Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction (eRAN12.1 - 06)

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Energy Conservation and Emission

Reduction Feature Parameter

Issue 06
Date 2018-08-07


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Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description Contents


1 About This Document.................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Scope.............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Intended Audience.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Change History............................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Differences Between eNodeB Types.............................................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Functional Differences Between NB-IoT and FDD..................................................................................................... 10

2 Overview....................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Benefits......................................................................................................................................................................... 13

3 Adaptive Power Consumption..................................................................................................14

3.1 Dynamic Voltage Adjustment.......................................................................................................................................15
3.1.1 Entering Conditions................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.2 eNodeB Actions.........................................................................................................................................................15
3.1.3 Exiting Conditions..................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 RF Module Regular Time Sleep Mode.........................................................................................................................15
3.2.1 Entering Conditions................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.2 eNodeB Actions.........................................................................................................................................................16
3.2.3 Exiting Conditions..................................................................................................................................................... 16

4 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown........................................................................................... 17

4.1 Entering Conditions...................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 eNodeB Actions............................................................................................................................................................18
4.3 Exiting Conditions........................................................................................................................................................ 18

5 Low Power Consumption Mode...............................................................................................19

5.1 Entering Conditions...................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.2 eNodeB Actions............................................................................................................................................................20
5.3 Exiting Conditions........................................................................................................................................................ 22

6 Power Consumption Monitoring............................................................................................. 23

7 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage.................................................... 26
7.1 Related Concepts.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
7.2 Entering Conditions...................................................................................................................................................... 28
7.3 eNodeB Actions............................................................................................................................................................28

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description Contents

7.4 Exiting Conditions........................................................................................................................................................ 29

8 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode...................................................................................................... 30

8.1 Entering Conditions...................................................................................................................................................... 31
8.2 eNodeB Actions............................................................................................................................................................31
8.3 Exiting Conditions........................................................................................................................................................ 31

9 Symbol Power Saving.................................................................................................................32

9.1 Basic Symbol Power Saving.........................................................................................................................................33
9.1.1 Entering Conditions................................................................................................................................................... 33
9.1.2 eNodeB Actions.........................................................................................................................................................33
9.1.3 Exiting Conditions..................................................................................................................................................... 33
9.2 Enhanced Symbol Power Saving..................................................................................................................................34
9.2.1 Entering Conditions................................................................................................................................................... 34
9.2.2 eNodeB Actions.........................................................................................................................................................34
9.2.3 Exiting Conditions..................................................................................................................................................... 35

10 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage of UMTS Network............... 36

10.1 Entering Conditions.................................................................................................................................................... 36
10.2 eNodeB Actions..........................................................................................................................................................37
10.3 Exiting Conditions...................................................................................................................................................... 37

11 Related Features.........................................................................................................................38
11.1 LOFD-001025/MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption...............................................................................38
11.2 LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown......................................................................................................40
11.3 LOFD-001040 Low Power Consumption Mode........................................................................................................ 42
11.4 LBFD-001041/MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring........................................................................44
11.5 LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage...................................................................44
11.6 LOFD-001056/MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode.................................................................................. 45
11.7 LOFD-001070/MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving........................................................................................... 46
11.8 LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage of UMTS Network................................... 48

12 Network Impact......................................................................................................................... 51
12.1 LOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption........................................................................................................... 51
12.2 LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown......................................................................................................51
12.3 LOFD-001040 Low Power Consumption Mode........................................................................................................ 53
12.4 LBFD-001041/MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring....................................................................... 53
12.5 LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage...................................................................53
12.6 LOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode.............................................................................................................. 54
12.7 LOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving........................................................................................................................55
12.8 LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage of UMTS Network................................... 55

13 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001025/MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power

Consumption................................................................................................................................... 57
13.1 When to Use............................................................................................................................................................... 57
13.2 Required Information................................................................................................................................................. 57

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Parameter Description Contents

13.3 Planning...................................................................................................................................................................... 57
13.4 Deployment................................................................................................................................................................ 58
13.4.1 Requirements........................................................................................................................................................... 58
13.4.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation.................................................................................................................58 Data Preparation................................................................................................................................................... 58 Using the CME..................................................................................................................................................... 59 Using MML Commands....................................................................................................................................... 59
13.4.3 Activation Observation............................................................................................................................................60
13.4.4 Deactivation.............................................................................................................................................................60 Using the CME..................................................................................................................................................... 61 Using MML Commands....................................................................................................................................... 61
13.5 Performance Monitoring.............................................................................................................................................61
13.6 Parameter Optimization.............................................................................................................................................. 62
13.7 Possible Issues............................................................................................................................................................ 62

14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown............ 63

14.1 When to Use............................................................................................................................................................... 63
14.2 Required Information................................................................................................................................................. 63
14.3 Planning...................................................................................................................................................................... 64
14.4 Deployment................................................................................................................................................................ 64
14.4.1 Requirements........................................................................................................................................................... 64
14.4.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation.................................................................................................................65 Data Preparation................................................................................................................................................... 65 Using the CME..................................................................................................................................................... 67 Using MML Commands....................................................................................................................................... 67
14.4.3 Activation Observation............................................................................................................................................68
14.4.4 Deactivation.............................................................................................................................................................68 Using the CME..................................................................................................................................................... 68 Using MML Commands....................................................................................................................................... 69
14.5 Performance Monitoring.............................................................................................................................................69
14.6 Parameter Optimization.............................................................................................................................................. 69
14.7 Possible Issues............................................................................................................................................................ 69

15 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001040 Low Power Consumption Mode................ 73

15.1 When to Use............................................................................................................................................................... 73
15.2 Planning...................................................................................................................................................................... 73
15.3 Deployment................................................................................................................................................................ 73
15.3.1 Requirements........................................................................................................................................................... 73
15.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation.................................................................................................................74 Data Preparation................................................................................................................................................... 74 Using the CME..................................................................................................................................................... 78 Using MML Commands....................................................................................................................................... 78
15.3.3 Activation Observation............................................................................................................................................79
15.3.4 Deactivation.............................................................................................................................................................79

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description Contents Using the CME..................................................................................................................................................... 80 Using MML Commands....................................................................................................................................... 80
15.4 Performance Monitoring.............................................................................................................................................80
15.5 Parameter Optimization.............................................................................................................................................. 80
15.6 Possible Issues............................................................................................................................................................ 81

16 Engineering Guidelines for LBFD-001041/MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption

Monitoring....................................................................................................................................... 82
16.1 When to Use............................................................................................................................................................... 82
16.2 Required Information................................................................................................................................................. 82
16.3 Planning...................................................................................................................................................................... 82
16.4 Deployment................................................................................................................................................................ 83
16.4.1 Requirements........................................................................................................................................................... 83
16.4.2 Precautions...............................................................................................................................................................84
16.4.3 Hardware Adjustment..............................................................................................................................................84
16.4.4 Data Preparation and Feature Activation.................................................................................................................84 Data Preparation................................................................................................................................................... 84 Activation............................................................................................................................................................. 84
16.4.5 Activation Observation............................................................................................................................................85
16.4.6 Deactivation.............................................................................................................................................................87
16.4.7 Reconfiguration....................................................................................................................................................... 87
16.5 Performance Monitoring.............................................................................................................................................87
16.6 Parameter Optimization.............................................................................................................................................. 87
16.7 Possible Issues............................................................................................................................................................ 87

17 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the

Same Coverage................................................................................................................................ 89
17.1 When to Use............................................................................................................................................................... 89
17.2 Planning...................................................................................................................................................................... 89
17.3 Deployment................................................................................................................................................................ 90
17.3.1 Requirements........................................................................................................................................................... 90
17.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation.................................................................................................................90 Data Preparation................................................................................................................................................... 90 Using the CME..................................................................................................................................................... 94 Using MML Commands....................................................................................................................................... 94
17.3.3 Activation Observation............................................................................................................................................95
17.3.4 Deactivation.............................................................................................................................................................95 Using the CME..................................................................................................................................................... 95 Using MML Commands....................................................................................................................................... 95
17.4 Performance Monitoring.............................................................................................................................................96
17.5 Parameter Optimization.............................................................................................................................................. 96
17.6 Possible Issues............................................................................................................................................................ 96

18 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001056/MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep

Mode................................................................................................................................................. 98

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description Contents

18.1 When to Use............................................................................................................................................................... 98

18.2 Planning...................................................................................................................................................................... 98
18.3 Deployment................................................................................................................................................................ 98
18.3.1 Requirements........................................................................................................................................................... 98
18.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation...............................................................................................................100 Data Preparation................................................................................................................................................. 100 Using the CME................................................................................................................................................... 100 Using MML Commands..................................................................................................................................... 100
18.3.3 Activation Observation..........................................................................................................................................101
18.3.4 Deactivation...........................................................................................................................................................101 Using the CME................................................................................................................................................... 101 Using MML Commands..................................................................................................................................... 101
18.4 Performance Monitoring...........................................................................................................................................102
18.5 Parameter Optimization............................................................................................................................................ 102
18.6 Possible Issues.......................................................................................................................................................... 103

19 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001070/MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving.. 105

19.1 When to Use............................................................................................................................................................. 105
19.2 Planning.................................................................................................................................................................... 105
19.3 Deployment.............................................................................................................................................................. 107
19.3.1 Requirements......................................................................................................................................................... 107
19.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation...............................................................................................................107 Data Preparation................................................................................................................................................. 107 Using the CME................................................................................................................................................... 108 Using MML Commands..................................................................................................................................... 108
19.3.3 Activation Observation..........................................................................................................................................109
19.3.4 Deactivation........................................................................................................................................................... 110 Using the CME................................................................................................................................................... 110 Using MML Commands..................................................................................................................................... 111
19.4 Performance Monitoring...........................................................................................................................................111
19.5 Parameter Optimization............................................................................................................................................ 111
19.6 Possible Issues.......................................................................................................................................................... 111

20 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the

Same Coverage of UMTS Network...........................................................................................113
20.1 When to Use..............................................................................................................................................................113
20.2 Planning.................................................................................................................................................................... 113
20.3 Deployment...............................................................................................................................................................114
20.3.1 Requirements......................................................................................................................................................... 114
20.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation...............................................................................................................114 Data Preparation................................................................................................................................................. 114 Using the CME................................................................................................................................................... 118 Using MML Commands..................................................................................................................................... 118
20.3.3 Activation Observation.......................................................................................................................................... 119

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Parameter Description Contents

20.3.4 Deactivation........................................................................................................................................................... 119 Using the CME................................................................................................................................................... 119 Using MML Commands..................................................................................................................................... 119
20.4 Performance Monitoring...........................................................................................................................................120
20.5 Parameter Optimization............................................................................................................................................ 120
20.6 Possible Issues.......................................................................................................................................................... 120

21 Parameters................................................................................................................................. 122
22 Counters.................................................................................................................................... 182
23 Glossary..................................................................................................................................... 196
24 Reference Documents............................................................................................................. 197

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

1.1 Scope
This document describes Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction, including its
technical principles, related features, network impact, and engineering guidelines. This
document covers the following features:

l LOFD-001025/MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption

l LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown
l LOFD-001040 Low Power Consumption Mode
l LBFD-001041/MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring
l LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage
l LOFD-001056/MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode
l LOFD-001070/MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving
l LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage of UMTS

Feature compatibility with specific terminal models is not presented in this document. For
compatibility information, contact Huawei engineers.

Any parameters, alarms, counters, or managed objects (MOs) described herein apply only to
the corresponding software release. For future software releases, refer to the corresponding
updated product documentation.

This document applies to LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT. Unless otherwise specified, in this
document, "LTE" refers to both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT, and "eNodeB" refers to both
FDD eNodeB and NB-IoT eNodeB.

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for personnel who:

l Need to understand the features described herein

l Work with Huawei products

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes:
l Feature change
Changes in features and parameters of a specified version as well as the affected entities
l Editorial change
Changes in wording or addition of information and any related parameters affected by
editorial changes. Editorial change does not specify the affected entities.

eRAN12.1 06 (2018-08-07)
This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Feature None None None


Editorial Revised descriptions in this None N/A

change document.

eRAN12.1 05 (2018-04-02)
This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Feature Added the following RRU model into None Macro

change the scope of RRUs that support the eNodeBs
Symbol Power Saving feature. For
details, see 19.2 Planning.
l RRU5901w
l RRU5904
l RRU5502

eRAN12.1 04 (2017-10-27)
This issue includes the following changes.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Feature Added the RRU5501 into the scope of None Macro

change RRUs that support the Symbol Power eNodeBs
Saving feature. For details, see 19.2

Editorial Revised descriptions in this document. None N/A


eRAN12.1 03 (2017-06-29)
This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Feature None None N/A


Editorial Modified the description about how the None N/A

change Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the
Same Coverage feature is implemented.
For details, see 7.3 eNodeB Actions.
Added the description about the impact
of the eMTC feature on the Symbol
Power Saving feature. For details, see 9
Symbol Power Saving.

eRAN12.1 02 (2017-04-26)
This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Feature None None Macro

change eNodeBs

Editorial Revised descriptions in this document. None N/A


eRAN12.1 01 (2017-03-08)
This issue includes the following changes.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Feature None None None


Editorial Revised descriptions in this document. None N/A


eRAN12.1 Draft B (2016-12-30)

This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Feature Changed the feature ID of the Power None Macro and

change Consumption Monitoring feature from micro
MLBFD-001041 to eNodeBs

Editorial Revised descriptions in this document. None N/A


eRAN12.1 Draft A (2016-11-30)

Draft A (2016-11-30) of eRAN12.1 introduces the following changes to Issue 03
(2016-06-30) of eRAN11.1.

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Feature Removed the dependency between None Macro and

change LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of LampSite
Carriers in the Same Coverage of eNodeBs
UMTS Network and LOFD-001019 PS
Inter-RAT Mobility between E-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Removed the mutually exclusive None Macro and

relationship between LOFD-001039 LampSite
RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown and eNodeBs
the following features:
l LOFD-003029 SFN
l LOFD-070205 Adaptive SFN/
l LOFD-081208 Inter-eNodeB SFN
Based on Coordinated eNodeB
l LOFD-081209 Inter-eNodeB
Adaptive SFN/SDMA Based on
Coordinated eNodeB

Removed the mutually exclusive None Macro and

relationship between LOFD-001042 LampSite
Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the eNodeBs
Same Coverage and the following
l LOFD-081208 Inter-eNodeB SFN
Based on Coordinated eNodeB
l LOFD-081209 Inter-eNodeB
Adaptive SFN/SDMA Based on
Coordinated eNodeB

Added the overlap indicator to macro None Macro and

and LampSite eNodeBs as of LampSite
eRAN12.1 to optimize the algorithm eNodeBs
for triggering and canceling intelligent
power-off of carriers in the same
coverage mode, extending the effective
duration of the corresponding feature.
For details, see 7.1 Related Concepts.

Added the function of forcibly shutting Added the following Macro,

down the carrier of a capacity cell parameters: micro, and
when a few UEs in the capacity cell l CellShutdown.For LampSite
cannot be handed over to the basic cell. ceShutdownUENu eNodeBs
For details, see 7.3 eNodeB Actions. mThd
l CellShutdown.Pun

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Added the support for configuring cells None Macro and

working in different modes and served LampSite
by macro or LampSite eNodeBs as eNodeBs
basic and capacity cells in a co-MPT
FDD and TDD dual-mode scenario.
For details, see 7 Intelligent Power-
Off of Carriers in the Same

Added the mutually exclusive None Macro

relationship between the enhanced eNodeBs
symbol power saving (MBSFN-based
symbol power saving) and eMTC
features. For details, see 11.7
Symbol Power Saving.

Added the RRU3230E and RRU3930E None LampSite

to the scope of RF modules that eNodeBs
support the Power Consumption
Monitoring feature. For details, see 1.4
Differences Between eNodeB Types.

Added LampSite eNodeBs to the scope None LampSite

of eNodeBs that support LOFD-001039 eNodeBs
RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown.

Added the 2100 MHz RRU3971 to the None Macro,

scope of RF modules that support micro, and
Symbol Power Saving. LampSite

Added the support for Low Power Added the following Macro
Consumption Mode in distributed parameters and option: eNodeBs
power supply scenarios. l RRU.PSGID
CELLSHD of the
eState parameter

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected

Type Entity

Added the following NB-IoT features: For details, see Macro

l MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power descriptions in the eNodeBs
Consumption corresponding sections.
l MLBFD-001041 Power
Consumption Monitoring
l MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent
Sleep Mode
l MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power

Reclassified the LOFD-001041 Power None Macro,

Consumption Monitoring feature as a micro, and
basic feature and changed its ID to LampSite
LBFD-001041. eNodeBs

Reclassified the MLOFD-001041 None Macro and

Power Consumption Monitoring micro
feature as a basic feature and changed eNodeBs
its ID to MLBFD-001041.

Editorial Revised descriptions in this document. None N/A


1.4 Differences Between eNodeB Types

Feature Support by Macro, Micro, and LampSite eNodeBs
Feature ID Feature Name Supported Supporte Supported
by Macro d by by
eNodeBs Micro LampSite
eNodeBs eNodeBs

LOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Yes Yes Yes


MLOFD-0010 Adaptive Power Yes Yes No

25 Consumption (supported
by the
E and

LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent Yes Yes Yes


Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Feature ID Feature Name Supported Supporte Supported

by Macro d by by
eNodeBs Micro LampSite
eNodeBs eNodeBs

LOFD-001040 Low Power Consumption Yes No No


LBFD-001041 Power Consumption Yes Yes (not Yes

Monitoring supported
by the

MLBFD-12000 Power Consumption Yes Yes No

420 Monitoring (supported
by the
E and

LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of Yes Yes Yes

Carriers in the Same

LOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Yes No No


MLOFD-0010 PSU Intelligent Sleep Yes No No

56 Mode

LOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving Yes No No

MLOFD-0010 Symbol Power Saving Yes No No


LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of Yes No Yes

Carriers in the Same
Coverage of UMTS


Micro eNodeBs include:

l BTS3202E
l BTS3203E
l BTS3911E
l BTS3912E

Function Implementation in Macro, Micro, and LampSite eNodeBs

l Adaptive Power Consumption

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Micro and LampSite eNodeBs support only RF Module Regular Time Sleep Mode,
while macro eNodeBs also support Dynamic Voltage Adjustment.
l RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown
– For micro eNodeBs, the RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown feature takes effect only
when the cell is not processing any services.
– For macro and LampSite eNodeBs, the RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown feature
also takes effect when cell load is light. Macro and LampSite eNodeBs can identify
the UE service type. The RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown feature does not take
effect if UEs whose QoS class identifier (QCI) is 1 exist.
l Power Consumption Monitoring
Both macro and LampSite eNodeBs support LBFD-001041 Power Consumption
Monitoring. Their difference lies in the method of accumulating power consumption.
– For macro eNodeBs, each RF module reports its power consumption to the BBU.
The BBU then accumulates the total power consumption of RF modules,
electromechanical components, and the BBU, and reports the result to the U2000.
– The RF modules used by LampSite eNodeBs are either pRRUs or RRUs
(RRU3230E and RRU3930E).
pRRUs cannot measure their own power consumption. Therefore, the RHUB reports its
power consumption and the total power consumption of the cascaded pRRUs (there may
be anywhere from one to eight pRRUs) to the BBU. The BBU then accumulates the total
power consumption of the RHUB, pRRUs, electromechanical components, and the
BBU, and reports the result to the U2000.
RRUs can measure and report their own power consumption to the BBU. The BBU then
accumulates the total power consumption of the RHUB, RRUs, and BBU, and reports
the result to the U2000.
l Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage
Macro, micro, and LampSite eNodeBs all support LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off
of Carriers in the Same Coverage. The differences in implementation are as follows:
– The method of obtaining the PRB usage of basic cells varies depending on the
eNodeB type:
n Macro and LampSite eNodeBs obtain the PRB usage information of inter-
frequency cells under the same eNodeB.
n Micro eNodeBs transfer the PRB usage information between micro and macro
eNodeBs over the X2 interface.
– The overlap indicator is applied to macro and LampSite eNodeBs so that the
algorithm for triggering and canceling the intelligent power-off of carriers in the
same coverage mode is optimized, extending the effective duration of the feature.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

1.5 Functional Differences Between NB-IoT and FDD

NB-IoT NB-IoT FDD Feature FDD Feature Differences
Feature ID Feature Name ID Name Between NB-
IoT and FDD

MLOFD-00102 Adaptive Power LOFD-001025 Adaptive Power NB-IoT

5 Consumption Consumption eNodeBs
support RF
module regular
time sleep
mode but do not

MLBFD-12000 Power LBFD-001041 Power None

420 Consumption Consumption
Monitoring Monitoring

MLOFD-00105 PSU Intelligent LOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent None

6 Sleep Mode Sleep Mode

MLOFD-00107 Symbol Power LOFD-001070 Symbol Power NB-IoT

0 Saving Saving eNodeBs do not
Symbol Power

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 2 Overview

2 Overview

2.1 Introduction
The eNodeB power is predominantly consumed by RF modules and baseband units, most of
which is consumed by RF modules.
Huawei introduced several features for the sake of energy conservation and emission
reduction, as listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Features for energy conservation and emission reduction

Feature ID and Introduction Applicable Scenario Priority

LOFD-001025/ This feature includes The dynamic voltage Low

MLOFD-001025 two functions: adjustment function
Adaptive Power dynamic voltage decreases the voltages of
Consumption adjustment and RF power amplifiers for power
module regular time saving when the cell
sleep mode. The bandwidth is greater than 5
former is used by an MHz and there is no
eNodeB to adjust the RRC_CONNECTED UE in
bias voltages of the the cell.
power amplifiers
based on load. The The RF module regular time Middle
latter allows RF sleep mode function starts
modules to enter the the sleep mode of RF
sleep mode in modules in scenarios where
specified periods. there is no online UE in
specified periods to reduce
the power consumed by an

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 2 Overview

Feature ID and Introduction Applicable Scenario Priority


LOFD-001039 Some transmit This feature shuts down High

RF Channel channels of a cell are some of the transmit
Intelligent shut down when the channels for a cell during
Shutdown cell is not carrying specified periods of time
any services or is when the cell is not carrying
lightly loaded. any services or is lightly

LOFD-001040 An eNodeB enters This feature reduces the Middle

Low Power low power amount of power consumed
Consumption consumption mode by an eNodeB through a
Mode if manual series of operations to
intervention occurs increase the eNodeB running
or an alarm time when either of the
indicating following occurs:
insufficient power or l The eNodeB equipped
a power failure is with batteries reports a
reported. power insufficiency or
power failure alarm.
l The eNodeB is being
manually operated.

LBFD-001041/ Power consumption The eNodeB periodically High

MLBFD-120004 of all eNodeBs can measures and reports the
20 Power be checked on the system power consumption
Consumption U2000. to the U2000 so that users
Monitoring can monitor it.

LOFD-001042 When the number of This feature applies to inter- High

Intelligent UEs on a carrier is frequency co-coverage cells.
Power-Off of small, UEs are
Carriers in the transferred from this
Same Coverage carrier to another
carrier (known as the
target carrier) where
load permits and
then the previous
carrier is powered
off for energy

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 2 Overview

Feature ID and Introduction Applicable Scenario Priority


LOFD-001056/ When multiple This feature is used for Middle

MLOFD-001056 power supply units eNodeBs configured with
PSU Intelligent (PSUs) are used for Huawei AC/DC PSUs. When
Sleep Mode power supply, the this feature is enabled, some
eNodeB can shut PSUs enter the sleep mode
down one or more based on system load to
PSUs based on its prolong the PSU life and
load conditions to reduce the eNodeB power
reduce the eNodeB consumption.
power consumption.

LOFD-001070/ This feature enables The PAs of RF modules are High

MLOFD-001070 the eNodeB to turn shut down to reduce the
Symbol Power off power amplifiers power consumption.
Saving (PAs) during
symbols when there
is no data to
transmit, reducing
the eNodeB power

LOFD-001074 When an E-UTRAN When an E-UTRAN cell Middle

Intelligent cell covering the covering the same area as a
Power-Off of same area as a neighboring UTRAN cell
Carriers in the neighboring serves a small number of
Same Coverage UTRAN cell serves RRC_CONNECTED UEs
of UMTS a small number of and is lightly loaded, the
Network UEs and is lightly eNodeB transfers the UEs
loaded, this feature from the E-UTRAN cell to
enables the eNodeB the neighboring cell and then
to transfer the UEs shuts down the carrier of the
from the E-UTRAN E-UTRAN cell. The eNodeB
cell to the then enables the carrier of
neighboring cell and the E-UTRAN cell at the
then shut down the preset exiting time.
carrier of the E-
UTRAN cell for the
purpose of power

2.2 Benefits
Benefits of the energy conservation and emission reduction features vary according to the
application scenarios of the features and traffic models of the network. In specific scenarios,
the features improve the operating efficiency of eNodeBs by reducing power consumption of
components, and enable operators to monitor the distribution of power and changes in power
consumption on the U2000 client.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 3 Adaptive Power Consumption

3 Adaptive Power Consumption

LOFD-001025/MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption provides the following

l Dynamic voltage adjustment
This function adjusts the PA working voltage based on cell load to reduce PA power
consumption and improve eNodeB energy efficiency, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Working principle for dynamic voltage adjustment

l RF module regular time sleep mode

The eNodeB instructs RF modules to enter the sleep mode on a scheduled basis, as
shown in Figure 3-2.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 3 Adaptive Power Consumption

Figure 3-2 Working principle for RF module regular time sleep mode

3.1 Dynamic Voltage Adjustment

The dynamic voltage adjustment function is enabled using the
CellAlgoSwitch.DynAdjVoltSwitch parameter.
If the cell bandwidth is less than or equal to 5 MHz, the eNodeB does not dynamically adjust
the PA working voltage.

3.1.1 Entering Conditions

When this function is enabled, the eNodeB adjusts the PA working voltage based on cell load
in the following way:
The cell enters the voltage adjustment mode when there is no UE for 10 minutes.

3.1.2 eNodeB Actions

When a cell enters the dynamic voltage adjustment mode, the eNodeB changes the number of
symbols occupied by the PDCCH to 3.

3.1.3 Exiting Conditions

When there are UEs in the cell, the cell exits the dynamic voltage adjustment mode. The
eNodeB restores the number of symbols occupied by the PDCCH and sets the PA working
voltage to the voltage corresponding to the maximum transmit power.
The cell also exits the dynamic voltage adjustment mode when the dynamic voltage
adjustment function is disabled.

3.2 RF Module Regular Time Sleep Mode

This function allows the eNodeB to shut down all cells in specified periods and have the RF
modules enter the sleep mode. This function can be enabled using the
eNodeBAutoPowerOff.AutoPowerOffSwitch parameter and the sleep and wake-up time can

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 3 Adaptive Power Consumption

be configured using the eNodeBAutoPowerOff.PowerOffTime and

eNodeBAutoPowerOff.PowerOnTime parameters.
RF modules can enter the sleep mode after exiting other energy saving modes. Among all
energy conservation and emission reduction features, only those used for power consumption
monitoring can take effect for the RF modules in sleep mode.
When the entering conditions for this feature and the dynamic voltage adjustment function are
met simultaneously, this feature will preferentially take effect and the dynamic voltage
adjustment function will not take effect.


When RF modules enter sleep mode, the cell is disabled and the RF modules have no transmit power.
When RF modules exit sleep mode, the cell is reactivated and the RF module transmit power is restored
without the need of being restarted.

3.2.1 Entering Conditions

All cells of the eNodeB are disabled and the RF modules enter the sleep mode at the specified

3.2.2 eNodeB Actions

In the specified sleep mode periods, the eNodeB shuts down all cells. When the periods end,
the eNodeB enables all cells.

3.2.3 Exiting Conditions

When the specified sleep mode periods end, the eNodeB enables all cells and the RF modules
exit the sleep mode.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 16

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 4 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown

4 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown

When there is no service or the service load is low in a cell in a specified period of time, RF
Channel Intelligent Shutdown enables the eNodeB to shut down some of the transmit
channels in the cell. RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown requires that the number of CRS ports
(specified by the Cell.CrsPortNum parameter) be greater than or equal to 2 and the cell
bandwidth be 10 MHz or higher.

4.1 Entering Conditions

The eNodeB shuts down some transmit channels for an FDD cell only when the cell meets the
following conditions:
l The number of RRC_CONNECTED UEs in the cell is less than or equal to the
RRC_CONNECTED UE number threshold.
– For cells under a macro eNodeB (macro cells for short) with a downlink bandwidth
higher than 10 MHz, the RRC_CONNECTED UE number threshold is determined
by the CellRfShutdown.UENumThd parameter.
– For macro cells with a downlink bandwidth higher than 5 MHz but not higher than
10 MHz or cells under a micro eNodeB (micro cells for short), the
RRC_CONNECTED UE number threshold is always 0.
l The uplink and downlink physical resource block (PRB) usages of the cell are less than
or equal to the respective PRB usage thresholds.
– The uplink PRB usage threshold is specified by the CellRfShutdown.UlPrbThd
– The downlink PRB usage threshold is specified by the CellRfShutdown.DlPrbThd
l No UE is performing voice services (QCI is 1) in the cell. This condition is required only
when the CellRfShutdown.UENumThd parameter is set to a value greater than 0.
l The cell-specific reference signal (CRS) transmit power can be increased.
After RF channel intelligent shutdown takes effect, CRS transmit power needs to be
increased to ensure coverage.
l The cell is not in the penalty period.
To prevent ping-pong RF channel shutdown, a penalty timer of 30 minutes is started
when the cell exits RF channel intelligent shutdown. The cell will not enter RF channel
intelligent shutdown within the penalty period, even if the preceding conditions are met.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 17

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 4 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown

4.2 eNodeB Actions

The eNodeB shuts down some RF channels based on the following rules:
l For a 2T cell, the eNodeB shuts down the transmit channels of Port 1. The transmit
channels of Port 0 still work.
l For a 4T4P cell, the eNodeB shuts down the transmit channels of Ports 1 and 2. The
transmit channels of Ports 0 and 3 still work.
l In a cell where the number of transmit channels is greater than the value of the
Cell.CrsPortNum parameter, a port corresponds to multiple transmit channels. If this is
the case, the eNodeB shuts down half of the transmit channels for each port.
After shutting down the RF channels, the eNodeB increases the CRS transmit power to keep
the coverage area unchanged. The amount by which the CRS transmit power will be increased
is specified by the CellRfShutdown.RsPwrAdjOffset parameter. After increasing the CRS
transmit power, the eNodeB automatically changes the number of required symbols for
physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) to 3.

