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Petrofac © FOAM SYSTEM


1.1 Abbreviations

GTP Gas Treatment Plant

HPC Hayan Petroleum Company
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
Lpm Litre Per Minute
OGS Oil & Gas Separation
SGS Satellite Gathering Station
RO Restriction Orifice

1.2 Project Description

HPC - HAYAN PETROLEUM COMPANY / INA - 1NDUSTRIJA NAFTE d.d. have performed an intensive
exploration work on the Hayan Block located relatively close to Palmyra town (Syria). Several gas and
condensate gas fields have been discovered in Hayan Block, in addition to other exploration areas (Al
Mahr. Jihar, Jazal etc.)

For the exploitation of the condensate and gas fields, HPC intend to develop oil stabilization and
export (Jihar), a Gas Treatment Plant (GTP-Jihar) for the production of LPG and one Satellite
Gathering Station (SGS-Jihar).

The production wells i.e. Jihar & Al-Mahr will be connected to the SGS Jihar and SGS Al-Mahr and
further to OGS/GTP-Jihar by two gas and oil pipeline each. The OGS/GTP-Jihar will also receive the
production of other satellite stations (Al-Mahr, Jazal etc). OGS/GTP-Jihar will produce on spec sales
gas, LPG & stabilized oil/condensate.

The produced gas and oil/condensate will be exported by means of dedicated pipelines while the
produced LPG will be exported by means of tank trucks and loading arms from LPG bullets, for this
purpose a complete tank trucks loading and weighing system will be provided.

1.3 Study Objectives

The purpose of this report is to hydraulically assess the Foam System for Oil Storage Tanks at Jihar
GTP in order to verify following aspects of the System:

• To verify the adequacy of pressure provided by fire water network at inlet of deluge system
• To verify sizes and associated velocities in pipe segments
• To determine flow rate and pressure at foam inductor and foam chamber
• To calculate the orifice plates on upstream of foam skid

1.4 Definitions

For the purposes of this report, the following definitions shall apply:

Node .-Supply point (inlet point), flow point (outlet point), branching of pipes or a point where
the pipe diameter changes.

Pipe Segment :A single limited length of pipe which has a start node and an end node and a
constant diameter.
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Supply Point: The point at which water source is connected to the pipe network.

Discharge Point: The point of discharge connection from the pipe network. It can either be
pipe outlet or nozzle outlet or equivalents.

1.5 List of Reference Documents Codes and Standards

1.5.1 Project Reference Documents

[1] “HSE Design Philosophy” JI-191-SA-08-0000-10001 JI-

[2] “Fire Protection Philosophy” 191-SA-08-0000-10002 JI-191-
[3] “Fire Water Demand Calculation Report” SA-06-0000-10009 JI-191-SA-
[4] “Fire Water System Hydraulic Calculation” 06-2970-10010

1.5.2 Industry Codes & Standards

The following Codes and Standards, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this study.

National Fire Protection Association

NFPA-11 Standard for Low, Medium and high expansion foam systems
NFPA-15 Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection
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PIPENET Spray/Sprinkler module (Ver. 4.10) has been employed to hydraulically design deluge
systems in accordance with NFPA. Based on definition of nodes and pipe segments, foam system was
modelled as a combination of pipe segments and nodes. Data like Length, elevation, size and fittings
of each pipe segment from isometrics were provided as an input for the calculations. Available
pressure and flow rate from fire water network, ref. [4], was specified at inlet point of the network.
Special equipments like foam chamber and orifice plates were also modelled in the software.
Hydraulic calculation was performed using following formulas specified in ref. [4].

2.1 Assumptions

1. ‘C’ Factor of 120 and 150 shall be used for unlined carbon steel and stainless steel pipes

2. Maximum allowable velocity in foam system supply lines and riser has been considered as 6 m/s.

3. Inlet pressure of the foam system at fire water network connection has been considered equal
to available pressure from fire water network calculation, ref. [4].

4. Orifice plate on the upstream of foam skid has been sized in a way to adjust the actual foam
solution discharge equal to theoretical flow rate of the system.

