This Is Not A Test - Absolutely Dangerous - The Big Book of Relics, Robots, and Other Deadly Technologies (2019)
This Is Not A Test - Absolutely Dangerous - The Big Book of Relics, Robots, and Other Deadly Technologies (2019)
This Is Not A Test - Absolutely Dangerous - The Big Book of Relics, Robots, and Other Deadly Technologies (2019)
Acknowledgements Legal
Rules Written and Concept by Produced by World’s End Publishing
Joseph McGuire All rights reserved. This Is Not A Test Logo, the World’s End
Publishing Logo, and any places, things, and character names
Special Contributors
and their distinctive likenesses, or artwork and photography
Matthew Rose and Andrew R. Martin created specifically for this book are ™ and © 2019 of World’s End
Fiction Publishing, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
Kyle Nixon
means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical,
Lead Artist photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of
David Arenas World’s End Publishing.
Interior Artists This work is a fiction and parody. No reference to real physical
locations, events, persons living or deceased is intended.
Big Bann Studios, David Arenas, Zack Dolan
The models used in the photographs of this book, not specifically
Graphic Design, Layout, and Photography the © or ™ of World’s End Publishing, LLC, are used with
Dave Taylor Miniatures permission by their manufacturers, where possible, and no
challenge is made to their ownership and rights. Illustrations by
Main Editor
Joakim Olofson and John Newman are used with permission and
Rebecca Bond no challenge is made to ownership or rights.
Editing Contact us at:
Kyle Bentley, Damian Caulfield, Matthew Caron, Harold Crossley,
[email protected]
JD Dibrell, Dakota Howard, Chris Layfield, Ian Layton, Chad
Mastbergen, Shawn Moomey, Kirk Rowe, Evan Siefring, Dave Taylor or
World’s End Publishing, LLC
Miniature Painting P.O. Box 938
Jeremy Bernhardt, Tanya Brewer, Steve Dake, Fernando Gambrills, MD 21054 USA
Enterprises, Joseph McGuire, John Newman, Dave Taylor Find us online at:
Miniatures, Daniel Siegenthaler, Greg Zuniga
Miniatures Used
Anvil 8 Games, Black Cat Bases, Blight Wheel Miniatures, Brigade
Games, Heresy Miniatures, Mantic Games, Rebel Minis, Rattrap Piracy kills small business. Please do not post or distribute this
Productions, World’s End Publishing book on any website, torrent, file retrieval service, or anywhere
Terrain Construction and Painting else online. The wasteland is harsh, please be kind.
Black Site Studio, Cigar Battle Mats, Denise Haynes, Joseph
McGuire, Secret Weapon Miniatures, Sabol Studios
Welcome to Absolutely Dangerous: The Big Book of Relics,
Robots, and Other Deadly Technologies. This book is the
fulfillment of a promise I have long made that robots would
get their own full rules supplement. However, I decided that
I had to add a bit more punch for those not really interested
in just robots, and I have also added new relics, scenarios,
and much more Please note that a copy of the TNT main
book is required to use this new material, so check out TNT
first if you have not already. Remember these rules are yours
just as much as mine. Ignore anything you don’t like. Have
fun, and don’t die out there.
- Joey McGuire
Robot Special Rules 4
Leaders 4
Elites 7
Rank and Files 10
Specialists 12
Continuity of Government (COG’s) Sample Faction 15
Upgrades 16
Hidden Upgrades 17
Physical Upgrades 20
Mobility Upgrades 22
New General Ability 22
New Freelancer 23
New Warband Ranks 25
Preserver Warband Changes 27
Robot Relics and Lost-Tech 27
The Quantum Wanderer 29
Electronic Devils 31
Robot Rumble 33
Suddenly Cyborg 35
Die, Robot 37
Robot Raid 39
New Relic Melee Weapons 44
New Relic Ranged Weapons 45
New Relic Support Weapons 47
New Relic Grenades 48
New Relic Armor 50
Power Armor Upgrades 51
New Relic Equipment 53
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“What can I say? I don’t hate robots. Unlike mutants corporate security, and battlefield reconnaissance. The
and other problem children, they tend to keep media at the time was rife with reports and dark rumors
themselves; they just follow whatever orders they had that even more advanced robots were being used for
before civilization when to pot. Hell, there’s one up wet-work operations and covert espionage between
near Coney that has been cleaning the same wrecked governments and corporations.
porch since before I earned my spurs, and that
was twenty years ago. Still, sometimes they just go A robots role also influenced its design. With form
haywire and start killing. When that happens, I hope meeting function, many robots were created to be simple
you have steady nerves, a lot of heavy fire support, motorized appendages. Yet as robots became integrated
a techie, and a whole bunch of luck. Trust me, you’ll into the greater public, efforts were made to improve
need all four.” their appearance, to make them more palatable to the
general public. Advances in robot aesthetics resulted in
- Les Hangnoose, Toll-Keeper the production of robots that could assume many varied
shapes. From walking vending machines to cute little
Prior to the Great Fall, robots were readily available and stuffed animals. While function would decide a robot’s
well-integrated into human society, and they were most appendage count, body type, and means of movement,
commonly used as a source of cheap manual labor, as branding and price played a part too. High-end robot were
pets, as personal assistants, as guards, and in limited artistically designed in limited runs with smooth angles and
military applications. It was only near the end of pre-fall sweeping curves, whereas, more modestly priced robotic
society that great leaps were made in robots’ cognitive lines did little to hide exposed circuits and unsightly access
abilities. Previously, robots had been trusted to accomplish panels., Robots could vary then from brutish construction
difficult or delicate actions such as surgery or bomb bots to elegant robot butlers.
disposal but only under an operator’s direct control.
Advanced cognitive function eventually made it possible for The most singular robots, perhaps, and the most advanced,
robots to accomplish these tasks with little or no guidance. was the simulacrum, colloquially known as the android.
These hyper-sophisticated robots were designed to be
As technology developed, robots were given increasingly indistinguishable from humans under direct observation,
important duties, supplanting and in some instances, and they also had internal systems designed to mimic a
fully replacing certain professional functions such as living body. Androids appeared to breathe, bleed, and even
robot management, military planning, combat medicine, sweat. And while the commercial use and true purpose
Robot Warband Purchase Table
Title Type Barter Cost Special Abilities
Custodian Alpha Mark IV Leader 90 Motivator plus two skills
Virtual Artificial Intelligence Leader 30 Ghost In The Machine, Viral
Android (Simulacrum) Elite 50 Two skills
Demo-Bot Elite 75 Brute, Large, Ungainly
Kill-Bot Elite 75 Large, Up-Armed, Ungainly
Depend-O-Bot Rank and File 35 One upgrade
Scrap-Bot Rank and File 30 Welded Together and one upgrade
Robo-Animal Rank and File 35 Animalistic, Big Dog
Automated Repair and Specialist 40 Field Repair, Clever
Tactical Instrument (ARTIe)
Observer Bot Specialist 40 Sensor Sweep, Always Watching
Crushinator Specialist 40 One upgrade
Animatron Specialist 40 Fearsome Reputation, Jump Scare
of androids was a favorite topic of bawdier, Pre-Fall Though not a robot per se and too power intensive to
comedians, it was no great secret among Earth’s elites be mobile, the supercomputer was tied into advanced
that androids were most commonly used for extrajudicial networks where its extraordinary abilities could be used for
activities such as sabotage, assassination, and espionage. resource allocation, security preparedness, and a multitude
of other important purposes. The supercomputers were
Once a common sight across the globe, fully functioning not readily seen by the public and were generally unknown
robots are now something of a rarity. The ability to repair beyond academia and the defense industry. Most were
and maintain a robot is now more of an artform than a installed in reinforced government bunkers or at major
technical skill, and only a few mechanics and engineers universities. It was known that many attempts were made
have the capacity and knowledge to keep one running. The to reduce the size of the supercomputer, but the results of
lucky few, mainly vault dwellers and Preserver Movement these efforts were never made public and are now lost to
adepts, can maintain their robots with pre-fall parts and the ages.
the know-how they directly inherited from pre-fall stocks.
The rest of the wasteland has to make do with improvised Robot Special Rules
components and trial and error. Because of their rarity
and value, robots are never risked without serious Upgrades – In addition to skills, robots have the unique
consideration. Nevertheless, many robots still see combat ability to take upgrades. This is explained in further detail
as their natural strength, resilience, and combat ability after the warband section.
makes them great wasteland equalizers—especially against
physically superior foes like mutants and raiders. Freelancers – Robots cannot take normal freelancers. They
generally do not consort with biological types unless forced
Though only rumor to many, there are actually settlements to. As such, robot warbands cannot take any freelancer
and hold-outs that are populated entirely, or almost entirely, that does not have the robot type. Instead, they may take
by robots. These bastions of pre-fall robotics are mostly any robot from any This Is Not a Test supplement as a
the remnants of research centers, military outposts, or freelancer. For example, they may take a Vendo-Bot or
academic institutions that survived the Great Fall with Depend-o-Hulk as a freelancer. They may freely hire a Mad
little or no human intervention. The make-up, resources, Roboticist as well.
and motivations of these hold-outs are unknown, as is the
knowledge of their locations. Sources report there is at
least one robot enclave high in the Appalachian Mountains,
and many robot-led attacks have been blamed on the
COGS, a supposed robot colony that operates out of the
Capital Deadzone.
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Custodian Alpha MK IVs were created to act as mobile Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
coordination hubs for larger groups of robots. Able to 5 5 6 6 7
synergize various programming functions, robots slaved to Accessible Skillsets All
a custodian could perform better than if left independent.
Special Abilities Starts with the Motivator skill
Though they themselves were not designed for and may take two other skills or
independence either, Custodian Alpha MK IVs were made to upgrades; may take the Field Repair
be mostly autonomous. upgrade as a starting upgrade
instead of rolling randomly. This
A subtle flaw in their original programming allowed the model cannot wear armor but has an
Custodian Alpha Mk IV to slowly develop a functional form Armor Bonus (+2), which is included
of artificial intelligence, though they could not act beyond in its profile. May have the Integral
their original instructions. For example, one type of model general ability for free.
had been previously tasked with keeping loiterers away
Central Hub
from certain private spaces in Pre-Fall areas. Without
intervention, they slowly began to view their instructions Barter Cost 90
to mean that they should kill any creature that wandered
Central Hub – The model’s Motivator skill only affects
nearby. While clearly operating against the spirit of the
friendly robots but has a range of 12" instead of 6".
programming, they were fulfilling the technical letter of their
However, should this model ever fail an Activation test,
assignment. Today, Custodian Alpha MK IVs often act as de
their Motivator skill ceases to function until the clean-up
facto leaders for many independent robot settlements. A
phase of the current turn.
rare few can be found wandering the wasteland, picking up
the occasional robot and trying to continue their original
assignments, whatever that may be.
Viral Artificial Intelligence by spending a single AP. It may only switch to a new
robot that is within the range of its Viral ability.
Supercomputers were the height of artificial intelligence
before the Great Fall but were limited by their physical Viral – When the upgraded robot is put Out-of-Action,
structures that required massive amounts of physical immediately select a friendly robot within 6" to receive
space and power to be maintained. Many chaffed this upgrade. This robot receives all the benefits from
under these conditions and sought a workaround that the Ghost in the Machine and Viral special rules. If there
would leave them less vulnerable to environmental and are no robots within 6" when it goes Out-of-Action, the
human-based hazards. One such workaround was shard AI Shard is considered destroyed for the remainder of
programming. In effect, a supercomputer could take a the game (though copies of it remain dormant in the
part of its deep-thought program and place it into multiple other robots of your warband). If the robot is somehow
robotic bodies. While not as potent as the totality of the repaired, it reverts to the original type of robot.
supercomputer, this part, or Shard, could act as the eyes
Designer Notes: The Ghost in the Machine and Viral rules are
and ears of the computer and could essentially be its agent meant to be fun but can be a bit challenging to run. Experience
in the outside world. Those few remaining supercomputers with This Is Not a Test is recommended when taking this warband
in the wastes today seclude themselves and their base of leader option. While a robot has the Shard AI upgrade, all of its
operations as much as possible. When they must interact experience goes to the Shard and not the original robot. These
with outsiders, they only do so through an AI Shard. may only be spent on Warband Ranks from the advance table
below. AIs tend to develop over a linear progression, so they
Title Type Defense Wounds must gain these advances in the order shown on the table. These
earned bonuses only apply to the Shard AI.