4.3 Exiting Conditions

An FDD cell exits the RF channel intelligent shutdown mode when any of the following
conditions is met:
l The CellRfShutdown.RfShutdownSwitch parameter is set to OFF.
l The RF channel intelligent shutdown period specified by the
CellRfShutdown.StartTime and CellRfShutdown.StopTime parameters ends.
l The eNodeB detects limited downlink physical channel transmit power.
l Faults occur on active RF channels.
l The number of RRC_CONNECTED UEs in the cell is greater than the
RRC_CONNECTED UE number threshold.
– For a macro cell with a downlink bandwidth higher than 15 MHz, the
RRC_CONNECTED UE number threshold is determined by the
CellRfShutdown.UENumThd parameter.
– For a macro cell with a downlink bandwidth higher than 5 MHz but lower than or
equal to 15 MHz or a micro cell, the RRC_CONNECTED UE number threshold is
l A UE performing QCI1 services accesses the cell where the RRC_CONNECTED UE
number threshold is not 0.
l The uplink PRB usage of the cell is greater than the sum of the
CellRfShutdown.UlPrbThd and CellRfShutdown.UlPrbOffset parameter values.
l The downlink PRB usage of the cell is greater than the sum of the
CellRfShutdown.DlPrbThd and CellRfShutdown.DlPrbOffset parameter values.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 18

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 5 Low Power Consumption Mode

5 Low Power Consumption Mode

LOFD-001040 Low Power Consumption Mode reduces cell power consumption when the
eNodeB reports a power insufficiency or power failure alarm, or the eNodeB is being
manually operated, to prolong the service time of the eNodeB.
When the low power consumption mode is used in a centralized power supply scenario, all
cells that are enabled with the low power consumption mode will enter this mode
simultaneously. When the low power consumption mode is used in a distributed power supply
scenario, only the cells that are enabled with the low power consumption mode and have
power failures on their RF modules will enter this mode.
Figure 5-1 uses the BTS3900 DC (–48 V) cabinet as an example to illustrate a centralized
power supply scenario.

Figure 5-1 Centralized power supply scenario

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 5 Low Power Consumption Mode


l In a centralized power supply scenario, main eNodeB components (BBU and RFUs/RRUs) use the
same power supply system and backup power supply system. If the AC power supply becomes
unavailable, the same backup power supply system provides power for all RFUs/RRUs and BBU.
The power alarms are consistent if any.
l In a distributed power supply scenario, main eNodeB components (BBU and RFUs/RRUs) use
multiple power supply systems and backup power supply systems. If the AC power supply becomes
unavailable for some devices, the corresponding backup power supply systems provide power for
these devices, while the power supply systems of other devices remain unchanged. The power
alarms may be inconsistent for different devices.

5.1 Entering Conditions

When the CellLowPower.LowPwrSwitch parameter is set to ON, a cell enters the low power
consumption mode in either of the following ways:

l Automatically
The eNodeB reports ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of Range in a period specified by the
CellLowPower.StartTime and CellLowPower.StopTime parameters. Alternatively, the
eNodeB has detected user-defined mains supply outage alarms. To enable the eNodeB to
detect user-defined alarms, specify the following parameters:
l Manually
The CellLowPower.LowPwrOrder parameter is set to ON. If a user sets the parameter
this way, the cell enters the low power consumption mode regardless of whether it is
within a specified time period or whether an alarm is reported.

5.2 eNodeB Actions

When low power consumption mode is triggered, the cell continues working in normal mode
for a certain period of time before entering low power consumption mode. This period,
referred to as the "transitional period", is specified by the CellLowPower.EnterTimeLen

l If ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of Range or the user-defined mains supply outage alarm
is cleared, or the user cancels manual intervention within this period of time, the eNodeB
exits low power consumption mode.
l If ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of Range or the user-defined mains supply outage alarm
persists, or manual intervention continues within this period of time, the eNodeB
automatically takes the following actions in sequence after the period ends until the
conditions for exiting low power consumption mode are met:
a. Lowers the transmit power for services of the cell.
b. Lowers the transmit power for reference signals.
c. Shuts down some transmit channels.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 20

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 5 Low Power Consumption Mode

d. Shuts down the carriers.

Details about the four actions are provided as follows:

Lowering Transmit Power for Services of the Cell

When an eNodeB enters low power consumption mode, it first lowers the transmit power of
traffic channels in the cell.

The duration for which the transmit power of traffic channels is lowered can be specified by
the CellLowPower.CellUsedPwrReduceTimeLen parameter. The proportion of the available
transmit power in this duration to the full transmit power outside this duration can be
specified by the CellLowPower.CellUsedPwrRatio parameter.

When the timer for lowering the transmit power for services expires, the eNodeB also lowers
the transmit power of reference signals.

Lowering Transmit Power for Reference Signals

The duration for which the reference signal transmit power is lowered can be specified by the
CellLowPower.RsPwrReduceTimeLen parameter. The decrease in the reference signal power
can be specified by the CellLowPower.RsPwrAdjOffset parameter.

In this stage, eNodeB lowers the transmit power of traffic channels and the transmit power of
reference signals simultaneously.

When the timer for lowering the power of reference signals expires, the eNodeB also shuts
down some transmit channels.

Shutting Down Some Transmit Channels

The eNodeB lowers the transmit power of traffic channels and reference signals and shuts
down some transmit channels. The eNodeB performs transmit channel shutdown the same
way as RF channel intelligent shutdown. For details, see 4.2 eNodeB Actions.

The duration for which the transmit channels are shut down is specified by the
CellLowPower.RfShutDownTimeLen parameter.

The differences between shutting down some transmit channels and RF channel intelligent
shutdown are as follows:

l Shutting down some transmit channels does not take the UEs in the serving cell and load
of the serving cell into consideration. The transmit channels will be shut down even if
there are UEs in the serving cell.
l After some transmit channels are shut down, the transmit power of other channels in the
serving cell does not increase.

When the timer for shutting down some transmit channels

(CellLowPower.RfShutDownTimeLen) expires, the eNodeB also shuts down the carriers of
the serving cell.

Shutting Down Carriers

The eNodeB shuts down the serving cell carriers.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 21

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 5 Low Power Consumption Mode

5.3 Exiting Conditions

An eNodeB can automatically enter low power consumption mode if an alarm is reported
during a specified period. It can also be forced to enter this mode if the
CellLowPower.LowPwrOrder parameter is set to ON(On). The condition for an eNodeB
exiting low power consumption mode varies depending on whether the eNodeB enters this
mode automatically or forcibly:
l If the eNodeB automatically enters the low power consumption mode due to an alarm,
the eNodeB exits this mode when any of the following conditions is met:
– The CellLowPower.LowPwrSwitch parameter is set to OFF(Off).
– The duration of low power consumption mode, which is the duration between the
start time CellLowPower.StartTime and the stop time CellLowPower.StopTime,
– The alarm that caused the eNodeB to enter low power consumption mode is
l If the eNodeB forcibly enters low power consumption mode, the eNodeB exits this mode
when either of the following conditions is met:
– The CellLowPower.LowPwrOrder parameter is set to OFF(Off).
– The CellLowPower.LowPwrSwitch parameter is set to OFF(Off).

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 22

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 6 Power Consumption Monitoring

6 Power Consumption Monitoring

LBFD-001041/MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring enables the eNodeB to

periodically report statistics on its power consumption to the U2000. Figure 6-1 shows the
working principle.

Figure 6-1 Working principle for power consumption monitoring

The eNodeB can derive its power consumption statistics using the cumulative or PMU-
assisted measurement method. Neither method requires parameter configuration or
engineering deployment. The cumulative and PMU-assisted measurement methods are
described below:
l Cumulative
The eNodeB periodically measures the power consumption of modules, such as the
BBU, RF modules, and fans. It accumulates the values, and reports the total power
consumption to the U2000.
If the eNodeB is equipped with a module that supports digital power supply or software-
based power consumption measurement, the measured power consumption can be
automatically reported to the BBU. If no such a module is equipped, the BBU needs to
query its power consumption in the power consumption table.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 23

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 6 Power Consumption Monitoring

For LampSite eNodeBs configured with pRRUs, the RHUB measures pRRU power
consumption and reports it to the BBU because pRRUs are incapable of power
consumption measurement. For LampSite eNodeBs configured with RRUs, the RRUs
and RHUB respectively measure and report their own power consumption to the BBU.
Then the BBU reports the total power consumption of the RRUs, RHUB, and BBU to
the U2000.
The VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE counter on the U2000 indicates the total
eNodeB power consumption, which is the accumulated rated power consumptions of all
boards in the eNodeB.
The VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE counter indicates the total power consumption
of all components related to the LTE mode, including LTE BBU boards, RF modules
configured with LTE carriers, and fans.
– For an eNodeB, this counter measures the power consumption of the entire
– For a multimode base station, this counter measures the power consumption of the
LTE part of the base station. This counter does not reflect the exact LTE power
consumption and is for reference only. In multimode scenarios, the power
consumption counter for the multimode base station is recommended.

The LTE power consumption for a multimode base station is calculated as follows:
LTE power consumption = Power consumption of LTE-only units + 1/2 power consumption of
GSM and LTE units + 1/2 power consumption of UMTS and LTE units + 1/3 power consumption
of GSM, UMTS, and LTE units
You can subscribe to and view the power consumption of an eNodeB and that of the LTE part of a
multimode base station on the U2000.
l PMU-assisted measurement
If the eNodeB is equipped with a power monitoring unit (PMU), the eNodeB uses the
PMU to monitor the total PSU power consumption of the BBU, RRUs or RFUs, fans,
and other modules. The eNodeB reports the total power consumption to the U2000.
An eNodeB can report either AC or DC power consumption to the U2000. Set the
ENERGYCON.MP parameter to specify whether to report AC or DC power
– If the PMU is set to monitor AC power consumption, the total power consumption
is the amount of power consumed before AC power is converted into DC power.
– If the PMU is set to monitor DC power consumption, the total power consumption
is the amount of power consumed after AC power is converted into DC power.
The VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Measuring.LTE counter on the U2000 measures the power
consumption of the eNodeB by calculating the current and voltage of the power system.
– When the ENERGYCON.MP parameter is set to DC(DC):
n In LTE-only scenarios, this counter measures the output power of PSUs
calculated by PMUs.
n In multimode scenarios, this counter measures a partial amount of the output
power of PSUs calculated by PMUs. For example, in dual-mode scenarios, the
value of this counter is half of the total output power of PSUs.
– When the ENERGYCON.MP parameter is set to AC(AC):
n In LTE-only scenarios, this counter measures the input power of PSUs
calculated by PMUs.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 6 Power Consumption Monitoring

n In multimode scenarios, this counter measures a partial amount of the input

power of PSUs calculated by PMUs. For example, in dual-mode scenarios, the
value of this counter is half of the total input power of PSUs.
Micro eNodeBs monitor their own power consumption and report the power consumption to
the U2000.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 25

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 7 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

7 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the

Same Coverage

When the number of UEs on a carrier is small, the LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of
Carriers in the Same Coverage feature transfers UEs from this carrier to another carrier
(known as the target carrier) when load permits and then powers off the previous carrier for
energy conservation. Figure 7-1 shows the working principle for Intelligent Power-Off of
Carriers in the Same Coverage.

Figure 7-1 Working principle for Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

In inter-frequency co-coverage networking, when the total load of basic and capacity cells is
low, the eNodeB transfers UEs in capacity cells to basic cells and shuts down the capacity
cells, to reduce power consumption.

To ensure the expected QoS during service migration, this feature is applicable only in the
following scenarios:

l In macro eNodeB scenarios, the coverage area of a capacity cell overlaps the coverage
area of an inter-frequency neighboring cell served by the same eNodeB, and all UEs in
the capacity cell support the working frequency band of the basic cell.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 7 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

l In HetNet inter-frequency co-coverage networking scenarios, all UEs in the capacity cell
support the working frequency band of the basic cell. In addition, the macro eNodeB
must be configured to serve the basic cell and the micro eNodeB must be configured to
serve the capacity cell, which is not used to fill any coverage hole.
l In LTE FDD and LTE TDD co-MPT scenarios, cells working in different modes and
served by macro or LampSite eNodeBs can be configured as basic and capacity cells.
For example, a cell working in LTE FDD mode and a cell working in LTE TDD mode
can be configured as a pair of basic cell and capacity cell.

7.1 Related Concepts

Basic Carrier
In an inter-frequency co-coverage network, a basic carrier is the carrier corresponding to the
frequency that provides basic coverage. Typically, basic carriers work at low frequency bands.

Basic Cell
In an inter-frequency co-coverage network, basic cells are used to provide basic coverage.
Typically, basic cells work on low frequency bands. These cells cannot be shut down.

For a basic cell in macro eNodeB networking, LampSite eNodeB networking, or macro
+LampSite eNodeB networking scenarios, the CellShutdown.UlPrbThd or
CellShutdown.DlPrbThd parameter must be set to 0.

When a basic cell functions as the neighboring cell of a capacity cell, this basic cell is termed
the neighboring basic cell of the capacity cell. If the EutranInterFreqNCell.OverLapInd
parameter is set to YES for any given neighboring basic cell of a capacity cell, the
neighboring basic cell is referred to as a co-coverage neighboring basic cell of the capacity
cell. If the EutranInterFreqNCell.OverLapInd parameter is set to NO for all neighboring
basic cells of a capacity cell, all these neighboring basic cells are used as the co-coverage
neighboring basic cells of this capacity cell.

On a HetNet network, only cells under a macro eNodeB can function as basic cells. The
EutranInterFreqNCell.OverLapInd parameter needs to be configured for the capacity cell
that covers the same area as its inter-frequency basic cell.

Capacity Cell
In inter-frequency co-coverage networking, a capacity cell is configured with frequencies that
improve cell capacity. Typically, capacity cells work on high frequency bands. These cells can
be shut down when the network has light load. To enable UE transfer between basic and
capacity cells, configure the cells as neighboring cells of each other.

In macro eNodeB networking scenarios, the following parameters must be set to any value
other than 0 in the configuration of the capacity cell:

l CellShutdown.UlPrbThd
l CellShutdown.DlPrbThd

On a HetNet network, only cells under a micro eNodeB can function as capacity cells.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 27

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 7 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

7.2 Entering Conditions

A capacity cell enters intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage mode when all of
the following conditions are met:
l The switch for intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
(CellShutdown.CellShutdownSwitch) is turned on.
l The period for intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage starts. This period is
determined by the CellShutdown.StartTime and CellShutdown.StopTime parameters.
l The capacity cell and all its co-coverage neighboring basic cells meet the following
– The sum of the uplink PRB usage of the capacity cell and of all its co-coverage
neighboring basic cells is less than the value of the CellShutdown.UlPrbThd
parameter (uplink PRB threshold for starting intelligent power-off of carriers in the
same coverage).
– The sum of the downlink PRB usage of the capacity cell and of all its co-coverage
neighboring basic cells is less than the value of the CellShutdown.DlPrbThd
parameter (downlink PRB threshold for starting intelligent power-off of carriers in
the same coverage).
l The cell does not meet the conditions for entering low power consumption mode or
intelligent power-off mode of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network.
To avoid the impact on the mobility load balancing (MLB) feature, the uplink and downlink
PRB thresholds for starting intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage for the cell
must be lower than the inter-frequency MLB threshold (CellMLB.InterFreqMlbThd).


When comparing the uplink/downlink PRB usage sum of the capacity cell and basic cell with the
entering threshold, the eNodeB performs conversion processing on the cell bandwidth.

7.3 eNodeB Actions

The eNodeB performs the following operations when the conditions for triggering intelligent
power-off of carriers in the same coverage are met for a capacity cell where there are
l Starts a 30s timer, prohibits access of new UEs and incoming handovers, and broadcasts
the Barred status of the local cell through a SIB1 message.
l Prohibits the local cell from being configured as a secondary serving cell (SCell) of UEs,
and removes the SCell configurations of the CA UEs that use the local cell as the SCell.
l Attempts to hand over all UEs from the local cell to the co-coverage neighboring basic
cells within 30s. If some UEs fail to be handed over and carrier power-off cannot be
forcibly performed, the eNodeB cancels the barred status of the local cell and notifies all
neighboring eNodeBs over the X2 interface that the local cell has exited the energy
conservation state. The eNodeB waits for a penalty period specified by the
CellShutdown.PunishTime parameter and checks the conditions for triggering
intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage again.
l Checks the number of UEs in the local cell once every 5s for 30s. If the number of
RRC_CONNECTED UEs is less than or equal to the value of the

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 28

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 7 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

CellShutdown.ForceShutdownUENumThd parameter and there is no UE performing

QCI1 services in the cell after 30s elapse, it shuts down the carrier serving the cell and
blocks the cell.
l Sends an eNodeB Configuration Update message over the X2 interface to each
neighboring eNodeB. The message contains the Deactivation Indication information
element (IE), indicating that the cell is deactivated for energy conservation.

7.4 Exiting Conditions

The cell exits intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage mode and the carriers are
powered on again when one of the following conditions is met:
l The period for intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage ends. This period is
determined by the CellShutdown.StartTime and CellShutdown.StopTime parameters.
l The switch for intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
(CellShutdown.CellShutdownSwitch) is turned off.
l The uplink PRB usage of the co-coverage neighboring basic cell is higher than the uplink
PRB threshold for canceling the intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of
the capacity cell. The threshold equals the uplink PRB threshold
CellShutdown.UlPrbThd plus the uplink PRB offset CellShutdown.UlPrbOffset.
l The downlink PRB usage of the co-coverage neighboring basic cell is higher than the
downlink PRB threshold for canceling the intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
coverage of the capacity cell. The threshold equals the downlink PRB threshold
CellShutdown.DlPrbThd plus the downlink PRB offset CellShutdown.DlPrbOffset.
l None of the co-coverage neighboring basic cells is available.
l The X2 interface on a HetNet network is faulty.
To avoid the impact on the MLB feature, the uplink and downlink PRB thresholds for
canceling intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage for the cell must be lower
than the inter-frequency MLB threshold. The inter-frequency MLB threshold equals the
CellMLB.InterFreqMlbThd parameter value plus the CellMLB.LoadOffset parameter value.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 29

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 8 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

8 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

LOFD-001056/MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode enables the eNodeB equipped

with AC/DC PSUs to shut down a certain number of PSUs when system load is low. This
feature helps prolong PSU lifetime and reduce power consumption. Figure 8-1 shows the
working principle.

Figure 8-1 Working principle for PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

Details about the PSU and PMU are as follows:

l A PSU converts 110 V AC or 220 V AC power into -48 V DC power.

Generally, each AC-powered eNodeB is configured with multiple PSUs, which are used
for AC/DC conversion. The number of PSUs required is determined based on the
maximum power consumption of the eNodeB. This ensures that the eNodeB operates
properly, even when fully loaded. The eNodeB, however, seldom operates at its full load.
As a result, each PSU in the eNodeB usually works at partial output power. Since the
efficiency at which a PSU converts power is directly proportional to its output power,
low PSU power conversion efficiency will affect the overall eNodeB power

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 30

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 8 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

When an eNodeB is configured with multiple PSUs, one or multiple PSUs can be shut
down based on the actual load. This mechanism maintains the output power of the PSUs
when the power consumed by the eNodeB is low due to a light load on the network.
The PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode feature reduces power consumption by maintaining
high PSU power conversion efficiency. Power consumption reduction is closely related
to the PSU power conversion efficiency changes before and after the PSU intelligent
sleep mode is activated. Assume that the overall output power of PSUs remains
unchanged, and the PSU power conversion efficiencies before and after PSU intelligent
sleep mode are c0 and c1, respectively. Then the power consumption reduction
proportion is (1 – c0/c1). In addition, PSU shutdown extends the life span of the PSUs.
l The PMU monitors the power system, manages batteries, detects power distribution, and
reports alarms, if any, for the eNodeB.

8.1 Entering Conditions

When PSUIS.PSUISS is set to ENABLE(Enable), the eNodeB enters the PSU intelligent
sleep mode if the required number of PSUs is less than the number of actually working PSUs
within five consecutive minutes.

8.2 eNodeB Actions

The eNodeB shuts down a certain number of PSUs based on the actual load.

8.3 Exiting Conditions

The eNodeB exits the PSU intelligent sleep mode if the PSUIS.PSUISS parameter is set to
DISABLE(Disable) or the PMU determines that the eNodeB requires more PSUs than those
in use.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 31

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 9 Symbol Power Saving

9 Symbol Power Saving

LOFD-001070/MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving enables the eNodeB to turn off PAs
during periods for symbols that do not contain any data to transmit. In the subsequent
descriptions, such periods are referred to as empty symbols.

There are basic symbol power saving and enhanced symbol power saving, as shown in Figure
9-1. Enhanced symbol power saving needs to be supported by UEs.

Figure 9-1 Working principles (basic and enhanced)

The Symbol Power Saving feature can be used in both LTE only and multimode shared RF
module scenarios. In a multimode shared RF module scenario, this feature takes effect only if
the carriers in LTE mode are active and the carriers in other modes have entered the power
saving mode.

When both eMTC and basic symbol power saving are enabled, the broadcast of the MIB and
SIBs for eMTC implementation reduces the probability of PA shutdown intended for basic
symbol power saving, therefore affecting the power saving effect.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 32

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 9 Symbol Power Saving

9.1 Basic Symbol Power Saving

For each cell, the eNodeB dynamically checks for empty symbols within each subframe and
shuts down PAs within these symbols. Figure 9-2 shows a subframe transmitted in a single
antenna-port scenario. As shown in this figure, symbols 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 in each timeslot do
not contain any data to transmit. During these symbols, PAs can be turned off to save power.

Figure 9-2 Symbol pattern in a subframe (example 1)

9.1.1 Entering Conditions

When SymbolShutdownSwitch(Symbol shutdown switch) under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PowerSaveSwitch parameter is selected, all cells of the eNodeB enter
the basic symbol power saving mode.

9.1.2 eNodeB Actions

When transmitting service data in the downlink, the eNodeB checks for empty symbols and
turns off PAs during these symbols.

9.1.3 Exiting Conditions

A cell under the eNodeB exits the basic symbol power saving mode when either of the
following conditions is met:

l SymbolShutdownSwitch(Symbol shutdown switch) under the

ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PowerSaveSwitch parameter is deselected.
l Carriers in modes other than LTE have exited the power saving mode.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 33

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 9 Symbol Power Saving

9.2 Enhanced Symbol Power Saving

When Enhanced Symbol Power Saving is enabled, some subframes in which no data is
transmitted are configured as MBSFN subframes (MBSFN is short for multicast broadcast
single frequency network) so that the PA can be shut down for more symbols. As shown in
Figure 9-3, the PA is enabled only in symbol 0 and symbol 1 for MBSFN subframes.

Figure 9-3 Symbol pattern in a subframe (example 2)

To implement enhanced symbol power saving, UEs must be capable of identifying and
handling MBSFN subframes. If UEs are incapable of this, they cannot perform channel
measurements or run services after the mode is enabled, which greatly impacts network KPIs.

9.2.1 Entering Conditions

A cell enters the enhanced symbol power saving mode if all of the following conditions are
l SymbolShutdownSwitch(Symbol shutdown switch) under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PowerSaveSwitch parameter is selected.
l MBSFNShutDownSwitch(MBSFNShutDownSwitch) under the
CellAlgoSwitch.DlSchSwitch parameter is selected.
l The downlink PRB usage is less than 50%.

9.2.2 eNodeB Actions

When transmitting downlink service data in enhanced symbol power saving mode, the
eNodeB dynamically detects the subframes that do not contain user data and configures these
subframes as MBSFN subframes in accordance with section 7.2.1 in 3GPP TR 36.927. This
enables the eNodeB to turn off the PA in more symbols.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 34

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 9 Symbol Power Saving

9.2.3 Exiting Conditions

A cell under the eNodeB exits the enhanced symbol power saving mode when any of the
following conditions is met:
l MBSFNShutDownSwitch(MBSFNShutDownSwitch) under the
CellAlgoSwitch.DlSchSwitch parameter is deselected.
l SymbolShutdownSwitch(Symbol shutdown switch) under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PowerSaveSwitch parameter is deselected.
l The downlink PRB usage is greater than or equal to 50%.
l Carriers in modes other than LTE have exited the power saving mode.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 35

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 10 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage
Parameter Description of UMTS Network

10 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the

Same Coverage of UMTS Network

When an E-UTRAN cell covering the same area as a neighboring UTRAN cell is serving a
small number of UEs and is lightly loaded, the LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of
Carriers in the Same Coverage of UMTS Network feature enables the eNodeB to transfer the
UEs of the E-UTRAN cell to the neighboring UTRAN cell. Then, this feature enables the
eNodeB to shut down the carrier of the E-UTRAN cell for the purpose of saving power.
Figure 10-1 shows the working principles for this feature.

Figure 10-1 Working principles

To ensure the expected QoS during service migration, this feature is applicable only when an
LTE cell has UMTS co-coverage neighboring cells and all UEs in the LTE cell support the
frequency bands of the UMTS co-coverage neighboring cells.

10.1 Entering Conditions

An E-UTRAN cell that has a co-coverage neighboring UTRAN cell enters intelligent power-
off mode only when all of the following conditions are met:

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 36

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 10 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage
Parameter Description of UMTS Network

l InterRatCellShutdown.ForceShutdownSwitch is set to ON(On) for the E-UTRAN

l The eNodeB system time is at any time between the start time and the stop time for the
intelligent power-off mode.
The start time and stop time for the intelligent power-off mode are specified by the
InterRatCellShutdown.StartTime and InterRatCellShutdown.StopTime parameters,
l The InterRatCellShutdown.ShutDownType parameter is set to
l The uplink PRB usage of the E-UTRAN cell is less than or equal to the value of the
InterRatCellShutdown.UlPrbThd parameter.
l The downlink PRB usage of the E-UTRAN cell is less than or equal to the value of the
InterRatCellShutdown.DlPrbThd parameter.
l The number of RRC_CONNECTED UEs in the E-UTRAN cell is less than or equal to
the value of the InterRatCellShutdown.BearNumThd parameter.
l All online UEs in the E-UTRAN cell support UMTS.

To avoid an impact on the inter-RAT MLB feature, the values of the InterRatCellShutdown.UlPrbThd
and InterRatCellShutdown.DlPrbThd parameters must be less than the value of the
CellMLB.InterRATMlbThd parameter.

10.2 eNodeB Actions

When a cell enters intelligent power-off mode, the eNodeB performs the following actions:

1. Prohibits UEs from initially accessing or from being handed over to the cell.
2. Transfers all UEs in the local cell to a co-coverage neighboring UTRAN cell within 30
seconds. If not all UEs in the cell are transferred to the neighboring cell within 30
seconds, the eNodeB removes the prohibition on UE access and incoming handovers and
reevaluates whether the conditions for starting intelligent power-off of carriers in the
same coverage of UMTS network are met.
3. Shuts down the carrier after the eNodeB transfers all UEs in the E-UTRAN cell to the
co-coverage neighboring UTRAN cell.
4. Sends an eNodeB Configuration Update message over the X2 interface to each
neighboring eNodeB. The message contains the Deactivation Indication IE, indicating
that the cell is deactivated for energy conservation.

10.3 Exiting Conditions

An E-UTRAN cell exits intelligent power-off mode and powers on the originally powered off
carrier when either of the following conditions is met:

l The period for intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage, which is between
the start time (InterRatCellShutdown.StartTime) and the stop time
(InterRatCellShutdown.StopTime), ends.
l InterRatCellShutdown.ForceShutdownSwitch is set to OFF(Off) for the E-UTRAN

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 37

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

11 Related Features

11.1 LOFD-001025/MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power

Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

LOFD-081208 Inter-eNodeB SFN Dynamic voltage adjustment does not

Based on Coordinated work with this feature.

MLBFD-12000103 LTE In-band The dynamic voltage adjustment

Deployment function requires that the cell
bandwidth be greater than 5 MHz.
However, the NB-IoT cell bandwidth is
180 kHz.
Therefore, dynamic voltage adjustment
does not work with the LTE In-band
Deployment feature.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 38

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Impacted Features
Feature ID Feature/Function Description

N/A l Location services When Observed Time Difference Of

(LCS) Arrival-based (OTDOA-based) location
l Enhanced Symbol services (LCS) is taking effect, dynamic
Power Saving voltage adjustment does not work. An
eNodeB already in the dynamic voltage
l Load Simulation adjustment state immediately exits this
When enhanced symbol power saving
is taking effect, dynamic voltage
adjustment does not work. An eNodeB
already in the dynamic voltage
adjustment state immediately exits this
When both dynamic voltage adjustment
and load simulation are enabled, load
simulation preferentially takes effect.
Specifically, when load simulation is
enabled, cells exit the dynamic voltage
adjustment mode and will not enter the
mode even if triggering conditions are
met. Cells can enter the dynamic
voltage adjustment mode only when
load simulation is not taking effect in
these cells.
To enable enhanced symbol power saving
for a cell, select the
MBSFNShutDownSwitch option of the
CellAlgoSwitch.DlSchSwitch parameter
and the SymbolShutdownSwitch option of
the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PowerSaveSwitch

LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent When the entering conditions for the

Shutdown dynamic voltage adjustment function
and this feature are met simultaneously,
this feature will preferentially take
effect and the dynamic voltage
adjustment function will not take effect.

LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of When the entering conditions for the

Carriers in the Same dynamic voltage adjustment function
Coverage and this feature are met simultaneously,
this feature will preferentially take
effect and the dynamic voltage
adjustment function will not take effect.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 39

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


LOFD-001040 Low Power During the transitional period of the

Consumption Mode low power consumption mode, the
dynamic voltage adjustment function
continues to take effect. When the
transitional period expires, the dynamic
voltage adjustment function no longer
takes effect.

LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of When the entering conditions for the

Carriers in the Same dynamic voltage adjustment function
Coverage of UMTS and this feature are met simultaneously,
Network this feature will preferentially take
effect and the dynamic voltage
adjustment function will not take effect.

11.2 LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown

Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

MLBFD-12000103 LTE In-band In LTE in-band deployment scenarios,

Deployment intelligent shutdown of RF channels in
FDD cells affects NB-IoT carriers and
further affects services of some UEs in
NB-IoT cells. Therefore, RF channel
intelligent shutdown does not work
with LTE in-band deployment.

LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of None

Carriers in the Same
Coverage of UMTS

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 40

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Impacted Features
Feature ID Feature/Function Description

N/A Power control The RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown

feature is related to the Power Control
feature. Intelligent shutdown of RF
channels increases the transmit power
of reference signals.

N/A MIMO The eNodeB no longer modifies the UE

transmission mode during the period
between when RF Channel Intelligent
Shutdown is triggered and when the
related transmit channels are shut down.
During this period, the UE transmission
mode cannot be adaptively modified in
MIMO mode.

N/A OTDOA-based LCS When OTDOA-based LCS is taking

effect, RF Channel Intelligent
Shutdown does not work. An eNodeB
already in the RF channel intelligent
shutdown state immediately exits this

N/A Load Simulation When RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown

and load simulation are both enabled,
load simulation takes precedence over
RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown.
Specifically, cells can enter RF channel
intelligent shutdown mode only when
the load simulation function is not
enabled. When the load simulation
function is enabled, cells in the RF
channel intelligent shutdown mode exit
the mode.

LOFD-001040 Low Power When a cell in the RF channel

Consumption Mode intelligent shutdown mode meets the
entering conditions for the low power
consumption mode, the cell enters the
low power consumption mode after
exiting the RF channel intelligent
shutdown mode.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 41

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of If a cell is still running in the power-

Carriers in the Same intensive state and the entering
Coverage conditions for the intelligent power-off
of carriers in the same coverage mode
are met for the cell in the RF channel
intelligent shutdown mode, the cell
enters the intelligent power-off of
carriers in the same coverage mode.

