235
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 55.61 437 261
406 private tutor/ coaching - 6.89 79 56
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 19.57 218 137
409 education: sub-total - 106.96 756 455

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-681

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 17.08 426 256
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.39 153 83
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 0.71 97 60
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 0.72 4 7
414 other medical expenses - 10.38 213 141
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 31.28 505 305
420 medicine - 38.06 323 186
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.56 50 23
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 2.63 44 27
423 family planning devices - 0.06 3 2
424 other medical expenses - 27.55 114 88
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 71.86 431 257
430 cinema, theatre - 0.00 0 0
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.12 10 9
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.74 31 18
433 club fees - 0.60 5 4
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.53 5 5
435 photography - 1.51 26 18
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.49 12 7
437 cable TV - 45.96 709 427
438 other entertainment - 9.72 128 83
439 entertainment: sub-total - 62.68 811 494
440 spectacles - 1.17 8 7
441 torch - 2.98 105 53
442 lock - 0.89 48 28
443 umbrella, raincoat - 7.62 107 61
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.76 13 11
445 other minor durable-type goods - 4.46 142 88
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 17.88 319 181
450 toilet soap - 10.20 860 508
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 12.68 956 575
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 19.89 716 449
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 18.86 871 536
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.28 366 206
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.56 221 124
456 sanitary napkins - 2.60 164 98
457 other toilet articles - 4.33 261 150
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 72.39 991 597
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.19 277 148
461 electric batteries - 0.31 15 12
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.90 38 29
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.10 3 3

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-682 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 7.37 187 102
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.42 21 15
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 14.05 815 494
468 other washing requisites - 1.76 247 127
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.18 422 231
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.19 2 2
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 3.14 198 115
473 other petty articles - 2.03 131 71
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 37.63 948 566
480 domestic servant/cook - 12.21 65 51
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.03 4 2
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 8.96 534 290
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.85 80 56
485 tailor - 4.05 116 68
486 grinding charges - 1.11 4 2
487 telephone charges, landline - 6.27 90 60
488 telephone charges, mobile - 83.97 837 520
490 postage & telegram - 0.18 8 5
491 miscellaneous expenses - 17.88 181 121
492 priest - 1.97 16 9
493 legal expenses - 0.32 4 4
494 repair charges for non-durables - 1.01 22 16
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.22 5 2
496 internet expenses - 1.09 22 15
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 3.79 39 23
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 144.91 955 573
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 1.17 2 1
502 bus/tram fare - 4.30 50 30
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 11.52 174 93
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 3.96 53 22
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.87 16 8
508 petrol for vehicle - 71.12 237 158
510 diesel for vehicle - 6.43 22 11
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.71 36 20
512 school bus, van, etc. - 8.42 60 45
513 other conveyance expenses - 10.39 98 58
519 conveyance: sub-total - 120.88 556 327
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 75.74 474 261
521 hotel lodging charges - 1.93 13 7

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-683

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.69 17 8
523 other consumer rent - 0.85 22 7
529 rent: sub-total - 79.21 522 281
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 79.93 281 184
540 water charges - 12.29 621 367
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 0.74 41 15
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 13.03 621 368
550 bedstead 0.001 3.33 39 32
551 almirah, dressing table 0.001 3.92 55 34
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 2.82 126 72
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 10.31 250 168
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.23 10 11
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 4.00 190 107
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.03 2 2
557 other furniture & fixtures - 3.02 26 16
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 27.65 375 230
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.23 12 8
561 television 0.001 10.38 61 48
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.44 13 10
563 camera & photographic equipment - 1.59 16 11
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.39 45 34
565 musical instruments - 0.15 3 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.69 28 17
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 13.88 163 113
570 stainless steel utensils - 6.23 300 188
571 other metal utensils - 2.42 120 72
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.70 30 19
573 other crockery & utensils - 5.57 234 153
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 14.93 458 272
580 electric fan 0.001 1.36 84 41
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.00 0 0
582 inverter 0.000 0.50 5 7
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.20 27 20
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.12 1 1
585 washing machine 0.000 0.26 2 3
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.32 87 35
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.005 7.26 241 139
588 refrigerator 0.001 7.20 42 33
590 water purifier 0.002 1.69 93 73
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.93 45 33
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.39 26 21
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 20.23 317 193
600 bicycle 0.000 1.78 41 17

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-684 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Arunachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.001 34.76 86 48
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 38.99 29 19
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 2.68 55 36
604 other transport equipment - 0.87 7 5
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 79.09 182 105
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.09 4 3
611 other medical equipment - 0.01 1 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.11 5 4
620 clock, watch 0.000 1.08 74 44
621 other machines for household work - 0.16 3 3
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 4.97 7 6
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 22.28 180 130
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 3.15 61 49
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 31.63 253 172
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.68 72 43
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.93 145 79
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 3.15 38 27
633 other durables - 0.10 11 8
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 4.86 210 118
640 gold ornaments - 11.13 105 48
641 silver ornaments - 1.13 21 12
642 jewels, pearls - 0.10 3 2
643 other ornaments - 11.40 32 25
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 23.76 151 81
659 durable: total - 216.13 625 374
888 total: non-food group - 1515.99 1000 608
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2654.17 1000 608

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-685

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 15.156 7.67 573 519
301 pan: finished (no.) 3.367 10.66 314 317
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 12.45 582 526
309 pan: sub-total - 30.78 730 666
310 bidi (no.) 8.385 5.17 167 115
311 cigarettes (no.) 3.187 9.57 184 189
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 11.031 2.16 168 176
313 snuff (gm) 0.130 0.03 2 3
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.026 0.01 0 2
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.998 0.64 67 72
317 other tobacco products - 1.81 115 104
319 tobacco: sub-total - 19.39 562 492
320 ganja (gm) 0.017 0.02 0 1
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
322 country liquor (litre) 0.082 2.93 58 45
323 beer (litre) 0.024 4.32 23 19
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.023 10.38 48 38
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 17.66 128 99
330 coke (kg) 0.027 0.05 2 1
331 firewood and chips (kg) 5.537 15.10 249 222
332 electricity (std. unit) 12.991 56.26 907 749
333 dung cake - 0.03 4 7
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.262 4.13 442 389
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.221 7.08 327 286
336 matches (box) 1.296 1.39 942 787
337 coal (kg) 0.017 0.12 3 5
338 L.P.G. (kg) 2.166 62.13 707 603
340 charcoal (kg) 0.012 0.31 5 8
341 candle (no.) 0.818 3.07 592 479
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.023 1.54 7 3
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 2.23 71 37
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 153.45 994 827
350 dhoti (no.) 0.005 0.70 154 132
351 sari (no.) 0.042 16.44 816 675
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.025 2.89 245 224
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.010 1.41 148 152
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.015 6.59 376 408
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.011 3.06 356 325
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.20 309 253

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-686 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.27 261 204
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 0.82 79 79
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.006 2.31 143 120
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.006 1.32 127 111
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.008 2.43 213 150
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.051 13.57 850 737
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.027 9.32 528 468
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.013 3.07 270 248
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.058 3.97 790 653
367 lungi (no.) 0.011 1.34 325 273
368 other casual wear - 2.41 243 229
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.136 7.76 970 805
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.050 2.76 791 682
372 infant clothing - 0.92 62 61
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.003 0.28 108 103
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.010 0.00 2 2
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 3.15 160 176
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.24 39 51
379 clothing: sub-total - 94.23 1000 832
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.021 4.90 646 571
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 3.05 187 213
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.005 1.04 137 93
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.007 0.47 49 50
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.004 0.83 180 145
385 bedding: others - 0.61 68 46
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 10.89 773 663
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.010 5.50 303 262
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.016 4.47 401 383
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.004 0.84 95 94
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.044 4.35 756 634
394 other footwear (pair) 0.020 4.31 412 328
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.04 6 7
399 footwear: sub-total 0.094 19.50 985 817
400 books, journals, first hand - 13.52 579 492
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.87 74 41
402 newspapers, periodicals - 10.11 356 294
403 library charges - 0.25 50 42
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 6.50 695 603
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 56.63 544 447
406 private tutor/ coaching - 15.02 220 164
407 educational CD - 0.06 7 6
408 other educational expenses - 0.87 49 30
409 education: sub-total - 103.83 802 675

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-687

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 8.39 64 64
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.40 56 46
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 3.11 59 53
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 11.47 46 28
414 other medical expenses - 13.13 44 28
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 40.50 64 64
420 medicine - 55.31 778 622
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.89 44 27
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 11.59 257 144
423 family planning devices - 0.57 51 39
424 other medical expenses - 2.16 72 47
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 75.51 787 636
430 cinema, theatre - 1.92 66 39
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.00 28 28
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.37 67 65
433 club fees - 0.83 15 8
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.79 15 8
435 photography - 0.69 24 12
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.19 7 12
437 cable TV - 30.75 601 498
438 other entertainment - 0.44 24 17
439 entertainment: sub-total - 38.99 672 553
440 spectacles - 0.60 5 11
441 torch - 1.36 53 36
442 lock - 0.55 39 40
443 umbrella, raincoat - 3.70 105 62
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.23 35 36
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.63 39 48
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 8.07 241 196
450 toilet soap - 8.21 958 803
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.64 899 753
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 12.90 803 678
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 8.66 912 768
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.93 649 572
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 2.08 279 192
456 sanitary napkins - 3.76 347 282
457 other toilet articles - 1.88 285 171
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 46.05 1000 831
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.08 171 130
461 electric batteries - 0.49 61 47
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.03 13 2
463 earthenware - 0.06 20 13
464 glassware - 1.02 33 12

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-688 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.75 84 84
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.16 27 32
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 11.66 982 811
468 other washing requisites - 1.36 357 350
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.72 757 624
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.07 6 5
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 5.72 654 490
473 other petty articles - 1.06 186 92
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 30.20 989 824
480 domestic servant/cook - 17.46 83 69
481 attendant - 0.22 3 4
482 sweeper - 0.16 4 9
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 13.95 896 738
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.88 142 88
485 tailor - 6.00 153 114
486 grinding charges - 0.26 41 12
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.77 26 19
488 telephone charges, mobile - 69.00 905 754
490 postage & telegram - 0.36 41 44
491 miscellaneous expenses - 5.07 310 238
492 priest - 1.39 54 53
493 legal expenses - 1.59 15 6
494 repair charges for non-durables - 1.14 45 17
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.61 6 7
496 internet expenses - 4.37 146 69
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.86 120 66
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 127.10 982 820
500 air fare - 0.21 0 1
501 railway fare - 1.69 50 43
502 bus/tram fare - 28.63 680 543
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 8.95 419 360
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.34 8 2
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 11.17 441 288
506 horse cart fare - 0.02 1 2
507 porter charges - 0.05 2 2
508 petrol for vehicle - 59.94 240 228
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.81 2 10
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 1.30 59 56
512 school bus, van, etc. - 6.54 42 31
513 other conveyance expenses - 1.37 35 5
519 conveyance: sub-total - 121.00 933 764
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 110.63 334 228
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.01 0 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-689

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.54 260 278
523 other consumer rent - 0.07 15 14
529 rent: sub-total - 111.26 594 508
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 349.48 546 503
540 water charges - 5.38 203 111
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 4.07 410 362
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 9.45 543 448
550 bedstead 0.001 0.58 27 25
551 almirah, dressing table 0.001 4.04 36 25
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.59 103 118
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.99 137 90
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.03 3 7
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 4 3
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.11 7 7
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 7.38 270 214
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.001 0.37 36 9
561 television 0.000 1.33 27 15
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.35 13 17
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.15 1 2
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.60 117 107
565 musical instruments - 0.04 1 2
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.84 178 132
570 stainless steel utensils - 1.31 231 249
571 other metal utensils - 0.78 133 121
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.37 45 27
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.35 223 181
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.81 482 433
580 electric fan 0.001 1.49 97 79
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.49 1 3
582 inverter 0.000 0.59 15 15
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.04 7 7
585 washing machine 0.000 0.29 2 4
586 stove, gas burner 0.001 0.66 49 40
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.81 79 56
588 refrigerator 0.000 1.32 15 9
590 water purifier 0.000 0.65 37 34
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.12 13 9
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.04 6 8
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 6.48 268 209
600 bicycle 0.000 1.82 302 285

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-690 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Assam Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 4.01 144 143
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 3.84 74 58
603 tyres & tubes 0.004 1.41 179 193
604 other transport equipment - 0.11 34 49
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 11.19 505 479
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.27 6 6
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.27 6 6
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.26 54 57
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 4.75 35 16
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 6.25 137 138
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.10 2 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 5 4
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 11.39 214 202
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 1.04 36 24
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.69 93 72
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 20.68 332 337
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 22.40 414 385
640 gold ornaments - 11.56 48 50
641 silver ornaments - 0.80 43 31
642 jewels, pearls - 5.88 35 26
643 other ornaments - 3.73 415 320
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 21.96 493 389
659 durable: total - 87.70 903 770
888 total: non-food group - 1145.57 1000 832
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2189.15 1000 832