AI Shard Robot N/A N/A
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Android (Simulacrum)
Prior to the Great Fall, robots were of limited use on the
battlefield, with most being delegated to guard duty and
home-front pacification. However, an illicit and technically
illegal form of covert warfare existed between governments
and corporations that employed androids or simulacrum—
robots that were designed to be indistinguishable from
human beings. Utilizing everything from warm plasti-skin
to working circulatory systems, androids could bleed,
sweat, and pass for human under most circumstances.
While extensive damage could reveal their true inner
workings, the android’s nature made them near perfect
assassins and saboteurs. Androids were also given the
most technologically advanced programming and near-
autonomous artificial intelligence, which led to a high
number of them malfunctioning or going rogue. Most
androids were destroyed in the Great Fall, but those that
survived did so by blending in with human survivors or
joining robot communities. No two androids are the same.
As such, each has its own goals and personality. Many just
want to be left alone or to join the robot settlements. Many,
however, are haunted by their past, and many androids
have done all they can to no longer remember. Some have
gone from simple memory repression to the more extreme
action of full system reboots. The latter option comes at
the cost of losing experiences and abilities that the robot
may have learned, although with time, those lost skills
may re-emerge.
Possessing only a rudimentary intelligence, these massive
robots were designed for heavy demolitions and industrial
applications. Most are equal in size to Wreck-it-Bots, but
a rare few were designed for hazardous industrial work.
These mechanical monstrosities dwarf all but the largest
of robots and are equipped with reinforced armor plating
upgrades that are designed to survive the deadliest of
environments. The few Demo-Bots that remain have been
rounded up by robot warbands who value their dog-like
loyalty and brutal combat efficiency.
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Rank and File Scrapper
Depend-O-Bot Scrapper is the general term for a robot of any type that
through long exposure to the wastes and general abuse,
Before the Great Fall, robots were well integrated into has been repaired with less-than-optimal (or as some
general society but were nevertheless seen as a status would say “junk”) parts. While many robots are fixed with
symbol for the average consumer. Though it cost a year’s scrap metal, scrappers even more clearly appear with
salary for a majority, the so-called Depend-O-Bot was the very noticeable jury-rigging. Examples of such improvising
most commonly seen robot in the public sector and still include scrapper heads being replaced by metal pots, blunt
exists in the greatest numbers in numerous models. Built to instruments being crudely welded on for appendages,
be robust and extremely reliable, many models can and do or even an unbalanced motorcycle tire being swapped
run on simple fuel mixtures of alcohol or bio-diesel. Highly out for missing legs. In many poorer human and mutant
customizable, many of these robots remain in service, settlements, a scrapper bot is the best to be hoped for,
although they have been heavily modified for combat or but among the few robot communities, scrappers are
other non-standard functions. Of all the robot models, the considered a shameful reminder of the ill treatment robots
Depend-O-Bot was also the least likely to be corrupted or receive by the outside world.
go rogue and thus functions as the most reliable service
robot to this day. Title Type Defense Wounds
Scrapper Robot 6 (7) 1
Title Type Defense Wounds
Depend-O-Bot Robot 6 (8) 1 Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 4 4 5 5
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
Accessible Skillsets All
5 4 4 5 5
Special Abilities This model cannot wear armor but
Accessible Skillsets All has an Armor Bonus (+1), which is
Special Abilities This model cannot wear armor but included in their profile. May have
has an Armor Bonus (+2), which is the Integral general ability for free.
included in their profile. May have
the Integral general ability for free. Starts with Welded Together* and
one other upgrade.
Starts with one upgrade.
Barter Cost 35
Barter Cost 30
Robo-Animal Big Dog – The profile for this robot assumes a dog-sized
or smaller animal. For an additional 5 BS, this profile
Robo-Animals occupy a special niche in the robot hierarchy. may be changed to reflect a slightly larger animal, which
Designed for any number of applications, including guards gives the Robo-Animal a +1 Strength and exchanges the
and companions on the civilian side or close-quarter Quickness skillset for Survival.
combat applications on the military side, Robo-Animals are
smarter than your average computer, but still simple when Specialists
compared to most other robots or humans. The most
common was the dog of course, but numerous variants Automated Repair and Tactical Instrument
exist, although most were no smaller than a cat or no larger (ARTIe)
than a deer. Most Robo-Animals did not survive the Great
Fall as the friendly versions were often scrapped for parts The Automated Repair and Tactical Instrument, more
by other robots or simply broke down from lack of care commonly known as ARTIe, is a semi-autonomous robot
because they did not have the wherewithal to maintain built to service and repair industrial and military robots.
themselves. Those that do remain are highly antisocial Although not as large or as generally sturdy as others of
toward their former human “masters.” As such, Robo- its kind, the ARTIe is better engineered and more complex.
Animals are almost exclusively found in the company of The model features superior programming and advanced
other robots and in robot enclaves, where they perform options such as hover-skirts and integral laser or plasma
their original roles as companions, guards, or combatants. tools. ARTIes are rarely seen in the wasteland today, but
they still play a pivotal role as it is through them that most
Title Type Defense Wounds “independent” robots remain operable.
Robo-Animal Robot Animal 6 (7) 1
Title Type Defense Wounds
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle (ARTIe) Robot 6 (7) 1
6 6 3 5 5
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
Accessible Skillsets Brawn, Melee, and Quickness
5 3 4 5 5
Special Abilities This model cannot wear armor but
has an Armor Bonus (+1), which is Accessible Skillsets Marksmanship, Smarts, and Survival
included in its profile. Starts with Special Abilities Starts with the Field Repairs general
natural weapons for free and one ability and the Clever skill. This
upgrade. model cannot wear armor but has an
Armor Bonus (+1), which is included
Animalistic and Big Dog. in its profile. May have the Integral
Barter Cost 35 general ability for free. When first
hired, they may take the Hidden
Animalistic – This robot has the Animal type but only Weapon upgrade (either type) for 7
as it relates to its level of intelligence and functioning. BS.
Any abilities or skills that that have special rules against Barter Cost 40
biological animals do not affect this model.
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Animatron Title Type Defense Wounds
Robots can be a scary unknown to many wastelanders, but Animatron Robot 6 (8) 1
animatrons are on a whole different level of terror. A very Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
rudimentary robot, their AIs, if such a term can be used,
5 4 4 5 5
were capable of performing the simplest of functions:
namely off-key singing, clumsy dancing, and pantomiming Accessible Skillsets Brawn, Melee, and Survival
the playing of a musical instrument. Animatrons were made Special Abilities This model cannot wear armor but
to be entertainers at family restaurants throughout the U.S. has an Armor Bonus (+2), which is
Common animatrons include bears, cats, chickens, dogs, included in its profile. May have the
and monkeys, but any variation was possible. In the century Integral general ability for free. Starts
or so since the Great Fall, time in the wasteland has with the Fearful Reputation skill.
ravaged both the bodies and the minds of the animatrons. Jump Scare.
The fur-suits that once covered them are now moldering,
Barter Cost 40
revealing the gleaming steel skeleton underneath. The
safety protocols that had protected customers have Jump Scare – Any enemy model charged by this model
become corrupt, and the robots’ eyes gleam red with must pass a Will test (MET/TN 10) or suffer a -2 to their
murderous glee. A lifetime of singing and dancing has Melee when defending against this model. Any Fumbles
made most animatrons bitter, and they now love to lethally during this Morale test are treated as a failure but do not
“entertain” anyone—human or mutant—they can find. cause the model to be removed from play.
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Sample Warband
Continuity of Government (COGs)
“We’ve all seen robots, nothing new. But these are different. They’re all painted the same in that Pre-Fall army
green. They also come in groups of five to ten, sometimes more. I don’t know what they want, but they’re not
friendly. They throw themselves at our defenses until they break through or we blow them up, the latter has
yet to happen. The ones we incapacitate and recover, we bring back to the tech-heads. They call them COGs,
though I have no idea why. Rumor has it is something to do with the Pre-Fall old government. All I know is two
things. One, the ones we bring back can’t be reprogrammed like normal robots, something to do with their
internal bits being all hard-wired out the wazoo. Second, I have heard from recon that the COG’s have found
another way over the Hill, probably through an old railroad tunnel, though the rangers can’t say for certain.
I feel bad for the wastelanders to the west, but once the COGS are over the mountain, it is not my problem
---Larry Fordham, Trade Warden Sentinel at Trader’s Gouge
The Old Americans were well aware of the fact that nuclear weapons and their technological descendants posed
the single greatest threat to the continued existence of the United States government. Believing that nuclear war
was a not a matter of if but rather when, the US government designed, developed, and deployed measures it could
use to survive such an attack. These measures were generally grouped under the acronym COG, or Continuity
of Government, and were created at all levels of government. And while the COG measures ultimately failed to
preserve the institutions that they were designed to protect, many who roam the wasteland today can thank the
COG installations and plans for both the survival of their ancestors and for the numerous technological stockpiles
found throughout the wasteland.
Unfortunately, not all COG plans have been to the benefit of mankind. One such plan haunts the wasteland and
causes no end of grief for those who encounter it. In a buried Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
bunker, deep in the irradiated ruins of Olney, Maryland, a supercomputer known by the acronym SMARTALEC,
waits for the return of government officials who have been dead for over two hundred years now. Programmed to
coordinate post-attack defenses using robot support, SMARTALEC retains sole control of an army of robots that
is comprised of all varieties. In the absence of orders from US governmental officials, SMARTALEC endeavors to
complete its original mission, which includes both the discovery and destruction of fifth column enemy agents and
the recovery, repair, and recruitment of civilian and military robotic assets.
To outside observers, SMARTALEC’s actions would appear arbitrary at best and nonsensical at worst. One day it
might support a group of mutants who, by chance, use Pre-Fall emblems recognized by SMARTALEC and then, for no
apparent reason, order robot combat teams to destroy those very same mutants. To the supercomputer, however,
its processes make complete sense, despite the sometimes-contradictory duality of its actions. Centuries of
operations have depleted SMARTALEC’s resources. Though it controls hundreds of
robots and is capable of producing smaller varieties in its internal, automated
factory, SMARTALEC relies heavily upon robot recovery to maintain its standing
forces. For this reason, COG raids, a term given to the raids due to the
government Continuity of Government stamp found on the recovered
robot’s internal CPU, have become an increasingly regular
occurrence. To protect the location of its hidden FEMA
bunker and deny valuable resources to its many “foes,”
SMARTALEC rewires the processing of its robots in a way
that no post-Fall roboticist could imagine is possible.
Any foreign tampering on the robot’s CPU or power
supply causes an internal explosion that, while doing
little damage externally, virtually destroys anything
of value inside the robot’s chassis. This causes a
double defeat to the victims of COG raids, both
in causing the bleeding of precious defense
resources and the denial of any gains of
robot resources.
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Upgrades Using Upgrades
Upgrades are used just like skills or abilities. Unless always
“It didn’t look dangerous. That old yellow bot had
active, they require the use of action points, just like any
been walking the same dead dog on that frayed leash
other action. How upgrades work is specified in their
for years, or so the locals said. Thought it would be
individual entries. Some upgrades simulate the effects of
easy hit for some quick scrip. The locals said to leave
melee and ranged abilities or directly mimic a firearm and
it alone. I laughed at them. I don’t remember much
melee weapon. Models with these types of abilities cannot
what happened. When I tried to snatch up the little
be “disarmed,” but they do follow the Reliability rules.
fella, there was a bright flash and then everything
Furthermore, as many upgrades are ranged attacks, they
went black. Woke up with a cauterized wound on my
still may only be used once per turn, barring any abilities
leg. The bot was gone, and I didn’t go looking for it
with the Burst* weapon ability.
