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Systems And

Components In
Commercial Vehicles

Edition 1998

 Copyright WABCO 1998


A Division of
WABCO Standard GmbH

The right of amendment is reserved

Table of Contents


Operation of Air Braking Systems ................................................... 4

1. Motor Vehicles
Braking System ............................................................................. 6
Components of the Motor Vehicle’s Braking System........................... 7

2. Trailers
Braking System ........................................................................... 62
Equipment For Trailer Braking Systems ............................................ 64

3. Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) .................................................. 79

4. Sustained-Action Braking Systems On Motor Vehicles .............. 89

5. EBS - Elektronisch geregeltes Bremssystem ............................... 93

6. Air Suspension Systems and ECAS

(Electronically Controlled Air Suspension)................................. 105

7. Clutch Servo................................................................................... 117

8. Air Braking Systems In

Agricultural Vehicles ..................................................................... 121

9. ETS-Elektronic Door Control System

For Motor Coaches ........................................................................ 131

10. Installation Of Pipes And Screw Unions ..................................... 139

11. Index ............................................................................................... 151

Operation of Air Braking Systems

1. Compressed Air Supply and the relay emergency valve (27) be- the brake pressure on the front axle is
fore reaching the reservoir (28) and also also adjusted to the load carried on the
The compressed air supplied by the com- flows to the supply ports of the ABS relay vehicle (mostly on lorries).
pressor (1) flows to the air dryer (3) via valves (38).
the unloader (2) which automatically con- The trailer control valve (17) actuated by
trols the pressure within the system with- 2. Operation: the two service braking circuits pressuriz-
in a range of between 7.2 and 8.1 bar, for es the pilot connection of the relay emer-
instance. In the air dryer, the water va- 2.1 Service Braking System gency valve (27) after passing the hose
pour in the air is extracted and expelled When the brake valve (15) is actuated, coupling (12) and the connecting “con-
through the air dryer’s vent. The dried air compressed air flows via the ABS sole- trol“ hose. The air supply from the air res-
then flows to the quadruple-circuit pro- noid control valve (39) into the brake ervoir (28) is thus allowed to pass
tection valve (4) which, if one or several chambers (14) of the front axle and to the through the relay-emergency valve, the
circuits are defective, secures the intact load-sensing valve (18). This valve re- trailer release valve (32), the adapter
circuits against any loss in pressure. verses and the air flows via the ABS so- valve (33) and on to the load-sensing
Within the service braking circuits I and lenoid control valve (40) into the service valve (34) and the ABS relay valve (37).
II, the air supply from the reservoirs (6 brake portion (brake chambers) of the The relay valve (37) is actuated by the
and 7) flows to the brake valve (15). In Tristop spring brake actuators (19). The load-sensing valve (34) and the com-
Circuit III the air supply from the reservoir pressure in the brake cylinders generat- pressed air flows to the brake chambers
(5) flows through the 2/2-way valve which ing the force required for the wheel brake (29) on the front axle. The ABS relay
is integrated in the trailer control valve depends on the amount of force applied valves (38) are actuated by the load-
(17) to the automatic hose coupling (11) to the brake valve, and on the load car- sensing valve (35), and the compressed
and on to the check valve (13), the hand ried on the vehicle. This brake pressure air is allowed to pass to the brake cham-
brake valve (16) and the relay valve (20) is controlled by the load-sensing valve bers (30 and 31). The service pressure
into the spring-loaded portion of the Tris- (18) which is connected to the rear axle on the trailer, which is similar to the out-
top spring brake actuators (19). Circuit IV by means of a linkage. Any change in the put pressure from the towing vehicle, is
supplies air to any ancillary consumers, distance between the vehicle’s chassis automatically adjusted by the load-sens-
in this case an exhaust brake. and its axle caused by loading or unload- ing valves (34 and 35) for the load carried
ing the vehicle causes the brake pres- on the trailer. In order to prevent overb-
The trailer’s braking system receives sure to be continuously adjusted. At the raking of the wheel brake on the front
compressed air through the hose cou- same time, via a pilot line, the load-empty axle in the partial-braking range, the
pling (11) with its supply hose connected. valve integrated in the brake valve is af- service pressure is reduced by the adapt-
This air then passes the line filter (25) fected by the load-sensing valve. Thus er valve (33). The ABS relay valves (on

Operation of Air Braking Systems

the trailer) and the ABS solenoid control held by the motor vehicle alone, the pres- will, when the service braking system is
valves (on the towing vehicle) are used to sure in the trailer’s braking system can be actuated, throttle the passage of the sup-
control (pressure increase, pressure released by moving the hand brake lever ply line leading to the hose coupling (11)
hold, pressure release) the brake cylin- into its ‘control’ position. This permits the to such an extent that the rupture of the
ders. If these valves are activated by the parking braking system to be examined supply line causes a rapid drop in pres-
ABS ECU (36 or 41), this control process as to whether it fulfills the provisions of sure in the supply line and the relay
is achieved regardless of the pressure al- the RREG. emergency valve (27) causes the trailer
lowed to pass by the brake valve or the to be braked automatically within the le-
relay emergency valve. 2.3 Auxiliary Braking System gally stipulated time of no more than 2
Due to sensitive graduation of the hand seconds. The check valve (13) secures
When they are not needed (solenoids are brake valve (16) the lorry can be braked the parking braking system against any
dead), the valves operate as relay valves by means of the spring-loaded portions inadvertent actuation if the pressure
and achieve a faster increase or de- even if the service braking systems I and drops in the supply line leading to the
crease of the pressure for the brake cyl- II have failed. The brake force for the trailer.
inders. wheel brake is produced by the force of
the preloaded springs of the Tristop 4. ABS Components
2.2 Parking Braking System spring brake actuators (19) as described
When the hand brake valve (16) is actu- under ‘Parking Braking System’ although The motor vehicle usually has three tell-
ated and locked, the spring-loaded por- the spring-loaded portions are not ex- tale lamps (ASR having one additional
tions of the Tristop spring brake actua- hausted fully but only to the extent re- lamp) fitted for indicating functions and
tors (19) are exhausted fully. The force quired for the braking performance. for continuously monitoring the system. It
needed for the wheel brake is now pro- also has a relay, an information module
and an ABS socket (24).
vided by the heavily preloaded springs of 3. Automatic Braking of the
the Tristop spring brake actuators. At the Trailer
same time, the pressure in the line lead- After actuating the driving switch, the yel-
ing from the hand brake valve (16) to the In the event of the connecting ‘supply’ low telltale lamp will come on if the trailer
trailer control valve (17) is reduced. Brak- line breaking, the pressure will drop rap- has no ABS or if the connection has not
ing of the trailer commences by the pres- idly and the relay emergency valve (27) been established. The red lamp will go off
sure increasing in the connecting ‘supply’ will cause full application of the trailer’s when the vehicle exceeds a speed of ap-
hose. Since the guideline of the Council brakes. In the event of the connecting prox. 7 k.p.h. and the safety circuit of the
of the European Communities (RREG) ‘control’ line breaking, the 2/2-way valve ABS electronics has not detected an er-
that a tractor-trailer combination must be integrated in the trailer control valve (17) ror.

Air braking system with ABS/ASR (4S/4M)

2 38
3 7

8 20 22


37 11
9 16




29,30 19 15

34 35 26

1 Compressor 15 3/2 Solenoid valve 31 Sensor with cable
2 Air dryer with combined 16 Tristop-Brake actuator 32 Pole wheel
unloader 17 Quick release valve 33 ABS-Solenoid valve
3 Four circuit protection valve 18 Load sensing valve 34 Electronic control unit
4 Air reservoir 19 Knuckle joint 35 Info module
5 Clamps 20 Trailer control valve 36 Pressure switch
6 Test coupling 21 Hose coupling, supply 37 Proportional valve
7 Drain valve 22 Hose coupling, control 38 3/2 Directional control valve
8 Check valve 23 Two-Way valve
9 Brake valve with integral 24 ABS Warning lamp
auto load proportioning valve 25 ABS Info lamp
10 Hand control valve with 26 ABS-socket
trailer control 27 Sensor extension cable
11 Relay valve 28 Solenoid cable
12 Piston cylinder 29 Socket
13 Brake chamber 30 Sensor braket
14 ASR-Control cylinder


Components Of The
Motor Vehicle’s Braking System

1. Air Intake Filters

Moist Air Filter

432 600 . . . 0 to 432 607 . . . 0

Oil Bath Air Cleaner

432 693 . . . 0 to 432 699 . . . 0

Moist Air Filter Oil Bath Air Cleaner

Purpose: Operation:
To prevent impurities from the air getting Oil bath air cleaner (for air containing a
into the compressor (by using suction fil- large mount of dust)
ters) or into the vents of compressed air
equipment (by using vent filters); they The air is taken in through the sieve plate
also serve to muffle the noise caused by below the cap and the central pipe, and
the intake of air or by blowing it off. then passed across the surface of the oil
where any dust particles can settle. From
Operation: the surface of the oil, the air is pushed
Moist air filters (for normal operating con- upward, flows through a filter package
ditions). The air is taken in through an which retains any impurities which may
opening in the cap, flows through the fil- still be contained in the air and any oil
ter medium where it is cleaned and then particles carried over before reaching
flows on to the air intake of the compres- the air intake of the compressor.

Single Cylinder
Air Compressor
411 1 . . . . . 0 and
911 . . . . . . 0

Twin Cylinder
Air Compressor
411 5 . . . . . 0 and
911 5 . . . . . 0

Purpose: the moist air filter (or alternatively an oil

Production of compressed air for road bath air cleaner) is drawn in trough the
vehicles and static systems. inlet valve. As the piston moves up-
wards, the inlet valve closes, and air is
Operation: pumped through the delivery valve into
The pulley on the end of the crankshaft is the the reservoir.
rotated by a vee-belt driven off the vehi-
cle’s engine. This rotation causes the The type of lubrication depends on the
connecting rods to to move the pistons. construction of the compressor, and can
As the piston travels downwards clean be splash or pressure fed.
air from either the engine air cleaner or

1. Air Cleaner

Air Cleaner
432 511 . . . 0

Purpose: (3) closes and the outlet (b) opens. The

To clean the air delivered by the com- condensate is now blown outside by the
pressor and to precipitate the humidity it pressure in Chamber C. When the pres-
contains. sures in Chambers B and C are bal-
anced, outlet (b) closes.
The air entering at port 1 flows through Pin (C) can be used to check whether the
annular gap A into Chamber B. As it automatic drain valve is working proper-
passes through the gap A, the air cools ly.
and some of the water vapour it contains
will condensate. The air then flows
through the filter (a) to Port 2.

At the same time, the pressure in Cham-

ber B opens the inlet (3) of the valve
body (d) and the condensate runs
through the filter (f) into Chamber C. As
the pressure in Chamber B falls, the inlet

Air Dryer

432 420 432 410

Air Dryer fine ducts [diameter: 4 x 106 m = 4Å Variant 2 (Control Via Integral Unload-
(Angström)] of the extremely porous er Valve 432 410 ... 0)
432 410 . . . 0 and
432 420 . . . 0 Since the oil molecules are more than 4Å The process of drying the air is as de-
in size they cannot enter the fine ducts of scribed under Variant 1 In this version,
Purpose: the granulates. This makes the granulate however, the cut-out pressure will reach
Drying of the compressed air supplied by robust. The steam portion of the oil is not Chamber D via Bore (l), acting on Dia-
the compressor by extracting the mois- adsorbed. The dried air reaches the air phragm (m). After overcoming the spring
ture present in the air. This is effected by reservoirs via Check Valve (c) and Port resistance, Inlet (n) will open, and Piston
a progress of cold regenerated adsorp- 21. At the same time, the dried air also (d), now pressurized, will open Outlet (e).
tion drying where the air compressed by reaches the re-generation reservoir via
the compressor is led through granulates throttling port and Port 22. The air supplied by the compressor will
(adsorbens) capable of adsorbing the now be emitted via Chamber A, Duct C
moisture contained in the air. When cut-out pressure in the system is and Vent 3. Piston (d) also acts as a
reached, Chamber B is pressurized from pressure relief valve. In the event of any
Operation: the unloader valve via Port 4. Piston (d) excess pressure, Piston (d) will auto-
Variant 1 (Control Via Separate Un- moves downwards, opening Outlet (e). matically open Outlet (e). If, due to air
loader Valve 432 420 ... 0) The air, the condensate plus any impuri- consumption, the supply pressure in the
ties and oil carbon from Chamber A will system falls to a value below cut-in pres-
In the feed phase, the compressed air be emitted via Duct C and Outlet (e). sure, Inlet (n) will close and the pressure
supplied by the compressor flows via from Chamber B will be reduced via the
Port 1 into Chamber A. Here the conden- When cut-in pressure at the unloader unloader valve's vent. Outlet (e) will
sate caused by the reduction in tempera- valve is reached, Chamber B is vented close and the drying process will com-
ture will collect, reaching Outlet (e) via once again. Outlet (e) closes and the dry- mence once again.
Duct C. ing process will commence as described
Via Fine Filter (g) integrated in the car-
tridge, and via Annulus (h), the air will Any malfunction due to icing in extreme
reach the upper side of Desiccant Car- conditions in the area of Piston (d) can
trige (b), being cooled in the process, be prevented by fitting a Heating Car-
and further condensate will precipitate. tridge (f) which will switch on at tempera-
Moisture is extracted from the air as it tures below 6°C and switch off again
passes through Granulate (a) this mois- when the temperature reaches approx.
ture is absorbed by the surface and the 30°C.

