This is a secret name of Lilith which calls upon the Abyssal Aspect of Her
to touch the adept. Source: The Red Book of Appin
Agios o Lilith Regina Gamaliel
“Numinous is Queen Lilith of Gamaliel” Source: VK
Lilith ah-tweh-thur-ROW
I found this being used as a magickal chant, referred to as the “secret
sound,” in an invocation of Lilith online. While I usually capitalize
everything, I reproduced this chant as I found it. The ritual script specified
eleven repetitions of this phrase. Source: Unknown
Lilith ah-twell-uh-CON
Just like above, but from a different site. Also an invocation. Also chanted
eleven times. Source: Unknown
Agios Tzaphoni Ama Lilith Layilil
Praises Lilith by her various names. Source: VK
Chant to call upon Layilil, Lilith’s most destructive aspect. Source: Temple
of the Black Light
Ama Lilith, Liftoach Kliffoth
“Mother Lilith, Open (the way to) the Infernal Plane.” Calls upon Lilith to
presence infernal energy. Source: Unknown
Ama Lilith Layil Rimog Lilith
Chant to call upon Lilith. Source: Lilith: Goddess of Sitra Ahra
Da Mihi Bibere, Lilith
“Grant me a drink, Lilith.” Used in rites to Lilith which involve drinking
from a chalice. Source: Book of Belial
Ahi Hay Lilith
Source: Lilith – Goddess of Sitra Ahra
Layilil Lilitu Abnukta Ama Lilith Chaosifer Tzaphoni
Various names and titles of Lilith. Source: VK
Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach
Lilith’s Traditional Enn or Calling Chant
Lilit Reginam Aeternum Noctis
“Lilit Queen of Eternal Night.” Source: Lilith: Goddess of Sitra Ahra
The formula for the summoning of Lilith. Source: The Red Book of Appin
Ama Lilith + Tzaphoni + Lilitu + Yallathor + Torrigal + Akkathor +
+ Lattorraggoth + Lilith
This name formula, channeled for my upcoming grimoire, consists of
eleven names, several of which are channeled. I spelled some of the secret
names, approved for public release, such that they would be pronounced
right the way an uneducated hillbilly would sound them out. Others were
broken down into their syllables, with syllables which equate to know
English words (“Uh” counts as a word) being presented as that word
spelled entirely capitalized letters. This formula is too powerful for
beginners, so I’ve enchanted the formula such that whosoever recites it will
only tap into as much of its power as they can handle. Should the celebrant
experience waverings of confidence (paranoia, doubt, etc.) of the severity
which could fuck up the working being performed, this formula is
enchanted such that the intent will manifest purely. Source: V.K.
Io Voviana
“Io” means “Hail.” Source: V.K.
Taninsama Lilith Nachasheloah, Liftoach Shaari ha-Sitra Ahra
“(Names of Taninsam), Open the Gate to the Infernal Plane!” Source:
Clavicula Nox Edition IV
Io Lilitu-Nagithor
“Hail Lilitu-Nagithor!” Source: VK
Arachnid Lilith
Above: Original Sigil of Arachnid Lilith
Io Akkawbishia Lilith
“Hail Arachnid Lilith!” Source: VK
V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia
"Sagrada Madre del cielo, se mansa conmigo. Yo soy el
recién nacido que cuelga de tus pechos, yo soy el infante que
se ríe sobre tus rodillas. Abrígame bajo el borde de tu vestido
sin costuras del calor que devora a la Luna. Protéjame de los
vientos ardientes del desierto. Ocúltame de la ira de
Geradamas el Justo, cuyo ojo busca en los rincones ocultos y
condena al malvado. Yo te adoro con gran alabanza. Más
hermosas que la Salida del sol son las sombras secretas de
tus deseos. Más hermoso que el Ocaso el oscuro cenador de
tus promesas. Bendíceme con las múltiples bendiciones de tu
amor. Haz llover sobre mi cabeza las brillantes gotas de tus
aceites perfumados. "Sagrada Madre del cielo, se mansa
conmigo. Yo soy el recién nacido que cuelga de tus pechos,
yo soy el infante que se ríe sobre tus rodillas. Abrígame bajo
el borde de tu vestido sin costuras del calor que devora a la
Luna. Protéjame de los vientos ardientes del desierto.
Ocúltame de la ira de Geradamas el Justo, cuyo ojo busca en
los rincones ocultos y condena al malvado. Yo te adoro con
gran alabanza. Más hermosas que la Salida del sol son las
sombras secretas de tus deseos. Más hermoso que el Ocaso
el oscuro cenador de tus promesas. Bendíceme con las
múltiples bendiciones de tu amor. Haz llover sobre mi cabeza
las brillantes gotas de tus aceites perfumados. Unge el
instrumento de mi lujuria para que pueda ascender y
empalarte. Yo dedico su poder completamente al rapto de la
unión. Yo soy el verdadero hijo de tu útero. Yo soy el
desflorado de tus hijos. Llévame por los caminos de tu
maldad y refúgiame con tu sombra de la espada ardiente del
Todo Poderoso. En verdad, En verdad, En verdad."
7 ShDI, Shaddai