TS EAMCET-question Paper-2016 PDF
TS EAMCET-question Paper-2016 PDF
TS EAMCET-question Paper-2016 PDF
Question Paper
2016 with
Answer Key
Hall Ticket Number
s 0 l (
(To be filled in by the candidate)
A S. No. 12231
Booklet Code: A
Signature of the Invigilator
E 2016 A
Time : 3 Hours
Marks : 160
Instructions :
(D Each question carries oze mark.
gX:e g5{$r a,5 5.:.dc3 6odc.
(ii) Choose the correct or most appropriate answer fiom the given options to the following questions
and darken, with blue/black ball point pen the corresponding digit 1,2,3 ot 4 in the circle
pertaining to the question number concemed in the OMR Answer Sheet, separately
supplied to
6rlo5 aSgS gb8 1ir{1$ a$go&$ il"e3d .o0dr5 .o$;.q-$SoSc J5:;5.C o,$S
5'r.')od eoB l, 2, 3 dS 4 dd.:n a,);S OMR b5rq.,S 61d$.ud gS{1Sc
SoooQoo$ Soqrgrlo roe3d5o a,./ars z.r"eS Jq::od -o$01 6bdr"noo cobsE$0.
I. If f(x) =x2 -2x+ 4 then the set of values of x satisffing f(x - l) : f(x +l)is
f(x)'= *z - 2x + 4 ero.Dd f1x - l) = f(x + l) C *t)'q.oo$ x e 6Cr&
(l) {-l } tds, tt
(3) {1} (4) lt,2|
3, - 6n-50(ne N) is divided by 36, is
The remainder when 7n
*tt l
160neN 3 7n-6n- soc 3666 qr.iorJn SdS iiro rJ
(1) 22 (2) 23 )L 1
(3) I ,{ 2l
Rough Work
. fI
' -'
Iti ' ItI['"t
E 2015 A
5. Suppose A and B are two square matrices of same order. If A, B are symmetric matric
\n j!--- ne i. ,/
.-{r(" symmetric matrix .-t6 u skew symmetric
\a scalar matrix (4) a triangular matrix
A, B eD at ordtf O tfe) 3oc6> r:5cd1$ 5.:.g&5o5c$o&. A, B or J"X;S S'r1e9!
(l) a,S il"oS 5;.g05 (2) e-{ 51s Pnf 5 tups
(3) a,5 er6{ 5.r.g&5 (4) C"S leajca S;"145
Rough Work 1=
ilL 't\ Lq
E 2016 A "\
I x+l 2x+l 3x+l
6. rf n1x1=lzx+t 3x+1 x+l
lr*+r x+l 2x+1
then dx =
eri:y& Ja1*14*=
(l) - l5 (3) - 30 (4) -5
"f. '-1 .-[l*I']
If z=x+iyisacomplexnumbersuchthar zl = a+ ib, then the value 'a'+b'
\a b) =
Rough Work
E 2016 A 3Q
9. If the point z= (1 + i) (l + 2i) (1 +
3i)... (l + 10i) lies on a circle with centre at origir
and radius r, then I
$,::.o Ooc5rfu Bogdon S:', a"g#{o r SOh$ 5l{o} Oot5:$ z= (l +i) (l + fi)
(1 + 3i)... (1 + l0i) 6od, csX:y6c l:
(1) 101
(3) 2 x5 \ 10 x ... x 101 (4) 11!
12. If o, p are the roots of x2-x + I = 0 then the quadratic equation whose roots are c,ml5,
:0 B Su'o'Pd, o'o't, Pzots/"" 6.r:'E o:n" r{o. 5f
a, p erc x2 - x + 1 io5r$deo
(1) *2-x+1:0 ../ *'*x+l:0
(3) *2tx-1=0 -(4) xz-x-l=0
Rough Work
L ,t,
+ ' t' '(t
) , !" -\.
[ -+
* t'
i.*f '
' [+
\\l-{' ' .u)
E 2016 A 4a \ b)
14. . Suppose cr,,
whose roots are q, + F, F + y, y + cr. then f(x) =
p, y are roots of x3 + x2 + 2x + 3 = 0. If f(x) = 0 is a cubic polynomial equation
15. The number of 4 letter words that'can be formed with the letters in the word EeUATION
with at least one letter repeated is
EQUATION a,d X>6odo er$o.esc(>o:Pno,) J55o a,5 ergdo Q;So.$ld$cgd.r.
5U3d + e$o.o -oo"o $oqrg
(1) (2) (3)
2400 2408 2416
.9 2432
Work t-/1
11\ \ ?\
t \(
| -..-- l
\', ,.1 / L:. nl
to gv - t lo
.-i; "
,o4 f-t/:l-l
-Y 6u ) -t)-
> L r\ )
E 2016 A
1'/ s Qi /( \' )'
\\ - ,.
rd \
\-( rL: ''
18. If Cr denotes the binomial coeflicient
nC, then
1'- ;go2 + + scl +"" + (3n = l)cz; =
B+D+E =
A = (2) A-c (3) 2A+c @) 2A+2c
20. rr cos30 .,.- *.rff.e) . *u(T., = a cos 30, rhen a =
., (3)
(1) a
*%z i 4
Rough Work
E 2016 A
22. Ifcos x + cos y + cos o = 0 and sinx + sin y + sin o, = O, *.r,""t(xiY,) =
cos x + cos y+ cos c = 0 5c0o5:: sin x + sin y * sin cr, = 0 ero:rd, *r(+)
(l) sin cr
ypf "o" " (3) tan o (4) cot a
23. If f(x) = cos2 * + cos2 2x + cos2 3x, then the number of values of x e [0, 2n] for which
f(x) = I is
f(x): * + cos2 2x + cos2 3x er o.r:d f1x;: I gdcgoca. eod 10, 2rl ef S x DsoS c:
(r) 4 /
\zr 6 (3) 8 (4) l0
24, The value ofx which satisfies sin(cot'l x) = cos(tan-t (l + x)) is
sin(corl x) : cos(tan-r (l + x)) C 61"oX>od x DerS
(1) -, 1
-c 1
(3) -1 (4) I
25. For
" (',1), sech-l (cos 0) =
0el o,;] s, -l (cos e; =
l. '""r,
(l) yl'*(;. 2)e) I
p/"'l 0\
t'l )1 I
.llosltanl(n 0\
(3) -l -+
(4) bcl *[r-9)
\4 2) 2) [4
Rough Work
E 2016 A 7Q
L2 t- n2
26. If A ABC is such that lA = 90", lB + ZC, thet :r--:^ sin(B-C)
b- -c-
A ABC ef zA= 90",18 + ZC cpood =
I ,/,
lzt ;
(3) I @)i
lE 1l
(3) (4)
6 2
E 2016 A 8Q
30. ABCD is a parallelogram and P is the mid point of the side AD. The line BP meets the
diagonal AC in Q. Then the ratio AQ : QC :
ABCD e,5 ir6o'oe5d r5eirdcpao, qloao AD 3 p Sc{g Eor5c$. dq: Bp AS{o
Q 5f 9o{o6. ei:yctu Q,&33 AQ : QC =
(1) t :2 (3) l:3 /4\ ?'l
32. 4,6, d are three vectors such that lal=t,lUl=r,le l=3 and 6, c are perpendicular.
