CBSE Practice Papers Grade 7

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Chapter-wise worksheets with answers for


Class- VII (Science)
1. Nutrition in Plants 001

2. Nutrition in Animals 013

3. Fibre to Fabric 025

4. Heat 034

5. Acids, Bases and Salts 046

6. Physical and Chemical Changes 055

7. Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate 064

8. Winds, Storms and Cyclones 073

9. Soil 082

10. Respiration in Organisms 091

11. Transportation in Animals and Plants 103

12. Reproduction in Plants 115

13. Motion and Time 124

14. Electric Current and its Effects 133

15. Light 145

16. Water: A Precious Resource 157

17. Forests: Our Lifeline 166

18. Wastewater Story 175

CBSE Worksheet-01
Class – VII Science (Nutrition in Plants)

1. Plants prepare their food by the process of

a. Respiration
b. Photosynthesis
c. Transpiration
d. All of these.
2. The organism that can prepare their own food are called
a. Heterotrophs
b. Consumers
c. Decomposers
d. Autotrophs
3. Which of the following is not required by plant for food synthesis?
a. Water
b. Oxygen
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Chlorophyll
4. Which one is an insectivorous plant?
a. Banyan tree
b. Cuscuta
c. Pitcher plant
d. Neem plant
5. Match the following.
Column A Column B
a. Autotrophs i. Tiger
b. Heterotrophs ii. Mushroom
c. Carnivores iii. Cuscuta
d. Saprophytes iv. Green plants
e. Parasite v. Animals

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6. Fill in the blanks

a. Green plants are called -----------------, since they synthesize their own food.

b. Oxygen is released by plants during ------------------.

c. -------------------- live on dead and decaying animals.

d. -------------------- is the green coloured pigments present in leaves.

e. The food synthesized by the plants is stored as -------------------.

7. What is photosynthesis?

8. Distinguished between parasite and saprophytes.

9. What are insectivorous plants? Give two examples.

10. Observe the diagrams of organisms given below. Name them and write their category.

(A) (B) (C)

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Answer key
1. b
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. (a) – (iv), (b) – (v), (c) – (i), (d) – (ii), (e) – (iv).
6. (a) Autotrophs (b) photosynthesis (c) saprophytes (d) chlorophylls(e) starch
7. The process by which green plants synthesis their food using sunlight, carbohydrates,
water and chlorophyll is called photosynthesis.
8. Those organisms that obtain their food from other organism by harming them are
called parasite. For example-Cuscuta, lice, mosquito. Those organisms that obtain food
from dead and decaying materials are called saprophytes. For example- bacteria and
9. Those plants that eat insects by trapping them are called insectivorous plants. They
obtain protein from insects. For example- Pitcher plants and Drosophila.
10. (A) Name- Mushroom.
Category - Saprophytes.
(B) Name – Pitcher plant.
Category – Insectivores.
(C) Name – Cuscuta.
Category – Parasites.

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CBSE Worksheet-02
Class – VII Science (Nutrition in Plants)

1. In the process of photosynthesis, the gas given out by green leaves is

a. Oxygen
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Nitrogen
d. Ozone
2. To test the presence of starch by iodine, the green leaf is first boiled in alcohol to
a. Dissolve chlorophyll
b. Remove starch
c. Make the leaf soft
d. Make the leaf transparent
3. Which of the following is an insectivorous plant?
a. Cuscuta
b. Croton
c. Nepenthes
d. Lichen
4. Plant eating animals are called
a. Omnivorous
b. Carnivorous
c. Herbivorous
d. Insectivorous
5. Match the following:
Column A Column B
a. Exchange of gases i. Rhizobium
b. Nitrogen ii. Chlorophyll
c. Autotrophs iii. Stomata
d. Omnivores iv. Green plants
e. Photosynthesis v. Bear

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6. Write T for true and F for false statements.

a. Green plants prepare their food hence they are Autotrophs.

b. Carbon dioxide gas is released in the process of photosynthesis.

c. Carnivores are flesh eating animals.

d. Minute pores on the leaf surface are called stomata.

e. Cuscuta is an insectivorous plant.

7. What is the mode of nutrition in plants?

8. What is symbiotic relationship? How it benefits the organisms?

9. Why green leaf is boiled in alcohol before testing it for starch.

10. Rearrange the letters to find out the words related to plant nutrition.





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Answer key
1. a

2. a

3. c

4. d

5. (a) – (iii), (b) – (i), (c) – (iv), (d) – (v), (e) – (ii).

6. (a) T (b) F(c) T (d) T (e) F.

7. The mode of nutrition in plants is autotrophic. Plants prepare their food by the

process of photosynthesis using inorganic substance.

8. It is the relationship between two organisms in which both organisms get benefited

from each other. Symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi is called lichen.

9. Green leaf is boiled in alcohols for testing the starch to dissolve the chlorophyll

present in the leaves. After boiling in alcohols leaf will lose its green colour.





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CBSE Worksheet-03
Class – VII Science (Nutrition in Plants)

1. Green pigments present in the leaves are called

a. Leucoplasts
b. Chloroplasts
c. Chromoplast
d. Amphiplast
2. Which one is saprophytic organism?
a. Neem plant
b. Mushroom
c. Cuscuta
d. Pitcher plant.
3. Insectivorous plants are found mostly in areas which are
a. Dry and sandy
b. Wet and marshy
c. Nitrogen deficient
d. Nitrogen rich
4. Exchange of gases in leaves takes place through
a. Stomata
b. Lenticels
c. Epidermis
d. Guard cells
5. Match the following
Column A Column B
a. Herbivores i. Amarbel
b. Carnivores ii. Yeast
c. Omnivores iii. Cow
d. Saprophytes iv. Lion
e. Parasite v. Cat

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6. Fill the blanks with suitable words.

a. During photosynthesis, solar energy is trapped by the pigment called -----------.

b. -------------- is the ultimate source of energy.

c. Gas released during photosynthesis is --------------------.

d. Plant eating animals are called ----------------.

e. Minute pores on leaf surface for exchange of gases are known as --------------.

7. What are Heterotrophs? Give two examples.

8. What are nutrients? Name main nutrients.

9. Why is sun said to be ultimate source of energy?

10. Name the following.

a. A parasitic plant which is devoid of leaves, having yellow, slender tubular stem.

b. A solution used to test the presence of carbohydrates.

c. A plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.

d. The by which organism obtain energy from the digested food.

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