LBFD-002029 Earthquake and Tsunami If the

Warning System CellRfShutdown.RsPwrAdjOffset
(ETWS) parameter is set to a value other than 0,
the number of RBs available to
LBFD-001092 CMAS Support downlink scheduling decreases because
the CRS transmit power increases. In
this case, the maximum allowed size of
warning notifications that the cell can
broadcast will reduce. Any warning
notification larger than the maximum
allowed size will fail to be broadcast to

11.3 LOFD-001040 Low Power Consumption Mode

Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

LOFD-081208 Inter-eNodeB SFN None

Based on Coordinated

LOFD-081209 Inter-eNodeB Adaptive None

SFN/SDMA Based on
Coordinated eNodeB

LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of A cell in low power consumption mode

Carriers in the Same cannot enter the intelligent power-off of
Coverage carriers in the same coverage mode.

LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent A cell in low power consumption mode

Shutdown cannot enter the RF channel intelligent
shutdown mode.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 42

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

MLBFD-12000103 LTE In-band In LTE in-band deployment scenarios,

Deployment enabling the low power consumption
mode function in FDD cells affects NB-
IoT carriers and further affects services
of some UEs in NB-IoT cells.
Therefore, this function does not work
with LTE in-band deployment.

LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of None

Carriers in the Same
Coverage of UMTS

Impacted Features
Feature ID Function Name Description

N/A Scheduling When an eNodeB enters low power

consumption mode and performs
operations as described in Lowering
Transmit Power for Services of the
Cell, services are scheduled according
to the configured maximum transmit
power for services.

N/A Power control When an eNodeB enters low power

consumption mode and performs
operations as described in Lowering
Transmit Power for Reference
Signals, the eNodeB lowers the
transmit power of reference signals for
the whole cell based on the configured
transmit power of reference signals.

N/A MIMO When an eNodeB enters low power

consumption mode and performs
operations as described in Shutting
Down Some Transmit Channels, cells
under the eNodeB cannot work in
MIMO mode.

N/A Cell Coverage The cell coverage enhancement

Enhancement function does not take effect when an
eNodeB enters low power consumption

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 43

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

11.4 LBFD-001041/MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption

Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features


Impacted Features

11.5 LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the

Same Coverage
Prerequisite Features
Feature ID Feature Name Description

LBFD-00201802 Coverage Based Inter- None

Frequency Handover

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent A cell in intelligent power-off of

Shutdown carriers in the same coverage mode will
not enter the RF channel intelligent
shutdown mode.

MLBFD-12000103 LTE In-band In LTE in-band deployment scenarios,

Deployment Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the
Same Coverage can be enabled only in
basic cells. Therefore, this feature
cannot be used with the Intelligent
Power-Off of Carriers in the Same
Coverage feature.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 44

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Impacted Features
Feature ID Feature/Function Description

N/A MLB The threshold for entering the

intelligent power-off of carriers in the
same coverage mode must be smaller
than the threshold for exiting the inter-
frequency MLB mode. The threshold
for exiting the intelligent power-off of
carriers in the same coverage mode
must be smaller than the threshold for
entering the inter-frequency MLB

N/A Mobility management in Intelligent power-off of carriers in the

connected mode same coverage may trigger inter-
frequency handovers.
An inter-frequency blind handover will
fail if the target cell is in intelligent
power-off of carriers in the same
coverage mode. Therefore, the
measurement-based inter-frequency
handover is recommended for cells
where the Intelligent Power-Off of
Carriers in the Same Coverage feature
is enabled.

LOFD-001040 Low Power When a cell in the intelligent power-off

Consumption Mode of carriers in the same coverage mode
meets the conditions for entering the
low power consumption mode, the cell
enters the low power consumption
mode after exiting the intelligent
power-off of carriers in the same
coverage mode.

N/A Carrier aggregation Carrier aggregation cannot be

performed for capacity cells in the
intelligent power-off of carriers in the
same coverage mode.

11.6 LOFD-001056/MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep

Prerequisite Features

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 45

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Mutually Exclusive Features


Impacted Features

11.7 LOFD-001070/MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving

Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

LOFD-070220 eMBMS Phase 1 based None

on Centralized MCE

LAOFD-111202 Out of Band Relay Enhanced Symbol Power Saving

(MBSFN-based symbol power saving)
is mutually exclusive with Out of Band

MLOFD-121280 eMTC Introduction Enhanced Symbol Power Saving

(MBSFN-based symbol power saving)
is mutually exclusive with the eMTC

LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent Enhanced Symbol Power Saving

Shutdown (MBSFN-based symbol power saving)
is mutually exclusive with RF Channel
Intelligent Shutdown but compatible
with other energy-saving features.

MLBFD-12000103 LTE In-band The Enhanced Symbol Power Saving

Deployment function is mutually exclusive with the
LTE In-band Deployment feature. This
is because Enhanced Symbol Power
Saving is configured based on MBSFN
subframes, which may also be used in
LTE in-band deployment scenarios.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 46

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Impacted Features
Feature ID Feature Name Description

LOFD-001047 LoCation Services If both LCS and Enhanced Symbol

(LCS) Power Saving are enabled for an
eNodeB, configure the LCS-required
positioning reference signal (PRS)
subframes so that they do not conflict
with MBSFN subframes.
In scenarios where simulated load is
added, symbol power saving has no

LBFD-002003 Physical Channel MBSFN subframe scheduling in

Management Enhanced Symbol Power Saving is
designed to save power on the eNodeB.
It must cooperate with the
discontinuous reception (DRX) feature,
which is designed to save power on
UEs, so that not all MBSFN subframes
are scheduled during the DRX sleep
time. MBSFN subframes in a cell must
be configured based on the sounding
reference signal (SRS) subframes in the
cell. To support enhanced symbol
power saving, the SrsCfg.SrsCfgInd
parameter must be set to
BOOLEAN_TRUE(True) and the
SrsCfg.SrsSubframeCfg parameter
must be set to SC3(3), indicating that
the SRS resources are configured for
UEs in the cell and the index of the
SRS subframe configuration is three.

LOFD-001001 DL 2x2 MIMO If both DL 2x2 MIMO based on TM9

and Enhanced Symbol Power Saving
are enabled for an eNodeB, TM9
services cannot be scheduled on the
MBSFN subframes configured for
enhanced symbol power saving.

GBFD-111610 Dynamic Cell Power Off In a multimode RF module scenario,

the Symbol Power Saving feature takes
GBFD-111602 TRX Power Amplifier effect only if one or more of the energy
Intelligent Shutdown conservation and emission reduction
WRFD-020117 Multi-Carrier Switch off features are enabled for other modes
Based on Traffic Load and the carriers in these modes have
entered the power saving mode.
WRFD-020122 Multi-Carrier Switch off
Based on QoS

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 47

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

MLOFD-121280 eMTC Introduction When the eMTC and Basic Symbol

Power Saving features are both enabled,
the broadcast of the MIB and SIBs for
eMTC reduces the probability of PA
shutdown intended for basic symbol
power saving, therefore affecting the
power saving effect.

MLBFD-12000101 Standalone Deployment The reference signal (RS) symbols of

LTE cells are orthogonal to the RS
MLBFD-12000102 LTE Guardband symbols of NB-IoT cells, and the
Deployment primary synchronization signal (PSS),
MLBFD-12000103 LTE In-band secondary synchronization signals
Deployment (SSSs), MIB, and SIBs of NB-IoT cells
occupy more symbols than those of
LTE cells. Therefore, when the Basic
Symbol Power Saving feature is
enabled in an LTE cell that shares the
same PA with an NB-IoT cell, the
probability of PA shutdown intended
for this feature to take effect will be
reduced, affecting the power saving

11.8 LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the

Same Coverage of UMTS Network
Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

LOFD-003029 SFN None

LOFD-070205 Adaptive SFN/SDMA None

LOFD-081208 Inter-eNodeB SFN None

Based on Coordinated

LOFD-081209 Inter-eNodeB Adaptive None

SFN/SDMA Based on
Coordinated eNodeB

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 48

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent The Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in

Shutdown the Same Coverage of UMTS Network
feature and RF Channel Intelligent
Shutdown feature are mutually

LOFD-001040 Low Power The Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in

Consumption Mode the Same Coverage of UMTS Network
feature and Low Power Consumption
Mode feature are mutually exclusive.

MLBFD-12000103 LTE In-band Enabling this energy saving and

Deployment emission reduction feature in LTE in-
band deployment scenarios makes LTE
FDD cells and NB-IoT cells become
unavailable. This feature is exclusive
with the LTE In-band Deployment

Impacted Features
Feature ID Feature/Function Description

N/A MLB The threshold for entering intelligent

power-off of carriers in the same
coverage of UMTS network mode must
be less than the threshold for entering
inter-RAT MLB mode.

N/A Mobility Management in Intelligent power-off of carriers in the

Connected Mode same coverage of UMTS network will
trigger handovers.

N/A Scheduling Intelligent power-off of carriers in the

same coverage of UMTS network
requires the PRB usage, which is
measured during scheduling and used to
determine whether the PRB usage
reaches the threshold.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 49

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 11 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of When the Intelligent Power-Off of

Carriers in the Same Carriers in the Same Coverage of
Coverage UMTS Network feature and Intelligent
Power-Off of Carriers in the Same
Coverage feature are both enabled, the
former can only be enabled in capacity
cells rather than basic cells. The two
features cannot simultaneously take
effect when they are both enabled in a
capacity cell.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 50

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 12 Network Impact

12 Network Impact

12.1 LOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption

System Capacity
l Dynamic voltage adjustment
This function does not affect system capacity. It is used when there is no UE in
RRC_CONNECTED mode in a cell. The cell exits dynamic voltage adjustment mode
when a UE accesses the cell.
l RF module regular time sleep mode
This function affects system capacity. It is used when an eNodeB does not need to serve
UEs during a specific period, for example, in the subway. When cells in the eNodeB
enter sleep mode, UEs cannot access them.

Network Performance
l Dynamic voltage adjustment
After a cell enters the dynamic voltage adjustment, the eNodeB changes the number of
symbols required for the PDCCH to 3. As a result, the number of RBs occupied by the
PUCCH increases, and the number of RBs used in the uplink (indicated by the
L.ChMeas.PRB.UL.Used.Avg counter) also increases.
l RF module regular time sleep mode
RF module regular time sleep mode turns RF modules off and on, as scheduled by the
operator. When RF modules are turned off, the corresponding cells cannot provide
services. In this case, the earthquake and tsunami warning system (ETWS) and
commercial mobile alert system (CMAS) will not broadcast warning notifications to UEs
in any cells under the eNodeB. For details about ETWS and CMAS, see ETWS Feature
Parameter Description and CMAS Feature Parameter Description.

12.2 LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown

System Capacity
In a CA-capable cell, the number of CA UEs configured with an SCell is included in the
number of UEs of a cell when the eNodeB determines whether the cell enters or exits RF

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 51

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 12 Network Impact

channel intelligent shutdown state. Given the same UE number threshold, the cell is more
likely to exit the RF channel intelligent shutdown state when the penetration rate of CA UEs
is high.
For micro eNodeBs, with this feature, when a cell is not serving any RRC_CONNECTED
UE, some TX channels of the cell are shut down to save power. When the cell starts to serve
RRC_CONNECTED UEs, the cell will start these TX channels and exit the RF channel
intelligent shutdown mode. Therefore, this feature has no impact on system capacity.
For macro eNodeBs:
l When CellRfShutdown.UENumThd is set to 0:
When a cell is not serving any RRC_CONNECTED UE, this feature shuts down some
TX channels of the cell to save power. When the cell starts to serve RRC_CONNECTED
UEs, the cell will start these TX channels and exit the RF channel intelligent shutdown
mode. In this scenario, this feature has no impact on system capacity.
l When CellRfShutdown.UENumThd is set to a value greater than 0:
A cell can enter RF channel intelligent shutdown mode even if it serves a small number
of UEs. Shutting down some TX channels decreases the downlink diversity gains and
negatively affects downlink demodulation performance. In this scenario, this feature has
a negative impact on downlink coverage.

Network Performance
For micro eNodeBs: With this feature, when a cell is not serving any RRC_CONNECTED
UE, some TX channels of the cell are shut down to save power. When the cell starts to serve
RRC_CONNECTED UEs, the cell will start these TX channels and exit the RF channel
intelligent shutdown mode. Therefore, this feature has no impact on network performance in
this scenario.
For macro and LampSite eNodeBs:
l When CellRfShutdown.UENumThd is set to 0:
l When a cell is not serving any RRC_CONNECTED UE, this feature shuts down some
TX channels of the cell to save power. When the cell starts to serve RRC_CONNECTED
UEs, the cell will start these TX channels and exit the RF channel intelligent shutdown
mode. In this scenario, this feature has no impact on network performance.
l When CellRfShutdown.UENumThd is set to a value greater than 0:
l A cell can enter RF channel intelligent shutdown mode even if it serves a small number
of UEs. Shutting down some TX channels decreases the downlink diversity gains and
rolls back the UE transmission mode to TM2 during the shutdown period. In this
scenario, this feature decreases the average downlink throughput and peak throughput in
the cell.
After an RF channel is shut down, the eNodeB changes the number of symbols required for
the PDCCH to 3. As a result, the number of RBs occupied by the PUCCH increases, and the
number of RBs used in the uplink (indicated by the L.ChMeas.PRB.UL.Used.Avg counter)
also increases.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 52

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 12 Network Impact

12.3 LOFD-001040 Low Power Consumption Mode

System Capacity
This feature has a negative impact on system capacity. If a cell is shut down, UEs cannot
access the cell.

Network Performance
This feature enables a cell to automatically enter low power consumption mode when
ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of Range or a user-defined mains supply outage alarm is
generated, prolonging the eNodeB service time and the duration that the eNodeB is
maintainable. With this feature, the transmit power of a cell may be lowered, or the cell may
become unavailable, affecting system capacity and network performance.

12.4 LBFD-001041/MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption

System Capacity
No impact.

Network Performance
No impact.

12.5 LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the

Same Coverage
System Capacity
When the network load is less than a certain threshold, this feature enables the eNodeB to shut
down some E-UTRAN carriers to save power. Each time an E-UTRAN carrier is shut down,
the total network capacity is reduced by an amount equal to the capacity of the shut-down
cell. Therefore, use this feature when the network load is relatively light.

Network Performance
During the intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage mode period, UEs in a
capacity cell are handed over to a basic cell, causing increases in the following counter values
in the capacity cell:
On a macro network:
l L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq.PrepAttOut: number of intra-eNodeB inter-frequency
outgoing handover attempts in a cell
l L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq.ExecAttOut: number of intra-eNodeB inter-frequency
outgoing handover executions in a cell

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 12 Network Impact

l L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq.ExecSuccOut: number of successful intra-eNodeB inter-

frequency outgoing handovers in a cell

On a HetNet network:

l L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq.PrepAttOut: number of inter-eNodeB inter-frequency

outgoing handover attempts in a cell
l L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq.ExecAttOut: number of inter-eNodeB inter-frequency
outgoing handover executions in a cell
l L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq.ExecSuccOut: number of successful inter-eNodeB inter-
frequency outgoing handovers in a cell

In addition, the following counter values increase in the basic cell:

On a macro network:

l L.HHO.IntraeNB.PrepAttIn: number of intra-eNodeB incoming handover attempts in

a cell
l L.HHO.IntraeNB.ExecAttIn: number of intra-eNodeB incoming handover executions
in a cell
l L.HHO.IntraeNB.ExecSuccIn: number of successful intra-eNodeB incoming
handovers in a cell

On a HetNet network:

l L.HHO.IntereNB.PrepAttIn: number of inter-eNodeB incoming handover attempts in

a cell
l L.HHO.IntereNB.ExecAttIn: number of inter-eNodeB incoming handover executions
in a cell
l L.HHO.IntereNB.ExecSuccIn: number of successful inter-eNodeB incoming
handovers in a cell

To transfer all current UEs out, the capacity cell will reject all handover requests from
neighboring cells. The values of the following counters increase in the source cell:
L.HHO.Prep.FailOut.PrepFailure (number of intra-duplex-mode outgoing handover
preparation failures because of the handover preparation failure messages sent from the target
cell), L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq.PrepAttOut (Number of inter-eNodeB intra-frequency
outgoing handover attempts in a cell), and L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq.PrepAttOut
(Number of inter-eNodeB inter-frequency outgoing handover attempts in a cell).

12.6 LOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

System Capacity
No impact.

Network Performance
This feature enables the eNodeB to turn off some PSUs when the eNodeB load is light and to
turn on these PSUs when the load increases. This feature has no impact on the network

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 12 Network Impact

12.7 LOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving

System Capacity
No impact.

Network Performance
Basic symbol power saving enables the eNodeB to check the symbols or subframes to be
transmitted and turn off PAs during empty symbols or subframes. This feature has no impact
on network performance.

Enhanced symbol power saving is configured based on MBSFN subframes. However,

MBSFN subframes cannot be updated in real time. When the data to be transmitted increases,
the number of MBSFN subframes cannot promptly decrease, causing a delay of
approximately 100 seconds before the transmission rate increases. To implement enhanced
symbol power saving in LTE networks, UEs must be capable of identifying and handling
MBSFN subframes. If UEs are incapable of this, they cannot perform channel measurements
or run services after the mode is enabled, which greatly impacts network KPIs.

12.8 LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the

Same Coverage of UMTS Network
System Capacity
To save power, this feature enables the eNodeB to shut down the carrier of the E-UTRAN cell
when the E-UTRAN cell load is less than the configured threshold. After an E-UTRAN cell is
shut down, the cell no longer provides services and UEs are transferred to a UTRAN cell.
Therefore, each time an E-UTRAN carrier is shut down, the total network capacity is reduced
by an amount equal to the capacity of the shut-down cell.

Network Performance
This feature reduces the capacity of the entire network. To minimize the impact, use this
feature when the network load is light.

When the E-UTRAN cell enters E-UTRAN carrier power-off mode, the eNodeB transfers
UEs to a co-coverage UTRAN cell by handovers or redirections. As a result, in the intelligent
power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network mode, the following counter
values increase:

l L.IRATHO.E2W.PrepAttOut: number of outgoing handover attempts from E-UTRAN

to WCDMA network
l L.IRATHO.E2W.ExecAttOut: number of outgoing handover executions from E-
UTRAN to WCDMA network
l L.IRATHO.E2W.ExecSuccOut: number of successful outgoing handovers from E-
UTRAN to WCDMA network
l L.RRCRedirection.E2W: number of redirections from E-UTRAN to WCDMA network

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 12 Network Impact

To hand the UEs over quickly, the E-UTRAN cell does not allow new incoming requests.
When a neighboring cell attempts to hand UEs over to the E-UTRAN cell, the E-UTRAN cell
rejects the handover request from the source cell. In this case, the source cell continues to
send handover requests to other candidate neighboring cells, for example, UTRAN cells.
Therefore, after an E-UTRAN cell enters intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
coverage mode, the value of the "Number of intra-duplex-mode outgoing handover
preparation failures because of the handover preparation failure messages sent from the target
cell" counter (L.HHO.Prep.FailOut.PrepFailure) increases in the source cell.
Note that after an E-UTRAN carrier is shut down, UEs in its coverage area can initiate access
only to the co-coverage UTRAN cell, which negatively impacts the user QoS experience.
Therefore, use this feature only when traffic is light, for example, at night.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 56

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 13 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001025/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption

13 Engineering Guidelines for

LOFD-001025/MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power

13.1 When to Use

This feature is recommended if there is no UE on the network in certain periods.

13.2 Required Information

Before enabling the RF module regular time sleep mode function, ensure that the cell service
is not required in certain periods by analyzing the eNodeB deployment scenario and historical
number of UEs in each cell.

13.3 Planning
RF Planning

Network Planning
Plan cells with bandwidths higher than 5 MHz for the dynamic voltage adjustment function.

Hardware Planning
Ensure that the RF modules meet the following requirements before enabling the Adaptive
Power Consumption feature:
l The RF modules support the LTE only mode or support multiple modes but are
configured in LTE only mode.
l To support the dynamic voltage adjustment function, RF modules must work on a single

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 57

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 13 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001025/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption

l This feature is not recommended when the RRU3268 or RRU3260 is used but not
configured with the maximum power.

13.4 Deployment

13.4.1 Requirements

Operating Environment
Dynamic voltage adjustment applies to macro eNodeBs. To use dynamic voltage adjustment,
ensure that the cell parameter settings meet the following requirements:

l CellDlpcPdschPa.PaPcOff: This parameter must be set to a value greater than or equal

to -3 dB. This is because this parameter affects the maximum configurable TX power
and the number of RBs available after dynamic voltage adjustment takes effect.
l CellPdcchAlgo.ComSigCongregLv: This parameter must be set to CONGREG_LV4.
This is because this parameter affects the number of DCIs that can be transmitted over

Transmission Networking

The operator has purchased and activated the feature licenses listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Model License Control NE Sales

Name Item Unit

LOFD-001025 Adaptive LT1S000A Adaptive Power eNodeB per cell

Power CP00 Consumption
Consumption (FDD)

MLOFD-0010 Adaptive ML1S000 Adaptive Power eNodeB per cell

25 Power ACP00 Consumption
Consumption (NB-IoT)

13.4.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

The following table describes parameters that must be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to
configure dynamic voltage adjustment.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 13 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001025/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption

Table 13-1 Parameters to be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to configure dynamic voltage


Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


Local cell ID CellAlgoSwitch. None


Dynamic adjust CellAlgoSwitch. Set this parameter to its recommended value.

voltage algorithm DynAdjVoltSwitc
switch h

The following table describes parameters that must be set in the eNodeBAutoPowerOff MO
to configure RF module regular time sleep mode.

Table 13-2 Parameters to be set in the eNodeBAutoPowerOff MO to configure RF module

regular time sleep mode

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


RF module eNodeBAutoPow Turn on this switch if cells of the eNodeB do not need
sleep erOff.AutoPower to provide services in certain periods.
switch OffSwitch

RF module eNodeBAutoPow Set this parameter to its recommended value.

sleep start erOff.PowerOffTi
time me

RF module eNodeBAutoPow Set this parameter to its recommended value.

sleep stop erOff.PowerOnTi
time me Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
l Dynamic voltage adjustment

Step 1 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command to enable dynamic voltage adjustment.


l RF module regular time sleep mode

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 59

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 13 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001025/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBAUTOPOWEROFF command to enable RF module regular time
sleep mode.


MML Command Examples

l Dynamic voltage adjustment
MOD CELLALGOSWITCH: LocalCellId=0, DynAdjVoltSwitch=DynAdjVoltSwitch-1;

l RF module regular time sleep mode

MOD ENODEBAUTOPOWEROFF: AutoPowerOffSwitch=ON, PowerOffTime=23&00&00,

13.4.3 Activation Observation

Dynamic Voltage Adjustment
Step 1 Run the LST CELLALGOSWITCH command to verify that Dynamic adjust voltage
algorithm switch is set to On.
Step 2 Check the number of users by performing Users Statistic Monitoring tasks on the U2000.
Ensure that there is no UE in RRC_CONNECTED mode in the cell within 10 minutes.
Step 3 Run the DSP CELL command to verify that Cell power save state is dynamic adjust
voltage mode.


RF Module Regular Time Sleep Mode

Step 1 Run the LST ENODEBAUTOPOWEROFF command to verify that RF module sleep
switch is set to ON.
Step 2 Run the DSP TIME command to check whether the eNodeB has entered the power-off
l If it has, go to Step 3.
l If it has not, wait till the specified time arrives.
Step 3 One minute later, run the DSP ENODEBAUTOPOWEROFF command to verify that the
value of RF module sleep status is RF Module Regular Time Sleep Mode.

Step 4 Run the DSP TXBRANCH command to query the status of TX channels. This feature is
activated when the TX channels of all RF modules are disabled.


13.4.4 Deactivation
Table 13-3 provides the parameters used to deactivate this feature.

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Parameter Description MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption

Table 13-3 Parameters used to deactivate adaptive power consumption

MO Parameter Group Setting Notes

CellAlgoSwitch Local Cell ID (LocalCellId) and Dynamic Deselect

adjust voltage algorithm switch DynAdjVoltSwitch
(DynAdjVoltSwitch) under the
CellAlgoSwitch MO.

eNodeBAutoPowe RF module sleep switch Set

rOff (AutoPowerOffSwitch) AutoPowerOffSwitch
to OFF(Off).

This feature can be deactivated using the CME or MML commands. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
l Dynamic voltage adjustment
Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command with the DynAdjVoltSwitch option
deselected under the CellAlgoSwitch.DynAdjVoltSwitch parameter.
l RF module regular time sleep mode
Run the MOD ENODEBAUTOPOWEROFF command with the RF module sleep
switch parameter set to OFF(Off).

MML Command Examples

l Dynamic voltage adjustment
MOD CELLALGOSWITCH: LocalCellId=0, DynAdjVoltSwitch=DynAdjVoltSwitch-0;

l RF module regular time sleep mode


13.5 Performance Monitoring

Compare the eNodeB power consumption data on the live network one week before and after
the feature is enabled to assess the energy saving gains of the feature.

Dynamic Voltage Adjustment

To monitor and evaluate the performance of this feature, operators can view the value of the
following counter on the U2000:
VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE: power consumption of a macro eNodeB
When there is no traffic in a cell, a significant drop in eNodeB power consumption after
dynamic voltage adjustment is activated indicates good function performance.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 61

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 13 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001025/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001025 Adaptive Power Consumption

RF Module Regular Time Sleep Mode

To monitor and evaluate the performance of this feature, operators can view the values of the
following counters on the U2000:
l VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE: power consumption of a macro, micro, or
LampSite eNodeB
After this function is enabled, a significant drop in the counter value during the power-
off period indicates good performance of the RF module regular time sleep mode.
l L.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving: duration of cell unavailability due to energy saving
For the definition of this counter, see Performance Counter Reference of eNodeBs.
There is a certain delay before the eNodeB powers off or powers on all its cells when the
entering and exiting conditions are met. Therefore, the time when the
L.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving counter is measured is at most 60s later than the
time when the eNodeBAutoPowerOff.PowerOffTime and
eNodeBAutoPowerOff.PowerOnTime counters are measured.

13.6 Parameter Optimization


13.7 Possible Issues

Fault Description
An eNodeB for which RF module regular time sleep mode is enabled cannot enter power-off
mode. This fault occurs when the function of RF module regular time sleep mode is being

Fault Handling
Step 1 Run the DSP TIME command to query the eNodeB system time.

Step 2 If needed, change the eNodeB system time to a time 20s earlier than the start time of the
power-off period.



The eNodeB enters the power-off period automatically when the start time arrives. It is not
recommended that the user forcibly make the eNodeB enter the power-off period by manually changing
the system time.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 62

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown

14 Engineering Guidelines for

LOFD-001039 RF Channel Intelligent

14.1 When to Use

Suggestions on deploying the RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown feature are as follows:

l This feature is recommended if power consumption is the operator's major concern and
the network load is light at night, for example, the uplink/downlink PRB usage is lower
than 20%.
l Do not to use this feature in UE high-speed mobility scenarios.

When multiple carriers share the same PA, the PA can be shut down only when all the carriers
are powered off. If RF channels are shut down only for the LTE carrier but not for other
carriers sharing the same PA, the PA cannot be shut down. In such a case, there will be no
power saving gains.

14.2 Required Information

When macro or LampSite eNodeBs are used, observe the L.ChMeas.PRB.PUSCH.Avg
(average number of occupied PRBs of the PUSCH), L.ChMeas.PRB.DL.Used.Avg (average
number of occupied PRBs of the PDSCH), and L.Traffic.User.Avg (average number of UEs
in a cell) counters on the U2000 to analyze load information of a cell. The analysis result
provides reference for the configuration of thresholds for the uplink and downlink PRB
usages and UE quantities.

For an SFN cell, the PRB usage of each physical cell needs to be collected through the
following counters:

l The uplink PRB usage of each physical cell can be obtained by deducting the number of
occupied RBs of the PUCCH and PRACH from the value of
L.CellSectorEQUIP.SFN.UL.PRB.Used.Avg (average number of uplink PRBs
occupied by all UEs served by the sector equipment of the SFN cell).

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown

l The number of occupied RBs of the PUCCH and PRACH can be obtained by deducting
the average number of PRBs occupied by the PUSCH from the value of
L.ChMeas.PRB.UL.Used.Avg (average number of occupied uplink PRBs).

14.3 Planning
RF Planning

Network Planning
This feature takes effect only when a cell is configured with two or four transmit antennas or
when each physical cell in the SFN networking is configured with two or four transmit
antennas, with the cell bandwidth greater than 5 MHz.

Hardware Planning
The RF modules support the LTE only mode or support multiple modes but are configured in
LTE only mode.

For LampSite eNodeBs, LTE carriers do not share RF channels with carriers of other RATs.

The pRRU5920 does not support RF channel intelligent shutdown.

14.4 Deployment

14.4.1 Requirements

Operating Environment
l This feature takes effect only when a cell is configured with two or four transmit
antennas or when each physical cell in the SFN networking is configured with two or
four transmit antennas, with the cell bandwidth greater than 5 MHz.
l CellDlpcPdschPa.PaPcOff: This parameter must be set to a value greater than or equal
to –3 dB. This parameter affects the maximum configurable TX power and the number
of RBs available after the RF channels are shut down.
l CellPdcchAlgo.ComSigCongregLv: This parameter must be set to CONGREG_LV4.
This parameter affects the number of CCEs that can be transmitted over PDCCHs.
l CellDlSchAlgo.RarAndPagingCR: This parameter must be set to 0.05 or a larger value.
This parameter affects the code rate of random access response and paging messages.
l CellChPwrCfg.PchPwr: This parameter must be set to a value equaling
CellDlpcPdschPa.PaPcOff plus 3 (in unit of dB). This parameter affects the power for
sending paging messages on the PDSCH.

Transmission Networking

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown

The operator has purchased and activated the feature licenses listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Name Model License NE Sales Unit

Control Item

LOFD-00103 RF Channel LT1S0RF RF Channel eNodeB per cell

9 Intelligent CIS00 Intelligent
Shutdown Shutdown

14.4.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellRfShutdown MO to
configure RF channel intelligent shutdown.

Table 14-1 Parameters for initially configuring RF Channel Intelligent Shutdown

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


Local cell ID CellRfShutdown.LocalCell Set this parameter to its recommended

Id value.

RF intelligent CellRfShutdown.RfShutdo Set this parameter to its recommended

shutdown switch wnSwitch value.

Start time CellRfShutdown.StartTim Set this parameter to its recommended

e value.