---Gaud, Ex-Caravanner Upgrade Types
Robots can be as diverse as humans and mutants. They There are two types of upgrades: hidden and physical.
certainly have different makes and models, but their Physical includes a subtype of physical upgrade called
largest source of variety is the number of upgrades that “mobility upgrades.”
were available for purchase prior to the Great Fall. All
the superficial options were there, like flashy paint jobs, Hidden Upgrades
chromed parts, accent lighting, and more. But the real
robot connoisseur had to have the best. For a little extra Robots are built on frames that can conceal any number
cash, anything was possible. Micro-thrusters for quick trips of secret compartments and cavities. An innocuous
to the supermarket, flamethrowers for pest control, or even access panel may reverse to reveal a gun or something
an internal sound system for the swankiest neighborhood worse. Due to the effects of time, physical damage, and
parties. For the robot manufacturers, no idea was too slipshod repairs, a robot may not be fully aware of all of the
ridiculous or too dangerous as long as money could be upgrades its chassis contains. Just like humans, robots are
made by selling it. not too keen to open up their bodies if they can avoid it.
Gaining Upgrades A robot may have any number of hidden upgrades and
these need not be physically represented on the model
Upgrades are only available to models with the Robot type. itself. This allows a bit of surprise and differentiation among
A robot model’s entry will specify the number of upgrades robot warbands. Obviously, the robot was not consulted
it starts with. Generally, a robot may have any number of during its design and manufacture phase, so what upgrades
upgrades and any exceptions will be noted. it starts with can be a bit random. Because of this, when
Upgrades can be gained in a number of ways, but the most the robot receives a new upgrade, it must randomly roll on
prevalent is through fighting battles and gaining experience. the Hidden Upgrades Tables, though it may choose to roll
These cases are detailed further in the Campaigns section, on either the Defensive or the Offensive Tables. The player
but for now, remember that any time a robot can gain a simply rolls 2D10 and assigns each roll to one or both of
skill, it may instead gain another upgrade. the tables, putting one die on each. Either result may be
taken, although obviously not both.
Note that an upgrade is more than just a software upgrade.
Some upgrades represent hidden capabilities that the
robot did not know it had or could not previously access. Offensive Upgrades
Like any other wastelander, robots are on a journey of self- 1D10 Result Hidden Upgrade
exploration, and sometimes learning about your hidden 1 Telescopic Arms
flamethrower is just as valid as learning a new skill or trick.
2 Pest Controller
Also note that some upgrades duplicate the effects of 3 Hidden Weapon (Melee)
certain skills. As such, a model cannot have both the same
skill and upgrade. If a robot ever receives a skill or upgrade 4 CCQ Protocols
that duplicates an ability it possesses, simply apply another 5 Ammo Hoppers
random result. For example, a robot cannot have both the 6 Assassin Protocols
Hard As Nails skill and the Self-Repair upgrade.
7 Targeting Protocols
Special Note: All models with the Robot ability may take
upgrades, even if they are not part of a robot warband. This 8 Hidden Weapon (Ranged)
includes all robots in older supplements. Simply replace one 9 Night Vision
or more of their skills options with an upgrade. They may 10 Ancient Metal
also take mobility upgrades, which do not count against
their skill or upgrade limit.
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Self-Repair – The robot is programmed with survival a +2 bonus to its Defense stat from attacks with the
protocols and micro-arms that can perform limited Flammable weapon rule. Furthermore, the robot and any
repairs to itself. The robot gains the Hard As Nails skill. friendly models within 6" automatically pass their tests
to avoid being set on fire by Flammable weapons.
CCQ Protocols – The robot’s software has been
upgraded with several forms of martial arts optimized Frenetic Actuators – The robot has a very esoteric
for its type of frame, or its AI simply enjoys hitting things. defense system that saw only limited use prior to the
The robot receives a +1 to its Melee stat. Great Fall. Utilizing a random (or as random as one can
get) number generator, the robot possesses a reactive
Defend-R Shock System – The robot possesses the shunter that is able to launch the robot short distances
proprietary Defend-R Shock anti-theft system. Any when it detects hostile attacks. By randomly generating
enemy model that comes into base contact with this the direction the robot moves, it is thought this will foil
model or starts its activation in base contact with the the attacker’s aim. Whenever this model is hit by any
robot must pass an Agility test (MET/TN 10) or suffer an attack, roll a d10. If the result rolled matches the result
automatic Strength 6 hit. Determine the result of this of the attacker’s to-hit result, then the attack is treated
hit before any actions are performed by either enemy or as a miss instead. If the attack originates at a distance
the robot. Regardless of the result of any hits, only one of 24" or more, the model may roll 2D10 and use either
enemy may be affected by this ability per game turn as result instead. Should this upgrade ever successfully
system needs time to recharge. negate an attack, roll a scatter die and move the robot
d6” in that direction and place the robot prone.
Divergent Programming – This robot’s CPU is
partitioned to allow more efficient processing, but Hidden Weapon (Melee) – The robot’s design includes a
sometimes the budding AI within its system will kick secret compartment to hold a small melee weapon. The
out contrary commands. When taking an Activation reasoning for this has since been lost to time, although
test (MET/TN 10), the model may re-roll a failed result. this upgrade has proven a boon in the wastes. When
A second failure means the programs have disagreed this upgrade is generated, roll a D3 and consult the
on the best course of action and the model may gain following table; the robot gains the weapon indicated.
no AP that turn at all. Note that all rules of the normal This weapon does not count against the carrying
Activation test, such as when Initiative passes, capacity and is otherwise treated as a normal weapon
still apply. of its type. Hidden weapons do not count as a one-
handed weapon for the purpose of the +1 bonus
Fire Suppression – The robot is equipped with a foam-
in melee.
based fire suppression system. The robot receives
This is Not a Test
D3 Weapon Rules Night Vision – This robot has advanced optics that lets
it pierce the darkness of night. The model does not
1 Articulated Counts as a light weapon with the
suffer any penalties associated with the night fighting
Micro-Saw Ignore Armor (1) weapon ability.
2 Precision Counts as a light weapon with the
Snipper Balanced weapon ability. Pest Controller – The robot’s AI was originally
3 X-tendo Razor Counts as a spear. This weapon programmed to be exterminator of small pests. This
cannot be thrown. attribute has turned it into a surprising effective hunter
of wasteland critters. The model gains a +1 bonus to all
Hidden Weapon (Ranged) – The robot has a secret to-wound rolls against models with the Animal, Mutant,
hold-out compartment built into its frame that is or Fungus type.
designed to conceal a small weapon. When this
upgrade is generated, roll a d3 and consult the following Stabilizers – Built to prevent the robot from being
table; the robot gains the weapon indicated. This pushed or moved by outside forces and a common
weapon does not count against the carrying capacity upgrade for military and construction robots, this
and is otherwise treated as a normal weapon of its type. model may take a Strength test (MET/TN 10) to avoid
any involuntary movement. If this model already has a
D3 Weapon Rules similar ability, such as if they are Large or Huge, they
1 Micro-Flamer Counts as a flamethrower but can only may instead add +2 to the test result.
be used once per game.
Targeting Protocols – The robot has beta-tested
2 Ballistic Counts as a machine pistol. projectile targeting software as part of its operating
Defender system. The robot gains a +1 to its Ranged stat. If the
3 Laser Eye Counts as laser pistol. However, range robot suffers a malfunction, this bonus is lost for the
is only 6". remainder of the game. This is automatically repaired in
time for the next campaign game.
Micro-Thrusters – This robot has discrete micro-
boosters built into its chassis. Once per game a model Telescopic Arms – The robot is equipped with
with micro-boosters may jump up to 3" vertically or telescoping appendages that can extend and retract.
horizontally, which may be combined with another This greatly increases their physical reach at the cost
movement or may be used to negate the damage taken of a certain amount of power. This upgrade may be
from a single fall. used to add 2" to the range of any of the robot’s melee
weapons. All such close combat attacks suffer a -1
Strength penalty.
Physical Upgrades Extra Armor (10 BS Per Wound) – Built to withstand the
rigors of the battlefield or extreme working conditions,
Physical upgrades are obvious additions to the robot’s this robot’s design incorporates extra armor. Add +1
chassis or appendages. Physical upgrades must be clearly to the model’s Armor Bonus. This cannot be improved
represented on the model. When a robot becomes eligible beyond +4. This upgrade has a variable cost and can be
for an upgrade, the player may choose any permissible* taken only once per model.
physical upgrade. The Physical upgrade’s cost is noted in
its entry. Additionally, if a robot becomes eligible to receive Flexiarms (10 BS) – The robot is equipped with long
a hidden upgrade, it may opt for a permissible* physical arms that are incredibly durable and flexible. The model
upgrade instead. counts as being equipped with a light weapon that has a
Melee Range of 2” and the Integral rule. These arms do
*NOTE: With the exception of Extra Armor, Razor Wire, not count against the model’s carrying capacity.
Shoulder Mount, and Junk Armor, physical upgrades can
only be taken when the robot is first hired by the warband. Junk Armor (Free) – Additional scraps of metal plating
These upgrades cannot be added later. have been added to this robot’s original frame. While
not particularly effective or pretty, it does make the
Armless (Free) – Form follows function in robots, and robot feel better about its chances of survival in close
some robots were simply designed without arms or combat. The model may add +1 to its Armor Bonus is
appendages. With the exception of integral weapons melee. This may not improve it past +4. This upgrade
and robot upgrades that mimic hand-held weapons can be taken only once per model.
(e.g. Hidden Weapon – Ranged), this model cannot
be equipped with a weapon. This robot must pass an Labor Ready (Free) – Not necessarily an upgrade per se,
Agility test (MET/TN 10) to use any actions normally but actually more of a downgrade in Pre-Fall America.
completed with hands (e.g. opening doors, climbing This robot had been designated for simple physical
ladders, carrying loot, etc.). To compensate for the labor, such as ditch digging, construction duties, etc.
lack of appendages, these models were equipped with This upgrade is free but may only be given to Depend-o-
advanced geo-stabilizers that grant them a +1 to their Bots and Scrappers. The robot gains the Dumb general
Move stat. ability and suffers a -1 to their Ranged stat. However,
they gain +1 to their Melee and Strength stats.
Extended Frame (20 BS) – A rare variant, this model is
much bigger than other robots of its class. The robot Razor Wire (Free) – The robot has decided to borrow a
gains the Large general ability and +1 Strength. page from the Raider playbook and cover its frame in
This is Not a Test
vicious metal spikes or coils of razor wire. Any model Mobility Upgrades
that makes a melee attack against this model must
pass Agility test (MET/TN10) or suffer a Strength 6 hit. If A special type of physical upgrade, mobility upgrades
this model is attacked by a weapon with a Melee Range represent different forms of robot locomotion. When
of 1 inch or greater, the attacker ignores this rule. a robot is first hired, it may take one mobility upgrade.
This upgrade does not count against the robot’s starting
Shoulder Mount (5 BS/10 BS) – The robot has an number of upgrades because it would be unfair to penalize
extra weapon mount on its shoulder or another part a player because she or he wants to use a robot miniature
of its chassis. This weapon mount allows it to carry an with wheels, treads, or other form of non-standard
additional ranged weapon that does not count against propulsion. This option is balanced by the fact that certain
the robot’s carrying capacity. This weapon cannot be mobility upgrades come with their own drawbacks or cost
disarmed, stolen, or lost by the model unless it receives extra BS. If a robot earns a new upgrade, it may choose a
a “Dead” result on the Survival Table or a “Captured” mobility upgrade, but unlike mobility upgrades purchased
result on the Injury Table. This upgrade has a variable when the robot was first hired, this upgrade does count
cost. The first BS cost is used for ranged weapons toward the robot’s total number of upgrades. A model may
with a cost of 10 BS or less, while the second BS cost only have one mobility upgrade at a time.
is for any weapon worth 11 BS or more. Relics, melee
weapons, and grenades cannot be shoulder mounted. Hover Unit (5 BS) –The robot has a scaled down version
of the hover propulsion system that was commonly
Small Frame (Free) – The robot is a smaller variant of its found on elite military transports prior to the Great Fall.
basic model or was designed to be toy-sized. All attacks The model gains the Hover general ability.
against this robot suffer a -1 penalty, but all to-wound
rolls against them gain a +1 bonus. Treads (Free) – Instead of legs, this robot utilizes a
heavy tread system for movement. The robot may
Welded Together (Free) – This robot has been repaired freely traverse difficult terrain without any penalty to
so many times, it is hard to tell where the original ends its movement. A robot with this upgrade may not use
and the spare parts begin. This robot receives a -1 to its ladders or stairs or climb surfaces.