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-691

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.203 0.44 14 32
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.731 5.21 152 239
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.25 72 117
309 pan: sub-total - 5.89 206 327
310 bidi (no.) 1.467 0.34 39 55
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.350 1.05 38 62
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 25.658 5.64 408 568
313 snuff (gm) 0.118 0.03 3 8
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.262 0.05 4 4
315 cheroot (no.) 0.087 0.17 2 3
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.120 0.42 28 28
317 other tobacco products - 1.19 48 84
319 tobacco: sub-total - 8.89 487 684
320 ganja (gm) 0.013 0.01 1 1
321 toddy (litre) 0.041 0.69 20 26
322 country liquor (litre) 0.062 3.52 53 71
323 beer (litre) 0.014 1.29 8 17
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.003 0.80 8 15
325 other intoxicants - 0.07 2 6
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 6.38 89 131
330 coke (kg) 0.281 1.66 26 23
331 firewood and chips (kg) 4.229 18.30 314 434
332 electricity (std. unit) 11.609 38.07 812 983
333 dung cake - 6.28 265 364
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.250 4.21 526 815
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.168 5.70 426 505
336 matches (box) 0.999 0.99 958 1227
337 coal (kg) 0.227 1.91 51 59
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.528 48.68 625 753
340 charcoal (kg) 0.011 0.26 5 9
341 candle (no.) 0.214 0.60 239 258
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.005 0.34 3 4
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 2.47 70 127
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 129.48 989 1262
350 dhoti (no.) 0.005 0.73 165 245
351 sari (no.) 0.046 15.32 882 1138
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.086 8.26 656 884
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.039 6.21 499 678
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.013 5.12 388 514
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.008 2.10 332 438
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.23 280 330

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-692 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.26 201 256
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.006 1.76 177 269
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.010 3.81 231 308
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.007 1.74 194 277
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.17 136 178
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.040 9.20 796 995
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.027 6.95 572 693
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.014 3.08 320 472
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.035 2.44 654 857
367 lungi (no.) 0.026 2.80 761 987
368 other casual wear - 1.08 189 273
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.124 5.80 956 1202
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.036 2.23 891 1164
372 infant clothing - 0.63 83 98
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.002 0.17 69 84
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.550 0.17 27 50
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.89 257 330
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.21 39 63
379 clothing: sub-total - 88.33 998 1266
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.020 3.71 732 944
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.002 1.07 123 199
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.007 0.99 177 232
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.006 0.34 67 86
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.005 0.77 258 398
385 bedding: others - 0.21 53 59
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 7.09 808 1049
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.012 5.23 398 474
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.022 4.60 645 844
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.005 1.12 168 215
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.045 3.19 808 1030
394 other footwear (pair) 0.010 1.43 303 344
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.01 2 7
399 footwear: sub-total 0.094 15.57 995 1260
400 books, journals, first hand - 14.52 623 765
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 1.11 64 86
402 newspapers, periodicals - 3.49 236 319
403 library charges - 0.28 23 16
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 10.55 786 1004
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 43.11 537 595
406 private tutor/ coaching - 24.76 314 412
407 educational CD - 0.00 2 2
408 other educational expenses - 0.30 38 41
409 education: sub-total - 98.11 839 1051

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-693

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 10.04 134 187
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.51 96 118
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 4.34 103 134
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 4.75 66 71
414 other medical expenses - 1.91 66 96
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 23.55 136 189
420 medicine - 39.15 833 1011
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.93 51 73
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 5.29 223 250
423 family planning devices - 0.21 23 26
424 other medical expenses - 3.47 55 98
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 54.05 837 1024
430 cinema, theatre - 1.07 67 121
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.92 42 73
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.24 98 150
433 club fees - 0.02 1 3
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.21 10 16
435 photography - 0.31 29 52
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.07 6 9
437 cable TV - 10.40 387 466
438 other entertainment - 0.32 26 45
439 entertainment: sub-total - 14.57 528 699
440 spectacles - 2.35 18 35
441 torch - 1.65 115 142
442 lock - 0.62 58 89
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.93 73 62
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.43 25 37
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.99 138 211
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 7.97 362 479
450 toilet soap - 7.46 986 1228
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 4.80 932 1171
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 5.99 693 891
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 6.55 967 1215
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 0.86 359 442
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 0.80 244 283
456 sanitary napkins - 1.13 182 189
457 other toilet articles - 1.63 295 328
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 29.21 998 1266
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.01 301 362
461 electric batteries - 0.48 94 118
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.13 18 27
463 earthenware - 0.06 11 25
464 glassware - 0.44 32 46

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-694 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.81 138 183
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.08 21 32
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 10.39 983 1227
468 other washing requisites - 1.28 359 515
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.47 756 1012
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.05 14 21
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 2.69 425 566
473 other petty articles - 2.08 351 418
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 24.99 996 1258
480 domestic servant/cook - 2.98 17 28
481 attendant - 0.00 0 0
482 sweeper - 0.49 22 34
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 7.51 944 1186
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.89 178 259
485 tailor - 6.75 177 247
486 grinding charges - 5.24 567 777
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.17 28 29
488 telephone charges, mobile - 32.23 883 1103
490 postage & telegram - 0.45 26 35
491 miscellaneous expenses - 6.69 475 565
492 priest - 0.32 28 36
493 legal expenses - 0.10 4 7
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.41 56 82
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.19 7 13
496 internet expenses - 0.71 36 44
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.64 61 78
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 67.80 991 1260
500 air fare - 4.36 1 1
501 railway fare - 2.42 122 174
502 bus/tram fare - 6.59 273 395
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 9.03 505 560
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.02 2 5
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 3.27 239 316
506 horse cart fare - 0.03 2 6
507 porter charges - 0.25 4 3
508 petrol for vehicle - 19.67 158 218
510 diesel for vehicle - 3.92 14 12
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.20 21 36
512 school bus, van, etc. - 1.65 16 23
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.23 29 48
519 conveyance: sub-total - 51.64 803 974
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 58.48 232 218
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.01 1 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-695

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 1.13 22 24
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 59.62 255 244
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 246.43 691 914
540 water charges - 0.15 55 56
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.51 167 206
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 1.66 173 216
550 bedstead 0.000 0.39 21 42
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.23 8 18
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.10 97 134
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.57 61 79
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 4 3
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.07 20 24
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 2 4
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.25 2 7
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.63 171 246
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.09 67 142
561 television 0.000 1.66 83 109
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.07 9 18
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.04 5 7
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.17 54 85
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 2
566 other goods for recreation - 0.02 1 3
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.05 176 294
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.51 532 702
571 other metal utensils - 0.54 111 182
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.08 18 21
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.28 121 154
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.41 608 814
580 electric fan 0.000 0.58 75 126
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.02 2 9
582 inverter 0.000 1.26 22 27
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.08 63 114
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.22 41 64
585 washing machine 0.000 0.01 1 5
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.12 87 132
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.35 128 211
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.20 8 14
590 water purifier 0.000 0.13 5 12
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.25 38 46
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.03 9 10
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 3.25 268 445
600 bicycle 0.000 1.91 527 698

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-696 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Bihar Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 7.22 181 243
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.60 21 19
603 tyres & tubes 0.002 0.57 139 200
604 other transport equipment - 0.08 6 11
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 11.38 630 839
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.04 5 5
611 other medical equipment - 0.01 3 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.05 7 6
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.19 109 177
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.72 6 12
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.72 133 189
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.01 2 2
625 any other personal goods - 0.01 3 7
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 4.65 226 338
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.25 61 83
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.26 87 109
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 12.11 318 474
633 other durables - 0.02 3 5
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 12.63 392 557
640 gold ornaments - 7.53 59 71
641 silver ornaments - 1.80 84 111
642 jewels, pearls - 0.10 3 1
643 other ornaments - 1.18 124 109
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 10.61 209 236
659 durable: total - 50.66 898 1160
888 total: non-food group - 745.47 1000 1270
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1506.58 1000 1270

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-697

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.247 0.57 32 25
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.929 3.16 102 78
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 4.27 252 219
309 pan: sub-total - 8.00 342 284
310 bidi (no.) 6.939 1.89 97 72
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.494 1.60 39 39
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 6.668 1.36 121 105
313 snuff (gm) 0.114 0.03 3 6
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.059 0.02 0 1
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
317 other tobacco products - 13.33 506 347
319 tobacco: sub-total - 18.22 622 460
320 ganja (gm) 0.008 0.06 2 2
321 toddy (litre) 0.007 0.32 5 9
322 country liquor (litre) 0.081 9.70 140 98
323 beer (litre) 0.012 2.54 19 17
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.026 7.81 61 46
325 other intoxicants - 0.46 9 3
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 20.89 234 169
330 coke (kg) 0.899 1.81 55 22
331 firewood and chips (kg) 7.555 27.19 432 322
332 electricity (std. unit) 22.281 62.30 940 687
333 dung cake - 4.07 254 146
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.226 3.44 479 321
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.063 1.40 119 90
336 matches (box) 1.164 1.15 898 683
337 coal (kg) 1.521 4.18 89 50
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.107 33.01 408 351
340 charcoal (kg) 0.003 0.09 1 2
341 candle (no.) 0.330 0.92 296 225
342 gobar gas - 0.03 1 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.003 0.18 1 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 1 1
345 other fuel - 1.99 214 182
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 141.76 992 722
350 dhoti (no.) 0.003 0.41 110 72
351 sari (no.) 0.056 21.14 867 632
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.074 7.33 625 462
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.036 5.97 550 399
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.009 3.46 276 213
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.006 1.36 237 212
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.27 368 248

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-698 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.03 306 213
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.006 1.68 151 86
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.015 5.83 238 162
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.015 3.34 264 193
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.010 2.76 181 146
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.057 15.10 857 632
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.047 17.72 759 549
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.021 5.50 371 266
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.036 2.35 572 421
367 lungi (no.) 0.020 1.59 561 432
368 other casual wear - 2.75 260 240
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.241 11.76 984 720
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.056 3.41 854 628
372 infant clothing - 0.71 55 43
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.006 0.64 138 115
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.013 0.02 10 13
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.73 249 145
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.11 31 15
379 clothing: sub-total - 123.96 1000 734
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.018 4.26 495 393
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.003 1.66 138 119
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.002 0.51 63 49
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.007 0.49 62 49
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.26 71 56
385 bedding: others - 0.25 38 32
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 7.44 576 455
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.008 4.00 240 186
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.010 2.99 232 201
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 2.17 154 125
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.083 10.34 847 606
394 other footwear (pair) 0.022 3.28 336 267
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 4 3
399 footwear: sub-total 0.129 22.79 999 732
400 books, journals, first hand - 14.02 517 402
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 1.34 117 85
402 newspapers, periodicals - 4.20 267 225
403 library charges - 0.13 32 19
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 8.40 749 540
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 80.86 597 435
406 private tutor/ coaching - 6.01 91 77
407 educational CD - 0.00 4 4
408 other educational expenses - 1.63 93 57
409 education: sub-total - 116.59 806 602

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-699

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 12.52 118 95
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 2.64 76 61
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 2.88 107 82
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 6.11 80 69
414 other medical expenses - 0.89 47 42
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 25.05 119 100
420 medicine - 48.99 612 462
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.09 43 42
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 10.28 306 247
423 family planning devices - 0.18 12 6
424 other medical expenses - 0.84 30 31
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 63.39 648 486
430 cinema, theatre - 2.04 44 32
431 mela, fair, picnic - 4.97 80 49
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 3.02 112 105
433 club fees - 0.22 14 11
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 1.45 37 36
435 photography - 0.28 29 32
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.11 12 8
437 cable TV - 21.47 535 424
438 other entertainment - 6.46 77 63
439 entertainment: sub-total - 40.01 642 495
440 spectacles - 2.13 37 36
441 torch - 0.47 23 29
442 lock - 0.21 29 30
443 umbrella, raincoat - 2.11 45 51
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.28 20 16
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.43 119 95
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 6.64 215 188
450 toilet soap - 12.98 985 722
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.95 978 710
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 11.68 865 650
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 9.56 964 712
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.51 576 440
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.30 292 208
456 sanitary napkins - 2.39 268 225
457 other toilet articles - 3.32 527 351
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 49.68 991 731
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.48 362 258
461 electric batteries - 0.21 75 58
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.27 15 21
463 earthenware - 0.51 48 55
464 glassware - 1.39 29 23

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-700 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.58 107 86
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.25 30 33
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 15.75 981 718
468 other washing requisites - 2.28 448 308
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 3.59 851 631
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.07 17 18
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 4.71 528 381
473 other petty articles - 4.25 623 479
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 39.31 991 728
480 domestic servant/cook - 11.69 93 89
481 attendant - 0.16 5 4
482 sweeper - 1.62 45 34
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 11.63 805 596
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.38 71 62
485 tailor - 5.22 121 108
486 grinding charges - 3.85 677 494
487 telephone charges, landline - 2.21 23 21
488 telephone charges, mobile - 42.62 837 610
490 postage & telegram - 0.05 5 7
491 miscellaneous expenses - 6.90 436 256
492 priest - 3.14 70 44
493 legal expenses - 0.11 0 1
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.22 9 13
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.40 20 22
496 internet expenses - 1.15 17 17
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.96 88 53
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 93.32 967 715
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 3.63 48 26
502 bus/tram fare - 6.09 189 179
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 4.76 215 124
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.01 2 1
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.32 32 24
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.05 3 3
508 petrol for vehicle - 69.65 393 338
510 diesel for vehicle - 9.27 15 13
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 1.38 31 26
512 school bus, van, etc. - 8.65 44 34
513 other conveyance expenses - 2.51 5 3
519 conveyance: sub-total - 106.32 625 498
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 56.87 238 173
521 hotel lodging charges - 1.11 10 6

