GT Seal Oil System Startup
GT Seal Oil System Startup
GT Seal Oil System Startup
OPS-SOP-0011- 00 Oct 2019 1 of 5 OPS/TNB REMACO
WI-0002 Balloki1223MW
Document no. Revision Date of Page Issuing Department
Mohammad Abu
Reviewed by: Head (Operations)
Huzaifah Magbool
JOB GT seal oil system startup while generator has been purged with air and gas
turbine is standstill
STATE OF PLANT 1. Gas turbine is stand still
2. Gas turbine generator is purged with air
3. Gas turbine lube oil system is OFF
4. Gas turbine seal oil system “group control” is OFF
2. Open the air filling isolation and fill Make sure the air flow and ask CCR keep
instrument air into the generator observing the generator pressure
4. Fill air inside generator at pressure Pressure can be verified by ccr and local
more than 7 psi gauge
5. Make sure seal oil “GROUP
CONTROL” is now permitted to start Verify from CCR
the seal oil
6. Turn “ON” the gas turbine seal oil Make sure seal oil pumps are started
group control from field as well
8. Lube oil tank mist eliminator fan will Adjust the lube oil tank negative
start pressure s per requirement