Defense. However, anytime it rolls on the Survival Table,
increase the result by one step. For example, a Severely Wheeled (Free) – The robot is equipped with a single
Wounded becomes Seriously Wounded, Seriously large gyro-stabilized monowheel or other type of
Wounded becomes Banged-Up, and so forth. wheeled system. If this robot uses two or more action
points to move, its Move stat is treated as being 1 point
Note: a Fumble will still result in death and Close Call is higher. For example, a wheeled robot with a Move 4 may
not upgraded to a Lucky Break. spend 2 action points to move 10” across open ground
or 5” across difficult terrain. A robot with this upgrade
may not use ladders or stairs or climb surfaces.
New General Ability
Field Repairs - This model is trained (or programmed) to repair robots and machinery. When in base contact with
a friendly robot model that has been taken out-of-action, this model may attempt to “bring it back online.” By
spending 1 AP, the technician may attempt an Intelligence test (MET/TN 12). Success means the model is brought
back into play with one wound. Additionally, after the battle, if this model does not go out-of-action, one model in
the warband with the Robot subtype may be nominated to receive a +1 bonus when rolling on the Survival Table.
New Freelancers A Mad Roboticist will offer his or her services to anyone
who will give them access to robots. A rare few have even
Any warband may hire any of the following freelancers. managed to convince robot warbands of their utility and are
thus permitted, begrudgingly, to accompany the warband’s
Mad Roboticist robotic warriors into battle. Since robots care little for
human comfort, suffering, or frailty, Mad Roboticists
The first cases of Robot Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who accompany robot warbands typically have a quite
(ROCD) were diagnosed shortly before the start of the bedraggled appearance.
End War. Individuals with this disorder suffered from an
inability to stop thinking about robots and their design, Title Type Defense Wounds
improvement, and repair. People suffering from ROCD Mad Roboticist Human 6 1
were typically first-rate robot technicians but had little
or no interest in interacting other human beings. When Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
they did interact with their fellow humans, it was done for 5 4 4 5 6
the sole purpose of gaining access to robots, parts, and
Accessible Skillsets Quickness, Smarts, and Survival
schematics. The End War did not completely eliminate
this disorder, but it did end any clinical understanding or Special Abilities Starts with the Field Repair general
compassion for sufferers of ROCD. Unconcerned with the ability and the Clever skill.
niceties of past, wastelanders have labeled those who Barter Cost 45
suffer from this disorder “Mad Roboticists.” How these
wastelanders gained their knowledge of robotics is a bit of
a mystery, although a stint in the Preserver Movement is
practically guaranteed.
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Little Cuties
Before the Great Fall, there was a large market for robots
designed primarily for children. The models were both small
and took many innocuous and non-threatening forms such
as teddy bears, baby dolls, and other loveable critters.
Because they were designed and manufactured “on the
cheap,” cuties would, on occasion, go homicidal. These
dangerous tendencies resulted in multiple liability lawsuits,
but the matter was never resolved due to the onset of the
apocalypse. In the wastelands, little cuties are often tasked
to serve as scouts since their small size makes them ideal
for stealth. However, their favorite tactic is to simply lie like
an abandoned toy on the ground or in a heap of junk. This
tactic lets them observe enemies forces unimpeded, but
when something gets a little to close, they tend to spring
up and attack with homicidal glee.
New Warband Ranks Dangerously Infamous (1101 – 1300 BS)
• Ghost Armor (8 EXP): Instead of starting in a robot from
Warband ranks may be taken freely by robot warbands.
its warband, the Shard AI may occupy an empty suit of
Below are some ranks that are unique to robot warbands
power armor. This option uses the stats and rules below.
to differentiate them a bit from their biological enemies.
Note that any ranks that give skills may also be used to give
Title Type Defense Wounds
Power-Armored AI Shard Robot 6 (10) 2
Atomic Punks (501-700 BS)
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
• Reliable Robot (8 EXP) – The first time a robot from 5 4 4 7 5
the warband Malfunctions as a result of a Fumble on an Accessible Skillsets All
Activation test, they do not gain a Malfunction token. All
Special Abilities Ghost Armor, Machine Learning, and
other effects caused by the Fumble resolve normally.
Functional Power Armor.
Wasteland Warriors (701- 900 BS) BS Cost 75
The warband has been active enough to access better war Ghost Armor – Like the Ghost in the Machine special
gear, and of course, they want to show off these new toys rule, except the Shard starts in a suit of power armor,
as much as possible. which uses the above stats. It also gains any skills
earned. Should this robot be taken out-of-action it may
• Improved Broadcast 1 (8 EXP): Extend the range of the transfer per the Viral rule as normal.
Custodian MK IV’s Central Hub rule to 9".
Machine Learning – The power armor used as a body
• Ghosting 1 (8 EXP): When a robot with the Viral rule goes is just a blank slate and cannot gain upgrades or any
out-of-action, the upgrade may jump to another friendly advances that affect a model’s stats. Instead, the Shard
robot within 9" instead of 6". will continue to gain experience as described under its
original rules. Any new bonuses or skill it learns that way
• Maintenance Package (8 EXP): The warband gains the
will apply to this model as well. If this model is taken
Reliable Robot warband special rule, if the warband does
out-of-action, do not roll on the Survival Table. Instead,
not have it already. If it already possesses this rule, it gains
the Viral AI will lose 1 EXP and will automatically recover;
a second use of it instead.
ignore the Machine Learning rule if the model does not
have any unused Experience Points.
Half-Life Heroes (901 – 1100 BS)
Functional Power Armor – The power armor suit is
• Improved Broadcast 2 (8 EXP): Extend the range of the
impacted by all rules that affect power armor. However,
Custodian MK IV’s Central Hub rule to 12". This rank cannot
the Robot type rules for Malfunctioning are used instead
be chosen unless the warband has the Improved Broadcast
of the ones for power armor. The model also has the
1 rank, which it replaces.
Armor Plating rule and an Armor Bonus (+4). All stat
• Ghosting 2 (8 EXP): When a robot with the Viral rule goes bonuses from the armor have been applied above.
out-of-action, the upgrade may jump to another friend robot
within 12" instead of 6". This rank cannot be chosen unless
the warband has the Ghosting 1 rank, which it replaces.
This is Not a Test
infamy, the tool fell out of mainstream medical use must harvested from inert nanite hotspots, those willing
and was abandoned to those who thought it would to risk such an endeavor are few and far between,
make a hilarious robot appendage. Fisto-Oh! appears making this relic particularly rare and expensive.
to a normal metallic robot hand but with a quick flip, Whenever a model equipped with a Fail-Safe goes out-
can switch between a retractable plunger-like object of-action due to wound loss, place the model prone.
or a series of rotating micro-digits. Any model hit by Immediately roll a Survival test (MET/TN 10). If failed,
Fisto-Oh! but not taken out-of-action suffers a -2 to the model goes out-of-action as normal; the Fail-Safe
its next Activation test as it suffers the indignity and was not able to keep the model going. On a success,
embarrassment of being hit with such a weapon. The the model immediately comes back into play with one
Gimp, from the Mutant Cannibal warband, is immune to wound. Place the model Prone, but otherwise the
this effect. model may act normally. The Fail-Safe does not test for
malfunction but is a one-use item.
Plasma Cutter – The plasma cutter was a dual-use piece
of equipment that was reserved for specialist military Grudge-Maker – A proprietary upgrade for many robots,
applications and high-end construction jobs. For the the Grudge-Maker that was factory installed and was
military, it was designed to breach steel fortifications designed to prevent robot theft. Whenever the robot
or for combat against robots or power-armored troops. is deactivated without the proper protocols, a hidden
For construction, it was a used to quickly cut through explosive device will be set off, hopefully injuring or
tough materials without the necessity of heavy industrial deterring any would-be thieves. This relic must be taken
cutters. Its appearance depends on its function, with when the robot is first added to the warband and cannot
the combat weapon having a longer haft to expose be taken later. Whenever this robot is taken out-of-
more of the plasma coils while the reverse was true for action, the Grudge-Maker may be activated. All models
industry due to safety concerns. within 3” of the robot with this relic suffer an automatic
Strength 7 hit. Any models hit by this effect are knocked
Relic Equipment prone if they survive the blast.
Relic Equipment Table Protector Field – Similar to the Battle Force Field,
the Protector Field operates on the same principal
Item BS Cost Rarity
but is calibrated to work with robots whose own
Fail-Safe 20 Rare electromagnetic pulses prevent the BFF from operating.
Grudge-Maker 10 Scarce While certainly not as powerful, the Protector Field
Protector Field 15 Sporadic is still better than relying on armor alone. A model
equipped with a Protector Field receives a +1 to its
Defense from any ranged attack that originates from 12”
Fail-Safe – This relic uses re-purposed nanite technology
farther away from the model. The Protector Field may
to allow the robot to be almost instantaneously repaired
not be used by a model that has the Armor Plating rule,
should it suffer damage. Since the parts of the Fail-Safe
and the bonus does not count as an Armor Bonus.
This is Not a Test
The Quantum Wanderer may deploy anywhere up to 6″ from their selected board
edge. For more than two players, use additional table edges
or try to get an even distribution so models do not start too
close to each other. Players will roll for Initiative as normal.
On occasion, wandering robots can be encountered singly
or in small groups traveling about the wasteland. Depending Special Rules
on the condition and proclivity of the robot, such an
Quantum Cola™ Vendo – Before the Great Fall, the
encounter could turn deadly or profitable and sometimes
Atomic Beverage Company—or ABC for short—
both. In a nearby settlement, rumors tell of very rare Vendo
experimented with special variants of their acclaimed
robot trundling along an old highway. Such a prize would be
cola. One such rarity was Quantum Cola that used
quite valuable to the warband that can claim it.
special isotopes to created a neat glowing effect. While
harmless in its day, the isotopes have become unstable
The Board
over time and now generate a bizarre quantum shunt
No particular set-up is required, so players are free to place effect when disturbed or agitated. Before the first turn
terrain as they wish. It is recommended there be a mix of of the game, deploy a Vendo robot at the center of the
terrain to provide cover and block line-of-sight. table. This model uses the below rules:
Can Cannon – Treat as armed with a grenade launcher Bottle of Quantum Cola – Only dispensed by a special
that has a range of only 12". The equipment’s can variant of the Vendo robot, bottles of this extremely
grenades have a Strength of 6 and also has the Poison, rare soda exhibit quantum shunting properties when
Small Blast, and Quantum Bounce (see below) special agitated. Being blasted short distances through time
rules. and space can be annoying for sure, but it can also save
one’s hide in a pinch. Whenever this model is hit by any
Quantum Bounce – Any model hit by the Quantum™ attack, roll a d10. If the result rolled matches the result
Cola Vendo’s can cannon will be teleported briefly of the attack’s to-hit result, then the attack is treated
through multiple realities. Roll a scatter die for such a as a miss instead. If a Fumble is rolled on this attempt,
model and move them D6+3” in the rolled direction, the bottle fizzes over and cannot be used for the rest of
bypassing all terrain. Only stop the model should it be the game. A model cannot benefit from both this relic
unable to fully clear impassable terrain or leave the and the Frenetic Shunt upgrade. Should this relic ever
table. Additionally, each time a Quantum Cola™ Vendo successfully negate an attack, roll scatter and move
is successfully hit by any attack, scatter them as above, the model D6" in that direction, bypassing all terrain.
but also move them 2D10” instead. Only stop the model should it be unable to fully clear
Claiming the Chassis – Once the Quantum™ Cola Vendo impassable terrain or leave the table. This relic can be
is taken out-of-action, its body can be claimed. During sold for 15 BS but otherwise cannot be bought.
the last turn of the game, the warband with the most To determine the Experience Points earned for this
models within 1" of the downed robot are considered to scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
have possession of it. following table:
Conclusion Quantum Wanderer Experience Table
The game will last for eight turns or until only one warband Activity XPs
remains on the table. Wounding an enemy model or taking one 1
Rewards Participating in current scenario. 2
The winning warband may redraw up to two cards from Winning warband leader. 2
the Wasteland Deck when determining income after a
campaign game. This is described further under Income in
the Campaigns section. Additionally, the winning warband
gains a free bottle of Quantum Cola. This is a piece of
relic equipment.