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-701

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.15 5 5
523 other consumer rent - 0.26 5 2
529 rent: sub-total - 58.39 253 185
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 342.69 711 530
540 water charges - 6.93 310 255
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 9.97 542 431
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 16.90 628 489
550 bedstead 0.000 0.77 17 16
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.54 7 11
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.20 24 33
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.19 34 40
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.02 2 3
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.13 20 21
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.04 3 5
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.89 92 99
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.02 7 6
561 television 0.000 2.02 60 39
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.54 24 12
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.03 1 1
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.35 62 77
565 musical instruments - 0.05 1 2
566 other goods for recreation - 0.07 6 12
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 3.08 140 126
570 stainless steel utensils - 4.02 315 273
571 other metal utensils - 2.28 191 132
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.18 29 25
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.86 118 88
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 7.35 442 355
580 electric fan 0.000 0.38 52 52
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 2.44 152 109
582 inverter 0.000 0.01 4 1
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 2 4
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.03 20 17
585 washing machine 0.000 0.48 9 5
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.05 39 34
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.43 60 55
588 refrigerator 0.000 1.48 24 20
590 water purifier 0.000 0.03 4 4
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.17 29 27
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.11 21 18
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 5.60 280 220
600 bicycle 0.000 3.33 691 475

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-702 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Chhattisgarh Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 10.80 369 319
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 11.51 34 38
603 tyres & tubes 0.016 5.59 404 295
604 other transport equipment - 0.07 10 7
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 31.31 832 603
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 2
611 other medical equipment - 0.01 0 2
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.02 1 4
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.15 84 66
621 other machines for household work - 0.06 3 7
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 4.03 22 13
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.83 93 92
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.01 0 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 5 7
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 8.11 179 166
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.50 60 37
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.72 79 76
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 27.23 778 565
633 other durables - 0.26 11 5
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 28.73 795 578
640 gold ornaments - 27.22 86 70
641 silver ornaments - 7.22 75 73
642 jewels, pearls - 0.13 34 37
643 other ornaments - 0.64 55 62
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 35.21 187 177
659 durable: total - 121.30 936 697
888 total: non-food group - 1079.95 1000 734
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 1867.86 1000 734

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-703

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.112 0.50 6 5
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.639 2.35 20 19
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 2.85 26 24
310 bidi (no.) 11.832 4.28 122 124
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.635 6.38 81 78
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.832 0.28 10 7
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.297 0.07 2 1
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.668 0.86 41 26
317 other tobacco products - 1.97 35 32
319 tobacco: sub-total - 13.83 269 251
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
322 country liquor (litre) 0.050 6.62 60 44
323 beer (litre) 0.055 5.06 42 30
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.034 14.02 42 39
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 25.70 142 111
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 0.173 0.99 20 36
332 electricity (std. unit) 43.247 153.78 991 872
333 dung cake - 0.09 3 3
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.024 0.36 24 15
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.021 0.85 15 21
336 matches (box) 1.042 1.04 942 832
337 coal (kg) 0.007 0.19 2 2
338 L.P.G. (kg) 2.562 80.70 852 708
340 charcoal (kg) 0.006 0.19 2 2
341 candle (no.) 0.746 2.40 596 474
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.03 0 1
345 other fuel - 4.41 53 51
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 245.03 1000 881
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.21 26 21
351 sari (no.) 0.028 14.86 643 535
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.092 11.78 550 458
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.055 12.97 458 366
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.036 17.59 630 529
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.012 4.54 396 354
356 school/college uniform: boys - 7.28 406 309

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-704 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 5.14 295 240
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.013 4.46 294 253
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.024 10.20 418 352
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.009 2.82 192 180
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.010 3.71 212 184
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.072 20.92 918 787
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.058 24.08 755 663
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.011 3.53 218 175
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.030 3.79 528 439
367 lungi (no.) 0.004 0.42 150 131
368 other casual wear - 2.47 307 265
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.269 13.75 992 877
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.113 6.03 903 802
372 infant clothing - 0.96 55 49
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.011 1.24 294 248
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.015 0.01 2 2
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 2.56 297 238
376 clothing, second-hand - 2.49 107 114
379 clothing: sub-total - 177.77 1000 882
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.028 7.78 731 637
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 2.95 159 139
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 1.57 122 107
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.008 0.68 75 60
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.37 70 54
385 bedding: others - 0.26 47 38
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 13.63 774 663
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.011 9.04 327 293
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.012 5.13 328 308
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.005 1.97 136 115
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.059 9.91 890 762
394 other footwear (pair) 0.040 9.96 622 535
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 6 10
399 footwear: sub-total 0.127 36.02 991 877
400 books, journals, first hand - 18.90 589 485
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 1.14 112 85
402 newspapers, periodicals - 10.99 383 325
403 library charges - 0.39 53 41
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 12.67 661 531
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 173.28 562 454
406 private tutor/ coaching - 41.47 226 162
407 educational CD - 0.04 10 8
408 other educational expenses - 2.67 92 65
409 education: sub-total - 261.56 756 624

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-705

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 8.44 88 64
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.31 72 53
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 4.86 72 52
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 14.43 68 45
414 other medical expenses - 8.49 64 42
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 41.54 96 72
420 medicine - 50.50 734 620
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.08 43 41
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 15.69 473 397
423 family planning devices - 0.61 49 35
424 other medical expenses - 2.49 56 48
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 72.37 744 627
430 cinema, theatre - 10.97 120 101
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.64 26 23
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 3.66 67 65
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.91 17 10
435 photography - 0.12 6 2
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.27 6 6
437 cable TV - 34.22 835 702
438 other entertainment - 2.21 57 51
439 entertainment: sub-total - 54.00 875 741
440 spectacles - 4.41 31 30
441 torch - 0.00 0 0
442 lock - 0.23 15 13
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.62 13 14
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.63 41 32
445 other minor durable-type goods - 3.30 132 134
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 9.20 222 206
450 toilet soap - 14.86 993 875
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 9.38 940 816
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 15.29 812 703
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 10.86 957 831
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 4.56 714 602
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 4.49 563 467
456 sanitary napkins - 5.20 509 419
457 other toilet articles - 4.87 515 452
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 69.51 1000 882
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.72 276 229
461 electric batteries - 0.22 33 32
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.46 19 17
463 earthenware - 0.35 40 34
464 glassware - 0.09 8 7

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-706 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.02 121 109
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.45 41 30
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 24.87 994 870
468 other washing requisites - 5.85 702 603
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.79 653 575
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 2.08 199 164
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 6.14 514 439
473 other petty articles - 5.24 439 405
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 56.27 1000 881
480 domestic servant/cook - 60.62 144 142
481 attendant - 0.50 3 4
482 sweeper - 9.16 400 312
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 20.93 890 789
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 8.70 273 257
485 tailor - 7.72 135 98
486 grinding charges - 1.66 116 93
487 telephone charges, landline - 12.38 144 134
488 telephone charges, mobile - 78.61 974 847
490 postage & telegram - 0.26 17 17
491 miscellaneous expenses - 16.62 568 536
492 priest - 0.67 48 43
493 legal expenses - 0.16 4 3
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.39 22 13
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 2.23 7 10
496 internet expenses - 11.54 158 121
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 19.64 220 198
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 251.78 1000 882
500 air fare - 2.87 2 3
501 railway fare - 12.41 158 143
502 bus/tram fare - 73.94 811 702
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 19.15 273 226
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.01 0 2
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 5.46 183 162
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.12 1 1
508 petrol for vehicle - 138.84 379 340
510 diesel for vehicle - 3.25 7 9
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.33 41 42
512 school bus, van, etc. - 19.68 80 79
513 other conveyance expenses - 1.15 16 19
519 conveyance: sub-total - 279.22 976 858
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 182.30 349 300
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.71 1 2

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-707

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 1.69 19 16
529 rent: sub-total - 184.70 364 313
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 1240.73 640 566
540 water charges - 27.01 594 531
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 26.07 493 414
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 53.08 659 586
550 bedstead 0.000 0.06 9 12
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 1.15 8 8
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.39 21 21
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.37 9 8
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.01 1 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.12 19 17
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.07 10 10
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.45 7 8
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 2.62 69 69
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 7 6
561 television 0.000 2.90 77 58
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.21 7 9
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.39 7 8
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.43 88 77
565 musical instruments - 0.20 7 6
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 4.14 162 136
570 stainless steel utensils - 5.40 541 458
571 other metal utensils - 0.51 50 42
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.50 41 29
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.93 243 194
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 8.34 594 513
580 electric fan 0.000 0.57 170 114
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 4.35 412 347
582 inverter 0.000 1.54 94 88
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 2 2
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.10 43 38
585 washing machine 0.000 2.18 68 52
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.45 344 254
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.32 271 213
588 refrigerator 0.000 4.35 76 56
590 water purifier 0.000 2.95 172 150
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.56 80 68
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.10 14 8
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 17.50 703 588
600 bicycle 0.000 0.84 186 153

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-708 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Delhi Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 9.04 303 267
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 15.63 185 171
603 tyres & tubes 0.000 0.28 32 35
604 other transport equipment - 0.12 5 5
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 25.92 512 443
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.01 3 2
611 other medical equipment - 0.02 1 2
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.03 4 4
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.51 352 264
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 4.59 64 55
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 8.83 147 125
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.07 6 5
625 any other personal goods - 0.06 7 4
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 14.06 471 372
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 7.21 44 40
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.80 54 53
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 7.29 58 44
633 other durables - 0.12 5 7
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 16.42 109 96
640 gold ornaments - 12.78 18 19
641 silver ornaments - 0.43 9 7
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 1.20 97 89
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 14.41 116 107
659 durable: total - 103.45 901 777
888 total: non-food group - 1951.53 1000 882
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 3298.47 1000 882

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-709

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 1.308 0.42 31 11
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.108 0.45 13 3
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.32 28 10
309 pan: sub-total - 1.19 41 13
310 bidi (no.) 0.420 0.17 7 3
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.375 3.60 55 15
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.283 0.07 3 2
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
317 other tobacco products - 0.00 0 0
319 tobacco: sub-total - 3.83 65 20
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.001 0.14 2 1
322 country liquor (litre) 0.033 3.96 32 8
323 beer (litre) 0.095 7.53 80 25
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.001 0.27 2 1
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 11.91 117 34
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 1.707 4.96 118 38
332 electricity (std. unit) 51.896 75.41 998 287
333 dung cake - 0.00 0 0
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.199 3.20 259 85
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.070 1.92 49 20
336 matches (box) 1.088 1.41 879 260
337 coal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
338 L.P.G. (kg) 3.056 89.06 906 263
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.00 1 1
341 candle (no.) 0.863 2.02 289 94
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.00 0 0
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 177.98 1000 288
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.17 13 6
351 sari (no.) 0.052 25.10 774 226
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.041 4.09 332 108
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.015 2.03 189 63
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.003 0.84 85 24
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.002 0.49 59 17
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.60 289 75

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-710 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.29 206 54
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 1.32 75 16
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.013 5.56 175 43
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.017 4.03 226 60
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.028 9.43 429 121
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.083 20.43 926 266
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.050 12.15 759 219
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.016 5.48 223 67
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.013 1.08 207 65
367 lungi (no.) 0.005 0.81 106 26
368 other casual wear - 15.84 687 191
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.307 13.59 957 277
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.104 4.01 665 184
372 infant clothing - 1.47 78 17
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.016 2.22 442 134
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 2.40 211 62
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.27 24 7
379 clothing: sub-total - 138.73 1000 288
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.027 5.56 577 177
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.001 0.71 41 11
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.019 1.71 233 75
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.007 0.26 28 10
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.06 11 3
385 bedding: others - 0.09 7 5
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 8.38 608 185
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.015 8.28 454 136
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.049 12.32 700 207
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.008 2.43 185 53
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.031 3.94 471 130
394 other footwear (pair) 0.036 5.21 576 163
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.21 36 7
399 footwear: sub-total 0.140 32.40 1000 288
400 books, journals, first hand - 7.78 399 102
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.82 46 7
402 newspapers, periodicals - 8.97 376 105
403 library charges - 0.50 57 10
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 9.47 622 171
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 47.24 526 145
406 private tutor/ coaching - 2.35 48 17
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 1
408 other educational expenses - 0.00 0 0
409 education: sub-total - 77.15 801 219

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-711

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 13.84 150 46
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.74 109 34
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 11.06 145 44
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 15.88 145 44
414 other medical expenses - 1.59 29 10
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 48.11 151 47
420 medicine - 70.02 751 210
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.19 13 3
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 19.72 603 168
423 family planning devices - 0.06 1 1
424 other medical expenses - 0.62 15 5
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 93.60 766 214
430 cinema, theatre - 5.73 85 19
431 mela, fair, picnic - 2.83 34 9
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 8.17 124 32
433 club fees - 1.65 13 4
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 0 0
435 photography - 1.24 51 15
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 1.68 24 4
437 cable TV - 51.03 765 219
438 other entertainment - 0.00 0 0
439 entertainment: sub-total - 72.34 825 229
440 spectacles - 4.82 24 6
441 torch - 1.32 25 9
442 lock - 0.17 14 6
443 umbrella, raincoat - 17.77 221 64
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 2.11 72 24
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.77 22 7
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 26.96 355 109
450 toilet soap - 17.70 991 285
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 9.29 914 265
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 16.10 722 202
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 10.27 937 266
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 4.37 651 191
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 4.92 531 152
456 sanitary napkins - 10.60 670 188
457 other toilet articles - 4.77 601 185
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 78.03 1000 288
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.39 136 39
461 electric batteries - 0.15 29 7
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.00 0 0
463 earthenware - 0.18 3 1
464 glassware - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-712 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 0.82 37 16
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.04 1 1
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 20.34 983 282
468 other washing requisites - 2.02 238 63
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 8.09 691 196
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 2.68 162 43
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 3.06 222 58
473 other petty articles - 5.76 237 62
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 46.53 996 287
480 domestic servant/cook - 20.85 49 13
481 attendant - 0.08 0 1
482 sweeper - 7.74 36 12
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 16.33 747 196
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 2.29 101 28
485 tailor - 6.28 91 30
486 grinding charges - 1.23 233 72
487 telephone charges, landline - 21.29 206 62
488 telephone charges, mobile - 88.61 974 277
490 postage & telegram - 0.00 0 0
491 miscellaneous expenses - 13.50 685 184
492 priest - 2.33 71 22
493 legal expenses - 0.00 0 0
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.88 15 4
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 2.51 51 17
496 internet expenses - 4.13 50 15
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.30 25 6
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 188.34 993 286
500 air fare - 9.55 2 1
501 railway fare - 0.06 1 1
502 bus/tram fare - 56.82 738 214
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 4.17 48 10
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.19 7 2
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.57 6 2
508 petrol for vehicle - 177.23 705 195
510 diesel for vehicle - 26.35 78 24
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.81 21 9
512 school bus, van, etc. - 9.65 38 9
513 other conveyance expenses - 1.00 5 2
519 conveyance: sub-total - 286.40 971 276
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 140.66 280 85
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-713

