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A Blockchain Enabled Cyber-Physical System Architecture for Industry 4.0

Manufacturing Systems

Article  in  Manufacturing Letters · May 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.mfglet.2019.05.003


3 1,776

3 authors:

Jay Lee Moslem Azamfar

University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati


Jaskaran Singh
University of Cincinnati


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Manufacturing Letters 20 (2019) 34–39

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A blockchain enabled Cyber-Physical System architecture for Industry

4.0 manufacturing systems
Jay Lee, Moslem Azamfar ⇑, Jaskaran Singh
NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs) are complex manufacturing systems which aim to integrate
Received 16 February 2019 and synchronize machine world and manufacturing facility to the cyber computational space. However,
Received in revised form 22 April 2019 having intensive interconnectivity and a computational platform is crucial for real-world implementation
Accepted 22 May 2019
of CPPSs. In this paper, the potential impacts of blockchain technology in development and realization of
Available online 23 May 2019
real-world CPPSs are discussed. A unified three-level blockchain architecture is proposed as a guideline
for researchers and industries to clearly identify the potentials of blockchain and adapt, develop, and
incorporate this technology with their manufacturing developments towards Industry 4.0.
Cyber-Physical System
Industry 4.0
Ó 2019 Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Blockchain technology
Artificial Intelligence
Cloud computing
Big data
Peer to Peer network
Fog computing
Prognostics and health management
Security and Privacy

1. Introduction research, a three-layer blockchain structure, namely BCPS, is pro-

posed for addressing these challenges. A desired set of roles and
Industry 4.0 initiative has introduced the manufacturing indus- functionalities are proposed for each blockchain layer and their
try to new paradigms of Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of things key impacts are discussed in details.
(IoT), big data analytics, cloud manufacturing, fog computing, etc.
[1]. It is anticipated that these technologies would bring along 2. Blockchain
many benefits and potential opportunities, such as self-
awareness, self-prediction, self-comparison, self-reconfiguration, Blockchain is a distributed ledger which is simulated and
and self-maintenance [2]. However, these paradigms still use a shared between the members of a peer to peer (P2P) network
centralized industrial network and a third-party trust operation [10]. Recently, blockchain concept has drawn lots of attention in
[3]. As a result, current manufacturing suffers from issues related technologies with distributed nature like IoT because it enhances
to flexibility, security, privacy, transparency, efficiency, data integ- security and privacy [11], increases system’s fault tolerance [12],
rity, resilience, the trustworthiness of data, etc. [2,4–8]. provides a faster settlement and reconciliation [13], creates a scal-
Recently, blockchain technology [9] has received significant able network [2,12,14], and helps in saving cost and time by
attention in financial technology. However, it possesses the capa- removing intermediaries [15]. Blockchain technology has taken
bility and significant potential to sustainably support the Industry off in several industries, such as, machine to machine communica-
4.0 initiative and eliminate problems related to it. In [1] a 5 level tion in the electrical grid system [16], food supply chain traceabil-
architecture, namely 5C-CPS has been proposed for developing ity system [17], decentralized logistic operation [18], decentralized
CPSs in manufacturing. However, there are many challenges asso- data sharing among healthcare applications [19], and financial ser-
ciated with data security, privacy, centralization, networking, etc. vices for banking industry [20]. However, there is no systematic
which require further development and progress. Therefore, in this study on the incorporation of blockchain technology in manufac-
turing systems.
⇑ Corresponding author. A distributed ledger must have some key features to be success-
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Azamfar). fully used in IoT/CPS applications, namely, the energy consump-
2213-8463/Ó 2019 Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Lee et al. / Manufacturing Letters 20 (2019) 34–39 35