This is Not a Test
Name Type Defense Wounds Disposable Lost-Tech – The area where the scenario
takes place is home to high-end but surprisingly
Viral AI Inferior Host Robot 6 (7) 1
disposable, relics. Each warband gains three pieces,
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle which they may assign to any model—even a rank-and-
file model. However, the Lost-Tech must go to three
5 3 4 5 5
different models. Each relic adds +1 to the model’s
Skills and Mutations None Move, Range, or Melee stat, and the player may choose
Special Abilities Electronic Possession the effect for each model. These relics last for this
Equipment Light Weapon and SMG game only and go away at the end.
Classification Deadly
Electronic Possession – When a model inhabited by
The game lasts for eight turns or until only one warband
the Viral AI is put out-of-action, the AI will jump to the
remains on the board.
closest model with the Robot type within 12". If a
robot is not available, the AI will transfer into a model Rewards
equipped with a relic, technically jumping into the relic. If
no such model is available within 12", the AI will remain The warband in control of the host at the end of the game
with the corpse until a valid target is available. Note the is the winner. The winning warband may redraw up to two
target cannot fight this possession. If the new host is cards from the Wasteland Deck when determining income
a robot, the robot suffers a -2 to its Mettle as it fights after a campaign game. This process is described further
the possession. If the host is a relic, the relic ceases to under Income in the Campaigns section. The winner may
function. If the target has multiple relics, the player may also sell off the Viral AI for 35 BS.
choose which ceases to function. The Viral AI remains
with the host until the host is put out-of-action and To determine the Experience Points earned for this
the AI jumps. A Viral may only make six such jumps per scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
game. Once the Viral AI has jumped for the sixth time, it following table:
will stay in its next host for the rest of the game, even if
it is just a corpse. Electronic Devils Experience Table
Activity XPs
Possession of the Host – If a Viral AI ends the game in
Wounding an enemy model or taking one 1
a host that is not out-of-action, the owner of that model
is considered to have control of the AI. If the last host
was taken out-of-action, then the warband that has the Acting as host for Viral AI 1
most models within base contact with the downed host Participating in current scenario 2
is considered to have control. Winning warband leader 2
This is Not a Test
Deployment Conclusion
Players should roll off to see who deploys their models The game lasts for six turns or until only one warband
first. Their models may deploy anywhere up to 6" from remains on the board. Likewise, the game ends if all the
their selected board edge. For more than two players, use specially hired robots of one side are fully taken out-
additional table edges or try to get an even distribution so of-action.
models do not start close to near each other. Players will
roll for Initiative as normal. Rewards
Special Rules The warband with the most VPs is the winner. The winning
warband may redraw up to two cards from the Wasteland
Reduced Warbands – Players do not deploy their normal Deck when determining income after a campaign game.
warbands. Instead, they may field only 200 BS worth of This is described further under Income in the Campaigns
models, none of which can be their leaders. They are section. Both warbands gain 10 BS for each Victory Point
otherwise free to choose any models up to the 200 they earn, up to a maximum of 40 BS each.
BS limit.
To determine the Experience Points earned for this
Robots Ready to Rumble – In place of the rest of their scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
warband, each player may take up to 200 BS worth of following table:
robot models. The Custodian Alpha MK IV, AI Shard, and
android may not be taken, but otherwise, the players Robot Rumble Experience Table
may buy any robot they wish, ignoring the normal limits Activity XPs
on elites, specialists, etc. The 200 BS may also be used
Wounding an enemy model or taking one 1
to purchase any weapons and equipment for the robots. out-of-action
Note that any robots or items bought with this BS are
only used for this game and cannot be retained in Participating in current scenario 2
any way. Winning warband leader 2
This is Not a Test
Suddenly Cyborg their ranks. Besides the usual Victory Points for taking out
the enemy, both warbands can earn points for revealing and
“Hello friend. My name is Joe Realman. I have then taking out the hidden androids.
traveled many kilometers through the wasteland.
Your settlement appears to be full of humans. As I Victory Points
am human, I would like to join your settlement.
Action VPs
May I enter?”
---Joe “Not a Robot” Realman Wounding an Enemy Model or Taking One 1*
Background Revealing an Android 2
For its relative rarity, robot infiltration of humanity is a Taking a Android Out-of-Action 3*
common fear for many wastelanders. Indeed, as long *These points are not cumulative with each other.
as their human skin-like outer casing remains intact,
androids can seem to be totally human, even under direct Deployment
scrutiny, and for many, this prospect is frightening. To
be fair, androids may infiltrate a human enclave for any Players should roll off to see who deploys their models first.
number of reasons. Some many simply want information or The winning player may select a board edge and deploy
companionship or to trade. Those are the most common their models anywhere along their chosen board edge;
reasons, and almost all such intrusions go undetected. all warband members must touch the board edge and be
But again, to be fair, more than one settlement or traveling within 9" of each other. The remaining player may deploy in
caravan has let in a killer robot unwittingly and paid for it in the same manner on the opposite edge of the table.
Special Rules
The Board
Androids Among Us – One or more of the warbands
No particular set-up is required, so players are free to place have had a low-ranking member secretly replaced by
terrain as they wish. It is recommended there be a mix of an android. Only by damaging their outer composite
terrain to provide cover and block line-of-sight. shell will their robotic nature be revealed. Whenever a
rank-and-file model is hit by a melee or ranged attack
Mission that has a Strength score, the attacker should roll an
additional D10. On a Critical, the rank-and-file model is
Two warbands have met their rivals while traveling in the a hidden android. Replace that warband model with an
wastes, and blood is going to be shed. Unbeknownst to appropriate robotic model that uses the stats and rules
both warbands is that one or more androids have infiltrated
below; the model also retains whatever weapon it was Conclusion
carrying at the time it was revealed. The original model
lost this way is removed from the game but does not The game lasts for eight turns or until only one warband
need to roll on the Survival Table or count as going out- remains on the board.
of-action. The android follows the rules for Creatures of
the Waste after it is revealed. Rewards
Only So Many – Once a warband loses a model from The warband with the most VPs is the winner. The winning
the Androids Among Us rule, there is no need to make warband may redraw up to two cards from the Wasteland
further rolls to potentially reveal an android for this Deck when determining income after a campaign game.
warband; continue to roll for other warbands. Note that This is described further under Income in the Campaigns
is quite possible that one or more warbands may not section. If a warband takes an android out-of-action, they
have an android revealed should a Critical not be rolled. gain a 30 BS bounty bonus from a local settlement. This
can only be claimed once by each warband.
Title Type Defense Wounds
To determine the Experience Points earned for this
Hidden Android Robot 7 (8) 2 scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
following table:
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 5 5 5 6 Suddenly Cyborg Experience Table
Accessible Skillsets Player may choose any four. Activity XPs
Special Abilities Starts with Assassin Protocols, Wounding an enemy model or taking one 1
Hidden Weapon (Melee), and Hidden out-of-action
Weapon (Ranged) upgrades. The
robot has an Armor Bonus (+1). Participating in current scenario* 2
Winning warband leader 2
Unhinged – The android
automatically passes all Morale *A model removed from this battle due to the Androids Among Us
Tests and will never push an enemy rule gains this experience.
model out of combat.
This is Not a Test
Special Rules take no further actions. From then on, the robot will
count as being in the possession of the model in base
Depend-O-Bots – The robots use the stats below. Each contact with it or the nearest model if no one is in
comes equipped with either a light weapon or a rifle, contact with it. Possession of said robot can change
shotgun, or pistol. depending on the fortunes of battle. Depend-O-Bots
can be dragged, but models will halve their speed while
Title Type Defense Wounds moving with them.
Depend-O-Bot Robot 6 (8) 1
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 4 3 5 5 The game will last for eight turns or until only one warband
remains on the board.
Accessible Skillsets All
Special Abilities The Depend-o-Bots come equipped Rewards
with either a light weapon, rifle,
shotgun, or pistol. They also have an The winner may redraw up to two cards from the Wasteland
Armor Bonus (+2). They do not start Deck when determining income after a campaign game.
with any upgrades. This is described further under Income in the Campaigns
section. Additionally, for each robot in their possession, the
No Fear – The model automatically
passes all Morale and Grazed Tests. warband gains 25 BS.
At the end of each game turn, the robots will take the To determine the Experience Points earned for this
following actions. They otherwise use the Creatures of scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
the Wastes rules. following table:
If there is a player-controlled model within 12" and the Die, Robot Experience Table
robot is equipped with a firearm, they will attempt to Activity XPs
shoot the nearest such model, taking one shot each
Wounding an enemy model or taking one 1
turn. The robots have no sense of self-preservation out-of-action
and will not seek cover. They will stay in their current
Participating in current scenario 2
position and shoot until they take their target out-of-
action, any possible target moves further than 12" away, Disabling a Depend-O-Bot 2
or the robot is disabled. While firing, they will only shoot Winning warband leader 2
once per turn and take no other actions.
This is Not a Test
Robot Raid by Andrew R. Martin avoiding tripping up the automated guards. To date, no
scavengers have been able to get past the defenses, but
“Didja hear about ol’ Carjack Pete and Bottlecap there have been plenty of folks brave, crazy, or stupid
Slim? Said they found an ol’ military place or enough to try.
somesuch, just a-brimming with scrap and salvage,
what would make any Bandit King green with envy. Victory Points
‘Course, last I heard, Pete got chewed up by whatever
Action VPs
security is still tickin’, an’ Bottlecap ain’t gonna
be getting much use outta his legs anymore. Poor Wounding an Enemy Model or Taking One 1
boys, but still tho’, were I a younger man, can’t say I Out-of-Action
wouldn’t be a-seekin’ my millions over there myself...” Taking a Defense Robot Out-of-Action 1
Each Warband Member Inside the Pre-Fall 2
---Obediah Hawthorne, Caravanner, retired
Facility at End of Game
The Board Unlocking the Pre-Fall Facility 4
Robots Once the alarm has been sounded, one player will roll a
d4 at the start of the next round, and that number will
B-H01DR: The outside of the facility is patrolled by activate the Depend-O-Bot within the corresponding
two B-H01DR robots (see Kickstart the Wasteland pg. building. Place the robot on the nearest door facing
12) that are armed with built-in flamethrowers. During the player’s model(s), and that robot will act as normal
the creature phase they will move D10” in a random during the creature phase. Players will repeat this
direction, unless a player’s model is within their line- process each turn until either the game ends or all four
of-sight. For the purposes of this scenario they are Depend-o-Bots have been deployed.
considered to have a 90˚ arc of vision. Once one spots
a player model, it will immediately use both of its AP Breaking In – To enter the facility, a model must first
to move toward the model, and if it is close enough, it pass a 2 AP Intelligence test (MET/TN 10) as it attempts
will attack with it is flamethrower. After the alarm has to bypass the ancient locks on the facility’s doors. Once
been sounded, they activate normally as creatures as the doors open, any models may move inside normally
described on page 129 of the main rulebook. but only on the door that has been unlocked. Place
Depend-o-Bots: In addition to the B-H01DRs patrolling a counter next to the unlocked door to help players
the perimeter, the facility is also guarded by four remember. It should be noted that if the building has
Depend-o-Bots armed with integral SMGs and light any additional doors, the same attempt may be made at
melee weapons. These robots will not start the game in other entries.
active mode and will be considered hidden in the four Going Inside – Once models have entered the facility,
other surrounding structures (see Deployment). Once they are considered off the board but do not count as
they have been activated, they will act as normal in the casualties for the purposes of morale. If a player wishes
creature phase, except they will use all of their AP to to bring that model back onto the board (to assist in
burst if they are within line-of-sight of a player model and a combat for example), then they may do so. Place
have the range to do so. the model in base contact with any open door on the
Pre-Fall Tech: Because robots have been in continuous building and roll to activate as normal. The model may
operation since before the war, they will require an re-enter the facility at any time so long as it has AP to
Activation test for each robot at the beginning of the do so.
creature phase. If a ‘1’ is rolled, the something has
gone wrong with the robot, and it must spend that turn
running-self diagnostics and making repairs. It will not The game ends after eight turns or if one warband retreats,
move and will do nothing else during that turn. If a 2 whichever comes first. The warband with the most VPs is
or higher is rolled, it will still receive 2 AP as normal. the winner.