1. Air Dryer

432 413 432 415

Air Dryer With Return-Flow by means of Screw (r), has been over- duced to a point where it reaches its clos-
come, Valve (q) is lifted. The air supply ing position.
Limiting Valve
will now reach Chamber F, acting on the
432 413 . . . 0 and other side of the diaphragm (o) with a When the cut-in pressure at the unloader
432 415 . . . 0 slightly lower pressure in keeping with is reached, the pressure in Chamber B is
the retention of Valve (q). reduced once again. The outlet (e) clos-
The single-chamber air dryers from this es and the drying process starts again as
series have an integrated return-flow lim- When the cut-off pressure within the sys- described above. Outlet 31 also has a
iting valve which permits the required tem has been reached, Chamber B is safety valve for the pressure side.
amount of air to be taken from the main pressurized by the unloader via Port 4.
reservoir provided the multiple-circuit The piston (d) moves downwards and Variant 2 (Control Via Integral Unload-
protection valve permits a return flow. opens the outlet (e). The check valve (i) er Valve 432 415 ... 0)
Thus no separate regenerating reservoir closes the passage to Port 1 and the air
is required. from Chamber A flows through Duct C In this variant, the cut-off pressure reach-
and is emitted to atmosphere at the outlet es Chamber J via the connecting hole
Operation: (e). into Chamber J and acts on the dia-
Variant 1 (Control Via Separate Un- phragm (m). After the spring force has
loader Valve 432 413 ... 0) Due to the drop in pressure in Chamber been overcome, the inlet (n) opens and
G, the check valve (c) closes. The air to the piston (d) which is now pressurized
In the delivery phase the compressed air be regenerated is now taken from the air opens the outlet (e).
supplied by the compressor flows reservoirs, which is why a multiple-circuit
through Port 1, opens the check valve (i) protection valve must permit its return The air delivered by the compressor now
and flows into Chamber A. Due to the flow. The air supply at Port 21 flows flows through Chamber A, Duct C and is
drop in temperature, condensation water through Chamber E, the throttling port (s) emitted to atmosphere at Vent 3. The pis-
collects there which reaches the outlet where it expands, on into Chamber G ton (d) at the same time acts as a pop
(e) through Duct C. and thus to the underside of the granu- valve. When the pressure is excessive,
late cartridge (b). the piston (d) automatically opens the
The air is dried as described under 432 outlet (e).
420. At the same time, dried air also As it passes through the granulate car-
flows into Chamber E, pressurizing dia- tridge (b) in an upward direction, the hu- If air consumption causes the supply
phragm (o). This arches towards the midity on the surface of the granulate (a) pressure within the system to fall below
right, releasing the passage between is taken up by the air and emitted to at- the cut-in pressure, the inlet (n) closes
Chambers E and G via Throttling Port (s). mosphere at Vent 3 after passing Duct C and the pressure from Chamber B is re-
The air supply also reaches Chamber H and the opened outlet (e). The return flow duced through the vent of the unloader
via Filter (l), pressurizing Valve (q). Once is completed when the pressure on the valve. The outlet (e) closes and the dry-
the force of the pressure spring, preset left of the diaphragm (q) has been re- ing process begins again.

Air Dryer

432 431

Twin Chamber Air Dryer Through the throttling port of Valves (f after passing by the open rear side of
and p) designed according to the swept Control Valve (k) and going through Bore
432 431 . . . 0 and
volume of the compressor used, part of N. Check Valve (g) will close and the
432 432 . . . 0 the dried compressed air from Bore G pressure in the system continues to be
will reach the underside of Cartridge (s), ensured. As a consequence of the pres-
Operation: passing Granulate (r) in an upward direc- sure reduction in Chamber B, Check
a) Control without Integral Un- tion (backflush). In this process, the Valve (f) will also close.
loader Valve moisture adhering to the fine ducts of the
The compressed air supplied by the extremely porous Granulate (r) is taken The compressed air supplied by the
compressor flows to Bore E via Port 1. up by the dried air and reaches Vent 3 compressor will now flow from Bore E
Due to a reduction in temperature, con- via Annulus K, Chamber H and past the through Chamber H, Annulus K and
densate may form at Bore E, reaching open rear side of Valve (o). through Granulate (r) of Cartridge (s).
Idling Control Valve (m) via Bore L. From The drying process of the compressed
Bore E, the compressed air will pass The additional Charging Valve (h) en- air is as described before. After Valve (p)
Valve (k), enter Chamber B, and reach sures that Control Valves (k and o) do and Check Valve (g) have opened, the
the upper side of Desiccant Cartridge (c) not switch over when the system is filled dried air reaches the reservoirs via Port
via Fine Filter (e) integrated into the car- initially. Valve (h) will not open until a 2. Through the throttling port of Valve (f),
tridge, and via Annulus A. supply pressure of > 5 bar has been dried air reaches the underside of Gran-
reached at Port 2, permitting com- ulate (b), causing a back-flushing proc-
Through Sieve Plate (a), the pre-cleaned pressed air to reach Chamber C. If the ess to take place here, too.
compressed air will pass downwards timeswitch element integrated in the so-
through Granulate (b) sewn into a filter lenoid valve then opens the current sup- After approx. 1 minute, the time-switch
bag in Cartridge (c), reaching Bore G via ply to Trip Coil (j), Armature (i) will be at- element will break the current supply to
Sieve Plate (d) and Check Valve (f). tracted. Compressed air from Chamber the trip coil. Armature (i) will close the
C will now flow into Chamber D and, via passage from Chanber C, opening the
As the air passes through Granulate (b), Bore F, into Chamber M, moving the con- vent, thus reducing the pressure in
the inherent moisture is retained by the trol valves against the spring force into Chambers D and M. Through the spring
extremely porous granulate. From Bore their end positions on the left. force and the pressure in Bore G, the
G, the compressed air reaches the air control valves are returned to their end
reservoirs through Check Valve (g) and The passage from Bore E to Chamber B positions on the right. Control Valve (o)
via Port 2. is closed. The compressed air present in will close the passage to Chamber H,
Chamber B will now be emitted at Port 3 and Control Valve (k) will open the pas-

1. Air Dryer

432 432

sage to Chamber B. The compressed air in Chamber P, pressurizing the under- Application:
supplied by the compressor is now again side of Diaphragm (t). As soon as the
fed into Granulate (b), and the drying force resulting therefrom is larger than Depending on the respective application,
process will commence as described be- the force of Pressure Spring (n), Dia- WABCO provides Single and Twin
fore, with alternating cartridges continu- phragm (t) will arch, taking with it Piston Chamber Air Dryers.
ing to be used at one-minute intervals. (q). This opens Inlet (u), and Piston (m),
now pressurized, is moved downward, The decision of whether to use a Single
When the unloader valve switches to opening the idling control valve. Any con- or a Twin Chamber Air Dryer will depend
idling once the input cut-out pressure has densate and impurities will be emitted to- on the compressor's swept volume and
been reached, pressure is being fed in at gether with the air supplied in the idling on its duty cycle.
Port 4, pressurizing, and moving down- phase via Vent 3. The compressor will
wards, Piston (m), opening the idling continue to run idle until the pressure Single Chamber Air Dryers
control valve. Any condensate and impu- within the system has fallen to a value can normally be used for applications up
rities will be emitted together with the air below the unloader valve's cut-in pres- to a swept volume of ≈ 500 litres/minute
supplied in the idling phase via Vent 3. sure. The pressure in Chamber P below and a duty cycle of up to ≈ 50%. Any de-
When the unloader valve switches to Diaphragm (t) will fall simultaneously. viations of these standard values should
load, Port 4 is vented and the idling con- Pressure Spring (n) will move Piston (q) be tested in road-test runs.
trol valve closes the passage to Vent 3. and Diaphragm (t) back to their original
positions. Outlet (u) will close, and the Twin Chamber Air Driers
Any malfunction due to icing in extreme pressure from Chamber O will be re- cover the area > 500 litres/minute and >
conditions in the area of Piston (m) can duced via the vent of the unloader valve. 50% up to 100% duty cycle. Swept vol-
be prevented by fitting a Heating Car- The idling control valve with Piston (m) umes in excess of 1000 litres/ minute
tridge (l) which will switch on at tempera- will close once again. The compressed should be tested in road-test runs
tures below 6°C and switch off again air will now again flow into Bore E and
when the temperature reaches approx. reach the air reservoirs via Port 2 after
30°C. being dried in Desiccant Containers (b or
r). The system is subsequently filled
b) Control Via Integral Unloader once again up to the cut-out pressure of
Valve the unloader valve.
The air is dried as described under a).
The pressure building up at Port 2 when
the system is being filled is also present

Combined Unloader
975 303 . . . 0

Purpose: ber B closes Check Valve (e), thus se- the reservoir flows to Chamber E, acting
To automatically control the operating curing the pressure in the system. on Diaphragm (c). After that it continues
pressure in an air braking system and to to operate as described under a). The
protect its pipes and valves from contam- The compressor will now continue to idle passage between Chambers C and D is
ination. Depending on the variant used, it until the pressure within the system falls open, permitting pilot pressure from
also serves to control a downstream anti- below the Unloader’s cut-in pressure. Chamber C to be taken at Port 23 to ac-
freeze pump or single chamber air dryer. The pressure in Chamber E below Dia- tuate the single chamber air dryer.
phragm (c) continues to fall. This causes
Operation: the force of Compression Spring (b) to c) Tyre inflation connection
a) Unloader push the diaphragm, together with Piston After removing the protective cap, the
The compressed air supplied by the (m), downwards. Inlet (d) closes, Outlet tyre inflation hose is fastened by means
compressor flows via Port 1 and Filter (g) (l) opens and the air from Chamber C is of a union nut moving Pin (f). The pas-
to Chamber B. When Check Valve (e) released to atmosphere at Exhaust 3 af- sage between Chamber B and Port 21 is
has opened, it flows through the line ter passing Chamber F and a connecting closed. The air supplied by the compres-
leading from Port 21 to the air reservoirs hole. Compression Spring (h) forces up sor now flows from Chamber B to the tyre
and to Chamber E. Port 22 is intended Piston (k) and outlet (i) is closed. The air inflation hose, passing Pin (f). In the
for controlling a downstream anti-freeze supplied by the compressor now flows event of the pressure in the system ex-
pump. into Chamber B, passing Filter (g), and ceeding 12+2 bar or 20 –12 bar respective-
opens Check Valve (e). The system is ly during this process, Piston (k) which is
Pressure builds up in Chamber E, acting once again being filled until the Unload- designed to act as a safety valve will
the underside of Diaphragm (c). As soon er’s cut-off pressure has been reached. open Outlet (i) and the pressure is re-
as that pressure is greater than the force leased to atmosphere via Exhaust 3.
of Compression Spring (b), preset by b) Unloader with Pilot Connec-
means of Screw (a), diaphragm (c) will tion 4 and Port 23 Before using the tyre inflation facility, the
arch upward, taking with it Piston (m). This type of Unloader differs from the reservoir pressure must be reduced to a
Outlet (l) closes and Inlet (d) opens, per- type described under a) merely in the value below the Unloader’s cut-in pres-
mitting the compressed air to pass from way the cut-off pressure is controlled. sure since no air can be extracted whilst
Chamber E to Chamber C, forcing Piston The cut-off pressure is not taken from in- the compressor is running idle
(k) downwards against the force of Com- side the unloader but from the supply line
pression Spring (h). Outlet (i) opens and downstream from the air dryer. The pas-
the compressed air supplied by the com- sage from Chamber B to Chamber E is
pressor is released to atmosphere via closed, and there is no Check Valve (e).
Exhaust 3. The fall in pressure in Cham- Via Port 4 and Chamber A, the air from

1. Safety Valves

Safety Valves
434 6 . . . . . 0 and
934 6 . . . . . 0

434 612 ... 0

434 608 ... 0 934 601 ... 0

Purpose: through Vent 3 until the force of the

To limit the pressure within a pneumatic spring is greater once again and the disk
system to the permissible maximum. valve (c) closes.

Operation: The function of the safety valve can be

The compressed air flows through Port 1 checked by raising the piston (b).
and beneath the disk valve (c). When the
force resulting from pressure x surface
exceeds the preset force of the pressure
spring (a), the disk valve (c) is forced up-
wards with the piston (b). The excess
pressure escapes to atmosphere

Anti-Freeze Pump
Anti-Freeze Pump
932 002 . . . 0

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Purpose: 1. Without a separate pilot con- 2. With a separate pilot connec-

To automatically inject anti-freeze fluid nection (Fig. 1) tion (Fig. 2)
into the braking system to prevent any The compressed air supplied by the This operates similarly to the processes
moisture present in pipes and its down- compressor flows through the anti-freeze described under 1. above. With this vari-
stream components to freeze. pump from Port 1 to Port 2 (Hole J). The ant, the actuating pressure is supplied
pressure thus building up via Hole (H) in via Port 4 from a separate component,
Operation: Chamber (F) forces Piston (E) to the left. e.g. from the unloader.
Depending on the type of anti-freeze No anti-freeze fluid can reach Chambers
pump used, it can be fitted downstream (C) or (R) as Hole (K) is closed. The fluid Operation and Maintenance:
or upstream of the unloader. present in Chamber (R) is displaced by At temperatures below +5°C, the pump
the further movement of Piston (E). It needs to be activated by turning Lever
Whilst in the anti-freeze pump which is passes Valve Seat (N), reaching Hole (J) (B) to Position I. The level of anti-freeze
fitted upstream of the unloader the pilot and is dispersed in the braking system by fluid must be checked daily.
pulse is taken directly from the feed line the passing stream of air.
via an internal hole as the unloader As temperatures rise above +5°C, the
changes from the idle to the load cycle, Once the operating pressure has been pump can be deactivated by turning Le-
this pilot pulse has to be taken from a reached in the reservoir, the unloader ver (B) to Position 0.
separate line if the anti-freeze pump is fit- switches the compressor to idle. The
ted downstream of the unloader. pressure drops in Hole (J) and thus Hole During the warm season, the fluid reser-
(H) and Chamber (F). Compression voir does not need to be filled. The posi-
In either case, however, anti-freeze fluid Spring (G) returns Piston (E) to its origi- tion of Lever (B) is immaterial.
is only injected into the system once the nal position. Through the re-opened Hole
unloader has switched the compressor (K), more anti-freeze fluid flows from its The anti-freeze pump does not require
over to its load cycle, i.e. to supplying reservoir to Chamber (R). any special maintenance.
compressed air into the system.
These processes are repeated every
time the unloader actuates the compres-

