Evaluation and Analysis of ALGOL
Evaluation and Analysis of ALGOL
Evaluation and Analysis of ALGOL
In this report my main goal is to present a more informative discussion about three important
programming languages. These three languages are ALGOL, PASCAL & ADA. Through this
report I’m going to evaluate and analyze these languages by comparing their strengths,
weaknesses, features such as program structure, variable declaration, data types, data
structures, controls structures, parameter passing mechanisms etc. and major contribution to
modern languages.
Table of Content
1. Summary ii
2. Introduction 1
3. Major contributions to modern languages 2
4. Features -- ALGOL--
4.1 Program structure 3
4.2 Variable declaration 4
4.3 Data types and structures 5
4.4 Control structures 6
4.5 Parameter passing mechanisms 7
5. Features – PASCAL--
5.1 Program structure 9
5.2 Variable declaration 10
5.3 Data types and structures 11
5.4 Control structures 12
5.5 Parameter passing mechanisms 13
6. Features –ADA--
6.1 Program structure 14
6.2 Variable declaration 15
6.3 Data types and structures 16
6.4 Control structures 17
6.5 Parameter passing mechanisms 18
8. Conclusion 22
9. References 23
In the mid1950s it became apparent to many scientists that a universal, machine independent
programming language would be valuable. Therefore Algol 58 was developed which greatly
influenced many other languages. In the sense that most modern languages are "algol-like", it
was possibly the most successful of the four high-level programming languages with which it
was compared to (FORTRAN, Lisp, and COBOL). Moreover, it was the first programming
language which gave serious attention to formal language definition and through the
ALGOL-60 Report introduced Backus-Naur Form, a principal notation for language design.
The ALGOL-60 was a very simple and clear language.
Niklaus Wirth based his own ALGOL W on ALGOL 60 before developing Pascal. [3]
It has evolved significantly since that day, with a lot of contributions by the various compiler
constructors (Notably: Borland). PASCAL is a programming language named after the 17th
century mathematician Blaise Pascal. Pascal provides a teaching language that highlights
concepts common to all computer languages. It also standardizes the language in such a way
that it makes programs easy to write. Strict rules make it difficult for the programmer to write
bad code.
Pascal introduced concepts and mechanisms which enabled programmers to define their own
structured data types, and also made it easier to build dynamic and recursive data structures
such as lists, trees and graphs. Important features included for this were records,
enumerations, subranges, dynamically allocated variables with associated pointers, and sets.
To make this possible and meaningful, Pascal has a strong typing on all objects, which means
that one type of data cannot be converted or interpreted as another without explicit
conversions. [2]
Ada is a high-level Pascal descended language whose development was initiated in 1975 by
the Department of Defense. Ada was intended to be a common language that could be used
on the department's computers, which were produced by many different manufacturers. The
first version of the language specification was completed in 1979. Ada was named after Ada
Lovelace (1815–1852), who is credited as being the first computer programmer, Ada is
similar to Pascal but Ada has not been widely spread in programs other than those of the
Department of Defense screaming to get out from inside its vast, elephantine bulk. It has
built-in language support for explicit concurrency, offering tasks, synchronous message
passing, protected objects, and non-determinism. [1]
Major contributions to modern languages
Algol is one of the major milestones in programming language development. This is partly
reflected in the terms it added to the programming language vocabulary, which includes type,
formed parameter, actual parameter, and block call by value, call by name, scope, dynamic
analysis and global and local variables.
Eventually almost all the programming languages became "Algol-like" that is, block-
structured, nested, recursive, and free form.
One of the major contributions of ALGOL-60 was that it used a hierarchical structure
throughout its design.
This contains many additional features that are convenient for the development of large-scale
programs. Pascal is influential on software development because of its wide use as a "learning
language." Aspects of Pascal are also seen in other languages. For example, the Oracle
database procedural programming language PL/SQL has always felt eerily similar to Pascal.
One might argue that Pascal's influence is felt more today indirectly via languages such as
PL/SQL than via direct use. Mostly Pascal offers numerous advantages as a "learning
language." Ada is also a language that’s been inspired or influenced by Pascal.
