Lesson Plan Grade 12
Lesson Plan Grade 12
Lesson Plan Grade 12
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Selects entities, attributes and
according to the requirement
Draws the ER diagram
Explains the EER diagrams
8.5 Designs the logical Definition of the logical Defines logical schema of a 6
schema of a schema database
database Database schema design Describes relational schema
o Relational schema Describes relational instances
o Relation instances Briefly describes Candidate key,
o Candidate key primary key, alternate key and
o Primary key foreign key
o Alternate key
o Foreign key
8.6 Transforms ER Entity transformation Describes the methods of 6
diagrams to logical Attribute transformation transformation ER diagram to
schema Relationship logical schema
transformation Transforms ER diagrams (entity,
attribute, relationships) to
logical schema
8.7 Normalizes
Need for normalization Describes the functional 6
database schema to o Redundancies and dependencies and categorizes
improve anomalies them
performance Insert Describes abnormalities of an
Update improperly designed table when
Delete modifying in terms of insert,
Functional dependencies update and delete
o Full dependency Describes the zero normal form
o Partial dependency Explains the abnormalities
o Transitive dependency which are reduced after the first
Levels of normalization normal form
o Zero normal form Lists the conditions for executing
o First normal form the second normal form
o Second normal form Explains the abnormalities which
o Third normal form are reduced after the second
normal form
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Explains the abnormalities
which are reduced after the
third normal form
9 : Develops 9.1 Uses problem- Understanding the Describes the steps of problem- 2
algorithms to solving process problem solving process
solve problems Defining the problem Implements the solution
and uses python and boundaries
programming Planning solution
language to Implementation
9.2 Explores the top Modularization Uses stepwise refinement 4
down and stepwise Top down design and methodology to solve problems
refinement stepwise refinement Draws structures charts to
methodologies in Structure charts illustrate a solution for a system
solving problems
9.3 Uses algorithmic Algorithms Briefly describes algorithms 6
approach to solve o Flow charts Identifies the standard symbols
problems o Pseudo codes used to draw flow charts
o o Hand traces Draws flow charts to illustrate
solutions to a given problem
Writes pseudo codes to illustrate
solutions to a given problem
Uses hand traces to verify the
9.4 Compares and Evolution of programming Describes the evolution of 2
Contrasts different languages programming language in terms
programming Programming paradigms of generations
paradigms o Imperative languages Compares and contrasts
o Declarative languages imperative, declarative, object
o Object oriented oriented languages
9.5 Explores the need of Need of program Describes the need of translation 2
program translation translation of a program
and the type of Source program Compares the source and object
program translators Object program program
Program translators
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o Interpreters Lists and briefly describes the
o Compilers types of program translators
o Hybrid approach Briefly describes the function of
Linkers linkers
9.6 Explores integrated Basic features of IDE Identifies the basic features of IDE 4
development Instructions to use Practices the instructions to
environment (IDE) o Opening and saving o Open and save files
to identify their files o Compile, execute
basic features o Compiling, executing programs
programs Uses the debugging facilities in IDE
Debugging facilities
9.7 Uses an imperative Structure of a program Identifies the structure of a 10
programming Comments program
language to encode Constants and Variables Uses comments to identify the
algorithms Primitive data types usage of code for future
Operator categories reference
o Arithmetical, Uses constants and variables in a
relational, program appropriately
logical, bitwise Identifies the primitive data types
Operator precedence of a given program language
Input / output Identifies and uses operators in a
o Input from program
keyboard Identifies precedence of
o Output to standard operators
devices Writes programs with the
facilities of input from keyboard
and output to standard devices
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