1. Multi-Circuit Protection Valves

Three-Circuit Protection
934 701 . . . 0

Type I

Type II

Purpose: j) after the preset opening pressure (pro- exerts a counter-force on pressure spring
To retain a safe working pressure in the tection pressure) has been reached, rais- (a or g) through diaphragm (b or f). Thus
intact circuits of a triple circuit brake sys- ing the diaphragms (b and k) against the valve (c or e as the case may be) can still
tem when one circuit has failed. action of the pressure springs (a and l). open even though the opening pressure
The compressed air then flows through for valve (j) has not yet been reached.
Design: ports 21 and 22 into the air reservoirs of Pressure protection for circuits I and III
Type I circuits 1 and 2. It also passes into cham- works in exactly the same way in the
With all brake circuits intact valves (c and ber (A) after the non-return valves (d and event of failure of circuit II.
j) are always kept closed, except during h) have opened, opens valve (e) and
the charging operation, by compression flows through port 23 into circuit 3. From In the event of failure of the auxiliary
spring acting in the closing direction. circuit 3 the auxiliary and parking brake brake circuit, a crossflow of air from the
equipment of both the motor vehicle and reservoirs of circuits 1 and 2 into circuit 3
Type II the trailer are supplied with air. occurs until valve (e) can no longer be
By means of the springs acting under the kept open by the falling crossflow pres-
valves (c and j) these valves remain open If for example circuit 1 fails because of a sure, and it closes when the preset open-
above a preset opening pressure. In the leak, the compressed air still being sup- ing pressure is reached. The pressures
event of a slight pressure drop in circuits plied from the unloader, first passes into in the two main brake circuits remain
1 or 2 crossflow from the circuit with the the leaking circuit. But as soon as a pres- safeguarded to the level of the opening
highest pressure, into the other circuits sure drop occurs in circuits 2 or 3 after pressure for the defective circuit 3.
takes place. This reduces the frequency application of the brakes, valve (j) closes
of operation of the unloader. because of the pressure spring (l) and In the event of failure of circuit 1 or 2 be-
the intact circuit under load, is refilled un- low the opening pressure of the valves (c
Operation: til the opening pressure of the valve (j) is or j respectively), the non-return valves
Compressed air, passing from the un- reached. This refilling can occur because (d and h) protect the intact circuit from the
loader valve through port 1 into the triple the pressure remaining in the intact cir- faiIed circuit.
protection valve, opens the valves (c and cuits after any application of the brakes

Multi-Circuit Protection Valves

934 702

934 713

Four-Circuit Protection system. Simultaneously, pressure builds If one circuit (e.g. circuit 1) fails, and in
up below valves (g, k, p and s), opening addition, for any reason the pressure
the valves after reaching the set opening drops to zero bar within the intact cir-
934 702 . . . 0 pressure (protection pressure). Also, dia- cuits, then, when the brake system refills,
934 713 . . . 0 / 934 714 . . . 0 phragms (f, l, o and t) are raised against compressed air flows initially through by-
the force of compression springs (e, m, n pass bores (a, b, c and d) into all four cir-
Purpose: and u). Compressed air then flows cuits. The resulting pressure build-up be-
Retention of pressure in the intact brak- through ports 21 and 22, to circuit 1 and low the diaphragms ( f, l and o) of the in-
ing circuits in case of failure of one or 2 air reservoirs of the service brake sys- tact circuits decreases the opening
more circuits in a four-circuit air-braking tem, and through ports 23 and 24 into cir- pressure of valves (g, k and p). Further
system. cuits 3 and 4. Circuit 3 supplies com- pressure increase in port 1 causes
pressed air to the emergency and valves (g, k and p) to open. Intact circuits
Operation: parking brake system of the truck and to 2, 3 and 4 are refilled to the level of the
Depending on the variant used, the four the trailer supply line; circuit 4 supplies set opening pressure of failed circuit 1
circuits are connected in parallel and all the auxiliary systems. and are protected at that level.
four circuits are filled equally, or Circuits
3 and 4 are secondary to Circuits 1 and If one of the service brake circuits (e.g.
2. The quadruple-circuit protection valve circuit 1) fails, air flows from the other
may, depending on the variant, have by- three circuits into the failed circuit until
pass holes in all circuits which ensure the dynamic valve closing pressure is
that the braking system is filled from 0 reached. The force of compression
bar should one circuit fail. springs (e, m, n and u) causes valves (g,
k, p and s) to close. If air is consumed in
Compressed air flows from the unloader circuits 2, 3, or 4, refilling will occur to the
valve through port 1 into the protection level of the set opening pressure of the
valve and through by-pass bores (a, b, c, failed circuit. Pressure protection of the
and d). It continues through check valves intact circuits takes place in the same
(h, j, q and r) into the four circuits of the way if another circuit fails.

1. APU - Air Processing Unit

APU - Air Processing Unit a filter before reaching the granulate cart- pressure in the other circuits will initially
ridge. As it flows through the granulate, fall to the dynamic closing pressure (due
932 500 . . . 0
the air is filtered and dried (please refer to to the trailer) but will then rise again until
Air Dryer 432 410 ... 0 on Page 11). The it reaches the opening pressure (9.0 –00, 3
dried air then flows through Port 21 to bar Circuits 1 + 2 and 7.5 –00, 3 bar Cir-
The APU (Air Processing Unit) is multi-
Supply Port 1 of the flanged multiple-cir- cuits 3 + 4) of the defective circuit (= se-
functional, i. e. it is a combination of se-
cuit protection valve. When the level of cured pressure). This requires the com-
veral types of equipment. It includes an
supply pressure has been reached, the pressor to be running and to deliver more
air dryer with an unloader valve, with or
integrated unloader valve actuates the compressed air. If this pressure is excee-
without heating, depending on the vari-
idle valve and the compressor now deli- ded, the air delivered will escape into the
ant, a safety valve and a tyre inflation
vers to atmosphere. In the idle phase, the defective circuit and thus be evacuated
connector. A multiple-circuit protection
granulate is regenerated in the return to atmosphere.
valve with one or two integrated pressure
flow via Port 22 with dried and non-com-
limited valves and two integrated check
pressed air. An electronic pressure sensor unit per-
valves is flanged to the air dryer.
mits the continuous display of the pres-
The air dryer includes a safety valve sures in the service braking circuits. In
Some versions also have a double pres-
which opens if the pressure becomes ex- addition, Circuits 3 and 4 have outputs
sure sensor mounted on the multiple-cir-
cessive. To prevent functional defects of (25 and 26) secured by one check valve
cuit protection valve for measuring the
the idle valve in winter, a heating system each.
supply pressures in the service braking
has been integrated. The tyre inflation
connector or Port 12 can be used to fill When pressurizing the braking system
the system externally (workshop). The air starting at 0 bar, the service braking cir-
Purpose: reservoirs for air suspension are connec- cuits (1 and 2) are filled first in keeping
The air dryer is used to dry and cleanse ted to Port 24. with EC guideline 71/320/EEC.
the compressed air delivered by the com-
pressor, and to control the supply pres- In a first step, the pressure at Supply Port
sure. The flanged multiple-circuit protec- 1 (10 ± 0.2 bar) of the multiple-circuit pro-
tion valve is used to limit and guard the tection valve is reduced to the level requi-
pressure in multiple-circuit braking sy- red for the service braking systems, and
stems. in a second step (8.5 –00, 4 bar) to the le-
vel required for the trailer’s braking sy-
Operation: stem.
The compressed air delivered by the
compressor enters at Port 11 and passes In the event of one circuit failing, the

Air Reservoir
Air Reservoir
950 . . . . . . 0

Purpose: pressure, minimum and maximum oper-

Storage of the compressed air delivered ating temperatures, the CE symbol if in
from the compressor. accordance with 87/404/EC. The name
plate is covered with a sticker showing
Construction: the WABCO part number. In the event of
The reservoir consists of the cylindrical the air reservoir having been painted by
portion in the centre with welded-in the vehicle manufacturer, that sticker
arched bases and screw necks for con- must be removed to make the actual ref-
necting pipes. The use of high-tensile erence plate become visible.
steels of even material thickness for all
air reservoir sizes permits operating The air reservoir should be drained reg-
pressures in excess of 10 bar in air res- ularly to remove any condensate. It is ad-
ervoirs of volumes below 60 litres. visable to use drain valves which are
available for both manual and automatic
The reference plate is glued on and actuation. Regularly check the mounting
must, in keeping with EN 286: 2, contain on the frame and the clamp clips.
the following data: number and date of
the standard, manufacturer’s name, seri-
al number, modifications, the manufac-
turing date, the licence number, the vol-
ume in litres, permissible operating

Draining the reservoir with a drain valve

1. Drain Valves

Automatic Drain Valve

434 300 . . . 0

Purpose: As the unloader cuts-out, the pressure in

It prevents the accumulation of water in the control line falls to zero, and the pres-
pipe lines and brake chambers through sure in the reservoir pushes the piston
automatically draining the reservoirs. (a) to its uppermost position, and the wa-
ter is ejected via the undercut diameter
Operation: (b).
Air from the auxiliary port on the unload-
er enters the control port 4 and pushes The O-ring check valve covering the
the piston (a) to its lowest position. Water small hole in piston (a) prevents water
from the reservoir enters port 1 and and reservoir air in chamber (A) from en-
passes into chamber (A) via the undercut tering the control line - (which might oc-
diameter on piston (a). cur during that last few revolutions of the
compressor when the vehicle engine is
Water in the control line passes into switched off, if it were not for the O-ring).
chamber (A) via the small hole in the pis-
ton (a).

Drain Valve
934 300 . . . 0

Purpose: by pressure in the reservoir. Pulling or

To drain condensation water from the air pushing actuating pin (c) in a lateral di-
reservoir and, if necessary, to exhaust rection opens tilting valve (b). This per-
the compressed air lines and reservoirs. mits both compressed air and condensa-
tion water to escape from the reservoir.
Operation: On releasing actuating pin (c), valve (b)
Valve (b) is held closed by spring (a) and closes

Drain Valve And Air Pressure Gauges
Automatic Drain Valve
934 301 . . . 0

Purpose: If, because of a braking action, for exam-

Protection of the compressed-air equip- ple, the pressure in the air reservoir falls,
ment from ingress of condensate by the pressure in the chamber (B) is re-
means of automatic draining of the air duced, while in chamber (A) the full pres-
reservoir. sure is at first maintained. The higher
pressure in chamber (A) acts from below
Operation: on the insert (c) and lifts it off the outlet
When the air reservoir is filled, com- (d). The condensate is forced out by the
pressed air passes through filter (a ) in air cushion in chamber (A). When the
chamber (B) on to the valve diaphragm pressure in chamber (A) has fallen far
(c). This lifts off the inlet (b) on its outer enough to establish a pressure equilibri-
periphery. Compressed air flows togeth- um between chamber (B) and (A) again,
er with accumulated condensate, if any, the insert (c) closes the outlet (d).
out of the air reservoir into chamber (A),
where the condensate accumulates To check the function of the drain valve
above the outlet (d). After pressure equi- the outlet can be opened manually by
librium is established between the two pressing inwards the pin (e) seated in the
chambers the valve diaphragm (c) clos- outlet.
es the inlet (b).

Air Pressure Gauges

453 . . . . . . 0

453 002 453 197

Purpose: maining pressure by means of a torsion

Air pressure gauges are used to monitor spring.
the pressure in air reservoirs and brake
lines. In the double air pressure gauge 453
197, a further red pointer indicates the
Operation: pressure of air entering the brake cham-
In the single air pressure gauge 453 002, bers when brakes are applied. When
the pressure from the reservoir stretches brakes are released, a torsion spring re-
the tube spring which, via a lever and turns this red pointer to the zero position.
rack, moves the pointer which is mount- Reservoir and service pressure readings
ed on a pivot shaft. are divided into 0 to 10 and 0 to 25 bars
In the case of a drop in pressure the respectively.
pointer is returned to the reading of re-

1. Check Valves

Check Valve
434 01. . . . 0
434 014

434 019 direction of air flow

Purpose: inlet in the event of a drop in pressure in

To protect the pressurized lines against the supply line.
unintentional venting.
When the pressure rises in the supply
Operation: line, the springloaded check valve again
Air can only pass in the direction indicat- opens the passage which results in an
ed by the arrow. Return flow of the air is equalization of pressure.
prevented by the check valve closing the

Check-Choke Valve
434 015 . . . 0

unrestricted in direction of air flow

Purpose: Port 2 is vented through the throttling

To restrict the air flow, optionally when port (b). The cross-section of the throttle
the connected line is pressurized or de- can be adjusted using the adjuster
pressurized. screw (c). Turning it clockwise will re-
duce the cross-section, thus retarding
Operation: the venting process, and turning it anti-
As the air enters in the direction indicat- clockwise will increase the cross-sec-
ed by the arrow, the check valve (a) fit- tion.
ted in the housing is raised off its seat By connecting the air-supply against the
and the connected pipe is pressurized direction indicated by the arrow, pressu-
with no restriction. When the feed pipe is rizing can be throttled, and venting can
pressurized, the check valve closes and be unrestricted.

Check Valve
434 021 . . . 0

Purpose: the feed pipe and the reservoir are

To make sure that the pressure in air equal.
reservoirs is not unintentionally de- Valve (a) prevents the air from returning
creased. from the reservoir as, when the pressure
in the feed pipe is reduced, the valve it is
Operation: closed by Compression Spring (b) and
The compressed air from the feed pipe the higher reservoir pressure.
opens Valve (a) and reaches the air res-
ervoir provided its pressure is higher Air can pass through the check valve
than that within the reservoir. Valve (a) only in the direction from the feed pipe
will remain open until the pressures in towards the reservoir.