If projection of 6 on a is the same as the projection of 6 on a, then la-b+e | =
Rough Work t, "9/ ot A -Ta
I 'Lr 9
3 \ ,''W 0
E 2016 A eQ
c$u.Ses Kr6{eD a, b, E cD X>ooodo a + b +",6e =oS c!;"o56.:fuod csi:y d.:
a,6o $c{g $eoo
(r) -eIt
/!\ (2)
34. a is perpendicular to both b and b and e is 1. If lal=2,
$.{s sao
5 erda E, Eer SoAocaS ooarorl. 6oa. b, E e
! lut=2,l5l=:,
lc l= 4, erood d.(E-x b)
(l) rsJJ (2) rzJj --lrf sJt (+) of
35. If the average of the first n riumbers in the sequence 148, 146, 144,... , is 125, then n -
o$lg55;o 148, 146, 144, ..., d aoAg n Soyo $o'50 125 esoDd n:
(r) 18 (2) 24 _!?\ 30 (4) 36
Rough Work
E 2016 A 10Q
Two events A and B are such that
(II) A and B are mutually exclusive ' L+ '_.
(rrr)P(AlB)+P(Al E)= r f
(l) Only (I) is correct
)fi onlY (l) and (lI) are correct
(3) Only (I) and (IID are conect y (4) Only 0I) and (III) are correct
EoSo {.:o5o A, B ep P(A)=i, P(A lB)=1, P(BtA)=; ead;gg;o.yow.
fl) P(AlB)=:4
(lI) A,_B or irdh;d c$Qo"er
(rrr) P(A I B) + P(A I B): I
(l) (l) Sc"Lddc i)ogll$a (2) (I), (f 5;.1r!dc X)op3r$a
(3) (I), (l! S.rlcJdc 'roErSA (4) (ID, flII) 5.r.gddc "")oEc$c
A five digit number is formed by the digits 1, 2, 3, 4,5 with no digit being repeated. I'he
probability that the nugrber is divisible by 4, is
5 eroE Q;$o.$;6o s.Sroo. 1,2,3,4,5 oS e,5 oSoBs 5oq:g5c 5d;dtr"do.
er Soqrg 4 S E-Eoiroda edcg X>oqr-Sgd_
0); I (2) 2
Rough Work
E 2016 A 11 Q
39. When a pair of six faced fair dice are thrown, the probability that the sum of the numbers
on the two dice is greater than 7, is
udc iory.o Stu;$S iSSe o5on'301 5"po'Dd' cc Sodc +,:S., $ca Kroq:ge:
B,pcJo 7 Sod JSc65 erdcg XroE-$goY
,to'l ;
(4) I
J 4
40. In a family with 4 children, the probability that there are at least two girls is
41. On an average nine out of 10 ships that have departed at A reach B safely. The probability
that out of five ships that have departed at A at least four will reach B safely is
A Sco& a:c$co.:dd lire i:6 "od$erd Sioga $$corr B 3 ddco'ol. A $co6
arc$oeDdos 5 66sf 55'(>o . o"urdc lscon2B 3 dd x>o?,r'$5d
(l) 14(0.9)5 (2) 1.4(0.9)5 o.l4(0.9)4 (4) 1.4(o.e)4
42. If A(5, -4) and B(7, 6) are points in a plane, then the set of all points P(x, y) in the plane
(I ) a;iircle (2) a hyperbola
an elliPse (4) a parabola
A(5, -4), B(7, 6) w a,5 $5c6eorf Oodc$Ed, AP : PB = 2 : 3 csdr6orod
0oa5r$ P(x, y) o StoO
(1) e,5 S;e5 o (2) z,€ es8bo"SeoJco
(3) a,3 6dS;e5o (4) a,5 X: o"S ooJco
Rough Work
E 2016 A 12Q
43. If the axes are rotated anticlockwise through an angle 90o then the equation x2 = 4ay is
changed to the equation
esg" oS; es166$eaon 90' Sooef i{$reoo dt *'=4ay csd b5r$deaQl s.r.E5
ir5cJdoo ./
(l) y2 = 4ax (2) x2 = -4ay ,M y2 = -qu* (4) x2:4ay
44. The combined equation of the straight lines of the form y = kx + I (where k is an integer)
such that the point of intersection of each with the line 3x + 4y = g has an integer as its
x-coordinate is
X>d#dq: 3x +4y=9 S qro6$ 0oc$d1 d::56 x-CdrYr5o a,5 QIg"o $$od.:gt:on
6od y = kx + I d'r{:oef 6$; (>d# dPe) 65c36 SScSdeoo (a53.5 k a"5 Xg"o"o5o)
(1) (y+x+l)(y+2x-l)=0 (2) (y+x-1)(y+2x+l):0
<v +x+1)(y+2x+l):0 (4) (y+x-l)(y+2x-l):P
45. A value of k such that the straight lines y - 3kx + 4 = 0 and (2k - l)x - (8k - l)y - 6=0
are perpendicular. is
i:dddpeD y-3kx +a=0, (2k- l)x-(8k- l)y-6=0 er eroaorr 6odbi a.g k
(r) 1
e ---
eY- b- (3) I (4) 0
46. The length of the segment of the straight line passing through (3, 3) and (7, 6) cut off by
the coordinate axes is
(1,3), (7,6) o dcoo. ddr" 6od bdddp Cd;'X:rg'erd qro&o.5a:d dqr
s)odb), dFd 5r
- (2t
-'4 ;5 (l) ;7 (4)
,/') i
Rough Work
E 2016 A 13Q
47, The equation of the pair of straight lines through the point (1, 1)
l ) and perpendicular to the
pair of straight lines 3x2 8xy + 5y2 = 0 is
$d#dE" c$r:r{3b 3x2-8xy+5y2=63 e:oz>orr'6oCu" Ooc$d; (1, l) r{coo. d$dc
"odd dqr. o5* tf3 "o5o56rao
0) S*2+ 8xy + - l4x- t8y + 16 = 0
48. The combined equation of the three sides of a triangle iS (*2 - (2x + 3y 6) = 0. If the
y2) -
point (0, a) lies in the interior of this triangle then
e,S 13{ce Cca-o 65c36 5$c5deoo (x2-y2)(2x+3y-6)=O. Ooc5cg (0,a,) er
g8dcao esoddoeY aod eb;:cfu
(l) -2<a<0 (2) -2<u<2 .p{o<a<2 (4) a>-2
49. The point where the line 4x -3y+7 = 0 touches the circte *r*y, -6xr 4y- 12=0
50. The normal to the circle given by x2 + y2 - 6x + By - 144 = 0 at (g, g) meets the circle
again at the point