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.23 1 1
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 140.89 280 85
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 917.70 718 201
540 water charges - 28.36 917 261
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 9.77 722 205
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 38.13 922 264
550 bedstead 0.000 0.01 0 1
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.00 0 0
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.00 0 0
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.00 0 0
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.00 0 0
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 1.45 13 3
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 1.46 13 4
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 5.44 15 5
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.15 6 2
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.10 7 1
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.05 15 6
565 musical instruments - 0.30 4 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 6.04 47 14
570 stainless steel utensils - 0.02 8 2
571 other metal utensils - 0.00 0 0
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.07 2 1
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.00 0 0
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 0.09 10 3
580 electric fan 0.000 0.50 32 10
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 5.28 18 4
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 0 0
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.05 4 1
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.52 4 1
585 washing machine 0.000 1.27 13 5
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.90 12 1
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.19 5 2
588 refrigerator 0.000 2.74 10 3
590 water purifier 0.000 1.77 21 5
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.08 1 1
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.77 13 2
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 14.07 121 33
600 bicycle 0.000 0.23 63 18

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-714 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Goa Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 20.04 635 174
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 75.97 302 80
603 tyres & tubes 0.000 0.43 21 5
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 96.65 684 188
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.04 24 5
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 0.72 25 5
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 1.42 33 11
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 2.18 82 21
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 3.23 131 37
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.00 0 0
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 2.02 88 27
633 other durables - 0.05 4 1
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 5.30 189 53
640 gold ornaments - 7.46 36 9
641 silver ornaments - 0.05 3 1
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 0.00 0 0
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 7.51 39 10
659 durable: total - 133.31 769 215
888 total: non-food group - 1604.22 1000 288
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 3051.19 1000 288

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-715

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.077 0.23 4 16
301 pan: finished (no.) 2.106 10.80 128 221
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.93 64 128
309 pan: sub-total - 11.96 170 309
310 bidi (no.) 12.463 5.31 89 173
311 cigarettes (no.) 0.371 1.08 18 33
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 2.728 0.36 20 39
313 snuff (gm) 0.802 0.16 7 17
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.037 0.01 1 1
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.633 0.35 11 22
317 other tobacco products - 20.07 311 451
319 tobacco: sub-total - 27.34 430 676
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 1
322 country liquor (litre) 0.038 2.46 36 18
323 beer (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.000 0.06 0 1
325 other intoxicants - 1.78 22 4
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 4.31 58 24
330 coke (kg) 0.033 0.12 1 2
331 firewood and chips (kg) 3.411 12.34 215 364
332 electricity (std. unit) 23.602 109.75 940 1675
333 dung cake - 0.48 22 56
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.144 2.13 103 245
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.223 9.73 226 228
336 matches (box) 1.528 1.41 958 1642
337 coal (kg) 0.376 0.64 9 9
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.670 48.53 626 1192
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.02 0 1
341 candle (no.) 0.305 0.80 205 352
342 gobar gas - 0.01 0 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 9.57 488 821
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 195.54 1000 1717
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.17 25 58
351 sari (no.) 0.048 18.83 733 1372
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.113 12.02 673 1102
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.051 8.83 530 920
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.006 2.35 203 327
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.006 1.32 172 378
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.19 236 449

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-716 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.23 176 332
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.011 4.84 201 378
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.028 10.96 401 751
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.005 1.24 90 226
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.009 2.15 138 261
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.056 13.39 805 1351
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.042 15.21 640 1051
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.011 2.30 169 323
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.031 2.25 425 885
367 lungi (no.) 0.007 0.61 238 340
368 other casual wear - 2.24 275 506
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.252 10.57 981 1676
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.104 4.10 844 1452
372 infant clothing - 0.43 48 85
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.015 1.47 364 634
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.002 0.00 0 1
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.34 141 290
376 clothing, second-hand - 1.46 124 207
379 clothing: sub-total - 123.48 999 1714
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.023 4.57 523 958
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 1.21 140 283
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.010 0.64 143 286
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.004 0.30 38 74
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.17 27 66
385 bedding: others - 0.54 80 132
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 7.43 600 1076
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.022 9.47 598 1027
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.034 6.44 615 1081
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.009 1.44 211 323
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.057 4.75 757 1398
394 other footwear (pair) 0.018 2.83 350 606
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.05 11 22
399 footwear: sub-total 0.141 24.97 998 1714
400 books, journals, first hand - 13.99 452 867
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.60 48 107
402 newspapers, periodicals - 6.09 329 629
403 library charges - 0.07 22 51
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 7.84 472 898
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 85.88 426 791
406 private tutor/ coaching - 21.09 137 261
407 educational CD - 0.02 4 11
408 other educational expenses - 1.00 45 88
409 education: sub-total - 136.58 666 1241

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-717

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 23.05 170 352
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.05 86 192
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 7.79 123 263
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 9.34 109 224
414 other medical expenses - 5.59 69 137
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 50.84 191 376
420 medicine - 52.26 744 1290
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.69 46 84
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 10.51 398 647
423 family planning devices - 0.47 31 55
424 other medical expenses - 1.48 53 105
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 69.41 761 1333
430 cinema, theatre - 4.39 122 162
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.94 30 66
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.69 70 136
433 club fees - 0.28 2 6
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 1.36 19 31
435 photography - 0.58 24 39
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.20 8 24
437 cable TV - 32.67 657 1218
438 other entertainment - 4.78 115 196
439 entertainment: sub-total - 48.89 764 1341
440 spectacles - 4.66 43 78
441 torch - 0.78 34 76
442 lock - 0.94 53 109
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.42 31 73
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.55 51 94
445 other minor durable-type goods - 2.45 134 264
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 10.79 291 558
450 toilet soap - 11.91 972 1686
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 8.80 953 1606
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 9.63 694 1266
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 10.80 966 1660
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 3.76 744 1315
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 2.95 498 913
456 sanitary napkins - 2.66 256 478
457 other toilet articles - 1.41 214 371
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 51.93 998 1711
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 4.29 230 490
461 electric batteries - 0.27 37 83
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.26 17 30
463 earthenware - 1.30 107 193
464 glassware - 1.13 49 96

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-718 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 3.85 194 362
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.03 6 25
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 17.80 984 1693
468 other washing requisites - 2.25 310 543
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 6.30 908 1585
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 1.79 205 368
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 3.24 469 871
473 other petty articles - 0.96 187 284
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 43.47 998 1712
480 domestic servant/cook - 13.39 81 159
481 attendant - 0.71 6 6
482 sweeper - 1.61 61 87
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 15.54 851 1431
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 4.16 148 246
485 tailor - 9.59 175 394
486 grinding charges - 10.49 705 1412
487 telephone charges, landline - 8.02 106 211
488 telephone charges, mobile - 58.26 929 1592
490 postage & telegram - 0.20 18 45
491 miscellaneous expenses - 8.51 364 552
492 priest - 1.83 63 132
493 legal expenses - 0.02 1 3
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.13 12 27
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.40 7 14
496 internet expenses - 3.34 36 64
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.30 33 82
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 136.50 993 1714
500 air fare - 0.61 0 1
501 railway fare - 2.12 32 67
502 bus/tram fare - 22.06 319 705
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 23.99 619 1146
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.01 1 4
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.52 9 22
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 1.76 13 15
508 petrol for vehicle - 98.70 471 890
510 diesel for vehicle - 6.29 14 36
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 5.41 69 125
512 school bus, van, etc. - 8.70 73 144
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.69 15 43
519 conveyance: sub-total - 170.86 883 1620
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 97.07 310 420
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.31 0 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-719

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.01 0 2
523 other consumer rent - 1.61 21 31
529 rent: sub-total - 98.99 326 445
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 439.12 689 1292
540 water charges - 5.54 533 1108
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 12.10 613 1251
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 17.64 632 1280
550 bedstead 0.001 2.12 40 81
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.91 10 25
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.88 46 101
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.41 55 89
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.05 5 6
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.44 82 97
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.03 3 8
557 other furniture & fixtures - 4.23 24 42
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 9.07 215 353
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.09 8 17
561 television 0.001 9.50 81 139
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.67 16 34
563 camera & photographic equipment - 1.31 7 12
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.65 129 245
565 musical instruments - 0.11 1 3
566 other goods for recreation - 0.16 7 11
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 12.49 213 388
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.26 267 463
571 other metal utensils - 0.56 103 169
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.20 38 85
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.32 379 630
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.36 484 845
580 electric fan 0.001 1.33 176 345
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 2.01 13 24
582 inverter 0.000 0.03 4 2
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.09 29 57
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.72 71 115
585 washing machine 0.000 1.57 22 47
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 1.05 509 900
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.80 588 1038
588 refrigerator 0.000 5.52 63 137
590 water purifier 0.000 2.31 70 112
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.90 32 53
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.49 63 126
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 16.86 732 1314
600 bicycle 0.000 2.09 306 624

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-720 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Gujarat Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 27.32 448 854
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 29.57 69 131
603 tyres & tubes 0.004 1.56 144 317
604 other transport equipment - 0.22 4 9
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 60.77 617 1196
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.26 23 49
611 other medical equipment - 0.01 1 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.27 23 50
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.59 496 925
621 other machines for household work - 0.01 3 5
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 5.71 33 53
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 6.86 197 315
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.01 1 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.27 30 69
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 13.46 625 1097
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 3.33 30 50
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.10 71 138
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 26.37 130 200
633 other durables - 0.43 7 7
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 31.24 206 315
640 gold ornaments - 29.62 43 86
641 silver ornaments - 2.62 27 53
642 jewels, pearls - 0.17 4 6
643 other ornaments - 2.26 146 224
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 34.67 201 323
659 durable: total - 183.21 962 1645
888 total: non-food group - 1414.11 1000 1717
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2581.28 1000 1717

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-721

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.074 0.09 3 3
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.063 0.42 4 9
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.01 0 1
309 pan: sub-total - 0.52 7 13
310 bidi (no.) 26.366 10.05 205 248
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.419 5.76 53 67
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 1.621 0.36 7 7
313 snuff (gm) 0.408 0.20 7 1
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 6.469 0.29 7 9
315 cheroot (no.) 0.014 0.02 1 2
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.885 0.48 15 31
317 other tobacco products - 0.54 28 11
319 tobacco: sub-total - 17.71 272 334
320 ganja (gm) 1.438 0.15 0 1
321 toddy (litre) 0.001 0.05 1 2
322 country liquor (litre) 0.059 5.68 58 73
323 beer (litre) 0.041 4.18 27 28
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.024 10.35 37 36
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 20.42 119 132
330 coke (kg) 0.033 0.20 1 1
331 firewood and chips (kg) 1.679 6.63 110 168
332 electricity (std. unit) 36.507 148.06 982 1147
333 dung cake - 3.78 85 130
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.062 0.85 46 56
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.026 0.68 23 23
336 matches (box) 1.344 1.40 924 1071
337 coal (kg) 0.002 0.06 1 1
338 L.P.G. (kg) 2.490 71.39 917 1059
340 charcoal (kg) 0.004 0.10 2 4
341 candle (no.) 0.645 3.15 520 580
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.007 0.30 3 3
345 other fuel - 2.29 139 171
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 238.91 1000 1166
350 dhoti (no.) 0.000 0.09 12 20
351 sari (no.) 0.016 11.31 318 393
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.343 32.18 779 966
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.079 13.69 523 651
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.040 18.60 718 799
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.018 6.65 509 642
356 school/college uniform: boys - 7.76 374 432

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-722 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 5.22 240 316
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.016 7.02 360 449
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.013 6.19 209 209
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.010 2.89 196 208
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.009 2.33 159 180
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.071 21.03 841 972
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.048 21.66 678 766
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.011 2.85 163 187
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.052 4.34 584 732
367 lungi (no.) 0.002 0.27 61 83
368 other casual wear - 4.21 297 361
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.230 12.03 958 1127
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.102 5.53 879 1037
372 infant clothing - 1.03 55 79
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.011 1.27 257 301
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.231 0.13 38 48
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 3.64 106 164
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.23 19 29
379 clothing: sub-total - 192.12 997 1161
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.027 8.00 671 774
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.006 4.70 247 257
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.016 3.44 363 370
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.010 1.23 37 45
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.14 33 22
385 bedding: others - 0.37 34 35
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 17.88 731 842
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.022 15.87 549 597
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.026 7.32 495 524
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.007 2.57 163 202
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.073 11.15 891 1052
394 other footwear (pair) 0.036 13.00 613 769
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.01 4 9
399 footwear: sub-total 0.165 49.90 996 1160
400 books, journals, first hand - 29.47 617 735
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 1.21 102 106
402 newspapers, periodicals - 9.00 326 399
403 library charges - 0.06 8 10
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 16.16 662 798
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 254.86 607 742
406 private tutor/ coaching - 17.28 119 155
407 educational CD - 0.10 12 16
408 other educational expenses - 8.01 128 140
409 education: sub-total - 336.14 755 903

