Expressive Qualities of Color

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Jan Jenver A. Ilumin.

AdTech I

Sir Rodney Marc Juan.

Expressive Qualities of Color

Colors make things exciting. Colors make things
different. Colors make something bland beautiful.

Colors also bring something out of us. They draw

emotion, feelings, and memories containing that
particular color, or set of colors. At Pamela
Underwood Studios, no color is ignored or
forgotten about; each color is important in the
painting of one’s expressive arts experience. As Expressive Arts is already focused
on finding and releasing an inner sentiment, colors
are a vital part in the expressive parts process.

For centuries, colors have been used to represent

certain things and associations. Which is why
each color has been studied by psychologists to
find out what most people see in the colors they
use to paint with. According to a color psychology
website located in the United Kingdom, studies
show that these basic colors represent the following emotions and characteristics…

Red: mainly represents strength, power, energy, survival, strain,

and defiance, as well as aggression or anger. Red is associated
with blood, and with feelings that are energetic, exciting,
passionate or erotic. Most colors carry both positive and negative
implications. The downside of red evokes aggressive feelings,
suggesting anger or violence.

Blue: mainly represents intelligence and intellect. It reflects

logic and coolness, but also represents sadness and coldness.
Blue suggests coolness, distance, spirituality, or perhaps
reserved elegance. Some shade of blue is flattering to almost
anyone. In its negative mode, we can think of the "blues"-the
implication being one of sadness, passivity, alienation, or
Yellow: mainly represents happier thoughts, including optimism,
creativity, and extroversion. It can also stand for fragility, anxiety,
or fear. Yellow is the color of sunshine. This color is optimistic,
upbeat, modern. The energy of yellow can become
overwhelming. Therefore yellow is not a color that tends to
dominate fashion for long periods of time.

Green: green can stand for balance, environment, peace,

stagnation, restoration, or harmony. In its positive mode, green
suggests nature (plant life, forests), life, stability, restfulness,
naturalness. On the other hand, green in some tones or certain
contexts (such as green skin) might instead suggest decay
(fungus, mold), toxicity, artificiality.

Purple: very spiritual. It means spiritual containment, luxury,

decadence, introversion, and truth. Violet is the color of fantasy,
playfulness, impulsiveness, and dream states. In its negative
mode, it can suggest nightmares, or madness.

Orange: passion, warmth, fun, security, as well as frustration.

Orange is the color of flesh, or the friendly warmth of the
hearth fire. The positive implications of this color suggest
approachability, informality. The negative side might imply
accessibility to the point of suggesting that anyone can
approach-- a lack of discrimination or quality.

Pink: mainly stands for nurturing, femininity, love, sexuality,

physical harmony, although it can also mean inhibition, or
physical weakness.

Black: Black can stand for a lot. It can mean oppression,

heaviness, fear, but also mean efficiency, substance,
sophistication, and emotional safety.

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