(8,8) $6, 53do x2 +f -Ax+8y-144:0 6156 erQooa:dp er $3o,C1 q:o6od
$,:AS 0oc5c$
(1) (2, -r6) (2) (2, 16)
(y ( 2, t6) (4) (-2, -16)
Rough Work
vc: o
*'t* -1{1t
E 2016 A 14Q
51. For all real values of k, the polar of the point (2k, k-4) with respect to
x2 + yz - 4x - 6y + I = 0 passes through the point
If the circles *2 + y2 - 2Lx - 2y * 7 = O and 3(x2 + y2y - 8x. + 29y = 0 are orthogonal
then i =
5)q* *'+y'-2?,.x-2y-7:0,3(x2 + y2; - 8x+29y = 0 cl eroo $c$cS.r.ed
ebi.:t6: l, =
(t) 4 (2) 3 .6, (4) I
53. The radical centre of the circles x2 +f =l,*2+f -2x-3= 0 and x2 +f -Zy -l=O
From a point (C,0) three normals are drawn to the parabola y2: x. Then
Aodbd; (C, 0) ScoB iro$eoJJo y2 = x 3 5r.6,r erQooadpcr Aa.6. erXrydc
(4) 1l
(1) C.; (2) C=, ,,4 rrcr*
The points of intersection of the parabolas y2 : 5x and x2 = 5y lie on the line
X: y2:5x, x2:5y o po6$ Doa5c$cr:od dq)
o"5 ec$J.eD
(1) x + y = 19 (2) x-2y:0
Ff*-v:o (4) 2x - y:0
Rough Work
f< i".-
J I *''.,
t llrtil n.r( ,4 t--
a ern.L -+- ,-, o
E 2016 A lsQ
For the ellipse given by
(x - 3)2 (v -2\2
= l, match the equations of'the lines given in
List I with those in the List II
List-I List-II
(i) The equation of the major axis (a) 3x = 34
(ii) The equation of a directrix (b) y:2
(iii) The equation of a latus rectum (c) x + y:9
(d) x=6
(e) x=3
(0 3y=34
(*-3)'*(y-?)'=t sg, a.Do" I ef0 dqro$ e-Do" II dC
ur 25 16
a*De-I ev.Oe-II
(i) Ag"5 S5c$deoo (a) 3x = 34
(iD aS Colccl dq) (b) v=2
(iii) e.,5 o'Qooaro (c) x + y:9
(d) x:6
(e) x=3
(f) 3y:34
The correct matching is
X)opbs #6
f til (ii) (iii)
*$ <"> (a) (d)J
(2) (b) (0 (e)
(3) (b) (a) (e)
(4) (b) (a) (d)
Rough Work
,12 x \9* " L{,{
*7 ..o
E 2016 A
,2 v2
J/. If S and S' are the foci of the ellipse and if PSP'is a fqcal chord with.
SP - 8 then SS' :
d) srdo
6d i
I-*.I-=r s S, S'o: o.{coc ar$e$" a,5 o.Qa.g PSP' 3 SP: I eso'r:d
25 t6
er$y6c SS'=
4 + s'P (2) -I
(3) 4+SP (4) sP-l
58. Let A(2 sec 0, 3 tan 0) and B(2 sec Q, 3 tan $) where e * 0'L= l, b. t*o points on the
x' v2
4 -i
hyperbola =1. If (cr, 0) is the point of intersection of normals to the hyperbola at
A and B, then p =
3tan$)o$ 0+0=; er$.Ico6. A,B o 55 ep8 -oo'5ooJ;.SB erQooa d q>e:
(3) 3
r3 13
Rough Work
E 2016 A 17Q
,.. r(11.4.
59. Poinrs A(3. or.
\s s s )'
u"a C(9, 8, l0) are given. The ratid in which B divides
eC it
0oc5c$or A(3,2, 4), Bl; ,;28 ;),c(e,8,
l0)ar:';dc. ecp sca./eod $".rJQ
(l) s:3 (2) 2:t
(3) 1:3
60. If the angle between the lines whose direction coslnes u'"
( z c l\ and
t_ 3 6'\ n I1"
(Js4' R, 7, then the value of C is
( z c I\ (t 3 6 '\
5r oc
t-rh'E'fi)'l ;rg'.[l'-m) 505 Eodc dq>o $od5
; er oa:d C DepS
ra0 (2) 4
(3) 4. (4) 2
61. The image of the point (5, 2, 6) with respect to the plane x +y+ z=9 is
(t z ro\ (72 s\
*' [;'-l'T) (4)
[r, 1,-1)
[I;t'^* "1'k'\]:\
1T& -"(S \,V. )' : ', 'e\'(u.
Xl1^ Ii*\ \ -.-.,,r'\, \X,, f r\ .-
E2or6A -\^ , j,\
"\ itl ,, oY-i,i , \fo) "...Y' .-;
) "s Y.' r.yr'roZ -
.. l*2 *r+3'l*
62. x-+a l=
lx" -x+2)
.t{ * (2) e (3)
(4) e2
(l+lsinxl)'i'* -L
f(x) = q x=0'
sin 2x ocx<l
sln Jx 6
is continuous at x:0 is
(4) p= -1,r="'''
!, t= ",,,
Rough Work
"l) u
\( utv
bLt, ,)
( l)-
-)--v.L l^
E 2016 A leQ
lI y- = tan-,[5cosx
'l - l2sinxll, then dy
ll2cosx+5sinx-l dx
(3) -2 (4)
(l) I _1
(3) 1
66. If y = a cos (sin 2x) + b sin (sin 2x), then y" + (2 tan Zx1y, =
y = a cos (sin 2x) + b sin (sin 2x) eror:d eX>;rdc y,, + (Z tan 2x)y' =
(1) 0 (2) 4lcos2 Zx)y
(3) -4(cos2 2x)y z*t'
67. The length of the segm/nt of the tangent line to the curve x - a coss t, y = a sins t, at any
point on the curve cut off by the coordinate axes is
5g5o x=ucos3t,y=asin3t fuA 6S1 Ooc1:{ 5lo6 A"oS fisdpdqrgJ Sd;-6s-{cr;
q:o6or)S q:od6o Ar>56 e5{
(l) 4a (2) a (3) a2
Rough Work
E 2016 A 20Q
68. The area of the triangle formed by the positive x-axis, the tangent and normal to the curve
*2 *.y2 : l6a2 at the point 12,,!-za,z,t-za1 is
s15o x2 +y2=16a2 p aocrg 1zJ-za,z.l-zay s{ aod rr;dpdqr, caQeoodq:oc,
{5 x-erSoerd 5d3d lsdca pa.ogo N
(l) a2 (2) t6 az l)4+ u' 8a2
(r) increasing
^(;,+) lL^).+p[t^*t"
(2) decreasingt, (O 1) and increasing in ,)
(3) increasing t (n 1) and decreasingin (;, lr)
o. *.2r"3 f(x) =
* er-oy6c f
1,r (l'f) =
f,,, (r,|) **o"., (;',) 3, .,u'"o
or *or ^",(;,,) 3, ose;,.'o
= / '\
r+r [0, i) *o*'", (;,2) :o oso'r-'o
E 2016 A 21 Q
70. The smallest value of the constant m
A> 0 for which f(x) = 9mx -.1 + - > 0 for all
36 8l
71. Ifffi*=
t -,(x'-t\
(r)tt*[l*.J*" 'tan ,('[-.]