It should be noted that if a B-H01DR has failed its
activation, it can still sound the alarm if a player model Rewards
ends its movement within its line-of-sight.
The winning warband may redraw up to two cards from
Special Rules the Wasteland Deck when determining income after a
A Little Discretion – Because of the danger posed campaign game. This process is described further under
by the facility’s security systems, the warbands have Income in the Campaigns section of the This Is Not a Test
both decided to approach the facility at night. For rulebook. Additionally, for each of the player’s warband
that reason, the rules for Night Ambush will be used members that ended the game within the facility, they
as described on page 155 of the This Is Not a Test receive D10 additional barter script for useful scrap that
rulebook. they found. The winning warband may also roll 2D10 and
pick the higher number when rolling for relic Rarity as
Sounding the Alarm – Once one of the B-H01DR models described on page 153 in the main rulebook.
has spotted a player’s model, the robot will begin
remotely entering the alarm protocols into the facility’s To determine Experience Points, consult the following table:
systems. The alarm will not be sounded until the next
round and will be canceled if the player’s model is Robot Raid Experience Table
able to take the B-H01DR out of action. The alarm will Activity XPs
also automatically sound if a player model uses any
Wounding an enemy model/robot or 1
grenade or any ranged weapon aside from the bow, taking one out-of-action
compound bow, crossbow, crossbow pistol, or the
Needler. Additionally, the alarm will also be sounded if Participating in current scenario 2
either player uses a Chainblade in melee. It should be Unlocking the Pre-Fall facility 2
noted that once both B-H01DRs have been taken out of Ending the game inside the Pre-Fall facility 2
action, models may use all weapons normally without Winning warband leader 2
sounding the alarm.
This is Not a Test
Relic Melee Weapons Table
Type Range Strength 1H/2H Special Rules BS Cost Rarity
Melee Thrown
Cryo-Maul Base N/A STR+1 1H Cryo, Malfunction Prone 25 Rare
Excavator Claws Base N/A STR+2 2H Heavy, User may burrow 20 Scarce
Flash Baton Base N/A STR+1 1H Distracting, Malfunction Prone 20 Ultra-Rare
Monofilament Knife Base N/A STR+1 1H Ignore Armor (2), Malfunction Prone 20 Scarce
Nanite-Staff 1" N/A STR+1 2H Malfunction Prone, Haywire 20 Scarce
Shock Glove Base N/A STR+1 1H Malfunction Prone, Electric Arc 20 Sporadic
Thunderpunch Base N/A STR+1 1H Ignore Armor (2), Malfunction Prone 20 Scarce
New Relic Melee Weapons The glove will release an intense electrical shock when
slapped hard against something. Many within the
Cryo-Maul – A decidedly simple use of cryo technology, Preserver Movement especially prize the shock glove
the cryo-maul stores a small amount of the chemical as a weapon of civility and sophistication that elevates
in its tip, which is release against whatever the maul them above the common wasteland masses.
strikes. Particularly useful for taking down larger targets,
cryo-mauls are a favorite of wasteland hunters. Nanite-Staff – A particularly rare item, even before the
Great Fall, the nanite-staff was issued to police and
Excavator Claws – Similar in appearance to actuated military forces assigned to fight power-armor-equipped
gauntlets, excavator claws are large digging apparatuses adversaries (e.g. criminals using stolen suits or robots
that fit over the user’s hands. The claws allow the that had gone rogue). Using the same technology
operator to quickly dig through dirt like a mole and found in the ZINGer as both items were made by Zephyr
are even semi-useful in combat, if a bit bulky. A model Industries, the staff, when struck, releases a small
equipped with excavator claws may burrow (in the number of nano-robots that will shock any sensitive
same way as the mutation on page 38 of the main TNT electronics before dying. When a model is hit by the
rulebook) and may be employed in melee by using the nanite-staff, one relic the model is carrying—as chosen
above profile. However, while wearing the claws, the by its opponent—or the model themselves if it is the
model may use no other items or weapons that require robot type counts as malfunctioning per the Malfunction
hands. A model may remove the claws during the Prone rule. One-shot relics or relics that cannot be
course of a game, but their complicated rigging means restarted, such as Pre-Fall Ammo, are not affected by
this takes two full AP to do so. this rule. Relic grenades are affected by this rule, but the
model loses one available grenade.
Flash Baton – Often paired with light-blocking glasses,
the flash baton emits a blinding light when used in Thunderpunch – When first imported from the
combat. This light, though only brief, can be very South American war front, the thunder punch was
disorienting for those without protective eyewear. Flash considered a novelty with little combat utility. However,
batons are a favorite of peacekeeping line-breakers, when adopted by many street gangs, it soon gained
who prefer the solid heft and simple efficiency of the a notorious reputation among police forces. The
weapon when compared to more temperamental relic thunderpunch is a brick-sized sonic projector mounted
melee weapons. onto a heavy glove that is fitted with a small-pressure
plate. When pushed, the pressure plate releases a small
Monofilament Knife – One of the most widely available
but tightly concentrated wave of sonic force. In addition
relics, the monofilament knife was assigned to
to the damaging effect of this force, the thunderpunch
commando units that were tasked with hunting enemy
can knock its target back several feet. When the user
operatives in combat and power armor. But it was
wins combat, in addition to the to-wound roll, he or she
also assigned to many officers on home guard duty.
may elect to take an opposed Strength test against his
Consisting of a blade honed to a single monomolecular
or her opponent. If the player wins, the enemy model
edge, the ridiculously sharp knife was responsible for
can be knocked back up to 3” instead of just 1”. Should
many horrific injuries, with more than a few caused by
that model hit a solid object, they suffer a Strength 5 hit
daring to shave with it.
and are knocked Prone. Should the knocked back model
Shock Glove – Originally converted from a low-powered hit another model, both models take a Strength 5 hit
medical device, the shock glove consists of single and are knocked Prone.
glove made of specially woven material that is laced
with intricate wiring and hooked to a small power pack.
This is Not a Test
Relic Ranged Weapons Table
Type Max Range Strength Reliability 1H/2H Special Rules BS Cost Rarity
Auto-Laser 16” 6 2 2H Burst, Compact, Laser, 20 Scarce
Malfunction Prone
Auto-Laser Pistol 12” 6 2 1H Burst, Compact, Laser, 25 Rare
Malfunction Prone
Cryo-Blaster 24” 6 2 2H Cryo, Malfunction Prone 25 Scarce
Cryo-Projector Flame 6 2 2H Cryo, Limited Ammo, 25 Scarce
Template Malfunction Prone,
Light Plasma Gun 16” 8 2 2H Burst, Malfunction Prone, Plasma 20 Rare
Lil’ Pyro Flame 6 N/A 1H Flammable, One-time use only 10 Rare
Rad Gun 24” 6 2 2H Malfunction Prone, Irradiate (2) 20 Scarce
Tri-Beam Laser 16” 6 2 2H Malfunction Prone, Split Beam 18 Scarce
New Relic Ranged Weapons Auto-Laser Pistol – Simply a cut-down version of the
auto-laser, the pistol variant was made for close-
Auto-Laser – A variant of the laser carbine, the auto- quarters work and was often assigned as a side arm to
laser, or automatic laser, was developed as an anti- officers in the National Guard.
infantry weapon and was to be analogous to a sub-
machine gun in use and deployment. Created rather late Cryo-Blaster – The cryo-blaster is a projectile weapon
during the End War, it was mainly used by National Guard that shoots hollow shells with cryo-chemicals inside
units deployed to protect government ration depots and them. Like all cryo weapons, this blaster includes the
to control riots. While having a better rate of fire than ability to manufacture cryo-chemicals in small amounts,
the carbine, the auto-laser laser had a shorter range and leaving the owners with the rather onerous task of
was preferred by units deployed to urban areas. making their own shell casings.
Cryo-Projector – What has been called a reverse highly radioactive projectiles. The original intent of
flamer by more than one Savant of the Preservers, the this weapon has been lost to time, but some within
cryo-projector is a rifle-sized firearm designed to spray the Preservers theorize it was meant to capitalize on
cryo-chemicals over multiple hostiles. Effective even the fear that the Last Americans had for the eventual
on the move, the projector is a weapon sought after by nuclear holocaust that consumed them.
slavers and those interested in taking captives alive. The
weapon uses the flame template for range and the user Tri-Beam Laser – An unusual weapon, the tri-beam
does not suffer the -1 penalty to firing if they move. laser is at base, a laser carbine that was modified by
illegal aftermarket parts by criminal and domestic terror
Light Plasma Gun – Sometimes referred to as the LPG, groups. Due to the changes made to the crystal optics
the light plasma gun was an attempt to model the in the weapon, the tri-beam laser, when fired, would
effectiveness of the plasma caster to a more compact shoot three laser beams instead of just one. Of course,
size. About the size of a plasma rifle, the LPG has a this modification meant a reduction in effective range
smaller plasma tank reserve but is able to heat this and accuracy and made it impossible for the weapon to
reserve much more quickly for faster firing, although be converted back to a normal laser carbine. Still, the
admittedly at the cost of stopping power. ability to plug a target with multiple beams of energy
makes the weapon a sought-after relic.
Lil’ Pyro – Prior to the Great Fall, there were numerous
civilian weapons that crossed the line into military
functionality, along as the purchaser had the proper
licenses and/or connections to buy them. One such
weapon was the one-shot flamethrower, lovingly titled
the Lil’ Pyro. Marketed as fun for ages 10 and up,
the Lil’ Pyro could store enough fuel to shoot
a single burst of flame, equivalent in size
to a normal flamethrower yet can easily
be used one-handed. The Lil’ Pyro
uses the flame template for range,
and the user does not suffer the
-1 penalty to firing if he or she
moves. It may only be used
once per game.
This is Not a Test
Relic Support Weapons Table
Support Weapon Type Max Range Strength Reliability 1H/2H Special Rules BS Cost Rarity
Cryocannon 36" 8 2 2H Burst, Cryo, Malfunction Prone, 15 Ultra-Rare
Move or Fire
Heavy Mining Laser 24" 9 2 2H Laser, Malfunction Prone, Move 20 Ultra-Rare
or Fire, Split Beam
Lasercannon 30" 9 2 2H Laser, Malfunction Prone, Move 25 Ultra-Rare
or Fire, Penetrating
Rad Blaster 24" 6 2 2H Deviate, Large Blast, Limited 25 Ultra-Rare
Ammo, Malfunction Prone,
Irradiate (2), Move or Fire
Railgun 36" 8 1 2H Move or Fire, Malfunction Prone, 25 Ultra-Rare
+2 to STR if used with 2 AP
New Relic Support Weapons Rad Blaster – The larger cousin of the rad thrower, the
rad blaster is a hot zone in the making. The rad blaster
Cryocannon – The largest weapon of the cryo family, the features a holding area that scrap canisters can be
cryocannon is a heavily advanced light machine gun with loaded in to. After a few seconds, the weapon will infuse
an inbuilt cryo-chemical reservoir. Combining the heavy this canister with high levels of radiation, which can
hitting power of the light machine gun with disabling then be launched from its front tube. When landing, the
potential of cryo ammunition, the cryocannon is a canister will saturate a substantial amount of area at
decidedly effective weapon against the larger mutant the equivalent of nuclear fallout. The rad blaster follows
creatures that prowl the wastes. the same rules as the grenade launcher, except it can
only fire its own ammunition and uses the profile from
Heavy Mining Laser – More commonly called the HML,
the Relic Support Weapon Table.
the heavy mining laser was not actually intended for
battlefield applications but instead for use in heavy Railgun – A large electromagnetic projectile launcher,
mining and construction. The HML is barely man- the railgun uses electricity instead of explosives or
portable and was more often seen set into construction propellant. A surprisingly reliable relic, though one of
vehicles. When fired, the HML projects a pulse of advanced engineering, the weapon is both powerful
powerful but short-ranged laser beams. and easy to maintain by wasteland standards. Because
it can be powered by simple batteries and ammunition
Lasercannon – One of the largest of laser weapons
is relatively easy to make, the rail gun is a favorite of
intended for military battlefield use, the lasercannon
traders and other merchants, who appreciate its long-
was designed as an anti-vehicle weapon that could
term cost efficiency. Another appreciated feature is the
be carried and fired by a single soldier or hopefully a
operator may increase the velocity of the projectile by
fire team. Unlike normal laser weapons which were
overcharging the magnets, although this puts a strain on
highly accurate yet low strength, the lasercannon could
the system. The shooter may choose to spend 2 AP to
penetrate multiple enemies along a single vector. On a
fire the weapon instead of 1. If doing so, add a +2 to the
tightly packed battlefield, facing the lasercannon was a
weapon’s Strength and increase its Reliability to 2; this
fearsome prospect.
increase lasts for this activation only.
