Accenture Webscale Content Moderation PDF
Accenture Webscale Content Moderation PDF
Accenture Webscale Content Moderation PDF
Sample for
Manual Review
Text Pictures Websites
And Content
Much AI Human Review Posted
Video Audio Apps More
Pre-Screen Data Split Human Review
by Queue
Human Review
Feedback User Flag
Content is returned securely with approximate action and category identification, and can often be
resolved automatically. Manual reviews are also completed for content flagged.
intelligence (AI). Highly skilled content heterogeneous mix of content adds
forensic investigators will garner senior complexity to the review process while the
positions in Internet-based companies pressure to quickly recognize and respond
and enjoy lucrative career paths. This to unacceptable content intensifies.
transformation will help rapidly growing
These issues are causing stress on the
digital platform providers scale content
screening protocols and processes of
moderation at an acceptable risk tolerance
both content producers and platforms,
and at affordable cost.
and the associated risks are rising.
Internet companies have a responsibility
to adhere to diverse global regulations
MODERATION and protect consumers from fraud,
16.4 billion
display ads served in
the United States
A SYNERGISTIC calculated that will determine if something
should be posted immediately, posted but
ARTIFICIAL still reviewed, reviewed before posting,
INTELLIGENCE or not posted at all. Attributes will be
intelligence on the content producer and psychology. The ability to attract
versus flagging the content itself, then the and retain talent in these functions will
investigator can evaluate the producer (such become a critical source of competitive
as validating and risk scoring the creator of advantage. So will access to the latest
the app, digital ad, emails or other content) AI technologies. We predict that content
and take action (such as banning the profile) investigation will become a respected and
that will protect against the fraud before rewarding career path and considered a
it occurs. When both the AI and forensic strategic role in the organization.
investigator work together, investigators
AI will indeed turn content moderation on
can attack the “root cause” of all kinds of
its head—not by eliminating the role but
problems before they occur, dramatically
by turbocharging it. Certainly the total
reducing the need to actually moderate
number of people working in content
digital content at all.
moderation can be reduced, but only if
Internet companies stay on the forefront
of AI technology. Companies providing
FUTURE HOLDS content moderation services will need
to maintain an investment in predictive
Efficient and effective content moderation at
analytics, workflow AI and more so that, as
scale will be defined by a more synergistic
the content moderation game gets more
relationship between humans and AI. AI will
complicated, they can keep up. Only then
focus on its strength – evaluating massive
will Internet companies truly solve the
amounts of data across multiple dimensions
challenge of content moderation at scale.
in near-real time. Humans will focus on their
strength – reading between the lines and
understanding the cultural context around
the content. Today’s content adjudicators
will be supplanted by investigators with
analytical thinking and techniques akin to
an actuary or financial crime investigator.
This evolving role will require investigators
to develop specialized skills in product,
market, legal and regulatory domains.
It will also require native-level cultural
understanding and training in forensics
Accenture is a leading global professional
EFFECTIVELY SCALE YOUR services company, providing a broad
CONTENT MODERATION range of services and solutions in
strategy, consulting, digital, technology
and operations. Combining unmatched
Kevin J. Collins experience and specialized skills across
Managing Director more than 40 industries and all business
[email protected] functions—underpinned by the world’s
Mobile: 1.650.303.4633 largest delivery network—Accenture works at
the intersection of business and technology
to help clients improve their performance
Saurabh Mohanty
and create sustainable value for their
Managing Director
stakeholders. With approximately 401,000
[email protected]
people serving clients in more than 120
Mobile: 1.408.857.1304
countries, Accenture drives innovation to
improve the way the world works and lives.
Visit us at