Charging Valve
Charging Valve
434 100 . . . 0

with return flow

without return flow with limited return flow

Purpose: cle in the event of the trailer’s supply line second reservoir after the opening of
Charging Valve with return flow failing. check valve (f) if the pressure in the first
The passing of compressed air to second reservoir has dropped by more than 0.1
air brake reservoir only when the rated If the pressure in the air reservoirs of the bar.
pressure for the system in the first reser- service braking system drops, part of the
voir has been reached. If the pressure in compressed air will return until the clos- In the case of charging valves without re-
the first reservoir falls below that of the ing pressure (which is dependent on the turn flow, return flow is not possible since
second reservoir there is a feedback opening pressure) is reached non-return valve (h) is kept closed by the
supply of air from the second reservoir. higher pressure in the second reservoir.
Charging Valve without return flow With all charging valves, the compressed Charging valves with limited return flow
The passing of compressed air to auxilia- air passes in the direction of the arrow allow the air to flow back until the closing
ry equipment (e. g. door actuation, auxil- into the housing and through port (g) un- pressure of diaphragm (d) is reached.
iary and parking braking systems, servo der diaphragm (d) which is pressed into When this is reached, adjusting spring
clutch, etc.) only when the rated pressure its seat by adjusting spring (b) and piston (b) presses diaphragm (d) into its seat
for the braking system has been reached (c). When the charging pressure has via piston (c), thus preventing any further
in every air reservoir. been reached, the force of the adjusting pressure compensation in the direction
spring (b) is overcome so that the dia- opposite to the direction of the arrow.
Charging Valve with limited return phragm (d) is lifted from its seat, opening
flow port (e). The air flows directly or after The charging pressure can be adjusted
The passing of compressed air to other opening of non-return valve (h) to the on all types by turning adjusting screw
consumers (e. g. auxiliary and parking reservoirs or consumers in the direction (a). Turning clockwise increases charg-
braking systems) only when the rated of the arrow. ing pressure, turning anti-clockwise has
pressure for the braking system has the opposite effect.
been reached in all reservoirs. Also the Charging valves with return flow allow
protection of pressure for the motor vehi- the compressed air to flow back from the

1. Pressure Limiting Valves

Pressure Limiting Valve

475 009 . . . 0

Purpose: force of the pressure spring (b) and phragm piston (c) falls and causes it to
To limit the output pressure. moves upwards, together with the move downwards, opening the valve (d).
spring-loaded valve (d), closing the inlet An amount of compressed air equalling
Operation: (e). the amount of pressure lost is now fed in
The compressed air from the high-pres- When the pressure in Chamber B has through the inlet (e). When the pressure
sure side, Port 1, flows through the inlet risen above the preset value, the dia- in the high-pressure line is reduced, the
(e) and Chamber B to the low-pressure phragm piston (c) continues to move up- pressure in Chamber B which is now
Port 2. This also causes the diaphragm wards and is raised off the valve (d). The higher will initially open the inlet (e) of the
piston (c) to be pressurized through Hole excess pressure escapes to atmosphere valve (d). Due to the drop in pressure be-
A although this is initially being held in its through the drill hole in the piston rod of neath the diaphragm piston (c), this pis-
lower position by the pressure spring (b). the diaphragm piston (c) and the vent ton will move downwards, keeping the
valve (a). valve (d) open. The pressure in the low-
When the pressure in Chamber B reach- In the event of any leakage in the low- pressure line is reduced by the valve
es the level set for the low-pressure side, pressure line, Port 2, causing a loss in connected with the high-pressure side.
the diaphragm piston (c) overcomes the pressure, the force acting on the dia-

Pressure Limiting Valve

475 015 . . . 0

Purpose: ber D exceeds the force of Compression safety valve will open Outlet (e). The ex-
To limit the output pressure to a preset Spring (a), Pistons (c and d) are forced cess pressure will be released to atmos-
value. downwards. Valve (g) closes Inlet (b) phere via Exhaust 3.
and an end position has been reached.
Operation: If the pressure in Chamber C falls below
The Pressure Limiting Valve is set in As air is consumed at the low-pressure that in Chamber D, Valve (f) will be
such a way that its output pressure on side, the pressures at Piston (c) are no opened. The compressed air from
the low-pressure side (Port 2) is limited. longer balanced. Spring (a) will force Pis- Chamber D will now return through Hole
Spring (a) constantly acts on Pistons (c tons (c and d) upwards once again. Inlet B to Port 1 until the force of Spring (a) is
and d), holding Piston (c) in its upper end (b) opens and more air is supplied until greater once more, opening Inlet (b). The
position where it is in contact with Hous- the pressure has reached the preset val- pressures between Ports 2 and 1 are bal-
ing (h). Inlet (b) is open. The supply air ue and the pressures are once again bal- anced.
flows from Port 1 to Chamber C and on anced.
to Chamber D, reaching the downstream Please note:
components via Port 2. In the event of the pressure on the low- The 475 010 ... 0 range of pressure limit-
pressure side exceeding the present val- ing valves (see Page 68) is also used on
When the pressure building up in Cham- ue, Piston (c) which is designed as a the motor vehicle.

Brake Valves
Brake Valve
For Single-Circuit Braking
461 111 ... 0
With Treadle
461 113 ... 0

461 111

461 113

Purpose: and the outlet (d) are closed, and a neu-

Sensitive increase and decrease in the tral position has been reached.
pressure of the single-circuit service
braking system of a motor vehicle. At full brake application, the piston (c) is
moved to its lower neutral position, and
Operation: the inlet (e) remains open.
When the plunger in the spring plate (a)
is actuated, the piston (c) moves down- When the pressure in the service braking
ward, closing the outlet (d) and opening circuit is to be decreased, this process is
the inlet (e). The air supply at Port 11 reversed and can also be achieved grad-
flows through Chamber A and Port 21 to ually. The pressure in Chamber A forces
the downstream braking equipment of the piston (c) upwards. The pressure in
the service braking circuit. the service braking system is now re-
duced partially or fully, depending on the
The pressure building up in Chamber A position of the plunger, through opening
acts on the underside of the piston (c). the outlet (f) and Vent 3.
This is forced upwards against the force
of the rubber spring (b) until the force act-
ing on both sides of the piston is bal-
anced. In this position, both the inlet (e)

1. Brake Valves

with lever 461 491 . . . 0

Brake Valve With Treadle lower than that in Chambers A and B. In the event of Circuit II failing, Circuit I
continues to operate as described.
461 307... 0
The pressure building up in Chamber A Should Circuit I fail, the relay piston (b) is
also acts on the underside of the gradu- no longer actuated; Circuit II then works
ating piston (a) which is thus forced up- mechanically as follows: When the
Sensitive increase and decrease in the
wards against the force of the rubber brakes are actuated, piston (a) is forced
pressure of the twin-circuit service brak-
spring (q) until the forces on both sides of downward. As soon as it makes contact
ing system of a motor vehicle.
the piston (a) are balanced. In this posi- with the insert (m) which is firmly con-
tion, inlet (o) and outlet (p) are closed nected to piston (c), this piston (c) is also
Operation: (neutral position). pushed downward in the course of its
When the treadle (r) is pushed down, the downward stroke; outlet (j) closes and in-
graduating piston (a) moves downwards, Similarly, as the pressure is increased in let (k) opens. Thus Circuit II continues to
closing outlet (p) and opening inlet (o). Chamber C, acting on the underside of be fully operational even if Circuit I has
This causes total or partial increase in the pistons (b) and (c), together with the failed since piston (c) now operates as a
the pressure for the brake cylinders of spring (l), these pistons are forced up- graduating piston.
the first circuit and the trailer control wards until they have also reached their
valve from supply port 11 via port 21, de- neutral position, i. e. until inlet (k) and Different variants of the brake valve have
pending on the amount of force applied. outlet (j) are closed. an additional feature allowing the infinite-
ly variable adjustment, within a certain
In this process, the pressure in Chamber When the brakes are fully actuated, the range, of the predominance of Circuit I
A will initially build up beneath the gradu- piston (a) is moved into its lower neutral over Circuit II by means of pressure re-
ating piston (a) and also, through the position and inlet (o) remains open. The tention in Circuit II. For this purpose, the
hole (n), in Chamber B, acting on the re- full pressure now present in Chamber B initial tension of the spring (f) is altered
lay piston (b) of the second circuit. The forces the relay piston (b) into its lower by means of turning the cap (g). As pis-
relay piston (b) is forced downwards neutral position, and piston (c) keeps in- ton (c) moves downwards, the insert (m)
against the force of the spring (l), taking let (k) open. The full amount of air supply connected to it will first make contact with
with it piston (c). This also causes outlet flows into both service braking circuits. the spring-loaded plunger (e) before
(j) to be closed and inlet (k) to be opened. closing outlet (j) and opening inlet (k).
Compressed air flows from 12 via Port 22 When the brakes are released, i. e. the The preset initial spring tension now de-
into the brake cylinders of the second cir- pressure in both circuits is decreased, termines which pressure in Chamber C
cuit which are pressurized according to this process is reversed and can also be will move the piston (c) upward off the
the controlling pressure in Chamber B. achieved gradually. The pressure in both plunger (e) to reach its neutral position.
circuits is reduced through the release
Because of the force of the spring (l), the valve (h).
pressure in Chamber C is always slightly

Brake Valves

461 315 ... 0

Variant 461 315 180 0

- integrated noise muffler -

461 317 ... 0

Brake Valve from Port 12 flows through Chamber C When the pressure in the service braking
and Port 22 to the downstream braking circuit is to be decreased, this process is
461 315 . . . 0
equipment of Service Braking Circuit II. reversed and can also be achieved grad-
With Treadle ually. The pressure in Chambers A and C
461 317 . . . 0 The pressure building up in Chamber A forces the pistons (c and f) upwards. The
acts on the underside of piston (c). This pressure in both circuits of the service
Purpose: is forced upwards against the force of the braking system is now reduced partially
Sensitive increase and decrease in the rubber spring (b) - in variants 180 against or fully, depending on the position of the
pressure of the twin-circuit service brak- the force of the pressure springs - until plunger, through opening the outlets (d
ing system of a motor vehicle. the force acting on both sides of piston and h) and Vent 3.
Some variants from the 461 315 ... 0 se- (c) is balanced. In this position, inlet (j)
ries have an integrated noise muffler to and outlet (d) are closed, and a neutral In the event of one circuit failing, e. g. Cir-
reduce the space required for installing position has been reached. cuit II, Circuit I continues to operate as
the valve. described. If, however, Circuit I fails, pis-
Similarly, as the pressure is increased in ton (f) is moved downwards by the valve
Operation: Chamber C, acting on the underside of body (e) when the brakes are actuated.
When the plunger in the spring plate (a) piston (f), forcing it upwards again until Outlet (h) closes and inlet (g) opens. A
is actuated, piston (c) moves downward, its neutral position has been reached. In- neutral position has been reached, as
closing outlet (d) and opening inlet (j). let (g) and outlet (h) are closed. described above.
The air supply at Port 11 flows through
Chamber A and Port 21 to the down- When the brakes are fully actuated, pis-
stream braking equipment of service ton (c) is moved into its lower neutral po-
braking circuit I. At the same time, com- sition and inlet (j) remains open. The
pressed air flows via Hole D into Cham- pressure in Chamber B also forces pis-
ber B, acting on the upper side of piston ton (f) into its lower neutral position,
(f) which is forced downward, closing keeping inlet (g) open. The full amount of
outlet (h) and opening inlet (g). The air air supply flows into both service braking

1. Brake Valves

Fig. 2

Brake Valve With Purpose: The operation of this brake valve is simi-
Sensitive increase or decrease in the lar to that of 461 315 (description on
Electrical Switch Or Sensor
pressure in the dual-circuit service brak- Page 29).
461 318 . . . 0 ing system of the motor vehicle and elec-
trical actuation of the retarder. When the pressure in the two circuits of
the service braking system is being de-
Operation: creased, the switching stages of the re-
When the treadle (a) is pushed down, tarder are deactivated as the treadle (a)
Switch I and subsequently, when the me- moves upwards.
chanical pressure point has been over-
come, Switch II are actuated. This caus- Fig. 2 shows a treadle with a built-in
es the first or second braking stage of the proximity switch which is activated when
retarder to be activated without any com- the treadle has moved through approx. 2
pressed air flowing into the service brak- degrees.
ing system.

As the treadle (a) is pushed down fur-

ther, Switch III is actuated, activating the
third braking stage of the retarder. At the
same time the piston (c) moves down-

Brake Valves
Brake Valve
461 319 . . . 0

Purpose: The pressure built up in chamber A ex- partially exhausted - depending on push-
Sensitive actuation of the dual circuit erts a force against the bottom of piston rod position - via the outlets (d) and (h)
truck during brake application and re- (c). This is forced upward against the as these open, as well as through vent 3.
lease service brake system. Automatic pressure exerted by rubber spring (b) un- The pressure in chamber D is reduced
control of the front brakes through the in- til pressure is equalized at both ends of via the automatic load proportioning
tegrated auto load proportioning valve. piston (c). Both inlet (j) and outlet (d) are valve fitted upstream.
closed in this position. An end position is
Operation: reached. If pressure is lost in one circuit, e. g. cir-
Operation of pushrod located in spring cuit II, circuit I continues to function in the
seat (a) forces piston (c) downward, clos- Correspondingly, pressure built up in manner described. If, however, there is a
ing outlet (d) and opening inlet (j). Supply chamber C forces piston (f) to move up- loss of pressure in circuit I, piston (f) is
pressure at port 11 flows via chamber A ward again, until here too an end position forced downward by valve body (e) when
and port 21 to brake boosters installed is reached. Both inlet (g) and outlet (h) brakes are applied. Outlet (h) closes and
downstream as part of service brake cir- are closed. inlet (g) opens. An end position is
cuit I. At the same time compressed air reached as described above.
flows through port E into chamber B, ex- When brake is applied fully, piston (c) is
erting pressure against surface x1 of pis- forced to its lower end position, while the
ton (f). This is forced downward, opening outlet (j) remains open at all times. The
outlet (h) and closing inlet (g). Supply supply pressure air acting on surface x1
pressure air at port 12 flows via chamber via port E in chamber B, augmented by
C and port 22 to brake boosters fitted the full brake pressure of the rear axle
downstream as part of service brake cir- circuit, forces piston (f) into its lower end
cuit II. position. Inlet (g) is opened and the sup-
ply pressure air flows unimpeded into
Actual pressure reaching circuit II (see both service brake circuits.
pressurized air circuit) is dependent on
pressure modulated by the automatic The two service brake circuits are ex-
load proportioning valve. This reaches hausted in reverse sequence. This too
chamber D via port 4, exerts pressure can be carried out in steps. The brake
against surface x2 of piston (f), thus aug- pressure built up in chambers A and C
menting the force exerted against the top forces the pistons (c) and (f) upwards.
of piston (f). Both service brake circuits are fully or

1. Brake Valves

Brake Valve
461 324 . . . 0

Purpose: sure at Port 12 is increased as a ratio of

Sensitive increase or decrease in the treadle travel. At the end of the idle trav-
pressure in the dual-circuit service brak- el, the pressure in Chamber A is greater
ing system of the motor vehicle and and the pressure is no longer increased
pneumatic control of the retarder via the at Port 23 when the service braking sys-
built-in pressure control valve. tem of the motor vehicle becomes oper-
When the treadle (a) is pushed down, the The operation of the brake valve is simi-
lever (b) initially moves the valve (g) lar to that of 461 315 (description on
downwards. Outlet (d) closes and inlet (f) Page 29).
opens. The air supply present at Port 13
flows through Chamber A and Port 23 to When the pressure in the two circuits of
the downstream retarder. The pressure the service braking system has been de-
building up in Chamber A acts on the pis- creased, the valve (g) is again pushed
ton (e). As soon as the force resulting upwards during the idle travel of the trea-
therefrom is greater than that of the pres- dle (a). Outlet (d) opens and the com-
sure spring (c), the piston (e) is forced pressed air from Port 23 is reduced via
downwards. Inlet (f) closes and a neutral Vent 3 of the pressure control valve.
position has been reached. As the trea-
dle (a) is pushed down further, the pres-

Brake Valve With Lever

461 482 . . . 0

Single Chamber Brake Actuator
Piston Cylinder
421 0. . . . . 0 and
921 00 . . . . 0

Brake Chamber
423 00 . . . . 0 and
423 10 . . . . 0

for Disc Brake

Brake Chamber For

Expanding Wedge Brake
423 0. . . . . 0 and
423 14 . . . . 0

Purpose: force on the piston is transmitted through

Producing the brake force at the wheel the push rod onto the brake lever (or the
brakes using compressed air. Units are hydraulic master cylinder). When the
available with mechanical or hydraulic pressure is released, the spring pushes
outputs. the piston (or the diaphragm) back to its
running condition.
As soon as air enters the actuator, the

1. Air/Hydraulic Actuators

Piston Type Air/Hydraulic

421 30 . . . . 0

Purpose: valve flows through Port A and into When the braking process is ended, the
Pneumatic actuation of the attached hy- Chamber B. The pressure building up pressure in Chamber B is reduced by the
draulic master cylinder in air/hydraulic there forces the piston (a) to the right upstream brake valve. At the same time,
braking systems. against the force of the pressure spring the pressure spring (c) returns the piston
(c). Force F, this being pressure times (a) to its original position.
Operation: surface, is being transferred via the pres-
When the service braking system is actu- sure bar (b) onto the piston of the flanged
ated, the compressed air from the brake master brake cylinder.