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-723

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 9.02 95 106
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.15 64 78
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 10.66 80 87
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 12.98 74 84
414 other medical expenses - 7.76 41 52
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 44.58 102 111
420 medicine - 85.37 780 956
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.78 43 50
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 12.73 336 409
423 family planning devices - 0.71 31 29
424 other medical expenses - 1.22 21 25
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 104.81 788 965
430 cinema, theatre - 13.26 101 90
431 mela, fair, picnic - 1.27 12 15
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 8.26 78 102
433 club fees - 0.74 10 9
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.16 3 6
435 photography - 0.15 7 9
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.41 11 18
437 cable TV - 37.70 810 958
438 other entertainment - 0.75 14 19
439 entertainment: sub-total - 62.71 845 986
440 spectacles - 5.24 72 66
441 torch - 0.14 9 13
442 lock - 0.74 48 46
443 umbrella, raincoat - 0.69 22 17
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.78 41 45
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.59 106 143
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 9.18 235 260
450 toilet soap - 14.57 993 1158
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 9.22 952 1127
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 17.09 741 846
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 12.31 956 1104
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 4.10 672 798
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 4.01 547 623
456 sanitary napkins - 3.68 351 437
457 other toilet articles - 3.93 428 498
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 68.90 998 1162
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 6.39 312 361
461 electric batteries - 0.46 59 54
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.06 1 5
463 earthenware - 0.57 45 70
464 glassware - 1.44 48 60

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-724 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 2.52 104 124
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.17 14 17
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 28.56 986 1154
468 other washing requisites - 4.36 596 700
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.97 670 812
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.38 28 26
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 6.69 525 578
473 other petty articles - 4.58 470 587
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 61.15 998 1164
480 domestic servant/cook - 28.00 94 81
481 attendant - 0.44 5 6
482 sweeper - 16.00 134 160
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 21.02 876 1033
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 5.21 118 119
485 tailor - 16.69 222 269
486 grinding charges - 6.39 475 672
487 telephone charges, landline - 8.75 103 114
488 telephone charges, mobile - 92.25 973 1129
490 postage & telegram - 0.26 14 20
491 miscellaneous expenses - 5.86 320 398
492 priest - 1.23 97 78
493 legal expenses - 0.66 11 14
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.19 25 42
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.37 7 5
496 internet expenses - 13.80 117 107
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.47 44 66
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 218.59 999 1164
500 air fare - 34.06 3 3
501 railway fare - 6.64 77 85
502 bus/tram fare - 19.72 354 392
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 14.09 529 626
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.01 1 3
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 1.27 98 85
506 horse cart fare - 0.03 2 1
507 porter charges - 0.17 2 2
508 petrol for vehicle - 176.32 548 630
510 diesel for vehicle - 10.99 33 34
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.24 57 63
512 school bus, van, etc. - 19.08 97 104
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.27 7 9
519 conveyance: sub-total - 284.91 916 1055
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 329.25 345 307
521 hotel lodging charges - 2.90 2 3

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-725

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.60 2 2
523 other consumer rent - 13.65 46 25
529 rent: sub-total - 346.40 358 319
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 661.68 640 843
540 water charges - 7.89 504 638
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 9.55 258 313
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 17.44 582 718
550 bedstead 0.001 3.42 39 42
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.77 10 4
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.96 27 31
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.65 26 36
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.05 2 4
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.11 10 12
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.02 5 7
557 other furniture & fixtures - 4.13 12 16
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 11.11 104 123
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 4 4
561 television 0.000 5.84 93 81
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.16 7 12
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.83 13 14
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.68 113 124
565 musical instruments - 0.03 2 1
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 0
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 7.54 207 208
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.56 359 416
571 other metal utensils - 0.39 72 91
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.25 41 37
573 other crockery & utensils - 1.17 199 231
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.38 475 548
580 electric fan 0.001 1.16 131 148
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 4.24 209 271
582 inverter 0.000 7.62 88 115
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 1
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.22 136 173
585 washing machine 0.000 2.91 53 66
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.33 162 157
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.14 94 101
588 refrigerator 0.000 2.31 56 76
590 water purifier 0.000 3.10 119 109
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.92 74 60
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.04 1 3
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 23.01 563 642
600 bicycle 0.000 1.94 397 479

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-726 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Haryana Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 20.22 485 573
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 65.26 193 210
603 tyres & tubes 0.005 3.18 241 225
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 1 1
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 90.61 758 877
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.03 7 10
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.03 7 11
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.25 277 297
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 4.81 74 82
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 10.25 190 223
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.13 3 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.01 2 1
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 15.45 458 505
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.43 24 29
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.12 65 67
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 40.08 95 98
633 other durables - 0.05 1 4
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 41.68 148 161
640 gold ornaments - 33.20 33 36
641 silver ornaments - 1.12 23 24
642 jewels, pearls - 0.92 1 2
643 other ornaments - 1.31 97 156
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 36.56 140 194
659 durable: total - 230.37 935 1087
888 total: non-food group - 2322.63 1000 1166
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 3817.33 1000 1166

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-727

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.030 0.11 1 1
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 0.11 1 1
310 bidi (no.) 31.170 12.33 177 70
311 cigarettes (no.) 3.914 13.79 88 44
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.004 0.00 0 1
313 snuff (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.113 0.03 1 1
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 2.411 1.04 46 16
317 other tobacco products - 0.03 1 1
319 tobacco: sub-total - 27.22 290 115
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
322 country liquor (litre) 0.053 8.29 49 22
323 beer (litre) 0.028 3.03 22 6
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.113 34.65 124 36
325 other intoxicants - 0.00 0 0
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 45.97 188 61
330 coke (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 0
331 firewood and chips (kg) 4.306 11.42 109 72
332 electricity (std. unit) 48.637 64.65 900 352
333 dung cake - 0.29 8 8
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.089 1.36 74 45
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.238 6.92 76 30
336 matches (box) 1.235 1.23 900 352
337 coal (kg) 0.006 0.01 4 1
338 L.P.G. (kg) 2.342 73.96 750 307
340 charcoal (kg) 0.023 0.29 2 2
341 candle (no.) 0.411 2.39 389 140
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 0
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.08 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 0.05 7 6
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 162.65 973 377
350 dhoti (no.) 0.000 0.00 2 1
351 sari (no.) 0.004 3.13 53 20
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.384 35.73 786 323
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.125 19.05 621 236
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.054 27.22 810 278
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.016 8.09 413 152
356 school/college uniform: boys - 12.66 352 147

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-728 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 6.94 229 108
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.009 5.31 219 83
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.006 2.82 78 40
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.003 1.63 50 20
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.003 1.09 55 22
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.059 18.73 789 281
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.044 22.10 630 216
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.004 1.28 63 31
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.061 6.43 540 226
367 lungi (no.) 0.001 0.09 12 4
368 other casual wear - 6.24 338 81
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.233 13.63 992 378
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.094 5.95 843 309
372 infant clothing - 1.10 60 26
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.013 1.66 203 66
374 knitting wool (gm) 1.038 0.52 54 25
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 3.28 264 93
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.27 16 5
379 clothing: sub-total - 204.92 1000 383
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.029 9.12 569 208
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.015 10.71 390 124
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.011 7.02 167 54
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.013 0.98 74 23
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.06 16 5
385 bedding: others - 0.16 14 6
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 28.03 721 254
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.024 17.00 586 235
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.037 10.18 628 243
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.009 2.88 222 70
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.054 8.42 678 289
394 other footwear (pair) 0.049 25.39 724 262
395 footwear, second-hand 0.001 0.11 7 5
399 footwear: sub-total 0.175 63.97 991 382
400 books, journals, first hand - 39.17 579 214
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.19 9 7
402 newspapers, periodicals - 6.38 283 116
403 library charges - 0.09 5 6
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 21.84 611 245
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 175.45 557 226
406 private tutor/ coaching - 7.29 50 24
407 educational CD - 0.00 0 0
408 other educational expenses - 6.41 215 66
409 education: sub-total - 256.83 691 284

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-729

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 14.29 89 51
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.83 59 32
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 1.34 14 7
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 1.13 12 8
414 other medical expenses - 2.53 40 22
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 24.12 96 54
420 medicine - 107.33 738 295
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 1.32 21 11
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 0.28 9 6
423 family planning devices - 0.17 8 3
424 other medical expenses - 1.55 16 9
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 110.65 760 301
430 cinema, theatre - 0.63 22 12
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.91 15 10
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.73 21 13
433 club fees - 0.00 0 0
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 6.53 41 10
435 photography - 0.35 10 7
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.00 0 0
437 cable TV - 31.74 595 247
438 other entertainment - 4.66 78 31
439 entertainment: sub-total - 46.54 679 273
440 spectacles - 1.38 11 8
441 torch - 0.65 18 9
442 lock - 0.16 10 8
443 umbrella, raincoat - 2.19 36 17
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.55 32 18
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.35 26 12
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 5.28 104 54
450 toilet soap - 15.48 988 382
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 8.45 975 375
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 12.18 884 316
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 8.71 929 361
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 3.60 785 314
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 2.28 442 191
456 sanitary napkins - 4.46 331 119
457 other toilet articles - 2.92 349 177
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 58.08 1000 383
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.36 191 76
461 electric batteries - 0.09 13 11
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.11 2 2
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 0
464 glassware - 0.25 10 6

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-730 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.75 49 18
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.01 1 1
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 28.11 980 380
468 other washing requisites - 4.44 606 219
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 6.50 850 337
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.06 2 2
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 0.24 21 12
473 other petty articles - 1.76 178 67
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 45.69 990 382
480 domestic servant/cook - 12.93 22 8
481 attendant - 0.28 1 1
482 sweeper - 1.38 108 34
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 13.09 773 303
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.04 5 3
485 tailor - 20.94 160 78
486 grinding charges - 1.02 70 48
487 telephone charges, landline - 11.84 149 59
488 telephone charges, mobile - 95.14 931 361
490 postage & telegram - 0.26 20 13
491 miscellaneous expenses - 8.94 440 183
492 priest - 0.21 10 8
493 legal expenses - 0.67 2 3
494 repair charges for non-durables - 1.04 53 15
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.38 9 2
496 internet expenses - 5.81 59 26
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.05 5 3
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 175.01 994 381
500 air fare - 0.00 0 0
501 railway fare - 8.31 17 4
502 bus/tram fare - 65.75 786 307
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 10.35 116 30
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 0
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.06 8 3
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 1.57 14 5
508 petrol for vehicle - 68.91 206 99
510 diesel for vehicle - 2.59 6 5
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.21 2 1
512 school bus, van, etc. - 19.55 69 24
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.30 13 8
519 conveyance: sub-total - 177.60 924 351
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 271.87 606 183
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-731

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.01 2 2
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 271.87 608 185
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 372.55 352 180
540 water charges - 14.55 618 257
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 2.96 208 121
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 17.51 636 272
550 bedstead 0.001 2.15 17 10
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.00 0 0
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.33 10 8
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 1.16 46 15
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.00 0 0
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.71 19 5
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 11.18 26 4
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 15.53 87 33
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 0
561 television 0.000 1.58 18 4
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.04 2 1
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.46 6 2
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.43 69 19
565 musical instruments - 0.62 6 2
566 other goods for recreation - 0.27 3 2
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 3.38 104 30
570 stainless steel utensils - 3.62 146 63
571 other metal utensils - 0.15 19 9
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.06 8 3
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.89 92 37
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 4.71 206 88
580 electric fan 0.000 0.65 15 8
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.15 0 2
582 inverter 0.000 0.04 0 1
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.00 0 2
585 washing machine 0.000 0.37 1 2
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.32 20 9
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.44 27 16
588 refrigerator 0.001 8.54 27 6
590 water purifier 0.000 0.13 2 2
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 1.04 28 9
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.29 22 7
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 11.97 122 55
600 bicycle 0.001 0.93 49 22

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-732 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Himachal Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 5.73 112 69
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 32.42 90 41
603 tyres & tubes 0.001 5.60 40 18
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 0 0
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 44.69 226 106
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.06 49 18
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 3.52 17 6
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 8.99 94 36
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 0
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 0 0
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 12.57 152 57
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.23 14 5
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.26 9 3
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 31.91 83 35
633 other durables - 0.00 0 0
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 32.40 96 40
640 gold ornaments - 22.45 20 11
641 silver ornaments - 3.40 12 7
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 0
643 other ornaments - 3.21 2 1
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 29.06 27 14
659 durable: total - 154.31 541 223
888 total: non-food group - 1876.35 1000 383
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 3258.54 1000 383