x'-t\ + c
t ,(x' t)
(3) ;tan'l - l+c t ,(x'-t)
J\x) (4)
72. t4a,.:
E 2016 A 22Q
cos(x + 4) cos(x + 2)
t- )1. lsec(x+2)
' 'l+c
(l) = log l cos(x + 4)' l + c -losl
2 "l sec(x +4)
I I sec(x + 4) I -loolI sec(x' + 4)'l+c I
c 2x+2
74. l--ox =
" r/x'-4x-5
(q? .f,'?-4.L +c
Rough Work
E 2016 A 23Q
"'ilr*,**J;t,.]a" =
(l) .E
(3) (4) n
77. lf the area bounded by the curves y = ax2 and *= uy', (a > 0) is 3 sq. units, then the value
of a is
51s'o: y = ax2, x: (^ > 0) oef 'ooarg Lbd{ Ea'e:6o 3 .55dXD o5.:rcccc
epo.::d a CqDS
(3) 1 (4) 4
78. Let p e IR, then the differential equation of the family of curves , = (cr + p x) ePx, where
@ l'-2py'+ p2y = s
(3) y" + 2py' - p'y: O '
(4) y" + ZPy' + PzY = g
Rough Work
E 2016 A 24Q
79. The solution of the differential equation 3xy' - 3y + (* - f)''' = 0, satisfring the condition
y(l) = I is
CcS:Soo y(l) = I S 63bi>dc$:" *od ep55e$ SSr5deoo 3xy'* 3y + 1x2 - flttz - 0
Ar:51 Snds
,,y,".r,({) :r,,.,
*'(i) : h rx
(3) 3cos-r[*j =rt,:<,
y'= -=-
80. The solution of the differential equation
e'-x ,is
(4) x+Y=e-Y*c
Rough Work
82016 A 2sQ
81. Electron microscope is based on the principle
(l) Photoelectric effeit natwe of electron
(3) Superconductivity Laws of electromagnetic induction
Jog.gS 5;.{3dop0 51165'::lr erq'd"o6$A
(l) s"o8-Cdcg6 (:OelS.:: (2) Jo;-75 eYdod (r3ai'S5:>
(3) er8 o'ir.Sdg$':: (a) C&g6 erc$:$3.oel 1*da Cc$Sro:
82. Force is given by the expression, F = A cos (Bx) + c cos (Dt) where x is displacement and
83. A car accelerates from rest with 2 m/s'zon a straight line path and then comes to rest after
applying brakes. Total distance travelled by the car is 100 m in 20 seconds' Then the
maximum velocity attained by the car is
e.S 5.dc Do"$c"64 Scod d$oSc 5o/-o2 65deo'C1 }o65 .5dca'd
S,:-{of 2
gd{:o: do::n" 5{3o'gOB 5,)3o6. 20 -o5Scqef s'dc $rcsreoo d"o$ a>{o
d:-69 IOO Sct:{c. e s-dc &o65 r{of3 dr{Srr
6{ rc (2) 2o mts (3) 15 m/s (4) 5 m/s
,/ ^t, -..
Rough Work
E 2016 A 26Q
84. A body is falling freely from a point A at a certain height from the ground and passes
through points B, C and D (vertically as shown'below) so that BC = CO. i'he time taken
by the particle to move from B to C is 2 seconds and from C to D I second' Time taken
to move from A to B in seconds is
do-o Sod J{ef Aoeb$ A $co& a,5 SQ$ 'o5.51rr 18o63 {>cic6:" ers B,
C $coo5o D OocSc$or{coo' X:b6.lef r5*"oo.')$cca Co:$m 13o63 d0el:S1ip6c,
BC = CD. SQdl s $co..) C B ddo"C3 !r$5 s'o$o 2 -o${c 5roo5o C 5;o0
D 5c !:SS s"o$.> I =od$c. A $co6 B gr dd6"Sg X>Qc ro5:r ic5$coef
--- A
(2) 0.s
85. A particle moves from (1, 0, 3) to the point (-3, 4, 5), when a force F = 1i + s [1 acts on
it. Amount of work done in Joules is
a,5 Seaoio z:ero F = ti+S [l "o0dc$cn' er SeoS:r (1, 0, 3) Doc5odl Sro&
(-3,4, 5) Ood$$$: 55ceudro6. ;)Cd"os aro5.l Coc$ *-Vpd
(yl4 (2) r0
(3) 6 (4) 1s
Rough Work
E 2016 A 27Q
A pa(icle is projected with velocity 2Jgh and at an angle 60'to the horizontal so that it
just clears two walls of equal height 'h' which are at a distance 2h from each other. The
. time taken by the particle to travel between two walls is
(>Sc-$EcS Je{ h dOn e,3 o'CSdcj 2h clrd$ocf $5; Eod; n^6er5c bo;r
o-b:Sdp e,5 5eo5,r: ZJgtr dXoS $Oa (r5ro6o.C3 60" Sco$rcf 1Xl$!$.r
dcSca:QSA. 61 3o6c 6a6o Sc{g Seo$r: $:cS:-u6oOS s'o$g5Q
(4 l2c (3) ^lh
,{; (4) /[
Rough Work
E 2016 A 28Q
- -i
Two masses m, and m, are placed on a srnooth horizontal surface and are connected
by a
string of negligible mass. A horizontal force F is applied on the mass m, as shown in the
figure. The tension in the string is
m,, m, 15Sgo.{:eD i{e ?od) 5Q{.1* SoSyC $Oa bS.r.ocJ6 eIoSr:}l 6ro$oi>dfl$
16$go"A de> 8t{S6 ScD'oaBSC. a,S $Aa b$.r.od6on" a:o5o F, m, 16$go.B:o
X:c;$ooef r5.:"'o5 ccc fld;"fl o 15 a6 S 6. & rrdf S d SEe,
F,}---F, l--+ n
{ffi), t)\
\-' a M,F
mr + m2
(3) [q]'
89. A body of mass 3 kg moving with a velocity (zi+rj+r[)n/s collides with another body
of'mass 4 kg moving with a velocity (3i+Z]-.3[y6s. The two bodies stick together after
collision. The velocity of the composite body is
3 B.gr' gd$5o.4 do se$ (2i+rj+r[)5c/-"r drroEt Sd:e.ud;. (3i+zj-:[) b.:/
=o drfoS (c5coc$$1 5.rAS Seg5c $ S"S1a. er Bo6c E$ogu:
66ta"67 erc$sttrS;3. XrooJoS Seg dr{$a:
{ei*ol-ril y{)a*.n:-*t
+(6i+4j-6[) 1+1 ]rei+rj-oty
Rough Work
E 2016 A 2eQ
90. A simple pendulum of length L carries a bob of mass m. when the bob is at its lowest
poritior, iiis given the minimum horizontal speed necessary for it to move in a vertical circle
the poiit of suspension. when the string is horizontal the net force on the bob is
L &6$5; a,,5 o$o cfer5$o55c, m 1655o'A do 64{$'D lder'6 $S;a' fd$'::
o"c 5c;3 f5oe$ $s1Q;6:, erq-d Oor5o$ ';don" epa e's $ord; s){S:ror
Sdcdcrcsr ca$i)dEos 5c$ $aa 5sJ"ocJd$& a53ar6S6. &X gAe ir*u'oeldorr
$$)iD6r ffdS.::-o 60d'o zro5.l :
' :=^
,/ +m2 mr
(2) d (r) #o
92. A thin uniform circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plare
about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane with an angular
I 2
t' (2)
Rough Work
E 2016 A 30Q
93. 9 kg solution is poured into a glass
U-tube as shown in the figure below. The tube,s inner
diameter is
t; m and thd solution
2 oscillates freely up and down about its position of
r/ ,
equilibrium (x = 0). The period of oscillarion in seconds is (1 m3 of solution has a mass
p : 900 kg E = l0 m/s2, Ignore frictional and surface tension effects)
94' The bodies of masses 100 kg and 8100 kg are held at a distance of I m. The gravitational
field at a point on the line joining them is zero. The gravitational potential at that point in
J/kg is (G = 6.67 x 10 rr N.m2lkg2)
l00kg,8100kg1dSgo.{cer a(s Eo6o SXr>$e$ a.S Scccdc clrd$':d 6or)o"dc.