Air/Hydraulic Diaphragm
423 0 . . . . . 0

Purpose: times surface, is being transferred via the cylinder when the piston (b) returns to its
Pneumatic actuation of the attached hy- pressure bar (c) onto the piston of the original position.
draulic master cylinder in air/hydraulic flanged master brake cylinder.
braking systems. These diaphragm actuators can have a
When the braking process is ended, the wear and/or stroke indicator fitted for the
Operation: pressure in Chamber B is reduced by the driver to see which condition the wheel
When the service braking system is actu- upstream brake valve. At the same time, brakes are in.
ated, the compressed air from the brake the pressure spring (d) returns both the
valve flows through Port A and into piston (b) and the diaphragm (a) to their Mechanical wear indicators are designed
Chamber B. The pressure building up original positions. as drag indicators, i. e. it does not return
there acts on the diaphragm (a) and automatically. It is actuated after 50% of
pushes it, together with the piston (b), to A filter (e) fitted in front of the air outlet the total stroke and has markings show-
the right against the force of the pressure holes of the cylinder cover prevents dirt ing the driver the amount of wear on the
spring (d). Force F, this being pressure or dust penetrating into the inside of the brake linings.

Tristop ® - Spring Brake Actuator

425 ... ... 0

925 ... ... 0

Tristop ® - Spring Brake When the pressure in Chamber A is re- c) Mechanical Release Mechanism:
duced, compression spring (c) moves For emergencies, the Tristop ® Spring
piston (a) and diaphragm (d) back into Brake Actuator has a mechanical re-
425 3 . . . . . 0 for Expanding their original positions. The brake cham- lease mechanism for its spring-loaded
Wedge Brakes and ber of the Tristop ® Spring Brake Actua- portion. Should the pressure at Port 12
925 . . . . . . 0 for Cam Brakes tor operates independently from its fall to zero, the hexagon head screw (g)
spring-loaded portion. wrench size 24 can be screwed out to re-
Purpose: lease the parking brake.
Combined spring brake - diaphragm b) Parking Brake:
brake chambers (Tristop ® Spring Brake When the parking brake is actuated, the d) Quick-Release Facility
Actuators) are used to generate the pressure in Chamber B is fully or partially (only 425 ... ... 0)
brake force for the wheel brakes. They released via Port 12. In this process, the To actuate the quick-release function,
consist of the diaphragm portion for the force of the relaxing compression spring the bolt head (h) is hit with a hammer.
service braking system and the spring- (f) acts on the wheel brake via piston (e) This causes the balls (i) to be released
loaded portion for the auxiliary and park- and pressure rod (b). from the locking mechanism and the
ing braking systems. pressure bar (f) is returned by the return
The maximum braking force of the forces of the wheel brake.
spring-loaded portion is achieved when
Chamber B is pressureless. Since this After remedying the loss in pressure,
a) Service Braking System:
braking force is achieved exclusively by Port 12 is pressurized once again. The
When the service braking system is actu-
mechanical means, i. e. by compression returning piston (e) again prestresses
ated, compressed air flows into Chamber
spring (f), the spring-loaded portion may the compression spring (f). At the same
A via Port 11, acting on diaphragm (d)
be used for the parking brake. When the time, the balls (i) lock back into place.
and forcing piston (a) to the right against
brake is released, the pressure is once
compression spring (c). Via piston rod
again increased in Chamber B via Port
(b), the force generated acts on the slack
adjuster and thus on the wheel brake.

1. Slack Adjuster

Slack Adjuster
433 50 . . . . 0

Purpose: Operation:
Easy, quick and continuous readjust- For readjustment, a ring spanner is
ment of the brake shaft to compensate placed on the hexagon (b) of the Slack
for lining wear, making the brake cylinder Adjuster’s mechanism and moved by
operate roughly within the same stroke turning the worm (a). The brake shaft
range. and thus the brake cam are readjusted
via the worm wheel (d). The ball catch (c)
(Particularly important for hard linings or for the hexagon (b) prevents unintention-
power brakes, and if brake chambers are al adjustment of the Slack Adjuster.
used, because of the shorter piston

Automatic Slack Adjuster

433 54 . . . . 0 and
433 57 . . . . 0

Purpose: edge of the adjuster plate’s jaw (b) locks with the worm shaft (f). The worm
Transmission of the brake forces to the makes contact with the pin (e) and is held shaft (f) and the worm wheel (h) now turn
wheel brake. Automatic readjustment of there. This causes the coupling (g) con- the brake shaft in the operating direction,
the brake shaft to compensate for lining nected to the adjuster plate (b) to be thus achieving the best possible adjust-
wear, making the brake cylinder operate turned in the winding direction of the ment for the wheel brake.
roughly within the same stroke range. clutch spring (c) on the worm shaft (f).
When the brakes are released, the Slack To prevent vibrations from turning the
Operation: Adjuster returns to its original position, coupling (g) on the worm shaft (f), it is
When the brakes are not actuated, the with the lower edge of the adjuster pushed against the adjuster ring (d) by
lower edge of the adjuster plate’s jaw is plate’s jaw again resting against the pin the spring (a) and thus held in place.
in contact with the pin (e) acting as a (e), turning the coupling (g) on the worm
fixed point. When the brakes are actuat- shaft (f) against the winding direction of In addition to the version described here,
ed, the adjuster plate (b) covers the dis- the clutch spring (c). This turning motion there is one variant which is actuated in
tance between the pin (e) and the upper causes the clutch spring (c) to be un- the opposite direction. In that case, the
edge of the jaw. wound and to sit firmly against the hole in pin (e) is in contact with the upper edge
the coupling (g) of the adjuster ring (d). of the adjuster plate’s jaw (b). Adjust-
If lining wear has caused the stroke of The resulting high coefficient of friction ment is effected in the same way.
the brake cylinder to increase, the upper drives the adjuster ring (d) which inter-

Hand Brake Valves
Hand Brake Valve
961 721 . . . 0

Purpose: The air supply flows into Chamber A and

Sensitive actuation of the trailer control through Port 2 to the downstream trailer
valve in order to prevent jack-knifing of control valve until a pressure level is
articulated vehicles and other tractor- reached which is similar to the preten-
trailer combinations (underrun brake). sion of the springs (d and e). The valve
(g) closes the inlet valve seat (j) without
Operation: opening the outlet valve seat (h). A final
In the driving position, the supply pres- position has been reached.
sure at Port 1, supported by the pressure
spring (i), keeps the valve (g) closed. Any additional change in the position of
When the hand lever (a) is in its neutral the lever also causes the tension of the
position, the cam (c) transfers no force springs to alter and output of a corre-
onto piston (l). The pressure springs hold sponding control pressure as a ratio of
the pistons (k and l) in its upper neutral the force applied by the cam (c). Similar-
position, and Port 2 is connected with ly it is possible to grade evacuation, ei-
Exhaust 3. ther within the partial braking range or for
complete evacuation of the pilot line
When the hand lever (a) is actuated, the leading to the trailer control valve.
cam (c) forces piston (l) downwards. The
springs (d and e) are compressed, also The Hand Brake Valve can be supplied
causing piston (k) to be displaced. The with a feature permitting the hand lever
valve seat (h) closes the passage be- to be locked into various positions. Lock-
tween Chamber A and Exhaust 3, and ing or unlocking of this feature is
the valve (g) is raised of the valve seat achieved by pushing a button (b).

WABCO 1 37
1. Hand Brake Valves

Hand Brake Valve

961 722 1. . 0 parking brake position
driving position

Sensitive actuation of the auxiliary brak- a
ing system and the parking brake in com-
bination with the spring brake actuator.


B 21

A e

Hand Brake Valve

961 722 2. . 0
Sensitive actuation of the auxiliary brak-
ing system and the parking brake in com-
bination with the spring brake actuator. parking brake position
Control position to check the motor vehi- Fahrtstellung
driving position
cle’s parking brake. Druckpunkt
working point test position
Design: a
The Hand Brake Valve consists of a ba-
sic valve for the auxiliary and parking
braking systems which may, depending
on the variant used, also have a safety
circuit valve (emergency release valve)
and/or a test valve.

B 21
d c
A e
Version I

38 1
Hand Brake Valves
Operation: parking brake position
In the driving position, the passage lead- Fahrtstellung
driving position
ing from Chamber A to Chamber B is
open and the air at Port 11 flows through working point
Port 21 into the spring compression
chambers of the Tristop ® Spring Brake
Actuators. When the auxiliary braking
system is actuated via the hand lever (a),
valve (e) closes the passage between
Chambers A and B. The compressed air
from the spring compression chambers
escapes to atmosphere through the
open outlet (d) at Port 3. This causes the
pressure in Chamber B to fall and the
piston (b) is forced downwards by the
pressure spring (g). As the outlet closes,
a final position is reached in all partial
braking positions so that there is always
the right amount of pressure depending b
on the desired retardation. 23 B
When the hand lever (a) is moved further 21
beyond the working point, a parking D d
brake position is reached. Outlet (d) re- 12 A
mains open and the compressed air is f
evacuated from the spring compression C 11
Version II
Within the auxiliary braking range be-
tween the driving position to the working
point, the hand lever (a) will automatical-
ly return to the driving position when re- pneumatic actuation of the brakes in the burst pipe causing the pressure to fail an-
leased. trailer which occurred when the auxiliary ywhere in the spring compression circuit,
or parking brake was actuated. The trac- this does not cause uncontrolled emer-
tor-trailer combination is now held by the gency braking. The emergency release
Version I (Variant 252) mechanical forces of the towing vehicle’s valve acts as a pipe rupture safeguard
The test valve combined with the basic spring brake actuators alone. As soon as and protects the pressure in the spring
valve can be used to determine whether the actuating lever (a) is released, it re- brake actuator through the intact 2nd cir-
the mechanical forces of the towing vehi- turns to its parking brake position in cuit. The driver is alerted to the defect by
cle’s parking brake are great enough to which the trailer’s braking system sup- the release control lamp but the spring
hold the tractor-trailer combination on a ports the parking brake. brake actuator remains in its released
certain uphill or downhill gradient when position.
the trailer’s braking system is released.
When the hand lever (a) is turned
In the driving position, Chambers A, B, F, Version II (Variant 262) through approx. 10°, the valve (f) will
G and H are connected and the supply for power-driven vehicles with close the passage between Chambers E
pressure flows to the spring compression pneumatic release device and D. The compressed air at Port 23 is
chambers through Port 21 and to the Annex V of the Guideline of the Council evacuated to atmosphere through
trailer control valve through Port 22. of the European Community defines that Chamber C and Port 1. Subsequently the
When the hand lever (a) is actuated, the spring braking systems have to have ei- normal, graduated function of the basic
pressure in Chambers B, F and H is re- ther a mechanical or a pneumatic auxilia- valve begins for braking or parking the
duced until it is fully evacuated when the ry release device. In Version II, the basic vehicle.
working point has been reached. When valve has been combined with a safety
the working point is exceeded, the actu- circuit valve (emergency release valve)
ating lever reaches an intermediate posi- which is intended as a pneumatic auxilia-
tion: that of the locked parking brake. By ry release device.
moving the lever further to its test posi-
tion, the compressed air in Chamber A From separate supply circuits, both Ports
flows through Chamber G and opened 11 and 12 are pressurized with com-
valve (c) into Chamber H. By pressuriz- pressed air. The output pressures 21 and
ing Port 22, the relay-emergency valve is 23 reach the spring brake actuator
actuated which in turn neutralizes the through a 2-way valve. In the event of a

1. Hand Brake Valves

961 723 0 . . 0 961 723 1 . . 0

Hand Brake Valve When the auxiliary braking system is ac- of holding the tractor-trailer combination
tuated by means of the hand lever (a), on a certain uphill or downhill gradient
961 723 ... 0
valve (c) closes the passage between when the trailer’s braking system is not
Chambers A and B. The compressed air actuated.
from the spring compression chambers
Actuation of the linkage-free auxiliary
escapes to atmosphere through the 3. Test Position
braking system and the parking brake in
opened outlet (d) at Port 3. This also In the driving position, Chambers A, B
combination with spring brake actuators
causes the pressure in Chamber B to and C are connected and the supply
for power-driven vehicles which have no
drop, and the piston (e) is forced down- pressure flows through Port 21 to the
trailer attached.
ward by the force of the pressure spring spring compression chambers and
(f). As the outlet closes, a neutral position through Port 22 to the trailer control
Hand Brake Valve 961 723 1.. 0 is used
is reached in all partial braking positions, valve. When the hand lever (a) is actuat-
together with spring brake actuators for
thereby ensuring that the spring com- ed, the pressure in Chambers B and C is
linkage-free auxiliary and parking brak-
pression chambers always contain the reduced until it is fully evacuated when
ing systems. The additional port for actu-
appropriate pressure for the desired re- the working point is reached. When
ation of the trailer control valve permits
tardation. moved beyond the working point, the
the transmission of the brake forces to
hand lever (a) reaches an intermediate
the trailer. A control position to check the
2. Parking Position position: the locked parking position.
motor vehicle’s parking brake has been
When the hand lever (a) is moved further
beyond the working point, the parking When the hand lever (a) is then moved
position is reached. The outlet (d) re- further into the test position, the com-
Operation: mains open and the compressed air from pressed air from Chamber A flows
1. Auxiliary Brake the spring compression chambers is through the open valve (b) into Chamber
In the driving position, valve (c) keeps evacuated completely. C. By acting on Port 22, the relay-emer-
the passage between Chambers A and B gency valve is actuated which in turn
open and the air supply at Port 1 flows Within the auxiliary braking range, from neutralizes the pneumatic actuation of
through Port 21 and on into the spring the driving position to the working point, the brakes on the trailer caused by the
compression chambers of the Tristop® the hand lever (a) will automatically re- use of the auxiliary or parking brake. The
Spring Brake Actuators. At the same turn to its driving position when released. tractor-trailer combination is now being
time, compressed air flows through the held by the mechanical forces of the tow-
test valve (b) into Chamber C and on to The test valve combined with the basic ing vehicle’s spring-brake actuators. As
Port 22, acting on Port 43 of the trailer valve can be used to ascertain whether soon as the hand lever (a) is released, it
control valve. the mechanical forces of the towing vehi- will return to its parking brake position
cle’s parking braking system are capable which assists the trailer’s parking brake.