Stop time CellRfShutdown.StopTime Set this parameter to its recommended


Reference signal CellRfShutdown.RsPwrAd Retain the default value.

power adjust jOffset l If this parameter is set to a larger
offset value, less energy is saved, but the
impact on system coverage is
l If this parameter is set to a smaller
value, more energy is saved, but the
impact on system coverage is

Downlink PRB CellRfShutdown.DlPrbTh l If the two parameters are set to

threshold d larger values, the cell enters the RF
channel intelligent shutdown state

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


Uplink PRB CellRfShutdown.UlPrbTh more easily, thereby saving more

threshold d energy.
l If the two parameters are set to
smaller values, the cell enters the
RF channel intelligent shutdown
state less easily, thereby saving less
l If energy conservation effectiveness
is a major concern, set the two
parameters to large values.
l If service stability is a major
concern, set the two parameters to
values no greater than 8.
For the feature exit threshold, that is,
the sum of
CellRfShutdown.DlPrbThd or
CellRfShutdown.UlPrbThd and the
offset, its recommended value is less
than or equal to 20. This prevents the
problem that this feature cannot exit
because the actual uplink or downlink
PRB usage does not reach the exit
threshold when the physical power is
restricted after RF channels are shut

Downlink PRB CellRfShutdown.DlPrbOff l The larger the values of these two

offset set parameters, the harder it is for the
cell to exit the RF channel
intelligent shutdown state, which
affects services.
l The smaller the values of these two
parameters, the easier it is for the
cell to exit the RF channel
intelligent shutdown state, which
raises the risk of frequent entering
and exiting of the RF channel
intelligent shutdown state.
In addition, after the cell enters the RF
channel intelligent shutdown state, the
UE transmission mode is set to TM2
and cannot be raised to a higher-order
transmission mode even if the UE
channel quality is good. Maintaining
the same transmission rate requires
more RB resources, which may lead to
an increase in the downlink PRB usage

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


Uplink PRB offset CellRfShutdown.UlPrbOff after the RF channel intelligent

set shutdown. Therefore, the downlink
PRB usage offset cannot be set to an
excessively low value, which may lead
to frequent entering and exiting of the
RF channel intelligent shutdown state.
It is recommended that the downlink
PRB usage offset be greater than the
downlink PRB usage threshold for
entering the RF channel intelligent
shutdown state. The recommended
values of the two parameters are 12.

UE Number CellRfShutdown.UENum l For cells with a 10 MHz or 15 MHz

Threshold Thd bandwidth, the default value is
l For cells with a bandwidth greater
than 15 MHz:
If this parameter is set to a larger
value, cells are more likely to enter
the RF channel intelligent shutdown
state, thereby saving more energy.
– If energy conservation is a
major concern, set this
parameter to a value up to 20. A
larger value indicates better
energy conservation results.
– If service stability is a major
concern, set this parameter to a
value no greater than 10. If this
parameter is set to 0, RF channel
intelligent shutdown can be
triggered only when there are no
cell. This minimizes impacts on
service stability but also energy
conservation gains. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
Run the MOD CELLRFSHUTDOWN command to enable RF Channel Intelligent

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 67

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown

MML Command Examples

MOD CELLRFSHUTDOWN: LocalCellId=0, RfShutdownSwitch=ON, StartTime=22&53&40,
StopTime=23&53&41, RsPwrAdjOffset=3, DlPrbThd=0, UlPrbThd=0, DlPrbOffset=0,
UlPrbOffset=0, UENumThd=0;

14.4.3 Activation Observation

Step 1 Run the LST CELLRFSHUTDOWN command to verify that RF intelligent shutdown
switch is On.

Step 2 Run the DSP TIME command to verify that the eNodeB system time falls within the period
of RF channel intelligent shutdown.

Step 3 Choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management on the U2000. In the
navigation tree on the left of the displayed Signaling Trace Management window, choose
Trace Type > LTE > Cell Performance Monitoring > Users Statistic Monitoring. Verify
that the number of UEs in the E-UTRAN cell is less than or equal to the value of the UE
Number Threshold parameter.

Step 4 Choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management on the U2000. In the
navigation tree on the left of the displayed Signaling Trace Management window, choose
Trace Type > LTE > Cell Performance Monitoring > Usage of RB Monitoring. Verify that
the uplink and downlink PRB usages of the E-UTRAN cell are less than or equal to the values
of the Uplink PRB threshold and Downlink PRB threshold parameters, respectively. The
cell can enter RF channel intelligent shutdown mode.

Step 5 After 30 seconds, run the DSP CELL command to verify that Cell power save state is RF
intelligent shutdown mode.

Step 6 Run the DSP CELLRFSHUTDOWN command to verify that Current status about RF
intelligent shutdown is Entering the RF channel intelligent shutdown mode.


14.4.4 Deactivation
Table 14-2 provides the parameters used to deactivate this feature.

Table 14-2 Parameter used to deactivate RF channel intelligent shutdown

MO Parameter Setting Notes

CellRfShutdown RF intelligent Set this parameter to OFF(Off).

shutdown switch

This feature can be deactivated using the CME or MML commands. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 68

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
Run the MOD CELLRFSHUTDOWN command with the RF intelligent shutdown switch
parameter set to OFF(Off).

MML Command Examples

MOD CELLRFSHUTDOWN: LocalCellId=0, RfShutdownSwitch=OFF, StartTime=22&53&40,

14.5 Performance Monitoring

To monitor and evaluate the performance of this feature, operators can view the values of the
following counters on the U2000:
l eNodeB power consumption
VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE: power consumption of a macro, micro, or
LampSite eNodeB
If eNodeB power consumption has dropped significantly after RF channel intelligent
shutdown was activated, this feature has been delivering good performance. Otherwise,
this feature has been delivering poor performance.
l Duration of RF channel intelligent shutdown
To monitor the performance of the RF channel intelligent shutdown feature, operators
can query the value of L.ChMeas.DFEE.RFOFF.Dur on the U2000. For the definition
of this counter, see Performance Counter Reference of eNodeBs.
Compare the eNodeB power consumption data on the live network one week before and after
the feature is enabled to assess the energy saving gains of the feature.

14.6 Parameter Optimization


14.7 Possible Issues

Fault Description
A cell does not enter the RF channel intelligent shutdown state 30s after the RF Channel
Intelligent Shutdown feature is enabled.

Fault Handling
Run the DSP CELLRFSHUTDOWN command and check the value of Current status
about RF intelligent shutdown to obtain the reason why the cell does not enter the RF
channel intelligent shutdown mode.
Table 14-3 describes the methods for checking different cause values. If the corresponding
condition is met according to the check result but the fault persists, contact Huawei technical

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 69

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown

Table 14-3 Conditions for entering RF channel intelligent shutdown and their check methods
Cause Value Condition Check Method

UE_CONNECTED_ The cell has no UE in Check whether the cell is not serving any
because there are UEs mode. On the U2000, choose Monitor >
in This cause value Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace
RRC_CONNECTED applies only to micro Management > Users Statistic
mode) eNodeBs. Monitoring.

UE_CONNECTED_E The number of Check whether the number of UEs in

XCEED(Not entering RRC_CONNECTED RRC_CONNECTED mode in the cell is
because the number UEs in the cell is less less than or equal to the threshold.
of UEs in than or equal to the On the U2000, choose Monitor >
RRC_CONNECTED threshold. Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace
mode exceeds This cause value Management > Users Statistic
threshold) applies only to macro Monitoring.

PRB_RATIO_EXCE The uplink or Check whether the uplink or downlink

ED(Not entering downlink PRB usage PRB usage in the cell is less than the
because the UL/DL in the cell is less than uplink or downlink threshold.
PRB ratio exceeds the the uplink or On the U2000, choose Monitor >
PRB threshold) downlink threshold. Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace
This cause value Management > LTE > Cell
applies only to macro Performance Monitoring > Usage Of
eNodeBs. RB Monitoring.

QCI1_UE_EXIST(No The cell has no UE Check whether there is no UE whose

t entering because the whose QCI is 1. QCI is 1 in the cell by observing the
existence of QCI=1 This cause value L.Traffic.ActiveUser.DL.QCI.1.Max
UEs) applies only to macro and L.Traffic.ActiveUser.UL.QCI.
eNodeBs. 1.Max counters.

LOAD_SIMULATIO No simulated load is Run the LST CELLSIMULOAD

N_ENABLED(Not added to the cell. command to check whether simulated
entering because load load is added to the cell.
simulation is enabled)

LCS_ENABLED(Not The LCS feature is Run the LST

entering because LCS disabled. ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to
is enabled) check whether LCS is enabled.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 70

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown

Cause Value Condition Check Method

DELAY_FOR_30MI More than 30 minutes Query the RF channel intelligent

NUTES(Not entering have elapsed since the shutdown status 30 minutes later.
because the state is last time the cell
delayed for 30 exited the RF channel
minutes) intelligent shutdown
mode, because the
number of UEs in
mode exceeds the
threshold, the PRB
usage exceeds the
threshold, or the
scheduled transmit
power is insufficient.

WRONG_REQ_FOR For macro eNodeBs: Check whether the cell bandwidth meets
_PA_CCE(Not The cell bandwidth is the requirement. Run the LST CELL
entering because the higher than 5 MHz command to query the uplink and
cell bandwidth, PA but not higher than 10 downlink cell bandwidths.
value, or CCE MHz if the value of
aggregation level for the
common signaling CellRfShutdown.UE
does not meet NumThd parameter is
requirements) 0. The cell bandwidth
is higher than 10 MHz
if the value of this
parameter is not 0.
For micro eNodeBs:
The cell bandwidth is
higher than 5 MHz.

OTHERS(Not The system time falls Run the DSP TIME command to query
entering because of within the period the eNodeB system time. Check whether
other reasons) specified for RF the system time is within the period of
channel intelligent RF channel intelligent shutdown.

WRONG_ANTENN The sector is l Run the DSP TXBRANCH

AS_NUM(Not configured with at command to check whether the
entering because the least two functional corresponding RF module of the cell
number of antennas transmit channels. has two or more transmit channels.
does not meet l Check whether the corresponding RF
requirements) module of the cell is faulty. If it is, the
alarm ALM-29243 Cell Capability
Degraded is reported. In this case,
you must clear the alarm.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 14 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001039 RF Channel
Parameter Description Intelligent Shutdown

Cause Value Condition Check Method


IENT(Not entering of the cell meets the command to check whether the
because the power is configuration CellDlpcPdschPa.PaPcOff parameter is
insufficient) requirements. set to a value greater than or equal to -3
command to check whether the
parameter is set to CONGREG_LV4.


entering because the enabled. command to check whether RF Channel
switch is turned off) Intelligent Shutdown is enabled.


Not entering because power saving function command to check whether the
MBSFN shutdown is disabled. MBSFNShutDownSwitch option of the
switch and symbol CellAlgoSwitch.DlSchSwitch parameter
shutdown switch are is selected.
both enabled)

If the cell exits the RF channel intelligent shutdown state in an unexpected way, run the DSP
CELLRFSHUTDOWN command to query the cause. If corresponding measures are taken
and the fault persists, contact Huawei engineers.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 72

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 15 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001040 Low Power
Parameter Description Consumption Mode

15 Engineering Guidelines for

LOFD-001040 Low Power Consumption Mode

15.1 When to Use

Low power consumption mode is recommended when the mains supply is unstable.

15.2 Planning
RF Planning

Network Planning

Hardware Planning
Batteries and auxiliary cabinets are required.
Single-mode RF modules must support LTE only and multi-mode RF modules must be
configured to work in LTE only mode.
Among all micro base stations, only the BTS3911E of 2x20 W supports the low power
consumption mode.

15.3 Deployment

15.3.1 Requirements
Operating Environment

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 15 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001040 Low Power
Parameter Description Consumption Mode

Transmission Networking

The operator has purchased and activated the feature license listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Name Model License Control NE Sales

Item Unit

LOFD-00104 Low Power LT1S00 Low Power eNode per cell

0 Consumption LPCM0 Consumption B
Mode 0 (FDD)

15.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

Required Data
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellLowPower MO to
configure low power consumption mode.

Table 15-1 Parameters to be set in the CellLowPower MO to configure low power

consumption mode

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Local cell ID CellLowPo None


Low power CellLowPo Set this parameter to its recommended value.

consumption wer.LowPw
mode switch rSwitch

Low power CellLowPo Set this parameter to its recommended value.

consumption wer.LowPw
mode order rOrder

Start time CellLowPo Set this parameter to its recommended value.


Stop time CellLowPo Set this parameter to its recommended value.


Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 74

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 15 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001040 Low Power
Parameter Description Consumption Mode

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Cell used CellLowPo Set this parameter to its recommended value.

power wer.CellUse
reduce time dPwrReduc
length eTimeLen

Reference CellLowPo Set this parameter to its recommended value.

signal power wer.RsPwr
reduce time ReduceTim
length eLen

RF CellLowPo Set this parameter to its recommended value.

shutdown wer.RfShut
time length DownTime

Cell used CellLowPo When a cell is heavily loaded, setting this parameter to a
power ratio wer.CellUse larger value saves less energy and decreases the peak
dPwrRatio throughput less significantly.
When a cell is lightly loaded, setting this parameter to a
smaller value saves more energy and decreases the peak
throughput more significantly.
Set this parameter to its recommended value.

Reference CellLowPo Set this parameter to its recommended value.

signal power wer.RsPwr l Setting this parameter to a smaller value, for example, –
adjust offset AdjOffset 5, results in a greater reduction of reference signal
power. This saves more energy, but greatly reduces
system coverage.
l Setting this parameter to a larger value, for example, –
1, results in a modest reduction of reference signal
power. This saves less energy, but slightly reduces
system coverage.
If there are many cell center users (CCUs), a smaller value
is recommended to save more energy.
If there are many cell edge users (CEUs), a larger value is
recommended to provide better coverage.

Time length CellLowPo Set this parameter to its recommended value.

for entering wer.EnterTi
the low meLen

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 15 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001040 Low Power
Parameter Description Consumption Mode

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Back power CellLowPo If a multimode base station uses one set of storage batteries
save policy wer.BakPw to support services of all RATs, the recommended values set
rSavPolicy for the E-UTRAN cell are as follows:
l POLICY3: The services of the E-UTRAN cell are
provided in the highest priority after the mains supply is
cut off.
l POLICY2: The services of the E-UTRAN cell are
provided in the medium priority after the mains supply is
cut off.
l POLICY1: The services of the E-UTRAN cell are
provided in the lowest priority after the mains supply is
cut off and this cell needs to be degraded to save power
for cells of other RATs.
l CUSTOMIZED: A degradation duration is customized
for this cell.


For an SFN cell, only when both the Cell used power reduce time length and Reference signal power
reduce time length parameters are set to 0, can the entering and exiting of the low power consumption
mode be triggered on a physical cell basis in a distributed power supply scenario.

Scenario-specific Data
If the power equipment for the eNodeB is not provided by Huawei wireless product line, you
must configure the binding relationship between a user-defined mains supply outage alarm
and a specified port. The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the
MAINSALARMBIND MO to configure the binding relationship.

Table 15-2 Parameters to be set in the MAINSALARMBIND MO

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

Base Station Almport Switch MAINSALARMBIND.ISDS Indicates whether to

WITCH enable the
customization of a
mains supply outage

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 15 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001040 Low Power
Parameter Description Consumption Mode

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

Almport Cabinet No. MAINSALARMBIND.NMSA Indicates the cabinet

CN number of the dry
contact that reports
a mains supply
outage alarm.

Almport Subrack No. MAINSALARMBIND.NMSA Indicates the

SRN subrack number of
the dry contact that
reports a mains
supply outage

Almport Slot No. MAINSALARMBIND.NMSA Indicates the slot

SN number of the dry
contact that reports
a mains supply
outage alarm.

Almport Port No. MAINSALARMBIND.NMSA Indicates the port

PN number of the dry
contact that reports
a mains supply
outage alarm.

In distributed power supply scenarios, you must configure the power supply relationships
between RF units and power modules. The following table describes the parameters that must
be set in the RRU MO to configure the relationships.

Table 15-3 Parameters to be set in the RRU MO

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

Power RRU.PSGID Indicates the identification of a power supply group,

Supply which is formed by one or multiple RRUs or RFUs that
Group ID are served by the same power system.
RRUs and RFUs served by the same power system
correspond to the same group ID, and RRUs and RFUs
served by different power systems must be configured
with different group IDs. The default value of this
parameter is 0. Use the default value for RRUs or RFUs
that share the same power system as the BBU.

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Parameter Description Consumption Mode


If the RRU.PSGID value is inconsistent with the actual power supply relationships, triggering the low
power consumption mode may cause the RRUs or RFUs whose power supply is normal to enter the low
power consumption mode, and therefore the corresponding cell may experience a degrade in its
capability or shutdown and become unavailable. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Using MML Commands

Step 1 (Optional) For the distributed power supply scenario, run the MML command MOD RRU
and configure the power supply relationship between the RF modules and power modules by
setting PowerSupplyGroupID. Skip this step in the centralized power supply scenario.

Step 2 (Optional) If the power equipment for the eNodeB is not provided by Huawei wireless
product line, run the MOD NMSABIND command to set the binding relationship between a
user-defined mains supply outage alarm and a specific port. Skip this step if the power
equipment for the eNodeB is provided by Huawei wireless product line.

An eNodeB processes the dry-contact alarm reported by a dry contact only after the eNodeB is bound to
the dry contact. The user-defined dry contact is specified using the SET ALMPORT command. The
user-defined dry contact alarm name, alarm severity, and alarm type are specified by running the SET
In the distributed power supply scenario, there are multiple user-defined dry contacts that can be used to
report the mains supply outage alarm. In this case, specify the same customized alarm ID for all dry-
contact ports that are used to report the mains supply outage alarm when using the SET ALMPORT
command to configure dry-contact ports.

Step 3 Run the MOD CELLLOWPOWER command to enable the low power consumption mode.


MML Command Examples

//(Optional) Configuring the power supply group ID (in distributed power supply scenarios)
MOD RRU: CN=0, SRN=4, SN=1, PSGID=0;

//(Optional) Configuring the customized mains failure dry contact alarm


//(Optional) Modifying the port binding relationship for the mains failure alarm

//Setting parameters for Low Power Consumption Mode

MOD CELLLOWPOWER: LocalCellId=0, LowPwrSwitch=ON, LowPwrOrder=OFF,
StartTime=17&00&00, StopTime=21&00&00, BakPwrSavPolicy=POLICY2;

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 15 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001040 Low Power
Parameter Description Consumption Mode

15.3.3 Activation Observation

l Forcibly Entering Low Power Consumption Mode

Step 1 Run the LST CELLLOWPOWER command to verify that Low power consumption mode
switch is On and Low power consumption mode order is On.
Step 2 After the transition period, run the DSP CELL command to query the value of Cell power
save state. Low power consumption mode has been activated if the following values are
displayed in sequence: Low Power Consumption Mode-Cell Used Power Reduced > Low
Power Consumption Mode-Reference Signal Power Reduced > Low Power
Consumption Mode-RF Shutdown > Low Power Consumption Mode-Cell Shutdown. In
the distributed power supply scenario, if some of the physical cells serving an SFN cell
experience abnormal RRU or RFU power supply, it can be observed that the SFN cell enters
the state of "Low Power Consumption Mode-Physical Cell Shutdown."

l Entering Low Power Consumption Mode Because of Abnormal Mains Supply

Step 1 Run the LST CELLLOWPOWER command to verify that Low power consumption mode
switch is On and Low power consumption mode order is Off, and to verify Start time and
Stop time.
Step 2 Run the DSP TIME command to verify that the eNodeB system time falls between the time
specified by Start time and the time specified by Stop time.
Step 3 Use storage batteries instead of AC power to provide power for the eNodeB. Verify that
ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of Range or the user-defined mains supply outage alarm is
Step 4 After the transition period, run the DSP CELL command to query the value of Cell power
save state. Low power consumption mode has been activated if the following values are
displayed in sequence: Low Power Consumption Mode-Cell Used Power Reduced > Low
Power Consumption Mode-Reference Signal Power Reduced > Low Power
Consumption Mode-RF Shutdown > Low Power Consumption Mode-Cell Shutdown. In
the distributed power supply scenario, if some of the physical cells serving an SFN cell
experience abnormal RRU or RFU power supply, it can be observed that the SFN cell enters
the state of "Low Power Consumption Mode-Physical Cell Shutdown."


15.3.4 Deactivation
Table 15-4 provides the parameters used to deactivate this feature.

Table 15-4 Parameters used to deactivate low power consumption mode

MO Parameter Group Setting Notes

CellLowPower Low power consumption Set both LowPwrSwitch and

mode switch LowPwrOrder to OFF(Off).
(LowPwrSwitch) and Low
power consumption mode
order (LowPwrOrder)

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 15 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001040 Low Power
Parameter Description Consumption Mode

This feature can be deactivated using the CME or MML commands. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
Run the MOD CELLLOWPOWER command with the Low power consumption mode
switch parameter set to OFF(Off).

MML Command Examples


15.4 Performance Monitoring

To monitor and evaluate the performance of this feature, operators can view the values of the
following counters on the U2000:
l eNodeB power consumption
To monitor the performance of this feature, operators can query the value of
VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE on the U2000. For the definition of this counter, see
Performance Counter Reference of eNodeBs.
If low power consumption mode is forcibly triggered or triggered when the mains supply
becomes abnormal, operators can evaluate the performance of lower power consumption
mode by comparing the power consumed by an eNodeB before and after this feature is
enabled. The decrease in eNodeB power consumption indicates how much energy is
l Duration of cell unavailability due to energy saving
To monitor the performance of this feature, operators can query the value of the
L.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving counter (duration of cell unavailability due to energy
saving) on the U2000. For the definition of this counter, see Performance Counter
Reference of eNodeBs. Compare the eNodeB power consumption data on the live
network one week before and after the feature is enabled to assess the energy saving
gains of the feature.
Compare the eNodeB power consumption data on the live network one week before and after
the feature is enabled to assess the energy saving gains of the feature.

15.5 Parameter Optimization


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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 15 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001040 Low Power
Parameter Description Consumption Mode

15.6 Possible Issues

Fault Description 1
If Low power consumption mode switch is set to On and Low power consumption mode
order is set to Off, the eNodeB cannot enter low power consumption mode after the mains
supply is down and the transition period has elapsed.

Fault Handling 1
Step 1 Check whether the eNodeB system time falls within the low power consumption period.

Step 2 Check whether the eNodeB is correctly configured with storage batteries. If they are
incorrectly configured, reconfigure them by referring to the description of power management
in eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Step 3 Check whether ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of Range is reported, with the cause of
abnormal AC power. When storage batteries are used to provide power for the eNodeB, low
power consumption mode can be triggered if the AC power becomes abnormal.
Step 4 When the third-party power supply is used, run the MML command LST NMSABIND to
check whether the information about the port bound with the mains supply outage alarm is
correct. Only when the correct port is bound, can the low power consumption mode be
Step 5 In the distributed power supply scenario, check whether the value of
RRU.PowerSupplyGroupID is correctly configured for each RRU or RFU. When the RRU or
RFU power supply group is incorrectly configured, some cells may not be able to enter the
low power consumption mode.


Fault Description 2
In the distributed power supply scenario, Low power consumption mode switch is set to
On, Low power consumption mode order is set to Off, and some power cabinets experience
the mains supply outage. After the transition period, all cells including those served by RRUs
or RFUs whose power supply is normal enter the low power consumption mode.

Fault Handling 2
Check whether PowerSupplyGroupID is correctly configured for each RRU or RFU.
Modify incorrect values.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 81

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 16 Engineering Guidelines for LBFD-001041/
Parameter Description MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring

16 Engineering Guidelines for

LBFD-001041/MLBFD-12000420 Power
Consumption Monitoring

16.1 When to Use

Power consumption monitoring is recommended if a Huawei U2000 is used to manage
eNodeBs and power consumption is the operator's major concern.

Power saving efficiency may decrease when multiple carriers share the same PA. This is
because the PA can be shut down only when all the carriers are powered off. For example, if
the GSM and LTE carriers use the same PA, the PA cannot be shut down if the LTE carrier is
powered off but the GSM carrier is not.

16.2 Required Information


16.3 Planning
RF Planning

Network Planning

Hardware Planning
Except for the UPEUa and UPEUb, all other types of the UPEU board support power
consumption monitoring.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 16 Engineering Guidelines for LBFD-001041/
Parameter Description MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring

16.4 Deployment

16.4.1 Requirements

Operating Environment
Ensure that the eNodeB is correctly connected to the U2000 and the PowerSavingStatistic
module is enabled on the U2000.

Table 16-1 describes the hardware and software requirements for PMU-assisted measurement
of power consumption.

Table 16-1 Requirements for PMU-assisted measurement

Power Supply System PMU Model PMU Software Version

ETP PMU10A All versions

PMU11A All versions

OPM50M Not supported

OPM30M Not supported

OPM30A Not supported

APM30 PMU01B All versions

PMU11A All versions

CCUB All versions

EPMU01 115 or later

EPS4890 PMU01B All versions

EPMU01 115 or later

EPS4815 PMU11A All versions

EPMU03 Not supported

SC48200 Not supported

APM100 Not supported

APM200 Not supported

TP48300A All versions

Transmission Networking

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 83

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 16 Engineering Guidelines for LBFD-001041/
Parameter Description MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring


16.4.2 Precautions

16.4.3 Hardware Adjustment


16.4.4 Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

Power consumption data can be obtained on the U2000 without any configuration of the
Power Consumption Monitoring feature on the eNodeB side. This feature is disabled on the
U2000 by default. You can enable this feature by referring to U2000 OSMU User Guide. This
feature has taken effect if power consumption data can be obtained on the U2000.

For instructions on operations on the U2000, navigate to the corresponding section in

iManager U2000 MBB Network Management System Product Documentation as follows:
RAN Management > SON Management > Base Station Energy Conservation
Management > Collecting and Analyzing Statistics on Base Station Energy Consumption Activation

Using the CME to Perform Batch Configuration for Newly Deployed eNodeBs

Using the CME to Perform Batch Configuration for Existing eNodeBs


Using the CME to Perform Single Configuration


Using MML Commands

eNodeBs without a PMU do not require configuration. When an eNodeB is equipped with a
PMU, perform the following steps:

Step 1 On the U2000 client, select the eNodeB and run the DSP BRDVER command to check
whether the PMU software version is 138 or later.

Step 2 If the software version of the PMU is earlier than 138, run the ACT SOFTWARE command
to activate the PMU software.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 16 Engineering Guidelines for LBFD-001041/
Parameter Description MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring

Step 3 Run the SET ECMP command to set the Energy Consumption Measurement Point
parameter to DC(DC) or AC(AC) based on site requirements.


MML Command Examples


16.4.5 Activation Observation

Checking eNodeB Power Consumption
The following table describes the counters for eNodeB power consumption on the U2000.

Table 16-2 Counters for eNodeB power consumption

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1593835637 VS.EnergyCons.BTS. The rated power consumption of each board of

Adding.LTE the eNodeB is sampled. The sum of these
sampling results is used as the value of the
counter. (cumulative method)

1593835638 VS.EnergyCons.BTS. The counter measures the power consumption

Measuring.LTE of the eNodeB using the PMU-assisted
measurement method by calculating the
current and voltage of the power system
(PMU-assisted measurement method)

This counter is obtained from the sum of power consumption of LTE-related units, including
BBU boards, RRUs configured with LTE carriers, and fans.
l For a single-mode eNodeB, this counter measures the power consumption of the entire
l For a multimode base station, this counter measures the power consumption of the LTE
part of the base station. This counter does not reflect the accurate LTE power
consumption and is for your reference only. You are advised to use the power
consumption counter for the multimode base station.

Calculate the LTE power consumption for a multimode base station as follows:
LTE power consumption = Power consumption of LTE-only units + 1/2 power consumption of
GSM and LTE units + 1/2 power consumption of UMTS and LTE units + 1/3 power consumption
of GSM, UMTS, and LTE units
You can subscribe to and view the power consumption of a single-mode eNodeB and that of the
LTE part of a multimode base station on the U2000. For details, see Viewing Traffic Volume and
Power Consumption.


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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 16 Engineering Guidelines for LBFD-001041/
Parameter Description MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring

l When the ENERGYCON.MP parameter is set to DC(DC):

– In LTE-only scenarios, this counter measures the output power of PSUs calculated
by PMUs.
– In multi-mode scenarios, this counter measures partial of the output power of PSUs
calculated by PMUs. For example, in dual-mode scenarios, the value of this counter
is half of the total output power of PSUs.
l When the ENERGYCON.MP parameter is set to AC(AC):
– In LTE-only scenarios, this counter measures the input power of PSUs calculated by
– In multi-mode scenarios, this counter measures partial of the input power of PSUs
calculated by PMUs. For example, in dual-mode scenarios, the value of this counter
is half of the total input power of PSUs.

Viewing Traffic Volume and Power Consumption

Prerequisites: You have subscribed to power-saving data.


You can subscribe to power-saving data by performing the following operations on the U2000:
1. Choose SON > Power Saving > Power-Saving Statistic (traditional style), or double-click SON
under Application Center and choose Power Saving > Power-Saving Statistic (application style).
Then, double-click Energy Saving Data Subscription in the navigation tree on the left.
2. Select the NE to observe from the Energy Saving Data Subscription dialog box, and click OK.
If you cancel subscribing to an NE, deselect the NE from the Energy Saving Data Subscription dialog
box, and click OK.

Step 1 Log in to the U2000 and choose SON > Power Saving > Power Saving Statistic.

Step 2 Double-click Energy Saving Data Subscription. In the displayed dialog box, select the NE
to observe, and click OK. Six hours later, the U2000 collected the information about the
eNodeB to be observed. Double-click BS Traffic and Energy Consumption.
Step 3 Select a network element (NE) and specify a time period.

For a single-mode eNodeB, select eNodeB under LTE. For a multimode base station, select Multi-
Mode BTS under SRAN.

Step 4 Check the eNodeB traffic volume and power consumption. (In this example, the power
consumption is calculated using the cumulative method.)

Step 5 Click to convert the data obtained in Step 4 into a line graph or bar graph to view the
traffic volume and power consumption.


Checking Traffic Volume and Power Consumption for Different Periods

Step 1 Log in to the U2000 and choose SON > Power Saving > Power Saving Statistic.

Step 2 Double-click Energy Saving Data Subscription. In the displayed dialog box, select the NE
to observe, and click OK. Six hours later, the U2000 collects the information about the
eNodeB to be observed. Double-click BS Traffic and Energy Consumption Comparison.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 16 Engineering Guidelines for LBFD-001041/
Parameter Description MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring

Step 3 Select an NE and specify different periods with the same duration.

For a single-mode eNodeB, select eNodeB under LTE. For a multimode base station, select Multi-
Mode BTS under SRAN.

Step 4 Check the eNodeB traffic volume and power consumption for different periods. (In this
example, the power consumption is calculated using the cumulative method.)

Step 5 Click to convert the data into a line graph to view the eNodeB traffic volume and power


16.4.6 Deactivation
The power consumption monitoring feature is activated by default and cannot be deactivated.

16.4.7 Reconfiguration

16.5 Performance Monitoring


16.6 Parameter Optimization


16.7 Possible Issues

Fault Description
All power consumption data on the U2000 has a value of zero (0).