61 3o6oe3B 5O"oS dp-") a.5 Oodcg $d r{od.:6g $q6$o {.r.Sgo. er 0o6.lg
Sd ;f.adccY5 &6Qc[ce5J/kg od (G = 6.67 x lo-il N.m2lkg2)
,kfi -6.61 * tO' (2) -6.67 * l0-'o
(3) - 13.34 x 10i (4) -6.67 x t0-,
Rough Work
E 2016 A 3lQ
95, An elastic spring of unstretched length L and force constant K is shetched by a small tength
x. It is further stretched by another small length y. Wor* doire. durin! the second stretching
ao '6o"o5$:: K, $r{6o$C e6$ L rfe 4.5; ?rAf'6S h37o6$c "ogerl Sd$
x o.So. $t{6oJca656, ecr"o5o3ir o"S; $:6"5 55o3 e6$ y S.: }tlA"oo'd:.
,// #r{6"o$;:-y6 aofl5 {>c
,/ kv (x+2y)
/z ^
(2) + y)
(3) ky(x + 2y)
@) VQx + v)
96. A soap bubble of radius 1.0 cm is formed inside another soap bubble ofradius 2.0 cm. The
radius of an another soap bubble which has the same pressure difference as that between
the inside of the smaller and outside of large soap bubble, in meters is
2.0 -oo.$c o"gld$er$; ber:; ar6tfef 1.0 ico.Sc o-g&$$,*Sy -oer:; ardd
5U;aSa. ,)51 o;6dd0 $c8c$lr =o{ a.r6d arc$lc.r r{o 5o65 5go'5-o So, 5c6'5
b741 acddcf 565 5go"65$o55c b$c'SEcd er bar; a:dt{ o"g}{sw Sc.s$
j;.{) 6.67 * lo-.
(2) 3.34 x l0r
(3) 2.23 x 10{
(4) 4.5 x l0r
Rough Work
A slab of stone area 3600 cm2 and thickness l0 cm is exposed on the lower surface to steam
at 100"C. A block of ice at OoC rests.on upper surface of the !lab. ln one
hour 4.8 kg of ice is melted. The thermal conductivity of the stone in Js-r m-r k-r is
(Latent heat of ice = 3.36x 105 Jikg)
The surface of a black body is at a temperatue 727"C and its cross section is 1 m2. Heat
radiated from this surface in one minute in Joules is (Stefan's constant:5.7 x l0r Wm'?/k)
a,5 SrXr
e, at i v 6'o0cYcr $t> 727oC Sd
SSoSr o
ec 660dc>$$ $cded rdo I 5c2.
, O lJ,
6r cye$.:> $co6 e,5 SDc&od BeDSd 6$DSdeo$:, r+pef (]ilS "geoSS,r
:5.7 x l0{ Wm'z&a) 'I
/2. x to5 (2) 2.5 x 105
(r{ t.tz " to' (4) 2.5 x 106 I
Two moles of a gas is expanded to double its volume by two different processes. One is
isobaric and the other is isothermal. If w, and w, are the works done respectively, then
2 E;.oco il"c$c:$ o"C "ql$ X:O$.:-ea$r: BSo'O gt{c$e;: ?od; dd; "o{6oerd
o"gf0o.5a:856, a,56'Bd 6"165 156g Eo6$A frSJ 6*rstl{.r.5dg. w, 5c0cU.r>
w, w 5 dcir n" asO E 65cqo erood e!>yi5o
-/1t'1*, :*l ln2 (2) w, = w,
(3) w, : w, ln2 g) wl : wr tn2
Rough Work
E 2016 A 33Q
100. Uranium has two isotopes of masses 235 and 238 units, If both of them are present in
Uranium hexafluoride gas, find the percentage ratio of,difference in rms velocities of two
isotopes to the rms velocity of heavier isotope.
I0l.A source of frequency 340 Hz is kept above a vertical cylindrical tube closed at lower end.
The length of the tube is 120 cm. Water is slowly poured in just enough to ptod*. t".ot*n".
Then the minimum height (velocity of sound = 340 nr/s) of the water level in the tube for that
resonance is,
. e,5 13oB $$d S.u'"o Cer$n" $oOS !;'&rd 6"$o 35 340 Hz #$:3p$5o
rlo a,5 dg0 aSs"S; $oSo'dc. 5"$$a; 6115.6 S6$ 120 cm. pA{5CC
a:Coi:doJcur0g f)obd 5dc fi"$oef3 Bcsn" dFqico6o6' ee fi"$$oe5F 1i:3
d3cc asoirdc$co"c3 55"", 5e3 Scgo Je53 (dgc dtlo : 340 m/s) .
(3) 0.es m
(4) 0.4s m
Rough Work
E 2016 A 34Q
crown glass is immersed in a liquid of
102.A thin convex lens of focal length 'f' made of
refractive index of the crown' glass'
refractive index P,. 0,, > t'J where P. is the
The con9ex lens now is
(l) A convex lens of longer focal length
lens of shorter focal length
/o "onu"*
t (l) o divergent lens
(4) A convex lens of focal lqngth (p' - p,) f
o"rd doScad 'f' o'E 5oe5do r{o- 15 'oo:'5C 5':o1:--s-6 de;So
1B'5 > p" [3-5 a'a' 6::d2'
5LgCS5 l{cec(o 5ofl5 i6$o# 5'lo"5a:6o6' P1 P")'
sl86rs d.ro5o. aXr;r6c Scoqrs'd 565o :
6On$51s' DBrr a'.,d Srdo
3o6o 5.:o4's'd Sbs'eD f,5c6o5'r f, o'p'5o6o'er
5{ 5os"o 5a:oc$ 5Q$ -o$$X>y6o es${$$':r ro65 lir00ozrero
(r0 5ti5o CBCBfi' ulSS oSgS$':r m, $coc$r: m' esood
(1) ,nil**r) mr(1 + mr)
Rough Work
E 2016 A
104. With the help of a telescope that has an objective of difiieter'200 cm, it is proved that light
of wavelengths of the order of 6400 A coming from a star can be easily resolved. Then the
limit of resolution is
a.5 Sgqe5o Scod 6400 A ddorfE$go gSS:o l{s s.oO SQSyXry6c 200 cm
a"g'oo SO8S S5o {b5oS 951 a.5 EOd$65S Soozforr er s.oBS 5;{5deo
do5crfosc$ Sdr"oo"5o&o6. e"oyd$ ee 800165 o.u54 "o;d54do er$Q Den$
105, Two charged identical metal spheres A and B repel each.other with a force of lxl0{
. N.