tion, the ability to execute orders automatically (e.g. smart con- helps in addressing security and privacy by using advanced crypto-
tract), the type of network access (permissioned or permission- graphic algorithms and global consensus mechanism. Subsidiarity
less), and the type of network (public or private). A study improves through decentralized framework presented by block-
conducted by [21] identifies the three most suitable distributed chain. Multilingualism and multilateral solutions can be enhanced
ledgers for IoT/CPS applications: Ethereum [22], Hyperledger Fab- through improved interconnectivity between Nodes (computers,
ric [23] and IOTA [24]. Structural architecture of blockchain tech- sensors, actuators, etc.). Generally, Nodes with higher capacity
nology inherently can create several key features as described (Master Nodes) might be used as a local server (Micro-Cloud) for
below [25,26]: resource restricted Nodes to store their data, perform computa-
tional tasks, and interact with other Nodes. A public key can be
A. Immutable – Advanced cryptography (hash functions) – assigned to each Master Node for direct communication with other
cannot be changed. Nodes. Therefore, all Nodes would be able to interact with each
B. Transparent – Each computer in the network has a copy of other, share data, and even share their computational and net-
the ledger. working capacities with each other. It is expected that incorporat-
C. Authentic – All parties in the transaction have accurate, ing distributed storage and shared networking would increase
timely, consistent and complete data. redundancy and enhance network resilience.
D. Decentralized – There is no single controlling entity.
E. Distributed – Spread over different location and/or 3.2. Cyber Net
F. No intermediaries– self-executable algorithms– e.g. Smart This layer is responsible for the conversion of data to meaning-
Contract. ful information and managing Cyber-Physical and Cyber-Cyber
G. Anonymous – Public and private keys may use for interac- interactions in order to achieve integrity, fault tolerance, and resi-
tion with no need for private information lience. Cybersecurity [33], big data (Volume, Variety, and Velocity)
[34], cloud computing [35], network connectivity, privacy, and
3. A Blockchain enabled CPS (BCPS) structure transparency [6] are the major characteristics for consideration
in this layer. Different techniques like grid and cloud computing
BCPS (Fig. 1) aims in resolving the challenges associated with are typically used to increase the computation speed, system resi-
the real world implementation of 5C-CPS structure by addressing lience, network scalability and make an efficient use of idle
(a) Interoperability, (b) Data integrity, (c) Security and Privacy, resources. The role of these techniques is to distribute the compu-
and (d) Resilience. Table 1 summarizes the key requirements for tation and storage burden among different computers within the
each layer of 5C-CPS and the potential impacts of blockchain tech- network [36]. A blockchain structure could be essential for this
nology. The detailed BCPS architecture is outlined as follows: development towards distributed computing [37] by providing
data security [2,38], distributed data storage [13,39], and facilitat-
3.1. Connection Net ing data access through a P2P network [39-41].
In this layer, integration of AI tools are essential for the conver-
Advanced connectivity, data management, integrity, and secu- sion of raw data to meaningful information and extending intelli-
rity are the major characteristics in this level. The most important gence to individual Nodes. A network enabled with AI is
factor for this global connectivity and integration is necessary for today’s manufacturing systems [42] and more impor-
‘Interoperability’. There are eight aspects for establishing a suc- tantly Distributed and Decentralized AI (DDAI) [43,44] will outper-
cessful ‘technical interoperability’: security, privacy, accessibility, form the centralized intelligent platforms [44,45]. With the help of
multilingualism, subsidiarity, multilateral solutions, the use of blockchain, AI tools can run, relearn, and coordinate their knowl-
open standards, and open source software [31,32]. Blockchain edge in a distributed fashion. As DDAI modules are trained with

Fig. 1. The proposed three-layer BCPS architecture.

36 J. Lee et al. / Manufacturing Letters 20 (2019) 34–39

Table 1
Key characteristic and requirements of the 5C-CPS structure and their corresponding blockchain impacts.

5C-CPS Characteristics Requirements Blockchain Impact

Configuration  Intelligent Decision Making Self-Configure, U U U U U
 Supervisory Control (ERP, MES, SCM CMM, and PLM) Self-Adjust,
 Intelligent Business structure Self-Optimize
Sustainable Business Plans
Cognition  Decision Support Systems Real-Time Data Access U U
 Integrated simulation and Synthesis Trustworthy of Data Source U U U
Availability of Structured Data [27] U U U
Cyber  Big Data Redundancy in storage, bandwidth, and U U
 Digital Twins computation [28]
 Cloud Computing Efficient Connectivity: Bandwidth, Latency, U U U
 Similarity Modeling availability, robustness
 Data Warehousing (DW) Cross-Domain Integration and Interoperability U U U U
 Cyber-Cyber Interactions [29]
Handling Design complexity [30] U
Security and Privacy U U U U U U
Conversion  AI Analytic Tools Resilience U U
 AI/Machine Learning Models/PHM Tools Adaptive, Reliable and Robust U U U U U
 Distributed and decentralized Intelligence Fast Computation U U U
 Fog/Edge Computing
 Deep Learning
Connection Networking: Physical-Physical Interactions, Physical-Human Efficient Connectivity: Bandwidth, Latency, U U U
Interactions availability, robustness
Security and Privacy U U U U U U
Smart Nodes (Sensors, Actuators, Process, Machine, etc.) Interoperability U U U

Table 2
Blockchain impacts on the stakeholders’ needs and requirements.