Solenoid Valves
3/2-Way Solenoid Valve
normally closed
472 07. . . . 0 and
472 17. . . . 0

Purpose: and inlet (c) is opened. The compressed

To pressurize an air line when current is air from the supply line will now flow from
supplied to the solenoid. port 1 to port 2, pressurizing the working
The supply line from the air reservoir is When the current to solenoid coil (e) is
connected to port 1. The armature (b) interrupted, pressure spring (d) will re-
which forms the valve core keeps inlet turn armature (b) to its original position.
(c) closed by the load in pressure spring Inlet (c) is closed, outlet (a) is opened
(d). and the working line is exhausted via
chamber (A) and exhaust 3.
When a current reaches solenoid coil (e),
armature (b) is lifted, outlet (a) is closed

3/2-Way Solenoid Valve

normally open
472 17. . . . 0

Purpose: sed and outlet (c) is opened. The com-

To vent an air line when current is supp- pressed air from the working line will now
lied to the solenoid. escape to atmosphere via port 3 and the
downstream operating cylinder is exhau-
Operation: sted.
The supply line from the air reservoir is
connected to port 1 and thus air is allo- When the current to solenoid coil (e) is
wed to flow through chamber (A) and interrupted, pressure spring (d) will re-
port 2 into the working line connected to turn armature (b) to its original position.
port 2. The armature (b) which forms the Outlet (c) is closed and inlet (a) is ope-
core of the valve is forced down by ned, again allowing air to pass to the
spring (d), closing outlet (c). working line via chamber (A) and port 2.

When a current reaches solenoid coil (e),

the armature (b) is lifted, inlet (a) is clo-

1. Relay Valves

473 017 ... 0 973 011 20. 0

Overload Protection Valve Operation: supplied with compressed air and they
a) Driving position. are thus released, while the diaphragm
473 017 . . . 0 and
In the driving position, chamber (A) is section supplied with compressed air di-
973 011 20 . 0 continuously supplied with compressed rectly from the tractor brake valve reacts.
air through port 42 from the handbrake
Purpose: valve. The pressurized piston (a), togeth- c) Actuation of the spring brake
Prevention of compounding of forces in er with piston (b), keeps outlet (e) closed system alone.
combined spring brake cylinders and and through the depressed valve stem Actuation of the handbrake valve effects
brake chambers (Tristop brake actua- (c) keeps inlet (d) open. Port 2 receives partial or complete evacuation of cham-
tors) during simultaneous operation of the full pressure from the reservoir ber (A). Piston (a), relieved of pressure,
the service and spring brake systems. through port 1. The spring brake cylin- is pushed upwards by piston (b), which is
and thereby protection of the mechanical ders connected to port 2 are supplied exposed to the reservoir pressure in
actuation equipment against overload. with compressed air (reduced if variant chamber (C). Outlet (e) thereby opens,
Also rapid supply and evacuation of com- 973 011 20. 0 is used), and the spring while inlet (d) is closed by the rising valve
pressed air from spring brake cylinders. brakes are released. (c). This results in evacuation, according
to the position of the handbrake lever, of
In the 973 011 20. 0 series, the usual b) Actuation of the service brake the spring brake cylinders through port 2,
connection (brake valve connected to system alone. valve stem (c) and exhaust port 3, so that
Port 41 and hand brake valve connected On actuation of the vehicle brake valve, the spring brakes are actuated.
to Port 42) will cause a reduced pressure compressed air flows through port 41 into With partial brake application, outlet (e)
(p42 = 8 bar, p2 = 6.5 bar) to reach the chamber (B) above piston (b). Because closes after the process of evacuation
spring-loaded portions of the Tristop ® of the counter-forces in chambers (A) and the pressure equilibrium which
Spring Brake Actuators while the hand and (C), the pressure reaching chamber thereby arises in chambers (A) and (C).
brake valve is in the driving position (sa- (B) has no effect on the operation of the The relay valve is thus in the neutral po-
ving energy in normal driving operation). relay valve. The spring brake section of sition. However, with full brake applica-
the Tristop actuators continues to be tion inlet (e) remains open.

42 1
Relay Valves
d) Simultaneous actuation of the 2. Spring braking while service brake is erated to the extent permitted by the re-
service and spring brake systems. being actuated. spective braking pressure. Compound-
1. Service braking with evacuated, i. e., The service braking system is being ac- ing of the brake forces does not take
actuated spring brake cylinders. tuated within the partial braking range, i. place when the brakes are actuated fully.
The spring brake reservoirs are evacuat- e. Chamber B is pressurized. If now the
ed. If the service brake is also actuated, parking brake is actuated in addition, On vehicles with an emergency release
compressed air flows through port 41 causing the pressure in Chamber A to be facility, this type of connection may not
into chamber (B) and acts on piston (b), reduced, the supply pressure in Cham- be used for Variant 973 011 2.. 0 (differ-
which since chamber (C) is evacuated, ber C forces the pistons (a and b) up- ent diameters of pistons a and b). To pre-
moves downwards to close outlet (e) and wards. The valve body following them vent a difference in pressures at the
opens inlet (d) through valve (c). Com- closes the inlet (d) and opens the outlet downstream two-way valve, actuation of
pressed air now flows from 1 through (e). Depending on the level of the service the hand brake valve must be through
chamber (C) to 2 and into the spring braking pressure, compressed air from Port 41, and that of the brake valve at
brake reservoirs. The spring brake is the spring compression chambers will be Port 42.
thereby released but only to the extend evacuated to atmosphere through the
that the service brake pressure rises. outlet (e) and Vent 3 until the pressure in When the service brake is released (with
There is therefore no compounding of Chamber B is greater once again and the parking brake still being actuated),
the two braking forces. piston (b) closes the outlet (e). A neutral Chamber B is evacuated once again.
position has been reached. The pressure in Chamber C is greater,
The pressure building up in chamber (C) forcing piston (b) upwards. Outlet (e)
raises piston (b) as soon as the pressure When the hand brake valve is actuated opens and the spring compression
delivered at 2 has become greater than fully, Port 42 is evacuated completely. chambers are connected with Vent 3.
the pressure present in chamber (B). In- Since it is impossible for the pressure in
let (d) closes and the relay valve is in the Chamber C to be lower than that in
neutral position. Chamber B, the spring brake is only op-

Relay Valve
(Plastic Type)
973 006 . . . 0

Purpose: flows into Chamber B and through Port 2

Control of the spring-loaded portion only into the spring-loaded portion of the Tris-
in the Tristop ® Spring Brake Actuator top® Spring Brake Actuator.
and more rapid increase or decrease in
pressure when the hand brake valve is When the hand brake valve is operated,
actuated. the pressure in the pilot line is partly or
fully evacuated at Port 4. Piston (a) is
Operation: pushed upward once again by the pres-
The output pressure from the hand brake sure in Chamber B, and the excess pres-
valve flows into Chamber A through Port sure at Port 2 is evacuated to atmos-
4, forcing piston (a) into its lower end po- phere through the outlet (b) and Vent 3.
sition, closing the outlet (b) and opening
the inlet (c). The air supply at Port 1 now

WABCO 1 43
Relay Valves
Relay Valve With Adjustable
973 003 000 0

Purpose: (b) is forced upwards against the actuat-

To rapidly increase or decrease the ing pressure in Chamber A and the force
pressure of compressed air equipment of the pressure spring (g). The valve (d)
and to shorten the response and pres- following piston (b) closes the inlet (e)
sure build-up times in air braking sys- and a neutral position has been
tems. reached.

Operation: By turning the adjuster screw (f), the ini-

When the braking system is actuated, tial tension of the pressure spring (g) can
compressed air flows through Port 41 be changed to achieve a pressure pre-
into Chamber A, forcing the pistons (a dominance of Ports 2 over Port 41 of up
and b) downwards. This causes the out- to 1 bar.
let (c) to be closed and the inlet (e) to be
opened. The air supply preset at Port 1 When the pressure in the pilot line is par-
flows through Chamber B and on to tially reduced, piston (a) is forced up-
Port2 to, providing pressure for the wards once again, opening outlet (c),
downstream brake cylinders, according and the excess pressure at Ports 2 is
to the actuating pressure, with a pre- evacuated through Vent 3. If the actuat-
dominance depending on the preset ini- ing pressure at Port 41 is fully evacuat-
tial tension of the pressure spring (g). ed, the pressure in Chamber B pushes
pistons (a and b) to their upper neutral
The pressure building up in Chamber B position and the outlet (c) opens. The
acts on the undersides of the pistons (a downstream brake cylinders are evacu-
and b). Because of the difference in the ated fully through Vent 3.
effective areas of piston (a), only piston

44 1
Automatic Load Sensing Valves
Automatic Load Sensing
468 402 . . . 0

Purpose: passage (d), into space (D) and port 21 (C) on the non-return valve (f), moves
Automatic regulation of the braking force to the rear axle wheel cylinders. At the this to the left against the force of the
at the hydraulic wheel cylinders in rela- same time the brake pressure in the front spring (g). The brake pressure in the rear
tion to the load on the vehicle. axle circuit passes through the port 12 axle circuit now falls through the drilling
into space (B) and moves the piston (h) (C), the by-pass (k) and the port 11. The
Operation: to the right and end of its stroke against force of the tension spring (c) presses
The load sensing valve is fastened to the the force acting on its rear side in space the piston (l) back to the left, the valve (e)
chassis frame and controlled by a ten- (A). Should the hydraulic brake pressure opens the passage (d) and the brake
sion spring (c), which is connected to the inside the rear axle circuit and therefore pressure now passes through the pas-
back axle either directly or by means of a in space (D) rise above the valve, which sage (d) to port 11.
link lever and rod. With increasing load- corresponds with the spring force ap-
ing the distance between the axle and plied at the lever (b), the pressure in Should the front brake circuit fail the hy-
the frame changes. As a result the ten- space (D) moves the piston (l) to the draulic brake pressure will only build up
sion spring (c) is more heavily loaded right. The valve (e) closes the passage on applying the service brake system in
and the resulting force is carried through (d) and a shut-off position is reached. spaces (A and D). With it the piston (h) is
the lever (b), the bolt (a) as well as the pressed to the left and end of its stroke.
piston (l) to the load sensing valve. With a further increase in pressure at The valve tappet (j) pulls the valve (e) up
port 11, the valve (e) remains closed, and the passage (d) remains constantly
On applying the service brake system and no increase in the output pressure open. The hydraulic brake pressure now
and with it the hydraulic brake master takes place (cut-off characteristic). passes unhindered to the rear axle wheel
cylinder, the hydraulic brake pressure cylinders.
building up in the rear axle circuit passes With a reduction in the hydraulic pres-
through port 11 into space (A). The pres- sure at port 11 the higher pressure in
sure travels further through the opened space (D), which acts through the drilling

WABCO 1 45
Automatic Load Sensing Valves
Automatic Load Sensing
468 404 . . . 0

Purpose: space (B) moves the piston (f) to the

Automatic regulation of the braking force right. The valve (d) closes and a shut-off
at the hydraulic wheel cylinders in rela- position is reached.
tion to the load on the vehicle.
With a further increase in pressure at
Operation: port 1, and therefore in space (A) the
The load sensing valve is fastened to the piston (f) is again moved to the left. The
chassis frame and controlled by a ten- valve (d) open and fluid passes through
sion spring (c) which is connected to the port 2 to the wheel cylinders, increasing
axle either directly or by means of a link the pressure. When the force to the right
lever and rod. With increasing loading on piston (f), resulting from the pres-
the distance between the axle and the sures in spaces (A and B) again reacts
frame changes. As a result the tension the valve corresponding to the spring
spring (c) is more heavily loaded and the force applied at the lever (b), the valve
resulting force is transmitted through the (d) closes again.
lever (b). the bolt (a) and the piston (f) to
the brake apportioning valve. With a reduction in the hydraulic brake
pressure at port 1 and with it also in
On applying the service brake system space (A), the valve (d) is opened
and with it the hydraulic brake master through the pressure present in space
cylinder the hydraulic brake pressure (B). The brake pressure in the rear axle
building up in the rear axle circuit passes circuit is now reduced through port 1 and
through port 1 into space (A), the pres- the previously operated master cylinder.
sure passes through the opened valve The force of the draw spring (c) transmit-
(d) into space (B) and further through ted by the bolt (a) presses the piston (f)
port 2 to the rear axle wheel cylinders. back to the leftward end of its stroke dur-
Should the hydraulic brake pressure in- ing a pressure decrease in space (B).
side the rear axle circuit and therefore in The valve (d) rests on the housing (e)
space (B) rise above the valve, which and remains open.
corresponds with the spring force ap-
plied at the lever (b), the pressure in

46 1
Automatic Load Sensing Valves
Automatic Relay Load
Sensing Valve
475 710 . . . 0

Purpose: At the same time, air flows into chamber The position of valve tappet (h) which is
To automatically control the braking (D) via opened valve (a) and passage controlled by the position of lever (j) de-
force as a function of the spring deflec- (E), acting on the upper side of dia- termines the output pressure. Piston (b)
tion and thus of the vehicle load. The in- phragm (e). This initial by-pass pressure with vane (I) need to cover a certain
tegral relay valve ensures rapid supply eliminates any reduction in pilot pressure stroke depending on the position of valve
and exhaust of the brake actuators. (up to 1.0 bar max.) in the ”partially lad- tappet (h) before valve (c) begins to op-
en“ condition. As the pilot pressure con- erate. This stroke also changes the ef-
Operation: tinues to rise, piston (n) is forced up fective surface area of diaphragm (e). In
The valve is mounted on the vehicle against the load of spring (o), closing the ”fully laden“ position, the input pres-
chassis and connected to a fixed point on valve (a). sure at port 4 is the same as that reach-
the axle by a flexible arm or a linkage. ing chamber (C). As full pressure is ap-
When the vehicle is empty, the distance The pressure building up in chamber (C) plied to relay piston (f), it keeps inlet
between the axle and the valve is great- forces down relay piston (f). Outlet (g) valve (k) open and the brake pressure is
est and lever (j) is in its lowest position. closes and inlet (k) opens. The supply not regulated.
As the vehicle is loaded, this distance is pressure at port 1 now flows into cham-
reduced and lever (j) moves from its ber (B) via inlet (k) and to the brake actu- When the pilot pressure at port 4 is re-
”empty“ position towards its ”fully laden“ ators via ports 2. At the same time, pres- duced, relay piston (f) is forced up by the
position. The movement of lever (j) caus- sure builds up in chamber (B) acting on pressure in ports 2. Piston (b) is forced
es cam (i) to rotate and to lift valve tappet the underside of relay piston (f). As soon up by the pressure in chamber (C). Out-
(h) to a position corresponding to the ve- as this pressure exceeds the pressure in lets (d and g) open and the compressed
hicle load. chamber (C), relay piston (f) slides down, air escapes to atmosphere via exhaust 3.
closing inlet (k).
On application of the brakes, air from the In the event of the linkage breaking, the
truck foot-brake valve or relay emergen- As piston (b) moves down, diaphragm (e) valve will automatically move to the
cy valve enters chamber (A) via port 4, is forced against vane (I). As soon as the emergency control curve of the cam (i)
forcing down piston (b). Outlet (d) is force in chamber (C) acting on the under- whose output pressure is approximately
closed and inlet (m) opened. Com- side of the diaphragm is equal to the half the service braking pressure when
pressed air at port 4 reaches chamber force acting in piston (b), the piston the vehicle is fully laden.
(C) below diaphragm (e), acting on the moves upward. Inlet (m) is closed. A bal-
effective surface area of relay piston (f). anced position is reached.