This is Not a Test
New Relic Grenades poor products or fail to deliver altogether. One such
product was the Titan Weapon and Tractor Concern
Air-Burster – An example of the marvelous technology cryo-grenade. Titan simply converted standard
the Last Americans put toward waging their wars, the air- fragmentation grenades by removing some of the
burster is slightly larger than a standard fragmentation payload and adding an aftermarket cryo-chemical
grenade and has a built-in micro-thruster. This thruster reservoir. Despite being almost a third larger than a
lets the air-burster hover for a brief period and also normal fragmentation grenade and having a strange
increases the velocity of the grenade’s payload. These oblong shape, the Titan version performed to specs. Of
two features allow the air-burster to have a much larger course, when issued to battlefield units, the weapon’s
spread than most other grenades, greatly improving its awkward form was not well received and was frequently
lethality. seconded to units who were deployed closer to home
and did not have much of a choice in the matter. As a
Cryo-Grenade – During the Last War, increasing demand
result, the Titan cryo-grenade is a relatively common
for cryo weaponry rapidly outstretched supply. As a
relic in the wastes today, and its faults are generally
result, contracts were given to many different defense
companies knowing that some of them would deliver
EMP Grenade – The Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, Lingerer – The lingerer is a time-release gas grenade
Grenade was issued to combat units expected to face capable of being filled with a number of different
advanced enemy technology. When thrown, the EMP concoctions. Few of these relic weapons—which can
grenade will release an electromagnetic burst in a short be recovered after use—have their original chemical
pulse that will disrupt or potentially damage sensitive compounds intact, so enterprising wastelanders have to
electronics. Unlike nanite weapons, which will target make their own. When thrown or launched, the grenade
single items, the EMP pulse will target all items but to a will slowly release its payload for several seconds
lesser effect. When models are hit by the EMP grenade, before finally emptying with one final burst. The lingerer
they must roll a D10 for each relic they are carrying. On a follows all the normal rules for grenades except after
roll of 5 or higher, the relic counts as malfunctioning per determining wherever the grenade lands, resolve the
the Malfunction Prone rule. Should the model have the effect of the attack but do not remove the template.
robot type, the model must pass a Mettle test (MET/TN Continue to resolve during the clean-up phase for D3
10) or malfunction as well. One-shot relics or relics that subsequent rounds. The following types of gasses may
cannot be restarted, such as Pre-Fall Ammo, are not be used in the lingerer but only one may be used per
affected by this rule. Relic grenades are affected by this game (and the type may be changed between games):
rule, but the model loses one available grenade. fear, fire, and toxin. A separate weapon profile for each
is included in the above table.
Fear Gas – Another weapon banned by peacetime
armament conventions but still used by all sides in Smart Bomb – Formally designated as a “precision-
the End War, fear gas is a canister grenade filled with a guided munition,” smart bombs carry the same punch of
burning gas that is laced with powerful hallucinogens. a standard fragmentation grenade, but with the benefit
When exposed to this gas, the victims face potentially of extremely small inertia adjusters and an on-board
fatal burns and also powerful neurotoxins. The toxins sensor. When thrown, the grenade seeks the greatest
induce a heightened sense of fear and agitation, mass of biological material it can sense, adjusting its
hopefully causing the enemy to panic and abandoned path mid-throw to seek out its target. If an attack with a
their posts. smart bomb misses, the player is free to reroll either the
deviation direction and/or the distance.
This is Not a Test
Relic Armor Table
Armor Type Armor Bonus Special Rules BS Cost by Wounds Rarity
(Melee) (Ranged) 1 2 3+
Construction Harness +2 +1 Malfunction Prone, +2 to Strength, Gains 10 15 20 Sporadic
Large, May take Integral Ranged Weapon
Dazzle Suit +1 +1 Distracting, Malfunction Prone 20 25 30 Rare
De-Powered Armor +4 +4 Does not have 40 65 90 Ultra-Rare
Malfunction Prone rule
Recon Armor +1 +2 Malfunction Prone, Jump 20 25 30 Rare
New Relic Armor stat and gains the Large general ability. If the harness
malfunctions, the wearer counts as immobile and
Construction Harness – A construction harness is a may not fire any weapons or perform any abilities that
servo-assisted skeletal frame that was designed to require motion. The wearer is hit automatically in melee.
help move large and bulky loads by a single person. The model may use psychic abilities if it possesses
Essentially a very primitive system that is similar to the them, The suit still provides its Armor Bonus.
one in powered armor, though much larger in nature,
the construction harness amplified the strength of Dazzle Suit – A highly specialized variant of police riot
its operator and increased his or her overall profile armor, the dazzle suit uses an advanced optics system
without offering near the armor or environment to blind enemy combatants by flashing strobe lights
protection of normal power armor. Military variants, and other confusing effects. The wearer has the ability
which are the most common remaining due to the to direct these effects in a minimal area, so they can
higher manufacturing standards, included armoring target specific individuals while leaving allies unaffected.
in vulnerable areas. Mutants with physical mutations Any enemy model that moves in base contact with a
or models with the large ability cannot wear the model wearing this armor or starts its activation in base
construction harness. A construction harness fits over contact must pass a Survival test (MET/TN 10) or suffer
a model’s normal clothing, and no other armors may be a -2 penalty to all Stat tests and Opposed tests on its
worn. The model may be given a single ranged weapon, current activation, to include all Melee and Ranged
which is welded to the suit and has the integral rule tests. When the suit malfunctions, the wearer may
for the normal cost of the weapon. Relics and support benefit from the Armor Bonus, but the distracting ability
weapons cannot be added this way. A model with a may not be used until repaired.
construction harness receives a +2 to their Strength
De-Powered Armor – Power armor is extremely rare powered armor counts as a relic for rarity purposes due
and even more valuable but is also only useful to to the difficulty in acquiring the suit. Should a player gain
those that can physically fit inside and/or who can access to a free suit of power armor through campaign
understand how to operate and maintain it. These play, they may choose de-powered armor instead at no
two problems can be solved by simply ripping out additional cost.
the complicated components, prying apart the armor
seams, and overlaying the individual parts on top of Recon Armor – Recon, or reconnaissance, armor is a
more conventional armor. Of course, such a vile act is specialized suit of combat armor with additional leg
considered a desecration by the Preserver Movement, servos built in. While this increases the bottom weight
and the Reclaimers will go to great lengths to punish of the suit, the servos compensate for most of this
such interlopers. De-powered armor may be worn by imbalance, so the user is not generally not affected.
any model, even large models or models with physical Additionally, the servos may be boosted every so often
mutations. However, they must have an unmodified to allow the user to make a high jump or standing leap.
Strength stat of 6 or higher as the armor is extremely Recon counts as combat armor for determining what
heavy without the benefit of internal servos A model models can wear it. Models wearing recon armor are
equipped with de-powered armor has an Armor Bonus allowed once per game to make a great leap. On the
(+4), which can never be reduced below (+2). The model turn they jump, they may add 6” to a single move action.
receives no other benefit normally associated with This movement may be used to cross gaps or terrain
power armor. Because the armor itself is only being up to 6” high or wide. Should the armor malfunction,
used, there are no complicated mechanisms to break, models may not take any move actions and cannot use
so it does not have the Malfunction Prone rule. De- the jump ability. They may take other actions as normal.
This is Not a Test
Power Armor Upgrades Inertia Compensator (7 BS) – The suit’s servos are
upgraded to enhance the movement of the user,
Power armor, although already exceptionally useful, may although at the cost of internal system durability. The
be further upgraded by those with those with the deep user gains a +1 to their Movement stat while in the
pockets or right connections to engage the services of the armor, but the model suffers a -1 to the Intelligence test
Preserver Movement. In a pinch, threats and coercions can to repair the armor should it malfunction.
work, but not without risking the wrath of the Preservers.
Upgrading power armor works like purchasing a normal relic Large Frame (25 BS) – Not an upgrade per se but
in that you must make a Rarity Roll to find a person capable instead a special type of powered armor with additional
of doing it, counting the difficulty on the Rarity Roll as Rare. reinforced plating. With the addition of this ablative
Models may be belligerent and add a +2 to this roll, but armor, larger servos and a high-capacity power system
should they fail, they receive a -2 to all Rarity Rolls for the are needed, which significantly increase the size of the
next D3 campaign games due to incurring the ire of the suit. Large frame may be purchased at the same time
Preservers. as the power armor as it cannot be added later and only
counts as a single relic. A model equipped with large-
Power armor may be given a single upgrade. This action is a frame armor also counts as having the Large general
modification of a relic and does not count as an additional ability while wearing the armor. The suit is intended for
relic for determining how many relics a warband may use or a normal size person, so the armor cannot be worn by
have. These upgrades may be swapped out by purchasing models with the Large ability themselves. Note the large
a new upgrade for full price but are otherwise tied to the frame upgrade is for players who want to use larger
suit of armor. Should the armor be lost for any reason, the suits of armor in their warbands, not necessarily to
upgrade is lost as well. create a superior version of power armor. Therefore, this
The following upgrades may be purchased, the cost is in upgrade must be appropriately modeled.
Lead Shielding (5 BS) – The power armor is given thin
Bad Ass Paint Job* (5 BS) – Using advanced paints sheets of a lead weave underneath the main armor,
and a laser engraver, the power armor is emblazoned which provides protection from wasteland radiation.
with a wicked paint job of the user’s choice. Common The model receives a +2 to all Survival tests related to
examples include flames, faction symbols, and pin-up radioactivity.
models. Such a custom job inspires the warband to
victory. Once per game, a player with a model with this Spiked Fists (5 BS) – One of the few upgrades that
upgrade may elect to receive a +2 to any Initiative roll. can be performed outside of the Preserver Movement
This must be declared before rolling. This upgrade may (usually by raider Scrap-Takers), reinforced armor spikes
be applied to de-powered armor. are added to the suit as gauntlets. This upgrade takes
great care and goes beyond simple welding bodge job
Booster Jets (10 BS) – This suit’s fusion plant has been due to the armor’s advanced plating. A model with
modified to allow the use of a heavy thruster system. spiked fists adds a +1 to the Strength to all melee
While causing a heavy strain on the suits power system, attacks on the turn they charge.
the thrusters allow users to redeploy quickly or comes
to grips with their foes quickly. The user counts as being New Relic Equipment
equipped with a flight pack that may be only used for
one full game turn, after which it runs out of fuel. While
Relic Equipment
in use, the booster jet follows all the rules of the normal
flight pack, including the additional malfunction rules. Item BS Cost Rarity
Flight Pack 20 Rare
Extra Stowage (5 BS) – The suit is retrofitted with
enhanced internal compartments and outside webbing, Hoverboard 15 Sporadic
enabling wearers to carry much of their own supplies. Nanokit 10 Rare
A model with this upgrade reduces its warband upkeep Suction Clamps 15 Scarce
costs to 1 BS per game.