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-733

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.018 0.04 2 1
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.00 0 0
309 pan: sub-total - 0.04 2 1
310 bidi (no.) 9.321 3.52 92 119
311 cigarettes (no.) 6.503 18.25 189 276
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 1.442 0.55 19 25
313 snuff (gm) 0.074 0.02 1 3
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 20.673 1.21 70 116
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.231 0.10 6 6
317 other tobacco products - 0.86 18 23
319 tobacco: sub-total - 24.51 352 501
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.003 0.19 3 3
322 country liquor (litre) 0.030 3.93 37 40
323 beer (litre) 0.005 0.67 8 10
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.004 1.69 9 9
325 other intoxicants - 0.06 2 3
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 6.54 57 63
330 coke (kg) 0.042 0.19 3 10
331 firewood and chips (kg) 4.062 11.30 173 264
332 electricity (std. unit) 29.243 51.10 951 1293
333 dung cake - 0.14 12 22
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.242 3.73 278 489
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.069 1.39 69 85
336 matches (box) 1.157 1.18 902 1248
337 coal (kg) 0.021 0.22 7 7
338 L.P.G. (kg) 2.146 66.07 860 1189
340 charcoal (kg) 0.716 4.42 129 215
341 candle (no.) 0.859 3.31 647 909
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 0
345 other fuel - 3.13 199 203
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 146.16 975 1342
350 dhoti (no.) 0.001 0.09 8 19
351 sari (no.) 0.003 2.27 55 90
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.359 37.79 863 1143
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.034 6.16 390 436
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.030 14.65 679 892
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.006 2.55 216 250
356 school/college uniform: boys - 6.40 432 611

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-734 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 4.82 359 527
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.007 3.16 209 347
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.007 3.29 171 325
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.002 0.89 56 93
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.002 0.73 48 90
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.042 12.93 717 920
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.026 11.47 446 514
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.005 1.47 108 133
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.048 4.57 677 898
367 lungi (no.) 0.001 0.16 9 12
368 other casual wear - 0.93 72 79
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.138 7.34 916 1235
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.044 2.78 588 667
372 infant clothing - 0.95 64 93
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.010 0.96 305 374
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.077 0.19 13 20
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 1.76 61 104
376 clothing, second-hand - 1.35 135 222
379 clothing: sub-total - 129.64 991 1347
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.015 4.47 426 504
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.008 6.84 290 424
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.007 2.69 146 186
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.004 0.41 31 54
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.04 9 17
385 bedding: others - 0.10 8 11
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 14.54 583 728
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.021 13.29 619 777
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.024 8.10 659 799
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.008 2.99 201 291
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.052 5.48 793 1083
394 other footwear (pair) 0.020 5.80 463 665
395 footwear, second-hand 0.002 0.36 51 69
399 footwear: sub-total 0.127 36.00 983 1331
400 books, journals, first hand - 22.45 649 898
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.75 50 63
402 newspapers, periodicals - 4.27 283 385
403 library charges - 0.22 26 39
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 12.41 713 975
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 126.97 637 878
406 private tutor/ coaching - 26.11 248 347
407 educational CD - 0.01 4 5
408 other educational expenses - 1.36 121 120
409 education: sub-total - 194.53 798 1080

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-735

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 13.14 120 197
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.52 91 143
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 5.26 49 80
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 6.00 41 63
414 other medical expenses - 2.75 55 81
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 30.67 121 198
420 medicine - 72.59 818 1147
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.15 64 97
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 6.98 171 247
423 family planning devices - 0.99 75 111
424 other medical expenses - 0.69 31 53
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 85.41 825 1160
430 cinema, theatre - 0.54 10 9
431 mela, fair, picnic - 0.69 8 14
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.75 83 105
433 club fees - 0.08 3 3
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.03 3 6
435 photography - 0.41 29 45
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.11 2 2
437 cable TV - 26.36 710 946
438 other entertainment - 4.09 39 55
439 entertainment: sub-total - 35.07 751 1016
440 spectacles - 2.18 28 42
441 torch - 1.07 51 70
442 lock - 0.57 63 84
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.78 55 72
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.34 34 52
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.39 108 172
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 7.33 278 394
450 toilet soap - 12.57 975 1329
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 6.63 872 1182
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 8.43 612 743
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 7.19 793 1049
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 1.97 676 893
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.89 250 306
456 sanitary napkins - 3.41 411 478
457 other toilet articles - 1.63 186 214
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 43.71 985 1341
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 3.94 333 399
461 electric batteries - 0.28 73 85
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.48 18 22
463 earthenware - 0.00 0 1
464 glassware - 0.33 33 65

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-736 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 3.25 147 202
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.20 18 30
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 23.11 952 1313
468 other washing requisites - 2.20 389 445
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 1.78 343 363
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.42 29 27
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 1.16 165 177
473 other petty articles - 0.91 135 145
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 38.07 972 1335
480 domestic servant/cook - 4.78 22 24
481 attendant - 0.16 2 2
482 sweeper - 0.88 25 32
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 12.01 873 1201
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 0.50 14 10
485 tailor - 13.91 260 379
486 grinding charges - 0.44 35 35
487 telephone charges, landline - 6.09 105 126
488 telephone charges, mobile - 62.72 918 1275
490 postage & telegram - 0.12 7 11
491 miscellaneous expenses - 7.12 431 584
492 priest - 0.86 85 157
493 legal expenses - 0.02 2 2
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.20 14 14
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.75 17 12
496 internet expenses - 3.40 53 59
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 1.36 45 61
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 116.30 981 1346
500 air fare - 0.42 0 1
501 railway fare - 4.37 14 17
502 bus/tram fare - 71.34 862 1192
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 7.71 159 244
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.08 1 1
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.27 4 4
506 horse cart fare - 0.02 2 7
507 porter charges - 0.03 2 3
508 petrol for vehicle - 93.57 307 335
510 diesel for vehicle - 0.66 4 7
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.25 56 51
512 school bus, van, etc. - 12.56 91 109
513 other conveyance expenses - 1.24 22 40
519 conveyance: sub-total - 194.51 964 1311
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 48.64 166 192
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 0

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-737

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.57 2 7
523 other consumer rent - 0.00 0 0
529 rent: sub-total - 49.22 168 197
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 705.23 800 1097
540 water charges - 6.78 730 1019
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.58 98 97
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 8.36 742 1034
550 bedstead 0.000 1.30 9 18
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.42 8 19
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.54 32 43
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.87 84 120
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.46 8 27
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 2.70 59 114
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.11 29 38
557 other furniture & fixtures - 1.17 5 4
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 7.57 191 288
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.12 22 41
561 television 0.000 1.92 42 61
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.15 4 7
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.39 7 6
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.07 18 21
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.05 4 6
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 2.72 88 126
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.35 298 384
571 other metal utensils - 0.80 62 103
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.72 72 141
573 other crockery & utensils - 2.33 362 546
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 6.20 567 802
580 electric fan 0.000 0.71 80 93
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 3.52 50 52
582 inverter 0.000 1.71 68 75
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.02 1 5
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.25 31 34
585 washing machine 0.000 1.03 19 21
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.18 89 109
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.001 0.53 147 180
588 refrigerator 0.000 2.03 26 31
590 water purifier 0.000 0.92 27 32
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.73 104 135
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.20 7 12
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 11.84 370 473
600 bicycle 0.000 0.23 51 63

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-738 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jammu & Kashmir Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 7.30 212 210
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 41.58 120 136
603 tyres & tubes 0.000 0.80 102 108
604 other transport equipment - 0.06 6 6
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 49.97 319 362
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.05 3 4
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 1
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.05 3 5
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.25 122 137
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 1 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 6.97 26 28
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 8.21 180 255
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 0 1
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 2 5
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 15.44 287 365
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 4.69 53 78
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.89 47 82
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 15.95 104 120
633 other durables - 0.06 2 3
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 21.59 168 225
640 gold ornaments - 20.60 40 63
641 silver ornaments - 0.10 5 6
642 jewels, pearls - 0.00 0 2
643 other ornaments - 0.15 35 59
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 20.85 78 126
659 durable: total - 136.25 812 1075
888 total: non-food group - 1296.88 1000 1355
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2485.34 1000 1355

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-739

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.348 0.69 20 22
301 pan: finished (no.) 1.144 4.59 108 110
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.24 25 24
309 pan: sub-total - 5.52 150 151
310 bidi (no.) 1.183 0.33 22 24
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.318 4.49 94 81
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 22.367 4.85 344 398
313 snuff (gm) 0.131 0.03 2 3
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.116 0.03 3 4
315 cheroot (no.) 0.005 0.00 0 2
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.581 0.73 26 13
317 other tobacco products - 4.62 147 120
319 tobacco: sub-total - 15.08 499 527
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.025 0.65 12 12
322 country liquor (litre) 0.160 5.03 83 83
323 beer (litre) 0.015 1.57 13 12
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.011 4.05 20 21
325 other intoxicants - 1.16 24 32
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 12.46 149 152
330 coke (kg) 0.019 0.06 1 2
331 firewood and chips (kg) 2.451 6.16 271 304
332 electricity (std. unit) 22.017 47.47 962 919
333 dung cake - 2.11 205 237
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.102 1.72 204 275
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.246 6.96 561 549
336 matches (box) 1.153 1.15 952 932
337 coal (kg) 6.716 18.48 343 352
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.737 53.44 586 539
340 charcoal (kg) 0.015 0.07 14 6
341 candle (no.) 0.398 1.51 382 336
342 gobar gas - 0.01 1 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.05 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.002 0.07 2 1
345 other fuel - 0.31 26 31
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 139.57 992 976
350 dhoti (no.) 0.002 0.30 68 91
351 sari (no.) 0.046 21.11 783 789
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.066 9.10 613 649
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.039 8.39 574 591
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.023 9.75 450 409
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.007 2.67 303 269
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.86 338 310

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-740 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.77 247 252
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.005 2.12 136 130
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.015 7.79 288 249
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 1.37 121 108
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.004 1.47 109 126
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.054 14.68 827 793
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.050 19.76 722 631
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.017 4.37 307 323
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.052 3.23 696 643
367 lungi (no.) 0.017 1.94 574 612
368 other casual wear - 2.78 343 297
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.193 8.61 951 941
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.040 2.80 889 859
372 infant clothing - 0.70 65 70
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.005 0.45 152 139
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.280 0.11 25 23
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.20 25 45
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.17 21 27
379 clothing: sub-total - 131.47 999 978
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.020 4.97 571 565
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 2.31 165 116
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 1.09 125 117
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.007 0.52 60 46
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.003 0.63 161 174
385 bedding: others - 0.05 14 14
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 9.56 672 650
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.016 7.15 491 462
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.019 4.63 595 534
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.003 1.21 124 92
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.059 5.34 881 867
394 other footwear (pair) 0.011 2.63 275 243
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.02 4 5
399 footwear: sub-total 0.108 21.00 964 950
400 books, journals, first hand - 18.66 593 584
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 1.47 95 69
402 newspapers, periodicals - 6.26 383 342
403 library charges - 0.16 22 19
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 10.39 700 704
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 72.49 599 566
406 private tutor/ coaching - 26.56 280 286
407 educational CD - 0.01 1 1
408 other educational expenses - 0.69 107 122
409 education: sub-total - 136.69 823 816

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-741

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 25.61 143 106
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 4.15 122 86
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 5.20 135 97
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 10.32 127 90
414 other medical expenses - 2.39 60 48
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 47.67 146 108
420 medicine - 42.96 686 708
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 5.62 73 48
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 10.99 290 239
423 family planning devices - 0.41 25 18
424 other medical expenses - 0.66 58 38
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 60.63 701 716
430 cinema, theatre - 3.38 83 77
431 mela, fair, picnic - 3.03 59 76
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 2.40 95 97
433 club fees - 0.00 1 1
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.27 7 7
435 photography - 2.35 43 27
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.10 6 11
437 cable TV - 24.01 663 594
438 other entertainment - 1.19 64 49
439 entertainment: sub-total - 36.74 733 677
440 spectacles - 7.72 36 21
441 torch - 1.25 57 54
442 lock - 0.99 53 60
443 umbrella, raincoat - 4.70 112 64
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.31 24 30
445 other minor durable-type goods - 1.46 212 212
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 16.43 398 353
450 toilet soap - 12.72 997 970
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 7.39 955 929
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 11.71 805 771
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 9.27 951 936
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 2.15 625 595
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.71 410 369
456 sanitary napkins - 2.82 258 260
457 other toilet articles - 1.89 401 335
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 49.66 1000 980
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.99 264 255
461 electric batteries - 0.57 87 60
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.12 12 7
463 earthenware - 0.42 46 50
464 glassware - 0.25 25 16

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-742 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.80 127 114
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.41 47 34
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 17.05 994 971
468 other washing requisites - 2.39 467 471
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 4.19 772 710
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 0.25 77 62
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 4.38 598 527
473 other petty articles - 2.80 473 465
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 37.62 1000 979
480 domestic servant/cook - 7.01 55 61
481 attendant - 1.26 5 8
482 sweeper - 1.06 83 58
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 12.30 867 871
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 1.33 101 108
485 tailor - 9.72 165 206
486 grinding charges - 0.37 23 49
487 telephone charges, landline - 1.64 18 28
488 telephone charges, mobile - 45.85 893 865
490 postage & telegram - 0.27 40 51
491 miscellaneous expenses - 3.89 319 377
492 priest - 4.77 125 123
493 legal expenses - 0.12 2 6
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.19 21 29
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 0.52 8 17
496 internet expenses - 2.82 51 45
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 0.93 114 80
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 94.06 973 961
500 air fare - 0.53 0 1
501 railway fare - 6.13 40 45
502 bus/tram fare - 7.88 167 176
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 15.39 626 509
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.00 0 1
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 1.60 175 149
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.12 1 2
508 petrol for vehicle - 63.43 430 368
510 diesel for vehicle - 1.55 8 12
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 0.32 15 27
512 school bus, van, etc. - 9.58 78 85
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.62 28 31
519 conveyance: sub-total - 107.15 877 813
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 99.16 397 317
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.00 0 1