WABCO 1 47
Automatic Load Sensing Valves

Automatic Load Sensing The pressure building up in Chamber C from Port 4 is passed on into Chamber C
forces the relay piston (f) downwards. at a ratio of 1:1. The full pressure acting
Valve 475 711 . . . 0
The outlet (g) closes and the inlet (o) on the relay piston (f) causes the inlet (o)
opens. The air supply at Port 1 now flows to be kept open and the input control
through the inlet (o) into Chamber B and pressure is not adjusted.
The load-sensing valve is actuated by
through Ports 2 to the downstream com-
the pressure of both circuits of the air bel-
pressed-air brake cylinders. At the same When the actuating pressure at Port 4 is
lows from Ports 41 and 42. The piston
time, pressure builds up in Chamber B reduced, the pressure in Ports 2 forces
valve (i) pushes the working piston (j)
which acts on the underside of the relay the relay piston (f) upwards and the pis-
with the radial cam (m) to the left against
piston (f). As soon as this pressure ex- ton (b) is forced upwards by the pressure
the force of the spring (l). This causes the
ceeds that in Chamber C, the relay pis- in Chamber C. The outlets (d and g)
radial cam (m) to take the valve tappet
ton (f) moves upwards, closing the inlet open and the compressed air is evacuat-
(h) to the appropriate position for the ve-
(o). ed to atmosphere through Vent 3.
hicle’s load.
As the piston (b) moves downwards, the If the pressure in one air bellows fails, the
The compressed air output by the brake
diaphragm (e) makes contact with the load-sensing valve automatically moves
valve flows through Port 4 and on into
fan-type disk (p), thereby continuously to a position which approximately corre-
Chamber A, acting on the piston (b). This
increasing the effective diaphragm area. sponds to half the pressure in the intact
is forced downward, closing the outlet (d)
As soon as the force in Chamber C which actuating circuit. If the pressure drops in
and opening the inlet (q). The com-
acts on the underside of the diaphragm both air bellows, the small pressure
pressed air from Port 4 flows into Cham-
(e) is equal to the force acting on the pis- spring (k) in the ram cylinder moves the
ber C beneath the diaphragm (e), acting
ton (b), that piston moves upwards. Inlet working piston to the right to the point
on the effective area of the relay piston
(q) is closed and a neutral position has where the tappet is automatically taken
been reached. through the dip onto the radial cam. The
output pressure then roughly corre-
At the same time, compressed air flows
The position of the valve tappet (h) which sponds to half the service braking pres-
through the open valve (a) and Duct E
depends on the position of the radial cam sure of the fully laden vehicle.
into Chamber D, acting on the upper side
(m) determines the output control pres-
of the diaphragm (e). This pressure pre-
sure. The piston (b) with the fan-type disk Test connection 43 allows the load-sens-
dominance causes the reduction in the
(p) must have covered a stroke depend- ing valve to be checked on the vehicle.
partially-laden range to be neutralized at
ing on the position of the valve tappet (h) For this purpose, the piston valve is pres-
low actuating pressures (up to 0.8 bar).
before the valve (c) begins to act. This surized with the preset test pressure
As the actuating pressure continues to
stroke also causes the effective area of while the pressure of the air bellows are
rise, the piston (r) is forced upwards
the diaphragm (e) to be changed. In the automatically separated from the load-
against the force of the spring (s) and the
fully-laden position, the output pressure sensing valve.
valve (a) closes.

48 1
Knuckle Joint

433 302

433 306

Knuckle Joint Purpose: (e) again returns to its normal horizontal

To prevent damage to the automatic position where it is again in full contact
433 302 . . . 0 and
load sensing valve. with the front face of the housing.
433 306 . . . 0
Operation: Deformation of the connecting linkage to
In the event of large axle movements in the automatic load sensing valve is pre-
excess of the range of movement of the vented by a ball joint (f) or the rubber
automatic load sensing valve, arm (e), thrust member attached to arm (e).
which is horizontal while at rest, is de-
flected about a fixed point in housing (c).
Pressure springs (a) and (b) exert pres-
sure on ball (d) providing constant ten-
sional contact with housing (c) until arm

WABCO 1 49
Emty / Load Valve and
1. Pressure Reducing Valve
Empty / Load Valve
473 300 . . . 0 1

2 2

Purpose: a result, double valve (a) closes outlet (b) to the aspect ratio of step piston (d).
To control the braking force at the front and opens inlet (c), thus permitting input
axle of trucks or truck-tractors in re- pressure to flow through ports 2 to the Whenever the control pressures at ports
sponse to the load-sensing valve on the brake chambers. 1 and 4 drop, the higher brake chamber
rear axle, as well as to provide for the pressure raises piston (d) and double
quick release of air from the brake cham- Simultaneously, changes in output pres- valve (a). Outlet (b) then opens to a de-
bers. sure (effected by the load condition of the gree determined by the control pressure,
vehicle) are directed by the load-sensing and a partial or complete the quick re-
Operation: valve on the rear axle, thru port 4, onto lease of air from the brake chamber oc-
During braking, output pressure from the the ring surface of step piston (d). Inlet curs via exhaust 3.
dual-brake valve passes through port 1 (c) closes whenever the ratio between
to the upper side of the step piston (d), the input pressures (ports 1 and 4) and
pushing it downward against its stop. As output pressures (ports 2) is equivalent

Pressure Reducing Valve

473 301 . . . 0 1


2 2

Purpose: pressed air flows to the downstream When the pressure at Port 1 falls, the
To reduce the input pressure at a defined components of the braking system. higher pressure in Chamber B forces dif-
ratio and to rapidly reduce the pressure ferential piston (d) upwards. Outlet valve
of the downstream components of the At the same time, the pressure building (b) opens, and the pressure for the
braking system. up in Chamber B will act on the under- downstream components of the braking
side of piston (d). As soon as the forces system will be reduced partially or in full.
Operation: on the underside and the smaller upper Compression spring (a) holds the differ-
Via Port 1, compressed air flows into surface of differential piston (d) is bal- ential piston in its upper final position
Chamber A, forcing differential piston (d) anced, the piston is raised and inlet valve even if there is no pressure acting on it.
downward against compression spring (c) closed. The ratio of the pressures will
(a). Outlet valve (b) is closed and inlet then be equal to the ratio of the two sur-
valve (c) opened. Via Port 2, the com- faces of the differential piston.

50 1
Empty / Load Valve
Empty / Load Valve
473 302 . . . 0

Purpose: is moved down, outlet (f) closes, and inlet Piston (d) remains in its lower stop posi-
To control the braking force at the front (c) opens. The compressed air flows via tion until pressure at port 4 drops to 0.5
axle by the rear axle load-sensing valve, chamber (D) and port 2 into the front axle bar. With further pressure decrease in
as weIl as to provide for the quick release brake chambers. chamber (C), compression spring (e)
of air from the brake chambers. then moves piston (d) upwards. Outlet (f)
The built-up pressure in chamber (D) closes and inlet (c) opens, and the re-
Operation: then moves piston (a) upwards. Inlet (c) maining pressure in port 2 is exhausted
a) Brakes actuated - partially loaded closes and a neutral position is reached. via port 1.
When the service brake system is actuat- b) Brakes actuated - fully loaded vehi- c) Operation when the rear axle brake
ed, the air pressure controlled by the rear cle: circuit fails:
axle ALV is supplied to the brake cham- The operation of the empty/load valve If the rear axle brake circuit fails, port 4
bers of the rear axle, and is delivered as with a fully loaded vehicle is the same as and chamber (C), above piston (d), re-
control pressure to port 4 of the empty/ previously described. When the tractor main without pressure when the service
load valve. This control pressure is trans- brake valve is actuated, the control pres- brake system is actuated. The force of
mitted via bore (E) into chamber (C) sure acts now with full service brake compression spring (e) keeps piston (d)
where it acts upon the upper surface of pressure in chambers (A and B) and the in its upper stop position. Inlet (c) re-
piston (d) against the force of compres- pressure reduction is interrupted. The in- mains constantly open. Compressed air
sion spring (e). At a pressure of 0.5 bar, put to output pressure ratio through the from the service brake circuit (II) of the
the piston is lowered to the stopped posi- entire range of brake pressures is in this dual-circuit tractor brake valve, flows
tion. Spring loaded valve (b), moving in case 1 :1. without limitation through the empty/load
conjunction with piston (d), closes inlet valve to the front axle brake chambers.
(c) and outlet (f) opens. The control pres- When exhausting the brake system,
sure also acts in chamber (B) upon the pressure at ports 1 and 4 decreases via
ring-shaped area of piston (a). the dual-circuit brake valve. Simultane-
ously, the brake pressure in chamber (D)
Simultaneously, the output pressure of moves piston (a) upwards. Inlet (c) clos-
circuit (II) of the tractor brake valve is es and outlet (f) opens, and the brake
transmitted via port 1 to chamber (A) and chambers connected to port 2 are ex-
acts upon the top of piston (a). Piston (a) hausted via exhaust port 3.

1. Trailer Control Valves

Trailer Control Valve With

973 002 . . . 0

Purpose: however, the pressure on the upper side neutral position is reached. With full
To control the dual-line trailer brake sys- of piston (i) is predominant and inlet (h) brake application, the pressure in cham-
tem, in conjunction with the dual-circuit remains open. ber (E) predominates and inlet (h) re-
tractor brake valve and the hand control mains open.
valve for spring brake actuators. The pre-set tension of compression
spring (b) can be changed by turning the When controlled through circuit (II) of the
Operation: adjusting screw (j) until the pre-set pres- service brake system, the trailer brake
a) Control from the dual-circuit tractor sure gain of port 41, in relation to port 2, valve operates without predominance.
brake valve reaches 1 bar maximum.
Upon actuation of the tractor brake valve, b) Control from the hand control valve
compressed air flows from service brake Simultaneous to the operations taking The progressive evacuation of the spring
circuit (I), through port 41, into chamber place in port 41, service brake circuit (II) brake actuators through the hand control
(A) and pushes down pistons (a and i). supplies chamber (E), beneath dia- valve brings about a corresponding
When piston (i) comes to rest on valve phragm (e), with compressed air through evacuation of chamber (D) through port
(d), outlet (c) closes and inlet (h) opens, port 42. However, due to the filling of 43. The supply pressure, now predomi-
filling chamber (C). Compressed air chamber (B and D), the pressure above nant in chamber (C), moves piston (g)
passes from chamber (C), through piston (g) and diaphragm (e) predomi- upwards. The supply of air to port 2 then
chamber (B), to port 2 and supplies the nates and the position of piston (g) does takes place in the same way as for the
trailer control line in proportion to service not change. If service brake circuit (I) control of chamber (E) in the event of fail-
brake circuit (l) pressure with a gain de- fails, port 42 is supplied with compressed ure of service brake circuit (I).
pending upon the pre-set tension of air through circuit (II). The pressure in
spring (b). chamber (E), beneath diaphragm (e), After completion of the braking action,
moves piston (g) and valve (d) upwards. ports 41 and 42 are exhausted, and port
The built-up pressure in chamber (B) Piston (i), now in its upper end position, 43 is re-pressurized. The pressure in
acts upon the underside of pistons (a and closes outlet (c) and opens inlet (h) so chamber (B) causes pistons (a and i) and
i). Due to the different operating surface that the trailer control line receives com- piston (g) to return to their original posi-
of piston (a), only piston (i) is raised pressed air proportional to the tractor tions. Outlet (c) opens and the com-
against the control pressure in chamber brake application. pressed air in port 2 is exhausted
(A), forcing compression spring (b) up- through the hollow piston body (f) and
wards. The sequential action of valve (d) With partial brake application, piston (g), exhaust port 3 to the outside.
closes inlet (h), and a neutral position is after pressure build-up in chamber (B),
reached. With full brake application, moves downwards, inlet (h) closes and a

Trailer Control Valves
Trailer Control Valve With
2/2 Way Valve And Without
Predominance 973 002 5 . . 0

To control the dual line trailer brake sys-
tem, in conjunction with the dual circuit
tractor brake valve and the hand control
valve for spring brake actuators.

If the trailer control line breaks or is dis-

connected, and the tractor brake valve is
applied, the supply of air from the tractor
to the trailer is restricted by the 2/2 way
valve; simultaneously, pressure in the
trailer supply line is exhausted.