Step 1 Check whether performance counters can be displayed on the U2000.
l If they can, go to Step 2.
l If they cannot, rectify the fault as follows:
– If an eNodeB, marked by a red cross on the left in Figure 16-1, is disconnected
from the U2000, reconnect the eNodeB to the U2000.
– If the performance data are not customized, customize them. If the problem persists,
contact Huawei technical support.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 16 Engineering Guidelines for LBFD-001041/
Parameter Description MLBFD-12000420 Power Consumption Monitoring

Figure 16-1 Subscribe to Power-Saving Data dialog box

Step 2 Run the DSP LICINFO command on the eNodeB LMT to check whether Power
Consumption Monitoring is displayed under License Item and whether 1 is displayed under
Allocated. If they are not displayed, apply for the appropriate license from Huawei.


Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 88

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 17 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001042 Intelligent
Parameter Description Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

17 Engineering Guidelines for

LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers
in the Same Coverage

17.1 When to Use

This feature is recommended if the base station is configured with at least two frequencies and
the network load is light at night, for example, the PRB usage is lower than 20%.

Power saving efficiency may decrease when a capacity cell is served by an RF module where
multiple carriers share the same PA. This is because the PA can only be shut down when all
the carriers are powered off. For example, if a capacity cell is served by a GL dual-mode RF
module and the GSM and LTE carriers use the same PA, the PA cannot be shut down if the
LTE carrier is powered off but the GSM carrier is not.

17.2 Planning
RF Planning

Network Planning
On a macro network, intra-eNodeB inter-frequency co-coverage neighboring cells are

On a HetNet network, micro eNodeBs are deployed in hotspots and micro cells are configured
with inter-frequency co-coverage neighboring cells (macro cells).

Hardware Planning

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 17 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001042 Intelligent
Parameter Description Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

17.3 Deployment

17.3.1 Requirements

Operating Environment
Macro networks: The serving cell and the target cell are under the same eNodeB, and they are
inter-frequency co-coverage neighboring cells for each other, configured with a neighbor

HetNet networks: The serving cell is a micro cell and the target cell is a macro cell. In
addition, the serving cell and the target cell are inter-frequency co-coverage neighboring cells
for each other, configured with a neighbor relationship.

Transmission Networking

The operator has purchased and activated the feature license listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Name Model License Control NE Sales

Item Unit

LOFD-0010 Intelligent LT1S00D Intelligent Power- eNode per cell

42 Power-Off of BIS00 Off of Carriers in B
Carriers in the the Same Coverage
Same Coverage (FDD)

17.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellShutdown MO to
configure intelligent power-off of carriers.

Table 17-1 Parameters to be set in the CellShutdown MO

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Local cell CellShutdow None

ID n.LocalCellId

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 90

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Parameter Description Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Intelligent CellShutdow None

power-off of n.CellShutdo
carriers wnSwitch

Start time CellShutdow Set this parameter to its recommended value.


Stop time CellShutdow Set this parameter to its recommended value.


Downlink CellShutdow This parameter specifies the downlink PRB usage

PRB n.DlPrbThd threshold for starting intelligent power-off of carriers in the
threshold same coverage. When the sum of the uplink PRB usages of
the serving cell and its inter-frequency neighboring cells is
less than the uplink PRB threshold, and the sum of the
downlink PRB usages of the serving cell and its inter-
frequency neighboring cells is less than the downlink PRB
threshold, the intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
coverage is started.
On a macro network, when this parameter is set to 0, the
cell will not be shut down by intelligent power-off of
carriers in the same coverage. Set this parameter to 0 for
basic cells and 20 for capacity cells.
On a HetNet network, specify this parameter only for
capacity cells. The recommended value for capacity cells
is 20.

Downlink CellShutdow This parameter specifies the downlink PRB offset for
PRB offset n.DlPrbOffse stopping intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
t coverage. This offset plus the value of DlPrbThd equals
the downlink PRB threshold for stopping intelligent
power-off of carriers in the same coverage.
Intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage is
stopped when the average downlink PRB usage of inter-
frequency neighboring cells exceeds the downlink PRB
threshold for stopping intelligent power-off of carriers in
the same coverage.
Before intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
coverage is enabled, the predicted downlink RB usage of
the target cell must be less than the sum of downlink PRB
threshold and downlink PRB offset. This prevents
powered-off carriers from being powered on again due to
high downlink RB usage after UEs are handed over to the
target cell.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 91

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Parameter Description Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Uplink PRB CellShutdow This parameter specifies the uplink PRB usage threshold
threshold n.UlPrbThd for starting intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
coverage. When the sum of the uplink PRB usages of the
serving cell and its inter-frequency neighboring cells is less
than the uplink PRB threshold, and the sum of the
downlink PRB usages of the serving cell and its inter-
frequency neighboring cells is less than the downlink PRB
threshold, the Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers in the
Same Coverage feature will be enabled.
On a macro network, when this parameter is set to 0, the
cell will not be shut down by intelligent power-off of
carriers in the same coverage. Set this parameter to 0 for
basic cells and 20 for capacity cells.
On a HetNet network, specify this parameter only for
capacity cells. The recommended value for capacity cells
is 20.

Uplink PRB CellShutdow This parameter specifies the uplink PRB offset for
offset n.UlPrbOffse stopping intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
t coverage. This offset plus the value of UlPrbThd equals
the uplink PRB threshold for stopping intelligent power-off
of carriers in the same coverage.
Intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage is
stopped when the average uplink PRB usage of inter-
frequency neighboring cells exceeds the uplink PRB
threshold for stopping intelligent power-off of carriers in
the same coverage.
Before intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
coverage is enabled, the predicted uplink RB usage of the
target cell must be less than the sum of uplink PRB
threshold and uplink PRB offset. This prevents powered-
off carriers from being powered on again due to high
uplink RB usage after UEs are handed over to the target

Force CellShutdow Set this parameter to its recommended value.

Shutdown n.ForceShutd
UE Number ownUENum
Threshold Thd

Punish Time CellShutdow Set this parameter to its recommended value.


The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the EutranInterNFreq MO
to configure a neighboring E-UTRAN frequency.

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Parameter Description Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage


For details, see inter-frequency EARFCN configuration in Intra-RAT Mobility Management in

Connected Mode Feature Parameter Description.

Table 17-2 Data to prepare (EutranInterNFreq)

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Local cell EutranInter None

ID NFreq.Local

Downlink EutranInter Set this parameter to its recommended value.


Measuremen EutranInter Set this parameter to its recommended value.

t bandwidth NFreq.Meas

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the EutranInterFreqNCell
MO to configure an inter-frequency neighboring cell.

For details, see inter-frequency neighboring cell configuration in Intra-RAT Mobility Management in
Connected Mode Feature Parameter Description.

Table 17-3 Data to prepare (EutranInterFreqNCell)

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Local cell EutranInter None

ID FreqNCell.L

Mobile EutranInter None

country code FreqNCell.M

Mobile EutranInter None

network FreqNCell.M
code nc

eNodeB ID EutranInter None


Cell ID EutranInter None


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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 17 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001042 Intelligent
Parameter Description Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Overlap EutranInter Set this parameter to its recommended value.

Indicator FreqNCell.O
verLapInd Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
Perform the following steps to configure intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
for a single eNodeB:

Step 1 Run the ADD EUTRANINTERNFREQ command to configure a neighboring E-UTRAN


Step 2 Run the ADD EUTRANINTERFREQNCELL command to configure an inter-frequency

neighboring cell. When configuring inter-frequency neighboring cell relationships for the
capacity cell, configure the coverage overlap indicator by setting the
EutranInterFreqNCell.OverLapInd parameter to YES(YES), or enable automatic
configuration of the coverage overlap indicator by selecting
OverlapIndAutoSwitch(OverlapIndAutoSwitch) under the
CellAlgoSwitch.MlbAutoGroupSwitch parameter.

Step 3 Run the MOD CELLSHUTDOWN command with Intelligent power-off of carriers switch
set to ON(On) and set the triggering and stopping thresholds for the intelligent power-off of
carriers for capacity cells. On a macro network, configure a basic cell by setting
CellShutdown.UlPrbThd and CellShutdown.DlPrbThd to 0.


MML Command Examples

ADD EUTRANINTERNFREQ: LocalCellId=0, DlEarfcn=3100, UlEarfcnCfgInd=NOT_CFG,
CellReselPriorityCfgInd=NOT_CFG, SpeedDependSPCfgInd=NOT_CFG,
MeasBandWidth=MBW100, PmaxCfgInd=NOT_CFG, QqualMinCfgInd=NOT_CFG;
ADD EUTRANINTERNFREQ: LocalCellId=1, DlEarfcn=1725, UlEarfcnCfgInd=NOT_CFG,
CellReselPriorityCfgInd=NOT_CFG, SpeedDependSPCfgInd=NOT_CFG,
MeasBandWidth=MBW100, PmaxCfgInd=NOT_CFG, QqualMinCfgInd=NOT_CFG;
ADD EUTRANINTERFREQNCELL: LocalCellId=0, Mcc="460", Mnc="150", eNodeBId=222,
CellId=232, OverLapInd=YES;
ADD EUTRANINTERFREQNCELL: LocalCellId=1, Mcc="460", Mnc="150", eNodeBId=222,

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 17 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001042 Intelligent
Parameter Description Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

17.3.3 Activation Observation

Step 1 Run the LST CELLSHUTDOWN command to verify that Intelligent power-off of carriers
switch is On.

Step 2 Run the DSP TIME command to check that the eNodeB system time falls within the period
of intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage.

Step 3 Choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management on the U2000. In the
navigation tree on the left of the displayed Signaling Trace Management window, choose
Trace Type > LTE > Cell Performance Monitoring > Usage of RB Monitoring. Verify that
the uplink and downlink PRB usages of the E-UTRAN cell and its inter-frequency
neighboring cell are less than the values of the Uplink PRB threshold and Downlink PRB
threshold parameters, respectively. The cell can enter intelligent power-off of carriers in the
same coverage mode.

Step 4 After 2 minutes, run the DSP CELL command to check the value of Cell power save state.
The expected result is that Cell power save state is intelligent power-off of carriers mode.


17.3.4 Deactivation
Table 17-4 provides the parameters used to deactivate this feature.

Table 17-4 Parameter used to deactivate intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage

MO Parameter Setting Notes

CellShutdown Intelligent power-off Set the Intelligent power-off of

of carriers switch carriers switch parameter to
(CellShutdownSwitc OFF(Off).

This feature can be deactivated using the CME or MML commands. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
Run the MOD CELLSHUTDOWN command with the Intelligent power-off of carriers
switch parameter set to OFF(Off).

MML Command Examples

MOD CELLSHUTDOWN: LocalCellId=0, CellShutdownSwitch=OFF;
MOD CELLSHUTDOWN: LocalCellId=1, CellShutdownSwitch=OFF;

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 17 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001042 Intelligent
Parameter Description Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

17.4 Performance Monitoring

Performance counters on the U2000 are used to monitor and evaluate the performance of
intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage. The counters used for this purpose are
described as follows:

l eNodeB power consumption

VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE: power consumption of a macro, micro, or
LampSite eNodeB
If eNodeB power consumption has dropped significantly after intelligent power-off of
carriers in the same coverage was activated, this feature has been delivering good
performance. Otherwise, this feature has been delivering poor performance.
l Duration of intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network or
intelligent power-off of carriers in a cell
To monitor the performance of the intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
feature, operators can query the value of the duration of intelligent power-off of carriers
or intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network
(L.ChMeas.DFEE.CarrierOFF.Dur) counter on the U2000. For the definition of this
counter, see Performance Counter Reference of eNodeBs.
l Duration of cell unavailability due to energy saving
Observe the value of L.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving on the U2000.

Because the measurement periods of the L.ChMeas.DFEE.CarrierOFF.Dur counter and the

L.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving counter are not the same, the values of the two counters
have a maximum deviation of 5 seconds.

Compare the eNodeB power consumption data on the live network one week before and after
the feature is enabled to assess the energy saving gains of the feature.

17.5 Parameter Optimization


17.6 Possible Issues

Fault Description
A cell cannot enter the intelligent power-off of carriers mode.

Fault Handling
Step 1 Verify that inter-frequency neighboring cell served by the same eNodeB as the serving cell is
correctly configured. For details about how to configure inter-frequency neighboring cells, see
Intra-RAT Mobility Management in Connected Mode Feature Parameter Description.

Step 2 Run the LST CELLSHUTDOWN command to check whether the Intelligent power-off of
carriers switch parameter is set to On for the two cells or the duration between the values of
Start time and Stop time is too short. If the duration is too short, the conditions for starting

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Parameter Description Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage

intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage cannot be completely checked before
the stop time, and therefore the cell cannot enter intelligent power-off mode. You are advised
to set the duration to a value greater than 5 minutes.
Step 3 Run the DSP TIME command to check whether the current time falls within the period of
intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage.
Step 4 Verify that the UEs support various frequencies.

Step 5 On the U2000 client, choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management.
In the navigation tree on the left of the displayed Signaling Trace Management window,
choose Trace Type > LTE > Cell Performance Monitoring > Usage of RB Monitoring.
Verify that the average uplink and downlink PRB usages of the E-UTRAN cell and its inter-
frequency neighboring cells are less than the uplink and downlink PRB thresholds for starting
intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage, respectively.


Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 97

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 18 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001056/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

18 Engineering Guidelines for

LOFD-001056/MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent
Sleep Mode

18.1 When to Use

PSU intelligent sleep mode is recommended if PSU service life is the operator' major concern
and there are cabinets configured with PMUs, PSUs, and batteries.

18.2 Planning
RF Planning

Network Planning

Hardware Planning
There are cabinets configured with PMUs, PSUs, and batteries, and the eNodeB is equipped
with at least two PSUs.

18.3 Deployment

18.3.1 Requirements
Operating Environment
l Prevent power-off reset of the eNodeB when the cell load increases sharply and the
powered-off PSU cannot be restored in time.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 18 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001056/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

l If the eNodeB is AC powered, use a Huawei PMU that supports this feature to manage
the power system. For details about how to configure the power supply system for an
eNodeB, see section "Power Management" in eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
l The power supply system and PMU software version must meet the requirements listed
in Table 18-1.

Table 18-1 Requirements of PSU intelligent sleep mode on the PMU

Power Supply System PMU Model PMU Software Version

ETP PMU10A All versions

PMU11A All versions

OPM50M Not supported

OPM30M Not supported

OPM30A Not supported

APM30 PMU01B All versions

PMU11A All versions

CCUB All versions

EPMU01 115 or later

EPS4890 PMU01B All versions

EPMU01 115 or later

EPS4815 PMU11A All versions

EPMU03 Not supported

SC48200 Not supported

APM100 Not supported

APM200 Not supported

TP48300A All versions

Transmission Networking

The operator has purchased and activated the feature licenses listed in the following table.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 99

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 18 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001056/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

Feature Feature Name Model License Control NE Sales

ID Item Unit

LOFD-00 PSU Intelligent LT1S00 PSU Intelligent eNodeB per cell

1056 Sleep Mode PISM00 Sleep Mode (FDD)

MLOFD-0 PSU Intelligent ML1S00 PSU Intelligent eNodeB per cell

01056 Sleep Mode PISM00 Sleep Mode (NB-

18.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the PSUIS MO to configure
PSU intelligent sleep mode.

Table 18-2 Data to prepare (PSUIS)

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

PSU Intelligent PSUIS.PSUISS Set this parameter to its recommended value.

Shutdown Switch Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 On the U2000 client, select the eNodeB and run the DSP BRDVER command to check
whether the software version of the PMU is 115 or later.

Step 2 If the software version of the PMU is earlier than 115, run the ACT SOFTWARE command
to activate the PMU software.

Step 3 Run the SET ECMP command with the Energy Consumption Measurement Point
parameter set to AC(AC).

Step 4 Run the SET PSUISS command with the PSU Intelligent Shutdown Switch parameter set to



For details about the PMU software upgrade, see Power Supply Management.

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Parameter Description MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

MML Command Examples


18.3.3 Activation Observation

Step 1 Run the DSP BATTERY command to verify that the status of the storage batteries is normal.

Step 2 Run the DSP PSU command to verify that at least two PSUs are configured and that Running
Status for each PSU is Normal.

Step 3 Run the LST PSUISS command to verify that PSU Intelligent Shutdown Switch is Enable.

Step 4 Run the DSP PMU command to verify that PSU Intelligent Shutdown Switch is Enable.

Step 5 Check the PSU working status based on its running indicator. If the PSU is not running, this
feature has been activated.


18.3.4 Deactivation
Table 18-3 provides the parameters used to deactivate this feature.

Table 18-3 Parameter used to deactivate PSU intelligent sleep mode

MO Parameter Setting Notes

PSUIS PSU Intelligent Shutdown Set PSUISS to

Switch (PSUISS) DISABLE(Disable).

This feature can be deactivated using the CME or MML commands. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Run the SET ECMP command with the Energy Consumption Measurement Point
parameter set to DC(DC).

Step 2 Run the SET PSUISS command with the PSU Intelligent Shutdown Switch parameter set to


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Parameter Description MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

MML Command Examples


18.4 Performance Monitoring

Performance counters on the U2000 are used to monitor and evaluate the performance of PSU
Intelligent Sleep Mode.
Compare the eNodeB power consumption data on the live network one week before and after
the feature is enabled to assess the energy saving gains of the feature.

PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode Duration

Observe the value of VS.PSU.ShutdownTime on the U2000. For the counter definition, see
Performance Counter Reference of eNodeBs.

l If the value of this counter is not 0, PSU intelligent sleep mode has taken effect. If the
value of this counter is greater than the measurement period multiplied by N-1 and less
than or equal to the measurement period multiplied by N, N PSUs are shut down. The
variable N is greater than or equal to 1.
l If the value of this counter is 0, PSU intelligent sleep mode has not taken effect.

Input Power and Output Power of PSUs

l Input power of PSUs
To monitor the input power of PSUs, operators can query the value of the
VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Measuring.LTE counter on the U2000 and run the SET ECMP
command with the ENERGYCON.MP parameter set to AC(AC). For the counter
definition, see Performance Counter Reference of eNodeBs.
– In LTE-only scenarios, the value of the counter is equal to the input power of PSUs.
– In multi-mode scenarios, the sum of the value of the
VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Measuring.LTE counter and the values of the corresponding
counters used for other RATs is equal to the input power of PSUs.
l Output power of PSUs
To monitor the output power of PSUs, operators can query the value of the
VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE counter on the U2000.
– In LTE-only scenarios, the value of the counter is equal to the output power of
– In multi-mode scenarios, the sum of the value of the
VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Measuring.LTE counter and the values of the corresponding
counters used for other RATs is equal to the output power of PSUs.
If the output power of PSUs remains unchanged, a larger input power decrease leads to a
larger feature performance gains. If the input power of PSUs remains unchanged, a larger
output power decrease leads to a larger feature performance gains.

18.5 Parameter Optimization


Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 102

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 18 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001056/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

18.6 Possible Issues

Fault Description
After PSU intelligent sleep mode is activated, the duration of PSU intelligent sleep mode
remains 0 or no PSU enters the sleep mode according to the observations at the site.

Fault Handling
Step 1 Run the DSP PMU command to query the value of PSU Intelligent Shutdown Capability,
as shown in Figure 18-1.

Figure 18-1 DSP PMU command output

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 103

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 18 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001056/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001056 PSU Intelligent Sleep Mode

Step 2 Check whether the number of PSUs that work normally is less than two. Run the DSP PSU
command to query the status of each PSU.
Step 3 Check whether the eNodeB is correctly configured with storage batteries. If the configuration
is incorrect, correctly configure storage batteries by referring to the descriptions of power
supply management in eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide. If the configuration is correct,
contact Huawei engineers.


Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 104

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 19 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001070/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving

19 Engineering Guidelines for

LOFD-001070/MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power

19.1 When to Use

Basic Symbol Power Saving
This mode is recommended if energy conservation is the operator's major concern.

Enhanced Symbol Power Saving

This mode is recommended when all UEs on the LTE network comply with 3GPP R8 or later.
Such UEs can identify and process MBSFN subframe configurations to support this mode. If
some UEs do not comply with 3GPP R8 or later, they cannot perform channel measurements
or run services after this mode is enabled, which significantly affects network KPIs.

19.2 Planning
RF Planning

Network Planning

Hardware Planning
The following RF modules support Symbol Power Saving:

l RRU5901
l RRU5905

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 19 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001070/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving

l RRU3221
l RRU3240
l RRU3249
l RRU3260
l RRU3261
l RRU3262
l RRU3268
l RRU3269
l RRU3281
l RRU3632
l RRU3638
l RRU3642
l RRU3668
l RRU5301
l RRU3832
l RRU3952m
l RRU3838
l RRU3908
l RRU3928
l RRU3929
l RRU3938
l RRU3939
l RRU3942
l RRU3951
l RRU3952
l RRU3952m
l RRU3953
l RRU3958
l RRU3959
l RRU3959w
l RRU3962
l RRU3962d
l RRU3964
l RRU3965d
l RRU3965
l RRU3971
l RRU3841
l RRU5901w
l RRU5904

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 19 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001070/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving

l RRU5502
l RRU5501 (1800 MHz, 2100 MHz)
l MRFUdw
l AAU3911
l AAU3920
l AAU3940
l AAU3961

19.3 Deployment

19.3.1 Requirements

Operating Environment
To implement enhanced symbol power saving in an LTE network, operators must verify that
all UEs in the network are capable of identifying and processing MBSFN subframes.

Transmission Networking

The operator has purchased and activated the feature licenses listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Model License Control NE Sales

Name Item Unit

LOFD-0010 Symbol Power LT1S000SP Symbol Power eNodeB per cell

70 Saving S00 Saving (FDD)

MLOFD-00 Symbol Power ML1S000S Symbol Power eNodeB per cell

1070 Saving PS00 Saving (NB-IoT)

19.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO
to configure symbol power saving.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 19 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001070/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving

Table 19-1 Data to prepare (ENodeBAlgoSwitch)

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Power save ENodeBAlgo This parameter is used to enable or disable the eNodeB-
switch Switch.Powe level energy conservation function.

The following and preceding tables describe the parameters that must be set in the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO and CellAlgoSwitch MO to configure enhanced symbol power

Table 19-2 Data to prepare (CellAlgoSwitch)

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes

Name ID

Local cell ID CellAlgoSwit None


DL schedule CellAlgoSwit Select

switch ch.DlSchSwit MBSFNShutDownSwitch(MBSFNShutDownSwitch)
ch under this parameter. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
l Basic Symbol Power Saving

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with the SymbolShutdownSwitch

option selected under the Power save switch parameter.


l Enhanced Symbol Power Saving

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with the SymbolShutdownSwitch

option selected under the Power save switch parameter.

Step 2 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command with the MBSFNShutDownSwitch option
selected under the DL schedule switch parameter.


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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 19 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001070/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving

MML Command Examples

l Basic Symbol Power Saving
MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH: PowerSaveSwitch=SymbolShutdownSwitch-1;

l Enhanced Symbol Power Saving

MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH: PowerSaveSwitch=SymbolShutdownSwitch-1;

19.3.3 Activation Observation

Basic Symbol Power Saving
Step 1 Run the LST ENODEBALGOSWITCH command and verify that the value of Symbol
shutdown switch under Power save switch is On.
Step 2 Run the DSP CELL command and verify that the value of Symbol shutdown state is
Symbol shutdown.
Step 3 Run the LST CELLALGOSWITCH command and verify that the value of
MBSFNShutDownSwitch under DL schedule switch is Off.


Enhanced Symbol Power Saving

Step 1 Run the LST ENODEBALGOSWITCH command and verify that the value of Symbol
shutdown switch under Power save switch is On.
Step 2 Run the DSP CELL command and verify that the value of Symbol shutdown state is
Symbol shutdown.
Step 3 Run the LST CELLALGOSWITCH command and verify that the value of
MBSFNShutDownSwitch under DL schedule switch is On.
Step 4 Ensure that the downlink PRB usage of the cell is less than 50%.

Step 5 View the configuration and update of the MBSFN subframes in the SIB2 messages over the
Uu interface.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 19 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001070/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving

Figure 19-1 Signaling tracing over the Uu interface


19.3.4 Deactivation
Table 19-3 provides the parameters used to deactivate this feature.

Table 19-3 Parameters used to deactivate symbol power saving

MO Parameter Group Setting Notes

ENodeBAlgoSwitch Power save switch Deselect SymbolShutdownS-

(PowerSaveSwitch) witch under the
PowerSaveSwitch parameter.

CellAlgoSwitch DL schedule switch Deselect

(DlSchSwitch) MBSFNShutDownSwitch under
the DlSchSwitch parameter.

This feature can be deactivated using the CME or MML commands. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration.

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature 19 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001070/
Parameter Description MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
l Basic symbol power saving

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with the SymbolShutdownSwitch

option deselected under the Power save switch parameter.


l Enhanced symbol power saving

Perform either of the following operations to deactivate this feature:
– Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with the
SymbolShutdownSwitch option deselected under the Power save switch
– Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command with the
MBSFNShutDownSwitch option deselected under the DL schedule switch

MML Command Examples

l Basic symbol power saving
MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH: PowerSaveSwitch=SymbolShutdownSwitch-0;

l Enhanced symbol power saving

MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH: PowerSaveSwitch=SymbolShutdownSwitch-0;
MOD CELLALGOSWITCH: LocalCellId=0, DlSchSwitch=MBSFNShutDownSwitch-0;

19.4 Performance Monitoring

Performance counters on the U2000 are used to monitor and evaluate the performance of
Symbol Power Saving.

VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE: power consumption of an eNodeB

If the counter value has dropped significantly after this feature was activated, symbol power
saving has been delivering good performance.

Compare the eNodeB power consumption data on the live network one week before and after
the feature is enabled to assess the energy saving gains of the feature.

19.5 Parameter Optimization


19.6 Possible Issues

Fault Description 1
A cell cannot enter symbol power saving mode.

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Parameter Description MLOFD-001070 Symbol Power Saving

Fault Handling 1
Verify that all RF modules serving the cell supports symbol power saving by referring to 19.2
Planning. For a multimode RRU, check whether corresponding energy conservation and
emission reduction features have been enabled for other modes of the shared RRU and these
modes have entered energy saving mode. For details, see Impacted Features.

Fault Description 2
After enhanced symbol power saving is enabled, KPIs related to some UEs are abnormal. UEs
can no longer perform channel measurement or process services.

Fault Handling 2
Before enabling enhanced symbol power saving, operators must authenticate UEs on the live
network with this feature to ensure that the UEs are capable of identifying and processing
MBSFN subframes.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 112

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
eRAN 20 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001074 Intelligent
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage of UMTS
Parameter Description Network

20 Engineering Guidelines for

LOFD-001074 Intelligent Power-Off of Carriers
in the Same Coverage of UMTS Network

20.1 When to Use

Intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network is recommended if
the following conditions are met:

l The network is configured with E-UTRAN cells covering the same area as neighboring
UTRAN cells.
l UEs support both LTE and UMTS.

This feature is applicable when UMTS or LTE equipment is not provided by Huawei but
another vendor. If both UMTS equipment and LTE equipment are provided by Huawei, the
MRFD-121133 Multi-RAT Carrier Joint Intelligent Shutdown (eNodeB) feature is

For a dual-mode RF module of which the two modes use the same PA, for example, for a
dual-mode RF module of which the GSM and LTE modes use the same PA, a GSM carrier is
not powered off after an E-UTRAN cell is shut down. Therefore the PA cannot be shut down.
In this case, power saving efficiency is insignificant.

20.2 Planning
RF Planning

Network Planning
The network is configured with E-UTRAN cells covering the same area as neighboring
UTRAN cells. UEs support both LTE and UMTS.

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Parameter Description Network

Hardware Planning

20.3 Deployment

20.3.1 Requirements
Operating Environment
The serving cell and a UMTS cell are co-coverage neighboring cells and their neighbor
relationship has been configured.

Transmission Networking

The operator has purchased and activated the license for the feature listed in the following

Feature ID Feature Model License Control NE Sales

Name Item Unit

LOFD-0010 Intelligent LT1S0IPOCC0 Intelligent Power-Off eNodeB per cell

74 Power-Off 0 of Carriers in the
of Carriers Same Coverage of
in the UMTS Network
Same (FDD)

20.3.2 Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the InterRatCellShutdown
MO to configure intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network.

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Parameter Description Network

Table 20-1 Data to prepare (InterRatCellShutdown)

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes
Name ID

Local cell ID InterRatCell None


Inter-RAT cell InterRatCell This parameter specifies the switch used to enable or
shutdown Shutdown.Fo disable inter-RAT cell shutdown.
switch rceshutdowns

Start time InterRatCell Set this parameter to a time within a light-load period.

Stop time InterRatCell Set this parameter to a time within a light-load period.

UE number InterRatCell Set this parameter to its recommended value.

threshold Shutdown.Be If the value of InterRatCellShutdown.BearNumThd
arNumThd increases, the period of intelligent power-off of carriers
in the same coverage of UMTS network is prolonged. In
this case, more energy is conserved.
If service stability is a major concern, set this parameter
based on traffic characteristics. This prevents the
neighboring UTRAN cell from being overloaded or
carrying a large number of services after the cell enters
intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of
UMTS network mode.

Downlink PRB InterRatCell l If the values of InterRatCellShutdown.DlPrbThd

threshold Shutdown.Dl and InterRatCellShutdown.UlPrbThd are
PrbThd increased, the cell is more likely to enter intelligent
power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS
Uplink PRB InterRatCell network mode. In this case, more energy is
threshold Shutdown.Ul conserved.
l If the values of InterRatCellShutdown.DlPrbThd
and InterRatCellShutdown.UlPrbThd are reduced,
the cell enters intelligent power-off of carriers in the
same coverage of UMTS network mode when the
PRB usage is at a low level. In this case, less energy
is conserved.
If energy conservation effectiveness is a major concern,
set the two parameters to large values.
If service stability is a major concern, set the two
parameters based on traffic characteristics. This
prevents the neighboring UTRAN cell from being
overloaded after the cell enters intelligent power-off of
carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network mode.

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eRAN 20 Engineering Guidelines for LOFD-001074 Intelligent
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Parameter Description Network

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in a UtranNFreq MO to
configure a neighboring UTRAN frequency.

Table 20-2 Data to prepare (UtranNFreq)

Parameter Parameter Setting Notes
Name ID

Local cell ID UtranNFreq. This ID must have been set in the Cell MO.

Downlink UtranNFreq. Set this parameter based on the neighbor relationship

UARFCN UtranDlArfcn configuration.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in a UtranExternalCell MO to
configure an external UTRAN cell.

Table 20-3 Data to prepare (UtranExternalCell)

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

Mobile country UtranExternalCell.Mcc This parameter specifies the

code MCC of the home NodeB of
the external UTRAN cell. If
the cell is shared by operators,
set this parameter to the MCC
of the primary operator.

Mobile network UtranExternalCell.Mnc This parameter specifies the

code MNC of the home NodeB of
the external UTRAN cell. If
the cell is shared by operators,
set this parameter to the MNC
of the primary operator.

RNC cell ID UtranExternalCell.CellId Set this parameter to the same

value in the ULOCELL MO
of the peer NodeB.

Downlink UtranExternalCell.UtranDlArfcn Set this parameter to the same

UARFCN value in the
of the peer NodeB.