5. A Pressure Drop of 35% along the foam inductor as per manufacturer’s recommendation has
been considered for proper proportioning of foam compound and water.

6. Foam Chamber ‘K’ factors has been selected as per vendor catalogue.

7. Calculation was performed in following two sections:

A) From fire water network connection to inlet of foam inductor in which water is flowing.
B) From outlet of foam inductor to foam chamber on tank in which foam solution is flowing

For each section associated fluid properties such as density and viscosity has been used.
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Detailed Results are depicted in appendixes A. summary of calculation results are provided in (Table 3-1).
Orifice plate sizes and their corresponding pressure drops for foam systems of TK-2201A and TK-2201B are
provided in table (Table 3-2)

(Table 3-1: Calculation Results for Foam System of TK-2201A and TK-2201B)

TK-2201A 866 866.9

TK-2201B 866 868.6

(Table 3-2: Calculation Results for Orifice Plates)

RO-2920-101 3” 33.0 1.84

RO-2920-100 3” 33.3 1.74

Hydraulic calculation results show that the system is adequate to provide the required flow of foam solution in
order to protect the storage tanks (TK-2201A/B).
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APPENDIX (A)-General Foam System Calculation

ANGUS TEL: 44 (0) 184 426 5000
FAX: 44 (0)184 426 5148


Doc No CC1725-1018

COMPILED BY: S. Williams CHECKED BY: A. Rochowski APPROVED BY: D. Barnes

TOD Pourer Foam Systems

Hydraulic Calculations CC1725-3001 & CC1725-3003

Hazen Williams Formula is used as the basis for these calculations, Hazen Williams formula is an empirical one for water
and set as a default in the Pipenet Hydraulic Analysis Software. A solution of 3% foam does not alter the viscosity
significantly. AFE use Darcy Formula for foam concentrate calculations.

Tank Diameter = 16.40 metres

Application Rate = 4.1 l/min/m2

Design Foam Solution = Tank Surface Area x Application Rate

Design Foam Solution = 211.24 x 4.1
Design Foam Solution = 866.0 L/Min

1 x Angus TPS80 Top Pourer selected for each tank (see data sheet)

Actual Flow and Pressures:-

CC1725-3001, Tank 2201A = 866.9 L/Min. Pressure at Pourer = 4.2 bar CC1725-3003, Tank 2201B = 868.6 L/Min. Pressure
at Pourer = 4.2 bar

Flow rate 840 l/min of Water + 3% foam Concentrate

Water Flow Rate = 97% x 866 L/Min =840.02 L/min
Foam Concentrate = 3% X 866 L/Min = 26 L/Min

Tie in Point to Foam Skid Systems

Hydraulic Calculations CC1725-3002 & CC1725-3004

Hazen Williams values for water set as requested. Density = 995.6 kg/m3
Viscosity = 0.85 Cp @ 35 deg C

Actual Flow and Pressures:-

CC1725-3002, Tank 2201A

Design Inlet Pressure at Tie in Point =11.5 bar
Water Flow Rate = 840.0 L/Min. Pressure at Skid Inductor = 9.15 bar Orifice Plate 2920 101 is included to reduce pressure
at Skid 35% pressure loss across inductor = 9.15 x .35 = 3.2025 bar
Therefore pressure at outlet of inductor = 9.15 - 3.2025 = 5.95 bar
This pressure (5.95) is therefore inlet pressure for calculation CC1725-3001.

CC1725-3004, Tank 2201B

Design Inlet Pressure at Tie in Point = 11.5 bar
Water Flow Rate = 840.0 L/Min. Pressure at Skid Inductor =9.17 bar
Orifice Plate 2920 100 is included to reduce pressure at Skid
35% pressure loss across inductor = 9.17 x .35 = 3.2095 bar
Therefore pressure at outlet of inductor = 9.17 - 3.2095 = 5.96 bar
This pressure (5.96) is therefore inlet pressure for calculation CC1725-3003.

Orifice Plates Drawing No CC1725-6001

Tank 2201A, Orifice Plate 2920 101 = 33.0 Hole Diameter Tank 2201B, Orifice Plate 2920 100 = 33.3 Hole Diameter

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