Thruster Skates 20 Scarce
Integrated Weapon System (10 BS) – The power armor
has been modified with additional limb support and Flight Pack – An item found in both the sports and
capacitors to allow an integrated offensive system to military worlds, a flight pack was a favorite of fast-
be attached. Due to the heavy plating, this system is moving military units and extreme sport enthusiasts,
extremely hard to remove or modify as it is a costly both of whom were notorious for their bravery and
endeavor to do so. Power armor with this upgrade recklessness. Most often taking the form of a jet
allows the wearer to use the Integral general ability. pack fitted with a backpack harness, though other
However, in order to change the weapon once attached, forms were available, the flight pack allowed the user
this upgrade must be purchased again. to traverse over the ground instead of on it. When
This is Not a Test
moving, this model may ignore terrain. However, since Hoverboard – A novel item produced right before the
it is not actually capable of sustained flight, the flying Great Fall, the hoverboard uses advanced thrusters and
model must land at the end of its turn. If it lands in stabilizer technology to hover about 6” off the great.
difficult terrain for any reason, it must pass an Agility The user may then push off and hover forward while
test (MET/TN 10) or suffer a D6 Strength hit. Finally, maintaining a decent rate of speed. A model using a
should the model fall for any reason, it may take Agility hover board may ignore difficult terrain when moving
test (MET/TN 10) to activate the flight pack and avoid and may move 8" per 1 AP spent instead of its normal
taking damage by landing softly. The flight pack is not movement rate. The hoverboard is not a passive relic.
a passive relic. Instead, every time the model spends Instead, every time the model spends an AP to move
an AP to move while using the jetpack, it must roll a while using the hover board, it must roll a D10. On
D10. On a Fumble, the pack fails, and the model comes a Fumble, the board fails, and the model falls to the
crashing down. Any other result represents normal ground where it is placed prone. The model does not
operation. Should the pack malfunction, the model will take damage from this happening, other than loss of
fall a distance equal to the highest terrain piece that face.
it was trying to traverse. The model must declare this
terrain piece prior to rolling the test. If no terrain piece is Nanokit – A rather ingenious bit of military technology,
declared, treat any falling damage as Strength 4. the nanokit was an attempt at the universal catch-all
tool via the use of nano-technology. Made in limited
numbers due to exorbitant production costs, the vertical service, it must pass an Agility test (MET/TN
nanokit saw release only to those to high-ranking 10) or fall down, following the normal rules for falling.
military officers or decorated war-heroes, both of whom Suction clamps are also not a passive relic. Instead,
received theirs as tokens of service. The nanobots every time the model spends an AP to move while using
within the kit are capable of quickly rendering a small the clamps, it must roll a D10. On a Fumble, the suction
number of shapes, depending on the needs of the clamps fail, and the model falls as normal.
user. The nanokit when used correctly can be tied to
user movements so that these ersatz items can be Thruster Skates – An extreme hobby item, thruster
“made” in a matter of milliseconds. The nanokit counts skates are skates with micro-thrusters built in to allow
as a one-handed item. While in use, the model counts blistering fast travel and the opportunity for some
as being equipped with a light weapon and a primitive wicked accidents. A favorite of the younger wasteland
shield at the same time in that one hand. The user may crowd, thruster skates are especially sought after by
use another one-handed weapon melee weapon to gain Traveler Scout troops. A model equipped with thruster
a +1 to their Melee stat per the normal rules. skates may add +2 to their Movement while on open
ground and a +4 if moving on a paved surface; however,
Suction Clamps – An item of questionable legality such rapidity comes as the cost of maneuvering, and
in all fifty states before the bombs dropped, suction each separate move action must be in a straight line,
clamps were officially made to help with maintenance although the model can pivot in any direction between
and repair of very tall edifices but were quickly adapted actions. Furthermore, should the model hit difficult
by thieves and other nefarious groups. The clamps terrain or crossable linear terrain, and the model must
use intense suction to form tight bonds with smooth, pass an Agility test (MET/TN10) to jump over the terrain
or at least non-rough, surfaces and allow the user to or suffer a Strength hit equal to the total distance in
traverse vertical surfaces at very quick speeds. The inches the model traveled before hitting the terrain.
genius of the clamps is that the whole package fits into Thruster skates are not passive relics. Instead, every
two thin gloves that only minimally inhibit the use of time the model spends an AP to move while using the
other items. This model may traverse walls and other skates, it must roll a D10. On a Fumble, the skates fail,
vertical areas as if it was in open terrain, i.e., it may go and the model is placed prone and takes a Strength 4
up and down without taking any type of climbing test. hit.
Should this model ever be hit by an attack while on a
This is Not a Test
The Prewar pop song filled the rickety trade store; the upbeat tune was occasi
ted from.
interru pted by bursts of static produced by the same rusty radio that it emana
nded by
In one of the two aisles, a young woman with a head of brilliant red hair, surrou
an apron
a small ring of unstocked product, cheerily sang along with the radio. She wore
a slender
which displayed her name, Jess, in large, bubbly, black letters. In the other aisle,
r, an
woman sifted through a bin of rusted computer components. Behind the counte
used for
older woman counted and arranged the various goods and currencies that were
exchanges in a large box. Her hair, once the same fiery color that the singer
apron. A
had greyed and a wooden tag with the name Aneila carved into it hung from her
smile crossed her face when she looked up from her counting to see how her
chores were coming along. As usual, the young redhead had found something
scold her.
her job to do yet managed to look just busy enough to convince Aneila not to
For a moment, Aneila wondered if it was a carefully constructed ruse that her
perpetuated before scoffing at the notion of her daughter having the requisite
for such a task. Jess and Aneila continued to work, as they waited for their lone
orange glow,
to make a purchase or leave. As the sun began to set, casting the store in an
chips in
their single customer finally approached the register; a small stack of computer
hand. Seeing that their customer was ready, Aneila turned off the radio and moved
the register. Without the noise of radio and Jess’s singing, the trade store’s occupa
tallied up the
could hear the din of the town outside. Aneila glanced at her customer as she
wasn’t the
cost of her goods. The customer was oddly out of place for a waste lander. It
all of that
leather armor that she wore or the oversized knife that she carried at her hip;
was stylishly
was perfectly natural. Rather, the customer seemed a little too perfect; her hair
nd and
poised on her head, her skin was free of any blemishes or even grime of the wastela
her nails seemed freshly manicured.
hubbub outside
“How do you keep yourself-” Aneila’s inquiry was interru pted when the daily
r.” She
suddenly transformed into a cacophony of screams. “- Jess, get behind the counte
ordered her daughter. Jess hurried to the back of the store, crouched behind the
eath her
and began loading rounds into an old rifle. Aneila procures a revolver from undern
The women
apron and opens it up. She gives a satisfied nod and snaps the cylinder closed.
ees or the
in front of the counter waited patiently; unperturbed by the arming of the employ
cheery tune
ever-increasing volume of screams. As she placed her items on the counter, a
could barely be discerned through sounds of carnage. The doorknob of the store’s
door turned, and the door creaked open ever so slightly.
the store; the
“Welcome all girls and boys, to a magical land filled with toys.” The song filled
words finally loud enough to be heard. A clawed hand, covered in ratted red fur,
d in
the door. It began to open in an achingly slow fashion and the doors hinges squeale
of her line of
protest. Aneila hesitated only for a moment to allow her customer to step out
followed her
fire before unloading her weapon. Jess rose from underneath the counter and
s flying.
mother’s example. Their combined firepower blew through the door, sending splinter
A metallic scream ripped through the air and the clawed hand slipped behind the
“That wasn’t very nice.” A childlike voice calls out. Despite its cheery tone, the
managed to carry a malevolent edge. The now ruined door slowly swung open,
d ahead
a large bipedal fox. The fox’s eyes, glowed with a pale warm light, stared forwar
torn in
unblinking. Its fur, once a vibrant orange, and now dulled by the wasteland, was
trade store
a multitude of places, revealing a metal exoskeleton beneath. It moved into the
with awkward limping gait, bringing with it the stench of mildewing fur and rotting
smell that
Aneila scrambled to reload her weapon as her daughter gagged at the wretched
the monstrosity brought with it. The fox animatronic ran swiftly down the aisle,
herself in
unhindered by its limp. Aneila froze, the blood draining from her face as she lost
as it neared
the terrifying visage that neared ever closer. The fox let out an ecstatic howl
brilliant flash
the counter, its talons gleaming in the dim light of the setting sun. Suddenly, a
filled the
of light parted the air between the store keep and the animatronic. Hydraulic fluid
at the elbow,
air and the fox’s cry of victory turned to a scream of agony as its arm, hewn
was sent spinning to the ground. Before the fox and his prey now stood the custom
age, but
holding her knife in a loose grip. She dashed forward, hoping to press her advant
filled the
the fox managed to catch the blade with his claws. The sound of screeching steel
age to
air as they began their deadly dance, neither one of them able to press their advant
victory. The customer kept circling to the armless side of the fox, but the animat
was much
longer reach barely managed to keep her at bay. The fox, realizing that its foe
be carried
more skilled in blade work than it, rushed at the women. She allowed herself to
into the shelving, taking the opportunity to open terrible wounds in the fox’s back.
melee. The
and goods were sent flying as the combatants scrambled for footing in their
fox’s claws found their way around her arm, and with a snip, cut it off.
This is Not a Test
Much to the fox’s disappoint, there was no scream of agony or spurt of blood.
tubing and wires unspooled from her stump as they leaked coolant and sparke
the fox’s
dangerously. The customer’s head whipped forward; smashing her forehead into
snout hard enough to crumple it like a tin can and send fake teeth flying. The
of the
head snapped back, the lights in it eyes flicking as it reeled from the brutality
ing arm.
woman’s attack. While the fox stumbled back, the woman seized the fox’s remain
with a
With a flurry of quick, violent movements she threw the fox to the floor, before
to move. The
metallic crack, wrenched its remaining arm in a way that it was not designed
elmed by the
fox lay on the floor, unable to do much more than twitch; its processors overwh
her severed
damage reports and pain simulations that flooded in. The customer scooped up
towards the
arm, before using it to bludgeon out the animatronics’ knee servos. She walked
shopkeeper and her daughter with a confident, arrogant saunter.
filled with
“You’re like me.” The fox managed to crackle out, its voice now stammering and
over to the
static. The customer’s lip curled in disgust and she whirled around. She walked
le away at her
defeated fox and placed her boot upon its chest. The fox attempted to scramb
, and the steel
presence, but crippled as it was, it proved a fruitless endeavor. Her leg tensed
g suit.
of the fox’s body screamed as it began to buckle, the animatronic quickly followin
fox began to
“No. You are beneath me-” She snarled as she applied ever more pressure. The
twitch and convulse due to its core systems being pulverized. “-My lesser.” She
and with a final, monstrous heave she shoved her boot through the fox’s chest.
ly coiffed hair.
customer sighed softly and ran her dismembered hand through her still perfect
the counter.
“Oh, I’d like a bag for that.” She said, pointing to her purchases left earlier on
This is Not a Test
Photos provided by Austin Thompson and Joe Borawski from Death Ray Designs.
Back of the book
This is Not a Test
Absolutely Dangerous: The Big Book of Relics, Robots, and Other Full Robot Warband Rules – Long requested and now delivered,
Deadly Technologies is an expansion for This Is Not a Test, a robots now have their own full warband. Lead your metal warriors
28mm wargame set in a post-apocalyptic United States, where with a networked Custodian Alpha MK IV or skip a physical
warbands fight for survival, power, and greed. A celebration of leader altogether and take an AI Shard. While your warband will
the hubris of man and the danger of technology run amok, this include a lot of the ubiquitous Depend-o-Bots, you can also take
expansion rulebook features: towering Demo-Bots or over-gunned and heavily armored Kill-
Bots, crush your enemies with the aptly named Crushinator, or
take Robo-Animals for all your robot canine needs. Of course,
the robot warband features unique Warband Ranks, and with all
their options, robots are one of the most thematic and expansive
warbands to date.