RNC ID UtranExternalCell.RncId Set this parameter to the same

value in the URNCBASIC
MO of the peer NodeB.

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Parameter Description Network

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

Routing area code UtranExternalCell.RacCfgInd This parameter specifies

configure indicator whether to set the RAC for an
external UTRAN cell. This
parameter must be set to
CFG(Configure) if the
neighboring UTRAN cell
supports PS services.
Set this parameter to the same
value in the
of the peer NodeB.

Routing area code UtranExternalCell.Rac This parameter specifies the

RAC. If RacCfgInd is set to
CFG, this parameter is
Set this parameter to the same
value in the
of the peer NodeB.

Primary UtranExternalCell.PScrambCode Set this parameter to the same

scrambling code value in the URNCBASIC
MO of the peer NodeB.

Location area code UtranExternalCell.Lac Set this parameter to the same

value in the ULAC MO of the
peer NodeB.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in a UtranNCell MO to
configure the neighbor relationship with a UTRAN cell.

Table 20-4 Data to prepare (UtranNCell)

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

Local cell ID UtranNCell.LocalCellId This ID must have been set

in the Cell MO.

Mobile country UtranNCell.Mcc If the neighboring cell is

code shared by operators, set this
parameter to the MCC of
the primary operator.
Set this parameter to the
same value in the
peer NodeB.

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Parameter Description Network

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

Mobile network UtranNCell.Mnc If the neighboring cell is

code shared by operators, set this
parameter to the MNC of
the primary operator.
Set this parameter to the
same value in the
peer NodeB.

RNC cell ID UtranNCell.CellId Set this parameter to the

same value in the
ULOCELL MO of the peer
NodeB. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Run the MOD CELLHOPARACFG command to configure the inter-RAT handover mode.

Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighboring relationships with UTRAN cells:
l ADD UTRANEXTERNALCELLPLMN (Run this command if one external UTRAN
cell is shared by multiple operators.)

Step 3 Run the MML command MOD INTERRATCELLSHUTDOWN, with Inter-RAT cell
shutdown switch set to ON and Shut Down Type set to BY_UTRAN_WITHOUT_LOAD.


MML Command Examples

MOD CELLHOPARACFG: HoModeSwitch=UtranPsHoSwitch-1&UtranRedirectSwitch-1;
ADD UTRANNFREQ: LocalCellId=0, UtranDlArfcn=10763, UtranFddTddType=UTRAN_FDD,
UtranUlArfcnCfgInd=NOT_CFG, CellReselPriorityCfgInd=NOT_CFG;
ADD UTRANEXTERNALCELL: Mcc="302", Mnc="220", RncId=120, CellId=120,
UtranDlArfcn=10763, UtranUlArfcnCfgInd=NOT_CFG, UtranFddTddType=UTRAN_FDD,
RacCfgInd=CFG, Rac=0, PScrambCode=112, Lac=1;
ADD UTRANEXTERNALCELLPLMN: Mcc="302", Mnc="220", RncId=120, CellId=120,
ShareMcc="302", ShareMnc="610";
ADD UTRANNCELL: LocalCellId=0, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", RncId=120, CellId=120;
MOD INTERRATCELLSHUTDOWN: LocalCellId=0, ForceShutdownSwitch=ON, ShutDownType=

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Parameter Description Network

20.3.3 Activation Observation

Step 1 Run the MML command LST INTERRATCELLSHUTDOWN and check whether the
value of Inter-RAT cell shutdown switch is On and the value of Shut Down Type is By
UTRAN without load.
Step 2 Run the DSP TIME command to verify that the eNodeB system time falls within the period
of intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network.
Step 3 Choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management on the U2000. In the
navigation tree on the left of the displayed Signaling Trace Management window, choose
Trace Type > LTE > Cell Performance Monitoring > Users Statistic Monitoring. Verify
that the number of UEs in the E-UTRAN cell is less than the value of the UE number
threshold parameter.
Step 4 Choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management on the U2000. In the
navigation tree on the left of the displayed Signaling Trace Management window, choose
Trace Type > LTE > Cell Performance Monitoring > Usage of RB Monitoring. Verify that
the uplink and downlink PRB usages of the E-UTRAN cell are less than the values of the
Uplink PRB threshold and Downlink PRB threshold parameters, respectively. The cell can
enter intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network mode.
Step 5 After six minutes, run the DSP CELL command to verify that Cell power save state is inter-
RAT cell shutdown mode.


20.3.4 Deactivation
Table 20-5 provides the parameters used to deactivate this feature.

Table 20-5 Parameter used to deactivate intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
of UMTS network
MO Parameter Setting Notes

InterRatCellShutdown Inter-RAT cell shutdown Set ForceShutdownSwitch to

switch OFF(Off).

This feature can be deactivated using the CME or MML commands. Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration. Using MML Commands

Configuration Procedure
Run the MOD INTERRATCELLSHUTDOWN command with Inter-RAT cell shutdown
switch set to OFF(Off).

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Parameter Description Network

MML Command Examples

MOD INTERRATCELLSHUTDOWN: LocalCellId=0, ForceShutdownSwitch=OFF;

20.4 Performance Monitoring

To monitor and evaluate the performance of this feature, operators can view the values of the
following counters on the U2000:

l eNodeB power consumption

To monitor the performance of the intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
feature, operators can query the value of the eNodeB Power Consumption
(VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE) counter on the U2000. For the definition of this
counter, see Performance Counter Reference of eNodeBs.
If the eNodeB power consumption has dropped significantly after this feature was
activated, intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network has
been delivering good performance.
l Duration of intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network or
intelligent power-off of carriers in a cell
To monitor the performance of the intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
feature, operators can query the value of the duration of intelligent power-off of carriers
or intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network
(L.ChMeas.DFEE.CarrierOFF.Dur) counter on the U2000. For the definition of this
counter, see Performance Counter Reference of eNodeBs.
l Duration of cell unavailability due to energy saving
Observe the duration of cell unavailability due to energy saving by viewing the
L.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving counter on the U2000.

Because the measurement periods of the L.ChMeas.DFEE.CarrierOFF.Dur counter and the

L.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving counter are not the same, the values of the two counters
have a maximum deviation of 5 seconds.

Compare the eNodeB power consumption data on the live network one week before and after
the feature is enabled to assess the energy saving gains of the feature.

20.5 Parameter Optimization


20.6 Possible Issues

Fault Description
The cell cannot enter the intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS
network mode.

Possible Issues
Perform the following steps to check the cause of this fault:

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage of UMTS
Parameter Description Network

Step 1 Check whether the neighboring UTRAN cell is correctly configured.

Step 2 Run the MML command LST INTERRATCELLSHUTDOWN and check whether the
value of Inter-RAT cell shutdown switch is On and the value of Shut Down Type is By
UTRAN without load.
Step 3 Run the DSP TIME command to verify that the eNodeB system time falls within the period
of intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage of UMTS network.
Step 4 Choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management on the U2000. In the
navigation tree on the left of the displayed Signaling Trace Management window, choose
Trace Type > LTE > Cell Performance Monitoring > Users Statistic Monitoring. Check
whether the number of UEs served by the cell is less than or equal to the value of the UE
number threshold parameter.
Step 5 Choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management on the U2000. In the
navigation tree on the left of the displayed Signaling Trace Management window, choose
Trace Type > LTE > Cell Performance Monitoring > Usage of RB Monitoring. Check
whether the uplink and downlink PRB usages of the cell are less than the values of the Uplink
PRB threshold and Downlink PRB threshold parameters, respectively.


Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 121

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

21 Parameters

Table 21-1 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description
ter ID Comma ID Name

CellAlg DynAdj MOD LOFD-0 Adaptiv Meaning: Indicates the switch used to enable or
oSwitch VoltSwit CELLA 01025 e Power disable dynamic voltage adjustment. If this switch is
ch LGOSW Consum on, the power amplifier (PA) bias voltage is adjusted
ITCH ption based on the load of the eNodeB, which reduces
LST power consumption of the PA and improves energy
CELLA efficiency of the eNodeB. Dynamic voltage
LGOSW adjustment applies only to FDD cells with a
ITCH bandwidth higher than 5 MHz. This parameter applies
only to LTE FDD.
GUI Value Range:
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: DynAdjVoltSwitch
Default Value: DynAdjVoltSwitch:Off

eNodeB AutoPo MOD LOFD-0 Adaptiv Meaning: Indicates the switch for RF module regular
AutoPo werOffS ENODE 01025 e Power time sleep. Cells are unavailable after the eNodeB
werOff witch BAUTO Consum enters RF module regular time sleep. After the
POWER ption eNodeB exit RF module regular time sleep, it is in the
OFF normal state. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD
ENODE GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
BAUTO Unit: None
OFF Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 122

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

eNodeB PowerO MOD LOFD-0 Adaptiv Meaning: Indicates the start time of the RF module
AutoPo ffTime ENODE 01025 e Power regular time sleep mode. This parameter applies only
werOff BAUTO Consum to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
POWER ption GUI Value Range: 22:00:00~05:00:00
Unit: None
ENODE Actual Value Range: 22:00:00~05:00:00
BAUTO Default Value: 00:00:00

eNodeB PowerO MOD LOFD-0 Adaptiv Meaning: Indicates the stop time of the RF module
AutoPo nTime ENODE 01025 e Power regular time sleep mode. This parameter applies only
werOff BAUTO Consum to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
POWER ption GUI Value Range: 23:00:00~06:00:00
Unit: None
ENODE Actual Value Range: 23:00:00~06:00:00
BAUTO Default Value: 06:00:00

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellRfS UENum MOD LOFD-0 RF Meaning: Indicates the UE quantity threshold for RF
hutdown Thd CELLR 01039 / Channel channel intelligent shutdown in a cell. The cell enters
FSHUT TDLOF Intellige RF channel intelligent shutdown mode if all of the
DOWN D-00103 nt following conditions are met: (1) the number of
LST 9 Shutdow RRC_CONNECTED UEs is less than or equal to this
CELLR n threshold; (2) the uplink cell load is lower than or
FSHUT equal to the preset uplink PRB usage; (3) the
DOWN downlink cell load is lower than or equal to the preset
downlink PRB usage. The cell exits RF channel
intelligent shutdown mode if any of the following
conditions is met: (1) the number of
RRC_CONNECTED UEs exceeds this threshold; (2)
the uplink cell load is higher than the sum of the
uplink PRB usage threshold and the uplink PRB usage
offset; (3) the downlink cell load is higher than the
sum of the downlink PRB usage threshold and the
downlink PRB usage offset. If this parameter is set to
a small value, the eNodeB is less likely to trigger RF
channel intelligent shutdown for the cell, hampering
eNodeB power saving. If this parameter is set to a
large value, the eNodeB is more likely to trigger RF
channel intelligent shutdown for the cell, affecting UE
services. For LTE TDD cells, this parameter takes
effect only when the RfShutdownJudgingPolicy
parameter in the CellRfShutdown MO is set to
ER). This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
GUI Value Range: 0~20
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~20
Default Value: 0

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellRfS UlPrbTh MOD TDLOF RF Meaning:

hutdown d CELLR D-00103 Channel Indicates the uplink physical resource block (PRB)
FSHUT 9/ Intellige usage threshold for RF channel intelligent shutdown.
DOWN LOFD-0 nt If the current cell load is less than or equal to both the
LST 01039 Shutdow uplink PRB usage threshold and downlink PRB usage
CELLR n threshold, the cell enters the RF channel intelligent
FSHUT shutdown mode. The cell exits the RF channel
DOWN intelligent shutdown mode when the cell load reaches
100% or when either of the following conditions are
met: (1) The current cell load is greater than the sum
of the uplink PRB threshold and uplink PRB offset;
(2) The current cell load is greater than the sum of the
downlink PRB threshold and downlink PRB offset.
A smaller value of this parameter results in more
difficulty for the cell to enter the RF channel
intelligent shutdown mode, which does not facilitate
eNodeB power saving. A larger value of this
parameter results in less difficulty for the cell to enter
the RF channel intelligent shutdown mode, which
affects services. This parameter applies only to LTE
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 0

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellRfS DlPrbTh MOD TDLOF RF Meaning:

hutdown d CELLR D-00103 Channel Indicates the downlink physical resource block (PRB)
FSHUT 9/ Intellige usage threshold for RF channel intelligent shutdown.
DOWN LOFD-0 nt If the current cell load is less than or equal to both the
LST 01039 Shutdow uplink PRB usage threshold and downlink PRB usage
CELLR n threshold, the cell enters the RF channel intelligent
FSHUT shutdown mode. The cell exits the RF channel
DOWN intelligent shutdown mode when the cell load reaches
100% or when either of the following conditions are
met: (1) The current cell load is greater than the sum
of the uplink PRB threshold and uplink PRB offset;
(2) The current cell load is greater than the sum of the
downlink PRB threshold and downlink PRB offset.
A smaller value of this parameter results in more
difficulty for the cell to enter the RF channel
intelligent shutdown mode, which does not facilitate
eNodeB power saving. A larger value of this
parameter results in less difficulty for the cell to enter
the RF channel intelligent shutdown mode, which
affects services. This parameter applies only to LTE
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 0

CellRfS RsPwrA MOD LOFD-0 RF Meaning: Indicates the value by which the reference
hutdown djOffset CELLR 01039 / Channel signal power is increased during the RF channel
FSHUT TDLOF Intellige intelligent shutdown period. The reference signal
DOWN D-00103 nt power increases by the value specified by this
LST 9 Shutdow parameter to ensure coverage of the cell. If this
CELLR n parameter is set to a value greater than 3, the value 3
FSHUT applies in effect. Otherwise,the configuration value
DOWN applies in effect. This parameter applies only to LTE
GUI Value Range: 0~7
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~7
Default Value: 3

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Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellRfS RfShutd MOD LOFD-0 RF Meaning: Indicates whether to enable or disable RF

hutdown ownSwit CELLR 01039 / Channel channel intelligent shutdown for the cell. RF channel
ch FSHUT TDLOF Intellige intelligent shutdown can be performed in the cell only
DOWN D-00103 nt when this parameter is set to ON and certain
LST 9 Shutdow conditions are met. This parameter applies only to
FSHUT GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
DOWN Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

CellRfS StartTim MOD LOFD-0 RF Meaning: Indicates the start time of the cell RF
hutdown e CELLR 01039 / Channel channel intelligent shutdown. This parameter applies
FSHUT TDLOF Intellige only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
DOWN D-00103 nt GUI Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
LST 9 Shutdow
n Unit: None
FSHUT Actual Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
DOWN Default Value: 00:00:00

CellRfS StopTim MOD LOFD-0 RF Meaning: Indicates the stop time of RF channel
hutdown e CELLR 01039 / Channel intelligent shutdown for the cell. If the stop time is
FSHUT TDLOF Intellige earlier than or the same as the start time, the stop time
DOWN D-00103 nt is assumed to be a time of the next day. This
LST 9 Shutdow parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
CELLR n GUI Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
FSHUT Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
Default Value: 06:00:00

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellRfS UlPrbOf MOD TDLOF RF Meaning:

hutdown fset CELLR D-00103 Channel Indicates the uplink physical resource block (PRB)
FSHUT 9/ Intellige offset for RF channel intelligent shutdown.
LST 01039 Shutdow The cell exits the RF channel intelligent shutdown
CELLR n mode when the cell load reaches 100% or when either
FSHUT of the following conditions are met: (1) The current
DOWN cell load is greater than the sum of the uplink PRB
threshold and uplink PRB offset; (2) The current cell
load is greater than the sum of the downlink PRB
threshold and downlink PRB offset.
A smaller value of this parameter leads to less
difficulty for the cell in exiting the RF channel
intelligent shutdown mode and a higher probability of
ping-pong RF channel shutdown. A larger value of
this parameter leads to more difficulty for the cell in
exiting the RF channel intelligent shutdown mode,
which affects services. This parameter applies only to
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 0

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellRfS DlPrbOf MOD TDLOF RF Meaning:

hutdown fset CELLR D-00103 Channel Indicates the downlink physical resource block (PRB)
FSHUT 9/ Intellige offset for RF channel intelligent shutdown.
LST 01039 Shutdow The cell exits the RF channel intelligent shutdown
CELLR n mode when the cell load reaches 100% or when either
FSHUT of the following conditions are met: (1) The current
DOWN cell load is greater than the sum of the uplink PRB
threshold and uplink PRB offset; (2) The current cell
load is greater than the sum of the downlink PRB
threshold and downlink PRB offset.
If this parameter is set to a small value, the eNodeB is
more likely to terminate RF channel intelligent
shutdown for the cell, increasing the probability of
ping-pong RF channel shutdown. If this parameter is
set to a large value, the eNodeB is less likely to
terminate RF channel intelligent shutdown for the cell,
affecting UE services. This parameter applies only to
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 0

CellLow LowPwr MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the switch for the functionality of
Power Switch CELLL 01040 / Power the low power consumption mode. The cell can enter
OWPO TDLOF Consum the low power consumption mode only when this
WER D-00104 ption parameter is set to ON and specific conditions are
LST 0 Mode met. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
OWPO GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
WER Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

CellLow StartTim MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the start time of the low power
Power e CELLL 01040 / Power consumption mode. This parameter applies only to
WER D-00104 ption GUI Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
LST 0 Mode
Unit: None
OWPO Actual Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
WER Default Value: 00:00:00

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellLow StopTim MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the stop time of the low power
Power e CELLL 01040 / Power consumption mode. If the stop time is earlier than or
OWPO TDLOF Consum the same as the start time, the stop time is assumed to
WER D-00104 ption be a time of the next day. This parameter applies only
LST 0 Mode to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
CELLL GUI Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
OWPO Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
Default Value: 06:00:00

MAINS ISDSWI MOD WRFD- Multi- Meaning: Indicates the Base Station Almport Switch.
ALAR TCH NMSAB 020119 Carrier GUI Value Range: DISABLE(DISABLE),
LST off
Based Unit: None
IND on Actual Value Range: DISABLE, ENABLE
Power Default Value: DISABLE(DISABLE)

MAINS NMSAC MOD WRFD- Multi- Meaning: Indicates the cabinet number of the dry
ALAR N NMSAB 020119 Carrier contact that reports ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of
MBIND IND Switch Range.
LST off GUI Value Range: 0~62
on Unit: None
Power Actual Value Range: 0~62
Backup Default Value: 0

MAINS NMSAS MOD WRFD- Multi- Meaning: Indicates the subrack number of the dry
ALAR RN NMSAB 020119 Carrier contact that reports ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of
MBIND IND Switch Range.
LST off GUI Value Range:
NMSAB Based 0~1,7~8,11~12,14~15,17~18,40~59,60~254
IND on
Power Unit: None
Backup Actual Value Range:
Default Value: 0

MAINS NMSAS MOD WRFD- Multi- Meaning: Indicates the slot number of the dry contact
ALAR N NMSAB 020119 Carrier that reports ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of Range.
MBIND IND Switch GUI Value Range: 0~2,18~19
LST off
Based Unit: None
IND on Actual Value Range: 0~2,18~19
Power Default Value: 0

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

MAINS NMSAP MOD WRFD- Multi- Meaning: Indicates the port number of the dry contact
ALAR N NMSAB 020119 Carrier that reports ALM-25622 Mains Input Out of Range.
MBIND IND Switch GUI Value Range: 0~35
LST off
Based Unit: None
IND on Actual Value Range: 0~35
Power Default Value: 0

CellLow LowPwr MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the switch for forcibly entering the
Power Order CELLL 01040 / Power low power consumption mode. When both this switch
OWPO TDLOF Consum and the functionality switch are set to ON, the cell
WER D-00104 ption enters the low power consumption mode as soon as
LST 0 Mode the wait time for entering the mode elapses, regardless
CELLL of whether the cell is within the low power
OWPO consumption period. When the functionality switch is
WER set to ON but this switch is set to OFF and if a mains
input out of range (Specific Problem: AC Failure)
alarm is reported, the cell enters the low power
consumption mode as soon as the wait time for
entering the mode elapses on condition that the cell is
within the low power consumption period. This
parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 131

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellLow EnterTi MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the duration when the cell stays in
Power meLen CELLL 01040 / Power normal mode before entering the low power
OWPO TDLOF Consum consumption mode. In low power consumption mode,
WER D-00104 ption a cell automatically takes the following actions in
LST 0 Mode sequence: 1. lowers the transmit power for services; 2.
CELLL lowers the transmit power for reference signals; 3.
OWPO shuts down some RF channels in the cell; 4. shuts
WER down the cell. This duration smooths the transition
from the normal mode to the low power consumption
mode for the cell. If the conditions for the cell to enter
the low power consumption mode are no longer met
during this period of time, the cell will not enter the
low power consumption mode; otherwise, it enters the
low power consumption mode and takes the preceding
actions in sequence. This parameter applies only to
GUI Value Range: 1~1440
Unit: min
Actual Value Range: 1~1440
Default Value: 5

CellLow CellUse MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the duration in which the transmit
Power dPwrRe CELLL 01040 / Power power for services is reduced in the cell in low power
duceTim OWPO TDLOF Consum consumption mode. This parameter applies only to
eLen WER D-00104 ption LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST 0 Mode GUI Value Range: 0~1440
CELLL Unit: min
WER Actual Value Range: 0~1440
Default Value: 120

CellLow CellUse MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the percentage of the transmit
Power dPwrRat CELLL 01040 / Power power for services to the total transmit power for
io OWPO TDLOF Consum services when the low power consumption mode is
WER D-00104 ption implemented by means of reducing the transmit power
LST 0 Mode for services. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD
OWPO GUI Value Range: 10~100
WER Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 10~100
Default Value: 50

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 132

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellLow RsPwrR MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the duration in which the reference
Power educeTi CELLL 01040 / Power signal transmit power is reduced in the cell in low
meLen OWPO TDLOF Consum power consumption mode. This parameter applies
WER D-00104 ption only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST 0 Mode GUI Value Range: 0~1440
CELLL Unit: min
WER Actual Value Range: 0~1440
Default Value: 120

CellLow RsPwrA MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the amount by which the reference
Power djOffset CELLL 01040 / Power signal transmit power is reduced in the cell in low
OWPO TDLOF Consum power consumption mode. This parameter applies
WER D-00104 ption only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST 0 Mode GUI Value Range: -10~0
CELLL Unit: dB
WER Actual Value Range: -10~0
Default Value: -1

CellLow RfShutD MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the duration in which RF channels
Power ownTim CELLL 01040 / Power are shut down in the cell in low power consumption
eLen OWPO TDLOF Consum mode. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
WER D-00104 ption LTE TDD.
LST 0 Mode GUI Value Range: 0~1440
CELLL Unit: min
WER Actual Value Range: 0~1440
Default Value: 120

ENERG MP SET WRFD- Intellige Meaning: Indicates the power consumption

YCON ECMP 020406 nt measurement point of the base station. The DC power
LST Power consumption refers to the power consumption of main
ECMP Measure devices in the BS. The AC power consumption
ment consists of the power consumption of PSUs, battery
charging, and main devices in the BS.
GUI Value Range: DC(DC), AC(AC)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: DC, AC
Default Value: DC(DC)

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 133

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellShut UlPrbTh MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the uplink PRB threshold for
down d CELLS 01042 / nt starting intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
HUTDO TDLOF Power- coverage for the cell. This parameter applies only to
WN D-00104 Off of LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST 2 Carriers GUI Value Range: 0~100
CELLS in the
Same Unit: %
WN Coverag Actual Value Range: 0~100
e Default Value: 20

CellShut DlPrbTh MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the downlink PRB threshold for
down d CELLS 01042 / nt starting intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
HUTDO TDLOF Power- coverage for the cell. This parameter applies only to
WN D-00104 Off of LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST 2 Carriers GUI Value Range: 0~100
CELLS in the
Same Unit: %
WN Coverag Actual Value Range: 0~100
e Default Value: 20

EutranIn OverlapI ADD LOFD-0 Intra- Meaning: Indicates whether the neighboring cell is
terFreq nd EUTRA 01032 / LTE identified as a neighboring cell overlapping the local
NCell NINTE TDLOF Load E-UTRAN cell. The default value is NO. The
RFREQ D-00103 Balancin parameter value YES indicates that the neighboring
NCELL 2 g cell is identified as a neighboring cell overlapping the
MOD LOFD-0 Automat local E-UTRAN cell. The parameter value NO
EUTRA 02001 / ic indicates that the neighboring cell is not identified as a
NINTE TDLOF Neighbo neighboring cell overlapping the local E-UTRAN cell.
RFREQ D-00200 ur This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE
NCELL 1 Relation TDD.
DSP LOFD-0 (ANR) GUI Value Range: NO(NO), YES(YES)
EUTRA 70215 Intra- Unit: None
NEXTE LTE Actual Value Range: NO, YES
CELL Number Default Value: NO(NO)

DSP Load
EUTRA Balancin

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 134

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellShut CellShut MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates whether to enable or disable
down downSw CELLS 01042 / nt intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage.
itch HUTDO TDLOF Power- Intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
WN D-00104 Off of can be performed only when this parameter is set to
LST 2 Carriers ON and specific conditions are met. For intelligent
CELLS in the power-off of carriers in the same coverage, each basic
HUTDO Same cell must have its intelligent power-off of carriers
WN Coverag switch enabled and the UL or DL PRB usage
e threshold set to 0. This parameter applies only to LTE
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

CellShut StartTim MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the start time of intelligent power-
down e CELLS 01042 / nt off of carriers in the same coverage. This parameter
HUTDO TDLOF Power- applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
WN D-00104 Off of GUI Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
LST 2 Carriers
in the Unit: None
HUTDO Same Actual Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
WN Coverag Default Value: 00:00:00

CellShut StopTim MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the stop time of intelligent power-
down e CELLS 01042 / nt off of carriers in the same coverage. If the stop time is
HUTDO TDLOF Power- earlier than or the same as the start time, the stop time
WN D-00104 Off of is assumed to be a time of the next day. This
LST 2 Carriers parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
CELLS in the GUI Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
Coverag Unit: None
e Actual Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
Default Value: 06:00:00

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 135

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Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellML InterFre MOD LOFD-0 Intra- Meaning: Indicates the threshold of the PRB usage for
B qMlbTh CELLM 01032 / LTE triggering inter-frequency MLB. If the
d LB TDLOF Load MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to
LST D-00103 Balancin PRB_ONLY(PrbMode) or
CELLM 2 g PRB_OR_UE_NUMBER(PrbOrUeNumMode), inter-
LB frequency MLB is triggered when the number of
synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal
to the sum of the MlbMinUeNumThd and
MlbMinUeNumOffset parameter values and the PRB
usage of the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of
the InterFreqMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter
values. MLB stops when the PRB usage of the cell or
the number of synchronized UEs falls below the
InterFreqMlbThd parameter value or the
MlbMinUeNumThd parameter value, respectively.
For LTE TDD, the InterFreqMlbThd parameter
indicates the threshold of the downlink PRB usage for
triggering inter-frequency MLB. This parameter
applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
GUI Value Range: 1~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 1~100
Default Value: 60

CellShut PunishT MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the penalty duration for the
down ime CELLS 01042 nt triggering condition detection of the intelligent carrier
HUTDO Power- power-off feature if UEs in the capacity cell cannot be
WN Off of completely transferred to the basic cell in the
LST Carriers intelligent carrier power-off state. This parameter
CELLS in the applies only to LTE FDD.
HUTDO Same GUI Value Range: 0~360
WN Coverag
e Unit: min
Actual Value Range: 0~360
Default Value: 60

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 136

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Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellShut ForceSh MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the threshold of the number of
down utdown CELLS 01042 nt UEs for forcible cell shutdown in the Intelligent
UENum HUTDO Power- Power-Off of Carriers in the Same Coverage feature.
Thd WN Off of If a capacity cell meets the conditions for triggering
LST Carriers intelligent carrier shutdown, the eNodeB hands over
CELLS in the UEs in the capacity cell to a basic cell within 30s.
HUTDO Same After 30s, if the number of RRC_CONNECTED UEs
WN Coverag in the capacity cell is smaller than or equal to this
e threshold and no UEs with QCI 1 exist in the capacity
cell, the eNodeB shuts down the capacity cell. If there
are UEs in the capacity cell when the eNodeB is
shutting down the cell, services of these UEs are
dropped. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
GUI Value Range: 0~10
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~10
Default Value: 0

CellShut UlPrbOf MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the uplink PRB offset for stopping
down fset CELLS 01042 / nt intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
HUTDO TDLOF Power- for the cell. The uplink PRB threshold for stopping
WN D-00104 Off of intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage
LST 2 Carriers for the cell is equal to the sum of the uplink PRB
CELLS LOFD-0 in the threshold for starting intelligent power-off of carriers
HUTDO 01039 Same in the same coverage and the value of this parameter.
WN Coverag This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE
e TDD.
RF GUI Value Range: 0~100
Channel Unit: %
nt Actual Value Range: 0~100
Shutdow Default Value: 20

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 137

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellShut DlPrbOf MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the downlink PRB offset for
down fset CELLS 01042 / nt stopping intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
HUTDO TDLOF Power- coverage for the cell. The downlink PRB threshold for
WN D-00104 Off of stopping intelligent power-off of carriers in the same
LST 2 Carriers coverage for the cell is equal to the sum of the
CELLS LOFD-0 in the downlink PRB threshold for starting intelligent power-
HUTDO 01039 Same off of carriers in the same coverage and the value of
WN Coverag this parameter. This parameter applies only to LTE
e FDD and LTE TDD.
RF GUI Value Range: 0~100
Channel Unit: %
nt Actual Value Range: 0~100
Shutdow Default Value: 20

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 138

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Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellML LoadOff MOD LOFD-0 Intra- Meaning: Indicates the offset of the PRB usage for
B set CELLM 01032 / LTE triggering inter-frequency load balancing. Inter-
LB TDLOF Load frequency load balancing is triggered if the number of
LST D-00103 Balancin synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal
CELLM 2 g to the sum of the MlbMinUeNumThd and
LB LOFD-0 Inter- MlbMinUeNumOffset parameter values and the PRB
01044 / RAT usage of the cell is greater than or equal to the sum the
TDLOF Load InterFreqMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values.
D-00104 Sharing Inter-frequency load balancing is triggered if the
4 to number of synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than
UTRAN or equal to the sum of the MlbMinUeNumThd and
LOFD-0 MlbMinUeNumOffset parameter values and the PRB
01045 / Inter- valuation in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum
TDLOF RAT of the PrbValMlbTrigThd and LoadOffset parameter
D-00104 Load values. Inter-RAT load sharing is triggered if the
5 Sharing number of synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than
to or equal to the sum of the InterRatMlbUeNumThd and
GERAN InterRatMlbUeNumOffset parameter values and the
PRB usage of the cell is greater than or equal to the
InterRatMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values.
Inter-RAT load sharing to transfer to-be-released UEs
is triggered if the number of synchronized UEs is
greater than or equal to the sum of the
InterRATIdleMlbUeNumThd and InterRatMlbUeNu-
mOffset parameter values and the PRB usage of the
cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the
InterRatMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values.
This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE
GUI Value Range: 0~50
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~50
Default Value: 8