BCPS Layers Stakeholder Needs and Requirements Blockchain Contribution

Management Trustworthiness, resilience, security, and efficiency of decision support Advanced cryptography, Distributed, Decentralized
Net systems
Overhead cost reduction Smart contract, P2P interactions
Bureaucracy reduction Smart contract, P2P interactions
Data security and Privacy Advanced cryptography
Supervisory control, resource management P2P interactions- transparency
Ownership as a Service (OaaS) Assets tokenization [51,52], smart contract
Cyber Net Conversion of data to meaningful information Training AI models on more data available through shared datasets,
Distributed & Decentralized AI
Elimination of single point of failures Load and resource (computation, storage, networking) distribution among
Data security and Privacy Advanced cryptography
Efficient Data storage Micro clouds, data storage in each Node
Data as a Service (DaaS) Smart contract, P2P interactions
Connection Net Transparency in the supply chain Tracking components from their origin step by step – Transparency
Interconnectivity between devices P2P interactions, Master Nodes
Automation Smart contract, P2P interactions
Efficient connectivity (Bandwidth, Latency, robustness, etc.) Shared resources, Master Nodes, P2P interactions
Data security and Privacy Advanced cryptography

more reliable and global data, their robustness and reliability Nodes can participate in the decision-making process. Due to the
increases, trustworthiness improves through receiving direct feed- core advantages of blockchain technology, such a design would
back from operations, and implementation cost reduces signifi- be location independent, fault-tolerant, secure, autonomous, and
cantly due to the adaptation of P2P resources sharing and extensible.
automatic machine learning (AutoMl) [46,47]. Table 2 summarizes the stakeholders’ needs and requirements
and the potential contribution of the proposed BCPS architecture
3.3. Management Net in addressing them.

In this level, comprehensive information from cyber level is

used in a data-driven decision support system (DSS) [48] in order 4. PHM based BCPS structure
to achieve informed and rapid decision making, productivity, resi-
lience, and finally manufacturing sustainability. In current manu- Fig. 2 presents a PHM case study illustrating how each function
facturing systems, DSS components and/or its users are dispersed of BCPS is implemented in health monitoring of manufacturing
geographically, and they require a reliable and distributed platform machines. Accordingly, four different machines have been setup
for enterprise information integrity with the objective of achieving at two different geographical locations; ‘Location A’ and ‘Location
competency, efficiency, and competitiveness [49,50]. A DSS based B’. Data collected from both machines is pushed to fog computing
on blockchain would be decentralized and distributed, meaning devices. Meaningful information extracted in the fog layer is
decisions are made by achieving a global agreement and by consid- pushed to a distributed cloud network for advanced PHM analytics.
ering all restrictions within a decentralized network. Therefore, all Blockchain can significantly resolve the problems with the current
J. Lee et al. / Manufacturing Letters 20 (2019) 34–39 37

Fig. 2. A case study on the PHM based BCPS Structure.

Fig. 3. Challenges in blockchain implementation in manufacturing systems [17,55,11,56,57].

PHM in all levels of the 5C-CPS structure by addressing 1- Data version layer and further to the cyber layer. To tackle this short-
Availability, 2- Intelligent PHM, and 3- Predictive Maintenance coming, incorporation of ‘Master Nodes’ has been proposed in
Support System (PMSS), as discussed below. the first layer of BCPS as an intermediary such that their capacities
can be shared with other Nodes in the same local network. Cyber-
4.1. Data availability attacks on sensors and actuators, communication networks, and
physical interfaces are major security concerns in the Cyber-
In 5C-CPS architecture; security, privacy, and capacity are major Physical interactions [53,54], which potentially can be addressed
concerns in transferring data from the connection level to the con- with the proposed BCPS structure.
38 J. Lee et al. / Manufacturing Letters 20 (2019) 34–39

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