t Another identical uncharged sphere C is touched with sphere A and thgn it is placed midway
between A and B. Then the magnitude of Net force on C is
3x10 5 N
(3) 2x10r N
(4) 5x10 5 N
Rough Work
E 2016 A 36Q
106. The electrostatic potential inside a charged sphere is given as V = Ar2 + B, where r is the
distance from the center of the sphere; A and B are constants. Then the charge density in
the sphere is
e.S i:o$ h6#o efbo "6d D6cg5 &EQcUcct V : Ar, + B rr a5go6$6, r n*#
do165,r 5.:o6 cS.:.d 5,1, A 510 c$o B "go.oS$oer. erooi$ J6o s n6#$:d
erdd $oLd6
(l) 16 A eo --g'l{e.,
(3) 20 A eo (4) -15 A eo
107. Three unequal resistances are connected in parallel. Two ofthese resistances are in the ratio
I : 2. The equivalent resistance of these three connected in parallel is I e. what is the
if no resistance is fractional ?
highest resistance value among these three resistances
$o:.d6o ep$$c-S Cd{5::o: b5;.oeJd$.ld boq.55o dc$car6J&. & $u"6ogjd
306r CdCSolq: I : 2 AASQd 6514. 6r $'rl.d: pdC$.uo d;o5 Cd{S$ I
LSo. egoo5 Jdc, 5 Cdd6,:: Cer:$ Qo";o6$on" d$;l;6o, 6r bu"6oe3ef
erQS S64d5$ Etu54 Der.:$
(l) o
(3) 15 o
108. Two electric resistors have equal values of resistance R. Each can be operated
with a power
of 320 watts (w) at 220 volts. If the two resistors are connected in series to a
ll0 volts electric supply, then the power generated in each resistor is
3o6J C64Cg$oe)), 'o$;.$ S64C$r, R 5c dOA 6r")0$. 1.(:S a,Sz. Cd6dSoSc
220 $oce> o"5o. 320 o"el;<er) dS66 ;)oLCoir dOraafer4l. ooac-Cd5Sfa:oSc
ll0 $cle Calg6 a$s.C3 $eeS $oQobar65 J5o, ee"oyrio 1b0 a,$ Sdd$Srret'
a$ooo')s {B De})d,
(1) watts ,r,
90 18) 80 watts
(3) 60 watts (4) 20 watts
Rough Work
E 2016 A 37Q
109. A current
of I A is flowing along the sid'es of an equilateral triangle of side 4'5 x 10a m' The
magnetic field at the centroid of the triangle is (F0 = 4zt x l0 7 H/m)
4.5x10-2 m dca:.ep SOf$
a-*r.o g0dce5o:ef dca"o Eoa>6 1 A
SSc CdcgE
gXrS?rQ$y6. g&efca:5o dr56 togo"d$,r S{ ec$c$3.od $ 15$*
(Fo : 47r x l0r IVm) .,.,/
(l) 4x l0r T
1f) z*to't
(3) 4x 104 T (4) 2xl0a T
110. A charged particle (charge = q; mass: m) is rotating in a circle of radius 'R'with uniform
ipeed 'V'. Ratio of its magnetic moment (p) to the angular momentum (L) is
a.5ard{ geasj; (erd{$$ :q;16$So"A =m)'R' o"5}d5.r t{o $;c5$r:ef 5564
SA 'V'56 3d.:rlcr5c516. o.s erc$c$3.od 1q-5055o (p) SeBoJc L55E ddso (L)e:
.J al. \e9
(1) * m
(r) 4h (4)
111. Two small magnets have their masses and lengths in the ratio I : 2. The maximum torques
experienced by them in a uniform magnetic field are the same. For small oscillations, the
raJio of their time periods is
3o 6c i$; go'{cer, S6$oc I : 2 C{rJQdr a$;S. $$68
ero5c#3.oeY $ 1r5oef ao$ g(pAc, erC &oa$ t{o$ a; er qJ,r: d r $r: oo "o Sr $ S* .
Rough Work
82016 A 38Q
value of
: = l0 o anu o = 100 I rad s-r' The maximum
to equation I Io sin ;;il;]
. emf in the second coil is Dt5:gE 1i>a'"o-o
0'00s]l &rt
'sgd = {0 A $cooSo
aoc6: &.{ Jc$o er$5$5 fod$'5 ::*
i=1, '" .,t ;scsdea; Li* Y1'L E:d'$:s)6' lstd
, =tioo r r"o s-r ero.us tJas Srr Jogd i{ox3 emf "
(3) 0.sn
(4) r
circuit is
F s+.oc.,6, ,", fodSo 5.r0o5l l0 Q CddSSr:erSc 220\'50H2'
t-2n r [#]
er 5oo5oo 6a'Smo
5. ,d
5r)s'o ( a,{a a5s"c3 lHaef SoQo0$irYd6c,
(1 ) 60'.
(3) 450
(4) 90"
Rough Work
E 2016 A
ll4. Two eluations are given below :
Rough Work
E 2016 A 40Q
115, A charged particle accelerated from rest through a certain potential difference. The
de Broglie wavelength is ),, when it is accelerated through V, and is ),, wlien accelerated
through Vr. The' ratio 1",/l', is
C{)o "q& S:od e,5 ecd{S$de 5ec"C; 9o"5 &uQo5':e5ef dSodo dnoo'dr'
v, # ugi.:o J".r5;)J6i 6lzfn'6doi1 E$5o l', $ooc$) V,S 65060 d"osx)Jdo
eiefs c5doXP$Eo f, ero::S )v,/)', C&;Q
1)/vlt',v)'' (l v)tz:Yltz
ll6. lf the first line of Lymann series has a wavelength 1215.4 L,the firsl line of Balmer series
ib approximately
p5.:5 1dc3d$ t>de3 'dP 6dor( E$5o l2ls.+A erood er"bo6 ldddc a>acs
dq: 6doil E$5o So5;"dcn"
(1). 4864 A {D---r(zs.s A' 1
' t\i/osat x (4) 6400 A
Rough Work
E 2016 A 4lQ
118. The change
in current through a junction diode is 1.2 mA when the forward bias voltage
is changed by 0.6 V. The dynamic resistance is
g6{{53 Sgdc 0.6 v$ 5r.o3d soe 66,r"5 -J' drdr S6:gE i{r'o'"o.tud
$:.d03 1.2 mA n" $.:'dc6;oa. r{&S C66{5$'r,
(r) 500 o
(3) 150 o
119. A semiconductor has equal electron and hole concentration of 2xl0s m-3. On doping with
a certain impurity, the electron concentration increases to 4xl0r0 m-r, then the new hole
concentration of the semiconductor is
a,5 er{o.S"S$o
(r6.r5p5 Jog15c
$c0oJ,l doggo rr{5 2xl0s mJ n' Sofl
6o6. $.:05$r:d fu.6gdeo5o do5rn" Jerg'7$er n-{c! 4xl0r0m-rS: -oonoo.
erb$26 epd u."o"55o 6DS& yg do1g.o 1166
tyt t}u m3 (2) lot m 3
(3) 10'o mr (4) l0'2 mj
Rough Work
E 2016 A 42Q
12l. Assertion (A) : Atoms with completely frlled and half filled subshells are stable.