PSUIS PSUISS SET GBFD-1 PSU Meaning: Indicates whether the PSU intelligent
PSUISS 11608 Intellige shutdown switch in a BS is enabled or disabled.
LST nt GUI Value Range: DISABLE(Disable),
PSUISS Shutdow ENABLE(Enable)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: DISABLE, ENABLE
Default Value: DISABLE(Disable)

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ter ID Comma ID Name

ENodeB PowerSa MOD LOFD-0 Symbol Meaning: Indicates whether to enable eNodeB-level
AlgoSwi veSwitc ENODE 01070 / Power energy conservation. SymbolShutdownSwitch: This
tch h BALGO TDLOF Saving option applies to LTE single-mode and multi-mode
SWITC D-00107 base stations. If this option is selected, the eNodeB
H 0 shuts down PAs in the RF units when detecting that no
LST signal is transmitted using OFDM symbols in
ENODE downlink subframes. This reduces static power
BALGO consumption and conserves energy for the eNodeB. If
SWITC this option is selected for multi-mode base stations,
H the base station must use energy conservation features
of other RATs at the same time to save power. This
option applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
GUI Value Range: SymbolShutdownSwitch(Symbol
shutdown switch)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: SymbolShutdownSwitch
Default Value: SymbolShutdownSwitch:Off

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ter ID Comma ID Name

CellAlg DlSchS MOD LOFD-1 Traffic Meaning:

oSwitch witch CELLA 10205 / Model Indicates whether to enable downlink scheduling
LGOSW TDLOF Based algorithms in a cell. This parameter includes the
ITCH D-11022 Perform following options:
LST 7 ance
CELLA LOFD-0 Optimiz FreqSelSwitch: Indicates whether to enable
LGOSW 01016 / ation frequency-selective scheduling. If this option is
ITCH TDLOF VoIP selected, data is transmitted on the frequency band of
D-00101 Semi- high channel quality. This option applies only to LTE
6 persisten FDD and LTE TDD.
LBFD-0 t
SpsSchSwitch: Indicates whether to enable semi-
0101502 Scheduli
persistent scheduling during talk spurts of VoLTE
/ ng
services. If this option is selected, semi-persistent
TDLBF Dynami scheduling is applied during talk spurts of VoLTE
D-00101 c services. If this option is deselected, dynamic
502 Scheduli scheduling is applied during talk spurts of VoLTE
LOFD-0 ng services. This option applies only to LTE FDD and
01109 / DL LTE TDD.
MBSFNShutDownSwitch: Indicates whether to
D-00110 GBR
enable Multimedia Broadcast multicast service Single
9 Packet
Frequency Network (MBSFN) subframe shutdown. If
LOFD-0 Bundlin
this option is selected, MBSFN subframe shutdown is
01070 / g
applied. If this option is deselected, MBSFN subframe
TDLOF Symbol shutdown is not applied. This option takes effect only
D-00107 Power if the SymbolShutdownSwitch option of the
0 Saving PowerSaveSwitch parameter is selected. If the
TDLOF Scheduli MBSFNShutDownSwitch option is selected, the
D-07022 ng setting of the switch for mapping SIBs to SI messages
4/ Based becomes invalid. If the MBSFNShutDownSwitch
TDLOF on Max option is deselected, the setting of the switch for
D-07022 Bit Rate mapping SIBs to SI messages becomes valid. The
2 MBSFNShutDownSwitch option applies only to LTE-
LBFD-0 only base stations. This option applies only to LTE
02025 / FDD and LTE TDD.
TDLBF Support NonGbrBundlingSwitch: Indicates whether to enable
D-00202 of downlink non-GBR packet bundling. If this option is
5 aperiodi selected, delay of non-GBR services can be controlled
LBFD-0 c CQI in non-congestion scenarios. If this option is
02031 / reports deselected, delay of non-GBR services cannot be
TDLBF MBR>G controlled. This option applies only to LTE FDD and
D-00203 BR LTE TDD.
1 Configu EnAperiodicCqiRptSwitch: Indicates whether to
LBFD-0 ration enable enhanced aperiodic channel quality indicator
70102 / Enhance (CQI) reporting. If this option is selected, the eNodeB
TDLBF d DL triggers aperiodic CQI reporting for a UE based on
Frequen downlink services of the UE and the interval at which

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D-07010 cy the UE sends periodic CQI reports. If this option is

2 Selectiv deselected, UEs under non-frequency-selective
LBFD-0 e scheduling do not trigger aperiodic CQI reporting
60202 Enhance based on downlink services and trigger an aperiodic
d CQI reporting if no valid periodic CQI reports are sent
LOFD-0 in eight consecutive periodic CQI reporting periods.
81218 extende
d QCI This option applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
D-11120 MCPTT DlMbrCtrlSwitch: Indicates whether to enable
4/ Voice downlink scheduling based on the maximum bit rate
TDLOF Manage (MBR) and guaranteed bit rate (GBR) on GBR
D-12110 ment bearers. If this option is selected, the eNodeB
6 DL performs downlink scheduling on GBR bearers based
Asynchr on the MBR and GBR. If this option is deselected, the
TDLBF eNodeB performs downlink scheduling on GBR
D-00200 onous
HARQ bearers based on the GBR only. This option applies
5 only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LBFD-0 Optimiz
60101 ation of MbrDlSchSwitch: Indicates whether the eNodeB
Periodic performs downlink scheduling based on MBR. If this
LBFD-0 and option is selected, the eNodeB prioritizes UEs based
60103 / Aperiodi on the MBRs during downlink scheduling. This
TDLBF c CQI parameter applies only to LTE TDD.
D-08010 Reportin
2 UeAmbrDlSchSwitch: Indicates whether the eNodeB
performs downlink scheduling based on per UE
LEOFD- Enhance aggregate maximum bit rates (UE-AMBRs). If this
111305 d DL option is selected, the eNodeB prioritizes UEs based
LEOFD- Frequen on the UE-AMBRs during downlink scheduling. This
111307 cy option applies only to LTE TDD.
TDLOF Selectiv
e EpfEnhancedSwitch: Indicates whether to enable
Scheduli enhanced proportional fair (EPF) enhancement for
ng scheduling. EPF enhancement for scheduling is
enabled only if this option is selected. This option
applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
eMIMO AperiodicCqiTrigOptSwitch: Indicates whether to
optimize triggering of aperiodic CQI reporting. If this
PRRC option is selected, a UE performing initial access
and triggers aperiodic CQI reporting based on related
DRX trigger conditions after the DLMAC instance has been
Policy established for 200 ms and the eNodeB receives
for MSG5. Consider that aperiodic CQI reporting is
Public triggered by invalid CQI reports in eight consecutive
Safety CQI reporting periods. If cyclic redundancy check
(CRC) on aperiodic CQI reports fails, aperiodic CQI
reporting is not repeatedly triggered when DRX is
enabled; or aperiodic CQI reporting is triggered after
eight TTIs when DRX is disabled. If this option is
deselected, a UE performing initial access triggers

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aperiodic CQI reporting based on related trigger

conditions after the DLMAC instance has been
established for 200 ms. Consider that aperiodic CQI
reporting is triggered by invalid CQI reports in eight
consecutive CQI reporting periods. If CRC on
aperiodic CQI reports fails, aperiodic CQI reporting is
triggered after eight TTIs, regardless of the DRX
status. This option applies only to LTE FDD and LTE
VoipTbsBasedMcsSelSwitch: Indicates whether the
modulation and coding scheme (MCS) index is
selected based on the transport block size (TBS) in
downlink scheduling for VoLTE services. The MCS
index is selected based on the TBS in downlink
dynamic scheduling for VoLTE services only if this
option is selected. This option applies only to LTE
PagingInterfRandSwitch: Indicates whether to enable
interference randomization for paging messages. If
this option is selected, interference randomization is
enabled for paging messages. This option applies only
DlSingleUsrMcsOptSwitch: Indicates conditions for
lowering the MCS index for a single UE. If this option
is selected, the MCS index can be lowered for a UE if
the UE is the only UE to be scheduled in a
transmission time interval (TTI). If this option is
deselected, the MCS index can be lowered for a UE if
the threshold for the function of lowering the MCS
index to increase the number of RBs is reached and
the UE is the only UE to be scheduled in a TTI. This
option applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
UeSigMcsEnhanceSwitch: Indicates whether to
enable MCS optimization for UE signaling. If this
option is selected, MCS optimization for UE signaling
is enabled. For LTE FDD, the MCS index for UE
signaling is the same as the MCS index for data. For
LTE TDD, the MCS index for UE signaling is lowered
based on the MCS index for data. If this option is
deselected, a fixed low MCS index is used for UE
signaling. This option applies only to LTE FDD and
SubframeSchDiffSwitch: Indicates whether to
increase the number of UEs scheduled in subframes 3
and 8 when uplink-downlink configuration 2 is used.
If this option is selected, the number of UEs scheduled

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in subframes 3 and 8 is increased when uplink-

downlink configuration 2 is used. If this option is
deselected, the scheduling policy used in subframes 3
and 8 is the same as that used in other downlink
subframes when uplink-downlink configuration 2 is
used. This option applies only to LTE TDD.
TailPackagePriSchSwitch: Indicates whether to enable
scheduling of downlink connected tail packages in the
bearer. If this option is selected, the connected tail
package is scheduled preferentially in the next TTI,
which reduces the delay and increases the
transmission rate. If this option is deselected, the
scheduling policy of the connected tail package is the
same as other downlink subframes. This option
applies only to LTE TDD.
SIB1InterfRandSwitch: Indicates whether to enable
SIB1 interference randomization. If this option is
selected, interference randomization is enabled for
SIB1. This option applies only to LTE TDD.
FreqSelJudgeIgnorDopplerSwitch: Indicates whether
to ignore Doppler conditions. If this option is selected,
Doppler conditions are ignored during frequency
selective channel determination. If this option is
deselected, Doppler conditions are considered during
frequency selective channel determination. This
parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
EnhExtQCISpsSchSwitch: Indicates whether to
enable semi-persistent scheduling during talk spurts of
PTT services with standardized QCI 65, standardized
QCI 66, or an enhanced extended QCI. If this option
is selected, semi-persistent scheduling is applied. If
this option is deselected, dynamic scheduling is
applied. This option applies only to LTE FDD and
DlVoipBundlingSwitch: Indicates whether to enable
active packet bundling for downlink VoLTE services.
Active packet bundling is enabled for downlink
VoLTE services only if this option is selected. If this
option is selected, PDCCH resources can be saved for
downlink data services or uplink services, thereby
increasing the VoLTE capacity for VoLTE services or
increasing the throughput of data services in mixed
service scenarios. However, the delay in VoLTE voice
packet scheduling will increase in the downlink and
MOSs may decrease. You are advised to deselect this
option if you prefer VoLTE performance and do not

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expect MOS reduction. This option applies only to

DlPacketLenAwareSchSw: Indicates whether to
enable packet length awareness performance
optimization in the downlink. Packet length awareness
performance optimization is enabled in the downlink
only if this option is selected. This option applies only
RLCArqFeedbackEnhancedSwitch: Indicates whether
to modify HARQ feedback results based on RLC
status reports when uplink-downlink configuration 2
is used. If this option is selected, the eNodeB modifies
HARQ feedback results based on RLC status reports
after receiving the reports. This prevents unnecessary
HARQ retransmissions. This option applies only to
PaReconfigOptSwitch: Indicates whether to enable PA
reconfiguration optimization. The optimization is
enabled when this option is selected. This option
applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
RankRapidRptSwitch: Indicates whether to enable fast
rank reporting. If this option is selected, an aperiodic
CQI reporting is immediately triggered after
successful network access. If this option is deselected,
an aperiodic CQI reporting is not immediately
triggered after successful network access. This option
applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
DlRLCStateReportSchDelaySw: Indicates whether to
enable optimization on the delay-based scheduling of
downlink RLC status reports. The optimization is
enabled when this option is selected. This option
applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
SmallPktMcsSelectAlgoSw: Indicates whether to
enable MCS selection for small packets. If this option
is selected, the scheduler selects an MCS with a lower
index based on the amount of data to be initially
transmitted and the allocated TBS in each TTI on
condition that the allocated TBS can carry the data.
The function is enabled only if this option is selected.
This option applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
SRB0SplitSchSw: Indicates whether to enable
separate scheduling of SRB0 and contention
resolution MCE. If this option is selected, SRB0 and
contention resolution MCE are separately scheduled.
This option applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.

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ter ID Comma ID Name

BfUserPairPriorSwitch: Indicates whether to

preferentially allocate resources to paired
beamforming UEs for UE pairing features such as MU
beamforming and DMIMO. If this option is selected,
the eNodeB preferentially allocates resources to
paired beamforming UEs for UE pairing features such
as MU beamforming and DMIMO. This option
applies only to LTE TDD.

HarqAllocOptSwitch: Indicates whether to optimize

the allocation of HARQ processes. If this option is
selected, the downlink UE rate increases. This option
takes effect only when DMIMO or massive MIMO is
enabled. This option applies only to LTE TDD.

Pusch32Switch: Indicates whether to enable the

PUSCH 3-2 feedback mode. If this option is selected,
UEs that support the PUSCH 3-2 feedback mode use
this mode to aperiodically report CQIs. If this option
is deselected, the mode cannot be used. This option
applies only to LTE FDD.

DlPreciseAmbrCtrlSwitch: Indicates whether to

enable precise downlink AMBR control. If this option
is selected, a more accurate optimization algorithm
applies to the AMBR control, which achieves more
accurate AMBR control. If this option is deselected,
the original AMBR control algorithm is used. This
option applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
GUI Value Range: FreqSelSwitch(FreqSelSwitch),
witch), DlMbrCtrlSwitch(DlMbrCtrlSwitch),
witch), VoipTbsBasedMcsSelS-
witch), SubframeSchDiffSwitch(SubframeSchDiffS-
witch), TailPackagePriSchS-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 146

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Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

eSchSw), RLCArqFeedbackEnhanced-
goSw), SRB0SplitSchSw(SRB0SplitSchSw),
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: FreqSelSwitch, SpsSchSwitch,
MBSFNShutDownSwitch, NonGbrBundlingSwitch,
EnAperiodicCqiRptSwitch, DlMbrCtrlSwitch,
MbrDlSchSwitch, UeAmbrDlSchSwitch,
EpfEnhancedSwitch, AperiodicCqiTrigOptSwitch,
VoipTbsBasedMcsSelSwitch, PagingInterfRand-
Switch, DlSingleUsrMcsOptSwitch,
SubframeSchDiffSwitch, TailPackagePriSchSwitch,
UeSigMcsEnhanceSwitch, FreqSelJudgeIgnorDop-
plerSwitch, SIB1InterfRandSwitch,
EnhExtQCISpsSchSwitch, DlVoipBundlingSwitch,
DlPacketLenAwareSchSw, RLCArqFeedbackEnhan-
cedSwitch, PaReconfigOptSwitch,
RankRapidRptSwitch, DlRLCStateReportSchDe-
laySw, SmallPktMcsSelectAlgoSw, SRB0SplitSchSw,
BfUserPairPriorSwitch, HarqAllocOptSwitch,
Pusch32Switch, DlPreciseAmbrCtrlSwitch
Default Value: FreqSelSwitch:Off, SpsSchSwitch:Off,
MBSFNShutDownSwitch:Off, NonGbrBundlingS-
witch:Off, EnAperiodicCqiRptSwitch:Off,
DlMbrCtrlSwitch:Off, MbrDlSchSwitch:Off,
UeAmbrDlSchSwitch:Off, EpfEnhancedSwitch:Off,
AperiodicCqiTrigOptSwitch:On, VoipTbsBasedMcs-
SelSwitch:On, PagingInterfRandSwitch:Off,
DlSingleUsrMcsOptSwitch:Off, SubframeSchDiffS-
witch:Off, TailPackagePriSchSwitch:Off,
UeSigMcsEnhanceSwitch:Off, FreqSelJudgeIgnor-
DopplerSwitch:Off, SIB1InterfRandSwitch:On,
EnhExtQCISpsSchSwitch:Off, DlVoipBundlingS-
witch:Off, DlPacketLenAwareSchSw:Off,

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ter ID Comma ID Name
PaReconfigOptSwitch:Off, RankRapidRptSwitch:Off,
SRB0SplitSchSw:Off, BfUserPairPriorSwitch:Off,
HarqAllocOptSwitch:Off, Pusch32Switch:Off,

InterRat ForceSh MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the switch used to enable or
CellShut utdownS INTER 01074 nt disable inter-RAT joint shutdown. This parameter
down witch RATCE MRFD- Power- applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LLSHU 121133 Off of GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
TDOW Carriers
N in the Unit: None

LST Same Actual Value Range: OFF, ON

INTER Coverag Default Value: OFF(Off)
RATCE e of
TDOW Network
N Multi-

InterRat StartTim MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the start time of inter-RAT cell
CellShut e INTER 01074 nt shutdown. If the switch for inter-RAT cell shutdown is
down RATCE MRFD- Power- turned on, inter-RAT cell shutdown can be performed
LLSHU 121133 Off of during the period specified by the start time and stop
TDOW Carriers time of inter-RAT cell shutdown. This parameter
N in the applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST Same GUI Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
INTER Coverag
e of Unit: None
LLSHU UMTS Actual Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
TDOW Network Default Value: 03:00:00
N Multi-

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InterRat StopTim MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning: Indicates the stop time of inter-RAT cell
CellShut e INTER 01074 nt shutdown. If the stop time is earlier than or the same
down RATCE MRFD- Power- as the start time, the stop time is assumed to be the
LLSHU 121133 Off of time of the next day. If the switch for inter-RAT cell
TDOW Carriers shutdown is turned on, inter-RAT cell shutdown can
N in the be performed during the period specified by the start
LST Same time and stop time of inter-RAT cell shutdown. This
INTER Coverag parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
RATCE e of GUI Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
Network Unit: None
N Multi- Actual Value Range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
RAT Default Value: 05:00:00

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ter ID Comma ID Name

InterRat ShutDo MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning:

CellShut wnType INTER 01074 nt Indicates the type of the inter-RAT co-coverage cell
down RATCE MRFD- Power- shutdown.
LLSHU 121133 Off of
TDOW Carriers If this parameter is set to
N in the BY_UTRAN_WITHOUT_LOAD, the eNodeB does
LST Same not obtain the load status of the co-coverage
INTER Coverag neighboring UTRAN cell, and shuts down the carrier
RATCE e of of the E-UTRAN cell based on only the load status of
TDOW Network
If this parameter is set to
N Multi- BY_UTRAN_WITH_LOAD, the eNodeB obtains the
RAT load status of the co-coverage neighboring UTRAN
Carrier cell, and shuts down the carrier of the E-UTRAN cell
Joint based on the load status of both the E-UTRAN cell
Intellige and the neighboring UTRAN cell.
Shutdow If this parameter is set to
n(eNode BY_GERAN_WITH_LOAD, the eNodeB obtains the
B) load status of the co-coverage neighboring GERAN
cell, and shuts down the carrier of the E-UTRAN cell
based on the load status of both the E-UTRAN cell
and the neighboring GERAN cell.
If this parameter is set to
eNodeB obtains the load status of co-coverage
neighboring UTRAN and GERAN cells, and shuts
down the carrier of the E-UTRAN cell based on the
load status of the E-UTRAN cell, neighboring
UTRAN cell, and neighboring GERAN cell. This
parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
GUI Value Range:
without load), BY_UTRAN_WITH_LOAD(By
GERAN with load),
UTRAN and GERAN with load)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range:
UTRAN without load)

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InterRat UlPrbTh MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning:

CellShut d INTER 01074 nt Indicates the uplink resource block (RB) usage
down RATCE MRFD- Power- threshold for the E-UTRAN cell to enter inter-RAT
LLSHU 121133 Off of co-coverage cell shutdown mode.
TDOW Carriers
N in the In inter-RAT cell shutdown, the eNodeB automatically
LST Same hands over or redirects the UEs in the E-UTRAN cell
INTER Coverag to a co-coverage neighboring UTRAN cell when
RATCE e of related conditions are met: (1) The inter-RAT cell
LLSHU UMTS shutdown switch is enabled, the ShutDownType
TDOW Network parameter is set to BY_UTRAN_WITHOUT_LOAD,
N Multi- the shutdown conditions including the specified inter-
RAT RAT cell shutdown duration and the number of UEs
Carrier served by the E-UTRAN cell are met, and uplink and
Joint downlink resource block (RB) usages in the E-
Intellige UTRAN cell are less than or equal to the UlPrbThd
nt and DlPrbThd parameter values, respectively.
Shutdow (2) The inter-RAT cell shutdown switch is enabled,
n(eNode the ShutDownType parameter is set to
shutdown conditions including the specified inter-
RAT cell shutdown duration, the number of UEs
served by the E-UTRAN cell, allocation/retention
priorities (ARPs) of services in the E-UTRAN cell,
and load status of the neighboring UTRAN cell are
met, and uplink and downlink resource block (RB)
usages in the E-UTRAN cell are less than or equal to
the UlPrbThd and DlPrbThd parameter values,
respectively. After all UEs in the E-UTRAN cell are
transferred to the neighboring UTRAN cell, the
eNodeB shuts down the carrier of the E-UTRAN cell.
This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 10

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InterRat DlPrbTh MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning:

CellShut d INTER 01074 nt In inter-RAT cell shutdown, the eNodeB automatically
down RATCE MRFD- Power- hands over or redirects the UEs in the E-UTRAN cell
LLSHU 121133 Off of to a co-coverage neighboring UTRAN cell when
TDOW Carriers related conditions are met: (1) The inter-RAT cell
N in the shutdown switch is enabled, the ShutDownType
LST Same parameter is set to BY_UTRAN_WITHOUT_LOAD,
INTER Coverag the shutdown conditions including the specified inter-
RATCE e of RAT cell shutdown duration and the number of UEs
LLSHU UMTS served by the E-UTRAN cell are met, and uplink and
TDOW Network downlink resource block (RB) usages in the E-
N Multi- UTRAN cell are less than or equal to the UlPrbThd
RAT and DlPrbThd parameter values, respectively.
Joint (2) The inter-RAT cell shutdown switch is enabled,
Intellige the ShutDownType parameter is set to
n(eNode shutdown conditions including the specified inter-
B) RAT cell shutdown duration, the number of UEs
served by the E-UTRAN cell, allocation/retention
priorities (ARPs) of services in the E-UTRAN cell,
and load status of the neighboring UTRAN cell are
met, and uplink and downlink resource block (RB)
usages in the E-UTRAN cell are less than or equal to
the UlPrbThd and DlPrbThd parameter values,
respectively. After all UEs in the E-UTRAN cell are
transferred to the neighboring UTRAN cell, the
eNodeB shuts down the carrier of the E-UTRAN cell.
This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 10

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InterRat BearNu MOD LOFD-0 Intellige Meaning:

CellShut mThd INTER 01074 nt Indicates the UE number threshold for the E-UTRAN
down RATCE MRFD- Power- cell to enter the inter-RAT co-coverage cell shutdown.
LLSHU 121133 Off of
TDOW Carriers In inter-RAT cell shutdown, the eNodeB automatically
N in the hands over or redirects the UEs in the E-UTRAN cell
LST Same to a co-coverage neighboring UTRAN cell when
INTER Coverag related conditions are met: (1) The inter-RAT cell
RATCE e of shutdown switch is enabled, the ShutDownType
TDOW Network the shutdown conditions including the specified inter-
N Multi- RAT cell shutdown duration and uplink and downlink
RAT resource block (RB) usages in the E-UTRAN cell are
Carrier met, and the number of UEs served by the E-UTRAN
Joint cell is less than or equal to this parameter value.
Intellige (2) The inter-RAT cell shutdown switch is enabled,
nt the ShutDownType parameter is set to
B) shutdown conditions including the specified inter-
RAT cell shutdown duration, uplink and downlink RB
usages in the E-UTRAN cell, allocation/retention
priorities (ARPs) of services in the E-UTRAN cell,
and load status of the neighboring UTRAN cell are
met, and the number of UEs served by the E-UTRAN
cell is less than or equal to this parameter value. After
all UEs in the E-UTRAN cell are transferred to the
neighboring UTRAN cell, the eNodeB shuts down the
carrier of the E-UTRAN cell. This parameter applies
only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
GUI Value Range: 0~5000
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~5000
Default Value: 20

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 153

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellML InterRat MOD LOFD-0 Inter- Meaning: Indicates the threshold of the PRB usage for
B MlbThd CELLM 01044 / RAT triggering inter-RAT load sharing. Inter-RAT load
LB TDLOF Load sharing is triggered if the number of synchronized
LST D-00104 Sharing UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of
CELLM 4 to the InterRatMlbUeNumThd and InterRatMlbUeNu-
LB LOFD-0 UTRAN mOffset parameter values and the PRB usage of the
01045 / Inter- cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the
TDLOF RAT InterRatMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values.
D-00104 Load Inter-RAT load sharing stops if the number of
5 Sharing synchronized UEs in the cell is less than the
to InterRatMlbUeNumThd parameter value or the PRB
GERAN usage of the cell is less than the InterRatMlbThd
parameter value. This parameter applies only to LTE
GUI Value Range: 1~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 1~100
Default Value: 75

CellDlp PaPcOff MOD LBFD-0 Dynami Meaning: Indicates the PA to be used when PA
cPdschP CELLD 02016 / c adjustment for PDSCH power control is disabled, DL
a LPCPD TDLBF Downlin ICIC is disabled, and the even power distribution is
SCHPA D-00201 k Power used for the PDSCH. This parameter applies only to
LST 6 Allocati LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
CELLD LOFD-0 on GUI Value Range: DB_6_P_A(-6 dB),
LPCPD 70208 Coordin DB_4DOT77_P_A(-4.77 dB), DB_3_P_A(-3 dB),
SCHPA ated DB_1DOT77_P_A(-1.77 dB), DB0_P_A(0 dB),
Scheduli DB1_P_A(1 dB), DB2_P_A(2 dB), DB3_P_A(3 dB)
ng based Unit: dB
Control Actual Value Range: DB_6_P_A, DB_4DOT77_P_A,
DB_3_P_A, DB_1DOT77_P_A, DB0_P_A,
DB1_P_A, DB2_P_A, DB3_P_A
Default Value: DB_3_P_A(-3 dB)

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 154

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellPdc ComSig MOD LBFD-0 Physical Meaning: Indicates the CCE aggregation level for
chAlgo Congreg CELLP 02003 / Channel common control signaling. If the
Lv DCCHA TDLBF Manage HOSuccRateBoostOptSwitch option of the
LGO D-00200 ment HoSignalingOptSwitch parameter is selected, the
LST 3 PDCCH CCE aggregation level is changed to level 8
CELLP when an RAR message for a handover is
DCCHA retransmitted. This parameter applies only to LTE
GUI Value Range: CONGREG_LV4,
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: CONGREG_LV4,
Default Value: CONGREG_LV4

CellAlg LocalCe DSP None None Meaning: Indicates the local ID of the cell. It uniquely
oSwitch llId CELLU identifies a cell within an eNodeB.
LCAMC GUI Value Range: 0~255
ER Unit: None

DSP Actual Value Range: 0~255

CELLU Default Value: None

CellDlsc RarAnd MOD LBFD-0 Paging Meaning: Indicates the code rate for Random Access
hAlgo PagingC CELLD 02011/ Random Response messages and paging messages. This
R LSCHA TDLBF Access parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LGO D-00201 Procedu GUI Value Range: 10~930
LST 1 re Unit: None
LSCHA 02010/ Actual Value Range: 0.010~0.930, step:0.001
LGO TDLBF Default Value: 117

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 155

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellChP PchPwr MOD LBFD-0 Paging Meaning: Indicates the offset of the transmit power for
wrCfg CELLC 02011 / Dynami the paging information on the PDSCH channel
HPWRC TDLBF c relative to the reference signal power. This parameter
FG D-00201 Downlin applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST 1 k Power GUI Value Range: -3175~3175
CELLC LBFD-0 Allocati Unit: 0.005dB
HPWRC 02016 / on
FG TDLBF Actual Value Range: -15.875~15.875
D-00201 st of Default Value: 0
6 system
LBFD-0 informat
02009 / ion

CellRfS LocalCe DSP None None Meaning: Indicates the local ID of a cell, which
hutdown llId CELLR uniquely identifies a cell within an eNodeB. This
FSHUT parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
DOWN GUI Value Range: 0~255
LST Unit: None
FSHUT Actual Value Range: 0~255
DOWN Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 156

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellLow BakPwr MOD LOFD-0 Low Meaning: Indicates the backup power saving policy of
Power SavPolic CELLL 01040 / Power the eNodeB when the mains supply is cut off and the
y OWPO TDLOF Consum eNodeB is powered by storage batteries. The
WER D-00104 ption degradation duration in each policy is automatically
LST 0 Mode configured as follows: If this parameter is set to
CELLL POLICY3, the duration of service power degradation
OWPO and that of reference signal power degradation are
WER both 120 minutes, and the maximum duration of RF
channel intelligent shutdown is 1440 minutes. If this
parameter is set to POLICY2, the duration of service
power degradation, reference signal power
degradation, and RF channel intelligent shutdown is
all 120 minutes. If this parameter is set to POLICY1,
the duration of service power degradation, that of
reference signal power degradation, and that of RF
channel intelligent shutdown are all 0 minutes. If this
parameter is set to POLICY1, POLICY2 or
POLICY3, the ratio of available service power to total
service power is 50%, the adjustment offset for
reference signal power is -1 dB, and the wait time for
entering the low power consumption mode is 5
minutes. If this parameter is set to CUSTOMIZED,
you can customize the duration of power degradation,
the ratio of available service power to total service
power, the adjustment offset for reference signal
power, and the wait time for entering the low power
consumption mode. This parameter applies only to
GUI Value Range: CUSTOMIZED(Customized),
POLICY1(Policy1), POLICY2(Policy2),
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: CUSTOMIZED, POLICY1,
Default Value: CUSTOMIZED(Customized)

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 157

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

RRU PSGID ADD None None Meaning: Indicates the ID of a group which consists
RRU of one or multiple RRUs/RFUs served by the same
MOD power supply system. This parameter must be set to
RRU the same value for RRUs/RFUs served by the same
power supply system. This parameter must be set to
LST different values for RRUs/RFUs served by different
RRU power supply systems.The value NULL indicates that
the RF module does not support this parameter.
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 0

CellShut LocalCe LST None None Meaning: Indicates the local ID of a cell, which
down llId CELLS uniquely identifies a cell within an eNodeB. This
HUTDO parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
WN GUI Value Range: 0~255
MOD Unit: None
HUTDO Actual Value Range: 0~255
WN Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 158

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

EutranIn DlEarfc ADD LBFD-0 Coverag Meaning: Indicates the DL EARFCN of the
terNFre n EUTRA 0201802 e Based neighboring cell on the neighboring E-UTRAN
q NINTE / Inter- frequency. For details, see the 3GPP TS 36.104.
RNFRE TDLBF frequenc GUI Value Range: 0~68485
Q D-00201 y
802 Handov Unit: None
EUTRA LBFD-0 er Actual Value Range: 0~68485
NINTE 0201803 Cell Default Value: None
RNFRE / Selectio
Q TDLBF n and
MOD D-00201 Re-
EUTRA 803 selection
NINTE LBFD-0 Distance
RNFRE 0201804 Based
Q / Inter-
RMV TDLBF frequenc
CELLE D-00201 y
UTRAN 804 Handov
NFREQ 0201805 Service
RMV / Based
NINTE D-00201 frequenc
RNFRE 805 y
Q TDLOF Handov
D-00105 er
0 Mobility
MLBFD between
-120002 LTE
37 TDD
and LTE
n and

