Share 'Data Integrity Audit Checklist
Share 'Data Integrity Audit Checklist
Share 'Data Integrity Audit Checklist
1.16 Are clocks/ timer designated in area Clocks/ timer should be synchronized
easily accessible to note the timings and easily accessible. Documents
by doer? should be Contemporaneous.
1.17 Are clocks/ timer designated in area Clocks/ timer should not be easily
easily accessible to be changed/ accessible to be changed/ modified
modified by any person? by user.
1.18 Is the correct unit of measurement is Significant unit of measurement shall
used while recording: temperature/ be used as per requirement.
weight etc.?
1.19 Are critical activities signed by doer Doer and checker provision shall be
being checked by another person in place for critical activities. Data
(wherever applicable)? should be Accurate and Original
1.20 Are print outs (e.g. autoclave, Records shall be checked, and cross
balance etc.) duly signed by doer reference shall be available. Data
and checker and have cross should be Accurate
reference to the original / mother
1.21 Are print outs which are on thermal Thermal paper printouts shall be
paper being photocopied prior to photocopied and dully signed. Data
attachment? should be Legible
1.22 Are the procedures of document Data review procedures describing
review available and followed? review of relevant metadata should
be available (as applicable)
1.23 Is archival of paper records not Archival of paper records by
performed by QA in secure and designated
controlled archives? personnel in secure and controlled
1.24 Is the observation being recorded as Digits for data shall be visible from
visible in the display on equipment/instrument display.
instrument/equipment screen/
PLC/HMI etc.?
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2.4 Does electronic data saved at the Data shall be saved at the time of
time of the activity and before activity. Data should be
proceeding to the next step of the Contemporaneous and Original
sequence of events?
2.5 Is the audit trail secure and time- Audit trail should be secured and
stamped that independently record time-stamped.
operator actions?
2.6 Is privileges given to any person to Data should be Legible and access to
overwrite the original data? overwrite the data should be
2.7 Are electronic records archived by Archival of electronic records by
any person in random manner? designated
person in secure, controlled and
reproducible electronic archives
2.8 Is there any provision available to System should not allow to change
change time/date of system by doer/ the time and date.
2.9 Is time/date of system synchronized Time/date of system should be
across the GXP operations? synchronized
2.10 Does audit trail reviewed in routine Audit trial review procedure should
data review/ approval process? be available.
2.11 Does relevant meta data reviewed Relevant meta data shall be reviewed
along with original electronic data? with original data.
2.12 Is data review signified by As per approved procedure and
electronically system limitations as validated.
signing the electronic data &
2.13 Is computer system validated and Validation should be available.
controls/ setting tested, locked and
protected from unauthorized access?
2.14 Does the system validation Validation should be available.
documentation include established
controls to ensure data integrity
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3. Personnel Training:
3.1 Is Training record for data integrity All personnel should be trained on
and cGMP available? data integrity concept and cGMP
3.2 Is Training record available for All personnel should be trained on
related SOPs related SOPs as per job assigned
as per job assigned?