Reason (R) : Completely filled and half filled subshells have symmetrical distribution
(1) (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is the conect explanation of (A)
ldO> and (R) are conect, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
Rough Work
E 2016 A 43Q
f llll,The
element with the electronic configuration ls2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3dlo 4sl
-r# 1s2 2sz 2p6 3s2 3p6 3dl0 4sl Jog.75 Do.gX:o rJer $.:r.sSo
[/ r' --/ . vj
) cu I * o,q r, rub
i (2) ca- " ,'^\ 1q
Cr -.- ou '
124. What is the atomic number of the element with symbol Uus ?
(4) l14
Rough Work
E 2016 A 44Q
"d06r5 i>5;'q'5o :
\gY\rr) (i -'
(4) 0r) 0v) (rD (v)
E 2016 A 4sQ
126. The order of covalent character of KE KI, KCI is.
127. If the kinetic energy in J, of CH, (molar mass : 16 g mol') at T(K) is X, the kinetic energy
in J, of O, (molar mass = 32 g mol-') at the same temperature is
T(K) 56, CH; (Er.er.6 g5$go'A = 16 g mol') rt&adg J er.f x e9oc:d, o-l
(Bro-6 g55go'8 = 32 g mol-') doa{$ J oef, erd 6#tlfd
(1)x I (2)2x (3) X2 (a) ;x
128, The given figure shows the Maxwell distribution of molecular speeds of a gas at three
different temperatures T,, T, and Tr. The correct order of temperatures is :
o a-
o. )Q
o a
o I
z a
Speed -+
(l) rr > D4 r, (3) Ti > >Tt (4) Tz> ,i, T,
, 'Tr'T,
Rough Work
E 2016 A 46Q
Nr(e) and 10,0 g of Hr(g) are mixed to produce NHr(s)' What
129. In Haber's process 50.0 g of
is the number of moles of NHr(e) formed ?
r"r.a6 {:d&dr 50.0 g o Nr(o:), 10.0 g o Hr(o')S go"d NH3(-") C 6c$J"6cda'dc'
JCy EJ"elo NH3(il") 5636$a?
(1) 3.33 (2) 2.36
BA..o1 (4) s.36
131. Given that Nr(g) + :Hr(e) -+ 2NHr(e); A, H. = -92 kJ, the standard molar enthalpy of
formation in kJ mol of NH,(e) is
N2(--) + 3H2(n') -+ 2NHr(o") Jd55: A, Ho = -92 kJ epoos NH3(d') 16s:'eo
Sod{ra Joq"03 kJ mol-l eref
(1\ -92 (2) +46
(4) -46
Rough Work
E 2016 A 47Q
132. Which one of the following is correct ?
!.Y) The equilibrium constant (K") is independent of temperature.
(2) The value of K" is independent of initial concentrations of reactants and products.
(3) At equilibrium, the rate bf the forward reaction is twice the rate of the backward
(4) The equilibrium constant (K") for the reaction
Ni(s) + 4CO(g)
-rNi(CO)o1g),r, TffirI
13o6 a"e3ef 5a soplSa ?
(1) $$co"'oO ho'o5o (KJ, 6grslltcrs ec6.df)6dc
NH,CI ao go.$eoo pH
(2) >7
(4) I
134. What is the change in the oxidation state of Mn, in the reaction of MnO, with HrO, in
acidic medium ?
ec$j o5J-$dod MnOn, HrO, d aoro ,5dgd Mn er8;ddea 'oSdC $.:"dc; b6z
(l) 7-+4 (2) 6-+4
tdt -z (4) 6-+2
Rough Work
E 2016 A 48Q
t -- .1,
flame test ?
, (4) Be
(4) Ga
137. The gas produced by the passagE of air over hot coke is
Rough Work
E 2016 A 4eQ
t L(.-- (tt b
138. In environmental chemistry the medium which is affected by a,pollutant is called
(l) ,/
Sink (/f
(3) Solvent (4) Receptor
X:o.g5dea dloic5 a"!loef s-w&go ^-
o.5o' 5c631+-a-SB ilcddcg $,rdg$r01
es o gJ.dJ.
Rough Work
E 2016 A s0Q
l4t.ldentify X and Y in the following reaction sequence
gSoa .5o.g15$coe$ X S.roc$,r Y o$ lfcooXp5:r
x -4-+y ; r (cH3)2co + cH2o
(l) (CH3)2CHCH3 CH3CH = CHCH,
(2) (CHr)rCHCHrBr CHrCH: CHCH,
(3) (CHr)rCBrCHrBr (CH.)rC: CH,
(4) (cHr)rCHCHBr, (Cq)2C: CH2
l42.The packing efficiency of simple cubic (sc), body centred cubic (bcc) and cubic close
packing (ccp) lattices follow the order
&5.r"$g {uS (sc), erodeSog6s! ioS (bcc) $c0oJo (rCy'o..5 {oS'SldcJ (ocp)
(l) bcc < ccp < sc (2) ccp < bcc < sc
(3) sc < ccp < bcc (4) sc < bcc < ccp
143. The experimental depression in freezing point of a dilute solution is 0.025 K. If the van't
Hoff factor (i) is 2.0, the calculated depression in freezing point (in K) is
?,g COS p.5ea{p$:6)'n'635 i}r5{5$ fls S$oyd 0.025K. il.oor.F /ueaStu (i)2.0
erood, E3;o.)s lD5CsS fS c5:1eY (Keef) JoeJ?
(l) o.00l2s (2) 0.025 (3) 0.0125 (4) 0.0s
Rough Work
E 2016 A slQ
144, The molality of an aqueous dilute solution containing non-volatile solute,is 0.1 m. What is
the boiling temperature (in 'C) of solution ? @oiling point elevation constant, Ko : 0.52 kg
.18 o 6 o. oi ei{
5a KCI 1o.5 ec. C 3 , n,,(S cm2 mol-r o d*) o)JO oJ JJ Jc
(mollL)ttz od;o $c{g 6ns Sop3JS dry.x)cJ5c:? (y = x: lc )
(1) (2)
(3) v (4) y^
t I
Rough Work
E 2016 A s2Q
146. For the reaction
sBr-(aq) + 6H+(aq) + BrOJ 1aq) + 3Brr(ag) + 3H2O(/)
[lOl L-l min-l er ef
- 0.01 (2) 0.3
(3) 0.03 / (4) 0.005
E 2016 A s3Q
148. Copper matte contains
149. X reacts with dilute nitric acid to form 'laughing gas'. What is X ?
x P0$ ELdSs.SJod '5dgSo6
'S6X)Sd o'o5s$,jc 503U..:cSc. x 56?