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-743

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.20 37 60
523 other consumer rent - 0.15 5 10
529 rent: sub-total - 99.50 439 386
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 288.92 563 623
540 water charges - 2.31 149 132
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 1.85 254 251
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 4.16 362 339
550 bedstead 0.000 1.42 18 29
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.62 7 11
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 0.44 45 49
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.96 47 22
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.02 1 1
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.02 10 4
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.01 1 4
557 other furniture & fixtures - 0.56 6 6
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 4.07 114 96
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.01 10 6
561 television 0.000 0.55 35 49
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.18 4 12
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.32 4 3
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.36 84 65
565 musical instruments - 0.00 0 0
566 other goods for recreation - 0.00 0 1
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 1.43 132 127
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.24 382 339
571 other metal utensils - 0.28 60 47
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.07 10 10
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.27 61 56
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.86 454 404
580 electric fan 0.001 0.72 71 50
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.49 9 8
582 inverter 0.000 0.00 2 7
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.17 42 9
584 sewing machine 0.001 1.02 35 21
585 washing machine 0.000 0.91 8 9
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.09 12 18
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.06 63 58
588 refrigerator 0.000 0.65 10 17
590 water purifier 0.000 0.13 8 14
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.43 35 20
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.18 14 40
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 4.86 233 216
600 bicycle 0.000 1.53 391 420

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-744 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Jharkhand Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 10.24 389 325
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 1.83 29 38
603 tyres & tubes 0.003 1.26 151 166
604 other transport equipment - 0.16 16 19
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 15.03 670 644
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.00 0 0
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.00 0 0
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.10 86 79
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 2 3
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 3.46 10 5
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 3.75 107 111
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.05 2 2
625 any other personal goods - 0.02 5 4
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 7.40 185 192
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.11 32 35
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.55 68 69
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 12.66 278 271
633 other durables - 0.21 7 5
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 13.52 347 326
640 gold ornaments - 3.76 17 26
641 silver ornaments - 0.58 26 40
642 jewels, pearls - 0.02 12 3
643 other ornaments - 0.49 114 121
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 4.86 149 167
659 durable: total - 54.03 876 863
888 total: non-food group - 1079.03 1000 980
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 2018.29 1000 980

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-745

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 9.003 2.68 280 617
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.191 0.73 25 66
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 3.39 275 601
309 pan: sub-total - 6.81 302 678
310 bidi (no.) 10.439 4.23 96 222
311 cigarettes (no.) 3.232 12.75 123 245
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 2.913 0.30 29 78
313 snuff (gm) 0.473 0.05 5 19
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.071 0.00 1 1
315 cheroot (no.) 0.045 0.09 1 2
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.409 0.20 9 12
317 other tobacco products - 2.51 48 145
319 tobacco: sub-total - 20.13 290 664
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.001 0.01 0 2
322 country liquor (litre) 0.011 1.58 13 31
323 beer (litre) 0.046 5.56 37 70
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.037 13.86 71 170
325 other intoxicants - 0.71 7 13
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 21.73 126 278
330 coke (kg) 0.015 0.07 2 4
331 firewood and chips (kg) 6.434 18.73 296 890
332 electricity (std. unit) 22.750 70.99 988 2006
333 dung cake - 0.16 12 33
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.287 4.44 257 699
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.199 6.38 189 463
336 matches (box) 1.122 1.18 933 1951
337 coal (kg) 0.001 0.00 0 3
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.855 55.24 660 1376
340 charcoal (kg) 0.001 0.00 1 2
341 candle (no.) 0.379 1.25 429 917
342 gobar gas - 0.05 1 3
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 0 1
345 other fuel - 4.86 483 892
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 163.36 1000 2048
350 dhoti (no.) 0.004 0.70 99 248
351 sari (no.) 0.057 25.34 829 1823
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.100 9.68 719 1625
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.051 9.06 596 1360
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.004 1.34 112 177
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.002 0.50 59 111
356 school/college uniform: boys - 4.08 237 543

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-746 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 3.56 212 458
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.003 1.83 67 137
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.011 6.46 213 395
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.003 1.29 63 147
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.010 5.05 153 315
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.059 17.92 795 1544
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.040 17.57 565 1041
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.014 3.47 226 517
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.030 2.31 373 917
367 lungi (no.) 0.026 2.95 607 1446
368 other casual wear - 4.01 406 919
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.208 11.91 973 1984
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.068 3.39 879 1797
372 infant clothing - 0.84 70 153
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.008 1.25 208 448
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.040 0.01 2 5
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.81 73 195
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.10 6 19
379 clothing: sub-total - 135.37 999 2042
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.012 3.55 301 614
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.005 2.73 163 389
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.004 0.92 102 217
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.002 0.33 20 57
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.001 0.23 32 69
385 bedding: others - 0.36 39 87
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 8.12 420 908
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.014 7.69 388 742
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.024 7.60 505 983
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.012 2.54 237 565
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.044 5.42 713 1459
394 other footwear (pair) 0.024 5.32 346 742
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.01 2 8
399 footwear: sub-total 0.118 28.56 995 2041
400 books, journals, first hand - 14.61 543 1104
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.67 42 64
402 newspapers, periodicals - 8.54 349 576
403 library charges - 0.21 35 76
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 9.62 554 1187
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 162.65 503 1054
406 private tutor/ coaching - 3.94 53 118
407 educational CD - 0.03 7 22
408 other educational expenses - 3.00 118 257
409 education: sub-total - 203.26 760 1492

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-747

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 18.88 169 394
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 7.30 113 296
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 10.03 158 370
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 18.18 151 362
414 other medical expenses - 2.97 67 189
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 57.36 171 400
420 medicine - 59.64 699 1479
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 3.67 31 84
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 13.97 428 985
423 family planning devices - 0.20 9 16
424 other medical expenses - 2.08 58 161
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 79.56 704 1494
430 cinema, theatre - 11.58 176 262
431 mela, fair, picnic - 6.46 19 30
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 3.34 45 99
433 club fees - 0.26 3 5
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.29 3 7
435 photography - 0.89 22 43
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.35 10 23
437 cable TV - 35.65 797 1635
438 other entertainment - 1.53 33 32
439 entertainment: sub-total - 60.35 857 1726
440 spectacles - 6.11 22 43
441 torch - 0.85 19 32
442 lock - 0.30 16 49
443 umbrella, raincoat - 1.98 34 87
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.33 30 60
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.91 45 136
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 10.49 147 350
450 toilet soap - 16.14 994 2035
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 8.68 960 1962
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 17.63 875 1731
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 11.90 955 1969
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 3.07 564 1176
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 3.12 354 712
456 sanitary napkins - 4.17 361 578
457 other toilet articles - 3.64 328 608
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 68.35 997 2043
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 2.83 150 380
461 electric batteries - 0.28 46 94
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.24 9 24
463 earthenware - 0.05 8 16
464 glassware - 1.10 11 28

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-748 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 3.66 123 273
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.10 11 15
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 19.78 989 2022
468 other washing requisites - 4.39 554 1059
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 6.09 811 1723
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 10.52 612 1183
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 4.48 421 909
473 other petty articles - 3.49 394 830
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 57.01 994 2036
480 domestic servant/cook - 24.12 84 140
481 attendant - 0.65 1 6
482 sweeper - 3.48 20 35
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 20.10 870 1746
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 5.90 198 347
485 tailor - 9.56 143 359
486 grinding charges - 5.17 685 1607
487 telephone charges, landline - 11.89 117 221
488 telephone charges, mobile - 66.49 930 1891
490 postage & telegram - 0.13 20 45
491 miscellaneous expenses - 11.32 326 652
492 priest - 1.67 58 141
493 legal expenses - 0.13 1 7
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.42 19 59
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 2.02 28 73
496 internet expenses - 7.22 114 169
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 3.68 244 373
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 173.94 996 2040
500 air fare - 4.34 1 2
501 railway fare - 3.42 22 61
502 bus/tram fare - 64.08 768 1511
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 13.94 325 553
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.05 1 2
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.19 4 14
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.15 2 7
508 petrol for vehicle - 108.29 430 827
510 diesel for vehicle - 4.26 17 48
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 4.27 100 209
512 school bus, van, etc. - 6.43 43 92
513 other conveyance expenses - 0.30 11 32
519 conveyance: sub-total - 209.73 951 1906
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 358.48 492 811
521 hotel lodging charges - 0.50 2 6

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-749

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.06 2 8
523 other consumer rent - 0.99 2 8
529 rent: sub-total - 360.04 496 829
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 409.50 499 1226
540 water charges - 16.82 613 1295
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 18.69 512 1228
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 35.51 741 1604
550 bedstead 0.000 0.51 5 14
551 almirah, dressing table 0.000 0.47 6 17
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 1.16 28 57
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.32 25 48
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.15 1 4
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.24 12 12
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.03 2 5
557 other furniture & fixtures - 3.68 11 24
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 6.55 77 156
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.00 0 1
561 television 0.000 2.17 29 85
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.47 8 14
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.89 5 11
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.23 35 81
565 musical instruments - 0.17 2 3
566 other goods for recreation - 0.39 2 3
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 4.33 76 188
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.25 174 382
571 other metal utensils - 0.33 27 71
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.10 9 23
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.20 15 35
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 2.89 199 446
580 electric fan 0.000 0.41 17 42
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 0.12 4 8
582 inverter 0.000 1.00 10 26
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.00 0 0
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.08 13 34
585 washing machine 0.000 2.33 16 42
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.31 74 206
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.43 40 110
588 refrigerator 0.000 1.54 16 48
590 water purifier 0.000 0.90 14 26
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 0.98 16 22
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 0.16 14 39
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 8.27 167 439
600 bicycle 0.000 1.00 185 495

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-750 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Karnataka Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.000 23.85 374 736
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 13.60 80 142
603 tyres & tubes 0.001 1.03 65 186
604 other transport equipment - 0.00 1 3
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 39.48 530 1097
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.06 1 2
611 other medical equipment - 0.00 0 0
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.06 1 2
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.27 211 415
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 1
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 3.32 44 40
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 5.84 95 185
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.00 1 3
625 any other personal goods - 0.21 1 2
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 9.65 301 586
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 0.34 18 32
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 0.24 31 44
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 12.02 282 703
633 other durables - 0.02 2 8
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 12.62 305 743
640 gold ornaments - 26.89 49 136
641 silver ornaments - 1.39 21 58
642 jewels, pearls - 0.95 2 5
643 other ornaments - 0.14 16 50
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 29.38 77 215
659 durable: total - 113.22 824 1706
888 total: non-food group - 1812.89 1000 2048
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 3025.52 1000 2048

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-751

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.752 0.43 32 60
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.374 0.99 16 27
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 0.61 33 61
309 pan: sub-total - 2.03 49 86
310 bidi (no.) 5.781 3.21 70 112
311 cigarettes (no.) 6.523 18.99 158 266
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 0.368 0.06 7 14
313 snuff (gm) 0.295 0.12 6 11
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 0
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
317 other tobacco products - 0.23 4 4
319 tobacco: sub-total - 22.61 220 363
320 ganja (gm) 0.000 0.00 0 0
321 toddy (litre) 0.038 1.92 17 35
322 country liquor (litre) 0.016 4.41 13 18
323 beer (litre) 0.012 1.67 10 20
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.077 30.84 98 175
325 other intoxicants - 0.20 1 3
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 39.04 132 239
330 coke (kg) 0.059 0.09 2 6
331 firewood and chips (kg) 20.598 35.69 669 1287
332 electricity (std. unit) 29.675 59.79 972 1815
333 dung cake - 0.00 0 0
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.172 2.48 559 1084
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.017 0.59 30 60
336 matches (box) 0.991 1.03 886 1689
337 coal (kg) 0.001 0.02 1 1
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.789 53.90 779 1494
340 charcoal (kg) 0.000 0.00 0 1
341 candle (no.) 0.511 1.23 320 578
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.01 0 1
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.001 0.03 3 4
345 other fuel - 3.78 305 587
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 158.64 989 1849
350 dhoti (no.) 0.027 6.90 598 1149
351 sari (no.) 0.048 31.84 793 1530
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.141 15.86 576 1141
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.020 4.29 201 435
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.000 0.03 4 8
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.001 0.24 25 48
356 school/college uniform: boys - 5.92 290 535

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-752 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 5.29 254 455
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.002 0.67 26 52
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.007 4.09 119 208
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.001 0.57 23 57
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.015 8.48 209 391
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.063 24.34 759 1387
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.035 16.07 521 907
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.015 5.45 213 410
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.016 1.67 244 475
367 lungi (no.) 0.041 5.24 700 1301
368 other casual wear - 8.20 692 1308
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.279 14.68 959 1774
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.086 2.49 834 1544
372 infant clothing - 1.14 61 121
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.006 0.61 129 257
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.008 0.00 1 2
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 2.53 124 247
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.09 6 13
379 clothing: sub-total - 166.68 1000 1854
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.018 5.72 408 772
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.001 0.38 26 47
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.003 1.80 63 115
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.007 0.89 30 66
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.000 0.11 19 26
385 bedding: others - 0.89 41 72
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 9.79 449 840
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.010 5.68 270 495
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.021 5.71 364 704
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.009 2.46 204 361
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.060 9.13 752 1397
394 other footwear (pair) 0.024 3.84 320 642
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.04 4 8
399 footwear: sub-total 0.123 26.85 987 1831
400 books, journals, first hand - 16.25 534 988
401 books, journals, etc., second hand - 0.26 13 30
402 newspapers, periodicals - 20.01 574 1105
403 library charges - 0.06 20 35
404 stationery, photocopying charge - 7.47 579 1078
405 tuition and other fees (school, college, etc.) - 106.87 474 860
406 private tutor/ coaching - 13.52 136 243
407 educational CD - 0.02 6 14
408 other educational expenses - 3.99 115 210
409 education: sub-total - 168.46 836 1571

