Lesson Plan Grade 12

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Information Communication Technology

Grade 13 – 1st Term 2019

Competency Competency Level Contents Learning Outcomes Duration/ Due Date Completed Info
Periods Date
8: Designs and 8.1 Learns the basics of  Data vs. information  Distinguishes data and 2
develops information and  Structured Vs. information
database data, and the need unstructured data  Defines database
systems to for databases  Definition of database  Lists and briefly describes the
manage data  Database models database models
efficiently and o Flat file system  Compares and contrasts
effectively. o Hierarchical model database models in terms of their
o Network model features
o Relational model
o Object relational
 Comparison of database
8.2 Describes the main  Relations / Tables  Defines relations / tables 4
components of the o Attributes / Columns  Names and describes main
relational database o Tuples / Rows components of a relational
model o Relationships database
 Types of Constraints  Describes the relationships in
o A NOT NULL terms of relational database
Constraint model
o A Unique Constraint  Briefly explains the types of
o A Primary Key constrains
o A Foreign Key
o A (Table) Check
8.3 Analyzes the main  Data Base Management  Lists and briefly describes the 14
components of a System component of a database system
database system  Data definition language  Describes the database
(DDL) management system
o Introduction to SQL  Defines SQL
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o Classification of SQL  Distinguishes between DDL vs.
o Creating, using DML
relational database  Uses appropriate SQL commands
using DDL for creating and using database
 Creating table  Uses appropriate commands to
 Alter table - Inserting create tables with suitable fields
and deleting attributes - and data types
Adding and deleting  Sets primary key and foreign key
foreign key and primary while creating table
key  Uses primary key and foreign key
 Drop tables after completion of a table
 Drop databases  Creates relationships among
 Data manipulation tables
Language (DML)  Uses appropriate SQL commands
 DML Features in SQL to Insert and delete columns,
 Inserting, modifying, delete foreign key / primary key
retrieving, updating and to drop table
deleting data  Uses appropriate SQL commands
o Select Query to drop database
 Extracting rows and  Uses appropriate commands to
columns from single Insert, modify retrieve, update
table and delete data.
 Extracting rows and  Uses appropriate DML commands
columns from multiple to query data according to the
tables using inner join requirements
 Insert Query
 Update Query
 Delete Query
8.4 Designs the  ER (Entity Relationship)  Describes ER diagram 12
conceptual schema diagrams  Describes the components of an
of a database o Entities, attributes ER diagram (entities, attributes)
o Entity identifiers  Describes entity identifiers
o Relationships  Lists and describes relationships
o Cardinality  Describes cardinality
 Introduction to EER  Identifies the requirements of a
(Extended ER) diagrams given scenario

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 Selects entities, attributes and
according to the requirement
 Draws the ER diagram
 Explains the EER diagrams
8.5 Designs the logical  Definition of the logical  Defines logical schema of a 6
schema of a schema database
database  Database schema design  Describes relational schema
o Relational schema  Describes relational instances
o Relation instances  Briefly describes Candidate key,
o Candidate key primary key, alternate key and
o Primary key foreign key
o Alternate key
o Foreign key
 Domain
8.6 Transforms ER  Entity transformation  Describes the methods of 6
diagrams to logical  Attribute transformation transformation ER diagram to
schema  Relationship logical schema
transformation  Transforms ER diagrams (entity,
attribute, relationships) to
logical schema
8.7 Normalizes 
Need for normalization  Describes the functional 6
database schema to o Redundancies and dependencies and categorizes
improve anomalies them
performance  Insert  Describes abnormalities of an
 Update improperly designed table when
 Delete modifying in terms of insert,
 Functional dependencies update and delete
o Full dependency  Describes the zero normal form
o Partial dependency  Explains the abnormalities
o Transitive dependency which are reduced after the first
 Levels of normalization normal form
o Zero normal form  Lists the conditions for executing
o First normal form the second normal form
o Second normal form  Explains the abnormalities which
o Third normal form are reduced after the second
normal form

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 Explains the abnormalities
which are reduced after the
third normal form
9 : Develops 9.1 Uses problem-  Understanding the  Describes the steps of problem- 2
algorithms to solving process problem solving process
solve problems  Defining the problem  Implements the solution
and uses python and boundaries
programming  Planning solution
language to  Implementation
9.2 Explores the top  Modularization  Uses stepwise refinement 4
down and stepwise  Top down design and methodology to solve problems
refinement stepwise refinement  Draws structures charts to
methodologies in  Structure charts illustrate a solution for a system
solving problems
9.3 Uses algorithmic  Algorithms  Briefly describes algorithms 6
approach to solve o Flow charts  Identifies the standard symbols
problems o Pseudo codes used to draw flow charts
o o Hand traces  Draws flow charts to illustrate
solutions to a given problem
 Writes pseudo codes to illustrate
solutions to a given problem
 Uses hand traces to verify the
9.4 Compares and  Evolution of programming  Describes the evolution of 2
Contrasts different languages programming language in terms
programming  Programming paradigms of generations
paradigms o Imperative languages  Compares and contrasts
o Declarative languages imperative, declarative, object
o Object oriented oriented languages

9.5 Explores the need of  Need of program  Describes the need of translation 2
program translation translation of a program
and the type of  Source program  Compares the source and object
program translators  Object program program
 Program translators

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o Interpreters  Lists and briefly describes the
o Compilers types of program translators
o Hybrid approach  Briefly describes the function of
 Linkers linkers
9.6 Explores integrated  Basic features of IDE  Identifies the basic features of IDE 4
development  Instructions to use  Practices the instructions to
environment (IDE) o Opening and saving o Open and save files
to identify their files o Compile, execute
basic features o Compiling, executing programs
programs  Uses the debugging facilities in IDE
 Debugging facilities
9.7 Uses an imperative  Structure of a program  Identifies the structure of a 10
programming  Comments program
language to encode  Constants and Variables  Uses comments to identify the
algorithms  Primitive data types usage of code for future
 Operator categories reference
o Arithmetical,  Uses constants and variables in a
relational, program appropriately
logical, bitwise  Identifies the primitive data types
 Operator precedence of a given program language
 Input / output  Identifies and uses operators in a
o Input from program
keyboard  Identifies precedence of
o Output to standard operators
devices  Writes programs with the
facilities of input from keyboard
and output to standard devices

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