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 159

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

EutranIn MeasBa ADD LBFD-0 Coverag Meaning: Indicates the measurement bandwidth of the
terNFre ndWidth EUTRA 0201802 e Based inter-frequency neighboring cell on the frequency. The
q NINTE / Inter- setting of this parameter depends on the bandwidth
RNFRE TDLBF frequenc configuration of the cell. In E-UTRAN, a cell
Q D-00201 y bandwidth is also expressed in units of resource
MOD 802 Handov blocks (RBs). Cell bandwidths 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5
EUTRA LBFD-0 er MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz correspond to 6
NINTE 0201804 Distance RBs, 15 RBs, 25 RBs, 50 RBs, 75 RBs, and 100 RBs,
RNFRE / Based respectively. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331. This
Q TDLBF Inter- parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST D-00201 frequenc GUI Value Range: MBW6(1.4M), MBW15(3M),
EUTRA 804 y MBW25(5M), MBW50(10M), MBW75(15M),
NINTE LBFD-0 Handov MBW100(20M)
RNFRE 0201805 er Unit: None
Q / Service Actual Value Range: MBW6, MBW15, MBW25,
TDLBF Based MBW50, MBW75, MBW100
D-00201 Inter-
805 frequenc Default Value: None

111306 Handov
g Pilot

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 160

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

EutranIn Mcc ADD LBFD-0 Coverag Meaning:

terFreq EUTRA 0201802 e Based Indicates the mobile country code of the E-UTRAN
NCell NINTE / Inter- neighboring cell.
RFREQ TDLBF frequenc
NCELL D-00201 y The PLMN consists of the MCC and the MNC.
DSP 802 Handov
er The MCC consists of three digits.
NINTE The MNC consists of two to three digits.
For example, if the MCC is 123 and the MNC is 45,
then the PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range: 3 characters
NINTE Unit: None
RFREQ Actual Value Range: 000~999
Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 161

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

EutranIn Mnc ADD LBFD-0 Coverag Meaning:

terFreq EUTRA 0201802 e Based Indicates the mobile network code of the E-UTRAN
NCell NINTE / Inter- neighboring cell.
RFREQ TDLBF frequenc
NCELL D-00201 y The PLMN consists of the MCC and the MNC.
DSP 802 Handov
er The MCC consists of three digits.
NINTE The MNC consists of two to three digits.
For example, if the MCC is 123 and the MNC is 45,
then the PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range: 2~3 characters
NINTE Unit: None
RFREQ Actual Value Range: 00~99,000~999
Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 162

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

EutranIn eNodeB ADD None None Meaning: Indicates the eNodeB ID of the inter-
terFreq Id EUTRA frequency neighboring cell. It uniquely identifies an
NCell NINTE eNodeB within a PLMN. The 28-bit E-UTRAN cell
RFREQ ID is comprised of the cell ID and the eNodeB ID
NCELL (represented by the most significant 20 bits). The cell
DSP global identity (CGI) of an E-UTRAN cell is
EUTRA comprised of the E-UTRAN cell ID and the PLMN
NINTE ID. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.413.
RFREQ GUI Value Range: 0~1048575
NCELL Unit: None
LST Actual Value Range: 0~1048575
NINTE Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 163

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

EutranIn CellId ADD LBFD-0 Coverag Meaning: Indicates the ID of the inter-frequency
terFreq EUTRA 0201802 e Based neighboring cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within an
NCell NINTE Inter- eNodeB. The 28-bit E-UTRAN cell ID is comprised
RFREQ frequenc of the cell ID (represented by the least significant
NCELL y eight bits) and the eNodeB ID. The cell global identity
DSP Handov (CGI) of an E-UTRAN cell is comprised of the E-
EUTRA er UTRAN cell ID and the PLMN ID. For details, see
NINTE 3GPP TS 36.413.
RFREQ GUI Value Range: 0~255
NCELL Unit: None
LST Actual Value Range: 0~255
NINTE Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 164

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CellAlg MlbAut MOD LOFD-1 Auto Meaning:

oSwitch oGroup CELLA 10219/ Neighbo OverlapIndAutoSwitch: Indicates whether the serving
Switch LGOSW TDLOF r Group cell evaluates its coverage overlap with neighboring
ITCH D-11021 Configu cells and adds or removes coverage overlap flags for
LST 9/ ration the neighboring cells. The serving cell performs these
CELLA TDLOF actions only when this option is selected. The settings
LGOSW D-11023 of MicroOverlapIndSwitch and MicroGroupOverla-
ITCH 1 pIndSwitch take effect only when the
OverlapIndAutoSwitch option is selected. This option
applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
MicroOverlapIndSwitch: Indicates whether a micro
cell evaluates its coverage overlap with the associated
macro cell and instructs the macro cell to add or
remove the coverage overlap flag for the micro cell.
The micro cell performs these actions only when this
option is selected. If OverlapIndAutoSwitch and
MicroOverlapIndSwitch both are selected for a macro
cell, the macro cell adds or removes the coverage
overlap flag for a micro cell when instructed to do so
by the micro cell. This option applies only to LTE
MicroGroupOverlapIndSwitch: Indicates whether a
macro cell evaluates its coverage overlap with a group
of associated micro cells and adds or removes
coverage overlap flags for all micro cells in the group.
The macro cell performs these actions only when this
option is selected. This option applies only to macro
cells. If both MicroOverlapIndSwitch and
MicroGroupOverlapIndSwitch are selected for a
macro cell, only MicroOverlapIndSwitch takes effect.
This option applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
GUI Value Range: OverlapIndAutoS-
witch(OverlapIndAutoSwitch), MicroOverlapInd-
Switch(MicroOverlapIndSwitch), MicroGroupOverla-
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OverlapIndAutoSwitch,
MicroOverlapIndSwitch, MicroGroupOverlapInd-
Default Value: OverlapIndAutoSwitch:Off,
MicroOverlapIndSwitch:Off, MicroGroupOverlapInd-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 165

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

InterRat LocalCe LST None None Meaning: Indicates the local ID of a cell, which
CellShut llId INTER uniquely identifies a cell within an eNodeB. This
down RATCE parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LLSHU GUI Value Range: 0~255
N Unit: None

MOD Actual Value Range: 0~255

INTER Default Value: None

UtranNF LocalCe ADD None None Meaning: Indicates the local ID of the cell. It uniquely
req llId UTRAN identifies a cell within an eNodeB. This parameter
NFREQ applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST GUI Value Range: 0~255
UTRAN Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~255
UTRAN Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 166

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranNF UtranDl ADD LBFD-0 Cell Meaning:

req Arfcn UTRAN 0201803 Selectio Indicates the DL UARFCN of the neighboring cell on
NFREQ / n and the UTRAN frequency. The UARFCN range in each
LST TDLBF Re- FDD frequency band is shown as follows:
UTRAN D-00201 selection
NFREQ 803 PS Inter- Band 1:

MOD LOFD-0 RAT Normal UARFCNs: [10562-10838]

UTRAN 01019 / Mobility
NFREQ TDLOF between Special UARFCNs: none
D-00101 E-
RMV Band 2:
LBFD-0 Normal UARFCNs: [9662-9938]
02009 /
Special UARFCNs:
TDLBF Broadca
D-00200 st of
9 system Band 3:
ion Normal UARFCNs: [1162-1513]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 4:
Normal UARFCNs: [1537-1738]
Special UARFCNs: (1887, 1912, 1937, 1962, 1987,
2012, 2037, 2062, 2087)
Band 5:
Normal UARFCNs: [4357-4458]
Special UARFCNs: (1007, 1012, 1032, 1037, 1062,
Band 6:
Normal UARFCNs: [4387-4413]
Special UARFCNs: (1037, 1062)
Band 7:
Normal UARFCNs: [2237-2563]
Special UARFCNs: (2587, 2612, 2637, 2662, 2687,
2712, 2737, 2762, 2787, 2812, 2837, 2862, 2887,
Band 8:
Normal UARFCNs: [2937-3088]
Special UARFCNs: none

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 167

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

Band 9:
Normal UARFCNs: [9237-9387]
Special UARFCNs: none
The UARFCN range in each TDD frequency band is
shown as follows:
Band 1:
Normal UARFCNs: [9500-9600] and [10050-10125]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 2:
Normal UARFCNs: [9250-9550] and [9650-9950]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 3:
Normal UARFCNs: [9550-9650]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 4:
Normal UARFCNs: [12850-13100]
Special UARFCNs: (2112, 2137, 2162, 2187, 2212,
2237, 2262, 2287, 2312, 2337)
Band 5:
Normal UARFCNs: [11500-12000]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 6:
Normal UARFCNs: [9400-9600]
Special UARFCNs: none
For details, see 3GPP TS 25.104 and 3GPP TS
25.105. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
GUI Value Range: 0~16383
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~16383
Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 168

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

EutranE Mcc ADD LOFD-0 RAN Meaning:

xternalC EUTRA 01036 / Sharing Indicates the mobile country code of the external E-
ell NEXTE TDLOF with UTRAN cell.
RNALC D-00103 Commo
ELL 6 n The PLMN consists of the MCC and the MNC.
ADD LOFD-0 Carrier
The MCC consists of three digits.
EUTRA 01037 / RAN
NEXTE TDLOF Sharing The MNC consists of two to three digits.
RNALC D-00103 with
For example, if the MCC is 123 and the MNC is 45,
ELLBA 7 Dedicate
then the PLMN ID is 12345.
Carrier GUI Value Range: 3 characters
LST 0201801
EUTRA / Coverag Unit: None
NEXTE TDLBF e Based Actual Value Range: 000~999
RNALC D-00201 Intra-
Default Value: None
ELL 801 frequenc
EUTRA 0201802 Handov
NEXTE / er
ELLBA D-00201 e Based
ND 802 Inter-
MOD LBFD-0 frequenc
EUTRA 0201804 y
NEXTE / Handov
ELL D-00201 Distance
RMV 804 Based
NEXTE 0201805 frequenc
D-00201 er
EUTRA 805 Service
RNALC D-00105 Inter-
ELLBA 0 frequenc
ND y
LOFD-0 Handov
70206 / er
D-08122 Mobility
4 between
and LTE

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 169

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name


UtranEx Mnc ADD LOFD-0 PS Inter- Meaning:

ternalCe UTRAN 01019 / RAT Indicates the mobile network code of the external
ll EXTER TDLOF Mobility UTRAN cell.
NALCE D-00101 between
LL 9 E- The PLMN consists of the MCC and the MNC.
and The MCC consists of three digits.
EXTER UTRAN The MNC consists of two to three digits.
For example, MCC = 123, MNC = 45, PLMN =
12345. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
GUI Value Range: 2~3 characters
EXTER Unit: None
NALCE Actual Value Range: 00~99,000~999
Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 170

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranEx CellId ADD LOFD-0 PS Inter- Meaning: Indicates the RNC-wide cell ID of the
ternalCe UTRAN 01019 / RAT external UTRAN cell. It uniquely identifies a cell
ll EXTER TDLOF Mobility within an RNC. There are two RNC ID patterns:
NALCE D-00101 between RNC-ID and extended RNC-ID. In the RNC-ID
LL 9 E- pattern, the most significant 12 bits of the UTRAN
ADD UTRAN cell ID represent the RNC ID and the least significant
UTRAN and 16 bits represent the RNC-wide cell ID. The UTRAN
EXTER UTRAN cell ID is calculated using the following formula:
NALCE UTRAN Cell Identity = RncId x 65536 + CellId. In
LLBAN the extended RNC-ID pattern, the most significant 16
D bits of the UTRAN cell ID represent the RNC ID and
the least significant 12 bits represent the RNC-wide
LST cell ID. The UTRAN cell ID is calculated using the
UTRAN following formula: UTRAN Cell Identity = RncId x
EXTER 4096 + CellId. For details about this parameter, see
NALCE 3GPP TS 25.401. This parameter applies only to LTE
LST GUI Value Range: 0~65535
EXTER Unit: None
NALCE Actual Value Range: 0~65535
LLBAN Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 171

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranEx UtranDl ADD LOFD-0 PS Inter- Meaning:

ternalCe Arfcn UTRAN 01019 / RAT Indicates the DL UARFCN of the external UTRAN
ll EXTER TDLOF Mobility cell. The UARFCN range in each FDD frequency
NALCE D-00101 between band is shown as follows:
LL 9 E-
UTRAN Normal UARFCNs: [10562-10838]
NALCE Special UARFCNs: none
Band 2:
UTRAN Normal UARFCNs: [9662-9938]
Special UARFCNs:
Band 3:
Normal UARFCNs: [1162-1513]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 4:
Normal UARFCNs: [1537-1738]
Special UARFCNs: (1887, 1912, 1937, 1962, 1987,
2012, 2037, 2062, 2087)
Band 5:
Normal UARFCNs: [4357-4458]
Special UARFCNs: (1007, 1012, 1032, 1037, 1062,
Band 6:
Normal UARFCNs: [4387-4413]
Special UARFCNs: (1037, 1062)
Band 7:
Normal UARFCNs: [2237-2563]
Special UARFCNs: (2587, 2612, 2637, 2662, 2687,
2712, 2737, 2762, 2787, 2812, 2837, 2862, 2887,
Band 8:
Normal UARFCNs: [2937-3088]
Special UARFCNs: none

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 172

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

Band 9:
Normal UARFCNs: [9237-9387]
Special UARFCNs: none
The UARFCN range in each TDD frequency band is
shown as follows:
Band 1:
Normal UARFCNs: [9500-9600] and [10050-10125]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 2:
Normal UARFCNs: [9250-9550] and [9650-9950]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 3:
Normal UARFCNs: [9550-9650]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 4:
Normal UARFCNs: [12850-13100]
Special UARFCNs: (2112, 2137, 2162, 2187, 2212,
2237, 2262, 2287, 2312, 2337)
Band 5:
Normal UARFCNs: [11500-12000]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 6:
Normal UARFCNs: [9400-9600]
Special UARFCNs: none
For details, see 3GPP TS 25.104 and 3GPP TS
25.105. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
GUI Value Range: 0~16383
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~16383
Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 173

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranEx RncId ADD LOFD-0 Flash Meaning: Indicates the RNC ID of the external
ternalCe UTRAN 01052 / CS UTRAN cell. There are two RNC ID patterns: RNC-
ll EXTER TDLOF Fallback ID and extended RNC-ID. A 28-bit UTRAN cell ID is
NALCE D-00105 to comprised of an RNC ID and an RNC-wide cell ID. In
LL 2 UTRAN the RNC-ID pattern, the most significant 12 bits of the
ADD UTRAN cell ID represent the RNC ID and the least
UTRAN significant 16 bits represent the RNC-wide cell ID.
EXTER The UTRAN cell ID is calculated using the following
NALCE formula: UTRAN Cell Identity = RncId x 65536 +
LLBAN CellId. In the extended RNC-ID pattern, the most
D significant 16 bits of the UTRAN cell ID represent the
RNC ID and the least significant 12 bits represent the
LST RNC-wide cell ID. The UTRAN cell ID is calculated
UTRAN using the following formula: UTRAN Cell Identity =
EXTER RncId x 4096 + CellId. For details about this
NALCE parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.401. This parameter
LL applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
LST GUI Value Range: 0~65535
EXTER Unit: None
NALCE Actual Value Range: 0~65535
LLBAN Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 174

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranEx RacCfgI ADD LOFD-0 PS Inter- Meaning: Indicates whether to set the routing area
ternalCe nd UTRAN 01019 / RAT code (RAC) of the external UTRAN cell. This
ll EXTER TDLOF Mobility parameter must be set to CFG(Configure) if the
NALCE D-00101 between external UTRAN cell supports packet switched (PS)
LL 9 E- services. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
UTRAN and GUI Value Range: NOT_CFG(Not configure),
NALCE Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NOT_CFG, CFG
UTRAN Default Value: NOT_CFG(Not configure)

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 175

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranEx Rac ADD LOFD-0 PS Inter- Meaning: Indicates the routing area code. This
ternalCe UTRAN 01019 / RAT parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
ll EXTER TDLOF Mobility GUI Value Range: 0~255
NALCE D-00101 between
LL 9 E- Unit: None

MOD LOFD-0 UTRAN Actual Value Range: 0~255

UTRAN 01034 / and Default Value: 0
NALCE D-00103 CS
LL 4 Fallback
NALCE D-00105 CS
LL 2 Fallback
LOFD-0 to
01033 / UTRAN
D-00103 Fallback
3 to
01043 / Service
TDLOF based
D-00104 Inter-
LOFD-0 handove
01072 / r to
D-00107 Distance
2 based
LOFD-0 Inter-
01022 RAT
r to

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 176

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranEx PScram ADD LOFD-0 PS Inter- Meaning: Indicates the primary DL scrambles of the
ternalCe bCode UTRAN 01019 / RAT external UTRAN cell. For details, see 3GPP TS
ll EXTER TDLOF Mobility 25.331. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
NALCE D-00101 between LTE TDD.
LL 9 E- GUI Value Range: 0~511
and Unit: None
EXTER UTRAN Actual Value Range: 0~511
NALCE Default Value: None

UtranEx Lac ADD LOFD-0 SRVCC Meaning: Indicates the LAC of the external UTRAN
ternalCe UTRAN 01022 / to cell. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
NALCE D-00102 CS GUI Value Range: 1~65533,65535
LL 2 Fallback Unit: None
MOD LOFD-0 with
UTRAN 01068 / LAI to Actual Value Range: 1~65533,65535
EXTER TDLOF UTRAN Default Value: None
NALCE D-00106 PS Inter-
LST LOFD-0 Mobility
UTRAN 01019 between
LL and

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 177

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranN LocalCe ADD None None Meaning: Indicates the local ID of the cell. It uniquely
Cell llId UTRAN identifies a cell within an eNodeB. This parameter
NCELL applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
DSP GUI Value Range: 0~255
UTRAN Unit: None
DEDNC Actual Value Range: 0~255
ELL Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 178

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranN Mcc ADD LOFD-0 PS Inter- Meaning:

Cell UTRAN 01019 / RAT Indicates the mobile country code of the neighboring
NCELL TDLOF Mobility UTRAN cell.
DSP D-00101 between
UTRAN 9 E- The PLMN consists of the MCC and the MNC.
and The MCC consists of three digits.
ELL UTRAN The MNC consists of two to three digits.
DSP For example, MCC = 123, MNC = 45, PLMN =
UTRAN 12345. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
LST GUI Value Range: 3 characters
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 000~999
UTRAN Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 179

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranN Mnc ADD LOFD-0 PS Inter- Meaning:

Cell UTRAN 01019 / RAT Indicates the mobile network code of the neighboring
NCELL TDLOF Mobility UTRAN cell.
DSP D-00101 between
UTRAN 9 E- The PLMN consists of the MCC and the MNC.
and The MCC consists of three digits.
ELL UTRAN The MNC consists of two to three digits.
DSP For example, MCC = 123, MNC = 45, PLMN =
UTRAN 12345. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and
LST GUI Value Range: 2~3 characters
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 00~99,000~999
UTRAN Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 180

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 21 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UtranN CellId ADD LOFD-0 Flash Meaning: Indicates the RNC-wide cell ID of the
Cell UTRAN 01052 / CS external UTRAN cell. It uniquely identifies a cell
NCELL TDLOF Fallback within an RNC. There are two RNC ID patterns:
DSP D-00105 to RNC-ID and extended RNC-ID. In the RNC-ID
UTRAN 2 UTRAN pattern, the most significant 12 bits of the UTRAN
EXTEN LOFD-0 PS Inter- cell ID represent the RNC ID and the least significant
DEDNC 01019 / RAT 16 bits represent the RNC-wide cell ID. The UTRAN
ELL TDLOF Mobility cell ID is calculated using the following formula:
D-00101 between UTRAN Cell Identity = RncId x 65536 + CellId. In
DSP the extended RNC-ID pattern, the most significant 16
UTRAN bits of the UTRAN cell ID represent the RNC ID and
NCELL the least significant 12 bits represent the RNC-wide
LST UTRAN cell ID. The UTRAN cell ID is calculated using the
UTRAN following formula: UTRAN Cell Identity = RncId x
NCELL 4096 + CellId. For details about this parameter, see
MOD 3GPP TS 25.401. This parameter applies only to LTE
NCELL GUI Value Range: 0~65535
RMV Unit: None
UTRAN Actual Value Range: 0~65535
DEDNC Default Value: None

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 181

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

22 Counters

Table 22-1 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name

1526726737 L.ChMeas.PRB.UL Average number of Multi-mode: None Basic Scheduling

.Used.Avg used uplink PRBs GSM: None Basic Scheduling
UMTS: None Adaptive SFN/

1526726740 L.ChMeas.PRB.DL Average number of Multi-mode: None Basic Scheduling

.Used.Avg used PDSCH PRBs GSM: None Basic Scheduling
UMTS: None Adaptive SFN/
LBFD-002025 Virtual 4T4R

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 182

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526726989 L.IRATHO.E2W.Pr Number of inter- Multi-mode: UL Unified Video

epAttOut RAT handover MRFD-101401 Steering
attempts from E- GSM: None
WCDMA network UMTS: None Mobility between
LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to
TDLOFD-001022 PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between
TDLOFD-001033 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

1526726990 L.IRATHO.E2W.Ex Number of inter- Multi-mode: UL Unified Video

ecAttOut RAT handover MRFD-101401 Steering
executions from E- GSM: None
WCDMA network UMTS: None Mobility between
LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to
TDLOFD-001022 PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between
TDLOFD-001033 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 183

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526726991 L.IRATHO.E2W.Ex Number of Multi-mode: UL Unified Video

ecSuccOut successful inter- MRFD-101401 Steering
RAT handovers GSM: None
from E-UTRAN to PS Inter-RAT
WCDMA network UMTS: None Mobility between
LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to
TDLOFD-001022 PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between
TDLOFD-001033 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

1526726998 L.HHO.IntraeNB.In Number of intra- Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

terFreq.PrepAttOut eNodeB inter- GSM: None Inter-frequency
frequency outgoing Handover
handover attempts UMTS: None
Coverage Based
in a cell LTE: Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201805 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Service Based Inter-
5 frequency
Service Based Inter-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 184

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526726999 L.HHO.IntraeNB.In Number of intra- Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

terFreq.ExecAttOut eNodeB inter- GSM: None Inter-frequency
frequency outgoing Handover
handovers UMTS: None
Coverage Based
executions in a cell LTE: Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201805 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Service Based Inter-
5 frequency
Service Based Inter-

1526727000 L.HHO.IntraeNB.In Number of Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

terFreq.ExecSuccO successful intra- GSM: None Inter-frequency
ut eNodeB inter- Handover
frequency outgoing UMTS: None
Coverage Based
handovers in a cell LTE: Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201805 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Service Based Inter-
5 frequency
Service Based Inter-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 185

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526727004 L.HHO.IntereNB.In Number of inter- Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

terFreq.PrepAttOut eNodeB inter- GSM: None Inter-frequency
frequency outgoing Handover
handover attempts UMTS: None
Coverage Based
in a cell LTE: Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201805 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Service Based Inter-
5 frequency
Service Based Inter-

1526727005 L.HHO.IntereNB.In Number of inter- Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

terFreq.ExecAttOut eNodeB inter- GSM: None Inter-frequency
frequency outgoing Handover
handovers UMTS: None
Coverage Based
executions in a cell LTE: Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201805 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Service Based Inter-
5 frequency
Service Based Inter-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 186

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526727006 L.HHO.IntereNB.In Number of Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

terFreq.ExecSuccO successful inter- GSM: None Inter-frequency
ut eNodeB inter- Handover
frequency outgoing UMTS: None
Coverage Based
handovers in a cell LTE: Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201805 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Service Based Inter-
5 frequency
Service Based Inter-

1526727253 L.HHO.IntraeNB.Pr Number of intra- Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

epAttIn eNodeB intra- GSM: None Intra-frequency
duplex-mode Handover
incoming handover UMTS: None
Coverage Based
attempts in a cell LTE: Intra-frequency
LBFD-00201801 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
1 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
Distance Based
TDLBFD-0020180 Inter-frequency
5 Handover
Service Based Inter-
Service Based Inter-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 187

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526727254 L.HHO.IntraeNB.E Number of intra- Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

xecAttIn eNodeB intra- GSM: None Intra-frequency
duplex-mode Handover
incoming handover UMTS: None
Coverage Based
executions in a cell LTE: Intra-frequency
LBFD-00201801 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
1 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
Distance Based
TDLBFD-0020180 Inter-frequency
5 Handover
Service Based Inter-
Service Based Inter-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 188

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526727255 L.HHO.IntraeNB.E Number of Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

xecSuccIn successful intra- GSM: None Intra-frequency
eNodeB intra- Handover
duplex-mode UMTS: None
Coverage Based
incoming handovers LTE: Intra-frequency
in a cell LBFD-00201801 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
1 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
Distance Based
TDLBFD-0020180 Inter-frequency
5 Handover
Service Based Inter-
Service Based Inter-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 189

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526727256 L.HHO.IntereNB.Pr Number of inter- Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

epAttIn eNodeB intra- GSM: None Intra-frequency
duplex-mode Handover
incoming handover UMTS: None
Coverage Based
attempts in a cell LTE: Intra-frequency
LBFD-00201801 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
1 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
Distance Based
TDLBFD-0020180 Inter-frequency
5 Handover
Service Based Inter-
Service Based Inter-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 190

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526727257 L.HHO.IntereNB.E Number of inter- Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

xecAttIn eNodeB intra- GSM: None Intra-frequency
duplex-mode Handover
incoming handover UMTS: None
Coverage Based
executions in a cell LTE: Intra-frequency
LBFD-00201801 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
1 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
Distance Based
TDLBFD-0020180 Inter-frequency
5 Handover
Service Based Inter-
Service Based Inter-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 191

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526727258 L.HHO.IntereNB.E Number of Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

xecSuccIn successful inter- GSM: None Intra-frequency
eNodeB intra- Handover
duplex-mode UMTS: None
Coverage Based
incoming handovers LTE: Intra-frequency
in a cell LBFD-00201801 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
1 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
Distance Based
TDLBFD-0020180 Inter-frequency
5 Handover
Service Based Inter-
Service Based Inter-

1526727378 L.Traffic.User.Avg Average number of Multi-mode: None RRC Connection

users in a cell GSM: None Management
UMTS: None RRC Connection

1526728150 L.ChMeas.DFEE.R Duration of RF Multi-mode: None RF Channel

FOFF.Dur channel intelligent GSM: None Intelligent
shutdown Shutdown
UMTS: None
RF Channel
LTE: Intelligent
LOFD-001039 Shutdown

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 192

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526728151 L.ChMeas.DFEE.C Duration of Multi-mode: None Intelligent Power-

arrierOFF.Dur intelligent power- GSM: None Off of Carriers in
off of carriers the Same Coverage
UMTS: None
Intelligent Power-
LTE: Off of Carriers in
LOFD-001042 the Same Coverage
TDLOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-
LOFD-001074 Off of Carriers in
the Same Coverage
of UMTS Network

1526728287 L.HHO.Prep.FailOu Number of intra- Multi-mode: None Coverage Based

t.PrepFailure duplex-mode GSM: None Intra-frequency
outgoing handover Handover
preparation failures UMTS: None
Coverage Based
because of the LTE: Intra-frequency
handover LBFD-00201801 Handover
preparation failure TDLBFD-0020180
messages sent from Coverage Based
1 Inter-frequency
the target cell
LBFD-00201802 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
2 Inter-frequency
LBFD-00201804 Handover
TDLBFD-0020180 Distance Based
4 Inter-frequency
Distance Based
TDLBFD-0020180 Inter-frequency
5 Handover
Service Based Inter-
Service Based Inter-

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 193

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526728326 L.RRCRedirection. Number of Multi-mode: None PS Inter-RAT

E2W redirections from E- GSM: None Mobility between
WCDMA network UMTS: None UTRAN
LTE: CS Fallback to
LOFD-001033 PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-001019 Mobility between
TDLOFD-001033 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

1526728493 L.Cell.Unavail.Dur. Duration of cell Multi-mode: None Adaptive Power

EnergySaving unavailability due GSM: None Consumption
to energy saving Low Power
UMTS: None
Consumption Mode
LOFD-001025 Intelligent Power-
Off of Carriers in
LOFD-001040 the Same Coverage
LOFD-001042 Intelligent Power-
LOFD-001074 Off of Carriers in
TDLOFD-001042 the Same Coverage
of UMTS Network
Intelligent Power-
Off of Carriers in
the Same Coverage
Low Power
Consumption Mode

1526728764 L.ChMeas.PRB.PU Average number of Multi-mode: None Basic Scheduling

SCH.Avg used PUSCH PRBs GSM: None Basic Scheduling
UMTS: None Adaptive SFN/

1526730150 L.CellSectorEQUIP Average number of Multi-mode: None Adaptive SFN/

.SFN.UL.PRB.Used uplink PRBs for GSM: None SDMA
.Avg UEs served by a set Adaptive SFN/
of sector equipment UMTS: None
in an SFN cell LTE:

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 194

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 22 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526730601 L.Traffic.ActiveUse Maximum number Multi-mode: None RRC Connection

r.DL.QCI.1.Max of activated UEs GSM: None Management
with the QCI of 1 in RRC Connection
the downlink buffer UMTS: None

1526730611 L.Traffic.ActiveUse Maximum number Multi-mode: None RRC Connection

r.UL.QCI.1.Max of activated UEs GSM: None Management
with the QCI of 1 in RRC Connection
the uplink buffer UMTS: None

1593835620 VS.PSU.Shutdown PSU shutdown total Multi-mode: None PSU Smart Control
Time time GSM: Intelligent Power
GBFD-111608 Management
UMTS: PSU Intelligent
WRFD-020121 Sleep Mode
LTE: PSU Intelligent
LOFD-001056 Sleep Mode

1593835637 VS.EnergyCons.BT The sum of power Multi-mode: None Power

S.Adding.LTE consumption of all GSM: None Consumption
boards in the LTE Monitoring
UMTS: None
LTE: Consumption
LBFD-001041 Monitoring
TDLBFD-001041 Power
MLBFD-12000420 Consumption

1593835638 VS.EnergyCons.BT Power consumption Multi-mode: None Power

S.Measuring.LTE measured by the GSM: None Consumption
power system of the Monitoring
LTE: Consumption
LBFD-001041 Monitoring
TDLBFD-001041 Power
MLBFD-12000420 Consumption

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 195

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 23 Glossary

23 Glossary

For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 196

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Feature
Parameter Description 24 Reference Documents

24 Reference Documents

1. 3GPP TS 36.211, "Physical Channels and Modulation"

2. Scheduling Feature Parameter Description
3. Power Control Feature Parameter Description

Issue 06 (2018-08-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 197

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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