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-753

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
410 medicine - 32.22 237 440
411 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 17.56 201 371
412 doctor's/surgeon's fee - 8.83 170 299
413 hospital & nursing home charges - 34.09 217 391
414 other medical expenses - 10.66 98 196
419 medical, institutional: sub-total - 103.38 258 480
420 medicine - 128.52 742 1410
421 X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc. - 21.21 149 269
422 doctor’s/ surgeon’s fee - 17.68 401 751
423 family planning devices - 0.19 8 21
424 other medical expenses - 3.82 39 73
429 medical, non-institutional: sub-total - 171.41 749 1422
430 cinema, theatre - 4.61 109 157
431 mela, fair, picnic - 7.49 15 26
432 sports goods, toys, etc. - 1.82 27 58
433 club fees - 0.32 4 8
434 goods for recreation and hobbies - 0.00 1 1
435 photography - 0.66 16 28
436 VCD/ DVD hire (including instrument) - 0.21 11 27
437 cable TV - 29.81 772 1448
438 other entertainment - 1.08 19 36
439 entertainment: sub-total - 46.00 816 1515
440 spectacles - 3.34 14 32
441 torch - 0.18 4 7
442 lock - 0.14 8 12
443 umbrella, raincoat - 3.67 53 98
444 lighter (bidi/ cigarette/ gas stove) - 0.22 41 83
445 other minor durable-type goods - 0.71 20 42
449 minor durable-type goods: sub-total - 8.25 125 244
450 toilet soap - 15.54 960 1779
451 toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc. - 7.98 851 1591
452 powder, snow, cream and perfume - 4.74 371 743
453 hair oil, shampoo, hair cream - 8.65 854 1572
454 shaving blades, shaving stick, razor - 3.23 557 1041
455 shaving cream, aftershave lotion - 1.17 119 239
456 sanitary napkins - 4.98 411 782
457 other toilet articles - 2.97 294 595
459 toilet articles: sub-total - 49.26 992 1839
460 electric bulb, tubelight - 4.57 144 275
461 electric batteries - 0.32 53 96
462 other non-durable electric goods - 0.03 2 6
463 earthenware - 0.48 21 37
464 glassware - 0.59 16 26

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-754 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
465 bucket & other plastic goods - 1.75 59 134
466 coir, rope, etc. - 0.11 14 36
467 washing soap/ soda/ powder - 23.23 968 1799
468 other washing requisites - 4.84 580 1123
470 incense (agarbatti), room freshener - 2.51 392 736
471 flower (fresh), all purposes - 1.20 49 84
472 mosquito repellent, insecticide, acid etc. - 3.26 259 481
473 other petty articles - 2.75 295 578
479 other household consumables: sub-total - 45.63 988 1833
480 domestic servant/cook - 44.19 69 150
481 attendant - 0.36 1 4
482 sweeper - 2.79 12 32
483 barber, beautician, etc. - 14.56 724 1290
484 washerman, laundry, ironing - 2.02 38 72
485 tailor - 12.68 156 305
486 grinding charges - 4.39 442 851
487 telephone charges, landline - 22.82 306 644
488 telephone charges, mobile - 63.36 945 1755
490 postage & telegram - 0.30 26 48
491 miscellaneous expenses - 2.73 287 576
492 priest - 9.92 284 528
493 legal expenses - 0.19 1 3
494 repair charges for non-durables - 0.04 1 7
495 pet animals (incl. birds, fish) - 1.69 45 87
496 internet expenses - 6.77 80 171
497 other consumer services excl. conveyance - 3.44 178 363
499 consumer services excl. conveyance: sub-total - 192.26 989 1835
500 air fare - 18.57 3 4
501 railway fare - 5.90 71 147
502 bus/tram fare - 56.53 809 1507
503 taxi, auto-rickshaw fare - 20.67 431 823
504 steamer, boat fare - 0.19 10 20
505 rickshaw (hand drawn & cycle) fare - 0.07 2 7
506 horse cart fare - 0.00 0 0
507 porter charges - 0.86 3 4
508 petrol for vehicle - 106.97 403 757
510 diesel for vehicle - 9.55 32 57
511 lubricants & other fuels for vehicle - 2.42 55 104
512 school bus, van, etc. - 17.71 147 270
513 other conveyance expenses - 3.04 21 29
519 conveyance: sub-total - 242.47 980 1824
520 house rent, garage rent (actual) - 104.81 199 304
521 hotel lodging charges - 4.41 5 10

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-755

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
522 residential land rent - 0.00 0 0
523 other consumer rent - 0.27 30 68
529 rent: sub-total - 109.49 230 373
539 house/garage rent (imputed) - 635.98 790 1533
540 water charges - 6.08 287 523
541 other consumer taxes & cesses - 12.65 800 1517
549 consumer taxes and cesses: sub-total - 18.73 846 1600
550 bedstead 0.000 3.88 19 37
551 almirah, dressing table 0.001 4.38 24 46
552 chair, stool, bench, table - 3.02 36 71
553 suitcase and other travel goods - 0.56 50 74
554 foam, rubber cushion - 0.76 4 7
555 carpet, daree & other floor mattings - 0.39 15 34
556 paintings, drawings, engravings, etc. - 0.00 0 0
557 other furniture & fixtures - 6.15 17 36
559 furniture & fixtures: sub-total - 19.14 123 231
560 radio, tape recorder, 2-in-1 0.000 0.02 1 5
561 television 0.000 5.72 56 120
562 VCR/VCD/DVD player 0.000 0.80 11 23
563 camera & photographic equipment - 0.97 5 7
564 CD, DVD, audio/video cassette, etc - 0.20 41 78
565 musical instruments - 0.16 2 4
566 other goods for recreation - 0.19 4 7
569 goods for recreation: sub-total - 8.06 111 220
570 stainless steel utensils - 2.24 99 191
571 other metal utensils - 0.58 51 88
572 casseroles, thermos, thermoware - 0.30 17 34
573 other crockery & utensils - 0.76 51 104
579 crockery & utensils: sub-total - 3.89 184 349
580 electric fan 0.001 1.15 36 60
581 air conditioner, air cooler 0.000 4.29 11 19
582 inverter 0.000 1.06 5 13
583 lantern, lamp, electric lampshade - 0.01 1 3
584 sewing machine 0.000 0.54 22 42
585 washing machine 0.000 3.90 27 50
586 stove, gas burner 0.000 0.65 19 39
587 pressure cooker/ pressure pan 0.000 0.34 21 41
588 refrigerator 0.001 6.46 36 65
590 water purifier 0.000 0.51 6 9
591 electric iron & other elec. heating appliances - 1.71 26 50
592 other cooking/ household appliances - 1.96 29 56
599 cooking & household appliances: sub-total - 22.58 181 345
600 bicycle 0.001 2.08 153 238

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-756 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Kerala Urban
no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
601 motorcycle, scooter 0.001 34.98 303 523
602 motor car, jeep 0.000 219.15 147 295
603 tyres & tubes 0.001 2.47 66 110
604 other transport equipment - 0.08 1 3
609 personal transport equipment: sub-total - 258.75 480 838
610 contact lenses, hearing aids, etc. - 0.57 29 59
611 other medical equipment - 0.02 0 2
619 therapeutic appliances: sub-total - 0.59 30 61
620 clock, watch 0.000 0.26 26 41
621 other machines for household work - 0.00 0 0
622 PC/ laptop including software 0.000 8.72 40 74
623 mobile phone handset 0.000 7.40 69 115
624 telephone (landline) instrument 0.000 0.03 2 4
625 any other personal goods - 0.00 2 4
629 other personal goods: sub-total - 16.41 121 212
630 bathroom and sanitary equipment - 2.73 20 38
631 plugs & other electrical fittings - 1.86 30 57
632 residential building & land (repairing cost) - 36.92 84 164
633 other durables - 0.03 2 3
639 repair of res. building, land, etc.: sub-total - 41.53 124 241
640 gold ornaments - 189.95 119 235
641 silver ornaments - 0.74 19 30
642 jewels, pearls - 2.65 1 3
643 other ornaments - 2.92 24 46
649 jewellery/ornaments: sub-total - 196.27 151 292
659 durable: total - 567.22 704 1301
888 total: non-food group - 2148.22 1000 1854
999 total: food + non-food (777+888) - 3408.45 1000 1854

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
Appendix A A-757

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Madhya Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
300 pan: leaf (no.) 0.321 0.35 26 79
301 pan: finished (no.) 0.948 3.49 97 236
302 ingredients for pan (gm) - 2.99 170 446
309 pan: sub-total - 6.83 244 606
310 bidi (no.) 17.535 6.85 168 321
311 cigarettes (no.) 1.313 4.34 64 118
312 leaf tobacco (gm) 8.809 1.23 115 270
313 snuff (gm) 0.409 0.08 8 20
314 hookah tobacco (gm) 0.052 0.00 0 5
315 cheroot (no.) 0.000 0.00 0 1
316 zarda, kimam, surti (gm) 1.546 0.56 28 66
317 other tobacco products - 8.14 191 370
319 tobacco: sub-total - 21.21 489 966
320 ganja (gm) 0.001 0.00 0 1
321 toddy (litre) 0.001 0.03 1 2
322 country liquor (litre) 0.052 7.24 52 103
323 beer (litre) 0.011 1.68 18 20
324 foreign/refined liquor or wine (litre) 0.009 2.81 18 40
325 other intoxicants - 0.06 1 3
329 intoxicants: sub-total - 11.82 90 167
330 coke (kg) 0.113 0.27 8 26
331 firewood and chips (kg) 5.457 20.09 310 678
332 electricity (std. unit) 17.988 83.27 967 1891
333 dung cake - 3.79 180 398
334 kerosene – P.D.S. (litre) 0.238 3.66 319 707
335 kerosene – other sources (litre) 0.103 2.34 156 357
336 matches (box) 1.559 1.51 944 1902
337 coal (kg) 0.060 0.17 6 17
338 L.P.G. (kg) 1.637 52.94 664 1301
340 charcoal (kg) 0.010 0.28 6 9
341 candle (no.) 0.298 0.66 242 495
342 gobar gas - 0.00 0 1
343 petrol (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.007 0.51 4 7
344 diesel (excl. conveyance) (litre) 0.000 0.00 1 1
345 other fuel - 0.60 79 143
349 fuel and light: sub-total - 170.10 994 1970
350 dhoti (no.) 0.003 0.34 43 100
351 sari (no.) 0.044 15.89 770 1574
352 cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta etc. (m.) 0.104 8.50 612 1205
353 cloth for trousers, suit, etc. (m.) 0.046 6.64 523 1023
354 coat, jacket, sweater etc. 0.015 5.63 427 854
355 shawl, chaddar (no.) 0.008 1.84 307 662
356 school/college uniform: boys - 3.27 304 625

# ref. period for cols. 5-6 is 7 days for items 300-329, 30 days for items 330-349 & 420-549 and 365 days for items 350-419 & 550-659

NSS Report No. 558: Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India, 2011-12
A-758 Appendix A

Table 2U: Monthly per capita quantity and value of consumption and incidence of consumption: non-food items

Madhya Pradesh Urban

no. of households
quantity per value per 30 reporting consumption#
item code item description
30 days days (Rs) per 1000
in sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
357 school/college uniform:girls - 2.13 223 474
358 kurta-pajama suits: males (no.) 0.005 1.49 121 244
360 kurta-pajama suits: females (no.) 0.012 4.14 229 473
361 kurta, kameez (no.) 0.004 0.97 107 239
362 pajamas, salwar (no.) 0.005 1.01 96 208
363 shirts, T-shirts (no.) 0.049 11.80 811 1597
364 shorts, trousers, bermudas (no.) 0.040 14.01 714 1366
365 frocks, skirts, etc (no.) 0.012 2.50 245 495
366 blouse, dupatta, scarf, etc (no.) 0.033 1.96 478 1095
367 lungi (no.) 0.008 0.66 306 607
368 other casual wear - 0.89 150 332
370 baniyan, socks, other hosiery (no.) 0.215 9.17 967 1910
371 gamchha, towel, handkerchief (no.) 0.042 2.22 751 1507
372 infant clothing - 0.81 56 105
373 headwear, belts, ties (no.) 0.004 0.35 121 250
374 knitting wool (gm) 0.113 0.04 7 18
375 clothing, first-hand: other - 0.75 57 131
376 clothing, second-hand - 0.12 20 36
379 clothing: sub-total - 97.10 1000 1978
380 bed sheet, bed cover (no.) 0.020 4.02 573 1111
381 rug, blanket (no.) 0.004 1.73 168 365
382 pillow, quilt, mattress (no.) 0.007 1.61 165 335
383 cloth for upholstery, etc (m.) 0.005 0.45 47 82
384 mosquito net (no.) 0.002 0.30 91 187
385 bedding: others - 0.39 43 66
389 bedding, etc.: sub-total - 8.49 675 1327
390 leather boots, shoes (pair) 0.012 5.14 367 715
391 leather sandals, chappals, etc. (pair) 0.015 2.90 382 829
392 other leather footwear (pair) 0.006 1.84 137 300
393 rubber/ PVC footwear (pair) 0.076 8.04 832 1669
394 other footwear (pair) 0.019 3.62 409 844
395 footwear, second-hand 0.000 0.06 7 20
399 footwear: sub-total 0.129 21.59 991 1968
400 books, journals, first hand

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