(r) cu (2) y
t, z"
P '1$Y
150. Xenon reacts with fluorine at 873 K and 7 bar to form XeFr. In this reaction the iatio of
Xenon and fluorine required. is :
873K,7 o.6o Sf !o-5, ffo5sa ,,!dg ao"o XeF, Sc 5U;Oqoa. & Jdg3r
e$bdtso5 no.S, floSo C&;fl :
(2) l0:l
l5l. Whidh of the following metal ions has a calculated magnetic moment value of Ji4 B.M. ?
E 2016 A s4Q
152, Which one of the following does not exhibit geomerical isomerism ?
(1) Octahedral complex with formula [MX2L4]
(2) Square planar complex with formula [MX2L2]
(3) Tetrahedral complex with formula [MABXL]
(4) Octahedral complex with formula [MX2(L - L)2]
goa o"e3e$ 5a'S1.J&51a.gC1 J*6ctra
(1) [MX2L4] ]dr3u' r(o ers-=o.165 "oo!So
(2) lMX2L2l fidcacr t{o X>5r6o r56cd$r $ofl"go
(3) tMABxLl fldcao. r{o 6ger-o"166 bofliro
(4) tMx2G - L)rl fldcao- r{o eg.=o"1de5 5oflSo
153, The P Dispersity Index (PDI) of a polymer is (M,', = weight average molecular mass and
Mn : number average molecular mass)
Rough Work
E 2016 A ssQ
154. Hormone that maintains the blood glucose level within the limit is :
(l) Thyroxine
(2) Insulin V
G) r$tosterone ,y
EvinevtT ine
dgoefC d;.$€ foo0 1S$caf sood 6{d35 :
(l) po"335
(2) a$c3OS
(3) BJ6'rds
(a) J"oE;]75
Rough Work
E 2016 A s6Q
r{oQo$So :
fo,' OH
/- \\
.- -21;,
Rough Work
E 2016 A s7Q
(i) SnCl, + HCI
(iD H3O.
(2) Williamson y
(3) Stephen
(4) Kolbe -(
(i) SnCl, + HCI
(ii) H3o-
{odc SCor
3 .JdE oor:5;
(1) 6aa:5Sco5
(2) SOc$cEc55
(4) *o)
Rough Work
E 2016 A s8Q
0 (i) KMnOo-KOFVA
0 (i) KMnQ-KOWA
(ii) H3o.
Y z
o d
Qo,H corH
0 qocH3
o co2H
0 CO"H
d d
Rough Work
E 2016 A seQ
t' ,.
160. Which is the strongest base among the following ? ' "
: '
(2) t-
..a- \\
(3) ll'\4' _l
Rough Worli
E 2016 A 60Q
(Conducted on behalf of TSCHE)
1 3 2 1 4 55 3 3 2 2 109 1 1 1 3
2 4 1 1 1 56 4 1 3 1 110 1 2 3 3
3 2 4 2 2 57 1 3 1 2 111 1 1 2 1
4 2 1 2 2 58 1 3 4 3 112 2 3 1 2
5 2 1 1 3 59 4 4 3 4 113 3 1 1 1
6 2 4 4 3 60 2 2 3 4 114 2 1 2 2
7 2 4 4 4 61 3 3 4 1 115 2 1 3 3
8 3 2 3 4 62 4 2&3 1 3 116 3 3 3 3
9 3 1 3 4 63 4 2 2 3 117 1 2 2 2
10 2 1 1 4 64 2 4 1 1 118 1 2 1 1
11 3 3 3 3 65 2&3 4 2 1 119 1 3 2 1
12 1 2 3 3 66 3 3 3 4 120 3 2 1 2
13 4 2 4 4 67 2 2 4 4 121 1 2 3 1
14 3 3 2 1 68 4 4 4 2 122 1 3 2 4
15 3 3 3 1 69 3 1 1 1 123 4 3 2 3
16 4 2 2&3 4 70 3 1 3 1 124 1 4 3 2
17 1 1 2 2 71 1 4 3 3 125 3 2 1,3,4 1
18 2 4 3 3 72 3 3 1 2 126 4 3 3 1
19 1 4 1 4 73 3 3 4 2 127 1 4 4 2
20 2 1 1 4 74 4 4 4 3 128 4 1 1 4
21 3 3 2 2 75 4 4 1 3 129 1 2 2 3
22 4 3 4 2&3 76 1 4 2 2 130 2 3 4 2
23 4 1 4 3 77 2 4 3 1 131 4 4 3 1
24 1 4 1 2 78 2 3 3 4 132 2 3 2 4
25 3 4 1 4 79 1 3 2 4 133 3 2 1 3
26 3 3 4 3 80 1 2 2 1 134 3 2 4 1
27 1 3 1 3 81 2 3 2 4 135 4 3 3 1
28 4 4 2 1 82 1 1 4 3 136 2 1,3,4 2 4
29 4 2 2 3 83 1 1 4 2 137 3 3 4 1
30 1 2 3 3 84 2 1 1 2 138 4 4 3 3
31 2 2 3 4 85 3 4 1 2 139 1 1 3 4
32 3 2 4 4 86 3 1 1 2 140 2 2 2 1
33 3 2 4 1 87 2 4 2 4 141 3 3 4 4
34 2 3 4 2 88 1 1 3 4 142 4 4 2 1
35 2 3 4 2 89 2 3 2 1 143 3 2 1 2
36 3 2 3 1 90 1 3 2 1 144 2 1 4 4
37 1 3 3 1 91 3 4 3 1 145 2 1 1 2
38 1 1 4 3 92 1 3 1 2 146 3 2 4 3
39 2 4 1 4 93 1 2 1 3 147 1,3,4 3 3 3
40 4 3 1 2 94 1 2 1 2 148 3 4 1 4
41 4 3 4 2 95 4 2 3 2 149 4 1 4 2
42 1 4 2 2 96 1 2 2 3 150 1 1 1 3
43 1 1 3 2 97 4 4 2 1 151 2 1 1 4
44 4 2 4 2 98 1 4 2 1 152 3 4 1 1
45 1 1 4 3 99 3 1 3 1 153 4 1 4 2
46 2 2 3 3 100 3 1 4 3 154 2 3 3 3
47 2 1 4 2 101 4 1 3 3 155 1 4 2 4
48 3 1 2 3 102 3 2 3 1 156 1 1 1 3
49 3 2 2 1 103 2 1 1 1 157 2 4 1 2
50 4 2 2 4 104 2 1 4 1 158 3 1 2 2
51 4 1 2 3 105 2 2 1 4 159 4 2 4 3
52 4 4 2 3 106 2 3 4 1 160 1 4 3 1,3,4
53 4 4 3 4 107 4 3 1 4
54 3 3 3 1 108 4 2 1 1