Turn Strategy Into Action

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Turn Strategy Into Action

The Logical Framework Approach to Strategic Project Management

By Terry Schmidt, Strategy and Execution Consultant
“Make no little plans: they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will themselves not be realized.
Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram, once recorded, will not die.”
– Daniel H. Burnham, American architect and urban planner, 1846-1912
Good Strategy Isn’t Enough
Your organization may have a great strategy
on paper, but can’t make it work in the real world.
If so, you are not alone. In fact, Fortune magazine
notes that 70% of all strategies fail, largely because
of the inability to execute.
To achieve results, strategic intent must be
turned into implementable projects that are
understood and owned by capable teams.
Few organizations do this well. Most lack
a systematic way to turn strategy into action
through projects. Instead, many plan their proj-
ects using ad hoc means or turn to software tools
before the objectives are fully understood.
How you initially plan projects will determine
the results you get. If you start smart, using the The Logical Framework Matrix
right process with the right people, you build a
strong foundation for success. The Four Critical Strategic Project Questions
Based on three decades of assisting hundreds The Logical Framework helps us to systematically answer
of teams worldwide, I’ve developed a simple
and agree on these critical strategic questions:
yet powerful way to design and launch critical
projects that deliver outstanding results. 1. What are we trying to accomplish and why?
This Smart-Start Project Launch™ offers a best-
practice planning process for projects and stra- 2. How will we measure success?
tegic initiatives of all types. Teams can benefit
by using The Logical Framework, summarized 3. What other conditions must exist?
here and described in my book Strategic Project
4. How do we get there?
Management Made Simple (John Wiley, 2009).

Based on concepts drawn from good management and good science, this
Systems Thinking Approach™ will equip you to:

• Turn fuzzy strategy into shared and measurable Objectives.

• Design practical action plans for any problem, idea, or opportunity.
• Align projects with the big picture Goals and vision.
• Clearly communicate project strategy among stakeholders.
• Discover and eliminate potential pitfalls in advance.
• Get teams moving faster.

The Bottom Line: Deliver on-target projects that meet customer needs.

www.HainesCentre.com www.ManagementPro.com
[email protected] © 2010 Terry Schmidt [email protected]
Telephone: (619) 275-6528 Telephone: (206) 433-0700 MANAGEMENTPRO
Turn Strategy Into Action

Ask The Four Critical Strategic Project Questions

The Four Critical Strategic Project Questions provide This means-ends, cause-effect logic makes it easy to commu-
a simple and logical conceptual vocabulary for pro- nicate the thinking behind the project approach and helps build
ject team conversations. Answers to these questions shared agreement on the best strategy.
populate the cells of the Logical Framework, a 4 x 4
interactive matrix that helps teams design projects in
2. How Will You Know You Are Successful?
a way that covers all the issues.
(Success Measures and Verification)

The “LogFrame” language and structure guides Objectives can be vague. The second column captures Suc-
teams in developing a sound solution; and the com- cess Measures for Objectives at each level. This question helps
pleted matrix can communicate a complicated project select appropriate indicators of Quantity, Quality, Time, Cost,
clearly and concisely as a testable strategic hypothesis. and Customer Measures to clarify what each Objective means.
Changes in one cell can affect the others, reflecting Measures need to be verified and the third column sum-
interconnections among project elements and the
marizes how you will verify the status of each Measure. The
larger environment in which they occur.
Verification column guides development of the project’s
1. What Are You Trying to Accomplish and Why? feedback and learning system.
(Objectives) 3. What Other Conditions Must Exist?
Think of strategy as a set of linked Objectives of (Assumptions)
the form “If-Then.” The LogFrame’s first column
Every project involves risk, which can be reduced if recog-
summarizes Objectives and the If-Then logic linking
them. The LogFrame makes important distinctions nized early and mitigated.
among various “levels” of Objectives: The fourth column pinpoints Assumptions – those ever-
Goal = big picture strategic intent. present but often neglected conditions required for success.
(Murphy and his infamous law dwell in this column.) Identi-
Purpose = change or benefit expected from project.
fying and analyzing internal and external assumptions lets you
Outcomes = project deliverables. eliminate potential problems in advance.
Inputs = key tasks or action steps. 4. How Do We Get There?
Begin your project design by starting at the Goal
level and work downwards to identify necessary The bottom row of Inputs summarizes the work plan: Who
Objectives at each lower level of The Logical Frame- does What, When, How, and with what resources. Software
work. The hierarchy of Objectives defines a testable fits here to flesh out the task sequence and work plan details.
strategic hypothesis comprised of If-Then logic:
The experience of our clients around the world demon-
“If Inputs, Then Outcomes; strates that this thinking approach simplifies and accelerates
If Outcomes, Then Purpose; the process of developing and communicating sound plans
If Purpose, Then Goal.” for projects of all types and sizes.

The Logical Framework:

Solution Tool for NASA Rule #15
“A review of most failed project pro-
blems indicates that the disasters were
well-planned to happen from the start.
The seeds of problems are laid down
early: Initial planning is the most vital
part of a project.”
– Source: 100 Rules for
NASA Project Managers

www.HainesCentre.com www.ManagementPro.com
[email protected] © 2010 Terry Schmidt [email protected]
Telephone: (619) 275-6528 Telephone: (206) 433-0700 MANAGEMENTPRO
Turn Strategy Into Action

Elevate Your Focus Manage The Implementation EquationTM

When best-laid plans encounter the real world, things
change. Savvy leaders and teams appreciate The Implemen-
tation Equation™ built into the LogFrame. This equa-
tion offers a dynamic view of the project environment
by incorporating ever-changing Assumptions into the
strategic hypotheses:

“If Inputs and Assumptions, Then Outcomes;

If Outcomes and Assumptions, Then Purpose;
If Purpose and Assumptions, Then Goal.”
This broader perspective elevates managerial focus
to the larger context and prevents project leaders from
concentrating their attention primarily on Input tasks
and Outcome deliverables.