Ada has advanced programming facilities which are not available in modern languages as
well. But also features found in existing programming languages such as PASCAL, Algol 60,
and Fortran are there as well. Ada supports new and changing technologies, facilitates
development of complex programs and helps make code readable and portable. Ada is used
throughout a number of major industries to design software that protects businesses and lives.
1. Program structure
integer N;
Read int (N);
real array Data [1:N];
real sum, avg;
integer i;
sum i = 0;
for i = 1 step 1 until N do
begin real val;
Read Real (val);
Data [i] := if val < 0 then -val else val;
for i := 1 step 1 until N do
sum := sum + Data[i];
avg := sum/N;
Print Real (avg)
2. Variable declaration
Arrays are declared with both the reserved word array and [range] notation. If no type is
provided, arrays default to REAL. The range allows you to specify the starting and ending
indices for the array. Thus, arrays are not limited to 0..num-1 as in C, or 1..num as in
FORTRAN. Instead, you might specify [0:99] or [1:100] or [-50:49]. Arrays with common
sizes can be declared with a single range as follows:
Local variables are generally called local variables in ALGOL 68. Variables must be declared
before use. In traditional ALGOL 68, variables must be declared before any labels: in a
Ex: int j;
It is possible to initialize variables with expressions having known values when they are
The syntax follows the form: <typename> <variablename> := <initializing expression>;
3. Data types and structures
There are three main data types in Algol: integer, real and string.
Data structures
Constructor: array
Arrays are dynamic: space is allocated at block entry time and fixed until block exit.
integer array aList[lowest:highest];
integer i;
procedure f(x);
real x; x := 0;
integer array days[ 0: i ];
i := 7;
i := 30;
4. Control structures
All other Algol imperatives alter the flow of control in the program. The most obvious of
these is the goto statement, which transfers to a labeled statement. Algol has a conditional
statement, the if-then-else and an iterative statement, the for-loop which is an elaboration of
Fortran’s Do loop.
for loop
GOTO: like Fortran's, except for scope rules for labels (can only go to a label at the same
lexical level, or an enclosing lexical level)
for loop: definite, indefinite iterations. In general, a for-loop generates a sequence of values
to be assigned successively to the controlled variable.
for i := 3, 7,
11 step 1 until 16,
i ÷ 2 while i >= 1,
2 step i until 32 do
print( i );
switch statement: supports a kind of computed goto; now obsolete (case statement is better)
5. Parameter passing mechanisms
The two best known parameter passing methods are pass by value (call-by-value) and pass by
reference (call-by-reference).
The default parameter passing method was pass by value, which, like in C, means that
parameter values are copied into the formal parameters from which point the formal
parameters act like local variables.
Pass by name:
However, ALGOL also introduced pass by name which gave the programmer the ability to
change a formal parameter's value and thus affect the actual parameter.
The way this worked is through a thunk -- a parameterless function which would perform a
textual substitution of the formal parameter name with that of the actual parameter. So in
effect, pass by name is merely a form of substitution that then has the program access non-
local variables. This is confusing and dangerous and while it can lead to some interesting
code, it is far more dangerous than pass by reference or pass by result.
integer idx; // variable available in the main code
real procedure sum (i, lo, hi, term); // function, i and term passed by name
value lo, hi; // function declarations
integer i, lo, hi;
real term;
begin // begin of sum function
real temp;
temp := 0;
for i := lo step 1 until hi do
temp := temp + term;
sum := temp
print (sum (idx, 1, 100, 1/idx)) // main code contains function call
The above code becomes the following:
integer idx;
real sum;
begin // pass by name unfolds the code so that
real temp; // hi becomes 100, lo becomes 1 and term
temp := 0; // becomes idx
for idx := 1 step 1 until 100 do
temp := temp + 1/idx;
sum := temp
print (sum)
Pass by reference:
Pass by result:
In pass by result formal parameter acts as an un-initialized local variable which is given a
value during the execution of the procedure.
On leaving the procedure, the value of the formal parameter is assigned to the actual
parameter which must be a variable.
