Rental Agreement
Rental Agreement
Rental Agreement
THIS DEED OF RENTAL AGREEMENT entered into at Chennai this 15th day of
Febryary 2018 between N. NATARAJAN , S/O Mr. Nagappa Mudaliyar hindu, aged
about 71 years, residing at No. 61 Periya Palayam High Road, Thirunindravur,
Chennai 602024., hereinafter call the LAND LORD which term wherever the
context so requires shall and including herself,her heirs, legal representatives,
executors,administrators and assigns.
WHEREAS THE LANDLORD is the absolute owner of Flat No. E1, House No.9,
Kottai Street, Thirunindravur, Chennai 602024.
AND WHEREAS the TENANT offered to take out on rent the Flat No. E1, House
No.9, Kottai Street, Thiruninravur, Chennai 602024. On a monthly rent of
Rs.6000/- (Rupees Six thousand only) including amenity charge of Rs.500/-
(Rupees Five Hundred only) and the LAND LORD agreed to rent out the same to
the TENANT imposing the following terms and conditions.
1. The LAND LORD hereby rented out Flat No E 1, House No 9, Kottai Street,
Thiruninravur, Chennai 602024 measuring 900 Sq.Ft to the TENANT on a
monthly rent of Rs.6000/- (Rupees Six thousand only) including amenity
charage of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only).
2. This period of rental shall be 11 months commencing from 15.02.2018 and
ending 14.01.2019 and the period will be extended by mutual consent.
3. The TENANT shall pay the LANDLORD a sum of Rs.6000/- (Rupees Six
Thousand only) including amenity charge of RS.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred
only) on or before 7th day of every succeeding English calendar month
promptly and regularly
4. The .TENEANT has agreed to pay the LANDLORD a sum of Rs.30,000/-
(Rupees Thirty Thousand only) towards interest free security deposit for
securing prompt payment of Monthly rent and for keeping the demised
property in good and tenantable condition. The TENANT Has today paid
the LANDLORD A SUM OF RS.30000/- vide cheque No.000134 dated
15.02.2018. the receipt of which the Land Lord hereby admits and
5. The Land Lord shall refund the said deposit of Rs. 30,000/-(Rupees thirty
Thousand only) without interest to the TENENT on the dateof handing over
vacant possession of demised property in good and tenantable condition. If
any damages are caused by the TENANT to the demised property, the LAND
LORD is entitled to deduct the cost of damages from the said interest-free
deposit. But it is specifically agreed that the said deposit shall not be
adjusted with the monthly rent under any circumstances.
6. The TENANT shall use the demised portion only for RESIDENTIAL purpose.
7. The TENENT Shall not make any additions or alternations to the demised
8. The TENENT shall not store any dangerous materials inside the demised
9. The LANDLORD is entitled to inspect the demised portion whenever
required on prior intimation to the TENANT.
10.THE LANDLORD shall pay the property tax and other applicable taxes
relating to the schedule mentioned property to the corporation of Chennai
and other authorities.
11.The TENANT shall not sub-let or under-let the demised portion to any third
12. The LAND LORD will pay for the EB meter connected to water consumption
13. The TENANT shall pay the current consumption charges according to the
reading of the white card directly to TNEB Promptly.