Communicate and Collaborate Streamline Your Communications

The LogFrame readily scales and adapts to programs,
Objectives Success Measures Verification Assumptions
projects, and tasks of all types. The matrix structure
Goal WHY?
clearly captures answers to the standard “interrogative
questions” – Why, What, Who, When, and How.
Goal is the big picture program Why, the rationale
Purpose WHY?
for this and related projects. Purpose is the project-spe-
cific Why, the reason for this effort. Outcomes are the
What teams must produce. Inputs capture the How,
Who and When. Outcomes WHAT?

The LogFrame’s common logic and standard vocabu-

lary help teams to communicate and collaborate across
Inputs HOW? WHO? WHEN?
functions and disciplines. This shared understanding
facilitates teamwork, gets projects moving faster, and
that produces superior solutions.

Apply at the Program Level Link Projects to Goals and Vision

A program is simply a cluster of projects which support
the same overarching goal. The same management con-
cepts built into the Logical Framework and the The Imple-
mentation EquationTM apply to programs as well as projects.
If-Then logic is ideal for clarifying the overall set of Goals
which support organization vision and offers a line-of-site
way to align projects and initiatives into a coherent strategic
framework. The Implementation EquationTM can be expanded
by adding an additional level…
“If Goals and Assumptions, Then Vision.”
This invites leaders to examine the broader Assumptions,
trends, and dynamics which affect the total enterprise.

www.HainesCentre.com www.ManagementPro.com
[email protected] © 2010 Terry Schmidt [email protected]
Telephone: (619) 275-6528 Telephone: (206) 433-0700 MANAGEMENTPRO
Turn Strategy Into Action

Benefit From Some High-Payoff Applications 7. Develop Recommendations and Make Decisions. Use
You can take the LogFrame in many different direc- this tool to be systematic and transparent about how to
tions. Scan your internal and external environment; look set decision criteria, identify alternatives, collect informa-
for critical issues and start there. tion, conduct the analysis, and make recommendations.

Here are some high-payoff ways in which our clients 8. Improve Critical Processes. Identify and harvest the
in government, private companies, and research organi- “low-hanging fruit,” where a modest process improvement
zations have applied these methods: effort yields big returns. The LogFrame can be used to an-
alyze and redesign any process that needs an overhaul.
1. Develop Execution Plans for Core Strategies. This
9. Handle Emergent Issues. Got a hot potato? This ap-
method supports a broader strategic planning pro-
proach works well on non-standard projects that arise
cess. Regardless of the context in which you oper-
ate, it’s wise to periodically review and refine your suddenly and need quicker solutions than your organi-
strategic plan and portfolio. Prioritize initiatives zation’s formal project management protocols provide.
and create LogFrame plans for the core strategies. Slice and dice your project potato into a strategic hypoth-
esis for a smart solution.
2. Strengthen Teams Across Work Functions. The
LogFrame tool helps bring together new teams and 10. Unstick Stuck Stuff. Take a fresh look at stalled projects,
task forces. The questions and matrix provide a com- programs, and strategies; identify and evaluate alterna-
mon vocabulary to integrate cross-functional play- tives; and redirect your effort along promising directions.
ers around common Objectives and enables them to Break out of stale paradigms by brainstorming fresh Pur-
work smoothly across organizational boundaries. pose statements and see what new patterns emerge.

3. Reinvent Your Department. From time to time, take 11. Structure Project Evaluations. The LogFrame can be used
a fresh look at where you are and where you need to to organize interim evaluations of ongoing projects in
go, and then develop strategies to get there. When the portfolio as well as completed projects. Use a Log-
performance levels lag, or your mission changes, it Frame at any project stage to think, plan, and execute
becomes more vital than ever. the future phases.

4. Develop Information Technology Solutions and 12. Organize Learning and Development. This tool works
Algorithms. The LogFrame serves as a general-pur- well to sharpen learning and development programs at all
pose analytic tool that helps to integrates technology levels. Purpose describes desired behavior change; Goal
solutions with core processes to deliver customer highlights the expected benefits; Outcomes define the
value. learning delivery system. This tool can help organizations
identify and develop the future competencies needed.
5. Design and Launch Marketing or Sales Initiatives.
Flesh out initiatives that support strategic sales Goals 13. Adjunct for Outside-the-Box Projects. This approach can
or balanced scorecard elements. provide a refreshing, practical adjunct for projects that don’t
naturally fit traditional project management methodologies.
6. Take a High-Level First Cut. Planning a research pro-
In addition, it leverages and energizes phase and gate pro-
gram to find intelligent life on Mars? Purchasing a
cesses by offering a fresh perspective.
remote island and starting your own country? Use
the LogFrame as a front-end tool for high-level scop- By using the Logical Framework, you’ll build a strong foun-
ing of super-sized projects. dation that leads to predictable success.

ManagementPro is a Seattle-based strategic business unit of The Haines Centre for Strategic Management – a global
consortium of thought leaders, leading-edge consultants, and trainers in over 25 countries whose work is derived
from The Systems Thinking ApproachTM. We offer best-practice strategic management tools and technologies that have
been proven to add value in organizations of all types and sizes, across multiple industries, and in many countries.
Please check the websites for free articles, resources and support tools as well as our global workshop calendar.

www.HainesCentre.com www.ManagementPro.com
[email protected] © 2010 Terry Schmidt [email protected]
Telephone: (619) 275-6528 Telephone: (206) 433-0700 MANAGEMENTPRO

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