1. Program structure
A Pascal program basically consists of the following parts:
Program name
Uses command
Type declarations
Constant declarations
Variables declarations
Functions declarations
Procedures declarations
Main program block
Statements and Expressions within each block
2. Variable declaration
All variables must be declared before we use them in Pascal program. All variable
declarations are followed by the var keyword. A declaration specifies a list of variables,
followed by a colon (:) and the type.
variable_list : type;
Here this type must be a valid data type such as character, integer, real, boolean, or any user-
defined data type and variable_list should consist of one or more identifiers separated by
3. Data types
Type Description
4. Controls structures
Programming languages provide various control structures that allow for more complicated
execution paths.
A loop statement allows us to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times and
following is the general form of a loop statement in most of the programming languages:
Pascal programming language provides the following types of loop constructs to handle
looping requirements.
Loop Types
repeat-until loop Like a while statement, except that it tests the condition at the end
of the loop body.
nested loops You can use one or more loop inside any another while, for or
repeat until loop.
5. Parameter passing mechanisms
There are two ways to pass information which are call by value (pass-by-value) and call by
reference (pass-by-reference).
The call by value method of passing arguments to a subprogram copies the actual value of an
argument into the formal parameter of the subprogram. In this case, changes made to the
parameter inside the function have no effect on the argument.
Call by value:
This method copies the actual value of an argument into the formal parameter of the
subprogram. In this case, changes made to the parameter inside the subprogram have no
effect on the argument.
By default, Pascal uses call by value to pass arguments. In general, this means that code
within a subprogram cannot alter the arguments used to call the subprogram.
Call by reference:
This method copies the address of an argument into the formal parameter. Inside the
subprogram, the address is used to access the actual argument used in the call. This means
that changes made to the parameter affect the argument.
In order to pass the arguments by reference, Pascal allows to define variable parameters. This
is done by preceding the formal parameters by the keyword var.
For example
Where the var formal parameters a and b are passed by reference ( var t declares a local
1. Program structure
2. Variable declaration
Before using a variable, have to declare it. To do this has various options. To declare a
variable, in the line under procedure, use the following formula:
VariableName : DataType;
The declaration starts with the name of the variable:
The name of a variable must be in one word
It must start with a letter
It can include a combination of letters, digits, and underscores
It must not contain special characters
The above formula is used to declare one variable. You can use it to declare various
variables, each on its own line. This would be:
VariableName1, VariableName2 : DataType1;
If declaring more than one variable but those variables uses the same data type, declare them
on the same line, separating their names wit commas. This would be done as follows:
VariableName1 : DataType1;
VariableName2 : DataType1;
Ada uses some words that you must not use to name the variables. These are referred to as
reserved words. They are:
with xor
3. Data types
Ada's type system is not based on a set of predefined primitive types but allows users to
declare their own types. This declaration in turn is not based on the internal representation of
the type but on describing the goal which should be achieved. This allows the compiler to
determine a suitable memory size for the type, and to check for violations of the type
definition at compile time and run time.
Ada supports numerical types defined by a range, modulo types, aggregate types (records and
arrays), and enumeration types. Access types define a reference to an instance of a specified
type; untyped pointers are not permitted. Special types provided by the language are task
types and protected types.
type Date is
Day : Day_type;
Month : Month_type;
Year : Year_type;
end record
Types can have modifiers such as limited, abstract, private etc. Private types can only be
accessed and limited types can only be modified or copied within the scope of the package
that defines them.
4. Controls structures
Ada is a structured programming language, meaning that the flow of control is structured into
standard statements. All standard constructs and deep level early exit are supported so the use
of the also supported 'go to' commands is rarely needed.
if a > b then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Condition met");
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Condition not met");
end if;
for i in 1 .. 10 loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Iteration: ");
Ada.Text_IO.Put (i);
end loop;
a := a + 1;
exit when a = 10;
end loop;
case i is
when 0 => Ada.Text_IO.Put ("zero");
when 1 => Ada.Text_IO.Put ("one");
when 2 => Ada.Text_IO.Put ("two");
-- case statements have to cover all possible cases:
when others => Ada.Text_IO.Put ("none of the above");
end case;
5. Parameter passing mechanisms
For scalar data types (such as integers), IN is the same as call by value, OUT is the same as
call by result, and IN OUT is the same as call by value result. In addition, IN parameters are
local constants therefore can't assign into them.