While the air brake system is filling, sup-
ply air passes through port 11 into the
2/2 way valve and acts upon piston (l).
Piston (l) is moved against the force of
the spring (n) into its upper position. Sup-
ply air passes through chamber (C) and
port 12 to the automatic hose coupling.

a) Control from the dual circuit trac-

tor brake valve

Upon actuation of the tractor brake valve, Simultaneous to the operations taking system is actuated, no pressure build up
compressed air flows from the service place at port 41, service brake circuit 2 occurs in chambers (B and F). The con-
brake circuit 1, through port 41, into supplies chamber (E), beneath the dia- trol pressure in chamber (G) moves pis-
chambers (A) and (G) and pushes down phragm (i), with compressed air through ton (l) downwards, and the flow from port
pistons (c and l). Pistons (c) are pushed port 42. However, due to the filling of 11 to port 12 is partially restricted. At the
down at the same time. When piston (c) chambers (B and D), the pressure above same time, pressure in the trailer supply
comes to rest on valve (g), outlet (e) clos- piston (h) and diaphragm (i) predomi- line (port 12) exhausts through open inlet
es and inlet (f) opens. Compressed air nates, and the position of piston (h) does (f) and through the trailer control line rup-
passes from chamber (C), through not change. If service brake circuit 1 fails, ture, and causes automatic trailer brak-
chamber (B), to port 22 and supplies the port 42 is supplied with compressed air ing.
trailer control line in proportion to the through circuit 2. The pressure in cham-
service brake circuit 1 pressure. ber (E), beneath diaphragm (i), moves b) Control from the hand control
piston (h) and valve (g) upwards. Piston valve
At the same time as the aforementioned (c), now in its upper end position, closes The progressive evacuation of the spring
operations are proceeding, compressed outlet (e) and opens inlet (f) so that the brake actuators through the hand control
air flows through channel (k) into cham- trailer control line receives compressed valve brings about a corresponding
ber (F) and acts upon the underside of air proportional to the tractor brake appli- evacuation of chamber (D) through port
piston (l). At a control pressure of ap- cation. 43. The supply pressure, now predomi-
proximately 4 bar, the compressed air nant in chamber (C), moves piston (h)
above piston (l) predominates, moving With partial brake application, piston (h), upwards. The supply of air to port 22
the piston downwards until it stops at the after pressure build up in chamber (B), then takes place in the same way as for
housing edge (m). This movement is de- moves downwards, inlet (f) closes, and a the control of chamber (E) in the event of
signed to keep piston (l) from seizing. neutral position is reached. With full failure of service brake circuit 1.
brake application, the pressure in cham-
The pressure building up in chamber (B) ber (E) predominates and inlet (f) re- After completion of the braking action,
acts upon the undersides of pistons (c) mains open. ports 41 and 42 are exhausted, and port
and moves this upwards against the con- 43 is repressurized. The pressure in
trol pressure acting in chamber (A). The When controlled through circuit 2 of the chamber (B) causes pistons (c and h) to
sequential action of valve (g) closes inlet service brake system, the trailer brake return to their original positions. Outlet
(f) and a neutral position is reached. With valve operates without gain. (e) opens and the compressed air in port
full brake application. however, the pres- 22 is exhausted through the hollow pis-
sure above piston (c) is predominant and If the trailer control line (connected to ton body (j) and exhaust port 3 to the out-
inlet (f) remains open. port 22) breaks while the service brake side.

1. Trailer Control Valves

Trailer Control Valve With

973 008 . . . 0

Purpose: The pressure building up in Chamber D

To control the trailer’s twin-line braking acts on the underside of piston (e). Due
system together with the dual-circuit to the difference in the effective areas of
brake valve and the hand brake valve for piston (e), the actuating pressure in
spring-brake actuators. Chamber C and the force of the pressure
spring (l) causes that piston to move up-
If a line ruptures, or the trailer’s control wards. The valve (j) following piston (e)
line has not been connected, actuation of closes the inlet (k) and a neutral position
the brake valve on the motor vehicle will has been reached. At full brake applica-
cause a reduction of the air supply from tion, the pressure acting on the upper
the towing vehicle to the trailer and a si- side of piston (e) is greater and the inlet
multaneous pressure reduction in the (k) remains open.
trailer’s supply line.
When the pressure in Chamber B is in-
Operation: creased, piston (b) is forced downwards
a) Actuation from the dual-circuit against the pressure of the control spring
brake valve (d). The valve (c) is opened by the ad-
When the brake valve on the motor vehi- juster screw (f) and the actuating pres-
cle is actuated, compressed air flows sure then building up in Chamber C sup-
from service braking Circuit 1 through ports the downward control of piston (e).
Port 41 into Chamber B, acting on piston This can cause the output pressure at
(e). This moves downwards, closing the Port 2 to be lower than the actuating
outlet (g) and opening the inlet (k) as it pressure at Port 41. When the adjuster
sits on the valve (j). The air supply from screw (f) is turned anti-clockwise, for in-
Port 11 flows through Chamber G to Port stance, the pressure in Chamber C is re-
2 and pressurizes the trailer’s control duced, and to maintain the balance, the
line, the pressure being similar to that in output pressure is increased.
service brake Circuit 1, with a predomi-
nance (1 bar max.) set by means of the Simultaneously with the processes at
adjuster screw (f). Port 41, Chamber A is pressurized from

Trailer Control Valves
the service braking circuit through Port c) Safeguard Against Rupture Of
42. Since, however, the force generated The Pilot Line
by pressurizing Chambers B and C When the braking system is being filled
which acts on the upper side of piston (e) with compressed air, the air supply flows
is greater, the position of piston (a) is ir- through Port 11 and Chamber G to Port
relevant. If a defect causes the service 12 and from there to the automatic ‘Sup-
braking Circuit 1 to fail, only Port 42 is ply’ hose coupling.
pressurized from Circuit 2. The pressure
thus building up in Chamber A forces When the brakes are actuated, an actu-
piston (a) downwards and pushes piston ating pressure is built up through Port 2
(e) ahead, and the trailer’s control line in the line leading to the ‘Control’ hose
receives its pressure as described coupling, the required air being fed in
above, albeit without any predominance. from Port 11. This causes the pressure
above the piston (3) to fall slightly. At the
b) Actuation from the hand brake same time, compressed air from Port 41
valve is fed beneath piston (i) through Duct E.
The graded evacuation of the spring- The pressure in Chamber G rises again,
brake actuators through the hand brake causing the piston to be forced down-
valve causes the pressure in Chamber F wards (play motion to prevent piston (i)
to be reduced accordingly through Port from getting stuck).
43. The supply pressure at Port 11 now
being higher forces piston (h) upwards. If a rupture of the trailer’s control line pre-
Port 2 is then pressurized as for Cham- vents pressure building up at Port 2, pis-
ber A if service braking Circuit 1 fails. ton (i) remains in its upper position and
blocks the passage leading to Chamber
When the braking process is ended, G. The air supply from Port 11 to Port 12
Ports 41 and 42 are evacuated again, or is throttled and the pressure in the trail-
Port 43 pressurized. This causes pistons er’s supply line (Port 12) is reduced
(a and e), and piston (h) (by the pressure through the open inlet (k) at the point of
in Chamber D) to return to their original rupture in the trailer’s control line, thus
positions. Outlet (g) opens and the com- causing automatic braking of the trailer.
pressed air in Port 2 is evacuated to at-
mosphere through the tubular piston (h)
and Vent 3.

1. Trailer Control Valves

Trailer Control Valve With

Predominance And
2/2 Way Valve
973 009 . . . 0

Purpose: through Port 12 to the automatic ‘Supply’

To control the trailer’s twin-line braking hose coupling.
system together with the dual-circuit
brake valve and the hand brake valve for a) Actuation from the dual-circuit
spring-brake actuators. brake valve
When the brake valve on the motor vehi-
If a line ruptures, or the trailer’s control cle is actuated, compressed air flows
line has not been connected, actuation of from service braking Circuit 1 through
the brake valve on the motor vehicle will Port 41 into Chambers A and F, acting
cause a reduction of the air supply from on pistons (a and k). Piston (a) moves
the towing vehicle to the trailer and a si- downwards, forcing piston (b) down. As
multaneous pressure reduction in the piston (b) sits on the valve (g), the outlet
trailer’s supply line. This process causes (e) is closed and the inlet (f) is opened.
immediate automatic braking of the trail- The air supply flows through Chamber B
er. to Port 22 and pressurizes the trailer’s
control line, the pressure being similar to
Operation: that in service brake Circuit 1, with a pre-
When the braking system is being filled dominance of 0.2 ± 0.1 bar, this being
with compressed air, the air supply flows adjustable by means of the adjuster
through Port 11 into the 2/2-way valve screw (d).
and acts on piston (k). This is forced up-
wards into its upper neutral end position At the same time, compressed air flows
against the force of pressure spring (l) into Chamber G through the hole (c),
and supported by the pressure spring (j). moving piston (m) against the force of
Through duct (i), the air supply flows into the spring. The valve (n) sits on the ad-
Chamber D to Port 12 and from there juster screw (d), opening the passage to

Trailer Control Valves
Chamber E. The air flows into Chamber In the event of a rupture of the trailer’s
E and supports the forces acting on the control line (Port 22), no pressure builds
underside of piston (b). up in Chambers B and E when the serv-
ice braking system is actuated. The air is
The pressure building up in Chambers B evacuated to atmosphere at the point of
and E acts on the different effective are- rupture through the open inlet (f) and
as of piston (b), pushing it upwards, to- Port 22. This causes piston (k) to be
gether with piston (a), against the actuat- pushed down further by the actuating
ing pressure in Chamber A. The valve (g) pressure acting in Chamber F, throttling
following pistons (b and a) closes the in- the supply pressure flowing from Port 11
let (f) and a neutral position has been to Port 22. At the same time, the pres-
reached. At full brake application, the sure in the trailer’s supply line (Port 12)
pressure acting on the upper side of pis- is reduced through the open inlet (f) at
ton (a) is greater and the inlet (f) remains the point of rupture in the trailer’s control
open. line, causing automatic braking of the
Simultaneously with the processes at
Port 41, Chamber H above piston (b) is b) Actuation from the hand brake
pressurized from the service braking cir- valve
cuit through Port 42. Since, however, the The graded evacuation of the spring-
force generated by pressurizing Cham- brake actuators through the hand brake
ber A which acts on the upper side of pis- valve causes the pressure in Chamber C
ton (a) is greater, the position of pistons to be reduced accordingly through Port
(a and b) does not change. 43. The supply pressure in Chamber D
now being higher forces piston (h) up-
If a defect causes the service braking wards. Port 22 is then pressurized as for
Circuit 1 to fail, only Port 42 is pressu- Chamber H if service braking Circuit 1
rized from Circuit 2. The pressure thus fails.
building up in Chamber H beneath piston
(a) forces piston (b) downwards. This When the braking process is ended,
closes the outlet (e) and opens the inlet Ports 41 and 42 are evacuated again, or
(f), and the trailer’s control line is pressu- Port 43 pressurized. This causes pistons
rized accordingly, albeit without any pre- (a and be), and piston (h) (by the pres-
dominance. sure in Chamber C) to return to their orig-
inal positions. Outlet (b) opens and the
Within the range of partial brake applica- compressed air in Port 22 is evacuated
tion, the pressure building up in Cham- to atmosphere through the tubular piston
bers B and E pushes piston (b) upwards and Vent 3.
once again. The inlet (f) closes and a
neutral position has been reached. At full
brake application, the pressure in Cham-
ber H is greater and the inlet (f) remains

1. Wendelflex ® - Hose Connection

Wendelfelx ® -
Hose Connection
452 711 . . . 0

Purpose: Wendelflex hose connections need no

1) Connection of the air brake system of additional gantries or supports. The
the tractive unit with that of the semi Wendelflex hose connection is made out
trailer. of black Polyamid 11. For a visual differ-
entiation of the hose connections the
2) Connection of sections of the air bra- hose couplings are supplied with col-
ke system, which have variable oured covers.
length between themselves.
Polyamid 11 resists all substances oc-
Construction: curing on vehicles such as e.g. petrole-
Wendelflex is a coiled hose, which ex- um products, oils and greases. The
pands with length alterations and re- pipes will also withstand alkalis, unchlo-
tracts to its original length when re- rinated solvents, organic and inorganic
leased. acids and diluted oxydizing agents. (Use
of chlorinated cleansing agents is there-
From the hose connection to the first coil fore to be avoided). Resistance against
the hose is stiffened through an in built special substances can be given on re-
relical spring which prevents kinking in quest.
this susceptible region.

Coupling Heads

A1 B1



Coupling Heads For Purpose: The cast protrusions ensure that con-
To connect the air brake system of a tow- nections between incorrect couplings
Dual Line Braking System
ing vehicle to a trailer in accordance with are not made (Refer to chart showing
952 200 . . . 0 EEC regulations. The coupling heads various types).
conform to ISO Std. 1728.
– Coupling C1 with A1, B1 with A1 and
Description: B2 with A2.
Coupling head versions A1, B1 and C1
for the supply line have red covers and a During coupling the sealing ring of
centrally cast protrusion to prevent meal coupling head type A, opens the au-
coupling, versions A2 and B2 for the tomatic shut off valve fitted to types B
service line have a yellow cover and a or C. A sealed, through connection is
cast protrusion on one side to prevent then established. The shutoff valves
meal coupling. Versions B and C are fit- close automatically when the cou-
ted with automatic shut off valves. plings are disconnected.

Connecting: – Coupling A2 with A2.

The coupling heads are connected by lo-
cating the guides of both couplings and When connecting identical coupling
rotating the flexible connected coupling heads without shut off valves. a pres-
to lock. After locking, a good seal is es- sure is established between the
tablished between the coupling heads. sealing rings.

WABCO 1 59
1. Duo-Matic Quick Coupling

Duo-Matic Quick Coupling

For Trailers
452 80. . . . 0
To connect the compressed air braking
system of the motor vehicle to that of the

When attaching the trailer, handle (b) is
pushed downwards; this causes protec-
tive caps (a) and (d) to open. The Duo-
Matic trailer portion is placed below the
protective caps and handle (b) is re-
leased. Torsion spring (e) acts upon pro-
tective caps (a) and (d), pushing the trail- Tractor portion
er portion against the automatic closing 452 802 009 0
valves (c), causing them to open: Com-
pressed air now reaches the trailer.

Trailer portion
452 804 012 0

Duo-Matic Quick Coupling

For Semi-trailers
452 80. . . . 0
Tractor portion
Purpose: 452 805 004 0
To connect the compressed air braking
system of the semi-trailer tractor to that of
the semi-trailer.

When attaching the semi-trailer, handle
(b) is pushed downwards; this causes
protective caps (a) and (d) to open. The
Duo-Matic tractor portion is placed below
the protective caps and handle (b) is re-
leased. Torsion spring (e) acts upon pro-
tective caps (a) and (d), pushing the trac-
tor portion against the contact surface.
The automatic shut-off valves (c) open
and compressed air reaches the semi-

Semi-trailer portion
452 803 005 0


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