For compound data types such as arrays, these can be implemented as above, or using call by
For example
in mode parameters can be read but not written in the subroutine. This is the default when no
mode is given. The actual parameter is an expression.
out mode parameters can be written but not read in the subroutine. The formal parameter can
be read and written. (In Ada 83 out parameters were write-only.)
in out mode parameters can be read and written in the subroutine. The actual parameter goes
into the call and may be redefined. The formal parameter is a variable.
Strengths and Weaknesses
ALGOL 58 introduced the concept of data type, although only variables that were not
floating-point required explicit declaration. It added the idea of compound statements, which
most subsequent languages incorporated.
In Algol 60 the concept of block structure was introduced. This allowed the programmer to
localize parts of programs by introducing new data environments, or scopes.
Every imperative programming language designed since 1960 owes something to ALGOL
60. It was the first language that was designed to be machine independent. It was also the first
language whose syntax was formally described. This successful use of the BNF formalism
started several important fields of computer science: formal languages, parsing theory, and
BNF-based compiler design.
For one thing, some of the features of ALGOL 60 turned out to be too flexible; they made
understanding difficult and implementation inefficient. The best example of this is the pass-
by-name method of passing parameters to subprograms.
The lack of input and output statements in the language was another major reason for its lack
of acceptance. Implementation-dependent input/output made programs difficult to port to
other computers.
The basic elements have been kept through the years:
Easy syntax, rather verbose, yet easy to read. Ideal for teaching.(Readability)
Strongly typed.
Case insensitive.
Allows nested procedures.
Easy input/output routines built-in.
Well structured
Supports OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
Reduced popularity
Finding people for software projects who already have experience in Pascal could be
difficult. It could be harder to find suitable library solutions for specific problems.
Sometimes writing all the reserved words (like "begin", "end", "then",...) feels
uncomfortable. Other languages just use parentheses or curly braces – that is one letter.
Editor functions like "match-corresponding parentheses/brace" or in Pascal-context "match
corresponding begin/end" are harder to find.
Pascal was devised as a teaching language a few years before C but was very limited
with poor string and file handling
Ada is a carefully designed, general-purpose programming language. Ada is the first
internationally standardized object oriented programming (OOP) language.
Avoidance of “Namespace Pollution”
Data Abstraction and Information Hiding
Methodology neutrality
Real-time support
Safety-critical support
Ada uses compiler checking effectively;[4]
To eliminate many common errors that cause painful, time-consuming debugging efforts that
characterize and slow down many software development projects. Various language features,
such as strong typing and separate (but not independent) compilation, make this checking
process possible. Other features, such as the way pointers (called access values) are used, also
contribute to the avoidance of many typical difficulties
Ada has built-in constructs called tasks, protected objects, and partitions that provide elegant
support for capabilities that are becoming increasingly vital for modern systems. Ada also has
low-level representation clauses, which are valuable when interfacing to physical devices or
communicating across networks.
Ada is not appropriate for writing some concurrent programs like concurrent versions
of divide and conquer algorithm.
Hard to write parallel numerical computations.
Tasks can’t determine their identities which prevents easy expression of certain types
of paradigms.
Task types can’t be parameterized.
Buffer, register and interrupt address can’t be specified dynamically.
Entry families cannot be associated with a set of interrupts & doesn’t give
programmer sufficient control over the task scheduling algorithm.
Although Ada is based upon Pascal, it is quite a different type of language. Pascal is excellent
as an educational tool but is inappropriate for major commercial or real-time projects. Ada is
more complex than Pascal but has a capability for large systems. Ada has a set of unique
technical features that make it highly effective for use in large, complex and safety-critical
Algol was used mostly by research computer scientists in the United States and in Europe. Its
use in commercial applications was hindered by the absence of standard input/output
facilities in its description.
Although in Algol there were many other problems, the entrenchment of Fortran among users
and the lack of support by IBM were probably the most important factors in ALGOL 60’s
failure to gain widespread use.
The choice of a language for a project is very important. Currently both languages are
restricted to long-term projects because of the absence of production quality compilers and
there are more advance languages available now.